nikkzwrites · 4 years
Hi! Since I myself am not fully able to come up with ways to write in public spaces, I want to remind my followers that I do give writing lessons and workshops!
This includes INDIVIDUALIZED FOR YOU/YOUR GROUP worksheets, content editing and review, Q&A, generalized advice, and recommendations to study similar media. 
The pricing can be found here: 3$ per standard Private Session (30 minutes) + 3$ per 30 minutes afterwards OR 5$ per hour afterwards.
1$ per person for Group Workshop (30 minutes) + 2$ per 30 minutes afterwards + 2$ per look through of your work and individualize a later session for critique. 
I have various forms of payment so you can DM me for further details! This can also be bundled in with a 5 dollar Patreon bundle so you can get an hour of lessons/workshops! 
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space-helen · 2 years
Words: 637
Pairing: Spock x Reader. 
A/N: not proof read. I’m sorry it took so long! Also it wouldn’t let me add a gif!?!
Request: You know I absolutely adored your writings with reader being Kirks sibling and better half of Spock. Now imagine.The bridge crew going on summer holidays together 🙈 city trips, time on the beach, what ever you wish 🙈Does that make sense? I can think of something else if it's not writeable 🤔 - @rosesandtheuniverse
“Spock!” you called as you rummaged through the hotel room dresser.
The man quickly came into the room. “What is it my beloved?”
“Have you seen the swimsuit I packed?”
“I believe it is in the top left drawer. Tell me, are we going somewhere that requires swimsuits?”
“We’re going to the beach. Jim invited us.”
“Last time we visited a beach you hated every second of it. Why did your brother invite us again?” The man was behind you now, opening the correct drawer and handing you your swimsuit before pulling out his.
“Because I’ll enjoy it this time.” You shrugged “Plus this is what shore leave is all about.” you turned towards the man and placed your hand on his chest and gave it a tap “We have to meet him downstairs in five minutes.”
“Are you sure that is sufficient enough time for you?” he teased
“Are you sure it’s enough time for you?” you teased back
The man’s lips tugged into a slight smile as the two of you changed into the appropriate clothing.
The two of you walked to the lobby together hand in hand and met the others. Greetings were brief and you were soon on your way to the beach.
Spock lay down a towel for the two of you to sit on and set up an umbrella for shade. Taking a seat next to you he smiled.
“What’re you smiling at? Don’t let Jim see he’ll explode.”
The man looked away briefly before looking back “I’m glad we get this time together.”
You placed your hand on his and moved closer “so am I. I love you Spock.”
“My heart belongs to you.” he rested his forehead against yours and you smiled at each other before moving in for a quick kiss.
“Guys, you’re here to enjoy the beach not each other! That’s what the hotel room is for.” Jim shouted from near the water. 
Pulling away you leaped up and ran towards the sea towards Jim, Scotty, Uhura, Chekov and Sulu.
As soon as you reached the water Jim moved back up the beach towards Spock and took a seat next to him, where you’d been.
“I apologise for displaying my affection to Y/N so publicly-”
The man waved it off “Don’t apologise. You bring out the real Y/N, the sister I knew before life took over and washed her down. I don’t say this enough but thank you Spock.”
Spock looked at his best friend. “Thank you Jim, I am honoured that you allow us to continue our relationship.”
“I have absolutely no say in what Y/N does.” he laughed as he made a small pile of sand and began to mould it into a hill “You’re perfect for each other and I mean it.”
The two men watched quietly as you pulled Uhura into the sea, Jim noticed the love in Spock’s eyes as he watched you and smiled to himself.
Looking up the beach you smiled brightly at the two men and beckoned them towards the sea.
Spock was quick to his feet and moved swiftly down the beach to you. Getting straight into the sea he wrapped his arms around your middle and pulled you close, you’re laughs as he did so made his heart flutter.
As Jim reached the sea he splashed the two of you and you splashed the man back. Spock stood and watched the two of you before you turned and splashed him. 
Before you knew it everyone was play-fighting in the sea. Chekov had jumped on Scotty’s back. Sulu had Pulled Uhura completely under water and Scotty was stood next to Spock, attempting to use him as a human shield. 
You may not have enjoyed beach trips before, but this one was certainly one to remember. 
