#young noah fanfiction
se3s1de · 3 months
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babeyvenus · 2 years
A Trip Down Memory Lane
Derek x OC/Stiles & OC
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Derek's curious about Sam's history with the boys.
TW: language, mentions of abuse, alcohol, and r*pe.
As Derek and Sam sat in her room looking over her notes, the older Hale was curious. He admired her neat note taking, the opposite of his own scribbled-cursive handwriting.
It was simple. Readable. Yet small…
He looked over an old notebook when she first took note of her abilities before he lost his alpha spark and a name caught his eyes.
In the journal, it read, "Stiles doesn't know about this yet. I don't know if I can control it. The voices. The meet ups in my dreams. He doesn't have answers for that. Neither does Derek or Scott. I doubt Deaton does either."
This is when she was freshly bitten, he thought.
Instead of being scared of what he thought, she was worried about Stiles. The only human in the pack. It was understandable.
He put down the notebook. "Hey," He gains her attention, her eyebrows raised in awareness.
"How'd you and the boys become friends?", he asked. She smiled, closing the book in front of her.
"That's kind of a big trip down memory lane.", she chuckled. "I guess it all happened after Jayson left."
He shook his head as he backed away. "You and Sam can stay here for all I care. Let her deal with your shit."
The older Wilson left the house with a slam from the front door, making his mother flinch from the loud noise.
Behind her, her daughter stood on the stairwell, visibly upset at her older brother leaving so abruptly and angrily, no less.
Immediately, she was brought to tears. Denise turned around to see Sam bubble eyed and her shoulders dropped as she cooed, holding her arms out for the girl.
Sam immediately ran into her mother's arms, silently weeping. Was it her fault? Was her father never returning? Did he really die? From what? Where was he? Why'd he leave to begin with?
Why was Jayson so upset?
The girl never understood it. Months after Jayson left, school began for the youngest Wilson.
She was new to Beacon Hills and everyone that has already lived here seemed to know each other already. She didn't want to just go up to anyone and intrude. It wasn't nice.
As she was introduced in her 3rd grade class, a sparkly eyed boy began to be intrigued by the girl while the rest of the class either snickered at the girl's shyness or ignored her as she found her seat. 
As lunch arrived, Sam sat alone, taking note of the cliques of the elementary school. Just barely taking a bite of her lunch, the boy from before rushed to her table, startling her with his boisterous personality.
"Hey! I'm Stiles! What's your name?", he introduced with a grin. Sam stood in shock for a moment. He… wanted to sit with her?
She looked around before looking at him who looked at her with a confused, but amused expression. "Yes, you.", he laughed. The girl smiles. "I'm Sam.", she says.
He grins anyways. "I knew that. Just wanted to see what you'd say. Anyways, this school's boring and everyone's already made friends because they're popular," He said, rolling his eyes before pausing.
His eyes widened in adoration before softening as his expression became almost lovesick. Sam followed his eyesight to see a redheaded girl. "Who's that?", she asked.
"Lydia Martin. The prettiest girl in Beacon Hills.", he said, dreamily. Sam looked at Stiles once more and snickered. "You have a crush.", she teased.
Stiles snapped out of his lovesick trance and frowned at the girl. "N-No, I don't! I just think she's pretty is all!", he says, his cheeks growing a bright red.
Sam giggled at his bashfulness. Stiles chuckled as well and the two began talking over lunch before returning to class once more.
Sam learned that there were more bullies than just mean girls. There was a main bully and his name was Jackson Whittemore.
He was popular because he was fast and apparently "funny". He attracted all the girls which boosted his little ego.
Sam didn't understand it. Neither did Stiles.
At the end of the day, Stiles decided he wanted to hang out some more with the Wilson girl and let her follow him home, promising that they'd play video games on the console he had gotten from his mom.
As they walked in, Stiles announced himself to his mother who became aware of her son's new friend.
The woman smiled, softly scolding Stiles. "You can't just take everyone home. I have to make sure her mom knows she's here.", she says before turning to Sam.
"Do you know your mom's number?", she asked. Sam nodded and let the mother know before rushing off to play with Stiles.
Denise was worried once she got the call, but learning that her daughter received a friend on her first day of school, it was one less thing to worry about.
From then on, the two had become inseparable. Whatever Stiles wanted to do, Sam agreed and vise versa. It was a lot of fun with just those two. In the months they had become friends, Sam learned a few things. Stiles' dad was a deputy, and his mom was sick.
And gradually she got worse and ended up dying. Sam didn't know until she saw that Stiles wasn't at school one day, which was a rarity.
After school, she headed to his house and knocked on his door. For a couple of moments, no one answered until Mr. Stilinski opened the door, the toll of his wife's death evident on his face.
The man gave Sam a soft, welcoming smile anyways and let her in to see his son. Not for his own sanity, but for his son's as well. He needed someone even if it wasn't him.
Sam walked up the stairs to Stiles' room and knocked on his door. A quiet "yes?" could be heard from the other side and Sam peeked in the boy's room.
Stiles was laid in his bed, his back facing the rest of the room. He was picking at the paint on his wall, miserably.
His whole room was full of sorrow. His curtains were closed when he usually had them open, he hadn't cleaned his floor and his backpack looked like it hadn't even been touched.
"It's me.", Sam said softly. The boy paused and turned to look at her. "You're here… why?", he asked.
She walked up to him. "I missed you at school today. It was boring without you.", she said, her attention driven to her shoes now.
Stiles frowned. He wasn't sure what to do anymore. Was there any point of going anymore?
He sucked up his own feelings and gave her a smile. "I'm fine. Things like this happen apparently. I wasn't alive when my grandma died so it's not that bad.", he rambled.
Sam frowned. He just… smiled? It was the opposite of how his room looked. He was lying.
She walked closer and sat on his bed. "Stiles… it's okay if you're upset. You're allowed to be. It's sad. You're supposed to feel sad and that's okay. It's okay to be sad.", she expressed, trying to get him to understand. She hoped he understood what she was trying to say.
It wasn't his fault.
Stiles couldn't keep his smile for long. Sobs bubbled up in his chest as he sat up and clung to Sam like a koala, refusing to let go as he wept.
Jumbled words like, "She left me", "I did it", "I killed her" reached Sam's ears and she refused to let him think that way while she was there.
It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair that he thought that way. The boy couldn't hurt a fly even if he wanted to.
For hours, Sam stayed by Stiles' side until his sobs died down to soft sniffles even after he fell asleep. Noah found the kids napping on Stiles' bed, taking in his son's clingy, sleeping stature.
He was grateful that Sam was here for him and that she stayed. He'd let her mother know what happened and why.
When Denise found out, she was apologetic and even brought to tears herself. Stiles was without a mother and Noah was without a wife.
It was gonna be a heavy change for the both of them, so she decided that she and Sam would take care of them when they needed help. Even if they didn't need help, they'd be there for comfort. To be there when they just wanted to talk.
The funeral came and went and the two stayed by each other's side even after meeting another boy named Scott McCall, who's mom was close to Stiles' dad and was there when his mother died.
