#nico: i was. you have a mom who’s a country singer; you’re more of a cat person than dog; and you are a Star Wars fanatic
nicohate · 2 years
actually it would be hilarious if they didn’t talk at all during the 3 day infirmary bedrest
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marbleheavy · 3 years
I did Nico so here are some Will Solace headcanons that have bouncing around my brain for a while now
He goes through a sweater phase where he wears almost exclusively slightly too big, brightly colored, knit sweaters with thick collars and cinched sleeves
He read that fact about how if your tongue sticks to a rock it’s actually a bone, and now he licks every rock he finds because “What if it’s the bone of a dinosaur? What if I’m licking part of a T-Rex right now?” (and Nico just lets him do it even though he knows they aren’t bones)
REALLY into pinkie promises. Like, he takes them so seriously. Pinkie promise > swearing on the Styx
He takes a lot of chaotic self timer pictures and always ropes everyone else into them. They always end up looking like an album cover and he looks like he’s the lead singer. It’s not even that he’s always front and center, it’s just the way that he’s holding himself in every picture. When he gets his own apartment or house or whatever, he makes a collage of them all and he has every one of his friends choose a picture and write what the name of the album would be on it.
Going off of that, he is really into crafts but specifically memory crafts (does that make sense???). He makes keepsake boxes and friendship bracelets and so many things because he feels like it doesn’t matter if those things actually look good because the most important part of them is the memory attached.
He uses either 🤠 or ✨ (sometimes 🤪) in almost every text and uses them to convey any emotion. Rachel is the only one who ever understands exactly what he means.
A million friendship and bead bracelets just all the way up his arms. Probably some silly bands too.
He carries a backpack with him almost all the time and it somehow holds every possible necessity but always looks nearly empty. Obviously a first aid kit, but also like snacks and a hat and sunscreen and a million pens and the list goes on and on. It’s kind of in a mom friend way but more of a thing where someone sees “i need x item” and Will just hands it to them wordlessly without even stopping his sentence.
He adores the face masks that are supposed to make you look like an animal but they’re mostly just scary. They make him giggle like a toddler. (Imagine him and Nico with the fluffy headbands with the ears and then the face masks and Will just absolutely losing his shit)
Hozier!! Will loves Hozier!! Also country music (but he has a whole spiel about new age, american exceptionalist pop country because he h a t e s that). Also, and this is the really important one, 80s music but the really synth-y stuff (see my 80s cover band au for more details)
His ideal outfit is a chunky sweater, a jean jacket, jeans that don’t match the jacket, and rain boots. He loves rain boots. He’s got multiple pairs and at least one of them have frogs on them. If he can’t wear rain boots, flip flops in the summer and vans in the other seasons (He’s definitely got a pair of these yellow Vans)
He dresses like a dad but a dad that was born in the 80s and is also three years old
Will has at least three flavors of chapstick on him at any given time
Will Solace with a gun is wonderful, truly. I would like to add to this by introducing the concept of him wearing the side holsters on either this legs or his arms. He wants to go on quests so he can live his dreams of being a cowboy with thigh gun holsters and a hat and boots and all of it. (Also, Nico with knives strapped to his thighs and Will with guns) (Also, also, there’s a Cards Against Humanity card that says “Shooting a wizard with a gun” and that screams Will Solace)
Will is very much a “Let’s not resort to violence” person but in a way where like, Person A tries to punch B and Will is like “hey, we can talk this out” but then B doubles down and says something really out of line and Will just backs up and is like “You know what? Never mind, you do what you need to do” (And also in a “Let’s not fight… except for Nico because isn’t he so pretty with his sword?)
speaking of pretty, Will l o v e s to be called pretty. It makes his sweet summer child heart go brrr
He is obviously very into nicknames and terms of endearment but calling someone “Hon” or “Sweet pea” is always passive aggressive (that’s less of a Will thing and more of a Southern thing)
I would like to bring up the licking rocks thing again because I really do just believe it with my whole heart
For a while, the idea of Will’s grandparents (obviously Naomi’s side) being French has been bouncing around my head and I really do love the idea of Will speaking French fluently but not at all formally. It’s a lot of slang and has a Texas drawl mixed in with it but it’s definitely French (and it definitely makes Nico melt). He will just deadpan look at someone and go “Quoi?” and he counts the infirmary inventory stock in French but only up until sixty, then he switches to English (soixante-dix can suck it, sorry if you’re french but like, just make a new word. there’s no need for me to have to do math while already counting. don’t even get me started on anything in the 90s. quatre-vingt-dix-sept?? excuse me??)
Will and Persephone being buddies!! They just get along well and very much understand being summer people in love with anti-sun people and just, ugh, family dinners in the Underworld and Will always, always brings a gift for her. Will and Nico come in and anyone can hear Persephone yell “Is that Will? Is Will here?” and Will just grins and calls back “Yes ma’am, and I brought you some brownies from my Mama and some of the flowers from her garden”
Also, Nico knows all the deities and Will brings them cookies because they’re a team like that
He either plays soccer or lacrosse but either way he’s very good at it and it’s honestly intimidating (jock will solace <3)
Not to say Will isn’t his fair share of chaotic, but he’s friends with a lot of very chaotic or at the least eccentric people (Cecil and his pranks, Lou Ellen and her pig balls, Rachel and herself, Nico and himself, etc.) so he’s very good at turning on the Southern charm and just smiling his way out of any situation so he can get himself and everyone else away without any consequences
I think that’s all for now!! If you have any additions, please feel free to add them on, I love seeing other people’s ideas!
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lonelypond · 4 years
Parent Trap, Chapter The First
NicoMaki, Love Live/Love Live Sunshine, 6k, 1/2
Summary: Dr. Nishikino Maki is a single mother, not in search of anything besides a few quiet moments. Yazawa Nico is a singer on the rise who did a favor for an old friend. Are they more connected than they realize?
Parent Trap, Chapter The First
Yazawa Nico was due at the airport at too early an hour. But Ayase Eli was too old a friend not to make time for. So when they were at lunch and Nico had cooed over the latest twin pictures, Eli had asked if Nico wanted children. Of course, Nico wanted children, but the life of the next JLO didn’t really leave any time for that. And then Eli had explained how she could bank some of Nico’s genetic material at her lab. And if Nico didn’t mind, it might help Eli with a project she’d been working on with a colleague.
It had taken about a month, with screening tests and two weeks on hormones before Nico could physically donate eggs. The retrieval procedure had taken less than a half an hour, and Nico had stopped into Eli’s office after hours a week later for an ultrasound and check up.
“Did you double check all your paperwork?” Eli asked as she put away the ultrasound equipment.
Nico pulled her sweatshirt down. She didn’t dress up for top secret doctor visits. She had sunglasses and a long coat for when she stepped out of Eli’s office. “Yeah, Nico read through it twice. So no one makes a baby with Nico without Nico’s permission right?”
“Right.” Eli’s reply was quick.
Nico had confidence in Eli, who had always been an honor student and someone with exact and precise ethical behavior. “Good.” Nico bounced up, “It’s nice to know Nico’s got a backup for the biological clock.”
Eli smiled, “Thanks for helping. The more chance I have to work with different cells, the more likely we are to eventually succeed.”
“Nico is a hero.”
“Nico is a good friend.”
“Eli!” Tojo Nozomi’s voice called from the hallway outside. “We’re going to be late to pick up Vik and Teddy.”
“I’ll be right there. I just have to finish up with Nico.”
“NICO!” The door slammed open and Nico was engulfed in a huge hug, “You haven’t been by in months. How are ya.”
“Nico can’t breathe. Eli, help.” Nico squeaked.
“Nozomi, put Nico down.”
Nozomi did, but then kept hold of Nico’s shoulder, her green eyes concerned, “Are you all right, is something wrong, is that why…”
Nico waved a hand, “Just a pre tour checkup. My regular doctor couldn’t fit me in. Eli did me a favor.”
“Eli is the best.”
“Yeah, Nico, anytime you need a quick checkup.” Eli’s voice wavered. Nozomi turned her attention to her wife, the terrible liar.
