#nicola pesce editore
stefanoavvisati69 · 8 months
Esplorando lo SnyderVerse con Filippo Rossi: intervista
Nel vasto panorama dei fan dei supereroi e degli esperti di cultura pop, pochi sono così immersi e appassionati come Filippo Rossi. Questo Jedi della conoscenza, noto anche come esperto di telecomunicazioni digitali e fervente studioso di Star Wars, ha fatto di Batman Crime Solver la sua casa per discutere le sfumature dei mondi fumettistici e cinematografici. Con una storia di contributi…
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culturaoltre · 3 months
“Lia” – di Maria Cristina Russo– “Letture indipendenti – Segnalazioni”
Maria Cristina Russo “Lia” -Ivvi Editore- Dopo la partecipazione a diverse raccolte corali con racconti dedicati al mondo femminile, Maria Cristina Russo pubblica il suo primo romanzo “Lia”, edito da IVVI, casa editrice spin off per esordienti di NPE Nicola Pesce Editore. Il volume è disponibile in tutte le librerie e store digitali oltre che sul sito della casa editrice…
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messer-woland · 5 years
Solidarietà digitale:
Bloccati a casa per la quarantena da Coronavirus? 👑🦠 Diverse le iniziative e le case editrici che stanno regalando ebook dal loro catalogo, ecco i link:
(in aggiornamento)
• 66thand2nd: 66thand2nd regala su IBS fino al 23 marzo l’ebook di F. Scott Fitzgerald Fuori dai giochi. I racconti della grazia, dell’agonismo e del corpo https://www.ibs.it/fuori-dai-giochi-racconti-della-ebook-vari/e/9788898970094
• Ad alta voce: (Elenco completo dei romanzi (audiolibri) letti “Ad Alta Voce” dalla Rai. Servizio completamente gratuito) https://www.raiplayradio.it/articoli/2018/01/Radio3--Ad-alta-voce--tutti-i-romanzi-f91c61a8-0021-40ca-a62f-514b841b558b.html
• Adelphi: (oltre all'ebook gratis ne potete avere un altro iscrivendovi alla newsletter) https://www.adelphi.it/news/115/un-ebook-di-mark-twain-in-omaggio
• Astorina: Astorina regala una storia di Diabolik in formato PDF https://www.diabolik.it/non-solo-fumetti_scheda.php?ID=133
• Blanca: Blanca regala fanzine per bambini http://www.martinut.com/blanca/
• Bookrepublic: (store di ebook, consente il download di un ebook gratis da una selezione di titoli con il codice "ioleggoacasa" da applicare alla cassa, occorre registrarsi) https://www.bookrepublic.it/promozioni/ioleggoacasa-ebook-gratis/ CODICE: ioleggoacasa
• Cliquot: http://www.cliquot.it/portfolio/luomo-che-divento-donna/
• Coconino Press: L'iniziativa della Coconino Press si chiama #unaQUARANTENAdifumetti, e la casa editrice mette ogni giorno un fumetto intero da poter leggere gratis https://www.facebook.com/coconino.press.9
• Cyrano Comics: Cyrano Comics regala il primo numero delle Avventure Steampunk di Emilio Salgari https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=10159212313724918&set=a.147998824917
• Darcy Edizioni: Darcy Edizioni regala ogni giorno un eBook su Amazon https://www.facebook.com/darcyedizioni/?tn-str=k*F
• Delos Digital: Delos Digital regala 9 ebook: https://www.delosstore.it/offerte/87/tempo-per-leggere-stateacasa/
• Edizioni e/o: promozioni in programma dal 16 al 22 marzo Una parte del ricavato di questa promozione andrà a sostenere le librerie indipendenti tramite la Scuola Librai Italiani (libri in sconto e gratuiti) https://www.edizionieo.it/news/1900/iorestoacasa-e-leggo
• EF Edizioni: EF Edizioni regala 6 fumetti in formato ePub https://www.efedizioni.com/iorestoacasa.html
• Fazi Editore: Fazi Editore regala un ebook fino al 22 marzo https://fazieditore.it/eventi/solidarieta-digitale/
• Fumettologica: Alcuni fumetti gratis https://www.fumettologica.it/2020/03/fumetti-gratis-fumettologica/
• Gipi: Gipi ha reso disponibile in visione gratuita su YouTube Il ragazzo più felice del mondo, il suo ultimo film, si può vedere qui: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oq-7ejJ0X4s&feature=youtu.be
• Hope edizioni: https://www.facebook.com/100000193768720/posts/3394900953859663/?d=n • IBS: IBS offe un'ampia sezione di ebook gratis, compresi quelli che stanno offrendo le case editrici in questo periodo: https://www.ibs.it/offerte-ebook/ebook-gratis-da-scaricare
• Il rifugio dell'Ircocervo: Rivista gratuita di racconti lunghi e illustrazioni https://ilrifugiodellircocervo.com/rivista/
• Il Saggiatore: (fino al 20 marzo, in aggiornamento con nuovi titoli) https://www.ilsaggiatore.com/solidarieta/
• La nave di Teseo: http://www.lanavediteseo.eu/ebook-omaggio-amore-colpevole-sofja-tolstaja/
• Leviathan Labs: Leviathan Labs regala fino al 3 Aprile una selezione di fumetti eBook inserendo il codice sconto “COVFREE” nel carrello https://www.leviathanlabscomics.com/categoria-prodotto/ebook/
• L'Indice dei libri del mese: (numero di Marzo gratuito in pdf) https://www.lindiceonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Indice-Marzo-Omaggio.pdf • Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet regala la guida Viaggiare in poltrona, una selezione di 500 film, libri e musiche che ti condurranno dalle mete più vicine a quelle più remote. Per sognare ad occhi aperti e poi, magari, partire davvero https://www.lonelyplanetitalia.it/speciale/viaggiare-in-poltrona
• L'Orma editore: (al link trovate un calendario con tutti i libri in omaggio) https://www.lormaeditore.it/news/111
• Mabel Morri: Mabel Morri regala il fumetto “Io e te su Naboo” https://www.mabelmorri.it/categorie/io-e-te-su-naboo/page/2/ • Nicola Pesce Editore: Nicola Pesce Editore regala alcuni titoli dal prorio catalogo https://edizioninpe.it/ • Queen edizioni: (Un libro gratis al giorno, dal 12 al 22 Marzo, solo su Google Play) https://www.facebook.com/2124537937799163/posts/2493012640951689/?d=n&substory_index=0 • Safarà editore: Safarà editore sconta tutto il catalogo ebook fino al 5 aprile e regala l'ebook di Vita e avventure di Jack Engle del poeta Walt Whitman https://www.safaraeditore.com/scarica-gratis-le-book-di-vita-e-avventure-di-jack-engle-di-walt-whitman-3913/
• Sellerio: L’amore ai tempi del Covid-19 L’omaggio di Antonio Manzini ai lettori, un racconto inedito, un’indagine di Rocco Schiavone per sorridere un po’ e sostenere, chi lo volesse, l’ospedale Spallanzani di Roma con una donazione all’indirizzo: https://donazioni.inmi.it/ https://sellerio.it/download/l-amore-ai-tempi-del-covid-19-manzini.pdf • Shockdom: Shockdom ha annunciato che da oggi fino al 3 aprile offrirà gratuitamente molti dei contenuti di YEP!, il proprio servizio di streaming on demand, dedicato al fumetto, fruibile attraverso smartphone, tablet e web. YEP! si può scaricare sul Play Store. Shockdom ha inoltre anticipato che, oltre ai titoli gratuiti già presenti, nei prossimi giorni verranno aggiunti nuovi contenuti. • Tsunami Edizioni: Tsunami Edizioni mette ogni giorno su Facebook un eBook gratis a tema rock e metal https://www.facebook.com/TsunamiEdizioni/ • World Digital Library Home: L'UNESCO ha dato accesso libero alla Biblioteca Digitale Mondiale. Raccoglie mappe, testi, foto, registrazioni e filmati di tutti i tempi e spiega in sette lingue i gioielli e i cimeli culturali di tutte le biblioteche del pianeta. https://www.wdl.org/en/
  _____________________________________________________________ QUI INOLTRE: https://solidarietadigitale.agid.gov.it/#/ Sito ufficiale del governo che racchiude tutte le iniziative di solidarietà digitale, da giga gratis degli operatori a programmi, riviste e iniziative gratuite
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Ray Bradbury - Shadow Show
Ray Bradbury – Shadow Show
In Italia lo scrittore di fantascienza che riscontra massima fortuna è senza dubbio Philip K. Dick. Merito di un film come Blade Runner e del lavoro di martellamento compiuto da Fanucci, l’editore che detiene i diritti per il nostro paese sul suo catalogo. Ma probabilmente Ray Bradbury, che per la spinta alla definitiva fama è legato quanto Dick a un film tratto da un suo libro – il…
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senzalinea-blog · 5 years
NPE presenta un saggio interamente dedicato al mondo di Flash Gordon
NPE presenta un saggio interamente dedicato al mondo di Flash Gordon
Chi è stato Flash Gordon? Perché un personaggio creato negli anni Trenta è così centrale nell’immaginario audiovisivo contemporaneo? Come si è evoluto il suo mito?