The boy came up to the two, mainly apologetic to Stiles. Despite the saddened event, Scott managed to still become acquainted with the two.
Since then, their bond became closer. After the funeral, Sam couldn't help but be saddened as she laid in her room. She hoped her father wasn't dead. She missed Jay so much.
Later that night, Denise sat Sam down in her room, a long talk ensued.
"So, as you know, your daddy hasn't been around anymore.", Denise started. Sam nods. "Well, I have this friend who likes me and I… maybe like him back.", Denise explains.
Sam's eyebrows raised in interest. "You have a crush?"
Denise watched her daughter's facial expression, searching for sadness, or resentment. When she found neither, she continued. "I do. And he likes me back, but I was wondering if that was okay with you?"
Sam sat up, almost excited and nodded with a smile. "I'm okay with that, Mama. As long as you're happy!", she says, making her mother smile with shiny eyes.
She brought the girl in her arms and placed a loving kiss on her forehead. "I knew you'd be okay with it.", she hummed, squeezing her child. "My sweet girl.", she squealed and playfully peppered kisses all over her face, making Sam laugh.
"Mama!", Sam giggled. The woman stopped, giggling herself. "Alright, alright. Sleep tight, baby. I'll bring him tomorrow.", she says, tucking the girl in and leaving her room.
Sam waited until her mother was down the hall and rushed to her window, looking up at the bright moon in the sky.
She clasped her hands together and spoke her wishes. After she finished, she snuggled under her blankets, excited now. She had hoped the man was really kind. Kind enough to like her mom. She hoped he was kind enough to be nice to her too.
The next day, Sam finally got to meet the mystery man, she was nervous. The man was fairly groomed, had a sweet smile and kind eyes, though the sudden shift in atmosphere around her made her feel… off.
She didn't question it, however. She was excited to meet him. Carl Smith, that was his name. He was a carpenter and visited the antique store.
He was sweet to her and her mother just like she wished. He even moved in and treated them like his own family after the first 5 months.
One night, Sam climbed up on the counter in the kitchen, looking for a mug to drink warm milk to get to sleep. Her mom was at the shop for the night and usually Sam held down the fort.
While grabbing at a mug, she hadn't realized she knocked over a glass until it was too late. She dropped a glass before. It was an accident. Her mom never yelled at her about it, understanding that the girl usually liked being independent with getting her own needs if nearby, but that didn't slide with Carl.
The shattering sound woke him up, and he stormed into the kitchen, finding Sam on the counter, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights.
"What're you doing!?", he yelled. Sam shrunk, still holding the mug. "I-I was trying to get milk…"
Carl shook his head and pointed a finger at the girl. "Stay right there." He moved around the shattered glass and got the broom and dustpan before sweeping up the shards.
After he was finished, he yanked the girl down from the counter, the tight grip on her arm making her whimper.
"Next time you need something, you ask. Don't just do shit by yourself.", he grounded out. "You understand?"
Sam's lips trembled as she nodded. Carl took the mug away and shoved the girl off to bed.
Needless to say, Sam was afraid the whole night. The next day at school, the young trio sat in class, the day much better than the previous night.
They were laughing about something Scott had done. The soft boy stumbling over his words had tried to deflect his embarrassment. As Stiles tried to make a joke, something caught his eye.
Now, he was no stranger when it came to cuts, scrapes and bruises. The boy was often clumsy and often ran as if he were to fall flat on his face if he never caught himself. His head tilted in curiosity as he gained Sam’s attention.
How’d you get that bruise, he’d ask stunning the girl into silence. Sam looked down at her sleeve that flipped open after she’d washed her hands, revealing the bruise she had gained last night. She only noticed how bad it was after waking up and letting the harsh, sore, gripped appendage sit without treating it. Pulling the sleeve back over her wrist, she gave them a smile.
“I must’ve bumped into something last night. I think I was super tired and ran into something in the dark when I was getting something to drink.”, she excused. Scott agreed. “I do that sometimes.”, he said. Sam chuckled. “Of course you would.”
However, that didn’t slide past Stiles. The bruise was photographed in his mind. The bruise didn’t look like she had bumped into something. It almost looked like a hand…
A very large hand. Way bigger than hers.
He shook his head. He knew better than to play detective. It wasn’t his business.
Since that day, he’d see less and less of Sam. She would be nothing more than a hi or bye and rush off where he couldn’t follow. She didn’t even take the bus with him and Scott anymore. She wasn’t there to celebrate when his dad had become the sheriff either.
And the times when she was in class, she’d never meet his eyes. She wouldn’t talk to Scott either, which at the time, he even hoped she would. It didn’t even have to be him that she talked to, but he wished she’d just talk.
One day, Stiles found her defending a boy from two bullies. They were in the 6th grade and way bigger than her and the asthmatic boy. And yet, she fought them off. Albeit, getting hurt herself, she seemed to withstand their violence towards her and ran off when a teacher came and stopped the altercation.
Stiles couldn’t help but watch from the sidelines. What could he do if she didn’t want to talk…?
After school, he caught her reluctantly getting in a car with a man and automatically felt defensive until he realized that must’ve been the man she talked about before.
He still didn’t feel right. The man hadn’t come out of the car to address what happened with the boys from before to the teachers. He should’ve cared.
Stiles sighed and went home. He was still worried. Why wouldn’t she talk to him? What was up with her weird, evasive behavior….? Why did she seem to have new bruises every time he saw her?
They weren’t even like bruises the teachers paid attention to. They were hidden, she even had bandaids to cover them, so of course teachers would assume she had some accident. That was normal for a kid to get scraped up here and there.
But it was a new thing almost every day. He paid attention.
He was sure of it. This thinking kept him up all night. That man couldn’t possibly be hurting Sam. There’s just no way. He didn’t even think Mrs. Wilson was capable of hurting Sam. She was sweet, wonderful, and very welcoming.
The last time he’d been to her house, he had a weird vibe about the man there. He didn’t look sober half of the time. He smelled like alcohol here and there. It had him worrying about his own father and how much liquor the man consumed.
After he left, he didn’t feel like leaving yet, and Sam didn’t want him or Scott to go. In fact, she seemed…almost desperate for them to stay. Is that why she isn’t talking to either of them? It was kinda childish of her, if that was the case, considering they’d see each other almost every day.
But if it wasn’t because of that…
He sighed. He really hoped she was okay.
The next day only made his anxiety spike. He hadn’t seen her just yet. They arrived almost at the same time every day at school. He searched for Scott and found him saying bye to his mom.
Hours had passed and it was already noon. Sam hadn’t arrived. Stiles glanced at Scott worriedly who was unaware of his worrisome looks.
Scott came up to Stiles, confused about the boy’s jittery behavior. “Hey, you seen Sam yet?”, Stiles asked. Scott shook his head. “She should be here soon anyways. Maybe she’s sick?”
Stiles hoped so. He really did.
More hours had passed and it was nearly the end of the day. She still hadn't shown up.
Stiles did the only thing he knew best, and that was to cause a distraction. The boy grabbed his desk, squeaking it back and forth along the tile floor of the classroom, gaining his teacher��s attention.