Tag List: (open)
Spock: @endlesssummerfun @cynthianokamaria @nuclearwessel @nikkzwrites @nekrofantic @groovyfluxie  @mrscasnovak @carrietrekkie
StarTrek: @morganofthecoves1 @livenerdyandprosper @allthetrek @huntheimpossible @therapieliteratur  @spaskaalekha @faheyslantsov
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starfleetimagines · 3 years
picrew! - make a drink that matches your blog
Thank you @prider-parker-imaginations for tagging me! This was fun :)
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Tagging @space-helen, @nikkzwrites, @reedalert, @katethewriter, @soft-for-them, @eat-chicken-and-smile, @jusvibbbin, @make-me-imagine, @writingsfromstarfleet
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Do you know anything regarding S.H allegations against Joel H? I remember seeing some last summer in a twiter thread exposing community members and a few months ago saw a tag on a random tumblr blog alluding to him being creepy. I haven't seen anything other than these two things and have been unable to find either again since I first saw them. I don't know if the allegations got debunked or just ignored / hidden. I tried asking others a while back and no one seemed to know they even existed.
Yes, I remember this. For those of you that didn't know in June of 2020 a former community member made a thread where other community members that have been victims of harassment and other things can come forward privately in DMs or publicly. It was mostly community members being exposed and I think over the course of it only one person from Rooster Teeth contacted the person who made the thread. A couple of days in something happened, Miles and Joel were brought up. now before I get into the specifics of those two let me link the thread since its broken into pieces so you can see how a lot of people in the community were exposed.
Here's also where the creator of thread said they were contacted by one person from RT.
So what happened was that Miles was named because the person who did it wanted to warn about power dynamics/imbalance of creators dating fans (a subject that would be talked about again four months later in unfortunate circumstance), but what happened was when Miles got named, a youtuber named Hero Hei, someone who has had a bone to pick with RT since the Vic stuff, made a video about it. This made Miles the sole focus and also put RWBY fans on the defensive because they are protective of CRWBY (provided you don't speak out against the company). This caused the person who DMd privately to come forward and explain their reasoning.
Here is also where the creator of the thread denounced HH.
After the Miles stuff, a person sent stuff about Joel. This story gave credence to someone that came forward a couple of days earlier in which the person said that it was good that RT fired him and that he shouldn’t be trusted around young femmes in the industry.
The stuff with Joel probably wasn't known because the thread as whole wasn't known and Joel wasn't named until later, but at that point the HH vid and defensive RWBY fans basically ruined the whole thing. Also at that point Joel wasn't with the company anymore and fans started to dislike him because of his tweets.
I normally would have ended it there, but two more things also happened in June relating to the subject.
One was that a facilities manager at RT, Sam Howard, was accused of assault. You can read more here.
The other thing that happened was that Ubisoft was getting exposed for having sexpests on all levels of the company. One of them was a man named Stone Chin. When he was fired for the allegations he made a response. Guess which member of AH and their wife basically gave support to him because they were friends and then pretended they didn't when called out?
The sad thing about all of this was that this all happened in one month, not a lot of people noticed, and four months later the stuff with Ryan would happen. It's like we were given a glimpse of what was to come. In fact the person who made the thread got a message about Ryan at the time, but because the other DMs of accusations were from authentic twitter accounts and the one about Ryan was anonymous, they were skeptical and didn't post it.
You now have to wonder what precautions are being put in place to make sure this doesn't happen again, in fact you should probably be asking why weren't they there in the first place because, and I'm going to leave y'all with this, Ryan wasn't the first person affiliated with Achievement Hunter to be exposed as a creep.
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deadratio · 4 years
Morning Delights/Stormy Evenings
Pairing: young Noah x Sylvie LaChance (OC)
In which the day begins warm and loving, but ends in a storm of life-changing events. 
TW: death
Word Count: 4.3k
A/N: Hey y’all! I just wanted to say thank you in advnace for reading this! I know that OC pairings in the Dark fandom are not all that common, but @nikkzwrites and I have talked extensively about our OC’s in Nikkz’s AU Origin world. I personally do not feel comfortable writing young Noah/Hanno with Elisabeth, so that’s why I do nor write for them. If you would be interested in any of the Dark characters in a reader insert type of fic, then please let me know! I’m open to suggestions as well as constructive criticism! 
Also, to clear some things up: Silja does not exist in this AU. Noah is the son of Martha and Bartosz. Regina and Aleksander no longer live in Winden. 
A soft breath fluttered its way through her lips as her eyes opened, finding herself wrapped in sun-kissed warmth. Yellow rays mixed with orange danced on the walls, her hands meeting her tired face, the breathing behind her coming from a soft slumber, which she hoped was filled with the sweetest dreams of all. Tanned arms constricted her waist, preventing her escape to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. She turned her body to face the still-bodied boy, his hair falling into his face, and his mouth slightly agape. A giggle filled the air as her fingers gingerly brushed the hair away, pressing her forehead to his. 