È per rispondere a tali quesiti che questo volume ha messo insieme numerosi studiosi del fumetto che, in un’ottica multidisciplinare, provano a indagare la mitografia di Gordon, partendo dalle tavole di Alex Raymond e arrivando alle…
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oubliettemagazine · 6 years
Seven Roots Blues di Mattia Valentini: la graphic novel da ascoltare con gli occhi
Seven Roots Blues di Mattia Valentini: la graphic novel da ascoltare con gli occhi
Mattia Valentini, illustratore e fumettista, ci racconta il blues in modo convincente lontano da stereotipi malinconici e a volte melensi: non solo un genere musicale, ma ancor di più di uno stato d’animo che si ripercuote in determinati suoni e ritmiche.
Seven Roots Blues
“Questa è la storia del più oppresso dei popoli e della sua rivalsa,
dei suoi eroi e martiri, armati solo di una penna e di…
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nicoladagostino · 6 years
I due volumi sono parte di una nuova collana, che si aggiunge a quelle dedicate a Dino Battaglia e Sergio Toppi, per ripropone in maniera sistematica i fumetti di un altro compianto gigante dell’arte sequenziale italiana.
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nonsololibristore · 4 years
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Buon Lunedì amici di carta e di inchiostro! Iniziamo la settimana con un bel carico di novità: EDITORIALE COSMO: - I protagonisti del fumetto: Braccio di Ferro 4 JPOP: - Amanchu! 15 - Girls Girls Girls Bundle! ( contiene The Quintessential Quintuplets 14 e Rent a Girlfriend 1 + 10 cartoline omaggio ) - La Regina d'Egitto 6 - Lady Oscar collection - Le rose di Versailles 2 NICOLA PESCE EDITORE: - Dune - Tra le sabbie del mito SHOCKDOM: - Manga Vibe 1 Vi Aspettiamo!!! #fumetterianonsololibri #fumetti #gadget #manga #comics #graphicnovel #consiglipergliacquisti #consiglidilettura (presso Non Solo Libri - Store) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLmDgBvJXZL/?igshid=nnmg551xzhkb
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ahouseoflies · 5 years
The Best Films of 2019, Part IV
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62. Shazam! (David F. Sandberg)- One of the most comic-booky movies to come around in a while in the sense that it seems to be in fast forward for the first third, using shorthands because it has too much story to tell. I am sad to report that Shazam! has no Movie Stars in it, and I didn't realize how essential those were to the superhero genre. There is a cagey standalone quality to its modest bets though. I like that it's anchored in a real place and isn't afraid to be a little too scary for kids. I would see it mostly as a product of potential though, for a funny Jack Dylan Grazer, for the filmmakers, and for the studio. As a student of weird billing, I have so many questions about Adam Brody getting awarded fifth lead for a bit part.
61. Fighting with My Family (Stephen Merchant)- Dwayne Johnson as producer feels like the auteur here, since the formulaic story has more to do with his combed-over, please-everyone persona than with Stephen Merchant's more messy, improvisatory style. I couldn't care less about the time spent on Jack Lowden's brother character, but I was impressed with the physical part of Florence Pugh's performance. This is a movie you've seen a hundred times, but it hits most of its marks skillfully. 60. Spider-Man: Far From Home (Jon Watts)- This is a movie in which a spurned tech innovator uses drone projectors to stage a battle in which he defeats an elemental water monster to save Venice. The best sequence is one in which a boy tries to trick his friends into letting him sit next to the girl he likes on a flight.  59. John Wick: Chapter 3- Parabellum (Chad Stahelski)- What a criticism it is to claim that the filmmakers give in too much to fanservice, especially since I don't know what that word means anymore if something like this is the monoculture. So they gave us, the audience, what we wanted, and I was upset that it was two hours and ten minutes? Seriously though, have you ever eaten too much ice cream? 58. Fyre (Chris Smith)- An interesting yarn that gets at the foolishness of Internet influencing better than anything else that I've seen. I was surprised by how distant many of the subjects seemed, as if only the Big Bad Billy was responsible for any misleading. And I was grateful that, despite the level of criminality on display, it was still as funny as the tweets were at the time. The film lacks shape though, and it would be nice to have somebody smart on hand to answer questions. Can someone explain to me why it's so important that the island used to be Pablo Escobar's? Why should I want to be like Pablo Escobar? 57. Leaving Neverland (Dan Reed)- Part 1 works because of the striking similarities in the parallel stories, as well as the subjects' perspicacious understanding of their own emotions and childhood psychology. So Part 2 gets extremely frustrating when these men, who have already proven how articulate they are, seem puzzled by the obvious psychological problems they have as adults. 56. Diane (Kent Jones)- This movie is kind of good when it's purely slice-of-life, before it declares what it is. It's very good once it declares itself as a routine of self-flagellation, a sort of Raging Bull for women with multiple recipes for tater tot hotdish. It's a little less good when it speeds up and goes back on that thesis near the end. For the record, I think Mary Kay Place is fine. I don't get the critical adoration.
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55. Rocketman (Dexter Fletcher)- If the choice is Bohemian Rhapsody or this, then I'll take this every time. Unlike the former, Elton John's life doesn't present an obvious high point in the second half or easy conflict for the first half. As a result, the relationships within John's family seem broad with manufactured conflict. (His birth father's hardness isn't that far off from Walk Hard's "wrong kid died.") But there's an authenticity here that's refreshing, a respect to the unique friendship between Elton and Bernie and a respect for the transformative power of the music. That sincerity extends to Egerton's generous performance, which nails the self-effacing Elton John smile. So there are some biopic structural problems that can't be helped, but if only to admire the '80s fits that Elton gets off, attention must be paid. 54. Triple Frontier (J.C. Chandor)- A useful example for differentiating between tropes and cliches of the action drama genre. For someone who gets less amped than I do for dudes meeting in a shipping container to have a conversation about how "now is the time to get out," it's probably full of cliches. For fans of hyper-masculine parables about getting a team together (that are also sort of meta-commentaries on their lead actor's fallen star), it's full of tropes. 53. The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part (Mike Mitchell)- The plot is nearly incoherent, and the sequel isn't really satirizing anything like the first one was. But the jokes come at a Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker clip. A character in a car chase saying, "It's like she knows my every move" before a cut reveals he's been using turn signals? That's some Frank Drebin stuff. 52. Long Shot (Jonathan Levine)- Jonathan Levine has carved out an interesting directorial space for himself, with a career far different from what I imagined when I saw and loved The Wackness, a film to which I'm a little afraid to return. Levine is making, at the highest level possible ($40 million budget?), the types of movies that we claim don't get made anymore. A one-crazy-night Christmas comedy, an adventure comedy, and now a political romantic comedy, all with top flight Movie Stars. Long Shot seems like a rare opportunity to put Seth Rogen and Charlize Theron together and do something special, and what we come out with is...cute. For every good decision the film makes--what a supporting cast, all playing rounded characters--it makes a bad one--leaning too heavily into Rogen's patented "I don't really know what we're yelling about" delivery. The music is uninspired, but the presidential satire is pretty clever. The rhythm of the film is jagged and doesn't really cut together, but the script is very fair to the Theron character. Even in the general tone of the film's politics, it declares a few ideals, but those positions are still too neutral and obvious. I had a good time, but in a more capable director's hands, this experience wouldn't feel like math. 51. Isn’t It Romantic (Todd Strauss-Schulson)- So frothy that it almost doesn't believe in itself, especially near the end, but I found myself laughing a lot. Regarding the gay best friend, I'm very interested in the space of politically incorrect humor that is acceptable only because the work has built up self-awareness in other areas. That's a difficult negotiation, but this movie balances it. 50. Yesterday (Danny Boyle)- There's one twist that stretches the moral center of the film, and two minutes later there's a twist that's probably just a bridge too far in good taste. Other than that, this is a really cute Richard Curtis script, and it's nice to hear "Hey Jude" on movie speakers. 49. Ready or Not (Radio Silence)- Short and spicy, despite one or two too many twists. I'm in the front row of the Adam Brody Revival, but I appreciated the movie more as an exercise in the paranoid misery built into wealth. I wish I could have written the line down, but Alex says something like, "I didn't realize how much you could do just because your family said that it was okay," and that's the whole film. If you can, see it without watching the trailer first.
