#ninja’s greatest weapon RIGHT NOW GUYS
honeylunez · 1 year
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So did they like… add S2 of TMNT on Netflix bc TMNT’s actually getting popular with the upcoming movie and ROTTMNT love?
Does this mean ROTTMNT can get s2 on Netflix or more views and attention?
Is this the hope Leo’s talking about?? Ninja’s greatest weapon???
I may be wrong, but if I’m not then they’re actually paying attention to more movies and shows. They’ve been recently uploading a lot of nostalgic and popular movies on Netflix such as Puss in Boots (first movie), HTTYD, and Shrek: Forever After.
If we all watch ROTTMNT multiple times right now, will Netflix pay attention? Will it spread to another popular streaming websites?
This could possibly be the chance for ROTTMNT to get attention! Let’s all pitch in and stream ROTTMNT right now!
I know many people have been doing it already, but it looks like Netflix is truly paying attention right now, especially if they’re adding Puss in Boots because of it’s amazing sequel. With ROTTMNT’s success lately, we can get the show back. All the fanart, the fanfics, and the petitions prove that.
We got this y’all 💪💪💪
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anns-works · 2 years
Ok so i've got something that yall would probably hate me for. But ive been holding this simmering pot of angst for a while and the first thing i was taught is to share, so suffer with me.
Rather than being the only one out of his brothers to survive in the no-good-very-bad-horrible future, Leo is the only brother who dies.
Okay okay okay.
But i personally like to think that after the krang come out everything goes to shit in the bad timeline everyone goes oh fuck and start teaming up right? Human yokai cryptids mutants– none of that matters as long as you got eachothers back.
And after the initial stumbles the brothers start their active participation in the resistance.
Heres the thing.
Leo is genuinly terrifying at coming up with a plan. Kid went toe to toe with motherfucking Big Mama and came out victorious. Big Mama, as if the most terrifying yokai crime boss Big Mama. Kid came out with a smile. Its safe to say his strategies were incredibly effective and it kinda pissed off a couple of people.
Military dude 1: I can't believe i'm following a plan made by a 16 yo mutanat turtle.
Military dude 2: Your just upset the kid called out all the flaws your plan had in less than 2 seconds flat.
But the one pissed off the most were the krang. This tiny insignificant insect was able to somehow keep the resistance 3 steps ahead. So naturally, they went to take him down first.
It took a while but eventually they managed to isolate Leo. His brothers were fighting up a storm but the krang got too much and so they had to leave. Without Leo.
About a week later which involved a lot of crying and screaming, the krang brodacast a live footage of torturing Leo (my boi) before krangyfying (did i spell that right) him.
And now the krang have leo on their side. Leo, who knows everything there is to know abt the resistance (hes a gossipy bitch but thats only cuz its important to have the intel) so they are in deep shit now.
And he was a zombie for a while guys. Fighting against him always had people dying and his fam having a mental breakdown.
Eventually they take him down, but at what cost. (One of the brothers killed him. cuz angst. And now the question is who is the MOST angst) Also, Leo is the first person to die in the resistance. (Ouch)
Casey rools up and has no fucking clue who Leo is (ouch) or why his mom wanted him to take up the role as Casey's dad (HC: Cass took one look at tge record of Leo's victories against his brothers in the lair games, strategy skills and medical knowledge; and declared that he would be Casey jr.'s father. Leo was incredibly touched)
But for some reason. For soME FUCKING REASON. Kid is so much like Leo its scary. His family is near tears everytime they see him act like that. That one time he made a shitty pun and Donnie started crying.
Well its probably due to the blue imaginary friend he has that he calls Bluey. Yes we're going towards that direction. His everything comes from being influenced by the cool older brother figure he has as an imaginary friend. (Cuz of ✨Mystic Shenanigans✨ Bluey is still stuck here. Mikey is the only one who can also see him. But he cant. Cuz hes depressed)
Also without Mr. A-Ninja's-Greatest-Weapon-Is-Hope I feel like shit gets really depressing in the resistance. Everyones sad. Baby casey is sad to see everyone sad. So he asks Bluey's help and picks up his general style of humor. Angst shenanigans.
And. AND. AND. During the whole peepaws time travel back after the movie montage (I am a aimple woman w/ simple need) these depressed hunks see this tiny version of their blue brother still covered in bandages and not fully healed from the krangvasion, and their immediete reaction? Protecc.
Leo is confused abt a lot of things. The future version of his brothers that got spat out of nowhere. Casey and how that worked w/ their Casey. The blue projection of HIS angsty future self (who is pretty cool btw). PTSD. You know, the works. At this point my guy is just vibing, and honestly? The story picks up a pretty chill pace from there. Its all abt healing now baby.
So thats the rough outline of the au. And it might sound like a fucking add but heres more abt this silly little idea that came from my silly little head. -> You'll (Never) Never Be Alone
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tmntxthings · 2 years
一∑ leonardo hamato。・゜・☆
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(pics from pinterest)
> raph’s < | > donnie’s < | > mikey’s <
version: rottmnt aka rise
aesthetic: blue + hobby-oriented
song association: me and your mama by childish gambino
author’s note: same concept as donnie’s & I picked that song bc leo’s a little shit and would pick it for the title (turns out it’s a banger too)
> Profile <
name: the greatest ninja of all time leonardo hamato
nicknames: leo, lee, nardo, leon
aliases: the greatest ninja, champion, neon leon / prime time
location: NYC babyyyyy
species: red slider turtle duh & lou jitsu's looks
age: ~sweet 16~
height: 5'5 (hehe, donnie wishes he was taller than me)
weapons: my rad ninjocity skills, odachi / cool swords
appearance: handsome ;) lovely green complexion, superior red facial markings, sturdy shell, original blue bandanna, super handsome, lean green crime fighting machine, and did i mention handsome?
personality: uhhh definitely the funny / punny one (don't believe a word donnie says), all-around amazing, the cool one too, quick-thinker, trouble maker and savior, really i'm just the whole package, confident.. most times, protective, cunning, brave, the list can go on and on
likes: cool things, like swords and comics and jupiter jim movies / lou jitsu movies #hotsoup, family, senor hueso, gram-gram <3, magic shows, attention, affirmation, hugs, blindsides / backstabs / betrayals, drama, (but what you should take away from this is that i put family wayyy before donnie put family :p) pranks, being #1, competitions
dislikes: kraang / anyone who comes for my family, draxum, apologizing, boredom, getting sentimental or serious, when no one laughs at my jokes T^T, leading, losing
other: i don’t really know what to put here, but profile application complete (that took wayyyyy too long heh ((put a check mark right here anyway :P)), after your school project is over you should swing by! yk so i can beat your ass in mario kart or any other game you think of ;p you should hurry cause i’m getting boreddddd and may just have to portal over, don’t worry i’d never dream of annoying you while you do your homework :D what else should i put on this thing…agh forget it i’ll just tell you about my day so far, i woke up looking as dashing as always, time-skip past playing on my phone / eating / mundane other stuff that’s boringggg and boom, fighting against the foot clan bc those guys are back again?! lemme just say i took out most of them, my hermanos could hardly keep up with me fought very well.. it was such a team effort.. :p that should be enough right? as donnie would say, parting is sweet and all that jazz, but don’t worry i’ll bless you with my presence shortly.. meaning right now, ~portal timeeeee~
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danmainacc · 2 years
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pairing: leonardo hamato x black! fem! reader
word count: 1.5k
warnings: angst, character death, fluff, tooth-rotting love, depression, trauma, limes, profanity, i’ll add more if i remember
a/n: so this is a rottmnt movie fic, with heavy emphasis on the time during the apocalypse. and i spell Kraang like this. i just feel like it makes sense. oh, and Leo gets sent into the portal along with Casey. this is so self-insert omg
( 6 months later )
The sound of explosions and lasers roared echoed through the air as you and Casey supported Leo, the gash in his side making it hard for him to run.
The amount of smoke in the air was making hard to see at this height, so you turned your sights to the sky.
“Axis! I need some aerial cover!” You called to your star pupil, who was soaring overhead.
“On it!” She nodded, turning to the incoming Kraang bot and taking a deep breath. “CAAAAAAAAAAAAAW!”
Her sonic caw made the entire area shake, the Kraang bots within its range shattering. 
“Atta girl!” You smiled up at her, Axis shooting you a wink before flying off to help the others.
Leo began stumbling a bit, but Casey readjusted his grip, offering the turtle more support. “I got you, Sensei. Stay with me,” he assured, slightly muffled by his mask.
“You’re a life-saver, Casey Jones,” Leon smiled, thankful.
Out the corner of your eye, you saw a pack of Kraang hounds coming your way, so you pointed your fist at them, shooting a beam of blazing, orange fire.
The Kraang had laid siege to the Base and decimated everything. April stayed back to buy you some time, but who knows what had happened to her.
There was nothing but chaos everywhere, the last bit of our forces just fighting to keep themselves alive.
Hell, you did even know where the younglings were, which was why you were heading to First Cave right now.
“Come on, we’re almost there,” Casey lifted his mask with a smile as we ran up this hill, the head of Lady Liberty resting at the top.
Overhead, a Kraang Mech pointed its glowing eye at us, firing up its laser.
“Gimme a sec!” You exclaimed, quickly moving from under Leo’s arm and flying up to the robot.
“Mom!” Casey worriedly shouted.
You ignited yourself into flame and dove straight through the thing’s metal armor, its eye becoming dull as you flew out the other side, turning off your flames and getting right back up under Leo.
“Sorry for the wait,” you panted with a smile.
The turtle turned to you with a love-struck smile and placed a quick kiss on your cheek. 
“Watch out!” Casey exclaimed, Kraang hounds about to attack us from behind.
You let out a startled scream and Leo tackled you and Casey to the ground, shielding the both of you with himself. 
“Bad doggies!” a familiar voice exclaimed, blasting the dogs away.
‘Oh, thank God.’
“Impeccable timing, little brother. Very dramatic,” Leo smirked as we turned around, Mikey in all his mystic glory floating in front of us.
His eyes glowed as he sat criss-cross in mid-air, swirling his arms around to create his infinity chain.
You and Casey propped Leo up on a pile of rocks, Mikey hovering over to you three.
“Help him, guys. He’s hurt bad,” Casey asked, frantically looking between you and Mikey.
You sighed and gave Leo an apologetic look, him taking your hand in his as he gave you a firm nod.
“This is going to hurt,” you sighed, igniting a small fire in your hand, pressing it into his gash.
He let out a hoarse yell of pain and you winced, taking your hand away after a few more seconds.
“Tha...Thanks, (n/n),” he panted, lifting his gaze from his cauterized wound, to the fighting ensuing below the hill.
“That’s it. The resistance failed. The Kraang won.”
You looked behind you, the opening of First Cave right there, but no children in sight.
“The kids....they’re not here,” you said shakily, tearing your stare from the cave as quick as you could.
This entire situation of gone from bad to nightmarish.
“But it isn’t over. We’ve still got a ninja’s greatest weapon...hope,” Leon smiled, slowly turning to his brother.
“That and a badass mystic warrior.”
You suddenly realized what he meant and you smiled, your last sliver of hope returning.
‘This is it.’
“Mikey, we need a time gateway,” Leo asked, giving him a serious look. 
Mikey’s brow bones furrowed, “It’ll take everything I have.”
“I know, but this is our last chance. It’s our only chance,” Leo sighed, clutching his side.
Mikey gave him a firm nod before floating off to the side, rolling up his cape.
“Wait, what’s going on? Where is he going?” Casey asked frantically, confused.
“Casey, listen,” Leo ordered, the boy quickly turned his attention to his teacher. “The Kraang first came to our planet through a mystic doorway.”
Leo took out a group picture of all six of you, the boys, April, and you, and flipped it over, drawing  picture of the Kraang key
“The key that opened the doorway looked like this,” he continued, handing the photo to Casey.
“Why are you telling me this?” Casey asked, still very much confused.
