clearpuppycolor · 3 months
Mas y Mas la situation de america es que Las Chiquitas niňas con Los hombres viejos que les valenMadre, y pues Los putos no saben ni que, y pues Hora todos son transexuales (por lack of reason- Immanuel Kant negro)
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pepikhipik · 11 months
Formování El Niňa pohledem družice
Družice Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich je nejnovějším článkem 30 let trvajícího řetězce misí, jejichž data o výšce mořských hladin mohou vědci využít k porovnání letošního jevu El Niňo s těmi dřívějšími. Ne každé El Niňo totiž vzniká úplně stejně. Výrazně lišit se mohou i jejich dopady. Americko-evropská družice Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich Pomáhá odhadovat tyto dopady v globálním měřítku tím, že sleduje změny ve výšce mořské hladiny v oblasti Tichého oceánu. Voda se při ohřívání rozpíná, takže oblasti s teplou vodou mívají vyšší hladinu. El Niňo je charakterizováno nadprůměrnými výškami hladin a nadprůměrnými teplotami Tichého oceánu v okolí rovníku. Tyto podmínky se mohou šířit k pólům podél západního pobřeží Severní a Jižní Ameriky. El Niňo pak přináší vlhké počasí na americký Středozápad a naopak sucho do lokalit na západě Pacifiku včetně Indonésie. Letošní El Niňo se stále formuje, ale vědci už nyní mohou porovnávat jeho vývoj s nedávnými roky.
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harumioyama · 3 years
La hembra esclava desea ser follada...
La Dama ir de su mano sin que nada ni nadie importe.
La niňa necesita de sus mimos.
La mujer desea que le haga el amor.
La geisha desea complacerle.
Le deseo, amo y venero con toda la energía de mi alma...
Buenos días Amo❤️
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#vistoporahi #intervención #arte #artealpoder #grafitti #art #streetart #niňa #descalza #infancia #juegos #blancoynegro #blackandwhite #palermocity #sonyxperia #sonyxperiaz5 (en Palermo Soho)
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acu-ary · 6 years
-Ella caminaba sujetando la mano de su pequeňa niňa.
-El se acercó y con voz fuerte pero derrumbada como muro de Berlin le dijo:
No me importa tu pasado!
Ella no supo más de él, ni él de ella. Pero ese día logró tatuarle en la memoria lo que ella aún llama el mejor "piropo" de su vida.
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emi-night-bus · 6 years
Estás tan ocupado que no tienes tiempo de amarme, tan aislado en tu rutina que no te atreves a mirar más allá de tu perspectiva y ver que hay una niňa que se corta pedazos de su alma para entretenerte.
Estás demasiado ocupado dentro de tu mente, estas ocupado en crecer y hacerte persona que no te das cuenta de que ya lo eres.
Tan ocupado que no levantas la vista mientras más trato de llamar tu atención. Me desvivo porque me ames pero ni siquiera me miras.
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17x17i · 6 years
Mi novia es la niňa más linda y hermosa que existe en el universo.
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nerdnerd60 · 3 years
A Piece of Possible History - Just Supposing
A Piece of Possible History – Just Supposing
They say that east is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet, but what if they had? Columbus set off in 1492 in three ships, the Santa Maria of approximately 90 feet, the Pinta, between 60-80 feet and the Niňa, of 60 feet, the best that Spain had to offer at that time. As history confirms, Columbus set off, not really knowing where he was going, arrived and certainly didn’t know…
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yaexart · 4 years
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Awww estoy enamorada de mi pj💕 es hermosa Pronto si todo sale bien saldrá en situaciones acompaňada de gatites 💕 Todavía no tiene nombre. La niňa arcoíris? PD: olvidé firmar mi dibujo.. Otra vez 😌 . . #instagram #illustration #illustrator #ilustracion #dibujos #pink #cute #kawaii #drawing #draw #drawthisinyourstyle #drawings #drawingoftheday #draws #art #pastelgirl #design #artist #artista #artistas #instagood #paint #painter #character #characterdesign #photoshop #pastelcolours #digitalart #digitaldrawing #arcoiris https://www.instagram.com/p/CBjtMGVg89R/?igshid=zase6hri34ax
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
Deliver Me Love (With A Side Of Fries)
A/N: Hey guys! So @lucyinthesk-y gave me this idea and I thought it was super cute so here’s this adorable oneshot based off of their prompt!
