canisalbus · 8 months
hypothetically speaking how powerful would Machete be if he got competent therapy and came out 100% problem-free?
Hard to say. He might be less ambitious actually. He's extremely driven and hardworking in both iterations and it's mostly thanks to his low self-esteem. He's a compensating and overachieving perfectionist and feels like if he's not giving it 110% at all times he's doing an unsatisfactory job .
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gracejones · 1 year
Cleopatra made a dildo by filling a jar with bees apparently
This is the best ask I’ve ever received thank you @nick-nonya
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ironicsoap · 1 year
Hi! I love your models! I was wondering if you had any character making tips for someone who is proficient in 3d but lacking in 2d skills, thanks in advance!
hmm i started out as a pretty decent 2D artist before I got into 3D.. I've really let my 2D skills go to the wayside though since 3D takes up all my time. So not sure if I really have anything specific?
But there is absolutely no shame in using others art to make models! Most of my models are directly based on someone elses style! I only have ~5 (toony)models that were based on my own style. I've traced some commissioners artwork to make my references as well
(also sidenote the magical girl is from @plutodile, credit on the vid is outdated)
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prettyboyhere · 3 months
Get to know me Game from @faggot-loser
do you make your bed? yep yep, even if i'm staying home lol
what's your job? unemployed
if you could go back to school, would you? still studying :D
can you parallel park? nope
do you think aliens are real? yes
can you drive a manual car? no (but did start learning how to)
guilty pleasures? hmmm, probably asmr
tattoos? yee, 3
favorite color? in general? yellow and pastel pink. clothing: red and navy blue
favorite type of music? alternative rock and pop
do you like puzzles? yep yep, i enjoy them competitively more though lmao
any phobias? nope, but have a couple of uncomfortable fears
favorite childhood sport? wasn't a sports kid, but enjoyed playing netball enough
do you talk to yourself? constantly
tea or coffee? coffee (but i love tea!)
first thing you wanted to be be when growing up? i can't really remember, but the earliest one i can remember is wanting to be an author
what movies do you adore? Five Fingers for Marseilles (2017), The Man From Uncle (2015), Venom (2016), Big Hero 6 (2014), Lord of the Rings trilogy (Twin Towers will always be my favourite hehe)
tagging: @nick-nonya, @fellasleepinbaltimore, and @louisdelac <3
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nick-nonya · 7 months
since the CEO is so fine with threatening calling the fbi on a trans woman i say that we ditch this site for a while and go on cohost or something
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empress-of-dark2005 · 7 months
1, 8, 9, 12, 25. for the put numbers in my inbox thingy :]
1. it's from the terraria boss empress of light and my birthyear
8. i don't watch movies that much so i don't really have a favourite movie
9. black
12. cats
25. @carawith17as @archaicfirehydrants @always-tired-musician @drakonyx121 @118sexen @the-lumpfish-king @nonamehorse @tolbre @acekoral @bobthecoolrock @opathes @isotopegirl @catatonic-chaos-climax @cosmic-muses @decoysender @eri-lessthan3 @gibdabobo @hewsos-from-lesbos @homosexualasstransbian @john-liberal @puppygirl-hornyposting2 @tsintzask @resetium @emo-56 @nick-nonya @lezbadeez @weiwei-uplink @unhinged-popsocket @cannibalistic-cucumber @quackgoesthemouse @thegneurshk @tsintzask @madeline-the-bisexual-samurai @transasfuck30 @zealiketea @witzmaennchen @worldsendvalent1ne @chromaticpotato @fae-elegie
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@nick-nonya I just wanna say that this ask has crashed my tumblr twice when I try to answer it how the fuck have you done this
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frogman-inator2000 · 10 months
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I made some sketches to practice rendering gold and try out some new malevolent designs! Open to criticism & ideas!
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sternenzelt · 1 year
RULES: When you get this you have to put 5 songs you actually listen to, then tag 10 people
Tagged by @ipcearn , thank you~
In no particular order—
1. The Summoning by Sleep Token
2. Zombie by Purple Juice
3. My Favourite Stranger by Depeche Mode
4. Lucretia my Reflection by Sisters of Mercy
5. Mammamia by Måneskin (hehe)
I'm gonna be tagging uhhhh @hellwake @lunanilla @thedreamsofgods @doctor-roman @nick-nonya @thatwritingho @bibaleen @ladyofstardvst and any other willing participants! Have fun with it!
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memeticexistence · 1 year
I recieved a notification someone interacted with my post,and when I went to look I see this:
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For context,this is the post:
Tumblr truly is the website of all time,isn't it?
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skiewrites · 5 years
There is No War in Ba Sing Se...
Written for the amazing event that is the @grishaversebigbang​. They are some amazing mods and have worked very hard to get this event out. Go check them out!!!
Corporalki: @monomads​, @shelbychild​
___: @grishasverse​, @thegeyerofintelect (IG) @thematicallycoherent​, @paperpenss​
Summary: There is no war in Ba Sing Se, or at least, that is what people are taught to believe. But, there are people, living deep into the slums of the outer circle of Ba Sing Se, that know better than that. Kaz has been given a mission from a Mister Jan Van Eck. ‘Retrieve the Avatar from Omashu. For your efforts you will be paid beyond your wildest dreams.’ But leaving the city is illegal, so he will need a team of the finest people he can find off of the streets of Ba Sing Se to help him achieve this goal.
Archive Link
Chapter One: Wylan - The Runaway
Wylan has planned this day to the last second.
His bags have been packed for the last week, every night he went through it just to make sure he had everything he thought he needed. He been talking longer and longer nightly strolls, coming home later and later so that his behaviour won’t trigger anything suspicious, or at least, for long enough that he will be far gone out of the middle circle of Ba Sing Se, and therefore out of his father’s reach, before he realised that his son was missing.
