#niamh tabris
howlpendraig · 2 years
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warden & champion sketches/wips that will never be finished
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thesummerstorms · 3 months
Niamh Amell, despite being proclaimed the Hero of Fereldan, doesn't consider herself truly Fereldan.
She was born in the Free Marches and only sent away because so many of her siblings were mages, so she isn't of Fereldan descent. She grew up locked away in a tower, never once even stepping foot into her supposed new homeland before being forcibly conscripted to die in a war she never chose.
Niamh got involved in the Civil War because people were dying, and she's good, even when she isn't kind. She largely tried to leave policy behind her that she thought would benefit the people she saw hurting. She even has the ear of the Fereldan Queen.
But Fereldan as an entity means very little to her. She has no "Fereldan Pride", and it angered a fair few people who put her on a pedestal before Zevran and Leiliana coached her on how better to hide it.
And even her seconds recruited later in the war... Well, Therasenn in Dalish. No human nation means much more to her other than a knowledge of where her people need to be more or less cautious.
Cattilara Tabris is the only one who considers herself Fereldan and she would stab every bann or arl other than Shianni (and maaayybeee Nathaniel Howe) in less than a heart beat. She hates a good deal about her country and resents the suppressionand violence woven into its history. But she actually does consider herself "Fereldan" nonetheless.
(Sometimes Nathaniel Howe looks at his superiors and his coworkers and the political shit storms they inadvertently cause and wonders if the Maker is testing him specifically. 'The Wardens are apolitical ' sounds fine in theory, but the sheer number of fires he's had to put out as the most "socially acceptable" of the Fereldan Wardens' leadership would prove otherwise.)
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fooltofancy · 3 months
Who did each of your dragon age protags romance?
pile of protags lord in heaven but without any commentary whatsoever because it's all embarrassing:
dao -
niamh surana - alistair
essa tabris - alistair
uh there's just a hawke for every romance and i'm like. deeply attached to the basicass default hawke designs lmao so there wasn't really much difference between them, characterwise. shallow pool of garrett/marians for all occasions.
sehren lavellan - cullen, blackwall
sparrow adaar - josie
aevan trevelyan - dorian
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heroesandscoundrels · 5 months
My Dragon Age Protagonists (WIP)
Aderyn Tabris
Ferran Aeducan
Harlan Cousland
Ilani Mahariel
Luka Aeducan
Niamh Cousland
Nova Amell
Róise Cousland
Tamar Surana
Julien Caron
Drystan Lavellan
Eirlys Lavellan
Peregrine Trevelyan
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freddycoconut · 7 years
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Zevran: “pretty much everything you want, really”
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corvidaedream · 7 years
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@alterac hello welcome to my tedtalk
my favorite son is malcolm cousland. hes never had to do anything dangerous in his whole darn life. he didn’t even climb trees as a kid. he does practice swordfighting, but he’s terrible in battle at first because he doesn’t know how to handle an opponent who is actually trying to kill him. he collected insects as a hobby until all his dead bugs got lost in the attack on highever. morrigan scares him shitless, but after she leaves, he never stops thinking about the fact that he’s got a little son out there somewhere. he eventually meets kieran at skyhold and cries a lot.
cordelia aeducan named her dog trian after her brother as a weird combination of memorial and sick joke. she’s intensely jealous of alistair’s position to take the throne, when she lost her own right to orzammar’s, but she only ever brings it up as a joke. her first week on the surface, she discovered sunburns and didn’t take off her helmet during the day for a very long time afterwards. she still feels some resentment towards the sun. her favorite thing in the entire world is slicing a darkspawn to pieces with her sword.
flora brosca spends most of her time during the blight trying to heal from her time in the carta, relieved to be doing something noble and good for once. she has severe moral difficulties killing wolves that attack the party because they’re pretty much dogs. she listens to leliana recite the chant over and over again, trying to feel less afraid because she’s so close to death, but never allowed to be reassured that she was going to go back to the stone when she died, but maybe the maker will take her in.
