#nier griff
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Love the official monochrome story art so decided to do something with a similar color palette in my style♡
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nierly-amazing · 2 months
Man, Fuck Griff though
He grew up with parents who were anti-war activists but he ended up being a little military simp anyway and joined the army after they KILLED HIS DAD!
BUt He'S SucH a NiCe Guy WaTchiNg Out FoR HiS TrOOpS
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Fuck you and your shit Nazi haircut, causing all your squadmates to die when you were a hotheaded kid was literally the best thing you've done with your life.
I mean like what was the point of even having him in the story? They all went back to their worlds with no memories of The Cage or anything so he's just going to go back to being a """nice""" Nazi. Like I get Lars because he's a stupid kid who was kidnapped from one of the countries he's fighting and then finds out but then KEEPS FIGHTING FOR THE NAZIS?
Like come on Mama tell him to stop being a little bitch and do what Griff did when he was your age and get everyone on his next nazi team killed
FR though his entire existence in Rein bothers me like what's the point in putting him in a sympathetic light when he's literally a fascist and doesn't learn in any point of the story that Fascism is Bad? Like, it's completely glossed over what the fuck?
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kaenuko · 1 year
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Ham-ham Lars (feat. Ham-ham Griff!)
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gaymememachine · 2 years
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Made this at 5 am last night
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ashendalia · 1 year
Bet, tell me more about Griff cause I wanna know more about your boy
Griff wasn't always a quiet meek mannered person, in fact when he was younger he was actually the opposite. He was short tempered, loud, arrogant, and honestly quite a huge asshole that most people did not like.
He did not get along with his parents at all because he wanted to join the army and fight for his country while they were anti-war activists. His father was actually killed by the army because of it too, but at that time he took it more as a sign that he needed to do something and actually make a difference instead of just preaching something.
So he joined the army, but when he told his mom she told him he was insane. His ideals were so opposite that right then and there he stormed out and left. That was 8 years ago now, and he only recently spoke to her again through telegram for the first time since then.
When Griff's finally in the army, he gets placed in a squad under a captain that doesn't take priority in crushing the enemy and instead places it with the safety of his men. And he is NOT happy about it and he makes it known out loud, and he also butts heads with most of his squad mates because they're there for the money and not the honor of fighting for their country. He is dead-set on fighting for his country and getting a medal for his loyalty and work that he doesn't hear out any other views (and also he is young and a jackass).
Despite being this loud, confrontational, quick tempered asshat, he actually did make a friend and the two had a sort of camaraderie despite being in the army for different reasons. This guy was probably his only friend too because no one else except superiors put up with his shit.
Eventually there came a battle where beforehand Griff tried to argue with the captain that his plan wasn't effective and that there was an opportunity to strike at the enemy and deal a huge blow to their forces, but the captain didn't want to risk his squad's lives for it. Well, Griff managed to get some soldiers on his side and during the battle they broke off and went and attacked the enemy directly. And it worked! The enemy got crushed, though the soldiers that came with him were killed too.
As he made his way back to his own camp, he found that the whole place was burning down and there were bodies everywhere. The further he continued, the more dead soldiers from his squad he saw and he couldn't wrap his head around how this happened. He eventually found an instructor barely alive and they told him that the captain knew he would attack the enemy so he changed the formation to try to save him and that's why the camp was how it is now, and then died right after.
Griff couldn't understand why the captain would do this after he had always caused so much trouble for the man and starts looking for him. Instead he comes across his only friend, barely alive and left leg blown off from an explosion. His friend is glad to see he's okay, and Griff starts apologizing for what happened because of him. His friend isn't angry or anything though, he even tells him that he would've liked a medal too before passing away.
Griff keeps going trying to find the captain, and he is breaking down in tears now, and the whole time he just keeps seeing the bodies of his squad mates all around him. He finds the captain finally and rushes over to him to try to wake him, but gets no response. He grabs the man's hand because he wants so badly for the captain to reprimand him for what happened, he needs the captain to do to him for what he caused because this is his fault.
