#niche meme im sorry
elizabethan-memes · 2 years
When you’re listening to a Renaissance music compilation and it’s a bop but then O Lusty May or Weep You No More Sad Fountains comes on:
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tiredfoxtf · 9 months
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Based on this post.
I do not accept criticism.
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henrikvanderswoon · 8 months
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this is what @naancypants and i get up to. thank you kaitie
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ppriesttess · 8 months
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am-i-dead · 3 months
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average chappell roan listener (it’s me i’m her she’s me)
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bahrlee · 10 months
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I see no difference. Love is love
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candyunicornsateme · 1 year
I hope you’re doing okay!
Sometimes I read your posts and see how you long to talk to someone and make friends but maybe scared? I also feel that way very much and wanted to let you know that you’re not alone and I and many others enjoy seeing your headcanons of the k2 boys and yeah :)
Hey ;; thank you that's really reassuring. It can be difficult for me to not think no one'd care about my thoughts, even if it's about what most people probably freakin follow me for ??? Yanno?? So it means a lot ;-; Pls always feel free to pick my brain about stuff!!
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robitherat · 2 years
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Spent like 10 minutes making this
(id in alt text)
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thatdeadaquarius · 11 months
Submitted by mynameis-a:
i’m sorry but i couldn’t stop thinking about this from the og blunt vs flowery post:
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I fucking love fandom memes theyre the best, like these ^^^
Thank u so much for sharing this, its incredible 😭😭🤲✨️
One of my fav sagau (genshin isekai?? Idk anymore) headcanons is the whole,
Desperately trying to prove ur not the Creator of Teyvat/The King of the Gods -> uses slang/starts operating a computer/literally just speaks, for the blung lang AU
And somehow proves ur the King of the Gods anyway, like a self-fufilling prophecy lmao
Its just so funny to watch play out tbh
Thats why i HAD to include it and make as whole ass niche AU out of it.
Clearly I am totally normal about this, yes.
ALSO AWW i didnt think anybody read that old post anymore!!
That was literally my first post in Sagau! :D
Im glad its consumed u to this point LMAO
Safe Travels Your Name Is A,
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ebonytails · 3 months
Nobody askd but like i hate the “need” to be “consistant”. Like i have DID and ADHD so my art style is going to be different oftn and i love to explore different styles. Im thinking about when i finally get my hands on a booth/table for artist alleys or at markets and . Im sorry! But my art style will NIT be consistant like MOST brand/other artists out there! And it kind of makes me sad or stressed bc what if it will make ppl not want to follow my art market journey? What if theyll find me unprofessionl just bc i dont have 1 single art style? Im silly boy! I cn only hope tht ppl wll not thnk im not professional jst bc i have 5 different styles on my booth lol
And then i would rather have one youtube channel/tiktok/account for all my ventures too. Like its knda frustrating bc you look up “artist alley” youtube videos and every channel is always Consistantly ONLY posting artist alley. Or you look up othr artists and they always Stick to one Content. Well wht if i wnt 2 post animation memes, atist alley, skits, tutorials, and video essays on ONE channel?? Art is a crazy BROAD genre, y r we also boxing artists n content creators into ONE thing just 2 pleas what. An algorithm??? Every business advice is “pick one niche!” “pick one content to do 4ever!” “if you lack consistancy, customers wont stick to u/ the algorithm will ignore you”
Art is CRAZY! art is anything u WANT it 2 be!! Im going to post animations, artist alley vlogs, and tutorials on my YT/Tiktok, im gnna post anim8ions and digital illustrations 2 tumblr + twitter, and no one can stop me!! (but i only hope that people pass by anyway ;_;)
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transmutationisms · 5 months
im sorry to have to ask this, but do you know why “read Settlers” is a meme that some people repeat ironically and can you explain it briefly to me
settlers: the myth of the white proletariat is a 1983 book by j sakai that has had niche appeal to a specific genre of leftist you might hear referred to as third-worldist maoist or something similar. the nature of online politics is that sometimes someone who can't or doesn't care to explain their position will try to end an argument with "read [text]" because then it puts their interlocutor in the position of either having to do homework, or just conceding the point. settlers has become particularly memed for being name-dropped like this, along with some other infamous texts and names (desert by anonymous and deleuze come to mind), so when someone ironically or sarcastically says "read settlers" they're referencing this sort of pointless self-satisfied bickering and often specifically accusing their opponents of writing poorly sourced or historically dubious polemics.