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48. The Laundromat (Steven Soderbergh)- Mary Ann Bernard is a Steven Soderbergh pseudonym, but what if he did hire an outside editor? What if someone saved him from himself? It's hard to believe that Meryl Streep is the heart of the film--if the film's thesis is "The meek will inherit the Earth?"--if we go on a twenty-minute detour to an African family and a ten-minute detour to China. I laughed quite a bit, and I admire the audacity of the ending. But this is a movie that knows what it's about without knowing how to be about it.
47. High Flying Bird (Steven Soderbergh)- As a person who can cite most NBA players' cap figures off the top of my head, I should love High Flying Bird, a movie about a sports agent who tries to topple the system during an NBA lockout. Instead I liked it okay. It takes an hour to kick into high gear, but once it does, some self-contained scenes are powerhouses, and the writer of Moonlight was always going to provide an emotional kick that is sometimes absent from Soderbergh's work. Like Soderbergh's Unsane from last year, High Flying Bird is shot on an iPhone, an appropriate form given that the execution is a do-it-yourself parable that takes place mostly inside. Soderbergh is a man who has always tried to trade the ossified system of moviemaking for experimentation, so most reviews have pointed toward the meta quality of capturing a character doing that same thing in another medium. Like most of his post-retirement work, however, I find myself asking one question: "Would anyone care if this were made by another director?" 46. Piercing (Nicolas Pesce)- Good sick fun with a taste for the theatrical. I saw twist one and twist three coming, but twist two was ingenious. It ends the only way it can, which is okay. 45. Booksmart (Olivia Wilde)- At first the film is hard to acclimate to, stylized as it is into a very specific but absurd setting, counteracted by a very specific and realistic relationship. The music cues are all awful until the Perfume Genius one, which is so perfect that it erases the half-dozen clunkers.But it's smartly funny, funnily warm, and warmly smart. The screenplay does some clever things with swapping the protagonists' wants and needs at crucial times. Molly will have an obvious drive that overrides Amy's fear, and then a few scenes later, there will be an organic reversal. 44. Joker (Todd Phillips)- Joker presents more ideas than it cogently lands. I don't disagree with Amanda Dobbins's burn that it feels more like a vision board than a coherent story. Still, its success kind of fascinates me. This dark provocation, shot on real locations, has way more in common with Phoenix entries like You Were Never Really Here than it does with the DCEU. In fact, the comic book shoehorns feel like intrusions into a story about a guy who likes to Jame Gumb skinny-dance. Dunk on me if you want, but I think it's most eerie and affecting as a portrait of mental illness. Whereas Joker is a criminal mastermind in Batman lore, this is a guy helpless enough to scrawl into a notebook, "The worst part about having a mental illness is pretending to people that you don't." And that idea gets borne out in a scene in which he's pausing and rewinding a tape to study how a talk show guest sits and waves like a regular person. It's rare enough to see a person this mentally ill depicted on screen; it's even rarer to see someone this aware of his own isolation and otherness.
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claudioparentela · 5 years
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stefanoavvisati69 · 5 months
L'uomo che ride: il romanzo che ispirò il Joker diventa graphic novel
Nel vasto universo dei fumetti, alcuni personaggi lasciano un’impronta così profonda che si legano indissolubilmente alla cultura popolare. Tra questi, c’è il Joker, l’arcinemico di Batman, il principe pagliaccio del crimine. Ma quale è stata l’ispirazione dietro a questa figura iconica? La risposta risiede nella graphic novel “L’uomo che ride”, un’opera affascinante che ha plasmato le origini di…
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aion-rsa · 5 years
New York Comic Con 2019: Dates, Tickets, Schedule, Panels, and News
NYCC 2019 is almost here! Here are the highlights to look out for from this year's New York Comic Con
It's time for New York Comic Con! NYCC 2019 is one of the biggest weekends on the geek entertainment calendar, and that's appropriate considering that the comic book industry and the origin of superheroes is so centered on New York City! We've got a quick and easy guide to the show for you right here that should answer most, if not all, of your questions.
And if you're looking for something else to do in the off hours when you're not checking out panels and hunting for cool stuff at NYCC, we have a guide to other amazing pop culture attractions in the city!
New York Comic Con 2019 Dates and Hours
NYCC 2019 runs from October 3 - 6 at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York City. Check out the hours for each day below:
Thursday: 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Friday: 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Sunday: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
New York Comic Con 2019 Tickets
If you're late to acquiring your New York Comic Con ticket this year, you're in luck! As of this writing, Thursday badges are still available for sale at $55.
Looking for badges for the other days? The NYCC team has partnered up with Lyte to create a safe, official badge exchange/buy-back program. If you're unable to make it to NYCC for any reason, you can resell your badge and give another fan the chance to attend. If you've missed out on the badge type you want, simply put your name on Lyte's reservation list in case one becomes available instead of going to an unreliable third-party seller.
New York Comic Con 2019 Schedule: Panels and Guests
Below, you can find a schedule featuring what we here at Den of Geek consider some of this year's can't-miss panels. (For a complete run-down of NYCC 2019 panels, click here.) All times are in Eastern time and all descriptions are courtesy of New York Comic Con. Click the links for more coverage:
A Conversation with Christopher Eccleston: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Hop in the TARDIS for a look back at Christopher Eccleston's adventures in time and space as the Ninth Doctor! The actor will discuss his roles in both film and television including Thor: The Dark World, The Leftovers, and the beloved and long-running sci-fi series, Doctor Who. Moderated by Constance Gibbs (writer, editor: Black Girls Create, host: Who Watch: Time and Relative Blackness in Space).
Behind Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Unprecedented stagecraft. Thrilling storytelling. Magic like you’ve never seen on stage. Join members of the cast and creative team of the record-breaking stage production, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, as they come together to take a behind-the-scenes look at the “wildly imaginative continuation of J.K. Rowling’s wizardry saga” (The Hollywood Reporter). Featuring never before seen photos, videos, and live performances, take a look behind the curtain and find out what goes in to bringing the magic of the Wizarding World to life on stage, eight shows a week.
The King's Man and Free Guy: 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
20th Century Fox will be at New York Comic Con with Criminal Masterminds, British Intelligence Agents, Despondent Bank Tellers & Biker Girls for An Insider’s Look at The King’s Man and Free Guy. This panel will introduce both films and feature exclusive conversations with the cast and filmmakers. The King’s Man is Matthew Vaughn’s origin story of Britain’s very first independent intelligence agency hitting theaters in February, and Free Guy is an adventure-comedy directed by Shawn Levy starring Ryan Reynolds as a forlorn bank teller who discovers he is a background character in an open world video game, in theaters in July.
Follow our The King's Man coverage here.
Follow our Free Guy coverage here.
Jack Kirby's Warrior Women: 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
With the Eternals and New Gods movies in development, Jack Kirby is about to get red hot again. Kirby didn’t just co create much of Marvel, he developed a wide cast of women characters that have stood the test of time. What makes Kirby’s women characters like Big Barda, Jean Grey and even historical figures like Ma Barker so lasting? We’ll be looking at what works, what’s flawed and why it’s worth it. With moderator Elana Lavin (Graphic Policy), Heidi MacDonald (The Beat), Jay Justice, Cecil Castellucci (Batgirl, Female Furies), Meg Downey (Game Spot) and Adriana Melo (Female Furies).
Spider-Man Spectacular: 2:45 - 3:45 p.m.
The return of Spider-Man 2099! The hype for Ghost-Spider, Miles Morales, Mary Jane, and more! Join This Week in Marvel cohosts Ryan Penagos and Lorraine Cink for a deep dive into all things Spidey with writers Saladin Ahmed, Seanan McGuire, and Leah Williams plus artist Pat Gleason. Hold onto your butts for news, reveals, swag, and more!
DC Meet the Publishers: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Join DC Publishers Dan DiDio and Jim Lee as they dish the latest news on the World’s Greatest Super-Heroes! Filled with humor, breaking news and even the occasional superstar surprise guests, this panel is the place to be to find out what’s in store for your favorite DC heroes and villains!
