oculusoccult · 1 year
bold what applies, italic what sometimes applies and strike what never applies. feel free to add on! [source]
being unable to stop smiling. laughter. bear hugs. happy tears. waving arms around. dancing. contently sighing. eyes twinkling. laugh lines. childlike playfulness. skipping. talking more. affection. cracking more jokes than usual. gesturing more when talking. higher pitched voice. squealing. jumping around. clapping.  
tearing up. self-hugging. one-arm cross. an aching chest. scratchy throat. a runny nose. turning away. deep breaths. quivery smiles. crying. infantile sobbing. hands gripping each other or an object. covering mouth. puffy eyes. eyes appear red. running makeup. voice breaking. a distant or empty stare. monotone voice. asking for comfort. faking a smile. crumbling. shaking. whimpering. depression. abusing an unhealthy habit. withdrawing from others. big teary eyes. doing something even if it could hurt them.
furrowed brows. baring teeth. passive-aggressive comments. avoiding eye contact. sarcasm. headache. sore muscles. hiding clenched fists. irritability. jumping to conclusions. raising voice. going silent. demanding immediate action. keeping it all in until exploding. body tensing. making risky decisions. middle finger.
wanting to flee or hide. what-ifs. images of what-could-be flashing in mind. uncontrollable trembling. rapid breathing. screaming. a skewed sense of time. irritability. keeping silent. denying fear. turning away from the cause. pretending to be brave. nail-biting. lip-biting. scratching skin. a joking tone but a voice that cracks. fainting. insomnia. panic attacks. exhaustion. substance abuse. tics. rushing adrenaline. face draining of colour. hair lifting on the back of the neck. feeling rooted to the spot. making body as small as possible. staring but not seeing. crying. a shrill voice. whispering. gripping something or someone. stuttering. flinching at noises. pleading. widened eyes.
constantly yawning. blurring words together. dark circles or lines under eyes. mood swings. hallucinations. calling people by the wrong name. dizziness. denying they’re tired. slow blinking. trouble concentrating. stumbling. leaning on a doorframe for support. sluggish movements. falling asleep someplace that isn’t a bed. becoming irritated by the smallest things. “i’m awake, i’m fine.”. shaking so bad they spill their drink. fall asleep in their clothes. lay their head on the table because they’re so tired. passing out.
Tagged by:@nightmarebcrn
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stormflowerhonor · 4 years
@nightmarebcrn continued from here:
[sms - Mercury]: It’s not stupid.
[sms - Mercury]: I’m awake. I don’t often sleep well anymore.
[sms - Mercury]: I miss you too.
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erudite-rebel · 4 years
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@nightmarebcrn​ sent:  “I can’t go to hell, I’m already out of vacation days.” 
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“Perhaps it’s time to join a side with fairer employee benefits. Do you have dental?”
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becomestorm · 4 years
◈  ━ share some headcanons that you have for a muse of your choosing
mun related.     /     accepting.
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i can’t really comment on muses that i haven’t at least tried to play before, so i’ll talk about the muses that i rarely write on my multi, or are in the test phases.
i.     velvet stubbornly calls herself the second tallest in her team. she’s including her ears, and does a little stomp when someone points out that they don’t count.
ii.     maria and cordovin were exes. no you can’t change my mind.
iii.     shopkeep is one of the richest entrepreneurs in vale. he’s happily married to his husband with about five adopted children.
iv.     an came from a wealthy and archaic family that were descended from mistrali nobles a long time ago, but she gave her wealth up to run away and elope with li.
v.     fox still isn’t convinced that grapes and raisins are the same fruit. he’s also mentally rickrolled a total of thirty eight people.
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caeloservare · 4 years
@nightmarebcrn liked to meet a nightmare
General Ironwood flipped through the files, not even bothering to look at Mercury. Two rifles pointing at him all the time, covered for handcuffs, while shaking of the moving ship only added a bit of uncertainty about how stable were the specialists’ fingers on the triggers, on top of already tensed situation.
"Alright..." General starts, standing up and finally looking at Mercury. His eyes are cold and indifferent. "Either your friends have already met their endgame or are about to, so sadly you're mostly useless to us. With only one exception. Here's your options: give me miss Sustrai or we're going to execute your life sentence on you in an expedited procedure.”
He gives Mercury an expectant look. “Cooperate and you might live long enough to make it to the court.”
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teamorcd-a · 4 years
@nightmarebcrn​ x
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Mercury was being a pest. A delightful pest at that. He had all flavours of gremlin down pat and she couldn’t hide her little bit of amusement. She leaned over to where his voice was coming from, hopefully looking at him with the hazy smile.
