foxglovesound · 2 years
hawthorn/nightthroat is back! my sweet baby,he was my favorite of the og characters!
hahbabab THANK YOU so so much !!! hes one of my faves too, im glad to be drawin him again >wo!!
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thetrailofflames · 10 months
Pre-Story - The Duneraiders
Chief: Embertalon - dark ginger molly with amber eyes 
Novice: Skunk
Delegate: Foxear - ginger molly with black paws and white chest with green eyes
Augar: Dreamsight - ginger tabby tom with red eyes with black highlights
Clerics: Trufflefang - dark gray charlie with golden markings with yellow eyes (They/Them)
Knotspeckle - small gray and white charlie with light gray speckles with green eyes (He/Xe)
Mantisfang - gray tom with dark gray paws with green eyes
Rockstep* - huge gray tom with yellow eyes
Willowfur - gray tom with amber eyes
Mattedfoot - brown dappled tom with amber eyes
Pricklestreak* - brown tom with gray streaks with green eyes [Head]
Weevilspots* - tortoiseshell charlie with blue eyes (They/Them)
Duststripe - brown tabby molly with green and blue eyes 
Winecapmask - pointed ginger molly with brown markings with yellow eyes [Head]
Speckledfleck - black and ginger tortoiseshell molly with yellow and amber eyes
Ratfall - gray tom with blue eyes
Powderbelly - white tom with blue eyes (Lorekeeper)
Nettlewing* - gray tabby molly with yellow eyes 
Admiralwing - mottled black tom with white streaks with green eyes [Head]
Houndscreech - black tom with yellow eyes
Heatwing - ginger tabby tom with green eyes (Lorekeeper)
Lantrunwhisker - ginger tom with amber eyes
Tarantulacrawl - tortoiseshell and white molly with amber eyes
Boulderfang* - dark gray tom with green and blue eyes 
Flarecloud - ginger tabby molly with amber eyes 
Raspberryclaw - mottled reddish-brown molly with light green eyes [Head]
Beetlemaw* - scarred dark gray tabby tom with yellow and green eyes
Spiderpelt - black tom with green eyes
Coalthorn - dark gray molly with golden speckles with yellow eyes
Leechflight - black and white tom with yellow eyes [Head]
Cicadaface - brown tom with amber eyes (He/It)
Twistedpelt - brown molly with gray flecks with green eyes
Scorpionsnap - dark ginger molly with green eyes
Dragonflyfoot - pointed black tom with yellow eyes with blue highlights
Aphidpelt - brown tom with amber eyes
Velvettail - dark gray molly with red splotches with green eyes (They/Them)
Bonnetfur - brown tom with gray markings with amber eyes
Skunk - black tom with a white chest and paws with blue eyes
Tickstorm - dark brown tabby molly with green eyes [Head]
Lichencloud* - pale golden molly with green eyes
Slateheart - dilute tortoiseshell molly with blue eyes (expecting) 
Poppymaw - light brown tabby molly with green eyes 
‘Stinky’ - brown tom with yellow eyes
‘Crawly’ - brown and white tom with green eyes
‘Buzzy’ - pale golden tabby molly with blue eyes
‘Laugh’ - dark ginger tabby molly with green eyes
‘Cry’ - gray tom with green eyes
‘Silent’ - white molly with blue eyes
Harvestfoot - pointed ginger tom with amber eyes (Lorekeeper)
Yolksnout - golden tabby molly with brown spots with amber eyes
Pebblecloud - gray and white molly with blue eyes 
Widowtalon - pointed black molly with blue eyes
Archglare - chimera gray and black tabby tom with green and violet eyes
Nightthroat - black tabby molly with green and blue eyes (Lorekeeper)
Geckospot- light brown and white molly with brown spots with blue eyes
Toadbelly - dark brown and white tabby tom with green eyes
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dawnfinchh · 2 years
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nightthroat (nightpelt) and his daughter, darkflower
darkflower was born while nightthroat + the elders were in exile in shadowclan territory. hopestar (brokenstar) would send warriors to check on the elders every so often
darkkit was taken to shadowclan camp as soon as she was found by hopestar and nursed by other queens. like all other kits, she was apprenticed as soon as she was “old enough”
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Scorpionscreech Moonstorm Ferretwhisker Aldernose Milkroot Hollysong Nightthroat Hawkmoth Antlerscar
Scorpionscreech - This confident and fierce warrior is considered the greatest fighter in the clan. They adore the attention and find it hard to admit when they are wrong, 14/10
Moonstorm - This cat often appears calm and collected, but when needed they can become a formidable force. Within an instant this cat can go from soft to intimating, but they will only do this to cats that they feel are being unjust, 15/10
Ferretwhisker - This curious yet cautious cat will often be described as “twitchy” by their clan mates. They are always the first to point out something interesting or new but will never stick their nose in it unless they are absolutely sure it’s not a threat, 14/10
