wigglebox · 8 months
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Small Talk
[Happy Nov. 5! 💚💙]
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veryintricaterituals · 8 months
I don't think I'll ever feel the rush, the adrenaline, the actual weight of it, ever again. There's just something so special that we all experienced in the lapse between November 5th and November 20th of 2020. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't THINK of anything else, I regressed to the teenager I used to be. It was horrible and great and wonderful and nerve-wracking and so fucking funny. I honestly feel like I've been chasing that high for the last three years and I'll continue to chase it for many, many more.
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riighteouspath · 8 months
there are rumors happening .
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savrenim · 2 years
i need u to know that your tags “the tumblr fandom” and “meme science” are literally saving my life on a final paper I’m writing to one of my classes!! thank you so much for your service in diligently & consistently tagging stuff 🫡 this makes it so much easier than trying to use the tumblr search engine lmao
oh I'm so glad tbh I mostly got in the habit to try to make my blog navigable to me it is FANTASTIC to hear that it is serving someone else too
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lateral-org · 2 years
Try not to make a response post explaining nov 5th to @what-is-my-aesthetic because that night altered my brain chemistry and I can't afford to be mocked like this challenge
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janedoeremi · 1 year
Tumblr Memes of 2023
January: Polls, Bug Race, Tumblr Sexyman Round 2, No Fly List Leak
February: Vanilla Extract, Tumblr Sexywoman Polls, Homestuck Fandom Commiting Voter Fraud, Miette decimating Todoroki in Blorbo Polls, Just so many polls
March: Dean Winchester and his Time Traveling Impala in The Winchesters, Celebrating Ides of March a week early, March 14th: The Day Krabs Fries, Ides of March, Autism Swag Poll, Ultimate Cat Girl (Gender Neutral) Poll, Putin having a warrent for his arrest, The Bots returned with a vengance
April: April Fools Day, Sonic the Hedgehog died, Trumps arrest, Barbie Arresting Trump, Everyone getting a Barbie description, Poll with Nina Tucker and Alexander needs them to tie to move on together, hyperspecific polls, Misha Collins assigned Bisexual by the WB, Elon Musk being the victim of Murphy's Law, It's gonna be May
May: Dracula Daily cast is stuck in a time loop, Trigun stan causes book: This Is How You Lose the Time War to become a bestseller, whatever the fuck happened with Eurovision, TOTK releases and gave us our feral Link back, Barbie and Ken arrested template.
June: Pride month, Across the Spiderverse... just all of it, trump getting arrested...again, The Great Reddit Migration & r/196, Horse Race, Meows Morales, The week long Titanic Oceangate Iron Lung Clusterfuck, Destial 'i love you' news meme trends at least 4 different times for different reasons, Papyrus says fuck day
July: Twitter post rationing causing Tumblr Migration 2: Electric Boogaloo, ao3 went down for 2 days, ao3 readers debating on going back to wattpad/ff.net, Barbieheimer double feature, Tree Law invoked, Elon renamed Twitter to X
August: Tiktok trying and failing to make their own Goncharov: Zepotha, Destiel confirmed canon again by not-so-rouge translator, Riverdale polycule finale, Trump mugshot, One Piece Live Action Pirate-Clown annoys Tumblr users
September: Mole Interest, Ice King became a Tumblr Sexyman again, 21st of September.
October: Spooky month, Merlin Twitter updates for first time in years to show streaming options confusing fans, The Amazing Digital Circus and Nerdy Prudes Must Die both trend for a week straight, trying to insert Markipler into the FNAF Movie
November: Nov. 5th 3rd year anniversary, Zach and Cody get their dinner reservation after 15 years. Goncharovs 1st 50th anniversary.
