#hanno x oc
pvtjxker · 7 months
A proper lady.
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Donny Donowitz x OC
Written with the help of @saltynametag !
Warnings: none! Just a bit of tention :) (and a fascist perv)
English is not my first language (I'm from pizza country) so have pity of me q-q
Gif by me! <3
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Mariangela was in disbelief.
They made her come down all the way for her dear Apennines and abandon her beloved brigade, put her on a train full of fascists for two full days and made her walk for four more, only for her to end up in Bumfuck Nowhere, France. And for what?
To join a platoon of disorganized degenerates, infiltrating swanky Nazi parties for intel?
Not exactly what she pictured when she got the letter from the US army... “fight the Nazi forces”, yeah right.
At least they didn’t touch her explosives, still safely tucked away in her suitcase. She looked at her reflection in the mirror; an expensive dress, silk maybe? Fuck if she knew, it was a gift, courtesy of the American government. She touched the delicate necklace hanging from her strong peasant neck, grimacing at the scars on her hands and face. She struggled with the eyebrow pencil, carefully drawing where her brows had been singed.
Everyone would know; these fancy things didn’t belong to her.
A knock on the door startled her,
“Y’done in ‘ere, miss?”, Aldo was growing impatient.
Mariangela tried fixing the smudge on her forehead, “Not yet.”
She recognized the other voice, shouting back, “Shut the fuck up, Omar!”
“I’m-a sorry, bella principessa, take-a all-a da time-a you need-a!”
In the few days they’d worked together, he’d latched onto her accent as a source of mockery. She sighed, smoothing out the burned ends of her hair and grabbed her purse, making sure her little Lugher was wedged between her compact and forged papers.
As she stepped out, Aldo let out a low whistle,
“Boys”, he gestured dramatically, “our lovely Miss Rah-vee-nah.”
The Basterds chuckled. She wasn’t so easily flattered,
“I look like shit.”
“Language, missy”, Aldo scolded, “S’a fancy party full-a fancy wiener eatin’ schnitzels and yer a proper lil’ lady, understand?”
She. would. rather. Die.
She opened her mouth to tell Aldo to fuck off, like the proper lady she was, when her eyes fell on Donny...
Oh Donny...
Her forbidden fruit...
As if he wasn’t handsome enough in army green or that goddawful wife beater...
But, God... did he look good in a suit.
Aldo’s gruff voice snapped her out of her daydream,
“Ev’ryone good on the plan?”
Donny nodded, a curl coming loose from his slicked back hair, “Me, you ‘n’ Omar work for Mari. Hugo ‘n’ Wicki are Gesta-fucks and Smitty stays back with the rest, case shit hits the fan.”
Mari nodded, distracted by that damn curl on his forehead when he offered her his arm,
“M’lady”, he said playfully.
She giggled like an idiot, “M’lord...”
“Questi crucchi non hanno proprio gusto...”
These Krauts have no taste at all...
Mariangela muttered under her breath as she took a sip of what the waiter called “champagne”... piss water, more like.
Her arm was still looped with Donny’s, trying to keep her cool and pass him off as her date. Looped was perhaps a generous way of describing it; her nails were dug into the fabric of his suit, making him wince,
“Watch it, my arm’s still attached, y’know...”
She jumped and smoothed his sleeve out, “Sorry... I’m nervous.”
“Really? I couldn’t tell”, he joked.
His playful demeanour put her at ease, and she even managed to crack a small smile, despite her dress nearly choking the life out of her. Who was in charge of tailoring, anyway? Had they ever met a woman? She took another sip of piss water and caught a glimpse of Hugo, who wasn’t any better off than she was. He looked like he was seconds away from ripping the clothes off his back and fighting everyone in his birthday suit. And honestly? She wouldn’t blame him. Flitting through the crowd of fascist, covering for Omar and Aldo’s terrible excuse for Italian accents, smiling...
She was going insane.
At the very least, it was all going smoothly.
“Mi dicono che lei è italiana, sì?”
They told me you were Italian, right?
A man, in a carefully pressed fascist uniform with hair as shiny as his boots, caught Mariangela’s arm.
He smiled and it made her skin crawl. Be polite. Be polite.
“Certamente! Pensavamo di essere i soli...”
Certainly! We thought we were the only ones!
The man wrapped his nicotine-stained fingers around her wrist, bringing her hand up to his chapped lips. Donny stiffened beside her, squaring his shoulders. The man introduced himself,
“Galeazzo Marchi”, he paused to kiss her hand again, “piacere di conosorela.”
Galeazzo Marchi. Pleasure to meet you.
Aldo and Omar shifted uncomfortably behind them, as Galeazzo rubbed his thumb over Mari’s knuckles. She sent a panicked look Donny’s way; his nostrils were flared, his muscles tense, eyes wide and angry... if looks could kill...
“E il signore...”, he gestured to Donny dismissively, “chi dovrebbe essere?”
And this man... who is he meant to be?
She blinked.
Donny looked pissed. Omar was sweating bullets and she could feel Aldo’s eyes burning a hole in the back of her head, she could practically hear what he was thinking, “fuck’s going on over there?!”
They were meant to be tourists. Just rich tourists, they hadn’t worked out any other details... she blurted out the first thing that came to mind,
“Il mio fidanzato.”
He’s my fiancé.
“Oh, capisco…”
Oh, I understand…
He answered.
He smiled with the smile of someone who doesn’t actually care. He wasn’t going to give up.
“Posso offrirle da bere?”
Can I offer you a drink?
He said, taking a glass of piss water from the silver tray of a fancy dressed waiter and handed it to her.
She was about to take it, more than anything out of pity towards the man, but Donny was faster, and handed her his own glass, still full.
“Com’é gentile, da parte sua…”
How kind of him…
Galeazzo looked bitter.
Donny smiled at his reaction.
Mari took the glass and took a sip, trying to release the tention.
She took a glance of Donny, who was staring down at the man with a glare of challenge. Like if he was daring him to do something she still was unaware of.
“Quindi…fidanzati, giusto?”
So…engaged, right?
“Sí! Da quasi due anni, ormai.”
Yeah! For almost two years now.
The man smirked. She didn’t like it.
“E…vi amate molto?”
And…do you love each other?
Mariangela was about to burst, but decided to stay silent for the sake of the mission.
“Sa, stavo pensando che una coppia bella come la vostra sarebbe un vero piacere da ammirare…”
“You know, I was thinking that a beautiful couple like yours would be a real pleasure to admire...”
That was the last straw.
Mari replied, contemptuous, with a raging blush on her cheeks for the embarassment.
“Non ho idea di quello che lei sta cercando di fare, camerata, ma la risposta é e sarà no!”
I have no idea what you are trying to do, camerata, but the answer is and will be no!
The man smiled, as his hand grapped her wrist.
“Non sono il tipo di uomo a cui si dice no.“
I’m not the type of man you say no to.
A weak metallic sound.
The loading of a gun.
She looked down and saw a tiny Walther P38 in Donny’s hand, pointing straight at the man’s belly.
Mari looked back at the man, reacting with a smil at the look of terror Galeazzo had on his face.
“Un po’…territoriale, il suo uomo.”
Your man is a bit…territorial.
“Non é il tipo di uomo a cui si dice no.”
He’s not the type of man you say no to.
Galeazzo turned pale white.
Donny pointed at the restroom’s door with the gun with a friendly smile, grabbing the man’s shoulder tightly and dragging him in.
As soon as he walked in, she walked towards Aldo and Omar.
“What’s goin’ on, why did he go there?-”
“Don’t, Aldo, it's too long to explain.”
A few moments later, Donny walked out, looking unbothered.
“What happened? What did you do to him?”
“Don’t worry ‘bout it, doll.” He replied, adjusting his suit.
He called her "doll".
Well, there’s always a first time, I guess.
She wrapped her arm around his, as soon as he offered it to her to take, her cheeks burning.
“What matters now is that he’s not gonna be a bother anymore. Anyway, are you alright? Did he hurt you?”
She took a glance at her wrist, but not even a tiny scratch was there.
“No, don’t worry.”
“I do worry, actually. I’m glad you’re not hurt. I would have killed him…”
Aldo walked towards them, hissing to their ears. “Can you try not to get in a mess for five seconds? I swear if-”
A deep voice interrupted him from behind him.
“We got what we needed. Let’s get outta here.”
It was Wicky, followed by a pissed off Hugo.
“Wenn ich in fünf Sekunden nicht aus hier komme, drohe ich ein Massaker zu begehen.”
If I don't get out of here within five seconds I risk committing a massacre.
Hugo complained, quickly interrupted by Wilhelm, who stepped on his foot.
“Halt die Fresse! Wenn sie uns jetzt finden, geht alles schief!”
Shut up, goddamnit! If they find us now everything will be ruined.
Hugo flinched, but went quiet.
“Well then, I guess we don't have much time before that creep wakes up and comes out of the bathroom looking for me and Donny. We gotta move.”
They all started to walk towards the exit.
“What did that guy ask you for reacting like that?”
Omar asked. Donny shrugged. “I dunno, they spoke italian the whole time. What did he tell you?”
Donny asked to Mari. She stiffened, slightly tightening the grip on his arm for the embarassment, her cheeks turning red again.
“Nothing, keep walking.”
It didn't take them long to return to their base, an abandoned shack in the middle of the countryside in northern France. She sat on a chair, in a room upstairs. The perk of being the only one allowed to have a private room, for…well, obvious reasons. She took off her dress, finally being able to breath. The tossed the dress on the bed and put her usual clothes, finally being more comfortable. As she was taking her make-up off, she heard a knock on the door.
“Come in!”
Donny walked in.
She straightened her back on her seat, coughing softly in nervousness, her cheeks slightly red.
“Could be worst.”
He walked behind her, resting his hands on her shoulders. She stiffened.
“I just wanted to say you looked good tonight. I've never seen you dressed so fancy. Or with any make up on.”
He looked nervous.
“Thanks, Donny, I…I appreciate.”
“Like…very good.”
She looked at him through the mirror, with a questioning face.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that you were very beautiful.”
Donny suddenly looked very nervous.
“Not that you're usually ugly, of course.”
He was…complimenting her. He was complimenting her. She tried to smile, her cheeks red. She looked at one of his hands and hesitantly rested hers on it.
“Thank you, Donny.”
He looked at her one last time, before taking her hand in his and kissing her knuckles.
“Goodnight, Mari.”
“Goodnight, Donny.” She answered, with a faint voice.
He then got out of the room, gently closing the door behind him.
She looked at her hand and kissed it where Donny kissed it too.
“Ti amo.”
Divider by @saradika !
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deadratio · 4 years
Morning Delights/Stormy Evenings
Pairing: young Noah x Sylvie LaChance (OC)
In which the day begins warm and loving, but ends in a storm of life-changing events. 
TW: death
Word Count: 4.3k
A/N: Hey y’all! I just wanted to say thank you in advnace for reading this! I know that OC pairings in the Dark fandom are not all that common, but @nikkzwrites and I have talked extensively about our OC’s in Nikkz’s AU Origin world. I personally do not feel comfortable writing young Noah/Hanno with Elisabeth, so that’s why I do nor write for them. If you would be interested in any of the Dark characters in a reader insert type of fic, then please let me know! I’m open to suggestions as well as constructive criticism! 
Also, to clear some things up: Silja does not exist in this AU. Noah is the son of Martha and Bartosz. Regina and Aleksander no longer live in Winden. 
A soft breath fluttered its way through her lips as her eyes opened, finding herself wrapped in sun-kissed warmth. Yellow rays mixed with orange danced on the walls, her hands meeting her tired face, the breathing behind her coming from a soft slumber, which she hoped was filled with the sweetest dreams of all. Tanned arms constricted her waist, preventing her escape to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. She turned her body to face the still-bodied boy, his hair falling into his face, and his mouth slightly agape. A giggle filled the air as her fingers gingerly brushed the hair away, pressing her forehead to his. 
Stirring slightly at the touch of the girl next to him, Noah blinked open his eyes, being met with the hazel ones of the girl who he loved most dearly. A smile broke his stoic features, a hand moving to brush against her cheek, his fingers tangling into the edges of her hair. “Good morning, my love.” His voice was slightly hoarse from sleeping, but it’s one of the many things Sylvie loved about him. Instead of a verbal response, Sylvie pressed her lips against his tenderly, quickly pulling away before chuckling at the boy. 
“Bonjour mon amour. Comment vas-tu?” She asked him this every morning. Though he understood very little of the girl's native language, she always greeted him by asking how he was. He found the little things of their morning routine to be some of the most special because Sylvie was usually busy writing her thesis for university. “I’m always my best when I wake up next to you.” He responds, pressing another kiss to her lips. Pulling him to her, Sylvie kissed him back passionately, smiling against his lips before breaking the kiss, running her hand over his face. “I’m glad you’re so well. We should get out of bed, we have to be at your mom’s house by two today.” She stated, a soft glance moving his way. Her smile was still soft, her hands moving to detach his arms from around her. Pouting, Noah leaned back onto the pillows, his arms resting behind his head. Though he loved his family, he did find them to be a bit overbearing when it came to his relationship with Sylvie. That would always ask the most personal questions, when was he going to propose, when were the grandkids going to come, the ones they find the most important. It had been two years since she showed up to his cousin’s birthday party slash aunt and uncle’s wedding anniversary party, and had taken his breath away the minute he laid his eyes on her. 
She had already moved from the bed, her shirt riding up as she stood, arms stretched high into the air and towards the ceiling. Turning to face her beloved boyfriend, Sylvie let out a soft laugh, looking down at him. “If you don’t get out of the bed, I’ll only make my coffee and toast.” Teasing, she moved towards the door of the bedroom, only turning to look back at him as she turned the knob. Groaning playfully, Noah rose from the bed, picking up his discarded shirt from the night before, finding that both the covers of the bed and the body heat of his dearest love to be rather overwhelming. Bare feet padding against the wooden floors, he followed the girl down the hallway and descended the staircase, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he went.
Shuffling into the kitchen, Sylvie began to make the coffee, also grabbing the sourdough loaf off of the microwave along her way. A soft sigh could be heard from the taller of the two as he opened the front door to find the newspaper laying on their front step. Though he didn’t read the paper in full, Noah still found it the easiest way to keep track of what was going on in their small town of Winden. The wafting smell of fresh coffee filled his nostrils as he closed the door, stepping slowly towards the kitchen, leaning against the archway. He watched her movements. This has become a daily routine for them; wake up, eat breakfast, get ready, and do what needs to get done. Though they deferred their decisions sometimes, Sylvie enjoyed having a typical set of activities to do before she had to bear her eyes on the computer monitor for the majority of the day. 
Turning to find him looking at her, Sylvie felt a slight heat rush to the cores of her cheeks, turning back to face the slow-burning coffee pot. Soon after, comforting arms wrapped around her waist, rubbing soft circles into her sides. “I love you.” a tender whisper filled her ears, chills running their way down her spine. In all her years of living, he had been the only person able to make her feel so warm and giddy. Anybody she had dated in the past had been cold-blooded and reckless towards her. Spinning around in his embrace, a wide smile graced her features before she pressed a quick kiss to his lips. 
Just as he went to kiss her back, the coffee pot shrieked with its cruel tone, signifying that it had finally finished brewing the steaming black liquid. Though he preferred his without any additions, Sylvie typically added sugar and cream. Noah blames it on how sweet she is, but she brushes it off unless she’s in a particularly playful mood. Pouring two mugs, Sylvie hands one to Noah, careful not to spill any on his bare feet. She’s done it before, and she surely does not want to go to urgent care early in the morning again. Thanking his girlfriend, Noah takes his seat at the kitchen bar, watching the dark-haired girl as she, what he would say “dumped,” sugar and cream into the steaming ceramic cylinder. Facing Noah, Sylvie let out a chuckle, pulling the chair next to him out as so to sit next to him. Moving her free hand to his, she gripped his hand tightly. Though it felt like a normal weekend morning to her, she also had a haunting feeling in the back of her head. She typically ignored this and brushed it off as anxiety for the upcoming day, but this time it felt different, eternal, almost. 