The teacher, annoyed with the boy’s action, promptly sent him to the principal’s office which he happily obliged.
The principal of the elementary school scolded Stiles for his disruptive behavior as he called the boy’s father.
Mr. Stilinski, already exhausted from the responsibilities of his new position, made it to the school ready to scold his child. Stiles didn’t care about any of that, though. That was the least of his worries.
Before his father could start, Stiles yanked the man outside, desperate for his attention. “Dad, you have to go to Sam’s house.”
Noah looked exasperated, and even disappointed. “Stiles, really? You caused a disruption all because Sam’s missed one day?”
Stiles’ eyes got glossy. He wasn’t listening. “Dad, I’m serious!”, his voice cracked. “It’s way more than that. Just-- please go to Sam’s house. Please go check up on her.”, he begged, making his father falter in his disappointment for the boy’s strange behavior.
Noah sighed. “I’ll go check. But after that, you go back to class and you apologize to your teacher.”, he reprimanded and left the boy in the cold hallway.
Stiles couldn’t move. His heart was in his stomach. All his questions were jumbled, but remained the same.
Is Sam okay?
Noah rode down the road to the Wilson residence, and called Denise. Getting a quick answer, he heard, “Hey, Noah!”
He smiled, “Hey, uh, is Sam home?”, he asked. There was a pause. “Uh, no? She should be at school. Carl said he’d drop her off while I was at work. My mom needed me to come in early for the big sales today.”, Denise responds.
Noah’s face dropped. His heart bumped in his chest as well. The girl wasn’t at school, his son’s panicked behavior…
That led him to believe Stiles knew more than he was saying. “Alright, then. I’ll talk to you later.”, he said, abruptly hanging up the phone. He sped down the road, quickly getting to the house, finding the driveway empty.
Sam wasn’t at school. Stiles was sure of that.
Noah quickly got out of his car and knocked loudly on the door. “Hello, is anyone home?”, he exclaimed loudly.
Once he didn’t get a response, he quickly repeated his question before ramming his shoulder into the door, quickly getting it open.
The sheriff looked around, seeing an empty living room. No one was home.
Correction, no one was downstairs. He walked to the staircase, looking up as he called, “Sam?”
No response.
He bound up the stairs with harsh, heavy steps, quickly finding the girl’s room. Once he opened the door, his steps stopped. His heart nearly shattered as he saw the girl’s tattered clothes, or what was left of them. Her bloody, beaten face next to shards of brown glass that belonged to a bottle of some sort.
He rushed over to her, trying to find a sign that she was at least alive. He found a pulse. It was there, just faint. She wasn’t responding to any of his words as he held her.
He grabbed his comms, immediately rushing for an ambulance and for his other comrades to find the man that had done this. Sam was quickly rushed to the hospital, the poor sight of the girl breaking the heart of Melissa McCall.
Sam was still unresponsive, but her pulse was much the opposite. It became stronger after she received her treatment and laid quietly in her hospital room.
Denise was immediately called to the hospital, sobbing at the state of her daughter. It was my fault, she cried. I should’ve taken her to school, she sobbed.
Noah and his deputies found the drunken man at a bar down the street, promptly arrested for attempted murder, abuse and rape of a child. Despite the man’s drunken, disgusting excuses, Noah made sure Carl was going straight to prison. He could do that. He was the sheriff after all.
After the filing, Stiles was brought to the department, still worried. “Dad…?”, he’d call, making his father look at him with glassy eyes. The situation hadn’t made its way to the school. It hadn’t hit him until now. Until he saw his son’s worried, unaware face.
Noah walked up to his son, kneeling and placed a hand on his shoulder. “She’s…Well…Sam’s going to be okay.”, he said. Stiles shook his head, his anxiety spiking once more. “She’s…dead…?”
Noah shook his head quickly, and explained simply that she was hurt and that Stiles was right to be worried.
“How did you know something was happening?”, he asked his son. “She wasn’t talking to me or Scott. She had all these bruises and was making up excuses for them. I just…I wasn’t sure what to do.”, Stiles squeaked quietly with a shrug.
Noah wrapped his arms around the boy. “You did the right thing telling me when you did.”, he told Stiles. Stiles hugged his dad just as tight, letting out some sobs into his dad’s shoulder.
Out of relief and sadness, he was glad she was alive. Hurt, but alive nonetheless.
When she was finally awake, he got to see her and brought every single thing He could think of that would cheer her up.
For hours, they'd play little games here and there. When he took a break, he came back to hear Sam's sobs. He peeked in her hospital room to see her mom holding the girl's hand as tears ran down her face.
"I won't be selfish again…! I won't get in trouble anymore! I won't fight anymore! I just want daddy to come home!", Sam sobbed. Denise brought the girl in her arms. She wished her husband had come home too. Maybe none of this would've happened if she hadn't brought up her worries about the town.
Maybe he wouldn't have left.
Sam sighed. "And that's what happened. Since then, Stiles stuck to me like glue. Scott didn't know what happened. I asked him not to tell Scott."
Derek wanted to roll his eyes. That plan didn't work, since Stiles had already expressed his anger toward the Wilson men and explained what happened.
Though, he was angry himself. He was angry that it happened at all.
"That shouldn't have happened to you. Not at all.", Derek says, shaking his head. "But it did, and I'm here.", Sam says.
He looks in her eyes, "And you're so strong for that. For withstanding everything that bastard did to you. You shouldn't have had to. It was fucked up.", he said.
Sam smiled softly and moved closer to crawl into his arms. "It was, but it won't happen again.", Sam said. There wasn't much she could say about it. What was done, was done. She killed him already. He couldn't harm anyone else anymore.
His soul belonged to her after all.
Derek placed a kiss on top of her forehead. "And I'll make sure it won't happen again. Ever."
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woah-i-am-here · 7 months
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Canon Alejandro and Role Swap!Noah. They probably would not be able to stand each other, lmao. Fake recognizes fake.
Bonus: MK and his young father (Thank you, time shenanigans fanfiction I do not remember your name of)
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I've been reading ZoSan doujinshi recently and I don't know. Some of them have great plots (Pirate Ship Noah) and are told absolutely fantastic, but in terms of the characteristics I think their roles should be reversed bc Zoro is always the strong, confident, sexually experienced guy, and Sanji comes across as the shy damsel in distress lol. I mean I see where it comes from. Sanji in general is more sensitive and emotional than Zoro (tho let's be honest, everyone is) and he is a romantic, thoughtful, sometimes soft young man whereas Zoro is loud and boisterous in a fight, loves to be intimidating and is strong and reliable and arrogant and self-confident.
