#nhh promptober 2023
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We hope you are interested in this swamp themed challenge.
Alt format for prompts below the cut.
The prompts read.
unconventional spooky animals
Full Moon
Witch hunt
What Lurks Bellow
Free space Alternatives Ogres, Birds, Worms, Rock
A prompt challenge flyer. Green slime oozes form the top with the text. "NHH PROMPTOBER 2023" There is a Black cat with green eyes in the lower left corner next to a dead tree. on the right a cattail plant.
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crazycatfics · 8 months
Hydra Or Not
Stretching Impulse let’s his heads move freely, all four of them moving semi independently while he rests.
“Hey Impulse!” Zedaph yells as he runs up to boatem. “I have a question!”
All heads snap towards him. “Yesss?”
“Are you a hydra?”
“No.” He shakes his heads pushing himself up to sit. “That’ss python.”
Zedaph’s eyes bounce from head to head as they take turns talking. “Ok, but could we test it?”
“You just want a dragon head without having to fight the ender dragon.”
Zedaph just grins.
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crazycatfics · 8 months
Just me then?
Joe Hills Logged Out
Mumbo Jumbo Logged Out
False Symmetry Logged Out
xBCrafted Logged Out
BdoubleO100 Logged Out
XisumaVoid: hm, that is concerning
DocM77: do you want me to help check it out.
XisumaVoid: yes
XisumaVoid: @all if anyone is near Joe’s and Bdubs’s bases. Get out of the area.
VintageBeef: heading out
EthosLab: yep yep
Iskall85: ok, I’m heading though the nether
The moment Xisuma steps into the nether he feels wrong… arms to heavy, skin to dry.
And the portal keeps swirling. He’s being transported. But something is deeply wrong.
Then everything fades to black.
XisumaVoid Logged Out
VintageBeef Logged Out
EthosLab Logged Out
Docm77 Logged Out
Iskall85 Logged Out
Cubfan135: well, uh that’s not good
Zedaph’s comm buzzes. He ignores it.
“Welcome to my challenge.” He grins looking at a few hermits in front of him. “A scavenger hunts though these woods. Find a chicken, pig, cow and sheep.”
Hypno raises his hand, “how do we know it’s the right one?”
“They’ve been name tagged.” Zed says, smiling, hands on his hips.
Something snaps in the forest, “Uh, guys what was that?” Ren says.
Jevin quivers, “yeah, uh. Anyone else just get really uncomfortable?”
Zedaph steps towards the others, “They're so pretty…”
“Zed?” Ren asks following his gaze, “oh they are.”
“Those aren’t in the game are they?” Jevin asks.
Hypno makes a soft humming sound.
Then everything goes dark.
Hypnotized Logged Out
Zedaph Logged Out
Jevin Logged Out
RenDog Logged Out
StressMonster: some of us are hidding in town hall.
CubFan135: ok stay safe
StressMonster: No one else comes to town hall.
StressMonster: it’s gotten us to
StressMonster Logged Out
Tango Tek Logged Out
Keralis1 Logged Out
GoodTimesWithScar Logged Out
ZombieCleo Logged Out
ImpulseSV: How many of us are left?
Grian: five
Welsknight: This isn’t good
CubFan135: No it’s not, here come to the pyramid, whatever this thing is it’s taking all of us, and sticking together might be smart
TFC: I’ll be there soon
Cub paces. Admin screens are locked. Of server communications are locked. Logging out isn’t possible.
The vex chitter in the back of his mind.
Hush child
“What is it?”
Another’s magic. Pulling you under.
The vex merely hum. Ye must allow us residence
“Like get the masks?”
No child. Allow us residence in your soul.
Cub hesitates, “Fine.”
“Uh, Cub?” Grian asks, “Are you ok?”
Cub looks over, “I’m fine, vex magic.”
“Oh Kay…”
Impulse, and Wels arrive a moment later.
“TFC’s going to be a while.” Wels says.
Cub nods.
Grian makes a choking sound.
A small tentacle worms out of the ground. Slowly more and more join. Blocking the way out.
Then they move. Wrapping around the hermits and pulling them down.
ImpulseSV Logged Out
Grian Logged Out
CubFan135 Logged Out
Welsknight Logged Out
Tinfoilchef: just me then
TinFoilChef: I’ll do what I can to get you back.
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crazycatfics · 9 months
An Armadillo?
Claws scrabble against hard stone floors as Ren ducks under the table. Skidding. Into the wall with a dull thud.
Doc looks down at the wolf and sighs, “What happened?”
Ren prances paws tapping against the flooring.
“Show me.” Doc says nudging him forwards. “Let’s see what spooked you.”
Ren slowly slinks out from under the table and leads Doc towards the door. As they step out into the night Ren Growls softly at a bush. A small tan creacher rolls into a ball protecting itself.
“Ugh, what is that thing.” Doc murmurs as Ren tucks behind his legs.
After a moment of silence the animal untucks from it’s ball and starts to crawl back into the underbrush. Doc snaps a photo of the armored animal and sends it to the world group chat.
DocM77: Anyone know what this thing is?
JoeHills: It’s an armadillo.
JoeHills: They carry Leprosy 
Hissing Doc pulls Ren back, “Let’s stay inside tonight."
Ao3 Link Below the cut
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We're back!! With a new NHH Promptober coming in just a few weeks as the spooky season arrives.
