#ninjago the cloud monks
toastingpencils37 · 5 months
Ok, there's something about Ras ordering Cinder to kill the Cloud Monks that makes it feel darker than usual in Ninjago.
Of course, villains are always talking about killing the ninja, but that's just it. They're talking about killing the ninja.
And even when they talk about killing innocent people, there's something different about the way they say it and their body movements that make it feel a little less dark.
But with Ras telling Cinder to destroy the Cloud Kingdom, and by extension the Cloud Monks, he literally tells him "I said everything".
Plus, when Ras says this, for one, we see Cinder laugh and smile in a very devious way, and the Cloud Monks start whimpering in fear, unable to do anything to stop it at all, unlike other threatened characters who can somewhat fight, even if not that well.
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starrbee · 3 months
One Ninjago HC I have is that once upon a time, the cloud kingdom monks Could see the future, but the talent has been watered down over the centuries, but traditions haven't adapted or changed, leading to the manipulation of the monks to think what their doing is 'Writing Destiny' when in fact this hasn't been the case for centuries.
Also Euphrasia unlocks a weaker version of this upon reaching her true potential.
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master-of-blogging · 6 months
"You should work the same amount, just be funner about it" why does this sound exactly like something a corporation would say
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thecosmicmap · 1 year
Episode five of DR ruined me. And now I will forever assume Lego hates us.
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realityandrebirth · 1 year
OK I haven't seen dragon's rising yet and do not spoil me any more than I already have been, but as resident morro kinnie and the gul who wrote upwards of 100k words about him: even if my body passes, I will protect euphrasia with my very soul.
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The silence after the storm (2)
All parts of this and the first days are on my blog and under the tag Ninjago: elemental wizard of Fire. I will start posting them on A03 soon as well. Enjoy....;)
After everything was done and said, they finally, together with Cole and Zane, all returned to the monastery.
With some weird wizard lady, but Lloyd didn't ask. She seemed to be friends with Cole and Zane, so it was fine.
They all returned to the monastery.
Nya was maybe exceptionally quite, Wyldfyre as well, but it didn't mean anything.
Cole had tears in his face, and Zane a very sorrowful expression, after talking to Nya, but it didn't mean anything.
There was no one ruffling his hair after the fight ended, but it didn't mean anything.
A silent voice in his head was bugging him, that something was wrong. He should open his eyes, and ears and his heart. He should stop denying things.
It didn't mean anything.
Lloyd fell into his bed. His eyes fell shut. And for the first time in maybe weeks, he was able to get a proper sleep. One without any dreams whatsoever. But when he woke up, at least twelve hours later according to his clock, he finally realized what that voice in the back of his head was nagging him about.
Kai was gone. Thrown through the portal. Used as a sacrifice.
Stuck in the never space. Probably forever. Unless they could find another, a sacrifice free, way than the bloodmoon to open another portal and get him back.
If he could even survive that long, stuck with four of the forbidden five.
Lloyd realized.
Kai was gone.
If Cole learned one thing in his life, than it was how fast things could change.
At first they thought that things must have ended good. The bloodmoon was over, they stopped the cloud kingdom from crashing and the world didn't seem to immediately end.
Then Galandalaria came up to them, talking something about how she "couldn't feel Bonzles presence like she did before" and Cole started to panick.
Then Lloyd and the others joined him and Zane on the Cloud kingdom, and the panick went down. But just for a moment, because Nya came up to him and Zane, with tears in her eyes, with Wyldfyre cornering behind her. He didn't really knew any of the younger kids that well, especially Wyldfyre, but that was clearly not her usual expression.
Nya talked to them, something about the bloodmoon , and yeah yeah, they knew about the bloodmoon and the ritual and stuff, when Cole noticed something was missing.
A certain someone was missing.
Nya kept talking about the events of the latest fight, while Cole looked into the rest of the round. Next to him Zane seemed to be doing something similar, while Galandalaria was still trying to somehow find Bonzles presence with her cristall ball and various spells as it seemed.
Nya and Wyldfyre were there, obviously. Lloyd was talking to one of the monks with Arin just a few steps behind him, both facing him with their backs. Sora was standing with Rayu a bit aside from the group, a sort of troubled and confused expression on her face.
It pained him a bit, that he wasn't even thinking to look for Jay, but even after all his travles he didn't stumble across a single sign of his brown haired freckled friend.
However, Kai was supposed to be here, wasn't he? Zane told him, that he was with Lloyds group.
Kai was very much supposed to be here, but he wasn't.
Was he....
"Ras pushed Kai through the portal as a sacrifice.", Nya said through clenched teath. When Cole looked back to her, he saw her white knuckled fists. He couldn't look into her eyes. "And he was still in there when the portal closed."
Cole wanted to punch something. Anything. Anyone. Preferably that Ras by the love of the FSM.
But he couldn't. He was Cole. The earth Ninja. The stable one. He had to keep it under control.
If not for himself, then for Nya. Nya who probably wouldn't take long before braking down herself.
He would have to keep it together.
Zane was in the kitchen of the monastery, a few days after the bloodmoon, trying to focus on his cooking. Though 'trying' was the correct word for sure.
It shouldn't be so difficult for him to cook. It was a task he had done millions of times before. He had the recipe memorized in his data drive.
It shouldn't be difficult for a robot to repeat a pretty much programmed task, right?
Ok, maybe the words from those administration agents did hurt him more than he let on at first. But that wasn't the point now.
The recipe was one he made often. A way to make Kai promise them to stay in bed when he had another broken bone or so, which has happened a bit to often for Zanes and everyone's else's preference probably.
Why was he in the middle of making Kais favorite noodles again?
Shouldn't he be searching his data banks for anything about magic?
Shouldn't he be researching portal and dimension magic?
Shouldn't he be... looking for clues. Looking for ways, hints, anything.
Maybe he should just switch off his emotions again. Personally, he thought it worked quite well in matters of productivity, but everyone else on the team told him it was a terrible thing. And the point of eventually switching them back on was honestly terrible.
And he didn't wanted to become that emotionless robot the agents said he was after all. Even if it meant feeling painful emotions after all.
Maybe he should rather make Nyas favorite instead. To cheer her up, at least a little bit before they could on to defeat Ras.
And after that they would find a way to get Kai back for sure. They did so many impossible things in the past, this was just another hurdle to overcome for them.