Griff is barely able to begin to form the words to apologize, and his crying is not helping at all either. The captain is able to come around just long enough to hear him and tell him "I'm glad you survived..." before passing, and Griff is left the only survivor.
Well, he finally got his medal. He's a hero now and the enemy withdrew, and all it took was losing his whole squad in that battle.
Griff is absolutely a mess after this though. He's given time off, though all he can bring himself to do his hide in his house and try to drink away pain. He wakes up, drinks until he passes out, and the process repeats day after day after day. When he's awake he replays the memories in his head and when he's asleep he has nightmares about what happened on that battlefield, and ultimately no amount of alcohol is going to drown it away.
His thoughts spiral deeper into regret. If he hadn't ignored orders and gone off on his own they would all be alive. What even was the point of doing it? Was it for pride? Justice? Selfishness? A goddamned medal?
At this point he thinks the best thing to do is end it all and loads his gun and puts it to his head. He didn't get the chance to pull the trigger though because him being in his drunken state caused him to lose his balance and pass out after hitting a table. When he wakes up he sees the letter congratulating him and and giving him the date for being rewarded with a medal of honor and being promoted to captain, which is tomorrow.
He takes some sleeping pills and goes to bed. He dreams about that battlefield again, and this time in his dream he tries to change things. He doesn't go off on his own, he stays at his base and kills any enemy soldier he sees. But even this changes nothing because he eventually looks out on the battlefield and sees the faces of his squad on the dead bodies. He finally realizes that no matter what he does, he can't save them.
When he wakes up he asks his captain what he should do and how to atone for his sins. He then gets dressed in his formal wear and accepts the medal and promotion to captain.
As a captain himself, he's very wary of putting his own men in danger and always pulls them back before anything bad can happen to them. His plans are always very cautious and he's always putting their safety over wiping out the enemy. Some of his own men call him a coward for his tactics and even started calling him 'Captain Craven' behind his back, but he lets them continue because his highest concern is their safety and making sure they stay alive.
This doesn't mean he isn't ruthless in battle still though. His squad and he have completely and utterly wiped out enemy forces and bandits that were threatening villagers before, and if his men aren't in high danger they will kill. He's not afraid to kill enemies, it's his job as a soldier, and he'll continue doing it to protect his country and his men. Even then he does feel guilt for having to kill so much.
He's very much living for the sake of others at this point. He sees himself as unworthy of redemption and so he does everything he can to make sure others survive, even putting himself in mortal danger just to rescue someone across enemy lines.
Now he's much more reserved, quiet, and very nonconfrontational. He doesn't care if his men insult him behind his back because all that matters to him is keeping them alive and safe. Truthfully though, I'm sure the longer his men are with him the more the understand that his orders are the way they are so that they can go home when this is all over and they do appreciate him for that.
His favorite food is smoked fish! And he's very skilled at games that use perfect information, like chess, checkers, and Reversi!
also his hobby is drinking alcohol but that is not a lighter note and it makes me sad
I love him 🥺
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final-yorha · 7 months
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Circus Time
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flickerstar · 2 years
And…here’s his weapon (Coward’s Sin) story, fully decoded! God, I love his survivor’s guilt storyline so much. Makes him a far more lovable and sympathetic character than if he didn’t learn from his past mistakes.
My comrades slumber eternally after falling in battle.
White gravestones form neat rows, and I offer a flower to each.
Then, from out of nowhere, a single
black feather floats in front of my eyes.
The bulk of wings grow louder. A storm of black birds descends, scattering my proffered flowers. They ridicule me without mercy; they know my strategy sent my squadmates to their deaths.
As black feathers rain down, I look into the birds’ eyes and see reflected in them the faces of my dead comrades. They hate me. They scream at me. They curse me.
This is my fault. All my fault—all my sin. Yet only the birds understand this. They know I am hated for it, and so I extend a hand and gently reach out. Come to me…
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sparklespeckles · 8 months
You know, I still think my favorite weapon story endings are Yudil and Sarafa's.
