#young noah x oc
toxicityriot · 1 year
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babeyvenus · 2 years
A Trip Down Memory Lane
Derek x OC/Stiles & OC
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Derek's curious about Sam's history with the boys.
TW: language, mentions of abuse, alcohol, and r*pe.
As Derek and Sam sat in her room looking over her notes, the older Hale was curious. He admired her neat note taking, the opposite of his own scribbled-cursive handwriting.
It was simple. Readable. Yet small…
He looked over an old notebook when she first took note of her abilities before he lost his alpha spark and a name caught his eyes.
In the journal, it read, "Stiles doesn't know about this yet. I don't know if I can control it. The voices. The meet ups in my dreams. He doesn't have answers for that. Neither does Derek or Scott. I doubt Deaton does either."
This is when she was freshly bitten, he thought.
Instead of being scared of what he thought, she was worried about Stiles. The only human in the pack. It was understandable.
He put down the notebook. "Hey," He gains her attention, her eyebrows raised in awareness.
"How'd you and the boys become friends?", he asked. She smiled, closing the book in front of her.
"That's kind of a big trip down memory lane.", she chuckled. "I guess it all happened after Jayson left."
He shook his head as he backed away. "You and Sam can stay here for all I care. Let her deal with your shit."
The older Wilson left the house with a slam from the front door, making his mother flinch from the loud noise.
Behind her, her daughter stood on the stairwell, visibly upset at her older brother leaving so abruptly and angrily, no less.
Immediately, she was brought to tears. Denise turned around to see Sam bubble eyed and her shoulders dropped as she cooed, holding her arms out for the girl.
Sam immediately ran into her mother's arms, silently weeping. Was it her fault? Was her father never returning? Did he really die? From what? Where was he? Why'd he leave to begin with?
Why was Jayson so upset?
The girl never understood it. Months after Jayson left, school began for the youngest Wilson.
She was new to Beacon Hills and everyone that has already lived here seemed to know each other already. She didn't want to just go up to anyone and intrude. It wasn't nice.
As she was introduced in her 3rd grade class, a sparkly eyed boy began to be intrigued by the girl while the rest of the class either snickered at the girl's shyness or ignored her as she found her seat. 
As lunch arrived, Sam sat alone, taking note of the cliques of the elementary school. Just barely taking a bite of her lunch, the boy from before rushed to her table, startling her with his boisterous personality.
"Hey! I'm Stiles! What's your name?", he introduced with a grin. Sam stood in shock for a moment. He… wanted to sit with her?
She looked around before looking at him who looked at her with a confused, but amused expression. "Yes, you.", he laughed. The girl smiles. "I'm Sam.", she says.
He grins anyways. "I knew that. Just wanted to see what you'd say. Anyways, this school's boring and everyone's already made friends because they're popular," He said, rolling his eyes before pausing.
His eyes widened in adoration before softening as his expression became almost lovesick. Sam followed his eyesight to see a redheaded girl. "Who's that?", she asked.
"Lydia Martin. The prettiest girl in Beacon Hills.", he said, dreamily. Sam looked at Stiles once more and snickered. "You have a crush.", she teased.
Stiles snapped out of his lovesick trance and frowned at the girl. "N-No, I don't! I just think she's pretty is all!", he says, his cheeks growing a bright red.
Sam giggled at his bashfulness. Stiles chuckled as well and the two began talking over lunch before returning to class once more.
Sam learned that there were more bullies than just mean girls. There was a main bully and his name was Jackson Whittemore.
He was popular because he was fast and apparently "funny". He attracted all the girls which boosted his little ego.
Sam didn't understand it. Neither did Stiles.
At the end of the day, Stiles decided he wanted to hang out some more with the Wilson girl and let her follow him home, promising that they'd play video games on the console he had gotten from his mom.
As they walked in, Stiles announced himself to his mother who became aware of her son's new friend.
The woman smiled, softly scolding Stiles. "You can't just take everyone home. I have to make sure her mom knows she's here.", she says before turning to Sam.
"Do you know your mom's number?", she asked. Sam nodded and let the mother know before rushing off to play with Stiles.
Denise was worried once she got the call, but learning that her daughter received a friend on her first day of school, it was one less thing to worry about.
From then on, the two had become inseparable. Whatever Stiles wanted to do, Sam agreed and vise versa. It was a lot of fun with just those two. In the months they had become friends, Sam learned a few things. Stiles' dad was a deputy, and his mom was sick.
And gradually she got worse and ended up dying. Sam didn't know until she saw that Stiles wasn't at school one day, which was a rarity.
After school, she headed to his house and knocked on his door. For a couple of moments, no one answered until Mr. Stilinski opened the door, the toll of his wife's death evident on his face.
The man gave Sam a soft, welcoming smile anyways and let her in to see his son. Not for his own sanity, but for his son's as well. He needed someone even if it wasn't him.
Sam walked up the stairs to Stiles' room and knocked on his door. A quiet "yes?" could be heard from the other side and Sam peeked in the boy's room.
Stiles was laid in his bed, his back facing the rest of the room. He was picking at the paint on his wall, miserably.
His whole room was full of sorrow. His curtains were closed when he usually had them open, he hadn't cleaned his floor and his backpack looked like it hadn't even been touched.
"It's me.", Sam said softly. The boy paused and turned to look at her. "You're here… why?", he asked.
She walked up to him. "I missed you at school today. It was boring without you.", she said, her attention driven to her shoes now.
Stiles frowned. He wasn't sure what to do anymore. Was there any point of going anymore?
He sucked up his own feelings and gave her a smile. "I'm fine. Things like this happen apparently. I wasn't alive when my grandma died so it's not that bad.", he rambled.
Sam frowned. He just… smiled? It was the opposite of how his room looked. He was lying.
She walked closer and sat on his bed. "Stiles… it's okay if you're upset. You're allowed to be. It's sad. You're supposed to feel sad and that's okay. It's okay to be sad.", she expressed, trying to get him to understand. She hoped he understood what she was trying to say.
It wasn't his fault.
Stiles couldn't keep his smile for long. Sobs bubbled up in his chest as he sat up and clung to Sam like a koala, refusing to let go as he wept.
Jumbled words like, "She left me", "I did it", "I killed her" reached Sam's ears and she refused to let him think that way while she was there.
It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair that he thought that way. The boy couldn't hurt a fly even if he wanted to.
For hours, Sam stayed by Stiles' side until his sobs died down to soft sniffles even after he fell asleep. Noah found the kids napping on Stiles' bed, taking in his son's clingy, sleeping stature.
He was grateful that Sam was here for him and that she stayed. He'd let her mother know what happened and why.
When Denise found out, she was apologetic and even brought to tears herself. Stiles was without a mother and Noah was without a wife.
It was gonna be a heavy change for the both of them, so she decided that she and Sam would take care of them when they needed help. Even if they didn't need help, they'd be there for comfort. To be there when they just wanted to talk.
The funeral came and went and the two stayed by each other's side even after meeting another boy named Scott McCall, who's mom was close to Stiles' dad and was there when his mother died.
The boy came up to the two, mainly apologetic to Stiles. Despite the saddened event, Scott managed to still become acquainted with the two.
Since then, their bond became closer. After the funeral, Sam couldn't help but be saddened as she laid in her room. She hoped her father wasn't dead. She missed Jay so much.
Later that night, Denise sat Sam down in her room, a long talk ensued.
"So, as you know, your daddy hasn't been around anymore.", Denise started. Sam nods. "Well, I have this friend who likes me and I… maybe like him back.", Denise explains.
Sam's eyebrows raised in interest. "You have a crush?"
Denise watched her daughter's facial expression, searching for sadness, or resentment. When she found neither, she continued. "I do. And he likes me back, but I was wondering if that was okay with you?"
Sam sat up, almost excited and nodded with a smile. "I'm okay with that, Mama. As long as you're happy!", she says, making her mother smile with shiny eyes.
She brought the girl in her arms and placed a loving kiss on her forehead. "I knew you'd be okay with it.", she hummed, squeezing her child. "My sweet girl.", she squealed and playfully peppered kisses all over her face, making Sam laugh.
"Mama!", Sam giggled. The woman stopped, giggling herself. "Alright, alright. Sleep tight, baby. I'll bring him tomorrow.", she says, tucking the girl in and leaving her room.
Sam waited until her mother was down the hall and rushed to her window, looking up at the bright moon in the sky.
She clasped her hands together and spoke her wishes. After she finished, she snuggled under her blankets, excited now. She had hoped the man was really kind. Kind enough to like her mom. She hoped he was kind enough to be nice to her too.
The next day, Sam finally got to meet the mystery man, she was nervous. The man was fairly groomed, had a sweet smile and kind eyes, though the sudden shift in atmosphere around her made her feel… off.
She didn't question it, however. She was excited to meet him. Carl Smith, that was his name. He was a carpenter and visited the antique store.
He was sweet to her and her mother just like she wished. He even moved in and treated them like his own family after the first 5 months.
One night, Sam climbed up on the counter in the kitchen, looking for a mug to drink warm milk to get to sleep. Her mom was at the shop for the night and usually Sam held down the fort.
While grabbing at a mug, she hadn't realized she knocked over a glass until it was too late. She dropped a glass before. It was an accident. Her mom never yelled at her about it, understanding that the girl usually liked being independent with getting her own needs if nearby, but that didn't slide with Carl.
The shattering sound woke him up, and he stormed into the kitchen, finding Sam on the counter, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights.
"What're you doing!?", he yelled. Sam shrunk, still holding the mug. "I-I was trying to get milk…"
Carl shook his head and pointed a finger at the girl. "Stay right there." He moved around the shattered glass and got the broom and dustpan before sweeping up the shards.
After he was finished, he yanked the girl down from the counter, the tight grip on her arm making her whimper.
"Next time you need something, you ask. Don't just do shit by yourself.", he grounded out. "You understand?"
Sam's lips trembled as she nodded. Carl took the mug away and shoved the girl off to bed.
Needless to say, Sam was afraid the whole night. The next day at school, the young trio sat in class, the day much better than the previous night.
They were laughing about something Scott had done. The soft boy stumbling over his words had tried to deflect his embarrassment. As Stiles tried to make a joke, something caught his eye.
Now, he was no stranger when it came to cuts, scrapes and bruises. The boy was often clumsy and often ran as if he were to fall flat on his face if he never caught himself. His head tilted in curiosity as he gained Sam’s attention.
How’d you get that bruise, he’d ask stunning the girl into silence. Sam looked down at her sleeve that flipped open after she’d washed her hands, revealing the bruise she had gained last night. She only noticed how bad it was after waking up and letting the harsh, sore, gripped appendage sit without treating it. Pulling the sleeve back over her wrist, she gave them a smile.
“I must’ve bumped into something last night. I think I was super tired and ran into something in the dark when I was getting something to drink.”, she excused. Scott agreed. “I do that sometimes.”, he said. Sam chuckled. “Of course you would.”
However, that didn’t slide past Stiles. The bruise was photographed in his mind. The bruise didn’t look like she had bumped into something. It almost looked like a hand…
A very large hand. Way bigger than hers.
He shook his head. He knew better than to play detective. It wasn’t his business.
Since that day, he’d see less and less of Sam. She would be nothing more than a hi or bye and rush off where he couldn’t follow. She didn’t even take the bus with him and Scott anymore. She wasn’t there to celebrate when his dad had become the sheriff either.
And the times when she was in class, she’d never meet his eyes. She wouldn’t talk to Scott either, which at the time, he even hoped she would. It didn’t even have to be him that she talked to, but he wished she’d just talk.
One day, Stiles found her defending a boy from two bullies. They were in the 6th grade and way bigger than her and the asthmatic boy. And yet, she fought them off. Albeit, getting hurt herself, she seemed to withstand their violence towards her and ran off when a teacher came and stopped the altercation.
Stiles couldn’t help but watch from the sidelines. What could he do if she didn’t want to talk…?
After school, he caught her reluctantly getting in a car with a man and automatically felt defensive until he realized that must’ve been the man she talked about before.
He still didn’t feel right. The man hadn’t come out of the car to address what happened with the boys from before to the teachers. He should’ve cared.
Stiles sighed and went home. He was still worried. Why wouldn’t she talk to him? What was up with her weird, evasive behavior….? Why did she seem to have new bruises every time he saw her?
They weren’t even like bruises the teachers paid attention to. They were hidden, she even had bandaids to cover them, so of course teachers would assume she had some accident. That was normal for a kid to get scraped up here and there.
But it was a new thing almost every day. He paid attention.
He was sure of it. This thinking kept him up all night. That man couldn’t possibly be hurting Sam. There’s just no way. He didn’t even think Mrs. Wilson was capable of hurting Sam. She was sweet, wonderful, and very welcoming.
The last time he’d been to her house, he had a weird vibe about the man there. He didn’t look sober half of the time. He smelled like alcohol here and there. It had him worrying about his own father and how much liquor the man consumed.
After he left, he didn’t feel like leaving yet, and Sam didn’t want him or Scott to go. In fact, she seemed…almost desperate for them to stay. Is that why she isn’t talking to either of them? It was kinda childish of her, if that was the case, considering they’d see each other almost every day.
But if it wasn’t because of that…
He sighed. He really hoped she was okay.
The next day only made his anxiety spike. He hadn’t seen her just yet. They arrived almost at the same time every day at school. He searched for Scott and found him saying bye to his mom.
Hours had passed and it was already noon. Sam hadn’t arrived. Stiles glanced at Scott worriedly who was unaware of his worrisome looks.
Scott came up to Stiles, confused about the boy’s jittery behavior. “Hey, you seen Sam yet?”, Stiles asked. Scott shook his head. “She should be here soon anyways. Maybe she’s sick?”
Stiles hoped so. He really did.
More hours had passed and it was nearly the end of the day. She still hadn't shown up.
Stiles did the only thing he knew best, and that was to cause a distraction. The boy grabbed his desk, squeaking it back and forth along the tile floor of the classroom, gaining his teacher’s attention.
The teacher, annoyed with the boy’s action, promptly sent him to the principal’s office which he happily obliged.
The principal of the elementary school scolded Stiles for his disruptive behavior as he called the boy’s father.
Mr. Stilinski, already exhausted from the responsibilities of his new position, made it to the school ready to scold his child. Stiles didn’t care about any of that, though. That was the least of his worries.
Before his father could start, Stiles yanked the man outside, desperate for his attention. “Dad, you have to go to Sam’s house.”
Noah looked exasperated, and even disappointed. “Stiles, really? You caused a disruption all because Sam’s missed one day?”
Stiles’ eyes got glossy. He wasn’t listening. “Dad, I’m serious!”, his voice cracked. “It’s way more than that. Just-- please go to Sam’s house. Please go check up on her.”, he begged, making his father falter in his disappointment for the boy’s strange behavior.
Noah sighed. “I’ll go check. But after that, you go back to class and you apologize to your teacher.”, he reprimanded and left the boy in the cold hallway.
Stiles couldn’t move. His heart was in his stomach. All his questions were jumbled, but remained the same.
Is Sam okay?
Noah rode down the road to the Wilson residence, and called Denise. Getting a quick answer, he heard, “Hey, Noah!”
He smiled, “Hey, uh, is Sam home?”, he asked. There was a pause. “Uh, no? She should be at school. Carl said he’d drop her off while I was at work. My mom needed me to come in early for the big sales today.”, Denise responds.
Noah’s face dropped. His heart bumped in his chest as well. The girl wasn’t at school, his son’s panicked behavior…
That led him to believe Stiles knew more than he was saying. “Alright, then. I’ll talk to you later.”, he said, abruptly hanging up the phone. He sped down the road, quickly getting to the house, finding the driveway empty.
Sam wasn’t at school. Stiles was sure of that.
Noah quickly got out of his car and knocked loudly on the door. “Hello, is anyone home?”, he exclaimed loudly.
Once he didn’t get a response, he quickly repeated his question before ramming his shoulder into the door, quickly getting it open.
The sheriff looked around, seeing an empty living room. No one was home.
Correction, no one was downstairs. He walked to the staircase, looking up as he called, “Sam?”
No response.
He bound up the stairs with harsh, heavy steps, quickly finding the girl’s room. Once he opened the door, his steps stopped. His heart nearly shattered as he saw the girl’s tattered clothes, or what was left of them. Her bloody, beaten face next to shards of brown glass that belonged to a bottle of some sort.
He rushed over to her, trying to find a sign that she was at least alive. He found a pulse. It was there, just faint. She wasn’t responding to any of his words as he held her.
He grabbed his comms, immediately rushing for an ambulance and for his other comrades to find the man that had done this. Sam was quickly rushed to the hospital, the poor sight of the girl breaking the heart of Melissa McCall.
Sam was still unresponsive, but her pulse was much the opposite. It became stronger after she received her treatment and laid quietly in her hospital room.
Denise was immediately called to the hospital, sobbing at the state of her daughter. It was my fault, she cried. I should’ve taken her to school, she sobbed.
Noah and his deputies found the drunken man at a bar down the street, promptly arrested for attempted murder, abuse and rape of a child. Despite the man’s drunken, disgusting excuses, Noah made sure Carl was going straight to prison. He could do that. He was the sheriff after all.