Stirring slightly at the touch of the girl next to him, Noah blinked open his eyes, being met with the hazel ones of the girl who he loved most dearly. A smile broke his stoic features, a hand moving to brush against her cheek, his fingers tangling into the edges of her hair. “Good morning, my love.” His voice was slightly hoarse from sleeping, but it’s one of the many things Sylvie loved about him. Instead of a verbal response, Sylvie pressed her lips against his tenderly, quickly pulling away before chuckling at the boy. 
“Bonjour mon amour. Comment vas-tu?” She asked him this every morning. Though he understood very little of the girl's native language, she always greeted him by asking how he was. He found the little things of their morning routine to be some of the most special because Sylvie was usually busy writing her thesis for university. “I’m always my best when I wake up next to you.” He responds, pressing another kiss to her lips. Pulling him to her, Sylvie kissed him back passionately, smiling against his lips before breaking the kiss, running her hand over his face. “I’m glad you’re so well. We should get out of bed, we have to be at your mom’s house by two today.” She stated, a soft glance moving his way. Her smile was still soft, her hands moving to detach his arms from around her. Pouting, Noah leaned back onto the pillows, his arms resting behind his head. Though he loved his family, he did find them to be a bit overbearing when it came to his relationship with Sylvie. That would always ask the most personal questions, when was he going to propose, when were the grandkids going to come, the ones they find the most important. It had been two years since she showed up to his cousin’s birthday party slash aunt and uncle’s wedding anniversary party, and had taken his breath away the minute he laid his eyes on her. 
She had already moved from the bed, her shirt riding up as she stood, arms stretched high into the air and towards the ceiling. Turning to face her beloved boyfriend, Sylvie let out a soft laugh, looking down at him. “If you don’t get out of the bed, I’ll only make my coffee and toast.” Teasing, she moved towards the door of the bedroom, only turning to look back at him as she turned the knob. Groaning playfully, Noah rose from the bed, picking up his discarded shirt from the night before, finding that both the covers of the bed and the body heat of his dearest love to be rather overwhelming. Bare feet padding against the wooden floors, he followed the girl down the hallway and descended the staircase, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he went.
Shuffling into the kitchen, Sylvie began to make the coffee, also grabbing the sourdough loaf off of the microwave along her way. A soft sigh could be heard from the taller of the two as he opened the front door to find the newspaper laying on their front step. Though he didn’t read the paper in full, Noah still found it the easiest way to keep track of what was going on in their small town of Winden. The wafting smell of fresh coffee filled his nostrils as he closed the door, stepping slowly towards the kitchen, leaning against the archway. He watched her movements. This has become a daily routine for them; wake up, eat breakfast, get ready, and do what needs to get done. Though they deferred their decisions sometimes, Sylvie enjoyed having a typical set of activities to do before she had to bear her eyes on the computer monitor for the majority of the day. 
Turning to find him looking at her, Sylvie felt a slight heat rush to the cores of her cheeks, turning back to face the slow-burning coffee pot. Soon after, comforting arms wrapped around her waist, rubbing soft circles into her sides. “I love you.” a tender whisper filled her ears, chills running their way down her spine. In all her years of living, he had been the only person able to make her feel so warm and giddy. Anybody she had dated in the past had been cold-blooded and reckless towards her. Spinning around in his embrace, a wide smile graced her features before she pressed a quick kiss to his lips. 
Just as he went to kiss her back, the coffee pot shrieked with its cruel tone, signifying that it had finally finished brewing the steaming black liquid. Though he preferred his without any additions, Sylvie typically added sugar and cream. Noah blames it on how sweet she is, but she brushes it off unless she’s in a particularly playful mood. Pouring two mugs, Sylvie hands one to Noah, careful not to spill any on his bare feet. She’s done it before, and she surely does not want to go to urgent care early in the morning again. Thanking his girlfriend, Noah takes his seat at the kitchen bar, watching the dark-haired girl as she, what he would say “dumped,” sugar and cream into the steaming ceramic cylinder. Facing Noah, Sylvie let out a chuckle, pulling the chair next to him out as so to sit next to him. Moving her free hand to his, she gripped his hand tightly. Though it felt like a normal weekend morning to her, she also had a haunting feeling in the back of her head. She typically ignored this and brushed it off as anxiety for the upcoming day, but this time it felt different, eternal, almost. 
A few hours had passed since the two young adults had finished their coffee and started to unpack the day ahead. Noah’s grandmother and grandfather, Regina and Aleksander, were visiting from America for the next couple of weeks. Sylvie had only been introduced to them over a video call, which was nice, but she was excited to meet them in person. Regina and Aleksander adored Noah and therefore were very adoring of Sylvie, who had brought light into his life. Black strands of hair flew amongst her face as she brushed her hair, attempting to style it more neatly than she normally would. Through her excitement, Sylvie was rather nervous to meet the two elders. Though she had already met the rest of the Tiedemann’s long ago, she still valued Noah’s love for his grandparents and did not want to disappoint the two on their return to their hometown. 