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analligatorr · 9 months
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(not for you, Bombolini, im sorry)
Let's start with the individual ones
Malcolm Graves and Twisted Fate
(some songs are on both playlists)
Twisted Fate & Graves
(this one is collaborative, so if you want to add some music that reminds you of them, feel free!)
These next two are niche (but I decided to share them anyway)
Twisted Fate and Graves living a brazilian love story
(well, this only has brazilian songs in various genres, so it can be a big cultural shock, some songs are there just because they are memes, like Piranha (it's a fish, but it's also a term for "b*tch", and Graves is a piranha)
TFGraves SW AU
(well 95% of the playlist is just Star Wars songs..)
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ganondoodle · 1 year
feeling much better now having gotten some sleep (the dont trust how you feel about yourself past 9pm is good advice no joke)
of course all my criticism of totk still applies but im feeling less depressed about it, tho i will say its honestly kinda baffling how many times the game actually got me interested and excited about stuff and then just kinda drops it in a dead end, of course they were those kind of things in botw as well but it seems much less .. balanced in totk
(not even just the big things like making me want to actively do something to help zelda turn back when it just gets solved on its own in the end, but also some lil things like the fact that so many NPCs tell you about that newly discovered animal species and when you find the dongos they are just gem vending maschines)
in the end i can say, no, i dont like totk, tho i still love the graphics and the way the world is made ( botw showed me jsut how immersive and alive a world can feel i love it to death), i liked the gameplay and that it kept the freedom botw had established, the bossfights are mostly fun (tho i wish you could refight more of them), i LOVE the yiga and im glad they got more of a spotlight, the music is FANTASTIC i keep catching myself humming along, alot of the sidequests are much bigger and feel like you are actually doing something, i like how the sages are a bit more integrated into the story, the majority of the new designs are great, both the japanese and german voice acting is great, and the end fight has some of the best build up i have ever experienced, my heart starts to race when that music build up starts even tho i have beaten it 3 times already-
however, the story is both simple and incredible flat with lots of stuff that doesnt make sense especially when it was said to be a sequel, the zonau should have stayed a mystery imo, they failed to make me care about them even a little bit and often felt forcefully crammed into the world and its history, i think you could have told an incredible story taking place in the present and leave the past be the past, you easily could have connected botw and totk in a much better way than they did, i dont like how it changes aspects about botw all the while nigh ignoring it ever happened, it still feels like it was trying to be a replacement and not a sequel and all the referencing and callbacks to the old titles may have been done in good faith but that and including time travel yet again ultimately lead to people ripping each other to shreds over trying to prove its placed in the old timeline despite it making no sense at all and confusing people even more; often when the game made me care or be excited about something it was dropped in a dead end, there was a ton of missed opportunities and lost potential to tell a much more nuanced and interesting story/lore, and thinking about it only makes me sad for the things that could have been
overall i think my disappointment is outweighing my fun and the only way i can keep playing it while having fun is ignoring everything that isnt, which works quite well most of the time since im pretty much done with all story stuff but i keep slipping into my little rants nonetheless; i will say its making me a little worried about the future of the franchise, but i know im in the minority and maybe i will just have to accept that the new stuff wont be for me anymore and i should not hope for anything that interests me xD
except for some meme material or specific characters i love i dont think i will make much use of anything totk tried to establish, and i hope thats fine with the lot of you (<3) hopefully that also means my ranting days are over xD
anyway, back to making niche art i go! (sorry for making you endure these long ass rambling posts :,) )
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sloshys · 11 months
