Since Rosalie says she turned Emmet because of his similarity to her friends child do you think there could reasonably exist universes where she instead has a maternal bond with him?
Had Emmett been a very different person as well as younger looking than her (he is not) then maybe. However, uh, Emmett likely makes it very clear where his interest in Rosalie lies.
It's not 'mother' that he thinks when he looks at her.
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Me: opens the Christmas twilight story
Renesme: as celebration of turning 3
Me: *insert disbeliefed blinking gif of your choice*
Vampires not having children is a gift actually because there are NO social services and also y'know this is just not the kind of life fit for a child, rip to the twins honestly
Last Christmas by me and @therealvinelle
It's a Christmas Story for all ages.
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