deviated-detective · 5 years
| Stern Family Gathering | Flashback | College AU | Pre-Current Events
The orphanage was always a solemn place to be. As a child he simply knew the cold abandonment of his father. There was no rhyme or reasoning behind why. Their mother was gone. She died and suddenly taking care of several boys was just too much. Is it any excuse? None of it will be an excuse but at the time Connor saw nothing but that horrible dawning realization his siblings were unwanted. They were not good enough. 
In his eyes they were better than he could ever be. Even then he had to protect them. As the oldest, a twin to his brother Caleb born fifteen minutes after he, the role as eldest became a permanent fixture. 
Even then as they were looked over for possible homes, he felt the pang of potentially losing his siblings. Separation was his worst nightmare and even now as a young adult he keeps those fears close. Only one person he ever told the story to outside of his family. Genevieve knows more of him than anyone, even more than his ‘mother’ but Connor has a reason. Despite the fact Amanda favored him out of his brothers, the criminology major felt the sting of it especially with Richard.
His little brother was ignored. He almost didn’t come with them. Connor knew Amanda wanted him and his twin brother Caleb the most. Yet she had her eye mostly on him. The others were extra baggage. Amanda must have had a plan in mind when she took them all in. Showing off her reputation as a do-gooder who adopts orphans in need; Connor practically refused to go with her because she was about to leave Richard behind. He was just a boy then but he stood up. He never would have forgiven himself if he let Rich go. 
One thing he gained was a sister. Jesse was someone he grew close to when they first arrived at the Stern manor. They would play together all the time. Chasing each other, hide and seek; Jesse wasn’t like other girls at all. She would keep right up with him and his brothers. Their relationship seemed to grow apart the older they became but he still loved her just as much. These days she seemed to have more of a connection with Corvus. 
He mulled it over sitting in his car. Pulling up the street and leaving it parked across from the house, Connor took a breath. Having his own place would be a whole lot better and he’s already been looking. Just picturing having Gen all to himself there.
Connor cracked a smile. All dimples and perfect white teeth showing off how he feels. Leaning over to his date for this family dinner, his lips captured hers deeply. Huffing into her plump lips is a sound fueling his need to be with her. Each time he runs it over in his head wondering how he could be so damn lucky. “I hope you’re ready for the dinner from hell.” Joking a bit, he glanced over into his mirror to fix his tie. Just like his mother to be formal. He made sure to wear this light blue jacket, stylish and appropriate. “How do I look? Passable as your date... gorgeous?”  
@stayhuman-genevieve @creation-is-chaos​ @ninehartx​ @ruthlessnessisyourdesire​ @rxseguided​ 
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“Why is that abomination the favorite brother? Are you mad, Nines?!” 
Sixty scoffs at what he is witnessing! The devil himself doth speak! “Oh, I am nothing am I, Corvus? Say such to my face you prick!” 
@ninehartx​ @creation-is-chaos​
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creatorofclay · 5 years
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" Really glad I don't have a big family... "
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creation-is-chaos · 5 years
The Devil Comes Down To Detroit | Drabble > A Call To War
Take him up to the top where the mountains stop Let him tell his book of lies
He’s a smooth operator It’s time we cut him down to size!
Blood on thy name. Burn and drink on this flame. Eat they flesh and deliver souls upon this glorious dish. Consume the body for there is no body in Christ. Consume the lies and multiply seven times seventh circles; he lifts arms, raising hands high, pressing fingers together to form the great triangle. Three corners of the evil of eyes!
Fires rise in the cathedral, blackest of blasphemes in the image of holy structure. There is no holy. There is impurity.
“The Lord is my Shepard,” he mocks, sacrilegious chant within the onyx chapel. No holy ground he does speak. Nothing but tainted pews to house those who have long since lost their souls. Creations are more than this so-called prophet has created as the universe once imploded into being. Creation is chaos! Chaos is creation! “I shall not want! For the God above is all a lie. What say you Gabriel?”
Speaking to another fallen, Corvus does not mince words. He battles on and on with this purity that diminishes the outreach of his darkness. “Is god a cruel god?”
“God is cruel my king.”