The Grudge: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Sony Pictures Presents: The Grudge: A reimagining of the horror classic. Appearing in person--- Sam Raimi, Betty Gilpin, Lin Shaye, Nicolas Pesce, and Andrea Riseborough.
Follow our The Grudge coverage here.
1917: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Sam Mendes, the Academy Award-winning director of Skyfall, Spectre, and American Beauty, legendary Academy Award winning cinematographer Roger Deakins and more take you behind the scenes of their thrilling new epic, 1917, about two young British soldiers on an impossible mission, in a race against time, to cross enemy territory and deliver a message that will stop a deadly attack.
Follow our 1917 coverage here.
DC World's Finest: 5:15 - 6:15 p.m.
Be sure to drop in on this panel to hear from DC’s hottest talent about their latest works and how they’re making DC and The World’s Greatest Super Heroes the home for fans of great superhero storytelling worldwide! The creative talent behind some of DC’s most popular characters are on hand to give behind the scenes details on their stories and how they put their own unique voices to the heroes and villains that DC fans have come to know and love (and hate)!
Big Mouth: 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Get comfortable being uncomfortable with your favorite puberty-driven animated series Big Mouth! Join Nick Kroll and cast, along with executive producers as they take on NYCC with hilarious clips and commentary from the highly-anticipated third season. Filled with complicated friendships, hormone monsters, musical numbers, and everything in between, Big Mouth is bringing its most heartwarming and raunchy moments to Comic-Con with a super-sized panel not to be missed.
Follow our Big Mouth coverage here.
Servant: 8:00 - 9:00 p.m.
An exclusive event with master storyteller M. Night Shyamalan as he introduces Servant, a new psychological thriller series coming to Apple TV+. Servant follows a Philadelphia couple in mourning after an unspeakable tragedy creates a rift in their marriage and opens the door for a mysterious force to enter their home. Please join M. Night Shyamalan, Tony Basgallop, and the cast including Lauren Ambrose, Toby Kebbell, Nell Tiger Free, and Rupert Grint.
Follow our Servant coverage here.
Harley Quinn Pop-Up Gallery: All-day
This fun, interactive exhibit at the Hudson Yards Loft, just steps away from the Javits Center, will invite fans to experience the evolution of DC’s most delightfully deranged Super-Villain. From her first comic book appearance to her upcoming animated series and her next big-screen adventure, get a sneak peek at all things Harley Quinn including special edition cover art, original and exclusive art from the new animated series as well as model sheets, sketches, collectibles, props, costumes and more. The exhibit will feature art by Amanda Conner, Jim Lee and Bruce Timm, among others. No badges, tickets or reservations required!
Billy Dee Williams Spotlight: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
He went from smuggler and gambler to war hero and general and now he takes over NYCC! Join Lando Calrissian himself Billy Dee Williams as he recounts his time as the loveable rogue and his return to the Star Wars franchise. Moderated by Derek Maki.
Tor Books - Magic and Mayhem: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
2019 is the year for breaking all the rules. Gone are the days of simple good-versus-evil narratives; these are complicated times that call for complicated characters. Pop culture has clearly shifted its attention to the messy, the morally ambiguous, and the weird. In short, fans want magic, and they want mayhem. Magic X Mayhem features an eclectic mix of daring new speculative fiction authors and new voices from Tor Books and Tor.com Publishing. Come join Annalee Newitz (The Future of Another Timeline), V.E. Schwab (Threads of Power), Charlotte Nicole Davis (The Good Luck Girls), Tochi Onyebuchi (Riot Baby), and Myke Cole (The Killing Light) as they discuss how they are breaking traditional rules of genre fiction - and how magic and mayhem live in both fantasy and science fiction realms and the real world alike. Moderated by Lauren Shippen, creator of the Bright Sessions podcast and author of The Infinite Noise.
Lord of the Rings Movie Reunion: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
They’re taking the hobbits to NYCC! Join Billy Boyd (Pippin) and Sean Astin (Sam) as they share their stories from the epic Lord of the Rings trilogy. Moderated by Clare Kramer (Buffy the Vampire Slayer).
World of Capcom: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Capcom’s been on a monstrous roll of acclaimed titles from some of the most popular video game franchises in the industry. Join moderator Mike Lunn (Capcom) and special development team members all the way from Capcom Japan for updates and announcements on the company’s latest games!
Pokémon 20th Anniversary: 12:15 - 1:15 p.m.
Catch Veronica Taylor at NYCC! Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Pokemon with the actress who voiced Ash and May for over 8 seasons. Hear more about her career and how to be the very best!
Star Wars Books: 12:15 - 1:15 p.m.
New York Times bestselling author Matthew Reinhart and his frequent collaborator Kevin M. Wilson are joined by fellow authors Chelsea Monroe-Cassell and Marc Sumerc to discuss the creation of some of the most anticipated Star Wars books of 2019. Hear how Star Wars: The Ultimate Popup Galaxy, Secrets Of The Jedi and Galaxy's Edge: The Official Black Spire Cookbook were imagined and created.
DC Nation: 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
For more than 80 years DC has built a storytelling legacy full of iconic characters, immersive experiences and memorable tales that have thrilled and inspired generations. Spend some time with the voices behind these incredible stories and hear about their plans to continue this hallowed tradition at DC.
Resident Alien: 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
Be the first to see Alan Tudyk (Firefly, Rogue One) as an alien in SYFY’s upcoming comedy series! Join Alan, along with cast members Sara Tomko (Once Upon A Time) and Corey Reynolds (The Closer), and writer/executive producer Chris Sheridan (Family Guy) for the world premiere screening of Resident Alien’s first episode, followed by a special Q&A. The series, based on the Dark Horse comic, follows a stranded alien’s attempts to fit into small town American life while continuing to pursue his own mysterious agenda.
Follow our Resident Alien coverage here.
Marvel Cup o' Joe: 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
Join Marvel’s Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada and special guests as they look back across decades of Marvel history and share their personal experiences from some of the most defining moments in the Marvel Universe! Don’t miss this intimate behind-the-scenes look at some of your favorite Marvel characters and stories. PLUS - attendees of the panel will receive an exclusive variant comic to be announced!
My Hero Academia: 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
Join Funimation as they discuss the hit anime series, My Hero Academia, with the English voice actors Justin Briner (Deku), Ricco Fajardo (Mirio), Kellen Goff (Overhaul), Justin Cook (Kirishima), and Colleen Clinkenbeard (ADR Director/Yaoyorozu). Prepare to go Plus Ultra! with a special Season 4 screening, a Q&A with guests, giveaways and more.
Follow our My Hero Academia coverage here.
Lucasfilm Publishing: 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
Storytellers from all over the galaxy come together to talk about what's next for Lucasfilm Publishing, including new & upcoming titles, as well as exciting reveals and announcements that will impact Star Wars publishing for years to come.
Are You Afraid of the Dark?: 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Just in time for Halloween, let’s celebrate the return of the Midnight Society! Light the campfire and grab the Midnight Dust, because we’re telling you the tale of how Nickelodeon’s iconic horror series has been reimagined for a new generation. Featuring stars Lyliana Wray (Top Gun: Maverick), Sam Ashe Arnold (Best. Worst. Weekend. Ever.), Miya Cech (Rim of the World), Jeremy Ray Taylor (It Chapter Two) and Rafael Casal (Blindspotting). Writer/executive producer BenDavid Grabinski and executive producer Matt Kaplan will also be on hand to share stories from the making of the limited series and show an exclusive clip.
Follow our Are You Afraid of the Dark? coverage here.
Marvel Games Panel: 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Get an inside look at the latest and greatest from Marvel Games! Attendees will see exciting new content from Marvel's Iron Man VR and Marvel's Avengers, with many unannounced surprises and panel exclusives. Host Angelique Roche (Marvel’s Voices) and Josh Saleh (Marvel’s Let’s Play) will be joined by Bill Rosemann (VP & Creative Director, Marvel Games) and other special guests from titles throughout the Marvel Games family!
Rick Baker Spotlight: 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Rick Baker is the winner of seven Academy Awards and is credited with revolutionizing makeup effects in the movie industry with some of the most celebrated monster and creature creations ever to grace the silver screen. His credits include An American Werewolf in London, Harry and the Hendersons, Michael Jackson’s Thriller, and the Men in Black franchise, on which he collaborated with Emmy-nominated actor Vincent D’Onofrio, star of such film and television hits as Full Metal Jacket, Ed Wood, The Cell, and Daredevil.