December: Gavle Goat being devoured by Jackdaws, Hbomberguy lives up to his name and nukes James Somerton's plagerism ridden channel, Its Dec 10th, We're gonna have to kill this guy template, almost Christmas, one more sleep til Christmas (screams internally), Halloween trends on Christmas Eve
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honeyboychangbin · 2 years
time to watch my first christmas movie of the holiday season <3
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cobbbvanth · 1 year
nov 5th 2020 — for the uninitiated, this mainly refers to the airing of supernatural 15x18, the episode in which castiel was sent to superhell after confessing his love to dean winchester. this also happened on day three of the us presidential election, where nevada, georgia and pennsylvania all turned blue after taking days to count their votes. special shout to the rumours about putin resigning and sherlock season 5. this event is fondly remembered as destielputinelection
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tmmyhug · 2 years
not to be serious or whatever but i think nov 5th went down like. That. bc of a few things: one the pandemic and the inherent derangedness of waking up and watching “unprecedented times” happen around you daily for the past nine months. two the election and the multi day pressure cooker of stress of constantly refreshing election news tabs and trying to keep your normal life (school work etc) going while the fate of american politics pretty much hangs in the balance and trump throws a fit on twitter. three the 15 year buildup of the cw’s hit show supernatural to the final season + the 11 of those years spent queerbaiting while tumblr did backflips through discourse circus rings about destiel + this show and ship being so big that everyone knew about it not just the fans. all of this leading up to the airing of 15x18 and the confession scene. castiel in love with dean. castiel goes to superhell. it just set everything off like a bomb. then the vine boom after vine boom of domino train information we kept getting. putin resigning. georgia goes blue. trump sues multiple states. supernatural trending over the election. people learning major political news via destiel screenshots. nevada. a whole bunch of other insane fandom news + rumors that started flying like dashcon 2.0 and the secret sherlock season (putin resigning also turned out to be a rumor but we thought it was real for a soild several hours). i think the internet just had no idea how to react that we collectively reached the next dimension. it was the most indescribable, hysterical outpouring of hilarity and togetherness ive ever experienced. when we say new emotions were invented that night we mean it. i miss it every single day
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barren-heart · 7 months
You mean to tell me exactly one week after Nov 5th, which was the day Castiel died for coming out as gay, the showrunner of WWDITS no homo’d their queer mlm pairing while the executive producer of Loki called Slyki the heart of the show and not their male pairing?
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jmagnabo92 · 5 months
So I saw a post on Instagram, and it said:
‘Isn't it funny how James Potter decided to bully and harass a malnourished little boy from an abusive family just for existing, and years later, James' son became a malnourished little boy from an abusive family that bullies him just for existing’ 
And all the comments were agreeing and saying things like, ‘Karma’, ‘Glad I’m a James Potter hater’, ‘Don’t understand how he has even one fan’
And I was like… what??? Was so tempted to write a whole thing about it but decided the hate I’d get wasn’t worth it. What are your opinions about this? 
That's my initial reaction.
Don't these people know that the sins of the father shall not be visited upon the son?
It's not karma for Harry to suffer for James' mistakes. It's bullshit and I hope that no one that believes that has ever done anything wrong in their lives or their kids shall suffer. AND THERE"S NOTHING FUNNY ABOUT THIS BS.
Now, let's point out how else they're wrong.
First of all, I had to re-read the Prince's Tale - and mind you, I did skim it so I could've missed things, but there is NO WHERE that says he was 'malnourished' as a boy. Not a single description said anything was physically wrong with Snape like malnourishment. It talks about his mismatched clothes, and his parents arguing. There's a line about James having an 'air of well-cared for - ness that Snape lacked' but there's NOTHING that he states he was malnourished or even abused.
So that's utter BS. I won't argue about the abuse, but there was no evidence that he was malnourished.
As for the about "just for existing" - I think a lot of people forget that SWM canonically happens *after* James saves Snape's life from Werewolf Remus. The reason that it's easy to figure that out is there is a scene with Snape/Lily arguing about the MM thing and she literally mentions James saving him the other night.
The next scene is SWM.
Now, before get into that importance - I want to point out that in the scene about MM & the saving of Snape, Lily asks, "Why are you so obsessed with them?" and if it was a relentlessly unfair bullying situation there's two obvious answers:
A) he's been bullying me for years
B) I have to obsess so I can get one over on them.
He doesn't say either of those things - you know what he *does* say - he says "Potter fancies you"... and more about 'how great he thinks he is'.... isn't that rather suspicious?
You know what's also suspicious? If Snape's being relentlessly bullied than WHY DOESN"T HIS BEST FRIEND KNOW THE OBVIOUS? Maybe because it wasn't a situation of bully/victim - maybe it was a rivalry like Dumbledore suggested in the first book.
Now, back to the timeline:
So James saves his life and yet says "it's the fact that he exists" - which sounds terrible, right?
Of course it does, but here's the thing - Snape had literally as recently possibly two weeks previously (we don't know *exactly* when but sometime between Nov of 5th year and OWLs) had attempted to (at best) OUT Remus (at worst) KILL Remus - who is ONE of James' BFFs. Now - on top of that - we know that Snape has been obsessed with a theory for ages about Remus. We see this in the MM & Saving conversation - Lily says "I know your theory" with the air of someone that has heard his theories before. Given that he only found out *for sure* within a few days of that conversation that suggests that he has been going after Remus for a while.
So, here we have Snape's attempt to get Remus out or killed and James has every reason to hate him - he's a loyal guy. He believes in his friendships so much it cost his life and literally learned something that could put him behind bars *just to help his friend*. Whatever happened, however it happened, that doesn't matter to James.
What *does* matter is that Snape tried to detrimentally hurt his friend. So he has a reason, but in SWM, he literally *can't* say that. He would be outing Remus and he's not going to do that.