eoin mahariel has had a tough time getting past his bf getting eaten by a creepy mirror, but he’s trying. he and leliana hit it off right away bc of their love of storytelling, swapping folklore and history but also gently correcting each other about details. he’s not particularly concerned by individual shemlin, and he’s definitely okay w very, very pretty, angry human witches.
niamh tabris is a gangly, freckley bundle of rage. she won’t take her wedding dress off for months, until she gets an infection from the dirty fabric being stuck to a wound, and zevran coaxes her into something cleaner he found on a dead guy. she will kill anyone given so much as half a reason. she spends every coin she can on pretty shiny things for morrigan, but is sickened by the idea of asking alistair to take part in the ritual and takes the final hit to the archdemon herself.
jolene surana has been in the tower too long to remember anything before that. she prefers practical application of magic to study, and ends up dabbling in blood magic when she feels its necessary. she’s average sized by human standards, but self conscious about being a little wider than elves usually are. she’s happiest sitting by the fire, laughing, sandwiched safely between leliana and alistair. she WILL fight arl eamon with her bare hands.
leon amell is a quiet guy who has mixed feelings about the circle and then isn’t really sure what to when he’s out of it. he initially can’t make food or fight very well or make friends on his own or figure out how buying things works. he falls in love painfully easily, mostly with people who will never reciprocate. one time he hit himself in the achilles tendon with his own staff during a battle.
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catella-ars · 2 years
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~Choose a Companion!~
Niamh MacNeil Human Templar (Vanguard) A little lost after the destruction of her Circle, she has now pledged herself to protect mages and others put at risk by the civil war, rifts, etc. Skills: Combat, Clarity Equipment: Avenger, Charm of Still Waters, Modified Templar Plate Companion Ability: Knows everything there is to know about Andrastian practices, Chantry history, Templar training, Mage Circles, and related issues, and can help you navigate both locations and conversation.
Saarebas Meraad Qunari Mage (Storm) A little lost after the death of her arvaraad and subsequent inability to contact the rest of her people, she has since pledged herself to seeing all there is to see in the world (and sometimes follow Niamh around.) Skills: Coercion, Vitality Equipment: Stormbreak, Belt of the Elements, Cretahl Vitaar Companion Ability: She’s a 7′7″ Qunari mage with tattoos, scars, and broken horns. There are very few mortals immune to her intimidation.
Valron Tabris Elf Ranger (Double Daggers) The Warden-Commander of Ferelden, known to go on weird rumor-chasing adventures while leaving Alistair in charge. This man has a child? Skills: Coercion, Combat Equipment: Duncan’s Sword, Fang, Morrigan’s Ring Companion Ability: Having gone on so many quests and wild goose chases, he is very good at helping you decide what leads to pursue and in what order.
Laurel Amell Human Mage (Spirit) A powerful Warden mage who left Ferelden with his boyfriend after the Fifth Blight and might have never looked back. Skills: Herbalism, Clarity Equipment: Enchanter’s Staff, Ring of Ages, Zevran’s Earring Companion Ability: Very good and quick with healing. You are never gonna die with him around.
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allisondraste · 6 years
✓ for any of our ocs?
Niamh: “We may not have a lot in common personality-wise, as it seems Ellanis has a much more level head than myself; however, there is something attractive about someone whose life experience is similar to yours.  I haven’t met a lot of mages who were born in an alienage, especially not many who go on to do great things without being taken by the Circle.  It’s not an easy life, and I think it’s amazing that he has managed to stay true to himself and his heritage.”