Marvel Comics - Next Big Thing: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
From War of the Realms to House of X to Absolute Carnage, 2019 was jam-packed with all-new thrilling tales – but what’s next for the Marvel Universe? Editor-in-Chief C.B. Cebulski, Donny Cates (Absolute Carnage, Guardians of the Galaxy), Al Ewing (Immortal Hulk, Marvel Comics #1000), and Dan Slott (Fantastic Four, Tony Stark: Iron Man) are here to tell you! What universe redefining events will Incoming lead to in the coming year? And – what other senses-shattering stories loom on the horizon at the House of Ideas? Find out in this can’t-miss panel!
Archie Comics 80th Anniversary: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Welcome to Riverdale, a small town filled with adventure, horror and excitement! Join your pals and gals from Archie Comics for exclusive breaking news, announcements, and a Q&A about your favorite comic book characters! Plus, get a peek ahead at Riverdale Season 4 on The CW, Katy Keene, and Netflix’s Chilling Adventure of Sabrina!
DC Wonder Comics: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Curated by best-selling writer Brian Michael Bendis, DC’s Wonder Comics imprint has released to both critical and fan acclaim, combining new takes on characters from DC’s past with all-new heroes, all of whom are now part of DC’s ever-expanding continuity. Find out first hand how Bendis talked them into going on this wild ride, and what’s next on the horizon for this pop-up imprint!
All Elite Wrestling: 4:15 - 5:15 p.m.
All Elite Wrestling (AEW) is giving fans a new wrestling experience for the first time in 20 years. AEW is about more than wrestling. It’s a movement fueled by fans, offering fun, gripping and authentic athletic matches every week. AEW’s diverse roster of world-class wrestlers is poised to bring a new spirit, freshness and energy to wrestling. Join Chris Jericho, Jon Moxley, Brandi Rhodes, Awesome Kong (Kia Stevens), Nyla Rose and Jungle Boy (Jack Perry) for a ringside view of the revolution on TNT this fall.
Adult Swim's Primal: 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Emmy-winning creator, Genndy Tartakovsky (Dexter's Laboratory, Samurai Jack), brings his newest and most daring work to NYCC. This half-hour new series follows a caveman at the dawn of evolution and a dinosaur on the brink of extinction. Bonded by tragedy, this unlikely friendship becomes the only hope of survival in a violent, primordial world. Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal roars to life in a 5-night special event, starting Monday, October 7th at midnight (ET/PT) on Adult Swim.
Follow our Adult Swim's Primal coverage here.
Paul Reubens Spotlight: 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
He’s a loner, Dottie. A rebel. Join us in celebrating the career of one of comedy’s most beloved characters, Pee-wee Herman!
Marvel's Runaways: 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Marvel’s Runaways is headed back to Madison Square Garden with an action-packed panel you won’t want to miss! Be the first to experience the premiere episode of the highly-anticipated third season with the stars and creative forces of Marvel’s Runaways. After the exclusive screening, join Jeph Loeb, Head of Marvel Television, along with the cast and executive producers, to discuss what’s to come in season three. All episodes of Marvel’s Runaways season three drop on Friday, December 13th only on Hulu.
Follow our Marvel's Runaways coverage here.
Batman '89 30th Anniversay: 8:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Join Michael Uslan, the Originator and Executive Producer of the Batman movie franchise (as well as Executive Producer of Joker) as we celebrate this revolutionary film that changed Hollywood and the world culture! He’ll be presenting an extended version of his TED Talk on the ten year human endurance contest to get the first ever dark and serious super-hero feature film made. Q&A to follow along with the first trailer that staggered the media and changed the perception of fandom and the world!
Angel 20th Anniversary: 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
On October 5, 1999 Angel, the incredible spin-off from Buffy the Vampire Slayer debuted. On October 5, 2019 we reassemble the cast on the stage of the Hammerstein Theater to honor a truly groundbreaking show on its 20th Anniversary. Moderated by Clare Kramer (Buffy the Vampire Slayer).
DC Year of the Villain: 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
What happens when the villains of the DC universe finally got the upper hand? What kind of chaos will entail? Join the brains behind DC’s Year of The Villain as they take you on this twist of heroism and see what’s to come for the future of our favorite DC heroes. It’s looking pretty evil right now!
The Walking Dead Universe: 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
The Walking Dead is a story that started 10 years ago with one man trying to find his family. That family grew and gradually communities took shape. They fought and survived, thrived and gave birth to a new generation. Season 10 picks up a few months from where we left off, with the collected communities still dealing with the after effects of Alpha and the Whisperers horrific display of power, reluctantly respecting the new borderlines being imposed on them, all while organizing themselves into a militia-style fight force, preparing for a battle that may be unavoidable. The Whisperers are a threat unlike any they have ever faced, and the very idea of whether civilization can survive in a world filled with the dead hangs in the balance. The series’ milestone 10th season returns on October 6.
The Expanse: 10:45 a.m - 12:00 p.m.
The Expanse will host a world premiere screening of the first episode from the Amazon Prime Video series’ highly-anticipated fourth season! Season 4 marks a new chapter for the crew of the Rocinante, as they join the land rush and embark on a U.N. mission to explore the newly discovered, Earth-like planets that exist beyond the Ring Gate. The first planet to be settled, Ilus, is one rich with natural resources, but it’s also scarred by the ruins of a long dead alien civilization. While Earthers, Martians and Belters maneuver to colonize Ilus and its natural resources, tensions rise between the opposing nations, but these early explorers don’t understand the true threat of this new world and are unaware of the larger dangers that await them. Following the premiere screening, join the series stars and showrunner for an in-depth conversation and exciting updates about what fans can expect when the new season launches on Amazon Prime Video on December 13th.
Follow our The Expanse coverage here.
Jack Ryan: 12:00 - 1:15 p.m.
Join stars and producers from Amazon Prime Video’s Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan for a world premiere screening and a Q&A session on the Javits Main Stage.
Follow our Jack Ryan coverage here.
Snowpiercer: 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Set more than seven years after the world has become a frozen wasteland, Snowpiercer centers on the remnants of humanity, who inhabit a 1001 car, perpetually-moving train that circles the globe. Class warfare, social injustice and the politics of survival play out in this riveting television adaptation, produced by Tomorrow Studios, based on the acclaimed movie and graphic novel series of the same name. TBS offers a brand-new sneak peek of the highly anticipated post-apocalyptic sci-fi thriller along with a panel featuring stars Jennifer Connelly, Daveed Diggs, Alison Wright, Mickey Sumner, Lena Hall, Sheila Vand, Steven Ogg and EP / showrunner Graeme Manson.
Follow our Snowpiercer coverage here.
Lincoln: 12:15 - 1:15 p.m.
Universal Television presents NBC’s new drama, Lincoln at New York Comic Con 2019. Inspired by the best-selling book The Bone Collector, former NYPD detective and forensic genius, Lincoln Rhyme, joins forces with intuitive young officer, Amelia Sachs, to crack the city's most confounding cases as they also race to take down the enigmatic Bone Collector who brought them together. Join the cast and executive producers of Lincoln for a Q&A session.
Follow our Lincoln coverage here.
Star Trek: Discovery: 1:00 - 1:45 p.m.
Over 50 years ago, the world was first introduced to what would quickly become a cultural phenomenon for the ages. Star Trek broke barriers then and continues to do so now, inspiring people of all generations and walks of life with its celebration of cultural diversity, scientific exploration and the pursuit of uncharted frontiers. Today, the Star Trek universe continues to thrive, exploring all new missions for Starfleet. CBS All Access invites you to join Sonequa Martin-Green, cast and producers of its hit Star Trek series including Star Trek: Discovery and Sir Patrick Stewart, cast and producers from the highly anticipated Star Trek: Picard.
Follow our Star Trek: Discovery coverage here.
Devs: 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
From visionary screenwriter/director/filmmaker Alex Garland (Ex Machina, Annihilation) comes FX’s Devs, a high-tech suspense thriller about a young software engineer who investigates the secretive development division of her employer, which she believes is behind the murder of her boyfriend. Please join Alex Garland and cast for an exclusive sneak peek and must-see conversation about this electrifying new limited series. Devs premieres on FX in 2020.
Follow our Devs coverage here.
