#nishinoya series
tp2-byes · 4 months
Some things Haikyuu!! taught me
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There are more, I may add them over time (I still haven't finished watching the series).
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offbrandkyoya · 2 months
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HOW TO GET A LOVER - kageyama tobio x reader
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summary: kageyama has a crush on you and tries to win your heart with the help of his friends
pairing: kageyama tobio x reader
genre/tags: smau, high school, love at first sight? miscommunication, hard pinning, comedy, volleyball talk
warning: swearing, kys jokes, nsfw jokes
taglist: open!
note: this doesn’t follow the hq timeline
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[1] freaky kageyama
[2] no name no game
[3] step 1: name
[4] cookie and milk
[5] milk chan irl
[6] date?
[7] abort mission
[8] like
[9] still step 1
[10] wait a minute
[11] secret
[12] falling for you
[13] as friends
[14] yogurt feed
[15] waste
[16] hit tweet
[17] amazing
[18] chat
more to be added…
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hmperil · 1 year
! hugs with haikyuu characters ! ( sakusa , ushijima , bokuto)
please request if you want any fluff or comment if you want another character in this series ❁
includes : asahi , nishinoya , tsukishima
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asahi :
king of hugs , I guarantee his hugs would just feel like comfort and home. he would embrace you and you would just know everything would be ok , that is the power this man holds . I mean just look at him he may look a little scary but he's definitely just a big softie. would give you a big hug when you need one .
nishinoya :
#1 simp, you need a hug he's got you. I mean you're practically royalty to him , he would drop anything he was doing just to cuddle you. he's small but still found a way to make you feel so safe and warm when he was embracing you .
tsukishima :
he may not show it but I just know he's whipped, he thinks your like the prettiest person in the world. watching movies while hugging would definitely be a big thing , he likes the way you can snuggle together and feel like he's protecting you from the world. still a salty beanpole and will pretend like he isn't actually enjoying it but you can see the way he relaxes in your arms.
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kairukitsuneo · 18 days
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Guys I really just went in for the popular guy but ended up liking Yu he is such a cutie 🥺🥺💕
The metaphor is so good and visually impactful 😳
Last scene of battle is amazingly fast and strong. So cooll.. 😭
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fornshinoyaz · 11 months
>          ♡ ̷  m. list  /  next.  ֵ ꩜
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about them !
>    ★ ̷  Y/N matsuda: the original star girl. 1/3 of the matsuda siblings. all she wants to do is post pics of her cat. that girl tbh. comes from a household of famous vball players. talk about pressure! kinda why she quits volleyball. oops. hates kageyama so much she switched schools. her other account is @/theogstargirl.
>    ★ ̷  KOZUME KEMMA: laziest gamer to ever exist. would sit @ home & eat chips if he could. popular twitch streamer who hates his fans. good friend when it counts, but that’s rare. annoyed cus kuroo won’t 1v1 him. closest friend to y/n and the one who hates tobio the most.
>    ★ ̷  TETSURO KUROO: #1 instigator. the best at his job fr. loves black women. full time middle blocker, part time twitch streamer. wont 1v1 kenma. shuts up when arguing w/ woman. a little sassy. would punch tobio if he ever saw him.
>    ★ ̷  YU NISHINOYA: will do anything but go to school. currently in greece ???? free spirit. brotp with tanaka. little to no social media presence. deserves the world. most delusional man to ever exist. been in love w/ kiyoko for 5 yrs now. he doesn’t even have her #. still convinced they’re gonna get married. would burn tobio alive probs.
>    ★ ̷  KOTARO BOKUTO :D: resident dumbass & airhead. he means well. top 5, never forget that. brittney spears stan at heart! will hit me baby one more time his way into your drawls. ace for university of tokyo. probs a new jeans or a loona stan. just wants to have a good time with his friends. would glare down tobio until he runs away.
>    ★ ̷  TORU OIKAWA: a lot going on with this man. usually, he's university of tokyo's best setter. but rn? he's argentina's pretty boy. he'll be back, just not anytime soon lol. coach is fed up. childhood friend of y/n & iwa. if she's the star girl, he'll always be her star boy. super popular, streams sometimes but not often. he enjoys women & men ;). will speak spanish randomly for whatever reason idk. would skin tobio if he saw him.
>    ★ ̷  HAJIME IWAIZUMI: dad of the group. 'hates' volleyball. he just wants to be different bes he stopped playing to become an athletic trainer. probably the one u should be most scared of. mad because he's struggling and all his other friends are RICH. they buy all him ramen though. tough love. would plan tobio’s demise in the most painful way if he saw him.