But for now he was going to cook.
The bloodmoon made Agent Walker feel pretty weird. Weirder than he already did, from his interaction with the skeleton and what happened afterwards.
The bloodmoon was over almost as soon as it came, and with it most of the weird feeling went away.
His heart stung as if something, or rather more than before, was suddenly missing.
Eh. Probably just the stress of all this forsaken bureaucracy, he thought, while remembering the pile of papers waiting for him on his desk back at the administration.
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sobri-k-eyt · 5 months
New OC! (Ninjago character)
Figured it was finally time to make a character for my comfort show! Here's a quick sketch. Totally not hyperfixating or anything
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Name: Lenore (also goes by Lee) Brief Story: Ex-Cloud Kingdom resident. Left (exiled) after deciding she hated the cycle of fate being written by people who were corrupt and who actually didn't know or really care about the stories that were being written. Rebel without a real cause who loves life and tries to find her own way in a crazy world. It's hard knowing what to do when no one tells you, but it makes her more alive than ever. She also doesn't jibe with the idea that the monks could easily play with mortal lives as they please and have no involvement whatsoever. Just doing what they want because they can. She doesn't want to be a pawn of anyone or have anyone else be a pawn. But she's young, and realizes that the world is far more complex than she thought. She's got crow wings, and loves to play with her outfits and colors, loving self-expression and freedom. Lives in Ninjago City with a group of misfits. Punk/goth aesthetic, but lots of colors and a lot of spunk. Height: 5'4 Likes: Colors, energetic music, flying, sour food, her glasses, changing her outfits and dying her hair and feathers Dislikes: Being told what to do, feeling trapped, being ignored, guilt Personality: Brash, impulsive, excitable, deeply passionate, often lonely, very obvious in her reactions
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thecatundertheladder · 5 months
More info for my fsm lives au!
In the first few thousand years of Ninjago's existence, the First Spinjitzu Master was relatively involved with humanity's development. Not in a 'so this is how you make a vaccine' sort of way, but they would help out when crops failed and would travel around Ninjago giving out random bits of advice, all while trying not to interfere with humanity's progress.
(He did have a brief stint as the emperor of Central Ninjago as a young adult, but that was an accident)
Fsm did slip up occasionally with the whole 'let humanity progress naturally' things though, so every now and then a random human would be 'blessed' with the knowledge of how photosynthesis works.
After all, they may of been a child when they created humans but he was also from a much more ancient and advanced realm then Ninjago, so he had much more information about how the world then humans, and even Merlopians, did at the time. I'm talking like they knew clouds were made of water, hygiene was important and prevented sickness, and that stars were made of plasma. Essentially, science was a much more developed field back in the first realm so Fsm knew stuff that a fledgling civilization wouldn't.
Sorry for getting a bit off track there. But basically all this means that some 10-20 thousand years ago (I haven't worked out a timeline yet) the average Ninjagon citizen was a bit more involved in the Fsm's life then modern day citizens.
But over the thousands of years of humanity's existence he has slowly pulled away from them and (once he was sure the humans wouldn't die out due to lack of knowledge) left them largely to their own devices. This means that much of Fsm's life has been reduced to myth and legend in the eyes of Ninjago's citizens (there are exceptions, though, like the monks at the library of Domu). However, he was still a public figure.
Granted most of the legends are essentially fact, however, some key information has been forgotten - such as Nyad, and the Very Important Fact of Fsm not being human.
What this means is when the First Spinjitzu Master suddenly drops of the map a number of decades before Lloyd is born, the humans fear the worst: that he's dead (the Serpentine know better but that's another story). Wu and Garmadon only make the rumours of their father's demise worse by telling humanity the truth; that he's most likely in the Departed Realm. Unfortunately, both brothers have inherited their father's habit of forgetting to tell people things. As a result, they accidentally forgot to mention that their father going to the Departed Realm to visit their friends (the OG elemental masters) is a relatively regular thing, and that they can leave at any time.
Soon after this announcement, the rumour that the First Spinjitzu Master is buried in a tomb filled with ancient artifacts and unimaginable treasures makes it's way through the villages and cities of Ninjago. The tomb in question is actually just a storage facility for all the magical and potentially dangerous items Fsm didn't want in the monastery when raising kids.
All in all, the average Ninjagon citizen doesn't know that the Fsm is alive and well (doesn't stop them from praying to him though). So the ninja, including Lloyd, are incredibly surprised when Fsm shows up to congratulate them on their victory some time after the overlord is defeated.
And, just to add to the potential comedy, Misako - who knew quite a bit about the First Spinjitzu Master as a result of her research and from being married to their son - didn't even know Fsm was alive until he showed up a few days after Lloyd was born to meet his grandson. She fainted.
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Dragons rising Season 2 episode 2 : shattered dreams transcript
feel free to use this however you like, credit would be nice
also don‘t send this to tannerfishies in any way
@nyaskitten @cboffshore @jezynowachmura19 @geoxstxrs @frostsstuff @jalluzas-ferney
The episode begins at cloud kingdom. Suetonius is holding a speech to the monks who are at their scrolls, writing. Suetonius: dear writers of destiny, if i could please have your attention. (the monks all turn towards him) No, continue writing. It is your sole destiny. Just pay attention. Ever since our beloved Euphrasia revealed herself as the elemental master of wind, which i personally supported from the very beginning, we know that writing is not the only way for us to influence the world. We are able to- what was it again, marcus? Marcus: we can do things, master scribe, other than writing. Su: Ah, yes, what a brave idea. And the first thing we are going to do, is making this place more fun. So, let´s all think of fun things- let´s go! Cloud monk: I don´t know, Bagels? Su: uh, think bigger M: oh, oh: merlopian t-shirt day! Su: Mucoid hat mondays. Sounds good. Same monk as before: honestly, all that people want is bagels. Monk next to him: oh, could i borrow your pen? Mine has stopped working. Monk 1: can pens even stop working? (he tries scribbling on his scroll, with no text remaining) Huh? mine´s not working either! The monks start murmuring as they all realise the same thing is happening to them. Su: why did you stop working? We want you to work just as much as before, only now with more fun Monk 1: we´re trying, but our pens don´t work. M: that has never happened before! could it be the ink? Su: it´s not the ink. it is said that when the writers of destiny can no longer write, then something is coming that is so - so terrible, that even destiny can not stop it. (the entire island starts shaking and a group of beings start walking towards them, emerging from a cloud of smoke) Send Euphrasia! the cloud kingdom is in very big danger. We can only hope that this isn´t the end Intro Cut to the outside of the kingdom of imperium. Percival is standing on a boulder and speaking to a group of people wearing multicoloured imperium outfits. Percival: look at it. Isn´t it beautiful? and now that empress beatrix is gone, we can turn imperium into that which we have always dreamed of. We build it anew: public greenhouses, renewable energy, more than one flavor of tea. And additionally, we are going to open the city to all - from ninjago and everywhere. Then only the sky will be the limit (he starts trailing off as something flies overhead and crashes into the ground nearby) What was that? (he runs towards the crater, where he finds Euphrasia) Euphrasia: Help! Cut to the monastery, where the ninja are assembled in the courtyard Nya: So you dreamt of warriors in wolf masks? Lloyd: They were so scary, i couldn´t sleep for weeks afterwards. I thought it was just nightmares... Arin: but last evening, we fought against these wolf masks. And now we know that these visions are real.
