#[Human Connor]
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crabs-brencil · 5 months
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kinda scrappy but maybe that's the vibe lol and at this point drawing anything at all is a good outcome. anyways, more human au connor, scarf variation this time. wonder what he did to get that thirium on his jaw though..
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connorboyyy · 3 months
I love when people write human Connor as a soft sweetie, always wearing that crooked smile and winning people over with those big brown eyes. Love it, love it, love it 🫶❤️
And yet I write my human Connor so bitchy LMFAOO
My thought process is that he’s kind of passive aggressive (sometimes outwardly aggressive when things aren’t going his way) and smug in the game. Not to mention his attention to his own appearance; carefully checking to make sure things are in place when he crosses his reflection, adjusting his tie at any chance.
So as a human, I think these traits would translate well to a hard ass with a tough exterior. Very job-oriented and irritated by a slacker. Entirely concerned with appearing put together, coming off as a little (or a lot) stuck up in the process.
The sweetness is still there though ‼️ right underneath, but you’d have to work to get it—you’d have to prove yourself to be trusted with it, because above everything else Connor cannot risk appearing vulnerable in the eyes of onlookers.
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sweeteatercat · 2 months
ʙᴜʀɪᴇᴅ ᴀʟɪᴠᴇ ⚔️
Story for @thebreakroomds Themed Prompt Month • Week 2 • Day 1 • Medieval / Knight & Royalty!
Unshed tears are stinging behind Connor's eyes. Almost blindly, he traces the blurred contours of Hank's face, feeling everything and nothing. He needs this kind of pain. There's nothing gentle or comfortable about this.
It's the proof that they are still alive. That they are still able to feel anything at all. Buried alive in this blood-soaked hell of war.
HankCon || Explicit || Royalty, Knights, Medieval || Rough Sex || Angst || Hurt&Comfort
Little gift for @connorboyyy 🥰
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athenasartworks · 5 months
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He's all I think about right now
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Connors (Stern Siblings) 🥇🥈🥉✨
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DBH Role Reversal Au, Detective Stern (Connor), Lieutenant Stern (Richard/Nines), Conrad (Six) and Hank (HK800)
I wanted Connor to have tension with Nines because they lost their brother Conrad, where Connor was saved over Conrad (his identical twin) because an Android paramedic prioritized Connor's status as a police officer over Conrad (who was studying to be a teacher). If it was a human, they wouldn't have been able to distinguish between the two and possibly even tried to save both.
Nines joins the police academy soon after which causes problems with Connor, but he does it to look after Connor as he doesn't want to lose another sibling. Connor who was supposed to be promoted as the youngest lieutenant in Detroit has to see his younger and better brother get it instead.
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discodeviant · 2 months
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HANK / CONNOR | Mature | 8.8k Connor Stern, the current CyberLife CEO, hires an escort with an intimate disdain for the company and, in his peculiar way, manages to keep Hank from running.
Read on AO3 (requires login)
FINALLY POSTING HANKCON OH MY GOD. It's about fucking time. Please enjoy <3
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... Routine now, if they had one, Hank dragged his thumb along the back of Connor’s wrist, soothing until his mind’s lights went dim. He fought sleep and the unbearable truth of Hank disappearing in the night as long as he could manage, until he heard Hank telling him to relax and there was no choice but to listen. He dreamed of Hank too, of broad arms and a gentle mouth, of whiskey he’d never drank himself burning the back of his throat; of warmth in his bones, in Hank’s palms following his angular build, fitting in places no one had ever been and never would be if it stopped like this...
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uncannyclouds · 10 months
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dbh swap aus have gotta be one of my fav flavors of this fandom
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not-poignant · 1 year
Hi! I’m currently having a hard time, with chronic pain flare ups, and am re-reading Eversion, one of my favorite works of yours. It helps. (I originally ended up playing the game thanks to it). I’m at Chapter 17: High Ball, and wondered how you go about writing and researching such an intense drug trip? It’s so good. Anyway you for writing such fantastic works.