Aldernose - This wise and strong cat is deeply trusted within their clan. Many cats, including the leader, go to them for advice, and Aldernose will always try their best to help, 14/10
Milkroot - This friendly and bubbly cat is devoted to their clan and their clanmates. They will never hesitate to help a clanmates in need, something that has made them hugely popular and loved amongst their clanmates, 14/10
Hollysong - This gentle and thoughtful cat doesn’t say much, and often prefers their own company to that of other cats. That said they will always speak up when they have an idea to help out their clan, 15/10
Nightthroat - This cat is highly intelligent and never misses an opportunity. They love to observe the world around them and remember details that might be important later, 13/10
Hawkmoth - This cat may initially appear fierce but they are actually quite gentle, they are a popular shoulder to cry on in the clan and they always love to help out the apprentices with their training, 13/10
Antlerscar - This strong and brave cat is renowned amongst the clans, although they aren’t one to brag. They will happily risk themselves to help others, they are extremely humble and they can get embarrassed by talking about their courageous deeds, 14/10
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sorrelstream · 5 years
Why does Nightthroat have flowers in the last drawing you posted?
Well i cant say why he has those flowers publicly yet b/c its a pretty vital thing to the plot so spoilers fjjdaks (i can explain in like private but!)
BUT i will say one thing about that: those are vervain flowers in his fur :]
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deer-pelt · 6 years
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A few ref sheets for a brainchild of mine. Repurposing some old characters 
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transpepsi · 6 years
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🛸 BIO 🛸
Born in a sleepy town near Switchblade Heights, UFO had always been a rather mellow man of science. He believed in what science said, being a skeptic since he was a kid; he grew up a bright straight-A student with a clean record and a dream for law school, but not even his straight-A’s could get him into college for as long as he needed. When the time came, his scholarships opportunities were granted to his more athletic peers; his family had always struggled with finances while he was growing up, and he knew they couldn’t afford the universities he had his eyes set on, UFO settled for a community college near his home. He’d be able to save expenses such as housing and food by living with his family, and while things were difficult he still managed to get through community college. 
Once he had finished, UFO decided to start saving up for a law school he could attend; he got his own apartment, partly for his independence but also so he could ease his parents’ finances, and so went on with his life - until a fire ravaged his apartment and he was out of a home. His parents offered the house to him, but he insisted on going on his own, and so booked a hotel in the next town over: Switchblade Heights. As he struggled through attempting to find a new job or even just a new apartment, UFO ended up stumbling into a convenience store where he met Radio. UFO found Radio friendly and kind, albeit a bit intense and air-headed (UFO had always been a rather stern skeptic, and now he had been paired up by fate with the world’s most active conspiracy theorist), so he agreed to Radio’s offer and the pair moved in. UFO found a job working at a nearby office, and the plan was that he would work there until he had saved up enough for law school.
The plan wasn’t meant to be, though - UFO’s branch down-sized and he lost his job, sending him into another slight panic. Radio, ever the optimist, attempted to cheer UFO up by dragging him along a cross-country road trip (UFO knew it doubled as a cryptid-hunting adventure, but he figured the traveling would help him clear his head). Their dynamic changed when they got home in time to witness the crashing of the alien aircraft holding Bo, thus starting the events of Radio Interference.
his initials spelling out “UFO” was actually a joke my partner had made abt him and i liked it so much that i made it canon asdkjfds
in CANON however radio dubbed him “UFO” and ufo had immediately hated the nickname and he still does
if he was an animal crossing villager, he’d be an axolotl 
he HAD a voice claim but i lost it and i cannot for the life of me remember what it was so sorry folks! 
