#no 'just a father/friend' option because no matter how they (or you) personally feel about their relationship
gamebunny-advance · 10 months
Random Question Time (Side B)
Note: This question is more about "feeling" than the strict and literal definitions of their relationship. Since 1010 are robots, they can't "literally" be Neon J.'s sons. This question is asking how you think their relationship functions in human terms.
See the sister poll to vote on 1010's relationship with each other.
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thetriumphantpanda · 9 months
baby, it's cold outside | joel miller
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Summary | Patrolling with Joel is always easy, he's your friend after all, but when a snow storm forces you to stop halfway, you're both faced with feelings that you'd both rather ignore, but with nothing but time, talking about them is your only option.
Word Count | 4.2k
Pairing | Joel Miller x F!Reader
Warnings | Explicit 18+. A snow storm and a cabin with a nice, warm fireplace. Unspecified age gap. Explicit smut - unprotected PiV (don't do this, pls be smart), oral sex (F), size kink if you squint, dirty talk, two idiots who love each other, some negative feelings towards the holidays but nothing else I can think of!
Authors Note | A huge thank you to the wonderful @hellishjoel for setting the 12 days of Pedro up and asking me to take part - this was so much fun to put together and I hope you all love it as much as I do!
12 Days of Pedro Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Thank you to the wonderful @saradika for the divider!
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Despite having lived in Wyoming for years now, the winters were still a surprise to you. Icy cold winds, frosted windows every morning, thick downfalls of snow almost daily and a struggle to get warm no matter how many layers you wore. Some would call it picturesque, and you suppose you could see it, everywhere you turned in Jackson at this time of year, even though it was against the backdrop of the end of the world, it looked like it could adorn the cover of any Christmas card or be the setting for any Christmas movie. It didn’t matter, because you hated it either way.
When the tree went up in the centre of town, and the lights got switched on, it only served to remind you how solitary you were. How you existed mainly entirely on your own. No family, barely any friends, always the talk of the gaggle of girls who would whisper to each other whenever you passed and start laughing to each other, or the boys who always wondered why instead of hanging around with people your own age, you opted to spend it alone, or with someone who was pushing sixty.
Because if there was a single person in this Godforsaken town that you could class as a friend, it was Joel Miller. Quiet, closed off, unapproachable until you chipped away at his hard exterior, just like you in so many ways, it was actually sickening really. You liked Joel, ever since Tommy had put you two together for patrols when Maria had given birth, it was like you’d found someone who finally understood your need to be alone.
Patrolling outside the walls gave you peace, let you leave your loneliness behind for a while, just you and the ground beneath your boots, the feeling that you were doing something wrong, were less of a person because of your lack of friends and relationships left behind at the gate. You’d proven yourself capable more than enough times for Tommy to realise you were an asset. You’d saved more than enough people with your good aim and quick trigger finger, been ruthless in getting rid of raiders who strayed too close to your safe haven, and he knew your need for solitude, which is why he trusted you on these longer routes, on the more complicated patrol rotations, the ones that would get you out of Jackson for a week.
You surmise that’s probably why he chose to pair you up with Joel. In the two years you’d patrolled together, you’d come to realise that he needed that solitude just as much as you did. A way to leave behind being a father at the gate and remind himself of exactly who he was before. Out here, walking side-by-side next to you, he wasn’t Ellie’s dad, he wasn’t the man who still woke up in cold sweats remembering the heavy weight of his dead daughter in his arms, or that man who had lost almost everyone he’d ever cared for along the way, he was just Joel. Joel, who was more comfortable cradling a rifle in his arms than he was his infant nephew. Joel, who preferred comfortable silence instead of filling the quiet with talk. Joel, who, even when you suspected he hated you at the start, would have protected you to the death no matter what.
You were similar, far more than you’d like to admit, and as the weeks and months had drawn on, and you’d moved into being more comfortable with each other, he really was one of those things you’d wanted for so long. A friend. Someone to rely on, someone to drink with at the end of a hard patrol route, someone who made sure you ate when it was the last thing on your mind, someone who fixed the hole in your roof and put new planks of wood on your porch when you almost fell through it one day, someone who confided in you about how hard he found being a parent again, someone who opened up to you when things started to sour with Ellie. A friend.
He was also someone, in the last six months, that you suspected wanted to be more than your friend. It had started small, with things any good friend would do. He would offer you his arm when you walked during the winter so you wouldn’t slip, started packing double lunch so he knew you’d eat when you’d go out together, but then it was the hand on the small of your back through town, or the way he’d sit close to you in the bar, knees knocking against yours just so he could put a hand on your knee to apologise for getting too close.
And it’s not like you didn’t see that in him either. For a man who was almost sixty, he was incredibly handsome, able to do unspeakable things on patrol that neither of you would talk about to anyone else, strong in a way you didn’t think you’d ever seen before. Sure, his hearing was shot in one ear, his middle soft with age, and his hair and beard peppered with grey hair, but Joel Miller was a sight.
But, what if you’d read his signals wrong? What if his kindness and that warm hand on your knee was just him being a Southern gentleman? You throw yourself at him and he doesn’t feel the same, what happens then? You lose one of the very few friends you’ve ever had, and that’s somehow worse than knowing you’ll never know what the feel of his skin is like under your touch or what it sounds like when he moans your name for you.
The patrol route is brutal this day, wind and snow making it hard to see anything in front of you. You and Joel had to shout loudly to each other in order to hear anything, so when you stumble across the cabin, halfway through the route, you both decide that it’s best to head inside, get warm and wait out the worst of the storm before carrying on. Safer that way, is what Joel said, but you think it’s got more to do with the cold on his joints than the safety. Even at your younger age, your bones were certainly aching.
The wind whips a flurry of snow into the abandoned cabin when Joel pushes the door open, ushering you inside quickly, shutting the door quickly behind the two of you before more snow can follow you in. He sets his rifle down near the door and his backpack on the worn, moth-eaten couch, kneeling in front of the fireplace.
This particular cabin is a regular stop on this patrol route, an agreement between the residents of Jackson who frequent it to keep it stocked with firewood during the cold season. You silently note to thank whoever had patrolled before you for stacking the fireplace so all Joel really needs to do is set fire to the scrunched paper dotted through the wood to get the warmth of the fire flooding the small front room.
“Reckon we’re here for the long run,” Joel grumbles, holding flat palms up to the flames to warm his hands, “Ain’t no way we’re walking anywhere in that.”
And he’s right, the light of the day is fading fast and even in daylight, the blizzard had been a nightmare to traverse. It’s not like you’re wanting to rush back though, you sometimes wish you could pack everything up and come out here for good, live in your solitude until the end of your days, but for now, just a few more nights away from the place that reminds you just how alone you are will do.
You settle down on the couch, trying to burrow further into the coat around your body, not bothering to take your gloves or your hat off until the flames of the fire are stronger.
“Come sit closer,” Joel murmurs, motioning with his hand for you to sit on the floor next to him, “Warm up a little.”
You slip down from the couch and scoot along the floor until you’re sat next to him. Joel reaches over and takes hold of your wrist, gently pulling off your glove, “They’re damp,” He states, reaching for your other hand to do the same, “Take your coat off too, you’ll get a chill otherwise.”
Working to unzip the front to pull it off, whilst Joel throws an extra few pieces of wood on the fire, you settle a little bit closer to the flames, feeling the warmth start to seep through your other layers. He stands, taking your coat and his, hanging them on either end of the fireplace to dry out a little, then he sits back down next to you, although a little closer than he had been before, so close that you can feel the heat of his body next to you.
You take a moment to steal a look up at him, his body larger than yours, towering a little next to you, but in the glow of the flames he’s fucking breathtaking. You get lost in tracing his jaw and the hook of his nose with your eyes that he’s turning his head to face you before you can turn away from him. He catches you with that small smile that is saved only for his family normally, Ellie, Tommy, sometimes Maria, and now, more often, you. So you smile back at him, let the warmth lick through your body, and before you realise it, he’s leaning his, broad shoulders bumping yours as his face gets closer, and God, it would be so easy to let him do it, move your face towards him, press your lips to his and burn it all to hell, but as he inches closer, that pit is opening in your stomach, bubbling anxiety and dread, so as he inches closer, you have to stop him.
You bring one of your fingers up to press against his lips gently, watching as he purses them against your touch a little, but then his eyes open when you speak, so softly, so quietly that he almost missed your plea, “Please don’t.”
It’s like you’ve burnt him with the way he not only drags his face from you, but his whole body, putting so much distance between the two of you that you almost cry. He clears his throat, running his hand over his face, “Right,” He mumbles, “Sorry.”
“Don’t apologise,” You insist, not meeting his eyes though, “You don’t need to be sorry.”
“Stupid of me,” He shakes his head, “Just thought-” He sucks in a breath and pushes it out on a sigh, “Thought maybe you’d feel the same, but it was stupid.”
“It wasn’t stupid, Joel,” You sigh, finally turning to him, “It’s okay.”
“Makes sense,” He shrugs, eyes boring holes into the flames in front of you, “I’m old, too old for you to want me.”
“It has nothing to do with you being too old for me Joel, I couldn’t give less of a fuck about that.”
You expect him to drop it, like he often does with these kinds of conversation, the ones that involve feelings, but he doesn’t.
“Then what is it?”
“Well, it has nothing to do with your grey hairs or your creaky fucking knees, that’s for sure.”
He’s looking at you with a look that says to get fucked, hurry up, tell him the real reason for all this.
“I could be shit in bed for all you know.”
“Well that’s easy to rectify, just need a little practice.”
It makes you snort, “Can we be fucking serious for a minute, Miller?”
“You’re the one who said it first.”
“What happens when it goes tits up?” You ask, “When you get bored of me, or realise I’m not what you thought I was, what happens then?” He opens his mouth to respond to you, but you beat him to it, “I lose my best friend, that’s what happens, the only person in this Godforsaken world that I have, and I don’t want that, I don’t want a world where I’m without you.”
“Who says it’s going to go tits up?” He counters, “Baby, I’m old, I ain’t gonna go running off, I just want somethin’ good, somethin’ happy, and I want that with you,” Just like you had done before, he starts talking again before you can add something, “Put your faith in somethin’, darlin’,” He’s moving back towards you now, shifting closer, “Put your faith in, me.”
