#ninjas de boruto
coelhogeek · 11 months
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miartesuanimacion · 3 months
Q&A Naruto (Drawing dynamics)
My friends! I would love to organize a question and answer dynamic with some of the characters from Naruto, especially those from the Village of the Sand, including the Kazekage (Gaara). Could you help me by leaving some questions as if you were asking them directly to these characters? My plan is to draw them answering those questions, creating a kind of visual question and answer session. I think it could be a lot of fun. I just need you to tell me the name of the character and the question you would ask them. It can be about a specific event that happened in the series or anything else that comes to mind. You can leave me questions anonymously, as you like, I'll be reading them!
The questions can be written in English or Spanish, there's no problem!
Espero sus preguntas! Trataré de dibujar aquellos personajes que mencionen.
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sonsofks · 8 months
¡El Espíritu de los Luchadores de Ensueño! Naruto x Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Estrena DLC de Canciones
El juego que te permite vivir épicas batallas y emocionantes momentos de NARUTO y NARUTO SHIPPUDEN” ¡Prepárate para una dosis de nostalgia ninja! En el emocionante mundo de NARUTO X BORUTO Ultimate Ninja STORM CONNECTIONS, cinco éxitos certificados de las series de anime NARUTO y NARUTO SHIPPUDEN estarán disponibles como música dentro del juego. Ahora los fanáticos podrán experimentar los…
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zenitsu-san · 2 years
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tamelee · 2 years
Hi Tamelee ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡ I hope you’re doing good! I have a question for you:
What do you think Naruto and Sasuke’s home would look like? Like… would they live in an apartment, or a house? And where would they live, exactly?
Oh and of course, I love your art. I send you all of my support, thank you for all you creations, it makes me want to make progress in drawing! You deserve all the hot chocolate in the world
Have a good day! (^▽^)
Hi @fille-de-skroa !! (ノ´ з `)ノ💕
Hope you're doing good too dear ♡
So, I did think about this before, my first ‘Naru-tober’ drawing was inspired by a house that was in the place Konoha was inspired from. 
I don’t think it’d be an apartment since Sasuke especially would prefer some more space and Naruto, having lived in one would love to share a house with Sasuke I think. 
I would imagine that neither Naruto or Sasuke mind neighbors. Often in fanfiction Sasuke seems to live by himself in his old home or when SNS do live together it’s very isolated.. but let’s say they would be able to live together, also being Hokage/shadow-Hokage then I do think it would lean more toward a traditional Japanese style home Sasuke used to live in.
In ‘Boruto’ the homes they barely step foot in look like this:
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As you can see these homes are very influenced by their "wives", since I doubt Naruto sends a clone to water the flowers and there is a reason Sasuke stopped wearing the Uchiha symbol, but I do think it would be somewhat of a mix between these two styles. 
So I think ‘modern traditional’, but with the feel of the house Sasuke’s childhood home used to have? Because for some reason these houses lack a lot of.. privacy or something. It’s very... directly-in-your-face, on display, hi-we're-a-family, -open. It lacks a proper garden (I guess) that I think they both would appreciate. 
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Anyway I went to Google Earth and looked around in that place. (The place Konoha supposedly is based off of.) 
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These homes look very similar. I think it would be something like that with neighbors and the street on one side and private space/garden on another. Kind of like this: 
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Anime: Hyouka.
Then when it comes to interior.. the brightest thing in the whole house would be Naruto’s hair. Probably. And his clothes. (And personality.) 
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From their childhoods they didn’t have much choice, nor was spending money on decorating their place a priority, but certain elements I think, they would take with them. (Neutral colors, wood, scrolls on the wall etc- Sasuke would not tolerate empty ramen cups on the floor..)
Since together it would definitely be a place to come home to comfortably, it would be more ‘lived in’. There will be a space that holds scrolls and other Ninja tools/material. (Like a library or collection corner/room.)
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It holds somewhat true to Japanese architecture and I also think they both would appreciate open spaces and natural light.. especially Naruto. The many plants are definitely from him. Sasuke tried to keep things a bit more minimal, but in the end even he would bring things home that remind him of Naruto during missions/travels. Their home would feel very harmonious though, just like them. It’s calming even during times of chaos. 