his parallel in Season Change is nightthroat
he has a small WIP playlist on spotify
- bc twitter wont let me copy and paste the old ref heres the link lol
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foxglovesound · 3 years
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my name is brutus but the people will call me rex
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foxglovesound · 3 years
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Hawthorn of Thornwood Sound
Name: Hawthorn Past Names: Nameless/Son Age: 38 months (3 years)  Rank: Fellow Identity & Pronouns: CIS tom, he/him  Orientation: Bisexual 
Unnamed vagabond mother
Residency:  Hawthorn’s Residency 
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foxglovesound · 4 years
waitwaitwait so who’s dead by the end of the comic? I saw u say something like “to remember otterflower” or night wearing vervain flowers to make sure no one forgets him? do they die????? dont DO THIS 2 ME GMGJDMDKD
OH NO HFBSCSDC otterflower doesnt die ! if i knew the context behind the “to remember otterflower” quote id explain it but atm im blanking OTL but nightthroat wears vervain flowers to make sure no one forgets him during his absence! snowstar kidnaps vervainstripe and has thunderclan hold him hostage, and when nightthroat finds out that thunderclan has vervainstripe as prisoner but it was snowstars idea entirely, he snaps and tries to attack her (which is how he gets his scars). he wears the vervain flowers so no one can forget vervainstripe or what snowstars done to him while night is stuck in river trying to plan/rally for vervains rescue 
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foxglovesound · 4 years
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completely lost all drive and motivation for dis which is A Bummer bc i was really excited for it but i dont think im gonna finish it anytime soon so heres a wip. laplace’s angel is a peak snowstar song
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foxglovesound · 4 years
when you posted that nightthroat art with the flowers and said it was about a big event I totally thought he was gonna become leader and those were his leader flowers O.O which woulda been interesting but we love minkstar in this house 💅🏼
OH HUH that wouldve been a neat idea !!! im not gonna lie nightthroat was a potential idea i had for minkstars deputy (minkclaw was always intended to end up as leader, though), but i think hes the kind of character that wouldve preferred to just settle down with his husband and have a nice life with vervainstripe instead ^w^!!! but YEAH the vervain flowers were specifically for vervainstripe’s honor/life, kind of like “im not going to forget him and i wont let anyone else forget him either” message to snowstar after nightthroat confronted her the first time :]!
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foxglovesound · 4 years
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21: “Stop worrying about you? Stop worrying about you? I can barely stop thinking of you!”
WARNING: very vague spoilers
There were two rare sights in RiverClan: the first one was seeing Vervainstripe pissed off, the second one, which was even rarer, was seeing Vervainstripe and Nightthroat arguing. 
Lucky for Nightthroat, he got to experience both of those first-hand right now. 
Vervainstripe scowled at the tom standing before him, smack dab in the middle of RiverClan territory, and his gray tabby tail lashed, annoyed, behind him. 
“Get out of my way, Nightthroat,” Vervainstripe spat, lip curling. Nightthroat remained steadfast in his resolution to be as much of an inconvenience to Vervainstripe’s mission goal as possible; although, considering Vervainstripe could just go in a different direction, there was some part of him that wanted to stay and hear out what his friend had to say. Nightthroat was his best friend, after all, despite how much he was pissing Vervainstripe off now. 
“Move!” Vervainstripe snapped, advancing, and Nightthroat mirrored him in turn, stepping towards him. “There, I moved.”
“You know what I mean, smartass,” Vervainstripe’s voice dropped to a growl, his light green eyes narrowed with frustration. “What is your fucking problem?”
“You! You’re my problem! You won’t listen!” Nightthroat exclaimed, exasperated, his fur fluffing out around him. “Do you know how dangerous this is? Something could happen to you.”
“Something could happen to me with anything I do! That’s just how life is!”
“You’re supposed to avoid danger, not run head first into it and crack open your skull,” Nightthroat countered, pelt prickling. “Snowstar’s already suspicious, Vervainstripe, please, I’m begging you. Stop going.”
“It’s the right thing to do,” Vervainstripe’s voice shook. “You supported me this far, why aren’t you now?” The annoyance from earlier melted into something colder, a dull ache in his chest, like he lost something important to him and couldn’t find it anywhere in the camp.
“The hounds hunting you down weren’t this close on your trail before,” Nightthroat answered, the fear in his eyes shining and evident. “I can’t - it’s not worth it anymore.”
The ache in Vervainstripe’s chest turned red-hot and bitter, any previous melancholy now replaced with a searing anger he hadn’t felt towards Nightthroat often - or at all, really. “Not worth it? Their lives are on the line!”
“So is yours!”
“Well, I can handle myself,” Vervainstripe retorted. “I’m not your child.”
“It’s not like that! You’re - you’re my best friend, dude. I’m scared for you, I’m worried for you - .”
