#nix darling💖
starleska · 9 months
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here is my art summary for 2023!!! 🥳🥳 i'm really happy with all the art i made this year, and the improvements from 2022...plus all the fixations 🙈💖 looking forward to making even more art in 2024!!! 🥰 (template belongs to @ t/axkha!!)
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thehalfbloodedwitch · 2 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO @starwiredd !!!
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Okay okay I am more excited for your birthday athena than you are!! HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY MY BADASS BITCH, GORGEOUS GIRL, SUPER TALNETED IN LITERALLY EVERYTHING, MY LOVE AND THE MOST HOTEST PERSON TO EVER LIVE!! Athena, we have almost been friends for a year (idk I am not counting 😭) and it literally feels like I have known you for a whole damn lifetime, you are the one person on Tumblr whom I would go to rant about my day, talk to you about random shit and send you random stuff for your reaction! Today is a very very important day because it's your freaking birthday bitch!! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY BBG ILYSMMM AND I WISH YOU GET ALL THE THINGS YOU'VE EVER WANTED!! I really goddamn wish I was with you so I could give you the biggest hug possible!
Athena, I am so freaking grateful for having you as my friend! I remember the first time I followed you and approached you because you blog was classy and your theme was gorgeous(it is now also super gorgeous btw) and I sent my first chat to you in your dms, not even lying, I thought you would like not wanna talk to me and like ignore me, but instead you talked to me too and look at where we are now? This far! I cannot believe I met you last year cuz since then, we have been talking to each other almost every single day! I literally couldn't have asked for a better bestie because I have you! Thank you so much for being there for me Athena and supporting me, listening to my rants and loving me endlessly! 💋 ilysmmm like you missey, have a really special place in my heart <3
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I have made a pinterest board for you my love <3
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ryogai · 2 years
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@corrchoigilt​ said : ((hello dear sweet darling yoko u 3u here is yor reminder of how wonderful and treasured you are!! even in between our own breaks know i'm thinking of you and nix and all the fun we've had and continue to have. i hope this year has been kind to you and i can only hope this coming year is kinder 💖
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SKELLYYYY~. Thank you! I hope you know how amazing you are and how much I treasure you as a friend! I look forward to more Cas Cu and Nix shenanigans with you! Also may this new year be kind to us both.
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lazydreamer19 · 2 years
Heyyy sea! How are youu? Istg it has been soo long since we talked! What's up? Anything happened??
I'm great! Ikr! I missed you all so much!😭
A lot has happened, I moved out of my home, started college. Shifted to a new state and made several new friends from several different states!
What about you Nix???
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Hi I hope all is well and you're having a wonderful new year💖
I was wondering if I could please request a free tarot & oracle reading if that's okay? My question is what will be my future impact on my family and how will they view me?
Thank you so much; your generosity is really appreciated💖
Hello, darling! Thank you so much. I hope your 2022 is gentle, kind, magical, and beautiful. 🦋🌹
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It's super hars to see, but on the upper left hand side there is a little charm that says, "Relax, everything is running right on schedule. ~The Universe~" and, honestly, I feel like it super jives with this reading.
Your first card is Angel Phantom Quartz — Faith, Healing, Renewal. The deck is The Crystal Grid Deck by Grace Duong.
Acting as a direct connection to the spiritual realm, Angel Phantom Quartz provides a profound relationship with your spiritual team. It aids in overcoming trauma, addressing inner child wounds, healing repressed memories, and alleviating negative emotions that have been haunting you from the past. With this awareness, Angel Phantom Quartz allows you to release yourself from trapped memories to gain your own personal freedom. Empower yourself and write your own story, despite whatever has happened to you in the past. You owe that to yourself.
The Moonology Deck by Yasmin Boland and Nix Rowan has presented us with the New Moon Eclipse, which is asking you to Expect Powerful Change....
If you want affirmation that you can achieve your dreams and get the desired outcome in the situation you're asking about, then this is it. This is a card of beginnings and there are powerful energies at work. But be prepared: it could be quite a ride, and events now could be jarring and uncomfortable. Whatever is happening now is happening for a reason you'll appreciate later on.