On September 20th the prompt list for this year's Promptober will be released.
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The Collection Is Here
Happy Halloween!
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crazycatfics · 9 months
The last meteor one shot has been posted.
Now it’s time for the rewrite.
This chapter is a part of the 2023 NHH Promptober.
Prompt 6: Birds
Flapping his wings Grian coasts down until he can clearly see the inside of the building.
Ren wanted to talk to him, the season’s starting to wrap up and there’s a lot of little get-togethers to plan on how to get things settled.
Tucking in his wings Grian prepares to land in the tall building in aqua town.
Grian Experienced Kinetic Energy
RenDog: rip
RenDog: did you not see the glass?
Grian: there was glass??!??
RenDog: I put it in the other day.
Xisuma: Can you see the glass now?
Grian: hang on. Let me find some
Grian: yeah I can see it.
Grian: maybe if I’m not expecting it it just poofs out of me head
Xisuma: hmm. Let us know if it happens again
Rain slowly starts falling from the sky. Drop by drop.
Looking up Grian decides that he should probably land before it starts to pour.
Doc’s goat head is nearby, so he coasts over landing neatly on the cracked stones. Talons grip into the cobbled surface just in time as the clouds give out and in moments soaks Grian to the bone.
Shuffling Grian slowly picks his way down. The side of the mountain.
Not noticing the subtle change in gravity.
Eyes closed Grian sighs. He’ll be stuck in this crevice until it stops raining. The. It’s an uncomfortable and difficult walk back to his base though the nether.
A startled hisss echoes from below.
Grian looks up. And in his surprise drops from the underside of the Goat.
“What were you doing?”
“Hiding from the rain.” He groans. Rubbing his arm.
“By hanging upside down? And almost falling on me.”
Grian shrugs, “If you hadn’t startled me I wouldn't have fallen.”
Wings beat as rockets wizz past his head.
It’s a fairly common competition, who can fly the highest, who can get up the fastest.
He’s about halfway through the time when Mumbo passes him. Wings faltering Grian pushes himself to keep going. Out of breath, Grian struggles to flap his wings.
Sulfur and gunpowder from Mumbo’s rocket drifts into his face and he falters.
Dropping as he desperately tries to fall into a glide. He can see the ground now. Wings flared wide he-
Grian Fell From A High Place
Grian: Ow.
Cleo stretches, It’s been a long day, they had been working on the zoo’s armor stands. It should only be a few more days of completing armor stands.
As she stands stretching out her arm a flurry of wings draws her attention.
Grian swoops down and clips his wing on a tree.
Bursting into laughter Cleo walks over. “You alright?”
Groaning, he nods, “I’m fine… just my pride.”
“What were you trying to do?”
“Land.” he says as he shakes his wings out. “The wings are not as durable as elytra…”
“You need to take breaks.” Cleo nods.
“Come on Grian” Stress calls. “I can take it.”
Flapping his wings Grian nods, as he slowly circles above his neighbor.
Stress holds her arm out and Grian drops. Landing neatly on her outstretched arm.
“Woo!” He grins.
Stress laughs, “You just needed someone stronger.”
“Yeah, I keep knocking everyone over.” Grian says as he flutters to the ground. “Thanks.”
“Of course love.”
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crazycatfics · 8 months
It’s common knowledge that slimes will absorb things they pass over. And that slime based players will often wear treated clothing to help them not absorb everything they come in contact with.
Spells create greater tension across the slimy surface. 
Of course there are exceptions. 
Times when players want to absorb things.
Like redstone torches to power farms, or flowers to change colors. Bones to act as support. And of course food.
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crazycatfics · 8 months
The cannon shot was the first sign of trouble.
Stumbling out of the hammock Stress stumbles into the wall. The ship pitches as another cannon slams into the side of the ship.
Head buzzing she looks around dazed.
Then all hell breaks loose.
Water floods in from the ceiling as it cracks. Sending pots raining down from the gally above.
Screaming Stress falls back, head smacking against the wall.
Everything goes black.
When she awakes everything is dark. Water presses her down as a thump sends ripples across the water, that has flooded the room. 
Then she realizes
She hasn’t been holding her breath. 
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crazycatfics · 9 months
How are you Alive???
Joel wakes up with a small form staring down at him. “GAH!” He scrambles back as he sits up smacking his head on the bed frame.
The boy topples off the bed and starts crying. “Daddy?” 
“Hermes?” Joel gasps. Trying to wrap his head around what he’s seeing. 
The blond haired boy, dressed in a purple tunic nods, “I’m scared.”
Pulling out his Comm Joel quickly sends a message.
SmallishBeans: Uh, Hermes is alive…
MythicalSausage: WHAT
SolidarityGaming: Uh, that's not good. @SMajor you need to see this
The world chat explodes into chaos.
Joel climbs out of bed and gently scops Hermes into his arms. Rocking back and forth he walks out of the hidden room and into a living area.
Once Hermes has calmed down he explains how he had woken up. All alone by the fountain and how he had ran to find him. 
In stunned silence Joel stares at a spot on the floor. 
“PAPA!” Hermes yells happily as Sausage walks into the room.
“What happened to you?” Sausage says softly as he picks the godling up.
“What do you mean?”
“Your skin is turning green.”
AO3 link under cut
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crazycatfics · 9 months
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