attcnds · 3 years
They’ve told themself that they’re here at the Scrapyard to find a new cable for Moony, but that’s a weak lie, even for Sun-- their sleepy-time mode hardly deserves a gift like that, and besides, it’s not like the buildings around here even have the infrastructure to accommodate Moon’s aerial acrobatics. Probably.
But even a weak lie is better than acknowledging the truth, acknowledging that they’re here to make absolutely certain that their friends from the Pizzaplex aren’t. It’s just... so strange that out of all the animatronics there, they’re the one to have been scooped up and saved from the smoldering ashes of their home. It just doesn’t make sense! After what they’ve done, what they’ve tried to do... it would have been perfectly fair for them to have been left to burn.
But they weren’t, so that must mean the others weren’t, either. They’re all probably safe and sound in one of the other cities, far far away from the Daycare Attendant for reasons beyond his understanding. But on the off-chance that they are here, and, say, got mistaken for scrap...
Even after a thorough search, Sun finds no sign of the other animatronics. He’s not sure whether to be disappointed or relieved. He’s just about to head home to sort out his feelings there when he catches sight of an animal for which he had not been searching. 
The turtle wouldn’t seem out of place among the members of the band-- they’re as large as a person, walking upright, and even seem to be sporting their own stylish attempt at fashion-- but against all odds, they don’t seem to be mechanical at all. They appear perfectly organic, and human or not, that’s enough to make Sun worry over potential injuries when the stranger leans in a little to close to inspect the sharp edge of a rather large hunk of metal.
“Woah-ho-ho!” His own conflicted feelings momentarily forgotten, Sun immediately bends to pick the turtle up under their arms, lifting them up and away from the piece of metal. A strange sort of unbalance overcomes the Daycare Attendant for a moment, but it ignores the feeling in favor of turning the stranger around to face it.
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“Careful, friend! That looked dangerous! You wouldn’t want to get hurt, would you? Why don’t we play somewhere with less-- mess!”
@ninjartsy​ -- !
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tickinghearts · 2 years
@ninjartsy​ liked for a starter.
Of all the places in this strange new city, the one called Techno-Solar was by far the most foreign to Alice, from the architecture to the weird technology present everywhere. She’d been walking along the harbor, but found herself wandering north and further into the city sector and into what was supposedly known as the junkyard. Not really willing to explore such an area, she was about to turn back around when curiosity drew her to a strange hiss, shake, shake, sound. And, once she turned another corner...
Oh, wonderful. So there were animal people here, too.
They were apparently some kind of turtle, just a little shorter than Alice herself. She’d never seen this method of art before, but they seemed to be spraying paint from a can on the wall of one of the warehouses of the junkyard. That can was what had been making the noise she’d heard. Despite herself, Alice found herself transfixed watching the turtle person worked—until they happened to glance over their shoulder and meet her eye. Alice started, embarrassed she’d been caught staring.
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“Err, hi. ...You’re not supposed to be doing that, are you.” Her “scolding” was rather half-hearted; Alice wasn’t really attached enough to this place to feel strongly about vandalism done on it or anything. Besides, whatever he was making was starting to look kinda nice.
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hadescure · 3 years
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“ ━━Tsk.  I didn’t expect to share this space with someone else,”    Caster mutters aloud, eyeing the other briefly upon his entrance to the apartment.  And, with a strange turtle-dressed child at that; is this even remotely humane?  His patience already begins to thin toward the so-called Council.   “Ugh, and at a time like this!  No tools, no records.  Deplorable, utterly deplorable!  How can I perform my duties without proper equipment!?”   
He breathes calm through his nose before continuing.
“Well, no matter.  I will ensure your health before unnecessary illnesses spread.  Don’t worry;  this will be quick.”   Caster cuts a leveled gaze toward his roommate, expectant of their cooperation.   “Now then:  name, age, and any unprecedented symptoms upon arrival.”
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sprxngsxng · 2 years
@ninjartsy​ entangle event starter; 💜
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She shouldn’t be outside, at least not at this hour. Sakura was well aware of how dangerous Fuyuki was becoming; members of the family had already been sent away for their own safety.
... Not her, of course...
Shivering in the early-spring air, she turns her attention back to the house. It’s windows glow warmly, tricking any passersby into thinking it was an inviting space. But she was outside for a reason, after all; that house was anything but safe.
... A noise catches the young girl’s attention; the snap of a twig, maybe? Nervously, she turns to look towards it. In her young heart, she hopes it’s a cute animal. Anything to ease her nerves.
“...H... Hello...?”
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sylvarantichosen · 2 years
It had been a while since Colette had been able to practice her drawing. A friend of hers from the previous world she’d stayed in had given her a few lessons; despite him not being here, it was something she still wanted to try out some more, just for the fun of it. What better place to do so while enjoying the nice late spring weather but in the Whisperwood botanical gardens?