“Nico has to run.” Nico put her sunglasses on with a grand gesture, even though it was dark outside. Nico would always Nico. Nozomi was glad to see it.
“We’ll see you out, I’ll just leave the paperwork at the desk for my assistant to enter into the system tomorrow.” Eli held the door open.
They walked out, Eli dropping the folder in the inbox. Nozomi respected Eli’s commitment to having paper copies of everything. She’d been the most organized student council president ever and that had followed through to everything she did.
“Oh no.” Nozomi cried out.
Eli spun instantly, “Nontan?”
Nozomi flicked her own forehead, “I was so excited to see Nico-chi, I left my purse in the exam room. I’ll be right back. Just wait for me at the car.” She kissed Eli on the cheek.
“Okay.” Eli put an arm around Nico’s shoulders, “Sure I can’t convince you to have dinner with us and the twins. They miss you.”
“Next time Nico’s in town, I lost a packing day because Cocoa had a car crisis.”
“You really have to make time, Nico. We miss you.”
Their voices faded down the hall. Nozomi nodded and stepped to the desk, putting her purse out from behind her back to set next to the in tray. There was no name on the folder Eli had put down, just a number. Nozomi made a quick note of it as she opened to read. Nico and Eli were up to something and Nozomi had never been able to let that pass without “helping”. Seeing Nico’s first answer, a quick check….hmmm, Nozomi had a feeling that Nico’s status might change for the better with a different answer. And Eli always did the initial paperwork in pencil, that made some things easier.
Four Plus Years Later
Dr. Nishikino Maki was drowsy. Single parenting was exhausting. Even with a nanny and her parents’s help, the past year with Dia had been exhausting. Which is why her parents had shoved her out the door to go to the Ayase New Year’s Eve party. Which was loud, and bustling. Eli’s mom was babysitting the twins and Eli’s wife, Nozomi, was taking the opportunity to loudly announce as many details of every attendee’s life as she could.
“MAKI!” Nozomi swirled up, in a very pretty soft gray wrap dress, “It’s been too long.” Nozomi would have gone for a hug, but Maki had predicted her action and sidestepped. “How’s your little girl?”
“Sleeping, I hope.”
Nozomi tilted her head, green eyes staring at Maki with an odd look in them. She almost spoke, then shrugged, “Eli will be happy to see you. We have so many friends for you to meet. You haven’t even stopped by the office in 6 months. We got so used to seeing you when you were pregnant.”
Maki decided to change the conversation, “How are the twins?”
“Exhausting.” Nozomi’s laugh drew the attention of her wife, who hurried over.
“Did I miss a joke? Hi, Maki.” Eli slid her arm around Nozomi’s waist, “Nico’s going to sing in a minute.”
“Ooohh, you won’t want to miss this, Maki.”
“What?” Maki’s question was perfunctory. Nozomi’s suggestions were always problematic, one way or another, so Maki tended to armor up when Nozomi was in idea tossing mode.
“Nico Ni.” Eli was gleaming, “We had a band together in high school, then instead of college, she started touring and got signed by a major label right away. I’m surprised you haven’t heard of her.”
Maki shrugged, “I don’t listen to contemporary music much.”
“Contemporary.” Nozomi drawled, “Non robots call it pop or punk or rock or country or hip hop or whatever genre you favor.”
“Nozomi, let’s not harass our guest.”
“But Elichi, that’s why I throw parties.”
Eli had her arm through Nozomi’s and was steering her away, She smiled apologetically at Maki, and then the lights dimmed and the sound system kicked in.
“Hello, Chicago, my hometown, Nico Ni here to make your heart throb for this heartthrob.”
Maki glanced at the stage. A tiny woman, long dark hair, neon pink over black the dominant theme of her costume, complete with some kind of sparkly animal ears. She looked like her music was going to be loud. Maki headed for the balcony.
Maki had found a bartender who mixed an excellent virgin bloody mary and was nursing her second while waiting for clouds to clear so she could see more constellations. WInter nights were the best, cold and clear.
“You avoiding the crowds too?” Maki heard the question as the door slid open.
“More avoiding the music.”
“Not a Nico Ni fan?”
Maki shrugged, honestly it wouldn’t have made a difference who it was, “It just seemed like it was going to be loud and…”
“One year old.”
“Oh,” a quick pleasant laugh. “I haven’t had time...or the partner for that. They’re cute at that age.”
Maki shrugged again. Dia was cute, probably above average cute, but that wasn’t really a surprise. Or something Maki could announce like her birthweight or how many words she knew. “No partner.”
“Oh.” A nervous laugh, “Sorry…”
‘No. It’s exactly what I wanted.” Maki knew that should have sounded more convincing. Dia was, as far as her reading and research could attest, an near ideal daughter. Maki’s parents had finally shut up about her producing an heir, Rin and Hanayo’s baby had a playmate, Eli’s research had made it possible to get pregnant without anything gross or sticky involved, and now Maki was back at work and even out socializing. So all good, right? Maki sighed,
“Cookie?” Maki turned. A small, bright, crimson eyed woman in a slouched hat and an oversized coat was leaning next to her, offering what looked like a homemade cookie. Eli and Nozomi had hired caterers.
“You smuggled in food?”
“Only way to be sure there’s always some around.” A smile that stunned Maki with its cheerful incandescence, “Ni...No poison, I swear.”
Maki took the cookie, and an intriguing mix of cinnamon and stranger flavors melted on her tongue. “That’s different. I like it.”
“Chinese five spice and shortbread.”
Maki nodded, chewing happily. Not exactly dip in a virgin bloody mary food, but maybe time for a coffee palate cleanser. Maki glanced at her watch, another hour til midnight. The other woman was still looking at her, expectant.
“Are you a pastry chef?” Maki asked, maybe she could buy another cake for Dia’s birthday. Her parents would want pictures.
The other woman shook her head. “No, cooking is what I do for fun. Yazawa Nico.”
Maki took the offered hand. The grip was strong and surprisingly warm, “Nishinikino Maki.”
“Oh, like the hospital.” A stunning grin, “Eli works there. I used to stop by a lot.”
“You’re a friend of Eli’s?”
“High school.” Another grin, “We were in a band together, It was the worst, and Eli hates all the videos we made, but I found out I loved performing.” Nico swept her hands up, “Nico Nico Ni.”
Nico Ni. That’s what Eli meant. The singer. Who’d asked if Maki...Maki flushed, tensing, “You should cook more.”
“Okay. So not a fan.” Nico continued to gleam, “But once you actually hear Nico’s voice you’ll…”
“Did you come out here to harass me for not listening to your show?”
Nico snorted, “No, Ms. Colder Than The Air, I didn’t think anybody would be out here. Nico came out here to get away from her fans.”
“That worked.” Maki grimaced.
There was silence. Nico turned her attention to the sky. Orion was shining brightly on the horizon.
“Great night for stargazing.” Nico said softly.
“Getting clearer.”
“Does the one year old have a name?”
Another shrug. Not a topic Maki was going to pick up. “You can see almost a dozen stars in the Pleiades cluster tonight. That’s rare for this close to the city.”
“Can you find Orion?”
“It’s the blurry group up and to the right.” Maki pointed.
“Oh yeah, cool.”
More silence, then Nico asked another question.
“You an astronomer?”
“That’d be nice.” Maki glanced to see Nico watching her, “Doctor. Medical doctor. ER doctor.”
“Adrenaline junkie.”
Maki shook her head, “Not really. I just like puzzles.” She almost hesitated, “And people who don’t linger.”
Now the silence was awkward. True as Maki’s statement was for some reason she didn’t know, the other woman seemed much farther away. And then Nico pushed off the railing, “Thanks for the astronomy lesson, Doc. Happy New Year.”
Maki nodded, “Same to you.”
Nico waved and went back to the party, Maki left behind in the now too cold air, mood deflated by the unpredictable encounter.
Maki had snuck out. She didn’t really want to miss Dia’s first birthday and the whole thought of a roomful of people kissing at midnight just made her queasy and sad. And Nozomi would, of course, make a big fuss about kissing her too and Maki was honestly just not in the mood. So at 11:55, she was turning the key in the door of the family mansion, and at midnight, she was kissing the only girl in her life on the cheek.
