#nick miller vc: what do u mean
riighteouspath · 11 months
there are rumors happening .
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notyouratlas-blog · 6 years
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— have you seen atlas xhaferi, the astronomy student around oxford yet ? i hear they can be rambunctious and carefree, but those who know them insist they’re reminded of neon lights reflected on a rainy road, eccentric clothes, chipped black nail polish, paint strewn on combat boots, and blurry polaroids when they’re around. rumour has it that she’s impersonating her missing twin to attend oxford. is it true ? only time will tell…
hey hi i’m also lacey (finger guns the other lacey in this group) but u can call me lace or mr. steal yo girl cos i will respond 2 both
slaps down this horribly written intro while i am? wildly hungover so pray 4 me plz
background shit
atlas and artemis were twins of an albanian father and a greek mother.
contrary to their names, atlas became the louder, bitchier and social twin while artemis stuck to what she knew best — laying low and keeping to herself.
artemis admired atlas because looking at her was like looking in a mirror — no, better — it was reflecting on someone she could’ve been or one day could be. more talented. more popular. just… more. (probably gna write some cool diary entries on this oOOoo)
while she’s covering for atlas one night (while she snuck off on a trip with some people she met at a bar), therefore pretending to be her, she experiences more things in one night than she had in her entire life.
with the help of eden, her new (and literal) partner in crime, she now attends oxford university under her sibling’s identity. it’s not quite yet defined what exactly happened, but still working out the kinks so bear with me folks !
on to the good stuff
she will
get into bar fights
pull pranks on the other students
probably whisk you away on an adventure or two if you let her
pick on you. a lot
always be down to drink and party
kind of reckless? doesn’t respond to authority well two times out of three, i guess it depends who she’s speaking to
tends to be stubborn and childish if she doesn’t get her way. HATES being restricted more than anything
probably be all over bad ideas if you have any
usually means well bt..
charlie from it’s always sunny vc: WILDCARD BITCHES !
long story short if you watch a lot of tv think the personality child of nick miller and chloe from don’t trust the b
so yeah that’s about it
i think
beep boop
i clearly don’t know what i’m doing
some random hcs to get a better feel of her character:
she’d totally chew on her burger obnoxiously or sip an emptied drink to make that annoying sound while looking you dead in the eye to piss you off
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like that
so therefore maybe not the most graceful presence either
she loves to paint. like LOVES to paint. she thinks she’s really good at it too, but she’s actually not. you can totally take this and run with it
the same applies to cooking. if she bakes you a cake it’s in your best interest to decline the gesture because she probably tossed soy sauce and more mystery ingredients somewhere in there to add an extra “zing”
the one thing she’s actually good at/serious about is playing the bass. she named him sid and she loves sid more than she loves anything else. she’s still picking up on little tricks and techniques in her free time, but she’s a damn good bassist.
she totally has a weird obsession with fire. like she watched that part in the breakfast club where he lights his boot on fire and does it too now ‘cause it just looks cool. john bender? her god
as previously mentioned, she always means well but probably just stirs up more trouble or goes about touchy/sensitive issues the wrong way
some wanted connections brewin about (i’ll totally make a stats and wcs page later bt yaaa)
someone she gets high with, someone she drinks with. parties with. you know the works
someone she unwillingly drags with on adventures — like she knows they don’t want any part of it and they probably complain the whole time too but they stick around anyway
her rock? someone who keeps her out of trouble (more so than she already gets herself into ig jkdlsfd) and is like. a good influence in some way
ppl she hates/ticks off
nd the optional addition of someone she has slept with or has sexual tension with?? bow chicka wowWOW
oh oh pretty please give me someone who’s like. over her shit and just picks her up and drags her out of bar fights because she will be getting into pLenty
maybe some plots regarding her twin?
someone who knew her twin, or even dated her twin, maybe. preferably from like high school, or something. still kinda flexible about where she comes from, so maybe we can work out back stories and shit
someone who was close to either one of them that can tell something’s off with atlas
or even BETTER
someone who had a thing with/dated Artie (Artemis) before the whole switcharoo and maybe even fooled around with the other twin during this time? could call for some SERIOUS dramz once she finds out as Atlas now
wow lace stop bein extra
feel free to click that ❤ or shoot me a message on discord @ mr. steal yo girl#2180 if you’d like to plot!!
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