Spending another fifteen minutes on her hair, Sylvie was finally satisfied with the simple braid she had put it in. Noah moved in the doorway, pressing a kiss to her temple while preparing to take a shower himself. A gentle smile sat upon the girl's features as she closed the bathroom door, stepping into the closet to decide on an outfit for the occasion. Though she wouldn’t consider her wardrobe to be all that special, she still valued her appearance and kept certain items for times such as these. Sticking out to her particularly was a deep forest green top, tiny polka dots freckled throughout the pattern. The sleeves were wide and almost whimsical, the bottom cinched at the waist and flaring out again. Setting the blouse on the tousled blankets of the bed, she moved to the dresser to select a pair of pants. She knew jeans would likely be okay with the Tiedemann’s, but her desire to please the two in-person won her over as she selected a pair of cropped black trousers. She knew she had a pair of flat, suede sandals that would go perfectly with the two items. 
In the process of changing clothes, Noah stepped out of the bathroom, a towel wrangling with his sopping wet hair. Having changed into clean clothes right out of the shower, he was more ready than Sylvie was. He hadn’t hugged his grandmother in years and missed the long, thoughtful conversations he shared with his grandfather. Sylvie looked up at him from her position on the corner of the bed, one shoe strapped, the other sitting next to her feet. A wide grin exposed itself to the boy, who returned his own. Slipping on the other shoe, Sylvie stood from the bed, straightening out her shirt. “Are you ready?” The question was filled with both concern and excitement. Walking over to stand next to her, he grabbed her hand, intertwining their fingers together. “I’m always ready with you by my side, my love,” A playful laugh ended the sentence as he leaned to place a kiss upon her lips once more. “I must fix my hair though, my grandmother would have a fit if I showed up to the house without at least combing my hair.” He chuckled, moving towards the dresser. He thought back to when he was just a young boy and his grandmother would come over to fix lunch occasionally, her fingers parting through his hair just as the heat of the day reached its peak. He missed her tender touch and her gentle words of reassurance. 
Standing at the kitchen sink, Bartosz peered through the window. The sun bore down on the trees surrounding the Tiedemann household, the leaves dancing in the light breeze. Today his mother and father would return from America to visit the family for two weeks, the first time in nearly five years. With both of the kids out of the house, it had become alarmingly quiet as Martha had been busy with the school and preparing for the coming months. The scruff along his chin had not bothered him for what seemed like decades at this point, but he knew his mother and decidedly made his way towards his and Martha’s shared bedroom to make himself more presentable. He feared the tension between his mother and his wife. Ever since Agnes had been born, admittedly out of wedlock, Regina had been rather brash towards the former Nielsen girl. He hoped that the day would go on without issue, though lingering in the back of his consciousness was a deep dark shadow. It was eerily detached from him, leaving a lingering trail in the distance. He shrugged it off as his nerves had got to him as he prepared himself for the day.
  The time had finally come for the two young adults to make their way to the Tiedemann home. Sylvie pressed a kiss to Noah’s cheek before running to the front door of the house, a playful smile breaking through her lips as she looked back at him. Their shared coupe sat in the yard, sleek and toned. Noah, amused by his girlfriend’s antics, closed the locked door behind him, running just past her to open the car door for her, laughing. Closing the door behind her, he headed to the driver’s side, sliding in next to Sylvie. Her green-toned eyes were lit with excitement, but he knew that behind them, the feeling of butterflies and anxiety were mixing into it. The engine revved up as he started the car, a soft musical tone filling the cabin from the previous drive. Putting the car into drive, Noah and Sylvie made their way to the other side of Winden. _______________________
Pulling up to the curb, Sylvie could see multiple cars in the Tiedemann’s driveway. She knew that Annalise and Jonas would also be there, maybe even Jonah and Michelle. Taking a deep breath, she watched as Noah walked around the front of the car to open her door, his veined hand gently encompassing her own. Twisting her legs, she stepped out of the car, smiling at Noah. His fingers tangled themselves with her own as they made their way to the front door together. His lips pressed against her hair before he knocked on the door. Appearing almost immediately in the doorway was Martha, a pleasant smile adorning her features. She first moved to hug her son, a kiss landing upon his cheek before she turned to Sylvie. Sylvie returned an eager smile to the woman she had come to admire dearly, her arms wrapping around her shoulders tightly. “Come in! Annalise brought us some hors d'oeuvres to enjoy while we all visit!” She exclaimed, moving back into the house. Noah let Sylvie step in first, following closely behind her. Martha, looking back at her son, smirked while following the couple, soon taking her place next to Bartosz. 