“Happy New Year, Dia. Happy birthday. Let’s have a fun year.”
It was strange for Maki to spend so much time with someone who didn’t talk back much, although Dia was very vocal, making funny little noises and a few words. Maki had been surprised at how much she’d cried the first time Dia reached out her little arms and said “Mama.” She could still feel how much her body had swelled with a new joy.
Dia’s eyes opened. They were a brilliant green, like gems. Maki wondered if the egg donor had eyes that color.
“Hi, Dia. Your Mama came home early for your birthday. I had the best cookie at the party. I wanted to have the baker make you a cake, but your Mama’s not great at talking to pretty people.” Maki sighed, sitting in the recliner next to Dia’s crib, “I hope you’re better with people than I am.”
Maki remembered all the questions Eli had asked her about what she was looking for in a donor. Mostly Maki had wanted healthy, but to give her sole child a chance at a better school and social life than she had, Maki figured she should choose an extrovert who got along well with others. So Eli added that to the parameters, along with athletic and musical, because Maki wanted her daughter to love music like she did. And here we were, three years later, with Test Case #1, the top secret Ayase-Nishikino experiment in two female parents reproducing. One of the parents was just an anonymous donor. Maki had been nervous about the science, but with her best friend Koizumi Hanayo and Hoshizora Rin wanting a child of their own after an adoption that fell through, they all decided to take the risk together. Eli and Nozomi had happily adopted American-Japanese twins, now 6 years old, but they wanted to help women who wanted families and couldn’t or wouldn’t adopt.
Dia made a crying noise, so Maki kept telling her about the party. Rin would say silly things and make faces at Tora, but Maki didn’t see why you couldn’t have mostly normal conversations with small children. Eventually Dia would learn all the words. It wasn’t really something Maki thought much about. Dia was there, so Maki talked to her. And then she’d read Dia her bedtime story. Princess Princess Ever After was a Maki favorite. And Dia would giggle when Maki said “Fine, Prince Butthead here can rescue himself” so that was always fun.
“Yeah, I think your Mama said something wrong,” Maki tossed her hair back, she should have put on pajama pants rather than this form fitting sheath dress but she wanted to kiss Dia at midnight. “She wasn’t a baker. She was a singer. Maybe we can listen to her songs tomorrow when we’re driving to meet Rin and Hanayo and Tora for your birthday party.”
Dia made a pleased noise so Maki decided that was enough of a plan and now it was time for bedtime stories and then getting out of her dress.
Maki had brought Dia over for dinner with the Koizumi-Hoshizora. Which meant pizza and a movie most of the time. Well, Hanayo had rice and Rin had ramen and Maki had pizza. Maki wondered what Dia’s favorite food would be. Tora already was showing a preference for things rice, Maki’s chef made an infant friendly rice pudding whenever Tora visited. Although, Hanayo was still glaring at Maki for explaining to Rin the dangers of arsenic in rice. So that was fun.
“So do you know Yazawa Nico?” Maki asked Rin casually as Dia and Tora race crawled around the living room.
“Yeah, Kayo-chin’s a big fan. Why?”
Maki decided not to go into the full story, “Just heard a couple of her songs. Dia seems to like them.”
“We should have a karaoke night.” Rin announced, “Invite Eli and Nozomi and everyone.”
“That might be fun. I don’t have a lot of nights free though.”
“Brunch karaoke.” RIn stated.
“Brunch karaoke?”
“Wouldn’t that make a great band name?”
“Mama?” Dia was pulling herself up on a table.
“What is it, Dia?
Dia motioned feeding herself, “Lunch.”
“Okay, Dia. We’ll see if Hanayo’s ready.”
“C’mon, Tora.” Rin scooped up her daughter and led the quest for her wife.
Dia had stacked all her blocks neatly in their bucket and was looking at Maki expectantly.
Maki grinned, “Thank you, Dia. Mama’s proud of how you decided to clean on your own.”
Dia nodded, suddenly shy and Maki laughed and picked up her daughter into a hug, spinning them around the room. “We’re going to fly.”
“MAMA!!!” Dia screamed.
Maki kept spinning and fell back onto the couch, “And that’s how you dance.”
“Dance.” Diane murmured.
“Dance and prance and…”
“Dance.” Dia shouted, standing next to Maki on the couch, bouncing “Dance Dance Dance.”
Maki had a hand out, hovering near her daughter’s waist, ensuring that Dia didn’t pitch forward to the floor. The first time that had happened had terrified Maki more than anything else in her life, even though she’d caught Dia at the last minute.
“C’mon, bun, let’s get you dinner. Then Mama is going out.” Rin had at some point said Dia was as “cute as a bunny” and Maki had turned it into a nickname.
“No, Dia, you can’t have pudding for dinner. Pudding is dessert.”
“No, Mama.” Dia glared at Maki, then wrapped her arms around Maki’s neck, “We go now.”
“Okay,” Maki swept up her daughter, “We go now.”
A month later, Rin had actually managed to corral most of their friends into a karaoke night. Hanayo had stayed home with Tora to watch a livestream of the stars of an anime in concert. Rin was driving so Maki was going to allow herself a sip or two of sake. She wasn’t sure if she was going to sing, but Rin would probably drag her into at least one duet.
It was a nice place. Sleek, polished wood, black-lit, private rooms with neon, huge couches, lots of space, and attentive but not intrusive waitstaff. It had an Asian influenced menu that Maki appreciated. Sushi was such a good snack for sitting around and watching Rin get sillier and sillier. She and Nozomi were in a battle for who could sing the craziest duet. Sonoda Umi, dojo owner and stunt choreographer, had actually joined them to sing “Say My Name.” Eli had practically stood on one of the table cheering while Umi’s wife, fashion designer Minami Kotori had giggled through the song.
And then the door opened, and two tiny women came in, a tray of drinks between them.
“Nico bought a round and a friend. What are we singing?”
“NICO!” Eli, who was definitely tipsy at this point, jumped down to pick up Nico in a hug, “You came.”
“Nico was in town. And it’s been too long since we’ve sung together.”
“We’re next. Me and Nico! Clear the floor.” Eli announced.
“Give me a minute, Eli. Let me introduce my friend. Everybody, Kira Tsubasa; Kira Tsubasa, everybody!”
“Hey! Can you sing?” Rin asked.
Kira did a double take, while Maki heard Nico whisper too loudly, “See, I told you, they don’t know anything about pop music. We’re good.”
Maki knew Nico hadn’t meant her to hear that and wasn’t specifically talking about her, but she still felt embarrassed and stupid. And then Rin called out her name.
“Maki Maki Maki. You said you’d sing “Telephone” with me.”
Yes, Maki had. But now she didn’t exactly want to. But Rin had made them practice, in front of Tora and Dia and it had been fun. Maybe if Maki didn’t look at anyone.
Rin had her wrist and was pulling her to the stage.
Well that was over and Maki had a genuine grin on her face. She hadn’t had the feel of performing for an audience since her last piano recital, too many years ago, and even though it was only karaoke, Maki could feel the group leaning forward on their seats, caught up in the song, laughing, watching, tapping along to the beat. Maki had even felt emboldened enough to catch Nico’s eye and wink before turning to Rin and high fiving at the end.
She slid back into the couch and Nico sat next to her, an unopened bottled sparkling water in hand. “You worked up a sweat.’
“Thanks!” Maki twisted off the cap, enjoying the sharpness of the lime twist flavor.
“Perform often?”
“Not since undergrad.”
“In a band?”
“Concert pianist.”
Nico nodded, sipping on her fruity oversized drink, “So Beyoncé or Gaga?”
Maki tossed her hair out of her eyes, running her fingers through it, feeling the sweat dampening the tips, “Why choose.”
That pleasant, inviting laugh, “Good point. Nico approves.”