You sighed, “Because Mikey is about to sen you back in time to the day that the key was stolen.”
His eyes went wide in shock. “Wait! He’s gonna WHAT?!”
“The people that stole the key opened the doorway for the Kraang. You have to find it before that happens. Find the key, stop the Kraang,” Leo continued, his tone firm.
“But, Sensei--.” “Say it!” Leo ordered, grabbing Casey’s shoulder.
“Find the key, stop the Kraang,” Case repeated, a slight tinge of fear in his eye.
He looked down sadly, before looking back up at the two of you.
“I don’t wanna lose you guys.”
You and Leo gave him a warm smile, one of your hands resting on each of his shoulders.
“Casey, it’s not about us--.” Suddenly, a bright red light shone on you, another Kraang Mech preparing for attack.
“They found us!” Casey exclaimed, whirring up his chainsaw-hockey stick.
You and Leo jumped up to fight as well, only for more light to shine on you from behind.
Another Kraang Mech. 
“Mikey!” Leo called to his brother, the portal still not ready. 
The orange clad turtle was beginning to flake away, and he gave himself a somber look before increasing the power, pulling the portal wider with painful yells.
“Master Michelangelo, no! You’re gonna--!” Mikey turned around, shooting Casey a quick wink before he gave it a final pull, the portal ready, and the mystic warrior gone.
Leo looked away sadly and you placed an assuring hand on your husband’s shoulder. 
That’s when you noticed the Kraang Mech from behind the portal, its sights set on Leo.
In one motion, you moved in front of your husband, the laser going through you instead.
You gasped at the sudden volcano of pain, Leo looking at you completely destroyed as your blood splattered over his plastron.
Your eyes traveled down your body to see that, luckily, you hadn’t been completely eviscerated, but a golf ball sized hole was now in the center of your chest.
“MOM!” Casey screamed as you flopped into Leo’s arms, your breathing incredibly shallow.
Leo looked down at you in disbelief, tears streaming down his cheeks as he stared down at the hole. 
“No, no, no, no, no, no. This can’t be happening. This can’t be happening,” he muttered to himself, clutching your body close to him.
“P...ortal......now,” you said hoarsely, reminding your husband of what needed to be done.
He drew a shaky breathe, nodding, and lifted his gaze to look dead at Casey. “You gotta get in that portal,” he ordered, the sound of a whirring laser from behind getting louder and louder.
“What?! No! I’m not leaving you!” Casey cried, the tears pouring down his cheeks at the sight of his mother.
“Casey, I don’t have a lot of time. I love you more than anything in the world, and right now, I need you to go. I will always be there for you, Case,” you quickly said, using up most of your energy.
He shook his head, not wanting to believe this was happening. Leo grunted, grabbed him by the shoulder, flinging him into the portal.
“See you on the other side, kid,” he smiled through tears, his son disappearing through the gate.
“Le...o. Sta...nd me up,” you asked, your head laying limply on his chest.
He quickly complied, cupping your cheek in his hand as you looked up at him.
“Guess we were right. We will be together ‘til the end,” he smiled, bitter-sweetly, the laser almost ready to fire. 
You guiltily sighed, mustering up the rest of your energy.
“I’m sorry, Leon. But I gotta break our promise.”
You gave him a quick, hot kiss on the lips before breaking away, shoving him into the portal, hard.
“(N/N)!” he screamed, holding his hand out to reach you.
You smiled, falling to your knees as the darkness began creeping into your vision.
You stuck your tongue out and threw down a peace sign before the giant beam struck you, turning your body into nothing but dust.
And there went your best friend, your family, your husband, your everything.
At long last, the Kraang had won.
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quanblovk · 2 years
Who did it?
Out of nowhere, Dragato angrily approaches the dining table and slams his fist down while holding an empty milk carton.
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Sir Falspar: oh! There's milk left? Can I finish it? I love milk!
Sir Dragato: yes Falspar, you can.
Sir Falspar: yay! ^o^
Sir Nonsurat: It wasn't me, I was out all morning making sweet love to Arthur's wife!
Sir Arthur: I know I let you have affairs my wife but do you have no shame blurting that out loud?
Sir Nonsurat: What is there to be ashamed about? I take pride in our forbidden romance! It's the most beautiful form of love!
Galacta Knight: Really?! I didn't know love could be so deep...
Sir Dragato: Don't listen to him, Galacta Knight. Nonsurat! You're being a bad influence on our new recruit.
Sir Nonsurat: hmph....
Sir Dragato: Now WHO DID IT?! I demand that they immediately go to the store and buy new milk!
Sir Arthur: Now now, Dragato, this isn't something to fuss about. You could always go and buy new milk yourself. No need to fight.
Sir Dragato: Arthur...you don't understand. We are star warriors, the greatest army in all the galaxy. The very fate of the universe are within our hands and yet....a person who leaves things unfinished...you think they should be allowed to be in this army?!
Sir Arthur: *GASP* You're absolutely right...How could I be so blind? We will investigate this matter immediately! Clear the table!
Sir Nonsurat: Eh-?! Wait, right now?
Sir Dragato: What's wrong? NERVOUS BECAUSE YOU'RE THE CULPRIT?!?!
Sir Nonsurat: Nonsense! I'm lactose intolerant!
Sir Dragato: Oh....Hey wait! What in the four stars have you got against dairy products?!
Sir Falspar: I don't think that's what it means-
Suddenly, the door bursts open as two people walk in. It was their comrades, Garlude and Jecra. They seem to be in a good mood!
Jecra: Good afternoon, gents! Haha!
Garlude: Good afternoon!
Sir Falspar: Oh hey guys! We're trying to find out who didn't go to buy new milk just because the carton had one drop left.
Jecra: WHAT?! I didn't know we were interupting something so serious....
Garlude: Truly something unforgivable....to think there was such a person amongst us.
Sir Nonsurat: No way....you guys are actually serious about this...
Sir Dragato: OR MAYBE IT WAS YOU!!! HUH, MILKBOY?! What do you have to say for yourself?!
Milkboy (Falspar): It wasn't me! Also milkboy sounds really weird, please don't use that word ever again.
Sir Dragato: Way ahead of you, realized it the moment I said it....
Sir Arthur: come join us, Jecra! Garlude! Your testimonies would be of great use. Help us find the culprit!
Sir Nonsurat: A-are you serious? But I promised dear Guinevere that I'd take her to that fancy new Floralian restaurant-
Moon Boy (Sir Nonsurat): *gasp* MOON BOY?! AND YOU DARE BELITTLE OUR LOVE?! Draw your weapon, WE DUEL!!!
Sir Arthur: Enough! Both of you! Stop acting like ruffians! This is no time to fight amongst ourselves, we should focus on the main problem at hand. Now, then. Everyone sit down.
They all complied and took their seats at the dining table. However, it was rather small and their wasn't enough seats. So Falspar just climbed on top of Dragato. Everyone seems unfazed by this, including sir Dragato himself.
Jecra: As expected of Sir Arthur...such a great leader!
Garlude: He's a man who takes charge and controls the situation....just like his father...
Sir Dragato: Of course! He's our leader afterall. With him, we'll be able to weed out traitors in no time!
Yamikage: Hey.
Sir Dragato: Oh hey, so as I was sayi-....
Dragato turns around to see a ninja hanging upside down from the ceiling, looking at him with a rather bored expression. Though his eyes quickly light up when they meet with Sir Arthur's. They both wave a little at each other before returning to their usual expressions.
Sir Dragato: .......I-
Yamikage: Hey, Dragato, Hey everyone.
Sir Falspar, waving from the top of Dragato's head: Hey Yamikage~!
Sir Nonsurat: Greetings to you too.
Galacta Knight: Hello!! T-that'll be the last time I talk, I gotta get back to my train of thought.
Jecra: Hey. Ninja.
Garlude: Hello, Yamikage. What were you doing up there?
Yamikage: Classified. I heard something about a traitor so I came down.
Sir Arthur: Oh no, there isn't a traitor-
Sir Dragato: THERE IS TO ME!!
Sir Arthur: Ah, we're just looking for the person who didn't go buy new milk after drinking it all. You'd be of great help! Come join us.
Yamikage: Hmph, I see. That's a rather silly thing to do for a man like you but I'll play along.
Sir Arthur: Now then, if we're all settled. I'd like to start with Sir Falspar first. You wake up the earliest out of all of us, not to mention you have a fondness for milk. Tell me, what did you do this morning at the kitchen?
Sir Falspar: Well alright......It goes like this.
Sir Dragato: ......Aren't you going to-
Sir Falspar: No no, leave something for the next part!
Sir Dragato: what? What do you mean by that-?!
when i feel like it -3-]
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mdhwrites · 1 year
I Wish I'd Found the Randy Cunningham Ninth Grade Ninja Fandom
I LOVED that show when it was first coming out. I thought it was just a ton of fun and that characters like Viceroy and Mcfist were genuinely amazing takes on their archtypes. Admittedly, Randy and Howard are entirely classic to me since I grew up with stuff like Danny Phantom and Kim Possible but...
None of you probably know what I'm talking about.
Okay, so a bit over a decade ago now, Disney had a show called Randy Cunningham: Ninth Grade Ninja. The premise was actually kind of Sailor Moon S1 in with half of its villain group. The Ninja exists to oppose the Sorcerer, trapped below the town. The Sorcerer feeds on misery and can corrupt people who are vulnerable through items and the like that they hold dear, turning them into monsters who are usually beat either by destroying the object or convincing the person to give up their grievance.
The other half of the main villains (it had a lot of side villains too of course) were the duo of McFist and Viceroy. They employed a lot of robots, mutants, etc. because, well, McFist was so rich as to practicallly own the town and be beloved by all (Think Lex Luthor but bad at hiding it and really shouty) and Viceroy was literally his on staff MAD SCIENTIST! He even graduated second in his year from a mad science university. Or first. Can't remember despite it being a plot point for an episode when a skeleton that the science teacher is... Married to I think? Comes back to life and tries to finish his graduation project that would have made him Valedictorian: A Doomsday Device. After all, if you blow the world, you are indeed the greatest evil scientist apparently.
The show was pretty classic in how it was structured and played thing and when I say classic, I mean it. It had a moral of the episode format, usually taught through ancient ninja rhyme through the book that gave Randy, the main character, his powers: The Ninjanomicon which is a great name. It would also be what helped grant him various ninja tools to beat bad guys, though his main weapon was the ever changing length scarf he had and a sick ass sword.
The show also had a good sense of humor about what it was though. Like the first episode's lesson from the book is that the greatest weapon is within the suit. When Randy gets his ass kicked, he believes it must be trying to tell him to believe in himself, draw in deep and OPE NOPE! It means there's a sword in the suit! Time to get to slicing and dicing!
The downfall of the show for me was the same thing that makes me actually surprised it didn't stick around longer than it did (besides Disney being honestly pretty stingy with seasons for the past decade for its shows): It being formulaic. Eventually, I did get tired of seeing Randy making similar mistakes or do things that felt like he should have outgrown. Sure, his best friend Howard rarely if ever changed and that could pull him down but it still eventually stopped feeling right. The episode that snapped it for me was when Julian (I can't believe I remember his name), the wanna be magician of the school went full supervillain and got real magical powers. It was a neat turn... Predicated on Howard and Randy being complete assholes to someone they'd at least once or twice called friend.
And that is what the real shame of the show for me was. There was a lot you could actually read into and say about the eb and flow of relationships and sometimes even the show had great fun with it. One episode in particular that I loved was when Howard accidentally gets the ninja powers and people like how he showboats while doing it so Randy questions being the ninja. The two guys are cut from the same cloth, best friends for a reason, but the show REALLY highlighted that eventually, a conflict between Howard and Randy was going to come to the head. Why?
