hopeswriting · 2 years
where to send... an excellent question tbh. maybe just by this ask? reblogging is lovely ofc! but i'm not sure if the tumblr formatting would work with the id added in directly into the fic in the same way ao3 would have it 🤔
( thank you so much for your help btw! but there's really no rush, i'm only 1/6 ish done with the rewrite/proper version at the moment, haha... )
i can finally get back to you on this, so here i am. <3
so you said you wanted help for the ids, but what do you specifically have troubles with? describing the expressions maybe, seeing as that’s what you’re using them for, or something else?
as for the tags/tws, i honestly don’t think there’s any tws so to speak of. the whole healing process byakuran does is a bit unsettling, as well as the fact enma’s injuries are described more in details during the process, but i think a “mention injuries” tag would be enough. i’d definitely keep the rating at g in any case. but if you want to be safe, of course go ahead and add a tag for the bit of body horror vibes the fic has! (i’d actually go for safe rather than sorry myself haha.) something like “slight body horror” maybe? tho i’m sure the body horror tag is a canonical one on ao3, and if it has variants too you can choose the one you think fits the most and amend it as you see fit!
another tw i’d warn for is of course the bullying. tho it’s only implied and nothing actually happens, so just a “mention bullying” or “implied/referenced bullying” tag would be enough imo.
and idk if this is too much lol, but this is overall how i’d tag your fic.
au - post-canon, mention injuries, mention (or implied/referenced) bullying, slight body horror, fluff, bonding, healing (or another variant of it that’d fit more and would be more specific to your fic if there is one), romance if you squint (< if you want to be funny about it lol, and more if you tag the fic as enma/byakuran) or can be read as romantic (< this one more if you tag it as enma & byakuran), images embedded, (maybe a tag here about how byakuran comes off as a bit unsettling/creepy if you want. and whatever other canonical tags byakuran may already have that’d fit), (i’d check the canonical tags for enma too to see if one fits and add it here), may be ooc (as you said to take enma’s pov with a grain of salt and that byakuran isn’t really accurate to your hcs? but that’s up to you if you want to use it!), pov third person limited (< but not everyone feels the need to precise the pov)
sorry if it’s a bit confusing lol, but i can clarify anything you need me to so don’t hesitate asking me about it! and of course this is only for you to take inspiration from, no pressure to do it exactly like that. but if it can help, here’s the pattern i personally follow to help me tag my fics:
where does the fic take place in relation to canon and/or what type of au i’m working with here -> any cw or tw in the fic -> what the fic is about generally speaking + whatever unusual thing i may have done with it (like for example in this case, the fact you added images to it -> the specific way i characterized the characters or the specifc traits of their personality i focused on -> the pov -> everything that isn’t really in and of itself about the fic but more around it (my go-to is if it was beta-d or not, if it’s cross-posted elsewhere, and how i don’t want it to be copied anywhere else. that’s also when i use chatty tags to precise one thing or another about the fic.)
as for a general feedback on your fic, maybe i can try to give one once you’ll be done writing the final version of it? i’d feel a bit bad and it’d be a bit hard to give you feedback on an unfinished version (and it’d be a bit unfair besides).
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isagrimorie · 7 months
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Voyager is our Home.
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dan2078 · 2 months
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I made a lil animation 'cuz nobody's home and that means no bed time (I now realize I could've finished my upcoming schoolwork instead.)
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superintendent-b · 6 months
Excuse me sir I would like to request some more Sleeveless ODSTs please
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I love your responses and artworks, they bring me so much joy when I see them
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One order of sleeveless ODSTs coming up o7
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And thank YOU ×1000!! I like making silly art pieces about the characters I love and when other people get to enjoy them with me, it makes it worth the effort
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fuwag · 7 months
Hello ODST fans!
Kyoufuu All Back by yukopi (Wonderlands x Showtime cover)
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coco0milkshake · 8 months
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guys guys I just had the best idea ever-
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andromedaexile · 4 months
Garak and Quark are the type of guys who would have a weekly podcast where they just discuss DS9 gossip and other news on the station.
The only listener would be Rom.
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000marie198 · 9 months
Notice how the Grim bots look and fight very very similar to the OG characters.
Notice how The Grim is empty and lifeless
Notice how it seems almost as if it hasn't started forming yet
Remember The Grim being dubbed as a clean slate by Nine
Remember how he chose this place to be his world, his paradise, his home.
Notice that it belongs to him now to create it as he wants.
Remember that Grim has no one and has no counterparts or landmarks of the OG world
Remember how Ghost Hill blew up, destroyed from existence when Nine began to use the unstable prism to recreate The Grim.
Remember how the ghosts of Sonic's and Shadow's friends were also wiped from existence and floated away, the essence gone into the energy sucked away by the prism
Remember how much the Grim bots look and act like the OGs
Since the world of the Grim was claimed by Nine to create as he wants before it fully formed, and he created those bots to be his friends, the Grim Bots are the variants of this Shatterspace.
That wasn't the point of the post. This is the true point of the post:
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There's no Tails amongst the Grim Bots.
By Nine's choice, Tails' variant doesn't exist in his world
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gayfour · 1 year
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coldbrewarts · 2 months
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Crack? Yeahhhhh.
Characters: Butcher & Nine Three belong to @moonlightwarriorqueen, Bombshell belongs to @saggitary, Striper is my baby, Rory ( @sunshinesdaydream) and her beloved Case, Howzer with @somewhere-on-kamino’s Rhea being stalked by @ladyzirkonia’s Master Tarkona, and finally a grumpy teen Boba and a Fabulous Alpha 17.