 The first person Sylvie saw in the large gathering space was Annalise, who joyfully waved at the two. Jonas acknowledged them with a smile and a nod. Standing next to Bartosz, Sylvie was able to recognize the red-haired woman as Regina. Attached to her shoulder was a man who she immediately assumed was Aleksander. His grey hair and slight scruff was a signature Tiedemann look amongst the older men. Bartosz was not quite there, with strands of grey peeking through the brown locks atop his head. A wide smile was set on Sylvie’s face as Martha announced their presence, both of the oldest Tiedemann’s turning to greet their grandson and his girlfriend. Regina, overwhelmed with excitement, rushed over to the two, embracing her youngest grandchild into a near bone-crushing hug. A giggle was heard from Sylvie, Aleksander approaching her in greeting, his hand jutting out to shake hers. “It’s lovely to finally meet you, Miss. Sylvie.” He said, his mellow voice welcoming to the girl. Her hand molded with his, a firm shake swinging their arms in sync. “It’s such a pleasure, Aleksander. I have been looking forward to this for so long!” The excitement was evident, in her voice. Before Aleksander could reply, Regina had already made her way to Sylvie. One would think that the woman’s cheek would break from the big smile on her face. 
“Sylvie! My darling! I am overjoyed to finally meet you in person!” A laugh erupted from Sylvie’s throat, Noah leaning slightly closer to her. Regina squeezed her shoulders, Sylvie’s arms gently grasping her back. Pulling away, the two moved back towards their respective partners. Noah and Sylvie joined the others in the lounge, sitting directly next to Annalise and Jonas. Annalise, eager to see the two again even though she had seen them mere days prior, hugged Sylvie from the side. Sylvie leaned into her, watching Bartosz set the hors d'oeuvres onto the coffee table in the middle of the room. Thus began the afternoon and evening of many laughs, stories, and embarrassing moments between the eight of them. 
The day turned into evening seemingly quickly, the whole family chattering away. Sylvie, having enjoyed herself so far, excused herself to the bathroom. Noah squeezed her hand lightly as she stood, her gaze meeting his, a gentle smile etching its way into her face. Moving through the legs of the others, she made her way down the hall, pulling her phone from her back pocket. She had put it on “Do Not Disturb,’ having found it disrespectful to not only Noah’s parents but also his grandparents had she pulled it out in front of them. Clicking on the screen, she found multiple missed calls from her family, as well as nearly thirty text messages mostly from her aunt. This was immediately a red flag for Sylvie. The darkness that had encompassed her being early this morning returned to claim it’s stake. Moving further towards the back of the house, Sylvie changed her settings and found her mother’s contact, pressing the call button. Anxiety gnawed at her stomach and chest. Her aunt never called or texted her. Her mother had cut her off a few years ago due to a disagreement regarding a family matter. 
The phone was pressed to her ear now, her fingers on her free hand clenching and unclenching. The phone went to voicemail, which she found more outrageously weird than her aunt texting her. Her mother always picked up the phone. Hands shaking now, Sylvie leaned her head back, taking a few deep breaths before calling her mother again. Waiting, it rang three times before being picked up, the voice on the end was not the one that belonged to her mother. “Sylvie! Oh, thank god! Why haven’t you been picking up your phone?” The question was full of concern, anger, and subsequently, unrecognizable sorrow. Swallowing her fear, Sylvie pressed, “Who is this? Why are you answering my mother’s phone?” 
“Sylvie, it’s your aunt Odette…” There was a silence on her end, Sylvie was gritting her teeth now. “Odette, why do you have my mother's phone? She hasn’t spoken to you since Papa passed away.” Sylvie wanted to interrogate the woman, but she was more concerned with the extremely odd situation at hand. 
“Dear, I do hate to be the one to inform you, but your mother was in an accident this afternoon.” Sylvie’s stomach dropped to her feet hearing these words, her heart beginning to race. She didn’t know what to say. How to ask “Is my mom okay?” Or worse. “Sylvie?” Odette’s voice shook the girl from her numb state of mind. “Odette. Tell me everything you know. I need to know immediately.” She ordered the woman on the other end of the phone. Her body was becoming hotter with each passing second, a rush of emotions overwhelmed the girl. 