After the filing, Stiles was brought to the department, still worried. “Dad…?”, he’d call, making his father look at him with glassy eyes. The situation hadn’t made its way to the school. It hadn’t hit him until now. Until he saw his son’s worried, unaware face.
Noah walked up to his son, kneeling and placed a hand on his shoulder. “She’s…Well…Sam’s going to be okay.”, he said. Stiles shook his head, his anxiety spiking once more. “She’s…dead…?”
Noah shook his head quickly, and explained simply that she was hurt and that Stiles was right to be worried.
“How did you know something was happening?”, he asked his son. “She wasn’t talking to me or Scott. She had all these bruises and was making up excuses for them. I just…I wasn’t sure what to do.”, Stiles squeaked quietly with a shrug.
Noah wrapped his arms around the boy. “You did the right thing telling me when you did.”, he told Stiles. Stiles hugged his dad just as tight, letting out some sobs into his dad’s shoulder.
Out of relief and sadness, he was glad she was alive. Hurt, but alive nonetheless.
When she was finally awake, he got to see her and brought every single thing He could think of that would cheer her up.
For hours, they'd play little games here and there. When he took a break, he came back to hear Sam's sobs. He peeked in her hospital room to see her mom holding the girl's hand as tears ran down her face.
"I won't be selfish again…! I won't get in trouble anymore! I won't fight anymore! I just want daddy to come home!", Sam sobbed. Denise brought the girl in her arms. She wished her husband had come home too. Maybe none of this would've happened if she hadn't brought up her worries about the town.
Maybe he wouldn't have left.
Sam sighed. "And that's what happened. Since then, Stiles stuck to me like glue. Scott didn't know what happened. I asked him not to tell Scott."
Derek wanted to roll his eyes. That plan didn't work, since Stiles had already expressed his anger toward the Wilson men and explained what happened.
Though, he was angry himself. He was angry that it happened at all.
"That shouldn't have happened to you. Not at all.", Derek says, shaking his head. "But it did, and I'm here.", Sam says.
He looks in her eyes, "And you're so strong for that. For withstanding everything that bastard did to you. You shouldn't have had to. It was fucked up.", he said.
Sam smiled softly and moved closer to crawl into his arms. "It was, but it won't happen again.", Sam said. There wasn't much she could say about it. What was done, was done. She killed him already. He couldn't harm anyone else anymore.
His soul belonged to her after all.
Derek placed a kiss on top of her forehead. "And I'll make sure it won't happen again. Ever."
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darkbluekies · 1 year
Dr Kry is the Yandere of all time, I want him.
Deja vu / Welcome home
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doctor!yandere OC x fem!reader Summary: 8 years have passed. Dr Kry gets your son as his patient and decides to get you back once and for all — and to keep you forever. Warnings: kidnapping, manipulation, gaslighting, blackmail, drugs, medicine, involuntarily removing clothes Word count: 4.6k
A/N: here you have him, all to yourself :)
It’s just like any day. Nothing out of the ordinary. Dr Kry looks down at his patient list. Just three people, one being a seven year old boy. It won’t be hard. he might even get to go home early today. He has leg pain, possibly a broken foot. 
Dr Kry grabs a wheelchair and walks out into the waiting room where he sees the little boy sitting all alone on a chair, swinging his legs carefully. 
“Noah?” he asks. 
The little boy looks up and jumps down from his seat. He limps. Dr Kry smiles warmly and holds out his hand to help the little boy up in the chair. 
“Are you here alone?” Dr Kry asks and starts to push the wheelchair. 
“Yes … mom and dad couldn’t get of off work”, the little boy mumbles. 
“You have nothing to be afraid of, I will take very good care of you. You’re very brave to come here all by yourself. Like a big boy.”
Noah giggles. Dr Kry smiles slightly, feeling his heart swell. He does like children … just not the loud, crying ones. 
“There we go”, Dr Kry says as they enter his office. He sinks down in his chair. “Now, won’t you tell me what happened to you? It says in your journals that you have some leg pain.”
“I hurt myself while playing football”, Noah answers. “The grass was wet and I slipped.”
“You have to be careful playing sports. Too many injuries and then it’ll be irreversible.”
“Oh …”
Dr Kry senses the fear creeping over the little boy. He smiles warmly. 
“I’m sure there’s nothing to be afraid of”, he reassures him. “I’m going to take an x-ray scan of you. You’re a brave boy, you’ll let me do it, won’t you?”
Noah nods carefully. Dr Kry smiles and ruffles his hair. He takes out the x-ray machine and moves the little boy over to the bed. He’s careful and comforts Noah along every step. He can tell that the little boy’s foot has gotten sprained. 
“Alright, brave boy”, he says and removes the machine. “You have a sprained ankle.”
“Is that bad?” Noah asks with wide, tearful eyes. 
“No, it’s not. It could have been broken and then you’d have some troubles, but this is nothing.”
He picks up the journal to write it down when something catches his eyes. The full name of Noah’s mother is so familiar. Dr Kry can feel his heart stop. It can’t be true. 
“Noah, is your mother Y/N L/N?” he asks while trying to control the tremble in his voice. 
“She has a new last name now”, Noah says. “That’s her name before she married dad.”
An invisible punch lunches against Dr Kry’s chest. But he feels a weird liberation. After eight long years he might finally meet you again. You can be together again!
“Why?” Noah asks quietly. 
“Nothing, nothing”, Dr Kry says quickly and smiles. “She’s just an old friend of mine. Nice to see her name again …” He looks around. “I should uh … move you … to a room instead. I think you’ll have to stay here overnight.”
“No! I don’t want to sleep here! I want my mom …”
So do I, Dr Kry wants to say. 
“It’s okay”, he says. “I’ll stay with you. And maybe your mom can come too.”
He lifts the young boy in his arms and walks out of his office. He holds one of his hands in the back of Noah’s neck, gulping. This is the closest he’s been to you since you escaped from him. Your DNA is in the very boy he’s holding. Dr Kry nods. He has to protect this little boy. 
He takes the elevator up, looking at Noah in the mirror with a small smile. Dr Kry walks into the room. The exact same room he kept you in eight years ago. He places you down in the exact same bed you’ve been lying in. He has kept the room the same as it was when you left, in hopes of you one day returning. The books in the shelves are still there with their bookmarks showing where you stopped. He can’t wait for you to pick up where you left off.
“I’ll go call your mom”, Dr Kry says and lifts up the journal. 
He copies the telephone number from the page into his phone. His hands are trembling. He can’t believe that he’s going to speak with you again! Dr Kry walks out into the corridor and dials. He holds the phone to his ear, swallowing. 
Your sweet voice is enough to cause his legs to shake. He suddenly feels like a schoolboy again. Oh, how he hates it. 
“Y/N …”, he whispers out when remembering how to speak. 
“Why are you calling me?” you ask harshly. “How did you get my number?!”
“Your son came into my office and-”
“Oh my God! Don’t touch him, please! Kry, please, he’s innocent.”
Hearing you plead like that again gives him the confidence back. 
“Don’t freak out now”, he says. “I’m not going to hurt him. Better yet, I’ll cure him … but I won’t let him go unless you come here. Alone. And if you tell anyone I’ll have to cause an … accident. You’re familiar with those, aren't you?”
“You fucking madman, Kry!”
He smiles. 
“So you’ll come?” he asks excitedly. “I’ll see you in twenty minutes then. I’ll be waiting.”
He hangs up.
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You barely park the car. You're not sure it's even straight in the parking space, but, frankly, at the moment that's the least of your concerns. With a heart beating in your ears, you run towards the hospital's that once nearly killed you. You can tell that he's waiting in the lobby. Abruptly, you stop. He looks the exact same as he did eight years ago. Your heart drops. Suddenly you feel like you did all those years ago — heavy, small and cloudy. It's as if the poison has entered your veins again.
Dr Kry smiles and jogs over to you before he wraps his arms around you. You're too stunned to move. 
"Y/N, oh my God, it's actually you", he whispers, fingers digging into your back. "You're so pretty."
You finally get control over your limbs. Harshly, you push him back. He's visibly upset by your action, but keeps his composure.
"I just want my son, Kry", you say with make believe courage. “I’m not here to forgive you.”
“Very well”, he sighs out shortly and fixes his white lab coat. “I understand.”
“Just show me where he is.”
“I think you know the way very well.”
Your eyes widen. Mortified, you shake your head. Dr Kry revels in your fear. It’s your punishment for leaving him. You should be scared of him after everything you’ve done to him.
“Kry … no …”, you plead in a low voice, feeling smaller than ever. “I don’t want to go there! Just get me my son, this isn’t funny.”
“Do you really want me to go alone and get your son?”
You realize the danger and quickly change your mind. Dr Kry waits patiently. He doesn’t have to rush things. He has you right where he wants you. You’re in his territory now, he’s in charge again. 
“No, no, no”, you ramble in panic and quiet down, relaxing voluntarily. “Okay, fine … I’ll come with you.”
“Good girl.” He holds out his arm towards the elevators. “Shall we?”
You glare at him before walking in front of him. When you pass him, you can tell that there’s a wicked grin plastered on his face. You’re very well aware that you’re walking right into the lion’s den, but what other choice do you have? Your son is here all alone in the hands of a madman. As a mother, you can’t leave him here. 
Dr Kry presses the elevator button and the doors slide to the sides. You walk in and curl up in the corner of the metallic elevator, hugging yourself and hating how you feel so small. You shouldn’t. Dr Kry moves closer. 
“Don’t cry, little one”, he says comfortingly. 
That nickname.
“Don’t call me that”, you tell him. You’re meant to say it firmly, but it comes out as another pathetic plead. 
He terrify you like none other, still, after all these years.
He cups your face between his large hands. Never before have you wished that the elevator ride could be quicker. He caresses your cheeks with his thumbs lovingly. It makes you sick. 
“Your son is okay”, he whispers, ice blue eyes staring right into yours. “And I do not intend to hurt him. 
“You fucking liar”, you whisper and sob. 
He collects a tear with his thumb and stares at it adoringly before leaning forward and kissing your forehead. Finally, you gain control of yourself and push him off. 
“Let me go!” you shout angrily. 
The elevator doors finally open and you scurry past him out into the familiar corridor. Dr Kry grabs your arm firmly, stopping you abruptly. You spin around to meet him with a hammering heart. 
“Before we go in, you need to get yourself together”, he warns you. “Your son is in there. Do you want to scare him with your tears and frantic behavior?”
“Of course not”, you whimper. 
Dr Kry picks up his handkerchief from his lab coat pocket and hands it to you. 
“Then wipe your tears”, he advices you softly. “We’ll do some breathing exercises.”
You dry your eyes and take a deep breath, hating that you once again follow his lead. When he’s satisfied, he walks over to the door that kept you locked in for months and months on end. You stop, preparing yourself. You’re not sure how you’ll react to seeing the room. After you escaped, you’ve dreamt nightmares about it. 
“Sweetheart, are you alright?” Dr Kry asks, sounding genuinely concerned. 
“Yes, I’m fine”, you say coldly. 
He opens the door and you walk in, heart skipping a beat when you see your poor little boy sitting in the same bed you’ve been tied to. 
“Noah!” you breathe out and run over, hugging him tightly. “How are you? Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“My leg is broken”, he mumble embarrassedly. 
“Not broken, little man”, Dr Kry smiles. “Sprained, remember? It’ll be okay in no time.”
You hug your son again, trying to hide how terrified you really are. Dr Kry stands behind you and watches you with loving eyes. He shows you the results of the x-ray and asks you to step outside with him again. Carefully, he closes the door behind you both. 
“You said you’d cure him”, you say quietly with a venomous voice. “You said you’d cure him and let him go if I came here … and I’m here now. Keep your end of the promise, Kry.”
“I guess I could do that”, Dr Kry says thoughtfully. “If that’s what you want.”
“Of course it is.”
“But in that case, I want you to stay here.”
“No fucking way!” you almost shout. “I’m not going through this shit again!”
Dr Kry raises his eyebrows warningly. “Lower your voice.”
You bite your cheeks. 
“I won’t let you treat me like that again, Kry”, you hiss. 
“I see”, he says and sighs heavily. “In that case, I guess I’ll have to do what I feared. I don’t want to hurt anyone with your genetic material … but if you don’t let me care for you again, I’ll do what is necessary to keep you with me.”
“You’re sick.”
Dr Kry takes a step forward. You back.
“You will do what I want unless you want me to kill your son”, he says quietly. “You know what I can do. Do you really want to test your luck?”
You hide your face in your shaking hands to prevent yourself from going insane. Tears starts to flow once again. Dr Kry puts his hand on your shoulder. 
“What do you say, Y/N?” he asks. “I will let your son and … husband … go if you let me have you again. I have no use or interest in them. They’ll be completely safe. All I want is you. No one else.”
Your sobs make his heart shatter, but he has to stand his ground. 
“It’s not a hard choice”, he says softly. “Don’t you want to save your son? I know you want to. You’re such a good person, the best I’ve ever met. You always want to care for others. So what do you say? Will you do what I want?”
“Yes, fine”, you mumble defeatedly into your hands. “If that’s what it takes to keep him safe.”
Dr Kry breaks out into a smile and hugs you tightly. He leans his head on yours and breathe out in relief. You’re his patient again, you’re his. He tries to remove your hands from your face. 
“Will you stay here while I contact Noah’s father?” he asks. 
He feels better calling your husband Noah’s father than your spouse. Dr Kry takes your phone to call him. While he’s talking to your husband, you feel like you’re going to throw up. Dr Kry tells the man that he can come get Noah, but that you have to stay for checkups that will mostly take the rest of the evening. You’ll have to stay the night. You listen to it all. You want to snatch the phone and scream that you’ll be hurt again, but you can’t move. Things are starting to sink in. 
“Let’s go inside the room and wait for him”, Dr Kry says and puts his hand on your back. “Come here, sweetheart. Wipe your tears and put on that smile I love. He’ll be safe soon, think about that.”
You nod and dry your eyes with your sleeve. Dr Kry opens the door again and you enter. The doctor gives your son a pair of crutches and tells him to stay off his hurt foot for a while. He should do more, but he can’t think straight. All he wants is for him to get out of the hospital so he can have you all to himself. 
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When your husband has come to the hospital, Dr Kry leaves the room with Noah, locking the door behind him. You have ten minutes for yourself in the room. You take the opportunity to walk around and look at it. Eight years have passed, and yet everything’s right where it was left. The bookmarks in the books are still where you stopped reading. A lump forms in your throat. Will you go back to that terrified, weak woman again? Will he strip you of everything again? Tears run down your face. You’re really back in his grasp. He will isolate you, deprive you of everything but him. He will kill you.
The door opens behind you, but you don’t dare to turn around. Fast footsteps reach you and you feel his arms around you. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks. “What happened?”
You only shake your head. 
“Come here, Y/N”, Dr Kry says and gently leads you by your upper arms to the bed. “Let’s talk.”
He sits you down and roll over on his stool. You keep your head down, hands trembling in your lap. 
“Y/N, I don’t want us to start off on the wrong foot”, he says and tries meeting your eyes. “I’ll do anything for you. You know that. I let your son and husband go. I wanted to do a lot to him for having a kid with you, but I didn’t.”
Don’t fall for it.
“Do you think that will make me forgive you?” you hiss and sniffle. “You killed so many people … and you poisoned me. My heart nearly failed! I had to have surgeries after I got out of here … I could have died.”
“I know. I’ve learned from my mistakes. I won’t do that again. I promise.” He reaches for his stethoscope. “Speaking of that, we need to check you. Do you mind taking off your clothes for me?”
“Yes, I do mind.”
He sends you a tired glance. “Y/N, don’t be so difficult. I’m not going to do anything weird. Have I ever done anything weird to you?”
You honestly can’t come up with a single thing he’s done that has gone over the top. Everytime he helped you in the bathtub, everytime he checked for lumps, he’s been professional. You might not trust Dr Kry in many areas, but this is one where you’re ready to give him the benefit of the doubt. 
“Exactly”, he says and gives a reassuring smile. “I just have to make sure that you’re okay. It’s been eight years. A lot can happen in those years.”
You sigh and remove your shirt. Dr Kry walks behind you and places the circular palette of the stethoscope against your spine. You shiver at the cold touch.
"Sorry", he whispers apologetically. 
You wait as he moves the stethoscope around.
"Your heart sounds okay, thankfully", he says in relief.
"It's not thanks to you", you mumble. 
"You can stop saying it. I'm not dumb, I know."
He asks you to lay down as he feels around your body after any abnormalities. You're suddenly exhausted, not sure of how long you can continue to stay alert. Too much has happened in the span of two hours. Of course, Dr Kry picks up on it. Of course he does.
"Are you tired?" he asks.
You don't answer. You keep your eyes down in your lap where your fingers scratch at your nails.
"I don't want to sleep here", you mumble.
"You won't do it many times", Dr Kry reassures you and walks over to the book shelf. "We're not going to stay here."
You look up. "We're not?"
"No. You escaped me one time. I can't let that happen again. We're going home."
Home? You remember Dr Kry talking about his home a few times. A 20th century villah with a big, spacious garden in the woods — far, far away from everyone and everything. 
"Now, what book do you want to continue?" Dr Kry asks.
You lower your head.
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Dr Kry spent the night with you. He lied down beside you in the bed. You had been handcuffed to the bedpost to make sure you'd stay in case you got any ideas.
