#nick klinger
smashpages · 2 years
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The comics website Broken Frontier announced the winners of their annual awards earlier this month, with ND Stevenson’s Substack comic I’m Fine I’m Fine Just Understand taking the prize in the webcomics category. Stevenson was up against an impressive array of webcomics, including Buuza!! by Shazleen Khan (pictured above); Drowse by Frank Verano, Nick Klinger, Jaime Huxtable and Taylor Esposito; Lore Olympus by Rachel Smythe; and Ragwort Wood by Sarah Gordon — all of which are worth a click, so check them out.
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2 notes · View notes
nolanhattrick · 3 months
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acetaminophen ?
18 notes · View notes
wellntruly · 1 year
M*A*S*H Season 2….it’s top tier for me.
I couldn’t leave well enough alone, strayed off my list, and now come back to you with a new & improved Season 2 Viewguide: Deluxe Edition. I took away two, added four. One was a swap with the bonus eps—it’s going main! Then I added mmm another two more to the bonus list. LISTEN...
Probably it will all start to make sense if you see how long my notes are.
M*A*S*H Season 2 Notes At Last This Time We Took Them!
2x01 ‘Divided We Stand’
“Together, Pierce and McIntyre make a remarkable pair--” and it’s a reveal on them fully losing at strip poker
Radar just steering Klinger away muttering “You’ll get your dress dirty,” my moonbirds <3
A bit that never fails on me is someone being like oh none for me thanks, and then the remark that both glasses are for the other person. I think the earliest I’ve seen this is a Nick & Nora Charles movie in the ‘30s, maybe After The Thin Man? And it definitely happens on M*A*S*H multiple times, here and then I’m sure Margaret does it to Hawkeye in the Officer’s Club in a later season. EVERY TIME, I’m chuckling.
I have been in a state that I believe Hawkeye is in in this moment, where you’ve just been very tired for a long time and something in your emotional cortex is kinda dulled so you’re just sitting there watching someone, not warning them that something startling is about to happen to them, and then it does, and you laugh like the numbed gremlin you’ve become. For me it was tech rehearsal, for them it’s you know, a field hospital in a war. Anyway this is all why 1000% do I believe that this has happened to Hawkeye before, trying to wake Trapper and Trapper practically bruising his arm as he jolts awake with a shout.
I’ve decided to explain the fact that Alda bundles into a cap and scarf at the slightest provocation and Rogers does not with the Watsonian supposition that Trapper runs warm. Test it out, feels true right, feels good.
“I mean as screwy as this outfit is, better the devil you know, right?” and then this little wiggle shrug thing?? McLean???! I’m weeping, why is this whole showers scene hilarious. They keep catching the tail end of Wayne Rogers laughing when they cut to a different shot—that'd be me.
This half stammered exclamation “What the h-ell!?” as Radar runs up on him in the dark, god why is McLean Stevenson SO funny in this episode
“look normal”
They’re all WET in Henry's office right now, the shoulders of their jackets. Had it rained outside? Was there a cut outdoor scene?
“Frank showed up here cracked, with a Bible in one hand and a pair of shorts that said ‘Hold me’ in the other.” Wow orig booty shorts joke courtesy of B.F. Pierce
ACTUALLY. Another notch in the Timeloop Theory is Hawkeye constantly claiming Radar is his son with some member of the outfit (typically Trapper, here Margaret), and people like Henry hurriedly clarifying “He is not!”—yeah, Henry, how long do you think you’ve all been here
2x02 ‘5 O’Clock Charlie’
Have we addressed that Hawkeye’s name for Trapper when they’re being Brit-ish is ‘Reggie’? He says it twice.
Alda uses the same drawl of eagerness for “Oh do, Frank [give us a direct order]” that he does when Margaret threatens to kick him and he goes “Would you? With high heels?” Just for everyone's notes.
Hawk & Trap just sure know how to have fun, y’know! We all should have these kinds of relationships!
I like when Trapper goes all smart and take-charge. Very sexy of him.
TRULY this infantry drag routine added a year to my life when I first encountered it. Alan Alda is just so good at this. His extremely pantomime/vaudeville faces to Radar as they fail at all the commands, how very camp it all is, Trapper in MacArthur cosplay with his belt buckled over his untucked shirt and yet still hot, Frank…. an Iconic Scene.
Whomst is this random other guy just noodling on a guitar while Trapper and Hawkeye drink and muse on their problems
Ohhh okay he’s the current dentist. Hey, remember when there were dentists? That totally stops at the transition, huh!
I had definitely missed that they’ve got olives in their shower martini IV bottle. Also: what doesn’t this episode have.
Lololol Odessa Cleveland just hitting this “I’m ready to do the 4:30 feeding.” She really should have stayed around Kellye-style.
That every time Frank goes to pull out his gun it’s some new classic comedy prop they’ve swapped in is wonderful
Hawkeye & Trapper bundling Frank off to get a meal with them, “Why can’t I stay mad at you two lugs?” “We’ll work something out.” God…? <3
2x04 ‘For the Good of the Outfit’
Hmm maybe this episode fucks totally? I looooove them going off to take down the US Army, it's a crash to earth in the best way after 'Charlie'
“These fragments are as American as apple pie and Napalm.” Yell! Hell yeah, Trap.
“Radar, if you want me, I won’t be anywhere.” Lol Henry
Filing reports against the Army together, jumping off Lovers Leap together…
Radar translating to their nicknames to Henry under his breath WHAT is happening, I’m hootling
Love Hawkeye with his feet up on a desk, tired eyes and a phone to his ear, Trapper leaning with his collar up behind him, trying to make the American military take responsibility, for once
Writing to his dad in post-op while diegetic jazz plays! Atmosphere~
Whoa I do not remember a lot of this! Stopping Hawkeye’s mail out! Marking his movement “restricted”! This is getting really serious and scary!
Now he’s got his feet up yet his ankles crossed. Incredible advances in gay sitting.
Henry coming off entirely spineless this episode, c’monnn Blake
WOW General Clayton a) threatened to follow them forever, b) or threatened instead to just send them to an aid station to die on the line (implied)!!!!!!!!
“Go, Frank, go.” Trap I love you I love this. The 11th hour inadvertent save by Mssrs. Burns & Houlihan! Good ep good ep
“Take her, he’s mine :)” Hawkeye MY GOD.
2x05 ‘Dr. Pierce and Mr. Hyde’
What I like about my new S2 lineup is this run from
“They’re mad, quite mad all of them!” to
hahah ohh yeah no they are all mad, bless ‘em
to suddenly oh JESUS, but also spilling backwards to the two you’ve just watched because like, what else do you DO, you just pull out lawn chairs and a Trans-Atlantic accent and bet about whether Charlie will hit the ammunition dump, or you try to get the whole Army arraigned, it's basically toss a coin each day, heads I win tails you lose
then from there on to the secret third option we haven’t done yet: Maybe Hawkeye Goes Mad For Real
So here we gooooo! (This one is one of my favorite-favorites)
Trapper steering Hawkeye out of surgery is something that can be so—
Running tally: “20 hours of surgery,” “some day and before that it was some night”
Obsessed with all the mud business. The jeep coming by and spraying their legs, the guy tripping and falling in it as he runs. None of this is relevant to the plot or even commented on, it’s just texture.
“Morpheus, don’t just stand there, I’m yours.”
Trapper Watching Hawkeye In This Episode !
Hits on Henry, and that’s a sign. To Henry. I think. I think about a lot of things. Some of it is Henry picking up Hawkeye behaviors that worry him, for what else they are usually masking.
Running tally: Frank has been asleep three times while Hawkeye has gone on operating. Now that one I don’t know quite how to tabulate.
There is something oddly endearing about Hawkeye still trying to hit on the nurses when he’s nearly too tired to even lift his arms from where Radar is pushing him by in a wheelchair. I think it’s that there is so obviously no real intent behind it, no actual design to follow through with these offers. Just saying words recreationally, as the post goes.
Radar: “Now let me get you to bed here, make sure you’re comfortable.” Hawkeye: “That’s what they all say.” Hawk….you are so worrisome this episode though really!
Running tally: It’s now morning, so it’s been another night since our opening scene. He has definitely been awake for two nights, two days, 48 hours minimum.