While looking for a comfortable spot to set up camp, so to speak, Colette spotted someone who appeared to have the same idea as her. A small, turtle-y looking person was focusing intently on the sketchbook in front of him as appeared to sketch a bundle of colorful tulips blooming. Colette adjusted the bag over her shoulder that contained her own sketchbook and pencils and approached him cautiously, not wanting to startle.
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“Hi there,” she chirped, “are you here to draw the flowers, too? Um, um... do you mind if I see?” Maybe he was a beginner practicing, too! If not, it could be fun to draw next to someone with more experience.
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superstxrs · 3 years
—– ✰ MIKEY { @ninjartsy } 
from a distance, all gregory sees is a walking turtle. nothing too odd for him, considering he comes from a world where animatronics are sentient and he sees a giant walking bear animatronic as something of a father figure - but the figure ahead of him doesn’t look robotic. in fact, his movement is fluid, and the way he talks (from what he can hear) doesn’t sound any bit robotic. 
to say that gregory isn’t intrigued would be a lie. he keeps his distance, only inching closer by the second - doing what he can to stay quiet, just so he doesn’t get caught.
unfortunately for him, too entranced by the other to properly watch his step, gregory trips over a potted plant on the floor - directly in front of the stranger, and lands right on his face. 
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he whines, picking his face up from off the floor. he rubs his face, taking a moment to gather his bearings. 
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[ 💛 ] how empathetic is your muse? how compassionate are they? is this something people expect from them, or are people surprised when they find out how compassionate or empathetic they actually are?
[ 👗 ] what is your muse’s fashion sense like? are they able to dress the way they want to? what would they wear in an ideal world?
Mariela is more what I would consider sympathetic than empathetic. There's still a lot she has to learn about how other people live because she was sheltered living out in the woods by herself. And lets be real, her job as an alchemist and her society has a far way to go with understanding disability and class issues (she really glossed over her society's market for slave trading because she's really not outspoken against the system and doesn't try to step out of line).
But saying all that, Mariela is incredibly compassionate and wants nothing more than to improve life for others, even if she isn't very smart or nuanced about political issues. She has a big heart and will run herself into the ground in order to give back to the community. She likes to see the good in everyone even if they have made mistakes and gives them the benefit of the doubt, even if she doesn't personally get along with someone.
Mariela likes tunics and comfortable clothes that are easy to move around in and don't really show off her figure that much. She's very self-conscious of her body shape / weight and so she's always hiding under big layers and a cape. She's also got traditional conservative tastes and it took awhile to get used to modern (present-day Endalsia) fashion trends. Whereas she was used to wearing skirts that went all the way down to her ankles, showing off skin by wearing shorts was very uncomfortable for her at first! I think overall she doesn't really know what would look good on her and is more willing to take advice from someone who knows better. Warm colors make her feel happy though and she will stick to those for the most part.
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rosepetalmafioso · 2 years
‘  why  did  you  hit  him?  ’
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"He was in my way, obviously. It was taking the indecisive brute ten minutes to decide which pastry to get at the café counter. I believe I did us all a favor." Blood turns his cane in a circle, tossing it between his fingers with a flourish.
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chronolium · 3 years
without reserve, I would like to apply Michelangelo from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Welcome to The Chronolium, Michelangelo.
Techno Solar has sponsored you. As such, your housing is TS-02.
Stay safe, and make yourself at home.
— Silk.
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stoicsneasel · 3 years
Even though the ninja turtle is trying to converse with him, Silver doesn’t seem to be paying much too much attention to the conversation. Instead, he’s thinking to himself on how Pokemon seem so different in other regions... Sadly, Silver seems to think this guy is a Pokemon.  Without thinking, he begins to ponder these thoughts aloud. “Hmm, the Pokemon in other areas of the world can speak our language? I see...”