"Are you hungry?" he asks as he sees you hold your hand over your stomach. He folds some papers and puts it in a box he's going to bring with him. "We'll stop somewhere for breakfast. I don't want to waste a single second here."
"I don't want to go anywhere with you, Kry", you say bitterly.
"That's 'Doctor' to you. You're my patient again, and hereby you shall call me 'Doctor'."
"Not a chance. You want me to call you that because it gives you authority. If we're leaving the hospital, you're not a doctor for me anymore."
"I didn't go to university and earn my degree for you to diminish my title." He smiles crookedly. "For every time you call me something other than a doctor is an hour you go without entertainment."
"You haven't even told me your first name, isn't that better than your title?"
Dr Kry turns to his box, picking it up."You don't need to know my first name."
"Why? Are you scared that I'll be able to sue you if I get away again?"
Dr Kry scoffs and turns to you, box in hand. "You could have sued me with my title and surname, Y/N. But you didn't." He raises a blond eyebrow. "And why was that? Hm?"
You glare at him. He takes a step forward, wickedness written all over his face.
"Deep down, I know you're scared of me", he says tauntingly. "You can pretend as much as you want, but you forget that I'm a doctor. I can read your body language better than anyone else. And do you know what I can read?"
He takes a step forward, causing you to take a step back. You shake your head at his infuriating question. 
"That you're absolutely terrified of me", he smiles. "And that's why you didn't sue me. You knew that I'd win one way or another and that I'd get my revenge on you. You didn't dare to meet me in a court room. So I'm happy that you used your brain and didn't do it. I didn't doubt you one single time. If there's one person in this world I actually trust, it's you."
Baffled, you blink. "What?"
"You were scared and I understand that. I know you never mean to do anything to hurt anyone, but you were scared that I'd kill you … so you escaped. It had nothing to do with me. But things will change now. You don't have to be afraid of me anymore."
Do not fall for it.
I don’t want to believe you. I don’t want you in my head anymore. I don’t want to fall in your traps again. Please be silent. I know your mind games. Please, be silent. Please.
“I love you, Y/N”, he says. “I really do.”
You don’t answer. You don’t know what you should answer. 
“Are you ready to go?” Dr Kry asks instead. “If you behave well, we can get whatever breakfast you want. Even junkfood.” 
How generous.
"And if I don't behave?" you ask and regret it immediately. 
"Then you'll have to sleep the entire ride", Dr Kry says and halts. "But maybe that's a good idea? That way, you won't see the road."
"Forget I asked."
"I'll give you a sleeping pill after you've eaten. Come now, let's go."
You sigh and follow him. Should you try to make a run for it? You're getting put to sleep after all. Doesn't matter if you behave or not.
"Don't try", Dr Kry says as you enter the elevator. "If you try the slightest thing, I'll have to do something I don't want to."
You decide to keep your mouth shut instead of asking questions this time. You follow him through the lobby, out to the parking lot, to his white car.
"Get into the front seat", Dr Kry says when you reach for the backseat doors.
You sigh and give up. When he's behind the wheel, the doors lock.
"Okay, Y/N", he says while breathing out in relief and watching the rear view mirror. "What do you want for breakfast?"
"McDonald's", you say. "I want their breakfast muffin."
He grimaces. "Eugh … fine. Okay. I did promise."
He doesn't turn on the radio, leaving you in silence with him. 
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You get your breakfast just in time. While you eat, you can see how Dr Kry picks out a sheet of pills from his box and cracks one open from its shell.
"Swallow this with your water", he says.
You want to snarl something back, but hold it in. Defeated, you swallow the pill. You can physically feel it slide down your throat.
"Good girl", Dr Kry says pleased. "Now you just have to sit back and relax."
You're not sure what he gave you, but just ten minutes later, you've blacked out harder than on a Friday night. Dr Kry can now drive in peace without having to worry about you memorizing the way. He glances at you from time to time, just to make sure your head isn't in an uncomfortable position or if you're awake. Swiftly, he drives off the main road, onto a smaller asphalt road, and eventually into a dirt road looking more like a bicycle path. The dirt road is divided in the middle with grass, creating enough space for the wheels of his white car. Out from the bushes a Scandinavian 1910s white tree villah exposes itself. Two floors with a green attic and bushy garden in the same color. A glass verandah meets them. Everything taken directly out of a Studio Ghibli movie.
Dr Kry jumps out of the car and walks over to your side. He picks you up in his arms and carries you inside. He remembers the first time he returned to the house after you escaped his claws. An unwelcoming smell hit him right in the face when he walked in. He felt like a cheater, spending more time at the hospital than at home. In reality it had been the lack of fresh air and after opening all the windows, it was gone.
Dr Kry walks upstairs and into his bedroom. Although you never came here — like his original plans stated — he kept his king sized bed. Just in case. And he's glad he did. Carefully, he places you under the covers, gently tucking you in.
"You're finally home", he whispers and caresses your forehead. "After way too long."
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You sit up and look around. Where are you? Right. Dr Kry's house. 
Quickly, you pull the covers off of you and sneak over to the door. It creaks slightly when you open it. First though crossing your mind is: where the hell is Dr Kry? Second: where is the front door? You sneak over to the white stairs and slowly move your way down. 
You feel every door you find, none leading out to freedom. Finally, you find the front door, but it’s locked. Every window as well. You sigh in fear. At any time, Dr Kry could find you. You’d rather know the place before that happens. You look around, peeking your head into every room you find. Finally, your eyes lay on a glassdoor leading out to the backyard garden. You walk out into a glass verandah and see how Dr Kry is standing by one of the mighty bushes, cutting come of the dead branches. In the soft sunlight, he almost looks ethereal. He doesn’t even resemble the doctor you know. 
When you realize that you’re staring, it’s already too late to slip away. He has noticed you.
“Oh, you’re awake, I see”, he says with a smile, lowering the hedge shears. “How are you feeling?”
“I … I don’t know”, you admit hesitantly with a shrug. “I feel kind of numb.”
“That’s okay, you’re not used to this house. Soon enough, you’ll love it as much as I do.”
You stand there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. You’ve never felt so lost — both mentally and physically. You have no idea where you are or what you should do. If you escape, where should you go? How do you get back to your family?
Dr Kry puts down the hedge shears and walks over to you. You flinch, but stand still, avoiding eye contact as best as possible. He puts his hands on your shoulders in a manner making you shiver in disgust. Dr Kry tries meeting your eyes, but you refuse to look in his general direction. Maybe you should have stayed in bed …
“Don’t you think it’s pretty here?” he asks softly. 
You do. Oh, how pretty you think it is, but you don’t want him to think you’re okay with being here. 
“I really want to go home, Kry- … doctor”, you mumble. 
He smiles at your little slipup. You corrected yourself, he won’t scold you. 
“You are home now”, he smiles and caresses your cheek. “You’re right where you should be. And I’m so happy about that. Come, let’s go inside.”
He leads you inside and close the doors behind him. You can hear the door lock behind you. When the there’s no escape anymore, the house suddenly feels cramped, almost claustrophobic. You gulp and glance at doctor Kry who’s smiling lovingly. 
“Welcome home, little one. We have so much lost time to catch up on.”
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moeitsu · 6 months
The Tie Which Linked My Soul To Thee
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Hi everyone! I have a new Arthur x female!OC fic I've been working on that's posted up on Ao3, so I figured I would share it here as well. Please let me know what you think! This story is currently still on-going :)
Ao3  Wattpad Masterlist - All Chapters Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch.4 Ch.5 Ch.6 Ch.7 Ch.8 Ch.9 Ch.10
Summary: Kate McCanon, a young widow from the north, meets outlaw Arthur Morgan. When the two cross paths she discovers a complex man wrestling with his own sense of right and wrong. As their unlikely bond deepens, Kate becomes determined to guide Arthur towards a brighter path, even as tensions rise within his gang led by the enigmatic Dutch van der Linde. With danger lurking at every turn, Kate must navigate treacherous territory to protect those she holds dear, all while finding love in the most unexpected of places. Tags: Arthur Morgan/Original Female Character, Widowed, Original Character, Mutual Pining, Slow Build, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, High Honor Arthur Morgan, Friends to Lovers, Child Loss, Trauma, Canon-Typical Violence, Arthur Morgan Does Not Have Tuberculosis, Arthur Morgan Deserves Happiness, Chubby Arthur Morgan, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Chapter 1 - The Frost Gleams Where The Flowers Have Been
Kate had never fancied herself a skilled woodworker. While she had lent a hand to her husband in constructing a barn, her role mostly entailed passing him tools and bringing him his lunch. But as she stood amidst the sawdust, tears streaking down her cheeks, she grappled with the daunting task ahead. She lacked both the sufficient wood and the patience to craft two coffins. Thus, the inevitable decision emerged: they would be laid to rest together.
The Reverend's suggestion to cremate the bodies, emphasizing the need to eradicate the disease completely, fell upon deaf ears. The mere thought of reducing her beloved husband and precious baby girl to ashes felt abhorrent to Kate. Instead, she harbored a tender hope that one day, perhaps, they would blossom into a magnificent Willow tree.
Amidst the melancholy chore, the vibrant symphony of birdsong provided a bittersweet backdrop, reminiscent of the lullabies she once crooned to her infant daughter. With a sorrowful melody humming in her heart, Kate toiled diligently, her hands blackened with grime, each wipe across her tear-stained cheeks a testament to her grief. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting their modest farm in a golden hue, Kate's work pressed on.
Night descended swiftly, cloaking the world in shadows that seemed to stretch for an eternity. Kate, perched upon her porch swing, found no solace in slumber. Her vigil was solemn, her gaze never wavering from the rough-hewn coffins that cradled her entire world within their confines.
With the break of dawn, the Reverend returned, his disapproval evident, yet tempered by resignation. Together, in a somber silence, they labored to fashion a final resting place. By mid-afternoon, the grave stood ready, a solemn abyss awaiting its occupants. With the Reverend's assistance, Kate tenderly lowered her cherished husband and daughter into the earth's cold embrace.
As dusk settled, the Reverend offered prayers and parting words before taking his leave. Left alone in her sorrow, Kate felt the weight of despair bearing down upon her. In a world forged by men and seemingly devoid of solace for a solitary widow, she found herself with no recourse but to depart.
Beneath the twilight sky, the epitaph etched upon their shared gravestone bore silent witness to her profound loss:
Here Lies My Beloved Noah, And Our Beautiful Daughter, Lorena.
May God Keep Their Souls.
As the sun rose over the horizon, casting its golden rays across the sprawling expanse of Emerald Ranch, Kate found herself amidst the ebb and flow of another day's labor. Nine years had slipped by since the tragic loss of her husband and daughter, a span of time marked by wandering footsteps and the pursuit of odd jobs on her journey westward. 
She had once heard her father say they had family in California, he had many sisters but only kept in touch with one. Kate wrote to her after the death of her husband, seeking asylum with a relative with nowhere else to go. Her Aunt wrote her back and gave her condolences, she said Kate would be welcome with open arms. 
However, the last she heard of her Aunt was 7 years ago. But still, she continued west. She had come too far and been through too much to stop now. What she hoped to find in the valleys of California, she did not know anymore. Over the years she became more cowboy and less of a woman, her once soft hands now calloused by years of labor. The untamed plains and cold hard ground had become both her refuge and her bed. 
She came to Emerald Ranch only a week ago, her boss; Seamus, was reluctant to hire a stranger, let alone a woman, to help on the ranch. Kate assured him she was cheap labor and was only looking for shelter and a place to rest until she was on the move again. Kate was no stranger to odd jobs, she took any work she could get and saved as much as she could. But she was no criminal. 
She heard Seamus talking to two men as she filled the troughs with clean water. The gentlemen said they were new in town and looking for a partnership, one in which they could both make money. 
“Look I ain't no idiot, and I don't trust folks outta the blue. If you want to work together then you're gonna have to prove to me you’re worth my time.” Her boss's voice raised above the usual noise of the barn animals. 
“Of course! We’re only interested in a partnership, just looking to make a little extra money.” Carried the voice of an older gentleman. 
“No doubt. I do interesting very well. It's trusting that I don't do so well.” her boss answered, still not convinced by the two strangers.
“Look at us, we’re honest as the day is long,” said the other man with cheer. 
“You really want us to prove ourselves to this clown Hosea?” said the other voice, sounding much younger than his partner. 
Seamus scoffed, “good day to you, Hosea.” 
“N-now wait a minute Seamus. Arthur can be rough, and quick with his tongue, but I swear you can trust him, you can trust me.” Hosea pleaded, following Seamus to the side of the barn. Kate now had a clear view of the new “business partners”. 
Kate didn't know Seamus very well, but she could tell he was an honest enough man. Wise for his years, and liked to keep his nose out of trouble. “I’m an old man Hosea,” he began, “and you know why I ain’t dead yet?” 
“Because you don't trust idiots,” Hosea finished.
“We’re not idiots, Seamus. Let us prove it to you.” Hosea had an air of confidence, he wasn't some runaway bum looking to make a quick buck. He was serious about a partnership. Although Kate wouldn't say the same for his partner, who loomed behind them like a panther ready to pounce. 
“Okay…I’ll tell you what, old Bob Crawford and his boys just bought a beautiful stolen stagecoach from up north. It’s in their barn. Now you go get that,” he looked around for anyone who might be listening to his scheming, “then we can work together.” He said quietly, placing a hand on Hosea’s shoulder. 
“Who’s Old Bob Crawford?” inquired Hosea.
“An acquaintance of mine…well, not just an acquaintance. He’s my cousin, by marriage.” Seamus explained. 
“Oh so now we’re meddlin’ in your family business?” Arthur boasted with skepticism. 
Hosea waved him off and continued speaking, “Where is he located?”
“Now hang on a moment, you boys could very easily take this coach and sell it yourselves for a pretty penny,” Seamus began. 
“So you comin’ with us? I thought you didn't want to be involved in shady business?” Arthur spoke up again. 
“Heavens no, if my cousin saw me it would be my death. I'm sending someone with you, as collateral.” Seamus turned around and saw Kate already watching them, he waved her over. 
Arthur shook his head disapprovingly, “nah, I don't do babysitters Seamus.” 
Kate was just as skeptical about her part in this, she told Seamus she was looking for honest work, and robbing his cousin certainly falls out of that line. 
“She’s not babysitting . She’ll take you to my cousin's farm and let you do the robbing. Kate has been working for me for a few days now and she’s tougher than she looks.” Seamus said turning to Kate, “I want you to make sure that stage coach gets back to me. You don't need to take part in the robbery.” 
“You’re fine with them robbing your cousin?” She spoke in a hushed tone so only Seamus could hear.
“By marriage,” he added, “and yes, I would love it. The man’s been a thorn in my ass for years.” He said amused.
She nodded in acknowledgement and turned to get a good look at the two strangers. One was indeed much older than the other, with cropped white hair peeking out from under his hat. The other gentleman was tall and burly, and he hid his eyes under the brim of his hat. He seemed wary of strangers and kept both hands resting on his gun belt. 
“Let me get my horse saddled and I’ll meet you boys at the intersection leading out of town.” She spoke, Hosea nodded and was already making his way to his horse. Arthur stood for a moment eyeing the woman, no doubt playing the intimidation tactic. But Kate had seen far scarier men than him in her days. “Y'know the quicker we get this done the quicker you fellas get paid.” She noted.
Arthur scoffed and finally followed Hosea to his horse, “don't need no damn babysitter,” he grumbled kicking dust.
Kate made quick work of saddling her black Hungarian roan, she calls Lorena. After her infant daughter. In a moments pass she was on the dirt road leading out of Emerald Ranch and toward Carmody Dell. She waved for the two men to follow her, they stayed behind her a short distance and made no effort for small conversation.
However, she overheard snippets of their own conversation as they went, “I thought you wanted me to be the strong arm? That's usually how it goes,” Arthur spoke.
“Yes but..” Hosea hesitated, lowering his tone a little, “you know how this works.”
“Cmon Hosea that fellers a joke, he don't even trust us enough to handle it ourselves. Now we got a chaperone.” Arthur complained loudly, at least he’s not calling me a babysitter , Kate thought. 
“All the better, he won't cause us any problems. And I cant blame the guy for sending the girl. Two strangers looking for quick money? Hell, I’d want assurance too.” Hosea answered, “besides, if he’s sending protection that means there’s big money to be made. Seamus wants his cut.” 
Kate came to the same conclusion, up until now Seamus had given her the usual ranch-hand tasks. Feeding and cleaning mostly. This was very different, there must be good money for this stage coach. 
“I guess you’re right,” Arthur muttered.
Hosea mumbled something back to Arthur about “hanging up their hats” if they couldn't finish a job as easy as this. They laughed and began chatting about their travels in Emerald ranch, Kate tuned them out and began humming a song to her horse. 
Her singing always pleased her horse and calmed the girl’s nerves. She was a strong and fierce steed, but jumpy and needy like a baby sometimes. Kate thought naming her horse after her daughter would bring her closure, instead, she was almost convinced that her daughter's spirit lived on in Lorena somehow. In all ways except biological, her horse was her baby.