“Sylvie...she didn’t make it…” Sylvie’s jaw was agape, pure terror filling the veins in her body with a stiff coldness like no other. She could not fathom the thought, or even the existence, that her mother was dead. A muttered “I will be there soon” was all she could muster before hanging up the phone. Heavy tears began their journey through her tear ducts, spilling over onto her pale cheeks. She didn’t want to go back out to Noah and his family this way, but she had no choice but to do so. She had to get to France as soon as she could. A sob wracked its way through her body, her throat caught in the pain of the loss. Her hand cupped her face, her eyes twisted shut. Her jaw shuddered with another sob, her breathing ragged. Before she could fully reason with herself to take herself back to Noah, her anchor, she heard footsteps down the hallway. Her face had become blush-toned, her hands still shaking. Looking up through the flood of tears, she saw Noah. 
Noah, concerned that Sylvie hasn't returned from the bathroom, made his way towards the back of the house. Martha also asked him to bring fresh water to the table on his way back. He had placed the pitcher on the kitchen counter, making Sylvie a priority since she had been gone for longer than ten minutes. Turning the corner towards the dining room, Noah was shocked to find the love of his life sobbing, tears dripping from her chin onto the wooden floors. Panicked, he rushed over to her, his arms embracing her immediately. He could feel her body shake with each sob, his shoulder becoming wet with her tears. Tangling his fingers in her dark locks, he whispered to her, “What’s happened, my love? Why are you so upset?” His voice was soft in her ear, only a slight comfort. 
Shaking her head almost violently, Sylvie stuttered her words, barely willing, or able, to say the words out loud. Her fingers grasped the chambray fabric of his shirt as if her life depended on it, her forehead buried deep into his shoulder. Noah hadn’t met her mother, but he knew how close her and Sylvie’s bond was. She had grown up with her alone for nearly the entirety of her life until she met her father several years ago. Noah, concerned for his love and her wellbeing, proceeded to maneuver her towards the scarred dining chair, much like he expected her heart to be at this moment. Pulling out the chair, he gently placed her upon it, his hand moving to caress her cheek. He brought another chair in front of her, taking a seat in front of her. Knee to knee, he pulled her closer to him, his hands rubbing soft circles into her shoulders. Her sobs were quieter now, the tears continuing to streak their way onto her skin.  Her breathing was more rhythmic now than when he had first found her, though he knew on the inside she was torn into pieces. Though she saw Martha as a mother figure, you cannot replace the love a biological mother and daughter have. 
Martha had also excused herself from the gathering, stepping into the kitchen to find the water pitcher on the counter, unfilled. Finding this rather odd, she filled it herself and took it back to the others. Annalise, looking up from her spot, asked the woman, “Where are those two? Surely they cannot be canoodling at a family gathering? The only people I’ve known to do that are you and Bartosz!” Martha, taken slightly aback by this, stifled a laugh and shook her head. “Annalise, they are more respectable than that. I’ll go to find them. Also, it was only once!” She stated, turning back to walk towards the other end of the house. She shook her head at her dearest friend, a wide smile pinching the corners of her lips.
Noah whispered soft affirmations into Sylvie’s ear, promising that they would immediately pack and leave for France the moment they arrived home. The girl had moved to be sitting in his lap now, her legs scrunched up atop his thighs. He had begun to rub circles on her hips as he held her close to him, becoming silent. The only sound was their breath leaving their bodies until scuffled footsteps could be heard. Opening his eyes to find his mother standing in the entryway, a sad look glazed itself throughout his features. Martha, confused and concerned, approached the two slowly. Noah, whispering to Sylvie, set her feet back onto the ground, moving her to sit in the chair he had previously occupied. “I’ll be just a moment, love.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead. Nodding, Sylvie looked up at him before glancing over to Martha. Seeing her made her chest tighten, threatening to spill more tears. 
Grasping his mother’s hand tenderly, Noah guided her to the pantry next to the dining room, closing the door behind them. Turning the light on, Noah faced his mother. “Noah, what’s happened? Why is Sylvie crying so?” She questioned, a frown replacing the smile she had worn on her way to find the two. Noah, sighing deeply ran his hand down his jaw, biting his bottom lip.
“I believe that her aunt has just called her,” He started, the tears beginning to well in his eyes as well. “Her mother was in an accident back in France. She didn’t make it,” He looked at his mother, his chin trembling. Martha gasped, her hand reaching for her son’s shoulder. He leaned into her touch, the tears making their trek down his face. “We must leave at once for France. I hate to cut our visit with grandma and grandpa short, but Sylvie means the world to me. Not being there with her in her time of need would be negligent of me.” Nodding, Martha understood his reasons for needing to leave. Pulling him into a tight hug, she kissed his cheek. 
