#nightwing: *is funny* *is punny* *knows space facts* danny: adopt me
Halloween prompts year 2 day 24
Phantom is just chilling in Gotham at night. It had been a few years since he realized he wasn't aging and was stuck at 14 forever, thus having to find a solution to the whole portal problem once and for all. After explaining his situation Pandora made quick work of it for him as a repayment for his previous help and sent him off into the zone.
Danny floated into a closed museum and sat on the top of the large Saturn model, leave it to him to find a space museum staring out at the exhibits and enjoying the peace and quiet. He removed himself from the visable spectrum once he felt someone approaching the building. Odd, he thought, there shouldn't be anything here that Catwoman would want to steal.
To his surprise it wasn't Catwoman who appeared. It was one of the bats. Phantom realized he must have tripped a silent alarm.
As he watched one of the bats slowly crept throught the museum, keeping to the shadows, he came up with an idea.
He quickly overshadowed one of the machines and powered it on, making it play the creepiest possible remix of the music it was supposed to play. The bat looked wary but didn't flee and Danny made it his personal mission to made this bat screech.
He failed of course. He had trapped the bat in here and done every horror story/creepy pasta plot he could think of and nothing worked.
More importantly the bat is making space puns and talking nerdy about space facts as he fights the machine constructs phantom had made
Danny decided that if the bat lasted till dawn then he would give them a major magical gift.
And maybe ask if Nightwing wants a sidekick
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