Carmody Dell was a short distance north past the train tracks and Fort Wallace, Kate had passed it once before. They rode at a steady pace, the men behind her never coming too close. She wondered for a moment what their story was, and why they needed money so bad. Perhaps they were travelers like her, maybe they even had a caravan. She entertained the thought of traveling with a group again, but shuddered at the memories. Her previous caravan adventures had not ended well. 
Once the ranch was in view she slowed and allowed the boys to catch up on either side of her. She led them to a grassy clearing off the road. 
“You should continue on foot from here, I’ll stay behind with your horses.” She said dismounting. The two of them nodded and dismounted their horses, Kate was almost surprised to hear no objections from Arthur. 
“C'mon son, let's see what we’re dealing with here.” Hosea commented walking towards a large rock in front of the house. 
“Son”, so they are family . She mentally noted. Arthur gave his horse a pat, “be a good girl for the lady” he said, tipping his hat towards Kate. She was slightly taken aback by the sudden politeness.
She busied herself with the horses for a bit while the men laid out their plan, she gave Hosea and Arthurs horse a treat and was about to start brushing his horse when he approached her again. Startled, she backed away from his mare, she didn't want him to think she was snooping in his saddle bags. 
“You can keep brushin’ her, she loves attention,” he half smiled reaching up and petting her snout. “I just came to tell ya’ we’re gonna wait till it gets dark. Less chance of getting caught that way.” 
“Smart,” she replied, for whatever reason she suddenly felt very shy in his presence. 
He stood a few feet away from her and she could see more of his features. He was around her age. He had short dirty blond hair under his leather hat, and bright blue/green eyes. Her eyes lingered over his body. He was big too, more than a foot taller than her and well fed and muscular. His bicep had to be the size of her head alone, and she could tell by the fabric of his button down he had a bit of a belly hidden behind his gun belt. 
“What’s her name?” His voice broke through her awkward silence. 
“Who?” She asked and looked back at him. 
He chortled, “the black beauty you got over there,” he nodded to her horse. 
Oh, duh! “Her name is Lorena, she also loves attention but she’s nervous around new people.” Kate answered, still a bit lost in her thoughts. 
Arthur made a clicking sound with his tongue, reaching out a hand and slowly walking toward her horse. “It’s alright girl,” he cooed while she sniffed his palm. He pulled out a peppermint and gave it to her, which Lorena happily accepted. 
Kate smiled at the interaction, “you introduce yourself to my horse before me?” she teased. 
“My apologies ma’am,” he turned to face her, “names Arthur Morgan.”
“Nice to meet you Mr. Morgan, I’m Kate McCanon.” She reached out her hand and he shook it. His grip was firm but polite. 
“Likewise, Miss.McCanon. That’s Belle your brushin’, and that’s Silver Dollar.” He pointed at Hosea’s horse. “I saw this beauty when we first rode into Emerald ranch, had no idea she was yours tho.” He was talking about her horse again, “told myself I’d inquire about buying her if she was available.” 
Kate smiled at the affection he was showing for her horse, she knew Lorena was a beautiful mare. She often received compliments on the road, and many have offered to pay for her purebred. 
“I’m sorry to disappoint you, but she’s not for sale.” 
“Well I can certainly see that,” he laughed, “she seems happy though. You must take real good care of her.” He said, his attention still on her mare as he scratched under her chin. 
“You some kind of horse breeder Mr. Morgan?” Kate asked. 
Arthur laughed, “no no. Nothing like that, though sometimes I wish I was.” He smiled as he said it but Kate noticed there was a sadness in his tone. “I just think they’re neat is all.” 
They had only just met, and while Arthur was not initially the most pleasant, she found it incredibly cute how enraptured he was by her horse. 
“I should probably also apologize for my rudeness earlier, it’s been a rough couple weeks for us and we uh- don’t always take too kindly to strangers.” Arthur took off his hat as he spoke and held it to his chest, a sincere gesture. 
Kate was shocked, the man she met at Emerald ranch not even an hour ago seemed like a completely different person than the man before her. His cold demeanor was gone, or at least reined in at the moment. 
“No apology needed Mr. Morgan. I understand,” She answered. “Although I wouldn’t call it rude, you were just skeptical. Rightfully so, can I ask what brings you to Emerald Ranch?” 
Arthur looked away from her as he spoke, choosing to focus on her horse. “We’re just stayin’ in the area for a few weeks. Passin’ through and tryna make money.” 
“By robbing stagecoaches?” Kate said in an amused tone, “you a bunch of outlaws or something?” She continued, half-joking. 
Arthur looked at her with surprise, “What? No, we uh- got laid off from the railway. Up-north. Just looking for money so we can find a place to settle down again. That’s all.” He looked away again, avoiding her gaze. 
“I’ll say it again, by robbing stagecoaches?” She kept her tone playful, but wasn’t entirely convinced by his story. But it felt good to be the intimidator.
“Wasn’t our idea, Seamus asked us to rob his cousin!” His voice rose slightly with anger. 
“By marriage,” Kate retorted. 
Arthur was about to speak again but only stared at her. 
“I’m just pulling your leg Mr. Morgan.” Kate laughed. “It’s no business of mine. I’m only passing through here, same as you. What you do here and how you earn your money is your business. As is mine.” 
Arthur scoffed, suddenly amused, did this woman just tease me?
He went to speak again before another voice interrupted them, “Arthur! Get over here!” Called Hosea. He pointed a finger at Kate as to say this isn’t over and walked away. 
Amused with herself, Kate grabbed an apple and sat down against a tree. Watching the sun set as she waited for the cover of night so the two men could pull off their heist. 
Kate woke suddenly to the sound of horses moving. She quickly got up and looked in the direction of the ranch. Sure enough the stage coach was steadily moving down the path away from its place in the barn. She quickly mounted her horse and trotted over to them. 
“Nice work! Follow me back to Emerald Ranch and try to keep it in one piece.” She called up to Hosea who was driving the coach. With that she clicked her tongue and took off ahead of the coach at a steady but quick pace. Not wanting to get themselves caught. 
Before Hosea could crack the reins he looked to Arthur as he was about to get in the coach, “you ride ahead with her. I got this.” 
Arthur looked confused, “why wouldn’t I ride with you? The horses will follow.” 
Now Hosea was giving him an amused look, “I heard you with her earlier.” 
“And?” The cowboy replied slightly annoyed. 
“You’ve never fumbled our cover story so bad!” He quipped, “it was like listening to a child tell it!” 
Arthur shook his head, “now you’re playin’ match maker old man?” He teased, trying to hide his smile.   
“I’m just saying it wouldn’t kill you to go talk to her son."
Without another word Arthur nodded and dismounted the coach, getting into the saddle and riding off to catch up to Kate.
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hayleylatour · 2 months
Finding Peace 🕊️
Content warnings- angst, medical talk and hospital stay. NICU/ pre mature birth.
Summary- Mia and Noah are faced with the pre mature birth of their daughter, an emergency C-Section and a NICU stay.
Paring- Baby daddy! Noah Sebastian X OC Mia
~Chapter Seven~ Mia’s POV
~3 weeks later~
Gulping down the last of my water I set the glass in the sink as I double over and grab onto the counter. Pain shoots through my back, it’s almost like period cramping but about 10 times worse. No ones is home currently. The guys went to the studio early, Noah said they probably wouldn’t be back till late tonight. The pain has been coming and going since I woke up at 8am, it’s 5 in the evening now. It has become more frequent and more intense. As the pain subsides i walk to the table and grab my phone calling Noah.
“Hello?” He said after the third ring.
“Noah I need you to come home. I think she’s coming now.”
“What do you mean? You aren’t due for another like 7 weeks?” Panic rises in his voice and I can hear his keys jingle. “I’m on my way, I’ll be there in 20 minutes” a rush a liquid down my legs and a small puddle on the floor has me crying.
“Noah- my water broke” tears stream down my face. It’s too early, she’s not ready. Shes too early, too small, too weak.
“I’ll be there in 5, don’t move!” The engine roars to life. Noah is home in less than 5 minutes, his hair disheveled as if he’s been pulling at it.
“I’m scared” I’m shaking I can barely breathe the pain is becoming worse.
“It’s okay, why didn’t you call me earlier? I would have come home”
“I didn’t want to bother you”
“Let’s go, let’s go have a baby.” The ride to the hospital is a blur, the pain becomes almost unbearable. I’m rushed to labor and delivery and doctors and nurses are in and out of the room.
“When did you first notice the pain sweetheart?” An older lady ask me.
“When I got up this morning, around 8. I thought they were Braxton- ah” my sentence cut short as another pain arises.
“These are real sweets. Let’s call NICU make sure they’re ready for this little girl please” she calls out to one of the nurses. She nods before swiftly making her way out of the room.
“NICU?” Noah says.
“Yes sir- she’s a little early for the party. She’ll need some extra help adjusting” the woman says calmly. Noah’s eyes widened this wasn’t the plan, she was supposed to stay put. 7 weeks-she was supposed to keep getting bigger and stronger for 7 more weeks.
Roughly 2 hours had passed before doctors and nurses were running into the room. One throwing a paper gown to Noah. “Mia, her heart rate is low, we need to do something now. It could be detrimental, we need to do an emergency C-Section. Okay?” Being wheeled down the hall and to an elevator, we make our way to the OR.
“Okay Mama! we’re ready, dad should be here in just a second then we’re going to start.” The doctor says as Noah rushes through the double doors and straight to me. “Alright everyone, let’s have a baby.” The doctor starts asking for supplies, everyone is moving quickly and soon a small person is lifted above the curtain. Shes here.
“Congratulations it’s a girl!” The doctor says before handing her to the nurse, who rushes her to the warmer.
“Shes not crying! Why isn’t she crying? Hello somebody tell me why my daughter isnt crying! Noah please go- go see her. Why isn’t she crying?she’s supposed to cry!” The room is silent for a moment but it feels like an eternity before a loud scream is heard and I exhale a breath i didn’t know I was holding. Noah walks back over to me tears in his eyes as he begins brushing the hair back from my face. “Shes so beautiful, she has your nose and lips. Theyre going to take her now do you want to meet her before they go?” Nodding, he steps aside as a young nurse brings Ophelia into view. Wrapped in a white hospital blanket her cry’s have become more of a sniffle, she’s so little. How is she supposed to be able to fight when she’s this tiny.
After the doctor had closed me up and I was sent to recovery. Ophelia was taken to the NICU. Tubes and wires are covering most of her small body and face. “You can hold her if you want.” The nurse says to me. “You won’t hurt her.”
“This wasn’t supposed to happen. Shes not strong enough, we don’t have her nursery done. We were supposed to have time.” My voice wavers. Looking at my little girl, the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor she’s connected too almost like a metronome.
“Mia. She is strong, she’s a fighter. Got some damn strong lungs too.” I laugh of course she would.
“Thats all Noah. The strong lungs. He’s a vocalist”
The nurse-Rebecca, opens the glass box and gently picks Ophelia up and out. Handing her to me before stepping back.
“What’s her name? If you have one picked out.”
“Ophelia Grace Davis” Noah says coming up behind me. “The guys are finishing her room. They left soon after I did. It’s done. They’ll be here soon, they have some things for you. We forgot your bag and the doctor said we will be here at least 48 hours. Standard protocol for C-Section.” His voice is soothing but does little to heal the pain in my chest.
“Can we stay here for a few more minutes?” He nods. Rebecca walks out leaving us look at the person we created in awe.
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royaldaycare · 23 days
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Hello !! I'm Logan (or Johnny!) and welcome to my daycare! you can call me Logan, Lo, Johnny, big brother or dada! I also occasionally go by saint or my OC's callsign, Sparrow!
A little about me ! :
I use he/they/it pronouns as well as some neo's and xeno's too!
I'm trans, gay and asexual! I'm also questioning whether I am poly or not!
I am an age regressor and a caregiver! (my agere blog is @gh0stlyb34r !)
I'm 19 and my birthday is June 3rd!
I'm from the uk!
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my anons! ;
💚 ,
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I am a 100% sfw caregiver! any nsfw accounts will be blocked!
This blog is a safe space for regressors and caregivers alike! anyone that makes this blog an unsafe place will be blocked immediately
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My rules!
dni ; nsfw, edsh, zionist, racist, homophobic, against Palestine, transphobic, ableist, trump supporters, anti agere, ddlg/abdl accounts, anti petre
boundaries ; keep all terms used for me either masc or gender neutral, do not flirt with me (even if it is as a joke or friendly), please keep all asks sfw.
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My interests!
games ; call of duty, overwatch, resident evil 4, forza horizon, roblox (royale high, dress to impress, obby's and tycoons!), fnaf, poppy playtime, indigo park, red dead redemption 2, animal crossing new horizons, good pizza great pizza, hogwarts legacy, valorant, a little to the left, unpacking, mario kart 8, mario kart wii, just dance, the last of us
movies/shows ; deadpool & wolverine, deadpool, x-men, harry potter, fantastic beasts, atsv/itsv, marvel, star wars, the umbrella academy, stranger things, the batman, titains, heartstopper, young royals, criminal minds, fnaf, arcane, ghostbusters, barbie, oppenheimer, nimona, christopher robin
musicals ; les miserables, hamilton, waitress, the greatest showman, la la land, hairspray, dear even hansen, heathers, high school musical, lemonaid mouth, annie, descendants, beetlejuice, mama mia, tick tick boom, into the woods, mean girls, in the heights, little shop of horrors
youtubers ; pezzy, elasticdroid, puffer, grizzy, smii7y, gtlive, game theory, warn, frogger, aspen, beaplays, dawko, ethan nestor, blarg, thedooo, coleydoesthings, film cooper, dechart games, hthaze, james marriott
musicians ; james marriott, taylor swift, mcr, twenty one pilots, billie eilish, hozier, noah kahan, sleeping at last, the smiths, laufey, chappell roan, bruno major, paramore, novo amor, depeche mode, p!atd, daughter, djo, feels like july, florence the machine, frank sinatra, gerard way, ghost, lady gaga, lemon demon, lily allen, maya hawke, 1d, 5sos, mitski, micheal jackson, sleep token, taylor austen dye
misc ; books, dolls (monster high, lol, rh), pop figures, lego, posters, flowers, pin badges, jewellery, halloween, fall/autumn, deco pacis, colouring
DISCLAIMER ; I hold all of my faves accountable! I do not support jkr, noah schnapp ect!
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My faves !
celebs/authors ; pedro pascal, hugh jackman, ryan reynolds, ali hazelwood, kit connor, oscar isaac, hayden christensen, ewan mcgregor, tom hiddleston, andrew garfield, tom holland, aiden gallagher, eddie redmane, aaron tveit, erik j brown, david tennant, josh hutcherson, david harbour, wynina ryder, natalia dyer, maya hawke, matthew gray gubler, thomas gibson, aj cook, barry sloane, neli ellice
characters ; John 'Soap' MacTavish, Simon 'Ghost' Riley, Captain John Price, Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick, Robin Buckley, Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner, Penelope Garcia, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Loki, Logan Howlett, Scott Summers, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Ben Hargreeves, Luther Hargreeves, Newt Scamander, Din Djarin, Deadpool, Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Danny Zuko, Jean Valjean, Ben Florian, Flynn Rider, Aziraphale, Crowley, Nick Nelson, Charlie Spring, Diego Hargreeves
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dividers and Lydia banner by @kodaswrld <3 bj banner
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liaromancewriter · 2 months
Mirror Image
Premise: Sienna realizes her son is more like his father than she’s comfortable with.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairing: Sienna Trinh x M!OC (Max Valentine); feat. Noah Valentine (M!OC) Rating/Category: General. Fluff. Words: 740
A/N: This fic is from an ask by @jerzwriter, no.20 from this list of kiss prompts.
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As a pediatrician, Sienna Valentine (née Trinh) had seen her fair share of scrapes and broken bones. She often reassured the parents of her young patients that children were resilient and that minor injuries were part and parcel of growing up.
However, when the injured child was her own, she found it hard to remain quite so laissez-faire.
Sienna still vividly remembered the day at the playground six weeks ago. She took her eyes off Noah for just five seconds when she heard his scream. Her heart stopped in panic at the loud thud as he fell off the jungle gym, landing awkwardly on his arm.
Now, as she watched the orthopedic surgeon remove the colorful cast, she held her breath, hoping her little man’s wrist had healed properly.
As if sensing her apprehension, Max reached for her hand and squeezed her fingers in comfort. The tension left her shoulders, and she leaned back against him.
She supposed she should be used to this by now. Her husband was no stranger to broken bones, scrapes and sprains. Only after she had asked Max to stop putting her through the stress had he curtailed his more adventurous activities.
Now, their son was following in his father’s footsteps. If there was a monkey bar, he had to climb it. The faster he could ride his bike, the happier he was. Lately, he’d gotten into skateboarding and spent hours looking up moves and tricks on YouTube to practice later.
Now that it was summer vacation, he was itching to head out to a skate park with his friends. A broken wrist had only slowed Noah down, not deterred him. Like another Valentine male she loved.
The orthopedic surgeon carefully cut away the final piece of the cast and gently rotated Noah’s hand, examining the newly freed limb, which was pale from being covered for so long.
“Looks good,” the surgeon said reassuringly, looking over his shoulder at Sienna and Max. "He’ll have a tiny scar, but the bone has healed nicely. Noah, can you try moving your fingers and wrist for me?"