Okay and now it’s night, so another 12 hours: 60
“You are turning into a 170 pound fruitcake.” Trapper…couple questions
Could Radar really not know the word Holocaust OR a popular Bing Crosby carol? This always distracts me for a moment.
Hawkeye haltingly singing ‘I’ll Be Home For Christmas’ into the quiet while crying, the dark night of the camp stretched around them, is something that can fuck me up <3
‘I’ll Be Home For Christmas’ was released in 1943, previous episode it was stated to be 1951, so 8 years ago. Hawkeye is presumably supposed to be in his early 30s (slightly younger than Alda himself), so we’re talking like early-/mid-20s he was lying on a rug listening to this song. And now he’s out of the med school that kept him from being drafted into WWII, and swept into another war after all.
“Dear Harry. Who’s responsible?” It's like my heart holds.
Running tally: It’s the next day. 72 hours.
Coming back to some of M*A*S*H again no longer on a good amount of hydromorphone (hi) is, far from a more sober experience, actually at times creating a sensation not unlike my mind is shattering like a bag of frozen peas smacked against the counter
GOD Alda! Eyes!
“I like that,” he says with a little smile, draping a couple pieces of toilet paper on the latrine. “It sells.” My fucking heart.
Physical acting award to GARY BURGHOFF, panicking in place next to Trapper for a solid few seconds before running off after them
Trapper and Henry playing solitaire together while watching over Hawkeye sleeping fitfully under presumably their fave phenobarbital kills me so softly. Whole vibe something so warm and domestic and bleak and fucked up, and the lines all So much. “McIntyre, what makes him do these things?”
2x09 ‘Dear Dad…Three’
Hawkeye just watching Trapper & Frank play gin, grinning. The way sometimes they’re roommates like this..
“Go ahead, Cuddles, take a card.” CUDDLES, TRAPPER?
Hawkeye reciting ‘Gunga Din’ ostensibly to praise Ginger’s nursing prowess is so 1973
Not to be such a laugh track supporter, again, but this is another episode I actually think plays better WITH it, as the contrast from the goofy cards scene with the communal laughs to the strained quiet as they try to remove this grenade from a soldier’s body is just so compelling to me.
Leaving in Alan Alda casually fighting through a yawn is so so so so so good. This show is so lived in, makes it feel oddly real for all its artificial 25-minute sitcom trappings.
Henry’s video from home scene reeeaally got to me, on the hydromorphone. The way they just gradually get more rapt and quiet even as nothing is really happening in the video, it’s just normal, and that’s what’s getting to them.
Man the Indiana suburbs are wild
“I could see that all over again.” This is kinda why I love Trapper, honestly. Part of it.
Ginger acting like he’s passing is just THE FUNNIEST PART OF THIS, I laugh every time. “Good job, baby!” GINGER!
The staff meeting is simply perfect. A perfect scene of television comedy. No notes, just want to show it to everyone I know.
I mean it’s just so funny when the racist soldier literally says "You've given me a lot to think about," and still just real nice when he salutes Ginger, whatever! Sure it’s cheesy! We all know! But it’s 1970/1950! They were trying to do something!
2x10 ‘The Sniper’
Oho had forgot this is the one where Trapper has a mild head cold, in his goldenrod robe
“Is your cold better?” “Does a cold ever get bettah?” Trap, Icon
Alda looks notably skinny here. It’s his so shaped body… Like a plank, breadth seems normal but then you turn him sideways and it’s like oh, that is a thin flat man.
Trapper’s mocking laugh back to Frank while shoving his gun away—SO BOYFRIEND THIS EPISODE
Trapper just hollered to Hawkeye to take notes on his date. God. It really is that kind of queered heterosexuality where all their nurse pursuits are ultimately just about bonding with each other. The heterosexual in service to the homosocial.
“Eight cans, eight shots. That should be about right.” Larry Linville, I’m laughing my butt off.
I miss the Japanese ‘Happy Days Are Here Again’ cover every day of my life
Henry: “Well hell's bells, we’re a hospital! That’s against the Geneva Convention!” Radar: “I’m not for it either, sir.”
Full male rear nudity on American broadcast television, M*A*S*H truly did it all
Trapper’s already on the phone with someone when Hawkeye crawls into the office, GOD the competence. So boyfriend this episode, reprise.
Oh haven’t mentioned yet how very very cute it is that Henry’s office is papered with his daughter’s drawings she sends him. I like to imagine that it’s actually a bit of a gallery, that other members of the unit tack up some of their kid’s drawings too.
“Radar—” “Get a white flag, yes sir. [little head shake]” Gary is incredible this episode
“You could roll over first” is definitely the assault joke too far. I actually can kinda forgive the first "violations" one weirdly because of the follow-up on it later, but this one is like, Hawk come ON.
Frank just happily head-empty drawing circles on Margaret’s kneeeee :)
Oh my god Radar’s bit where he says his metabolism makes his body turn to liquid…I'm dyin'
The rhythm of this episode, this transition now to creeping outside in the dark to find Frank and THIS MUSIC. This show should have had more score honestly, I always enjoy what it brings so much.
And then bringing Frank with him to go investigate the mess tent! Yes! This script is perfectly structured, truly.
God yeah and the ending, going up to treat the man who was shooting at them…too good, gotta include it.
2x12 ‘The Incubator’
They are so so wretched and hungover and soft, moving and speaking with each other so gently and pained, god I love these messes
Something so endearingly funny to me about Radar casually explaining “I was too sleepy” for why they didn’t use him as their virgin sacrifice last night. Like, everyone’s got a role to play in society! Sometimes you’re the camp’s temple virgin! ….Oh wow actually Radar is a vestal virgin. Being a vestal virgin is all about having arcane knowledge, so many mysterious little jobs, and an attitude. Radar, lean into this.
They actually WANT Frank to chastise them for their night, god, their relationship sometimes!!! And then they’re genuinely like aw, geee, recognizing he’s right they aren’t the bright eyed bushy tailed young doctors he met. “We’re gonna get our tails bushed again, you’ll see!”
Hawkeye is still using 'bushy tail' as a shorthand a scene later
This episode? Good. Good choice, past me. I like how it starts with the aftermath of goofy debauchery, then starts showing itself to be a mission episode, with the two off them getting more driven as they get more sober, while still holding ice packs to their foreheads to illicit our chuckles at their hungover patheticness.
“Henry the war’s been running for two years, surely the government must be showing a profit by now.” Haha damn.
Hawkeeeeyyye, he’s now taken to calling their new era simply “B.T.”, and Trapper just nods knowing what he means while Henry’s like what the hell?
Henry’s advice is to show up looking handsome. I love Henry's approach to things.
And now it becomes a Great River of Commerce story. It’s a good script!!!
Riveted by how Hawkeye’s glinting sarcasm is scanning as genuine delight in avarice to this guy, while Trapper’s straightforwardness gets him labeled as the one with “a nasty streak of morality.” Hawkeye, glancing a quick amused look at him: haha babe he thinks I’m Evil. Trapper: sighhh. u are.
The other thing that crushes in this episode is that after rocking up in full Class A uniforms at the start of their odyssey, they start gradually shedding pieces, giving them new looks for each successive stage of their quest. A reverse of the wives in Mad Max: Fury Road.
Pierce & McIntyre operating as a duo can power me for a day. They just seamlessly play to each other’s strengths. Let Hawkeye get up and get mouthy but clever, draw attention, land a few points that aren’t gonna fade so quickly, and then when they turn to Trapper, thinking he’s gonna be someone reasonable they can fall back on, he just literally stands up to join him at his shoulder like, floor back to him I think. This general, it dawning on him: “Are you two together?” Hawkeye, literally, with a loose little smile: “In all kinds of weather.”
God and now they’re just a double act, picking up each other’s sentences, laying out a wall of fact on data point on incriminating detail.
They are just so sexy this episode
‘The Incubator’: kind of a perfect little episode to be honest! A secret fave, of the kind I have. I have my actual, more flashy faves, and then I have my other ones where it’s like, you know which episode I really love?
2x13 ‘Deal Me Out’
Hawk & Trap hollering at Radar as he takes their towels, little nose in the air: “I’m kidding!” “He was kidding!” “You’re beautiful!” #VestalVirginBehavior
I wish Captain Sam Pak had been in 15 more episodes. The M*A*S*H judge-of-character equivalent of whether or not a dog likes you is whether or not someone moves right past Klinger wearing dresses to getting engaged with his style choices, and Sam does immediately.