Their home feels very personal and open. 
In the back you can look out into the garden and there will be a path that leads to the training grounds. 
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Hey maybe by being Hokage/shadow Hokage they can have their own field and blow off some steam there. 
Yeah, something like this, perhaps? *-* Not too isolated, but a little privacy when needed as well. 
Anyway thank you for everything and your support always, ily, will always share my chocolate milk (I learned that some countries call it hot cocoa) with you ♡ hope you're well, stay healthy 💕💕🧡!
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amontilla-port · 3 months
Capa - O Anbu da Sarada (fanfic por @ceyakushi)
Mais uma capinha pro projeto Aniverse, dessa vez pra uma fanfic de Boruto, escrita pela Naruteira @ceyakushi :3
Informações do pedido de capa: - estilo de capa: Clean / Romantica / Divertida - tema: Máscaras (Month 03/2024) - protagonista: Sarada Uchiha (adulta) - Boruto - observações: a fanfic se passa no futuro do universo ninja, Sarada é Hokage e Boruto trabalha como Anbu. Roupas próximas das originais, e não modernas. Pode ter alguns objetos como o chapéu ou manto de Hokage e a máscara dos Anbus.
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Aqui foi uma dúvida mortal, eu não sabia se as observações foram pra facilitar ou pra dificultar kkkkkkk. Pois eu sabia que não iria encontrar artes oficiais da Sarada e do Boruto adultos, e usar deles jovens seria complicado... Outro problema foi que, como não acompanhei Naruto e nem acompanho Boruto, mas esse foi fácil de resolver tirando minhas dúvidas com a Ceya, que foi um amorzinho em me responder todas elas <3
Agora, vamos ao que interessa: o conceito e a aplicação! ^^
Para o fundo eu queria algo bem soft e familiar. Pesquisei imagens da vila da folha até encontrar uma que me agradasse, também optei por suavizar o verde intenso com uma sobreposição branca com pontilhados (o que se mostrou a coisa mais cute-cute do mundo).
O princípio de suavizar o verde veio por causa do vermelho, cor-tema da capa de Hokage e das roupas da Sarada. O vermelho e o verde (se ambos estivessem intensos) em oposição iria deixar um resultado muito pesado, sobrecarregando demais a imagem. Suavizar o vermelho seria neutralizar a personalidade da Sarada, suavizar o verde foi determinar a dominância dela sobre o ambiente (algo justo, já que nessa fic ela é Hokage).
Os elementos de Hokage para sobreposição, com as chamas no fundo e os escritos da capa sobre a faixa dela vieram para reforçar a questão do poder da personagem. Tudo pra empoderar a pequena Uchiha <3
A máscara de Anbu foi o charme final da capa, assim como a Kunai, para completar e preencher com significado a capa. A máscara de raposa, pois é a que aparece na história; e a Kunai reforçando a imagem da Sarada como líder.
O resultado me agradou demais, pois colocou a Sarada como uma Hokage forte, séria e poderosa, ocupando seu lugar como uma líder dominante da Vila da Folha. Acho que consegui fazer ela num misto de soft e divertida, que foi a premissa principal que usei pra nortear a montagem. (Falei um monte aqui, hein? Kkkkkkk)
Agora, quanto aos copyrights:
- A foto de fundo é uma imagem oficial da vila da folha e a textura pontilhada que usei por cima é de uso livre (do Unsplash, como de praxe);
- A máscara de Anbu e a Kunai vieram do Freepik (salvo engano) e também são de uso livre (^^);
- Enquanto a imagem da Sarada é uma fanart belíssima feita por @uzimaho13 (Thank you so much <3).
Por fim, segue o link de onde você pode encontrar a história para ler: ~ Spirit Fanfics
Próxima parada: Mais uma capa pra fanfic do Aniverse ou retrofit de uma capa pessoal.