With wide eyes and a mixture of apprehension and excitement, Noah began to wiggle his fingers. Slowly, he flexed his wrist back and forth.
“Does it hurt?” Sienna asked, her voice full of motherly concern.
Noah shook his head, a big smile lighting up his face. “Nope, it feels good. Look, Dad, I’ve got a scar on my hand, just like you!”
Sienna rolled her eyes as Max leaned in closer, exclaiming with exaggerated admiration and comparing whose scar was more impressive. Boys got excited by the strangest things.
The scar on Max’s wrist was from a car accident shortly before they married. She also remembered hearing he had broken the same arm when he was Noah’s age after jumping off the steps of a treehouse.
The surgeon nodded approvingly, pushing back the stool and removing his gloves. “He’ll need to take it easy for a bit, but he can start using his hand normally again. Just avoid any rough play or strenuous activities for a few more weeks.”
“Easier said than done,” Max chuckled knowingly after the surgeon left the room. He was too good at reading her mind.
He ruffled their son’s hair, helped him down from the examination table and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. “But Noah’s learned his lesson. Right, buddy?”
Noah nodded eagerly, his bangs flopping across his forehead.
He’s due for a haircut; Sienna smiled softly, brushing the errant locks away.
Max often teased that Noah was a miniature version of her. But while he might resemble her, he was a mirror image of his father in terms of personality. All it took was one look from either of them with that endearing half-grin, and she was a goner.
Unable to resist, she gently lifted his wrist and pressed her lips to the thin scar, ignoring his embarrassed groan, “Mom!”
When he was a toddler, she would kiss his boo-boos away. Now that he was ten, he considered himself much too old for such gestures, but it still made her feel better.
“Sorry, not sorry,” she teased, kissing his forehead next. “Being a mom has its privileges.”
Noah looked up and grinned back. “I’m gonna be super careful next time. I promise!”
Next time. Sienna laughed. How many times had she heard Max say the exact words? Like father, like son.
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @jerzwriter @lady-calypso
@mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16
@justyourusualash @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Max & Sienna only: @aallotarenunelma @storyofmychoices @kyra75
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An Angel for Noah || Noah Sebastian x OC [Part 1]
DIVIDER ART WORK BY @cafekitsune
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PAIRING: Noah Sebastian x Jules (she/her)
SUMMARY: When Jules finds herself assigned to be a rockstar's guardian angel, she couldn't be more overwhelmed.
WARNINGS: ANGST (LIKE A LOT), talks about death and grief, talks about mental health issues, talks about religion, swearing, … (each chapter is going to have individual content warning, if I forget something pls let me know)
A/N: Hello! I'm back with a new series. I’m not religious at all but I wanted to do something like this because it spooked in my head for years but I never found a fitting story line. Also this was my way to tribute Keaton Pierce, whose music I loved and whose death still makes me so incredibly sad. So this fanfic is dedicated to Keaton and therefore very dear to me.
Keep in mind, this takes place in an alternative universe. Even though I write about real people, the way I write them has nothing to do with how they are in real life.
If you wanna be added to the tag list, please let me know in the comments or DM me.
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When her alarm rang at 6 AM, Jules was everything but pleased. The weekend had been way to short and the gravity of life slowly began to hang on her shoulders again. Sometimes she couldn't believe how stressed she was at such a young age.
She was twenty-two years old, a music student at Juilliard and literally all the pride and joy of her family. Being an only child of a couple who wished to have children for years, made it very clear that Jules was going to have everything she needed in life.
So when she crawled out of her bed and made her way into her bathroom, she reminded herself of how proud her parents were always going to be.
When she looked at the clock again, she realised she was running late, so she quickly grabbed her coat and scarf, before heading to the front door, where she reached for her backpack and keys.
Not even five minutes later she ran out of the apartment building and looked from left to right. Quickly she started to walk in the direction of her university. She knew she couldn't be late again. It was only weeks before a very big performance with the school orchestra and this semester she finally got the opportunity to play one of the first violins.
When she reached one of the big crossroads, she quickly glanced at the green traffic light and than back at her phone, ready to dial her best friend's number to inform her about her possibly being late.
But she hadn't had the time for that, because the next thing she knew was a sharp pain in her whole left side and than a hit on her head.
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When she woke up again, her head rang. The room she was in, was so bright that her eyes just couldn't adjust to it. It took her several minutes to finally realise where she was. She was laying in a hospital bed. Or was she even laying? She just noticed her parents in front of her. Eagerly Jules tried to remember what had happened but she just couldn't put the pieces together.
"Mom?" She asked weakly but couldn't hear anything except her mother's muffled cries.
Jules felt so different. She could remember the immense pain she had right before she was here but she just couldn't think of the thing that made her feel like that. When she tried to get up, it was easier than she thought. Everything just felt so light and easy.
She sat at the edge of her hospital bed, when she realised that she had no cables attached to her. Why was she even here, when she wasn't even in pain?
"Mom? Dad?" She said again but again her parents didn't answer her.
She sighed before standing up and turning to the bed, when it hit her just like the vehicle earlier this morning.
Why was she still laying in that hospital bed?
Jules's gaze wondered between her parents and herself. Her parents were crying. Her mom almost crumbled in her father's arms, while he tried to hold himself together.
When she looked back at herself in that hospital bed, she just couldn't believe it. She looked awful. Her hair was tangled and a bandage was wrapped around her head. She couldn't even recognize herself anymore. There was no color on her except the blood sticking on her forehead and neck. When Jules noticed that even on her other self no cables were attached, it really hit her.
She was dead.
Her parents cried because they lost the only child they had. The child they loved more than anything. And only because she was looking at her damn phone.
"The driver is still alive." She heard a familiar voice behind her and jumped a little. When she turned, an older man stood at the door of the hospital room and she instantly recognized him.
"Grandpa?" She asked the man in front of her and couldn't believe her eyes. He stood there like she remembered him. Very colorful and satisfied.
"The driver is still alive. A single mother. She also looked at her phone and didn't realize she drove over a red traffic light." He explained and stepped next to his granddaughter.
Jules didn't know what to say so she just looked at her parents again, who couldn't bear to leave her side.
"What now?" She asked her grandpa, who put an arm around her.
"Now begins your new forever, my dear." He answered her softly before guiding her away from the bed. Jules realised she had began to cry. Everything in her wanted to go back inside her body. She didn't want to go. She didn't want to leave her parents.
"Five more minutes." - "Jules, you know it wouldn't be just five minutes."
Her sobs became more hysterical. "I can't go, grandpa. I can't leave them."
Jules closed her eyes for a couple of seconds and tried to contain her cries but when she opened her eyes again, she was in a white room. Confused she looked around her while her tears ran down her face. Her grandpa was gone. Everything around her was just white.
"No!" She screamed and tried to run in one direction to get back to her parents but soon her head was met with a transparent wall. She fell to the white ground and held her head in reflex. She couldn't even feel the impact. In fact she couldn't feel any of the things that happened to her. No head injury, no pain at all.
"Let me out! I NEED TO GO HOME!" She yelled with so much anger and sadness in her voice that she knew she would have had a sore throat if she hadn't been dead and therefore numb already.
"Fuck." She swore and ran a hand over her face. This couldn't be real, this was all just an obscure dream of hers. She would be woken up by her alarm in a couple of minutes and she would go to university and she would drink a coffee with her best friend Meghan after classes and than she would call her parents and talk to her mom for hours, like she always did. "Fucking hell!"
"In fact, it is not." A voice suddenly said, causing Jules to get up from the floor and look around the white room. There was a man she didn't recognise at first, but when she got closer she got even more confused.
"Aren't I supposed to be dead? Why the hell do you look like Oli Sykes?" She asked the person in front of her. He laughed.
"No worries, darling. Oliver is pretty much alive." The man exclaimed while Jules eyed the guy closely. There was literally no doubt, he looked like Oli.
"Then why the fuck do you look like him?" - "Oh, yeah... I'm an angel... You know... Heaven and shit." - "I don't believe in god and that doesn't explain your appearance."
"That is kinda rude, Julliett." The man walked through the empty white room and looked around before his gaze landed on her again. "You may know about angel appearances. We normally don't look very human-like. So we got the regulation to turn into someone our new angel trainee wouldn't be scared of... And since I know about the dirty little fanfiction you read when you thought you were alone, I thought I would make myself attractive to you."
Jules mouth fell open. Did an fucking angel just out call her and her taste in fiction?
Her cheeks must have been a dark red tone, because the Oli look-a-like cleared his throat and began to talk again, "No worries, I wasn't the one who was spying on you. That was own your guardian angel."
Jules couldn't even talk. She hadn't even had the time to process her passing and now some Oli Sykes guy tried to tell her something about heaven and guardian angels.
"I know this is a lot, so imma just talk you through it. I'm just here because your guardian angel is a very busy one... You know... Sometimes not enough people are fitted to become guardian angels and than our workers need to protect more than one person and than things get messy... That's actually why you aren't playing your violin at the moment... BUT... To his defense, he really has some difficult people to watch over and that is where you come into the game." 'Oli' told her, while her mouth still stood slightly open. She knew if she would have been alive right now she would have drank herself into a coma.
"And who is my guardian angel? And where the fuck did my grandpa go?" Jules finally asked.
"Your grandpa his back at his well deserved rest. He just wanted to make sure you got here and wouldn't freak out." - "But I AM freaking out right now." - "Well, you are stuck with us so no need to panic." - "How kind of you."
"To your other question. You guardian angel will be here any minute." 'Oli' explained and with that there was a door banging shut and a stressed man appeared in the nothingness this room was.
"I'm so sorry... I couldn't make it earlier." A man stumbled into the room. He had blonde hair and soft face features. His nose was decorated with a nostril and he wore a band shirt and a black jeans. He instantly made Jules feel comfortable.
"Jules!" The guy exclaimed happily and gifted her one of the most heart-warming smiles she ever received. Immediately she recognized the feeling she had in her stomach right now. She felt it pretty often over the last couple of months. Was it him? Did she always feel it when he was near?
"I'm Keaton... Your guardian angel." He introduced himself to her and she felt herself began to smile. She liked that name.
"I know this is all very confusing. I do remember being in your position pretty well." He instantly started to explain and Jules noticed how his smile turned sad for a moment. He hadn't been here for long. "They are very picky about their guardian angels, so consider yourself lucky to be part of the team." He joked, before looking at the Oli-angel.
"You can go if you want, I'll take care of her." Keaton told the angel and with a last examining look, Oli smiled a little and than disappeared into thin air.
For a couple of seconds Keaton looked like he didn't know what exactly he wanted to say, so Jules decided to take the lead. "I just wanted to thank you for helping me. The Oli look-a-like told me you were really busy with watching over us all... You did your best. I felt protected... You couldn't save me from being dumb and looking at my phone."
Keaton looked surprised by her statement, blinking a couple of seconds before talking. "Thank you. That means a lot to me... I feel really guilty though... You were literally just an adult and now... You are here."
Jules shrugged her shoulders and gave him a reassuring look. "So? Guardian angel? What am I going to do?"
Keaton reached out to grab Jules's hand and before she knew she sat on a bench near a forest. The scenery was beautiful. The sky slowly turned into red tones while the cold wind blew around her face. She wasn't cold, but she felt everything.
"I wasn't really fond of this whole Heaven thing myself... But they really except every opinion. If you don't believe in god, it's fine. If you do, it is also fine. They usually don't have anything to do with this whole thing anyways." Keaton started to explain. "You will be assigned a person, you will guide over."
"And how exactly do I do that?" - "That is yours to find out."
Jules looked at him confused.
"You will find your ways. The only things I can tell you are: You protect them. You need to guide them. You need to prevent them from making mistakes. If you fail, they fail. If you succeed, they will thrive." Keaton explained and Jules didn't know what to say, so she just nodded confused.
"They asked me to assign you someone. You always get to watch over someone that matches you and your energy. It will be easy. Really. I got the opportunity to watch over my friends. My best friends to be exact." He explained further. "So I am more than honored to tell you, you were the first person I was assigned that I didn't already know when I was alive and it was such a fun experience seeing how a twenty-two year old reminded me so much of myself when I was younger."
Jules eyes turned a bit glossy. Seeing Keaton talk about his past and everything, made her so honored and sad at the same time. They were just two souls that were took way to early.
"So, I'm literally going to be the one to support you by taking over some of your duties?" Jules asked interested, nearly forgetting the fact, that she died not even 24 hours earlier. Keaton nodded.
"But since I know you, I decided to give you just one task." Keaton than explained, "It is something I trust you with and I just know, you are going to be the right person for it."
Jules gestured for him to continue talking.
"You need to watch over my friend Noah for me."
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moody-alcoholic · 3 months
Unwavering Devotion Chapter 7
Yes this is a repost, and a test.
I usually post sneak peaks but I thought why not post full chapters, so yeah I'm giving it ago.
Previous <- Current -> Next (coming soon tm) Full fic HERE
Summary: Simon x OC(medic), 3.7k words. CW: Mental health, breakdowns, mentions of death, hurt/comfort. lots of angst, like if there was a definition of angst it would be this chapter.
Enjoy <3
Rosaly  3 months later
“Keep this up we’ll be going all night!” I shout at the recruits running down the hill I hear someone walking behind me. 
“Evening lieutenant.” I recognised the voice its Price. I don't turn around instead noting something on my clipboard. 
“You’ve ignored all my messages this was the only way to contact you.” 
“Don’t you think maybe there was a reason for that.” I say watching the recruits. 
“I’m getting 141 back together.” He said, I chuckled.
“Okay good luck with that,” I say, bitterly. These last few months have made me bitter. 
“We found Joshua and Noah.” He says 
“That’s great I’m sure the CIA and Shadow Company will deal with them.” I say walking down the path to see the troop better. Price doesn’t say anything I turn to look at him. He looks tired, like always. 
“There is no 141 anymore Price.” I say tired, throwing my arms out almost pleading for him to let it go. “I haven’t heard from Gaz in months, John is dead Si…” I choke, I cant say his name. I hold my ground, turning around again so he cant see my fight to stay emotionless. I hear him sigh. 
“I’ll have Laswell send you the details.” He said sounding defeated. 
“When you’re done watching recruits maybe give it a look. You’re a soldier Rosaly, and we have a job to finish.” I shake my head, angry. I hear him take a step away. 
“It’s what Johnny would have done… Simon too.” I turn round and watch as he walks of the grass. 
“Price!” I shout, sighing. “Why me? You have a chance to build a new 141, a better 141 you literally have your pick of any soldier. Why me?” 
“I think out of all of us you deserve some revenge.” He says as he walks back over to me. 
“Is Gaz on board?” 
“Yeah.” He nods, I have no idea what happened with me and Gaz. A few days after I was back in Scotland, he abruptly left. We spoke a few times after that then nothing. I mean I wasn’t exactly in the talking mood but even Price came up to visit and called from time to time. 
“Where are they?” I ask, I see Price smile. 
“I’ll have Laswell send you the details.” He repeats.
“I go back home tomorrow,” I say. I don’t know why I said that, Johnny wanted the house filled with love and people he loved. It feels weird since I left there a month ago, I don’t even know if I can go back yet. 
“We can meet there. Thursday?” He says, that was two days away. I nod, turning back to the troop running up the hill. I hear him walk away again. I was all of a sudden regretting this. I should hear him out at least, he was right it’s what John and Simon would have done. I take a big gulp of air in clearing my throat as the troop made it back to me. 
“Well?” I say waiting for them to say something. I let them talk, trying to explain what they did to the dummy they just dragged up and down the hill. I squeeze my eyes closed as they start to mess up again. Fucking Price. Now I'm too distracted to focus. I sigh dismissing them, Price has riled me up too much, I hope whoever is taking over from me can do a better job. 
I make it into the mess sitting down at the table with the other staff, the base captain moves over to sit in front of me. Captain Sands, he’s new young, it’s his first command position. 
“So what did captain Price want?” He asked. I shrug sipping my tea. “What you didn’t hear him out? Seemed like he had something important to say.” 
“He always has something important to say.” I say back to him, I look down the table at the other officers talking amongst themselves. I never felt like I really fit in but I was told if I wanted to teach I had to accept the promotion. At least Price was good enough to put in a good word for me. 
“So when will you be back?” He asks. I shrug.
“I have 3 weeks of leave saved, probably going to use them all at once so I can get back to work.” I say. 
“Oh great so you’ll be back before the new recruits come, that’ll be fun.” I nod finishing the cup of tea. 
“I should go pack, I have a long drive tomorrow.” I say getting up, taking the sandwich off my tray and heading to the staff dorms. To get to them I have to walk through the recruit corridors. 
“Why is she such a bitch though? My boots are never going to be dry for inspection tomorrow.” I hear someone say, I stop in my tracks eavesdropping. 
“I heard her husband was killed in action.” Someone else said.
“Doesn't give you the right to be a bitch though.” The first girl said.
“She was special forces before this.” Yet another girl said. 
“What really? Why is she here?” 
“Cos her husband was killed in action dumbass then she went fucking crazy from what I heard.” I crossed my arms taken aback by what I was hearing.
“You’re going to have to dry your boots by the tumble dryers.” One of the girls said I could hear them making their way to the door. I stood there when they opened the door they both jumped. I saw other girls in the room jump out of my line of sight. 