It’s entertaining to me that Hawkeye loves poker while consistently having mediocre to poor luck. He’s always just casually fucking up and folding. He's not good at this! And doesn't seem to care! He's just in it for the card game gossip.
“Hi, Frank. What’s new up on the Mount?” SID-NEY.
Aw forgot this is the one with baby John Ritter, winging an enameled cup at Frank’s head
What I love about this episode is that for a story that is predominately about sitting around a table, it has SUCH movement, literally and figuratively. Everything is continuously escalating over in the hospital, AND at the game in the Swamp, as various characters are getting up from and returning to the game. Another contributor is that they just keep adding new people into the mix: we get Sidney and Sam right up front, then the old Korean man, John Ritter, FLAGG... Just a real sense that this is a whole camp of numerous people all engaged in their little things, which I always love when a show can pull off.
Wild for whenever Henry is compelled to remember he’s the commanding officer and pulls rank on someone, particularly Flagg. Except hey, Flagg’s a colonel too… Well he’s wearing captain’s bars here though, they probably hadn’t decided that yet.
“Thanks for seeing me, Sidney :)” 15 EPISODES AND A MOVIE
Was staring and staring at Sam’s insignia trying to figure out what on earth was going on here, and finally realized: he’s Korean Army. Shaking my damn head.
2x11’Carry On, Hawkeye’
Phantom PA guy’s voice cracking with illness—he too is susceptible to disease
Is this breathing through my ears joke a thing, or just something very odd he is saying
Hawkeye instantly delegating Margaret to replace Frank working with Sheila, and having Father Mulcahy step in to assist him: you love to see management in action
“Father, as long as we’re working together, is it alright if I call you Dad?” Stopp
Radar bringing Hawkeye coffee in an orange mug that says “HANK” (?) while he sits on the phone at Henry’s desk whimsically yet urgently trying to explain to a general that yes he’s a capable young surgeon but he’s not looking for a husband, he’s looking for help. Sorry, once again I don’t have a comment, I just love it. The mug is so "workplace"!! Just inheriting random objects!!
Radar, happy that Hawkeye is semi-letting him make him take command: “Yes, sir!” Hawkeye, drawing up: “Don’t get fresh.”
Margaret all I’M IN CHARGE, and Hawkeye just like that would be terrific in so many ways, thank you
I actually think this episode is a great blueprint for what makes Hawkeye’s sexism such an odd grey area. His quips to the nurses are almost always around their sexual availability, but that doesn’t actually preclude him from also totally trusting them as fellow medical professionals, possibly more than any other doctor in this camp. He’s confident in them, praises their good work, and above all puts them in charge of things, that’s the part that really feels outré for the 1950s. And the Army, for that matter. And he does all this while also joking that he wishes he could put his arms around them. It’s all a muddle!
I DIE. Did CBS simply not know about pegging, is that how they got this scene through. I mean it's fucking perfect.
Henry, walking in still feverish: “Well, Mr. and Mrs. 4077th.” I still don’t even know how to unpack this, just that god, it needs to be. THEY’RE A NARRATIVE PAIR. The prom king & queen of the MASH unit. Mr. and Mrs. 4077th.
Trapper wants to help him so bad. Also wants him to kiss his forehead in the middle of post-op. Trapper honey you are so under the weather.
GODDD I love Hawkeye & Margaret, these two!!!! This is where it started babyyy. His little goofy forlorn face looking up at her as she sticks the thermometer in his mouth, her little warmed dancing quirk of a smile when he says he wants to get well to tease her all over again, this literal expression :)). Themmm!
Hawkeye: “Radar, you’ll be assisting Margaret Houlihan, nurse, friend, and all-around good egg.” Radar and Margaret: Margaret, gently: “He’s very sick.” [softly] help!
“Okay gang. Ours is not to question why…” Ohhh. “Ours is not to let ‘em die.” But he doesn’t finish it here. He’s too sick, he just trails off as he works, and we don’t get the end of it until the start of Season 4.
His little sweet squinted up grin, “That really hits me where I live, thanks!” Haha help!
Radar trying to take his pulse and realizing he doesn’t have a watch to count byyy
Listen if it wasn’t obvious I adore this one
2x24 ‘A Smattering of Intelligence’
This opening bit with Margaret is such peak Hawkeye. I can hardly explain. Quipping to a patient to get better before the movie that night, the horrible outfit, the flirting that is just all self-deprecating or offering her use of his hands.
Margaret: [rips Flagg’s sleeve off] “Oh.” Hawkeye: “You thought about going into burlesque, Colonel?”
Flagg is currently presenting as only a Lieutenant Colonel. FYI. Even rank with Henry.
“He’s a CPA.” I laughed way more than I should have at this.
I thought I was going to be able to handle Hawkeye in shorts, but now he’s sitting like a weirdo in the Swamp and I’m not, I’m not able to handle it.
“Captain Stone.” “That’s not my real name.” “Ohh boy.” Henry is already so tired.
Henry: “Why do we have to be in the middle? Can’t you let my people go?”
He’s lounging again. With his boots and his bare knees.
He also has an entire pocket of these Q-tips he’s been chewing on this episode. What’s up, baby.
A lot of screen-cap-worthy shots in this episode. You've probably already seen some of them. That's because people are making good choices.
Okay but spy Radar is so choice though. He's perfect.
“Fellas, it’s been both a privilege and a nightmare meeting you.” I gotta start saying this.
2x20 ‘As You Were’
What I like about the one where everyone’s going stir-crazy is the physicality with which they’re rendering this mental state. Hawkeye just crossed the mess tent to Frank predominantly on top of the benches, stretched out practically full length on his elbow next to him to ask what he’s doing, then clambered back to Trapper along the bench tops again. Just very good.
Ohhhhhh my god, I forgot this was the one where Trapper & Hawkeye put Frank in a box. Watching and waiting as Radar plays the morning ‘Reveille’, drinking coffee in their robes….
Klinger’s red outfit is fire lbr
They make Henry deliver just so many sex lectures
Gary’s perfect delivery of that VD line is what makes this whole scene worth it
The amount of Klinger outfits we get this episode! And they’re always complimenting him!
Margareeetttt like yes, yes of course Frank, they’re horrible, but also oh my god the thing you WANT them to do is operate on you
They’re soooo impossible <33 swooping into the operating room with their gloved sterile hands up, still doing this whole comedy routine <3 Frank is SUFFERING
“He’s an idiot, but he’s really stacked.” Trapper Why
I really do love this episode. It’s made in the transition to the second half being all surgery.
Henry: “Organize some donors, Father, get plenty of blood.” Trapper: “Yeah you’ve just been promoted to vampire.” Hawkeye: “Turn in your cross.”
Fourth Klinger outfit, and it’s fabulous. In case he gets dizzy giving blood he “brought a pair of low heels.” I love him.
Gary’s impression of “a major” on the phone is Quite good. Fun to be reminded that he’s a talented impressionist.
Oh okay, Radar canonically 19. Wait what was that Karl Urban Bones meme, like oh great Jim, he’s 19.
“Fred? Do you think the principal saw us?” Frank what
This episode has an incredible amount of gay quips. OH GOD is that what that was earlier about Fred??!
Aw wow, when the newborn baby cries and they all look up from the wounds they’re working on
Fifth Klinger outfit. Doozy of an ep.
2x22 ‘George’
Trapper singing most if not all of ‘I’ve Got You Under My Skin’ in surgery
Hawkeye, all worn out: “I hate sunrise. And those damn birds will start singing in a minute. Who are they to remind us of happiness?” Nurse: “We go back on again in an hour.” Hawkeye: “Amazing.” Nurse: “The sunrise?” Hawkeye: “The O.R. The amount of punishment the human body can take and still survive.” Trapper: “The doctors or the patients?” Hawkeye: “Which are we?” Wow okay Stoppard M*A*S*H (♥)
Someone’s gotta explain this “It only happens when I go tourist” line to me, as it’s ostensibly the reason why Private Weston knows he can come out to Hawkeye and what on EARTH does that mean!
Hawkeye: “What’s your rush, the war will still be there. Its options have been picked up for another year.” Lordy. M*A*S*H walked so Arrested Development could run honestly.