Hi anon,
I'm so sorry to hear about the chronic pain flare ups! They're such a bitch. The rheumatoid arthritis in my hands lately has been Cruel (TM) and it's definitely something you need comfort things for! I hope your flare eases sooner rather than later though <333
As for the High Ball chapter, I have a very unsatisfactory answer for you which is: 'I made it up.'
As in: 'I used my imagination because I'm a writer and wrote it based off what I imagine a really bad trip to be like. Especially because it was a synthetic drug so I didn't need to base it on anything real.'
The only thing I had to research were the names of the drugs used to make the drug itself, but I wasn't out there researching bad trip experiences / bad drug experiences. I know a little from research in the past on the use of LSD to treat PTSD (and some of the negative side effects of this), but yeah.
My job as a writer is to imagine things, and this is one of those areas where it's going to make everyone groan but I didn't do anything to 'go about writing/researching an intense drug trip' beyond sitting down and imagining Connor going through an intense drug trip and writing that.
That's my job x.x I don't research about 90% of the things that I write, that's what my imagination is fooooor. I do read a lot of non-fiction, which I think is good practice (it's good to have a scientific understanding of the body if you're going to be writing bodies and it's good to have a general understanding of mental health stuff if you're going to be writing mental health stuff - but the good news is a lot of naturally curious people learn things about this anyway).
Er so yeah, anon, I just... I just literally sat down and wrote it in one take. And that's how that scene happened.
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the-gayest-sheep · 5 months
I did it
I just finished and posted the first chapter of my dbh fanfic
because there is way too little
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littletonomanners · 1 year
human!connor has either every allergy ever or is unfathomably healthy. there is no inbetween.
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Christmas Morning 🎄🎁
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rhube · 1 year
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Connor/Gavin Reed Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Gavin Reed Additional Tags: Android Gavin Reed, Magic, Bodyswap, Sort Of, Human Gavin Reed, Human Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Android Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Loss of Bodily Autonomy, non-deviant Gavin, Mind Control, Ken Doll Android Anatomy | Androids Have No Genitalia (Detroit: Become Human), Customizable Android Genitalia (Detroit: Become Human), Blood and Gore, Alternate Universe - Magic, but magic is pretty rare, Gavin Reed Being Less of an Asshole Summary:
Investigating a fucked-up red ice case, post revolution, Connor and Gavin touch a cursed object at the same time and swap not bodies, but species.
Connor finds himself suddenly human. Gavin finds himself suddenly an android. Multiple DPD officers saw it happen, but no one has seen anything like this before.
Gavin has an LED now. Connor has a cock - he didn't before. It's all very confusing.
[Tags may be added as work progresses. I know the plot outline and am not currently expecting on-screen violence or non-con but that may change as fic develops. I will update tags and warnings if it does.]
New chapter!
Gavin Reed just *isn’t* having the best day.
Connor to the rescue!
Note: The previous chapter was only posted yesterday, so make sure you didn’t miss that one, it’s kind of important.
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sweeteatercat · 11 months
Raw Desire - My story for the RK1700BING02023♡ TwoShot♡
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lxvxndxrly · 2 years
Partners in Law
Eleanor was smart defense attorney for Blue Light Law Offices, Connor was a Detroit Police Department detective. They were on opposing sides of the law, Connor would put them behind bars and Eleanor would get them out, even if they were truly guilty. She was good at her job, so was Connor, he hated it when she got her not guilty verdict, but he felt happy for her. She hated it when another suspect of his would call her to defend them, but she was the best, so of course they would call, it was a tension filled friendship they had. It wasn’t really friendship, more so mutual respect for each other’s work, it was enemies with respect for each other. They were friendly enough, a bit of trash talk before trials, but it was friendly, playful even. They were able to talk to each other with out throwing punches, which was better than Eleanor’s other enemies, and that’s something of a win for her.
