#nibi nix
meadowlarkx · 2 years
1, 8, 13, 28, 44, 56, 88
Bless you :D It was a bit chaotic this year
1. Charlotte Cumberbirch etc - Trooper and the Maid
She takes the trooper by the hand And leads him to her chamber She's given him some wine to drink And his love it flared like tinder
8. Roman Tam and Jenny Tseng - 鐵血丹心 Legend of the Condor Heroes OST (1983)
(I'm going to post translated lyrics since this ask inspired me to try and find out what the lyrics meant for this boss theme song, so I must thank you for that!)
Through mutual friendship, we will travel toward the horizon Chasing the grassland, in all four directions are vast desert land Why fear the snow and the frost lashing at our faces The cold wind blows... the blue sky... togetherness...
13. Bizet's Carmen - L'amour est un oiseau rebelle
L'oiseau que tu croyais surprendre, Battit de l'aile et s'envola. L'amour est loin, tu peux l'attendre-- Tu ne l'attends plus, il est là!
28. Sirusho - Qélé Qélé (Armenia Eurovision 2008)
Time is here tonight, You should make it right, To end our fight, just hold me tight
44. Joan Baez - East Virginia
Her hair it was of a brightsome color And her lips of ruby red On her breast she wore white lilies There I longed to lay my head
56. Måneskin - Beggin'
I'm beggin', beggin' you So put your loving hand out, darling
88. Trio Mandili - Rachuli
If anyone actually has the Georgian lyrics to their particular gorgeous rendition and/or a translation I would be so grateful. best I can do is this rn for a different version on lyricstranslate!!
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yukinojou · 8 months
@nibi-nix replied to your post “Abdominal surgery recovery when you're in...”:
opowiedz mi o Conanie kozaku
​No zobacz jaki skandal: angielskie wiki-opisy opowiadań The Devil in Iron oraz Shadows in the Moonlight w ogóle nie wspominają o tym, że w tym czasie Conan jest atamanem kozackim. Tzn. wskutek ucisku złego imperium Turańskiego na jego kresach przy rzece Zaporoskiej gromadzą się wolni wojownicy z różnych rodów, którzy tworzą wspólnotę zwaną "kozaks" i walczą z imperium. Conan po różnych porażkach najemnych do nich dołącza i w Devil jest już ich przywódcą, a źli paszowie otomańscy turańscy knują jego zgubę. W Shadows w końcu im się udaje wyciąć kozaków, więc Conan z piękną księżniczką z haremu paszy ucieka na morze które tylko z nazwy nie jest czarne...
(Niestety nie ma scen w siczy, ale mnie to ubawiło setnie, bo chyba kolega Howard w 1934 Trylogię czytał. I świetnie pasuje do ogólnej historii Conana, który zdobywa co i lepsze pozycje przywódcze, aż człowiek się przestaje dziwić że był całkiem niezłym królem Aquilonii.)
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andordean · 7 months
Embarrassing Personal Ask Game
@tigerlyla-of-metinna has a tag game going (sorry friend for not doing the other games you tagged me in, I literally played three videogames in the last decade 🙈😂) about embarrassing crushes, only I personally don't think any of mine are embarrassing. They're all quality. Anyway.
"We are going to talk about obsessions CRUSHES! Name 3 (celebrity crush, fictional/ cartoon/ videogame crush, and your current crush (may be real or not). And please give a brief (or lengthy) explanation or backstory."
Celebrity crush:
The one and only Pedro Pascal. The most adorable Muppet, by all accounts a wholesome human being, I want to see him slay in everything he touches and live his best life. Obsessed with him ever since Oberyn Martell sluttily sauntered through the room. (The Curse of the Beard, exhibit A.)
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Videogame crush:
Surprise surprise: Ciri in TW3. The chokehold she's had on me since 2015 has loosened a bit (sniffle), but hasn't disappeared.
Disliked her in the books, her game version rewired my brain. If said brain, inspiration and energy allows, will write her snogging hot people of the continent till she lets go of me fully (hope it never happens).
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Current crush:
Someone said in thirsty tags that once Asian men embrace beards it's over for the white guys, and between the recent examples of Dev Patel and Justin Chien, that person cannot be more right.
What can I say. The Curse of the Beard, exhibit B. Presenting: Justin Chien in "The Brothers Sun":
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Honourable mentions: the prickly baby, the golden retriever wife, and the Curse of the Beard, exhibit C.