L: visions of great dangers that are approaching - and they always end with something called the blood moon. That´s when i wake up screaming. Frohicky: drink some of this, master. It´s a recipe from my mother. delicious fly-swamp tea. It´s gonna calm your nerves. Wyldfyre: That smells Great! Sora: where are all these flys coming from? F: thats how you know it´s good. L: compared to the tea, my nightmares are only half as bad. F: see? it works wonders, as i said. S: even if those are visions, that doesn´t neccessarily means that what you see actually happens, right? We all take charge of our own destiny. A: last night our luck wasn´t as good. My shaky spinjitzu didn´t stand a chance against that new elemental master. N: don´t be so hard on youself, Arin. You were surprised. Next time, the rest of us is gonna be there. Kai: absolutely! Where there´s an elemental master of smoke, there is an elemental master of fire. L: you´re right, i don´t know what i´m so afraid of. Ninja never quit. except for maybe this tea. N: So this elemental master has brought the mallet he stole to lord ras. What does ras want to do with it? It´s definitely not gonna be good. S: i think i know a place where we might find some answers. Lloyd, Sora, Arin and Zane are walking in the crossroads. They arrive at the store of a green merlopian. L: i heard that Fedulian(?), the guy who owns the shop, isn´t always the most honest. Since you two know the people of the crossroads better than Zane and i, you´ll probably get more info out of him. S: that means that you, Arin, can´t give up as easily when we go and question him. A: why would i? S: because you are too nice and easily trust everything other people say. Didn´t you once believe Kreel, when she claimed to be a robot? A: I really didn´t think a human could dance like that. Fedulian(?): hm, the ninja. can i help you? A: what can you tell us about the ancient mallet that was stolen from your shop last night? Fe: hm, well sadly i have no idea, what you´re talking about. A: cool, thanks for your time. S: Fedulian, we know that a mallet was stolen from this store. Don´t you want your property back? We´re gonna help you, but we need to know what could be done with it. Fe: who knows? listen, people bring old things to me and i sell them. I can´t know every single item that is in this store. (picking up a book) What is this? a doorstop? a helmet? who knows? I would like to catch the thief who broke in here, but i have a buisness to attend to. S: let´s go (walking away with the others) He´s hiding something. A: are you sure? he seemed very trustworthy to me.
S: Arin, i love you, but you need to understand that not everybody is honest to us. could you pull us up to that roof? A: of course (he shoots his grappling hook and they all climb up) L: i need to get myself a grappling hook like that. They watch over the side of the roof as fedulian takes out a tablet and calls a hypnobrai Fe: Huncho(?), the ninja were just here. Huncho(?): ugh, gross S: gross is pretty harsh Fe: they asked about the mallet. i told them i had no idea. but see this as a warning, that the ninja might come to you next. A: huh, i really am bad at spotting liars. H: then it´s time for me to go on a little vacation. (she turns off the video and Fedulian walks off) S: i know that graffiti on the wall behind her. I´m the one who made it, when i was young and bored. Come on, let´s go. (the four arrive at the wall with the graffiti) A: there it is, your noodle graffiti. S: uh, that´s a cat. L: why does it have meatballs in its face? S: those are the eyes! Zane: scanning. No cat was identified in this picture. S: ok, we are not here to make fun of my old art. Hunch´s hideout must be nearby. L: let´s look for some sort of pattern, starting - (he is knocked over as a secret door in the wall behind him is opened outward by huncho) H: oh, hello ninja, nice to meet you. I´m just getting rid of this not at all valuable junk to make our city nicer. and the best part is that none of this stuff was stolen and they aren´t forbidden anywhere. You don´t really seem to believe me so - MAGIC ATTACK(she throws a teapot at them. It hits zane and falls to the ground). as you can see, this object isn´t as magical as i first thought. My bad. but hey - BUTTERFLYSWARM ATTACK(she releases a group of butterflies that fly away harmlessly) okay, those fluttered away, but what about a PSYHCO SPHERE EXPLOSION! yeah, ok i see the problem, it´s just a doorknob. Sorry, i´m still pretty new to this whole stolen artifacts business. L: are you done trying to use that to fight? H: did i ever really start? when i see an old artifact, i try to grab it as soon as i can.It´s not likely i´m actively trying to steal from people. am i in trouble? S: that depends on how well you can answer our questions. You gave fedulian a mallet. What is it good for? H: that thing? according to rumors, it is the mallet of the gong of shattering. L: Gong of shattering? H: it is a myth from the wyldness. it is said that if the gong is hit with this mallet, i releases its dark energy. A: can we believe her about that? I´m really not sure now.
