nikaryflare · 1 month
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More kitties!
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jumpstunsneeze · 11 months
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Nightfoot - Jumpclan's Deputy
A thick black and white medium furred tom with green eyes.
As the deputy, the mate of the leader's daughter, his nephew's mentor, and a new father, Nightfoot has a lot of responsibilities. He wouldn't blame you if you assumed his paws were too full, but Nightfoot thrives when he's busy.
His loyalty to and faith in Riverjump is unwavering - he would do anything she asked of him, including courting her daughter.
He did eventually fall for Owlpelt, and he loves her and their kits more than he ever thought was possible.
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“Dark Forest Resident”: Nightfoot
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Aliases / Nicknames: Bruno, Mr. B, Mr. BB, ‘feral’
Gender: ??
Sexuality: ??
Family: ??
Other Rlations: ??
Clan: none
Rank: loner
Characteristics: skittish, was captured by Twolegs for one day until they argued and let him be a loner again
Number of Victims: 0
Number of Murders: 0
Murder Method: N/A
Method of Harm: driving Twolegs insane
Known victims: Ambitious’s parents’ sanity
Victim profile: Ambitious’s parents
Cause of Death: none
Cautionary Tale: when catching a feral cat, don’t leave your dad out of the loop
“Long story short, dad was left out of the loop, and we had to let Bruno go :(
Mainly bc my man is very acrobatic and my parents kept trying to catch him, making poor Bruno lose his shit.
I got him toys and everything, but he was gone when I got home :(”
Additional Information:
--submission by @Ambitiousauthor
--“I gave him a warrior name, Night bc he’s a very dark cat, and foot bc he’s skittish.”
--Oh no :(
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fontasticcrablettes · 3 months
This post was brought to you by the thought that I want fomicry to be explained in-game with a helpful presentation such as the explanation of cloning in Jurassic Park.
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flamingo-bubbles · 11 months
@fontasticcrablettes Wrote a lovely little spicy Flystelle fic and it made me want to do the same! But, uh, my brain died in the middle of it and I haven't touched it since I first wrote it after reading his fic.
But there's so little Flystelle stuff! And even less spicy stuff for them!! So I will share this half-shred of a story because there needs to be more of them in the world!!!
Courting was like a dance. The steps were intricate, deliberate, important - to ignore them was to invite the searing judgment of every noble down onto your head. If your transgression was severe enough, no title or rank could save you.
Flynn knew all this. It had been drilled into his head since the first day he emerged into the noble quarter as a freshly minted knight. Like many customs of the upper class, the rules were as arbitrary as they were ironclad. He had to be constantly aware, always diligent.
The breathy, inviting sound of his name on the crown princess' lips yanked him back to the reality of the moment. Their bodies entangled in her bed; clothing thrown to the ground in a flurry of hot, hungry kisses and moans; the sharp rise and fall of Estellise's breast with each ragged breath. Flynn's body reacted all too readily to the princess lying beneath him.
He was definitely courting her wrong, but she was making it difficult to care.
"Princess Estellise…" he whispered her name back with just as much desire, but the voice of reason forever present at the back of his mind was quick to add, "...Are you sure about this?"
He watched as her expression softened into a smile. However, the desire in her eyes burned just as clearly. Flynn's breath caught in his throat and dissolved into a strangled moan as Estellise wound her arms around his neck. Gentle pressure was applied to Flynn's neck, drawing his body into her and another moan from his soul.
"I am," She responded plainly and clearly.
"B-But what about all the customs? The rules?" He forced himself to speak, but the heat of her hands curiously exploring the taut muscles of his back was making it horribly difficult to focus.
"They're silly. We love each other. There aren't any rules in that."
As she spoke, her hands grew more bold, more curious. Flynn felt her rough, short nails and callused fingertips trace down his chest, stopping just before his hips. He wanted to focus on every sensation all at once, but his brain was quickly melting to nothing but his baser instincts.
"You make a-" he inhaled sharply as a stray finger explored a little bit lower, "a compelling argument."
The thick air between them was softened by Estellise's gentle giggle. She leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on Flynm's lips. He wished he could claim his body's reaction was just as chaste.
"Thank you! My tutors in statesmanship would be very pleased to hear the compliment."
"Perhaps, but I don't believe I shall ever give it to them. It would require…certain explanations."
His reward for his half-hearted joke was another of Estellise's giggles. As the mood lightened further still, he thought with vague disappointment that the night might end with nothing happening. However, her hands didn't stop their exploration, her boundless curiosity extending to the bedroom as well. 