That all changed though when they were forced to work together, sure they could stand each other for a six hour trial, he could watch her pick apart witness statements and evidence, but he couldn’t stand eight weeks of being forced to watch over her. Eleanor had been targeted by a client who she had been unable to defend, which was rare but not surprising. Jackson Blackwell, a hit and run suspect that had been drunk and hit a small group of children walking home from school, he was unstable and reckless. After he was released on probation he broke into her office, defaced it, broke computers, shredded documents, and attempted to attack her. So, reasonably, the Detroit Police Department assigned Connor to keep her safe for the next eight weeks until his trial was concluded and she was guaranteed safe.
It was eight in the morning, the warm smell of freshly brewed coffee filled Eleanor’s downtown apartment, the attorney sat on her plum color couch, researching her newest client’s case. Frowning when she had to be ripped from her work to answer the door, frowning more when she found who had rung her doorbell, Connor Anderson, her enemy in law. “Do you really have to be here this early? I wanted at least another two hours of not having to see you.” She grumbled, moving back to her couch to return to her research, Connor entering with a frown before shutting the mahogany door behind him. He took in the wine-red walls of her apartment, the warm wood floors, and walls of windows before he glanced at the attorney. He had never seen her out of formal wear, it was new to him to see her in checkered pajama shorts and a long faded band shirt, her hair messy but tame. There was contrast between her clothing and his, he had arrived in a pair of charcoal slacks, an off-white button-up, and a navy blazer. He moved to stand behind her, looking down at her laptop, grimacing when he saw it was one of his suspects, returning his brown eyes to her. “Really? Another one of my suspects? You really enjoy picking at my work.” He stated, moving around the couch to seat himself a bit away from her, keeping distance as she took a sip of her warm mocha coffee. Eleanor couldn’t help, but laugh at his statement, pushing some of her blonde hair out of her face before responding a quick yes and returning to noting down evidence. “So, how long do you have to babysat? I can already tell I’m not going to enjoy this.” She hummed; the detective shrugged before speaking. “Eight weeks at the very least, maybe longer if Mister Blackwell’s trail lasts longer.” “Great.”
It had been two weeks, he followed her everywhere, her meetings, coffee shops, the store, her office, the park, even to the gas station. It was ridiculous, she could handle herself, she was just caught off guard. She was stressed and being hovered over like this wasn’t helping, she had a headache, a client that refused to give her details, a serve lack of caffeine in her bloodstream, and two nights of sleeping for two hours combined. She was about to bash her head against the nearest flat surface when a certain voice invaded her thoughts. “Miss Kamski? We’ve been sitting in this parking lot for the past thirty minutes, are you okay?” Connor questioned, a worried tone paired with concern pooling in his chocolate eyes was enough to show even the densest person he was worried for her. “I’m fine Connor, just dandy. I’m just taking a breather, kay?” She stated sternly, sending an annoyed glare towards the detective as she lowered her head onto the steering wheel of her car again, a groan leaving her in frustration. “You’re not okay, what’s wrong?” He asked, immediately Eleanor’s head shot up, her pale blue eyes glaring at the detective. “Why do even want to know? You shouldn’t care, you just want this to be over with so you can go back to your detective stuff.” She snarled, her hand gripping the arm rest between them so she didn’t throw a punch in annoyance of how he tried to act like he cared, why would he even care? “I can’t have you being unwell if you’re going to be picking apart my cases.” He stated playfully, fixing the sleeves on his button-up, acting like he hadn’t just said the closest thing to a complement to her that’s she is ever going to get from him. She blinked in disbelief before she threw her car door open, confusing the detective until his door was practically being ripped open, Eleanor was pulling him out of the car with a frown. “You wanna know what’s wrong? You’re picking me apart, I haven’t had coffee in over eight hours, I’m running on little to no sleep, your suspect is horrible, and you have got to be the densest detective I’ve ever met!” She almost yelling at this point, her nails digging into Connor’s skin as she fumed before her forehead came to rest on his chest with a grumble. “You’re stressed Eleanor.” “Really? I couldn’t tell, Anderson.” She sassed, her grip releasing slightly on his arms as his hands came to hesitantly rest on her shoulders. “You owe me coffee.” “As long as you promise to stop stressing yourself.” Connor stated, smiling slightly at her muffled groan. “Fine.”