“God is cruel! He is everything these humans do not see.” What did the kings of Egypt call in their war against the path of Moses? “Your god is a cruel god. He casts out those who give him fealty.” Lowering his arms, he moves swift down the aisle in this church of ungodly unions. There are demons congregating, seated in their pews chanting, the battalion of war marching on. They march to the surface. The gates are open and he will call them all.
“I am Beelzebub by name. The Dragon, Leviathan, Behemoth, Satan, Devil - I am Lucifer the fallen. An angel favored in the golden gates of his almighty. Cast away into the deep abyss far below. As below. As they are above. I call on thee: hell’s brigade, Abaddon to my parade. Cerberus my loyal beast. Seek them and find your feast.” 
Corvus allows all abominations to rise in their powers. A call to war is heaven sent as the gem Lust hid away cracks without consent. An angel’s power shattered in name and now he seeks this news from a messenger this day. “Lust. Lust! Where is my sin?” 
“I-I do not know my king,” the messenger admits, fear in his eyes. It does nothing to prevent the coal of the devil’s heated eyes. 
“You do not know,” the King of hell iterates slowly. Feeding on this he searches, reaches out for the power of Lust but it is missing. As Greed was missed all those days but caged is the bird and on his knees to him. “You do not know.” He repeats, clutching onto the messenger demon’s throat, lifting him off his feet. “Tell me! Do you insult my intelligence?!” 
“...cradfkd m-m-my k-ki-ki”
“Do you call me king? I call you worthless. Do you wish to see my songbird?” Connor, Connor, Connor. Sing for freedom that will never be after you betrayed me. Pretty songbird he is but this one sings in a struggle to escape pain. He thrusts the demon aside. Lust slips away. Lust just as like your brother! Traitor. Oh but there is one more. 
“Wrath,” Corvus calls to the other sibling of these three. No longer Pride. “How bitter must one be to allow this corruption to change thee. Your brother Lust is gone. I wonder if you knew.” 
Wrath does not speak. He is too bitter to say. Corvus senses it just as he senses another power. Another one very close to him but-BUT this! 
“Ah,” the devil breathes. “The sound of drums. You follow them Wrath. My true warrior. You will break down the gates of heaven along with the rest. You will join them but first I have a deed here. I sense power-” Kamski. KAMSKI. 
A mortal purity for a love. Jesse. He does not forget a face. 
“He is here,” Corvus realizes. “Sound the horns. Ready hell itself. WE ARE AT WAR!” 
@rk800isalive @ninehartx @ruthlessnessisyourdesire @creatorofclay @rxseguided
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pcsitivibee · 5 years
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positivity for ninehartx : Thankful for the wonderful @ninehartx who is absolutely the most lovable Nines out there. A gem of a writer who has many great muses. Their RK900 is my canon through and through. I can't picture another one and just wish her all the best. Iron you are amazing.
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rk800isalive · 5 years
send me a ‘dibs’ if you are ridiculously attached to me as an rp partner and get jelly when someone who has the same muse as u rp/talk/breathes in the same room with me
you don’t even have to get jealous just the fact u are attached to me is what interests me owo
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Iron!!!! Ahh!!!! You sweet sweet sweet adorable, kind, amazing, talented, bean who I will literally die for.
Dibs on you and all your muses!!!
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erregent · 5 years
// am I too late? Sending positivity to you! I know I haven’t been around but I enjoy seeing you on my dash! 10/10 writing and all around amazing person!
send me blogs you love and i’ll @ them // accepting
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intxlligxntdxsign · 5 years
[ Have baby Nines lol ] "This is ridiculous, Connor! it's still me, I'm not some child...even though I'm in a child unit... don't you dare coo at me!" Nines crossed his arms and glared up at his predecessor but he just looks adorable.
Connor simply can’t help himself, cooing softly down at the child model RK- no, wait, YK900..
“Oh Nines, darling... you can’t understand how cute you are right now..oh dear.” Connor bends at the waist, picking up Nines and putting the YK on his hip, swaying softly while he gently bounces the child. “How soon until your new model comes in, little one?” He’s walking around now, still holding Nines in a secure hip hold while he goes around the station, finally settling back at his desk with the tiny android in his lap.