LOVE the way George comes out by the way. Little obvious logic puzzle, and Hawkeye perfectly playing along.
The entire pick-up football game tackling Father Mulcahy upstage makes me laugh so, so much
Oh god yeah—shots checkers
Wild that they are getting very very drunk playing shots checkers to try to talk about how this soldier has come out to Hawkeye and now what do they do
Wiiiild how many exhausted gay ass looks Hawley keeps giving to Trapper as Frank shares his ~information~
Love that Trapper is construing of homosexual behavior as just an expression of “individuality.” That so figures for him. God what a man.
Hawkeye: “How can you kick this little puppy of a person?” The puppy is Radar.
“Frank, why are you telling me this? Has the man made a pass at you? At me, at anyone?” I love Henry Blake. “Well you just never know, do you?” I am convinced sometimes he does. I am convinced Henry Blake knows far more about some of his officers in some regards than Potter ever did, and is just peaceably pretending he has no idea so that he’s got plausible deniability to keep not doing anything about it. Which is what makes it so annoying that Frank is talking to him about this right now.
It really is stunning that in the episode with the canon queer character & associated fall-out they are not remotely stopping doing things like Hawkeye stepping in for this nurse and stroking his hand until Henry asks if they can skip past the manicure
“a noncommittal goodbye leer”
Oho, Trapper canonically 6’3”. Damn Hawk your boyfriends are all so tall
Goddd bless Larry Linville for somehow making “Trap” sound like the most awkward terrible thing coming out of his mouth
“Trapper John McHypocrite” and asking him to look you in the eye could be a BIT much for the specifics of Weston’s situation, Hawkeye! Let’s reel around, let’s pivot!
The saucy no-hetero rewrite of this final button is too easy, and at least they gave us that.
2x21 ‘Crisis’
Father Mulcahy looks so cute in his jacket. He’s got his collar flipped up against the wind. Philadelphia <3
“Morning, Father. Take a pew.” Cute
Pierce, stop flirting with the priest
Very surprising that Alda is the least bundled up in this scene, how'd this happen
Trapper commenting that he’s gotta write this Frankism down and then actually doing it and sticking the note in his shirt pocket—my guy
Very foolish to put Hawkeye on maintenance & general services
Henry: “Now Radar will be the Housing Officer. Before this is over, we may have to double up or triple up to save heat. Radar will decide who sleeps with who.” Trapper: “Radar, I’d like to see you right after the meeting.” It’s such a funny line reading, and then he ends up cozy in adjoined cots with Hawkeye and it’s even better.
Oooo is this the debut of Klinger’s fur coat!
I love when the couples face off
Trapper, holding an unlit flashlight on Frank as he tries to move for the hot plate: “I’ve got you covered.”
Frank: “Ohh, you!” Together: “We are Not.” I’m gonna murder them
All them piling in shivering to the Swamp fills my heart with, incongruously, warmth. This is when the show really started to family them. The addition of Father Mulcahy and Corporal Klinger is key to this.
Klinger: “I’ve never slept in an officer’s tent before.” Hawkeye: “We’ll try to be kind.” Oh my god
Second appearance of Radar’s homemade surgical gauze & headphones earmuffs, BLESS
Love Klinger practicing skincare
“Power boss,” fun. Trapper really does take to being responsible for something so well. He likes a task.
I’ll never be over Trapper & Hawkeye essentially in a double bed under Frank sideways in a hammock. This was such wonderful blocking. “Frank, stop swinging.”
“Father, it’s cold out there—you want my stole?” “Oh, thank you my son!” Meanwhile, the boys are scrabbling around with Frank’s feet trying to steal his socks. Larry: “Noooo!” Obsessed with this episode
Haha it actually does kinda feel like a season finale the way it ends on the visual of Henry’s office now entirely empty. Thanks for validating my order choices, M*A*S*H!
Viewguides (selected episodes for each season; M*A*S*H reduced like a gravy)
Misc. MASH (formless notes from my watches)
#M*A*S*H hours (all this & More)
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ems-self-ships-galore · 9 months
The World as We Know Chapter One - Awakening
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How long had it been since the house was full of life?
How long were they all waiting?
How long?
Seeing that once beautiful house, all overgrown with foliage like nature had decided to retake it, made them all sad. Worried even, for their lovers, their friends, their pets, and their family were all in there last they checked, before they left them behind.
Emma, for Nicholas and Eddie.
Cordelia, for Pierre, Olga, and Alexei.
Luna, for Ren, Hisoka, Rui, Akari, and Shiragiku.
Maryse, for Stephen.
Cora, for Calvin.
Samara, for Miles, Phoenix, Maya, Pearl, and Trucy.
Jacqueline, for Franziska and Apollo.
Mary, for Nick, Deacon, Piper, and Cait.
Elizabeth, for Arthur, Javier, Charles, and Sadie.
Louise, for Jonathan.
Selene, for Jackson.
Sidonie, for Raoul and Erik.
Imogen, for Brahms.
Moira, for Vilkas.
Ameia, for Serana and Brynjolf.
Hannah, for Leon, Luis, and Ada.
Rosetta, for Helena.
Christina, for Joshua.
The Docent, for The Curator.
Jerusha, for Simon.
Josephine, for John.
Leah, for Abraham and Mary.
Lillian, for Andrew and Daniel.
Lisbeth, for Abed and Troy.
Natalia, for GraveRobber and Shilo.
Athena, for Janni and Allan.
Evie, for Dan and Laurie.
Emestria, for Claire.
Alessia, for Gomez and Morticia.
Keira, for the Dust Witch.
Norah, for Egon.
Kathleen, for Booker and Elizabeth.
Copia, for Adam, Heather, the Guardians, and the Ravagers.
Heather, for Fox and Dana.
Celazith, for Geralt, Jaskier, Yennefer, and Cirilla.
Edith, for Eva and Neil.
Dorothy, For Inara.
Claire, for Alex.
Lady Vermillion, for The Suspects (save for Mr. Green) and Wadsworth.
Elora, for Bigby.
Ariadne, for Matt, Rosalind, Julia, Howard, and Michael.
Lydia, for Sebastian, Joseph, and Juli.
Lilly, for Miles.
Claudia, for Olive, Barbara, and Adam.
Delilah, for Jareth.
Courier Anna, for Red Lucy.
Queen Gwendolen, for Page and Ben.
Crystal, for Dale.
Eliane, for Alfred, Maria Robin, Aya, and Mathilda.
Caroline, for Austin and Scott.
Savannah, for Hawkeye and Klinger.
Ida, for Ten.
Richardis, for Spencer.
Lula, for Barbie and Ken.
Helen, for Q and Geordi.
Felicity, for Seven, Harry, and Tom.
Ruth, for Shannon and Junebug.
They all were referred to as the ones who left, yet they all stood in front of the house where they all once were a long time ago. It all felt odd, yet so relieving to be back. Deciding that the daylight was dimming and it would not be safe to stay out so late at night, only to be greeted with the once great and beautiful interior of the beloved house. Dust, cobwebs, and dilapidated furniture all lined every nook and cranny of the main hall; without a doubt the rest of the place as a whole was going to be in the same condition, if not much worse than here.
"We've been gone for so long?" Louise wondered as she glanced around the once grand place; she was glad to be back, but was more or less concerned with finding Jonathan. "It appears so, I wonder why none of our prospective lovers or our family greeted us?" Jacqueline stated. "Well I'm tired of waiting, I'm off to find Sebastian, Joseph, and Juli." Lydia stated as she went in a different direction, towards the specialty wing to be precise. "Lydia, wait! You don't know what could be lurking over there!" Ariadne called out to her, she was even going to follow her had Hannah not stopped her. "Relax, Dr. Camden- I am sure that Lydia knows what she is doing,"
"Ariadne does have a point though, there could be some unsavory shit lurking in the dark." Luna stated, picking up a bullwhip off the floor. "Wait a second- that's Franziska's whip," Jacqueline pointed out as she went over to Luna and took the bullwhip from her hands. "It's not like her to just leave her most prized possession here," She added. "You don't think something bad could've happened to Franziska, Miles, Phoenix, Pearl, and Trucy?" Samara wondered. "I hope not," Jacqueline stated. Just now, the group heard Lydia's call of anguish coming from somewhere in the specialty wing.