Well... Because Randy is just a dumb teenager who wants to be popular. Howard is an asshole. It's not even the first episode that highlights it but every time it gets highlighted, it's a BIG problem for Randy. In this one, Howard is so cruel to a robot, takes his time to mock it so thoroughly that eventually the robot gets corrupted by the sorcerer and all its weaknesses are now strengths and it's damn near unstoppable. I forget how Randy beats it (besides just being better with the powers) but it always stuck out to me as a reminder that Randy WAS a hero, despite his flaws, and that the ninja before him had made the right call choosing him (not sure if we ever got an answer as to WHY Randy got it, though that was by no means necessary.)
It's just the sort of show that I had enjoyed enough that I wish I'd had more people to share in it while I was enjoying it. I could admittedly try going back now and seeing how it is but well... It's a decade old and had protags all about trying to be cool. Danny Phantom used regular, classic tropes for this while Randy actually tried to embrace the fact that stuff like influencers were starting to exist and become more popular so you can probably imagine its sense of humor by that. I wouldn't call it bad but the last time I tried rewatching the first episode, I remember not finding it nearly as charming as I had the first time, let alone as charming as my brain thought it was.
But on that note, I will say possibly one of the least controversial thing I ever have, just to let fellow fans squeal with me: Holy shit was Randy and Baton girl my absolute OTP of the show and I still get all sorts of happy anytime I'm reminded of the two.
And if you're going "Wait, was she a background charact-" NOPE! THEY LITERALLY CALLED HER BATON GIRL! If she ever got an actual name, I don't know it! And god are elements like that why I've never forgotten that show, for good and for ill. Edit: She was named Theresa in S2. Thank you to the commenter who reminded me!
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percy-eats-souls · 10 months
(I wrote a lot so if you just want the action then skip to the second line)
Echo was standing on the roof of a building along with her friends with a regretful & heartbroken expression on her face.
"What do we do now?" Mikey asked looking out into the pink and destroyed atmosphere.
"I fear we are lost. The Krang are too powerful." Splinter said looking to the ground in sorrow.
Leo looked at the picture Casey had given to him earlier with a look of sadness.
Mikey spoke up again, "Maybe we could change the future some other way." He wondered not wanting to accept the truth that they lost.
"Guys, it's time to face facts. We can't change the future." Casey's mask was lifted away from his face to show him also feeling defeated and sad.
Mikey got a little frustrated at what Casey said. "Says who?"
Donnie then spoke up. "Says the grandfather paradox, says physical, determinism, says the space-time continuum. Look, I didn't want it to be true, but..." He sighs hugging himself with one arm. "Science...."
Echo felt tears sting in her eyes hearing what Donnie said but April put a hand on her shoulder to try and comfort her.
Leo's frown then turned into a smile as an idea popped inside his head. " That's it! Donnie's wrong." That made Echo looks up at Leo in surprise at his accusation.
"The world is ending, yet the barbs continue." Donnie crossed his arms with an annoyed look on his face now.
Leo stepped forward towards them. "Don't you remember? We already did change the future." He turned to look at Casey. "Raph never got kidnapped and turned into a Krang Zombie in your time and hurt Echo. Right Casey?"
Casey thought for a moment before speaking. "No, he didn't"
"That mean we did change the future! We're just in a different..." He Stammers for a moment before Donnie corrected him, "Bifurcated time branch?" "Yes, yes, yes, that nerd thing."
Echo chuckled a little at Leo just being himself again.
"You know what that means, right? We still have hope!" He said excitedly and Echo started to smile and wipe away her tears.
"A ninja's greatest weapon" "Hey, I like that"
Then Leo sighs. "Look, I'm done thinking I have all the answers. I don't know how to beat the Krang, but I do know our future isn't written until we write it as a team."
"So, what do we got?"
"Maybe...maybe! We don't have to beat them. Can't we just send them back to the prison dimension?" April spoke up and Echo agreed with a little nod.
"There's an idea! Donnie, what do those big, beautiful eyebrows have to say?"
Donnie put a hand on his chin. "If we got control of their ship, we could send it back through the portal."
"Yes! Yes! Now we're cooking. Who else?"
"If someone on the ground can get that key..." Casey spoke not finishing the sentence as Splinter finished it for him. "We can close the doorway."
"And Then bye-bye Krang forever, baby!" Mikey smiled
"Exactly." Leo crossed his arm and looked at Donnie and so did Echo.
"What do you say, Donnie? you ready to fly a spaceship?" He pointed to the giant Krang spaceship behind
Donnie tensed up and had a serious look on his face "literally the greatest question I've ever been asked."
"All right team, we have a plan. Let's go save the world!
Then he was interrupted by Mikey.
"Wait, what about Raph?" Echo then chimed in for probably the first time. "Yeah, what about Raph?"
Leo put a hand on both of their shoulders, "That big jerk may be covered in goo and half alien, but he's still out brother" Echo rose a non-existent brow at him. "And he's still your boyfriend Echo" "Thank you."
He sighed before continuing "And we're not giving up on him, and I'm not leaving him behind."
(Time skip brought to you by Donnie's massive forehead)
Echo and Leo walked through a doorway.
"Suprise. We've come for my brother" Leo pointed his sword at the Krang before him.
"Let me guess. Duty?" The Krang asked mockingly. Leo chuckled "He said doodie" Echo smacked up behind the head and gave him a glare. "Don't." She said seriously "You're no fun." He said and turned back to the Krang as Echo pulled out her scythe.
Raph then approached them.
"Raph, you're coming with me, whether you like it or not."
"I don't want to fight you, but I will if I have too."
"Oh, you will have too." The Krang grinned.
Apon hearing that a look of shock and guilt fills Echo's eyes as she realized she would have to fight her dear lover.
"R-Raph...?" She muttered as she held her breath, her hands shook slightly from gripping her scythe as she helped Leo fight but was knocked to the ground.
Leo saw and froze for a moment and so did Echo as she looked up at him with fear. Leo immediately went to back her up but as he was trying to, Echo saw the Hesitation in Raph's Eyes, but it was stopped when Leo helped her up and started to fight again.
"Raph, I know you're in there somewhere" Echo said as she twirled her Scythe to keep him from hurting her further.
"You've got to snap out of this!" Leo yelled.
"Do you feel what the power of the Krang can do? I am saving this weak planet! I am a gift!" The Krang smiled. "Some gift you are!" Echo yelled at him and kept fighting Raph with Leo.
(Another time skip brought to you by me being sick :)
"we're trying to save you, you big idiot! Why do you have to make things so hard!?" Leo yelled then Echo went to fight again but saw Raph looking at her like how he would he was turned into a Krang monster, so she froze.
That was a big mistake because Raph then launched off the ledge along with Leo.
"You want to keep coming at me? Go ahead, I'm done fighting you." He put away his swords and Echo put away her scythe. Then Echo was scooped up by some weird black goo and got trapped along with Mikey and Donnie.
"I was fighting you because I didn't understand you, but now I get it."
"Leo!" Echo yelled as Raph started to fight Leo again.
Echo watched as Leo dodged Raph's attacks and Donnie Mikey try to break free but failing.
She gasped when she saw Raph lift him by the neck.
Tears started to fall down her cheeks and felt herself becoming worried for Leo.
Then she saw Raph's eye become normal and her eyes widened from that and the wave that appeared for a few seconds.
She saw Leo get trapped and Raph struggling to break free.
"Mikey, Donnie, Echo, we can fight this. Raph's doing it for us, so we do it for him."
Echo started glowing light blue.
"Because he hasn't seen what we can do, when we fight together."
"It's pointless to resist Krang, give up!" The Krang shouted. "Fat chance, We're not like everyone else on this planet." Leo said breaking free.
"We are..."
"The Teenage!"
(Epic Battle scene I'm too tired to write because I've been writing this for 3 hours)
"Don't worry Donnie, this is not a hug, It's a rescue!" Raph yelled grabbing onto him, Mikey and Donnie before crashing into the ground.
"Where are we? Staten Island?-"
Raph was interrupted by Echo jumping onto him, kissing him, churring, and saying how much she's missed him even though she was in a lot of pain because of the wounds he caused.
"Oh, gross. So how would everyone rate that rescue experience? Unsatisfied? very unsatisfied? Wish Donnie would've done it? Um-hum?" Donnie asked before falling over.
Ok I'm ending this there because I'm sure you guys should know how the rest goes and I'm tired as hell and I think I wrote way too much.
Hope you enjoyed it.
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heliosthegriffin · 2 years
Class of One Chapter 16 :Round 1
Jaune was scared.
Being scared was also normal for him now.
So, he was feeling pretty damn normal right now.
Nothing to worry about, just ten thousand people packed abord a giant floating colseom, about to watch him get his ass kicked up and down it, by the greatest in the generation he was supposedly apart of.
Then notice that his fighting skill didn’t involve more than hitting it really hard, and hoping his aura was bigger than his opponents.
Plus making thing explode, but he wasn’t quite sure why that happened so often around him.
“You got this champ!” A pair of hands massaged his shoulder, while another dabbed his sweating brow with a wet cloth.
“I don’t know, coach, I really don’t.” Jaune spat out. “Just so many people out there! I never had to perform under pressure like this!”
The hands stopped messaging, turning him around, to face a short ginger and her ninja-looking friend, who was sealing the cloth into a bag for some reason... And putting a price tag on it?
“You do! And you know, why?”
“Because, I bet money on you! And that means you’re going to win! Right?!”
“Now go get ‘em Mr. Fearless Man-Man!”
“Yeah now, french me!”
“Yeah, wait, what? What’s french?”
“Uh, nevermind.” The short ginger kissed his forehead. “Now win mama some money!”
The door opened.
“Jaune. Why are you screaming?” Glynda enters and looks around his room. “Who are they?”
Jaune looked at the two teens. “I don’t know? I thought you let them in.”
“Scatter!” The ginger shouted, as a smoke bomb hit the floor.
 Jaune choked on the smoke, as his teacher chased after the intruders. “Wait, why is my underwear drawer empty?”
“Now in the blue corner, the champion of champion from Beacon, the star of a generation, JJJJJJAAAAUNNNNNE!! ARCCCCC!” The announcer screamed.
Jaune gave a awkardly wave and blushed, the crowd going wild as he entered the arena.
“And, the yellow corner... Some other guys.... Oh, I mean Team WRDD (Wired). Now lets see some action!” The announcer said much less enthusiastically, almost boredly.
Team WRRD split between glaring at him and the announcers.
To be fair though, none of them gave him a particularly strong impression, despite them wearing some incredibly flashy outfits and using odd weapons.
One was a giant spoon!
Well, if it worked, it worked.
Jaune took a deep breath and took a step forward, he wasn’t going to survive a 4 v 1, by acting passive.
Time to put his training to the test!
Staring at his opposition, he enhanced his eyes, seeing they’re aura’s clearly.
Blue with a fire like composition, wielding a pair of curved swords.
Purple with ghostly skulls coming and going off the aura, wielding a sub-machine gun with a drum-magazine.
Green and white that swirled like air, using a enormous needle that connected to a spool of thread that they wore on they’re waist.
White with little flakes falling off, and using a giant spoon...
His opponent moved, Jaune reading the intentions within they’re auras, surround and flank him. Keep him from moving, and then wear his aura down.
Blue would attack from the front, pressuring him back and keeping from advancing till he was cornered.
Purple would provide suppressive fire, herding him back to his team if he got away.
Green-white would try to limit his mobility with the thread, his aura racing over the thread meant he had means to control it, either skill or semblance. The Needle was a distraction for his real weapon, his threads. It leaked danger, and his senses told him if it got on him, it would hurt like Beowolf bites.
White was going to gather up her flakes with her giant spoon, and throw them around him, her semblance seemed to involve creating ice or some other barriers.
Then she was going to beat him to hell and back with her spoon.
They hadn’t even moved, but Jaune knew they’re plan like he knew his mother.
Vaguely concerned, somewhat distant, and more than a little resentful.
Jaune swapped off his aura to his eyes, channeling it to the soles of his feet and legs.