Which means he NEVER did anything *just because he exists* - he had a reason, he just couldn't say it.
Now, why does James have fans?
Because he's a good man. This is the man that did stupid shit when he was a teen, sometimes for good, sometimes for bad, but nothing he did was ever on par with the things that Snape was doing - I've got a while post on that.
After he grows up, he joins the Order - to do good for people that he doesn't have to care about, yet does. He does so much good, he becomes a target. In that, he then goes on to give his life for wife and son. And they think this man doesn't deserve fans? What Bullshit is this??
ANYWAY, my longass point here is that: They're idiots, and I kind of wish that some people had more thought into the situation. James deserves better.
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thatsveryood · 8 months
HAPPY (derogatory) NOV 5TH!
Happy 3 years of suffering together friends!! I've put together some of my fave post-finale(ish) fics in honor of the day, so we may all suffer some more together.
i want to do with you (what spring does with cherry trees) by @sobsicles 74.1k - grief/mourning, (temporary) character death a bit of retconning of the last few seasons of spn - what if dean realized sooner during the widower arc how he felt about cas? how would it all play out? sobsicles always throws me for a loop but this one in particular always gets me sobbing (heh)
All I Want for Christmas by Shadows_Keeper 12.6k - grief/mourning, (temporary) character death, paramedic!dean ft. dean getting to live his damn life after cas goes to the empty and sam/eileen have a family 🥺
now the weight of the world ain't so bad by the_oncoming_stormageddon 9.8k - fluff, getting together but dean is dumb about it in which cas and dean are together except dean doesn't realize it yet
Proverbs 13:12 by starlingcas (@angelcasendgame) 16.3k - literally stuck in a tree, s14 coda, (temporary) character death, they're best friends ur honor that's it, they're literally stuck in a tree and are huge adorably in-love dorks about it 🥺 takes place during s14 but then picks up after the finale which thank goodness
Kingdom Come by ahurston 17.3k - road trip reunion cas comes back 🥺 he and dean drive home and talk (and other things)
and you can use my skin by unicornpoe 5.3k - touch-starved dean, it's so unbearably soft i love it cas comes home and dean can't stop touching him (and i can't stop screaming/crying)
on the sixth day by fleeceframe 5.2k - grief/mourning, heavy drinking “You prayed my name to every angel in Heaven for six days straight.”
take the bones, begin anew by JustStandingHere (@sightofsea) 103k - idiots in love, building a home with your buddy~, stoner!cas in which dean is a huge dummy in love and is working through so so much repression, but he and cas build a home together 🥺
things happen (they do, they do, and they do) by @sobsicles 27.9k - repressed!dean, human!cas, cas stands for casanova another sobsicles bc i'm always wrecked! by! their! fics!!!!! cas comes back and dean is totally normal about it - because it's normal to mourn how straight you are so bc if only you weren't straight so you could make your best friend happy 🙃
ascend by quiettewandering (@wanderingcas) 53.3k - grief/mourning, angst with a happy ending, seriously be prepared for the angst chuck's story can't be changed - or can it? the fantastical ending to a beautiful love story that we deserved!! i cannot tell you enough how much i love this fic, so many chills throughout and that ending haunts me in a good way
hope you enjoy these fics (or enjoy re-reading them!). also if you want to get a destiel is canon pin to celebrate the day and take them off my hands, pls do
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joesanrio · 1 year
He’s mad now | R.R
Summary: Nova coming back from college was one of the best days- or I guess nights of her life.
Pairings: Joe Anoa’i x Nova (OC) || non-established relationship
Warnings: arguing, cheating, kissing, pet names (princess,baby), grinding, dry humping, fingering.
Rating: 18+
A/N: …something about Joe being irritated or arguing with someone just sounds so hot. Also, I gave Joe a diff girl instead of Galina bcs I can’t do my girl like that. #whenjoeaintlookingimsnatchingherup
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It was the first weekend back in Florida after graduating college, everyone is excited and wanting to celebrate. Luckily tonight was just something that wasn’t all about me and just about seeing each other again.
“But you guys- I don’t drink.” I say as Takecia is trying to get me hype for the night at the club. “That doesn’t matter- we’re still going to have fun.” She smiled as I nodded in agreement. I sit on the living room couch as we are waiting for the last couple to show up.
Joe and Kira, they started dating while I was in college and supposedly are so in love. Though, Joe was not guaranteed to wait for me while I was at college, that selfish part of me wishes he did. “Sorry guys.” His voices eases into my ear, I didn’t look up though wanting avoid any eye contact at all costs.
