#nitoh kousuke
cephalopistol · 7 months
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someones probably done this already but w/e
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asknarashikari · 9 months
Wizard cast react to Baymax just confiscating all of his donuts... and Nitoh's mayonnaise.
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Cue them sobbing in toku rain as Emu presents the new diet plan
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toku-fanservice · 4 months
Can you do Soma Haruto and Nitoh Kosuke with s/o who is suffers from insomnia but hasn't told them about it until s/o accidentally drop their bottle of sleeping pills right in front of them?
- Your boyfriends are literal heroes, which of course means they want to be your heroes. They're very protective of you, each in there own way.
- Nitoh always wants to be so strong for you. He always walks you to your car or to the train station. Whenever Phantoms are out, he always stays with you until the situations handled. He wants to fight for you.
- Haruto enjoys more small, subtle gestures of protection and care. He always offers to carry your bag, to make you food or tea. When he buys donuts for everyone, he always makes sure to get your favorite flavor and hide it from everyone else. He wants to take care of you.
- You love them both so much, and you love feeling so cared for. But you also don't like to worry them. That's why you keep your insomnia from them as best you can.
- You drink a lot caffeinated coffee and tea, you try to be as normal as you can in front of them. Sometimes the facade slips, and they see just a bit of your exhaustion, which prompts questions of "Are you ok?" "Are you getting enough sleep?" "Do you need anything?"
- It makes you even more sure of your choice to hide it. You know they would both constantly question you and fret over you about getting enough sleep. You couldn't make them deal with that when they already have to save the world on a semi-regular basis.
- You're having a lovely evening with your boyfriends at the Antique Shop when it all comes crashing down. You were rummaging through your bag for your phone when your pills bottle fell with a horrible clatter. Right in front of Nitoh.
- "Huh? Pills?" He asked, picking them up. From there, you could only stare at the ground as you explained your situation- your insomnia and why you didn't tell them. At first, Nitoh was bewildered, just like you expected him to be. But Haruto was able to quiet him with a strong hand on his shoulder.
- "We're sorry we made you feel like you couldn't tell us. Of course we care about you, and we want to take care of you because of it. Just like how you take care of us. So, please, let us help where we can. Even if you just want to talk about it. We don't want you to have to suffer alone."
- After that, you can feel tears building in your eyes. You pull them both in for a big hug, promising to tell them when your insomnia is weighing you down.
- From there, life gets a little more manageable. Even if your boyfriends can't fix your problems, they support you. Haruto gets you a large coffee with your donuts now. Nitoh welcomes you into his tent when you can't sleep. And when you do manage to sleep, you are almost always in the company of one of them, if not both.
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tokuteasings · 1 year
KR Wizard HCs:
Nitoh's Mayonnaise obsession just manifested recently.
Because of Kimaira, Nitoh has lost his sense of taste, and the only thing left was his mouth's sense of touch and he can imagine the mayonnaise's flavor if he puts it in his food.
Yamamoto never transformed again after Nitoh retook his mantle as Kamen Rider Beast.
He also knew that he would need the driver and rings sooner or later.
With the support of his wife, he continues to train with Haruto and sometimes Nitoh and Mayu so that he won't get rusty.
And there won't be a repeat of what happened with the artificial Phantoms.
Shunpei now makes the magic rings. Mayu is the one giving him the magic stones that he would fashion into rings. So far he has outfitted the three KR Mages of the rings he has created.
With varying levels of success.
[Really the worst of it was the Dress Up ring forcing them into a set of clothes instead of the clothes they imagined wearing]
[The less said about the type of clothes they're forced to wear as, the better]
Speaking of rings, Yamamoto has gotten more use with his magic by caring for his child than in battle, despite the mages and wizard's magic being so battle oriented.
Because he's used to making creative decisions for his magic and take care of his children, he's gotten more strategic and creative use of magic in battle.
He once used the earth rings to make a mini patch of sand in his backyard for his child to play with.
He has even used the wind rings to safely carry his child to the ground after falling from a high place.
These creative uses are then relayed to mayu for her to practice with and use in battle.
When a big battle comes around, and Mayu's the only one fighting, he helps everyone by making a strategy.
Among the mages, only Yuzuru has access to Nitoh's animal rings.
and all the animal rings he has are for three things, defend, attack, and escape.
Yuzuru and Nitoh rotate the rings that they would use between them.
the hope ring inside of Haruto has unknown power.
One time when things really got dire, the hope ring exited Haruto's body and gave Shunpei and Rinko access to their powers in another world, as kamen rider orange mage.