Star Wars Books Panel: 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
New York Times bestselling author Matthew Reinhart and his frequent collaborator Kevin M. Wilson are joined by fellow authors Chelsea Monroe-Cassell and Marc Sumerc to discuss the creation of some of the most anticipated Star Wars books of 2019. Hear how Star Wars: The Ultimate Popup Galaxy, Secrets Of The Jedi and Galaxy's Edge: The Official Black Spire Cookbook were imagined and created.
Star Trek: Picard: 1:45 - 2:30 p.m.
Over 50 years ago, the world was first introduced to what would quickly become a cultural phenomenon for the ages. Star Trek broke barriers then and continues to do so now, inspiring people of all generations and walks of life with its celebration of cultural diversity, scientific exploration and the pursuit of uncharted frontiers. Today, the Star Trek universe continues to thrive, exploring all new missions for Starfleet. CBS All Access invites you to join Sonequa Martin-Green, cast and producers of its hit Star Trek series including Star Trek: Discovery and Sir Patrick Stewart, cast and producers from the highly anticipated Star Trek: Picard.
Follow our Star Trek: Picard coverage here.
Lost in Space: 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Danger, New York Comic Con! The Robinson family is back, but have you seen our Robot? Get an exclusive first look at Season 2 of Netflix’s visually-stunning, epic family adventure, Lost in Space, before the series returns later this year! Separated from The Resolute and stranded on a new mysterious, exotic and toxic planet the Robinson family, alongside the conniving Dr. Smith, charismatic Don West and... of course... Debbie the Chicken, must work together to find their way back to the mothership and Will’s beloved Robot. Join the cast as they unveil a sneak peek and break down what’s to come on their great adventure through space in season two.
Follow our Lost in Space coverage here.
Marvel Fanfare with CB Cebulski: 2:15 - 3:15 p.m.
This is your chance to meet the head of editorial at Marvel! In an exclusive and intimate panel experience, Editor-in-Chief C.B. Cebulski, along with living legend Chris Claremont, will talk about anything and everything involved with Marvel Comics. Who were their favorite characters as kids – and have their favorites changed? Who is on Chris’ dream team of X-Men? Ask these questions and more in the Q&A! Plus – attendees will receive an exclusive Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales #2 cover featuring a CLASSIFIED image that you won’t be able to get anywhere else!
Tacoma FD: 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
After lighting up movie screens with films like Super Troopers, Club Dread and Beerfest, Broken Lizard’s Kevin Heffernan and Steve Lemme have translated their brand of comedy to the small screen with Tacoma FD, a new breakout comedy on truTV about the fun and hijinks that take place inside a firehouse in one of the wettest cities in America. Join Heffernan and Lemme -- along with series co-stars Eugene Cordero (Black Monday, The Good Place), Marcus Henderson (Snowfall, Get Out), Gabriel Hogan (Condor) and Hassie Harrison (Southbound, The Iron Orchard) -- as they reveal all of the “behind-the-mustache” secrets about making films, the genesis of their first TV series, what happened when they met the REAL Tacoma FD and what’s on tap for Season 2!
Follow our Tacoma FD coverage here.
Castle Rock: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
J.J. Abrams and Stephen King’s hit psychological horror series returns! Set in the Stephen King multiverse, Castle Rock combines the mythological scale and intimate storytelling of King’s best-loved works, weaving an epic saga of darkness and light, played out on a few square miles of Maine forestland. In season two, a feud between warring clans comes to a boil when budding psychopath Annie Wilkes, Stephen King’s nurse from hell, gets waylaid in Castle Rock. Panelists include series stars Lizzy Caplan, Tim Robbins, Paul Sparks, Yusra Warsama, Barkhad Abdi, Matthew Alan and Elsie Fisher, along with co-creator and showrunner Dustin Thomason. Castle Rock premieres Wednesday, October 23, only on Hulu.
Follow our Castle Rock coverage here.
Full Frontal Election 2020: 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Since 2016, Full Frontal with Samantha Bee has been leading the late-night zeitgeist of political satire and social commentary with new inventive delivery, formats, and technology! Just before this landmark Emmy-winning show premiered, Samantha took to the NYCC stage to give a special sneak peek of her show for the NYCC audience in fall 2015. Now four years later, she is excited to return to NYCC with a panel that will tease next year’s biggest blockbuster yet: “Election 2020,” as well as give Con goers an exclusive look at her newest mobile game, which is themed around next year's presidential election.
X-Men Dawn of X: 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
The Dawn of X is about to break! Join Editor-in-Chief C.B. Cebulski, Senior Editor Jordan D. White, and merry mutants Ed Brisson (New Mutants), Tini Howard (Excalibur), and Benjamin Percy (X-Force) on NYCC’s Main Stage in a discussion about the revolutionary new status quo for the X-Men. Plus – be the first to hear exciting new announcements for the Children of the Atom! Stay until the end of the panel to receive an exclusive variant cover version of Powers of X #5, featuring a stunning Dawn of X-inspired image by Arthur Adams!
Harley Quinn in Comics: 5:15 - 6:15 p.m.
Harley Quinn continues to have an important role in the DC Publishing line. She’ll be celebrated at the convention with a panel, hosted by Damian Holbrook, and featuring writers and artists currently working on the following titles that will be promoted at NYCC (Room 1A21).
Outlander: 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Join the creators and cast of the hit STARZ Original Series for a discussion on the series so far and what is to come in Season Five.
Follow our Outlander coverage here.
Wynonna Earp: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Don’t stop Earping! SYFY’s hit series and the 2018 People’s Choice Award Winner for Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy Show is back and better than ever. Join show creator Emily Andras, with cast members Melanie Scrofano, Dominique Provost-Chalkley and Katherine Barrell as they look back at favorite moments in the series and discuss the upcoming fourth season. Hell yeah, Earpers!
Follow our Wynonna Earp coverage here.
DC House of Horrors: 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
From Sandman, House of Secrets, House of Mystery and Weird War Tales, to the creature feature suspense of Swamp Thing and the esoteric terror of Animal Man, DC’s fantasy, supernatural and horror comics have kept readers’ hearts pounding and fear thriving. Now is your chance to meet a new generation of DC horror creators as they discuss their plans for the next era of the macabre. Come learn how these writers and artists will build on a legacy of terror and new nightmares.
Castlevania: 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Get an in-depth look into Frederator Studio's Castlevania - the hit Netflix Anime Original Series - with members of the cast and the creative team!
Follow our Castlevania coverage here.
Reprisal: 7:00 - 8:15 p.m.
From the executive producer of The Handmaid’s Tale, comes Hulu’s new drama series Reprisal. Premiering at New York Comic Con, the hyper-noir story follows a relentless femme fatale (Abigail Spencer) who, after being left for dead, sets out to take revenge against her brother and his bombastic gang of gearheads. The thriller examines the intricacies of family – both the one you’re born with, and the one you make along the way. The series stars Abigail Spencer, Rodrigo Santoro, Mena Massoud, Rhys Wakefield, Madison Davenport, Gilbert Owuor, David Dastmalchian, W. Earl Brown, Craig Tate, Wavyy Jonez, Shane Callahan, and Rory Cochrane. All episodes of Reprisal will premiere on Friday, December 6th.
Riverdale: 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Special Video Presentation and Q&A –– Now that the Gargoyle King has been revealed, The Black Hood is dead and Hiram is in jail, can Archie and the gang have a normal senior year? Riverdale returns for its second appearance at New York Comic Con, to discuss the new mysteries of season four, including the shocking finale flash forward and what it means for Jughead and the others. Join us for a special video presentation followed by a Q&A with series stars Mädchen Amick, Marisol Nichols, Mark Consuelos and Skeet Ulrich and executive producer Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa. Riverdale’s season four returns October 9, airing Wednesdays at 8/7c on The CW.
Follow our Riverdale coverage here.
Impulse: 11:00 - 11:50 a.m.
Special Video Presentation and Q&A –– The critically acclaimed series Impulse is back for season 2. Join a panel with director Doug Liman (Jumper, The Bourne Identity), showrunner Lauren LeFranc (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D) and stars Missi Pyle (Dodgeball, Galaxy Quest), Callum Keith Rennie (Jessica Jones, The Man in the High Castle, Battlestar Galactica) and Maddie Hasson (God Bless America, Twisted) as they take you through the suspenseful sci-fi drama and have the chance to watch never before seen footage.
Follow our Impulse coverage here.