H: would i lie to you? uh yes, absolutely, but i´m not lying right now. I´m only telling you what i´ve heard. allegedly, everybody has some good inside of them. but if you are wearing a weird wolf mask and then strike the gong with the hammer, it destroys that bit good inside you. L: wolf mask? H: weird, right? and when the good has been destroyed, not only do you become stronger, no, it is said to be possible to learn many evil things. S: what kind of evil things? H: fighting techniques, mystical powers, all those things that were held back by the good in you.If you believe in this kind of superstition. Cut back to the monastery. S: do you believe that story huncho told us? a gong that can destroy the good in you? L: it fits right in with my visions. (suddenly, someone knocks on the door of the monastery. frohicky rushes to open it) F: welcome to the monastery of spinjitzu. How can we- (the door opens to reveal Percival, carrying someone with their arm over his shoulder.) A: Percival? What are you doing here? (the door opens fully to show that he has euphrasia with him) S: Euphrasia! Euphrasia: ninja, we need your help. L: what happened? (the scene flashes back to the beginning, with Ras and his warriors emerging from the smoke) Su: could it be? please- not- NO- (the warriors attacks, knocking over scrolls) Jordana: So easy. and we didn´t even need to use the gong of shattering. Ras: the gong has to be used with thought behind it. Let´s go, Jordana, we are going to the archives. (Euphrasia lands in the middle of the square, using her powers to knock wolf warriors away) Euphrasia: maybe you idiots didn´t know, but the cloud kingdom is under the protection of the elemental master of wind. (she fights multiple wolf warriors, before being attacked by Cinder) Cinder: looks like your wind is nothing but a light breeze. (the two fight, which ends with him blasting euphrasia off the side of the island, where she slows her fall with her powers) E: the - ninja -need to help me (she then flies off) The scene switches to the destiny´s bounty, now flying towards the cloud kingdom as Euphrasia finishes her story. E: i wanted to fly to your monastery, but i couldn´t do it and percival found me. A: the cloud kingdom archive is full of scrolls and scientific studies. Why would Lord Ras want to look around there? L: he is looking for the blood moon. It´s gonna be the reason he is there right now. If my visions are correct, i know that the blood moon is important. And very very bad. (they arrive at cloud kingdom and park the bounty in a hidden spot by the side. Arin shoots his grappling hook up to help them all climb) i´m serious, i want a grappling hook like that.
A: i´d gladly trade it for an elemental power. L: be patient arin, every ninja has their own way.(they all sneak onto the kingdom, hiding behind pillars and walls) A: it´s very quiet around here. S: i think you mean creepy. L: be ready for anything. (they walk and see the monks and warriors) E: the writers of destiny! luckily they´re okay. (they see one of the warriors threaten on of the monks) A: maybe not that okay. (Zane starts scanning the scrolls the monks are holding and appear to be translating) Z: they are translating texts from an ancient language. But none i know. According to my data, this language is evil. S: how can a language be evil? Z: believe me, it is. (they hear muffled noises nearby and run towards the source, a cocoon, guarded by a warrior. Kai knocks out the warrior and opens the cocoon, revealing Suetonius inside) Su: thank you ninja. Euphrasia! you´re alive. E: yeah. what happened. Su: it was just terrible (a flashback starts, with him and marcus running after Ras and Jordana in the archives) This Archive is our most valuable possession. We will defend it against you with all our power. Ras: no, you will not. but i still need you - for now. That´s one of the reasons i put a curse on your scroll worms. (he says a spell and the worms start turning red) Su: you cursed them? (the worms start shooting silk at him and marcus and the flashback ends) Wyldfyre: creepy! but kind of fun creepy. L: do these scrolls have anything to do with the blood moon? Su: Ras wouldn´t dare. He can not! A: that sounds like a yes to me Su: the blood moon only rises every couple millenia in the wyldness. And when this special event happens, dark beings can be awakened using a secret ritual. They are called the forbidden five. S: that sounds pretty intimidating. Su: that´s because they are. The forbidden five were once elemental masters, thousands of years ago. They discovered evil forces, which no other elemental master could stop. They conquered their worlds and everybody who stood in their way, didn´t stand a chance. A: and there was nothing that could stop them? Su: it seemed impossible, but a mystical force came from the east and banished them from all the realms for all of eternity. Their discoveries, teachings and even their language were banned, hundreds of years ago. If Ras actually managed to unlock their secrets and then performed the ritual of the blood moon- L: -he could bring them back. WF: why the long faces? It´s super easy! We stop Ras, before he even knows that we´re here. S: it might already be too late for that (a group of wolf warriors walks towards them, ready for battle. Seeing their masks, Lloyd has another short vision of them, before returning to reality) L: NINJA GO!
the two sides fight, while Suetonius and Euphrasia go into hiding J: try what you want, Ninja, but you will never be as powerful as us. S: are you not watching? We´re kicking the wolf masks´ butts. There seems to be something wrong with your eyesight, whoever you are. J: WHAT!? I am Jordana! Your arch-enemy! you were afraid of our next encounter! S: huh? Oh, wait! are you the girl that was in my class in imperium? Why are you hanging out out here? J: you´re gonna find out fast enough. (Ras takes out the gong and mallet of shattering) L: He´s got the mallet and the gong! S: we´re about to learn if you can actually destroy the good in a person. (Ras strikes the gong repeatedly, causing the wolf masks to glow as their wearers throw their swords aside, while blue claws manifest on their arms) Ok, that certainly looks like it. L: that´s the sound from my visions! N: We are with you Lloyd. We´re all there. And we´re ready for it. (the two sides fight again) S: i can´t use my powers without technology! K: then just use spinjit- oh, right. sorry. (fighting continues) L: you were right, Sora. My visions don´t matter. We all make our own destiny. And now we end your occupation of the cloud kingdom, Ras. R: i doubt that is going to happen. CINDER! (Cinder attacks the ninja) K: i heard there is a new elemental master of smoke. I already beat up your predecessor. L: we know what you are doing here! You are trying to unlock the ancient secrets. But those were not forbidden without reason. R: trying? No, i have done it. I have begun unleashing the true power. pay attention and watch what happens to an elemental master who studied the lost teachings of the forbidden five. (Cinder puts on a wolf mask, which turns into a glowing red armor as ras strikes the gong. He begins flying in a tornado of red lightning, his eyes now glowing red as he fights the ninja) A: is that a new kind of spinjitzu? R: it is a dark and highly evolved form of your beloved fighting technique, which was long forbidden and forgotten. SHATTERSPIN L: i have never heard of that. WF: who cares? let´s fight! (the ninja fight him, getting defeated) K: come on, he can´t beat all of us. (he fights them, defeating them one by one, including zane who starts throwing sparks. Wyldfyre attacks him and is thrown back, her leg broken) K: Wyldfyre is badly injured. R: Cinder! Take care of them Z: the only logical move for us is retreat! L: but ninja never- N: Lloyd, there is no other way. If we want to defeat Ras, we need to get away from here and regroup. Come on, Come on (the ninja retreat to the bounty, pursued by the wolf masks. they get away) L: How can we stop Ras with this kind of power! N: We are gonna find a way, Lloyd. Master Wu has trained us well. L: he did, Nya. But he didn´t train us for this. Who can teach us how to stop shatterspin?