Umi’s best friend, Kosaka Honoka, award winning pastry chef and owner of Homura, had the mic and was doing a stunning lowkey version of Miley Cyrus’s “Malibu”. Then Tsubasa jumped up and whispered something to Honoka who said sure and the next thing Maki knew the intro to the Hannah Montana theme song played, which got everybody in the room singing along.
And then Nico put her drink down, “Nico’s turn” and strode confidently to the front of the room, in her oversized black and gray sweatshirt, hood down, and thigh high black, rhinestone studded boots.
“For any Beyoncé fans.” And Nico ripped off a “Crazy In Love”, complete with Jay-Z’s rap verses, dueting with herself, and lighting up the entire room like a Lunar New Year fireworks show finale over Hong Kong Harbor.
Tsubasa raised a toast when Nico finished, “So very Nico to do a love song with yourself.”
“Only the best for Nico.” Nico grabbed a bottled water.
“Is that Fenty Puma?” Kotori asked, reaching forward to stroke the fabric.
“Yeah, saw it on the runway, fell in love, had to have it.”
That’s why it seemed familiar, Maki thought. She had two pieces from that collection, a black jumpsuit and kimono inspired track jacket she’d worn to some NWSL games. She and Rin both had Red Star season tickets, her spare usually taken by Umi or Honoka. She’d be able to take Dia to her first game soon.
“This is so much fun, Maki!” Rin slid in next to Maki, her face glowing. “Kayo-chin’s missing out.”
“I think she’s probably pretty happy with her concert.” Maki countered.
“Yeah,” RIn frowned, “you don’t think she thinks they’re prettier than me.”
“No, Rin.”
“Hmmmm…” Rin murmured doubtfully, leaning back, head forward. Then her phone went off.
Eli and Nozomi were at the mic, much too close to kissing for Maki to pay attention to them.
Rin groaned, bumping Maki’s shoulder. “Tora won’t settle down. I have to go home. Kayo-chin says Tora needs me to tell her a bedtime story.”
And I bet Hanayo wants someone to cuddle, Maki thought to herself.
Rin had already put down her drink and money for a tip when she froze, “But I’m your ride, Maki, what will you do?”
“Don’t worry about it. I can always call a car.”
“Someone need a ride?” Nico slid in on Maki’s other side.
“Yeah, I have to go home but I’m Maki’s ride.”
“If Maki doesn’t mind, Nico can drop her off whenever she’s ready.”
“Haven’t you been drinking?” Maki remembered the fruity drink.
Nico shook her head, “Nah, alcohol’s not really the healthiest and Nico’s got some shows coming up.”
Maki glanced at Nico, who smiled and shrugged. “Okay.”
“Thanks, Maki.” RIn gave Maki a quick hug, “Say good night to Dia for me.”
“Will do. See you this weekend.”
RIn waved as she ran out the door.
“This weekend?”
“Sunday brunch.”
“Good friends huh?”
“Yeah,” Maki agreed, “We went to high school together.”
“Like me and Eli.”
“I guess.”
“How’d she meet her wife?”
“They’ve been perfect for each other since elementary school.” Maki snorted, “Some days it was a little...daunting, but Rin’s so cheerful.” Maki shrugged, “And here we are, both with one year olds.”
Nico didn’t reply and Maki glanced over. Nico seemed thoughtful, drumming her fingers against her thigh. Then she noticed Maki’s attention and did a hand gesture, “Nico Nico Ni. Want to do a duet?”
“Actually, I want to hear you and Eli.”
Nozomi caught the Eli reference or had been eavesdropping. Maki was pretty sure it was the second. Nozomi liked to know EVERYTHING that went on, whether or not it had any relevance or connection to her.
“Ooohh, Eli-chi, Maki wants to hear you and Nico.”
“Harasho!” Eli was up on the table again, “Bibi rides again. What do we do for the pretty ladies, my friend?”
Nico grabbed the mic and Eli, asking “Shall we keep the Gaga going? “Do What U Want?”
Nozomi took a bunch of singles from her purse, Umi groaned, Honoka giggled.
Maki had needed air and a fresh drink after the very physical Nico and Eli duet. She rolled an ice cold bottle of sparkling water against her cheek while waiting for the bartender to come back with Honoka’s beer.
“There you are?” And Nico was next to her, shouting to be heard in the crowd, “No duet huh?”
“Getting a little tired.”
“Tired.” Maki shouted back, feeling her mood crash.
“Oh. Nico will give you that ride home, then.”
Maki nodded, and followed Nico back to the room. Honoka had pulled Umi and Kotori into a song, Tsubasa providing percussive accompaniment, and Nozomi was in Eli’s lap. Nico tapped Tsubasa on the shoulder and whispered something in her ear, Tsubasa giving her a thumb’s up and Maki waved goodbye to the group singing.
And then Nico was holding doors open, they were waiting for a valet, who appeared and handed Nico the keys to a sleek, red Porsche Boxter.
“They matched the color to Nico’s favorite lipstick.” Nico announced as she held Maki’s door open.
Maki didn’t know what to say and nodded as she slid into the seat.
“It’s along Lake Shore Drive, north of Evanston.”
“Good. She needs a long ride.”
Maki rolled the window down, her face was feeling hot, and her fingers easily found a twistable strand of hair.
Nico started the car and pulled out into traffic, “So you haven’t shown me any pictures of Dia. Rin showed me about 1000 pictures of Tora. Trying to get away from parenting for a night?”
Maki shrugged, “Babies are babies.”
Nico glanced at Maki. “But yours is the cutest, right?”
“Of course,” Maki relaxed a little. Driving with Lake Michigan on one side and the Chicago skyline on the other always soothed her nerves.
“I know a nice park for a picnic if you liked to bring Dia. Nico could make more of those cookies you had at the New Year’s party.”
“It’s a little cold for a picnic.”
Nico turned on the radio, “Do you mind?”
Maki shook her head.
“Have a favorite station?”
“I love listening to jazz and watching the city lights, especially in the rain.”
“Nico’s got jazz. Rain’ll have to wait for another night.” And Nico started fumbling with the radio dial. Maki reached out, her fingers covering Nico’s for a moment, and she tuned it to her favorite station.
“This is the best.”
“Nico will program it.”
Maki went back to staring out the window, at the darkness of the Lake as they sped up Lake Shore Drive.
“Do you not date?”
Suddenly Maki’s every nerve jangled and only the seatbelt kept her from catapulting forward, “I date...well, not right now, but I’ve dated...just women, but...and Dia’s not...but…” and Maki stalled, out of ideas and things to stumble over saying and mouth opening and closing and gasping for air and hands clenched and why did Rin have to go home early…
“Maki.” Nico’s voice was calm. “I’ve just been trying to ask you out and you don’t seem interested. So I will stop.”
There was silence. And then Maki said ‘Oh.”
“Nozomi told me you were going to be there tonight...and...you seemed really interesting...and Nico just wanted to hang out, maybe talk some. You’re very pretty.”
“It’s okay. You don’t have to say anything.”
There was more silence and Nico humming along with the jazz.
“Dia likes cookies.” Maki started softly, her voice gaining confidence.”I told her about yours. She’s got this adorable coat that looks like a duck. A picnic might be fun, It’s not supposed to be too cold tomorrow.”
Nico handed Maki her phone, one hand still on the wheel, “Add yourself to Nico’s contacts and a whole bunch of gourmet, sure to be your daughter’s favorite cookies ever are coming into your life very soon.”
Maki laughed, “We’ll look forward to it.”
Nico sat up as she accelerated, still humming, Maki admiring the sharpness of her profile, Nico’s smile gleaming like a Venus near a crescent moon.
Maki’s phone went off as soon as she got inside the house. Text from Rin.
R: You didn’t tell me Nico was famous. Now Kayo-chin’s mad at us.
M: US?
R: US ʕง•ᴥ•ʔง
R: You know she loves A-Rise. And Tsubasa Kira’s their lead singer and she was there too. Kayo-chin’s thinks we’re idiots ‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚.
R: Did you get home?
M: Yeah, Nico just dropped me off.
R: Ooohh, Kayo-chin’ll be less mad at us if you get Nico to give you some autigraphed swag or backstage passes
M: Hanayo shouldn’t be mad at you, Rin.