But regarding the fact that Sanji is the one who flirts with every female who can't run up a tree quick enough, and Zoro never showed interest in anyone romantically and can be seen blushing when a woman gets too close to him (e.g. Hiyori), I think it should rather be like this between the two:
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I repeat, I see where the reversed characterisation comes from, but Zoro being the (sexually) introverted one seems more accurate to me and I wonder if there is fanfiction/dojinshi out there which depicts them this way
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shipposttt · 11 months
The Ship of the Day: The Ineffable Husbands
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SPOILER WARNING for the Good Omens series, including season 2 :D
Names: Crowley and Aziraphale 
Ship name(s): The Ineffable husbands/ Aziraphale
Original Content: Good Omens book (1990) and the Good Omens series (2019 S1, 2023 S2)) and all subsequent world building done by our lord and saviour Neil Gaiman through Tumblr <3
Ship info: Firstly, while the book will be mentioned within this post, it is important to note that i myself have only ever watched the series- as such, if there is information from the books that is failed to be mentioned that you believe should’ve been, this is why; please feel free to add anything you would like in the notes! Secondly, I will be using multiple pronouns for both Aziraphale and Crowley within this post because, as stated by Neil himself in a Tumblr ask, we might as well see them as genderfluid because he does. Similarly, angels (and thus, demons) are defined as sexless beings within the book, who’s “size, and shape, and composition, are simply options”.
So, you may be wondering, “what’s with this bible fanfiction?”, well don’t you worry I will clear that right up!
Good Omens is a novel/book originally written as a collaboration between Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman in 1990, exploring the roles of angels, demons and mortals during the apocalypse – Armageddon. This has in recent years been adapted into a series for Amazon Prime Video with the help of Neil our beloved to ensure it stayed true to their vision for this story, especially since the series goes beyond the canon timeline of the book.
In particular, it follows demon Crowley and angel Aziraphale, who, as the only non-mortals residing within the mortal world long term, formed an alliance over the centuries, though this alliance slowly but surely turned into a friendship and then progressed into even more. Now, this might sound like an enemies-to-lovers 400k slow-burn but it’s NOT. You see, Crowley was once an angel prior to his fall, with the fandom theorising that they were a rather high-ranking angel due to his actions and clearance levels depicted within scenes of season 2, so technically they didn’t start off as enemies, nor would I argue that they ever truly became enemies following Crowley becoming a demon. Anyway, the first series follows these two immortal beings as they attempt to prevent the coming of the Antichrist, Adam Young, together. The majority of season one focusses on how Armageddon is coming to fruition and how mortals and immortals alike were attempting to stop it. Despite this, there is still a large focus on Crowley and Aziraphale’s personal relationship throughout time.
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Within season 1 episode 3, we take a short break from the ‘current’ canon of stopping Armageddon to explore Crowley and Aziraphale’s relationship and how it grew throughout the centuries using flashbacks for the first portion of the episode, this past history between them before the canon of Armageddon is also explored further in season 2 through multiple extended flashbacks. In the canonical timeline of events, these flashbacks begin from before the beginning of the universe as we know it, with then-angel Crowley creating the universe (“let there be light” and all that) as Aziraphale watched him do so; then jumping to the Garden of Eden, where now-demon Crowley tempts Eve. These flashbacks are sporadic throughout time, gaining in frequency the closer to ‘now’ they get, showing the pairings meetings at: Noah’s Ark, during the testing of Job’s faith (where Crowley first tempts Aziraphale with food), at Jesus’ crucifixion, in a Roman tavern, in Arthurian Britain, and then much more frequently between 1793 in a Paris dungeon and 2019 at Armageddon. All of these flashbacks portray their relationship going from working against each other (in the garden 4004 BC) to working together (the Globe Theatre 1601 AD), though we don’t know the exact date “the arrangement” between the two beings began, it is alluded to within this scene in the Globe Theatre as they discuss the possibility of one of them doing both “the blessing and the tempting” (their respective jobs given to them by heaven and hell) in Edinburgh, as they had done so elsewhere previously, with Aziraphale showing fear for Crowley’s safety within this arrangement, saying “but if hell finds out, they wont just be angry, they’ll destroy you”, but eventually acquiescing, calling heads on the coin toss to decide who goes. These more frequent visits shown leading up to Armageddon show the change from just working together for ease to working together because they enjoyed their time together.
So now we are up to date with their relationship prior to Armageddon, from working together to working against one another all the way up to forming an alliance together and coming to care for one another. So, spoiler alert (I say as if the previous paragraph wasn’t full of spoilers); they stop Armageddon together (yay). Following them preventing Armageddon, hell and heaven attempted to fully discorporate the pair, using hellfire for Aziraphale and a holy water bath (sans rubber duck) for Crowley, the two predicted this move however and temporarily swapped bodies so as to ensure neither came to harm. They then nicely finished off the season with the pair dining in the Ritz, making a toast “to the world” as a nightingale sang in Berkeley Square (in reference to the popular love song published in 1940).  
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So, all is well and good for the start of season 2, right? WRONG. Archangel Gabriel shows up at Aziraphale’s bookstore having lost all his memories, Crowley and Aziraphale perform a miracle together to hide Gabriel (now going by Jim) that is so strong heaven believes it could only be the will of an archangel, leading to them believing that Gabriel is hiding in Aziraphale’s bookshop. Now, this season evolves around hiding Gabriel and somehow restoring his memories but Aziraphale instead takes it upon himself to focus on trying to set up the owners of two nearby stores, drawing similarities between the two and himself and Crowley. So Aziraphale is trying to set these two up, Crowley is trying to keep Aziraphale safe and heaven and hell alike are both convinced they are hiding Gabriel. This all comes to a head as Gabriel’s memories get restored and it is revealed that he was demoted after refusing to support an attempt at a second Armageddon, conversations are had and offers are made and the elusive Metatron offers Aziraphale Gabriel’s old position, promising to restore Crowley’s status as an angel.
Now for the divorce. Yeah, you read that right, the ineffable divorce. The day I cried, the fandom cried, I think even the official Amazon Prime Twitter *ahem*, sorry, ‘X’ account admin cried. Aziraphale accepts the Metatron’s offer because they believe he and Crowley working together can make a difference, “we can be together, angels, doing good. I need you”. Crowley confesses to Aziraphale, saying how they can do the same as Gabriel and Beelzebub and leave heaven and hell behind to just be them, they disagree on working for heaven and Crowley points out that they can’t hear any nightingales (in reference to the end of season one), “you idiot, we could’ve been us”, before kissing Aziraphale once, finishing off this glorious season with “I forgive you” (A), “Don’t bother”.
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Now, this is where we are left off with their relationship, and while there are a lot more scenes I’ve missed out here which allude to their building romance and many, many posts by Neil Gaiman which explore it further, this has already gotten way too long to include them all.
Type of Ship: Queer
Now, even outside of their relationship, these two are unequivocally queer.  As previously stated, they both do not conform to societal stereotypes surrounding gender, with them being angelic beings who simply choose to take on the traditionally more masculine forms we most associate with them, whilst other times choosing more traditionally feminine forms- like Crowley did in scenes of the crucifixion of Jesus, or when they were a nanny. While this isn’t explicitly spoken about within the series (because their gender presentation simply is there, an unquestioned part of them, it’s not a focal point of the plot), co-author and series writer Neil Gaiman has clarified that angels and demons alike do not have gender or sex and do not perceive gender in the same way as humans do.