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wanttobewinner · 3 years
I find that walking is nothing more but a pastime to let my mind wander. To let my mind think about unnecessary things, and unnecessary memories. This time, unlike the last time, I thought of a certain Human Failure. My mirror. Someone I never wanted to meet again. For some reason, he had his way of finding me in the most inconveniently convenient times. Inconvenient for me. Convenient for him. Be it under the bride in Kyoto. Be it when I faced those twins. Be it when I was atop that rooftop with an endless Blue. He had, always, usually, mostly, found me at times where I felt like giving up. Giving up. Letting the Story continue without stoppage. Letting things end. Half-assed until I couldn’t half-ass it anymore. That is exactly what I do. That is exactly who I am. Exactly what I’ve always been. This world, this unknown area, this unknown planet with its’ unknown solar system and unknown citizens — I still played no part in it. I still got pulled by another’s waves. I still remained half-assed. I still existed for another’s will. And yet, I still continued to live like nothing. So long as there was peace around me — I could continue to live like nothing. I could continue to exist like nothing. I could continue to do nothing. Whilst doing nothing, I walked. I walked endlessly. I walked without rest to the Clockwork Rafters again. I was going to buy food. At least, for once, for this time, it was not going to be kimchi. The plain looking unreliable narrator reached the food vendors. There was no hotheaded woman around this time. There was no alien to question his food choices around this time. Those simple motions seemed to have pleased Ii, but it would never show on his face. Getting in line of one of the vendors, the boy stood behind what seemed to be.. Another cosplayer? A turtle, this time. Ii has no recollection of ever seeing somebody like this, or a costume to such a detailed degree.. But, even if he had met someone like this before, his memory would fail him per usual. That’s always how it is. “ Hello. “
He spoke up to the turtle waiting ahead of him on the line. He was curious enough to at least ask where the con was, or what exactly was going on to warrant such a costume. “ Are you cosplaying? “
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attcnds · 3 years
Sun had had so much fun making art with Mikey! Inspired by all the paints, crayons, and drawings littering his friend’s room, the animatronic had gone searching for supplies of his own as soon as he had been able to. He had had some say in the Daycare’s stock back home, but he had never been able to actually make purchases for himself-- now that he can, it didn’t take him long to spend nearly every cent he received upon arrival on all manner of craft supplies and toys. 
The rest of his money had gone toward strings of fairy lights and a few small lamps-- just to be extra extra extra sure that his place stays bright and safe when he has company over. He spent all of last night organizing and re-organizing his room, setting out art stations and placing lights wherever he could to chase away every little shadow. Things have to be perfect for Mikey! Just perfect!
“Heeere we are!” Sun trills, tossing open the door to their housing with a flourish. They’ve been even more energetic than usual the entire way over, skipping backwards to chatter endlessly with Mikey as they led him through WayPoint. It doesn’t seem like anything could put a damper on the Daycare Attendant’s sunny mood!
...except, perhaps, for the sight that greets them through the open door.
“Ahahha...hoo. I-- didn’t know anyone else was home!”
On a couch of the communal living room sits a young boy, and it’s not the one Sun wants to see right now. 
Voice suddenly sounding a little strained, the animatronic offers introductions, stepping to the side to allow Mikey to enter.
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“Mikey, this is Gregory! He... still lives here, apparently! Gregory, this is my friend, Mikey. We were just... goingtogohavefuninmyroomokaybye!!”
@ninjartsy / @superstxrs​ !
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tickinghearts · 2 years
@ninjartsy​ asked:
[ text ] do you also hear thunder outside?
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[ text ] I think everyone did. It’s hard to sleep when it’s so loud.
[ text ] Not scared of thunder, are you?
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the-enthusiartist · 4 years
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Mr. CREEPY BONES Sometimes Art comes out when you want to tease your Bestie... That's how we created this piece of art, @ninjartsy sketched the base idea, that I developed into Mr. CREEPY BONES!! Thank you Rahul for the idea... this piece of art will always be my fav...!! #ipad #procreate #digitalpainting #horror #devil #theenthusiartist (at Mangalore, Karnataka, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE4QH6qFOKZ/?igshid=uxpbg5vhui4v
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sprxngsxng · 3 years
send 🍯 for a food headcanon
send🥛for a drink headcanon
* talk about your muse!
send 🍯 for a food headcanon
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Since she began helping out at the Emiya household, food has been a large source of stability in Sakura's otherwise tumultuous life. She associates it with Shirou; with love and safety. It's not uncommon for her to try and make friends by cooking them something!
send🥛for a drink headcanon
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Drinks, however, she’s far less adventurous about. She enjoys tea a lot, to the point she’s a little nervous to try other things. She’ll do so if someone asks of her, however.
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the-enthusiartist · 4 years
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Avatar - The Last Airbender! First things first.... thank you @ninjartsy & @kvkartic for introducing me to this Animation Series... Though I just finished Season 1... I'm already in love with it... I will definitely recommend you all to watch it in case u haven't! This is an American animated television series created by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, with Aaron Ehasz as head writer. It aired on Nickelodeon for three seasons, from February 2005 to July 2008. Avatar is set in an Asiatic-like world in which some people can manipulate the classical elements with psychokinetic variants of the Chinese martial arts known as "bending". One individual, the Avatar, is capable of bending all four elements and is responsible for maintaining harmony between the world's four nations. #theenthusiartist #avatarthelastairbender (at Mangalore) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBqZk6-lvh8/?igshid=z028ep3v8zu
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