#nick is too perceptive sometimes lmao
elegyofthemoon · 7 months
ah the intimacy of knowing each other's stories and trusting each other deeply that you know what would make the other happy
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chris-continues · 1 year
Literally anything with jealousy in it I will go feral over. Like maybe Nai seeing the reader talking to someone and that someone clearly has a crush on you or something. I wonder if he would act possessive.
Or maybe the reverse? Jealous reader? 👀👀👀
Ok like I love writing jealousy stuff and I don’t do it enough
COLLEGE AU TAGLIST: @h4venpha @lune010 @vashfantasy @macncherries
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In college AU by the time you and Nai meet you both are young (obviously, you’re in college, duh) and you’re both not super experienced in romance so jealousy is like mildly new territory (Nai especially LMAO) so when he feels a pang in his chest when you’re bantering with Wolfwood on a side that’s a bit too friendly for his liking?
Nick’s arm is slung around you as he tries to take a selfie with Meryl’s Polaroid, the girl attempting to jump to reach it as Milly observes. Vash is attempting to calm the situation- ever the peacemaker.
You’re laughing and amused all the while, smile painting your lips as you pose for a photo. You’re so happy with them it’s almost aggravating, ugh. Can you all just take it outside of the apartment? Nai has to hide away in his room, Snuggie wrapped around him in his little grove when you’re all here. A scowl is apparent as he scoffs, moving to his room with a few snide remarks muttered under his breath. He won’t ruin his brother’s fun though, he’s had trouble making friends in the past. So not to say he loathes you all, rather… you’re not preferable choice in company.
That’s what helps him sleep at night (when he does choose to sleep, at least).
In reality: does Wolfwood have a crush on you? No. You guys are just friends that mess around and chill out. But why should Nai care? You’re just another one of Vash’s friends who he happens to study with on occasion. That is all. All it will ever be.
He attempts to hide his glare as he stands and walks towards his room.
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Nai is a tennis champion, both him and Vash are practically campus celebrities. Both handsome, single, athletic, smart- Vash is well known and liked by everyone.
Nai though? HAH. Haha you’re funny. He’s well known. Respected enough. But he’s made it plenty clear kegstands and partying into the ungodly hours of night on a fucking Tuesday isn’t really his cup of tea. In fact it’s not even a cup at his table. (In this hypothetical cup scenario).
People oftentimes throw themselves at him, flocking to the handsome guy who’s far too beautiful to be human, tone and leaned muscle with a sharp jaw and cunning remarks. This girl was no different.
You knew of her, she was far more bold than you and was a relatively good student. Seemed nice enough.
You couldn’t hold it against her to take a liking to Knives as her hips swayed, eyes bright and flickering up to his. Normally, Nai wouldn’t go to the cafeteria, however Vash had wanted to grab a snack from a friend who worked here (they had donuts today) (curse him and his sweet tooth, ugh)
You sat with some other friends of yours, checking your phone for any notifications before turning to see her chatting with him. With his face away from you, you couldn’t see his obvious disinterest, although he was presumably like that with everyone, right? You have no idea why you’re watching so intently for someone who you can hardly call an acquaintance- he’s just a guy you sometimes exchange notes with.
Something unpleasant settles in your chest as your eyebrows furrow, looking down to your phone once more to forcefully distract yourself. It’s weird to stare like that, ahem.
And maybe you feel a tinge of guilt as he brushes past her to Vash, who’s 3 doughnuts richer now that his friend gave him “the goods”, a bead of something swelling in your chest.
Vash is perceptive as always.
He says nothing though, following Nai who takes brisk strides once more out of the noisy cafeteria, head almost buzzing from how overwhelming the noise can get for both of them.
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imacrowcawcaw · 4 years
Hi I come with a rather silly question, but I was curious, according to your perception how would you describe the personality of every girl in the GVF fandom here at tumblr
That's not a silly question at all, I think it's great and actually quite creative!!!
It seems to me that there are a couple types, which is normal cause there's a lot of us lol. We're not all the same, even if we have some interests in common!
Types of Greta Van Fleet Fans on Tumblr as Observed By Me
Type 1: The Casual Fan
She knows their music, but it's not her favorite. She might reblog a few photos or funny things about the boys on occasion, but her blog is no where near dedicated to Greta and they probably aren't even one of her hyper-obsessions, just another artist in her library. She's more on the outs of the fandom; it's rare that she's tagged or mentioned in anything because not many of us know her. Greta Van Fleet is, most likely, an outlier in her music taste: either heavier than she's used to, or more classic rock when she's a straight up metalhead. All of this is absolutely okay! This girl is generally chill and sweet when she does get to interact, although if she ends up liking GVF more and wants to get "in" on the fandom it can be frustrating to make herself seen.