A few hours had passed since the two young adults had finished their coffee and started to unpack the day ahead. Noah’s grandmother and grandfather, Regina and Aleksander, were visiting from America for the next couple of weeks. Sylvie had only been introduced to them over a video call, which was nice, but she was excited to meet them in person. Regina and Aleksander adored Noah and therefore were very adoring of Sylvie, who had brought light into his life. Black strands of hair flew amongst her face as she brushed her hair, attempting to style it more neatly than she normally would. Through her excitement, Sylvie was rather nervous to meet the two elders. Though she had already met the rest of the Tiedemann’s long ago, she still valued Noah’s love for his grandparents and did not want to disappoint the two on their return to their hometown. 
Spending another fifteen minutes on her hair, Sylvie was finally satisfied with the simple braid she had put it in. Noah moved in the doorway, pressing a kiss to her temple while preparing to take a shower himself. A gentle smile sat upon the girl's features as she closed the bathroom door, stepping into the closet to decide on an outfit for the occasion. Though she wouldn’t consider her wardrobe to be all that special, she still valued her appearance and kept certain items for times such as these. Sticking out to her particularly was a deep forest green top, tiny polka dots freckled throughout the pattern. The sleeves were wide and almost whimsical, the bottom cinched at the waist and flaring out again. Setting the blouse on the tousled blankets of the bed, she moved to the dresser to select a pair of pants. She knew jeans would likely be okay with the Tiedemann’s, but her desire to please the two in-person won her over as she selected a pair of cropped black trousers. She knew she had a pair of flat, suede sandals that would go perfectly with the two items. 
In the process of changing clothes, Noah stepped out of the bathroom, a towel wrangling with his sopping wet hair. Having changed into clean clothes right out of the shower, he was more ready than Sylvie was. He hadn’t hugged his grandmother in years and missed the long, thoughtful conversations he shared with his grandfather. Sylvie looked up at him from her position on the corner of the bed, one shoe strapped, the other sitting next to her feet. A wide grin exposed itself to the boy, who returned his own. Slipping on the other shoe, Sylvie stood from the bed, straightening out her shirt. “Are you ready?” The question was filled with both concern and excitement. Walking over to stand next to her, he grabbed her hand, intertwining their fingers together. “I’m always ready with you by my side, my love,” A playful laugh ended the sentence as he leaned to place a kiss upon her lips once more. “I must fix my hair though, my grandmother would have a fit if I showed up to the house without at least combing my hair.” He chuckled, moving towards the dresser. He thought back to when he was just a young boy and his grandmother would come over to fix lunch occasionally, her fingers parting through his hair just as the heat of the day reached its peak. He missed her tender touch and her gentle words of reassurance. 
Standing at the kitchen sink, Bartosz peered through the window. The sun bore down on the trees surrounding the Tiedemann household, the leaves dancing in the light breeze. Today his mother and father would return from America to visit the family for two weeks, the first time in nearly five years. With both of the kids out of the house, it had become alarmingly quiet as Martha had been busy with the school and preparing for the coming months. The scruff along his chin had not bothered him for what seemed like decades at this point, but he knew his mother and decidedly made his way towards his and Martha’s shared bedroom to make himself more presentable. He feared the tension between his mother and his wife. Ever since Agnes had been born, admittedly out of wedlock, Regina had been rather brash towards the former Nielsen girl. He hoped that the day would go on without issue, though lingering in the back of his consciousness was a deep dark shadow. It was eerily detached from him, leaving a lingering trail in the distance. He shrugged it off as his nerves had got to him as he prepared himself for the day.
  The time had finally come for the two young adults to make their way to the Tiedemann home. Sylvie pressed a kiss to Noah’s cheek before running to the front door of the house, a playful smile breaking through her lips as she looked back at him. Their shared coupe sat in the yard, sleek and toned. Noah, amused by his girlfriend’s antics, closed the locked door behind him, running just past her to open the car door for her, laughing. Closing the door behind her, he headed to the driver’s side, sliding in next to Sylvie. Her green-toned eyes were lit with excitement, but he knew that behind them, the feeling of butterflies and anxiety were mixing into it. The engine revved up as he started the car, a soft musical tone filling the cabin from the previous drive. Putting the car into drive, Noah and Sylvie made their way to the other side of Winden. _______________________
Pulling up to the curb, Sylvie could see multiple cars in the Tiedemann’s driveway. She knew that Annalise and Jonas would also be there, maybe even Jonah and Michelle. Taking a deep breath, she watched as Noah walked around the front of the car to open her door, his veined hand gently encompassing her own. Twisting her legs, she stepped out of the car, smiling at Noah. His fingers tangled themselves with her own as they made their way to the front door together. His lips pressed against her hair before he knocked on the door. Appearing almost immediately in the doorway was Martha, a pleasant smile adorning her features. She first moved to hug her son, a kiss landing upon his cheek before she turned to Sylvie. Sylvie returned an eager smile to the woman she had come to admire dearly, her arms wrapping around her shoulders tightly. “Come in! Annalise brought us some hors d'oeuvres to enjoy while we all visit!” She exclaimed, moving back into the house. Noah let Sylvie step in first, following closely behind her. Martha, looking back at her son, smirked while following the couple, soon taking her place next to Bartosz. 
 The first person Sylvie saw in the large gathering space was Annalise, who joyfully waved at the two. Jonas acknowledged them with a smile and a nod. Standing next to Bartosz, Sylvie was able to recognize the red-haired woman as Regina. Attached to her shoulder was a man who she immediately assumed was Aleksander. His grey hair and slight scruff was a signature Tiedemann look amongst the older men. Bartosz was not quite there, with strands of grey peeking through the brown locks atop his head. A wide smile was set on Sylvie’s face as Martha announced their presence, both of the oldest Tiedemann’s turning to greet their grandson and his girlfriend. Regina, overwhelmed with excitement, rushed over to the two, embracing her youngest grandchild into a near bone-crushing hug. A giggle was heard from Sylvie, Aleksander approaching her in greeting, his hand jutting out to shake hers. “It’s lovely to finally meet you, Miss. Sylvie.” He said, his mellow voice welcoming to the girl. Her hand molded with his, a firm shake swinging their arms in sync. “It’s such a pleasure, Aleksander. I have been looking forward to this for so long!” The excitement was evident, in her voice. Before Aleksander could reply, Regina had already made her way to Sylvie. One would think that the woman’s cheek would break from the big smile on her face. 
“Sylvie! My darling! I am overjoyed to finally meet you in person!” A laugh erupted from Sylvie’s throat, Noah leaning slightly closer to her. Regina squeezed her shoulders, Sylvie’s arms gently grasping her back. Pulling away, the two moved back towards their respective partners. Noah and Sylvie joined the others in the lounge, sitting directly next to Annalise and Jonas. Annalise, eager to see the two again even though she had seen them mere days prior, hugged Sylvie from the side. Sylvie leaned into her, watching Bartosz set the hors d'oeuvres onto the coffee table in the middle of the room. Thus began the afternoon and evening of many laughs, stories, and embarrassing moments between the eight of them. 
The day turned into evening seemingly quickly, the whole family chattering away. Sylvie, having enjoyed herself so far, excused herself to the bathroom. Noah squeezed her hand lightly as she stood, her gaze meeting his, a gentle smile etching its way into her face. Moving through the legs of the others, she made her way down the hall, pulling her phone from her back pocket. She had put it on “Do Not Disturb,’ having found it disrespectful to not only Noah’s parents but also his grandparents had she pulled it out in front of them. Clicking on the screen, she found multiple missed calls from her family, as well as nearly thirty text messages mostly from her aunt. This was immediately a red flag for Sylvie. The darkness that had encompassed her being early this morning returned to claim it’s stake. Moving further towards the back of the house, Sylvie changed her settings and found her mother’s contact, pressing the call button. Anxiety gnawed at her stomach and chest. Her aunt never called or texted her. Her mother had cut her off a few years ago due to a disagreement regarding a family matter. 
The phone was pressed to her ear now, her fingers on her free hand clenching and unclenching. The phone went to voicemail, which she found more outrageously weird than her aunt texting her. Her mother always picked up the phone. Hands shaking now, Sylvie leaned her head back, taking a few deep breaths before calling her mother again. Waiting, it rang three times before being picked up, the voice on the end was not the one that belonged to her mother. “Sylvie! Oh, thank god! Why haven’t you been picking up your phone?” The question was full of concern, anger, and subsequently, unrecognizable sorrow. Swallowing her fear, Sylvie pressed, “Who is this? Why are you answering my mother’s phone?” 
“Sylvie, it’s your aunt Odette…” There was a silence on her end, Sylvie was gritting her teeth now. “Odette, why do you have my mother's phone? She hasn’t spoken to you since Papa passed away.” Sylvie wanted to interrogate the woman, but she was more concerned with the extremely odd situation at hand. 
“Dear, I do hate to be the one to inform you, but your mother was in an accident this afternoon.” Sylvie’s stomach dropped to her feet hearing these words, her heart beginning to race. She didn’t know what to say. How to ask “Is my mom okay?” Or worse. “Sylvie?” Odette’s voice shook the girl from her numb state of mind. “Odette. Tell me everything you know. I need to know immediately.” She ordered the woman on the other end of the phone. Her body was becoming hotter with each passing second, a rush of emotions overwhelmed the girl. 
“Sylvie...she didn’t make it…” Sylvie’s jaw was agape, pure terror filling the veins in her body with a stiff coldness like no other. She could not fathom the thought, or even the existence, that her mother was dead. A muttered “I will be there soon” was all she could muster before hanging up the phone. Heavy tears began their journey through her tear ducts, spilling over onto her pale cheeks. She didn’t want to go back out to Noah and his family this way, but she had no choice but to do so. She had to get to France as soon as she could. A sob wracked its way through her body, her throat caught in the pain of the loss. Her hand cupped her face, her eyes twisted shut. Her jaw shuddered with another sob, her breathing ragged. Before she could fully reason with herself to take herself back to Noah, her anchor, she heard footsteps down the hallway. Her face had become blush-toned, her hands still shaking. Looking up through the flood of tears, she saw Noah. 
Noah, concerned that Sylvie hasn't returned from the bathroom, made his way towards the back of the house. Martha also asked him to bring fresh water to the table on his way back. He had placed the pitcher on the kitchen counter, making Sylvie a priority since she had been gone for longer than ten minutes. Turning the corner towards the dining room, Noah was shocked to find the love of his life sobbing, tears dripping from her chin onto the wooden floors. Panicked, he rushed over to her, his arms embracing her immediately. He could feel her body shake with each sob, his shoulder becoming wet with her tears. Tangling his fingers in her dark locks, he whispered to her, “What’s happened, my love? Why are you so upset?” His voice was soft in her ear, only a slight comfort. 
Shaking her head almost violently, Sylvie stuttered her words, barely willing, or able, to say the words out loud. Her fingers grasped the chambray fabric of his shirt as if her life depended on it, her forehead buried deep into his shoulder. Noah hadn’t met her mother, but he knew how close her and Sylvie’s bond was. She had grown up with her alone for nearly the entirety of her life until she met her father several years ago. Noah, concerned for his love and her wellbeing, proceeded to maneuver her towards the scarred dining chair, much like he expected her heart to be at this moment. Pulling out the chair, he gently placed her upon it, his hand moving to caress her cheek. He brought another chair in front of her, taking a seat in front of her. Knee to knee, he pulled her closer to him, his hands rubbing soft circles into her shoulders. Her sobs were quieter now, the tears continuing to streak their way onto her skin.  Her breathing was more rhythmic now than when he had first found her, though he knew on the inside she was torn into pieces. Though she saw Martha as a mother figure, you cannot replace the love a biological mother and daughter have. 
Martha had also excused herself from the gathering, stepping into the kitchen to find the water pitcher on the counter, unfilled. Finding this rather odd, she filled it herself and took it back to the others. Annalise, looking up from her spot, asked the woman, “Where are those two? Surely they cannot be canoodling at a family gathering? The only people I’ve known to do that are you and Bartosz!” Martha, taken slightly aback by this, stifled a laugh and shook her head. “Annalise, they are more respectable than that. I’ll go to find them. Also, it was only once!” She stated, turning back to walk towards the other end of the house. She shook her head at her dearest friend, a wide smile pinching the corners of her lips.
Noah whispered soft affirmations into Sylvie’s ear, promising that they would immediately pack and leave for France the moment they arrived home. The girl had moved to be sitting in his lap now, her legs scrunched up atop his thighs. He had begun to rub circles on her hips as he held her close to him, becoming silent. The only sound was their breath leaving their bodies until scuffled footsteps could be heard. Opening his eyes to find his mother standing in the entryway, a sad look glazed itself throughout his features. Martha, confused and concerned, approached the two slowly. Noah, whispering to Sylvie, set her feet back onto the ground, moving her to sit in the chair he had previously occupied. “I’ll be just a moment, love.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead. Nodding, Sylvie looked up at him before glancing over to Martha. Seeing her made her chest tighten, threatening to spill more tears. 
Grasping his mother’s hand tenderly, Noah guided her to the pantry next to the dining room, closing the door behind them. Turning the light on, Noah faced his mother. “Noah, what’s happened? Why is Sylvie crying so?” She questioned, a frown replacing the smile she had worn on her way to find the two. Noah, sighing deeply ran his hand down his jaw, biting his bottom lip.
“I believe that her aunt has just called her,” He started, the tears beginning to well in his eyes as well. “Her mother was in an accident back in France. She didn’t make it,” He looked at his mother, his chin trembling. Martha gasped, her hand reaching for her son’s shoulder. He leaned into her touch, the tears making their trek down his face. “We must leave at once for France. I hate to cut our visit with grandma and grandpa short, but Sylvie means the world to me. Not being there with her in her time of need would be negligent of me.” Nodding, Martha understood his reasons for needing to leave. Pulling him into a tight hug, she kissed his cheek. 
“Well, don’t keep her waiting. We will be here for you both when you get back, Please send our condolences to her and her family. She’s like a daughter to me, you know that. I love you both dearly.” Noah cracked a small smile at his mother’s words, squeezing her shoulders before turning to open the pantry door. Walking back to Sylvie, he crouched down, his hand gently taking hers in his. 
“Mama said we could go. I’ll carry you to the car.” Sylvie nodded, her arms already moving to secure her reach around his neck. Slipping his arms under her knees, Noah lifted the girl from the chair, his mother watching them from the doorway of the pantry. A sad smile made its way through her features, following close behind them. Slowly stepping into the living area of the house, Noah glanced over at his family, the same sad smile of Martha’s etched over his face. Annalise, shocked at the situation, stood almost immediately. The rest of the family followed suit, Martha walking towards them. Before Annalise could move to ask the young couple what the matter was, Martha gently grasped her wrist, shaking her head. Together, the six of them watched the two exit the house and make their way towards their car.
Looking at Martha, Annalise began, “Martha! What happened to the poor girl?!” Martha’s eyes could have told the whole story, but she obliged the woman, as well as the others in the room. “Her mother passed away. They are going to France immediately.” Martha’s lip began to tremble as Bartosz gripped his wife’s shoulder. Annalise, shocked, grabbed onto Jonas’ shirt, looking up at him. The three couples moved to the window to watch the two slip away into the car, pulling from the curb. She leaned into Bartosz, fear for her son’s love digging its way through her chest and stomach. She couldn’t imagine or even fathom the pain Sylvie was going through. Though things were changing for her son, and undoubtedly Sylvie, Martha could only hope that the two of them would make it through this, and come back with a new lease on life. 
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edensrose · 3 years
Tomoe: I wasn't even that drunk last night.
Kurama: You flirted with Hannah for two hours straight.