Manifest: 11:35 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Special Video Presentation and Q&A –– Last season’s breakout hit drama returns with more heart-pounding mystery and answers to some of last season’s biggest questions! When Montego Air Flight 828 landed safely in New York after a turbulent but routine flight, the crew and passengers were relieved. Yet in the span of those few hours, the world had aged five years and their friends, families and colleagues, after mourning their loss, had given up hope and moved on. Now, faced with the impossible, they’re all given a second chance. Join the series cast and executive producer/creator Jeff Rake, as they delve even further into the mystery of Flight 828, and offer a special sneak peek at some exclusive new footage! Manifest’s second season will air midseason on NBC.
Follow our Manifest coverage here.
Roswell, New Mexico: 12:15 - 1:00 p.m.
Special Video Presentation and Q&A –– Following the shocking season one finale, where Max used his powers to resurrect Rosa while not realizing that he was sacrificing his own life in the process, join Roswell, New Mexico as it returns for its second appearance at New York Comic Con! In season two, Liz mourns her lost love by seeking comfort in science, both earthly and extraterrestrial, as Rosa turns to Kyle to help her find her place in the unfamiliar territory of 2019. In their grief, Isobel explores potentially dangerous methods of self-defense, and Michael spirals into some old bad habits, putting his relationships with Maria and Alex at risk. Join us for a special video presentation followed by a Q&A with series stars Jeanine Mason, Nathan Dean Parsons, Michael Vlamis, Lily Cowles and Tyler Blackburn and executive producers Carina Adly MacKenzie, Chris Hollier and Julie Plec. Roswell, New Mexico will return midseason on The CW.
Follow our Roswell, New Mexico coverage here.
She-Ra: 12:15 - 1:15 p.m.
Join cast and creators for a discussion of the hit animated series.
Follow our She-Ra coverage here.
The Dragon Prince: 12:15 - 1:15 p.m.
Creators Aaron Ehasz and Justin Richmond and Senior Writer Neil Mukhopadhyay give you insider information into their plans for the future: including an exclusive sneak peak of season 3 of The Dragon Prince, as well as a discussion about how everything fits into this grand, emerging saga. You'll see some never before seen exclusive Dragon Prince content and there will be a special gift for everyone who attends!
Follow our The Dragon Prince coverage here.
Women of Marvel: 12:15 - 1:45 p.m.
From comics to games, animation and more, the Women of Marvel assemble to celebrate nerddom and all the people who help make it great! Join the conversation as some of the best talent in the industry discuss the creative process, working in entertainment, and what they’ve got planned next.
Harley Quinn Original Animated Series Sneakpeek: 1:05 p.m.
Fans will get a chance to catch an early look at DC Universe’s adult animated action-comedy series Harley Quinn at The Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden.
Follow our Harley Quinn coverage here.
Batwoman: 1:30 - 2:45 p.m.
Pilot Screening and Q&A –– Armed with a passion for social justice and a flair for speaking her mind, Kate Kane soars onto the streets of Gotham as Batwoman, an out lesbian and highly trained street fighter primed to snuff out the failing city’s criminal resurgence. But don’t call her a hero yet. In a city desperate for a savior, Kate must overcome her own demons before embracing the call to be Gotham’s symbol of hope. Join cast and producers for a screening of the pilot, followed by a Q&A. From executive producers Greg Berlanti (Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl), Caroline Dries (The Vampire Diaries, Smallville), Geoff Johns (Arrow, The Flash, Titans) and Sarah Schechter (Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl). The cast includes Ruby Rose (Orange Is the New Black, The Meg, XXX: Return of Xander Cage), Rachel Skarsten (Reign, Fifty Shades of Grey, Lost Girl), Meagan Tandy (Survivor’s Remorse, UnREAL, Teen Wolf), Nicole Kang (You), Camrus Johnson (Luke Cage, The Sun Is Also a Star), Elizabeth Anweis (Twin Peaks) and Dougray Scott (Taken 3, Hitman, Mission: Impossible 2). Marcos Siega (You, God Friended Me, Blindspot) directed the pilot, for which he also served as executive producer alongside David Nutter (Game of Thrones, Arrow, The Flash). Batwoman premieres October 6, airing Sundays at 8/7c on The CW.
Follow our Batwoman coverage here.
Batman Beyond 20th Anniversary: 1:45 - 2:45 p.m.
Produced by Warner Bros. Animation, Batman Beyond won two Emmy Awards and three Annie Awards as it captured the imaginations of a new generation of Batman fans, setting new standards for super hero storytelling with innovative designs, outstanding voice acting and an intriguing approach to DC’s iconic characters and stories. The series also spawned an acclaimed animated film, Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker. Come celebrate the series’ 20th anniversary and its upcoming remastered Blu-ray box set release with key members of the Batman Beyond creative team, led by the voices of Batman & Terry McGinnis – Kevin Conroy (Batman: The Animated Series) and Will Friedle (Boy Meets World, Kim Possible). Batman Beyond: The Complete Series Deluxe Limited Edition box set arrives from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment on Digital starting October 15, 2019 and in a stunning Blu-ray box set on October 29, 2019.
Nancy Drew: 2:00 - 3:15 p.m.
Nancy Drew is a brilliant teenaged detective whose sense of self had come from solving mysteries in her hometown of Horseshoe Bay, Maine – until her mother’s untimely death derails Nancy’s college plans. Devastated by her mother’s passing, Nancy swears off crime-solving but when a socialite is murdered, Nancy finds herself embroiled in a ghostly murder investigation. A supernatural presence begins to haunt Nancy’s investigation and she discovers that the current crime has an astonishing connection to the unsolved murder of a local girl. Whether the ghost is here to help, or hinder Nancy remains to be seen, but one thing’s for sure: Nancy’s going to have to unravel the clues from both the living and the dead to solve the crimes. Please join series stars and executive producers for a sneak peek of the first episode followed by a panel discussion. Nancy Drew will air Wednesdays this fall on The CW.
Follow our Nancy Drew coverage here.
The Orville: 3:15 - 4:15 p.m.
Emmy-nominated series The Orville is back for season 3 and heading to New York! Join the dynamic crew of the U.S.S. Orville: Adrianne Palicki, Penny Johnson Jerald, Scott Grimes, Peter Macon, Jessica Szohr, J Lee, Mark Jackson & Chad L. Coleman and Executive Producers David A. Goodman, Jon Cassar & Brannon Braga to celebrate the show and learn about its exciting, new adventures on Hulu!
Follow our The Orville coverage here.
Charmed: 3:30 - 4:45 p.m.
The much-anticipated reboot of the iconic series Charmed is back for its second season and our Charmed Ones are thrust into a New World Order unlike anything they’ve ever imagined. After the tragic loss of their mother, three sisters came together to discover they are formidable witches, and under the guidance of their Whitelighter Harry, the Power of Three successfully stopped the impending apocalypse. But saving the world is a tall order, especially when you’re not even sure what your place is in that world and now the whole magical community is looking to you. Between vanquishing supernatural demons, tearing down the patriarchy and maintaining familial bonds, a witch's work is never done. Please join series stars Melonie Diaz, Madeleine Mantock, Sarah Jeffery, Rupert Evans and showrunners Liz Kruger and Craig Shapiro for an exclusive sneak peek of the season 2 premiere of The CW series followed by a panel discussion. Charmed airs Fridays on The CW.
Follow our Charmed coverage here.
We'll update this with more info as it becomes available!
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Sep 30, 2019
NYCC 2019
from Books https://ift.tt/2n1fTfl
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giornalepop · 4 years
"Il vampiro" di John Polidori (fumetto NPE) e Lord Ruthven spiegati
“Il vampiro” di John Polidori (fumetto NPE) e Lord Ruthven spiegati
“Il vampiro” di John Polidori è un racconto fondamentale della narrativa horror gotica e nella definizione del concetto di vampiro che avrebbe poi trovato massimo successo nel modello finale del romanzo Dracula di Bram Stoker.
Recentemente è uscita una versione a fumetti di Luca Franceschini e Gabriel Negri, edita da Nicola Pesce Editore.
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senzalinea-blog · 5 years
Torna la collana "Sergio Toppi" con la sua quinta uscita: questa volta va in scena il grande Nord degli Stati Uniti, con i suoi indiani ed i suoi trappers.
Torna la collana “Sergio Toppi” con la sua quinta uscita: questa volta va in scena il grande Nord degli Stati Uniti, con i suoi indiani ed i suoi trappers.
Attraverso tre storie, il grande Sergio Toppi mette in scena il grande Nord degli Stati Uniti, con i suoi indiani ed i suoi trappers, ossia cacciatori ed esploratori.