Ras, watching from the cloud kingdom: the cloud kingdom and all its dark secrets now finally belong to me. Our Journey to the blood moon continues. And the forbidden five shall rise again!
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ninjago-x-lmk · 1 year
Now I haven’t read ‘Splinter of the Blind Man’s Eye’ yet.
Frankly cause I’m broke as shit and can’t afford to buy the book that isn’t available in my country.
I haven’t found the Google Doc yet as well…
But, I don’t think Cloud Kingdom has full control over destiny as they so claim.
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This monk boi here, managed to ‘change Fennwick’s destiny’ with a simple scroll, showing that the writers in Cloud Kingdom are also bound by destiny itself. If Fenwick (idk how the frick you spell his name) is also capable of being bound by destiny despite being ‘The Master Writer’ or ‘The WishMaster’ despite being the writer of destiny, shouldn’t he be above destiny since he’s one of the people in charge of writing it?
Unless of course that the Cloud Kingdom is only responsible for writing destiny. But not destiny itself.
If the Master Writer is bound by destiny, then there’s a possibility that all the writers are bound by destiny.
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‘Do not dabble in their affairs anymore, this is for them to resolve!’
The fact that one of monks says ‘them’ instead of ‘destiny’ or ‘let destiny take it’s course’ makes me feel suspicious.
Cause like, it’s their job that decides whether or not Morro and Lloyd resolve things.
So maybe Cloud Kingdom does not have full control over destiny like everyone thinks? Perhaps they are given semi-control or at the very least Destiny like the Balance is a separate part of the world of Ninjago that it coexists along with the universe.
However unlike ‘The Balance’ Destiny clearly interacts with the world more than it does.
Perhaps Destiny just grants these guys control but not full control? Or maybe Destiny itself is more complex than a simple realm dedicated to writing it.
Also off topic: Why the hell are the ninjas being written by a monk that young? Or is that monk just short?
Actually wait he’s not wearing one of those hoods so he’s possibly young…and new…
Then why the hell is he in charge of the ninjas???
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bostrichidae · 1 year
ice cold (part 1)
Where was he now?
Was he in another realm?
That wasn't good.
The other writers would track him down for sure.
I need to prepare.
Gold is not a durable metal. But the main purpose of this sword was not to slash and destroy. It was to assist.
Numen wasn't a blacksmith. He'd never learned any skills outside of writing, as he was a monk of Cloud Kingdom. But as he admired the sword, he figured his powers might be useful in the realm of Ninjago. After all, the monks were much more powerful than whatever the broken realm had to offer. Seriously, Ninjago's broken- in half. The Dark Island and Mainland Ninjago weren't always separated. But that's a tale for another time. Right now, he just had to give himself some sort of defense against that insufferable Fenwick and his pet... what was its name again? Nugget? Nympe? Nimbus? Yes, that was it. Fenwick, the master writer's apprentice, and his weird pet Nimbus. And whatever else the Cloud Kingdom could throw at him to try and convince him to return.
Right, the sword. It was infused with some of Numen's own powers; the blade could reflect the future and show you your opponent's next move. It would be quite useful. But not outside of a fight. He needed something farther reaching. He needed to see far into the future, even if those visions were brief and vague. So, he went in search of a vessel.
It was perfect.
Numen grabbed one of the icicles and broke off a chunk.
Two more grew in its place.
What a fascinating crystal.
Who knew the Caves of Despair housed such beautiful wonders?
Too bad he couldn't explore the First Spinjitsu Master's tomb; the trials were created by the original Master Writer, a close friend of the FSM. There was no getting past them unless you were a highly skilled spinjitsu master, which alas, Numen was not. He was just a runaway monk looking to create a futuresight crystal.
As he grasped the chunk of ice-crystal-stuff, he called upon his birthplace. This would take the last of his power, cursing him to the binds of mortality.
But Numen's fucks had ran out a long time ago, not that he had many to give in the first place.
It swirled around in the air. A tingling feeling, making its way up his spine. The sensation made its way down his arm, leaving through his fingertips and entering the now-glowing crystal. Numen's strength was leaving his body, and his legs began to shake. So he let them collapse. When all of his power had been drained, and he was weaker than he'd been his entire life, Numen found it in himself to fall asleep right then and there.
That was too much for the crystal to hold.
It wouldn't return to Numen.
Small bits of energy trickled out of the crystal and were absorbed into the ground. It bloomed and spread like an infectious disease. But that was no disease. For as a select few travelers (and ninja) would soon find out, the ice saw you not as you were, but as you someday would be.
He finally escaped that cave. Turns out, there'd been a cave-in near the old Grundle den. The geothermal vents had erupted due to an outside influence. Caused by some mischievous kid who thought he'd be able to find the FSM's tomb. When Numen went to investigate, there was only a skeleton left. The skeleton wore tattered green clothes, almost like some sort of fucked-up ninja gi. Well, whatever. He'd just have to find another way out.
It's been one hundred and eighty-six days since I left that cave. I can feel my mortality growing, creeping, waiting to strike. But that's all right. I don't fear death. The only reason I'm still alive is to make sure that these artifacts don't fall into the wrong hands.
There's a man standing there. He is young, about thirty years old. His stark-white hair provides a beautiful contrast to his royal blue cloak and pale skin. I can see a beard beginning to grow on his angled face. Despite the cold, he does not shiver. His skin does not flush, and he does not turn his back to the icy wind. Rather, he seems at home. Like a spirit of the blizzard. I know I do not have time left. Sometime today, I will die of old age and extreme temperatures. This man is my only hope.
"Protect them."
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toastingpencils37 · 6 months
Fuck the way the Wolf Mask warriors just abruptly kick down the Cloud Kingdom monks when they invade the kingdom.
It's not all out brutal like other fight scenes but the easy defeat plus the Cloud monks unable to fight back makes it brutal, y'know?
Plus there's something different about the Wolf warriors' movements in that "fight" (if you could even call it a fight), probably due to the utter ease of it.