How, as such, within the ship they are also queer, with the pair not bending to societal norms surrounding gender, sex and relations. And though they do kiss in the final episode of season two, Neil Gaiman has confirmed that their kiss was “about a lot of things but   its not to show they’re in love” alluding to the love being shown in other ways as their relationship isn’t inherently sexual- neither is it inherently asexual as he explained “they are an angel and a demon, not as male humans”. This portrays romance and love in away that is inherently queer and different to that of heteronormative ideals as they are not strictly male or female and don’t explore sexuality in the same way as is the norm.
Thank you for reading this! Admin 🦇 out!
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agerefandom · 1 year
Agerefandom 2022 Masterpost
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This is a belated collection of my content from 2022! If you’re interested, here are the previous years: 2021 and 2020! 
In 2020, I wrote eighteen fics: In 2021, I wrote twenty-two. In 2022, I only wrote five full fanfictions, but that’s probably because I was writing so many more headcanons this year! Here are the fanfictions I wrote last year: 
Angels At The Window (Hazbin Hotel, caregivers!Charlie and Vaggie, regressor!Reader) As Sleeping Amber  (Phantom of the Opera, regressor!Erik, caregiver!Christine)  Flourishing In Sunlight  (Avatar: The Last Airbender, postcanon, regressor!Katara, careiver!Zuko)  Fancy Tuna and Frantic Texts  (Ouran High School Host Club, regressor!Haruhi, caregivers!Tamaki and Kyoya)  Natasha Is Young (Great Comet of 1812, regressor!Natasha, caregiver!Helene)
In 2020, I wrote thirty-two headcanon posts! In 2021, that went down to nineteen, but in 2022 I wrote forty-three headcanon sets! 
regressor!Gary King (World’s End)  caregiver!Jareth (Labyrinth)  regressor!Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel)  flip!Sans (Horrortale)  regressor!Adam/creature (Frankenstein)  caregiverse!Sundrop and Moondrop (FNAF Security Breach)  regressor!Brahms Heelshire (The Boy)  regressor!Severus Snape (Harry Potter) caregiver!Pennywise (It)  caregvier!Annabelle Crane (Magnus Archives)  regressor!Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice musical) regressor!Jade Harley (Homestuck) caregiver!V (V for Vendetta)  caregiver!Val Frizzle (Magic School Bus)  regressor!Stanley Pines (Gravity Falls)  caregiver!Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)  caregiver!Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)  caregiver!13th Doctor (Doctor Who)  regressors!Anna and Elsa (Frozen)  regressor!Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)  caregiver!Count Dooku (Star Wars)  caregiver!Caleb Widogast (Critical Role)  caregivers!Ruby and Sapphire (Steven Universe)  regressor!Dana Scully (X-Files)  regressor!Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein)  regressor!Stevonnie (Steven Universe)  caregiver!Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)  regressor!Sam Winchester (Supernatural)  regressor!10th Doctor with caregiver!Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)  regressor!Eleven (Stranger Things)  regressor!Bea and caregiver!Mae (Night In The Woods)  regressor!Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club)  regressor!Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club)  regressor!Sayori (Doki Doki Literature Club)  regressor!Natsuki (Doki Doki Literature Club) 
Disney Caregivers Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)  Belle (Beauty and the Beast)  Snow White (Snow White and the Seven Dwarves)  Bruno (Encanto)  Tiana and Naveen (Princess and the Frog)  Oogie Boogie (Nightmare Before Christmas)  Ariel (The Little Mermaid)  Captain Amelia (Treasure Planet) 
Under the ‘keep reading’ I’ve collected links to my thirteen favourite moodboards from the seventy-three I made in 2023, and some of my favourite art and edits as well! 
Favourite Moodboards: 
regressor!Will Graham
regressor!Dipper Pines
regressor!Peter Parker
regressor!Kylo Ren
caregiver!Count Dooku
regressor!Charles Xavier
regressor!Cal Strider
regressor!Noah Czerny 
caregiver!Jasper Cullen
Favourite Art/Edits: 
Tokoyami and Dark Shadow
regressor!Jade Harley
regressor!Angel and regressor!Charlie edits
regressor!Himiko Toga
regressors!Mae and Gregg
regressor!Ashton and cg!FCG
regressor!Bruno Madrigal
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glutengoblin · 21 days
Writer Interview Game
Thank you for the tag @moongurl95 ! Apologies for taking so long😅. I had to think on this one a bit and have been quite busy.
When did you start writing?
For me, it was in middle school. I am also an only child, so I think it really started as an outlet for creativity. I started with some creative writing in school, but quickly moved to fanfiction. Some of my first pieces were based on How to Train Your Dragon. I also wrote quite a bit based on Minecraft Diaries (A youtube series not many people know about). I haunted Quotev for quite a few years, doing quite a bit of roleplay too.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I second you on the smut! I cannot, for my life, figure out how not to make it awkward. Also, I really like reading stories with happier themes. While I've tried to write happier ones, I always find myself slipping back to stories with darker undertones.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
Not really! I do feel as if a lot of my friends (especially the ones I knew on Quotev) write a lot better than me and I really admire that. That being said, some of my favorite authors include Robin Sloan and Christelle Dabos.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
It's quite mixed. I write on my laptop, but I switch between my desk, my bed, and coffee shops. I'm really thankful to have quite a few coffee shops walking distance from my apartment that are open late at night. I love going there when they're not busy. If I'm taking my writing very seriously, I typically have a candle lit and Hogwarts Legacy Ambience or a vinyl playing.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
For me music! I pull a lot of ideas from some of my favorite artists, including Taylor Swift, Adam Young, Phoebe Bridgers, Noah Kahan, Vampire Weekend, etc.
I also find myself focusing on topics related to my own experiences a lot. I originally was drawn to start writing about Hogwarts Legacy because of the solace I found with Anne and Sebastian's care for her.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Maybe this is more in my drafts than what I post, but depression, longing, unconditional love, and anxiety are topics I find myself focusing on a lot. They don't necessarily surprise me, as I feel as if I've always been drawn to them.
What is your reason for writing?
It's a creative outlet for me. I work in a very scientific environment, but I've always been interested in literature and philosophy. Since graduating college and loosing some of my more artistic and creative hobbies, writing has been a great way to still flex those muscles.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
Literally any comments! @meeting-the-master always hypes me up when I send her drafts and I greatly appreciate it.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I haven't really thought about it. I suppose I just want people to enjoy my writing. I hope it brings some people joy.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
This is hard. I feel like I come up with a lot of plot ideas. My draft list is miles long. The issue is actually completely them (oops)
How do you feel about your own writing?
Honestly, I often get self-conscious about it. I feel like I take too long to put out multiple parts and that my writing isn't good quality. I continue to write though because I believe that like any hobby, it requires practice.
I don't have many writing mutuals, but if anyone wants a tag lmk!
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sillylovesongsk · 1 year
Has anyone ever thought that the reason why we love Heartstopper so much is because it’s so refreshing to see healthy, pure and affirming queer relationships?
This is what I longed for growing up as part of the LGBTQ+ community. I longed to see healthy relationships on TV because all I wanted was a healthy and accepting environment in my life (since books and media were my constant escape and refuge). Growing up with Queer As Folk, The L World, ATWT (Luke/Noah), Hollyoaks, Skins and even Glee made me think that this was what I was bound for in my teenage/adult life… full of toxic relationships and unsafe environments.