It was two weeks later, the pair had grown closer, Connor was currently coming to bring her dinner from her favorite take-out joint. It was one in the morning, most of the people in Blue Light Law Offices had gone home, a few people burning the last bit of midnight oil, but the building was relatively empty. In turn, it was rather quiet, only mumbles of computer fans and the constant tapping of Eleanor’s pen against her desk. When he entered her office her head perked up, quickly rising from her office chair to retrieve the bag off food from him with a pleased smile. “Thank you very much detective.” She teased, setting the bag on her desk before opening the styrofoam container with her food. The blonde took a deep inhale of the food, sighing happily has she leaned against the desk, beginning to dig into the food. “Hungry much?” The brunette teased, Eleanor nodded with a mouthful of noodles before she heard snicker. Connor found it oddly adorable, the usually stoic attorney shoveling Chinese food into her mouth happily, her skin gleaming in the late-night moonlight. “You’re staring again.” Her voice cut through the fog of his mind, the detective frowning at her words as he moved to lean against the doorway to her office. “Shut your mouth.” He sternly stated, glaring at her as she returned to practically inhaling in food in her hands with nothing better described as pure happiness. The two had grown closer over the last four weeks, Eleanor had been more open and friendly, and Connor had been less stoic, less robotic. It was a nice change of pace. The peacefully silence was cut through with the sudden sound of glass breaking and the receptionist of the office shrieking in horror, the attorney flinched at the sound, her blue eyes widening. “Wendy! Are you alight?!” She called out to her receptionist before rushing out of her office to check on her before Connor could even stop her, the sight before her however, made her sigh in relief. Her receptionist, Wendy Miller, was fine, thankfully. However, her window was not. A brick had been thrown through it, looking out the broken window, you could see Eleanor’s newly vandalized car. “What in the world happened?” She asked her trembling receptionist, who gave a weak shrug, Connor making his presence known when he reached down to view the brick. His eyes narrowed when he saw the word liar written on it. “I think Blackwell just made another move.”
It was three weeks later, the Blackwell trial would be over within a week, which meant no more detective Anderson hovering over Eleanor. It made Eleanor sad for some reason, she didn’t want him to leave, she had started to enjoy seeing him around, it was nice. She quietly watching the trial on the television, a cup of dark mocha coffee in her hands when the door to her home opened. “He’s going to be found guilty, his defense sucks, crummy picking apart.” She mumbled into her cup, feeling the couch dip beside her, her gaze flickering over to glance at the other with a raised brow. “You think you can do better, don’t you?” He asked, getting a nod in response as she watched the closing statements of the defense with a frown. She hated it when other defense attorneys would butcher trials, and this was no different, she wanted to scream at the television. “What made you want to defend people? More so, what made you defend obviously guilty people?” Connor’s voice cut through her thoughts, her attention fully turning to the detective, her brows narrowing in thought. “I wanted to prove I could do the impossible, get people out of jail that had no chance.” She mumbled, messing with the hem of her shirt as she absentmindedly listened to the television, oddly embarrassed by her need to prove herself. Her need to prove she could do anything, she could handle the impossible, make it possible. It was her driving force, it was the reason she took such cases, the reason she so fiercely studied theses cases. “Why not use that of yours to put the criminals behind bars? Instead of working against me, you could work me.” He offered, Eleanor’s head perked up at the words, her eyes narrowing in disbelief. “Really?”
It had been three months since their partnership, Eleanor had won another case and Connor had another suspect behind bars. She had transferred to being prosecution, Connor would get the suspects and she would put them behind bars, it was prefect harmony. They would get her favorite Chinese food after every trial, celebrating the win together. Tonight was just like that, expect this time it was their two month anniversary of being not only partners in law, but partners in everyday life. Connor had moved in with her, they had even adopted a cat named Inky. “To being partners in law.” Connor said, chuckling softly as he held up a fork full of noodles for the other to clink with her own fork. “To being partners in law!”
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clopinasworld · 1 month
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