“¿Sí, Papi?” Camila groaned in reply. She knew that yell meant she had another delivery run to do and she was not in the mood to bring another greedy human being their food.
Camila worked for her parents as a delivery girl for their restaurant, La Niňa Bonita, which they basically named after her. They started the restaurant a few years after she was born, wanting to give the people of Miami “real mexican food, not that mierda deseducada they serve at Taco Bell”.
Camila was honestly only working there for money and to kill time between her transition from high school to college. Don’t get her wrong, she loves her parents, and she loves the restaurant, she just loathes the people who she delivers to.
“We got a big order going out, mija. Must be a party or something!” Alejandro, Camila’s father, yelled excitedly.
“Exactly how big, Papi?” Camila asked tentatively, a little scared at how happy he was to be making her drive around a lot of food.
“Hm.. enough to feed seven people? Maybe eight?”
“Holy shit, dad!”
“LANGUAGE MIJA!” Sinuhe, Camila’s mother, yelled from the kitchen, making Camila grumble profanities under her breath.
“Just think of the tips you’ll get!” Alejandro said encouragingly.
“Yeah definitely, the last ten people were too stuck up their ass to give me anything,” the brunette grumbled so her mom wouldn’t hear.
“If you don’t get something good out of this delivery, I’ll buy you ice cream, okay?” her father bargained with her.
Camila’s face lit up immediately. “Deal, now help me get this in my car so I can hurry back and get my ice cream.”
Camila drove through University of Miami’s campus, searching for the building she was delivering to. She knew for sure her dad would owe her ice cream, college kids were the worst when it came to tips and manners. When she finally found the building she was trying to find, she got all of the bags of food in one trip (because momma didn’t raise no bitch), and entered the building. She got in the elevator and took it up to the 7th floor, and began her search for the room she was looking for.
Camila vaguely remembered as she walked down the hallways that she took a tour of this building when the university accepted her as a student, the guide saying that this was the main freshman housing. She was surprised it was so quiet, you’d think that college freshman on a Saturday night would be obnoxiously loud.
When she finally found room 727, she set the food down onto the ground, shaking her arms out a bit before knocking on the door. She heard a thud on the other side of the door, followed by a muffled “fuck”. She would’ve giggled had the door not opened immediately afterwards.
Camila couldn’t be blamed for her mouth hanging open. The girl in front of her was hot, like Megan Fox’s long lost daughter hot. Her eyes were bright green, sparkling in the dim fluorescent light as she looked at Camila. Her dark hair was down in unruly waves, cascading down her shoulders and strewn across her face. The girl in front of her ran a hand through her hair to tame it, and Camila was sure that she was in the presence of a goddess.
“Hey, what’s up?”
‘Fuck, even her voice is hot!’ Camila thought to herself. The girl was staring at her patiently and Camila suddenly remembered why she was here.
“Oh shit, my bad, I just uh.. Delivery?” Camila hurried out, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment at her inability to be a normal human being in front of pretty girls.
The girl in front of her giggled at her flustered state, nodding, “Yeah, that’s for me.”
“Are you having a party or something? I mean this is an assload of food,” Camila asked as she glanced at all the bags at her feet.
This time, it was the girl’s turn to blush. “Uh, no. I just, uh, I really like your guys’s food? So I just kind of order in bulk?” she replied, sounding more like she was questioning herself than answering a question.
Camila laughed at her response, finding the girl absolutely adorable. “Well, who am I to judge?” She smiled, making the girl in front of her visibly relax.
“Well here’s what I owe you..” she trailed off slowly.
“Oh, I’m Camila.” The brunette introduced herself with a small wave.
“Lauren,” the girl replied with a bright smile, handing her the money.
Camila counted it quickly, her brows furrowing in confusion. “Lauren you realize this is like ten dollars more than you owe, right?”
“Keep the change,” Lauren shrugged.
Camila immediately shook her head, trying to give the money back to Lauren, “I am not taking this much money from you, from what I know all college kids are broke and ten dollars is like gold to you guys.”