Cut for potential spoilers
There's something about how their affection for each other turned to hatred and how, in the end, they still got what they wanted just in a really bad way...
Like I still remember Griff's subverting expectations and having a "happy ending" and that was wild to me, but nothing on the level of Yudil and Sarafa. Like, while I can't describe it.
And its funny too, because it all goes down the drain because Sarafa is a teeny bit crazy? Like she wants this boy to recognize her when she wears a veil over her face everytime they meet and she never says a word to him. Like, GIRL HOW IS HE SUPPOSED TO KNOW
And if her EX memory is canon to the Sarafa story from the cage, then its understandable that she's got a screw loose. Girl goes through A LOT (but then again so does everyone in Nier?) And then her life as she knows it is shattered in such a sad way.
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necone555 · 1 year
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NieR Re[in]carnation: Griff
His dark aura is cool XD
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christophe76460 · 4 months
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🔄 Je continue à lire dans le chapitre quatre de la première épître de Jean.
(Dieu est amour.) Voici comment Dieu a démontré qu’il nous aime : il a envoyé son Fils unique dans le monde pour que, par lui, nous ayons la vie (1Jean 4:9).
Le mot pour « Fils unique » (monoguené) signifie seul enfant né. Il n’est utilisé que par l’apôtre Jean pour désigner Jésus : trois fois dans son Évangile et une fois dans cette épître (Jean 1:14, 18; 3:16).
Un autre auteur du Nouveau Testament applique l’expression « fils unique » à Isaac quand il écrit :
Par la foi, Abraham a offert Isaac en sacrifice lorsque Dieu l’a mis à l’épreuve. Oui, il était en train d’offrir son fils unique (Hébreux 11:17).
Oui, mais quand le vieux patriarche a placé Isaac sur l’autel, il n’était pas son fils unique mais son second puisque Ismaël est né en premier ; et plus tard, après la mort de sa femme Sarah, Abraham a eu plusieurs femmes et de nombreux fils. Cependant, les Écritures appellent Isaac le fils unique d’Abraham. En effet, Isaac était unique dans sa position par rapport à Dieu parce qu’il était celui qui héritait des promesses que l’Éternel avait faites à son père.
Dans l’Ancien Testament, les anges et même les démons sont appelés fils de Dieu (Genèse 6:4; Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7; Psaume 29:1; 89:5), et dans le Nouveau, les croyants reçoivent eux aussi ce titre (Romains 8:4, 19; Galates 3:26).
Pour le commun des mortels, il n’est pas facile de trouver l’amour de Dieu dans le monde. La nature telle qu’elle est aujourd’hui n’en révèle pas grand-chose parce qu’on y voit surtout des crocs dégoulinant de sang et des griffes acérées. La loi de la jungle n’a rien de l’amour de Dieu. Pour le trouver, il faut aller sur le mont du calvaire. L’apôtre Paul écrit :
Au moment fixé par Dieu, alors que nous étions encore sans force, le Christ est mort pour des pécheurs. À peine accepterait-on de mourir pour un juste ; peut-être quelqu’un aurait-il le courage de mourir pour le bien. Mais voici comment Dieu nous montre l’amour qu’il a pour nous alors que nous étions encore des pécheurs, le Christ est mort pour nous (Romains 5:6-8).
Je ne sais pas si vous pourriez trouver quelqu’un qui prendrait votre place si vous étiez sur le banc des condamnés à mort, mais moi je crois que j’aurais bien du mal. Jésus, par contre, est mort pour des rebelles, des gens ignobles, des pervers, des assassins, des arrogants et des propres-justes.
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Je suis assez friand des phénomènes inexpliqués. Dans la nature, il se passe parfois d’étranges situations qui défient toute logique et même des lois physiques. Dans certaines ruines, on a retrouvé des pierres qui de toute évidence semblent avoir été taillées au laser mais le hic est qu’elles sont vieilles de plusieurs siècles. Je pense que personne n’essaierait de nier qu’il existe des mystères dans la vie. Parmi ceux-ci, et pour ceux qui ont foi dans les Écritures, il y a la Trinité et l’amour de Dieu, et les deux sont liés.