Tomoe: And?? She's my girlfriend.
Kurama: You asked if she was single,
Kurama: ... And cried when she said no.
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lamemaster · 2 years
The Regrets That Linger
Tumblr media
Maglor X Easterling OC
Warning: Angst Bomb
Summary: “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing, there is a field. I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about.” -Rumi
The air was cold. It was always cold in Hirming. I clutched the blanket that I had intended to get for Maitimo. Now I just had to make it back to his room. Just open the door, walk out, and help my brother.
I focused my attention on the blanket. Its color was the darkest green in a peacock’s feather. It was knit carefully with precise stitches. A small undeserved token of comfort that reminded me so much of home back in Aman.
Maitimo’s door loomed in my view. Sighing I opened the door to be welcomed by a poorly lit room. Despite belonging to the Lord of Hirming the room was barely furnished. It held a desk that loitered with a mess of documents that needed my brother’s attention. The opposite corner of the room was occupied by the closet that was carved by Curvo.
And lastly was the giant bed made specifically to cater to Maitimo, who loomed over everyone. The giant bed that now engulfed the wraith-like figure of my brother.
“Hanno” I forced my feet towards the bed to cover the shivering figure on it. Maitimo’s eyes followed my voice but there was no other movement leave for that. His entire body shook with tremors so fierce that those could be felt through the bed.
I tucked the blanket to ease his suffering. “Hanno” My brother seemed unaware of everything. Fingon’s death had done this to him. My cousin’s death had left him so vulnerable and on the cusp of fading.
“Please look at me Maedhros.” I switched his epessë with the Sindarin name. Ever since his rescue mirrors had become his foe and our mother’s name for him a curse.
“I-I did it!” Whispers of self-blame continued from my brother’s mouth. Ever since the failure of the alliance Maitimo blamed himself. He tortured his fea for Fingon’s demise. This is led to where we are right now.
“No hanno. None of this was your fault.” My arguments went unheard by the panicking ellon. “Here have some of this tea hanno.” I slid a hand under his shoulders, avoiding his hair, to allow him some of the healing droughts.
Maitimo sipped some tea in the midst of his breakdown. Much to my relief, it was enough to calm him down and offer some sleep.
With the panic now subsiding Maitimo held my hand as he murmured unintelligible phrases in the haze of sleep. His hair was a mess after laying down for a week. I wove my fingers in the tangles to soothe his fitful dreams.
Unintentionally I started humming the lullaby my brother had so lovingly sung to me in our childhood. I prayed to Illuvatar, his Ainur, the Valar, and anyone willing to listen to a kinslayer. I prayed all night for the sake of my withering brother.
I knew it was selfish to force Maitimo to stay, to demand him to continue living after being through the worst of fates. Yet, I couldn’t imagine being alive without him next to me. From my very first second of existence I had known him and to be without him on this ruthless land felt like a fate worse than ever-lasting misery.
In the company of my sleeping brother my traitorous mind wandered to her. It had been my fault. Her people had joined the enemy without blinking an eye. I should hate her as an elf, as a Noldo, and as Maitimo’s brother.
I should hate her but I couldn’t.
“It is said that the intensity of henna’s color tells how much one’s future spouse will love them.” the edain woman who stood two heads below me proudly presented her hands to me.
“Then it seems like yours will love you to the end of times, my lady.” A slight redness gathered on the apples of her cheeks. A feature found only in second children, a feature that seemed too endearing. I found it impossible to not trace the intricately drawn patterns on her hands.
As I stared into the kohl-lined eyes that held untainted innocence. “And what about the kohl? Does it carry another tale of your people?” The woman next to me giggled tucking a wayward strand of her braid “My lord, not everything we do carries a romantic background. Kohl is just a protection against infections.”
It felt so easy to smile. Call of Silmarils felt a distant hum when the woman next to me enthusiastically chatted about the most trivial things.
Next to me, the edain wore heavy clothes that engulfed her small frame. From what I heard from some men, people from the East found the West to be extremely cold. In fact, it was clear from the child-like fascination in my companion's eyes just by looking at the piling snow.
“Listening to merchant’s tales I had often wondered if snow felt like the fluffiest flower of cotton that grew in nearby farms.” Much to my amusement, the woman next to me held a handful of snow “And how did you find it to be? Does it stand up to the stories?” I asked the woman whose fingers were now reddening.
Feeling the snow in her hand her nose scrunched as she said “Hmm rather than the softest cotton of our fields I'd say that it feels more like the ever-changing fine sand of our deserts.” I pried her freezing hands off the snow she clutched in her trembling fist.
She muttered thanks putting on the mittens I handed her “Yet, it is quite the opposite.” She flexed frozen fingers. Taking her covered hands I tucked them into my cloak.
A letter. In a shabby envelope that barely held on to its ends. The handwriting inside it is shabby and unusual. The curve of letters so distinct from that of my kin. It was her, the writing that was worse than that of an elfling. The faint scent that surrounded her lingered on the tattered pages.
To The Lord Who Sings,
I hope you find this letter. I have heard that the summer of Hirming brings the most beautiful scenery to life. The snow melts to reveal the crisp grass and the barren trees bare blooms found nowhere else.
In the past few days, I have found myself learning the language of your people. I struggle with the effortless strokes of the letters that I saw you make so easily. However, since you are reading this I have managed to write something coherent at the least.
I expect nothing in return for this letter. I do not seek a reply or any form of assurance. I am aware that the betrayal of my kin leaves no ground for me to ask that. Yet, I find myself writing this letter in the wake of a sunset. I fear that I left you plagued with bitterness, restless in your own agony. I am afraid that I have added to your burdens instead of lessening them.
I do not ask for your forgiveness for the crimes of my people are irredeemable. I simply want to let you know I never intended to forsake you. How could I ever think of that?
However, the passage of time cannot be reversed. My regrets cannot help but from countless scenarios of if onlys that mean nothing.
So, comfort your heart, my lord. Do not let the resentment strain your views of Hirming.
May the darkest shade of henna grace your hands.
Yours Eternally,
In the ice-cold cells of a dark prison sat a woman. Her bony fingers were bloody from writing endlessly. The floors are covered with letters addressed to a lord who sings, who plays, who smiles, and broods. Letters that make no sense because of her terrible writing from shaking hands. Piles of unsent letters that carry blood stains from untreated wounds and scraped fingers.
She writes as the breath leaves her body.
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing, there is a field. I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about.”
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quierorodarnojodan · 3 years
Estábamos bromeando con un amigo @mcdonneeli sobre que tenemos muchos ships similares si no casi todos, pero que irónicamente ambos nos peleamos por el mismo pj a usar y por eso jamás podemos rolear las ships xDD entonces me puse hacer la lista a ver que dice mi compatriota desalmado.
Axis Power Hetalia
Alemania x Norte De Italia
Austria x Hungría [♥]
Dinamarca x Noruega
España x Sur De Italia
Prussia x Hungría
Prussia x Austria [♥]
Ichigo Kurosaki x Uryuu Ishida [♥]
Ikkaku Madarame x Yumichika Ayasegawa
Kyouraku Shunsui x Ukitake Jyuushirou [♥]
Carole & Tuesday
Carole Stanley x Tuesday Simmons
Cyborg 009
Jet Link (002) x Albert Heinrich (004)
Ishida Yamato x Yagami Taichi [♥]
Dragon Ball
Goku x Vegeta
Celty Sturluson x Kishitani Shinra
Kadota Kyohei x Izaya Orihara
Fairy Tails
Levy McGarden x Gajeel Redfox
FullMetal Alchemist
Maes Hughes x Roy Mustang [♥]
Get Backers
Kakei Juubei & Fuuchouin Kazuki
Ooikawa Tooru x Iwaizumi Hajime
Haru wo Daiteita
Kato Youji x Iwaki Kyosuke [♥]
Hunter x Hunter
Hisoka x Illumi Zoldyck
Leorio Paladiknight x Kurapika [♥]
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Joseph Joestar x Caesar Zeppeli
Jotaro Kujo x Noriaki Kakyoin [♥]
Mohammed Abdul x Jean Pierre Polnareff
Kuroko no Basket
Atsushi Murasakibara x Tatsuya Himuro
Kiyoshi Teppei x Makoto Hanamiya [♥]
Midorima Shintaro x Takao Kazunari [♥]
Uzumaki Naruto x Uchiha Sasuke
Hatake Kakashi x Umino Iruka [♥]
Haruno Sakura x Yamanaka Ino
One Piece
Eustass Kid x Trafalgar D. Law
Roronoa Zoro x Vinsmoke Sanji
Saint Seiya
Manigoldo x Albafika [♥]
Hyoga x Shun
Sailor Moon
Kunzite x Zoisite
Michiru Kaiō x Haruka Tenou
Sakura Card Captor
Touya Kinomoto x Yukito Tsukishiro [♥]
Shingeki no Kyojin
Erwin Smith x Levi Rivaille
Marco Bott X Jean Kirstein
The Prince of Tennis
Inui Sadaharu x Kaidou Kaoru [♥]
Tiger & Bunny
Kotetsu Kaburagi x Barnaby Brooks Jr.
Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru
Hotsuma Renjou x Shusei Usui [♥♥♥]
Adventure Time
Marceline Abadeer x Princess Bubblegum
Marshall Lee x Prince Gumball
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Jet x Zuko [♥]
Ed, Edd n Eddy
Kevin x Edd (Doble D)
Generador Rex
Rex Salazar x Noah Nixon [♥]
Happy Tree Friends
Lumpy x Russell
Shifty x Lifty
Splendid x Flippy
Daphne Blake x Velma Dinkley
The Dragon Prince
Rey Harrow x Viren
The Legend of Korra
Korra x Asami Sato
Iroh II x Bolin
Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane x Adam [♥]
Xiaolin Showdown
Chase Young x Jack Spicer
Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz x Evan "Buck" Buckley [♥]
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Angel (Angelus) x Spike (William) [♥]
Willow Rosenberg x Tara Maclay
Carmilla Karnstein x Laura Hollis
Matteusz Andrzejewski x Charlie Smith
Common Law
Travis Marks x Wes Mitchell [♥]
Cobra Kai
Daniel LaRusso x Johnny Lawrence
Deadwind (Karppi)
Sofia Karppi x Sakari Nurmi
Downton Abbey
Tom Branson x Thomas Barrow
Richard Ellis x Thomas Barrow
Lukas Waldenbeck x Philip Shea
Grey's Anatomy
Mark Sloan x Derek Shepherd
Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham
Hawaii Five-0
Danny Williams x Steve McGarret [♥]
Hemlock Grove
Peter Rumancek x Roman Godfrey [♥]
How to Get Away with Murder
Oliver Hampton x Connor Walsh
Iron Fist
Danny Rand x Ward Meachum [♥♥]
Julie and the Phantoms
Alex x Willie
Las chicas del cable
Francisco Gómez x Carlos Cifuentes [♥]
Sportacus x Robbie Rotten
London Spy
Alex x Danny
Arhur Pendragone x Merlin
Once Upon a Time
Regina Mills x Emma Swan
Regina Mills x Robin Hood
Shadow and Bone
Aleksander / The Darkling x Kaz Brekker
Jasper Fahey x Kaz Brekker
Star Trek
James T. Kirk x Spock
Leonard MCCoy x Spock
Malcolm Reed x Charles "Trip" Tucker III
Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington
Teen Wolf
Derek Hale x Stiles Stilinski
The Alienist
Laszlo Kreizler x John Moore
The Boys
Billy Butcher x Homelander (John)
The Irregulars
Billy x Leopold
Sherlock Holmes x John Watson
The Order
Hamish Duke x Randall Carpio
The Umbrella Academy
Diego Hargreeves x Klaus Hargreeves
The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon x Rick Grimes
The Witcher
Geralt de Rivia x Jaskier
Jack Harkness x Ianto Jones [♥]
Trevor Holden x Philip Pearson
Vampire Diaries
Alaric Saltzman x Damon Salvatore
Warehouse 13
Helena G. Wells x Myka Bering
Cloud Atlas
Rufus Sixsmith x Robert Frobisher
Sonmi-451 x Hae-Joo Chang
Eames x Robert Fischer
Dom Cobb x Robert Fischer
Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak
James Bond
James Bond x Q [♥]
Rise of the Guardians
Sandman x Pitch Black
Star Wars
Baze Malbus x Chirrut Îmwe
Poe Dameron x Armitage Hux​ [♥]
The Old Guard
'Joe' Yusuf Al-Kaysani x 'Nicky' Nicolo di Genova
The Road to El Dorado
Tulio x Miguel
Napoleon Solo x Illya Kuryakin
Harry Potter
Albus Dumbledore x Gellert Grindelwald [♥]
Harry Potter x Draco Malfoy
Blaise Zabini x Theodore Nott [♥]
Pansy Parkinson x Daphne Greengrass [♥]
James Potter x Severus Snape [♥]
Sirius Black x Remus Lupin
Magnus Bane x Alexander G. Lightwood
The Raven Cycle
Ronan Lynch x Adam Parrish
Richard Gansey III x Blue Sargent
DC Comics
Apollo x Midnighter
Clark Kent x Bruce Wayne [♥]
Diana Prince x Steve Trevor
Garfield Logan x Rachel Roth
Hal Jordan x Barry Allen
Pamela Isley x Harleen Quinzel
Jason Todd x Dick Grayson [♥]
Maggie Sawyer x Kate Kane
Roy Harper x Dick Grayson
Cassandra Cain x Stephanie Brown
Hernan Guerra x Kirk Langstrom
Michael Jon Carter x Ted Kord
America Chavez x Kate Bishop
Azazel x Janos Quested
Gambit x Rogue
Erik Lehnsherr & Charles Xavier
Logan x Scott Summers [♥]
Natasha Romanoff x Bruce Banner
Shatterstar x Julio Richter (Rictor) [♥]
Steve Rogers x James B. Barnes [♥]
Theodore Altman x William Kaplan
Tony Stark x Loki Laufeyson [♥]
Vision x Wanda Maximoff
Wade Wilson x Peter Parker
Assassin's Creed
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad x Malik Al-Sayf [♥]
Ezio Auditore da Firenze x Leonardo Da Vinci
Bayonetta x Jeanne
Detroit: Become Human
Captain Allen x Gavin Reed
Connor, RK800 x Gavin Reed [♥]
Elijah Kamski x Gavin Reed
Elijah Kamski x Leo Manfred [♥]
Kara, AX400 x Luther, TR400 [♥]
Markus, RK200 x Simon, PL600 [♥]
Nines, RK900 x Gavin Reed
North, WR400 x Chloe, ST200
Ralph, WR600 x Jerry, EM400
Simon, PL600 x Gavin Reed
Devil May Cry
Dante x Vergil [♥]
Nero x V
Final Fantasy VII
Cid Highwind x Vincent Valentine
Final Fantasy XII
Basch fon Ronsenburg x Balthier [♥♥♥]
Kingdom Hearts
Saïx x Axel
Metal Gear
Solidus Snake x Raiden
Gabriel Reyes x Jack Morrison
Resident Evil
Chris Redfield x Leon S. Kennedy [♥♥♥]
Claire Redfield x Moira Burton
Jake Muller x Leon S. Kennedy
Jill Valentine x Chris Redfield
Jill Valentine x Carlos Oliveira [♥♥]
Jill Valentine x Claire Redfield
Rebecca Chambers x Billy Coen
The Evil Within
Sebastian Castellano x Joseph Oda
Welcome to Night Vale
Carlos x Cecil Palmer
Samurai Jack/Johnny Bravo
Johnny Bravo x Samurai Jack
Canon x Oc
Deadwind (Karppi)
OMC x Sakari Nurmi
Downton Abbey
OMC x Thomas Barrow
Locke & Key
Tyler Locke x OMC
OMC x Duncan Locke
Lost in Space
OMC x Don West
OMC x x James
The Dragon Prince
Soren x OMC
The Irregulars
OMC x John Watson
The Lord of the Rings
OMC x Legolas
Political Animals
OMC x Thomas James "T.J." Hammond
Resident Evil
Jake Muller x OMC
Star Trek
OMC x Julian Bashir
Warehouse 13
OMC x Steve Jinks
Wizards: Tales of Arcadia
OMC x Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan
Duplas de Actores
Aaron Paul x Hugh Dancy
Bradley James x Colin Morgan
Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan
Daniel Craig x Ben Whishaw
Daniel Sunjata x Aaron Tveit
Dominic Purcell x Wentworth Miller
Edward Holcroft x Ben Whishaw
Gabriella Pession x Richard Flood
Gabriel Macht x Patrick J. Adams
Hanno Koffler x Max Riemelt
Jamie Dornan x Cillian Murphy
Jensen Ackles x Jared Padalecki
Landon Liboiron x Bill Skarsgård
Mads Mikkelsen x Hugh Dancy
Matt Davis x Ian Somerhalder
Michael Fassbender x James McAvoy
Rami Malek x Martin Wallström
Scott Caan x Alex O'Loughlin
Shemar Moore x Matthew Gray Gubler
Tom Hardy x Cillian Murphy
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multixminds · 3 years
REPLIES: (New Replies) 8
INBOX: 30+
Muses: X Drake (One Piece / Canon), Roronoa Zoro (One Piece / Alternate Version), Smoker (One Piece / Canon) , Ghin/Gin (One Piece / Canon), Heat (One Piece / Canon), Donquixote Doflamingo (One Piece, Alternate Version), Skull (One Piece, Canon, Ace/WB Pirates), Benn Beckman, Doma, OPOC Sal, OC Rikkard, OC Jules, OC Dan, OC Howl, OC Mar, OC Hanno
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This Week in Gundam Wing Dec. 10th - 16th 2017!