Até mais, galera! Beijos da bruxinha :3
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houseofninjas · 4 months
Présentation du Projet
Bonjour, je vous présente mon petit projet - le premier depuis très, très longtemps. Il est pour le moment au stade du “brainstorming” et de ce poste est par conséquent un “interest check”. Le forum - s’il voit le jour - abordera des thèmes relativement sombres et utilisera le système de trigger warnings tout en responsabilisant également le lecteur (don’t like, don’t read - tu n’aimes pas, ne lis pas).
Près de deux décennies se sont écoulées depuis la dernière Grande Guerre Ninja. Des mesures ont été prises dans le but de préserver à la fois la Culture Shinobi mais également, le bien-être des nouvelles générations. Par ailleurs, dans un monde qui se modernise jour après jour, nombreux sont ce.lle.ux à penser que les Ninjas n’ont plus leur place dans la Société…
— l’action se déroule en l’an 124 avec pour scène principale Konohagakure (le Village Caché par les Feuilles d’Arbres).
— les personnages de Naruto et Boruto ne seront pas jouables, la timeline étant différente, néanmoins, les clans principaux seront ouverts à l’inscription et chacun aura également la possibilité d’inventer un clan mineur.
— les personnages issus d’autres pays seront jouables, sous conditions: à savoir qu’ils devront être soit un double-compte avec min. un lien consistant préétabli, soit un pré-lien nécessaire à l’évolution d’un autre personnage.
— les faceclaims des personnages seront principalement issus d’Asie de l’Est (Japon, Chine, Mongolie, Corée et Taïwan) - notamment pour les personnages issus des clans principaux - néanmoins, d’autres origines seront possibles pour les personnages des clans mineurs et/ou d’autres pays. 
— je souligne par ailleurs le fait que le forum ne se déroule PAS au Japon, dans notre monde, mais bel et bien au Pays du Feu (et ses voisins), dans un Univers Fictif, encore une fois inspiré par Naruto (Anime).
— les groupes seront divisés entre civils, shinobis (avec des rangs: genin, chunin, jonin, sanin) et shinobis d’autres pays; par ailleurs, la seule position qui ne sera pas accessible à l’ouverture sera celle d’Hokage (senseis, med-nins, anbus… seront jouables).
— plusieurs factions s’affronteront: les civils vs les shinobis, ainsi que les shinobis vs les shinobis (autres pays ou groupes à l’image de l’akatsuki).
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suckaysuamigos200 · 8 months
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este dibujo lo hice por el cumpleaños del actor de doblaje Erick Selim Quién es conocido por ser la voz de David Kane / "Black Manta" en Aquaman, Carter Hall / Hawkman en Black Adam, Orochimaru en Boruto: Naruto Next Generations y en Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 y H.U.E. en Final Space
en gabby's dollhouse fue la voz en español latino de el gato azul que es muy astuto, pero amigable con los demás, CatRat
le deseamos un gran cumpleaños 🎂🎉.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🎂 ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🎂 ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🎂 ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🎂 ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🎂 ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🎂 ꒱ ˎˊ˗
I made this drawing for the birthday of the voice actor Erick Selim Who is known for being the voice of David Kane / "Black Manta" in Aquaman, Carter Hall / Hawkman in Black Adam, Orochimaru in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations and in Naruto Shippūden : Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 and H.U.E. in Final Space
In Gabby's Dollhouse he was the voice in Latin Spanish of the blue cat who is very cunning, but friendly with others, CatRat.
We wish you a great birthday 🎂🎉..
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narhinafan · 11 months
🔥 Hinata vs momoshik🔥
A um bom tempo Hinata vem sofrendo hater constante no fadom de Naruto ,os haters sempre vêem com argumentos fracos por motivos fúteis.
E um deles se passa na introdução de momoshik e Kinshik no exame chunin. Após ambos atacarem konoha destruindo o estádio do exame chunin,os civis são protegidos pelos Shinobis e kunoichis.. enquanto Sasuke protege sarada perante ao inimigo assim como o Naruto protege o boruto.