“Then stop worrying about me,” Vervainstripe interrupted, bordering on a hiss. That must’ve struck a cord in Nightthroat, Vervainstripe realized too late, as the other tom’s eyes widened and he sucked in a sharp breath, preparing to say something impulsive or stupid or both.
“Stop worrying about you? Stop worrying about you?” Nightthroat echoed, and the way his voice rose told Vervainstripe all he needed to know, judging by the way guilt gnawed its way through his gut. “I can barely stop thinking about you! You know that? Do you know that?”
Vervainstripe flinched. Nightthroat’s mouth pulled into a thin line, forcing himself to shut up, while his claws dug anxiously into the loamy soil below. Nothing followed - just the sounds of their breaths coming out ragged and fast after their argument; Vervainstripe stared up at Nightthroat, their gazes locked, with his ears flattened and his eyes narrowed as he tried to work through his own feelings. Guilt, frustration, anxiety, alarm, urgency. Everything was just too much right now - he had too much to do, and as much as he cared about Nightthroat, he couldn’t risk an entire group of cats’ lives just because Nightthroat was worried Snowstar would get wise. She hadn’t yet, and if Snowstar did catch on eventually, then Vervainstripe would just have to burn that bridge when he got to it.
Coming to his own personal resolution, Vervainstripe pushed forward with determination, shouldering past Nightthroat and into the foliage beyond him.
“Vervainstripe -,” Nightthroat began, but Vervainstripe was quick to cut him off, voice straining as he shot back, “Just - just - just leave me alone.” 
There was a moment of silence, only interrupted by the sound of the territory being disturbed as Vervainstripe stomped by, but then Nightthroat finally regained himself.
“Fine, then,” he snapped, voice cracking as he spoke, “get yourself hunted down! See what I care.” 
Vervainstripe did not give him a response, only carried on further, and the sound of Nightthroat’s pawsteps pounding in the opposite direction meant the two of them were heading on two different paths.
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foxglovesound · 4 years
34 with Vervainstripe and Nightthroat?
“You’re worth it.”
Takes place a day or two after this :]
“You, uh, you could’ve died, you know.”
“I know.”
Nightpaw rolled a piece of moss from his nest between his shuffling black paws, opting to stare that down rather than look at Vervainpaw, huddled in the nest just before him. His voice sounded so nasally.
“And now you’re all sick,” Nightpaw added, not bringing his eyes up from the suddenly extremely interesting piece of moss. He heard a snotty laugh come from Vervainpaw, then a loud, wet sniffling followed. “I know.” 
Silence fell between the duo once more, only punctuated by the occasional snore of Hazelnose, sleeping soundly in their nest further down in the den. Nightpaw nearly jumped when Vervainpaw rustled in his nest and slapped his paw next to Nightpaw’s - not touching, just next to. 
“You’re all sick, too, though,” he said, and when Nightpaw finally lifted his eyes up to Vervainpaw, the other tom was wearing a grin that could rival the sun itself. Nightpaw found himself having to look back down between his paws again, his pelt ruffling up despite his best intentions. A mellow chuckle rolled from his chest, a low huff of laughter in the form of a puff of air from his clogged, stuffy nose and a small smile tugging at his mouth. “Yeah, yeah I guess so.” 
He felt - he felt weird. Maybe the fever from earlier was back. He felt weird and warm and gushy and he swore every hair in his black pelt was on fire. Especially his face - why did his face feel this warm? The silence from earlier fell back on the duo again, and Nightpaw wondered if Vervainpaw was winding down to go to bed for the night - or perhaps, already passed out in his nest. 
“You’re worth it, you know,” Vervainpaw piped up again eventually, breaking the layer of silence Nightpaw had tucked in under. “Worth saving, I mean. I’d do it again.” 
Nightpaw dropped his head between his paws, pressing his face into the comfortingly cool moss that composed his nest below, all in a vain effort to muffle the startled whine that fell from his throat. Words could not begin to describe the way his thoughts stuttered to a halt in favor of instead flooding Nightpaw with a rush of emotions he wasn’t sure how to label yet.
Vervainpaw laughed beside him, a soothing, syruppy laugh that soaked into Nightpaw’s ears like honey soothing a sore throat. 
“You’re funny, Nightpaw.”
“Yeah, I know,” Nightpaw mumbled, muffled and distant sounding with his face still pressed flat into the moss below. Oh, yeah, that fever must have made its way back.
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foxglovesound · 5 years
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Click here to read from the beginning!
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foxglovesound · 5 years
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i drew this instead of doing hypokits or commission work i am So Sorry
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