“Got damn, might as well have a sleepover- took so long.” Jimmy complained jokingly while greeting Joe. I grabbed my small purse as I stood up and got ready to greet the couple myself, “You look… cute!” Kira greeted me with a forced smile. “Oh.. thank you!” I pretend not to notice her “compliment” tone, a small nod towards Joe as I walk past the couple to Jimmy at the door.
“Nova, remember you taking us home.” Jey pointed as he walked up to me by the door, “Got it!” I smile.
I get in the passenger seat of Jimmy’s car as Jey and Takecia get in the back, Kira and Joe riding separately. “That Kira chick is already ruining the mood.” Takecia complained as we haven’t even left the driveway and we can see her complaining through the passenger window of Joe’s car. “Aye- no bad vibes and we ain’t even leave yet.” Jimmy said as he pulls out the driveway.
[ Club : 9:25pm ]
“No. She just asked if I saw her boyfriend, I was not flirting!” Joe explains for the 5th time since they started arguing. They’ve had about 4 arguments since we got to the club and 3 of those were stupid little things like;
“You need to stop being so stiff!” Kira complained.
“I’m not-“ Joe denied.
“Yes! you literally are.” Kira drags on drunking-ly.
If there was an award for best party poopers they would definitely get it about now. “You know what. I’m so sick of your bullshit- every time we go out you always ruin it!” Kira shouts in Joe’s face as he rubs his forehead, “Okay, let’s go home then.” He offers while trying to calm the situation as the people close to them look over. “No fuck you! Fuck her and you can stay with your bitchy ass cousins and sleep there!” She exclaims as she storms off with the keys.
“Kira! You’re drunk!” I say going after her, “Oh my gosh, who do you think you are? Superman or something- leave me the hell alone!” She rolls her eyes before walking away again. “Maybe call someone to get you? You look really drunk, is all.” I try to reason as she glared at me, “Fine! Now move.” She shoves me while taking out her phone.
Walking back to where the rest of the group was, Joe seemed so confused about the situation as he sat with a beer. “Man- now we gotta sad Uce and raging drunk outside.” Jimmy said seriously though the small laughs didn’t fail to find there way after. “No. I’m good- she’ll snap out of it tomorrow morning.” Joe says as he takes a swig from his beer, “Y’all go ahead.” He nods.
Everyone still unsure but leaves to go back to whatever they were doing, but I find myself not wanting to leave him. “Joe… you sure you alright.” I ask softly before sitting next to him, he hums as he plays with the seemingly small bottle in his hands. “Nova, I know you don’t like her.” He looks up at me from the random space in front of him, “I do. Why-“ I go to defend myself before he cuts me off.
“I can hear the way your voice spikes up at the end of your sentences, you always do that when you’re uncomfortable or trying to fake something.” His eyes looking endearingly into mine, the small details only one who paid close attention would know he says like it’s obvious. “You got me..” I joke as he lets out a light huff of a laugh, “I missed you. You can’t tell anyone, but I dated her in hopes to forget about you.” He practically whispers as his hands find themselves onto his temples. “I- I missed you too. I still do.” I let my smile fall as I feel the reoccurring feelings I have for him, make there way to the surface.
“You do hm?” I could hear the smirk in his tone, I roll my eyes playfully at his now relaxed demeanor. “Stop! I’m being serious. I really do.” I laugh lightly as Joe stands from the booth, “Come with me.” He sticks his hand out for me to grab. My eyebrows rise questioningly before gabbing his large hand, I say nothing as he guides me to VIP area. “Oh hey man! Come on.” The bodyguard greeted Joe before pulling back the rope.
“So you’re telling me, we could’ve been over here the whole time! Your cousins are gonna be pissed.” I laugh as he smiles in agreement. “Our secret m’kay?” He places a finger over his mouth in a shushing manner, I nod as we walk up to the tucked away seating area. He pulls the curtains closed as I observe the area, “Nova, I really want you.” He states with a eager look in his eyes.
“You do hm?” I mock his past words as he takes quick notice and stands in front of me, “mhm I do.” He grabs the back of my neck delicately, pulling me up to meet his lips. The strong taste of beer on his lips, it’s disgusting but the soft note of coconut is coming through from his chapstick. “I really missed you.” He smiles against my lips, and his other hand finding its way to my ass causing a gasp to leave my mouth. His tongue slipping in between my lips with ease, melting into his touch, my hand grips his forearm while the other wraps around the neck and pulls him closer.
“Joe. Oh my-“ I moan quietly into his lips before pulling away, his eyes immediately going down to my wet, plump lips. He quickly sits down onto the sofa before pulling me onto his lap, causing my dress to rise up a bit. “You look so gorgeous.” He whispers before placing his thumb onto my lips and playing with the bottom lip. I unintentionally begin grinding on his lap before he pulls me back onto a kiss, “So needy.” He chuckles while his large hands find there way onto my ass.