He had his route planned out for longer though. The way that he would jump a fence and double back on himself a couple of times before and after he got out of the middle circle so that anyone following him would not be able to follow him out of the city and try and take him back to the nightmare of his childhood home.
See, Wylan had planned to use the structure of Ba Sing Se to his advantage. It had been built centuries ago now, by powerful Earthbenders, who told the Earth to raise multiple walls to protect the city, now the biggest Earth Kingdom and potentially the whole world. The outer wall was the biggest and therefore the hardest to cross, getting both in and out, but there were other, much smaller walls inside the outer wall, protecting the richer and more important people in the city, the inner walls protecting the Earth King.
Of course, it was not the inner walls or the outer walls that Wylan cared for, but much rather the middle walls, the wall that kept the poor away from the rich, and it was this wall that was going to hide Wylan from the eyes of his father. Many of the criminals of the slums of the outerwall tried to get inside the middle wall each night, each story being wilder and wilder each time a child told another at school. Because of this, most of the focus of the soldiers on the wall was focus on no one getting in, meaning that Wylan getting out of the middle wall and joining the slums, where his father would not be able to see him, would be like taking candy from a baby.
That is, if his plan went the way that he planned.
When the bell rang ten, the shrills of the bell calling all across the merchants street of the middle circle, Wylan threw on his bag, something that was heavier than he thought but some of the items were things that he simply could not part with, and escaped out of the window, dropping down and landing in a crouch behind a bush before standing up, looking around before making his daring escape.
At the dead of night, there were not many people out of their houses, too filled with fear of the people like the Dai Li, the secret police that roamed the streets and looked for anyone causing any slight inconvenience and made them comply with their mind-bending skill, or at least, that was the rumours that the Earthbending kids would always tell him, before throwing rocks at him and causing him to run back to the so called 'safety’ of his father’s home. Wylan kept his head down as he walked past each person, not sure who was telling the truth and who was employed by the king to keep the peace.
It did not take long for him to get to the wall, the one that would be the key that locked the door between him and his father.
A peak around the corner showed two guards standing and looking away from him, showing him the street ahead of him, one that lead him away from his father.
He was almost there.
Picking up a stone, Wylan skidded it across the ground, making it go far out from the guards’ posts, watching with a smile on his face as the pair looked at each other with a frown, before running after the stone, leaving the archway free for Wylan simply wander through.
He did run through it though. Just in case.
And he didn’t stop. Why wouldn’t he? He was free! Free from his father’s expectations, his harsh words of criticism, his hatred glare knowing that he’ll never be able to be the son and heir that his father desired out of him.
He was free to be anyone he wanted here in the slums. That was such a freeing thought that it could not leave his head as he ran, and ran and ran and ran, further and further into the slums, and eventually, into someone.
“Watch where you’re going kid,” the man growled, turning to face Wylan, then pushing the smaller boy to the floor, letting out a huff as his soft palms grazed the harsh ground below him.
“What is a merchant kid like you doing this far away from the middle circle?” A second man asked, gaining the attention of the third man as he crouched down to face Wylan with a smile that screamed at him to run. “What a full bag,” His eyes moved from boy to bag to boy again, before flicking out a knife, harshly placing it underneath Wylan’s chin, seemingly not noticing how it split his skin and caused blood to start trailing down his front, staining his white shirt. “What did you say your name was little man?”
“Nonya.” Wylan replied after a second of thought, trying to ignore the pain that seemed so abnormal for him, having grown up away from pain and consequences.
“Nonya? What a funny name for a boy… Merchants are sure creative these days. What’s your full name?”
“Non ya business!” Wylan yelled as he kicked the man in the face, quickly getting up off of the floor and picking up his bag as he went, and beginning to weave in between the poorly built houses as the men started to gain up on him, the advantage of living in the slums becoming clearer and clearer with each wide stride they took.
However, Wylan had the advantage of being smaller than the men.
He ducked into a small dark corner, holding his breath as he watched the angry men run past him, the reflection of their knife hitting his eye as they went.
The slums are dangerous. He knew this before he committed himself to the plan, with the idea that anyway would be better than his father’s house. It still is, however, the knowledge that, if he hadn’t run away when he had, he would be dead, bleeding more than the painful cut on his chin.
“Man, kid, you’ve really rifled them up,” Wylan turned at the sudden voice, his eyes catching a figure in the dark. Stepping into the moonlight, he managed to get a better look at the speaker, a dark skinned teenager who couldn’t be too much older than himself, wearing the typical green clothes commonly seen by those who lived in Ba Sing Se. He was holding a slingshot in his hand, something that seemed weirdly out of place on the gangly teen.
“I’m not a kid!”
"That’s something that twelve year olds say.”
"I’m not twelve, I’m sixteen!”
"You’re pulling my leg, there’s no way you’re sixteen.”
"I am!”
"Prove it.”
The man, who remained nameless, took a step closer to Wylan, only to notice his chin still dripping with blood. The cut was not life-threatening by any means, but it was still deeper than most nicks that Wylan had experience in his life thus far.
“Lets get that looked at.” The man began to drag Wylan by his hand through the maze.
“Why are you helping me?
"Because there’s something about you kid.”
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canisalbus · 7 months
genuinely can't think of Machete having a normal italian name
this wet beaste cannot be called Mario or something
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nick-nonya · 5 months
me when I pick up my phone and see 14 notifications from nick nonya
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me when i receive an ask about sending 14 notifications:
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frogman-inator2000 · 10 months
Working on some new John designs, here’s the inspo
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