It sounds so easy when he says it like that, because you had once before, without even realising. Let him in, let him get close, to know everything you’d been through, share everything he’d been through. You let him sit with you late at night in the summer, strumming his guitar on your porch, he lets you share his whiskey when you need it.
“I’m still gonna be your best friend,” He urges, that warm palm resting on your knee, “That ain’t gonna change, we’re just gonna add to it.”
And for some reason, it snaps, all of your good judgement and everything that was holding you back. His face is cradled in your palms before you know it, your body straddling his lap as your mouth slants over his, a surprised gasp swallowed by your mouth as his lips open against yours, his hands coming to rest on the globes of your ass through your jeans, pulling you closer, chest flush to chest as you soak this in.
Hands dropping to the collar of his shirt, you start to slowly unbutton it, mouth still against his, tongue tasting him as your fingers push button after button through their holes until you can push it from his shoulders, drag his arms from it, drag his undershirt from it’s place tucked into his jeans.
Joel gasps when your hands make contact with the skin under it, fingers still slightly icy from the cold, but that too is swallowed by your mouth, as is the moan that drags from your throat when he bucks his hips into yours.
He pulls away from your lips, forehead pressed to yours as you both breathe deeply, “Don’t seem shit in bed so far.” He chuckles.
“I was fucking with you Joel,” You smile, punctuating it with a roll of your hips into his, “I’m a delight in bed.”
“Prove it.”
“Why not?”
“This is the floor Joel,” Which earns you a squeeze to your ass, “I’ve never fucked someone on the floor before.”
Before you know what’s happening, he’s flipped you over, your back pressed to the dusty wooden floor, his body looming over yours, fingers picking the button of your jeans apart, pulling the zipper down, fingers hooking into the waistband of your jeans, pulling them down your legs, underwear along with them too, before they’re thrown behind him somewhere, forgotten as he parts your knees, legs spread, exposed to him, and you think you might die from the way he looks at you. You bury your head into your shoulder, trying to escape his gaze as he drags his thumb along your folds, growling when he feels how wet you are just from his mouth on yours.
You’re vaguely aware of the sounds of his feet hitting one of the armchairs behind him as he lowers his chest to the floor, hands pulling at your hips, your back dragging across the wooden floor as his mouth presses a single, feather-light kiss to your clit. The smallest of touches to your body has your back arching into him.
How long has it been? Not since you fucked someone, because in the grand scheme of things that hasn’t been too long. No, how long has it been since someone actually made you feel good? Years, you think. Too long. Too long since sex was anything more than just stress relief, pressed against the brick wall by the Tipsy Bison, letting someone fuck you so you could feel something, giving them the bragging rights of fucking the town outcast in return.
This is different. So different. Joel is slow with it, parting you in front of his face with his thumbs, tongue swirling through the slick you’re not even embarrassed about now, tasting you, drinking you in, before he drags his perfect mouth up, lapping gently at your clit with the tip of his tongue.
“Taste so fuckin’ good for me, baby.” He coos against your skin, his praise making you preen, hips chasing the feeling of his mouth on you, he chuckles at your desperation, “How long’s it been since someone made you feel good, huh?”
Your fingers tangle in the curls on his head, dragging him back down to your cunt to silence him, “Too long.” Is all you offer as he feasts on you.
Tongue swirling, lips suckling, fingers digging into the skin of your hips, dragging you slowly but surely to the edge, the fire in your blood no match for the fire against your skin. He’s fucking good at this, knows exactly how to listen to your moans, the way you pull at his hair when he does something you like, collecting the little gasps and hip movements until he’s working a pattern on your pussy that makes you feeling like you’re going to explode, combust, maybe even die a little.
“Don’t stop,” You urge, breathless, sheen of sweat settling across what skin of yours is exposed to the flames near to you, “Gonna - fuck Joel - gonna cum.”
That’s when he pushes two of his fingers into you. Hooking them up inside of your cunt, your legs dropping open further than you thought possible as he works you and works you. You’ve gone quiet, letting out only short breathes when holding them in makes your head light, fingers so tight in his hair that you think it’s probably hurting.
Then, you think you find God, right there on the dirty, dusty floor, when the coil snaps inside of you. Your back arches off the floor, thighs clenched around Joel’s head as his tongue continues the flicks against your clit, ignoring the high-pitches whines of too much, Joel listening instead to the movement of your legs, the way your entire body convulses until you truly are spent for him.
Joel pushes himself up onto his knees, dragging his undershirt over his head, pulling his belt through its loops as you’re sitting up, dragging the upper portion of your clothes off, naked on the floor for him, the flames from the fire keeping you warm, even if your nipples do pebble and peak against the cold.
“Fuckin’ hell,” Joel breathes out as your hand settles on your pussy, fingers dragging through the slick to lazily move over your clit, “I wish you could see yourself right now, baby,” He crones, pushing down his jeans, cock springing free, immediately clasped in his fist, movements slow as he watches you touch yourself, “Pretty as a fuckin’ picture.”
His body falls forward, coverings yours, but this isn’t what you want. Hand on his chest, you’re pushing him back, “Wanna ride you, Joel.” You whine.
Like a kid on Christmas, he’s on his back in seconds, jeans and underwear pooled around his ankles because if you’re not sinking down on him in the next few seconds, he’s going to scream. You settle your thighs on either side of his hips, his cock, heavy and throbbing against his stomach. He’s watching you, as you take the base of him in your hand, line him up with that aching core of yours, head notching into you, where you just keep him for a moment, let him stretch you as you ground yourself with palms on his chest, sinking down, inch by inch until he’s fully buried inside you, warmth wrapping around him, just like the warmth from the fire against his skin.
You start moving your hips, his cock so deep in you he swears if he put a palm on your lower belly, he’d feel himself through your skin with the way you’re grinding against him, head thrown back, mouth dropped open. He wishes he could take a photo of this. He doesn’t think he’s seen a nicer sight in his life.
“It’s a lot, ain’t it baby?” He coos, hands on your hips, guiding your movements, he knows he’s big, been told enough times through his life, but the way you’re slow, getting used to him inside him, has him on the verge of spilling inside you already.
“So big, Joel.” You whine, leaning back now, hands on his knees which have moved up, his feet planted on the floor now, and God alive, if he thought you were a sight before, you’re a fucking masterpiece now as you start bouncing on his cock.
He can’t help himself, he is only a man after all, his hands trailing up the curves of your side, taking hold of your tits, rolling your nipples between his fingers, listening to the way you sing for him. Somehow, he finds core strength from somewhere, pushes himself up, one hand behind him to prop him where he is, as his mouth sucks a nipple into his mouth, rolling that pebbled peak with his tongue, your arm wrapping around his shoulders to steady yourself against him, hips still working against his, finger tangling in the curls near his neck, keeping his mouth anchored right where it is.
Joel pulls off you, a wet smack from his lips as he looks up at you with those beautiful brown orbs, “Feel so fuckin’ good, baby,” He praises, “So tight around me, like you were made for me.”
“Wanna feel you,” You moan, head dropping against his shoulder, “Wanna feel you come for me.”
He’s wrapping his arms around your back, dragging you down with him as he rests himself back on the floor, your chest pressed to his as he finally takes control. Feet planted on the floor with your teeth digging into his shoulders, he fucks up into you, the cabin filled with nothing but breathy moans and a lewd smack of skin as he pounds himself into you. In an ideal world he’d focus on making you come again, feeling you clench around his cock as you fall apart would be incredible, but he thinks there will be time for that later.
He’s so fucking close, you can feel it, the way his fingers are gripping t every inch of skin they can reach, the way his hips are faltering and how your name is more of a feature on his lips. You let out a surprise squeal as he flips you both, your back now to the ground as his cock slips out of you, his fist replacing the wet heat of your cunt as the warmth of his cum splashes across your lower belly, a howl, not unlike an animal, falling from his mouth as he paints you, claims you as his own with those ropes of cum across your skin.
When all is said and done, and he’s taken in the sight of your skin splashed with his spend, the two of you lying in front of the fire, one blanket dragged from the bed on the floor to soften the harsh wood, another pooled around both your hips, this feels like home. Both you and Joel, led on your side, watching each other, and the flickering light of the fire bathes you both in orange, in warmth.
His hand traces your face, thumb dragging across your bottom lip as he leans in to kiss you. Hours later, with harsh wind and snow still swirling outside, he brushes a thumb across your nipple, your hand reaching down between you to find him hard again. He puts you on your back this time, creaky knees be damned, slides his cock into your aching cunt once more, fucks you slowly, the entirety of his weight pressed against you. That orange glow almost convincing you that this was before, when things were normal, romantic even, as his lips leaves tiny bruises across your skin.
When he’s marked you once more as his, cum splashed from your pussy to your tits, he lies back down, the broad expanse of his back to the dying embers of the fire, your back pressed to his front, his arm snaked under your neck, urging you to sleep, and as you drift off, Joel’s hot breath against the skin of your ear, his other arm draped loosely over your waist, you pray that the snow is just as bad in the morning, because if it were possible, you want to return even less now, want to remain huddled next to Joel, on the floor, for the rest of your life.
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honeyedmiller · 6 months
A Burning Desire part three
firefighter!joel x f!reader
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series masterlist
rating: 18+, minors dni.
warnings: joel miller au, firefighter!joel, reader feels anxious for a bit, feelings, fluff, the miller brothers line dancing (that deserves its own warning bc whew... anyway), the cowboy hat rule!!!, slight smut (joel and reader get touchy and rub up on each other, making out, fingering), no use of y/n.
word count: 5.6k
synopsis: joel invites you over for a barbecue, and you end up unexpectedly meeting sarah while also rekindling with someone from your past. it isn’t until you talk about joel aloud to someone who isn’t your sister that you realize how deeply you feel for him.
a/n: thank u to @endlessthxxghts for letting me brainstorm about this chapter, and giving me the cowboy hat rule idea... ;)
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You were nervous. 
Nervous as hell. 
The slightly anxious part of you wanted so desperately to back out of today’s plans, but you promised Joel you’d be at his place. 