Hello everyone! Hope your holiday season is going well!
Here’s what’s been happening in the Gundam Wing fandom this past week!
~Mod Hel.
@amberlyinviolet​, @yourbloodlikewine
In This Light, Chapter 3: Eli
Duo x OC, Trowa x OC, Solo x OC. AU, child abuse mention, Sexual Assault Mention, homophobic parents, Re-Written Characters, Drug Use, Violence, off screen murder
Duo spent the last semester working in his older brother's coffee shop. He's resigned himself to a boring spring when a stranger appears, shaking up his entire life.Eli left home last fall, choosing to spend the last six months living out of his van on his travels from the Midwest to the East Coast. By the time he arrives at Ink's, the novelty of traveling alone has started to wear off. Still, the last thing he's expecting is to meet someone who's going to change all that for him
Life isn’t Fair http://archiveofourown.org/works/12968199
M/M, Mystery - Relationship
mystery - Character
Death, Tears, Crying, all the feels, Mystery Characters - Freeform, you pick the characters
Life isn't fair. You don't always get a chance to say goodbye before a loved one is snatched away forever.
Saudade (Ch. 14) http://archiveofourown.org/works/11352189/chapters/29734539
Warnings: Underage
Relationships: Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner
Characters: Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell, Quatre Raberba Winner, Catherine Bloom, Heero Yuy, Chang Wufei
Additional Tags: Trowa is a good bro, Duo is a terrible bro, but he tries very hard, Confident!Quatre, circus shenanigans, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, thin line between being a good wingman and interfering, Mentions of Underage Sex, Underage Drinking, Duo and Trowa Bromance 5eva
Series: Part 1 of Slowly Moving Forwards
Summary: Wufei finally arrives in Budapest, for a brief stop that has a bigger impact than he realises.
No Other Way (Ch. 23: Snippet 2) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8219920/23/No-Other-Way
There have been a lot of clichéd stories. This is picking some clichés and just dumping them into a new version of the story. Heero needs an out from a difficult situation with Relena, and the out seems to be a fake engagement!
Not Quite Single (Ch. 8) http://archiveofourown.org/works/12786444/chapters/29732475
M/M, Multi
Fandoms: Gundam Wing, Captain America (Movies)
Relationships: Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Characters: Duo Maxwell, Duo Maxwell Jr., Hilde Schbeiker, Heero Yuy, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes
Duo has some time in Purgatory.
THE SIREN OF ATLANTIS (Ch. 4) http://archiveofourown.org/works/12938835/chapters/29741259
F/M, Multi
Fandoms: Yu-Gi-Oh!, Gundam Wing, Yu-Gi-Oh! Series, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V
Relationships: m/f - Relationship, M/F/M - Relationship
Characters: Kaiba Seto, Mutou Yuugi, Bakura Ryou, Marik Ishtar, Otogi Ryuuji | Duke Devlin, Heero Yuy, Quatre Raberba Winner, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Chang Wufei, Yugo (Yu-Gi-Oh), Yuto (Yu-Gi-Oh), Yuri (Yu-Gi-Oh), Sakaki Yuya, Fudou Yuusei, Yuuki Juudai | Jaden Yuki, Johan Andersen | Jesse Anderson, Crow Hogan, Edo Phoenix | Aster Phoenix, Marufuji Ryou | Zane Truesdale, Marufuji Shou | Syrus Truesdale
Alternate Universe, BDSM, Human Trafficking, Reverse Harem, Humiliation, Rape, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Murder, Underage Sex, Underage Drinking, Past Life Flashbacks, Consensual Underage Sex, Attempted Murder, Blood Kink, Torture
Stranieri in terra straniera http://archiveofourown.org/works/13012710
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei, Relena Peacecraft
Language: Italiano
Wufei sposta lo sguardo verso i suoi amici, e vorrebbe domandargli come hanno fatto ad essere certi di fare la cosa giusta, durante quegli ultimi giorni. Vorrebbe chiedere se erano certi di appartenere al posto in cui sarebbero tornati, o se la guerra non fosse ormai entrata sotto la loro pelle.
Vorrebbe chiedere a Heero quale sia il suo posto, se davvero pensava che fosse possibile smettere di combattere per persone come loro.
Lunch Date 
So this is a small little, stupid thing that I’ve drummed up for @claraxbarton​​ because Reasons and also because I’ve shamelessly stolen her theater!Trowa and… whatever it’s vaguely Christmas-y because I wanted to write something quick and festive and anyway it’s below the cut.
Warnings: cavity-inducing fluff, un-beta’d
Pairings: 2x3, because always
East of Eden (Ch. 7) 
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Duo Maxwell/Quatre Raberba Winner, eventual - Relationship, Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell/Quatre Raberba Winner, some side, Trowa Barton/Heero Yuy, and maybe some, Long Meilan/Hilde Schbeiker
Characters: Duo Maxwell, Chang Wufei, Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Zechs Merquise, Treize Khushrenada, Hilde Schbeiker, Long Meilan
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Fae & Fairies, Vampires, Were-Creatures, Blood and Violence, Sex, Magic, Angst, Death, Canon-Typical Violence
Chapter 7: My Religion, Mostly porn. Some explanation. Everyone gets a birthday! And porn. Loads of porn.
By Your Side (Ch. 8) http://archiveofourown.org/works/12948579/chapters/29771868
M/M, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner
Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Chang Wufei, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Sally Po, Lady Une, Relena Peacecraft
Animal Transformation, Pining, Post-Canon, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Friendship
If Duo wants to be human again, there's a certain ingredient needed for the recipe. The pilots head out to get it.
LAM snippet https://lifeaftermeteor.tumblr.com/post/168623134956/presidents-suite-brussels-belgium-26-january-208
Duo Maxwell
tw for reference to alcohol used as professional coping mechanism
What Dreams May Come (Ch. 3) http://archiveofourown.org/works/12772926/chapters/29791854
M/M, Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner/Heero Yuy
Chang Wufei, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Heero Yuy, Quatre Raberba Winner, Sally Po mentioned
Flashbacks, Non-con touching, Violence, Threesome - M/M/M, Anal Sex
Part 2 of the Dreaming... series
WarCraft (Ch. 6) http://archiveofourown.org/works/12429339/chapters/29791503
F/F, F/M, M/M
Heero Yuy, Chang Wufei, Duo Maxwell, Quatre Raberba Winner, Zechs Merquise, Trowa Barton, Treize Khushrenada, Hilde Schbeiker, Sally Po, Lady Une, Relena Peacecraft, Lucrezia Noin, Dorothy Catalonia, Iria Winner, Chang Meiran, Catherine Bloom, others as i go
Alternate Universe, Fantasy, Non-con touching
Engage (Ch. 8) http://archiveofourown.org/works/12458772/chapters/29667069
Heero Yuy, Relena Peacecraft, Zechs Merquise, Lucrezia Noin, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Duo Maxwell, Original Characters, Mariemaia Khushrenada, Dorothy Catalonia
Post-Series, Politics, Friendship, Canon-Typical Violence, Minor Character Death, Government Upheaval, Language
The Source of All Things (Ch. 15) http://archiveofourown.org/works/12121344/chapters/29662827
M/M, Multi, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner, Eventual Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell, Even more eventual 1x2x5
alternative universe, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Plot Twists, fairly graphic depiction of sex, Mild description of self-harm, Mathematical Magic, weird science, crones - Freeform, Magic and Technology brawling and eventually screwing, Eventual Threesome, Kinda, Insanity of arcane origin, The universe is a pile of marbles and other dubious allegories
Freeport (Ch. 18) http://archiveofourown.org/works/12654255/chapters/29778882
M/M, Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
Chang Wufei, Duo Maxwell
long ass fic ahoy, socio-politics, with violence and hot guys, Blood and Violence, no EW, Slow Burn, Case Fic
Yippee Ki-Yay http://archiveofourown.org/works/12998766
M/M, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner
Christmas Party, First Meetings, First Kiss, Fluff, Cliche, AU
Being forced to attend a festive themed costume party was not Heero’s idea of fun. But maybe his unique costume and a new friend will make it more enjoyable...
Nameless (Ch. 14) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12738986/14/Nameless
Victorian Fantasy AU. When the royal family of England calls upon a team elite investigators to find the whereabouts of a missing princess, mysteries concerning the royal family, supernatural events and other court scandals will unfold, creating unexpected bonds that will be the key to overcome the greatest enemy. 01xR, 06xN, 02xH. Summary sucks but take a look R&R
@passingdestinies​ & @the-indomitable-bhg​
CAPCOM (Ch. 1-5) http://archiveofourown.org/works/12979587?view_full_work=true
F/M, M/M, Trowa Barton/Heero Yuy, 1x3
Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei, Zechs Merquise, Lucrezia Noin, Sally Po, Relena Peacecraft, Treize Khushrenada, Dorothy Catalonia
Slow Burn, NASA, Alternate Universe - Science Fiction, Drama, Minor Character Death, Tragic Accident, Outer Space, International Space Station, Really Freaking SLOW Burn, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Lots of Footnotes
Astronaut Heero Yuy has spent months preparing to embark on his second mission to the International Space Station, but days before departure he is stricken with illness and forced to forfeit his position to his alternative, astronaut Trowa Barton. Over time Heero's animosity for his replacement transforms into respect, and then ultimately obsession. Can he maintain his professional boundaries, even with over 200 miles of atmosphere separating them?
Arbiter (Ch. 3) https://archiveofourown.org/works/12855798/chapters/29775639
Duo Maxwell
Resurrection, Suicidal Thoughts, Violence of the bullets and blood variety, Dark but with humor, Resurrecting is not as great as it sounds, Thinking oh so much thinking
Relena for President
End Game https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12756343/1/End-Game
A.C. 198. When Heero approached Relena about joining her detail, she had been amenable to the idea. It didn't hurt that she harbored personal feelings for Heero, and he knew it. Not that he would ever exploit that, but it certainly made their situation all the more convenient. However, if she was hiding things from him, it was about to make their arrangement much less agreeable...
Volunteer Work http://remsyk-blog.tumblr.com/post/168454989547/volunteer-work
Trowa, university professor and all around nice guy, volunteered to help with Midnight Breakfast, a little something the faculty does for students during finals week.
Scath Rocco Meoi
Deception (Ch. 3) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12740720/3/Deception
It started as a simple bet among friends. Dress up as a woman, go to a bar or club and get a man's phone number. He was never meant to fall in love... But then Quatre had always hated to lose. AU 1X4
Bound, Bonded and Betrayed (Ch. 67) http://archiveofourown.org/works/7188593/chapters/29759034
F/M, M/M, Heero Yuy/Duo Maxwell, Relena Peacecraft/Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner, Treize Khushrenada/Lady Une
Chang Wufei, Zechs Merquise, Hilde Schbeiker, Dorothy Catalonia, Lucrezia Noin, Sally Po
Sap, Angst, Bondage, Slavery, Yaoi, Lemon, Lime, Het, Violence, Fluff, AU, OOC. - Freeform
A Stagnation of Love (rewrite) (Ch 70: Chapter 8, Part 25) http://archiveofourown.org/works/2490005/chapters/29750241
F/M, M/M, Heero Yuy/Duo Maxwell, Quatre Raberba Winner/Trowa Barton, Trowa Barton/Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy/Relena Darlian, OC/Duo Maxwell
Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Relena Darlian, Zechs
Child Abuse, Bullying, Angst, Suicide, Incest, Alternate Universe
Two Truths and A Lie (Ch. 3) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12748596/3/Two-Truths-and-A-Lie
Heero and Duo find some time to assess their relationships while alone on a cleaning shuttle during a cleaning mission in the L3 sector. Mostly a character exploration, 1x2 potentially 1x2x3 in the future.
Go http://archiveofourown.org/works/12978021
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton
POV Heero Yuy
Junk Fic http://archiveofourown.org/works/12978456
M/M, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Chang Wufei
POV Heero Yuy
Veggie Tales II http://archiveofourown.org/works/12977856/chapters/29668704
M/M, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell
POV Heero Yuy
Ion Vignette http://archiveofourown.org/works/12978339
M/M, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell
Bagels http://archiveofourown.org/works/12978219
M/M, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Hilde Schbeiker
POV Heero Yuy, Implied/Referenced Suicide
Moonlight http://archiveofourown.org/works/12978120
M/M, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell
POV Duo Maxwell
Hush http://archiveofourown.org/works/12978402
M/M, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell
Light Angst, POV Duo Maxwell
Life After Gundam (Ch. 3) http://archiveofourown.org/works/10873356/chapters/29659143
F/M, Duo Maxwell/OC
Duo Maxwell, OC (female)
Fluff, Domestic Fluff
A series of one-shots taking place post-Endless Waltz in the lives of the former pilots, soldiers, politicians, and civilians. A grab bag of characters, relationships, themes, and subject matter. No defined timeline or storyline.
Hinter dem Horizont (Ch. 9) http://archiveofourown.org/works/10336529/chapters/29675979
F/M, Relena Peacecraft/Heero Yuy
Heero Yuy, Relena Peacecraft, Duo Maxwell, Zechs Merquise, Original Characters
Family, Hurt/Comfort, Philosophy, Drama, Post-War, Preventers (Gundam Wing), Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Action/Adventure, Medical, Fluff, Romance, Post-Endless Waltz, Post-Canon, Real Life, Friendship, Character Death, Character Development
The raw manifestation of the disease bore into Duo's very eyes and mind and he witnessed the other side of Heero which made him as he was.
Glass Charms, WuFei Chang
WuFei Chang
Quatre and Heero
Heero/Treize, NSFW
Wing Gundam
Deathscythe crossover art
Deathscythe Hell headshot
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Winner, WuFei Chang
Wing Zero, model
@viewtiful-jojo Operation Meatier
Mobile Suit Abridged: Gundam Wing! (Episode 3 is in the works!)
Episode 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GK1SeYH2kYg&feature=youtu.be
Episode 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_WaXjuXEIE&feature=youtu.be
All of the Invader Zim quotes on Gundam Wing screenshots.