M: And I am not asking Nico that.
R: But she loves A-Rise.
M: Tell her I said to remind her she loves you.
R: It’s not that big a deal.
M: (¬_¬)
Maki shook her head. Rin had too little self esteem too often. She typed off a quick text to Hanayo.
M: We were having fun, not waiting in a fan line for you. Tell Rin you’re not mad.
No reply from either. Maki hoped they were having a conversation that would improve Rin’s mood. They had such a solid history and still hit bumps. Maki had never really made it past casual dating territory. The texts always trailed off and the follow up for a third or fourth date never happened. Maki would run into them at some charity event or the corridor of the hospital and hear muttered excuses about ‘busy.” As she started to frown, entering Dia’s room, her phone pinged again. A new number.
N: Hi, it’s Nico. Are you free tomorrow around 11 a.m.. Nico will pick you and Dia up ٩( ๑^ ꇴ^)۶
Maki closed Dia’s door and leaned against the hall wall, reading.
N: But Nico will need to borrow a car seat.
Maki smiled at the boldness, typing quickly.
M: Your car only has 2 seats. Convertibles are not child friendly.
N: My sister’s SUV is. Trust Nico. I practically raised my three siblings.
M: Did something happen to your parents?
N: My dad died before my brother was born.
M: Sorry.
N: Thanks. My mom coped really well, but Nico had to help out a lot.
Maki was an adult who voluntarily decided to raise a child. Having that responsibility as a teen…
M: Sounds tough.
N: They were good kids. Cocoa’s an elementary school teacher now.
M: What about the other two?
N: Cocoro runs my business and charity foundation, Cotaro just graduated with a degree in Fine Arts. He’s got a residency in Mexico studying sculpture.
N: Isn’t it late for you? ( ु⁎ᴗ_ᴗ⁎)ु.。oO
M: I don’t sleep.
N: Does Dia?
M: Soundly. The nanny takes care of breakfast.
N: Oh.
M: I have a lot of overnight shifts.
N: That must be tiring.
M: Nah, world is usually quiet when I get home.
N: Quiet can be nice.
M: Yeah.
N: But Nico needs her beauty sleep. I have a date tomorrow.
M: Really?
N: (✿´ ꒳ ` )
M: Good night, Nico. I’ll see you tomorrow.
N: (`∇´ゞ
Maki put her in her pocket and opened Dia’s door,
“Hi, bun. How was your night?”
Dia was, as she’d told Nico, soundly asleep, so Maki leaned over to kiss her forehead.
“We have a date tomorrow.” Maki whispered, surprised to hear it out loud.
She settled in the chair next to Dia’s crib. It was her favorite place to think. Would Dia like Nico? Maki liked Nico, would Dia be able to tell? Dia would get fussy when Maki was nervous so Maki was convinced that babies were occasionally portable extensions of parental emotions, like speakers. Maki closed her eyes, remembering Nico and Eli, mostly Nico, dancing around each other and the open part of the room, movements sure and sensual, so much good cheer in the glances and quick bumps they’d exchanged before they spun out to interact with everyone else in the room. And there was Nico prancing toward her, no attention for anything else in the room. It was a good memory.
Eli was sprawled across Nozomi, her blonde hair everywhere.They hadn’t had a night out together with friends and the twins away since before the holidays started. And Nico’s arrival had put Eli in a playful mood, one Nozomi was more than willing to indulge. Nozomi sat up, not disturbing Eli that much. Nico had also been in one of the least grumpy moods Nozomi had ever seen her out of public view, just enjoying the evening and the company, specifically Maki’s company. Nico was hot for a MILF. Nozomi giggled at the phrase. Nico would strangle her if she’d heard it. But of course, Nico wouldn’t be less interested because Maki had a child. Nico was the most family oriented person Nozomi had ever met. That was one of the strongest bonds between Nico and Eli, a joint understanding of how to be the best big sister. It was so cute. Nozomi couldn’t help leaning down to kiss Eli, who woke like Sleeping Beauty.
“Nontan?” Such long, delicate eyelashes.
“Just thinking how cute you and Nico were tonight.”
“Cute?” Eli’s eyebrow arched.
“Sexty cute.”
“Mmmm...better, but I’m sextier.” Eli nuzzled into Nozomi’s bosom.
“So much sextier…” Nozomi hugged her wife, “But isn’t it great how Nico and Maki hit it off.”
Nozomi could feel Eli shrug.
Nozomi continued. “Neither of them takes enough time for themselves.”
Since Nozomi was going to talk and not cuddle, Eli flopped on her back, staring at the ceiling. “So they probably won’t have time to date so you won’t have another couple’s romance to meddle in.”
“They look good together.”
“Okay. What’s the tl;dr?” Eli sighed, “I love Nico but I don’t want to discuss her in our bedroom. She’s got her own bed.”
“Sometimes Fate needs a push, especially if people are too busy to notice signs.” Nozomi seemed to be carrying on a conversation with herself, not altering its script whatever Eli replied.
“What signs?” Exasperated, Eli sat up, “What are you talking about, love?”
Nozomi shrugged, the roll of her bosom distracting Eli, “Nico wants a family, Maki has a family, maybe…” Nozomi giggled. It was a very specific giggle, one that Eli had learned to dread, because it meant Nozomi had “helped” Fate along somehow. And when Nico was involved, that usually meant that Eli was going to be shouted at in angry midget.
“What did you do?” Eli wrapped the sheet around herself.
Nozomi yawned dramatically, shaking her head, then lying down, head on pillow, turned away from Eli.
“I’ll find out, you know.”
A snore, totally faked.
“Zhizn’ ebet meya.” Eli muttered. Where would Nozomi have been able to give anything a push? Eli got out of bed, traded the sheet for Nozomi’s robe, and headed to the kitchen. She was going to need some tea.
A/N: Hi! I was in the mood for a Single Parent AU so here you are.
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solangelover · 5 years
12 Days of Gifts: Day 12
A/N: IT’S LATE SORRY but I hope you like it cuz it turned out just how I wanted :) and it’s looooong
Read on AO3 or FF.Net
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Nico got up early on Christmas morning. Today was the day. He actually had a planned gift for Will, not all these impromptu ones he and Will had been exchanging for the past week. Well, Will’s may have been planned, but Nico’s surely weren’t.
But he did plan his present for Christmas Day. Now that he thought about it, he briefly wondered if it was too much. After all, he’d been working out the details for months. But then he pictured the smile on Will’s face, and he knew it was the right decision.
“Will, get up!” Someone threw a pillow at the son of Apollo’s face, effectively jolting him out of his blissful sleep.
“Huh?” he asked as he sat up groggily.
“It’s CHRISTMAS!” Two of his youngest siblings jumped onto his bed and slammed him back into the mattress. He laughed and ruffled their hair, a pleased sensation washing over him. It was Christmas! His favorite holiday. And he had all his siblings around him, their random Christmas decorations about ready to fall off the walls and doorways.
It still felt like he was missing something, though.
Kayla trudged over to Will’s bed, picking up the youngest kid. “Get up and get dressed, dummy. Your surprise is waiting.”
Will looked up at her in question as he swung his legs over the side of his bed, the other kid crawling off to get ready. “My what?”
Austin popped up next to his sister. “You heard. Now get dressed and get out the door. We’ll take care of everything here.”
With one last confused glance, Will began getting ready for the day. He pulled on his favorite Christmas sweater—light blue with a melting snowman that said, “I’ll be back!”—and dark wash jeans. As he wrapped a scarf around his neck, Austin pulled him away from the closet and towards the door. “Okay, lover boy, that’s enough.”
“Wha—Austin!” Will sputtered. “It’s cold outside!”
“Not for long.” Nothing he said made any sense to Will. He was practically thrown out the door, sending him stumbling down the steps and straight into one Nico di Angelo.
“Nico!” Will turned red immediately, straightening up and trying to figure out what was going on.
“Geez, Solace, what are you doing?”
“I—I don’t know! My siblings just kicked me out, I think.” He frowned as he looked back at the now shut door to Cabin 7. “They said something about a surprise?”