“Well, don’t keep her waiting. We will be here for you both when you get back, Please send our condolences to her and her family. She’s like a daughter to me, you know that. I love you both dearly.” Noah cracked a small smile at his mother’s words, squeezing her shoulders before turning to open the pantry door. Walking back to Sylvie, he crouched down, his hand gently taking hers in his. 
“Mama said we could go. I’ll carry you to the car.” Sylvie nodded, her arms already moving to secure her reach around his neck. Slipping his arms under her knees, Noah lifted the girl from the chair, his mother watching them from the doorway of the pantry. A sad smile made its way through her features, following close behind them. Slowly stepping into the living area of the house, Noah glanced over at his family, the same sad smile of Martha’s etched over his face. Annalise, shocked at the situation, stood almost immediately. The rest of the family followed suit, Martha walking towards them. Before Annalise could move to ask the young couple what the matter was, Martha gently grasped her wrist, shaking her head. Together, the six of them watched the two exit the house and make their way towards their car.
Looking at Martha, Annalise began, “Martha! What happened to the poor girl?!” Martha’s eyes could have told the whole story, but she obliged the woman, as well as the others in the room. “Her mother passed away. They are going to France immediately.” Martha’s lip began to tremble as Bartosz gripped his wife’s shoulder. Annalise, shocked, grabbed onto Jonas’ shirt, looking up at him. The three couples moved to the window to watch the two slip away into the car, pulling from the curb. She leaned into Bartosz, fear for her son’s love digging its way through her chest and stomach. She couldn’t imagine or even fathom the pain Sylvie was going through. Though things were changing for her son, and undoubtedly Sylvie, Martha could only hope that the two of them would make it through this, and come back with a new lease on life. 
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mrs-l-mccoy · 4 years
Idk who needs to know this, that already doesn’t, but @space-helen, @outside-the-government, @nikkzwrites and @starfleetimagines are some of the best freaking writers I’ve come across on here. Hours and hours of good reading material there! I absolutely love their writing.
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nerdstreak · 3 years
picrew! - make a drink that matches your blog
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tagged by @nikkzwrites​!
anyone who wants to do it go ahead!
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sparkexplosive · 4 years
when you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool!!) 🥰😘 ~nikkzwrites
5 Things About Myself:
1. Creativity Big-a** imagination (Double sword- let's be honest)
2. My dimples 
3. My eyes 
4. My Strength 
5. My Weird Goofy self 
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space-helen · 3 years
Spock Pining - Headcanons
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Words: 292
Pairing: Spock (Discovery) x Reader
A/N: Here you go!1
Request: Bruh if I could get some disco Spock content I would be…. Grateful. Maybe headcanons if what he’s like pining for the reader? Ways he is affectionate while being Vulcan? - Anon
- People would catch him looking at you. They aren’t longing looks or stares. He’s just looking at you.
- Even he can’t explain why. He just sometimes looks to make sure you’re there or just looks to see what you’re doing.
- You don’t find it weird because you’re friends.
- But after a while you start to catch him doing it often and accidentally meet eyes with him. He quickly looks away.
- This happens some more.
- He does anything for you? Need a hand with a task? He’s there. Need more information? He’s finding it for you.
- Once he acknowledges what is happening he starts to care about you more and makes sure you’ve eaten or drank enough.
- He invites you to play Vulcan chess with him.
- He invites you to his quarters. It’s unusual as he usually comes to yours.
- He shows you more about his culture and his living space.
- You talk a lot about meditation and other important things in his life.
- He properly incorporates you into his friendship with Una and Pike.
- He talks about Michael with you.
- You have open and honest conversations about his upbringing and his opinions on logic and certain boundaries you both have.
- One time while he’s having a conversation with Amanda he mentions you unintentionally.
- When talking with Pike he often brings you up unknowingly. Not in a bad way but in a ‘well Y/N theorises that’ way.
- It takes a while before anything becomes intimate or physical. You spend a lot of time together and are dating but you don’t kiss or even hold hands for a long time.
- Then one day it all happens in one, as if Spock realises life’s too short.
- He realises he likes to hold you close.
Tag List: (open)
Spock:  @cynthianokamaria @nuclearwessel @nikkzwrites @nekrofantic @groovyfluxie  @mrs-l-mccoy​  @endlesssummerfun-blog​
Pike and Spock: @mrscasnovak @carrietrekkie​
Disco: @spaskaalekha @obiwansjedi​
All Star Trek: @morganofthecoves1 @livenerdyandprosper @allthetrek​ @mrs-l-mccoy @huntheimpossible
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jimothystu · 3 years
CUTEST PERSON AWARD Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. if you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out ♡
Thank you Maleeha!! Right back at you. <3 <3 <3
I'm just going to tag some ppl bc I'm lazy tonight: @alekmanoah, @make-me-imagine, @donttelltheelff, @bodacious-bichette, @brook-luvs-bluejays, @nikkzwrites, @space-helen, and @katethewriter <3
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rixxy8173571m3w1p3 · 4 years
AI WIP Tag Game!