He smiled, them ganging up on him was going to be very nice.
The speed of a Hunter could not be downplayed, and these were among the best of they’re year.
Crossing hundred or so yards was child's play and down within the blink of a eye.
Blue’s legs were covered in the same color fire zipping towards Jaune like a rocket, his swords burning as well.
Purple hadn’t taken more than a few steps to the side, but had already put a bead on Jaune, ghostly skulls being shot out of the barrel, eerily avoiding any terrain or they’re teammates.
Green had throw his needle across the field at the wall behind Jaune, them pulled himself at Jaune in a flying kick.
And finally, White was using her giant spoon like a catapult, flinging ice around Jaune forming a wall, boxing him in, then flung ice in front of herself, and was using her spoon like a makeshift sled, seeming intent on trying to commit hit and run murder on Jaune.
‘Man,’ Jaune thought to himself. ‘If I mess this up, I’m so dead.’
They got closer. ‘Hold,’ He thought to himself.
They were almost within striking distance. ‘H-hold...’
Then just as they’re weapons were ready to introduce themselves to him.
“FIRE!” Jaunes voice lost under the sound of earth breaking and flying through the air, as he released the bottled aura he had kept in his legs and feet, launch the blonde nearly a hundred feet into the air.
Bewildering Team WRRD, as they had to dodge back from not only the rocky shrapnel, but to keep them from attacking each other.
In the air, Jaune took a deep breath, then pulled out his new weapon... That he had left in storage for last couple months.
Somewhere a red-haired reaper was crying.
He couldn’t exactly remember what he used this on last time, but apparently the results were impressive according to Amber.
Unslinging Good Samaritan, it’s white metal body seemed to vibrate at his touch, the gold writing on it’s side glowing, a pleasent feeling entering his body through his hands.
A rocket manifested inside it’s barrel, wings of light opening on the side, and Jaune pumped all of his aura into the attack.
It was definately the only way! No way he could win this otherwise!
Wait, why did he hear Goodwitch screaming?
“Jaune Arc! No!” Came a far away shout.
Eh, not his problem.
Then he pulled the trigger.
Nothing happened.
Jaune looked at Good Samaritan, it’s glow dimmed, and he got the distinct impression that his bazooka was unimpressed by his opponents.
“Wait, what?” He said aloud. “What do you mean you won’t fire?!”
The wings closed, and weapon re-slung itself over his shoulder. A feeling coming from Good Samaritan, that pretty much said, don’t bring me out for small-fry.
“HOW ARE THEY SMALL FRY!?” Jaune cried out to his weapon.
Looking down at his opponents down below, he got the distinct impression he just pissed them off.
Jaune sighed. “Alright, option B.”
Crocea Mors was then unsheathed, and Jaune held the sword with both hands.
Then swung it diagonally over his shoulder, and slashed down with all his might, plus loads of Aura!
“Getsuga Tensho!” A line of blinding white Soul Energy projected off the swing down at team from the yellow corner, they’re eye’s going wide at the bus sized energy projectile going at them.
Then it landed, fireworks display of light as they’re aura dissipated into motes of light and knocking them out of the arena.
With the recoil of the attack shooting Jaune at the hard-light barrier, knocking him into it with a blast of force, that knocked him back into the arena.
Rubbing his back, Jaune noticed he alone in the arena now. “Huh, not as bad as I thought it would be.”
Jaune sighed, cheeks blushing with embarrassment. This was slander!
“See that folks! He’s red with rage at such a sad-fight!”
Brothers damn-it all.
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rjeckvision69 · 2 years
Number one fan (Leonardo x reader)
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This is a small drabble I made; I hope you like it. A little dark but it's something I think about story wise. Please enjoy feedback much appreciated.
Making mistakes was a common thing you did, clumsy old you. This mistake was not the same…you ended up in the portal with Leonardo, watching him get beat down by the Krang. You just wanted to help…you did not want him to be stuck in the portal, but to no avail you both were. As he smashed Leo thru the rocks you bummed rushed the Krang right after, causing you to plummet down to the next ground level. Slamming down with a groan the Krang throwing you into the deep absence of this prison, you could hear the Krang Roar across the emptiness. The whiplash making you dizzy, your eye’s closed trying to fight the splitting headache and nausea overcoming you. A sudden hand grabbing you made your eyes open instantly, looking up it was Leonardo and a portal opening, suddenly a wave a relief hit you as he smiled down at you. His smile made your heart melt, even though his face was swollen and he was covered in cuts and bruises. He was full of life like always. “Took you guy’s long enough.” Suddenly Raphs mystical red arm grabbed Leo’s hand you could feel the hope hit you when you were being pulled forward.
You screamed out in pain, tears pricking your eyes from the pain. Looking down the Krang had a hold of your ankle, He had snapped it upon his monstrous grip. You could feel your body being pull from both ends, The pain becoming unbearable. You looked between the two, Leo’s eyes were now full of worry and desperation…the light fading from his perfect eyes. Fear was setting in his heart. You could see Raphael’s grip loosening from his hand. You were scared, terrified frozen from fear…you were messing everything up once again. Looking down at the Enraged Krang, and back to Leo trying to think of something. Suddenly you remembered what Casey said. “A ninjas greatest weapon is hope.” Which gave you an idea…one you were not fond of.
Looking up at Leo he seemed desperate yelling at his brother to pull harder. You called his name several times before his head looked down at you fear in his eyes and heart. “I never told you this before...you’ll always be my champion.” You say swallowing the lump in your throat, you let go slowly slipping through Leo’s grip. His fist tightening around your wrist, knuckles turning white but to no avail you were slipping, you wanted to make it right. “No No No NO…We can make it together Y/N! Just hold onto me please.” He begged trying to hold onto your hand. You smiled up at him accepting what is about to happen. His eyes full of tears he was begging you with his eyes, you felt happy knowing he cared so deeply for you…and suddenly you were falling the site and sound of Leo’s desperate cries suddenly fading. You were thrown back as the Krang launched himself at the portal in a sudden blast it shut sending him back. You had finally did it right…a successful mission. The smile on Leonardo’s faced pressed on your mind…this is what I wanted you repeated over and over. It had to happen to save him…and everyone else. The roar from the Krang in the distance, you felt his claws dig into your arm as everything went numb and black.
Leo’s P.O.V
Being yanked through the portal embraced in a hug, tears still streaming down his eye’s. Frantically getting back up he looked at his brothers. He grabbed Mikey by the shoulders. “OPEN THAT PORTAL Y/N’s STILL IN THERE!” He snaps Mikey looking shocked and immediately starts trying, tears welling up in his eyes. Leo watched intently, his fist balled up and he was hoping, praying his brother could do it. His brother straining making him irritated and angry. “If you can’t do it I will!” He snapped taking his sword to create a portal he focused hard doing the circular motion to open the portal, but it would not open. He tried repeatedly but nothing. Leonardo getting angry every attempt. He slammed his swords down in frustration, collapsing to his knees. Holding his face that were in tears, she/he did not deserve this. You were everything to him and you were gone just like that. You sacrificed yourself just like that, he felt guilt. He vowed to protect you and his brothers, and he failed to do one simple thing. He could fell his heart ache; with every breath it was pinch across his chest as if he had a cold. Raphael knelt next to his brother placing a hand upon his shoulder. Leo looked up masked drenched in tears, pure sadness upon his features. It looked as if he had given up right there. “We will get her back…maybe not now but we will.” He said trying to soothe his brother in blue. He wiped another tear away, a small smile showing on his lips as he gathered himself. Standing up he picked up his blades that were tossed and looked up in the sky. “Can’t let my biggest fan down.” He says with a cocky smile upon his face.
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turtlethon · 1 year
“The Wrath of Medusa”
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Season 9, Episode 3 First US Airdate: September 30, 1995
Dregg assumes control of a space station and hires a new enemy to eliminate the Turtles.
Season nine of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles rolls on with “The Wrath of Medusa”. Mark Edens makes his final contribution to the series here, receiving a story credit while David Wise is billed as writer.
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It’s right into the action today as we see Carter and the Turtles battle the TechnoGang even before the title card appears, interfering with a mining operation to retrieve a Nutrionium orb. On a bank of monitors nearby, a news report plays in which Earth dignitaries are seen lining up to shake Dregg’s hand. An announcer talks up the alien visitor’s efforts to prevent our world from facing environmental catastrophe, declaring him to be “the greatest hero our planet has ever seen!” During the battle, Carter becomes enraged, triggering a transformation into his mutant form, and his ensuing rampage leads to the mine’s collapse. After the ally of the Turtles returns to his normal self, Raphael admonishes him for not keeping his temper in-check.
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Aboard the Dreggnaught, Lord Dregg reveals he requires today’s Macguffin for his stasis relay to work. To prevent the Turtles from getting in his way, he makes an intergalactic phone call to an old associate named Medusa, who’s initially reluctant to work with him as he’s “a fugitive... a has-been!” Dregg offers to pay her 30,000 Galactic Credits, and this is enough to win her services.
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In the Lair, the Turtles complain about Carter’s unstable mutation being a liability in their battles. They also face the daunting prospect of their own mutations beginning to change, something Donatello has been grappling with by way of printing off his findings on reams of dot matrix paper pinned to the wall. (This was how research was done in 1995, it was a different time!) Returning to the subject of Carter’s mutation, Splinter offers to try and help him control his temper, but this is brushed off for the moment. Carter himself emerges, keen to show off a “virtual reality projector” he’s been developing with Donatello: he promises that when it’s ready, the team will be able to use it to “lure Dregg out and expose him to the world”.
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Carter heads off to the workshop with Donatello, whom he addresses as “Donnie T”. I’m trying to give this guy a fair shake but with every cornball line he utters I can feel that remaining good will dissipating. Meanwhile April – who I guess has now been bumped down to the being the second-best human friend of the Turtles – contacts them with news that the local hydroelectric plant has been taken over by “some weirdo”. The Turtles arrive at the dam, concerned that if it blows, the entire city will be flooded. This can only mean one thing: a deadly underwater mission to disable a bunch of bombs! As it turns out, things go in a different direction, with the team finding themselves face to face with Medusa, who uses her weaponry to send them fleeing into the facility.
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After we briefly check in with Dregg – whose minions have recovered the Nutriounium – the battle continues. The Turtles prove to be no match for the heavily-armed Medusa, with Carter soon intervening. In the battle that follows he changes into his mutant form, using a pillar to try and thwack her but damaging the facility and causing flooding in the process. Atop the dam once more, the Turtles are faced with the task of stopping not only Medusa, but also preventing an out-of-control Carter from using the pillar to destroy the structure. As Leonardo battles the villain, the other Turtles and their mutated friend plummet into the water below. Carter returns to his normal self, with no recollection of what just happened, and the group head back up to the top of the dam and find not only Medusa gone, but Leonardo’s weapons, belt and Turtlecom discarded on the ground.
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Seeing all the trouble he caused, Carter laments that this is all his fault, and... yeah? I can’t argue with his analysis. Adding that he’s “not an asset, [he’s] a menace”, the team’s new ally refuses to listen to their pleas that he work with Splinter to control his anger, instead leaving on his bike. As he rides off, he can be heard to say “I’ll make it up to you somehow”, a line that I halfway suspect may have been shoehorned in after the animation was completed because the show is desperate for us to like this guy.
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In their van, the Turtles view a transmission from Medusa, in which she demands to see them at the World Broadcast Tower in thirty minutes should they wish to see Leonardo alive. The villainess goes on to taunt Leonardo, informing him that instead of finishing him off she intends to sell him to the Galactic Labour Mines. (Everything is “Galactic” this year for some reason.)
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Lord Dregg adopts his nice guy façade again as he greets another group of Earth officials, suckering them into an arrangement where he agrees to repair a damaged and powerless satellite/space station currently floating through space known as the SkySat. Far from being an altruistic gesture, Dregg intends to have his troops install the repaired relay containing the orb on the platform, an act he declares will allow him to “bring the world to its knees”.