"I heal the habit of fear and I embrace the habit of love" is your Super Attractor card from Gabrielle Bernstein.
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lazydreamer19 · 2 years
Heyyyy seaunti!!! What's up ??? it's been long since I talked to youu 😭
Hiiii Nix!! I'm doing just fine! I am almost done with the part 3 fic and I'll be posting it very soon!!
What about you????
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lazydreamer19 · 2 years
do you think you’re dehydrated?
anything from your childhood you’ve held on to?
do you have a skincare routine (and how many steps is it)?
No, I don't think I am. Are you though Nix?
My love for reading and a lot more things.
Yeah, I do, it's just three steps.
Ik, my skincare routine is messy,can I get some tips??? Tell me about yours, @thehalfbloodedwitch ! Thanks for the questions! Have a great day!💕💕
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lazydreamer19 · 2 years
Awhhh, sea trust me, it does hurt when you expect for a certain amount of marks and end up not getting them, but I am proud of whatever you have gotten! This one exam result isn't the end, you have many more exams coming up in the future and I am sure you're gonna get amazing marks in them, just don't lose hope rn. I know you will get much more marks next time! Love you bb, and if you ever need ti talk, I'm right here 💕😘
Tysm Nix! I needed to hear those words, I am very aware of this. It's just that maximum of my subjects had extremely good marks but just because of one particular subject in which I had scored very poorly, I failed to receive the marks I had expected. I was so close! That hurts a lot.....
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lazydreamer19 · 2 years
Loveeee the new theme sea 🖤🖤 black themes are literally the best!
Thanks Nix! I agree,black themes rule!🖤
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lazydreamer19 · 2 years
If you're getting this you are wonderful, sweet, considerate, lovable, warm-hearted, lovely, good-natured, awesome, friendly, uplifting, affectionate, compassionate, kind, understanding, gracious, graceful, precious, a beloved person, and beautiful person. Paste this to 10 blogs that fit these traits as well! No pressure but kindness can help and make someone's day! 💕
Tysm Nix!!🥺🥺😭😭💕💕
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lazydreamer19 · 2 years
Ahh love your new theme sea!! <333
Thanks Nix!!!<33
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lazydreamer19 · 2 years
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers
Thanks Nix! ILYSM!<333
I'd like to consider myself funny.
I have an immense amount of curiosity.
I am open minded.
I argue and point out my parent's mistakes and I'm not afraid of doing so(I hate this aspect at the same time)
I am extremely empathetic, to the point of starting to cry when I see someone else struggling.
Thanks ,by doing this,I see myself in a new light now!💕
I'm not gonna tag anyone, whoever wants to join is free to! I love all of my moots and all of them are my favorites!💕
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lazydreamer19 · 2 years
For the ask game!
What are you afraid of?
I am afraid of fire, it's just I am really scared going near it, idk why maybe because I feel like I will burn myself or something like that
What’s your favorite song?
Ahhh, this one I have many, I can't choose so imma say 3
The Night we met
Fool's Gold
What’s your deepest wish
My deepest wish is that women could have equal rights and can do whatever the fuck we want rather than being judged by people, and that I could go to Hogwarts, like study there and stuff!
Love ya <33
Really Interesting answers. As for me:
What are you afraid of? Losing myself and my skills.
What’s your favorite song? My favorite song changes a lot with each passing day,but currently it is This Love by Taylor Swift and Vogue by Madonna.
What's your deepest wish? To do some good in the world and to lead a happy and peaceful life. I'll say that I totally agree with your wishes and that's one of my many wishes too, especially with the current situation in the US.
Love ya lots too!<33
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thehalfbloodedwitch · 2 years
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But anyway, how is my dear friend Nix doing?? 🥺❤ please, answer honestly🥺 I hope you're doing well! Please, take care and remember I love you, you're soo loved! <33
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I'm doing okay dominika, it's just I have a few assignments here and there to finish 😭 ahhh I just can't, I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THIS WHOLE WORLD ❤ This ask literally made my whole day 😘💖💖 you are also very loved darling, and I hope that you are doing good!! Tell me about your day! How was it? Hope it went good 😘😘💖
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