>    ★ ̷  SHUGO MATSUDA: the eldest brother of the matsudas. tattooed literally everywhere. former volleyball player at tokyo uni but now he’s playing overseas in poland. he’s sleepy. all the time. doesn’t respond to his texts cus he be sleep fr. protective big bro. used to love tobio, but now - he’s basically dead to him. gave him a bloody nose the day he found out about what he did to you. 
>    ★ ̷  funeral guest list😀🫶🏼: the main gc of the series featuring the members of your friend group; kenma, kuroo, noya, oikawa, bokuto, and iwa.
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mettywiththenotes · 10 months
I think one of the things I love the most about Haikyuu is that even though the whole manga comes from a place of love from Furudate who created the story specifically to get people into volleyball, there is nothing to make you feel bad about not wanting to play anymore
There are characters who are completely obsessed with volleyball. There are characters who aren't obsessed but are interested enough to keep going. There are characters who weren't into it but did it anyway and then just couldn't stop. There are characters who started doing volleyball and then realized they didn't like it anymore, then left and were better for it. There are characters who are like "this was cool and it was nice but I don't want to do this forever". There are characters who never play but still support the teams anyway
And the story validates every single one of these experiences. There's no "this experience is better than that experience", there are just characters who like it, don't like it, are obsessed with it or can appreciate everything that happens in a game regardless of their feelings towards it
It's just really nice to go through the story and feel the whole acceptance through the writing itself, to see that Furudate is encouraging you to try volleyball, to experience how fun it can be, and if it's not fun for you or you fell out of love with it or just don't want to do it anymore, then that's fine! At least you experienced it! At least you tried! At least you learned something about yourself! And hopefully you made friends along the way!
Haikyuu inspires people to try something new but never does it show a characters negative feelings or lack of feelings towards it as invalid and wrong. It just encourages you to do what makes you happy. I really appreciate that
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missingn000 · 1 year
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angst-king · 4 months
Glad you're back
((this is a Asanoya disabled Asahi fanfic. CW description of a seizure))
“Over here!” “I got it!” “Tsukki!” “On it!” “Watch out!” Wam!
“Asahi!” Suga called out as he watched the third-year take a volleyball at high speed to the head. Asahi managed to land on his butt and stood himself up.
“I’m fine I’m fine guys!” He says as he rises up, rubbing his head a bit.
“You sure, that looked like it hurt?” Asked Noya as he padded over, Asahi nodded and said he’d just go a sit down for a bit. Yeah, that ball did hurt like hell, though he’d taken worse from his seizures. That was probably why Noya looked at him with a worried look on his face. Noya and Asahi lived together due to Asahi’s mother traveled a lot for work she didn’t want him to be alone. So Noya moved into Asahi’s place which meant they got to know each other well enough to not only have a strong bond but a romantic relationship. Most would assume that Asahi would be the protective one due to his stature and how intimidating he looked to most people. Though truth be told Noya was the protective one.
He took on the initiative of seizure-proofing Asahi’s house, he added a rail to the shower in the bathroom. Padded the baseboard of Asahi��s bed and added a safety rail to it and moved things from the top cupboards that could fall. He made sure Asahi took his medication, logged his seizures, and took care of any injuries he may have sustained from it.
Asahi did his best to take care of himself as well as Noya so he wouldn’t feel like it all fell on the shorter boy’s shoulders. Being back in volleyball was a breath of fresh air, he had to take a break not only for his mental health but also for his physical. His last game was when the seizures started and ever since then, he felt like he had to redeem himself. Thankfully he now had Noya to reassure him that what happened wasn’t his fault and that he’d be there no matter his choice. He couldn’t take being cooped up in the house for much longer anyway!
The rest of the day went well, his head hurt but it subsided after a while and he continued as usual. After practice and conditioning the boys were left to do what they wanted at the training camp. Most of them went on walks, tossed around the ball, or went shopping for dinner. While some of the team tasked themselves with making dinner that night, some of them took their turn to shower. That being Suga, Asahi, Noya and Hinata. They share a communal shower room to wash off the sweat from today’s training. The hot water melts their stresses away.