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The Turtles arrive at the Broadcast Tower and are soon captured by Medusa. Things take an unexpected turn when Donatello, Raphael and Michaelangelo all begin to transform, becoming bigger, gravel-voiced and tough to look at. Unable to match the power of the altered Turtles, Medusa uses her rocket pack to fly away. The green teens show off just what their new forms are capable of by... meekly shaking their fists at their foe; seconds later, they return to their normal selves.
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Medusa quickly establishes a new plan, deploying a spy bot drone which is somehow able to track down Carter as he works on his VR projector in an abandoned warehouse. She watches from outside a window as the machine is put through its paces, creating life-like holographic projections of both Carter himself and then Donatello. Medusa soon swoops in and takes the projector for herself.
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Left with no other options, Carter heads to the Lair. He informs Splinter of the events that have transpired, the young man now ready to begin working with the ninja master to control his inner mutant. Meanwhile the Turtles note odd signals emanating from nearby which lead them to Medusa. Michaelangelo and Raphael are both captured after being tricked by the VR projector into believing they’re having a conversation with one of their allies. Finally, only Donatello remains. He’s immediately suspicious after running into Carter, refusing to buy into the story that the other members of the team need his help, as they could just use their Turtlecoms to reach him if that were the case. Instead of going along with this, he uses his bo staff to destroy the projection, demanding that Medusa show herself.
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Act three opens with Donatello running for cover as Medusa opens fire, his activated Turtlecom landing on the ground. Meanwhile Carter engages in a meditation exercise with Splinter, alerted to the sounds of the battle now being transmitted over the communicator signal. Carter rushes off to help his friends, reminded by Splinter of the importance of applying what he’s learned about controlling his emotions. Meanwhile Dregg’s troops complete their modifications to the SkySat, disabling military defence systems across the world.
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Carter tracks the Turtlecom signals back to Medusa’s spacecraft, which is about to leave with all four Turtles on-board, the group set to be shipped off to work as plutonium miners. The team’s ally barges in and frees them; soon Donatello hatches a new plan involving the VR projector. Confronting Medusa, our heroes destroy her weapons; a phony Donatello then taunts her into leaping into a teleportation booth before the real one emerges, sending her “somewhere on the other side of the galaxy”.
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During the team’s rush to stop Medusa they brushed off April’s warnings that Dregg was working to repair the SkySat. This comes back to haunt them now, as they find themselves unable to reach her via Turtlecom, the signal blocked. Dregg appears on the Turtlecom screen (and presumably on screens everywhere), declaring that somebody is blocking all worldwide communication transmissions. As the Dreggnaught is impervious to this meddling, he’ll be handling the transmission of all such signals until it can be figured out what’s going on. With only two minutes of show time remaining, the Turtles find themselves in a position where they need to get into orbit and take out the space station. To do so, they take control of Medusa’s ship, blowing up the platform and returning to Earth. Upon re-entry, Donatello manages to unwittingly destroy Medusa’s ship, noting that he’s “never landed a starship before”.
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Back in the Lair, the Turtles and Carter watch as Dregg issues a statement on TV about the day’s events, in which he blames both the blocking of the global comms systems and the destruction of the space station on the Turtles. Raphael is furious after watching Dregg vow to track them down, but the Turtles also have other issues to deal with, such as their lingering new mutations.  
There’s not much good to be said for “The Wrath of Medusa”, which trundles along in much the same manner as the season nine episodes which preceded it, aside from the fact that here we finally get something of a pay-off to the team’s mutations becoming unstable. This idea was discarded from a proposal for what would have been the fourth live-action TMNT movie, which by 1995 clearly was no longer on the cards. I’d hope that there’d be more to the cinematic implementation than this: so far there really isn’t more to these secondary mutations beyond them being bigger, uglier and going “ragh ragh” for a bit before returning to being the Turtles we know. I fail to see what’s supposed to be compelling or fun or cool about any of this, but given that it’s gonna be how things are moving forward perhaps something good will come of it in subsequent episodes.
In a previous Turtlethon entry I likened what Turtles has become in season nine to sub-par cartoons of the era such as Double Dragon. If anything, Medusa reminds me more of the characters in the contemporaneous Marvel Action Hour, particularly its first season, where the source material (the original Iron Man and Fantastic Four comics) was watered down into low-effort dreck. Aside from being a rare example in the 1987 continuity of a female adversary for the Turtles there’s almost nothing interesting about the character of Medusa; like Drakus/Berserko she feels like a generic action figure character who belongs in a less creative cartoon from ten years prior. Carol Katz voices the role and sounds like an exact double of Gaille Heideman’s Tempestra, which is no bad thing in itself. It does make me wish we could’ve had a late-in-the-day third appearance of the video game villainess instead, though.
Next Time: More of the Turtles as altered beasts in “The New Mutation”. Meh.
0 notes
rainbowtransform · 2 years
Okay so I can't watch RTMNT on mobile with parental controls apparently, so!!! I'm wondering!!! Do you have Tumblr/DeviantArt fanfics and or comics that take the cake. (This is such a niche sorta content rec ask but if I know someone's got me it's you-)
I mean you can throw AO3 stuff too, but I'd have to get my switch for it later ^-^
Post-Apocalypse Healing
Mikey & Leo, Turtle Tots
Piebald(?) (I think that’s how you spell it)
Favorite comic moments There are actual comics to this show but I don’t know where to find them tbh
Crossover with 2003, 2012, and Bay Movies
Now, onto the fanfics where I have decimated most of them, and hunger for more.
Hanging by a Turtle: “It happens almost too quickly. One moment Don has both feet on the ground, fighting some new wacko mutant trying to blow up the city, and the next? Wacko mutant does something Don can’t really process, and the ground is giving out beneath them.
Wacko mutant gets away. Donnie and his brothers? Yeah, they don’t.”
We’ve cleaned our wounds but the pain doesn’t fade that soon: “A post-movie look at how the Hamato family deals with the what happened after they've had a chance to recover.”
Operation: rest day: “Mikey gets an art block. Leo steps in.”
(SEE ALSO: Raph & Donnie (the same author wrote both and I’m recommending them.))
Baby Blues: “It seems like no matter how hard the boys try, trouble always finds them.
Apparently, going to a yokai festival is no exception. Sure, they probably should have seen this coming; if trouble always finds them, then going to the Hidden City is just wearing a giant neon sign plastered to their backs saying "Hey! Right here!" But they had tried so hard this time not to screw this up. They even listened to Splinter's orders about sticking together
Well, for the most part. But everyone was fine in the end. Leo's fine!
Except for the fact that he's five years old.”
(This is supposed to be a multi-chaptered fic, and I’ve got it on good record that it’ll come back with a chapter two soon, but it’s a really good oneshot too.)
Turtles, meet Turtles: “First it was Sacks, then it was Krang, and now it’s... themselves? Or at least, the mutants they find certainly look like them!”
(Bay Movies/Rottmnt crossover)
On Understanding Caring Hearts: “Leo was injured, badly, during a mission gone wrong. One moment he was on lookout duty with Donatello, the next he was on the ground, trying to make sense of everything as the world moved around him.
Fortunately, his brothers are there to help him through, at least, Leo thinks they are.”
Like Father Like Son: “Draxum wasn't quite ready to give up on his plan to use the turtles as his ultimate weapons just yet. When Leo is taken by Draxum, it's up to the other three turtles to get their brother back before it's too late.
Post episode The Evil League of Mutants.”
(Mind the tags on this, love)
save your tears (for another day): ““Oh my god?” Leo asks, staring at the weird, other fucking mutant turtles in the room, accompanied by two of the strangest humans Raph thinks he’s ever seen. “Are you guys - are you guys us?”
orrrr a crossover btwn 2012 and 2018 :)
(now with a sequel 😌😌)”
Panic Buttons: “It feels like he’s dying. His air is being ripped from him and his eyes are drooping and he’s dying he’s dying.”
A Singular, Bloody Mattress: “Dammit, he needs to think! Raph isn't the greatest at coming up with plans; he's always been more of a "smash first, talk later" kind of a guy.
And look where that got them. Raph's baby brother is bleeding out to death, they're being pursued by the stupid flame-heads with deadly (well, deadlier) paper ninjas with nowhere to go, and they're stuck in a mattress store of all places.
Leo would have known what to do. Hell, he'd have gotten them home by now with one of his portals, where they'd be enjoying the rest of their evening with pizza and a movie.
But they're not home. They're stuck with no where to run to, and Raph can't think.”
This is all I’ll give you for now :D. Read ‘em, and then let me know when youre done so I can give you more later on. And if I find any way to get the comics free, I’ll def let you know too!!
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rogueninja · 2 years
hi kat, i love your blog and when you talk about naruto op/eds. so my question to you is which one do you think encapsulates the series the best? <3
rome, beloved, bless you for this question. it's been far too long since properly waxed poetic about a naruto OP/ED.
to me the easiest answer for which OP/ED encapsulates the series is hands down diver. which may sound biased but it's not even my favorite one!!! but it does encapsulate the series the best.
to start, something really interesting about it is that like most anime, in general naruto OPs follow the theme/story of the current arc, which usually means showing shots of the groups of characters that appear, and fights that play a large role. but diver doesn't do that. it has a story to tell and doesn't bother with any cruft.
it's worth nothing that diver is attached to the episodes in which naruto gets beaten up by karui for refusing to give up sasuke, resolves to travel to the five kage summit in order to beg the raikage for sasukes's life, and also learns from obito the truth about itachi and the uchiha massacre. so naruto is basically balls to the wall for sasuke at this point (i mean when has he not been, but sasuke is really not a popular guy right now). not only that, but naruto just finished saving the village from pain and basically has the love and support from others that he has always wanted. i think this is super important context for how we should look at diver.
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we start out with naruto falling into a black abyss all alone. obviously loneliness has always been a major part of naruto's backstory.
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next we see shots of obito and the other akatsuki - -these are main antagonists that naruto has faced, and just one of his many burdens. then we see SASUKE, grouped together with the antagonists, but he's much closer, and he's looking right into naruto's eyes EXACTLY like how he did in VOTE1. only this time naruto's eyes are open.
at this point sasuke raises his chidori to strike naruto, further driving home this framing of him as an antagonist. not only is he threatening naruto, he's doing it in a much more close and personal way than the other antagonists. at this point naruto starts to resist, and everything dissolves and turns red as if the weight of everything has become too much.
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that's when other people, most notably team 7 and iruka, start supporting naruto and pushing him upwards. "bonds" are what i would consider to be the greatest theme in naruto. relationships with others, feeling their pain, this is what makes people strong enough to overcome evil and hatred (according to naruto). he believes this so strongly because when he was alone, others acknowledging him (notably iruka and sasuke) is what saved him. so after all this support from others, naruto, is pushed above the water and is saved.