He was throwing a barbecue at his house and had invited you, and originally, Sarah wasn’t supposed to be there. Her friend got sick, so she ended up staying home. 
You hadn’t known Joel for more than a month at this point, and the prospect of meeting his daughter and being introduced as the “woman he’s been dating but not quite his girlfriend” terrified you. 
The last thing you wanted was for Sarah to dislike you, because you couldn’t bear the thought of the one person in Joel’s life who’s opinion mattered most to him not being very fond of you. 
Joel said she’d been okay with him dating and only wanted to see him happy, but wasn’t it too soon? The last thing you wanted was to wedge yourself between the father-daughter duo. 
Then again, your feelings for Joel had hit you full-force, and you were in it with him—for him. You’d cried to your sister over the phone about being scared of feeling things too fast, but she reassured you: if you know, you know. 
Nobody has ever made you feel the way Joel makes you feel. Your thoughts may’ve been repetitive with what you felt, but that’s how you knew you were so sure about him. He was a breath of fresh air in a place full of smoke (no pun intended). 
You were just worried what Sarah would think. Some might think it’s ridiculous to let a fourteen-year-old’s opinion matter so much in this circumstance, but that girl was Joel’s whole world. Her opinion of you mattered and could quite literally make or break your relationship with Joel. 
You’d be devastated if it didn’t work out. 
You nervously tapped on the steering wheel as you stopped at the last stop sign before turning onto Joel’s street. 
The quaint neighborhood just outside of the city was chalk-full of cookie cutter homes, looking like it belonged in a friendly neighborhood magazine. 
Several cars were parked in front of his house, but he’d texted you to park in his driveway beside his truck. It was sweet that he saved that spot for you. Another truck was parked in the driveway as well, and you assumed by default that it was Tommy’s. 
You grabbed the tray of cookies out of the passenger seat after you’d gotten out and smoothed your sundress to straighten it out. Joel said everyone at the firehouse loved your cookies, especially him and Tommy, so you made them as a surprise to bring for a dessert option today. 
Nerves coursed through your veins as you made your way up the front steps of his porch, ringing the doorbell. The chime went off in the house with a muffled “I’ll get it!” coming from the other side of the door. 
A few seconds later, the door opened and you were met with a smiling Tommy. 
“Hey there sweetheart, c’mon in.” He stepped aside and you thanked him as you entered the house. It was your first time over, so you took a second to take in your surroundings. 
Many family photos clung neatly to the walls, the leather couches in the living room adorned with quilted blankets, an array of DVD’s scattered around the entertainment center, a well-worn but gorgeous coffee table that sat atop the huge area rug, and the mantle above the fireplace full of trinkets from past trips and a few of Sarah’s soccer trophies. 
You smiled as you took in the scene before you, really admiring how cozy the home looked. It looked lived in and well loved, and it was all very much Joel. Simple, yet homey and functional. 
“Ooh, are those the same cookies you made for us back at the firehouse?” Tommy motions to the tray in your hand, bringing you back to present time. 
“They are. Thought I’d surprise you and Joel with these again.” You laugh as Tommy’s eyes light up, leading you to the kitchen. 
“Don’t blame me if these are all gone by the end of the night. You should give your recipe to Sarah. She loves to bake.” He groans as he takes a cookie from the tray, biting into it. 
You have to stifle a laugh at his genuine reaction. You knew your cookies were decent, but not as good as the Miller brothers made them out to be. 
“Speaking of, where’s your counterpart?” You teasingly ask, too shy to go into the backyard and introduce yourself to the array of people chatting and having a good time. 
You didn’t do too well in new settings, so it would take you a little while to warm up. 
“Ah, he’s cookin’ on the grill.” Tommy jerks his head toward the sliding glass door that leads out the backyard, and you follow in his footsteps as you walk up to the main man of the gathering. 
“Oh Jooooeeellll,” Tommy calls out with you in tow, “Found your girlfriend for ya.” He teases, and your heart skips a beat at that. You’re just dating the man. It wasn’t anything official yet, and somehow it just seemed so fitting. 
Joel didn’t correct Tommy either, which you took note of as his gaze averted to yours. A smile immediately spread onto his lips and he pulled you into a hug, kissing your forehead. You took a second to study the contrast of his tan skin against the white linen shirt he was wearing with the first few buttons undone, and the Raybans that sat comfortably on his face. You held in a groan, because fuck he looked so good, once again. Does this man ever look bad? 
“Hey baby.” 
Your face heats at the public display of affection, but it dawned on you that he was never trying to hide you or keep you a mystery like you were doing to him. 
Well, your sister knew about him of course, but everyone else in your family didn’t have the faintest idea. They were too overbearing sometimes, and you wanted to be official with Joel before you even said a word to anyone about him. 
“Hi handsome. I brought some cookies but left them inside. Thought I could surprise you again with them.” You grin at him, and he smiles as he pulls you into his side. 
“I’m gonna let you two lovebirds have a moment to yourselves. Gonna go find my lady and introduce you to her.” Tommy pretends to tip an invisible cowboy hat and sends a wink your way. You huff a laugh and shake your head at his wit. 
“He always that charismatic?” You question, and Joel laughs. 
“It’s even worse when he’s drunk.” He rolls his eyes, and you bury your smile in his bicep. You wrap your arm around his back as you watch him work the grill, flipping hamburgers and chicken that are seasoned to perfection. 
“‘M glad you could make it today, darlin’. Was startin’ to miss ya real bad. Those twenty four hour shifts kick my ass, I tell ya.” He sighs and gives your body a light, playful shake. 
“Of course, Joel. I missed you too.” You gave his shoulder a kiss before Tommy called your name to avert your attention to him. Your eyes flit to the woman he has his arm wrapped around, and your eyes widen in shock. 
“This is my girl–”
“Maria?” You interrupt Tommy, and her smile spreads wide. 
“Oh my god! Hey you! How long has it been?” She’s laughing as you two embrace each other while the Miller brothers give each other a confused glance. 
“Four years I think? How are you?” You grin, separating from her, holding onto her forearms. 
“Wow I can’t believe it’s been that long. I’m great! Just dealing with this guy over here,” She juts her chin over to Tommy, and his eyes flicker between you two. 
“Sooo you two know each other?” He asks, and you both laugh in unison. 
“We used to work together at the same company. Our cubicles were across from each other.” Maria explains, and you nod along. 
“Well I’ll be damned. Small world!” Tommy grins, patting Joel on the back harshly. Joel glares at his brother and rolls his eyes, turning back to the grill to take the food off and place it into the foil pans next to him. 
“Dad, is the food done yet? You hear a voice call, and you stiffen up immediately. Maria notices your change in demeanor and gives your arm a squeeze of reassurance, which you exchange for a weak smile. 
A curly-haired girl with bright green eyes comes into view. He turns to look at her and nods, motioning to the foil pans. 
“Lemme fix you up a plate. But first, I want you to meet someone.” He says, and he holds his hand out to you. Maria releases your arm so you can step forward and grab Joel’s hand, and Sarah’s bright green eyes meet your gaze. 
“This is the woman I’ve been datin’. Darlin’, this is my daughter Sarah.” 
You extend your hand to her with a sincere smile, hoping she didn’t pick up on your nerves. 
“Ah, so you’re the woman my dad can’t stop talking about!” She laughs, flashing you her gorgeous smile. 
“Oh really?” You quirk an eyebrow up and look at Joel, nudging him playfully. 
He raises his hands in defense, “Guilty as charged.” You huff a laugh at Joel and shift your gaze back to Sarah. 
“It’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you as well.” 
“Do you mind if I steal her for a second, dad?” Sarah asks, and you can’t help but feel extremely anxious. You genuinely don’t think a fourteen year old has ever made you so frazzled with nerves like this before. 
You follow her to the lounge chairs by the pool, taking a seat across the one she sat in. 
She slaps her thighs with her hands, a small smile evading her lips. 
“So,” She starts, seemingly collecting her thoughts. “This isn’t some ‘what are your intentions with my dad’ intervention, I promise. But, like, I really hope you’re serious about him.” She looks at you with apprehension in her eyes, and you’re a bit taken aback by her words. 
You could’ve guessed this was coming. Judging from what Joel has told you about their relationship, it was only fitting that she’d be so protective of him.
“I’ve seen him get hurt before. Not just by what my mother did, but with other women, too. I honestly think you’re the first woman who didn’t skip out on him after finding out he has a kid.” 
“That would never make me run. Your bond with your father is something that’s so strong, and I would never want to come between that. I can promise you that your dad has a better chance at breaking my heart than I do breaking his.” 
“He won’t. He’s a good man and he deserves someone kindhearted like you. I can tell you are. I’m glad you two found each other. I haven’t seen him this happy and relaxed in… a long time.” Sarah laughs, and you can’t help but smile at her admission.
“I pinky promise I’ll treat him great. He’s a real special guy, and I like him a lot.” You hold your pinky out to her, and with a beaming smile, she hooks her pinky with yours and gives it a little shake. 
“I know. It’s just nice to finally see him getting his feelings reciprocated back to him. Most women only romanticize the uniform he wears and not the person he actually is.” 
“Well, I gotta say, they all definitely missed out on an amazing man.” And part of you was thankful for that, which is something you didn’t want to admit aloud. 
Because if it weren’t for those women in his past that didn’t work out with him, you would’ve never had a chance with him. You glance over at Joel, and he was chatting with some other guests. You couldn’t help admire him and his calm, happy demeanor. 
As if he senses you looking, he turns his head in your direction to meet your gaze and winks. You offer him a soft smile before turning back to Sarah. 
“They are, but something tells me you’re here to stay. Not saying that to like, I don’t know, scare you off or anything, but you and him really do make a nice couple.” 
“Actually,” You huff a laugh and glance over at him once more, “He hasn’t asked me to be official or anything yet. I am here for the long haul, though, and I want you to know that I respect you and your relationship with your dad. I wouldn’t ever want to overstep any boundaries.” 
Sarah groans and huffs, rolling her eyes as she looks over at Joel. “This man, I swear. Want me to yell at him for you?” The mischievous glint in her eye tells you she would actually do so. 
You shake your head with a laugh, and she puts her hand on your shoulder as she leans forward. 