Type 2: The Die Hard Groupies
I feel kinda bad calling them this but, if given the chance, these chicks would become groupies in an instant. They love the band with their whole heart, and want to live a life of peace, sex, drugs, and rock n roll with their idols. But since they are contained to Tumblr at the moment, these ladies contend themselves with thirst tagging, sending various friends like @satans-helper and @dreams-madeof-strawberrylemonade naughty fanfiction requests and confessions, reblogging pictures of their favorite groupies from rock history, and, of course, listening to Greta Van Fleet (cause they do like the music, I want to make it clear it's not all about sex). It's a toss up whether this girl is open to any and all of the boys, or has a lane she will die in. Jake seems to be the most common.
Type 3: The Accuser
This can girl is much, much more common on Instagram, but I've seen a few here too... The Accuser takes "cancel culture" to the extreme and is canceling a person for something every single day (and encouraging others to do the same) despite the fact that she still likes them apparently (you'll see that she still posts about this person who is "awful")? She thinks the boys are abusing their fame by not promoting social justice very publicly at all times, she has problems with all their girlfriends, she thinks the album is taking too long and that they're being lazy; she goes on rants about symbolism in the songs, makes every conversation about social justice no matter the relevance, and picks fights about the most ridiculous things. (Again, this was on Instagram, but I had two girls fighting over which twin had the larger gay following and things got INTENSE). This girl is quick to anger and accuse, wants everyone to be on her side and thinks even minor disagreements are Literal Death, and still proclaims to love the band despite finding fault in everything they do. High probability she excludes Danny or hates him the most. Yikes.
Note: If you're mad at "The Accuser" one cause, hey, sometimes there are problems that need to be addressed, keep reading.
Type 4: The Defender
While I prefer this girl over The Accuser, she is also... not perfect. The Defender, in contrast to The Accuser (and probably fighting directly against her in a reblog chain no one else bothers to read cause ugh this again), thinks that the GVF boys are literal angels on earth who can do no wrong. She agrees and backs up every decision they and their management make, and always jump to their defense whether it’s music, looks, actions, or online activity being criticized. She is probably a pacifist, heavily dislikes fighting, and wholeheartedly believes in “peace love and unity”. I wouldn’t say that she is naive or irresponsible entirely, but she tends to ignore anything that she dislikes or else immediately jumps to the defense. Think One Direction fangirls circa the early 2010s. 
Type 5: The Happy Hippie Medium
This girl is what I, personally, would consider an enthusiastic yet responsible fan. She generally stays outside of the drama because it has nothing to do with her, she thinks it’s too silly to argue about, or she just values her sanity and peace. She does, occasionally, chime in on matters that she thinks are too important to be ignored, whether it’s the wait time for the album or their social media presence, and she’s always respectful about stating her opinion. She loves Greta and posts quite a bit about them, including original content, but she also has other interests that she blogs about. It could be other bands, aesthetic photos, astrology, artwork, tv shows, activism, it doesn’t really matter, but you’ll find that her blog is an interesting and utterly disorganized haven of herself. Gives great recommendations on all manner of things, and has probably been to a concert and had the time of her life.
Type 6: The Obsession Blog
This is the girl - or, rather, the blog - that is 100% about Greta Van Fleet. Every bit of content that comes in or out is GVF related; she’s the one you go to if you want a certain picture or an ear to hear your fantasies. Even more so if her blog has a specific topic, such as a Sam Kiszka blog! (Or @gretavanfleetconfessions lmao shameless self plug). She probably also has one or more side blogs where she has other content she is interested in, as well as personal information. I am surprised at how often I follow both blogs without knowing it’s the same person!!!
So, I think that those 6 types covers pretty much all the types of fans of GVF on Tumblr, or maybe more accurately their attitudes and content. I admit that I probably walk the line between “Happy Hippie ” and “The Defender”; I try to keep a healthy balance between my obsessions and a healthy amount of affection to GVF, sometimes that means ignoring stuff! 