Photo Prompts/Prompts:
Never Skip Leg Day http://remsyk-blog.tumblr.com/post/168594337012/ladies-and-gentlemen-i-present-to-you-another
Duo asks Heero an important question, for a friend.
“Pick your pairing” https://the-indomitable-bhg.tumblr.com/post/168397938287/slashyflightsuit-pick-your-pairing-fic-im
Not what you’re expecting, but cute!
Photo prompt, 1X3 cuteness
Relena catching Heero
Calendar Events:
GW Eve War Event https://gw-evewar.tumblr.com/post/164079261510/an-open-gundam-wing-fandom-community-science
Post works (Saturday) December 23, 2017 - (Sunday) December 24, 2017
Secret Gundam Santa https://gwsecretsantaexchange.tumblr.com/post/167303149500/gundam-wing-secret-santa-2017
Gundam Santa gifts due for posting December 20-25!
Cocktail Fridays!
Follow us for weekly prompts!
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kiralushia · 7 years
captainthane ha risposto al tuo post : I simpaticoni anonimi che non hanno capito che...
haha really XD ? So funny XD
yep XD they were talking about my loli sin stuff but I only draw mentally adult loli (elf, spirits etc), so I'm only interested in cute bodies. And also, all my loli oc are myself. If I wanna draw a loli hentai, is like = me in place of the girl X°°° this means I'm interested in being a little girl having sex ?? even if it's like that I suppose this is my problem, since it's my body X°DD
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purpleavenuecupcake · 5 years
Way of Life – The Gritti Palace vince la Venice Hospitality Challenge
La VI edizione della Venice Hospitality Challenge si è conclusa oggi con la vittoria Overall e in Classe 1 di Way of Life – The Gritti Palace timonata da Gaspar Vincec che ha bissato il recente successo alla Barcolana giungendo al traguardo in meno di un’ora. Secondo e meritato posto per Golfo di Trieste – Hilton Molino Stucky con un equipaggio interamente femminile capitanato da Francesca Clapcich e terzo Idrusa – Palazzina Grassi con al timone l’olimpionico Paolo Montefusco. Lo svolgimento della regata è stato ricco di emozioni: al via il giudice internazionale e Presidente del Comitato di Regata Alfredo Ricci ha richiamato cinque imbarcazioni OCS che sono dovute rientrare e ripassare per la linea di partenza perdendo quindi tempo prezioso. Tra i favoriti non è poi riuscito a imporsi Arca SGR – Ca’ Sagredo a causa di problemi tecnici che hanno impedito a Furio Benussi di esprimere tutte le potenzialità della sua imbarcazione. Le imbarcazioni, che erano ormeggiate al Marina Sant’Elena, sono partite in direzione Lido spinte da un vento da sud intorno ai sette nodi e hanno quindi virato per tornare verso il bacino di San Marco, dove li attendeva la boa di percorso costituita da una BMW M850i xDrive Cabrio, ormeggiata su un pontone galleggiante. Nel Comitato di Regata Alfredo Ricci è stato affiancato da Giancarlo Frizzarin, Emilia Barbieri e Edoardo Recchi. Venice Hospitality Challenge 2019 - Classifica Classe 1 1 Way of Life – The Gritti Palace – skipper Gasper Vincec 2 Golfo di Trieste – Hilton Molino Stucky – Francesca Clapcich 3 Portopiccolo Tempus Fugit – The St. Regis Venice – Mitja Kosmina Venice Hospitality Challenge 2019 - Classifica Classe 2 1 Idrusa – Palazzina Grassi – Paolo Montefusco 2 Anywave – Belmond Hotel Cipriani – Alberto Leghissa 3 Ancilla Domini – Hotel Excelsior – Stefano Cherin Questa edizione della Venice Hospitality Challenge all’attenzione verso l’ambiente ha aggiunto anche la responsabilità sociale: grazie alla collaborazione degli Hotel, all’inizio della premiazione il Sindaco di Venezia Luigi Brugnaro, insieme ai direttori degli hotel e al Presidente dello Yacht Club Venezia Mirko Sguario, ha consegnato una donazione ad un ente benefico veneziano, la Casa Famiglia S. Pio X della Giudecca. Nel corso della premiazione Mirko Sguario e il presidente di BMW Italia Massimiliano Di Silvestre hanno consegnato ai vincitori il cappello del doge “Ambassador”, realizzato dalla storica vetreria muranese Massimiliano Schiavon Art Team. Paolo Lorenzoni, General Manager del The Gritti Palace ha espresso la propria soddisfazione per la vittoria di Way of Life che anche nella scorsa edizione aveva gareggiato per il celebre hotel veneziano. Presente anche Arianna Nardi, responsabile marketing di Generali Italia. Mirko Sguario ha poi dichiarato “Questa VI edizione è stata piena di soddisfazioni, il vento non è mancato e neppure l’entusiasmo degli equipaggi confermando la validità di questa regata che ogni anno fa giungere a Venezia i migliori velisti e bellissime imbarcazioni.” Read the full article
0 notes
vipipiblog-blog · 6 years
KKmoon USB 5ポート 高速充電 for iPhone iPad Samsung Tablet PC Mobile Device 5V/8A Portable AC100-240V【並行輸入品】 -----> $217.34 Ovann G1 Professional Esport Gaming Stereo Bass Headset Headphone Earphone Over Ear 3.5mm Wired with Microphone for PC Computer Laptop -----> $328.28 恩田のNVIDIA GeForce GT 710 GPU 2ギガバイト64ビット2048メガバイトゲームDDR3 PCI-E 2.0ビデオグラフィックスカードのDVI + HDMI + VGAポートウィスパーサイレント冷却 -----> $1,137.27 Ovann X16 Professional Esport Gaming Stereo Bass Headset Headphone Earphone Over Ear 3.5mm Wired with Microphone for PC Computer Laptop -----> $367.31 恩田のNVIDIA GeForce GT 730 GPU 2ギガバイト64ビット2048メガバイトゲームDDR5 PCI-E One冷却ファン付き2.0ビデオグラフィックスカードのDVI + HD + VGAポート -----> $1,469.75 Rapoo N1130 USB有線オプティカルマウスサイレントマウス1000 DPI for Mac PCラップトップコンピュータ -----> $139.82 KingSpec PATA(IDE)2.5 "16GB MLCデジタルSSDソリッドステートドライブfor PC -----> $621.04 KingSpec PATA(IDE)2.5 "64GB MLCデジタルSSDソリッドステートドライブfor PC -----> $962.28 KingSpec PATA(IDE)2.5 "32GB MLCデジタルSSDソリッドステートドライブfor PC -----> $752.29 Livello professionale Bb Tenore Sax Reeds Forza 3.0, 10pcs / Box -----> $7.06 Livello professionale Bb Sax soprano Sax Reeds Forza 3.0, 10pcs / Box -----> $6.97 Livello professionale Bb Sax soprano Sax Ance Forza 2.5, 10pcs / Box -----> $6.97 Supporto per telefono cellulare in lega di alluminio Xiaomi GUILDFORD per iPhone 6 7 8 Plus X iPad samsung Tavolo per PC All-Metal -----> $11.64 Agente igroscopico del deodorizzatore di forma della pillola della capsula 2pcs -----> $6.05 Colorful NVIDIA GeForce GTX GPU 1060 6GB 192bit Esport Gaming GDDR5 6144M PCI-E X16 3.0 VR Pronto video della scheda grafica DVI + HDMI + 3 * Port DP con due ventola di raffreddamento -----> $363.62 Colorful NVIDIA GeForce GTX GPU 1050 2GB 128bit Gaming 2048M GDDR5 PCI-E X16 3.0 Video Graphics Card DVI + HDMI + Port DP con due ventole di raffreddamento -----> $181.80 Colorful NVIDIA GeForce GTX iGame 1050 GPU 2GB 128bit Gaming 2048M GDDR5 PCI-E X16 3.0 Video Graphics Card DVI + HD + Port DP con due ventole di raffreddamento -----> $191.91 Triangolo Sander Carta vetrata Mouse Detail Sander Carta vetrata con foro. Assorted 40 80 120 180 240 grits (50PCS Triangle Sandpaper) -----> $10.80 Adesivi resistenti del ganci di parete riutilizzabili forti senza cuciture di 3Pcs per appendere il bagno della cucina -----> $6.45 Colorful NVIDIA GeForce GTX iGame 1080 GPU 8GB 256bit Gaming GDDR5X PCI-E X16 3.0 VR Pronto video della scheda grafica DVI + HDMI + 3 * DP Porto con tre ventola di raffreddamento -----> $977.53 Sacchetto di caramella del partito di cerimonia nuziale di forma di cuore della borsa del sacco di stampa del lino di stile naturale 10pcs -----> $7.86 Unicorno Tema Party Decoration Buon compleanno Paper Cup Plated Hat Popcorn Box Forks 10Pcs -----> $4.43 7 paia di comfort esfoliante bucce maschere per piedi 14pcs bambino piedi morbidi rimuovere scrub callus duro pelle morta di bambù piedi di aceto cura per pedicure calzini sosu -----> $10.09 2.4G Wireless Car Mouse USB Computer Mouse forma auto 1000 DPI con LED Light Receiver per PC Laptop Black -----> $9.90 2.4G Wireless Car Mouse USB Computer Mouse forma auto 1000 DPI con LED Light Receiver per PC Laptop rosso -----> $9.92 Scheda grafica NVIDIA GeForce GTX1050 Mini OC 2G 1354 / 1455MHz 7 Gbps GDDR5 128bit PCI-E 3.0 con porta HDMI DP DVI-D -----> $224.23 Colorata scheda grafica NVIDIA GeForce GTX1060 Mini OC 6G 1531 / 1746MHz 8 Gbps GDDR5 192 bit PCI-E 3.0 con porta HDMI DP DVI-D -----> $495.94 MAXSUN Scheda video grafica NVIDIA GeForce MS-GTX1050 2G 7000 MHz GDDR5 128 bit PCI-E 3.0 con porta DVI HDMI DP -----> $221.85 Cucchiaio 4 della taglierina della forcella della tasca del corredo del flatware dell'acciaio inossidabile 3PCS in 1 set di articoli da tavola -----> $6.03 Forbici per taglio dei capelli da barbiere da taglio dei capelli del salone dell'acciaio inossidabile 1Pc -----> $7.17 Il foro di taglio del foro di acciaio di alta velocità 5PCS ha veduto i denti di trivello Titanium del dente HSS 6542 Set 16 / 18.5 / 20/25 / 30mm Power Drilling Tools -----> $13.97 Giocattolo educativo di riconoscimento della forma e del numero di gioco del gioco da tavolo dell'edificio del blocchetto da costruzione di legno 48Pcs per i bambini -----> $16.15 Le forbici di taglio dei capelli di taglio dei capelli di 3Pcs / set hanno disegnato le forcelle dei capelli -----> $4.16 2.4GHz Wireless auto da corsa a forma Optical USB Mouse nero 3D 3 pulsanti 1000 DPI/CPI per PC Desktop -----> $5.87 Alta Qualita BB sassofono tenore Sax bambù Ance Forza 2.0, 10pcs / Box -----> $7.86 2.4GHz Wireless auto da corsa a forma Optical USB Mouse nero 3D 3 pulsanti 1000 DPI/CPI per PC Desktop -----> $7.50 Ovann G1 Professional Esport Gaming Stereo Bass Headset Headphone Earphone Over Ear 3.5mm Wired with Microphone for PC Computer Laptop -----> $18.95 Eb Alto Sax Sassofono Ance Forza 2.5, 10pcs / Box -----> $2.89 2.4GHz Wireless auto da corsa a forma Optical USB Mouse nero 3D 3 pulsanti 1000 DPI/CPI per PC Desktop -----> $10.18 Il trattamento di cura dei bracci dei piedini di cupFace di copertura del vuoto dell'assorbitore di umidità del silicone di formato 4pcs 4 -----> $12.61
0 notes
zhivaz-blog · 7 years
:23 marzo 2018
Per la campagna presidenziale di Donald Trump ha ingaggiato la società americana di analisi dei dati Cambridge Analytica, la quale ha raccolto circa dati da oltre 50 milioni di profili Facebook, in tal modo voleva prevedere il comportamento degli elettori americani. Nel fine settimana, Christopher Wylie, un ventottenne canadese che ha contribuito all’avvio di Cambridge, ha dichiarato al Guardian che nel 2014 ha iniziato a lavorare con il professore di neuroscienze dell’Università di Cambridge e Aleksandr Kogan, che ha sviluppato un test della personalità su Facebook app chiamata “thisisyourdigitallife”.
Sotto la guida di un ricercatore, ha ricevuto il permesso dalla società di social networking per estrarre i dati dai suoi utenti, ma presumibilmente ha preso i dati da milioni di persone senza il loro consenso e poi ha venduto tali informazioni a Cambridge, una violazione dei termini di Facebook.
Questa è la prima volta che Facebook ha riconosciuto la raccolta di dati dai profili americani. I funzionari di Facebook e il CEO di Cambridge, Alexander Nix, hanno negato ogni accusa. Resta sconosciuto quanto i dati abbiano influenzato gli sforzi della campagna di Trump. E’ indubbio che da oggi, più di ieri, su tali notizie si è acceso ancora di più il dibattito sull’impatto delle aziende di dati che usano Facebook sul profilo dei cittadini.
Cosa sappiamo di come Cambridge Analytica avrebbe raccolto dati da Facebook – e cosa significa tutto questo?
Nel 2007, gli psicologi Michal Kosinski e David Stillwell dello Psychometrics Center della Cambridge University hanno iniziato a utilizzare un quiz su Facebook sviluppato da myPersonality per studiare i tratti della personalità degli utenti consenzienti. L’app ha aperto le porte agli psicologi per prendere in considerazione diversi modi di collegare i “Mi piace” ai tratti della personalità.
Nel 2013, pubblicarono le loro scoperte negli Atti dell’Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze, e attirò l’attenzione di uno studente di dottorato di moda che si chiamava Christopher Wylie il quale era già interessato ai dati demografici e dei consumatori ed era curioso di poter usare questo approccio per capire perché i liberali democratici del Canada stavano perdendo le elezioni.
“Mi sono imbattuto in un articolo su come i tratti della personalità potrebbero essere un precursore del comportamento politico, e improvvisamente ha avuto senso”, ha detto Wylie al Guardian.
Nella sua intervista a The Guardian, Wylie ha dichiarato di aver incontrato l’allora caporedattore di “Breitbart” Steve Bannon nell’autunno del 2013, prima di annunciare pubblicamente il suo ruolo di direttore della campagna per Trump. I due concordarono sul fatto che cambiare la politica americana richiedesse un cambiamento culturale.
“Trump è come una coppia di UGG o CROCS, in pratica,” ricordò Wylie a Bannon. “Quindi, come si ottiene dalla gente che pensa “Le UGG, sono orribili ma… al momento in cui tutti li indossano?”.
In che modo Cambridge ha bypassato la ricerca analitica tradizionale?
Secondo il New York Times, Wylie pensava che invece di usare le tattiche tradizionali per analizzare i registri elettorali e le storie di acquisto dei consumatori per prevedere i comportamenti degli elettori, la sua azienda aveva bisogno di conoscere i tratti psicologici per capire veramente la mentalità dell’elettore.
Wylie contattò Kosinski per usare l’app myPersonality, ma i negoziati fallirono. E così Kogan si fece avanti e si offrì di replicare la ricerca e costruire la sua app, chiamata “thisisyourdigitallife”. Nel giugno 2014, SCL Group ha stipulato un contratto con Kogan e la sua società Global Science Research. Il suo compito era quello di usare la sua app per raccogliere i profili di Facebook non elaborati per Cambridge, che avrebbero fornito quelle informazioni per la campagna di Trump.