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but. he turns around and sasuke is still there. in a black whirlpool (uzumaki means whirlpool. coincidence???). and he has the mangekyo now, a something which is used to symbolize hatred but actually a sign of the loss of great love. and sasuke is preparing to use it as a weapon to achieve his goals of hatred and revenge. he's cut himself off from every bond. he's alone. naruto knows exactly what this means. at this point, he puts his headband on his head. he's been holding it in his hand the whole time. the headband carries a lot of meaning throughout the series. naruto actually doesn't even wear it the whole time during the kage arc, which i find very interesting (he wants to approach sasuke not as a ninja or jinchuriki but as his friend). but in this OP putting on the headband seems to symbolize some level of resolve, and/or perhaps similar to how naruto demanded sasuke put his headband on when they fought, as a sign they acknowledge each other as equal ninja.
the point is though, that naruto goes back for sasuke. naruto's whole thing always for for the end of time is that when he sees others' pain, he feels that pain, he relates, he empathizes, and he can't stand to see them go through the same thing he did (source: every talk no jutsu ever), and he admits later on that when he sees sasuke in pain, he hurts too. which is exactly why he goes after sasuke, because right now everyone is against sasuke, literally the entire five great nations have branded him as an enemy of the state. itachi is dead, and kakashi and sakura have all given up on him. sasuke has team taka but even they end up being abandoned by him during his quest. literally everyone is telling naruto to give up on sasuke, but he refuses. naruto recognizes that what sasuke really needs is someone to understand him, to be there for him, to love him, the way others had for naruto (including sasuke in the past!!). so naruto goes back.
but this is the end of the OP. we don't see if he succeeds, because that won't actually be resolved until the very end of the series. and that's why i think it perfectly encapsulates the series. naruto and sasuke's relationship encapsulates the series, their bond, their empathy for each other, their shared pain. every talk no jutsu naruto does in order to understand every antagonist -- sasuke is the pinnacle of that. and that's why i think it encapsulates the series :)
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goldenavenger02 · 3 years
I've had everything (no one's listening)
He waited until the sobs slowed a bit before opening the car door and grabbing a roll of paper towels and handing a couple to Lloyd, "hold that on your face, and tell me what happened. Don't tell Kai I swore around you, but you look like shit."
Takes place after Wrong Place, Wrong Time
"Be patient with him, Jay. Sometimes the greatest enemy we face is ourselves, and that's especially true for Lloyd. Remember where he came from. He's the son of Lord Garmadon. It's going to take him a while to see the light." Sensei Wu's words rang in Jay's head as he drove through the outskirts of Ninjago City.
All four of the ninja, plus Nya, were patrolling the city, looking for any sign of Garmadon now that the mega weapon had been destroyed, and while Kai was way too vocal about his hopes that Garmadon was gone for good, they all knew that wasn't true.
They had all noticed Sensei getting more protective of Lloyd, almost as if the Tomorrow's Tea incident had sped up the likelihood of Lloyd fulfilling the prophecy sooner than later.
Meanwhile, all Jay could think about was how just a month ago, Lloyd was unable to control his powers and was exploding light bulbs like there was no tomorrow, which forced him to hit the gas.
Garmadon wasn't the only reason they were searching the city and the outskirts; Lloyd had disappeared that morning, with zero sign of him or his gi anywhere, sending all of them into a panic.
Zane tried to reason that it was stress, Kai seemed to think that he went to go find his dad himself to fight him, Cole thought that he went to join his dad and was trying to run away from his destiny, Sensei just wanted him found.
Jay didn't know what to think.
'After what happened at Darkly's, he seemed to be on the straight and narrow, but he could've joined up with his dad. I doubt he would start the battle early, but at the same time, maybe he wants to get it over with. Or maybe he really is stressed, and just needs a breather.
But Jay did know one thing as he turned and started to drive off the road. 'We have to find this kid.'
As he continued to drive, all Jay could see was sand blowing across the road, closer to his parents' junkyard than the city.
'He's probably just in the city at the comic book store or something, there's no way he would've gotten all the way out here.' Jay told himself as he started to get ready to turn back when he saw it.
A figure with blonde hair, dressed in green, with his arm outstretched towards the road. Lloyd was alive, and was hitchhiking home. Jay immediately reached for the radio and sent out a transmission as he pulled back onto the road and slowed down.
"I found him. I found Lloyd."
He didn't wait for a response before shutting off the radio in order not to spook Lloyd before pulling up to him, wincing when he saw the fact that his lip was busted with dried blood around it, his right eye was turning black and there was blood dripping from his nose.
"Did you get involved in a cage match?" Jay spoke, getting out of the car to fully assess what had happened, "or did you lose a bet?"
"I-I can't go home," Lloyd sniffled, his lip starting to bleed again, "m-my uncle will be so angry."
"Hey, hey," Jay soothed and pulled the kid into a hug, "your uncle will be happy you're alive, and mostly okay."
He waited until the sobs slowed a bit before opening the car door and grabbing a roll of paper towels and handing a couple to Lloyd, "hold that on your face, and tell me what happened. Don't tell Kai I swore around you, but you look like shit."
"I-I just wanted to help," Lloyd started, applying pressure to his lip, "I'm older now, I-I can fight. So when the sensor at the Bounty went off, a-and it was some thieves, I deleted the alert and went after t-them."
Jay couldn't help but smile, even though he had a feeling that he was supposed to chew the kid out for acting recklessly, he couldn't help but admire Lloyd's bravery and determination.
"Okay, here's the plan," Jay announced, opening the door so Lloyd could get in the car before he followed, "we're closer to the junkyard then the city, so we'll get you patched up there while I come up with a cover story."
Lloyd nodded, moving the paper towel off of his lip as Jay pulled back onto the road.
"And keep pressure on your lip."
Jay struggled to maneuver the wheel so he didn't hit anything when they pulled inside of the junkyard, immediately greeted by his parents waving and his mom yelling...something.
"Alright, they probably will ask questions, but they aren't gonna rat you out, okay?" He explained, pulling in beside the jalopy and turning off the ignition.
"I promise." Jay smiled and got out, helping Lloyd out behind him before going over and hugging his parents, "hey, guys."
"Hey, son." His dad greeted, patting him twice on the back before letting go.
"It seems like every time you come, you've gotten bigger." His mom smiled, before looking over at Lloyd and immediately rushing over to him, "What happened to your lip, sweetheart?"
"He got into a fight, we were closer to the junkyard than the city." Jay explained, seeing the tears in Lloyd's eyes and deciding to explain for him.
"Okay, come on in, I'll fix you right up." She insisted before leading Lloyd inside.
Jay followed closely behind, watching as his mom immediately handed Lloyd an ice pack after he was sitting on the couch.
"Alright, there you go, sweetheart."
"Thanks, Mrs. Walker." Lloyd mumbled, mostly because it hurt to talk, before putting the ice against his face.
"I'll be right back with the first aid kit." She gently squeezed Lloyd's shoulder before going into the bathroom, giving Jay the chance to sit beside Lloyd.
" 'm sorry, for running off, and for scaring everyone," Lloyd spoke up, wiping his eyes on his sleeve, "I just…"
"It's okay, Lloyd," Jay insisted, wrapping his arm around his shoulder, "you got bored of being cooped up and wanted to help, I get it. You should've seen how often I got hurt cause I decided to do something besides sit around here."
"Oh yeah. I met your uncle when I was testing out a pair of wings I made myself, and the amount of times I got hurt testing those was...ridiculous." Jay chuckled, smiling more when he saw Lloyd smile, even if it pulled at the scab on his lip.
"My point is, no one wants you to go stir crazy, we're just trying to keep you safe," he continued once Lloyd's smile faded, "in fact, next time you feel like you're going to lose your mind, come find me. We'll go find an arcade or something."
Lloyd nodded and leaned against Jay's shoulder as Edna came back out of the bathroom with the first aid kit.
"Let's see what we can do about your nose," she told Lloyd before turning to Jay, "mind seeing if there's any popsicles left, honey?"
"Yeah, I'll go look." Jay nodded, gently squeezing Lloyd's shoulder before going to the freezer and letting in a breath of relief.
'I seriously hope that we're never going to have this problem again.'
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danmainacc · 2 years
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pairing: leonardo hamato x black! fem! reader
word count: 1.8k
warnings: angst, character death, fluff, tooth-rotting love, depression, trauma, limes, profanity, i’ll add more if i remember
a/n: so this is a rottmnt movie fic, with heavy emphasis on the time during the apocalypse. and i spell Kraang like this. i just feel like it makes sense. oh, and Leo gets sent into the portal along with Casey.
“Alright, little ones. Let’s go through it one more time,” you warmly smiled, the young class humans and yokai looking at you starry-eyed.
“If there is a Kraang attack and you are in the base, you are to--.” “Go straight to Master Donatello’s lab and follow his instruction,” the children perfectly recited.
You grinned, “That’s right! Good job. Now, if you get separated from the group, you are to--.” “Run straight to First Cave, no looking back, and wait until a commander comes to get me,” they nailed, yet again.
You clapped, plastering a silly expression on your face, a few giggles scattering around the room.
“Fantastic! You guys are really pros at this,” you nodded, leaning forward in your chair as you took in every face, a black-haired boy beaming brightly at you from the front row.
“Hi, mom!” He whisper-yelled, his knees happily flapping in his criss-cross position.
“Hey, Case!” you whispered back, matching his enthusiasm in your wave. 
The entire class now erupted in snickers and hushed giggles, and it was moments like this, where you couldn’t help but feel your guiltiest.
“Alright, alright. Last one,” you hushed, putting the dark thoughts on the back burner as the class quieted. “The most important one: No matter how scary it is, always remember--.” “Hope is a ninja’s greatest weapon!” the children cheered, jumping up from their seats.
You did your best to keep it together, a tear or two slipping down your cheeks at the sight, but you were quick to catch yourself.
‘They don’t deserve this.’
“When I get older, I’ll be the best mystic warrior there is! Even better than Master Mikey,” Tina, a 7-year old human, proudly smirked, swirling her arms around like Mikey does when he makes his infinity chains.
“Pssh. Yeah, right!” Jackal, an 8-year old dog-yokai, scoffed. “I’m gonna be just like Commander Raph! Tough as nails.”
“Don’t get too excited. You guys still have a long way to go,” a familiar voice smirked.
“Master Leonardo!” the children exclaimed, absolutely awe-struck.
And of course, there he was, standing at the entrance of the dojo, leaning against the door frame, reminding you of how he would randomly show up to your house, standing against your bedroom door the same way.
Back in the old days.
You quickly wiped the rest of your tears, thankful the kids were too distracted to notice, and that your position made it so that your face couldn’t be seen from the door-er-hole in the wall.
“Master Leonardo, can you tell us the Picca legend again? Pretty please!” Tina begged, tugging at Leo’s pant leg.
“You dummy, it’s Pizza,” Jackal teased, snickering to himself.
“Ugh, same thing!” Tina scoffed, pouting.
Leo laughed at the exchange, giving Tina a firm pat on the head. “Next time.”
He took wide strides towards you, and almost immediately noticed you had something on your mind. Something serious.
“Hi, dad,” Casey quickly whispered, frantically waving as Leo stood at the front of the class.
“Hey, kiddo,” Leo waved back, giving his son a warm smile.
The children noticed how frequently his glance shifted to you, and Tina knew exactly what it meant.
“Ooooo! Master Leonardo’s here for Commander (y/n),” she cooed, letting out a dreamy sigh as she clutched her heart.
The rest of the girls sighed, while the boys let out strained gags and groans. 
“Disgusting,” Jackal stuck out his tongue, crossing his arms.
A tinge of blush grew on your cheeks as you turned to Leo for assistance, only to see he was already looking at you with his trademarked, shit-eating grin.
You rolled your eyes with a smile, “I’ll deal with you later.”
“Alright, guys. How about you go help Commander O’Neil collect some blankets for tonight. Casey, can you lead the way?” You focused back onto the kids, shooting your son a quick wink.
His eyes lit up. “Can do!” He smiled, jumping up from his spot and running towards the door. “Everyone! Follow me!”
The children cheered, quickly getting up and following the boy, shouts of excitement echoing throughout the dojo.
“Commander (y/n),” a small voice tugged at your leg.
Both you and Leo tugged your attention from the door and down to the small child at your feet.
It was Axis, an 8-year old crow-yokai. You were her mentor, as you were an expert in yokai abilities, seeing you were a fire-yokai yourself.
“Hey, Axis. What’s up?” You asked with a smile, picking her up and placing her on your lap, wary of her talons.
“I...I saw you crying before and I wanted to make sure you were okay,” she nervously started, fidgeting with some of her feathers.
You tensed at the mention, Leo’s eyes now burning into the back of your head.
‘Axis, sometimes you are too sweet.’
With a sigh, you forced a hollow smile, stroking the feathers on her head. “I’m alright. I’m just incredibly proud of you guys. You’re taking leaps and bounds, man,” you assured.