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Tagging (no pressure, this is me waving hi): @jikanet-tanaka @starlight-and-thunder @kuwdora @keyrousse @poetikat @witch-and-her-witcher @nibi-nix @nikita-not-nikola @just-a-dot @justanotherdmdammit @lemurianstarship @otemporaetmores @alynnl
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kirusiaaa · 1 year
Mialam zaczynac od poniedzialku ale wyszla dupa. Mialam tak okropny nastroj ze nie mialam sily nawet myslex o tym ile jem. W nocy z niedzieli na poniedzialek nie moglam spac do 3/4 bo sie stresowalam matma i mialam jakies schizy. W poniedzialek mialam kurwa wypadek jadac jebanym autobusem ale na (nie)szczescie nix mi nie bylo tylko reke naciagnelam. Gdy wrocilam do domu mama sie na mnei darla ze zawalilam test z matmy i przez to pewnie nie bede miala 6 na koniec roku i nie dostane sie do "dobrej szkoly". Oczywiscie dogadala mi jaka to jajl jestem leniwa i beznadziejna xddd. Potem niby mnie przeprosila i zqbrala do parku ale no. Dzisiaj nie poszlam do szkoly by uczyc sie na poprawe tej matmy. Szlo super mama mi pomagala ale potem skaplysmy sie ze zostawilam podrecznik w szkole i potem powtorka znowu mama sie ja mnie wydziera. W sumie mowila to samo co wczoraj ale dodala jeazcze ze skoro jestem tak nieodpowiedzialna jak dziecko to zabroni mi sie malowac, farbowac wlosow i wyxhodIc sama z domu bo dzieci nie moga tego robic. A potem mnie znowu przepraszala. Kolo 18 uswiadomilam sobie ze dlugo nie ma juz mojej kotki.. Wyszla o 14 a teraz jwst 23:30 i dalej jej nie ma. Ten kot jest dla mnie wszystkim i jesli nie wroci to nie widze sensu w dalszym zyciu...
A i obiecuje ze jutro juz normalnie trzymam sie limitu i pocwicze :D
Trzymajcie sie piekne motylki 💗
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emeraldskulblaka · 3 years
tell me 5 musicals - the particular runs - that you would love to see live. Also, if you were considering getting a musical-related tattoo, what musical would you pick, and what would the actual tattoo be?
I'm not sure if you mean "musicals that are running at the moment" or just any production of a musical ever, so I'll answer both :D
Top five right now:
The Lay of Leithian
Hadestown, Broadway (now, before Amber leaves xD)
Finrod Zong (yes, even if it's a new version)
Bat Out Of Hell, UK Tour
Come From Away, West End
Top five of all time:
The Lord of the Rings, West End
The Lord of the Rings, Toronto (if possible, the longest version of the show ever performed)
Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812, Broadway
Hadestown, New York Theater Workshop
Tanz der Vampire, Original Vienna Production
To be honest, I've never thought of getting a tattoo xD it's partly because I'll be working for the state if everything goes according to plan, and while I'm not entirely sure about the details, I'd probably have to cover it when teaching, so my arms are off limits. And party because my mum would hate me if she found out, but that's a different problem. If it is to be a musical, tough, then definitely Les Misérables! I can't say which line in particular, but it would be a lyric. I'll have to think about it some more 😄
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llawlietofficial · 3 years
tired of you? gods in high heavens, I smile every time I see you back on my dash.
YOU’RE SO NICE wait till you see this next round of shitposting though 
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slavicafire · 4 years
ok! można ją robić i na bulionie warzywnym, i na mięsnym, u mnie to zupa postna, więc robi się ją na warzywnym. A jeśli nie ma się czasu, można po prostu wrzucić warzywa razem i też wyjdzie. Należy zeszklić pokrojoną cebulę, do niej dodać przeciśnięty czosnek i czerwoną soczewicę z przyprawami (u mnie zawsze papryka, najlepiej wędzona i trochę ostrej, można też kurkumę albo curry), smażyć to przez chwilę, zalać bulionem albo wodą z włoszczyzną, zagotować i gotować aż soczewica zmięknie. 1/?
jak już zmięknie, dorzucić puszkę pomidorów albo zwykłe pokrojone, gotować jakiś kwadrans, dosolić, dopieprzyć i dorzucić zioła (natka pietruszki, kolendra, szałwia, można mięty, majeranek, tymianek, co kto lubi, ta zupa nie wybrzydza) i śmietanę osiemnastkę jeśli ktoś sobie życzy. Blenduje się na bardzo przyjemny krem, ale absolutnie nie jest to niezbędne.
ale pomidory też są w sumie opcjonalne. Generalnie wszystko jest poza cebulą, czosnkiem i soczewicą.
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unofficial-estonia · 5 years
nibi-nix replied to your post: “Captains Log: day 8897”:
can you elaborate on half an Ikea part, it sounds very intriguing
So it’s a basically small showroom with only some of IKEA furniture and biggest part of it is the storage for things that people ordered online and now are held for pick up 
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inthroughthesunroof · 5 years
nibi-nix replied to your post: The Last Wish
I really really loved that in the story Yennefer heard his wish and knew all along. And I’m not happy with how show changed it.