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fiddler-sticks · 1 year
Chapter 2 is out!
Winds of Destiny (1636 words) by fiddlersticks Chapters: 2/? Fandom: LEGO Ninjago (Cartoon 2011-2022), LEGO Ninjago: Dragons Rising (Cartoon 2023) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Morro & Euphrasia Characters: Morro (Ninjago), Euphrasia (Ninjago), Lloyd Garmadon (mentioned) Summary: Morro jumps through a portal caused by a mergequake in the Departed Realm, and ends up in the Cloud Kingdom. He finds an unexpected friend there
He was face-to-face with a monk, who was staring right at him. Of course, they were staring right at him. He had just bumped into them. Oh no, did they know what he was up to? That would be bad, as he had no way that he knew of to get back to the Departed Realm, and most likely all of the monks knew who he was. He assumed he was pretty popular there because of, you know, the whole ‘defying destiny’ thing.
Right when he was about to bolt, the monk started talking.
“Hi? Who are you,” the monk asked, an inquisitive look on her face.
“Uhhh…” Morro said, frozen in place. She didn’t sound too threatening or snooty like the monks he’d met were, but they all had an eerily calm air around them. Creepy, if you asked Morro. But this one didn’t sound like that.
The monk spoke again. “You don’t seem like you’re from around here,” she said. “Are you lost? We’ve had a lot of strange, lost travelers lately from the mergequakes.”
“Mergequakes?” Morro asked, confused.
“Yes. Earthquakes caused by The Merge a few weeks back, resulting most times in small portals opening to other realms. Did you come from one of those portals?”
“Ohhh, okay. Yep, that was what happened. Now I’m gonna just go now…” Morro said, and turned to run off. Even if this monk was different than the rest, she’d most likely tell him off to the rest if she knew what he was up to.
But before he could go, she spoke again.
“Go where? There isn’t another portal open, and there most likely won’t be one to the Departed Realm again for a while.”
“Oh,” Morro said, and stood still. He wasn’t really surprised that she knew he was from the Departed Realm. He WAS a ghost, after all.
“Why don’t you come with me, and I can show you to where all the other displaced are staying? A few of the monks are tasked with gathering essentials and making quarters for everyone who ended up here.”
“Uhh, I don’t know if I’ll be welcome there…”
“Why not?”
She didn’t know, did she. How to explain without giving his identity away?
“The Cloud Kingdom,” Morro started, “I don’t think they like me very much.”
“The Cloud Kingdom tries to give everyone the best life possible!” A cheery one, this one was.
“Hah, I’ll believe that when I finally get a break,” he retorted.
“What do you mean?” she asked. “And who are you?”
Oh no. Direct question. Abort, abort.
“Look, I gotta go. There’s gotta be another portal around here somewhere,” he said, and started running away.
“Wait, come back!” called the monk, chasing after him. “You didn’t even tell me your name! I’m Euphrasia! Please, just come back! You don’t even have to stay here if you don’t want to!”
“Since when do you Cloud Kingdom monks ever care about what I want!” Morro called over his shoulder. He was climbing up the wall of a tower now.
“What do you even mean! Please come down. You could fall!”
She sounded really worried now. Maybe she really wasn’t like the rest of them.
Morro crouched on the roof of the tower he climbed, and looked down. She was still there, standing at the bottom looking up at him, a concerned look on her face.
“You guys probably tell stories about me, how do you not know who I am?”
“I’m supposed to know who you are?”
“I would think so. Like I told you, the Cloud Kingdom doesn’t like me much. You can stop pretending to be nice to me now.”
“I’m not pretending! And I really don’t know who you are. You don’t even have to tell me if you don’t want to. Just please come down. You could fall and get hurt, if ghosts even get hurt. I really don’t want that to happen. I just met you! I really don’t want that to be on my conscience. I met someone interesting for once, and they fell and got hurt all because I couldn’t stop them from running off and doing something stupid.”
Morro smirked. “You think I’m interesting? I’ll show you something really interesting.”
And with that, he jumped off the tower.
He heard Euphrasia scream, and made sure to flail his limbs extra hard, before using the wind to steady his fall.
He smirked harder as he touched the ground in front of her. She looked positively horrified
“WHAT?! HOW DID YOU- WHAT WAS THAT?!?!” Euphrasia yelled.
“Ever hear about the Elemental Masters?” he asked.
She nodded.
“I control the element of Wind.”
She stared at him, eyes wide. “Uh, okay,” she said, clearly still worked up.
Morro snorted. “They really don’t tell you anything, do they?”
“I’m not very high up in the ranks of monks, yet,” Euphrasia explained.
Wait a second. Morro started to get an idea.
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firesofdainix · 2 years
October 1: Torment | Chains | "You promised me."
CW: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Death
Finally did some Morrotober stuff! Nothing but for my boy right here!
AO3 version: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42058260/chapters/105597894
Timelines are an interesting subject to think about. Like the branches on a tree, or the vines that run to cover every crevice or empty space in the world. It is ever-present, probabilities mixing together to create a new formula or a new universe out of nothing, stars, and galaxies colliding into an impossible mix of awe and horror. A sparkle of something new coming out from an abyss of differing events to one choice, or from a different trademark happening in the background. There are a million timelines within one branch, always fluctuating, multiplying, and being added as it develops. It is a whirlpool of all events being rolled into one, or perhaps, separating into different, new foreign timelines that divert from the main one, the real one. But there is no such thing as reality, or a true timeline from all these other timelines, correct? There is only, simply, a subject and an ending that can always be altered.
So, the subject of alternate timelines, and how they work, is simply whether or not your choices coincide with the best set of ending for you, a plausibility of climbing one tree higher with alternating branches. It is the reason why we are at whatever timeline you are in— you made it.
But why am I talking about timelines?
Oh, simply because that is currently what we are going through when we talk about Morro and his multiple choices throughout his life.
In a different timeline, Wu keeps his mouth shut tight and continues to nurture him until there comes a time he dies before he celebrates his thirtieth birthday, the Curse of the Masters of Wind coming to collect their debt.
In another one, Morro returns to the monastery, feet covered in dirt, face darkened with grime, and eyes filling with tears. Wu rushes to him, his arms as light as a feather as he puts them around the sniveling Morro.