"Everyone else stay here! Celazith, Copia, and Kathleen- come with me," Hannah ordered as she, Celazith, Copia, and Kathleen rushed into the darkened specialty wing. "Lydia! Where the hell are you?" Copia called out first when she and Kathleen failed at looking into the other rooms, hoping to find Lydia alive. "In here! Come quick, please!" Lydia called out, Celazith managed to find Lydia first in the laboratory thanks to her using an illumination spell that Yennefer had taught her at some point. On the floor was Lydia, kneeling next to an unconscious yet hopefully not deceased Joseph Oda.
"I tried getting him to wake up but he can't! He just won't budge for me.." Lydia explained through tears pouring down her cheeks. Hannah rushed over after finding Copia, Celazith and Kathleen huddled around Lydia, checking Joseph's pulse. "He's got a pulse at least and I don't see any other injury he may have; I hate to say this Lydia, but Joseph is comatose." Hannah proclaimed. "What? No, this cannot be." Lydia began to doubt Hannah's statement, but one look on the Southern Huntress' face told Lydia that she was telling the truth; how Joseph became comatose to begin with was unknown, as he had no prior medical issues that would've caused this, and Lydia knew it well.
"If Joseph is laying still as a rock then that must mean-" Kathleen stated, coming to the harrowing realization that Booker and Elizabeth also must've been put under the same spell, the same thing applied to Celazith, Copia, and Hannah. "That must mean everyone else, not just the lovers but family and friends as well, are all asleep." Celazith added. The five rushed back to the group in the main hall who were still anxiously waiting for their return. "What happened? Did something happen to Lydia?" Emma asked. "Not quite, she found Joseph comatose in the lab." Hannah stated.
"But that is so strange, he didn't have any major health issues that would've caused that to happen- hell none of our lovers, friends, and our family did to begin with!" Elora pointed out. "Isn't your fiancé deathly allergic to silver?" Copia wondered. "Yes, but silver doesn't make Bigby comatose- it puts him in a morgue," Elora said. "Do you think some type of sleeping gas was released while we were gone?" Ariadne wondered. "That was my first thought, but no caliber of Nightcaller Temple's miasma is present here. Not even a trace," Moira pointed out. "Well that's just great, does anyone have any idea to fix this?" Claire asked, rather irritated at this point. "I could try, but I would need to do some research on this situation." Ariadne stated. "And how long would that take you, Ariadne?" Alessia asked. "Not too long, I would just need to apply what I already know to some newly acquired knowledge." Ariadne stated, right as she began her trek to the library. "Wait-! Let me come with, I think I know what we need to do!" Edith stated as she followed Ariadne.
In the darkened library where Edith and Ariadne walked, scouring the dusty shelves filled to the brim with tomes on every subject possible; separated by classification, Ariadne managed to find a book on the shelf named, To The Moon and Finding Paradise; flipping through it, Ariadne came across the peculiar method of memory traversal, so she decided to seek Edith out about it. "Edith, what do you know about this memory traversal?" Ariadne asked, walking up to her. "It was something that came with the job when I took up position at Sigmund Agency of Life- when I started working with Neil and Eva, memory traversal or memory alteration if you will- it's only used on people who are in their last stages of living, i.e. the elderly who are close to dying," Edith explained.
"Do you think it could be used on the comatose people in question?" Ariadne wondered. "It can be, in fact Neil has a machine that is for his own usage." Edith pointed out. "Perfect! All we need to do is get back to the others, tell them about our findings and seek out the comatose." Ariadne stated, a hint of glee on her face. "That is going to be a tedious task, for all I know all of our lovers, family, and friends are scattered about this place." Edith pointed out. "Then we'll all seek our lovers first, if we happen to come across any of our friends and family then that'll give us a jumping point at least." Ariadne stated, Edith seemed to agree with this, as this method was something that she was well acquainted with. "Give me a few to find Neil's machine, then we'll pick someone from the group to go first and then so on and so on." Edith suggested, just as she left Ariadne alone in the library. Taking a few seconds to look for another source book, Ariadne managed to find the source where she, Matt, and their own children came from; aptly named, 7th Heaven.
Ariadne was starting to get a little emotional as she read the text dating from 1996 to approximately the late aughts-early 2010s; 1996, was when she met Matt; she was rather shy seventeen year old at the time who had moved with her parents to Glen Oak from San Francisco because the latter did not provide ample quiet for the Phillips Family. Then leaving Glen Oak behind due to taking an apprenticeship. Meeting Matt again at Columbia University. Graduating and moving into an apartment with him. Then finally, getting married, moving into a nice house, and popping out four kids. Ariadne could hardly believe that this simple life that she and Matt led had to be interrupted by all of this, so much that Ariadne had to put the book down simply because she couldn't take anymore emotional pain.
That was until Edith walked back in, carrying the memory traversal machine in her hands. "Lisbeth managed to get the power to this entire house back on," She said, as she walked back out to the main hall with Ariadne following behind. "I also managed to turn on the main radar system, so we can locate everyone." Emestria announced. "That's delightful, alright who's going first?" Evie asked as everyone loudly talked amongst each other, only to be shut up by Kathleen firing her pistol at the ceiling. "Little harsh, Kathleen." Heather sarcastically stated. "Well excuse me, Ms. Watson- but I couldn't exactly hear over everyone's loudness," Kathleen retorted. "Let's not argue here, in fact the best thing we should do is draw lots to see who goes first." Ameia suggested, something everyone seemed to be on par with at most. "Ameia is right, but- how should we do that?" Sidonie wondered, everyone became lost onto how this drawing lots thing should work, until Norah suggested this, "Whoever blurts out their significant word to break the silence goes first."
"Sounds chaotic and rather confusing, but reasonable at best." Savannah stated as everyone went silent. That was, until the silence was broken by,
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roystory4 · 1 year
theres a more in depth reason for why i decided nick valentine was good w kids but the short reason is “i watched the episode of m*a*s*h* where someone leaves their baby at the camp and saw how happy klinger and potter were while holding her”
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hawkeyes-boy · 2 years
thanks for the tag again @genderqueer-klinger <3
Ten different characters from ten different franchises:
1. M*A *S*H - Hawkeye (honorable mentions to trapper and father mulcahey)
2. Dr Who - Ten
3. Marvel - Spider-Punk
4. ATLA - Sokka
5. Firefly - Wash
6. New Girl - Nick
7. TUA - Diego
8. OFMD - Ed
9. DC - Constantine
10. Gravity Falls - Grunkle Stan
tagging: @dwintu @hotchley @harpernovakaine @vampwrin
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twinxdaggers · 4 months
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Twin Daggers Halloween Show Colman dressed as Hawkeye Pierce Nick dressed as Trapper John Brody dressed as Henry Blake Bash dressed as Klinger Mickey dressed as Father Mulcahy Eric dressed as BJ Hunnicutt Nicky dressed as Radar
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my-beloved-lakes · 2 years
Tagged by @just-fandomthings to pick my top 9 favorite characters. Thanks for tagging me! 💜In no particular order
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First row: Max Klinger (m*a*s*h), Nick Nelson (Heartstopper), Stevie Budd (Schitt's Creek)
Second row: Nina Zenik (shadow and bone) Fedyor Kaminsky ((left) shadow and bone) Eomer (Lord of the Rings)
Third row: Hawkeye/Clint Barton (MCU) Heimdall (MCU) Ashley Greenewick (Sirens UK)
Tagging: @buckaroosboogara @sebsdaniel @vi3ualarchives @tired-pessimist @nico-di-genova no pressure to participate of course :)
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zackcollins · 2 years
~*~ Blog Info ~*~
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General Info
Hi! You can call me Robin-Tyler, R.T. or Robbie!
My pronouns are: she/her, they/them, or he/him
I’m okay with being referred to with masculine, feminine, and neutral gendered terms.
I live in the ancestral and unceded territory of the Aamjiwnaang people (Ontario, Canada).
I’m 24 years old. Minors are welcomed to unfollow/block me because I will sometimes post more mature content.
I  will tag anything triggering with “tw (trigger)”. If I miss something,  don’t be afraid to tell me. I’ll gladly add whatever someone feels needs a warning.