This gave both of them the magic rings their other world counterparts have.
now this? this is fucking great. im so despate for wizard content THIS IS SO GOOD
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Magical Boy Tournament: Round 3
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Entrant Propaganda:
Kousuke Nitoh
A vote for Beast is a vote for JUSTICE!!
Vote for the Magical Girl everyone's talking about!
Black Pepper
black pepper is pretty cool and a significant step for magical boys in precure.
Come on Black-Pep! You know he watched Sailor Moon growing up and he tries SO HARD to have Tuxedo Mask vibes but his Magical Girl is just so pumped up on piping hot rice that she can't not pummel the monster to death before he gets there. Also his cape can deflect fireballs.
this one hurts me physically because I’m loyal to precure but I really like Beast and his design. pain.
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frostedcomics · 4 years
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jade-lop · 4 years
How many people still remembered that Nitoh was not just a food-obssess clown and Kamen Rider, but actually an archelogist?
His alternate world counterpart actually invented his own Driver.
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shadowkaijin · 4 years
nitoh is like “i’m not gay!! i would never put a guys ring on!!!” then gets really insulted when a guy doesn’t think he’s beautiful
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for the, cluedo prompt! (σ≧▽≦)σ haruto souma (and nitoh kousuke) in the nitoh family home with the intent of letting grandma know they're dating
I saw this and immediately knew what I was doing with it and that’s just a lovely feeling.
Haruto has never seen Kousuke this nervous.
He’s chewing on a hangnail, that’s how bad it’s gotten. The loudest, cheeriest, most obnoxiously confident man Haruto’s ever met, and he’s sitting on his grandmother’s sofa and chewing on the side of his thumb so much that it might start bleeding. “She’s going to disown me,” he mutters against his thumbnail.
Carefully, Haruto reaches out and grabs his hand, pulling it away from his mouth and holding it tightly. “Don’t chew on yourself. It’s going to be fine.”
“You say that now. I’ll be lucky if all she does is disown me.”
“Kousuke, she tried to let herself fall into despair so that you’d have something to eat. She’s not going to disown you.” He pauses, peering closely at Kousuke’s tight-lipped expression. “But if it’s too much, if we can’t do this now--”
Kousuke’s head comes up. “Say no more! It’s totally all right if you’re too nervous, we can leave--” He starts to stand up.
“Oh no,” says Haruto, tightening his grip and refusing to budge, “you’re not pulling that this time. We can leave, if you need to. But you’re not putting this on me.”
Kousuke glares at him for a moment and then sighs and sits back down. “You’re right. I should get this over with.”
Haruto squeezes his hand. “It’s all right. You can do this. I’ll be right next to you the whole time.” He pauses. “And she’s not going to, but if for some reason she does get very upset...you’ve still got hope. You’ve got me.”
Kousuke slumps, pressing the back of Haruto’s hand to his forehead. “Can you stop being a superhero for five minutes, please, I am having a crisis here.”
“I mean, I’d be a pretty terrible superhero if I stopped being one when there’s a crisis.”
“And stop smiling like that, you are so goddamn cute.”
Footsteps. Kousuke sits up straight, going tense again, and his grandmother comes back into the room with tea and sits down across from them. “It’s good to see you boys. Grandson, I hope you’re eating enough?”
He smiles weakly at her, bowing his head as she passes him a cup of tea. “Yes, Grandma, I’m getting plenty to eat.”
“And that lion of yours too?”
“Khimaira’s not exactly a--yes, we figured something out that suits both of us.”
“I’m glad to hear it. And you, Haruto? How have you been?” She peers at him closely. “You’re looking a bit tanned.”
“Ah...very well, thank you, Mrs. Nitoh. I was traveling, I just recently returned.”
“Hmm. I hope your travels went well.” She takes a sip of tea, looks back and forth between Kousuke and Haruto, and then says, “So. Kousuke. You said you had something you wanted to speak with me about.”
Kousuke’s eyes go wide. “That’s getting to the point quickly, isn’t it?”
“You know I don’t like to beat around the bush. Out with it. Have you dropped out of school again, is that it?”
“Have I--no, I haven’t dropped out of, why would you think I’d dropped out of school?”
“I was bracing myself for the worst. So what is it?”
“I. Ah.”
Haruto shifts over slightly, sliding a hand along the back of the sofa to rest on the small of Kousuke’s back where his grandmother can’t see it.
Kousuke swallows hard and says, “Grandma, I’m gay.”
All she says is, “Ah.” There’s a long, tense silence as she sips her tea, and then she sets down her cup with a soft tap. “I was wondering when you were going to tell me.”