L’idea di Kogan di raccogliere dati dai profili di Facebook è arrivata in gran parte grazie a Kosinski, Stillwell e al loro collega Thore Graepel, che nella loro ricerca hanno trovato il modo di determinare l’intelligenza o le opinioni politiche di qualcuno basandosi su quali cosmetici o cibo godessero. Il trio temeva il potenziale uso improprio della ricerca per raccogliere dati da utenti non consenzienti su piattaforme di social media
Ma all’inizio del 2014, l’app di Kogan ha trasformato quella paura in realtà.
All’inizio, circa 270.000 utenti di Facebook hanno volontariamente scaricato il quiz sulla personalità. Ma poiché i termini predefiniti del servizio consentivano alle app di raccogliere dati da amici, ha finito col rubare oltre 50 milioni di profili che permettevano di avere informazioni sufficienti per costruire un profilo psicologico.
Sia Facebook che Kogan affermano di aver ottenuto l’accesso ai profili in modi legittimi, ma non sono d’accordo sul fatto che Kogan abbia seguito le regole della società che lo hanno impedito di vendere le informazioni a una terza parte a Cambridge. Kogan rimane un membro della facoltà presso l’Università di Cambridge e un professore associato presso l’Università di San Pietroburgo. Secondo The Guardian, ha anche ricevuto sovvenzioni dal governo russo per ricercare “stress, salute e benessere psicologico nei social network”.
Continuo a capirci sempre di più e purtroppo anche sempre di meno. Si, cercare di approfondire le funzionalità di questo strumento, non solo sembra una cosa impossibile, ma anche per i più tecnologici, molto improbabile venirne fuori.
Faccio un piccolo esempio. Ogni giorno su facebook salta fuori uno di questi quiz/giochini presenti sul social network al quale tutti abbiamo partecipato, forse però non tutti sanno che in modo inconsapevole, forniamo a queste società (creatrici del quiz) tutti i dati personali ed anche quelli condivisi con i propri amici. con un semplice click e con la semplice partecipazione. Molti utenti che, presi un pò dalla curiosità, un po’ per farsi una risata, un pò dall’inesperienza informatica, come me, li effettuano su facebook, senza conoscere purtroppo le conseguenze.
Ce ne sono veramente a centinaia. L’attività nasconde qualcosa in più di una presa in giro visto che c’è un vero e proprio problema di privacy e di prelievo dei nostri dati personali. VonVon una delle aziende leader dei quiz Chi c’è dietro a tutti questi quiz? Dietro a tutto questo ci sono tantissime società che fanno questo di mestiere(più che altro marketing e comprandendita di dati personali degli utenti). Tra quelle più famose troviamo l’impresa sudcoreana Vonvon.
Cosa succede nello specifico quando diamo il nostro consenso a partecipare ad un suo quiz? Sappiamo tutti che per partecipare e visualizzare il risultato del nostro quiz è necessario dare un’autorizzazione. schermata. La finestra vi informa che la compagnia avrà accesso ai dati dell’utente (nome, data di nascita, email, fotografie). Se l’utente accetta tali condizioni, la società preleverà i dati personali. Che faranno con i miei dati personali? Semplice. I vostri dati saranno “rivenduti” ad altre società che a loro volta pubblicizzeranno dei prodotti via mail (o tramite sms o chiamate sul cellulare, questo dipende sempre dal fatto se il vostro numero di telefono è pubblico o meno).
Considerazioni generali. Diciamolo, molto spesso la “colpa” è della nostra superficialità di quando facciamo qualcosa nel web, non solo su facebook. Il risultato è che mentre noi pensiamo a farci una risata sul risultato del test, un’ipotetica azienda X o Y (in questo caso l’abbiamo anche citata, ma non è la sola) raccoglie i nostri dati e li usa come meglio crede, anche per sviluppare messaggi elettorali ad oc e veicolare in modo inconscio, come una pubblicità subbliminale, le nostre scelte. Dobbiamo pensare attentamente prima alle azioni che facciamo su facebook e più in generale nel web. Se vi esce un quiz carino da fare sappiate che state consegnando nelle mani di terzi i vostri dati.
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deadratio · 4 years
The Middle of the Beginning
Tumblr media
Series: Dark (Netflix)
Pairing: Hanno Tauber X OC (Sylvie LaChance)
Prompt #488: Quotes (61)
“You kissed me.”
“You kissed me back.”
“And I’m not here to apologize.”
Word Count: 1.4k
Although he had not even begun to absorb the idea that he had killed Bartosz, who was unknowingly his own father, Hanno had to continue Adam’s work. The tunnel was not going to build itself, and he knew that even though it was going to take another 32 years to be completed, he had a prophecy to fulfill and complete.
Erna was stationed at the house that same evening, cleaning glasses to be used later. The creaky wooden door slowly opened, a wave of black, taught hair being the eye-catcher. A young girl, no older than 16 stood in the doorway, staring at her surroundings. A small bag sat snug on her hip as Erna welcomed her into the room. Looking up, she was taken aback by the familiarity she saw in the girl. She seemed to be new, but Erna felt something was off about the girl. She definitely knew the girl somehow.  Even though she was rather stoical, Erna could not help but make a face of confusion.
Sauntering up to the counter, the girl smiled softly at Erna. “Bonjour, madame. My name is Sylvie LaChance. I’ve come to board a room for a short while.” Her voice was gentle and heavenly, embroidered with a French accent.. Erna nodded and called for Agnes to prepare a room for the girl, still bewildered by the stranger.
Sylvie, having been here many times before, smirked in thought as she watched a small girl, Agnes she presumed, totter up the stairs. Moving towards a seat at the tables, she checked the small watch on her arm. It was exactly 6:33 pm. She was right on time.
Within seconds, a dirty, sweat-stained Hanno entered through the same door that she had just come in herself. Keeping her head down, she watched as he greeted Erna with a respectful nod and walked up the stairs. Sylvie knew this boy like no other, yet he did not know her.
Ticking away was the time that brought Sylvie to this place. Her grandfather spoke eloquently about it when she was merely a child, how it was damned but magical at the same time. Though she was French, Sylvie liked to consider herself a local. These people did not know a single thing about her, but she knew about all of them, all the things they would do and who they would become in the future. The future was a funny thing, especially when you treated it as a plaything. The small bag next to her held the key to what Hanno was aiming towards, yet Adam had “forgotten” to mention this important role to him. Noah himself left it out purposefully as well, leaving Hanno hanging by the seemingly simple thread of time that existed here. Her plan was fully in place. Act compliant, speak lightly and only when spoken to. She knew exactly where she needed to be, and when. ___________________
Three days breathed life and exhausted themselves before she made her presence known to the other teenager. Her stay was almost over with, and Hanno had still not noticed her. She was gone before the sun rose, and asleep by the time he made himself known in the house once more.
Stepping through the brush of the forest, the same one her soul birthed and flourished upon, she watched Hanno from a distance. Smells of metal and a thinning fire filled the pointed nose of the dark-haired girl. These were smells she had always associated with him, and ones she loved dearly. A deep sigh breathed its way out of her nostrils and her lips. She found herself content with this position of hers, but she knew better than to play with time the way she had seen others do countlessly before her. With his back turned to her, she began the short trek towards him. The cloth hanging from her shoulders was rather light and airy, compared to the ones she had been wearing back in France. The rayon fabric was one she had sewn herself when living in the future. It was practical, and made the summer heat more bearable.
Mindfully taking her steps she neared the cave, and the boy. She noted that he was still turned away from her, sharpening the pickaxe he was using to dig the tunnel. Resting upon the rocks to the right of the cave, she watched him for a short moment. He seemed the same, but different from the last time she had seen him. Clearing her throat, Hanno turned quickly, wielding his sharpening tool to defend himself. A smirk played on Sylvie’s lips, a prompt chuckle whistling through her teeth. Facing the girl, Hanno put the weapon down, a frown dancing upon his features. He looked rather upset to have been distrubed.
“You weren’t expecting company?” The question almost sounded like she knew the answer, but she asked anyway. The upset emotions faded from his face and quickly turned into those of anger. He was alone, and this girl showed up unannounced.
“Who are you? What do you want?” He interrogated her, bearing his eyes at her. He studied her internally, noting that she looked similar to a man he had met as a child. He couldn’t remember his name, but the resemblance was uncanny. She was also strikingly beautiful, and he felt a pull towards her as if their souls had been bonded together. “My name does not concern you. Yet,” she started, standing from her position on the rocks. “I have come here to give you a message. It is extremely important that you do not tell another soul. Not even Adam.” She began walking towards him, pulling out a small envelope from the pocket she had sewn into the dress.
Hanno turned towards her fully now, not completely understanding the purpose of this girl’s presence. “How do you know Adam?” His voice expelled a shocked expression, not believing this girl knew the Adam that he knew. Finally standing directly in front of him, Sylvie grasped the boy’s hand, pressing the envelope into his palm. A playful smile toyed upon her lips. “That does not concern you either.” The statement was made pointedly. Hanno looked down at the paper in his hand then back to the girl.
“You will need this information to continue your journey to Paradise. There you will find eternal peace. Paradise is free of pain and suffering. Everything we’ve ever done is forgotten there. Any pain we’ve ever felt is erased. And all the dead live. This is Adam’s promise to you. Never forget it.” Her French accent made the phrase sound so joyful, though she herself knew the only Paradise was death itself. She knew she would experience this freedom.
“You will love to bring everything back to where it belongs and make it new. Though I am a piece of the puzzle, your piece is much larger.” Looking down, she still smiled, mostly to herself. She knew she would feel this attachment to him, no matter the fact that she knew what would come of the future. Bringing her hands up to caress his cheek, she brought her hazel eyes to his own. Hanno stared back, feeling as though gravity had brought him to this moment.
Tilting his forehead against her own, she whispered, “Im going to kiss you now, is that okay?” Her French accent cooed, lulling him towards her. With a nod of his head, Sylvie gently pressed her lips to his. This moment was like no other for Hanno; it was as if the world were finally pieced together for him. Her lips were soft, like soft skin after a fresh shower. The scent of floral notes from her black hair wafting through his nostrils as they shared the moment, he could not describe the feeling within himself.
Pulling away from the boy, her smile was careful and gentle. “You kissed me.” Hanno stated, a soft smile adorning his face. Sylvie giggled at the statement, pulling her hand away from his face, turning to walk away from him. “ You kissed me back, Hanno. I could not be happier to have shared this still moment in time with you. I must go, though. I’m not here to apologize, yet. This all connects to something bigger than ourselves, even if we are only a short frame of the picture. I will see you again.” She had turned away from him completely now, daring herself not to turn back and watch the boy as she made her steps quick.
“Wait! What does this all mean?” A shout boomed through his voice. The girl had made hurried steps away, and turned back only briefly to smile at him before picking up her pace. Standing there, in front of the caves, Hanno looked upon the letter she had placed into his hands and looked at the inscribed name: Noah.
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edensrose · 3 years
All I'm saying is that Hannah has a hard time tying her little bow in the morning, so she stands there in front of the mirror for a solid 45 minutes, refusing help because "I can dO IT"
Whilst Tomoe waits outside of her room, patiently and arms folded. Awaiting for her to sigh, hang her shoulders, and whine out in exasperation
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calypsoffcowt · 7 years
I’m coming to you (Capitolo 4)
Fandom: Maze Runner
Rating: Giallo
Generi: Avventura, Azione
Personaggi: I radurai, OC
Coppie: Newt x OC
Avvertimenti: What if?
Note: Questa storia partecipa al cow-t 8, quindi se non è stilisticamente perfetta me ne scuso ma è tutto normale.
N Parole: 2128
Prompt: Disperazione
Pagina EFP: https://efpfanfic.net/viewuser.php?uid=630334
  Il mattino seguente Emmy Si svegliò quando le prime luci dell’alba fecero capolino nel cielo, un’abitudine che aveva preso in fretta in quei pochi giorni che aveva trascorso nella radura.
Si sentiva ancora stanca e stremata a causa del fatto che, in realtà, non aveva dormito poi molto visto che aveva passato buona parte della notte sveglia a parlare con Newt e stargli accanto fisicamente ed emotivamente.
Mentre con una mano si stropicciava gli occhi per spannarli dal sonno e sbadigliava, si voltò verso il letto improvvisato del biondo che aveva dormito a pochi metri da lei.
Ma lui non c’era. Di lui rimaneva solo l’erba che si era appiattita sotto il suo peso e la coperta che, si accorse solo in quel momento, aveva indosso lei.
Sbattè più volte le palpebre mentre la osservava e si domandava quando e come fosse arrivata lì.
Con un profondo respiro inspirò l’odore della coperta che inconsciamente associò a Newt e poi si alzò stiracchiando piacevolmente gambe e braccia.
Uscì dalla piccola macchia d’alberi in cui avevano trovato riparo e si accorse che in realtà era ancora presto, talmente presto che le Porte non si erano ancora aperte.
In lontananza vide la figura sottile di un ragazza davanti alla Porta da cui la sera prima avevano visto arrancare Minho ed Alby e da cui era entrato Thomas.
Lo riconobbe subito.
Si incamminò verso di lui e quando lo raggiunse vide Newt, le braccia incrociate al petto mentre si mordicchiava un’unghia fissando il cemento in un perfetto fermo immagine della sera prima, quando il biondo se ne stava nello stesso punto e nella stesa posizione ad attendere il ritorno di dei suoi amici.  
Emmy si rattristò un poco pensando che evidentemente quella notte non era stata d’aiuto al ragazzo come aveva sperato.
Rimase lì accanto a lui senza dire niente.
Sapeva che il ragazzo non credeva che i tre fossero sopravvissuti alla notte nel Labirinto e che quindi la sua presenza lì fosse solo sintomo di una speranza dura a morire e, probabilmente per lui stesso, irrazionale.
Ma per lei delle possibilità concrete c’erano.
La sera prima, quando gli aveva detto che credeva che Minho ed Alby avrebbero potuto riuscire là dove tutti avevano fallito, non erano solo parole vuote e di circostanza, lo credeva davvero.
Però sapevo che ripeterlo in quel momento non sarebbe servito a nulla.
Perciò rimase lì con lui, in silenziosa e rispettosa attesa.
Attesa che non durò molto. Pochi minuti dopo l’ormai familiare fragore del cemento che sfrega su altro cemento raggiunse e ferì le loro orecchie e la Porta di fronte a loro iniziò a muoversi.
Emmy sentì il cuore martellarle nel petto mentre osservava la parete scivolare via davanti ai suoi occhi e rivelare a poco a poco il lungo corridoio grigio che conduceva nei meandri del Labirinto.
Quando la Porta fu completamente aperta ci volle un po’ prima che la polvere che si era sollevata si riabbassasse e fosse possibile vedere con chiarezza.
La ragazza sgranò gli occhi quando, in lontananza, vide avvicinarsi due figure.
Erano Minho e Thomas, conciati molto peggio rispetto alla sera prima, con gli abiti a brandelli e numerose ferite sul corpo e macchie di sangue sui vestiti.
-Caspio…- sussurrò Newt fissandoli con occhi altrettanto sgranati e lasciando cadere le braccia lungo i fianchi.
Senza quasi nemmeno sentirlo e senza rendersene conto, Emmy scattò in avanti per raggiungerli e, istintivamente, strinse rapidamente e saldamente Thomas in un fugace abbraccio.
-Cos’è successo?- domandò lei passando lo sguardo alternativamente tra i due e allungando una mano verso il braccio di Minho che mostrava un taglio profondo e sporco di sangue e terra.
-Non è il momento di spiegare- rispose Thomas.
-Dovete venire a vedere- aggiunse Minho rivolgendosi principalmente a Newt che si stava avvicinando a loro.
Senza dire altro i due si voltarono nuovamente in direzione del Labirinto.
Emmy e Newt si scambiarono una rapida occhiata carica di interrogativi prima di seguirli.
Svoltarono l’angolo e trovarono i due ragazzi che fissavano un punto della parete all’altezza di circa tre metri da terra.