“Also, you don’t need to worry about overstepping. It’s… nice having someone else around. I appreciate you saying you respect our relationship, though. Dad was always apprehensive about bringing women over because my opinion means so much to him. You’ve got my approval in the bag, though.” 
“I appreciate that, Sarah. I’m sorry if meeting me was too soon or awkward for you. I wasn’t expecting to exchange pleasantries today.” She grins and waves her hand between your bodies at your words. 
“Nonsense. I’ve been pretty excited to meet you, seeing as you have my dad crushing like a teenage boy again. I just want him to be happy, and I know he is with you.” She throws her arm over your shoulders, and you immediately reciprocate the hug. 
Admitting to Sarah that you were in this for the long haul even shocked you. It’s not that you didn’t want to be, but your love life in the past hasn’t exactly been to your liking. Joel is different, though, and seeing that he has people in his corner who love and care about him tells you that they’d go to great lengths to protect him. 
It was crystal clear that both of you wanted whatever was going on between you two. You were apprehensive to put your all into it. 
You’ve been known to pull back when things got serious. It was a defense mechanism to protect your heart and peace. 
You knew you were falling, but the million dollar question still remained: would Joel catch you? 
You were pulled out of your thoughts when Sarah separated herself from you. 
“I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.” She says, and she coaxes you to follow her back to the grill where Joel and Tommy stood. 
“Everythin’ good?” Joel asks, slinging his arm around your shoulder. You nod and offer him a smile. 
You were about to go after you plated your food, but Joel shook his head and gently pulled you back to him. 
“Uh uh, where you goin’?” He has a goofy grin on his lips as he pulls you in, giving you a kiss. You can’t help but laugh against his lips and gently push him away. 
“There’s people here, Joel!” You playfully tsk, and he squints his eyes. 
“What, I can’t kiss my girl?” 
My girl. The phrase made butterflies swirl in your stomach and heat to rise to your face. 
“Never said that, but technically, I’m not your girl yet.” You quirk an eyebrow at him. 
Tommy laughs and nudges Joel, “Damn brother, you haven’t asked her to be official yet? Hell’s wrong with ya? Hop to it!” 
“Coming from someone who didn’t settle down until like a year ago. Shut up you little shit.” Joel huffs, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Was watin’ for the right one! Then this beauty changed my life in the best way possible and put me in my place,” Tommy pulls Maria into his side, kissing her cheek. She rolls her eyes and nudges him playfully, walking back into the house before Tommy points at you. “‘N this missy right here is gonna do the exact same for ya. Don’t be ‘fraid to put him in his place, sweetheart, he needs it.” Tommy howls with laughter as Joel glares at him.
“So fuckin’ dramatic.” Joel mumbles under his breath.
“So what, you don’t want me to put you in your place?” You’re enjoying seeing him squirm a little as your hand traces circles over the white linen that clings to his back. 
“Nah, it ain’t that. You can put me in my place anytime, baby.” He winks, and you immediately pick up on the innuendo behind his voice. 
“You’re fighting with fire, Mr. Miller.” You murmur to him, and his hand moves down to your ass to give it a subtle, playful squeeze. 
“‘S my job, baby.” 
“Don’t think this is one you can put out.” You wink at him before walking away to join Maria in the house.
“Okay, you have to tell me everything,” Maria situates herself on the couch with a glass of wine. You sit down next to her and tuck your legs under yourself, smoothing your dress out before leaning your head on your fist. “How in the world did you and Joel become a thing? What happened to that one guy that you used to tell me about?” 
You laugh at her enthusiasm toward your love life, inhaling a deep breath before diving into the story about your shitty ex and all the stupid trust issues he gave you. He really did a number on you, which is why you were so content with being single and thriving. You told Maria that you kept your guard up to protect yourself and your heart, because the last thing you wanted was to give your all to someone once again, only to be burned. Maria put her hand on your knee as a reassuring smile spread across her lips. 
“Honey, I can promise you that that man standing out there has it bad for you. Doesn’t matter how long you’ve been seeing each other. I can see it in the way he looks at you,” Your gaze trails out to the backyard as Joel sips on a beer, talking with Tommy and a few others who you presume are the neighbors before Maria’s voice pulls your attention back to her, “Joel is a good man, and despite the way you both have been hurt in the past, you still both found each other and gave this,” She waves her hands to gesture between you and him, “A chance. Lord knows that man could use a good woman like you in his life.” 
You felt the sting behind your eyes immediately. Maria’s words were nothing short of assuring, and she smiles as you wipe your tears with a small laugh. 
“Baby, just because you finally got the flame on your candle to burn bright again, doesn’t mean he’s going to dim yours. His is finally strong on its own, too. I know that you’re so independent and you’ve been used to it for some time now, but let his flame make yours even stronger. You can be stronger together.” 
And you knew she was right. The clarity blindsided you, but you got your answer: Joel would one hundred percent, undoubtedly catch you. 
A few hours later, the sun had started to set and the neighbors went back to their respective homes, leaving you, Maria, Tommy, Joel and Sarah left. You and Maria insisted you help clean up even though Joel and Tommy both told you it wasn’t necessary. You both waved them off and got everything put away and washed in less than an hour. 
Maria refilled her glass of wine as you poured yourself one and both went to settle back onto the couch, Joel and Tommy in tow. Sarah came running down the stairs and up to Joel, a pleading look strewn across her features. 
“Kelly invited me over to a night swim and slumber party. Can I go? Please?” She had a hopeful look as she clasped her hands together to shake them, silently begging Joel to say yes. 
“I thought she was sick?” He asked, running his hands over the stubble on his chin. 
“No dad, Sasha is the one that’s sick.” 
You tried to stifle a laugh at her ‘duh’ tone, so you just bit your lip and stared at him. He sighed and looked at you, his demeanor changing in the slightest. 
“Sure, but please check in with me every few hours or so. Do I need to drop you off?” He asks, resting his beer bottle on his thigh. 
“Thank you!” She throws her arms around him, and he grunts as he returns the hug. “No, Kelly’s mom offered to pick me up. She can drop me back off tomorrow, too.” She says, and before Joel can get another word in, she rushes back upstairs. 
Joel sighs as he leans back into the couch, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“Teenagers.” He grumbles, taking a swig of his beer. You pat his thigh and lean into him, giving him a smile. 
“Well now that it’s just goin’ to be adults, why don’t we get the real party started,” Tommy wiggles his brows, and all three of you look at him in confusion. “‘S a joke, people. Sheesh. How ‘bout some music, though.” He connects his phone to the speaker sitting on one of the shelves, playing a mix of late 90’s and country music. 
Joel finds himself leaning into you as one of his hands slips below the hem of your dress, drawing circles into the skin of your thigh. His touch sends a shiver down your spine and he looks at you with a quirked brow, clearly pleased with your reaction to his touch. 
You got turned on so easily now. It wasn’t fair. Just one look alone from the older Miller brother could have your panties around your ankles in milliseconds, and you truly weren’t above begging him to touch you. 
The smug smirk on his face told you he knew it, too, but you both agreed to take things slow. You couldn’t even remember why you agreed to such a thing, because the tension between you two had been through the roof since your date at the fair. You truly didn’t know how much self restraint you had. 
Maria’s laugh had ripped through your thoughts, earning your undivided attention. 
“No way. I don’t believe you.” She says, laughing at Tommy. 
“‘S true! Joel and I are a couple ‘a Austin’s finest line dancers.” Tommy shrugs, looking over at Joel. 
“Those days are long over, brother.” Joel groans, leaning his head back onto the couch. 
“Bullshit. Betcha still know how to dance to Brooks & Dunn.” 
“Even if I did—”
“C’mon cowboy, show us what you got.” You tease, and Joel shakes his head. 
“Mm mm. Won’t do it unless you ladies do it with us.” He negotiates, and your eyes flit to Maria who smiles upside down and shrugs her shoulders.
“Wouldn’t hurt to learn.” She says, and you nod in agreement. 
“It’s settled then.” Tommy slaps his thighs, standing up and offering his hand to Maria. Tommy tosses Joel his Stetson off of the coat rack which Joel catches with ease, putting it onto his head as he grins at you, offering his hand to help you stand up. 
“Hey dad! Kelly’s mom is here– oh god, are you and Uncle Tommy line dancing again?” She groans, and Joel holds his hands up in defense. 
“Uncle Tommy coaxed me into it and these lovely ladies here wanna learn. Not my fault.” 
Sarah rolls her eyes and looks between you and Maria. “Good luck with these two knuckleheads. It was nice to meet you!” She says as she heads for the door. 
“You too!” You call back. 
“Text me when you get there, please.” Joel calls out to her, and she says ‘kay!’ before the front door shuts behind her. Tommy plays the familiar tune of Boot Scootin’ Boogie, and Joel stands next to him before they start to dance in sync. They both hold on to the front of the waistbands of their pants where their belts would presumably be as their footwork syncs up perfectly. 
You and Maria watch in awe as they move together effortlessly, mentally noting the moves they’re repeating. Maria nudges you and you look at her with a shit-eating grin on your face. 
“Girl, are you seeing this? Got damn near ten degrees hotter in here just watching my man dance.” 
“Tell me about it. If Joel and I weren’t taking it slow, I’d probably jump his bones right now.” 
“More power to you. I couldn’t do that even if I tried my damndest.” 
“Trust me, it’s hard. Especially when he looks like… that.” You stare at Joel as he lets the familiar movements flow through his bones, dancing on beat to the upbeat song. He looks at you and shoots you a wink, making you bite your lip to hide your smile. 
“C’mon ladies.” Tommy waves you both over, and you both join in with them. It takes a couple of tries to sync up with Joel, but you’re eventually moving with him. He takes your hand and spins you, pulling you into him as he presses you flush against his chest. 
You smirk at him and pluck his Stetson off of his head, putting it onto yours. Joel moves his hand to the small of your back, causing you to practically grind into him while you dance. You bite your lip and bat your lashes as you can feel the tension in Joel’s body that desperately needs relief. He shakes his head with a chuckle, leaning in as his lips brush your ear. 
“Ever heard of the cowboy hat rule, baby?” His voice is raspy and low. He noses at your jawline before leaving a kiss below your ear, pulling his face back into your view. 