“Grandma, I--wait, what? You--” Kousuke stammers incoherently for a moment, sloshing tea out of his cup until Haruto takes it away from him. “You knew--how long have you known?”
“Since that noisy Masataka boy in high school, the one you were always sneaking off with.” She takes another sip of tea. “I knew you would tell me when you were ready. I’ve always tried to make it clear that I support you as long as you’re not getting yourself hurt.”
Kousuke’s shoulders sag. He buries his face in his hands. “I thought you’d be mad at me.”
“Why would I be mad at you? You’re not still dating Masataka, are you? If you were dating him I’d be mad, he hasn’t got a bone of sense in his body. This one,” and she gestures at Haruto, who chokes on his tea, “he’s exactly the sort of boy I always hoped you’d bring home, he’s got his head on straight.”
Haruto coughs, putting his teacup down so that he doesn’t spill it. “Well, ah, in that case you’re in luck.”
“So you are dating him. Good. Thank you for putting up with my grandson, young man, he’s exhausting but he’s got a good heart.” A pause, and then she smiles, very slightly. “And good taste, if you don’t mind an old woman saying so.”
Haruto feels himself blush and wishes dearly that he could stop. “Um. Thank you?”
Kousuke’s now staring at his grandmother, wide-eyed. “None of this conversation is going how I expected it to.”
Her tiny smile widens slightly. “Of course it isn’t, you always start thinking I’m some kind of ogress when you’ve got something to tell me that you’re worried about, you’ve been like that since you were a little boy. But you’ll always be my grandson, no matter what else you are, and I love you.” She takes another sip of tea. “Now that that’s out in the open, though, there is something I need to know.”
Haruto braces himself, and feels Kousuke doing the same next to him. Mrs. Nitoh isn’t ever rude, but she is very blunt, and there are all sorts of questions that an otherwise reasonable person might decide are acceptable.
She levels an accusing finger at Kousuke. “So when are you going to start dressing better?”
Kousuke gapes. “What?”
“All these young gay men on television look so snappy, and I know I didn’t raise you to go around in public looking like a vagabond in three vests and jeans so old that I remember buying them for you in high school.”
“I--the vests--Grandma, dig sites get cold!”
“And is this a dig site? No. This is Fukui. And when you leave here you won’t be going to a dig site, you’ll be going to Tokyo. Why don’t you let your stylish boyfriend take you shopping, I’m sure he’s got some opinions about what would look good on you and maybe you’d come out of it looking like an adult instead of a wastrel.”
Kousuke has gone back to stammering and gesturing. Haruto is definitely blushing again, and this time is much worse, because now he’s thinking about what Kousuke might look good in, and they’re thoughts he’d rather not be having in front of Kousuke’s grandmother. “Ah. Well.”
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cephalopistol · 6 months
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asknarashikari · 2 months
the HC that Nitoh Kousuke is the father of one Ichinose Houtaro is hilarious! lol! I can't stop laughing.
...I think Kousuke's a bit young for that? He's currently only 35 years old. That would make him 17 years old when Houtaro was born. Unless y'all are suggesting Mama Ichinose is some kind of cradle robber like Zi-O manhole cover lady, that's very unlikely
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kstnt · 5 years
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nitoh commission
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tokuteasings · 1 year
You want to talk about Wizard, Tale??? Even the most obscure of characters? Well then, how about How did Yuzuru (Kamen Rider Blue Mage) feel when even though he was there to save his Kosuke-niichan, Nitou still ended up using the Chimera driver and became beast? (Wizard vs Gaim movie)
Yuzuru is devastated. He's shaking and angry sorts of tears are welling in his eyes. He's demanding from Nitoh, "Why?" and he knows better not to shout but he is raising his voice. His breathing is uneven but Nitoh only pats his head, gentle and kind as ever. "Kousuke-niichan...what if you...what if..." he can't bring himself to say anything further because it's Chimera's claws tearing out his heart from the inside - scratching it up and shreds of the organ are left.
"I'l be okay, Yuzuru." Nitoh assures him with a smile, confident rays of the sun soaking up the boy's vision.
Gods above, Yuzuru wants to believe tat so badly.
But really, Yuzuru is calling up Kouta the most to ask about giving more Helheim fruits to ensure Nitoh will be okay.
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Magical Boy Tournament: Round 1
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twrp · 5 years
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comm for kaijinrights on twitter!!!!!!
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spirostomum · 6 years
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happy 8 day early birthday to @obstinaterixatrix who has already seen this because I do not have a modicum of self restraint
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