“No, I insist. Take it, please,” Lauren spoke as she placed the ten in Camila’s hand and closed the brunette’s fist with her own hand. Camila could only nod dumbly, too shocked by the fact that the gorgeous girl in front of her was basically holding her hand.
“Do you need some help getting that into your dorm?” Camila offered.
“Don’t worry about it, I got this,” Lauren smiled happily. “Thanks again, Camila. It was nice to meet you.”
“Anytime, Lauren. It was nice to meet you too,” Camila replied easily, making her way back to her car with a permanent smile on her face.
“So do I owe you ice cream?”
“Not this time, Papi.”
It had been maybe two weeks since Camila had met Lauren. Every time her father called out a big order for her to deliver, she would secretly hope it would be the green eyed girl, but every time it was some asshole that treated her like second rate garbage instead. She figured she must’ve scared her with her awkward gawking and inability to form a coherent sentence.
Camila was sitting in the restaurant, idly playing with the salt shakers while waiting for her shift to end, when her father called out to her from the kitchen.
“Camila! There’s one last order I need you to run and you can go straight home afterwards if you’d like, I won’t need you anymore for the rest of the day.”
“Can I just leave my uniform here then?” Camila questioned.
“Sí, no me importa,” he responded with a wave of his hand, “I’ll load your car while you change.”
Camila walked into the back room, taking off her uniform and replacing it with her Stussy crop top and ripped high waisted jeans. She took her hair out of her ponytail and shook it lightly, looking into the mirror to make sure she didn’t look like she just woke up. Satisfied that she didn’t look like a half dead zombie, she met her father out by her car.
“Where to this time?” Camila asked Alejandro.
“It’s those party people again,” Alejandro smiled as he handed her the address.
Camila’s eyes widened as she read the familiar address. It was Lauren. She looked up at her dad, who was still smiling at her, and she hugged him tightly.
“Gracias, Papi,” she mumbled into his shoulder, “I’ll see you later.”
Camila sat in the parking lot of Lauren’s building, touching her makeup in her rearview mirror. She was really nervous about seeing the green eyed beauty again. Admittedly, it’s probably because of the small crush Camila had developed on the girl, but she pushed that thought out of her head immediately.
She couldn’t possibly be crushing on someone she met once, could she?
She made the journey up to Lauren’s dorm, her heart pounding harder with every step she took towards her door. She sent the food down and knocked lightly.
The door opened to reveal Lauren, clad in a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a The 1975 shirt. She was wearing barely any makeup but it was just enough to make her eyes look absolutely stunning, and her hair fell down in gentle waves.
Well shit, Camila was definitely crushing on her.
“Uh h-hey there,” Lauren stuttered, a blush rapidly spreading across her cheeks.
Camila’s head tilted in confusion, until she remembered that she wasn’t in her uniform this time. This time she actually looked hot, and Lauren was stuttering which meant..
‘Holy shit she think’s I’m hot,’ Camila realized. An idea popped into her head, she could use this to her advantage.
Camila basically gave the girl the smoulder. She ran a hand through her hair, tousling it to one side as she looked up at Lauren through her lashes, biting her bottom lip.
“Hi, Lauren,” she spoke, her voice slightly raspy.
“Oh fuck,” Lauren mumbled under her breath.
“Did you run out of your stock, I assume?” Camila asked, smiling teasingly at the girl.
“Sadly, yeah,” Lauren replied, finally able to form a sentence. “It’s good to see you again, you look.. You look amazing,” she spoke honestly, causing Camila to blush.
“Thanks, I’m just glad to not be in that uniform for the rest of the night,” the brunette giggled.
“Oh yeah? Then why are you here if you’re done with work?” Lauren asked curiously.
“You’re actually my last run, then I’m going home to eat ice cream and watch cartoons,” she answered honestly.
Lauren pulled out her money to pay Camila for the food, cursing as she counted it.
“Fuck, I don’t have enough money to tip you,” Lauren exasperated as she ran a hand through her hair.
Camila just shook her head at her and smiled, “You don’t have to tip me, Lauren. I don’t mind at all.”
Lauren stood their for a moment, looking completely torn. Camila thought she looked like a puppy, in all honestly.
“You said you’re off, right?” Lauren asked, to which the brunette nodded.