“I care about your sleeping routine.” She mumbled, hands feeling around for where her persistent cyborg was.
Once she had figured out where he was, she leaned as close as she could without falling off of the bed she was laying on. “I think you just want to hear the sound of my voice because you like it so much. Gets you out of talking about you.”
She was only teasing him of course. If Mercury wanted to hear her talk then she would oblige.
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onceinterred · 4 years
  ❛  any love i find will be treason  ❜ - nightmarebcrn
Not Here starters // Accepting
Chestnut brown brows creased over lilac eyes made stormy with concern, the corner of his full lips twisted into a frown. Treason... A high crime, and one that settled in Bryar’s stomach like chunks of soured milk. Who would demand lovelessness of him? How could he fight without love? A fiery mane, eyes dappled like leaves drifting in a pool, a honey-sweet smile: lost loves played behind his eyes from all sides of the war. None of them treason.
Rough, scarred fingers brushed down Mercury’s wrist and hovered near his hand-- an aching almost.
“If someone calls your love treasonous, then they don’t deserve your loyalty.”
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callowed · 4 years
15. Biggest and smallest short term goal? / 16. Biggest and smallest long term goal?
It’s Wiggle Wednesday- Open
15. Biggest and smallest short term goal?
Short term goal implies a specific timeframe, so I’m going to go with the end of volume 7.
His biggest short-term goal would be to see through Salem’s plan to the end, bring Mantle to its knees and sow panic for the Grimm to feed on. On a smaller scale, he wants to check in on Watts, as they haven’t been in correspondence since they split up and a lot has changed since then.
16. Biggest and smallest long term goal?
There aren’t many things Tyrian is actively striving for, it’s part of what makes him such a good tool. He doesn’t have any ulterior motives, and isn’t hoping to “get” anything out of working for Salem- he’s just along for the ride, he enjoys the work he’s assigned. So, then, his drive to carry out Her Grace’s plans to the best of his abilities is what he would consider his main goal. However, some small part of that devotion is charged by his core desire to be loved, to be wanted, to feel useful.
As for smaller goals, this one is a little tough. He doesn’t really indulge much in the little things, doesn’t have many personal wishes other than causing mayhem. He doesn’t like leaving a job unfinished, though, so he’s still inclined to capture Ruby, and kill Qrow completely. Qrow’s a special case, however; while Tyrian would never directly disobey a command from his Goddess, She never outright told him to kill Qrow, and part of Tyrian actually wants to keep him alive, even though the fact that the huntsman ruined his perfect track record.
He’s simply too entertaining alive, Tyrian would be hard pressed to find a suitable replacement for the sort of fight Qrow puts up. At the end of the day, he does intend to kill him eventually. He just wants to play with his favorite toy a little longer before breaking it.
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stormflowerhonor · 4 years
@nightmarebcrn​ continued from here:
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“I’m hardly a saint, Mercury.” Ren said softly. “And you may have done bad things, but you’re not the worst of the worst. Not even close.” He reached out and gently touched Mercury’s hand.
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erudite-rebel · 4 years
@nightmarebcrn sent:  “You know how I’m filled with rage?”
Barty’s breath is slow, controlled. He wishes it would stop the pounding of his heart. Seeing what he does now he is perfectly aware of what that rush of blood does to people like Mercury Black, and he knows exactly what’s in that young man’s heart. Rage, bitterness, insecurity, fear, all of it bubbling down into a vitriolic soup that congeals inside of him. If only Barty didn’t know what Black was capable of with his hands.
He wets dry lips, trying to make his hands keep from shaking, trying to keep from reacting in a way that might make this worse. His brain is pushing at something in his own head, like it’s desperate to flex a muscle, to claw more at that delightful cocktail swirling away in the maelstrom of Mercury Black’s mind. To sip at his fear, regardless if it loses an avatar.
Barty found himself wishing for Qrow. In fact, his wishes went further. He wishes he were normal, scarless, working an innocent job in the University of London and wishing he could have gotten on that dig to Italy, scraping through Pompeii.
“I know,” he finally says. Because it’s plain to see. Mercury hates him as much as he fears him.
And now he’s caught Barty alone, after weeks of stalking, barely warned off by Qrow’s presence. And Qrow isn’t here. Barty has no idea where he is.
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deviousdoctor · 4 years
‘don’t touch me.’
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Arthur stepped back from the other, holding his hands up. Tyrian had toyed with the boy a bit earlier. And he wasn’t particularly interested in Cinder’s children. But it would also do no good to see someone potentially die of bleeding or accidental poisoning in the presence of a world class doctor. 