In the most well-known timeline, Morro is cursed, tainted with the evil mark of the Preeminent, drowning in his resentment and anger before defying his own destiny and taking the Realm Crystal to release his master. He dies a watery death, after reflecting upon his own decisions leading to his own ruin, with no regrets of the present, but rather of the past.
And that is when the scripts and writings on Morro’s scroll in the Cloud Kingdom have now halted; the privileged writers who have done nothing but give each and every one of the ninjas and those who around them the worst fortunes imaginable, Morro’s scroll toppled to the ground, before being archived by the monks who did not want to mention the one who defied the concept of destiny that is as primordial as the Oni and Dragon Wars. That is where his scroll stays; collecting dust, the figure of the writing never attempting to rebel against the fate that has been assigned to him.
But, there is another timeline that they have experimented with executing, a timeline that they have stored into other timelines.
The one where Morro wins. Where he plants Lloyd’s head on a pike as a great cloud of curses starts to form over the Realm of Ninjago. Where the ghosts run free across the world, lighting up the world in a sickly green hue. Where pandemonium will forever be eternal in each and every settlement of the people. Where the ninja is nowhere to be found, unable to withstand the Preeminent’s hold over the Realm.
A gruesome fairytale, filled with the most grotesque endings to be told by the spirits and ghosts who wish to tell the tale, of the man that had wanted the green gi so much he broke the barriers of his fate. Of an eldritch entity with a hold over her own realm, wafting the other sixteen with her abysmal, evil aura.
Morro, the ghost, scorned son of Master Wu, the new Green Ninja, should feel the triumph. He’s finally gotten rid of his one true villain, the thorn at his side, the reason why he was never proven as worthy to his own master. The one that keeps on giving him the worst thoughts possible, of never being enough.
Yet, all he could feel when he kills Lloyd with his own two hands, not noticing the way his hands smoke and sting as the red liquid continues to clash with his green corporeal form, was emptiness and a dread pooling into his stomach. All his eyes were focused on is to kill Lloyd Garmadon, as ecstasy continues to drain from within him, his mouth curved to a manic smile.
Because he’s killed Lloyd Garmadon.
Yet, he doesn’t feel quite relieved, or overjoyed, now that he would not share his title with anyone else.
There was just… dread.
Dread has always been a constant companion of his as he traverses the Cursed Realm’s ribcage, a wasteland of discordant dystopia, attracting hungry stares everywhere as if he were prey to be eaten. Knowing that he is being watched by the one entity whom he didn’t very much want to interact with. She was able to sing to his inspiration in his mind and dreams, which is why he is currently here in the first place.
But why does he feel it instead of the crushing weight of happiness overtaking him as he waves the green gi high in the air?
He doesn’t even laugh— he could not even bring himself to lift the corners of his mouth up as the other ghosts take one note of the gi that he is clutching like a lifeline and cheer.
The Preeminent had crooned like an animal as he presents both the Realm Crystal and the bloodied gi, before finally settling onto her final form so that she could plant herself into this realm before moving on to the next one. Morro can only stare emptily, before simply floating in one of the houses that had once been part of the civilization he assisted in destroying. He hears the ear-piercing shrieks of the people, comparable to a dying animal, and the howls of joy that rumble the entire world.
The Preeminent is not very keen on keeping her promises, a fact that he’s known since he was a young ghost. It is especially clear to Morro, who’s seen the inside of her head to note that he was not as favored as he believes he is. If he was, he would have ascended to her head to achieve enlightenment for the dream of becoming the Green Ninja immediately when he had garnered her attention.
After a while (he doesn’t know if it was a few days, months, or even years; the Cursed Realm’s changeless surroundings desensitized him to time), it seems she’s become less interested in Ninjago and sets her sights upon the other realms.
She settles on the Cloud Kingdom first, and Morro doesn't feel a single thing except for relief and satisfaction, as the home of those who have come to write their fates disappear headlong to the abyss one by one, devoured by the Preeminent, never finding another semblance of afterlife that was not the paradise they seek.
Well, except one.
Fenwick falls to his knees in front of the gargantuan Preeminent and Morro, form trembling. Morro wants to laugh, but he's already drained himself of all emotions. “Please, spare me! I have done all you have asked! You have told me that you shall not curse this Realm when I assist you!”
Morro scoffs, "We all know what you're really like, Fenwick. You are nothing but a traitorous weasel."
Fenwick cowers at his statement, before turning to the Preeminent.
The Preeminent takes her time with her words, but Morro knows her answer. It's already been embedded in her head, like a wheel that would not stop spinning.
Then, she croons, the sound of a thousand Cursed souls morphing to make a legitimate sound. He shudders.
Fenwick, her voice tries to be sweet, but with a hundred voices, a woman, a man, and a child mixing together, it was a failed attempt. Fulfilling a promise is only for the Righteous.
The elderly man pales, and Morro takes this as a sign to swing his sword towards the offender of his master’s wrath. The squelch of flesh seizes the quiet realm, and the spray of blood subsequently follows.
Fenwick's head is on the ground now, permanently endowed with a horrified expression. A quell of satisfaction seeps into his veins, even when he has to smell the putrid stench of blood.
It was better to die by his hand than be devoured by the Preeminent.
Hm. The Preeminent hums, the only noise in this now static realm. It was dead, gone. The destiny-makers have all been killed, Cursed, or devoured. I did not think you would enact mercy upon the man who wronged you.
Believe Morro; he wanted this man to suffer, but in the end, he's decided he's caused enough suffering. Even if this man certainly deserves it.
Besides, he has another dream to chase, his own destiny he must fulfill.
The Green gi burns on his clothes.
He turns to look at the Preeminent, eyes empty but excited. "Master, I believe I am now worthy."
Of what? She asks as if she was playing naive. He knows of her tricks by now. He's not falling for it.
"Of obtaining the rank of the Green Ninja." He keeps his impatience and irritation for her out of his voice, moving to a proud stance. "I have not failed you, Mistress of the Cursed Realm."
Yes, indeed you haven't. Then another ear-splitting silence enters the realm. The dread continues to pull on his corporeal form as if he was melting under the pressure.
After a minute of silence, he tries again. "... What's the verdict, Mistress?"
She starts to laugh, and his own ghostly form wavers.
It was the same laugh she had expressed when she made a deal with him, back at the Caves of Despair.