“Would you uh, would you maybe wanna share some of this food with me?” she asked timidly.
Camila was surprised for a second, that this gorgeous girl was asking her to hang out with her, but she smiled immediately afterwards.
“I’d love that.”
“Oh my god no! There is no way that Lana Del Rey follows you on twitter!”
Camila and Lauren had spent the better part of the last hour basically rolling on the couch laughing as they talked and got to know each other. Camila learned that Lauren was studying architecture with a minor in women’s studies because she’s extremely passionate about art and the state of world. She also learned she lives alone since her roommate dropped out of college, leaving her to a dorm by herself. Lauren hates the color orange, loves her family more than anything, and wants to use her voice to educate those around her to love and not hate.
Camila, in turn, tells Lauren that she’ll be starting at University of Miami next fall, majoring in music composition, because she’s always been incredibly passionate about putting her emotions into the swell of the violins and the beat of the drums. She told her about her parents own the restaurant she delivers for, which Lauren tells her to thank them for making actual authentic Mexican and Cuban dishes because she would probably have died without a good meal from her parents if it weren’t for them.
Currently, Lauren was telling her about the time Lana Del Rey followed her on twitter. She said that her friends had told her that she followed Lauren, and green eyed girl called them “fucking idiots” until she looked at her phone and saw it for herself.
“I promise she does, look!” Lauren showed her Lana’s twitter, the space below her username saying “Follows You”.
“Holy shit, that’s amazing!” Camila exclaimed, making Lauren smile brightly and nodding.
Camila finished her food, slightly disappointed that she would have to leave now that her only reason for being here was gone.
Lauren must’ve sensed the shift in her mood, because she placed her hand on the brunette’s knee and looked into her eyes. “Are you okay?”
Camila gave her a fake smile, “Yeah I’m good.”
“Don’t do that, what’s up?” Lauren looked right through her facade and it kind of scared her.
“It’s stupid, don’t worry about it,” Camila waved it off.
“If it’s upsetting you, it isn’t stupid,” the green eyed girl spoke seriously.
Camila just sighed, knowing she wasn’t getting out of this. “I just.. I don’t want to leave yet..” Camila trailed off.
Lauren tilted her head to the side, looking at her like she was crazy. “Who said you had to leave?”
“I just thought that since we finished eating-”
“Hey, you can stay as long as you’d like. If I didn’t want to hang out with you, I wouldn’t have invited you in.”
Camila looked into Lauren’s eyes to see if she could find any sign of dishonesty, but she saw nothing but truth. They stayed there for a moment, just looking into each other’s eyes, pulling each other in, until Camila saw Lauren’s eyes flicker down to her lips and back up.
Camila bit her lip subconsciously, noticing the way Lauren’s breath hitched slightly when she did. She didn’t notice how close they were until she could feel the other girl’s breath hit her face. Camila looked up into the girl’s emerald eyes one more time before shutting her eyes and leaning in, lips meeting halfway.
Camila sighed into the kiss. Lauren’s lips were the softest she had ever kissed, gently leading her as they kissed. The green eyed girl nipped at her bottom lip, making the Latina groan quietly. Camila felt the hand on her knee move up to her thigh as she tugged her closer and ran her tongue along her bottom lip, deepening the kiss. They kissed like that for a while, so natural that it was like they had kissed many times before. Their kisses slowed until Lauren was the first to pull back, resting her forehead against Camila’s.
“I’ve been wanting to do that since I first saw you,” Lauren admitted breathlessly.
Camila giggled slightly, “God, same.”
Lauren sighed happily, kissing her once more before leaning back to look into the brunette’s eyes.
“Does this mean I don’t have to order more food this week as an excuse to see you?” Lauren asked hopefully.
Camila laughed loudly at her words, leaning into Lauren’s shoulder to keep her upright.
“Definitely not.”
A/N: Thank you all so much for reading! I apparently love writing fanfiction now so I’m gonna be writing a lot of stuff coming up soon! 
Be sure to check out my story Touch My Soul (Hold It Tight) and my other oneshot Be Mine For Like Five Seconds! I promise they’re not awful.