I just think that Daan has this kinda like. Need to be towered over? I think thats why he interacts with the people who are kinda cold/uncaring/powerful most. I mean. He's found himself almost in every aspect of his life in a position where someone was constantly telling him what to do, and I feel like strong characters (like O'saa or karin) kinda fill that niche of "I need someone to boss me around and tell me what to do because I've lived my life at others whims and while I can hold my own for a good bit after a while I'm not sure what to do but asking for help would be too vulnerable so having someone be a higher up towards me gives me a sense of security but i will also kinda be a little shit about it so it doesnt seem so vulnerable" and with O'saa he's super blunt. Very much "I will do things my way wether you like it or not and you will follow my lead or get out my way." and I mean, hell he was a leader! He very much outwardly has control and leadership tendencies, even if inside he doesn't feel like he can ever truly fit the bill. Which is what Daan is looking for yknow? And O'saa, i just kinda think for O'saa its one of those things of he cant for the life of him figure out why he likes him so much, but then Daan starts talking to him about scholarly topics and they have discussions of religion, medicine, science, war, and other things and theres this draw of Daan's Intellegence paired with this strange need of "i want to see him happy, because his whole life hes been miserable and part of it reminds me of me and if i cant be happy then perhaps i can make someone else happy to fill the void" (touching on the whole joking between the two) but being as O'saa has an enlightened soul, i feel like he would be incredibly interested in what Daan has to say. If the two ever got the chance i feel theyd definitely debate between eachother. Imagine that one reaction meme image of the two scholars talking to eachother. Thats them i think. I feel like the two compliment eachother but in a way of like. They fill a niche the other is searching for. Neither are good with words, much less pda, but alone? I feel like if there ever was time alone in a different time in a different place their intimacy would be intense, passionate, and wordless. Nothing would really need to be said, just intimacy, a smoke on the balcony, and dinner in a perfect world. Other people may find their relationship seemingly loveless, but they just couldn't understand the wordless display of trust, of closeness, and of tenderness. How could they? The two have only ever really been truly vulnerable with the other, and I feel if conflict was to arise, they may argue, take a heated break, and then come back with a wordless apology and cook for eachother. Acts of service, cooking, and gift giving i feel would be something that again, if given the chance, the two would indulge in regularly. I feel if O'saa was being particularly sappy he'd maybe get Daan some expensive alcohol he'd been eyeing. As for Daan, I feel he'd get O'saa a nice clothing piece the other had been admiring. But that's in a life they'd never get, I suppose... sorry for rambling in your inbox, I care for them dearly PFT
Anon rn:
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I put my thoughts down there i hope i was able to cover everything
Im going to start off in a daan analysis tangent real quick
Daan has been neglected by his cultist parents ever since he was a baby. He probably never got the proper feeling of security or personal growth as a child because he was always living to survive. Which worsened even more after the death of his parents, and was doomed to child labour very young. Im sure he never got to properly play or express himself as a kid until he got closer to Elise. But The only thing about himself he found worth talking about were his insane cultist parents. His life at the Baron’s mansion was everything he had, as were his studies of modern medicine. That's why he feels attracted to powerful and determined people like O'saa and Karin (and Marcoh too, I believe), who seem to know exactly what their own goals are and think they still have control over what is happening. Despite trying to do things on his own, he still craves company. He also wants to protect the younger ones, like Levi and Marina, because his ass is projecting! But the sad thing is that Daan can't be too dependent on these people and doesn't want to share too much of his past with them because it's very traumatic for him.
If the discussion had taken place, I think O’saa would have been very interested in Daan and his upbringing. Daan never followed the religions and cults of Europa and is aware of their danger. He prays to Sylvian not as an act of worship but to help those who are sick. He also ran away from Pocketcat his whole life and never wanted to give himself to him until depression hit him harder than before. This makes Daan rational, smart, and inquisitive. Which seem to be attractive traits for someone who possesses an enlightened soul.