You shake your head no, and as the song ends, he gives Tommy a look before intertwining your hand with his to lead you upstairs. 
“Joel—” You start, but as soon as you step into his bedroom, he closes the door and locks it. He cages you in between both of his strong arms, hands resting on either side of your head as he pops his knee out. It’s dangerously close to your aching cunt, and if you moved forward just a bit, you could easily grind yourself onto him. 
The thought was tempting but your mind went blank, the close proximity between you both making your head spin. 
“The cowboy hat rule,” He starts, leaning down to kiss your neck, “Is when a lady takes a man’s cowboy hat off of his head n’ puts it on herself. Means that the lady wants to be with the man and essentially wants to do more with him.” 
“M-more?” Your breath catches in your throat as his hot tongue glides over the warmth of your neck. You’re beginning to pant harder, hands twitching at your sides, aching to touch him. 
“Mhm.” He slots his thigh between your legs, and you can’t help the soft moan that bubbles in your throat at the delicious friction. 
“Had a whole romantic thing planned in my head on how to ask you to be my girl, but fuck baby, I can’t wait no more. I know it ain’t been long, but I really want you to be mine. ‘N I sure would love to be your man.” 
Your brain starts to function a little better, so you bring your hands up to cup his face. You can’t help the grin that spreads on your lips, Joel mirroring you. 
“Don’t need fancy. Just need you, baby. I’d love to be yours, Joel.” 
And he steals a searing kiss from you, arms wrapping around you as he moves you both backwards toward his bed. He takes his hat off of your head before setting it on his dresser, sitting down on his bed as you follow suit and straddle him. His hands hold onto your thighs, teasing you as they move underneath the hemline of your dress. 
His lips separate from yours and he buries his face into your neck, kissing and licking your soft flesh as he grabs a handful of your ass. You can’t help but grind yourself into him like last time, the carnal desire for him shredding through you as your self-restraint dwindles down to nearly nothing. 
“I-I know we said slow, but baby, can I touch you?” He asks, and you fervently nod your head. Your thoughts were so jumbled that you couldn’t be bothered to form a coherent response. Your senses were all-consumed by this man under you—your boyfriend. You smile at the thought before your jaw goes slack when his hand moves your underwear to the side, fingers sliding through your slick folds. 
You bite your lip to stifle the whine that shoots through your chest, heart leaping into your throat. You knew it wouldn’t take much for you to come undone if Joel kept teasing you the way he did. 
“Shit, baby, you’re so fuckin’ wet. This all for me, pretty girl?” He asks, his Southern drawl as thick as honey, darkened eyes meeting yours. 
“Yes.” You cry, rutting your hips against his fingers.
“Can I?” He asks, prodding the tip of his fingers at your entrance. You nod once again, gripping onto his shoulders as you begin to leave kisses across his neck and collarbone. He slides a finger down to the knuckle in you effortlessly, and you can’t help but nip at his neck as the sensation courses through your body. 
His one finger alone could reach places yours never could, and it made you dizzy. He slipped another finger into you, the stretch stinging in the slightest as you rocked onto his hand. 
“So fuckin’ tight, baby. There you go.” Joel guides you as he begins to move his own fingers, curling them in your warmth. He was hitting that spot that you could barely ever reach, making your eyes roll to the back of your skull as your head fell back, panting his name repeatedly as you felt the coil already tightening in your core. 
“So fuckin’ pretty, hm? My girl is so gorgeous like this, gettin’ herself off on my fingers. Look like a fuckin’ angel, darlin’. Such a good girl.” Joel praises you, and your head snaps up as your eyes meet his. He has a devilish smirk on his lips as you thread your fingers through his curls, smashing your lips to his. He groans into the kiss and picks up the pace of his fingers, your arousal now dripping down to his wrist. He felt your pussy clench around his digits, and he was coaxing you to come undone. 
“That’s it baby. Can feel ya, I know you wanna cum. Give it t’me.” He says, and he swallows your moans in a kiss as the band snaps in your core, body convulsing as you ride out your orgasm. 
You’re breathless as you slump against him, kissing his neck repeatedly as you try and catch your breath. 
He slowly slides his fingers out of you and you moan at the loss of fullness, gaze meeting his once again. He slips his fingers coated in your arousal into his mouth, eyes fluttering shut as he tastes you. He leans in to kiss you, and you can easily taste yourself on his tongue. 
“So fuckin’ sweet. Can I taste all of ya?” He asks, and you don’t even think twice before you nod. He flips you around onto the bed, kneeling onto the floor as he hooks both of his fingers into the waistband of your panties. You’re about to lift your hips so he can slide them off of you when a sharp knock on his door sounds. 
He groans and sits on his haunches, forehead falling onto your thigh. You giggle and sit up, running your hands through his curls. 
“What, Tommy?” Joel calls out, and Tommy laughs on the other side of the door. 
“Jus’ lettin’ ya know Maria ‘n I are gonna stay in the guest bedroom. The hell are you doin’ in there?” 
Joel gets up with a grunt and stalks toward his bedroom door, unlocking it before swinging it open.
“None of your goddamn business. That’s what.” Joel rolls his eyes, and Tommy raises his hands in defense. 
“Shit, my bad!” He looks past Joel and winks at you, and your face heats up immediately. 
“You have five seconds to get out of my face before I beat your ass. Fuckin’ cockblock.” Joel grumbles, glaring at his brother. 
“Fair. Carry on. Wrap it before you tap it!” He turns on his heel and trudges down the stairs, and Joel turns back around to look at you, face beet red. 
“Ignore him.” He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“Noted,” You pat the spot next to you and he rejoins you on the bed. “Now where were we?”
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tags: @ilovepedro ; @nostalxgic ; @endlessthxxghts ; @punkshort ; @pamasaur ; @clawdee ; @pascalpvnk ; @bensonispunk ; @merz-8 ; @darkblue-tennesseee ; @buckyispunk ; @untamedheart81 ; @picketniffler ; @fluffygoffpanda ; @paleidiot ; @typewriter83 ; @lizzie-cakes ; @sawymredfox ; @keylimebeag ; @nandan11 ; @pedropascalsbbg ; @pimosworld ; @yxtkiwiyxt ; @anoverwhelmingdin
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ᴡɪᴄᴋᴇᴅ ꜰᴀᴛᴇ
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PAIRING: Son of evil queen! Jeonghan x daughter of hades!reader | son of belle! Joshua x reader
⛧ SYNOPSIS: You were supposed to steal the wand, and take over the world – to prove that you were evil once and for all, but over the course of two days, you find yourself taken over by your complex feelings and lust.
CONTENT/WARNINGS: Brother! Seungcheol, Dom! Jeonghan & Joshua, childhood friend! Jeonghan, first love! Jeonghan, cheating, exhibition, fingerjng, degradation, unprotected sex, possessiveness, panty stuffing, spanking.
NOTE: Son of Gaston! Mingyu, Son of ursula! Dino.
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«"A WHAT?"» You and Seungcheol exclaimed in unison while your mother did not bother to look at you while she shaped her nails. «"A chance to go to Auradon"» She repeats her previous words yet again to you and your brother.
You could feel your insides twisting from the mention of the dreadful place. «"Mother, we are not going to that stinky place where people walk around with bright princess clothes and tiaras"» You say, speaking up like usual. Your mother knew all too well, it would be you who would instantly disagree with her decision. Because Seungcheol had never gone against your mothers words, for she did not give him a mind either.
Your mother always had a profound hate towards your older brother, no matter what he'd try to do to show her he was as evil as her or – the fact that he was trying to be. Maybe that was the problem – it was the fact that Seungcheol was not evil. He tried, tried hard to be what his mother expected him to be, but he just couldn't get himself to shove an old person into an alley or steal candy from a hungry child. He just couldn't be evil.
Or maybe the fact that he had taken after his father's genes and could easily use the power of that powerful ember if he had the chance to pass that barrier, and specially – inherited the radiant dark blue hair.
But you on the other side - well, you had dark purple hair, and you were just - as evil as she wanted you to be.
«"I agree with her, we are not going."» Your head whips around to look at him, your mouth gaping in revelation. Your mother's eyes instantly narrow upon hearing him. Standing up from her chair, she walks closer to where you both stood. Your hands intertwined with Seungcheol's, giving them a squeeze while she stared at both of you, on coming face-to-face with you. «"You both do not have an option, You're doing this for us and yourselves."»
Letting go of his hand, you cross your arms, walking closer to her. You tilt your head slightly, «"How about a no?"»
Her eyes flamed green, making your own eyes mirror hers. The Isle and your mother may have been deprived of any magic for years, but your mother's power to defeat you and your brother was nothing special.
Your usual contest was interrupted out of the blue - surprisingly - by your father.
«"Maleficent"» He moved from his spot on the doorway, while your head snapped towards him. «"You're hurting my daughter with your shenanigans yet again."» Your mother could care less about his comment. She walks away while both of you are approached by your father.
«"Listen, kids. Just think about it both of you, imagine if we do not have this fucking barrier preventing us from our freedom. It's all so simple really, you both go there with the other VKs, steal that wand, let us out of this stinky place and we take over the world again."» Those were the same old shit, repeating over and over from your parent's mouths.
You never had a deplored hatred towards the Auradon Or the ‘King and Queen’ but gosh did you want to avenge them for the childhood that was taken away from you.
Your father takes a step closer towards Seungcheol, his hand firmly placing itself on his shoulder and squeezed threateningly. «“I'm sure my son wouldn't want to disappoint me, would he?”»
‘I was never your fucking son’ - Gosh did Seungcheol just want to spit that out on his face but the hand almost bone crushingly squeezing his shoulder, stopped him. His face lowers down slowly, «Yes, father.»
You roll your eyes, having already expected his defeat against your father. You walk out, going to the only person that knew you inside out.
You rest your head against Jeonghan's chest. There were no words exchanged between the two of you, but he knew exactly what was running in your head.
«“I don't wanna go, Hannie”» You say, breaking the silence. «”Hm and why is that?”»
You roll your eyes yet again at his words, lifting your head to look up at him. «”You really are going to make me say it ain't you?”» Jeonghan feigns innocence at your words, «”Hmm I don't know what you're talking about.”» Your hand slaps his chest playfully, «”You know well, I can't be away from you, you jerk.”»