Oh, I missed that implication! That makes the whole wishing-for-love thing even less potentially creepy if she’s 100% aware of it. It’s also entirely on-brand for Geralt that he can only admit to feelings while in the middle of supernatural life-threatening danger. XD
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yukinojou · 4 months
@nibi-nix replied to your post “@rozarens replied to your post “1989: thought...”:
jaka, jaka to będzie dziara?
​Jeszcze muszę się skonsultować z wioskową zielarką, ale na pewno jakieś zioła, pewnie od Kasia Kot Tattoo ale dopiero w przyszłe lato bo musi się cholera zagoić w pełni. Napatrzyłam się na cuda, które na bliznach na brzuchu czaruje Ngoc w Wietnamie ale to trochę daleko...
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theophan-o · 2 years
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My own, inner Cossack-Brother, who lives in my soul. A bit alternative, I admit. When I am not working with the actor's photo (for obvious reasons), just looking into my head and painting, what I see there, I can produce... a Princess.
Mój własny, wewnętrzny Kozacki-Brat, który żyje w mojej duszy. Trochę alternatywny, przyznaję. Gdy na zdjęcia aktora teraz nie spoglądam (z ogólnie znanych przyczyn), jeno sobie w głowę patrzę i maluję, co tam widzę, wtedy powstaje... taka oto Korolewna.
Nie klnijcie, Panowie Bracia.
Bo to jest podarunek dla Was, za cudowne miejsce: TRYLOGIA SENSEM ŻYCIA
@babinicz @books-typo-and-so-on @pauloesska @trylogia-po-prostu @if-it-isnt-cello @wrazliwosc-w-bagatelkach @kraciasta @mademoisellemacabre @kozakk @shelleizm @arcywapierz @wolodyjowska @kummerquelle @nibi-nix @the-smallest-knight
i jeśli o kimś Theophan-o zapomniało to tylko przez nieumiejętność odnalezienia się w Trylogicznych pseudonimach
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allerod · 3 years
I got tagged by @ginkovskij to post 6 books i want to read this year. so, here!
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Słowacki. Wychodzenie z szafy (Słowacki. Coming out from the closet) by Marta Justyna Nowicka: a queer reading of a famous poet! what’s not to love! i got this book as a birthday gift, so. it would be pretty nice to finish it before november rolls around again
The Peasant Prince by Alex Storozynski: a biography of tadeusz kościuszko. i’ve read this book before, it’s Great, but i miss my boy, so. reread time!
Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka za světové války (The fate of the good soldier Švejk during the world war) by Jaroslav Hašek: anti-war and anti-austrohungarian satirical novel. i’ve been meaning to read it for ages. perhaps now it’s time has come. hopefully
Rozmowy z katem (Conversations with and Executioner) by Kazimierz Moczarski: a non-fiction based on conversations moczarski had with jürgen stroop while they were both imprisoned in the same cell. my mother gave me this book when i was a teen, and i failed at reading it then, and every year i tell myself i’ll try reading it again.
Una voce di notte (A Voice in the Night) by Andrea Camilleri: this is self harm and stockholm syndrome in one. why am i put on this earth? just to consume awful literature? every summer i buy a new camilleri book
Titus Groan by Mervyn Peake: a friend recommended this book, and i even started reading it last year, but alas. i made the mistake of doing that in a train, so of course i very quickly had fallen asleep. like i always do. so it’s still on my to-read list. but i Will finish it
i’m tagging @nibi-nix @rododaktvlos @podmoskiewski @whispering-kavka @bugsbutch show me what you’re reading so i can add stuff into my to-read >:)
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emeraldskulblaka · 3 years
an ask, you say... tell me about your favourite scarf!
This is a very original idea, thank you! My favourite scarf is the one I got for Christmas in 2018. My mum and I found it in a Loberon brochure. Now, Loberon sells very expensive vintage furtinure and decorations we could never afford, but like to look at :') the scarf was a surprise find. It suits both my winter coats (beige and red), so I wear it quite often. Here it is (sorry, I had to drape it over something):
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gurdydraws · 3 years
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Snowflakes as suggested by @nibi-nix
I...did not do very well on this one. Well, that’s what challenges are for :)
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slavicafire · 4 years
ha, też nie mogłom pojąć, jak można bać się Buki! Za to wciąż drżę jak przypomnę sobie Mrówkolwa, brrrr.
o, no ten to już był nieprzyjemny, zgodzę się! 
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spaceyshenanigans · 2 years
I’m trying to decide on a gender neutral word for niece/nephew cuz my aunt and uncle are visiting. These are some of the variants I’ve found:
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