“You girls sure do hear a lot.” I said, they looked embarrassed their cheeks going red. I sighed I couldn’t be bothered to be dishing out disciplines on my last night I just wanted to sleep not be burred in paperwork. I step aside, nodding at them to leave. They rushed past me, I could hear them giggling as the doors closed behind them. I closed my eyes shaking my head and made it to my room. My bag was already packed, I just wanted to sleep, and not speak to anyone. I pulled my clothes off throwing them over the chair for tomorrow then flopping into bed in my underwear. I plug my phone in to charge and roll over in the bed looking at the ceiling in the dark. Maybe going home would be a good thing, maybe I did need a break. Maybe it was time to dust the skeletons out the closet.  
I’m in Paris again on the hill. I’m trying to run down but I keep falling, each time I get closer I trip. Then there’s the fence the stupid fence that is always too high to climb, impossibly endlessly looping round the building keeping me just out of reach. And then I can see him, laying on the floor flames all around him. I scream his name, over and over. Sometimes he hears me and that makes it worse, it’s like the flames are alive every time he tries to run to me it’s like the flames pick him up and drag him back in. I can never make it to him in time. He always dies, it just depends on if he’s screaming or not.  
The house feels so empty, every time I come back here it feels so empty. I dump my bags in the hall letting the usual smells fill my nose, the damp that’s been building up while I’ve been away, the pine, the faint smell of gunpowder that seems to linger on almost every surface of this house. I make my way into the basement resetting the alarm then head to the kitchen. I flick the light on seeing cups in the sink, why does it still hurt, it’s been 3 months. I spend the rest of the day cleaning making the place somewhat warm and presentable. I want to fish but it’s November now, way too cold plus all the fish will be right at the bottom of the loch, so it’s really hit or miss. I ignored Price’s messages, I don’t know why I was still mad at him, it wasn’t really him I was mad at it was the situation. I made all the beds up but I slept in Johnny’s room again. I don’t know why it just felt wrong being in the master bedroom without Simon. 
Price arrived early the next evening, I was in the kitchen washing up when I saw his Jeep pull into the garage. I sighed clicking the kettle on and pulling cups out the cupboard as I heard him and Gaz come through the front door. I could swear I heard another voice though. I shook the thought away. I’m just hearing things. 
“Hey Williams.” Price said as he walked into the kitchen I turned to greet him and my heart stopped. There was Simon, stood in the kitchen doorway. I tried to take a breath in but my body betrayed me a lump forming in my throat. Am I dreaming?      
The cups fall from my hands smashing on the floor. I breath again, staring in silence eyes wide not quite believing what I’m seeing. My eyes fill with tears but I’m trying really hard not to let them spill over, each time I blink I feel like he’s going to vanish again. My legs feel like jelly, Price moves beside me and grips my arm.
“H-how long?” I say choking on my words, not taking my eyes off him. No one says anything.
“How long Price?” I say snapping my head to look at him, pulling my arm out his hand. He looks sad, like his eyes are trying to plead with me. I don’t care I feel sick.
“Since Paris.” He says. I gasp looking back at Simon, it’s like I don’t recognise him, it’s like this is not real. I step back hitting the counter top looking at him. I close my eyes for a second then I’m too scared to open them. I’m dreaming, this can’t be real, the man I love, the man who I thought was dead… I opened my eyes, he was still there, I feel the tears running down my face now there is nothing I can do to stop them. I grip the counter I don’t know what to say. I want to run I want to touch him, I need to know he’s real. I turn round my hands shaking I open a drawer take out the tray of cutlery putting it on the counter. I see it, his letter. I never opened it, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I take it out feeling the dogtags through the envelope. I walk over to Price and hand it too him.
“Since Paris..” I say quietly. I look back over at Simon, he’s taken a step closer he hasn’t said a word, he looks sad I can see his eyes filling with moisture. I let out a shaky breath looking at him, I have to turn away I can’t do this. I step back looking at him my lip trembles, before I know it I’m out the kitchen door, as soon as I hear it close behind me I start running. I don’t care about the rain, I just keep running my lungs burn, I welcome the sensation. I make it too the loch looking out at the dark water, something about it makes me want to throw my body into it, I always loved the water.
The rain is pelting down making me shiver as it hits my hot skin. As soon as I catch my breath I pick another direction and run, I don’t know how long it’s been or where I am. I just keep going until I feel my lungs burning again, my legs throbbing. I fall against a tree feeling the fat blobs of rain hit my body. I didn’t bring a coat, it’s getting dark now. The thought of going home is horrible, I want to go back to the loch. I love him, I should be happy, why does it not feel real. I pull my phone out my pocket, I see missed calls from Price and Gaz. Fuck them. I throw the phone at the tree in front of me watching it bounce off and onto the floor. The screen lights up for a second. I scoff, I can’t even destroy a phone properly. I let out a big breath making my body tingle as my muscles shake, I pull myself back up to my feet. All I can feel is pain, good it’s something else to think of other then the fact Simon's alive.
The thought makes me stumble over some tree roots I feel my face hit the ground. I lay there sobbing for a few minutes, my lungs ache. I pull myself up propping my back up against a tree. Simon’s alive. It doesn't feel real, but he was real, he was stood there in the kitchen. Why did I run? Pathetic. I lean back wiping the mud off my face. Why did I run? I should be happy, or maybe I will take a nap now and wake up to him still being dead, and this was all just a fucked up dream. I was tired. The weeks of relentless nightmares, of him burning to death and I couldn’t do anything. I mourned for him, I thought I was never going to see him again, but he’s alive. He’s alive… I lean back against the tree and close my eyes, I feel a smile form on my lips. He’s alive, he’s alive, he’s alive… 
I wake to the sound of rustling, I open my eyes it’s pitch black, I’m soaked, my body feels stiff. 
“Here! Price bring a blanket.” I hear Simon, it’s his voice. I look over at the source of the noise, lights were breaking through the treeline, the rain was still pelting down. He kneeled down putting the torch down. My eyes were sore and swollen from all the crying. 
“Simon?” I asked my voice barely a whisper. I feel him scoop me up in his arms like I weigh nothing.
“Yeah it’s me, you’re okay.” He says as I shiver against him the heat from his body feels like it’s almost burning me. I see someone else now more lights I press my head into Simon’s chest. 
“Christ you gave us a scare.” I hear Price say as he throws a blanket over me. I feel Simon move, I hear the sound of a car, I see Price’s Jeep. He opens the back door and I get in laying down on the back seats. All of a sudden I’m aware of how cold I am my teeth chattering uncontrollably, my clothes sodden stuck to my skin. I assumed Simon was going to be getting in the front then I hear the side door open. He gets in slowly moving my head so it’s resting on his thigh. He pulls the blanket round me more. His leg is wet but warm, I can feel the heat on my cheek through his clothes. 
“Price can we turn the heat on?” Simon asks and I see Price reaching down to press buttons. A few seconds later warm air blows through the car. I close my eyes feeling sleepy, enjoying the feel of Simon touching me again. 
“Hey, Rosaly, come on stay awake.” I feel Simon shake me. 
“I’m tired.” I try to say but it comes out more like a mumble. I fight to keep my eyes open for the rest of the drive, it takes us a while I wonder where I ended up or how they even found me. When we get to the house I’m exhausted. I slide out the car, gripping the door for support. The rain seems to be letting up, or maybe I’m too wet to care. I see Gaz at the door waiting. Price goes over to talk to him I take a step forward but my legs are shaking. Simon is here again picking me back up in his arms. I drop my head on his chest, I hear his heart beat. He’s alive. I close my eyes counting each beat. I feel Simon walking up the stairs into the master bedroom. He sits me down on the bed. I look at him as he kneels down in front of me. I bring my hand up to touch his face. I feel the stubble under my fingers my thumb brushes over his mouth. His eyes burning that beautiful amber. 
“You’re alive.” I say, he leans up and kisses me, I close my eyes letting him push his tongue in my mouth, he tastes just like I remember. His movements are soft and slow. My hand falls from his face and he pulls back. I look up at him blinking. 
“I’m alive.” He says, he looks sad like he want’s to say something more. I shiver, my wet clothes feeling heavy on my body. 
“Let’s get you out of these clothes and in the bath, you’re freezing.” I nod and let him undress me throwing the clothes on the floor, I felt exposed for some reason, it had been months since I had been naked in front of him. He brushed my hair out my face and kissed my forehead. He ran the bath while I sat there with the blanket wrapped round me I looked at the rain falling down the window. The kitchen light was on, I bet Gaz and Price were making tea. I stood up feeling more secure on my legs and made my way into the bathroom. Simon had taken his shirt off hanging it over the sink. I dropped the blanket and he helped me into the tub. He sat on the floor outside the tub eye level with me as he controlled the heat of the water. I leaned back in the bath letting it warm me, it did feel good. After a few more minutes he reached over and turned off the tap. I leaned on the side of the tub watching him, his hand reached out and brushed the hair out my face. 
“I mourned for you.” I say eventually, he hangs his head for a second and looks back up his fingers never leaving my face. 
“I know, I’m sorry.” He said his voice calm, sincere. 
“I didn’t read your letter,” I say feeling a wave of guilt come over me. 
“It’s okay,” He says dipping his hand in the water to hold mine. He squeezes it, I smile finally feeling myself relax as his thumb rubs my palm. I sit there for a little longer letting the water heat me all the way through to my bones. 
“I’m scared,” I sigh feeling myself getting sleepy. 
“What about?” He asks squeezing my hand. 
“That I’m going to wake up and this is all a dream and you’re still dead.” I don’t even think I have any more tears left to cry. He stands up grabbing a towel and holding it out for me. I stand up and he wraps it round me picking me up and putting me on the floor. He keeps hold of me squeezing me for a second longer. 
“Did that feel real?” He asked. I nod, he leans in and kisses me. “How about that?” I nod again. He smiles and leads me into the bedroom. I don’t want to leave his side even as I look through the drawers for pj’s. I change as he strips down into his underwear. I walk over to him, my hands run down his arms, he has fresh wounds, bruises. 
“What happened?” I ask. He kisses the top of my head grabbing my wrists.
“I’ll tell you tomorrow.” He says. I sigh letting him guide me to bed. It’s weird being back on my side, while I thought he was dead I would sleep on his side. I get back in he follows my movements like he’s trying not to spook me. I reach over and turn the bedside light off. I turn back to see him moving the pillow his hand stops and he pulls out a mask from under it. I feel embarrassed all of a sudden, he looks at me with it in his hands. 
“It used to smell like you…I couldn’t sleep without it.” I say hanging my head. His fingers find my chin and he pulls my face to look up at him. My eyes have adjusted to the dark, I can see his features now. 
“Do you want it now?” He asks. I take it out his hand. It feels so familiar in my hands after all these months. I can tell the smell has almost entirely faded now that he is back. I turn and put it on the bedside table next to the picture of me and Johnny. I look back at him and let him pull me into his arms. My head finds it’s way into the familiar crook of his shoulder and he angles his body, to hug me better. He plants little kisses on my head.
“I love you.” He says, I feel tears roll but I don’t care. I breathe him in placing my hand on his chest so I can feel his heartbeat. 
“I love you too,” I reply closing my eyes. I relax into his arms as he whispers in my ears, kissing my head, every now and then. I didn’t think I would be able to sleep but, I did, I slept so well for the first time in months. 
I woke to Simon stroking my cheek, I practically threw myself on him worried he was still going to vanish. I smiled at him and he smiled back. There were no nightmares last night, just good dreams happy dreams. I don’t want to let him go I don’t want to let him out my sight even as we head downstairs. Price and Gaz are already awake I can hear them talking as we make it into the kitchen. I pick the kettle up off the table refilling it and boiling it. Gaz comes up to me as I hear Simon and Price start talking. 
“I’m sorry we lost contact.” He says leaning into me. I look at him shaking my head. 
“It’s fine you were busy, I was…” I don’t finish the sentence just spoon sugar into my cup. 
“I just couldn’t lie to you like that, I couldn’t stand seeing you hurt.” I looked at him, so he knew Simon was alive too. I scoffed.
“How long did you know?” I ask.
“About a week after Paris before we all went to Russia.” He said taking a step back as I bought the mugs and kettle to the table.
“Russia?” I asked. I sat down looking at Price.  
“Yeah I guess we should catch you up.” Price says sitting up straight. 
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CFWC F/AotW Jan 7 - 13, 2024
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨 = Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA | 🔹Submitted by creator
Complete BOLAS list - Week of Jan 7 - 13
Crimes F!MC Fanart 🎨 by @lilyoffandoms
Hello, Goodbye - Jimmy Rose ✒️ by @inlocusmads
Hello, Goodby - Fanart 🎨by @lilyoffandoms
kindness and other things you can expect from your boss 🎨| Trystan Thorne x F!MC by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd for @inlocusmads
Sebastyan Thorne Case File🎨by @lilyoffandoms
Second Language (Series) ✒️ | Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @inlocusmads Chapter 2
The 2 AM Christmas Tree Farm ✒️| Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @thosehallowedhalls
ACOR MC 🎨 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Beckett Harrington Fanart 🎨 by @artbyalz
Shreya Mistry Fanart🎨Ⓜ️ by @ayayapap
Aiden Zhou x MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @hydn-jpg for @cadybear420
Immortal Desires NB!MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @lilyoffandoms for @aallotarenunelma
No Second Chances ✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹| Lincoln Aquino (McQuoid) x M!MC - @linkysmommy
Noah x MC Fanart 🎨 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Spirit, Stay Gentle (1/2) ✒️Ⓜ️🏳️‍🌈| Lincoln McQuoid x M!MC - @abelflints
His Barbie, Her Ken ✒️🔹| Nik Ryder x F!MC - @ladylamrian
Nik Ryder x F!MC Fanart 🎨by @artbyalz for @ladylamrian
Complete Open Heart list - Week of Jan 7 - 13
Hayden Young x F!MC Fanart 🎨by @somewillwin for @rosepetals1
Post Christmas Bliss 🎨🔹| Thomas Hunt x F!OC - by @wisejazz (C: @theartoflovingthomashunt)
Complete TRR list - Week of Jan 7 - 13
Jeff Duffy x MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Twenty-Five ✒️🔹| Troy Hassan, F!MC - @jerzwriter
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bensonsbobblehead · 2 years
Stand Still 
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Pairings: Olivia Benson x Daughter!OC
Olivia Bensons daughter dealing with post op alone or so she thinks. 
 Content warnings: ANGST! Abortions , sex, sexual assault, lots of sadness, basically things that would be talked about in an episode. 
wc; 1.2k
“Ryann Benson?” The nurse called softly from the door. The door Ryann had been staring at for the past two days in a row. This was it, she was doing it, alone.
The young women stood up walking quickly to the door as she turned her phone off. With her head hung low hoping no one in the office would remember her face. 
It’s freezing she thought as the nurse led her to a room and ordered her to take off her clothes. The nurse gave her and gown and left the room. After what felt like forever she returned with a million questions. 
Are you sure this is what you want? Is there anyone you need me to call? We can stop at anytime. Do you have someone to take you home? 
Ryann was on autopilot, she hated she was in this situation. It wasn’t entirely her fault Justin couldn’t take no for an answer so she just gave in. Which she knew her mother wouldn’t be proud of.
Maybe if I would’ve fought harder, he didn’t technically force me, I just gave up on saying no. 
Tears grew in her eyes as she thought about what happened. How he denied it was even his and blocked her number, leaving her completely helpless. She had to be strong, she had no choice. 
Before she knew it was time, Doctors and nurse flooding in with gear and equipment. 
“Just breathe for me” the doctors said as he begun. Ryann cried and breathed and cried again, the pain of it all was unbearable. 
“Is there anything you need sweetie?” The nurse asked holding her hand. 
My mom 
“No” Ryann whispered back wishing time would fly pass so this can all be over. She felt violated all over again. Exposed for everyone to see it was humiliating, all she wanted was her mom. To be there with her through all of this, but she couldn’t.
Olivia always knew how to soothe Ryann whenever she needed to. She’s her baby girl and quite frankly she’ll do anything to see her smile. 
When the procedure was over they gave her a change of clothes, medicine, and sent her on her way. 
She felt like she was hit by a bus but she had to hurry home. Ryann called an Uber and paid her extra to help her up the stairs, it was the least she could do. 
When she got into the apartment it was completely silent. No Olivia, no Noah, just Ryann and her thoughts. She walked to her room and laid down immediately. Stuffing the Planned Parenthood bag almost all the way under her bed. The girl dozed off finally getting some rest. 
“Ry please answer the phone sweetie, I love you”
Olivia left her 4th message to her daughter. Ryann was Olivia’s oldest, she was a responsible girl but sometimes Olivia worried about her. Of course, she was a woman living in this world, how could she not worry. 
Ryann had told her she’s been with her friend since the weekend and she didn’t need to worry. But Olivia felt it in her soul something was up. So, she called Ava, Ryann only friend honestly.
“Hi Ava, I was wondering if Ry was still with you? She hadn’t been returning my calls”
“Hey, and no she actually went home early on Saturday you haven’t seen her?”
My daughters missing
“Thank you Ava” Olivia hung up and quickly called Amanda to her office. 
“Ry is missing, I need .. I need someone to trace her phone and her bank cards and I have to go get Noah” 
“Olivia, relax we are going to find her” Amanda reassured the woman heading toward the team and briefing them. 