Jeonghan chuckles at your words, «”Tell me my evil little Y/n, did you bother to check who was selected to go to Auradon?”» Your eyebrows knit slightly, eyeing him in confusion. «”What are you talking ‘bout?”»
Jeonghan's lips stretch in a heartwarming smile, «”I'm coming with you too, dummy.”» Your eyes widen in astonishment, and your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him down for a tight hug. «”Thank god I'll at least have you by my side, I can't imagine seeing all those princesses and their glamour, and manage to not puke.”»
Just as you say that, you hear someone clear their throat behind you. Your head snaps back to the person, and you find your brother standing there. «”I still exist you know”» Both of you laugh at his words, running to him while he pouts at the both of you.
Your fingers held the handle of your bag over your shoulders, while you waited for the other selected ones. Your expression swiftly turns disgusted when your eyes fall on the tall guy who emerges from the crowd. «”Don't tell me that jerk is coming too, gosh I can't have my life being ruined any more.”» Seungcheol chuckles next to you upon hearing you, knowing well you were talking about Gaston's son.
As if on the talk of the devil, Mingyu approached your figure, you knew him all too well to not guess his next words. «”Aren't you a little too cranky today, beautiful?”» He smirks down at you – god was he just as jerky as his father. You take a small step closer towards him, «”Fuck off before your face is unidentifiable by the time we walk out of the barrier.”» Mingyu scoffs under his breath, walking away from you.
«”He's right though, what's got you so cranky?”» You hear the familiar voice from behind and turn around to find Jeonghan walking up to you, his hands buried in his pockets while his bag hangs over his shoulder.
You let out a soft gasp, as soon as your eyes fell on him, his dark blue hair was turned into long black hair where his bangs fell over his face softly. You barely gave a mind about his words, while letting his arm wrap around your waist. «"What's up with the sudden hair change?”» He smiles smugly, his eyes meeting yours «”You like it? I did it for you.”» Jeonghan winks down at you at the end of his sentence, giggling under his breath when you roll your eyes at him.
«”I guess it looks good.”» You shrug him off before walking towards black limousine as you throw your bag inside.
Just as you were about to plop yourself onto the seats, you feel a tug at the back of your collar. You turn around to find your sworn enemy – Dino standing in front of you. His lips curl up in a smirk, «”It feels so nice to know that you're coming along, cause I want you to see me succeed at getting the wand before you can.”» You scoff at his words, «”Oh really? I didn't know you were so pathetically waiting for my validation.”»
His pupils dilate slightly in anger, and his hands fly to the collar of your shirt – you mirror him, tugging on his collar harshly.
«“Little girl thinks her parents are going to think she's really evil once she gets her hands on the wand, does she?”» You scoff at his words, but before you could speak anything else you feel Seungcheol and Jeonghan pull you back from his grip. «“So hot-headed.”» Jeonghan tchs under his breath but it was well audible for you. You shoot him a glare while you take your seat next to the window, grumpily.
You hear Seungcheol gasp under his breath next to you, when he finally steps out of the car. Completely contradicting you – who stood there with pure disgust and displease in your blood. Jeonghan clearly mirrored your feelings, as he stood next to you. You were met face-to-face with the new crowned prince who stood in front of all of you with a blue perfectly fitted formal suit, a napkin weirdly folded and kept in his pocket.
All the seven of you instantaneously recognized the man. ‘The great Crown Prince’ - the exact words the anchor person said the other day when you had been watching the only ever channel that was broadcasted in the Isle of the Lost.
«“Hi I'm Joshua Hong. The Crown Prince of Auradon.”» He speaks, causing you to snap out of your trance. His eyes turn into crescents when he smiles, and he holds out his hand to you. And you hold your hand out but just before your hands could meet, someone intervenes and shakes his hand. You look up to find Jeonghan, eyeing the man who was the same height as him with a forced smile.
You don't give it much of a thought and stand back. «“I don't think you need our introduction.”» Soon he retrieves his hand, snuggling it in between his pockets. «“Yea, definitely, I hope you make yourself comfortable here.”» He walks off and soon a bright cheerful skips happily towards you.
«“I'm Dokyeom, Fairy Godmother’s son!”» The mention of his mother instantly catches your attention, «“Fairy Godmother? Like the bibbidi bobbidi boo?”» He nods eagerly, his smile stretched ear-to-ear. All of you questioned how he managed to keep that smile so bright. «“Come along, I'll show you the way around!”»
Your heavy breaths are almost heard throughout the room in the museum. You sure had gotten lost from the others, but fuck you were lost in his dark brown eyes as he started down at you with gaping lips. «“H-Hannie, what are you doing?”»
You definitely did not expect to find yourself in this position, pinned against the smooth wall of the Museum of Auradon. Breathless and thoughtless under his gaze, his fingers disappeared inside your tight leather jeans while his free hand tucked your leg around his waist. «“Something I've desired to do for a long time, Y/n.”» and with that, his lips were back on yours, your tongues intertwining and he slowly caressed the skin of your thigh ever so softly. His breathing turns heavy in seconds mirroring yours, the sparks caused by the wet loud kisses push away the consciousness of your whereabouts and what you had to do.
You slowly part away with a heavy breath, your eyes meeting him in a hazy gaze. «“I think it's time I finally claim you as mine baby, all fucking mine.”»
Your next response gets caught in your throat and a choked moan leaves your lips as his hand slips past your pants. His fingers effortlessly move behind your panties, cupping you whole. His lips curled against the skin of your neck after noticing how the arousal seeped out of you. His hair tips tickled your ear lobe, as he buried his face into the crook of your neck. «“Looks like someone's as excited as I am.”»
«“Shut up”» Your words cause your jaw to be gripped tightly out of nowhere making you gasp. «“I may keep up with your bratty attitude all the time, but while you're under me, know your fucking place. Got it?”» Your throat runs dry from the way his jaw clenched in anger while his fingers continued to work on you.
«”I need words, baby.”» His stern toned words spark your brain in a way you could never imagine, «Yes, Han!»
Jeonghan innocently shoots you his angelic smile as if his fingers weren't knuckles deep inside you while everyone was wandering off searching for you. You moan into his ear as his fingers relentlessly move inside you, searching for your g-spot so skillfully. His curling fingers found your spot in no time, as he had you gripping on to his blue leather jacket ever so tightly as you parted your legs.
His hands come down to circle your waist in a split second to hold you against him. Your back arched while your eyes rolled back from the pleasure.
You probably didn't hate him in your whole life except for right now when he retreats his hand from your pants when a low «“Gonna cum”» slips past your lips. «“We gotta go before we get caught baby”» Jeonghan shoots you his smile yet again, with not an ounce of guilt in him. All you could do was stare at him with your tear glossed eyes, and let him manoeuvre your body out of the museum
Your hands clutched onto your books while you walked into Auradon Prep. You find Jeonghan sitting on the bleachers next to your brother, with his arm hanging around Seungcheol's shoulder. Before you could walk past him, you feel a familiar arm wrap around your waist. «“Where do you think you're going, sweetheart?”»
If you had heard the same words from Jeonghan just a day before at the same time, you would have elbowed him instantly. But you would be lying if his low voice did not give you butterflies from the way the name fell off his lips. You quickly free yourself from his embrace, your cheeks flaring red, but your body and his arms do not let you get any further away from him.
You look up at him in mock annoyance but his lips curl up around the corners. The bare distance between the both of you caused your memory to flash in front of your eyes, of last night. The fact that you had to take care of your little problem thanks to his antics. «“Don't try to get away from me.”»
All your movements come to a halt at his low order, and you huff in annoyance. But before you could speak to him any further, you hear a loud, «“Y/N!”» and you turn around to find Dokyeom and Woozi – Aurora's son, walking towards you. With all the strength you had, you break free from Jeonghan’s hold which was loose around your waist and fix the nonexistent curl in your outfit.
«“Hey! Would you like to join us for the preparation for Joshua's coronation?”» «“Sure!”» You never expected your voice to come out so high-pitched which would make Jeonghan snicker under his breath if he hadn't heard their request. Jeonghan shoots daggers down your figure while you walk away with Dokyeom.
«“So,”» You trail off, catching Dokyeom and Woozi's attention, «”It's not even been a month since I'm here, why'd you pick me?”» Dokyeom shoots you his infamous smile, «”Because Joshua hyung wanted one of the VKs to give their ideas since you're also a part of Auradon Prep. And well certainly, he suggested you would be a great option.”»
You hesitantly smile from his words, not quite sure what was going on, and what your reaction was supposed to be. «”How's everything going on?”» You flinch when you hear an oddly familiar voice behind you, and you look back to find Joshua towering over you.
«”Gosh, you scared me!”» You exclaimed at him to which his eyes turn into crescents as he lets out a little giggle. «”Oh I did not mean to.”»
You step away from him, so he could talk to the two in-charges. Your bottom lip juts out in boredom while you stand there. Your trail of thoughts is interrupted by Joshua mentioning your name out of nowhere, only for you to look up at him to find him looking at you with questioning eyes. «”Would you care to join me in my office, Y/n? I would like to have a conversation with you.”»
His gentle tone and voice contradicted Jeonghan's teasing tone and low voice, but it sure made you flustered either way but you mentally slap yourself before you could be so.
«”What'd you want to talk about, Joshie?”» The man looks at you, quite caught off guard by the nickname but he proceeds to his seat nonetheless. «”Joshie?”» He questions only to be met with your unbothered expression while you take your seat in front of his desk.
«“So why'd you bring me here?”» You decide to get straight to the point, without beating around the bush for long. You cock your eyebrows at him only to be met with a quite surprised expression.
«“Well, do you know for a fact that we have cameras installed in all the buildings owned by the king and queen?”» You suddenly straighten your back from the topic, «“Yea?”» Joshua breathily giggles a bit before leaning forwards on the table. «“Did you know we have hidden cameras installed which are not quite accessible to everyone?”» You furrow your eyebrows slightly. «“What do you mean, Joshua? Get to the point.”»