Rather than push the situation forward, Flynn let her take her time, allowing his body to react without any attempts to hide it. As she found several sensitive spots that Flynn hadn't even been aware of, the mood in the room once more dipped dangerously toward desire.
"P-Princess Estellise…" Flynn whined as she applied pressure in another new location, his cheeks and body burning, "M-My apologies. Please. I need…more"
"Oh! Of course! Please, allow me."
And then they totally banged, you guys.
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boyfeminism · 11 months
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took a like 2-month art break and last night i was trying to get back in the habit, so i was doodling some hyenas/gnolls, trying not to erase much since i was just sketching
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daylight1ng · 2 months
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First half of designs for hermitcraft / warrior cats au
this has been so fun to do im so excited to finish the rest. i have cooked up SO MUCH lore for them in my brain theyre all i think about
from left to right, top to bottom: (image 1) wrendog, whitefox, goatboom, sunsight, nightfoot, smallfang (image 2) myrtlerot, voidstar, mossburr, fawnswipe, mumblenose
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vacantgodling · 2 months
pick any ship you'd like, and K+L from the Firsts ask game!!
thank you for asking! since i've been in such a tcol mood, i guess i'll do this for some of them <3
K. First fight L. ....And the first time they had to make up
okay here's the thing, i could talk about all the characters that i've been introducing for the past week or so... or i could use this as an excuse to talk about king anele of kairos (2nd ever king of lathsbury, he/she) and his wife king dawn nightfoot (former chieftain of aegos who became a king of lathsbury after uhhhh some stuff).
technically speaking their first fight was the entire War of Lathsburian Succession. to explain what happened, have this little bit of the timeline that i think is kind of funny.
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tl;dr a lot of shit happened and at the time that all of this happened, dawn and anele were the heads of state for lathsbury. and ended up going to war over it. cough. a war that was so catastrophic that the goddess of the universe (among other things) IISIDIA herself spoke through an oracle (this is a rare occurrence) and said "IF Y'ALL DON'T STOP THIS SHIT IM DEADASS BLOWING UP THE PLANET" so uhhhh that's how the first fight ended. technically the lathsburians won the battle (or would've if IISIDIA didn't stop it) and so as apart of the treaty anele and dawn ended up getting married to combine the two kingdoms into one. LMAO.
so the first time they had to make up was sort of the 5 year process it took for them (with their lovely relationship counselor, the oomi satine), to not only merge their kingdoms under one banner but like to stop hating each other carnally. they weren't expected to fall in love or anything, but they do end up getting cozy wink wink.
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aroaessidhe · 8 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
These Burning Stars
political space fantasy
follows an infamous heir to the Nightfoot empire and a stoic cleric who are hunting down a figure from their past - the cleric’s classmate who the heir challenged to impress her, or die trying
and a hacker/thief who’s gotten her hands on something that could implicate the Nightfoot family in a planet-wide genocide
sapphic & nonbinary characters
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hottubraccoon · 6 months
Solistal; Land of Knowledge and Hunters
northern mountain border of the continent, primarily dwarf citizens
Character SHORT List:
Alexa Snowlight
Amber Gemwater
David Woodkeep
Holly Nightfoot
Kyvon Snowfeather
Raiden Snowlight
Vril Snowfeather
Zabrac Blooddust
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Achraf Nekker on unsplash.
Solistal is based on the UK islands physical geography*. It is very much the coldest nation, having snow almost all year round except for the 3 months often jokingly referred to as their 'summers'. Despite this, storms are infrequent and the weather is generally clear or slightly cloudy. Storms are constantly being prepared for, both snowstorms and magical storms, as the ones that do appear and particularly harsh in Solistal. Besides those, earthquakes have been recorded in the nation too.
*but only when I feel like it lol
Most of Solistal's territory is the northern mountain range that stretches from the east to west coasts. Adventurers struggle to survive in the winter on the other side of the mountains. Maybe, these harsh conditions are why there's an impossible amount of fossils found here compared to the other nations. These mountains are also the only place in Klenith that natural clusters of 'seals' can be mined for the magical properties. The seals are said to be the result of a magical blast that sent many forms of mega-fauna to go extinct, connecting to the fossils found here. Another piece of this theory is the 'everburning flame' kept watch near the capital city, Domongrad. Nobody has a reason for why it continues to burn despite the snow and ice surrounding it, but many suggest magic, specifically the magical blast that took out mega fauna. As there is no concrete way to find out, it is still being discussed by scholars and many myths have stemmed from these theories. From the outside, the planning of Solistal towns appear to be random, but is entirely dependent on what each towns considers necessary. If built on flatter ground and the need for stronger buildings is higher, that town puts it's most traveled buildings on the outside. Whereas, a different town will be secure in their mountain-side so will focus on their magic and research, therefore their magical stores and casters' homes would be placed further into the mountain walls. What's needed is most central, and what's not is pushed out. Many towns and cities are built into the side of the mountains, pushing their necessary buildings into the caves to be the most defensible. The styles, including materials used, follow Russian architecture. Although... squashed, because dwarves don't need as much room.