“Shit..you feel so good princess.” He groans before pushing me harder against his erection, I moan in agreement as my panties soak against his jeans. His hand leaving my ass to rub little circles on my clit through my wet panties, “Oh. You’re soaked- already? I barely played with you.” Joe teases. My head falls into his shoulder in embarrassment before his fingers find there way onto my entrance.
“Joe…” I moan into his ear as his finger enters slowly, curling and hitting that one spot. “More.” I say breathlessly before he enters a second finger, his pace speeding up. My moans getting heavier and drawn out as his long fingers abuse the perfect spot inside of me. “I’m- m’gonna cum” I gasp as he restlessly pounds into me, “come on.” He smirks as he kisses my neck. I cum onto his fingers before he quickly pulls them out and has me grind onto his hard cock.
“There you go.. almost there.” He coos in my neck before placing a delicate kiss. I whine as I became overstimulated on top of him. “I can’t-“ “yeah you can.” He nods before his head falls back onto the chair, “Shit baby. Oh- fuck.” He groans as he cums in his pants. His grip on my hips getting tighter while holding me against him, “Oh I missed you.” He smiles tiredly.
“Oh my gosh! They’re probably looking for us.” I say remembering about the rest of the group, “Damn I forgot.” He chuckles and lifts me off his lap gently. “You look so fucked out.. and all you did was cum on my fingers.” He looks me up and down as he stands up. I cover my face in embarrassment, then standing up beside him. “I’m glad you’re back.” He pulls me by my waist and gives me another kiss.
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queerstudiesnatural · 8 months
we literally would not be celebrating anything rn if destiel hadn't happened like nov 5 is famous because of destiel lol. and sure destiel was made even crazier by everything else that was happening on that day/around that time but no one would think anything of the date november 5th if not for destiel. nov 5th IS about destiel lmao it's like saying actually january 1st isn't about the new year it's about how cold it is that day and also the winter olympics. and people only started associating jan 1 with the new year after the fact because they were cold and needed something to hold onto.
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dr3amofagame · 8 months
I've been in a particular c!Dream mood today, so I thought I might as well take a bit of a crack at the timeline with the hindsight of the Dream SMP being over specifically with respect to c!Dream in terms of his actions from the revive book deal to staged finale.
Here's a post by Airrec and Bluebell that goes into a lot, definitely worth reading in terms of timeline shenanigans. With all that said, here's a few dates:
some time before november 6th - revive book deal
nov 16th - it's november 16th what can i even say
nov 18th/19th - c!Dream frames c!Tommy for stuff with c!Puffy
nov 23rd - vikk and lazar join the server
nov 28th - george's house burned
nov 29th - probation begins, date set for exile negotiations, dream says that he wouldn't push for exile if he got mellohi
dec 2nd - spirit speech
dec 3rd - dethronement
dec 4th - tommy exiled, prison commissioned
dec 6th - egg discovered, mexican lmanburg conflict, prison construction begins
dec 15th - dream gives techno map to woodland mansion and warns him of butcher army
dec 16th - tommy leaves exile, technoblade execution
dec 17th - dream and punz conversation about staged finale
january 5th - green festival
january 6th - doomsday
january 20th - staged finale
for this time period, there's a few things we know for sure, now:
c!dream didn't intend to put himself in prison at first but did plan on doing so by the time he told punz about staged finale. this is also when doomsday was for sure in the cards
c!dream created the prison largely due to his anxiety because of the supernatural that was specifically triggered by the revive book deal
c!dream was publicly known as having "no allies but punz" by the time of dethronement
c!dream takes on the stereotypical villain role in full during green festival, immediately after securing both discs
vikk and lazar experiments had to happen around/after doomsday, as the last time they're seen around the server is january 4th
with all of this in mind, there are a few things that we can pretty confidently conclude:
c!Dream was obviously thinking about the prison before he specifically commissioned c!Sam for it, but in the early days of the prison's conception (and judging by similar wording that we see him use on the day that the prison construction started) it is reasonable to believe that in universe, c!Dream did not yet plan to put himself in the prison when the prison construction began, and therefore staged finale was not yet his end goal
c!Dream's investigation of the supernatural could not have yet occurred at the beginning of his plans re: exile, as even if you consider the idea of vikk and lazar experiments happening earlier than their last known sighting on the server, they literally didn't join the server until november 23rd or so--and c!Dream's starting to frame c!Tommy for things happens November 18/19th, which leads into the exile conflict when c!Tommy does do something by burning down George's house