Just as Asahi started washing his hair he felt a numbing sensation wash over him. It started in his neck and spread up and down, his mind began to slowly go blank almost as if filled with static. Before he could say a word he sunk to the floor with a ‘plunk’ and his head started to bash itself against the wet tile flooring. All three boys turned around and the sound and screamed in fear. Noya was the first to act Kneeling to try and move Asahi while he yelled for Hinata to shut off the shower spouts and for Suga to grab a towel. Hinata nodded and hurriedly turned off the water and got out to give them space. Suga came back with a set of body towels. Handing one to Noya, the brunette folded the towel and slid it under Asahi’s head as the bigger boy’s body convulsed.
In seconds Daichi, Enoshita, Tanaki and Kageyama ran in wondering what the screaming was for.
“Something’s wrong with Asahi,” Suga said “We were showering and then he collapsed” Daichi slowly approached and tried reaching for Asahi though Noya hit his hand and shot him a glare.
“I’ve got it, just someone grab his bag, it's the blue one.” Daichi backed away from his teammates and looked to one of the others. Enoshita was the one to go and get the bag. Noya used one fo the extra towels to cover Asahi’s body so he wasn’t completely exposed in front of everyone.
“Do we need to take him to a hospital? Was it from him getting hit in the head earlier?” Questioned Hinata, Noya shook his head and sighed.
“Asahi has epilepsy, this is normal for him. Just need to make sure he’s not bleeding or concussed. If he is or is struggling to come out of it, then yes we take him.” Noya explained as he lightly held Asahi’s body in place. When the seizure slowed down he gently started tapping on him to wake him up.
“Azumane! Come on wake up for me please.” Yu called out his name a few times before the limp body started to stir and a small high-pitched groan creaked out from his throat. Then his eyes opened up revealing the whites of them. Asahi then started to sit up, and Yu helped him and sat him up against the wall. Readjusting the towels to keep his privates out of sight.
“Easy big guy, take your time” Noya reassured as he situated himself in front of the senior. Asahi’s eyes flickered between dazily looking at him or rolling back into his head. Enoshita came back in with Asahi’s bag and set it beside Noya. Asahi let out a hoarse groan before shakily reaching out for Noya. Noya saw this and took the other’s hand to and pressed it to his cheek.
“I got you Azumane, you’re gonna be alright.” Asahi nodded a little at this and let Noya take care of him. Noya started feeling around the other’s hair for any injuries and thankfully didn’t find anything. He put on a headband to keep the wet hair out of Asahi’s face and continued to check over Azumane’s body. When he determined to not have found any visible injuries he went through the bag and pulled out one of Azumane’s oversized sweatshirts and a set of boxers. Clothing him, Yu put on his own set of clothes and then checked on Asahi again.
“Azumane, you there?” Azumane tried to speak but he could barely get a sound out.
“You don’t have to talk, signing is also fine” Azumane then weakly signed
“I can hear you” Yu smiled and put Azumane’s bag around his shoulder.
“Good I’m gonna take you to bed then,” He says as he prepares to lift Asahi, Asahi nods and loosely wraps his arms around the shorter boy. Watching this Daichi and Tanaka offer their assistance.
“You sure you can carry him, Noya, we can do it if you want?” With a soft grunt, Noya rose to his feet with Asahi’s body leaning into his. Noya shook his head and started for the door.
“I just need you to move and open the door, I can carry him. I’ve done it before.” He stated Noya didn’t even look to be struggling actually, he made it look almost effortless. Daichi nodded and had everyone clear out and kept the door open as Noya carried the senior out of the shower room and to their bedrooms. It did make them all think when Noya said he had done this before, and it looked like he had. From how quickly he sprang into action with helping Asahi, they had never seen him take charge in such a serious situation!
In their shared room, Noya carefully placed Asahi on the bed and asked how he was doing.
“Head hurts a bit and so does my throat, and my arm. Though I’ll be fine.” “Which arm?” Holding out his right one, now that he was in better lighting Noya could see the redness that looked like it’d start bruising.
“I’ll get you some ice for it, I’m surprised with how you fell and you getting hit with a ball that you don’t have a concussion” “I’m surprised too, though i have a question.” “what is it?” Noya knew what the question was already with how it was asked.
“Did they laugh?” “the team? No one laughed at you, they all seemed worried as hell about you. They’re probably gonna be awkward since they’re gonna have questions but don’t wanna seem nosy.” Asahi nodded at this and leaned against the wall with a sigh.