Solistal primarily exports the ore/minerals that are found in the mountains, the magical seals only found here, and have large stores of meat due to mega fauna hunting. They could be self-sufficient, however it would lower the citizens general happiness and lifestyles. As they have such large holdings over the ores and seals, trading is a constant request from the other nations. Whilst the continent wide trade is currency based, within the Solistal borders it is often information based. Even when currency is required, the price will often be lowered for a good book or two. Their largest import is dyes from Birkina, requiring ink for the libraries, and their lowest being finer/thinner cloths.
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rxbn on unsplash
Other Parts:
For Great Kettering. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
For Solistal. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
For Kamikita. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
For Birkina. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
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noa748 · 2 months
(Hit the word limit on replies. Oops.)
Woof. I haven't really read Tales fics in a good while, but I went back into my faves and took a look around for some. Let's see. Tales of Cosplayers by Nightfoot in which a looped Lloyd and Colette basically get possessed by a couple of cosplayers (finished). Oaths that Bind by Jazzy_Kandra in which Zaveid tells Edna the tale of Eizen's last stand (Zesteria, unfinished for...awhile). And the ongoing SI rewrite of Project Green, Project [REDACTED] by Swissed Toast/Phantom_Apple in which the MC travels with Sheena while she's still trying to kill Colette. Remember liking this one originally but haven't read this rewrite entirely.
Tales of Cosplayers is what got me into SI/OC insert fics! So much nostalgia. I’ll have to look into the others, I think I might’ve read Project [REDACTED] but it’s been a while.
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spacefinch · 9 months
Since I’m going through a Warrior Cats phase, I thought I’d show you guys some of my cat plushies (all of which I gave warrior names.)
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Willowstripe. Name was chosen entirely off vibes and the fact that at least 3 gray cats in canon have “Willow” as a prefix. (Willowpelt, Willowbreeze, Willowshine)
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Leopardspot. I’m sure you can guess how I gave her that name.
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Featherbreeze (the scrunkly)
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And finally, Magpie. I know it’s not a proper Warrior cat name, but this is what 13-year-old me decided to name this cat.
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acmoorereadsandwrites · 3 months
Spotlight: Sapphic Sci-fi
One of the biggest anime of last year is Gundam: The Witch from Mercury. Not only was this the most watched Gundam series of all time, it is a Sapphic mecha series with a cast and crew passionate about the main couple, Suletta and Miorine. When Bandai claimed that the ending was opening to interpretation, despite the very explicit evidence that Suletta and Miorine are now married, the crew vocally pushed back and even released official art of the couple’s wedding. They’re in love and they are married and not even Bandai can take that away.
I couldn’t end Pride month without taking time to highlight recent Sapphic sci-fis that fans of Witch from Mercury or readers of sci-fi might enjoy.
If you also like Bridgerton, space romance, and love the Jazz era:
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Lady Eve’s Last Con by Rebecca Fraimow
Ruth disguises herself as Evelyn Ojukwu for one last con: to break the heart of the man who hurt her sister. Unfortunately, his sister, Sol, is on to Ruth’s schemes and will foil Ruth’s plans or fall for her in the process.
If you loved the Fantastic Four and want something a bit more 80’s-ish:
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The Stars Too Fondly by Emily Hamilton
Cleo and her friends were raised in an era when space exploration for all was almost possible. Almost. The failed mission of the Providence, led by Billie, is a great mystery of their generation. They break into the holding cell of the Providence, meet a hologram of Billie, are launched into space and now have to deal with having new powers.
Catholic Sapphic Star Wars:
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Redsight by Meredith Mooring
Korrina is a member of an order of witches who use blood to manipulate space-time. Aster is a space pirate who can transform into a giant snake and a vendetta against the Imperium. The two are part of a much grander, millennia old plan that threatens to destroy everything around them.