c!Dream's plan with exile seems to center heavily around the discs, as we had originally concluded. This is evident in his telling NLM that he wouldnt push for exile if he was given Mellohi, the focus on the discs during Spirit Speech, and his obvious change in demeanor once he was given the disc in Green Festival. The focus on separating Tommy and Tubbo (as Tubbo had Tommy's disc) during exile + after obviously went into this--however, as staged finale was, as we've established, not yet planned at this time, c!Dream evidently wanted the disc for other purposes
while it's impossible to say when c!dream switches gears for staged finale completely, it's obvious that this was the route that he had chosen when he brought the plan up to c!punz (when he already quite evidently had thought through several parts of the plan to put himself in the prison: he talks about something he'll do that'll make everyone hate him (doomsday), the need to stage a falling out (the finale), and considerations about the prison being "put to use") on December 17th. his reasons for deciding to commit fully to staged finale are hinted at by this conversation as well by his mentioning the failed execution of c!Technoblade and how that has reinforced the idea that they will now be after him the day before (December 16th) and c!Dream specifically establishing a rapport with c!Technoblade on December 15th by giving him a heads up on the Butcher Army seems to indicate his starting to act with the intention of possibly going through with staged finale in the future
more speculative side of this under the cut (warning. it's long and rambly and definitely less coherent than i usually try to be, which isn't great considering i'm already quite wordy and incoherent):
obviously c!dream was gunning for the disc for the entirety of the exile conflict, but we know that that wasn't specifically about staged finale yet because he hadn't yet planned to put himself in prison. at some point in time between december 5th and december 17th, his plans changed from the prison being intended for nebulous powerful enemy to being intended for himself--hence him being particularly neurotic about security and probably explaining shit like, raw potatoes etc. dream specifically says that exile didn't work in his tweet because tommy got away and went to technoblade, but after tommy leaves he also doesn't seem to prioritize continuing along that original plan--he explicitly says that he doesn't care where tommy is as long as he's away from the SMP, and even when he catches tommy a few times by the main server after that he really doesn't make a priority of taking him away + reexiling him. the most obvious example of this is his confrontation with technoblade at the nether portal, as the prioritization of saving the favor instead of using it for tommy is a very explicit show of him prioritizing the plan in its current iteration over continuing to harangue tommy
thinking about all of this i feel like. immediately after november 16th, c!dream had like. something like, three main goals? 1) Holy Shit What The Fuck + dealing with the supernatural side of the server, 2) dealing with the tommy problem (tm) and trying to restabilize the political situation on the server at that time, and 3) ensuring his safety and the safety of his allies
obviously some of c!dream's priorities after the revive book have to do with the supernatural, and obviously a world reset is something he specifically starts looking into after doing more revive book research. but seeing as revive book research isn't really possible until later on in season 1b, i think it's safe to say that until he was sure about that, the plan regarding the supernatural at first is to lock shit down and figure things out. c!punz obviously is an asset in the "figuring things out" department, and the prison itself is the biggest and most obvious example of c!dream taking proactive action to not be caught off guard. c!schlatt obviously scared the shit out of him and everyone in part just because no one expected alluvthat to go down, and the revive book reveal on top of all of c!schlatt's being. Like That. obviously sent c!dream into a spiral--the prison is a very obvious sort of knee jerk reaction to "there are threats beyond your comprehension that defy all known laws of reality" because he reacts by being like Okay Then We Will Make Something That Can Contain Any Threat (tm). the egg + realizing the literal world is broken when he and punz start doing revive book research obviously exacerbates all of this
the second thing that c!dream prioritizes literally immediately is dealing with c!tommy and the discs. which was definitely ooc for him at the time--he literally never was a guy that outright hunted down c!tommy before this time, and the disc conflicts were repeatedly initiated by c!tommy, not c!dream. his trying to frame the hell out of tommy was a new thing
but it's important to consider that on november 16th, c!Tommy very explicitly makes a point of saying Hey, My Goal Now Is Going To Be Getting Those Discs. he talks to tubbo specifically as well about how at the end of the day, no matter what happens, it'll be them against dream for the discs (and dream has neither disc at this point?)--c!Dream has every reason to believe that the Disc Conflict (tm) is going to start up soon and that c!Tommy is going to be back in Starting Shit Over The Discs Mode that had defined a lot of their conflicts pre-Manberg. and, well, you can't even say that he's wrong here--c!Tommy even makes a point of saying later that he went after c!George's house because he wanted to get to c!Dream.