Morro feels cold seep into his veins, like roots searching for ways to quench their thirst.
He feels the wind pick up, a sign that he was utterly horrified.
He's already sealed his fate the day he made a deal with her, but he didn't think she'd break it immediately.
Then, he feels something grip his wrist. With a gasp, he sees the tentacles of the Preeminent coiling on him, as if they are in a rough embrace.
But he knows what this means.
"You— you promised me!" He bellows at the Preeminent, trying to escape the chains when he knows full well there is truly no escaping the entirety of the Realm.
Like I said, Master of Wind, she doesn't address him as the 'rightful Green Ninja' anymore. As if it was a fake title. Fulfilling promises is only for the Righteous.
Morro's desperation starts to show, as he begins to claw at the ground, leaving scratching marks that will mark the day he foolishly trusted the Preeminent’s whims. He should have known this would happen— he was never truly favored, simply only a title that has been given to him by proxy due to how expendable and powerful he was. When he controls the wind, he controls life; something that the Cursed Realm is clearly devoid of, and that is something that his Mistress has always wanted to exploit.
He wants to laugh as his hands go numb, as his own ghostly body gives up on trying to evade his own proper death. The afterlife he has been living until now was simply an augmentation of his own life, except it was less forgiving and harsher than what he had been exposed to.
How absurd of him, to have to completely bow to the Mistress of the Realm in hopes of seeking enlightenment, before he is consumed.
Morro should not have made a deal with an entity that he is aware will never keep her vows straight.
That is his last thought before he is ingested into the Preeminent, feeling his own spirit disintegrate into prompt nothingness as if he had never existed in the first place.
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realityandrebirth · 10 months
Tumblr media
made a ninjago shipping chart for everyone I interpret as lloyd's age. have fun!
disclaimer: these don't all happen in the same AU.
(nobu is a cloud kingdom monk who appeared in s5 and was named in the credits)
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laughs-and-crafts · 2 years
Ninjago: Generations, Chapter One, Part Two
Welcome to the second part of the first chapter of my Ninjago: Generations fanfic! I hope you enjoy!!
Ryn gave the room a once-over before agreeing that it was undisturbed. Neo was telling the truth. She spotted her ceremonial robes in the corner and changed, a cool breeze blowing through her slightly ajar window making her shiver as the robes fluttered lightly in the wind. 
Ryn could see the sun beginning to set, and Ryn began to put away her clothes. Despite her reputation as a oni-blooded menace, Ryn’s possessions were always kept neat and tidy. She removed her phone from the green hoodie, the small dragon charm hanging from it bouncing around. She quickly turned it on, and found no messages awaiting her, so she turned it off again. 
A light knock on the door caused Ryn to face it, sliding open the screen. “The ceremony is set to begin soon, are you ready?” Lloyd said to her, a little smile on his face. “Yeah, did Neo get you the flute?” Lloyd looked at her in surprise. “Yes, he did. I assume you saw him?” Ryn gave a slight cackle. “I scared him out of his wits, yeah, but we’re cool now anyway.” Lloyd gave her a glare, which caused her chaotic grin to vanish. “But anyway, I’m all ready, set and raring to go.” He nodded and motioned to follow him out. 
Ryn traced his footsteps as the two headed down the hall and outside. The courtyard was prepared for the ceremony, as were the monks. She spotted Neo standing in the small crowd of invited guests (of which there were very few). 
She spotted her fathers good friend Faith from another realm, and the current Prince of Shintaro, Damaius, was present, dressed quite casually for royalty. King Benthomaar of Merlopia gave her a small wave, and Ryn grinned. She had always wondered how he had kept his boyish wonder after centuries of ruling an entire kingdom. 
Ryn heard Lloyd clear his throat, and she moved into position, next to her father.
“Today we gather in this special place to honour the Elements that shape this world. Of the fire that fuels our fight, the earth that holds us steady, the lightning that brings our light, the water that brings our salvation and the ice that brings us solitude. Five hundred years ago, the elemental masters gave their powers to defeat an ancient evil. Their elemental powers were returned to the world, and there has been no trace of the elements ever since.”
Lloyd holds up a large piece of a long lost mural, where hands were painted in different colours, to represent the unity of the masters. 
“I knew them personally. These elemental masters are long since gone from the earth's memory.” Lloyd lowers his head, and Ryn moved forwards, holding a clear bowl filled with the water of prophecy. “We wish the elements another five hundred years of slumber.” 
Lloyd dipped his hands into the water, and Ryn saw the green light that momentarily filled his eyes, before vanishing. 
Then Lloyd did something unexpected. 
He took the bowl from Ryn’s hands, despite the look of confusion painted across her face. He nodded down at her hands, and Ryn lifted her hands, and gestured to the bowl.
Despite Ryn’s already apparent confusion, she was shocked to see him nod at the gesture.
Ryn lifted her hands cautiously, and placed them in the water.
A swirl of images clouded around her vision, obscuring the sight of her father with imagery of six figures draped in colourful gis, each one with a symbol at their back. A fiery inferno encased the colourful vision as fire filled everything. 
A bright green light filled the space, and Ryn could feel the power running through her blood, she felt the energy tingling at her fingertips, the sheer force of it buzzing through every fibre in her being-
And then it was gone.
Ryn gasped as she tripped backwards, managing to catch her balance as she looked up at her father. An unusual look was in his eyes, similar to pity, but deeper, sadder.
She shook it off as she stood side by side with him as he struck the ancient gong, completing the ceremony, and the small afterparty beginning. “What was that?” She whispered to Lloyd, who replied. “Something that I should have realised a long time ago.” She was even more confused as he walked off towards King Benthomaar. 
“Hello again.” A monotonous but lightly toned voice said from behind her, and she was met with the blue eyes of Neo. “Oh. Hey.” Ryn said, somewhat distantly, and she cleared her throat. Neo looked at her curiously. “What did you see up there?” Ryn looked at him in alarm, until she saw the innocently curious expression on his face. “I saw light and dark forces.”
Neo nodded once, and his gaze shifted over to the bowl with the prophetic water within it. 
Based on that simple movement, Ryn knew he was thinking about what he could see with the water.
Ryn could agree with him. She was wondering the exact same thing.
Link to Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42980961/chapters/107990343
Please be on the lookout for Chapter Two! Will be out soon!
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