melspontaneus · 10 months
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One of my art pieces for the @grishaversebigbang!
"An Interview with Wylan Hendricks" [link to fic in ao3]
Etherealki (writer): @adara-writer
Materialki (artists): @maxe-murderer, @scinnahunbun and me!
I'll be posting more art about this fic in the next weeks! ^^
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beani-ed · 9 months
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This is so late and I’m so terribly sorry but here is my work for Etherialki @sankttealeaf’s fic Blessed are the Merciful (For they Shall Obtain Mercy)!
@maxe-murderer (here)
@mitraavrs (here)
And a special thanks to our Corporalki @gimmedafood for betaing the fic!
Shoutout to everyone else who worked on GVBB and you should go check out their posts!!
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beccalendsahand · 10 months
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My piece for the @grishaversebigbang 2023! A crows story with a scooby doo twist "Would have gotten away with it, too" by @ofmonstersandmagicians which you can read here! Materialki (the artists): @fayrism @judaluffy their piece (I will update with links to their work once uploaded!)
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jjelliacee · 1 year
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psst..Zoyalai Cirque du Soleil au anyone?
@grishaversebigbang reverse mini bang inspired by this✨
Check out the amazing fic "On the Ropes" by the equally amazing @noirshadow and @aurorasnnsadprose who have been a delight to work with!
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krugecrow · 5 months
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Zoyalai tattoo artist au for @grishaversebigbang 2023!! Drunk bonding in the shop adding to Nik’s patch collection
You can find @dregstrash fic ‘some things are supposed to be permanent’ here! (AO3 link)
Check out @hagnoart art and @cla-oh art !!
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scinnahunbun · 10 months
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my entry for @grishaversebigbang !
An Interview with Wylan Hendricks" [link to fic in ao3]
Etherealki (writer): @adara-writer
Materialki (artists): @maxe-murderer , @melspontaneus and @scinnahunbun !!
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My fic for the GVBB 2023! I wanted to do Ulla justice!
The art on the right is by @punchsomeoneforme-willyou
The art on the left is by @aramy-studio
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cla-oh · 5 months
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Here the piece I did for @grishaversebigbang 2023!!
✨A Zoyalai tattoo artist AU✨🤌
You can find @dregstrash fic ‘some things are supposed to be permanent’ on AO3! (I'll add the link later)
Kaz wanted a tattoo despite having the ick on his skin.
Check out @hagnoart art here and @krugecrow art here!!
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noirshadow · 1 year
On the Ropes
Had so much fun writing this zoyalai cirque AU for the reverse @grishaversebigbang! The fic was inspired by this incredible artwork by @jjelliacee. Thank you for the amazing idea and inspo ❤️.
With the talented @aurorasnnsadprose, who wrote the Zoya POV, I wrote Nikolai for an alternating POV story. We only had a loose plot and didn't see the final combined version till after. Super happy with how it turned out. Enjoy!
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mitraavrs · 10 months
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1/3 pieces i worked on for the @grishaversebigbang event !
drew this for @theogony 's six of crows/much ado about nothing themed fic ''The Jesper Fahey Foolproof Guide to Getting Your Friends to Fall in Love(TM)'
Etherealki : @theogony (link to tumblr post / link to ao3)
Corporalki : @bloodyrakshasi
and check out all the other amazing artists who created pieces for this fic :
Materialki :
@bubble--berry (link to art here)
@intrgalartic (link to art here)
@jmie-draws (link to art here)
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doodlesnoff · 10 months
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"you two wouldn't be looking to join a crew, by any chance?" for @grishaversebigbang which pairs fanfiction with fan doodlers
etherealki: @llantsovvs story "Kindling," an adventure prequel for this trio
materialki: me, @doodlesnoff, view on instagram here . check out @mfrov95 for more art from this fic!
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beani-ed · 1 year
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Race to the Finish Line | @grishaversebigbang
“Are you sure that’s a good idea, Jesper?” A voice spoke from behind them. Jesper turned, spotting Kaz standing by the fence.
“What do you mean? He’s learning.”
“You can’t keep still in the saddle. Last time I saw you on horseback you fell off.”
“Shut up. I’m a great teacher. And an even better rider.”
“History proves otherwise.”
Jesper glared at Kaz, the comments to his riding abilities bruising his ego. He adjusted his waistcoat as he stood upright. “I could beat you at a race.”
Kaz raised an eyebrow. “No, you couldn’t.”
Materialki: @maxe-murderer (MORE ART)
Etherialki: @sankttealeaf (SUPER COOL FIC)
(without text)
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unicat-w · 8 months
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piece I draw for @grishaversebigbang, want to post this with a fic but my group kinda drift apart💔
it's mal/alina/nikolai, where mal try on some fancy clothes and nikolai got bi attack
more art by @ferrisraccoon
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jjelliacee · 1 year
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But I apologize for coming into your life just to break your heart to pieces and then leave you in the night
@grishaversebigbang reverse mini bang time! I give you, ✨zoyalina angst✨ inspired by 'The Ones We Once Loved'
and be sure to check out @aquared46 's fic with queer ballerinas playing a queer rendition of 'Giselle'
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cassecorrea · 1 year
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That’s the Laugh.
Here’s my piece for the Reverse Mini-Bang for @grishaversebigbang !! I had so much fun with this piece, it’s something I definitely manifest for these characters 🥺
Check out the great fics by the Etherealki!!:
@swift-creates here and @aceinejghafa here
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polekands · 10 months
He was the stag, and the stag was him.
ayyy :D This piece might be one of my long-time favourite artworks and I did it for @edgesystem's incredible 'Mal is the Sun-Summoner'-fic. Please go and check it out right here -> [x]
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This was part of the @grishaversebigbang and @ferrisraccoon made another very breathtaking artwork for this fic! :D -> [x]
stags are very hard to draw :)
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