“I’m not going to harm you. I only want to check on you after your fight,” 
Arthur tilted his head to the side, looking at the other. He put his hands down, and tucked them into his pockets. 
“Unless you’d rather keel over from poison. Tyrian’s particular brand of poison is a nasty thing. It’ll start to burn at first. And the pain will slowly get worse, until it kills you. A nasty way to die,” 
He wasn’t speaking in a threatening voice. Just informing him of what would befall him.
“Come to my office and let me see. I wouldn’t be much of a doctor if I let you die,”
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caeloservare · 4 years
@nightmarebcrn​ a blind half-date uwu
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Jaune was far from noticing that a guy he was supposed to meet, clearly tried to leave. Or rather far from doing much about it, since he’d probably do the same, if the person he was supposed to meet didn’t show up for so long. No, he rather smiled, happy he got to the place before the other left. “Hi! You’re Mercury? Nice to meet you!”
“Sorry for being late, Alice didn’t want to go home until I bribed her with a lollipop. Kids can be horrible when you get on their good side and even worse, when you don’t” Jaune laughs, brushing back of his head slightly embarassed. “You know, serious hunstman job..?” He shrugs apologetically.  “So, erm… Do we stay here or would you prefer to go… uh, somewhere?” The amount of gesticulation to one sentence should be forbidden. “I- I mean, this is a nice place! We sure can stay if you’d like! I- Uh- Haha…” So not only poor time management, but also very little poor covering slip ups with humour. I should shut up now. Jaune smiles, finally leavig space for replies to his chatter. Mercury wasn’t the only one nervous here. Despite Jaune had nothing against meeting new people, somehow he usually legendarly failed the first impressions and he’d rather avoid that if he could. At least he tried to.
He won’t be surprised if he carries on with leaving plans. Brothers know he really tried to not make the introduction awkward.
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courtedclover-a · 4 years
It's always a good time to love you. You're so very pleasant to talk to and your every thread is refreshing and fun in different ways. I perk up to see you on my dash and love how interaction with your Clover is good no matter which of my muses I throw at you.
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boundariestcbreak · 4 years
@nightmarebcrn​ gets a starter from Emerald
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“I never thought I’d get to see Atlas.” She admitted softly as she walked up beside him, sticking her hands deep into the pockets of her hoodie. “Did you?”
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teamorcd-a · 4 years
“  do you wanna get out of here?  ”
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Fucking hospitals.
Anxiousness was often an absent emotion in Chroma’s spectrum of feelings. She had a reputation for being recklessly fearless and lacking in a healthy fear of death. Coupling that with the fact Vacuan’s didn’t believe in ghosts at all, this job was particularly easygoing for the faunus. She could play bait and dismiss whatever she wanted with disbelief, but was Vacuan’s went, ghosts didn’t exist but you did not mess with anything related to ghosts.
Ears were wavering between listening and trying to pin themselves back in discontent. The client had offered them an exorbitant amount of lien to investigate what felt like a very large building. Chroma had her fair share of history with hospitals, but this building had been abandoned outside the city limits in a failed expansion attempt. Most of the structure had been mangled by Grimm, past and present. Rumor had it that there was some underground mistreatment of certain patients that caused the place to fall apart.
If they could find evidence of that, they wouldn’t need to take another job for at least two months.
Typically the pair of them began a job with some jokes, sass, checking the equipment, and talking about plans afterwords. Not this time. Chroma had been eerily quiet, and Mercury clearly took notice.
“No, I’ll be fine.” She spoke quietly but firmly, perhaps more for herself than for Mercury’s own security. “We get in, take some pictures, find some old journals or some shit and we can move on... which means you’re gonna have to read. Bonuses if we can bring back things intact, including spiritual evidence.”
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onceinterred · 4 years
❝ if all else fails, use fire. ❞ 
Legend of Zelda starters // Accepting
“That is one way to solve your problems,” Bryar conceded with a bemused quirk in his eyebrow. And Mathis had accused him of solving problems with his blade more often than him brain. Fire had been something of a specialty growing up. Not too hard to light, quickly consumes most obstacles, and it was just... fun. A childhood spent burning spare bits of straw or watching green sticks crack and smoke in a blaze. Once he’d gone on a long hunting trip, and cleared a circle in a field of tall grass for his campfire. What he hadn’t accounted for was a breeze to blow through. One stray ember and suddenly the whole hillside was alight.
“But I think someone might notice if we tried that.”
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