«“Alright then, could you explain this?”» He turns the laptop in your direction, the image of your figure being pinned against the wall while Jeonghan has his hands dipped inside your pants. You were too startled to notice the fact that Joshua was now behind you, with his torso leaning down next to you with his hands in his pocket. «“I have a lot of questions, princess. But god could I not help but want to make that pretty face scrunch up like that for me.”»
The irony of the nickname and his words go straight down to your cunt. «“Oh how I would love to wrap my hand around that neck of yours baby.”» A low moan gets caught in your throat. «“Fuck! Isn't this wrong?”»
«“Did not know the evil little girl cared about what's wrong or what's right.”» Although the man towered over you from behind you, you could hear the smirk in his voice. His words cause your demeanour to change in a split second. You raise yourself and rest your bottom on the edge of his desk. Your fingers wander off to pull him by his collar, and you click your tongue before whispering, «“Oh Joshie, wouldn't your people be so disappointed in you for this? Imagine what they're going to do if they find out their crown prince is fucking a VK”»
«“You're quite bold for a slut who was rubbing her thighs just from meek words while she watched herself .”» Saying that, Joshua’s hands move to grasp your wrist in one hand before he's turning you around and bending you over instantaneously. His large hand covers your ass almost completely, as he caressed the soft skin over the leather.
You yelp when his hand comes down on your ass, catching you off-guard. «“Mhm let's see, you think your little lover would be excited to know the fact that you're bending over with your ass out for another man?”» His words look down on you, but gosh you were not supposed to get wetter as each word left his mouth. So instead of giving into the low whine threatening to escape, you decided to taunt him. «“Really? Cause what are your-”»
You barely get to finish when his hands come down to slap your ass again. «“So fucking fiesty aren't you?”»
Joshua's fingers tuck under your pants, swiftly pulling off your pants with your panties. He tears away your panties hastily, leaving behind a red mark on your inner thighs from his rough move. «“Josh-”» Your words are cut off from his fingers pushing the soaked fabric into your mouth. «“At least that's gonna shut you up for some time, wouldn't it baby?”»
Joshua held your hands behind your back with one hand while his other hand undid the zipper of his own formal pants. «"Do you think you can handle my cock? In this tight fucking pussy?”»
Joshua's hand slap against your smooth skin yet again, before sliding down to your heat. His thick fingers plunge right inside you within seconds thanks to your dripping arousal. Your moans came out muffled as you pushed your ass desperately into his touch. Your body and voice box betray you as soon as his fingers thrusted them deep inside you. «“Look at you moaning already, you like it don't ya?”»
You whine at the way his thick fingers stay still inside you while being knuckles-deep. You move your hips over his hand only to be welcomed with a slap over your ass. «“So darn impatient, darling.”» Joshua's tone came out sounding annoyed, but God would he be lying if he said he didn't like your bratty behaviour. Contradicting his words, his actions made it seem obvious how much he needed you to be what you are when he pressed his rock-hard cock against your ass.
Unexpectedly for you, his free hand moves forward to pull the fabric out of your mouth. You barely have any mind to question the way he stuffed your panties inside the back pocket of his pants before his fingers curl up inside you.
«“Let's give you what you want, shall we?”» His fingers thrust forward inside you, and your hands fumble to grab the corner of his desk before he is scissoring you open. «“Or should I leave you hanging like he did yesterday?”»
A loud ‘no’ escapes you, followed by a series of ‘please’ and ‘let me cum’. The thought of having to be edged again made your brain turn jelly, and you push your hips back into his hand yet again. Joshua's dick twitches in his pants from your bratty move, and his hand comes down to hold your hips in a bruising grasp.
«“Be nice, or else I might as well just use your mouth instead of this slutty cunt.”» The alternative change in his words and tone did something to your whole body. The way he spoke to you in such a soft tone with praising words, to change it downright degrading and condescending.
Your thighs shook convulsively with everything going on, and your inner walls clenched around his fingers. You moan out loudly when you feel the cold metal of his fingers touch your inner walls, showing you just how deep he was, getting you cumming around him in seconds.
Joshua pulls his fingers out, and instantly groans at the sight of your own cum seeping out of your hole. «“As much as I'd love to just fuck your mouth right now, I'd rather fill this cunt of yours with my cum.”»
Without a second thought, Joshua pushes his cock inside you. A loud gasp erupts from you, and the way his girth stretches you out causes you to lift your legs off the ground. «“Josh!- fuck- Slow down- nngh”» Your words are cut down by his two of his fingers which invade your mouth harshly. His thumb presses down on to your tongue, «“I get to fucking decide what I do, you're gonna take what I give like the pretty girl you are, alright?”»
Your eyeballs are rolling back in pleasure when his hips slap against your ass, his thrusts so fast it makes your vision go blurry in seconds from tears. The heat radiating from your body has the glass under you, foggy.
His hand which pressed down on your tongue moved to grip your hair locks. He yanks your head up, and your eyes are – yet again – met with the lewd image of you and Jeonghan playing on the screen. But the things he was doing to you right there was incomparable to what played on the device. But God forbid, the dirtiness of the whole scene had you dripping down onto his balls and your own legs.
«“Yea, go ahead, watch yourself. Watch how fucking slutty you can be for some dick. Wonder what your lover's going to think about this.”»
Your hazy brain could – neither comprehend his words nor – realise that the video was playing on loop. Low words of ‘harder’ and ‘please’ are released from you between your moans. And Joshua was more than ecstatic to comply. His hips almost leave behind marks from the way they met so harshly with the skin of your ass, you were closer to your edge than you knew.
With a loud scream, your walls pulsated around him as your orgasm came crashing down. Joshua grunts and groans behind you, riding out his own orgasm as he stained your walls with his cum.
You both take minutes before Joshua's hips cease to move, and he pulls his now-soft cock out of your abused hole.
You slowly push your body upwards, your hands moving to brush through your hair to make it look tad-bit presentable.
«“Not going to lie, that was so fucking hot. Didn't know you'd have this side to you.”» You say right after you finish zipping your pants. Joshua's lips curl up, looking so innocent that it makes you doubt if he was the one who had your legs shaking just now. «“I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it.”» You take slow steps towards him, getting closer towards him. «“Looks like the future ideal king for the people has a nasty little side to him.”»
Your eyes slowly trail down to his plump lips, mirroring his own eyes. Your eyes linger on his perfectly sculpted lips for longer than you'd expected, longer than you'd wanted. But your head is swift to turn to the side when he leans down to try and connect your lips together. Causing his lips to be met with your cheek.
Your eyes closed shut when as you stilled in your place, Joshua pressed his lips against your cheek a little more before pulling away. You surely did feel bad for that, but the image of Jeonghan and the feeling his lips left on you, had you chasing that taste more than anything.
Your eyes open ever so slowly and they widen when they find Jeonghan's figure watching through the glass window from afar. You could barely make out his expressions but your heartbeat turns uneven and your eyes blare green. Joshua, who had moved steps away from you, looks at you, meeting your glowing eyes.
«“Y-Y/n your eyes-”» before he could finish his sentence, you're running out of his office.
You pace around in your room, there was little to no light illuminating across the roomroom, just how you usually liked it and wanted it to be. Your radiant green eyes flared up every second, you felt like everything was coming crashing down. The inner voices inside your brain screaming at you for everything, you could currently care less about the fact that the whole reason you were in Auradon was to steal the wand. At least not when your first love and your only comfort person is probably going to leave you.
You hear a single knock on the door and your body stills in your tracks, a low pathetic sound escapes you. You take slower steps than ever, knowing exactly who was behind the door. You barely open the door a few inches before the door is slammed open. You flinch from the loud noise, but the man in front of you could care less. (He couldn't)
His hand covers your neck whole while he pins you against the door. «“You liked that huh? Getting your cunt fucked by someone else which wasn't me?”» There was a faint blue glint in his eyes, while his black long strands fell over his face ever so perfectly. His jaw clenched in anger, but the hand around your neck just held you in place. «“Jeonghan, I-I can explain.”»
You choke on your words, and a tear slips out of the corner of your eye. And Jeonghan's face instantly becomes soft, and the hand around your neck swiftly cups your cheek. His other hand pulls you into his embrace as he circles his arm around your waist. «“I-I'm so fucking sorry Hannie, I-I didn't- I-I'm so sorry, don't leave me, please don't”»
This was probably the second time he ever saw you cry this hard in his embrace, and he had known you for his life. Jeonghan's heart clenches from the way tears rolled down your eyes. His hand squeezes your cheeks a little, «“Baby, stop crying, look at me please?”»
If Jeonghan was honest, he wasn't really phased by the fact that you had fucked with Joshua. But what infuriated him was the fact that you'd let him cum inside you. But he would he lying if he said it didn't turn him on when he saw you getting fucked by Joshua, his dick twitched in his pants when he realised what kind of effect he still had on you when he saw your reaction to the clip. So maybe all that anger was just for show so he could fuck you dumb.
By the time your tears had stopped rolling down your eyes, you looked up at him slowly. «“You didn't let him kiss you, did you?”» You eye him in confusion, «“What? No-”» Your lips were met with his soft ones in a split second. Your eyes closed and your body melted in his embrace. You hum into the kiss, a low moan from you being swallowed by him as you place your hands around his neck.
Pulling away, Jeonghan looks down at your lips. The bare few seconds of kissing them harshly got them all red already, making him curse under his breath. «“I'm not angry, angel,”» Never had you expected yourself to get flustered over that unlikely nickname but unexpected things happen, right?
His lips are back on yours before you know it, but with more chastity, his tongue invades your mouth while he groans into your mouth. You moan around his tongue, letting your hips grind on his thigh unconsciously.
Jeonghan pulls away slightly, his lips still brushing over your lips, «“I'm fucking jealous that he got to fuck this cunt of yours before me.”» There was a seductive glint in your eyes when you tightened around his neck «“Then fuck me till I forget he was ever inside me.”» His parted lips curve into a smirk, «“Oh fuck I will.”»
His arms move you towards the bed, his figure manhandling you to lay on the mattress, before his hands instantly come down to spread your legs apart. Jeonghan barely wastes any time before pulling your purple leather pants down your hips and off your legs. The cold air hitting your bare pussy had you wincing. He presses his thumb over your clit, applying slight pressure while rubbing slow circles.