This is mainly a sports blog based around hockey and baseball. My favourite teams are the Toronto Maple Leafs, Philadelphia Flyers, Vancouver Canucks, Colorado Avalanche, Montreal Canadiens, Colorado Rockies, Pittsburgh Pirates, and Toronto Blue Jays
You can find information about some personalized tags, fanfic, and the current state of my masterlists under the cut!!
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Babygirl Info
Hockey: Jack Campbell (#babygirl crazy catman), Tyson Jost (#babygirl chromatica), Cole Caufield (#babygirl small coffee), Mitch Marner (#babygirl wall bouncer), Mikko Rantanen (#babygirl peanut egg burger), Josh Anderson (#babygirl bench dresser)
Baseball: Zack Collins (#babygirl trailer trash), Tyler Heineman (#babygirl jr king), Cavan Biggio (#babygirl mimic), Bo Bichette (#babygirl man bun), Matt Chapman (#babygirl chapstick), Ross Stripling (#babygirl chicken strip), Ryan Borucki (#babygirl free elf), George Springer (#babygirl lovebug)
M*A*S*H: Father Francis Mulcahy (#babygirl himbo priest), Maxwell Klinger (#babygirl section 8), Margaret Houlihan (#babygirl cinnamon candy)
X-Files: Fox Mulder (#babygirl spooky), Dana Scully (#babygirl doctor fbi)
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Babyboy Info
Hockey: Frederik Andersen (#babyboy pastry), Erik Källgren (#babyboy babygoalie), J.T. Compher (#babyboy jimothy timothy), Nick Suzuki (#babyboy small coffee enthusiast), T.J. Brodie (#babyboy mayor of chatham), James Reimer (#babyboy optimus reims)
Baseball: Kevin Gausman (#babyboy powdered donut), Randal Grichuk (#babyboy rocky mountain bird), Danny Jansen (#babyboy sports goggles), Alek Manoah (#babyboy mamas boy), Adam Cimber (#babyboy joe dirt), José Berríos (#babyboy mouthguard), Brian Serven (#babyboy love child), Jack Suwinski (#babyboy almighty), Trevor Richards (#babyboy silver fox)
M*A*S*H: B.J. Hunnicutt (#babyboy anything you want), Benjamin Franklin “Hawkeye” Pierce (#babyboy last of the mohicans)
X-Files: Alex Krycek (#babyboy fbi double agent)
Mass Effect: Kaidan Alenko (#babyboy biotic child)
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Babyperson Info
Hockey: Alexander Kerfoot (#babyperson ivy leaguer), Cale Makar (#babyperson movie pun)
Baseball: Luke Maile (#babyperson mailbox), Jordan Romano (#babyperson canadas closer)
due South: Benton Fraser (#babyperson wolf tamer)
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Other Info
Other content you may see on this blog includes:  M*A*S*H, due South, X-Files, Zelda, Mario, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, Mass Effect, animals, Marvel, food, nature/plants, paranormal, and just anything I find interesting/appealing.
I sometimes write fanfiction. Right now, the fandoms I write for are  hockey, baseball, M*A*S*H, X-Files, due South, Mass Effect, and Marvel.  And, for reference, I write/take requests for self-inserts and ship pairings. The ship pairings include hockey and baseball rpf so do with that what you will.
I’ve had a rough mental time recently, so I’m changing my URL to, hopefully, get some much needed happiness. I’ll fix the masterlists once I’m feeling back to my old self. Sorry for the sudden change. I just need this for my own mental well-being.
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jaimehuxtable · 2 years
Recent stuff! Orwell, DROWSE and workshops
Hello! I realise I haven’t written here for a while. So like, what have I be doing? Well…
Sean and I have been working hard to promote our Orwell adaptation, Such, Such Were the Joys. There have been various workshops and talks, including a lovely book launch evening with the Orwell Society, where we were introduced by Orwell’s son, Richard Blair! I also got to speak about our friend George at the recent Street Noise Draw The Line UK book launch at the Cartoon Museum in London. You can always follow me on Twitter to get the latest on these events as they happen.
I’ve also been working on another project with Sean and economist Michael Albert called Next American Revolution - can’t tell you much more than that for now but here is a peek at one of the pages…
Alongside that, I’ve been illustrating the lo-fi supernatural crime series DROWSE, with Frank Verano, Nick Klinger, Taylor Esposito and Kevin Ketner. We’re really proud of what we’ve achieved so far and the amazing thing is that you can read it all online for FREE! I’d love to hear what you think. Chapter 4 Part 2 is currently in the works and will also be available to read soon. It’s the final instalment of the current story arc - so expect some dramatic scenes!
Finally, I had a lovely afternoon recently running a comics workshop at The Comic Shop, Crawley for Creative Crawley and their Enliven/’Give it a Go’ series of events. Got to meet so many talented young artists from the local area! A massive thank you to Louise and Sam from Creative Crawley, the WORDfest Crawley team, the fantastic staff at The Comic Shop and all the lovely participants!
Here is a sample of some of the fantastic works created:
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bpdjennamaroney · 4 years
besides brent carver as mulcahy (again, genius casting) who else would you cast in a MASH stage production
Hawkeye...Brandon Uranowitz (can match Alan Alda’s intrinsic gay Jewishness by actually being gay and Jewish)
BJ...Gavin Creel (no particular reason, I just want that)
Radar...Nick Barasch or Anthony Ramos
Margaret...Sutton Foster (she can do Authoritarian and Vulnerable really well) or Marin Mazzie circa Ragtime
Potter...Norm Lewis
Blake...Young Howard McGillin
Flagg...Raul Esparza (he loves playing a villain, but he might make it too sexy)
Klinger...Alan Cumming
Frank...Benjamin Walker (would be interesting to see a super hot Frank) or Harry Hadden-Paton or Bryce Pinkham
Winchester...I’m sorry but this has to be  ‘90s/early-aughts Kelsey Grammer. There are no other choices. OK, maybe same era John Lithgow.
Actually I think Brent could also be Sidney Freedman and it would probably work as a double cast. Alternately I could cheat and go with B.D. Wong, who has played a Television Therapist before. Alternately: I really liked Manik Choksi in Moby Dick and Comet, so maybe him
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fromacatastrophe · 4 years
2020 Creative Self Love!
I was tagged by @deacons-wig and @emiratexaaron !
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite  works (fics, art, edits, etc.) you’ve created this year and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in 2020. If you don’t have five published works, that’s fine! Include ideas/drafts/whatever you like  that you’ve worked on/thought about, and talk a little about them instead! Remember, this is all about self-love and positive enthusiasm,  so fuck the rules if you need to. Have fun, and tag as many fellow creators as you like so they can share the love! <3
1. the world they’d have you build (fic) - My Fallout 4 fic featuring my sole survivor Vera and Nick Valentine. I first came up with the concept in 2018, but hadn’t written anything in so long that I nearly just kept it to myself. But the idea wouldn’t leave me alone, so I started writing and posting it! At the rate I’m writing I don’t expect to be done for a long, long time but I’m having a lot of fun along the way.
2. Fallout4tober day 4: Crows (art) - A piece I did of Vera! Every so often I get an idea of exactly what I want the finished result to look like and just pick up the tablet pen and make it happen. This is one of those. I’m just really, really pleased with how it came out.
3. Klinger in a flower crown (art) - I can’t find the original post because my tagging system is nonfuctional, but this is one of the first pieces I was really satisfied with after I got my tablet earlier this year.
4. Fallout4tober day 10: Crustacean (art) - Far Harbor Hermit Crab!! I love them so much even if I hate how much ammo they absorb. I was inspired by the style of enamel pins, with the simplified details and golden lines. The truck part intimidated me most when I was planning this out, but ended up being a lot easier than all of those legs. :P
5. Vera and Nick don’t understand chairs (art) - Two figures in one drawing! With an actual background! With full color and shading! I think this is the art piece I spent the most time on this year, and although I can see exactly what I’d improve if I were to redraw it now, I’m really proud of it.
If you’re reading this post and haven’t done this meme yet -- consider yourself tagged!
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halliewriteshockey · 4 years
I just answered this so have my next three!
1) Jason Robertson. I got to see him play several times when the Texas Stars played the Rampage (I wore my Dobby shirt to those games and got more than a few dirty looks, it was great) and he’s a good boy
2) Nick Caamano. Eyebrows! Sass! Skills! I sat two feet away from him while he served a double minor and visibly seethed the entire time and now I love him
3) *spins wheel* uhhh Klinger. A good toothless Swedish boy who’s mindmelded with Esa in the most delightful way!