La Trinité est une doctrine insondable mais indéniable. Bien que Dieu se soit révélé comme Dieu unique et éternel, il existe en trois personnes mais en une seule essence. Celle-ci est éternelle, invisible et subsiste simultanément dans les trois membres de la Trinité : le Père, le Fils et le Saint-Esprit.
L’Écriture indique clairement que ces trois personnes forment ensemble un seul et unique Dieu (Deutéronome 6:4). Dans certains passages de son Évangile, Jean écrit que le Père et le Fils ne font qu’un (Jean 10:30, 33), que Jésus a dit que le Saint-Esprit allait vivre dans les croyants (Jean 14:16), qu’il allait lui-même vivre en eux (Jean 14:18, 20, 21) et que le Père allait lui aussi être en eux (Jean 14:23). L’apôtre Paul dit que le Père et l’Esprit ne font qu’un (1Corinthiens 3:16) et que le Fils et l’Esprit ne font qu’un (Romains 8:9). Tous les apôtres soulignent le caractère distinct de chaque personne de la Trinité, et pourtant, toutes trois sont à l’œuvre simultanément.
✅ Le Père, le Fils et le Saint-Esprit ne sont pas simplement des manifestations du même Dieu, mais des personnes distinctes. Elles se sont d’ailleurs manifestées ensemble mais différemment l’une de l’autre (Matthieu 3:16, 17) lors du baptême de Jésus. Tandis que le Fils entrait dans l’eau, l’Esprit est descendu sur lui et le Père a parlé depuis le ciel.
Jésus priait le Père (Matthieu 6:9) et lui a demandé de le glorifier (Jean 17:5). Il a promis qu’il demanderait au Père d’envoyer son Esprit (Jean 14:26) et a révélé que sa volonté était distincte de celle du Père (Matthieu 26:39). Ces incidents que nous rapporte l’Évangile selon Jean n’auraient aucun sens si le Père et le Fils n’étaient pas deux personnes bien distinctes. Ailleurs dans le Nouveau Testament, il est écrit que le Saint-Esprit intercède auprès du Père en faveur des croyants (Romains 8:26, 27), tout comme le Fils qui est notre Avocat (1Jean 2:1).
✅ La Trinité est le summum de la révélation que Dieu nous a donnée sur sa nature et elle a des implications non seulement sur notre façon de concevoir Dieu, mais aussi sur nos relations avec lui et avec autrui. En effet, c’est la Trinité qui nous apprend que depuis toujours Dieu est un être relationnel et qu’il n’a donc pas créé l’homme pour lui tenir compagnie parce qu’il souffrait de la solitude.
De toute éternité, antérieure à la création, l’unique réalité qui a toujours été est Dieu. Il est là à tout jamais sans commencement et sans fin. Toutefois, Dieu n’a jamais été seul car il est en trois personnes qui ont toujours été en relation et en communion étroite.
Quand Dieu a créé l’homme, il l’a conçu à son image afin que tous deux puissent entrer en relation l’un avec l’autre. Certains essaient de tout ramener à un même schéma génétique ; ils disent que les animaux ont autant de valeur que les êtres humains et que nous avons 75 % de gènes en commun avec la banane. Cependant, il existe un abîme entre l’homme et le reste de la création, car ce dernier possède des caractéristiques qui lui viennent de Dieu comme la conscience, la pensée rationnelle, le goût de la beauté, la possibilité d’acquérir de la sagesse et un comportement moral. Toutefois, l’aspect le plus significatif de l’image de Dieu en l’homme est sa capacité d’aimer. Cet amour est un reflet, bien pâle certes, mais un reflet quand même, de l’amour que se portent les trois personnes de la Trinité depuis toujours.
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Your fave Captain is 60,30,10,,, ( ( ((0)) ) )km near you!
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omagazineparis · 4 months
Canapé en cuir : un choix raffiné pour votre déco intérieure ?