TOTALLY AGREE ALSO ABOUT THESE TWO HAVING BIG BRAINED DISCUSSIONS O'saa proves himself to be a good listener to others feelings in the booth; Daan can be a very open-minded person; and they both have similar views about the use of magic. I agree that the way they show affection is when they’re both very intimate with each other. O’saa does not trust people lightly because, in his case, his greatest fear is manipulation due to the fact that his country is being invaded and controlled by Europa's religions, wars, and cults. So he only ever relied on himself, which is why he chose to be a yellow mage. I imagine it might take a great deal of time and trust for him to share his vulnerability and feelings with Daan. But they seem to both crave social interaction since they're both lonely at heart, so there might be a chance (we’re winning, girlies!). Either way, I agree with sappy O'saa, that's such an adorable concept and somehow fitting since he finds his own jokes funny. I hc that he’s very genuine when he talks about his emotions, and no matter how embarrassing they are, he always says them with a straight face. But Daan is so sappy too. They would write each other love letters; you cannot tell me otherwise.
Also, I thought of an ending for these two surviving the festival: Daan confessing to O’saa that he doesn’t have anything that waits for him and O’saa noticing the true meaning of those words. He feels a tinge of sympathy because Daan has lost everything to war and religion, and he can't bear to see him give up after surviving the gruesome festival. So O’saa proposes to make a deal to be his personal doctor because he plans to travel dangerously, defy the authority in his country to establish his own teachings, and rise to the top. Since Daan doesn’t have anything to lose, he agrees to it. I think that it is during those travels that they will slowly fall for each other. They might also find some closure on their pasts during those trips.
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remylong · 8 months
hcs for what the px11 characters look like? if you don't mind
is this the same anon as last time?? im not mad im just confused there are like five of us in this fandom (excluding mr and mx gaymurdermusical ofc) if i have to do the teacher thing where i make people stand until their name is called i will.
okay. so. i actually made sims of the px11 characters once upon a time but I can't show them to you until November because I banned myself from the sims until my exams are over lol
SO. i don't really have solid solid headcanons but im going to try and fight the tumblr web mobile on this let's go.
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REMY this is like The remy fit in my head literally look at it the collar the tie everything 😭😭 i need to put this woman in qing dynasty clothes expeditiously... also in my head when i was writing the remy fic she was coded like neon blue like squip bmc blue? because i was desperately trying to dragoncode her and didn't know how. when i read that line in superhero debut about [ditch that blue] i was personally attacked. before that i think she was q y2k pink in my head? i remember like the very very first edit i made of her was pink
JAY i will be honest w you i don't actually know that much about alt fashion so im worried im misrepresenting her but for everything on fire i would have looked at maybe 70s early punk aesthetics? like black and red! leather jackets! spikes! truly incredible hair that takes like seven hours and an ozone-destroying amount of hairspray to accomplish!
side note a bunch of americans with suitcases just got on the bus WHY are you here
MARK the canon description says it better than i ever could. i don't have it on me right now but come on. Most Outfit Of All Time. for everything on fire... well... Woe. Hippie Be Upon You. beads and fringes and patchwork jeans made of stolen clothes you name it he has it. i think 70s mark would have an outfit so insane he doesn't even need to kill people the tie dye would do the killing for him. also i think he would have a mullet
DAISY colour! colour! colour!! lots of pastels, lots of crochet, lots of knit vests. i would say that in everything on fire she's super mod like go go boots and flares and short skirts and all... omg you know those 70s cartoon daisy buckles 🥺🥺... in canon i think she's a 2016 kidcore niche meme arthoe who wears like overalls and butterfly hair clips
sorry this is like mostly fashion i dont really have like more detailed headcanons other than the official art X_X
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