Finché Vivrai Un indiano ci racconta della morte di suo padre, che aveva scambiato le sue pelli e pellicce per un pistola e dell’alcool, e del suo incontro con la persona che gli insegnò le cose che lo avrebbero reso un uomo:…
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recentanimenews · 5 years
The Grudge Returns to Hollywood with Gruesome Red Band Trailer
  Takashi Shimizu's 2002 movie Ju-On: The Grudge was one of the staples of early 2000s J-Horror, and went on to spawn a franchise and an American remake and sequel. Now the series is coming back to Hollywood, but not in the form of a reboot or remake. Instead, 2020's The Grudge is a separate story set around the same time as the 2004 remake, only this time it takes place in an American town rather than Japan. 
  Ahead of its January 3 premiere, a new red band trailer is here to show what the R-rated entry has in store for audiences. Watch as Lin Shaye (The Insidious series) screams her lungs out and opens the floodgates of horror in the clip below. Be warned of some blood and the general corpsey nature of the trailer. 
    The Grudge is being produced by The Evil Dead's Sam Raimi, with Nicolas Pesce (The Eyes of My Mother, Piercing) directing. 
Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his webcomic, BIG DUMB FIGHTING IDIOTS at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox. 
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pangeanews · 5 years
Una casa editrice cristiana manda al macero i Salmi. Quando le ragioni economiche vincono su quelle spirituali. Tranquilli, i Salmi ve li regalo io (e sono meglio di quelli di Ceronetti)…
Recentemente, una monaca, sepolta in non ricordo più quale monastero lombardo, mi ha chiesto una copia dei Salmi che ho tradotto per Città Nuova, era il 2011. Non avendo copie, le ho inviato una stampa, fatta con la fotocopiatrice di casa. Quando, nel 2011, fu pubblico quel libro, il mio caro padre Antonio – sepolto in chissà quale comunità, ma l’amicizia non ha logorio di anni, è come i fossili, testimonia una preistoria dell’amare – allestì una messa dove alcuni cantarono i ‘miei’ salmi. Fu una sorpresa – ne fui commosso.
I Salmi pubblicati nel 2011 da Città Nuova e ora destinati al macero: perché non regalarli alle parrocchie?
Città Nuova è la casa editrice legata al movimento dei Focolari, nasce sessant’anni fa, ha una straordinaria collana dedicata ai Padri della Chiesa, su cui ho studiato (cito un po’ a caso: i Discorsi ascetici di Isacco di Ninive e il testo Sulla preghiera di Evagrio Pontico posso dire che mi abbiano davvero formato). Quando Daniele Piccini, così, per la neo-fondata collana ‘Versus’ mi ha chiesto di tradurre i Salmi, ovviamente, ho esploso canti di giubilo in ebraico biblico. La collana, di cui non risulta più traccia nel sito della casa editrice, ha stampato libri molto belli, dalle Poesie di Hermann Broch per cura di Vito Punti, dieci anni fa, a Il libro del freddo del poeta spagnolo Antonio Gamoneda a Margini e rive di Fabio Franzin, tutti libri “attualmente non disponibili”. Nel 2008 fu stampato un Cantico spirituale di san Giovanni della Croce per la cura di Stefano Arduini.
Le cose belle, si sa, finiscono, così anche a me è arrivata la fatidica lettera. Il 5 giugno scorso, Città Nuova mi scrive. “Considerando la ridotta vendibilità del libro e i costi sostenuti per la sua gestione da parte del nostro deposito centrale, abbiamo deciso di inviare al macero parte delle copie invendute, pari a 161 copie”. La cosa non mi sorprende: l’editoria (come la vita) funziona così. Tutto muore e dopo un tot il pesce puzza. Alla disfatta delle copie si può far fronte acquistandole a prezzo favorevolissimo (“potremmo inviargliele con lo sconto dell’80% sul prezzo di copertina più le spese di spedizione”); comunque resta la formula di rito: “abbiamo attivato un sistema di print on demand che ci consentirà di rendere sempre e comunque disponibile il libro per quanti volessero acquistarlo”. Ma chi lo vorrà acquistare, quel “libro”, se non c’è più nota, nel sito, neppure dell’antica collana editoriale in cui sono stati pubblicati i Salmi, ormai defunta?
La casa editrice mi intimava di informare in merito alle mie scelte “entro il 5 luglio 2019”; la provvidenza mi ha celato la lettera fino a ieri, per cui le 161 copie sono già cenere. Celestiale casualità: la lettera era dentro un libro che si intitola Breve storia dell’ombra, per altro straordinaria raccolta di poesie di Charles Wright, edita da Crocetti. Anche questa è la breve storia di un’ombra.
Non sono nuovo al mondo. Arriva sempre il momento di fronteggiare la fatidica lettera dell’editore: i libri, a meno che non sforni un bestseller, hanno una vita relativa, relegata in una manciata di mesi, se va bene di anni. Poi sono un ingombro in magazzino, di cui l’editore ha fretta di liberarsi, d’improvviso. Se ci guadagna qualcosa – o meglio: se rientra delle spese – meglio. In questo caso, però, la differenza non è irrilevante. Non si tratta, qui, del romanzo di un autore X, ma della nuova traduzione dei Salmi. Non si tratta di un editore qualsiasi, ma di un editore ‘cattolico’. Quelle fatali 161 copie dei Salmi, che tanto danno fastidio, non potrebbero regalarle a 161 parrocchie o monasteri o biblioteche teologiche sparse per il paese? Si è mai vista una casa editrice cristiana mandare al macero i Salmi?
Rileggo la lettera. Ma cosa importa della “ridotta vendibilità del libro” se parliamo dei Salmi? In questo caso, conta lo spirito della lettera, non la sua “vendibilità”. Lo Spirito Santo non si vende un tanto al chilo, ci sono cose che non possono essere stritolate dalle “ragioni di mercato”, la Bibbia non si stampa finché qualcuno la compra. Mi auguro.
Per altro, quei Salmi non furono azzardo e catastrofe linguistica. Quando su Avvenire – il quotidiano dei vescovi, non quello dei reazionari o dei rivoluzionari – uscì una gloriosa recensione di Cesare Cavalleri, quel titolo risuonò in me per giorni, “Tradurre i Salmi: Brullo batte Ceronetti”. Recentemente, Arnaldo Colasanti mi ha confermato – con mio stupore infantile – che quei Salmi funzionano, pure come poesie. Insomma, qualcuno mi benedice e non mi sbatte al macero.
I Salmi non dovrebbero essere venduti, ma regalati. Non ho più copie dei miei. A chi me ne farà richiesta, attraverso la mail di Pangea ([email protected]) o la mia personale, posso inviare il documento word, originale, forse con qualche devoto refuso, che il tempo ha cristallizzato in atto di fede. Intanto, un esempio. (d.b.)
Al mastro coreuta su Colomba che svaga nel vuoto miktam di Davide quando i Filistei lo afferrarono in Gat
Graziami Dio l’uomo mi strazia mi sbriciola da sempre
da sempre mi spaccano infiniti si avventano
nella paura afferro te
consuono con la parola di Dio inciso in lui non ho paura cosa può una cosa di carne?
i loro verbi mi stritolano ogni concetto compilato dal male
celati scrutano il mio passo predano la mia vita
esiliaci dal nulla strema i popoli con la tua ira Dio
è nel tuo libro il mio esilio munte nelle tue cisterne le mie lacrime
quando urlerò a te i nemici spariranno questo so – Dio è per me
consuono con la parola di Dio concordo con la parola di Yhwh
avvinghiato in lui non ho paura cosa può una cosa di carne?
concludo i voti che ti ho destinato sacrifici per te Dio
hai deviato da me la morte slacci i miei piedi dal baratro vago verso Dio – nella luce dei vivi
*Il salmo si riferisce a quanto narrato nel primo libro di Samuele, capitolo 27: Davide scappa dalle mani di Saul e si ritira a Gat, nascosto da chi prima lo amava tra i nemici, “nella terra dei Filistei”. Si tratta di un brano di particolare ferocia: Davide prega con ardore, e uccide con la stessa ispirazione (“Davide batteva quel territorio e non lasciava in vita né uomo né donna; prendeva greggi e armenti, asini e cammelli e vesti”)
**In copertina: Nicolas Régnier, “Davide con la testa di Golia”, 1626
  L'articolo Una casa editrice cristiana manda al macero i Salmi. Quando le ragioni economiche vincono su quelle spirituali. Tranquilli, i Salmi ve li regalo io (e sono meglio di quelli di Ceronetti)… proviene da Pangea.
from pangea.news https://ift.tt/315nS9g
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