It’s so nice to see that this is what the next generation is getting, that they’re getting to see acceptance and patience at its fullest. Even if the heteronormative society we lived in deprived many of us from having this kind of beautiful young queer intimacy and experience (yeah ik, we have nostalgia and we’re mourning), we should still acknowledge the fact that things are getting better for future generations. I’m just so happy for all the queer young people that get to have this positive experience, and how this positive LGBTQ+ representation that’s happening, will change so many lives.
I cry tears of joy because we get to see more of that patient and accepting mentality from Charlie (when it comes to coming out) and none of that “if you love me, you will not hide me” mentality that was so frequently seen in media and so present in many queer relationships.
Also, it’s comforting that Nick really cares about Charlie and wants to protect him, not by being Charlie’s superhero or savior with a fixing mission, but just by being patient and allowing Charlie to open up to him… giving him space to fully let him in on his own time. Not by telling him “you need to stop doing this, you need to stop hurting yourself”, but telling him “can you promise to tell me if it ever gets that bad again?”. Which makes me think he knows that he won’t be able to fully stop it (because that’s how it is with people that have disorders and depression, it doesn’t help for people to force us to just “get better and not hurt ourselves”), but he knows he can be there for him to make the path to recovery or stability easier.
Seeing the slow and patient way in which Tara and Darcy allowed each other to open up, and not leave at the first sign of “trouble” but tackled it through open communication makes me happy.
The way they handled the relationship between Mr. Farouk and Mr. Ayaji was on point, exemplifying perfectly how you can still have nice first-time experiences at any point in your life, regardless of you realizing that you were queer later in life.
It makes me cry (sometimes happy tears and sometimes sad tears) when I see most of the parents being a safe place for their children and allowing them to trust in them because of that safe environment they’ve created.
While writing this I realized that the reason why I’ve read so much fanfiction since I was very young (8 yo, that’s nearly 20 years now) is because we got to create and read these stories where we imagined safe and healthy relationships that we didn’t get to live and see in real life or media most of the time. I think the reason I love Heartstopper so much is because of how similar it is to any of those wholesome fanfics that I took refuge in back when I was younger and living in the closet.
It has everything I wished to have back then and everything I wish to have at one point in life:
Family fully accepting you
Healthy and safe family (non-chosen and chosen family)
Partner being patient and supportive
Protecting those you love
Open communication that I’ve always craved for in all relationships in my life (romantic and platonic)
Giving light and acknowledgment to the struggles each character lives but not making it their whole personality (because we’re more than those struggles… something I’ve come to learn after so many years in therapy. I’ve suffered domestic abuse, bullying, depression, anxiety, EDs, among so many other things my whole life and I’m more than all of that and it isn’t my whole personality).
I just think that these are some of the reasons why we love Heartstopper as much as we do. What do you all think?
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kimsuyeon · 5 months
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updated info on my tracking tag : #ninqztual !
everyone can use my tag. i don't even mind if you don't follow me and use it, i'm happy to reblog! that being said, there are groups, people, and things i don't reblog. if you're not sure, you can still tag me, but i will skip it if it falls into one of those categories.
tl:dr, lili shut up challenge: anyone can tag me in visual content, not just kpop content. if i skip it, it's because i don't reblog the thing in the content or skin colors were weird on my end. check below for more specifics. if you have questions about what i reblog, send an ask.
what i do reblog
kpop, jpop, cpop, + any dramas. i reblog men and women, as well as anyone who identifies as something else or in between.
western media (musicians, actors, actresses, etc)
visual content (gifs, edits, gfx, moodboards, art, and the like)
what i do not reblog
white or colorwashed content. i am more lenient with kpop since the sources tends to be more difficult, but please do your best to color skin.
content from sources that do not allow editing (this is specific to fancams, i.e. rock music or spinel cam)
content that is from a fantaken but not credited
stolen or reuploaded/reposted. if i do reblog something that is stolen, please tell me!
specific idols or groups: if i do not reblog or post them already, i likely don't, period, and will skip it. examples are viviz/gfriend, gidle (exception of yuqi and shuhua, especially if giffed by my friends), aespa giselle, bts, etc.
ex-nct lucas and taeil
groups full of minors or who are very young on average (babymonster, newjeans, etc.)
overly sexual content or stuff that's just kinda... creepy.
zionists, homophobes, etc., i.e. noah schnapp
if i've liked your post (this is my main), it is queued!
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ellmaii · 1 year
Can we cut the bullshit please? We all know that if Eleven was played by Noah Schnapp , a lot of Bylers would support Mileven. A lot of Byler shippers claim other characters are homosexual without any confirmation. A lot of Byler shippers want a couple that caters to their own sexual orientations. I can understand liking Byler to some extent, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to see a homosexual couple, but don’t pretend you wouldn’t feel different about Mileven if Eleven was a cute male character in that relationship with Mike. This doesn’t just apply to stranger things, a lot of online fan activity for shows disproportionately ships homosexual pairing over straight. I wish people would just admit they enjoy lgbtq+ ships because that’s a valid reason to ship a pairing, instead of going to extremes to undermine canon ships because it doesn’t cater to their interests.
Fun facts:
‘Due to its nature of anonymity, fanfiction has always been an inviting space for young writers who are “still figuring it out” in regards to their sexual or gender expression. In a 2013 survey of Archive of Our Own users, only 38% of respondents identified themselves as heterosexual.’ - The Artifice, ‘Fan Fiction and LGBT+ representation’
[I would like to point out that this was written in 2013 when LGBT+ wasn’t as openly spoken about and accepted as it is now. I’d love to see more recent stats]
‘One out of four Tumblr users are LGBTQIA+. 60% of new Tumblr users and 48% of users overall are Generation Z. A Tumblr user is 128% more likely to be LGBTQIA+ than the average internet user. One out of three Gen Z (16 through 24) Tumblr users are LGBTQIA+, double the one out of six in the U.S.’ - Ad week, ‘Tumblr Stakes its Claim as the Queerest Place on the Internet’
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multi-lefaiye · 1 year
finally making a pinned post
hi hi hello! welcome! i have a few names i go by, but you can call me multi or xavier! if we're very close, you can maybe call me jack too. i'm 24 years old, and i use they/he pronouns.
for the most part, this blog is whatever i want it to be. i participate to some degree in writeblr and i have several wips i post about on occasion, but i also just kinda do whatever. i'm also a hobbyist artist! i need to update my prices, but i do take commissions on occasion--feel free to reach out if you're interested!
i don't have a DNI and i'm not interested in making one, but if you have one i will do my best to respect it.
anyway. i don't know how to end this. i really don't. so i guess i'll just list a few wips you might see me talk about--this is the closest we'll get to a proper masterlist for the time being:
god died with wooden bones, the story of shiloh rose and their journey to uncover the mystery of the lost city of owl's haven, as well as how the city's disappearance relates to that of their late mother.
a modern ghost story, the story of a group of semi-famous storm chasers and their close encounters with various storms in the summer of 2006.
bleeding over eden, the story of an enigmatic bartender with violent scars across his face and the strange ability to see the futures of those around him.
for we are both fragile things, the story of noah and arthur, two men who meet, fall in love, and ultimately fall apart in spectacular fashion.
in seeking paradise, the story of a young vagrant named knives nguyen and their quest to discover the truth behind the brutal, unsolved murder of their best friend beatrice.
road trip with the vampire (temp title), the story of a young man named jason and the trip he takes across the country to meet with his family following his mother's passing, as well as the unusual hitchhiker he picks up along the way.
rose-colored shot glasses, the story of three childhood friends and their journey escaping their abusive upbringings to finally find peace somewhere else. (fanfiction that's getting out of hand)
the moon hides its breath, in which a group of gay friends go on a road trip across the country. just replace "a group of gay friends" with "veritable strangers" and "a road trip" with "a journey to save the world from two warring demigods."
aaand probably more i'm forgetting off the top of my head, haha! if any of those sound interesting, feel free to ask! i love talking about my little fictional people. y'all have a nice day.