I have also noticed that there are things that a LOT of GVF fangirls have in common that aren’t band related, but make this fandom more vibrant and close nonetheless. Many of us:
are musicians
are writers 
are artists (plugging @sphoox cause she’s my favorite but seriously all the artists rock)
generally like to be creative, whether it’s crochet or cooking or making moodboards
have other shared bands, such as: Led Zeppelin, Fleetwood Mac, Motley Crue, Guns n Roses, Nick Cave, Hanson, Harry Styles, Lana Del Ray, Twenty One Pilots, David Bowie, Pearl Jam, Metallica...
have other shared tv shows and movies, such as: Avatar the Last Airbender, The Witcher, Killing Eve, Mad Men, The Office, Parks and Rec, Labyrinth, Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, The Adams Family, Pirates of the Carribean...
are interested in astrology and star signs
are interested in history
are interested in fashion
love to read and learn (not necessarily in school) and have all manner of knowledge
are in the LGBT+ community
are women of color, in and outside the U.S.!
are neurodivergent 
love nature and being active outdoors
love and share various aesthetics, whether it’s cottage core or ‘67 hippy or 80s rocker vibes
I love this fandom community and hope I can remain a part of it for a long time! There are things that diversify us and things that bring us closer together, plus, of course, the four wonderful (and sexy) musicians that brought us all together in the first place. What type of fan do you consider yourself to be? Was I accurate (enough), are there more types? I hope I haven’t wildly offended too many people lol....
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kilnkin · 7 years
📝 i’ve thought a little bit before about like, trying to reconcile mischievous pranking boarding school ai with oh so above it all wsc ai and it kinda seems like she’s just bound to chafe against whatever environment she’s put in?? like too special for normie school, too normal/functional for weirdo school. ai doesn’t like being told what to do or where to go, will be petty and do the opposite if possible, and i think unless she’s off really truly doing her own thing she’s always gonna have a bit/a Lot of built up resentment. kinda restless, kinda perpetually unsatisfied, which is also inevitable when she has such high standards for the people around her, and for herself. the ever increasing awareness and kind of eye rolling at these invented idealised versions of everyone is also like, very fun lmao, peaking with her literally renaming fantasy moire?? ai when moire acts like a dumbass: moira would never do this to me. idk she could be having fun and rolling with it all and some part of her will always be like they’re embarrassing themselves actually :/ cause she’s so tied up in perception. obv represented with like, shapeshiting, and also her self image issues, and her slowly dealing with that stuff is also really good actually?? step one: ai learns not to judge ai. step two: ai learns not to judge other people. probably. maybe. at some point. but she’s also so into like what does this person think of this person how do they See them how do they See me. idk!! this isn’t insightful i just love her. shapeshifters are always good who needs a stable sense of self Anyway
👀 honestly?? ai just makes aud act really immature lmao. in the stuck out tongue everything’s a comeback everything’s a contest sort of way, but also like, “look at this weird bug/weird tumblr post/weird thing i did to my own face. cool huh? it’s pretty gross. bet you think it’s gross. haha you totally do!!!”
the more i think about it the more similar aud and ai are, which is just like, really funny, and maybe explains those weird times where they actually get along?? they’re both extra in the same way, cause they’re both very invested in curating like, Looks and concepts and aesthetics, and even if they’re on wildly different ends of the aesthetic spectrum aud sees these funny little overlaps, like weird rocks and overdone femininity and frogs in dresses and eye-arm and other assorted body horrors. she definitely uses the last as a Gotcha to be like, haha you’re not as boring and stuffy as you pretend to be. idk. aud does think she’s pretty boring and stuffy though, which bugs her cause she thinks ai could be cool if she got over herself/was less shallow. it’s super obvious to aud that ai thinks she’s better than her? aud voice it’s true but you shouldn’t say it. aud thinks she’s judgemental, and fake, and a kiss-ass, and like, bitchy but only sometimes in the fun way. and she takes all these flaws kinda personally again bc of wasted potential (ai told her she used to be a menace but wouldn’t cough up any good stories like what a rip off!!) but also cause she’s kinda jealous of her. she doesn’t want to miss ai but she does, in a weird fucky bitter way, so she’s a little bitter about everything. they got on during bodyswap cause ai got knocked down a peg (the immediate mutual acknowledgement that aud got the upgrade there was a highlight tbqh) but now she’s all high horsey and overly suspicious again and aud’s like, shut up omg, i’m not actually conspiring against you all the time, get over it.
literally both of them: why’s she so obsessed with me
👀 clea didn’t think much of ai (like literally didn’t think about her) until i think prom island?? when they were like, genuinely really impressed by her attitude and resourcefulness and thought like, oh shit, she’s cool and always giving out free food, friend material. then the etsuko thing, and ai’s continued weirdness with nick and also daisy, and clea’s just like, oh bummer, she’s a total busybody and probably doesn’t like me. the two biggest clea turnoffs. whatcha gonna do
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