Por tanto em uma cena , fora do estádio hinata está a proteger himawari em seus braços ( Cena que fou cortada no anime ,ou seja não adaptada)
Voltando para o estádio Naruto está protegendo novamente Sasuke,sarada é Boruto , enquanto momoshik prepara um ataque colossal contra ele ,defendido pelo Naruto no modo Kurama,enquanto isso Boruto olhava para seu pai pelas costa e uma bijudama formava na boca da Kurama,ele mesmo pergunta ao Sasuke do por que o seu pai não disparar , então Sasuke diz que ele poderia disparar se quisesse porém danificados ao arredores é o estádio ainda estava sendo evacuado ,hinata provavelmente pensou que Naruto estava gravemente ferido , assim como nós leitores pensamos que o Naruto estivesse morrido...após um clarão que se forma pelo ataque do momoshik e Boruto acorda no hospital (Final do capítulo)
Voltando novamente para a Hinata ,na versão do anime ,onde ela deixa a himawari com a Sakura é tenta ajudar o Naruto ,na concepção fraca do haters a Hinata "Abandona" sua filha com os "outros" algo totalmente sem nexo que não acontece no mangá,Hinata protege himawari assim como confia sua filha aos cuidados de Sakura ( no anime), A mesma sendo a kunoichi mais forte de sua geração e maior ninja médica.
Mais uma vez o haters precisam de migalhas ,para jogar o odiozinho medíocre deles.
~ Postagem pedida por um seguidor ❤️
Correction Sakura is not the strongest girl ninja nor is she the best medical ninja
You do know other the last beat I don't understand a thing of that right, thank good for twitter translations right.
So true, like if anything Hinata leaving her with Sakura a none combatant only shows that Hinata doesn't expect Sakura to join the fight cause she is a medic and not a good fighter. Hinata left Himawari with someone she knows will not be in danger cause Sakura is a medic and hence won't take part in any fighting.
Sakura is no where close to being the strongest, the best medical ninja around can stick only cause Tsunade and Shizune aren't usually in the village anymore.
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venust1na · 1 year
Menma: Naruto Next Generations My AU
Pt. 1 (explication)
So basically I will explain my AU (relationships, etc)
1. Everything goes like the original manga and anime, the only change is that:
- some of the characters are alive
- the couples change (I do ship naruhina and sasusaku but I prefer sasunaru and sakuhina)
- there will be variations (like, I know that for the plot Itachi and Shisui need to be dead but sometimes I will be doing other AUs when they are alive, same goes with Team Minato, Jiraiya, Minakushi, etc.)
2. Couples, Kids, Info:
(Some of the kids are just my OCs, later on I will explain about the kids)
Uchiha Uzumaki Family:
Naruto Uzumaki Uchiha
- Significant Other: Sasuke
- Age: 33 (Hokage since he was 22)
- Level: Kage of Konohagakure
- Team: Sasuke and Sakura
- Nickname: The Child of The Prophecy
Sasuke Uchiha
- Significant Other: Naruto
- Age: 33
- Level: Jōnin (almost Kage)
- Team: Naruto and Sakura
- Nickname: The Last Uchiha, Shadow Hokage
1. Kawaki Uchiha Uzumaki
- Significant Other: Hisaku
- Age: 16
- Level: Jōnin (ANBU)
- Team: Hisaku and Sayumi
- Nickname: Firstborn of the 7 Hokage, Captain ANBU Kwaki
2. Menma Uchiha Uzumaki
- Significant other: Satoshi
- Age: 14
- Level: Special Jōnin
- Team: Hoki and Memory
- Nickname: Uchiha Uzumaki Clan Legacy, The wielder of the Blue Sharingan, The Blue Lightning of Konoha
3. Naruko Uchiha Uzumaki
- Significant other: Memory
- Age: 13
- Level: Chūnin
- Team: Mikoto and Kento
- Nickname: The will of the 7 Hokage, The first daughter of the Uchiha Uzumaki clan, Princess of the Sharingan
4. Sarada Uchiha Uzumaki