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wardens and power
niahm is wary of anora, but impressed. she knows alistair doesn't want to be king, and that means more to her than whether or not he would make a good one. anora is experienced, and what niahm has seen of the failings of ferelden governance she's seen through the film of logain's treachery - her oppression has been compartmentalized into a single spiraling tower. duncan isn't a savior, necessarily, but she's impressed by his stern, soft-spoken figure well before she's banished from the tower. when she follows him to ostagar, strange world spread out before her feet, he becomes hope. 
symbols of power have failed essa tabris. she's a well of kindness and warmth kicked in and filled with sand and tears and blood, the bones of her life in the alienage. here stands duncan, the warden, too separate and clean to put himself between small men with leverage and her family but willing enough to arm untrained boys and send them to their deaths. 
the wardens failed her before she ever wore their colors. when asked about her origins at the gates of ostagar she bites off words filled with bile and regret, heart all wounded and gnawing at sharp-toothed trap called warden. later, much later, blood and blood and blood later, confronted with anora's determination and belief not only in her ability to rule but her right to rule, she sees cailan's face, open-mouthed and wide-eyed at her straight forward description of his city’s abuses. she owns the blood on her hands, but ferelden owns its nobles, and anora rules ferelden - cailan barely owns himself. responsibility for the fall of a house running with noble blood, yes, she'll take that responsibility and wear it with honor. but the purge of her alienage, her family, that she lays at anora's feet. 
and so she makes alistair king. despite him, despite her.  
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hornkerling · 8 years
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Liadan Hawke - who learns more about grief and friendship in seven years than can fill all her songs. 
Ista Trevelyan - who laughs and fights and fights while laughing, proud of each new scar and questioning - yearning - letting herself get tangled up in hope. 
Niamh Tabris  and Dolours Surana - angry and vivid and alive when I was only one of those things. Niamh, still and strong and proud when her voice comes out above a whisper; Dolours, all quick hopes and deep risks and sacrifice. 
Nasrin Trevelyan de Serault - that same risk, but with faith mixed in. Vulnerable and raw and learning all the time. 
Fidan Lavellan - trickery and show and laughter - refusing to let the world get in the way of a good story, even when she hates the ending. 
The siblings Cadash - both of them growing - seeking - Pax finding solace and words for rage and a place to grieve while Xanthe is able to stand under new sky. The both of them learning that they don’t just have each other for the rest of their lives. 
Happy OC day. I love these fools. 
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howlpendraig · 2 years
disgusting realisation that i have to draw this dog now :(
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thesummerstorms · 3 months
No game engine is gonna reflect the weird complexity of my imagined world state though.
Evanna Evandre Trevelyan, my gentle, overly cautious but angry pro-mage scholar of an Inquistor is the third of four children born to a man who's had five wives and loved none of them.
She has complicated political ties Antiva and Orlais through her step-mothers, Ansburg through her maternal family, and Antiva again through a paternal cousin.
Her living stepmothers are generally sympathetic. The youngest is terrified and hoping Evandre will hide her younger half-brother. Her father, however, despises her. So does her older sister. Her oldest brother is weak and doesn't care about Evandre one way or the other.
She was raised in the Ostwick Circle, then sent away to Markham when her presence in Ostwick became a barrier for her half-sister Catareen's Templar training. She preferred Markham, given its link to a major university, but was sent back just before the mage rebellion broke out. Markham is where, through the University, she became part of the Mages' Collective.
Niamh Amell, Warden Commander of Fereldan, and her husband, Zevran Aranai, showed up to take command of the Orlesian wardens, enabling Alistair to be left in the fade and Hawke to escape.
(Alistair's choice to stay is actually the final moment of his and Niamh's reconciliation, post dark ritual.)
Anora Mac Tir is Queen of Fereldan, with two daughters by Fergus Cousland, who she has an affectionate political marriage with. One of them is secretly a mage.
Cecily Cousland survived Arle Howe, badly injured and disfigured, and has become Anora's unofficial liason with the Wardens due to her under-the-table marriage to Nathaniel Howe. Their marriage purposefully childless, with the idea that Amaranthine will pass back to the younger of Cecily's nieces, and thereby the crown, after both their deaths.
Nathaniel Howe is in charge of the keep in Amaranthine because politics, but Therasenn Mahariel is Niamh's true second, and the one running things for most of Amell's wardens. Nathaniel's oversees the day to day, but listens to her orders.