I love you all and I hope you’re all doing well
(As always, you can find my story on wattpad here)
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#lituania #lietuvos #lietuvusrepublika #vilnius #vilnuscity #vilna #niňa #muzika #mergaitė #musicaenlacalle #muzikagatveje #nikon #nikontop #nikon7100 #nikonargentina #nikonlatinoamerica #nikoneuropa #nikoneurope #sigma (en Vilnius, Lithuania)
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Igualdades y desigualdades de clase 2
El texto teórico de Amartya Sen, se trata de los identidades. Como indentificar el yo, y los otros, los nosotros y vosotros. Habla sobre como asociar con el fenomeno del otro y como considerar su existencia. Divide a tres partes su estudio:
1.       „identidad plural”
2.       „elección de indentidad”
3.       „más alá de la indentidad”
Analizando los 3 llega a una conclusión abierta, que las identidades pueden ser diversas, y que los efectos de fuera cuanto influye nuestro ámbido de la identidad. Al fin dice que es un tema muy difícil a entender, porque no es del día diario, que „hace falta claridad en todo esto.”
El texto „La batalla en el desierto” permite una mirada a la época de los aňos 40 en Méxicon según los ojos de un niňo, Carlos. Los temas principales son: convertirse en adulto y el amor. En esta obra el autor expone a las diferentes clases sociales, desde Rosales el amigo de Carlitos tenía que vender chicles en la calle para poder subsistir hasta su amigo que lo invita a cenar en su casa muy moderno con influencia norteamericana.Con esto muestra lo pluricultural que era la sociedad en ese tiempo. Según mi lectura el mensaje principal es que retomar las costumber y tradiciones son tareas para siempra y para todo el mundo.
En „La fiesta ajena” hay una diferencia de clase muy inequívoca y sus estereótipos que lleva con sí. Aquí la protagonista es también una niňa, hija de la sirvienta. Como siempre, los infantes piensan y suponen lo mejor con sus carácteres puras. La obra hace que el lector también piensa como la chica, hasta al final, donde se descubre la verdad del motivo de la invitación de ella. Su madre le querría proteger de esta situación y de estas emociones de ser diferente por su nivel de clase y por su orígen. Entre los niňos esta diferencia no es importante, tampoco a Rosaura le llama la atención que ellas no es realmente invitada sino es „emlpeada” como su madre.  
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quehaypahoypanama · 7 years
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#quehaypahoypanama #14oct . . @atelierpanama - #artparty & #cultura - Ven a Celebrar con nosotros! 🍧 ° Venta de bebidas y comida de @mentepublicainc para el Festival de Cine Pobre @panalandia. ° Durante todo el Fin de semana: 🎨 Recolección de materiales (lápices, hojas, crayolas, pinceles, acuarelas, etc), para las clases de Arte Gratuitas a los niňas de #cascoantiguo - Santa Ana y alrededores. @atelierpanama #atelierpanama - #panama (en America/Panama)
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yekgamboa · 7 years
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#Repost @sofietarkus (@get_repost) ・・・ #artparty & #cultura - Ven a Celebrar con nosotros! 🍧 Esta es la programación para el día Viernes 13 de Octubre en El Atelier. - A partir de las 7 pm - #Gratis ° Exposición de Artes Plásticas, Diseño y Fotografía de las artistas @gianadedierstudio - Risseth Yangüez @iamguineosplit y @fareedagomez ° Disfruta del buen 🎷#jazz - #bossanova - música #hindú - música #experimental y un buen #livejam en el Recital de @yekgamboa - @aguasdemarzo_band - Ayrton Paul @bodokinkin - Alejandro Guerra @mermistan y músicos invitados. ° Venta de bebidas y comida de @mentepublicainc para el Festival de Cine Pobre @panalandia. ° Durante todo el Fin de semana: 🎨 Recolección de materiales (lápices, hojas, crayolas, pinceles, acuarelas, etc), para las clases de Arte Gratuitas a los niňas de #cascoantiguo - Santa Ana y alrededores. @atelierpanama #atelierpanama
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Mirate, sola, destrozada... Hecha mierda otra vez. ¿Acaso no entiendes? ESTAS SOLA. DEJA DE PENSAR ESTUPIDECES. ESO NO VA A PASAR. No todo es un cuento de rosas niňa...
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