Tagged by @porkchop-ao3
Using this AI text generator you paste in a paragraph or two from your current WIP (or if you don't have a WIP, any snippet of your fic will do), and see what the generator writes from it! You can keep generating more by clicking more. Here's how mine came out. Only the first paragraph is mine the rest is generated. (who knows maybe I'll use this thing to help me finish a fic or two in the future 😂)
You couldn't remember when was the last time you had slept so well. Surrounded by his warmth, you didn't wake until mid morning; alone, but not forgotten. There was a note; written beautifully in dark blue ink on textured, yellow, homemade paper.
You had been dreaming about that letter since you'd been awake, you knew. You had read it and it had felt like a dream; you had remembered it, had felt in it, so much. The letter had been a revelation; the words so beautiful. You knew that it had been important; you knew why you had been so busy reading it, so hard to stop. The letter had been something that had always been important to you; you had always loved it.
It was the way you felt, felt with the other things you had loved. You had been thinking about what the letter said to you. It had been such a revelation: you were able to feel in it the love that had always been there in the things that had come before; that had been with you since before you had even known what love was. You felt in it the love that had always been your heart. You'd seen it; in the other things, you knew that you had seen it too, the love that had been in everything, that you must have known since it had all started. You remembered the letter. You read it again and again. You knew the meaning to its words and the love that had filled it. You'd seen it; you'd felt it, so much, so much of yourself. You would have known. The time had come when you would have known; you would have known.
(Well, how romantic it all turned out ❤️ I'll tag @nikkzwrites @hoodoo12 @xerxezra)
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rickssugarplum · 5 years
Are there any writers you recommend? I'm looking for fics to read in between episodes of r&m
OOOOHHH!! TONS!! Depending on what you’re looking for...
For sweet fluff, I would recommend @rixxy8173571m3w1p3. She writes mainly Doofus Rick but they are such sweet fics and capture Doofus well IMO :)
For hot smut, I’d say @kitten-wrath and @daddyzanchez are the queens in that category :)
@hoodoo12 has a wide variety of Rick fics, fluff, smut, angst, hurt/comfort. She has written for many different Ricks too. She’s another one of my favorites!
@nikkzwrites has some very nice short drabbles. She also has a great range of fluff and smut :D
@somericks-nova has a story series about Rick and Reader that is amazing! I’d say start with her fic called Rick in the Water. :)
Thank you for asking! Enjoy the reading!! ❤
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deadratio · 4 years
Last Lines Tag
Tagged by: @nikkzwrites
Rules: post the last line(s) of any WIP you're working on and tag some peeps!
This is from a WIP that originates in the origin world of Dark; however, it is an AU version based on the ideas of @nikkzwrites and with their permission I have created a piece within that world. 
The piece pairs together young Noah and my OC, Sylvie again as they go through a major life-event with Sylvie’s family. It also includes @nikkzwrites OC, Annalise Dahlheim. 
“”  Looking at Martha, Annalise began, “Martha! What happened to the poor girl?!” Martha’s eyes could have told the whole story, but she obliged the woman, as well as the others in the room. “Her mother passed away. They are going to France immediately.” Martha’s lip began to tremble as Bartosz gripped his wife’s shoulder. Annalise, shocked, grabbed onto Jonas’ shirt, looking up at him. The three couples moved to the window to watch the two slip away into the car, pulling from the curb.  “”
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cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
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@spicykatuski Hmm, I feel like rapping is more plausible for him. (・ω・)b Though just from knowing his character traits, I don’t really know how much he would... display such a talent lol. 
@nikkzwrites Piano could be interesting, especially to see a more tender side of him if the situation calls for it. It’s interesting to think on if he would enjoy that or not. ┐(´∀`)┌
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And yeah, I mean Bakugou as a character, based off of what we see of him and all lol (´∀`;)
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Yo, I'm writing on @nikkzwrites if y'all wanna join.
I mostly am doing drabbles right now until I get my groove back into writing maybe a one shot and my chapters again.
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lonelyheartsmember · 4 years
when you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool!!) 🥰😘 ~nikkzwrites
Okay! Ummm let’s see...
1. I’m friendly 
2. I like having long hair!
3. That shows that I’m patient too XD
4. I’ve been told I give good hugs :)
5. I try to be empathetic and understanding towards others <3
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