when you consider stuff like c!tommy talking about his unfinished business and all-encompassing paranoia, right, it really is. like. c!dream is fucking scared as shit at the Eldritch Forces Beyond His Comprehension, he sees the world as out to Get Him especially after nov 16th makes him all but enemy no. 1, and he knows. KNOWS, for sure, that c!tommy is going to go back to pursuing him in the near future. and he's got a server that is very unstable after the fall of manberg and pogtopia, and the literal supernatural as a problem to contend with, and Tommy Fucking Innit is about to come after him again. and he's got no real leverage
the peace treaty between lmanburg + dream smp doesn't exist anymore because manberg was violently overthrown, the reasonable wilbur that allowed for peaceful coexistence on the server is just Gone, tommy is coming after him, the entire world doesn't make sense anymore
so all of this seems to suggest you know that the whole thing that c!Dream says about the discs in spirit speech all seems to be a big part of what he's doing at this point--c!Tommy is a threat that goes out of his way to fuck with c!Dream, he's continuing the disc conflict (a conflict that largely consisted of c!Dream being stolen from and blackmailed pre-Manberg) and the way exile conflict goes down (between c!Tommy telling all of NLM hey guys you know the most important part of all of this are my discs and the whole. Spirit situation.) really seems to affirm all of that. so with c!Tommy specifically talking about how he wants to continue the Disc Conflict, it does seem to suggest that to a certain degree, c!Dream's goal at this point in time might've been to more or less "win" the disc war and end that conflict already. by making himself someone impossible to blackmail (unlike how he was in the past) he establishes that c!Tommy's gambits to get the discs away from him that he's used in the past won't work anymore, which means that when c!Dream gets the discs it'll basically be game over.
he knew that the discs would be a problem again bc tommy literally announced it to everyone, and with dream this high strung he probably thought that this time he was going to make it happen according to his time frame instead of just waiting for tommy to attack him out of nowhere or some shit. as far as c!dream is concerned, c!tommy is one of the biggest threats against him on the server at that point because c!tommy Will Not Let This Conflict Go. and honestly, c!dream has a lot of reason to think of c!Tommy as a character with a hell of a lot of sway, considering uh. people were listening to this kid more or less over wilbur during the war on nov 16th and in pogtopia and all.
like for c!dream, c!tommy is a threat that isn't going to stop until dream makes him stop, and he's a guy that can pretty effectively make a lot of people on the server agree with him. he has very little bargaining power with nlm at the minute, but the situation (as far as he's concerned) is definitely more controllable with nlm than it was for like, manberg. tubbo is someone that can be reasoned with and someone that couldn't afford a war, and he did seem to be prioritizing peace over starting stupid battles--so for dream, the priority would've been getting the guy who DID make his whole deal into "starting stupid battles" to Stop Fucking Doing That, and just. in general, securing the discs was his best route for doing so. by getting the discs, he has solid leverage over c!tommy that he knows that c!tommy will listen to, and by establishing that blackmail wont work on him the way it has in the past, as soon as he gets the discs he does more or less "win"
in continuation of this, when it comes to c!Dream's goals about NLM in particular at this time, i am. looking at what he says about tubbo being a reasonable leader and going hmmmm. because what's pretty clear, right, is that no matter how you cut it, doomsday has to be connected to staged finale and putting dream in the prison. there is no world, no matter how buddybuddy he is with NLM and/or tommy, that destroying NLM through Doomsday wouldn't make everyone want his head on a stake. if c!Dream didn't decide on staged finale until later, it does seem like a logical progression of that statement to say he didn't decide on Doomsday until later as well. Which, once again, fits his actions at this point in time--c!dream specifically points to nlm's successfully hunting down and executing technoblade and subsequent focus on hunting him down as being the reason why they have to go for staged finale full throttle, and the butcher army escalating is the reason why he starts moving towards an allyship with c!Techno, the local guy who hates countries and would be the most obvious ally in destroying one.