You want less romance and more exploration of gender and messy women:
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These Burning Stars by Bethany Jacobs
Esek, the heir to the Nightfoot family, a powerful family that has been complicit in genocide, and her former novitiate, Chono, are sent to find Jun, a hacker and con artist. Jun has evidence of the Nightfoot’s actions and the Kingdom can’t afford for the information to get out. Meanwhile, Six, a young potential cleric from Esek’s past, is following Chono and Esek as well.
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Aloemist, Anteloperipple, Ashkit, ​Avery, Begonialeaf, Bella-May, Blightfrond, Bluedaisy, Bristleblaze, Brittlebite, Brokentongue, Brokenwhistle, Buckhackle, Buntinghoot, Cam, Campionpaw, Cherrykit, Cherrystar, Chickadeewhistle, Cody, Cookie + Nightfoot (joke submissions), Creekpaw, Crowstar, Cryfeather, Cypresspaw, Dahliahbreeze, Downstar, Droughtstar, Ducklingkit, Duskfoot, Eggstep, Fireweaver, Flowerstar, Frondecho, Geckopad, Ginsengbloom, Gorsebriar, Hawkwhistle, Haypad (Haywild), Heronclaw, Hillfeather, Hiverose, Hollowhiss, Hollylion, Hoppaw, Houndtooth, Ivyburble, Ivyspots, Jackdawecho, Jacky, Lamb, Lampreypelt, Larchbee, Laureldawn, Lilacstar, Lilywater, Lionclaw, Loachhowl, Lola, Lupinefrost, Madderblossom, Magpiepaw (Magpieshine), Mallowpelt, Mangleface, Moonshadow, Morningleaf, Mousespots, Mousethistle, Nettlefoot, Nudge, Ospreyhope, Palestone, Peanutfur, Perchpaw (Perchclaw), Pikespot, Possumpuddle, Pumpkinpatch, Redjay, Redshade, Rosykit, Runningripple, Russetblossom, Sandfoot, Scooter, Shallowsong, Shrikepaw, Shrikesquall, Smokeroot, Smokestar, Snowfoot, Sootpaw, Sparrowfreckle, Stonepaw (Stonefern), Streamfleck, Stubs, Stumpypaw, Sunnyshiver, Swantail, Tadpolemask, Tanagerwing, Tarspots, Tartail, Tawnypuddle, Vireopaw (Vireosong), Waxfeather, Whistler, Wildpaw (Haywild), Whimbrelshade, Willowruffle, Wordweaver, Wolfhaze, Woodstar, Wormkit, and Yewpool belong to @ambitiousauthor​
Adderstar, Bristletail, and Burrcurl belong to @boogurl405
Cherrythorn and Nightleaf belong to @brokentranstar​
Brightshade, Bubblelight, Cinderkit, Feathercloud, Flutterwhisper, Marrowpaw, Meadowstar, Mousenose, Orchidsmoke, Peachpaw, Spiderbite, Stormkit, and Wispkit belong to @bvnny-skvllz
Mothblaze belongs to @​​chillcatcryptid
Needlewhisker belongs to @chromaenthusiast​
Axolotlpaw, Hiddensnake, Mantisstar, and Novice belong to @cosmosnaught​
Ashflower, Doesong, Ferntuft, Flamebuck, Gusttalon, Oakstep, Sootspots, Sparktail, Sparrowpaw, and Wetwhisker belong to @elementaldeityoffood​
Roachpelt belongs to @fly-whiskers​
Blackstar, Breezefleck, Cavestar, Chasmmoor, Claudrat, Fathomcry, Fogscar, Gingerstamp, Glaremouse, Goldenrue, Hollowhusk, Limpetsong, Mousecrawl, Orangefluff, Palepaw, Pinestar, Redtree, Rimewhisker, Ripperclaw, Silentbrook, and Snipvoice belong to @frightnightindustries​
Mallow belongs to @​heartshapedpinksunglasses
Beargrowl, Daysoul, Goldenstar, Magpieleap, Marigoldsnake, Raceglint, Spiritstring, Spotgrowl, Springsoul​​, and Stardust belong to @indigo-flighty-falls
Belladonashade, Brokencry, Crowfang, Darkrose, Ferntangle, Minnowscale, Mintnettle, Rainsong, and Snowthicket belong to ​@jackisbored​
Berrykit(Brokenkit/Lightkit), Butternut Squash (Shatteredbreeze), Copperpurr, Fadingstar, Ferretrunner, Foxflake, and Frostswan belong to @liberhoe
Beampaw, Butterflywing, Cedarstar/whisper, Glowingshadow/Cosine, Kindlepaw, Lunarpaw, Omentstar, and Sharkstar belong to @meowstival​​