“Who knows? Soon I might be calling you Commander Axis.”
You could practically see her heart grow three sizes at your words.
And after a moment of contemplation, she threw her wings around your neck and pulled you into a tight hug. “I love you, Commander (y/n),” she smiled.
Your eyes shot wide at her words and her action, Leo letting out a quiet gasp as well. 
Axis was never the emotional type, so these words seemed to be coming out of left field.
And despite her words, you could tell that she knew there was still something wrong.
‘Her emotional intelligence always gets me.’
“I love you, too, kiddo,” You smiled, genuinely, as you returned the hug.
And after a few seconds she let go, hopping off your lap and landing of the floor. “Alright, see you later, Commander (y/n)! See you later, Master Leonardo!” She smiled as she flew out the room to join the other children.
“Bye, kid,” Leo smiled, waving as she soared.
You sighed, standing up from your seat as you stretched out your back.
“Hey, hon,” you tiredly smiled, giving the blue clad turtle a quick peck on the lips,  before starting your way towards the exit.
“Whoa, there. Don’t think you’re getting away that easy,” he smirked, grabbing your arm and pulling you back into him, your cheek now resting on his plastron.
“C’mon, Leo. I gotta get to the Mess Hall and help Todd with dinner,” you sighed, resting your hands on his shoulders as you looked up at him.
He craned his head so his lips were just barely touching your ear, his hot breath fanning over your neck. “I know you’ve got something on your mind,” he whispered, his hands resting on your hips, the fit not so different from a puzzle piece.
“And I’ve got time on my hands,” he lowered his head to your neck, placing three hot and heavy kisses leading to your collarbone, which would definitely bruise later.
“So start spilling.”
You practically melted at his tone, a lazy smile stretching across your face as the resting hands on your waist now wrapped around, pulling you closer to the turtle.
It never fails to amaze how he could still do this to you, make you smile and nod at whatever he said like a lovesick teen.
“I just...We.......The kids don’t deserve this,” you caved, struggling to find the words as you hung your head. 
Leo’s brow bone quirked in intrigue, silently telling me to go on.
“Living like this. Existing like this. Most of these kids can barely say their ABCs, but can fire one of Donnie’s bazookas,” you threw an exasperated hand in the air, glancing up at Leo, who was listening intently. 
“I’m worried about their innocence. Seeing so much death and destruction at such a young age is going to hurt them in the long run. And I just feel like I could be doing something about it. But on top of helping Todd, patrols, watching the nursery, missions, and Casey, I just don’t have the time to help in any other way.”
The tears started to bubble up again, your breathing becoming uneven as you took a deep sniffle, resting your head on Leo’s shoulder.
He sighed, stroking your back as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. 
As per usual, you were trying to hyper-extend yourself in order to help everyone but yourself, and as per usual, he felt partially responsible, wanting nothing more than to make it all go away. 
Not a day goes by where he thinks that if he had never screwed up, the world would be a better place. That if it weren’t for him, the fall of Earth would’ve never happened.
And in connection, you wouldn’t be what you are now.
The rest of the camp knows you as this fearless fighter, who’s kept her smile and sense of humor despite the circumstances, proudly teaching the next generation of heroes.
But he knew better.
Behind every laugh, every hollow smile, every silly face, he could tell you were breaking. You were a caricature of who you were pre-invasion.
“I think you should take a break, let someone help out. I can--.” “No,” you quickly shut down, lifting your face from his shoulder and looking him dead in the eyes.
He gave you a confused look, tilting his head at your sudden snappiness.
“You responsibilities are too important. You protect the camp and lead the resistance. I’m just complaining. I should really go help Todd,” and just like that, your mask was back.
Just as you were pulling out of the hug, Leo grabbed you by the back of the head and smashed his lips on yours, the force practically knocking the wind out of you.
Sometimes he didn’t know his own strength.
If it was humanly possible, he tightened the grip around your waist, and you sighed, kissing back with just as much force, your arms wrapping around his neck.
After a minute or so, you both separated with a gasp, your dazed, lazy smile making him lightly chuckle.
“Still got it,” he smirked.
You playfully rolled your eyes at him and he rested his hand on your cheek, his cheeky grin now turning sincere.
“We’re in this together, mi amor, don’t forget it. Take a break and let some of the newer fighters take some of your responsibilities, just to lighten the load,” he smiled, resting his forehead on yours.
“Can’t have my wife getting too stressed.”
A soft smile tugged at your lips as you carefully held the back of his neck, pulling him into a soft, meaningful kiss.
And as quick as it came, it left.
“What would I do without you?” you smiled, laying your head on his plastron.
“I could say the same to you, sweetheart,” he smirked, resting his chin on your head.
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sahsoosahku · 3 years
FanFic - Chaos Commencing at Konoha's Korean BBQ
On their night off the Konoha gang get back together for some Korean BBQ! But knowing these ninja's - something is bound to go seriously wrong. Poor Ino and Tenten, their organised night was ruined by Soju Sasuke and Drunk Lee.
Characters: Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, Sai, Lee, Tenten, Hinata, Kiba, Akamaru, Shino, Drunk Lee, Charasuke
Pairings: Sasusaku / SaiIno / Naruhina
This only happens once in a blue moon!
The gang is back together!
Somehow all of Team 7s classmates aren't on any missions or busy for just one night. Naruto, Sasuke, Kiba and Shikamaru just returning from their weeklong mission, and late tomorrow Hinata, Sakura and Sai leave for 2 days.
Tonight, they reunite for some babbling, eating, and of course drinking.
Ino and Tenten organised for this rowdy bunch to relax in front of an open flame for some Korean BBQ at Konoha's finest. Ensuring there were 12 seats ready to go, Tenten smiled at the display before her.
One by one familiar faces rolled in. Sai, greeting Ino with a peck, Choji appearing from the corner as if he was already in the restaurant. Hinata, Shino, Shikamaru and Kiba with Akamaru soon followed, bowing their heads and thanking the ladies for their thoughtfulness and hard work.
"HEY!" Kiba yelled soon after "Where is Akamaru going to sit?"
"You know dogs can't be here!" Retorted Ino.
Kiba responded with a puppy dog frown then winked over at Akamaru who burst into smoke becoming a carbon copy of Kiba. "Sit! Sit here Akamaru!" He leaped into a seat Shino was just about to take.
And then finally, team 7 (who are always late), burst in with Naruto's "WOW! THIS IS GREAT! The Genin's are back together!"
"Speak for yourself, Naruto" laughed Shikamaru.
"Oh yeah" frowned Naruto, looking over at Sasuke, knowing at least he wasn't the last Genin there.
"Wait a minute-" Sakura searched "Where's Lee?"
"He is somewhere training" brushed off Tenten "He always adds another thousand something finger push ups before a big meal, don't worry, he'll be here soon!"
Sasuke and Sakura took the last paired spots beside Ino and Sai, Naruto trying to squish into the booth with them.
"HEY! NARUTO! Just what are you doing!" Yelled Sakura, who was sitting on the edge trying to push him off. "But I want to sit with you guyssss!" he sulked leaning on Sakura.
"We were just on a mission together Usuratoncachi-" scowled Sasuke, pushing Naruto's face off of Sakura "Go sit with your wife!"
"But she let me!" He pouted looking at her for confirmation, Hinata nodding with a smile and polite wave.
"NOW!" Kicked Sakura.
And with a frown he leapt to Hinata and whinged "NOW THAT THEY ARE TOGETHER, THEY DON'T WANT TO HANG OUT WITH ME ANYMOREEEEE!"
"It's ok Naruto-kun" patted Hinata, "I can feed you some pork belly!"
"Did someone say Pork belly?" Interjected Choji, munching on the sides.
And with a smile Naruto hugged Hinata tightly and filled her face with kisses repeating "Ah I missed you!" "You're the best Hinata!" "I love you so much!" Then blowing a raspberry at Sakura and Sasuke.
They looked on with blank faces, embarrassed for their irritating teammate.
"Can I sit here? Thanks Shino!" Naruto rushed - half his butt cheek already shoving Shino off - forcing everyone to shuffle around. "How troublesome" sighed Shikamaru and everyone laughed.
"Let's order!" Smiled Tenten and Choji cheered along. "Let's also make it 10 bottles of Soju and a beer for everyone, does that sound good?"
The sizzling kobe beef and pork belly were barely heard over the sound of laughter and chatter. Sasuke, mainly silent, munched away at his Kimchi and seafood pancake.
"Sasuke-kun! You barely touched your beer" smiled Ino, already a few shots of soju in. "Here let me pour you some soju, it's grape flavoured!"
"He is a light drinker!" Insisted Sakura, also a few drinks in "He can stick to his beer"
"Wow Sasuke! I see who wears the pants in this relationship" Ino teased, embarrassing a somewhat intoxicated Sakura.
"I-" Sasuke began.
"HEY, WATCH IT! Before I fry you on this grill myself INOPIG" Jumped up Sakura with a fist ready to go.
"I'm just saying! C'mon I know he has never tried soju before, isn't that right Sasuke?" Ino purred grabbing a shot glass to make him a drink.
"I haven't-" Again Sasuke said trying to get a word in.
"HEY! If anyone is going to be pouring him a drink, IT'S ME" scowled Sakura.
"OI! I am the one who offered" growled Ino back.
"Go make your own boyfriend a drink!" Jumped Sakura over Sasuke, trying to grab the shot glass and bottle from Ino's hands.
"Sai- doesn't- mind-!" she said fighting Sakura for grip.
"I don't mind sharing my girlfriend!" smiled Sai from behind Ino.
"See! Now- let- me- pour-!"
As the girls where wrestling each other over an irritated Sasuke, he tsked and snatched the soju bottle from their hands and quickly shot up.
To everyone's amazement he threw beck 6 long gulps, finishing the bottle. And with a scrunched face he smacked his lips and frowned "it's sweet"
Shocked, everyone looked over. Sakura, frightened by the amount of alcohol a cheap drunk like Sasuke just drank, she carefully whispered to him "Sasuke… Soju is not like beer… it's a lot stronger…"
Sasuke sat down slowly and burped "I feel fine"
The onlookers giggled and whispered, "I wonder which drunk Sasuke we are going to see tonight" "Happy again?" "Sad?" "Angry" "Oo- I hope is dancy" "No- no- SINGY! Then we can go to karaoke!"
"Hey, Akamaru eat up" smiled Kiba, feeding his twin. Then..
Sasuke's face slammed down into his food.
"I guess it's a passed out Sasuke" sighed Shikamaru. A tipsy Naruto burst out laughing, followed by a howling from the other boys.
"Oh no" sighed Sakura, trying to pull Sasuke up "I told you he can't hold his liquor"
Ino apologised grabbing tissues and moving his plates aside to make room for a sleeping Sasuke. "Is he going to be alright?"
"His vitals feel fine, but he usually blacks out after 2 or 3 beers… Maybe I should take him home?"
Nooo! Everyone replied urging her to stay. It was too rare to have everyone together again.
She wiped his face and slowly put him back down on the table for a nap.
The night carried on, bringing laughing tears into the eyes of anyone who remembered that Sasuke was there.
"Just like back in the day I suppose" Chuckled Kiba, "Not hearing a word from Sasuke!"
"HEY!" Naruto responded and Sakura giggled. "Just like the old days" she recalled. Oh, the silly antics Team 7 and the others used to get into.
Almost done with their meals an excited Lee blazed in with his legs up and hands to the floor. With a flip he announced "HELLO MY FELLOW BRETHREN'S LIVING IN THE SPRINGTIME OF THEIR YOUTHS! I, ROCK LEE, AM READY TO ENJOY A HEARTY MEAL WITH PALS!"
"Lee!" The drunken crowd cheered, for once meeting his enthusiasm.
"Where were you, Lee? We are almost done!" Asked Tenten, blinking slowly.
"My apologies Tenten! I just finished training; I lost my count 3 times at around 700 so I started again! And with every time I miscounted, I added another 1000!" He beamed too proudly.