He turned back to see Nico nervously fiddling with his skull ring. He stopped then, taking a deep breath and looking up at Will. “Um, I have a surprise for you. And, I really hope you like it...”
Before Will could even respond, Nico took his hand and, with a glance as his only warning, Will found himself pulled into darkness.
Shadow-travel was really weird. It felt like wind rushing past you as you run and tumbling through dark waters. It was also somehow nearly instantaneous. None of it made sense to Will. He found himself stumbling and nearly falling to the ground if not for Nico’s hands clamped around his arms. Will had to take deep breaths and instinctively latched onto Nico’s arms to steady himself.
“Sorry, you okay?” Nico asked.
“Yeah,” Will panted. “Just give me a sec.” Few more deep breaths. “Shadow travel?”
Nico nodded. “Yeah, I forgot that it’s kind of disorienting at first.”
Will had gathered himself enough to step back out of Nico’s grasp. “A little bit. Are you okay? Where are we?”
Nico smiled slightly. “I’m good. Compared to the Athena Parthenos, traveling with you is nothing.” He looked around, causing Will to do the same. “Um, surprise?”
Will could only gape as he took in his familiar surroundings. The wide road, neat houses, green trees, shining sun. Even in the winter, Austin, Texas still looked good, unlike the cold and dreary New York he had been accustomed to. The boys stood in the shade of a medium-sized, faded yellow house with Christmas lights strung around the windowsills. Purple and yellow flowers filled the bed of soil near them.
Will still hadn’t responded when they heard faint Christmas music coming from within the house. Will froze, but Nico grabbed his arm and dragged him toward the front of the house. He seemed very comfortable with the situation, which surprised Will a tiny bit. It was clear that the son of Hades had planned this, but Will still didn’t have enough time to process his thoughts before he was pulled up the front steps to the door. With only a second of hesitation, Nico knocked. They heard movement inside and a second later, the door swung open to reveal a beautiful blonde woman. Her hair was done up in a messy but stylish bun and she donned a soft Christmas sweater pulled down over faded jeans.
They stared at each other, and, again, Will was too stunned to speak. Luckily, she recovered before him. “Will?”
“Mom,” he choked out, and before he knew it, she had flung the screen door back and had him in a bear hug, which he immediately returned.
“Oh, honey. I’ve missed you so much,” she drawled, her Southern accent comforting Will to his core. He hadn’t heard it in so long.
“Missed you, too.” Will found himself rapidly blinking to keep his tears from falling, even though he could already feel his shirt dampening where his mom pressed her face into his shoulder. “Sorry I haven’t visited in a while—”
“Hush, none of that. I know you have important duties at camp.” She pulled back to look in her son’s face. “I’m a busy girl, too, you know.”
Will couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah, I thought you were on tour?” No matter how long it’s been, Naomi Solace was still a talented alt-country singer with loyal fans. It’s not surprising that Apollo fell for her.
She glanced to Will’s left and Will suddenly remembered that Nico was right there, fiddling with his skull ring awkwardly. “Your friend here made sure I’d be home a couple months ago.”
Will turned to in amazement to Nico, who smiled shyly in response. “You… you planned this that long ago?”
Nico looked away and nodded. “I know you haven’t been home in a long time, and you love Christmas, so…” he trailed off.
Will shook his head in wonder. The next thing he knew, his arms were thrown around the smaller boy’s shoulders, his face buried in his hair. He couldn’t believe how incredibly thoughtful Nico was. “Nico, I… thank you. So much.” Small but strong arms wrapped around his torso and squeezed in response before letting go. Will probably could have stayed there forever, but Nico probably felt awkward with his mom standing right there.
Will looked back to his mom expectantly and found she had been watching them fondly. He cocked his eyebrow as the silence stretched on. “Oh!” she suddenly moved. “Come in, come in! It’s not as cold as New York, I’m sure, but I’m absolutely freezing! I’ve got some food in the oven, but I can make some hot cocoa for you boys as we wait…” Naomi rambled on, her Southern hospitality kicking in full force.
Will followed her into the house, pausing to grip Nico’s wrist and pull him along when he hesitated in the doorway. “Let’s go, Death Boy. Don’t you dare think about disappearing on me when you planned this whole thing.”
Nico huffed out a breath. “Well, I don’t—”
“You’re not intruding,” Will interrupted. “My mom probably made way too much food anyway.” He smiled when he felt Nico relax a little in his grip, shifting to squeeze his hand for reassurance.
After their brunch, Naomi was chatting happily with Nico, who nodded along and answered her random questions as best he could.
“Hey, Nico?” The boy looked up in question. “Do you have your prism? I should check in on my siblings at camp.”
Nico felt his pockets and pulled out the small prism Will had given him last week. “I’m sure they’re fine.”
“You don’t know my siblings,” Will laughed as he politely excused himself from the table.
He went out into the backyard, holding up the prism to catch some of the sunlight that peeked between the clouds. Shining the light on the wall of his house, he dug out a drachma from his pocket and threw it in. “Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering and show me Kayla Knowles at camp.”
The light shimmered to show Kayla trying to wrangle her younger siblings in their cabin. A few new toys, and some weapons, could be seen in their little hands. “Kayla?”
She whipped around, relieved at the sight of her older brother even if he wasn’t physically there. “Will! How’s home?”
“It’s great,” he said with a soft smile. “Thanks for doing this, Kayla.”
“Oh, it wasn’t me,” she shook her head. “It was all Nico’s idea. We just had to make sure you were okay to leave.” A pillow flew across the room behind her; she just sighed.
“Still, thanks. I really missed my mom.”
Kayla’s eyes softened. “I know. That’s why we all agreed to do this.”
A beat of silence, and then Will remembered why he really called. “Oh, wait! So, what about tonight? Did Nico plan this before I planned my thing?? Has anyone come yet???”
“Will, calm down. Honestly, we’re lucky both you and Nico coordinated things with us. I told him that you guys should be back for dinner. Austin is manning the infirmary and we told people to meet him there.”
Will sagged in relief. He really had the best siblings. “What would I do without you?”
Kayla rolled her eyes. “You’d never get your man, that’s for sure.”
“Kayla!” he screeched, his cheeks heating up instantly.
“Just enjoy yourself, Will. It’ll be fine.” She smirked and waved her hand through the message. Will sighed, sending up a quick prayer of thanks to Apollo for his family, and went back inside.
It was around 4 PM when Nico said something.
“Um, I promised your siblings that you’d be back before dinnertime,” he said to Will. He looked uncertain, and probably uncomfortable with pulling Will away from time with his mom.
“Oh, of course, darlin’! You’ve got other family to be with on Christmas.” Will remembered his mother’s reluctance when she first let him stay at camp year-round. To see her so willing to let him go meant she truly understood the importance of his role at camp with his younger siblings. “Even if you’re still my baby, I hope you’re taking care of all your brothers and sisters.”
Will stood and hugged his mom. “Yeah, I am.”
After they broke apart, she turned towards Nico, who bowed slightly. “Thank you for having me, Mrs. Solace.”
“Oh, sweetie, we hug ‘round here.” She pulled him in and kissed his head. It was so quick, Nico didn’t even have time to hug back before she held him at arm’s length. “Thank you, hon. I couldn’t have seen my baby without you. Come visit again soon! You’re always welcome here. Oh, Will!” She spun around and grabbed a CD case off the counter. “This is my newest album. Someone in your cabin liked my music, right?”
Will laughed as he accepted the gift from him mom. “Yeah, I think all of them.” They shared another hug, and Will wished he could stay in his mother’s arms not for the first time today. But he had people who depended on him. “I love you, mom. I miss you so much.”
“I know, baby. I love you, too. Visit when you can.” They both knew they couldn’t make any promises, their lives were too unpredictable for that. But it was enough.
Will didn’t want to freak out his mom, but she said that she knew Nico had some teleportation power considering how far they had come and Will hadn’t done it before. So, Will gripped Nico’s hand tightly as they fell into the shadows. He smiled at his mom before she disappeared from sight.