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Pouvez-vous sentir ce parfum envoûtant de cuir qui émane de votre écran ? C'est l'appel d'une nouvelle tendance de déco : le canapé en cuir. C'est plus qu'un simple meuble, c'est une déclaration de style qui transforme l'ambiance de votre espace de vie. Les charmes irrésistibles du canapé en cuir On ne peut nier le charme rustique et chic qu'un canapé en cuir apporte à votre salon. Il y a quelque chose de très apaisant et invitant dans le cuir. C'est ce petit plus qui fait passer votre déco de "sympa" à "wow" ! Une durabilité à toute épreuve Le canapé en cuir est robuste, résistant à l'usure et au temps. Son endurance aux griffes du chat et aux éclaboussures de café est un atout indéniable. Et en cas de taches, un simple coup de chiffon suffit. C'est un investissement à long terme qui se bonifie avec l'âge. Un design intemporel Les canapés en cuir s'intègrent parfaitement à tous les styles de déco, que ce soit industriel, moderne, rustique ou minimaliste. Ils existent dans une variété de teintes et de finitions, permettant un jeu de textures et de couleurs intéressant. A lire également : Comment choisir des chaises design pour être assis confortablement Les défis du choix d'un canapé en cuir Mais avant de vous précipiter pour acheter ce joli canapé en cuir, prenez un moment pour considérer les défis potentiels. Un investissement initial élevé Les canapés en cuir sont généralement plus coûteux que leurs homologues en tissu. C'est une dépense importante qui nécessite une réflexion sérieuse. Cependant, compte tenu de sa durabilité, c'est un investissement qui vaut souvent le coup. Un entretien nécessaire Un canapé en cuir demande un peu plus d'attention. Il nécessite un nettoyage régulier avec des produits spécifiques pour éviter que le cuir ne se dessèche et ne craque. C'est un petit prix à payer pour conserver l'aspect luxueux de votre canapé. Maintenant que vous avez tous les éléments en main, êtes-vous prête à faire le grand saut et à opter pour le canapé en cuir ? Ce petit bijou de déco pourrait bien être le clou du spectacle dans votre salon. Prenez le temps de choisir le modèle qui conviendra le mieux à votre espace et à votre style de vie. L'astuce finale pour donner vie à votre canapé en cuir : l'associer à des coussins colorés ou à motifs pour un contraste saisissant et un confort maximal. Prête à transformer votre déco ? Read the full article
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unit-zero-two · 3 years
I love the Japanese 1st Anniversary Event story. It’s so good! And has so many lines that just hit.
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Lars has such a single focused, and pessimistic, view on life that it comes as an honest surprise to him that a party is being held.
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Lar’s stories are interesting because they also double as about Griff, seeing the character from the view of someone serving underneath him. Lars does not have a high opinion of Griff.
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And he expected Griff to just give in and do whatever he wanted. To be a pushover. He sorely misunderstood the Captain and his philosophy in life.
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We get to see Lars just break down and be pathetic. He fails to get his way, throws multiple tantrums and his fury is just impotent. He can’t touch Griff at all.
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These words from Griff, and their impact on Lars, made me tear up reading them. This is Griff’s philosophy of patience and caution. This is what he’s really working towards when he retreats and brings his men to safety. When times are tough and you’re just getting tossed around. When everything seems hopeless, just remember, you made it through the year and I am so very, very proud of you for doing so.
Happy Japanese 1st Anniversary everyone.
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7marichan7 · 3 years
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I really enjoyed ch 10 ;D
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n26919xx · 3 years
I remember seeing someone comment on a Reddit post or on a YouTube video and they called him "school shooter griff" and it kinda just stuck with me ever since 😅
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Abstract Captain Griff
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flickerstar · 2 years
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He’s finally here! After eight months (probably more, though) of waiting, Abyssal Captain Griff has arrived! Although I’m slightly disappointed that he is a strong light-elemental character (just like his Bloody, Fractured, and Guardian costumes), I am in love with his design and both his costume and weapon story, the latter of which I was able to successfully decode!
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