- Significant other: Sumire
- Age: 12 (Boruto’s twin sister)
- Level: Chūnin
- Team: Boruto and Mitsuki
- Nickname: The great kunoichi of the new generation
5. Boruto Uchiha Uzumaki
- Significant other: Mitsuki
- Age: 12 (Sarada’s twin brother)
- Level: Genin
- Team: Sarada and Mitsuki
- Nickname: The dark sun
6. Himawari Uchiha Uzumaki
- Significant other: Atena
- Age: 10
- Level: Genin
- Team: Yuina and Ehō
- Nickname: The flaring sunflower
7. Minato Uchiha Uzumaki
- Significant other: Mikoto
- Age: 9
- Level: Chūnin
- Team: none
- Nickname: Konoha’s Prodogy
Haruno Hyuga Family:
Hinata Hyuga de Haruno
- Significant other: Sakura
- Age: 32
- Level: Special Jōnin
- Team: Kiba and Shino
- Nickname: Byakugan Queen
Sakura Haruno
- Significant other: Hinata
- Age: 33
- Level: Jōnin (medical Ninja)
- Team: Naruto y Sasuke
- Nickname: The Strongest Kunoichi
1. Hisaku Haruno Hyuga
- Significant other: Kawaki
- Age: 16
- Level: Jōnin
- Team: Kwaki y Sayumi
- Nickname: The firstborn of the Byakugan Queen
2. Satoshi Haruno Hyuga
- Significant other: Menma
- Age: 14
- Level: Chūnin
- Team: Shia and Mirai
- Nickname: The chosen by the Byakugan
3. Memory Haruno Hyuga
- Significant Other: Naruko
- Age: 14 (11 months younger than Satoshi)
- Level: Chūnin
- Team: Menma and Hoki
- Nickname: The pearly rose, the indomitable konoichi
4. Athena Haruno Hyuga
- Significant other: Himawari
- Age: 10
- Level: Genin
- Team: Eiki and Osuka
- Nickname: Konoha’s key
Hatake Umino Family:
Iruka Umino de Hatake
- Significant other: Kakashi
- Age: 42
- Level: Chūnin
- Team: -
- Nickname: Director of Konohagakure Shinobi Academy
Kakashi Hatake
- Significant other: Iruka
- Age: 42
- Level: Kage
- Team: Obito and Rin
- Nickname: Kakashi of the sharingan, the copy Ninja, the 6th Hokage of Konohagakure
1. Hoki Hatake Umino
- Significant other: -
- Age: 14
- Level: Chūnin
- Team: Menma y Memory
- Nickname: Son of the 6th hokage
Sabaku no Family:
Gaara Sabaku no
- Significant other: Aroace king
- Age: 33
- Level: Kage (Kazekage of Sunagakure)
- Team: Temari and Kankurō
- Nickname: The golden child, Prince of the Sand Waterfall Gourd
1. Shinki Sabaku no
- Significant Other: -
- Age: 13
- Level: Chūnin
- Team: Yodo and Araya
- Nicknames: Godaime Kazekage Heir
Kankurō Sabaku no
- Significant other: -
- Age: 37
- Team: Temari and Gaara
- Nicknames: Puppet master Kankurō
Nara Family:
Temari Nara
- Significant other: Shikamaru
- Age: 38
- Level: Jōnin
- Team: Gaara and Kankurō
- Nickname: Wind goddess
Shikamaru Nara
- Significant other: Temari
- Age: 33
- Level: Jōnin
- Team: Ino and Choji
- Nicknames: Hokage’s Chief Aide
1. Temaki Nara (OC)
- Significant other: -
- Age: 14
- Level: Jōnin (ANBU)
- Team: Sunagakure ANBU division
- Nickname: Hidden Sand Best Strategist
2. Shikadai Nara
- Significant other: Inojin
- Age: 12
- Level: Genin
- Team: Chocho and Inojin
- Nickname: Future of the Nara Clan
Yamanaka Family:
Ino Yamanaka
- Significant other: Sai
- Age: 33
- Level: Special Jōnin
- Team: Shikamaru and Choji
- Nickname: The beauty of Konoha
Sai Yamanaka
- significant other: Ino
- Age: 33
- Level: Jōnin
- Team: Yamato, Naruto and Sakura
- Nickname: The painter, Proctor Anbu Chime
1. Shia Yamanaka (OC)
- Significant Other: Kento
- Age: 13
- Level: Chūnin
- Team: Satoshi and Mirai
- Nickname: The best spy of the new generation
2. Inojin Yamanaka
- Significant other: Shikadai
- Age: 12
- Level: Genin
- Team: Shikadai and Chocho
- Nickname: Yamanaka clans sucesor
Hyuga Family:
Tenten Hyuga
- Significant other: Neji
- Age: 33
- Level: Chūnin
- Team: Neji and Lee
- Nickname: Konoha’s Warrior
Neji Hyuga
- Significant other: Tenten
- Age: 34
- Level: Jōnin
- Team: Lee and Tenten