Olivia sat in her office wondering how she let her guard down when it came to them she was always on top of it. She wanted Ryann to have more space even if that meant not talking to her everyday. She wondered how she not notice that she was missing.
“Captain” Amanda said from the office door causing Olivia to look up, “You’re going to want to see this” Amanda sat the laptop on her desk showing her daughters latest purchases. The top one being the very pricy one with the words Planned Parenthood next to it. 
“I need to find my daughter now” Olivia stood up grabbing her belongings heading towards the elevator.
The first thing Olivia thought was why would her own daughter want her there for this. It did not matter that her daughter was pregnant but it was about her protection. Making sure there through whatever Ryann had to face. 
When she arrived at the apartment she noticed her daughters shoes and headed toward her door. Knocking softly and getting no response she peaked in. 
Seeing her daughter buried under the blankets holding Little, the stuffed cat her uncle Elliot gave her when she was 9. Olivia walked in trying not to wake her, looking around the room for anything to help her understand what happened. As she moved closer to the bed that when she seen the planned parenthood bag. Filled with papers, pads, aftercare, and an outfit. 
“What happened sweet girl” she whrispered trying not to wake the girl but failing. Ryann turned over to see her mother standing there with the bag in her hand. Tears grew in her eyes fast, “Mama I —“ she said quickly sitting up. Before she could finish Olivia was already taking off her shoes and climbing into bed with her. 
“What’s going on Ry, talk to me” As she held her trying to give her the upmost comfort. Olivia took a look at her daughters face and she looked exhausted, Olivia hated this. 
“Justin and I were making out and it started getting intense and I didn’t want to have sex yet — but he begged even after I said no a thousand times. 
 I gave up and just let him. I didn’t want to do it and now I’m here” she was hysterical, “Please forgive me mama, I shouldn’t have even been doing anything. It’s all my fault.”
Olivia had felt like she was punched in the chest. Her daughter was a … victim. 
“I’m here for you now Ryann, I’m never going anywhere.” Ryann cried even harder, tears falling all over her mother. It 
It took Olivia 30 minutes to calm Ryann down before she spoke up. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I didn’t want you to know I was weak or for you to hate me for even thinking about sex.”
Olivia knew Ryann was a strong, creative girl and he could never hate her. Ryann brought a light into Olivia’s life and it’s been shining bright ever since.
“Look at me, I will never hate you and Ryan you are so strong. he’s the weak on. I wish I was there to hold your hand and be by your side through all of this.” 
Ryann cried harder all she wanted was her mom, she was her role model. Disappointing her was the last thing Ryann wanted to do. 
“It was your choice and I have no right to question that and I absolutely don’t hate you. You’re a part of me Ryann Serena.” 
Ryann snuggled into her mom, tears still falling from her eyes. Ryann had wished she called her mom to come with her to get the abortion
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maria021015 · 4 months
Part 34 of convincing you to read my Stiles x oc fanfic using dialogue from ‘Rising Tides’.
Noah Stilinski: Hey, son. You got a minute?
Stiles: (distractedly) Yeah, what’s up Daddy-O.
Noah: I think it's about time we had a talk.
Stiles: (freezes) What talk? Because if this is about who keeps eating the chocolate from your not-so-secret secret stash…it wasn’t me.
Noah: What? No-Wait, you’ve been eating my chocolate?
Stiles: It’s not good for your health, so technically I’m doing you a favour. You should really be thanking me, actually. If it’s not about the chocolate, then what’s it about?
Noah: Well, son. There comes a time in a young man’s life when he starts to notice girls in a certain way-
Stiles: (cringing) Dad, we’ve already had one of these talks, and it was bad enough the first time.
Noah: Just, what I’m trying to say is I know what goes on at these kinds of parties, and I just want you to make sure that no matter what happens you’re being smart. And safe.
Stiles: Dad, I really don’t need to be talking about this-
Noah: This isn’t exactly a pleasant experience for me either. Look, just-
Noah: *huffs and throws him a plastic shopping bag* Tell Zaida I said hi?
Stiles: Dad, what…?
Stiles: *opens the bag to see a box of protection* Oh my God!
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dethronetheveil · 1 year
Like a Villain | Part One
Pairing: Noah x OC (Chris/Christie)
Warnings: Mention of m*rders, cursing
Synopsis: Part one- Chris has been running into a tall, dark stranger who has been lurking around her apartment complex. She confronts this stranger and things don’t turn out the way she expected them to.
Word Count: 802 (this is a shorter part!)
Let me know if you’d like to be added to a tag list on Part Two.
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“Can I fucking help you?” I peaked around the corner of the courtyard of the apartment complex at the twenty-something year old man standing near the bushes. I have been seeing him everywhere, but only recently. He must be new to the complex. But, he was definitely a lurker. He was always in the courtyard at the strangest hours, always standing by the front gate and just staring, and it always seemed to somehow be when I was also outside. I chose not to think too much of it, but as a young woman, it’s always better to be cautious.
At the sound of my voice, the man turned around to reveal a younger looking version of the person I thought I had been seeing. He was wearing a dark sweatshirt and dark sweatpants, with some sports slides. His hands were tucked into his pockets and he was fucking tall. His hair was a dark brown and reached his shoulders and he had a small mustache forming on his upper lip. His eyes were like looking into the night sky and it was enchanting.
The man’s voice shook me out of my daze as he responded, “Excuse me?”
It was as if he were a magnet and I was immediately attracted to him. I couldn’t help myself from treading forwards towards him. My face was devoid of any emotion, because quite frankly, I didn’t know what I was going to say next. All I knew was there was something intriguing about this lurking stranger, and I had this innate desire to learn more.
I stopped about five feet in front of him and repeated the initial question, “Can I fucking help you?”
I could tell my bluntness made him uncomfortable because he looked down at his feet and began to kick imaginary rocks, “I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“I- I’m sorry. I realize I’m coming off strong. I just know that I’ve been seeing you around a lot lately..”
The man chuckled softly in return and looked back up at me with a curt smile, “Yea, yea. That’s my bad. I’m new here, and I’ve just been trying to figure out everything in this complex.” As he finished his sentence, he looked around the courtyard and once again avoided eye contact with me.
Once again, something about him captivated me and I stepped even closer to him, therefore causing the man to stumble back a bit. “Oh I’m sorry, I’m not trying to frighten you.”
He smiled at me again, “You don’t scare me, don’t worry. Just gotta be careful with all these murders going on now.”
I couldn’t help but furrow my brow. Of course I had heard the news of the recent murders. All the victims were the same age. They all lived in Laketown. And they were now six feet under. There were three dead at this point, and I was hoping there wouldn’t be more. But, I was confused as to why this man brought it up. Instead of questioning him, like I probably should have, I tried cracking a joke.
“Oh, are you worried I’m the killer?” I stepped forward a bit and did my best “Boo” hands.
“I definitely don’t think you’re the killer,” he also stepped forward and looked me up and down.
A light pink color heated my cheeks as I followed his gaze. When our eyes met again, I remembered where our conversation was going, “O-oh so you don’t think I’m strong enough to be a killer?” I sarcastically placed my hands on my hips.
He laughed again. It was nice to see him laugh, because small lines formed in his skin around his mouth, and it was honestly pretty cute. Also, he had a deep, smooth laugh, which you couldn’t help but smile at. I had to give it to him, he was charming as hell.
“I don’t even know your name, and you’re already putting words in my mouth.”
“M-my name is Chris. Well, Christie. But, my friends call me Chris.”
“I think I’ll just call you Lurker.”
“Oh come on, you can come up with a better nickname than that.”
“Well, Lurker, maybe if I get to know you better, I can figure something out for you.”
“Well, Chris, I guess we’re hanging out. Tomorrow. 7. The Diner down the road.”
Before I could even respond, Noah already started walking back to his apartment. But, before he completely walked away, he yelled over his shoulder, “I’ll pick you up. Don’t worry, I already know where you live.”
This left me standing in the courtyard stunned. Thirty minutes ago, I didn’t even know this man’s name and now I have a nickname for him and we’re hanging out tomorrow. What a fucking weird situation.
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r0-boat · 1 year
Out of Water
chapter 1
Merman Oc Noah X Gn!Reader
Cut for length
( thank you, @nc-eikin, for beta reading and editing it! I greatly appreciate your help!)
Everything else had been a blur to him. He could only feel the warm sand in his clenched fists, his head pounding as he rose.
Groaning in pain, he brings a hand to his head, trying to get up.
His eyes widen, feeling something wiggle against the chilly wet sand; looking behind him to see something replacing his tail; Two long limbs. He could feel his heart beating in his chest.
 Was it fear or excitement? He tries to stand by himself, only to fall back into the sand.
At least his father gave him the courtesy of giving him human wrappings, they were wet and did little to shield him from the cold air, but it was better than nothing. Maybe humans didn't have the same kind of scales to protect them from the cold like he used to? Is that why humans always wear their weird wrappings? Ugh… Thinking was hard…
His head was still throbbing as he struggled to get up from the sand, his consciousness growing fuzzier and fuzzier, using up all his leftover strength just to move. 
Your eyes gazed up at the cloudy sky, Having just finished your shift early, eager to get home as fast as you could out of the cold and start the first day of your week's vacation, you begged your boss, Sam, to give you.
You couldn't wait to go back home, fall into your bed, cuddle up into warm blankets, play games, watch TV, and sleep your week away. In the middle of winter, the air was ice-cold, and you wanted nothing to do with it.
Snuggling more into your coat, your eyes gaze outward to the vast blue of the sea. On days like this, you feel glad that you moved to the coast; every day you walk to and from work, you can never get tired of seeing the view, especially when walking past the pier.
People would always set up shop there and sell numerous kinds of seashell trinkets and treats, and the beach nearby attracted all types of people.
You frown as your eyes lie on the empty boardwalk; it isn't. People don't usually go near the beach this time of year.
Well, apparently, except for one.
Your stride slowed when you saw someone lying in the sand.
Your brows furrowed with worry as they laid there, motionless in what appeared to be a dress. 
You stand still for a moment, unsure how to react. How long were they out here? 
Whoever this was was either stupid for wearing a dress in the middle of winter or probably injured. You made your way to the ocean, hoping it's the latter. 
When you got closer to the young man, you realize that he wasn't conscious. You doubted that he had just decided to nap on the beach in the middle of winter in wet clothing.
He grabbed his shoulder, shaking him awake to no avail. He was Freezing to the touch.
Your eyes darted around the area seeing if he had family or friends nearby, maybe even a partner or date. He was in a dress, after all, probably with his partner…
Your apartment wasn't too far from here, and the man was strangely light when you tried to lift him.
The thought of bringing a stranger into your home did not sit well with you, but you couldn't just leave him out here. Especially how cold he was when you touched his arm.
You just hope the police won’t ask you questions when they see you carrying a strange man home.
The pounding of his headache was the first thing he woke up to, his face scrunching from discomfort, laying a hand over his head. It took him a while to notice the warm weight over his body and the sandless soft ground underneath him.
His other hand touched the sheets while his eyes begin to stir, only to shoot open when he finally realized he was no longer at the beach.
His heart pounded in his chest. Noah jolted awake. His head still hurts like Davy Jones' locker. Noah tried to get up out of bed only to find himself too weak to even to move.
The door to the bedroom clicks and he turns to the sound unfamiliar to him that made him jump.
A human enters through the door with a bowl of what smells like food. With a small relieved smile on their face, Noah finally relaxed. This human does not seem dangerous. If they wanted to kill him, they would have so done so already.
"Oh good,” They said as they approached him.“You're okay… I found you passed out on the beach. Your body was cold."
Noah only smiles, all the urgency from before completely disappearing, but sadly not his throbbing headache.
In all his years watching humans and listening to their conversations, he could somewhat understand you. You hand him the bowl, and he immediately takes it, 
 "I don't know how long you were out there, but I thought you might be hungry, so I made you something, granted it wasn't much, but," you said.
His brows furrowed, he knew some human language but what you were saying still confused him You brought him what appears to be food? These weird seed looking things he has never seen anything like it before.
It smelled like meat, yet it didn't look like there was any meat in there.
He scooped up the food into a spoon before putting it into his mouth.
Not bad… It had a very interesting taste but it was surprisingly tasty. He had never eaten anything like this when he lived in the ocean.
His first experience with actual human food, he never thought it would be like this.
You watch him take a few more spoonfuls of the can of baked beans you just put into a bowl and heat it up for him. You could have actually cooked something - but, hey - you weren't really expecting a visitor, and you already blew your last paycheck. But he didn't seem to mind, giving you a little smile. You're just glad he was okay.
" Is it okay if I ask you your name?" You asked not wanting to sound rude.
Noah immediately perks up knowing exactly what you said he speaks with confidence. 
" ᛗᚤ ᚾᚨᛗᛖ ᛁᛋ ᚾᛟᚨᚺ" Only for that confidence to immediately fizzle out when he saw your eyes widening and a look of pure confusion crossed your face.
You are taking it back. What was that!? That certainly wasn't your language or any language you've heard of.
Noah panics he completely forgot that you may not be able to understand him either. 
"Um… O-okay." Now you're not sure what to do, but you're pretty sure that he understood you. He was so confident in his answer too, whatever it was.
At first glance he did not look like a child. Maybe about the same age as you?
Besides if he was, how did he end up on the beach alone?
While you were lost in your own thoughts, Noah puts his bowl down. Moving his new human legs, his eyes dart to the floor as he tries to slide himself off the bed. 
He wanted to know how humans could move like this. How humans like you stand upright so easily as soon as his feet planted on the floor slowly sliding off the couch. Not sure what to do next, his knees immediately give out, only for you to catch him.
You yell in surprise. "Woah!" your mind raced. "A-are you okay did you hurt your leg?"
The man doesn't give you an answer while you sit him back on the bed. You take out your phone. 
"Do you know where your street address is? I could get you home."
"ᛁ'ᛗ ᚾᛟᛏ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ ᚹᚺᚨᛏ ᛏᚺᚨᛏ ᛁᛋ ᛋᛟᚱᚱᚤ."
Again the brunette boy gave you a confused look before speaking that language again 
"Do you have your parents' number on you? I can give them a call?
The young man gave you a horrified look when you mentioned his parents shaking his side to side repeatedly.
You pinch the bridge of your nose, setting your phone on your bed.
Here you have a random dude in a dress, in your own house from an unknown origin who probably has family issues. His legs don't seem damaged at first glance, but you were no doctor, so how should you know?
Though you feel like you can't just kick him out. He was out there by himself, passed out in the freezing cold. Someone, either his parents or not, left him there in the cold with wet clothing… Besides, he doesn't really seem dangerous. No weapons or anything on his person, just that dress and a simple necklace that seem to have a faint blue glow.
"I.. I don't know what to do then," you admit. "I don't really feel comfortable making you leave when your leg is bad enough to the point you can't stand on it.”
You do have an extra spare bedroom…
Good lord you must be crazy housing a complete stranger in your own home…
He was definitely a strange guy especially when he spoke to you that was not the language of any country you have heard of. You would be lying if you said you weren't at least a little curious about him. Maybe the poor guy ran away from his old family and that's why he ended up at the beach.
"Hey," you say, Noah jolts and tilts his head to the side like a puppy. 
"Do you have a place to stay?"
His eyes widen, tearing his eyes away from your gaze, looking at the floor in shame as he remembered everything that happened a day prior. He wanted to go to the surface badly, so Father exiled him up here. Sure, he did want it to see and explore the surface, but not like this.
With the look of anguish on his face, you knew… you felt that all too well in your life the feeling of abandonment either by your parents or friends. The memories are fuzzy but they still hurt.
You couldn't just leave him by himself now…
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biggerbetterbat · 6 months
Daryl Dixon x oc!Charlie Reed
Summary: When Rick, Daryl, and Noah leave to Atlanta, the rest of the group is left with Gabriel - who is still treated with distance. Charlie’s wounds are torn again. There’s accident in the church.
Warnings: language, walkers, killing walkers
Song: idk yet
Words: 2,818
A/N: I think I’m doing daily for Easter! I have chapters and it’s a bit boring season, so let’s speed up a little bit.
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As Rick and Daryl prepare to leave Judith, Carl, Michonne, and Charlie at the church to keep them safe while they venture out to find Beth, the group springs into action. With makeshift barricades, they fortified every entrance to the church, stacking pews, furniture, and any heavy objects they could find. Each member worked in tandem, fueled by a collective determination to safeguard their haven from external threats. Michonne grabbed some heavy furniture while Carl and Charlie help moved it into place.
Rick and Daryl, tasked with a crucial mission, left behind explicit instructions for the remaining members: Judith, Carl, Michonne, and Charlie.
Charlie felt cautious or uncertain about Noah, as he was a newcomer to the group and trust was hard to come by in the post-apocalyptic world. However, as Noah proved himself invaluable in securing the church and aiding their cause, Charlie's heart warmed to the boy who was looking like a beaten dog. He was a lanky, hurt, and scared. She even felt a little sorry for him.
"Before I go," Daryl approached her. "I believe this is yours."
She furrowed her brows as she looked at the bag that looked awfully familiar. Charlie took it not looking what was inside.
"And this," he said, searching for something in his pocket. "I thought you would like to have it."