(edit: this indicates that c!dream, who doesn't originally seem to be gunning for Doomsday specifically if we consider that he doesn't decide on staged finale until a little later, didn't really tip over onto the side of "this place has to go fr" until more obvious signs of nlm being completely averse to a "resolution" of sorts, the most obvious of that being the butcher army and plans to Go And Kill People including c!dream. and this further aligns with some of his villain speech on green festival, where he specifically talks about tubbo being a bad leader because he let quackity push him around too much, as we know that quackity was the one behind a lot of butcher army)
id say c!dream's plans immediately after november 16th seemed to be more along the lines of reestablishing a status quo with nlm than anything else--establishing himself again as the guy that shouldn't be fucked with (the walls, threatening to close the borders) and working for the discs. in a way he almost seems to be reverse engineering the original independence deal with lmanburg--technical independence for the discs, you guys agree to not mess with me and my shit and i get leverage over the guy that won't stop picking a fight with me--like exile was definitely about trying to get tommy to Stop Fucking Doing That + trying to get the discs first and foremost, because if tommy sees him as a "friend" and dream has the goddamn discs (and is no longer blackmailable) then the chances of the server "going back to normal" probably felt higher, all while dream is i think more or less trying for some level of peaceful coexistence with nlm--trying to establish himself as someone rational and willing to work with them and not against them as long as everyone was staying in their goddamn lanes
but obviously between the situation with c!tommy quickly showing itself as not really being sustainable + nlm's increasing aggression, considering how he obviously knew abt butcher army and later on green festival, he had to abandon the idea that the server could return to a status quo and instead go for the staged finale, with the breaking point obviously being c!Tommy leaving exile and the butcher army making its first definitive move on december 16th
c!dream framing c!tommy -> exile conflict -> saying that he'll not push for exile if he gets the disc all definitely seems to be For The Discs, and the specific engineering of a divide between tommy and tubbo (through exile, obviously) definitely seems to be for the purpose of getting the disc, either through convincing c!tommy to give it to him directly or through pressuring c!tubbo to give it to him as he does in green festival. his increasing lack of giving a shit about where c!tommy is and what he's doing post-dec 16th suggests that he switches gears in his plan, and the main thing that he emphasizes at that point is still the separation between tommy and tubbo (though obviously to a less neurotic degree than he does during exile) (and obviously even in exile the separation he particularly keeps up is once again between c!clingy and not all of the other like, ten people that visit tommy) . the emphasis on the discs isn't yet about staged finale but obviously does get incorporated into it when he comes up with staged finale because mans literally already made a whole plan centering around getting the discs of course he'd still proceed with it even when it becomes clear that peaceful coexistence, with or without them, has become completely impossible
and like all of this is happening at the same time that c!dream is actively freaking the fuck out about the revive book, and later experimentation really doesn't help with any of that at all when he discovers that whole Corruption thing. by the time we get to staged finale, the best way of ensuring some kind of stability seems to be having punz keep an eye out, getting rid of lmanburg for good, locking himself up to be like 👍 okay i cant cause problems anymore, and giving tommyinnit those god damned discs holy fuck
and obviously with no one really willing to peacefully coexist until they thought of him as Defeated (a point obviously established over the course of season 1b) that meant that the best way to ensure that he, his allies, and the revive book were all secured would be to engineer his own defeat and put himself in the safest possible position
buuuuuut yeah i think as far as my thoughts on c!dream and plans in season 1b, there's the plan to get the disc + reestablish a status quo of sorts that he abandons for good by the time of december 17th (though as early as december 15th we can see him starting to switch away from it + he probably came up with the plan for staged finale and doomsday and putting himself in the prison in more specifics earlier than that) and after that we see him full throttle go for staged finale until jan 20
and it's important right that during all of this c!dream is acting notably different from how he acts at literally any other point in the server. we know he has a literal like, psychotic break + paranoid spiral because of the revelations of the revive book and all of that ends up with him making the giant fucking what the fuck that is the prison. he's notably paranoid during a LOT of this two-month period. this is not a man in his right mind and a lot of the plans i think around this time definitely reflect that--staged finale is Batshit, and his plan to get the discs is Batshit as well. he's still strategizing and obviously he still pulls off staged finale successfully, but like. in terms of the actual like decisions he's making. it's like. holy hell dude why are you doing things like THAT.
and the idea of backup plans upon backup plans is also something that we see a lot from c!dream--he is adaptable and will change what he does based on the circumstances around him. we saw it in the revolution and multiple back up plans in terms of this time period makes sense as well--the original plan with exile was to get c!Tommy to see him as his "friend" to achieve his goal (with his goal, as established, seeming to be to get the discs), but when that obviously wasn't really working he instead focuses on pressuring c!Tubbo through establishing himself as less volatile than c!Tommy to end up obtaining Mellohi during the Green Festival. his shifting away from originally trying to establish an agreement with NLM more similar to how the server had been pre-Manberg when doing so was evidently impossible bc of the butcher army focusing wholeheartedly on hunting him down leads to the plan that consists of Doomsday/Staged Finale/Putting himself in the prison, which secures himself + his ally + the revive book and gets rid of the perceived major threat that was evidently not going to agree to coexist peacefully, NLM.
anyway hopefully someone could make some sense out of . all of that. a lot of speculation in terms of his original plan pre-staged finale but i think that it does seem to fit w/ some earlier patterns that have been established--mostly i'm just solid on the points of 1) he was gunning for the disc from the beginning for his goals, whatever his goal at the time was and 2) i don't think doomsday + a total annihilation of lmanburg was really something he was specifically gunning towards until he established staged finale as the plan, because he obviously knew that destroying lmanburg would destroy any possibility of peace between him and the rest of the server and would therefore have to ensure his safety through something like putting himself in the prison--after all, c!dream at the beginning of this whole arc already knows that he's alone and wasn't necessarily trusting in a whole collection of allies to watch his back (like, as if anyone watched his back like, from the revolution onwards. lmao. guy literally has more allies by this point in punz and ranboo than he did before i stg)
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