- Nickname: Hyuga’s strongest
1. Sayumi Hyuga
- Significant other: -
- Age: 16
- Level: Special Jōnin
- Team: Hisaku and Kwaki
- Nickname: Hyuga Clan princess
2. Kento Hyuga
- Significant other: Shia
- Age: 13
- Level: Chūni
- Team: Mikoto and Naruko
- Nickname: the new Byakugan protector
Akimichi Family:
Choji Akimichi
- Significant other: Karui
- Age: 33
- Level: Jōnin
- Team: Shikamaru and Ino
- Nickname: Akimichi Jūrokudaime Tóshu (Sixteenth head of the Akimichi family)
Karui Akimichi
- Significant other: Choji
- Age: 34
- Level: Chūnin
- Team: Omoi and Samui
- Nickname: Killer Bee Apprentice
1. Chocho Akimichi
- Significant Other: -
- Age: 12
- Level: Genin
- Team: Shikadai and Inojin
- Nickname: The beautiful butterfly of Konoha
End of pt.1
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theshiki · 2 years
Como curiosidad para quienes leyeron o siguen mi fic "Road to inverse" el estilo de p3le4 de Charasuke está basado en el de Ino en los videojuegos. Me gusta su estilo usando flores combinadas con genjutsus, del mismo modo Charasuke usa sus ilusiones y rosas cuando se enfrenta a un enemigo.
Pienso que habria sido genial que algo de esto fuera parte del manga, pero Kishimoto no desarrolló un patrón propio para Ino en p3le 4s individuales. La única que le dedicó fue contra Sakura en los éxamenes chunnin, pero viendo los videojuegos se le pudo dar un estilo muy bonito y único aplicable a cuando no estuviera junto a su equipo.
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Heroes 0:00 
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Series 0:14 
Naruto Clash Of Ninja Series 2:14 
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Series 3:19 
Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker 4:16
Link del canal que realizó el video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8tsBRAB-u0&t=43s
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coelhogeek · 11 months
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xzroms-com · 9 days
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sonsofks · 9 months
Bandai Namco Deja su Huella en AniMole 2023 con una experiencia de Juego Inmersiva Naruto x Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections.
“Prepárate para vivir una experiencia épica en el mega stand de Bandai en AniMole 2023” ¡AniMole 2023 está a punto de desatar la pasión ninja en todo su esplendor! Bandai Namco Entertainment America Inc. hará acto de presencia en el evento de anime y manga más grande de México con una propuesta de juego que te hará sentir como un verdadero shinobi. Del 29 de septiembre al 1 de octubre, los fans…
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twohitgames · 15 days
Naruto x Boruto: Ultimate Ninja STORM Connections cuenta con un nuevo personaje
Kurenai Yuhi, el tercer personaje DLC del Pase de Temporada de Naruto x Boruto: Ultimate Ninja STORM Connections, ya está disponible. Kurenai utiliza sus poderosas técnicas de Genjutsu para obtener ventaja sobre sus enemigos, intentando inmovilizarlos antes de desatar poderosos ataques. El tercer paquete de contenido descargable incluye lo siguiente: Personaje jugable: Kurenai Yuhi Técnica…
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shounennoticias · 18 days
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Traduzir textos com a câmera
Anúncio: As aventuras ninja continuam nesta segunda série com o filho de Naruto, Boruto! Quando Code ataca Konoha, Boruto retorna para mostrar o quão poderoso ele se tornou! Boruto: Two Blue Vortex, com história de Masashi Kishimoto e arte de Mikio Ikemoto, será lançado na primavera de 2025.
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