"Seems a bit excessive" she sighed making the others laugh.
"Ah I am famished! I do desperately need a glass of water!" And with the slip of a hand Lee grabbed the bottle of soju rather than the jug of water right beside it.
Everyone yelled in slow motion jumping for Lee, but no one could match his incredulous speed. By the time Naruto, Choji, Kiba and Shikamaru were pulling back his arms and hands, the empty bottle shattered to the ground.
"Oh no-" said Tenten
"Fuck" muttered Shikamaru as Lee slipped out of their hands.
He reappeared beside an unsuspecting Sakura, wobbling beside her and with a drunken smile. He blabbered "Hey, girl, wasssuppppp"
Freaked out Sakura wailed "Eeehh?! Knock it off Lee!" trying to push him off.
Shikamaru tried the Shadow Imitation Technique but somehow Lee's speedy feet just kept missing him.
"C'mon give me a little sugar" he mused to Sakura sending her air kisses while easily dodging her punches.
There was a shift in mood.
Suddenly the air turned sinister.
Behind Sakura was a dark shadow looming over them. "Back off" growled Sasuke, preparing his Chakra.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the guy who copied my Taijutsu!" Spat Lee, almost tripping over his own feet.
"And I was better at it" slurred Sasuke.
"Now, now, calm down!" Sakura pleaded standing between them.
"I CHALLENGE YOU!" Pointed Lee.
"YEAH, WELL TRY ME BROWS!" Pointed Sasuke back.
Lee grabbed another bottle of soju from the poor people behind him to arm himself. Sasuke did the same snatching another bottle from Sai's hand.
Sasuke activated his Sharingan ready to copy, ready for battle.
And Lee with a smile prepared his greatest weapon –
- guzzling the soju.
Sasuke mirrored his actions, trying to beat the speed of the other. Finishing at the same time they extravagantly threw their bottles on the table smashing and spraying it onto a grill, causing a minor flame.
Everyone was mortified, and in shock Hinata and Ino quickly threw water on the grills to extinguish the fire.
Cried Choji, watching the meat bubble and sear in the coals.
"Haha a worthy opponent!" cackled Lee.
"Let's take this outside!" Hiccuped Sasuke.
"I guess Sasuke is an angry drunk on soju" Naruto commented following the crowd outside.
"…And on my birthday" sighed a wet Shino, covered in spilled water from the glass attack. Hinata still by his side smiled and said, "I didn't forget your birthday Shino."
*Poof* They turned to Akamaru reappearing beside a wailing Choji crying over ruined beef. "WHYYY!"
"HEY" screamed the shocked hostess "NO DOGS!"
Lee and Sasuke stood before each other on the open street. Civilians passed by whispering and watching the ensuing mayhem.
"Ew" Sakura loudly thought.
"FOR SAKURA'S LOVE!" yelled Sasuke, confident in reply.
"Not you too... Sasuke" everyone sighed.
Everyone pleaded for them to stop but a powerful Lee interjected "This is between me and Sasuke!"
Both men began to prepare to fight. Lee unlocking his third gate yelling "DRUNKEN FISTS" and Sasuke replying with "MANGEKYO SHARINGAN"
"WHICH ONE OF YOU IDIOTS DESTROYED OUR GRILLS!?" Yelled the hostess with a swinging ladle in one hand and dragging Akamaru out with the other. Shino, Hinata, and Choji appeared behind her.
As everyone pointed towards Sasuke and Lee, the two drunkards used it as a signal to start charging towards one another.
they both yelled and bracing themselves.
EEEHHHHHH!? Reacted everyone seeing both Lee and Sasuke trip over themselves.
"CHOJI NOW! SHADOW IMITATION TECHNIQUE" prepared Shikamaru, strapping Lee down at any chance he could get. "EXPANSION JUSTSU" Choji formed and rolled onto Lee.
"Sakura!" Ino yelled "RUN!"
Sakura quickly pulled a passed out Sasuke over her shoulders and began to sprint home hearing the echo "YOU TWO ARE BANNED FOR LIFE...!" follow her down the road.
Amongst the current chaos Sai turned to Ino smiling "What a fun night!" You did a great job!" he said earnestly. Ino groaned into her palm.
"Oh Yeah!" Blurted Kiba, "Happy Birthday Shino!"
I love the silly antics the gang gets into. I hope you enjoyed my story, if you did please leave a review on:
Drunk Lee is the best and always has me dying from laughter. I found most of my inspiration from this episode of "Rock Lee and his Ninja Pals"(Drunk Lee Ruins Tsunade's Picnic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqnz3v_vsRY).
I wanted to start a series of Sakura dealing with drunk Sasuke and was inspired by this comic strip: ( https://www.instagram.com/p/CFcE6NcFvX6/ ) I really wanted to showcase the multiple personalities Sasuke has depending on the amount and type of alcohol he drinks. In a later SASUSAKU smut chapter, soju Sasuke becomes Charasuke which I was trying to allude in the line "Fight for Sakura's love." I just thought it would be hilarious to combine Drunk Lee and Charasuke in a fight.
Also third wheel Naruto get me going as well. In my mind, he instantly reacquainted himself with Hinata after the mission (if you know what I mean) and being Shino's birthday, Hinata wanted to spend the night with her team mates, encouraging him to third wheel the two love birds.
I hope you guys enjoyed my story! Stay tuned for part 2.
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hunterguyveriv · 3 years
Injustice 3 Characters?........I’m hoping so!
So as of late, I've been hearing rumors that an Injustice 3 game is in the works. As much as I want all characters from both games to come back I think there are some characters whether they are DC characters that have yet to make an appearance, Crossover characters, or simply characters Warner Brothers has the movie rights to that I would love to see. This is my short list on who I would love to see in Injustice 3 if the rumors are indeed true as DLC characters.
DC Comics Characters: Abby Arcane - Current Avatar of the Rot: She could be an interesting addition to the Injustice cast if Swamp Thing and Poison Ivy return. I could see her dialogue with Swamp Thing being similar to Ollie & Dinah's and her dialogue with Ivy being more vicious towards because Swamp Thing's heart and soul has always been Abby's. Now I know, that they are no longer an item (regrettibly) but it has been proven in one of the recent Justice League Dark comics that they still have feelings for each other even though one is the Avatar of the Rot and the other is the Avatar of the Green
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Anton Arcane - Rival Rot Avatar: If Abby is added for Swamp Thing then you have to have the one person who is their worst enemy. Dialogue between both him and Abby and him and Swamp Thing would be vicious and awesome. Even his dialogue with Ivy a hinted future Avatar of the Green from the New 52 Swamp Thing series. he could also be an invaluable ally to Superman to a point because in one of the tie-in crossover series to Injustice Superman obtained Rot-Creatures to protect his territory from magic.
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Zuggernaut:  I admit I know little to nothing about this character, except that he appears to be a copy of the manga version of the last character in this short list (who was created in 1985) and think it would be nice to see both on screen together challenging each other on who the true Alien Bio-Weapon really is. Would also be kind of sweet to see him and Jaime’s Blue Beetle fight.
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Animal Man: An ally to Alec Holland during the RotWorld saga, I think interactions with not Just Swamp Thing but Vixen, Cheetah, Ivy, Aquaman (who is literally the Avatar of the Blue - Water) would be interesting. More so if Abby Arcane and Anton Arcane are added to the game.
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Crossover Characters:
Oroku Saki aka The Shredder: Come on now, like Swamp Thing and Anton Arcane, you can't add the Ninja Turtles without adding their greatest enemy the Shredder. If memory also serves me right from the Batman vs TMNT movie, Shredder was also someone who could go toe to toe with Batman in combat and beat him and had him on the ropes their second encounter. Depending on what continuity you follow Shredder has been known to take down aliens 3 times bigger and stronger than him. So him taking on someone like Superman and soundly beating in a game like Injustice wouldn’t be that much of a stretch.
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He-Man and Teela: Let me be as blunt as blunt can be. This is NOT because of the new Kevin Smith series. This is because of the Injustice vs Masters of the Universe tie-in comics. Both He-Man and Teela in those comics proved they could fight not just Superman but with Bane and Wonder Woman also. Teela mortally wounded Wonder Woman (who was saved on Batman’s quick thinking) and was even called a Good Soldier by a bleeding out Wonder Woman and up until the power of Greyskull ran out, He-Man was going blow for blow with Superman. Teela also got the attention of Granny Goodness with her prowess of a fighter and considered.....”TRAINING”..... her to be an addition to her Furies.
But even the He-Man vs Teela dialogue could be prove to be rather interesting, especially if she is te Injustice vs MotU Teela who knows Prince Adam is He-Man, and could prove to be comical with others because she kind of gets jealous when Zatanna touches Adam’s chest-plate. 
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Skeletor: But including He-Man and Teela, you have to include Skeletor who was plotting not just against Superman but also Darkseid all to gain access to Castle Greyskull even though it cost him his life in the end..... or did it?
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But with the inclusion of He-Man, Teela, and Skeletor it also can open up the door for Hordak who in the Injustice vs Masters of the Universe forms his own version of a Red-Ring corps and took over Apokolips. The Hordak who like Darkseid is more than happy to commit genocide on hundreds of planets just for a whim. Which I know some will argue with his involvement you gotta have She-Ra - which I would agree, BUT Classic She-Ra. The same She-Ra who also had the title Desparda who had no qualms killing thousands in the name of Hordak and nearly killed her brother in the MotU: Eternity War saga which was also done by DC Comics. I know the She-Ra fans of the recent series will be upset with that, but lets be honest - for something that is dark and serious like Injustice, the new versions of Hordak and She-Ra just simply wouldn’t cut it. She-Ra and Teela matches and She-Ra and He-Man matches alone would be a nice add. Sibling Rivalry and two future Sister-in-Laws... “SPARRING.”
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Guyver: I know, I know this is a wishful-thinking-pipe dream of a fan to a dying franchise. I know New Line Cinemas did the movies and Warner Brothers now own the rights to the Guyver movies, since I last checked or at least Guyver: Dark Hero (1994) which is the main reason I want to see Guyver crossover into Injustice. But I would love to see Guyver and Blue-Beetle (2 Alien War Machines) go at it and even even Guyver vs Zuggernaut. The dialogue alone along with their super attacks would be absolute gold!
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Edit-Addons for DC Characters (6-25): Magog (Kingdom Come): If anyone by now isn’t familiar with Kingdom Come, it is an alternative to the Injustice Series. Instead of Superman killing Joker for Lois’ death it was Magog. When the aquittal of Magog forced Superman to go into a self imposed exile, Magog formed his own group of Super-humans and distributed his own ruthless form of justice upon those that his group fought culminating in the destruction of Kansas. The inclusion of his character could prove interesting because like Injustice the death of Lois at the hands of Joker and his deaths set into motion in both “universes” where the Justice League (who’s dangerously close to turning into the regime) and Batman’s allies fight.
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Gog (The Kingdom): With the Multi-Verse in play from both games, the inclusion of this guy is a must! He started off as a normal man by the name of William who was one of the survivors of the Kansas Disaster caused by Magog, saw Superman as the as quite literally a Jesus Christ type figure. When Superman set him straight on things including the Kansas Disaster, William’s beliefs were shaken to the core and questioning his worth, in which the Phantom Stranger bestowed upon him all sorts of powers (powers of Zeus, Shazam, Oan, and a few others I believe). But with his beliefs shaken along with his worth and mental stability fractured, he used said abilities to go on a Superman killing spree throughout the multi-verse. He was so mad that he even went back in time and caused his own Kansas Disaster catching the attention of the present Superman/Wonder Woman/Batman. It took the combined might of the time Traveling Superman/Wonder Woman/Batman and some allies with the “present day” versions of themselves and “PD”-Superman piercing the veil of the multi-verse to completely defeat Gog. Seeing him fight Injustice-Superman alone would be worth his inclusion.
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