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madsworld15 · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @lostcol
How many works do you have on ao3? 70
What's your total ao3 word count? 704,657
What fandoms do you write for? Mostly Queer as Folk, Schitt's Creek, and Teen Wolf. In the past, I have written for Shameless, Good Omens, Our Flag Means Death, Dead Poets Society, and Maze Runner.
Top five fics by kudos: I Can Be Your Hero (Teen Wolf, Sterek), To Me, You Are Perfect (Teen Wolf, Sterek), Mend My Heart (Teen Wolf, Sterek), Trying To Make Sense Out Of This Confusion (Schitt's Creek, David/Patrick), and Mother Knows Best (Schitt's Creek, David/Patrick)
Do you respond to comments? I try my best to reply to every comment I receive, but sometimes, it can be overwhelming, so it takes me a few months to get back.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? If we are going back to my fanfiction dot net days, there is a fic I wrote there that was post-major character death within the As The World Turns fandom. That fic, Never Alone, was about Noah dealing with the death of Luke.
However, on AO3, the fic with the angstiest ending has to be my David/Patrick, Schitt's Creek fic, where Patrick is diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's. It doesn't have a happy ending due to the nature of the disease. (Weep Not For the Memories)
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? For the most part, my fics are angst with a happy ending, but I think the one with the biggest payoff is actually a tie between two different fandoms. The first that comes to mind is Everything That I Am, which is David/Patrick from Schitt's Creek and covers both of them recovering from a major car accident. The other is On The Page of History, which is Sterek from Teen Wolf and covers Stiles being a teacher at a school experiencing a school shooting, and Derek is a deputy on call to respond.
Do you get hate on fics? Yes. When I wrote Patrick Brewer as asexual for a few fics, fans in a certain social media group were extremely nasty toward me and then stalked me to other platforms to continue their vitriol. It broke my inspiration to write any kind of fan fiction for a while.
Do you write smut? No. I don't even try. I usually do fade to black/illusions.
Craziest crossover: Going back to my fanfiction dot net days, I did a crossover where a gay character from As The World Turns (Luke Snyder) and a gay character from Days of Our Lives (Will Horton) ended up at the same bar one night and got drunk together. It was called A Night They Won't Remember.
For AO3, my craziest one was one where I had Thomas from Maze Runner and Stiles Stilinski from Teen Wolf run into each other on the beach. Seeing Double was just me poking fun at two roles by the same actor.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of.
Have you ever had a fic translated? No, but I would love for that to happen someday.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? YES! My best friend, Karyn, and I met through a Teen Wolf convention almost a decade ago. We then decided to write a fic together where the POV changed from chapter to chapter. It was called Objects in the rear view mirror (May appear closer than they are) and centered on Sterek as parents of twin boys. It was unfortunately never finished because of medical issues on her part, but maybe someday we will go back to it.
All time favorite ship? If you look at AO3 it would seem the answer is David/Patrick from Schitt's Creek. And while I do love them, my favorite of all time is actually a tie between Sterek (Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale, Teen Wolf) and Britin (Brian Kinney/Justin Taylor, Queer as Folk).
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Right before I received a lot of hate within the Schitt's Creek fandom, I started a fic called Every Thunder That Came Was One More I Might Not Get Through. It centered on Patrick being an adopted child with past abuse trauma and David being a young man who witnessed a death in his early 20s. Both meet online and strike up a bond, only to find out that they are actually in the same therapy group IRL. Unfortunately, I only got through the introductory/story-building chapters before I lost all inspiration for Schitt's Creek fics.
What are your writing strengths? Introspection and dialogue are pretty evenly matched. Most of my fics are heavy on one or the other or a combo of both.
What are your writing weaknesses? Smut/Sex. I don't write it because every time I've tried, it comes out sounding extremely cheesy.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I have used a line or two in different languages (I once wrote a Days of Our Lives, WilSon fic set in Italy), but I always make sure to have the translations in the notes at the end of each installment/fic.
First fandom you wrote in? The first fandom I wrote in was As The World Turns (Luke/Noah or Nuke)
Favorite fic you've written? I can't decide just one, so I will tell you my favorite one I've written from my biggest fandoms.
Queer As Folk: There's Beauty When It's Bleak
Schitt's Creek: Trying To Make Sense Out Of This Confusion, which is linked above, so instead, I'll pick my next favorite, Waves Crash With Anxiety.
Teen Wolf: Return to Beacon Hills
Shameless: Inquiring Minds
Tagging: @winderlylandchime @thotpuppy @vulcanscully and any other writers who see this and want to do it!
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tyfortheven0m · 8 months
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Introduction post + rules
Hello! My name is noah, I'm 18, I like mcr, fob, ptv, bmth, pre split panic, the young veins and a lot more
This blog was made purely for just me posting fanfiction, reposting things that are related to my interests, or just shitposting with whatever I feel like when I'm bored!
This blog is a NSFW blog so mdni or you will be blocked
If at any point anyone has questions about more bands I like or what I may write for, feel free to ask.
Requests as of now are open
Rules ⬎
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castlebyersafterdark · 3 months
'using my own sexuality against me when they're supposedly propping up a gay couple as a hobby interest through a fandom, but judging those who are interested in authenticity and the full spectrum of what relationships and 'shipping' means in fandom. Like. How dare. Hahaha'
i have realised, since being away from this fandom and coming back, that its likely there is something deeper at play here than puritanism or pro censorship. i think sexual repression and female fan shame plays a part, but these fans' attraction to/desire for/enchantment by these characters shouldnt be underestimated. the fans who gatekeep byler will also tend to have parasocial relationships with the show and perhaps the cast too, and i think at the core it's less a case of 'ugh theyre too young for sex', but rather a projected shame about their own ungovernable sexual desire combined with a sense of deep, deep jealousy. they are guarding the characters (and actors)... essentially saying: you are not allowed to think sexually about these characters, only i am (in secret). but i can't stop you, so instead i will shame your sexual attraction itself.
once i saw fandom as a kind of relationship between fan and character/actor (at the most extreme end, im sure there are fans who are genuinely convinced they are/could be noah and finn's friends or partners, or perhaps even the characters') it made so much sense that jealousy and shame would be at the heart of things. after all, this many young people surely cant be antisex - western culture hasnt reached that place yet, and they are are teens raging with hormones who spend a lot of time thinking about two rather handsome young men in romantic scenarios. im supposed to believe all these people genuinely arent fantasising sexually about byler? nahhhhh.
but a jealous lover situation? it all makes sense once you see it.