Angelpaw, Batear, Darkbrush, Milkdud, Riverrush, Skullmoon, Treatpaw, Trickpaw, Whispkit, Whiteear, and Yippeepaw (joke submission) belong to @ribbonzregretz ​
Frostedjay belongs to @skyereadsandcommitsartcrimes
Loststar belongs to @soulofangst​
Applecreek, Ashwhisper, Badgerkit, Birchflight, Cloudface, Cricketclaw, Cypresskit, Dewfall, Eelpaw, Foxfire, Frostwish, Ghostwatcher, Hollygorse, Lightningspring, Lighttail, Lilacheart, Morningsky, Motheyes, Needlepaw, Nightkit, Oakberry, Pebblekit, Pigeonfang, Pinedusk, Rookstorm, Sablefleck, Shademask, Snailstar, Tawnymoon, Tigerkit, Tinker Bell, Waspkit, and Webstripe belong to @starfalcon555​
Brindlepaw, Carcasspelt, Clawbranch, Darkscar, Feathers, Giantstar, Honeyflower, Lemurgaze, Ricetail, Sparrowface, and Spottedstone (Oleandor) belong to @sunshadesfrozensky​
Antleaves, Plumbee, and Runningbird belong to @sweetbirdydreams
Palemist and Shiverpaw belong to @the-bumbling-berry
Leopardshadow/star belongs to @the-crypid-moth
Buzzardstar, Cherrytail, and Icewing belong to @themainblogofsp20
F​leckthorn belongs to @vhs-warriors
Adalind (joke submission), Berrystar, Brownmouse, Cloudfang, Coyotetuft, Creaturefall, Crunchsnow, Fidgetguts, Fishkit, Fleathistle, Frostkit, Fungichomp, Goblingsnap, Goldfishfur, Gremlinfrost, Hollowstar, Hollykit, Honeypudding, Honeysuckle, Isopodbrain, Jellykit, Laughingmoss, Lioncatch, Molekit, Nightstar, Patchspring, Pinenutkit, Quickstar, Roseclaw, Shrikepollen, Smokefleck, Tawnykit, Timberstone, Turtlestepper, Whiteheart, and Wolfstar belong to @wills-woodland-warriors​​​​​​
Alderstar, Applefoot, Applepaw, Aspenroot, Badgerthistle, Basiltooth, Batlight, Batroot, Berryfreckle, Berrygaze, Berrytalon, Blackdawn, Blackstar, Bluerain, Bumblemurmur, Bursnout, Buzzhop, Clawbear, Cloudpaw, Cloverfox, Cricketfur, Cypressbriar, Daisysong, Danglingmoss, Dappleflint, Deadcall, Doveflame, Doverose, Eaglebloom, Emberdawn, Fallenfire, Fennelbur, Ferndoe, Fernpaw, Firetooth, Fishoat, Flickerpine, Flipperkit, Flowerstone, Frostcoat, Fulvouspine, Furzeflower, Gorseheart, Grousemane, Haremaw, Harriernose, Hawk, Hawkjay, Heronclaw, Hillminnow, Hootpetal, Horsejaw, Inkspots, Ivoryburn, Jackdawfoot, Jaggedbriar, Jaydust, Kiteburn, Leenile, Loosestar, Lovagecreek, Mallardgleam, Marshtuft, Martenstep, Midgespring, Mothbloom, Mottlecry, Mouseshell, Mud Tail, Myrtlewing, Nettledeer, Orangebelly, Oreo, Owlear, Parsleyleaf, Petalsand, Piercelight, Piercetree, Pipitfeather (shared with Ambitious), Pitchfang, Poppyhill, Primroseflower, Quivering Branch, Raggedrunner, Ratbirch, Redbloom, Robinmask, Rosefrost, Roseneedle, Sageleaf, Sagepool, Salviathaw, Shadewillow, Shellgrass, Shiverberry, Shiverrose, Shrikeface, Skunkspots, Smalljump, Snailbush, Snakewhisker, Snipgaze, Snooktail, Snowfringe, Snowwing, Sootsight, Sparrowfall, Speckletalon, Spikerose, Sprucepaw, Stoatspeck, Stonesun, Stormshell, Stormwolf, Streamrose, Sunchive, Talonpaw, Tanglestar, Tuskkit, Volenight, Walruskit, Warblermoon, Wavefur, Weaseltoe, Weedfoot, Whistlekit, Whistletooth, and Whitestar
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fontasticcrablettes · 6 months
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Get booped old man
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orionlancasterr · 10 months
Esek Nightfoot is definitely becoming a favorite Horrible Woman character.
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