Nico stumbled out of the shadows and would have fallen to his knees had he not been holding Will’s hand. Even disoriented, Will could feel the darkness clinging to Nico.
“Nico!” Will gasped.
“I’m good, I’m good,” Nico reassured Will, his eyes closed against the sudden light. “Just dizzy.”
“Let’s go to the infirmary and get you some ambrosia.” They took another second to gather themselves before Will led the way to the Big House, still hand-in-hand.
Nico didn’t notice anything as they walked, too busy concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other. After downing a piece of ambrosia, he felt much better. Then, he finally took in his surroundings. “Where is everyone?” The infirmary was oddly empty, and he didn’t really remember passing anyone in the camp.
Will shrugged, looking out the open door. “Maybe people are at the pavilion for dinner already. Since it’s Christmas, dinner might be early so the campfire can be longer, or something.”
“Oh, yeah, I almost forgot it’s still Christmas.”
Will gazed at him fondly. “Yeah,” he said before bridging the distance between them and pulling Nico into a fierce hug. “Thank you so so so much, Nico. I can’t believe I got to see my mom today.”
Nico paused only for a second before gently laying his arms on the son of Apollo’s back in return. “You both seemed really happy.”
Will scoffed in Nico’s ear. “Happy doesn’t even cover it.”
They broke apart and looked at each other. Their eyes told of things unsaid: gratefulness, kindness, care. Love is the only word that could encompass everything. But neither boy was ready to unpack that yet.
The moment ended when someone noisily came into the infirmary. “Oh, you guys are back!” Austin exclaimed.
Will immediately went over and gave his brother a hug. “Thanks for today.”
Austin laughed and hugged back. “No problem, bro. I hope seeing your mom was nice.”
“Even better.” Will stepped back and pulled the album out from his satchel. “My mom sends her love.”
“Oh, dude,” Austin breathed as he grabbed for the disc. “Everyone is gonna freak.”
Nico watched the brothers interact. He couldn’t help the persistent feeling of loneliness he felt from time to time when he hung out with the Apollo kids. He wished he could see Hazel, or not think about Bianca, or something along those lines. Sticking close to Will, who always made him feel welcomed, could only go so far (pretty damn far, but still).
Austin cleared his throat loudly, catching Nico’s attention. “Well,” he said a little too loudly. “I think everyone is going to dinner already, so you guys better hurry up!” He gave Will a pointed look. “Kayla has the others there, don’t worry.”
Nico didn’t think the Apollo cabin was too difficult to organize and get to dinner, but maybe the holiday just made everyone a little more hyperactive than normal. Will nodded seriously, clapping his brother on the shoulder with a sincere “thank you.”
Austin left ahead of them, leaving Nico and Will alone once again. “Feel okay, Death Boy?”
Nico nodded and got up to join Will by the door. “Yeah, all good. I just realized I probably should’ve called Hazel earlier.”
Will cocked his head in sympathy. “We’ll make sure you see her later, then. Gotta get some food in you!”
They smiled at each other and headed toward the pavilion, which was a lot louder than normal. It was glowing warmly, the light of the day fading much earlier now that they were well into winter.
Nico was used to blocking out the noise of camp, but he couldn’t help but perk up at the sound of familiar laughter. He looked intently at the pavilion, still a little too far to make out any faces. As they got closer, one face popped out and shrieked, “Nico!”
The next thing he knew, brown curls filled his vision as he was tackled to the ground in a bear hug. Nico hit the ground and could barely catch his breath as he gazed up at the girl perched above him. “Hazel?” he wheezed.
“Surprise! Merry Christmas!” She beamed down at him, her expression full of joy and love that had Nico feeling winded from more than the hug.
“Hazel!” An indignant voice Nico instantly recognized as Percy’s floated down from the pavilion. “We were supposed to surprise him together!”
She giggled as she helped her brother up, who still hadn’t gotten a full sentence out. “Sorry! Couldn’t help it,” she called back.
“What are you doing here?” Nico finally choked out, still staring at his sister in awe, though he distantly recognized that all his friends were present at camp.
Hazel smiled impossibly wider as she tugged her brother along. “It’s Christmas, silly! We wanted to surprise you and see each other.” Her eyes slid to the left, and Nico felt a weird sense of almost déjà vu when he realized Will was still walking along next to them, practically glowing with happiness. Didn’t he surprise Will just earlier today in a similar manner?
“You…?” Nico gaped at Will, unable to process words at the moment.
Will smiled at him as he always did. “I just asked if everyone wanted to come back for a Camp Half Blood Christmas party,” he shrugged. “I know you missed Hazel, and I figured, why not get everyone?”
“Aww, you missed me?” Hazel teased, and Nico turned red. “Will is downplaying it, though. He practically begged us all to come, even offering to pay for travel stuff. He went on and on about how it would mean so much to you, and to the rest of the camp, how it was good for your health, blah, blah, blah.” Now Will was coloring, though out of embarrassment or indignation, Nico wasn’t sure.
“So, you… did this for me?”
“I mean,” Will glanced away nervously. “Yeah. I-I did.”
Nico basically stopped walking, trying in vain to process his overwhelming emotions. Luckily, Hazel has always had a knack for knowing how to help him. She used her hold on Nico to spin him towards Will and nudged him forward. It was enough to spring him into action, instinctively raising his arms and wrapping them around the son of Apollo. He had been doing that a lot, lately, and he couldn’t say he minded that much. The hug was brief, but sincere, communicating to Will all the gratitude Nico could muster in the moment. He didn’t even know that his loneliness was obvious, and perhaps it wasn’t to anyone but Will.
Nico didn’t get any more time to think on it as more people approached him in front of the entrance to the pavilion. “Little bro!” was all the warning he got before he was swept into another bear hug, this time from both Percy and Jason. Nico grumbled and writhed on instinct, making everyone in the vicinity chuckle.
“Dude, I’ve missed you! I almost forgot how boring the mortal world was,” Percy said.
Annabeth appeared next to him to elbow him in the side. “I’d say your life could use a little boring, don’t you?” She smiled at Nico. “Merry Christmas, Nico.”
“How have you been?” He turned toward Jason, who had been between camps so often that Nico barely saw him in the past few months.
“Good,” he simply said.
“No fading into shadows, I presume?” The regal tone caught Nico off guard, and he spun around to see Reyna striding over from one of the tables. She wore a purple Camp Jupiter sweater and black jeans, a shocking change from her usual praetor uniform that Nico always pictured her in.
“Reyna!” They shared a quick hug that reminded Nico of the big sister figure and friend he found in the praetor. He really missed seeing her around.
Nico fell into easy conversation with everyone after greetings were finished with a small wave from Frank and nods to Piper and Leo, whom he always saw around camp anyway. It was almost surreal being with everyone in such a casual setting. No impending war, no godly interference, no fear of an attack; just teens hanging out and celebrating together.
They all ended up at the Hades table, and it was then that Nico noticed everything else going on in the pavilion. People milled about at every table, regardless of where they should have been sitting. Various Christmas decorations brightened the entire place, and laughter filled the air. It was the cheeriest Nico had ever seen the camp.
His eyes were drawn to a certain blonde healer laughing with his siblings. Will looked up and met Nico’s gaze with a bright and sincere smile, which Nico returned as best he could.
“He did all this for you, you know.” Nico turned to Jason, who gave him a knowing look.
“Well, it was kind of for everyone, right?” Nico looked around, but no one seemed entirely convinced.
“Nah, man. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so glad we got to do this. But when Will contacted me and Annabeth, it was really about making you happy.” Annabeth nodded along with Percy’s words, as did everyone else.
Nico felt his cheeks heat up and he looked down, unsure of what to say. He missed the shared glances above his head as everyone tried to decide how much they should say about this.
Hazel took the lead and reach over to squeeze Nico’s hand. “I’m glad you have someone like Will around.”
Nico glanced up and smiled at his sister before turning his head to peek at the boy with sunlit hair and sky-blue eyes. “Yeah, me too.”
“Will!” Nico called as everyone was headed to their cabins for lights out. The Seven and Reyna were all staying for at least one night and agreed to hang out tomorrow since many were tired from travel.