A very interesting perspective. Not one I typically consider for the characters themselves, sometimes I tend to think that in regards to some of the behavior I've seen re: the actors. But definitely interesting. Not much insight I have to add but your points are something to absolutely think about and consider. I mean, in all honesty, I do sometimes feel nervous saying certain things about the actors for fear of people jumping at me as if I don't adore the actors, too. Just in a well-adjusted way where I know I don't know them and never will know them and never want to know them. I tend to lean into humor and silly jokes and sometimes I tend to hold back because I don't want people to get upset and misinterpret that I'm just playing around about celebrities I genuinely enjoy because it's harmless. So I can see this extending to characters, too. A protectiveness, a feeling of ownership.
I saw that on twitter for another fandom, a lot of fighting over people's different interpretations of characters, like taking personal offense if they were written in fics certain ways or paired up with the wrong character or given headcanons another fan didn't want for them. A protectiveness. It was less anti-sex and more hmm. Projection based in-fighting. It was really weird. But I can see the correlation in what you're getting at here.
Here's another thought that always makes me laugh about the fandom dynamics though - since my focus and biggest interest in fandom is fanfiction. If everyone is soooo anti-sex and against spicy fic, why do those fics get big numbers of readers? Sure , ao3 is used by a lot of people who don't even participate in tumblr/twitter fandom at all, but E rated fics, even with how few there are in the Byler fandom, still get a lot of clicks sooooo. Some people are genuinely lying and are hypocrites 😌
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will80sbyers · 1 year
It doesn't surprise me that Finn is not shipping anybody tbh I don't even think that Noah "ships" byler... It's all for hype and promotion, he didn't tweet that tweet just because he likes it, I don't think they are shippers I think they are mainly thinking about college and their careers and having nights out with rich people like them and idk studying cinema/acting and doing stuff... I think they absolutely do like the ships and are happy to do promotion but most of the actors in general watch their show once and then they would love to avoid re-watching themselves from what I know, and I doubt they are secretly obsessing over it... Maybe when they were little they liked it more and liked to read one or two fanfictions because they were curious but I don't think they care much now, all of them... they like and appreciate the characters and the journey and they like the ships but that's not really "serious shipping" like we do... Obviously there are exceptions to this and there are actually nerdy actors that obsess over their own work lol but I don't think this is the case and after years and years doing Stranger things from a super young age I think they would be also a bit burned out in a way because they have to repeat the same stuff every time they go to panels etc etc and so when they can they think about other things
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agerefandom · 5 months
Other Fandoms
fandoms in red are fandoms that I don't know personally, but I've done art or moodboards for them! fandoms in purple are ones that I have moderate familiarity with, but I can't write every character. The rest are ones that I just haven't made as much content for.
Ace Attorney regressor!apollo edit regressor!edgeworth with cg!gumshoe moodboard
The Addams Family caregiver!morticia moodboard
All For The Game regressor!kevin and cg!andrew moodboard
Avatar: The Last Airbender Flourishing in Sunlight: post-canon fic with cg!Zuko and regressor!Katara gaang agere art regressor!sokka moodboard
Barbie Movie regressor!ken moodboard
The Boy regressor!brahms headcanons
Castlevania (Netflix) regressors!trevor and alucard moodboards/headcanons
Check Please regressor!jack headcanons (ask game)  regressor!bitty art
Coraline regressor!wybie moodboard
Corpse Bride regressor!victor van dort moodboard regressor!emily art
Criminal Minds season one gang regression headcanons regressor!spencer and cg!derek art
Danganronpa regressor!toko, chihiro, and yasuhiro edits bunny regressor!mikan tsumiki moodboard regressor!chihiro moodboard caregiver!sakura moodboard regressor!ishimaru moodboard w themes of cg!mondo
DC Content regressor!harley quinn moodboard (comics) regressor!oswald moodboard (gotham) regressor!joker moodbard (telltale series) regressor!flash moodboard (cw)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Once Upon A Midnight Dreary: fanfiction with regressor!henry jekyll
Frankenstein  regressor!victor frankenstein headcanons regressor!adam (the monster) headcanons
Ghibli Movies  big sister kiki headcanons  agere edit of haru (the cat returns)
Heathers agere!JD art regressor!veronica art regressor!heather macnamara moodboard
Hadestown caregiver!hades headcanons regressor!eurydice moodboard
Hunger Games caregiver!katniss moodboard
Interview With The Vampire To Have, To Hold, To Drink: fanfiction with cg!louis and regressor!lestat regressor!lestat moodboard
It caregiver!pennywise headcanons
Labyrinth  caregiver!jareth and regressor!reader
Little Shop of Horrors Skid Row Blues: fanfiction with orin walking in on regressor!seymour regressor!orin headcanons
Lore Olympus regressor!hades and cg!hecate moodboard
The Magic School Bus caregiver!ms.frizzle headcanons
Maze Runner regressor!minho moodboard regressor!newt moodboard
Les Miserables Calling You Home: fanfiction with regressor!Enjolras and caregiver!Grantaire
The Muppets regressor!beaker moodboard
My Little Pony cg!starlight glimmer moodboard regressor!sunset shimmer art/edits
The Mysterious Benedict Society regressor!kate moodboard regressor!nicholas benedict moodboard/headcanons
Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812  Natasha is Young: fanfiction about regressor!Natasha and cg!Helene
Night At The Museum caregiver!Jedediah and Octavius art
The Owl House regressor!willow moodboard regressors!ed and em moodboard
Raven Cycle headcanons (gansey, ronan, noah, adam, and blue)  regressor!noah moodboard
Rick and Morty regressor!morty headcanons
Rocky Horror Picture Show regressor!rocky moodboard
Sandman regressor!desire headcanons thoughts on regressor!dream regressor!dream moodboard
Sherlock regressor!sherlock and cg!john headcanons cg!john watson moodboard
Smile For Me regressor!boris habit moodboard regressor!boris habit edit regressor!habit with cg!kamal art more regressor!habit art
Star Trek regressor!jim and caregivers!bones and spock headcanons regressor!jim moodboard w themes of cg!bones regressor!jim and cg!sam moodboard(strange new worlds) regressor!jim and cg!spock art
Stranger Things regressor!eleven headcanons
The Untamed regressor!lan zhan moodboard regressor!wei ying moodboards
V for Vendetta caregiver!V headcanons cg!v moodboard
Welcome To Night Vale regressor!cecil and cg!carlos headcanons cg!carlos moodboard cg!cecil moodboard
Wicked regressors!elphaba and glinda headcanons
World’s End regressor!gary king headcanons
X-Files regressor!Dana and Fox headcanons
Youtubers  regressor!dan howell headcanons cg!markiplier moodboard
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