La ragazza si lasciò scappare un gridolino strozzato vedendo Alby privo di sensi appeso all’edera.
-Come ci è arrivato lì?- chiese Newt incredulo.
-È tutto merito di questo fagio qui- disse Minho indicando Thomas con il pollice –è stato punto da un dolente, dobbiamo portarlo al casolare per dargli il siero.
-Ma si può sapere che è successo?- chiese Emmy fissandoli con sguardo allucinato –Cosa ci fa Alby lassù? E perché siete pieni di ferite?-
-Non è questo il momento- intervenne Newt prima che i due potessero rispondere –Dobbiamo portarlo al casolare e voi dovete decisamente farvi visitare da un medicale- disse fissando i due ragazzi con un’espressione che non ammetteva repliche –Poi mi racconterete tutto-
Thomas e Minho annuirono.
-Bene così. Andate e mandatemi qualcuno-
I due si avviarono lentamente e chiaramente doloranti verso la radura.
Emmy li fissò allontanarsi con un misto di sollievo e preoccupazione nel cuore.
Sentendo la voce di Newt si voltò nuovamente e lo vide che aveva afferrato i tralci che teneva Alby legato e sollevato in quella posizione.
Cercò anche lei i tralci e lo aiutò mentre, lentamente, lasciavano scendere il corpo inerme del ragazzo.
Quando ormai era a terra e i due erano impegnati a slegare l’edera dalle sue gambe e braccia, due medicali li raggiunsero.
-Non ci credo…- mormorò uno dei due fissando la scena.
-Clint, abbiamo dell’altro dolosiero, vero?- chiese il biondo all’altro ragazza che già era corso in loro aiuto.
-Sì- rispose quello con espressione seria mentre tastava il collo del ragazzo alla ricerca di segni di vita –Ma ci conviene sbrigarci- sentenziò poi aiutandoli a slegare i tralci.
Ad operazione conclusa i due medicali si caricarono di peso il corpo del ragazzo e tutti insieme tornarono alla radura.
-È stato punto come Ben?- domandò Emmy a Newt mentre entrambi anticipavano Clint e l’altro ragazzo al casolare.
Il biondo si limitò ad annuire.
-E cosa significa?- chiese ancora lei.
Aveva già sentito parlare di questa fantomatica puntura origliando per caso qualche conversazione tra vari radurai che avevano commentato l’accaduto dell’esilio di Ben, ma non sapeva esattamente di cosa si trattasse.
Il biondo rimase per un po’ in silenzio prima di rispondere.
-Quelli che sopravvivono all’attacco di un dolente vengono però punti da quelle bestie- spiegò mentre entravano nel casolare e si avviavano verso le scale che conducevano al piano superiore dove era situata l’infermeria –All’inizio si moriva anche a causa di quella puntura, ma poi i creatori hanno iniziato a mandarci una specie di medicina che noi chiamiamo il dolosiero- proseguì.
-Una specie?- chiese lei mentre si infilavano nel corridoio stretto del primo piano. Non le era sfuggito il tono con cui il ragazzo aveva pronunciato quella parola
-Per il momento mi limito a dire che non è molto piacevole- disse lui mentre si fermava di fianco alla porta dell’infermeria in attesa dei due medicali e facendosi da parte per lasciarli passare.
Una volta dentro i due lasciarono cadere pesantemente il corpo del ragazzo sul letto libero.
-Jeff, pendi il siero- disse Clint all’altro ragazzo mentre sistemava il corpo di Alby sul materasso.
Il medicale non se lo fece ripetere due volte.
-Avvisatemi di qualsiasi novità- fece Newt mentre i due si affaccendavano intorno al leader dei radurai.
-Non ce ne sarà bisogno, tanto lo sentirai- commentò Clint mentre il biondo già stava uscendo dalla porta.
Emmy gli lanciò uno sguardo enigmatico, non avendo colto l’allusione di quella frase, ma poi seguì Newt fuori dalla stanza e lo vide entrare in quella accanto.
Dentro vi erano Minho e Thomas. Dei medicali si erano già presi cura delle ferite più gravi e i due se ne stavano seduti su delle sedie sgangherate a pulire il resto delle ferite e i graffi più superficiali.
-Forza, parlate- esordì Newt fermandosi tra loro e incrociando le braccia al petto nella sua posa tipica.
I due si scambiarono un’occhiata intensa e carica di significati nascosti, poi Minho prese a parlare.
-Ieri, quando io e Alby siamo andati a controllare il dolente morto, quello si è ripreso all’improvviso e l’ha punto. Ho provato a trascinarlo nella radura ma, come hai visto, non ci sono riuscito-
-E cosa è successo sta notte?- domandò Emmy.
L’asiatico le lanciò un’occhiata come a dire “perché caspio stai facendo tu le domande?”.
In effetti, pensò Emmy, forse quella era la prima volta che si parlavano.
Era comprensibile che non si fidasse di lei o che non la considerasse all’altezza della situazione, non nella posizione di fare domande e partecipare a quella conversazione tanto importante e delicata.
Si fece impercettibilmente indietro, come a farsi scudo con il corpo di Newt nascondendosi appena dietro la sua spalla.
Ad ogni modo, il velocista decise di rispondere.
-Come ho detto prima, è tutto merito di questo pive qui-
Gli occhi del biondo si spostarono su Thomas.
-Quando io stavo per arrendermi e mollare tutto- proseguì Minho, vedendo che l’altro taceva –Lui ha issato Alby su quella parete, da solo. E poi è riuscito a scappare dal dolente e l’ha fatto cadere nella Scarpata-
-Nella scarpata?!- chiese Newt.
Il velocista annuì.
-E credo sia anche una cosa importante- proseguì poi –Ma credo sarà meglio discuterne in un altro momento- aggiunse poi lanciando un’occhiata fugace ma eloquente in direzione di Emmy.
Il biondo lo fissò per qualche attimo prima di rispondere.
-Bene così- disse.
Dopodiché sembrò sciogliersi. Lasciò andare le braccia lungo i fianchi, le spalle si abbassarono in seguito ad un pesante sospiro, la tensione sul suo volto svanì per lasciar spazio ad un sorriso disteso e tranquillo.
-Sono contento che non siate morti- disse poi avvicinandosi all’asiatico porgendogli la mano in una goliardica stretta di mano.
-Che ti aspettavi? Che schiattassi come un dannato pive?- rispose Minho ghignando e rispondendo alla stretta con vigore.
Emmy, alle spalle di Newt, sorrise intenerita da quel momento e felice che le cose si fossero risolte per il meglio e che il biondo avesse ritrovato un po’ di serenità.
Ma quell’attimo di distesa tranquillità esplose come una fragile bolla di sapone.
Delle urla lancinanti giunsero da un luogo imprecisato del casolare.
La ragazza si voltò di scatto con gli occhi sgranati cercando di capire da dove giungesse la nuova e inaspettata minaccia, Thomas si alzò di scatto dalla sedia sbiancando per il terrore. Minho e Newt, dal canto loro, si limitarono a cambiare espressione, diventando più scuri in volto.
-È iniziata- disse Newt.
L’asiatico si limitò ad annuire.
-Cosa è iniziata?- domandò Thomas alzando il tono di voce per farsi sentire sopra quelle urla.
-La Mutazione- rispose solamente il velocista.
-Cos’è la Mutazione?- chiese ancora l’altro.
-È quello che succede quando ti viene iniettato il dolosiero- spiegò Newt sedendosi su una delle sedie.
Emmy si avvicinò ai tre per poter sentire meglio.
-Sì, il dolosiero ti salva la vita, ma ti fa passare attraverso un processo molto doloroso- proseguì Newt –La pelle si riempie di bolle, le vene sono esposte, e il corpo ne esce totalmente debilitato-
-Ma chi subisce la Mutazione cambia anche nello spirito- aggiunse Minho –Nessuno è più lo stesso dopo-
-Perché?- chiese Emmy anticipando Thomas di poco.
-Pare che la Mutazione restituisca dei ricordi, ma nessuno vuole mai parlarne-
La ragazza si voltò in direzione della porta da dove le grida del ragazzo giungevano forti e chiare.
Quasi non sentì la voce di Thomas che, accanto a lei, proseguiva con il suo interrogatorio.
Tutti i suoi sensi erano concentrati su quelle urla che, in qualche strano modo, era come se l’attirassero; come se, in qualche modo, la riguardassero.
Non erano semplici grida di dolore, non esprimevano un mero dolore fisico. Era qualcosa di più profondo, più difficile da capire e sopportare.
Erano grida di disperazione, di qualcuno il cui cuore viene lacerato da un dolore mentale ed emotivo, qualcosa di inaspettato e al quale non si può far fronte.
Emmy si sentì quasi schiacciare da tutto quel dolore e quella disperazione. Si sentì triste e sconsolata come non mai.
Il tocco pesante di una mano sulla sua spalla la fece tornare alla realtà, in quella stanza del casolare.
Si voltò e trovò Thomas vicino a lei che la guardava con uno sguardo strano, al pari di Newt e Minho dietro di lui.
-Che ti succede?-
Emmy corrugò la fronte non comprendendo il motivo di quella domanda.
Solo in quel momento si rese conto che le sue guance erano bagnate, che, udendo le urla di Alby, qualche lacrima era sfuggita dai suoi occhi.
Non si era nemmeno accorta di aver iniziato a piangere.
Sorpresa si asciugò le gote con il dorso delle mani.
Non giunsero nuove lacrime a bagnarle di nuovo.
Quel fugace e inspiegabile momento di turbamento e disperazione era già passato.
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saggiosguardo · 7 years
ProgettoAMD: elevate prestazioni con spesa contenuta grazie a Ryzen + NVIDIA
Il 2017 è stato un anno importante nel mondo dei computer, che ormai da troppo tempo stagnava nelle mani dell’accoppiata Intel/NVIDIA. È ritornata in sella AMD, riaccendendo la fiamma della competizione, e l’ha fatto sia in ambito CPU che GPU. Se i processori Ryzen mi hanno davvero colpito, non posso dire la stessa cosa delle nuove schede grafiche con architettura Vega. I numeri ci sono e sono ottimi, ma la maggior parte dei software professionali in ambito foto/video/cad/vfx ad oggi sono ottimizzati per CUDA, ovvero NVIDIA. Nel realizzare il #ProgettoAMD ho avuto difficoltà proprio per questo: volevo che CPU e GPU fossero entrambe AMD.
Come primo esperimento con Ryzen avevo deciso di comporre una macchina di fascia media, ma la scheda grafica che mi piaceva era la RX Vega 56 da 8GB. Il primo problema è stato la reperibilità, vanno a ruba per il mining di Bitcoin e tra i giocatori, il secondo è stato il prezzo di almeno 600€. Questo avrebbe fatto lievitare troppo la spesa totale del computer, ma sarei stato ben disposto a procedere con AMD se ne avessi ottenuto un reale vantaggio. Sulla carta la RX Vega 56 sembra offrire prestazioni comparabili alla GTX 1070, il problema è che ciò vale in ambiti molto ristretti al di fuori dei benchmark. È lo stesso discorso che ripeto di progetto in progetto: se si ha a che fare con software ottimizzato per CUDA, allontanarsi da NVIDIA (purtroppo) non è conveniente. Il vantaggio temporale che ha acquisto le ha permesso di creare una coda lunga di dipendenze che non sarà facile da spezzare. Le Vega vanno fortissimo vista la capacità computazionale offerta, ma in settori come il mio non si potranno fare strada nel breve periodo (i software che girano meglio su GPU AMD sono pochi e per la maggior parte di derivazione Mac). L’inizio comunque è stato incerto, ho visto alcuni problemi con i driver che causavano basse prestazioni su Premiere ed instabilità nel gaming, per cui ripiegare su una GTX è stata più che altro una necessità e non una scelta.
Prima ancora di raggiungere una decisione per la scheda grafica, avevo già definito gli altri componenti e stabilito un tetto di spesa non troppo superiore ai 1000€. Per il processore ho scelto il Ryzen 5 1600, che ha 6 core e 12 threads ad una frequenza di 3,2GHz. Sono stato molto tentato dal modello 1600x ma ho voluto risparmiare quei (circa) 50€ per investirli altrove. Tanto si può overcloccare anche il suo fratello “normale” persino con il dissipatore in dotazione, che non avrà i LED che si trovano nelle varianti X ma rimane gradevole e molto efficiente. Sono infatti riuscito a pareggiare con molta facilità la frequenza base di 3,6 GHz del fratello più estremo e l’ho trovato un compromesso molto ragionevole.
Ho ancora una volta preferito una scheda madre ITX: a conti fatti le ritengo più pratiche delle sorelle maggiori. Inizialmente avevo puntato al micro-ATX ma ho faticato a trovare soluzioni davvero interessanti con il nuovo socket AM4. Sono andato sul sicuro con una ASRock Fatal1ty AB350 Gaming-ITX/ac, rimanendo in fascia media per il chipset ma puntando alla stessa serie che mi ha conquistato nel primo #ProgettoWinITX. Nel caso in esame non ho visto nessun vantaggio rilevante nel modello equivalente ma con chipset X370, ecco perché ho scelto il B350. Da notare come AMD abbia tentato di ricalcare i numeri resi “famosi” da Intel, che vede proprio nel ?50 la fascia media e nel ?70 quella più elevata. Niente Thunderbolt nativa su AMD, ma almeno c’è una USB-C che in alcune schede madri concorrenti manca.
Con due soli banchi RAM – uno dei limiti potenzialmente più fastidiosi delle soluzioni ITX – ho puntato a 16GB, che ritengo essere un quantitativo capace di offrire un ottimo punto di partenza ma anche longevità. Ovvio che se già si sa di dover lavorare tanto con il montaggio video in 4K su Premiere, i 32GB continuano ad essere decisamente migliori. Questo è stato il mio primo Ryzen, quindi mi sono necessariamente affidato a tante cose lette in rete, una delle quali era l’importanza di utilizzare RAM veloce. A causa di alcune vicissitudini, per i primi periodi ci ho lavorato con 8GB a 2666MHz, poi sostituiti con gli attuali 16GB (2x8) HyperX Predator 3200MHz. In tutta sincerità ho registrato miglioramenti davvero minimi dovuti al salto di frequenza nelle mie attività (forse andrebbe meglio nel gaming) mentre il raddoppio di memoria si è notato eccome.
Con l’obiettivo di avere massima velocità e contenere la spesa, il boot primario è stato affidato al sempre molto valido SSD Samsung 960 EVO M.2 NVMe da 250GB. Lo spazio lo trovo più che sufficiente per il sistema operativo, le app e i documenti base in una configurazione di fascia media. Ovvio che per lo storage serio ci si fa nulla, ma tanto anche con 1TB chi fa il mio lavoro non ottiene soddisfazione e spende cifre non sempre giustificate con unità allo stato solido. Il costo dell’archiviazione aggiuntiva non lo considero mai in quello “iniziale” proprio questo motivo: c’è chi non ne ha bisogno, chi ce l’ha già tutta su dischi esterni e chi vorrà decidere in proprio se aggiungere 500GB o 8TB, su un disco o due.
Nel mio caso ci ho messo un FireCuda 2,5” da 1TB, che si è dimostrato un ottimo alleato per staccare i progetti foto e video in lavorazione. Più tardi ci ho aggiunto anche un SanDisk SSD Plus 240GB da usare come swap dedicato ai software professionali, ma tutti i test li ho eseguiti senza. I dischi “blade” NVMe di Samsung sono ancora difficili da battere nel rapporto qualità/prezzo, specie le varianti EVO che sono più economiche delle PRO e si avvicinando molto al prezzo delle vecchie unità SATA III. C’è da dire che la velocità di picco aggiuntiva rispetto questi ultimi nella lettura e scrittura sequenziale non trova sempre un corrispettivo diretto anche nel random, dove le migliori unità SATA sono ancora abbastanza competitive.