The son of Apollo glanced back and grinned when he saw Nico jogging toward him. He told his sister to make sure everyone got to bed and shooed her off before turning back to the son of Hades. “What’s up?”
“I just…” Nico trailed off. “Sorry we didn’t get to talk too much at dinner and stuff.”
“Oh!” Will looked a little surprised. “No worries, Neeks! The whole point was for you to spend time with your friends. I’m just glad you got to see them. You seemed really happy.”
“Yeah,” Nico rubbed his arm bashfully. “Um, thank you. For tonight. I had no idea you were planning this.”
Will smiled—he probably hadn’t stopped smiling for the past 12 days—and shook his head. “I could say the same about your surprise for me today.” He reached out and took Nico’s hand, pleased when he didn’t pull away. “I can’t thank you enough for taking me to see my mom.”
“Guess we both had big plans for today, huh?”
“Yeah, luckily my siblings made sure it all ran smoothly,” he laughed.
They were standing pretty close together now, gazing into each other’s eyes and trying to convey everything they were feeling. It was impossible to put into words their gratitude, not only for today, but for everything that came with their friendship. There was more there, way more, but neither knew how to touch on that just yet. They were on the edge of something big, yet it felt like the next step.
“Hey, Nico?”
“I really love spending time with you.”
A beat.
“Yeah. I love it, too.”
 A/N: Ah guys I did it again, I failed to begin their relationship. Slow burn or do I just love friendship that much? Hard to say. But really, I am so impressed with how this 12 days turned out, I enjoyed writing it a lot and am actually proud of what I wrote! Thanks for reading and tracking along with me! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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rosyredlipstick · 7 years
important facts & quotes from hidden oracle reread #4 part one
i cited everything from the hardback edition bc im a nerd 
- page one apollo is already making pop culture references (1)
- meg is such a badass oh my g od (14)
- riodan does such a beautiful way of explaining things in this novels. awe-inspiring. mind blowing. example: “Her eyes glinted darkly like a crow’s. (I can make that comparison because I invented crows.)” (14-15) wow. beautiful. 
- so i understand this series is going to be about Apollo’s redemption and ~~~~finding himself~~~~ or w\e but JESUS PLEASE RICK you can’t just say “She [Meg] reminded me of the strays my sister was always adopting: dogs, panthers, homeless maidens, small dragons.” (15) WITHOUT PROVIDING SEVERAL BOOKS AS EXAMPLE FOR SAID SENTENCE all i want is a book focused on artemis and her army of small dragons and lesbians dear gods please 
- omfg can you just imagine sally having to go over to Percy’s room and having to tell him that the greek god of the sun apollo was there to see him omfg. imagine the salt. imagine both of them just groaning. imagine.
-”If I had still been an immortal, I might have flirted with her [Sally Jackson] myself.” (30-31) l o l Sally is a middle aged married woman seven months pregnant and still bringing in the gods you go girl im proud of you
- Sally Jackson is one of the best characters in the entire series. citation: every riodan book ever even the non-pjo it’s a fact 
- i 10000% support the idea that percy gave apollo the led zeppelin shirt as a sneaky joke he’s so smart i love him so much
- “Percy laced his fingers. They were long and nimble.”(35) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- He [Percy] would have made an excellent musician.” (35) f u ck 
- literally all percy wants is to “stay alive” long enough to go to college, meet his baby sister, and see his mom get her book published my heart is broken for this boy (35-36)
- the return of the seven layer dip fuck me up (40)
- jfc that poor Prius it’s been through so much (52-54)
- page 67 and Percy’s already made two comic book references he’s such a canon nerd 
- “Cops love me almost as much as teachers do.” god Percy Jackson what are you doing to me
- apollo tried to order a pizza to CHB and honestly same (73)
- g o d will solace jfc wow
- we’re to assume Will’s a skier (his Okemo Mountain jacket & skiers tan) (82) and now i have to write the inevitable fic that comes out of this fact
- Will’s mom was a alt.-country singer from Austin, Texas (83) which wow and honestly makes the fact will is a horrible singer 1000% better
- yellow daises grow year-round in the Apollo cabin, and it smells like fresh linens and dried sage. (83)
- kayla is aiming for the olympics and honestly im so proud already 
- fact: any and all solangelo interaction have me crying into my book 
- “Will put his hand on Nico’s shoulder, ‘Nico, we need to have another talk about your people skills.’” lol this implies that they’ve had this talk before and im dying to hear it
- the Hermes kids are big fans of Rocky Horror Picture Show (95) and now i have to write a seperate list of headcanons for this fact
- speaking of, Apollo used to cosplay as Rocky bc why not. (95-96)
- listen i know im solangelo trash BUT - “Will and Nico sat shoulder to shoulder, bantering good-naturedly. They were so cute together it made me feel desolate.” im destroyed (110)
- “but if I sit alone at my table, strange things happen.” “it’s a mood disorder” “i cant control it” stfu nico u nerd u just want to sit with your boyfriend im dead (110)
- Will nodded serenely. “It’s the strangest thing. Not that Nico would ever misuse his powers to get what he wants.” death to goody-two-shoes will solace 2k17
- off topic but CAN YOU JUST IMAGINE CHIRON THO. like. this happens and will and nico are just standing there. in front of him. telling him they have to sit together OR NICO WILL JUST HAPPEN TO PUT CRACKS INTO HIS CAMP. just imagine. him staring at them. sighing. deciding not to fight this one. agreeing & watching them giggle away bc they’re so SNEAKY & now they can EAT TOGETHER WOW 
-   lol when Meg was going to town on the hot dogs and “Julia and Alice watched her with a mixture of fascination and horror.” (111)
- “Will and Nico exchanged a look that might have meant, here we go.” (112) okay im sorry im just sO GONE FOR LITTLE MOMENTS LIKE THIS I JUST WANT NICO TO BE HAPPY AND COMFORTABLE IN HIS RELATIONSHIPS OKAY
- apollo refers to the seven as “the A-list” (112) same tho
- Jason, Piper, Coach Hedge, Mellie and baby Chuck are all in LA with Piper’s father like???? (113) THIS IS SOMETHING I NEED TO SEE? What’s the living arrangement? Is Jason living with Piper? OH GOD IS JASON LIVING WITH HEDGE AND MELLIE? DO THEY ALL LIVE IN SOME BIG PLACE PIPER’S DAD RENTED OUT???? do Piper and Jason babysit? do they have family dinners? how’s baby chuck doing??? how are they all adjusting to domestic life?? I NEED TO KNOW THIS IS ALL VERY IMPORTANT TO ME 
- lol nico’s just as pissed as eveRYONE IN THE FANDOM about Leo’s not-death and im living for it (113)
- also nico carries around Leo’s lil ‘IM ALIVE LOL’ letter\hologram\thing? like i get it was completely for the plot but?????? “i look at it whenever i want to get angry” (114) like ok nico u lil bean whatever u say u little emo shit
- apollo’s little ‘lol when u have a headache in olympus hephaestus just cracks open your skull and removes whatever brain god\dess u just birthed up lol it’s so much easier ugh’ (116) w h a t t h e f u c k 
- fact: harley is adorable no citation needed
- also you’re telling me chiron, basically as old as time itself tbh, doesn’t speak portuguese? k (120)
- “i am merely assessing how well paolo’s arms are functioning after surgery” (120) those are some big words william u nervous or something??
- “hmph” - nico di angelo, 2016 (120) 
- this isn’t really important but there’s a satyr named herbert and he’s my new favorite character sorry i dont make the rules (124)
- ok so there’s an unnamed random camper who mutters in Italian (127) and now i’ve got the BIGGEST headcanon that this random girl and Nico (omg maybe a few others????) meet a few times a month just to rant to each other in Italian so none of them get sloppy with the language and u g h im such a bitch for nico di angelo frienships
- “A boy in the crowd gasped, ‘she’s a communist!’” (127) i fucking hate this book omfg
i’ll do more later in order to mentally prepare myself for the dark prophecy but it’s 3 am and im tired  
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