Daryl signed for her to show him her hand and she did that without a doubt. Then she felt something cold. She was looking at the silver chain and subtle charm that was connected to it. It was her necklace. He was in her apartment.
Realization hit her and she looked up, but once she did Daryl was already walking away. With shaky hands she looked in the bag and gasped.
Charlie's hands trembled with anticipation as she gingerly reached into the bag Dary had given her. Carefully, she withdrew a handful of memories, each one a significant piece of her past. Photographs, captured moments of laughter and joy with loved ones long gone. Among them, she found souvenirs: a keychain from a road trip, a ticket stub from a concert, a worn-out baseball cap that belonged to her brother. With each item she unearthed, Charlie's heart swelled with bittersweet nostalgia, transporting her back to a time when the world was still whole and her family was by her side.
A single tear was quickly wiped away.
In the dimly lit interior of the church, Charlie sat in a pew, meticulously cleaning their weapons. Her fingers moved with practiced precision, ensuring each firearm was primed and ready for whatever lay ahead. Near her, Michonne was sitting with Judith, her arms wrapped tightly around the young girl. In the warmth of their embrace, the worries of the world seemed to fade away, replaced by the simple joy of being together. Michonne pressed a tender kiss to Judith's forehead, silently vowing to shield her from the horrors of the outside world for as long as she could.
Across the aisle, Carl stood alone, his focus entirely on the empty space before him. With each fluid movement, he practiced his fighting techniques, the sound of his fists meeting the air echoing softly in the sacred space. Michonne was carefully observing Carl, the rhythmic sound of his movements filled the air, a testament to his dedication and determination. Michonne's gaze lingered on the boy, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips as pride swelled within her.
"He's getting better every day," Michonne remarked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Charlie looked up and nodded in agreement, her gaze never leaving Carl's form. "He's got a natural talent for it. He's becoming a man."
A soft smile played across Michonne's lips as she watched Carl deliver a series of powerful strikes. "He has came a long way."
"He's going to be just fine," Charlie said, her voice tinged with pride. Charlie placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You're looking out for him. He'll be more than alright."
Michonne's expression whenever her gaze wandered to Gabriel. He moved frantically on his knees, a cloth in hand as he scrubbed dry blood stains from the wooden floor. With each swipe, he muttered a quiet prayer, seeking solace.
"Seems like he's trying to scrub away more than just dirt," Michonne whispered.
Charlie got up from her place and approached the priest, dropping cleaned machetes in front of him. "Pick one," Charlie said, looking at him. "If you want to stay with us, you need to learn how to defend yourself."
"We can teach you," Carl said as he materialized next to her out of nowhere.
"Defend myself?" Gabriel looked up. "They said they'd go."
"They were liars and murderers."
"Just like us," the priest said.
Charlie's annoyance simmered beneath the surface as Gabriel continued to label them murderers. Gabriel's accusations cut deep, especially since they came from someone who killed many more people. Rick's decision to eliminate the threat had been a calculated one, made to protect their group.
"We protected ourselves," the boy tried to convince the man. "They wanted us dead."
"Rick did what he had to do to keep us safe. We're survivors, not murderers."
Gabriel's gaze hardened, his conviction unwavering. "There's always a choice, Charlie. Taking a life is never the answer."
Charlie clenched her fists, her patience wearing thin. "Maybe in your ideal world, but out here, in this reality, it's kill or be killed. You of all people should understand that by now."
The tension in the room thickened as their conflicting ideologies clashed.
"You're lucky your church has lasted this long," Carl said in a calm voice. "You can't stay in one place anymore. Not for too long. And once you're out there...You're gonna find trouble you can't hide from. You need to know how to fight."
Charlie couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration whenever Carl spoke. Despite his young age, his words were filled with wisdom beyond his years, earned through the harsh lessons of survival in their post-apocalyptic world. He was truly becoming a man.
"I need to lay down," Gabe said and stood up from his knees. But before walking away, he grabbed a machete and smiled slightly at the boy.
Charlie couldn't contain the surge of emotion that washed over her as she watched Carl. She enveloped Carl in a tight hug. For Charlie, the embrace was more than just a gesture of affection; it was a silent acknowledgment of their unspoken connection, bound, and admiration. As she held onto Carl, she felt a sense of nostalgia as he wasn't a little boy anymore, his experiences were slowly shaping him into a man.
"I tried," he said.
"I know."
The day was dragging mercifully, while they were being locked in the church. The air was heavy with the scent of dust and decay, a stark contrast to the tension that filled the room. Gabe was still gone and quiet behind the doors to his room. "You don't trust him."
"I don't."
"Do you think he is hiding something more?"
"I think that he doesn't trust us either," Charlie said.
"But what if we're wrong? What if Gabriel's just going through something, and we're misjudging him?" Michonne asked.
"Trust is earned, and we can't afford to gamble with it," she answered. "Just because he's a priest."
As Michonne's attention was engaged in her doubts, Charlie's attention was momentarily drawn away by a soft sound from the corner of the room. She turned to see Judith, rubbing her eyes sleepily. "Come on, baby," Charlie stood up and took a little girl in her arms, and cooed in her best baby voice. "It's a time for a nappie."
Charlie gently tucked the blanket around Judith, ensuring she was comfortable before quietly slipping away from her side. As she made her way back, she noticed Carl sitting alone, his gaze fixed on the floor, lost in thought. She sat down next to him and smiled as he looked at her."You're good at this," Carl snorted and got a hard smack on the back of his head.
"It's been a long day," Charlie sighed, leaning her head on the wooden bench.
"It seems like it," he nodded. "He is strange."
She followed his gaze, as it was resting on the closed doors. "Yeah."
"I think we should be careful today," he said. "Especially, if dad won't be back till night."
Charlie looked at him and nodded. "If you feel like it...we can't ignore our instincts. We'll figure it out together, like we always do."
With a reassuring squeeze of his shoulder, Carl nodded and it seemed he wanted to say something, but a loud scream cut through the air. "Help! Please don't leave me out there! Please!"
The dull thud of Michonne's boots echoed through the deserted corridor, her katana swaying gently at her side as she made her way toward the abandoned building's entrance. The air was thick with tension. "It's Gabriel."
"What is he doing out there?" Charlie furrowed her brows.
"I know now! Let me live with it!" Gabe screamed and soon enough they all heard familiar growling and snarling.
Charlie clenched her hands into fists, her frustration mounting with each passing moment. She didn't trust him, but she deeply believed that he could value the safety they had in the church. As the minutes stretched into hours, Charlie couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal that gnawed at her insides. Gabriel's decision to leave had put them all at risk, and she couldn't understand how he could be so reckless, so selfish.
Carl and Michonne started to break wooden barricades so Gabe could enter the danger that was coming closer.
Charlie's heart pounded in her chest as she watched Gabriel stumble through the church doors, his face pale and drawn, her fingers clenched on Judith's clothing. Worst fears were realized as she saw them – a horde of walkers, their rotting flesh illuminated by the pale moonlight, their empty eyes fixed hungrily on their prey.
Michonne drew her katana, her grip steady as she prepared to face the onslaught head-on. As the first of the walkers reached the entrance of the church, Michonne sprang into action, her blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. Carl and Charlie fought at her side.
But for every walker they felled, two more seemed to take its place, their numbers swelling with each passing moment. With a grunt of frustration, Michonne redoubled her efforts, her muscles burning with exertion as she fought to keep the creatures at bay.
"The rectory! Come on!"
Gabriel held the heavy wooden doors shut with all his might, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he strained against the weight of the undead horde pressing against them. Outside, the relentless moans of the walkers echoed through the night, a constant reminder of the danger that lurked just beyond their fragile sanctuary.
Inside the dimly lit room, Charlie's heart pounded in her chest as she watched Gabriel struggle to keep the doors closed. Fear gnawed at her insides, threatening to consume her with every passing moment. She had faced death before, but never like this, never with the knowledge that it was waiting just outside, ready to devour them all. Charlie realized that their time was running out, that soon the creatures would break through and all hope would be lost.
"That's how I got out," Gabriel said, gesturing towards the floor. "Crawl under to the back. Take the little one and go."
Charlie gave the baby to Carl, pushing him towards the opening in the floor. She was watching the boy disappearing under the building, praying that there's no danger waiting for them there.
Shortly after, Charlie was pushed by Michonne into the opening and without question she obediently rushed to join Carl. As Charlie crawled under the church, the darkness enveloped her, broken only by dim shafts of light filtering through the dusty air. The scent of damp earth mingled with the musty odor of old wood, and the echoes of her hurried breaths echoing against the ancient walls. With each cautious movement, she could feel the weight of the world pressing down upon her, as if the very earth itself were closing in, threatening to swallow her whole. Charlie wanted to cry from fear, imagining that something was right behind her, ready to kill her. Yet, driven by desperation and the primal instinct to survive, she pressed on, her heart pounding in her chest like a drumbeat.
As Charlie embraced Judith, a sense of relief washed over her, finding solace in the warmth of her embrace amidst the chaos. Meanwhile, Carl's swift movements dispatched the remaining walkers outside, his steady hand and determined gaze a testament to his resolve. With Gabe and Michonne at the helm, the heavy church door groaned shut, sealing off the horde of walkers inside their sanctuary.
She placed the baby in Carl's safe hands and rushed towards Gabriel. "What the hell was that?! You wanted to kill us?!" she yelled and pushed him. "What were you thinking?! Were you thinking at all?!"
"Woah, Charlie."
"Calm down!" Michonne yelled at her, gripping her arm tightly. Charlie was boiling with fury, she was ready to just push the priest into arms of death as she was sick and tired of him. She pushed Michonne lightly and turned to walk away, back to Carl and Judith. The woman with katana looked at Gabe. "Where did you go?"
"The school," he admitted. "I had to see. I had to know."
Charlie furrowed her eyebrows. Gabriel went to school to check if they were saying the truth. He wanted to check if those guys they killed were bad. "See what? Bob's leg for God's sake?"
"Charlie, shut up," Michonne barked as the Walkers in the church were trying to get out as the doors were too damaged.
"Where do we go?" Carl asked in fear, seeing the doors almost breaking from the strength of the walkers.
The distant rumble of an approaching vehicle sliced through the air in a mix of relieve and fear of new danger approaching. Soon, the unmistakable silhouette of a fire truck emerged from the swirling mists outside, its red paint gleaming dimly in the fading light of dusk. With a shudder and a hiss, the fire truck came to a halt in front of the church doors, its engine growling like a caged beast eager to break free. As the dust settled and the engine fell silent, the heavy doors creaked open, revealing the familiar faces of Abraham, Glenn, Rosita, Maggie, and Tara stepping out.
Charlie's breath caught in her throat as she laid eyes upon them, a flood of emotions washing over her like a wave crashing against the shores. Relief surged through his veins like a wildfire, igniting a spark of hope in the depths of her weary soul. Charlie stepped forward to greet her friends, eyes glistening with unshed tears.
Without a word, she threw herself into Glenn's arms, her embrace tight and desperate, as if clinging to him for dear life. In that moment, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, the weight of their shared struggles melted away, replaced by a sense of comfort and security found in the familiarity of Glenn's embrace.
"Eugene lied," he said to her, but everyone heard.
"What?" Charlie furrowed her brows, pushing away slightly.
"He can't stop it," Glenn explained. "Washington isn't the end."
Charlie's heart sank like a stone into the depths of despair. The weight of disappointment bore down upon him, crushing his hopes and dreams. With a heavy heart hidden beneath a facade of composure, Charlie forced a small smile as she greeted Tara, Maggie, and Rosita. Though she knew that Eugene's theory was too perfect to be true, she decided not to show it.
"Glad to see you all safe," she said, approaching three girls, expressing her relief.
As Charlie made her way towards Abraham, a knot formed in her stomach, a tangible reminder of the unresolved tension that lingered between. They had parted ways in anger, their words sharp and cutting, leaving wounds that had yet to heal.
Abraham's gaze met hers, a flicker of uncertainty dancing in his eyes as he struggled to find the right words to say. "Say it," he said. "Say that you were right."
Charlie looked at the ginger man. "I'm glad you're back."
Her words hung in the air between them. For a moment, the silence stretched on, the weight of their unspoken emotions hanging heavy in the air.
Finally, Abraham's features softened, a ghost of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Yeah, me too," he replied, his voice gruff yet tinged with a hint of warmth. And then he turned to Maggie. "Let's blow this joint, go save your sister."
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ikoarts · 8 months
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October 2022 Art (OC-tober)
All my drawings for OC-tober 2022! I did miss out Day 9 + Day 22, I think coz the prompts weren't specific to any of my OCs, but I was happy to get a unique OC drawn for 29 whole days! I'll list the prompts below too
vvv dates + info under the cut vvv
1, 2, 3 - 01-02-03/10/2022 : (The Care Taker ; The Crazy One ; The Guide)
Raven, Calypso, and Sean - Raven being something of a caretaker, caring for her little brothers, and even taking on her infant half siblings, she's very busy all of the time... Calypso, yeah hes just crazie. Sean I figured is a maths teacher, he probably teaches Noah, and is a mentor to him
4, 5, 6 - 04-05-06/10/2022 : (The Grump ; The Beauty ; The Evil One)
Ruben, Antonia, and Russula - Ruben is definitely grumpy, I think the only thing that could make him smile is if you present him with some nice cheeses, or do something really stupid :p Toni, ofc is beautiful, she takes a lot of pride in her appearance, oh the style!! i wanna be her!! Russula.. isnt "evil", not really, but shes a demon lady so thats as close as you'll get x
7, 8, 9 - 07-08-10/10/2022 : (The Pet Owner ; The Mechanic ; The Quiet One)
Wren, Delilah, and Jay - I like thinking Wren would, at some point, have a guide dog, though it's not really canon unfortunately. Delilah is one of my Ace Attorney OCs! The daughter of Ron & Desiree, she definitely has a knack for mechanics, even at such a young age. Jay is like the "fly on the wall" of the Maedas, so is Robin tbf, I think both of them sit in a corner and stare, but yeah totally quiet, unless he feels like being snarky, he just sits and is judgemental
10, 11, 12 - 11-12-13/10/2022 : (The Handsome One ; The Thief ; The Best Friends)
Copper, Angel, Blaire + Ginger - Copper is handsome!!! thats all really. Angel is another of my AA OCs, Delilah's grandma, actually, like Ron she's a thief, though it's more serious stuff, Angel might not even be her real name, who knows! Blaire and Ginger are beloved to me, best friends who found each other thru drag!
13, 14 - 14-15/10/2022 : (The Gun Lover ; The Cutie pie)
Richie and Robin - Richie isn't a "gun lover" exactly, only that he has a gun for an arm, sometimes, which he loves, but yea he might be a bit "and then i started blastin"... and Robin is a cutie pie! I've updated his design since this, but he's still cute <3
15, 16, 17 - 16-17-18/10/2022 : (Someone Else's OC (Mitzi from @creaturedrawz) ; The Helper ; The Nature Lover)
Mitzi, Susie, and Buttercup - i hadn't drawn Mitzi yet and i rly wanted to bc i love her... i need to draw for others more x ,, Susie, ofc is very helpful, super friendly and outgoing, and Buttercup is a farm boy, despite living in the city he still ofc has a huge love of nature
18, 19, 20 - 19-20-21/10/2022 : (The Father ; The Siblings ; The Girl Next Door)
Felix, Una + Zin, and Penny - Felix... ugh.. da dad evar... i love his swag ass gay boy style... Una n Zin, some of my IZ OCs, they're siblings, but, it's complicated, they consider each other siblings anyway thats all that matters, Una worries abt him a lot. PENNY, ms americas sweetheart that penny. she is battling demons in hell, with her boobs (gay)... she used to be human, but since fucking. dying. shes having a gradual transformation x
21, 22, 23 - 23-24-25/10/2022 : (The Gang Leader ; The Sad One ; The Gamer)
Caspian, Rushada, and Pumpkin - Caspian isn't a gang leader, but he would get wrapped up in gangs, but dont worry he turns it around <3 Rushada my beloved sadgirl.. again its funny to see her before i gave her a slight redesign, i liked her hands in this one tho. Pumpkin is a gamer, in his gamer zelda shirt and gamer cargo shorts, thats about it
24, 25, 26 - 26-27-28/10/2022 : (The Mother ; The Power Within ; The Lovers)
Alice, Lafayette, Gizmo + Jasmine - Alice <3 my scouse ma.. she kinda just is The mother of my ocs ig ,, Lafayette, i still haven't figured out anything too concrete about his lore, but the hidden power thing is something i feel fits him. Jasmine n Gizmo have been my standout married couple ocs for years now, i just never draw Gizmo LOL, so this is still the most recent thing of him... oops
27, 28, 29 - 29-30-31/10/2022 : (The Scientist ; The Marked One ; The Goddess)
Daffy, Luna, and Rosaline - Last stretch..... im getting tired of typing....... Daffy likes to picture himself as a mad scientist but hes just a dorky autistic dude accidentally making nuclear bombs in his bedroom lmfao. Luna i thought was obvious for the prompt, she's a zombie catgirl so shes just, parts. bits n pieces. Rosaline, again like Lafayette, i dont have much concrete about her, but being my 1 goddess oc it was pretty obvious she'd be the one i drew for the last day lol
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