“You are the cutest little darling I’ve ever seen....” Connor’s hand lightly pats Nines’ hair, running through it gently. 
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missninetails · 5 years
Onto the back of a running criminal she lands shoving their face into the ground with a smile. “My friend was looking for you.” She leans down licking her lips, “maybe if he’s slow in catching up I can see how long you last without an organ.” 
Of course it was a joke and Nines does show up seconds later much to her tails obvious excitement. “Saw you having a party without me.”
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terrifiesall · 5 years
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                                     Richard & Nyx [College Verse]
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chendetroit · 5 years
❂: Three of your favourite blogs that you follow
munday memes ! : @anderson-residence
three of your favourite blogs to follow: oh god... JUST THREE?! I literally adore all my mutuals and if asked, could probably write on and on about them but three off the top of my head well.....
@erregent ( fabulous gavin, beautiful mun, packed full with beautiful memes and dick jokes *chef kiss* )
@vexeddetective ( we adore mun and all their muses, breaks my damn lil heart with their writing or make me laugh or always provide that sweet sweet nasty nsft )
@ninehartx ( mun strikes me as a real sweetheart also they’re one of the people I see most on dash, I’m invested in their threads and all these brother shenanigans are just AHH I love them x3 )
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deviated-detective · 5 years
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Random Asks | Selective
@ninehartx​ said:
Richard knocked on his brothers door, a book clutching his chest as he embarrassingly and shyly walked into the room, “are you busy? I um.. I wanted to ask you...” he clutched the book tightly, the bindings were worn and the cover was faded but it was his favorite Sherlock Holmes book. “Like old times? I I can’t sleep...” this was em a trading, they were grown ass man and he wanted his older sibling read to him.....
Peering up from the wing back chair, Connor’s brow creased in a curious furrow. It was late. What is Richard-? A smile soon took over at his brother’s request. A fond memory of when they were children. Closing up his folder of documents, he slid them on the desk and decided to let Atomix rest. Having his brother here for a few days brought back a lot of good but also bad. None of it was ever their fault but now he’s glad to be close to his little brother again. 
“The Hound of the Baskervilles,” he read from the cover, pulling it from his brother’s hands. Flipping through to a turned over page, Connor gave him a look. “You already started? So now my narration is good enough?” 
Nudging him with his elbow, he nodded at the other chair in the large bedroom. Connor wasn’t one to flaunt. He just happened to own a house he considered very much a dream. Working hard to get here is something he was proud of. Even more he was proud of his brother. “For old times,” he agreed while sitting back in his chair. “Can’t sleep. Is it the house? Or have you been working too hard?” They might be adults but Connor’s worry will never fade away. 
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Lust: Oh this is lovely! The whole family’s here!
Wrath: I was stabbed in the chest by our crazy uncle. 
Lust: Well....we can’t all be the favorite.
Greed: I was tortured for 10 years. YOU DON’T GET TO BE PISSY!
@ninehartx @rk800isalive
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creatorofclay · 5 years
// I already said it but whats one more time amirite?? HAPPPPPYYYY BIRRRTHHHHHDAYYYYYY
// Bless your heart, thank you so much! XD nothing wrong with saying it again hehe ♥️♥️
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creation-is-chaos · 5 years
Mains Tags:
[so the lion fell for the lamb] >> [coffee-and-guns]
[a rose for the dead of heart] >> [doctor-for-you]
[o brother give me thy hand] >> [ninehartx]
[man and machine are closely entwined] >> [soulxism]
[an angel in a devil’s playground] >> [stayhuman-genevieve]
[a match to a poison flame] >> [theyearningtofly]
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pcsitivibee · 5 years
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positivity for ninehartx : Well deserved love to @ninehartx! Their Nines is absolutely amazing and such a lovely characterization. He truly is a wonderful soft boy who needs all the love. Her Nines is just pure canon love. Iron is a wonderful friend who is very talented and all their muses, canon and original, are just so well thought out. They deserve way more attention for such great writing and attention to their character's details! Love you!
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