“I’m not completely lucid yet, Are you okay with answering?” “yeah, I’m fine with it.” It did take Asahi a bit for him to get his thoughts together after a seizure. It always felt as if his brain had been scrambled and he was having to gather the pieces to put back together. Noya gave him a slight kiss on the forehead before getting up to grab an ice pack.
Walking into the kitchen he saw the others cooking or sitting around and they turned to him. He could feel their questions even if they didn’t speak. He grabbed two zip lock bags filled one with ice and placed it inside the second bag then wrapped in a towel.
“I know you guys have questions, you can ask them during dinner.” He says before going back to their room.
By the time dinner came, Asahi could walk on his own, though Noya still stayed close to him. They all sat down with each other and served themselves to what had been made thanking one another for it. At first, the room was quiet until Tanaki was the first to speak.
“How are you holding up Asahi?” Asahi still couldn’t speak yet, so he signed and let Nishinoya translate for him.
“He’s doing better, just a little sore” “That's good, you had us scared man, never seen you do that before!” Asahi gave a sheepish smile to him, the next to ask about it was Daichi.
“So do you have seizures regularly?” Asahi nodded and signed for Noya to translate.
“Yes I’ve had them for a year and a half now, that's why I took a while away from volleyball.” “oh wow, Asahi I had no idea!” Daichi exclaimed in surprise, and the group nodded.
“The last few practices before the game I left from was when the seizures started to show. I know they looked different from what you saw in the bathroom but. That is because I have two different types. One where I stare blankly or I start convulsing.” “Do you see a doctor for it?” Inquired Suga, Asahi nods at this.
“Yes I do, and they cleared me to play as long I check in regularly and nothing changes in my condition.” “Well, either way, Asahi we’re happy to have you back on the team.” Tanaka grinned widely patting him on the back happily, Asahi smiled and signed back.
“Glad to be back.”
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frostfires-blog · 2 years
🎉Happy Birthday🎉
Yū Nishinoya
~10 October~
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Disclaimer: Only official artwork is used in this post, hence the lack of artist credits.
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tigertoramaru · 11 months
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As Bachira would say: BOOM!
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lovely-ryn · 2 years
Peach Scone
4. shit
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pairing: nishinoya x barista!reader
summary: Y/n finds herself trying to get out of a toxic relationship but is constantly excusing his actions. Will falling in love with a loud regular at her café be the saving grace she needs?
taglist: @pierreslucdubois @pro-crastinator14 @sailor-earth-1 @sassyglassesbunny @honeypirate @galacticskys @karasunoloomer @ushijimasushigushi @afuckingunicornn @bakugouswh0r3 @stumpostar @lizziel1410 @lovinnoya
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lys-9-10 · 1 year
It just so happens to be both Shoyo Hinata and Simon Snow’s birthdays today... 
so i’ma take this opportunity to share this extremely self-indulgent fic I wrote last summer where the Kagehina + Yachi friendship trio are Simon Snow superfans and a protective/supportive Kagehina chaperones Yachi’s first date to the new Simon Snow movie 😝  
i make absolutely no apologies, this brought me joy 😁🌞
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom:Haikyuu!!, Carry On Series - Rainbow Rowell, Simon Snow & Related Fandoms Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Azumane Asahi/Nishinoya Yuu, Yachi Hitoka/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Hinata Shouyou & Kageyama Tobio & Yachi Hitoka
Series: Part 2 of The Yachi & Kageyama & Hinata Wholesome Friendship Trio, Part 3 of Yachi + Kagehina one-shots
Summary for Haikyuu fans: When Tadashi asks Yachi out, she immediately runs to her best friends Kageyama and Hinata for advice. An overprotective Kageyama suggests they double date, so that he and Hinata can make sure Tadashi doesn’t pull any smooth moves.
Summary for Simon Snow fans: Three Simon Snow nerds and one non-nerd double date to the new Carry On movie. Things get kind of awkward when the non-nerd doesn’t get the reference to Baz in jeans. Amongst other transgressions.
Summary for those who are both Haikyuu & Simon Snow fans: Read it. :P
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offbrandkyoya · 2 months
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I ❤️ kageyama tobio
@karma-gisa @cosmiicdust
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theheightofdishonor · 2 years
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i continue to be hyperaware of every asahi/noya/suga crumb because that dynamic is so important to me
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enbyboiwonder · 2 years
Y’know, I wonder why I never had a crush on Noya when I first watched Haikyuu. Reading it now, I feel like I would have, but I didn’t??
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aestheticnanashi · 2 years
My plan for this Saturday night 🍿🥰
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