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
Headcanon that Seven of Nine and Naomi actually find Neelix’s cooking to be fine because it’s the only food they’ve ever eaten/their first introduction to food and when they get to Earth everyone’s so excited to show them Alpha quadrant foods but neither of them likes anything they’re offered very much. Seven doesn’t really care either way except that she has to get used to a whole new palette and Naomi likes the obvious (Ex: candy, cake) but frequently complains that nothing tastes ‘right’. Naomi: -pushing away a slice of pizza- I don’t like it... Tom: You’re kidding me. You don’t like pizza? Naomi: It doesn’t taste right! Make it how Neelix used to. Tom: You want me to put gerhalorian beets and yuk mushrooms in the sauce so it congeals into a lumpy, slightly sour mess? Is that what you want, Naomi? Naomi: Yeah :(  I want Naomi and Icheb to work tirelessly together on a side project for years until finally doing it - being able to communicate clearly with those in the Delta quadrant! Icheb uses it to speak to the other borg children (now adults) and Naomi immediately uses it to call Neelix and ask him to find the nearest time portal and toss a big box of leola root into it. She’s been craving it for years! No one told her the Alpha quadrant didn’t have leola root, she wouldn’t have gone otherwise!
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kiranerysismyhero · 10 months
what if how we could have both ezri and jadzia in s7 went like this:
jadzia is mortally injured, and the destiny is trying to get her/dax back to trill while she's still on life support. ben comes along bc jadzia is not actually dead yet and he has good reason to distrust the symbiosis commission.
things take a turn and it's looking even more urgent for the symbiont. ben doesn't want to let anyone remove dax from jadzia (again) while she's still alive but is overruled by starfleet brass at the behest of the commission. the ship's surgeon joins dax to ezri, who in this version is still just as reluctant but now at least the 15 minutes of improvised lecture substituting for years of preparation comes from ben. like how would he approach that conversation?
ezri wakes up and meets ben this time as dax... but in the next bed over jadzia is still hanging on. an hour, then two pass and the symbiont's vitals are a lot more stable now in ezri while jadzia is not doing well but is still fighting for her life. the destiny's doctor is kind of lost because they tried to contact trill about how they should care for jadzia but all the symbiosis commission wanted to talk about was dax and how soon could they get their hands on ezri
and ben is like 'okay i know you just met me but also you've known me for lifetimes now... hear me out...' and ezri's like 'yup solid plan let's do it but also what if we took even more risk bc dax's got a bit of starfleet medical now too' and ben's gotta be 'oh i had more appeals ready that you didn't even wait to hear, okay'
basically action sequence now– the destiny had slowed down to respond to an emergency signal and pick up some escape pods bc y'know dominion war, and ben and ezri work together to sneak jadzia into a biobed and off the ship in a runabout. and we see some of ezri accessing previous hosts as they hide the runabout in the debris field and get some distance before the destiny realizes they're missing
and just when it seems like the destiny is going to find them as ezri's breaking down a little bit about 'i'm a counselor and i'm still in training and out of all these lifetimes i'm still the one with the most medical knowledge in here??' as she tries to keep this woman that she remembers being stable-ish in stasis... the defiant decloaks! grabs them! re-cloaks! outta there!
julian checks that ezri is really really sure and then does what the symbiosis commission was never going to consider as an option: rejoining dax to jadzia now that the symbiont has been rehabbed/bolstered by ezri
jadzia is able to recover, if slowly. ezri is physically relatively unharmed by the ordeal, but a whole lot of psychological upheaval just happened and this woman is sat here making jokes about remembering being ezri for a hot minute and while ezri no longer remembers being jadzia, she does remember remembering being jadzia... it makes her head hurt. and jadzia's just like 'nah it was still less traumatic than last time when i had to be awake for more of it' and ezri just desperately wishes she could remember what the hell she means by last time
the symbiosis commission is piiiissed. they reallly want to excommunicate dax, jadzia, and/or ezri for all this but ben's like 'i'm adding the viability of respite care for symbionts to the list of info that you don't want me to share with your whole society' aand the symbiosis commission concedes under the condition that ezri is now GOING to be the next dax, WHENEVER that may be, there has been eNOUGH hot potato with this worm already, you two are going to STAY CLOSE so you don't end up pulling anyone else into dax's chaos being another intermediary when the time comes
so now jadzia and ezri are bureaucratically handcuffed to each other and both alive and have fascinating things to talk about :)
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rosemaryreality · 10 months
And today on "how edgy can a 9 year old make a robot" we present a new discovery...
So basically, i've been working on a drawing of beepo and shadic, which means that i looked up images of them as references, it's then that i realize something different between the two...
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now, look at this guys hands, notice how the fingers are kind of boxy(? but still clearly try to look like normal hands. And now, let's look at shadic's...
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...yeah, that's right, not only did Nine change his scheme color to black and red, of all things, not only did he change his design in a way that make him look like Shadow, change his personality completely to be a silent and serious fighting machine and then named him fucking Alpha Grim Sonic, he also just had to give him claws, they're not even like, huge claws that give him a lot of reach or something, im convinced they're just there for the aesthetic
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dan2078 · 9 months
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I'm sooo original, deeeefinitely hadn't done this rope-jumping format with a different set of characters from a different fandom... It's bad, but only because I don't feel like making it good, it was supposed to be an animation but for the life of me I CAN'T DRAW TAILS IN ANY FORM. So I just wanted to- get it out of my head before it ate my skull noodle. Thank you.
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superintendent-b · 9 months
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We made it! 🥂🎉
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(For the light mode users and the desktopers among you)
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spockvarietyhour · 9 months
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A Good chunk of the Matte Painting in Random Thoughts are assets from other episodes including "Homefront", "Let He Who is Without Sin", and "Future's End Pt 1 & 2"
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