Siamo finalmente arrivati alla scheda grafica, dove il bilanciamento dei costi mi ha spinto a provare la Gigabyte GTX 1060 3G. Ero tentato dai 6GB ma li reputo più utili nel gaming o nelle applicazioni 3D che non nel video. Magari mi sbaglio, non ho fatto un confronto diretto con la 6G, ma per il proposito di questo computer la spesa aggiuntiva non l’ho trovata adatta. Alla fine è costata quasi un terzo rispetto l’iniziale ipotesi della RX 56 e a livello di prestazioni nel mio settore sembra proprio che si comporti similmente se non meglio.
Io credo che le Vega in ambito video debbano essere rivalutate nel secondo trimestre del 2018, con driver più stabili e software meglio ottimizzati, per ora devo confermare l'efficienza superiore delle NVIDIA nel settore foto e video (ma non solo). È strano perché i numeri in termini di codifica sono effettivamente a favore di AMD, ma servono a poco se poi non si ha stabilità e quando i CUDA Core riescono ad offrire comunque una marcia in più.
Nel valutare l’alimentatore ho puntato ad un risparmio ponderato. È uno degli elementi che spesso si sottovaluta, errore che non ho voluto compiere, ma ho trovato un rapporto qualità/prezzo ottimo nel XFX XT500. I 500W sono un po’ sovradimensionati, ma è meglio così, il peso consistente suggerisce un’ottima quantità e qualità dei componenti e l’assenza di modularità dei cavi non mi ha toccato dato che il case scelto ha una struttura che copre proprio quell’area e consente di evitare la spesa aggiuntiva richiesta da alimentatori modulari senza impattare negativamente sul cable management e sull’estetica.
Anche se a questo punto dell’articolo l’avrete già visto e rivisto, voglio concludere con il case NZXT Manta Nero/Rosso finestrato. Non è stato affatto la prima scelta, anzi, non era nemmeno nella rosa dei principali candidati. È piuttosto grande per un ITX ed ha un design aggressivo che non rispecchia pienamente i miei gusti. Non si può dire che non sia curato e lo considero bello nel suo genere, ma non rispecchia del tutto il mio. Esistono anche le versioni senza finestra, oltre che completamente nera o bianca, le quali risultano un po' più sobrie. Se ho scelto questo è per due motivi: il primo è che mi è capitato di trovare un’offerta abbastanza buona il secondo è che avevo voglia di fare qualcosa di diverso rispetto gli ultimi progetti e l'accento rosso mi sembrava azzeccato con AMD.
Tutti i componenti principali del computer sono elencati nella lista Amazon del #ProgettoAMD ma vi riporto brevemente anche i prezzi che ho pagato io al momento dell'acquisto. Questo perché vi possono servire come punto di riferimento per fare le vostre scelte ma anche per capire meglio le mie:
125€ CASE: NZXT Manta ITX Nero/Rosso
120€ MOBO: ASRock AB350 Fatal1ty gaming-itx/AC
199€ CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1600
165€ RAM: HyperX Predator DDR4 16GB (2x8GB) 3200MHz
220€ GPU: Gigabyte GTX 1060 Windforce OC 3G
43€ PSU: XFX XT500
123€ SSD: Samsung 960 EVO 250GB
Totale speso per il #ProgettoAMD995€
Estetica a parte, i due aspetti più interessanti di questo case sono la qualità costruttiva ed il grado di flessibilità. Non ci sono limiti di nessun tipo per GPU, dissipatore o alimentatori, cosa che consente di approfittare di volta in volta delle varie offerte senza alcuna restrizione. Nel mondo dei componenti hardware per PC le fluttuazioni di prezzo possono essere importanti e se si ha questa flessibilità è facile ottenere di più a meno. Se invece si punta specificatamente ad un prodotto, allora si dovrà attendere uno sconto o rassegnarsi a pagare il prezzo richiesto al momento dell'assemblaggio.
Come ho detto prima, il vantaggio del Manta ITX è stato quello di avere a che fare con uno spazio interno ampio, cosa che ha consentito un assemblaggio piuttosto semplice. I pannelli curvi si smontano tutti, fino a raggiungere uno scheletro essenziale molto snello ma ricco di possibilità. Io l’ho sfruttato poco non avendo optato per il raffreddamento a liquido, ma ho comunque apprezzato la liberà di cablaggio e le tre ventole in dotazione.
Vi elenco rapidamente solo le cose che non mi sono piaciute molto, ad iniziare dal ponte adibito al passaggio dei cavi. È tutto rosso e mette in mostra anche i due dischi aggiuntivi da 2,5” che si possono installare sulla destra. Non è una soluzione che amo, avrei preferito fossero sul retro o magari coperti da una mascherina simile a quella sull'alimentatore. A parte questo, credo che l’altezza del ponte con il logo NZXT sia errata.
Va bene per quasi tutti i cavi ma per passare da lì l’alimentazione della piastra la si deve forzare un po’ troppo. Anche avendo particolare cura nel farlo e cercando l’inclinazione giusta per non piegare troppo i cavi, il risultato estetico non è il massimo. Allora si potrebbe giustamente passare al di sopra del ponte, ma in questo caso il cablaggio risulterà persino peggiore alla vista, cosa che con un case finestrato si doveva considerare meglio. A proposito della finestra: non è di vetro temperato, per cui sarà piuttosto facile graffiarla col tempo.
Il secondo ed ultimo elemento che non mi è piaciuto è il controller per l’areazione. Si tratta di un piccolo componente elettronico che si occupa di muovere le 3 ventole preinstallate (2 frontali ed 1 posteriore), richiedendo una sola alimentazione ed un unico collegamento sulla scheda madre. Il problema del sistema è che per dialogare bene con l’UEFI richiede che il dissipatore della CPU sia collegato su questo “cervello” il quale, a sua volta, andrà connesso alla porta CPU_FAN1 della scheda madre. Dal punto di vista elettrico funziona perfettamente ma è la logica ad essere sballata. Non ha senso che quando la CPU richiede un 50% di potenza al proprio dissipatore, anche le altre ventole viaggino al 50%, ed è proprio questo che succederà. In sostanza si avrà una rumorosità eccessiva e soprattutto inutile.
Ho provato a collegare tutto il sistema su un’altra posizione della piastra madre, lasciando da solo il dissipatore della CPU, ma in questo caso il computer sembra non ricevere informazioni circa l’attuale velocità delle ventole e quindi non adatta gli rpm in seguito al boot. Dopo averci sbattuto la testa un paio d’ore ho deciso di usare uno splitter per collegarle tutte direttamente alla scheda madre, bypassando del tutto questo sistema ed ottenendo un funzionamento perfetto con il controllo della velocità tramite DC. Non è la soluzione ottimale visto che si "spreca" il controller ma è la migliore che ho trovato affinché il dissipatore della CPU viaggi autonomamente. Le tre ventole del case partono solo in caso di necessità e con un progressione lenta che aiuta il raffreddamento con il ricircolo dell’aria senza eccedere in rumorosità anche durante gli stress test.
Nel case si troverà un secondo cavo da alimentare che serve per accendere due LED bianchi: uno che illumina il logo NXZT sul PSU Shroud e un altro sul retro, il cui fascio è indirizzato sulle porte della scheda madre. Vi è un tastino all’esterno che serve per decidere quali accendere o spegnere ma devo dire che sono entrambe indovinate. La prima dà un tocco gradevole con le quattro lettere del brand in bianco, la seconda è utilissima quando si devono connettere cavi sul retro. Tutto sommato il Manta ITX mi ha soddisfatto e c'è anche un discreto margine sul retro per l'organizzazione dei cavi, mi rimane solo la sensazione che il suo design sia più indicato al gaming che ad una scrivania da lavoro. Ho comunque deciso di enfatizzarlo ulteriormente aggiungendo una piccolissima striscia LED RGB nella parte superiore interna, sfruttando il collegamento predisposto sulla scheda madre. Il colore si può così modificare facilmente al boot oppure anche da Windows sfruttando l'app di ASRock. Ultima cosa: al suo posto io avrei preferito il nuovissimo NZXT H200i ma non è ancora disponibile in commercio e si dovrà attendere almeno un mese per vederlo in Italia.
Non ho mai approfondito più di tanto il procedimento che uso nel configurare un nuovo PC, ma vorrei farlo rapidamente in questo caso, visto che con i Ryzen è fondamentale. Per prima cosa consiglio di mettere su una pendrive FAT32 l'ultimo firmware dell'UEFI e in una cartella i driver aggiornati per i vari componenti, nonché quelli relativi alla scheda grafica. Al primo boot è importante accertarsi che ogni elemento sia correttamente riconosciuto ed eseguire subito l'aggiornamento firmware. Solo dopo si potrà passare all'installazione del sistema operativo e dei driver.
Fatto ciò, uso alcuni programmi per mettere il computer in difficoltà e, tenendo monitorata la temperatura dei componenti, procedo nel tentare un po' di overclock alla volta (ovviamente dove possibile) trovando la velocità minima per dissipatore e ventole strettamente necessaria a mantenere voltaggio e temperatura ben al di sotto di quelli massimi. È un procedimento che va eseguito con calma e a piccoli passi, evitando sempre di rischiare con salti eccessivi. Ci può volere un po' di tempo ma è importante per riuscire ad ottenere le migliori prestazioni sostenibili e la rumorosità minima. Per le ventole, infatti, uso sempre dei profili personalizzati in modo che in idle siano quasi inudibili (addirittura spente, quelle dei case, quando possibile), per poi incrementarle predittivamente in base alla curva di riscaldamento registrata.
Con l'overclocking non mi sono spinto troppo: al raggiungimento di 3,6GHz stabili ho deciso di fermarmi. L'incremento in single-core è stato piuttosto marginale (meno del 4%), ma nel multi-core mi ha portato a 1500 punti in più su Geekbench 4, che non sono affatto trascurabili.
Sfruttando spesso applicazioni che ottengono vantaggi dell'uso di molti core, il Ryzen 5 1600 così configurato offre un rapporto qualità/prezzo incredibile: sono infatti arrivato ad equiparare il #ProgettoWinM2 con il suo Intel i7-7700K che costa quasi il doppio.
Va meno bene in single-core, dove è risultato essere l'ultimo della classe... ma va detto che "questa classe" vede nel precedente fanalino di coda l'i7-6700K, mica pizza e fichi. Analizzando la capacità computazionale della GPU con Geekbench 4, si vede chiaramente la realtà: la 1060 è il gradino inferiore della 1070, che lo è a sua volta della 1080.
Il distacco è notevole, ma è interessante notare il suo posizionamento rispetto la 980Ti del primo #ProgettoWin. In effetti basterebbe mettere la barra arancione in cima per avere una precisa linea di progressione. Su Cinebench R15 la CPU è andata meglio, registrando persino un incremento del 20% sul multi-core rispetto l’i7-7700K.
Qui il vantaggio principale del Ryzen 5 1600 sta nell’avere 6 core invece di 4 e 12 threads in luogo di 8. Pareggeremo questi conti con il prossimo #ProgettoWinM3, visto che sarà basato sull’i7-8700K. In tutti i casi il risultato complessivo è davvero interessante, anche se in single-core sta dietro a tutte le altre CPU provate. Sempre Cinebench R15 ci dice qualcosa sulla GPU, che è la più bassa in grado tra quelle che ho analizzato fino ad ora.
Sono 106 gli fps registrati dalla 1060 con OpenGL, mentre la 1070 è arrivata a 138fps e la 1080 a 161fps. Menzione d’onore anche per la 980Ti, che aveva comunque segnato un ottimo 143fps, sottolineando il perché la scelsi al tempo del primo #ProgettoWin acquistandola usata ad un prezzo nettamente inferiore a quello della 1070. Devo saltare il test con LuxMark 3.1 perché non sono riuscito a farlo lavorare sul Ryzen. È strano visto che ho installato tutte le dipendenze e che Geekbench 4 ha lavorato sulla CPU con OpenCL senza problemi, così come tutti i software che ho provato. Ritengo quindi che sia un bug del benchmark e non lo ascriverei come problema di Ryzen. C’è comunque un altro modo per vedere come questi componenti lavorano insieme ed è quello di analizzarne la resa sul campo con software che li sfruttano entrambi. Inizio da Photoshop, con il mio classico preset complesso eseguito in batch.
Qui il risultato ottenuto è in linea con le aspettative, andando a posizionarsi un gradino al di sotto delle coppie i7-7700K + GTX 1080 (#ProgettoWinM2) e i5-7600K + GTX 1070 (#ProgettoITX), come è giusto che sia per quella Ryzen 5 1600 + GTX 1060. Devo comunque ammettere che i componenti sono molto equilibrati e la risposta con applicazioni professionali è stata davvero soddisfacente. Leggermente diverso il discorso con Lightroom, dove l'applicazione dei preset in realtime è stata così veloce da equiparare il #ProgettoWinM2 e l'esportazione solo un po' più lenta ma superiore al resto del gruppo.
Passiamo ora al video, iniziando da quello che mi ha stupito più di tutti: Premiere Pro. Oltre ad andare molto bene nella gestione della timeline, con un quantitativo davvero minimo di dropframe anche lavorando in 4K con LUT e regolazioni colore, l’esportazione in H.264 è stata la più veloce che ho mai registrato. Persino di più rispetto al #ProgettoWinM2 basato su i7-7700K e GTX 1080. Qui il rapporto tra prezzo e prestazioni offerte è davvero ottimo e non oso immaginare cosa succederà unendo un Ryzen 1700x/1800x con una GTX 1080 ti… (avrete già capito quello che probabilmente sarà il #ProgettoAMDM2).
L’altro software che tengo in considerazione per il montaggio video è DaVinci Resolve, sempre più apprezzato nel settore. Questo è più a suo agio con le schede grafiche AMD e non sembra mettere a frutto pienamente neanche processori Ryzen. Il test Standard Candle è stato infatti il peggiore registrato finora e, seppure questa coppia di CPU/GPU sia effettivamente la più economica, i risultati ottenuti in altri campi sembrano dimostrare che si potrebbe far di meglio ottimizzando il software. Tuttavia DaVinci predilige il mondo Mac e lì si ragiona con CPU Intel + GPU AMD, per cui è lecito che lo sviluppo sia andato principalmente in quella direzione.
Un’ultima parola la vorrei spendere sulla stabilità e la silenziosità operativa di questa configurazione, che ho trovato davvero eccezionale. Sapete che il gaming non mi interessa affatto, ma per quel poco che ho provato con Mad Max e For Honor mi ha dato delle ottime soddisfazioni (per giunta su display 4K). A scopo informativo condivido giusto il risultato di GFXBench, che dà grosso modo un'indicazione generica dei risultati nel rendering 3D realtime in ambito gaming.
Siamo giunti alla fine di questo ennesimo SaggioProgetto, che spero sia stato di vostro gradimento. Come sempre mi aspetto che qualcuno non sia d'accordo con questa o quella scelta, che ci sia chi odi o ami il case oppure chi non condivide alcune delle riflessioni o test. Non necessariamente si deve comporre un computer in questo esatto modo, ne propongo diversi proprio affinché ci si possa fare un'idea dei componenti più adatti alle proprie necessità in base alle performance, al prezzo o, perché no, al design. È con questo spirito che condivido i risultati di questi Progetti, che in alcuni casi derivano da computer che assemblo per clienti o amici, mentre in altri sono esperimenti personali. Quest'ultimo rientra esattamente in tale casistica, infatti sono disponibile a venderlo già assemblato (senza i dischi aggiuntivi) se qualcuno fosse interessato. La futura roadmap è stata leggermente rivista, ma i prossimi PC ad essere sfornati saranno basati entrambi su Intel: uno con i3-8350K e l'altro con i7-8700K. Vi ricordo che potete trovare tutti i componenti nella lista del #ProgettoAMD e che acquistando dai nostri link supporterete l'attività del sito e renderete possibili altri articoli come questo.
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