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stockwellarchives · 4 years
The Horn Blows at Midnight (1945)...Angel courier/extra (uncredited) The Valley of Decision (1945)…Paulie Anchors Aweigh (1945)…Donald Martin Bud Abbott & Lou Costello in Hollywood (1945)…(cameo) The Green Years (1946)…Robert Shannon as a child Home, Sweet Homicide (1946)…Archie Carstairs The Mighty McGurk (1947)…Nipper The Arnelo Affair (1947)…Ricky Parkson The Romance of Rosy Ridge (1947)…Andrew MacBean Song of the Thin Man (1947)…Nick Charles, Jr.   Gentleman’s Agreement (1947)…Tommy Green Deep Waters (1948)…Donny Mitchell The Boy with Green Hair (1948)…Peter Fry Down to the Sea in Ships (1949)…Jed Joy The Secret Garden (1949)…Colin Craven Stars in My Crown (1950)…John Kenyon The Happy Years (1950)…John Humperdink “Dink” Stover Kim (1950)…Kimball “Kim” O’Hara, Jr. Cattle Drive (1951)…Chester Graham, Jr. Gun for a Coward (1957)…Harry “Hade” Keough The Careless Years (1957)…Jerry Vernon Compulsion (1959)…Judd Steiner Sons and Lovers (1960)…Paul Morel Long Day’s Journey Into Night (1962)…Edmund Tyrone Rapture (1965)…Joseph Psych-Out (1968)…Dave The Dunwich Horror (1970)…Wilbur Whateley The Last Movie (1971)…Billy the Kid/Dean The Loners (1972)…Stein The Werewolf of Washington (1973)…Jack Whittier The Pacific Connection (1974)…Miguel Win, Place or Steal (1974)…Billy Citizen Soldier (1975)…Dannes Won Ton Ton: The Dog Who Saved Hollywood (1976)…Paul Lavell Tracks (1976)…Mark One Away (1976)…Pete Bass She Came to the Valley (1979)…Pat Westall Wrong is Right (1982)…Hacker Human Highway (1982)…Otto Quartz/Old Otto Alsino and the Condor (1982)…Frank To Kill a Stranger (1983)…John Carver Paris, Texas (1984)…Walt Henderson Dune (1984)…Dr. Wellington Yueh The Legend of Billie Jean (1985)…Muldaur To Live and Die in L. A. (1985)…Bob Grimes Papa Was a Preacher (1986)…John White Blue Velvet (1986)…Ben Gardens of Stone (1987)…Captain Homer Thomas Beverly Hills Cop II (1987)…Chip Cain The Time Guardian (1987)…Boss Banzai Runner (1987)…Billy Baxter The Blue Iguana (1988)…Detective Carl Strick Married to the Mob (1988)…Tony “The Tiger” Russo Tucker: The Man and His Dream (1988)…Howard Hughes Smokescreen (1988)…Michael Dattalico Jorge um Brasiliero (1988)…Mario (also known as The Long Haul) Buying Time (1989)…Detective Novak Limit Up (1989)…Peter Oak Catchfire (1990)…John Luponi Sandino (1991)…Captain Hatfield The Player (1992)…Andy Civella Friends and Enemies (1992)…Freddie Chasers (1994)…Salesman Stig Mr. Wrong (1996)…Jack Tramonte Naked Souls (1996)…Duncan Last Resort (1996)…Gray Wolf Living in Peril (1997)…William McHale’s Navy (1997)…Captain Wallace B. Binghampton Midnight Blue (1997)…Katz-Feeney Air Force One (1997)…Defense Secretary Walter Dean The Shadow Men (1997)…Stan Mills The Rainmaker (1997)…Judge Harvey Hale Sinbad: The Battle of the Dark Knights (1998)…Bophisto Restraining Order (1999)…Charlie Mason Water Damage (1999)…Detective Frank Skoufaris The Venice Project (1999)…Senator Campbell Rites of Passage (1999)…Del Farraday In Pursuit (2000)…Charles Weitz The Flunky (2000)…Micky Italian Ties (2001)…Jimmy (also known as Face to Face) CQ (2001)…Dr. Ballard The Quickie (2001)…Michael Buffalo Soldiers (2001)…General Lancaster Inferno (2002)…Mayor Bill Klinger The Manchurian Candidate (2004)…Mark Whiting The Deal (2007)…Agent Tremayne C. O. G. (2013)…Hobbs Max Rose (2013)…Ben Tracey Deep in the Darkness (2014)…Phil Deighton Persecuted (2014)…Dave Wilson Rusty Steel (2014)…Hunts Entertainment (2015)…The Celebrity’s Henchman
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battingonjakku · 5 years
A guide to the 18 counties and why you should/shouldn’t support each one (version 2.0)
Hello! It’s been a couple of years since I did this original guide, so I thought it was time for an updated version as after all, a lot has happened since then. 
All the confirmed overseas players I’ve found have been included, the most significant Kolpaks (not all though, because there are many), and the most recent England/Ireland/Scotland players as well…and then some just to look out for.
Without further ado then, here is a relatively comprehensive guide to choosing your county for the year ahead…
Overseas & Kolpak: Logan van Beek, Kane Richardson (T20), Ravi Rampaul
England/Ireland/Scotland: Mark Watt
England prospects: Matt Critchley, Hamidullah Qadri
Why you should support them: Who doesn’t love an underdog? Quite a bit of young talent around, including in Hamidullah Qadri the first county cricketer born in the 21st century (welp)
Why you shouldn’t support them: They always seem to fly under the radar, and I still haven’t met a Derbyshire supporter (please reveal yourselves if you are out there!)
Overseas & Kolpak: Cameron Bancroft, D’Arcy Short (T20)
England/Ireland/Scotland: Ben Stokes, Mark Wood, Stuart Poynter
England prospects: Josh Coughlin, Matty Potts
Why you should support them: One of the leading producers of England players over the years, and who have suffered a lot at the hands of the ECB. Who doesn’t have a soft spot for Durham?
Why you shouldn’t support them: It’s been a tough few years due to off-field circumstances, and a lot of their top players have left in the process. Likely to struggle again.
Overseas & Kolpak: Peter Siddle, Adam Zampa (T20), Mohammad Amir (T20), Simon Harmer, Cameron Delport, Matt Quinn
England/Ireland/Scotland: Alastair Cook, Tom Westley, Ravi Bopara
England prospects: Jamie Porter, Daniel Lawrence, Nick Browne, Sam Cook
Why you should support them:  The place to get your Alastair Cook fix post-England retirement. They’re also a lovely bunch of lads, and with their unexpected 2017 CC win have become one of the division’s leading teams.
Why you shouldn’t support them: Have a notable Kolpak contingent, and are just one of those teams for whom when things go wrong, it happens spectacularly.
Overseas & Kolpak: Shaun Marsh, Marnus Labuschagne, Colin Ingram, Marchant de Lange
England/Ireland/Scotland: Ruaidhri Smith, Timm van der Gugten (well, Netherlands)
England prospects: Prem Sisodiya
Why you should support them: Flying the flag for Wales as the only county not based in England, and another underdog to root for as well. A decent pace bowling attack that should see them improve on last year.
Why you shouldn’t support them: Continually struggling, last year coming bottom of the County Championship and with no trophies in a long time.
Overseas & Kolpak: Michael Klinger (T20), Dan Worrall  
England/Ireland/Scotland:  Adrian Neill
England prospects: Ryan Higgins, Ben Charlesworth
Why you should support them: A team with an exceptional history in short-form cricket, and though they tend to be underdogs nowadays, can still prove themselves worth more than the sum of their parts.
Why you shouldn’t support them: Have tended to stay mid-table in Division Two over the past few years without making huge strides forward. Though known for limited overs success, form can be variable.     
Overseas & Kolpak: Aiden Markram, Kyle Abbott, Fidel Edwards, Rilee Rossouw
England/Ireland/Scotland: Liam Dawson, Mason Crane, James Vince
England prospects: Sam Northeast, James Fuller, Aneurin Donald
Why you should support them: Often strong performers in the shortest forms, winning the one day cup last year and having been regulars at T20 finals day in the last decade.