Therasenn's remained single/considers herself a widow since Tamlen's death. If she had been in the fade, she would've insisted on taking Alistair's place as she sees herself as stuck in a holding pattern. It sets off some bad mental health moments that don't pass until Hawke connects her with Merrill.
Cattilara Tabris is put forward by Amell as the genuine liaison from the Wardens to the Inquisiton and is eventually in charge of overseeing a Blackwall who is sentenced to join the Wardens properly. She's dating Herah "Echo" Adaar. She oversees the Orlesian wardens in the day to day, whereas Therasenn has command of the Fereldan ones, and Amell outranks them both.
Herah "Echo" Adaar is literally just a merc who signed up with the inquisition to make things stop exploding and gradually gets promoted to help integrate the Inquisiton's other "non-standard" fighting forces and keep the Chantry-esque folks noses out of it.
Mahvirehn Lavellan was sent as a spy by his keeper and is now the Inquisition's formal liaison with the Dalish, a role which puts a target on his back from the beginning, especially as he's also a Keeper in training. That's fine though, because Dorian will absolutely explode anyone who tries to kill his boyfriend, and doesn't mind using the "big bad scary Tevinter mage" rep to keep it from getting there.
Rowan Hawke escaped Kirkwall, showed up in the Inquisition, and might possibly be dating the Inquisitor, Evandre Trevelyan. (If so, Varric is thrilled! But I haven't decided.)
Carver Hawke did not, in fact, go to Weishaupt. He's actually the one who finally managed to make contact with his cousin, Niamh Amell, and he's present at the battle for the Keep.
Later, he gets put in charge, and is pissed at Therasenn for making it about his name rather than his abilities and for forfeiting the role despite her experience levels. She mantains that she needs more flexibility than the role would entail. Appealing to Niamh makes it worse, not better.
Therasenn and Merril get an off screen reunion and cry about it because they both miss home. Merrill doesn't become an Inquisition agent, but Therasenn forwards bits of her letters as war table operations sometimes.
Rowan Hawke might go back to help throw Sebastian Vael out of Kirkwall, idk. But she's largely decided against living there. (Unless she romances Evandre, in which case Varric offering Evandre a title and estate in Kirkwall becomes a lot more of a calculated gesture lol.)
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wcrldcnfire · 3 years
The Wardens
I have two ‘World States’ for the Wardens among my muses, and the characters in one of them all tie together. 
To start with, Kiara Amell is my Default Warden-Commander. She had Alistair perform the ritual. I’ll make a full list of all of her choices later, but her interactions are seperate from the second group.
The second group is based off a fanfic I never finished and it’s ‘The Mage, the Pickpocket, and the Whore’. Aeden Cousland and one of his “personal guards” Beatrice join the Grey Wardens, picking up Niamh Surana on their journey to Ostagar. Daveth survives the Joining in this AU, and those four, along Alistair, all survive the battle and traverse Fereldan to stop the Blight.
Aeden, being a noble, is the one officially recognized as ‘The Hero of Fereldan’, while Beatrice, Daveth, and Niamh are kind of... Forgotten about because their backgrounds aren’t as good for stories. 
The AU actually had all of the Origins surviving, and in it Kiara was a circle mage that can be recruited alongside Wynne if Jowan is spared. [If people are ever interested, I might also add Brosca, Aeducan, and Tabris, but not at the moment.]
They can be interacted with as individuals or as a group-canon, where interactions with one of the group is canon among them all. They’re generally all Wardens, though not as famous as the Hero of Fereldan.
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ladylilac · 7 years
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•ɴɪᴀᴍʜ ᴛᴀʙʀɪs•
Just played origins again and absolutely fell in love with my new Tabris, Niamh (Pronounced Neeve). Decided to do some braid practice with her.
Thanks for the amazing tutorial @louminx
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freddycoconut · 7 years
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corvidaedream · 4 years
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tonight im thinking only about this old Grey Warden oc who i haven’t thought about in forever. her name is niamh tabris and she’s gay bc that’s the only kind of oc i have.
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