Why you shouldn’t support them:  Tend to scrape their Division One safety in the CC every year, so prepare for the stress. Also one of the counties people love to hate, thanks in part to high profile Kolpak signings and the attitude of their chairman.
Overseas & Kolpak: Matt Renshaw, Adam Milne (T20), Mohammed Nabi (T20), Heino Kuhn
England/Ireland/Scotland: Joe Denly, Sam Billings
England prospects: Daniel Bell-Drummond, Zak Crawley  
Why you should support them: A steadily improving county in all formats, reaching the one day final and being promoted from the CC last year. Soon to be 43, the evergreen Darren Stevens is also worthy of a mention here too.
Why you shouldn’t support them: Another team with a notable Kolpak contingent in addition to those above. A team with little experience of the first division as well, so who will be facing a challenge.
Overseas & Kolpak: Joe Burns, Glenn Maxwell, James Faulkner (T20), Dane Vilas
England/Ireland/Scotland: James Anderson, Jos Buttler, Haseeb Hameed, Keaton Jennings, Liam Livingstone
England prospects: Saqib Mahmood, Alex Davies, Matthew Parkinson
Why you should support them:  With a strong squad it would be a surprise not to see them promoted this year, especially with the bowling attack that managed to pick up the most bonus points last year. It also looks like they’ve final gotten rid of that god-awful green kit, too.
Why you shouldn’t support them: It’s Lancashire, what more is there to say? (I had to get a dig in here somewhere, didn’t I?)
Overseas & Kolpak: Mohammed Abbas, Colin Ackermann, Mark Cosgrove
England prospects: Will Davis
Why you should support them:  Just lovely, and definitely improving as a team after many years at the bottom of the pack. Always developing young, talented players. The only ground I’ve been to where I’ve been offered a bag of Sweets Or Weed. 
Why you shouldn’t support them: Well known for their top players leaving, and another big exodus took place at the end of the season. Supporting them can be painful, too.
Overseas & Kolpak: Mujeeb Ur Rahman (T20), AB de Villiers (T20), Ross Taylor
England/Ireland/Scotland: Eoin Morgan, Steven Finn, Toby Roland-Jones, Tim Murtagh, Paul Stirling, Sam Robson
England prospects: Nick Gubbins, Ethan Bamber, Tom Barber, Tom Helm, Max Holden
Why you should support them: A squad with a lot of English and Irish talent and hot prospects who will be striving for promotion this year. And there’s the Lord’s factor, because where better to watch cricket?
Why you shouldn’t support them: Have underperformed in the two years following their CC win, and it’s best not to even mention the shorter forms. 
Overseas & Kolpak: Temba Bavuma, Faheem Ashraf (T20), Jason Holder, Blessing Muzarabani, Richard Levi
England/Ireland/Scotland: Kyle Coetzer
England prospects: Ben Curran
Why you should support them: A team without big resources who have become one of the more successful T20 teams in the country. Also, I love Temba Bavuma in general and just want that stated here.
Why you shouldn’t support them: That T20 success that made them famous went spectacularly downhill last year, finishing well adrift at the bottom of the group. Have lost important players since, too.
Overseas & Kolpak: Dan Christian (T20), James Pattinson
England/Ireland/Scotland: Stuart Broad, Jake Ball, Alex Hales, Ben Duckett
England prospects: Joe Clarke, Zak Chappell, Matthew Carter, Tom Moores, Ben Slater
Why you should support them: A team with a lot of England talent from the past, present, and likely the future. Have strengthened their squad a lot over the winter and will be looking to challenge on all fronts.
Why you shouldn’t support them: Not too popular for buying a lot of their talent, particularly with their winter recruitment. Have also underperformed in the longer format despite a strong squad.
Overseas & Kolpak: Azhar Ali, Jerome Taylor (T20)
England/Ireland/Scotland: Jack Leach, Dom Bess, Craig Overton, Josh Davey
England prospects: Jamie Overton, George Bartlett
Why you should support them: A well-liked county, by everyone really apart from the ECB. Also the home of Marcus Trescothick, making centuries into his forties, and probably the best place in the country for spin bowling.
Why you shouldn’t support them: It always ends in pain, doesn’t it? A great track record for finishing high among the runners up, but not getting over the line, which has also returned among the last couple of seasons.
Overseas & Kolpak: Aaron Finch, Dean Elgar, Morne Morkel
England/Ireland/Scotland: Sam Curran, Tom Curran, Ollie Pope, Rory Burns, Liam Plunkett, Ben Foakes, Jason Roy, Mark Stoneman 
England prospects: Amar Virdi, Will Jacks, Conor McKerr
Why you should support them: England players a plenty, with many coming through the academy system at the moment. The reigning champions of the CC and the favourites to win again, and should compete in the other formats.
Why you shouldn’t support them: One of the definitive love-to-hate counties among the 18, and another who like Notts are regularly called out on their spending.
Overseas & Kolpak: Rashid Khan (T20), Mir Hamza, David Wiese, Stiaan van Zyl
England/Ireland/Scotland: Chris Jordan, Tymal Mills
England prospects: Jofra Archer, George Garton, Delray Rawlins
Why you should support them: An up-and-coming team, coached by the wonderful Jason Gillespie. Particularly exciting fast-bowling stocks, and last year’s T20 runners up who will want to go one better. Also, Luke Wright.  
Why you shouldn’t support them: For whatever reason, they tend to be bad at 50 over cricket, so probably not the team to root for if you’re after that Lord’s final.
Overseas & Kolpak: Jeetan Patel, Ashton Agar (T20)
England/Ireland/Scotland: Chris Woakes, Olly Stone, Ian Bell
England prospects: Will Rhodes, Ed Pollock, Sam Hain, Henry Brookes, Dom Sibley     
Why you should support them: A likeable team, as they would be with Chris Woakes and Ian Bell. After a few years with an aging squad, now have quite a few young players who have either come through or been given a second chance from elsewhere.
Why you shouldn’t support them: Though they’ve bounced straight back from division two, they really crashed out during their relegation season so their return to the top flight might be a learning curve.
Overseas & Kolpak: Callum Ferguson, Martin Guptil (T20), Wayne Parnell
England/Ireland/Scotland: Moeen Ali
England prospects: Pat Brown, Josh Tongue, Dillon Pennington
Why you should support them: A team with a lot of strong homegrown young talent, who won the nation’s hearts on their way to their T20 Blast win in 2018. Led by Moeen Ali, and if you don’t appreciate them for that then what’s up with you mate?
Why you shouldn’t support them: The ultimate yo-yo team, constantly being promoted or relegated whilst rarely staying in one place, so not one to support if you don’t want the sadness every other year.
Overseas & Kolpak: Duanne Olivier
England/Ireland/Scotland: Joe Root, Jonny Bairstow, Adil Rashid, David Willey, Gary Ballance
England prospects: Ben Coad, Matthew Fisher, Tom Kohler-Cadmore, Harry Brook
Why you should support them: They’re my team and I would die for them, the best team you can support. In seriousness though, they feature a lot of England players from past and present and tend to challenge across all competitions in some degree. Look strongest in the shorter forms.
Why you shouldn’t support them: Another love-to-hate county, as us Yorkshire fans do tend to go on about our successes. It has been a tricky couple of years as well, with a struggling batting line-up and no major reinforcements on that front.
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allbestnet · 6 years
The top 120 Speculative Fiction , all appearing on 2 or more “Best Speculative Fiction ” lists.
Station Eleven by Mandel, Emily St. John (Appears on 7 Lists)
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Rogues by Martin, George R.R. and Dozois, Gardner, eds. (Appears on 2 Lists)
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Sand by Howey, Hugh (Appears on 2 Lists)
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Shotgun Arcana, The by Belcher, R. S. (Appears on 2 Lists)
Silent History, The by Horowitz, Eli et al. (Appears on 2 Lists)
Smiler's Fair by Levene, Rebecca (Appears on 2 Lists)
Spirits Abroad by Cho, Zen (Appears on 2 Lists)
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Weirdness, The by Bushnell, Jeremy (Appears on 2 Lists)
Witch with No Name, The by Harrison, Kim (Appears on 2 Lists)
You can view the rest on https://www.bookadvice.co/the-greatest-books-speculative-fiction.html
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