You groan from the stimulation, already having fucked one, your legs soon started shaking due to the pleasure. «“So sensitive aren’t you? He fucked you so hard, you can barely handle this?» Jeonghan’s tone was humiliating, making slick seep out of you.
Your lips part widely in a silent gasp when his index and middle finger push into you in a swift move. Instantly curling up as they thrust into your G-spot, his lips tug at the corner from the way your face scrunches up in pleasure – which wasn't such an unfamiliar sight for him but gosh did he want to savour it so badly.
And your sensitiveness soon had your thighs closing around his hands while your own gripped the sheets with your nails digging into the fabric as you came around his fingers.
As much as Jeonghan yearned to sit back and watch your fucked out face while your pants bounced off the walls and filled his ears – his patience ran thin and he was soon undoing his pants, pulling his boxers off to free his cock.
«“How about this, angel? Let's see how many times I can make you cum till I imprint my dick inside that tight little pussy of yours”» His words had you clenching around nothing while his hands came down to grip your wrists together.
Moans guised as gasps leave your mouth when you feel his length slide in between your folds, teasing you with his slow movements before he slammed his cock into you.
Jeonghan’s grip on your wrists tighten, while he leans down to lock your lips with his. His teeth tug on your bottom lip, almost leaving behind a bruise. Skin-slapping sounds resonate through the room as his hips meet yours harshly for every thrust.
Pulling away, Jeonghan moves down to kiss your jaw slowly while whispering – «“Gonna fuck you till you fucking forget his name, babygirl.”» The nicknames, along with his long fingers sliding over your skin and gripping it so bruisingly all while his dick managing to hit all the right spots in you had you floating in your headspace.
Your mind felt clouded from the pleasure as Jeonghan had you cumming hard around him in minutes. Nevertheless, that didn't stop his hips from slamming into you at a faster pace. His hands come up to move the hair strands that stuck to your forehead due to sweat, out of the way. «“You're mine, angel. And we're gonna win this together.”»
The next day when you woke up, you found yourself in a position no different than that you slept the last day – your face nuzzled against Jeonghan’s chest, his arms secured around you.
But soon the both of you make your way to the main hall of Auradon prep due to the loud announcement that told you to. Your heels clicked against the stony path as you made your way next to Seungcheol with Jeonghan following next to you. You look around the surroundings, and your eyes froze on the person in the table right next to you – the same blonde head and the same brown eyes from yesterday.
Your eyes stay on his before you are pulled back into the present by the King’s voice.
“Good morning Auradon Prep, this will come as quite a surprise for you, but three weeks from now, The Royal Cotillion will take place. The preparations will begin from today onwards, and so will the proposals for the Royal dance.” His next words are almost drowned out as you take in the information.
Jeonghan turned around to grasp your hand – mirroring Joshua who had moved a few steps closer to you. “Y/n will you be my date?” The two voices echoed in your way – all while you stood there, absolutely dumbfounded about how you found yourself in this situation. How had you forgotten your main goal along the way? Was this what you were fated to? But most importantly, who were you going to choose?
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lumi-nescentt · 2 months
I see how Daniel is with his nephew and niece and you can't convince me other that he'd make a great father someday. With that being said, the reader sees Daniel playing with them in the backyard one afternoon and it makes her think about their future and she mentions to Daniel that she wants kids. Daniel agrees with her, and they start trying. I know you said you don't write smut and that's okay, but hinting towards it is just fine because people can but two and two together and figure it out themselves.
But she finds out she's pregnant and tells Daniel who's excited. Daniel throughout the pregnancy he's super attentive and is just there for her whenever she needs it.
Including the birth is optional. But I can imagine Daniel not wanting to put the baby down.
Forgive me if this is a bit much. My tiktok fyp is just full of babies and the baby fever is sky rocketing.
King Of My Heart
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Part 1 - The Taste Of Your Lips Is My Idea Of Luxury
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x Reader
Warnings: sexual innuendos but no smut
Words: 1.2k
Summary: Seeing Daniel interact with his niece and nephew makes you rethink the timeline of your life and Daniel is more than happy to help you.
A/N: I have finally found the time to write again and I've listened to you guys and wrote this. So sorry to the person who asked me this for waiting this long to actually answer. I hope you'll like part 1 of this at least 2 parter as much as I liked writing it.
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It wasn’t a secret that Daniel was a family man, whether it was by blood or the one he had chosen. Daniel loved everyone around him unapologetically with his whole heart and you thought it was the most beautiful thing. 
It was one of the reasons you had fallen for him so quickly. He had a way of making you feel on top of the world with the flash of a smile and it was exhilarating. Even after dating for a few years, he never stopped loving you so passionately and the honeymoon phase seemed to stretch on forever.
The sun was shining softly in the garden of Joe and Grace’s house in Perth. The warm January weather was a godsend after leaving the grey clouds of the English countryside and it was one more reason to visit the Ricciardos while Daniel could relax a bit.
Grace had been thrilled to hear the two of you would be coming to celebrate New Years with them and had immediately called Daniel’s sister to see if she could come home at the same time. Michelle had obviously agreed, happy to come around with her own family. When Grace told Daniel his niece and nephew were coming, he looked like a kid on Christmas morning. He loved them so much. 
You had never been much of a kid person, sure you liked to spend time with your friends’ and family’s children and you loved them but you weren’t sure about having your own yet. You knew you wanted some at some point in your life, but you were waiting for the moment it’d feel right. For now, you were more than happy to play the babysitter whenever you could and still get to come back to a calm and quiet house when you were home. 
Daniel was kind of the opposite. He loved to be around kids and you knew he was only waiting for your ok to start creating a family of his own with you. In all honesty, you were a bit scared by how bad he wanted kids at first, not wanting to stop him from getting what he so desperately wished for but the Australian had made it clear that he would wait as long as you needed. He wanted kids with you and it was the only thing that mattered, not some imposed timeline or a decision made in fear of being alone. 
You didn’t know exactly when the right moment would be, you were convinced you’d just know. You hadn’t seen him interact with kids in a while after a busy and hectic season and maybe that’s why it hit you harder than the other times. Or maybe seeing him taking care of his family, of children he was so openly fond of flipped a switch in you. 
It’s not like Daniel was doing anything out of the ordinary, Isabella and Isaac had just decided they wanted to play football with their uncle and now the three of them were running around the garden in heaps of giggles and warm booming laughs. It was an endearing scene to see the little group so happy and it weirdly made you feel a mix of yearning and excitement. Daniel, as if connected to you by an unknown force, suddenly looked up at you with a grin, mouthing “I love you” from where he was standing. 
When Daniel finally sat down next to you on the lounge chair you had decided to watch them from, you knew you had to tell him. The words were burning your throat, threatening to spill out at any given opportunity but saying them out there in the open, surrounded by his family, his parents only a few metres away, didn’t feel right. 
The opportunity came a few hours later, once everyone had retreated to their room and you finally got the Australian to yourself. You were laying down on your back, looking at the ceiling while Daniel was brushing his teeth in the adjoining bathroom.
-“ Dan ?” you called to get his attention, sitting up on the bed
-“ Yes, sweetheart ?” he managed to mumble with his toothbrush in his mouth
-“ Do you still want kids with me ?”
The sentence seemed to send a shock through your boyfriend and he came rushing out of the bathroom, an alarmed look on his face.
-“ Of course I do. If this is about waiting to have them, I still mean what I told you. I’ll wait as long as you need to feel ready, so no pressure.” he tried to reassure you, caressing your cheek softly
You took a deep breath, trying to contain your smile.
-“ I think we’ve waited long enough, no ?” 
-“ Are you toying with me or are you serious, I can’t tell.”
-“ I wouldn’t joke about that my love, I’m serious. I want to start a family with you.”
You had barely finished your sentence that Daniel was holding you in his arms, hugging you tightly. You thought he was letting you go after a few seconds but it seemed he had other ideas as he picked you up bridal style with a devilish smile on his face.
-“ What are you doing, Dan ?” you asked, laughing at how happy he looked
-“ Well I think we ought to start trying at some point, right ?” he winked “ And I must say you look irresistible tonight.” 
-“ As much as I love the turn this conversation is taking, we’re at your parents’ house and they’re only a few doors down the hall. Doesn’t sound like the brightest idea.” 
-“ I’d say it sounds like a perfect idea. All you have to do is be quiet, sweetheart. We both know you can do that.” Daniel said, loving the way your face turned rosy at the thoughts that filled your head
-“ I can do that but two can play at this game and you’re never very quiet yourself. If we do this, I’m not the one they’ll hear and you know it.” you said in a hushed tone, hoping to see his face match yours
-“ Oh I’m well aware of that. That’s why I’m taking you to the bathroom and we’re going to take a very long shower” he said, winking at the last word “The water will cover whatever sounds I make. Plus, it gives me a reason to watch you undress under very good lighting.”
-“ As if you needed a reason to do that.” you rolled your eyes playfully at his behaviour
-“ You’re right, I don’t.”
-“ For someone with such a detailed plan in his head, you sure talk a lot, you know ?” you riled him up, finally get a reaction from the Australian
-“ Oh so that’s how you want to play it ? Alright, I didn’t know you’d be so into the idea but that’s the second best surprise today” he grinned, walking to the bathroom still carrying you in his arms
That night, Daniel stayed true to his words and you were very glad for the thick stone walls separating the bathroom from the other rooms. The next day at breakfast, nobody seemed to have noticed what you had been up to the night before. Maybe they had noticed how neither of you stayed away from each other for more than a few seconds but if they did they had the wisdom of not mentioning it. There were things that were better left unsaid when in the presence of such a lovesick couple, for everyone’s sanity.
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srjlvr · 10 months
“once upon a time there was a prince, who did anything he could to be with the love of his life” — park sunghoon.
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park sunghoon x fem!reader genre: childhood friends to enemies to lovers , one sided love somewhere into the story , heavy angst , fluff ! warnings: character’s death (not a main character) , curse words. (lmk if i missed something pls!) || NOT FULLY PROOFREAD!!
NOTE. wow i dont even know where to start! it’s been a real while! i think like more than a month, i’m extremely sorry for being gone, school is so stressful, but i got some time to write now and honestly? i missed it so much!! hopefully you’d like this part and don’t let it fool you, just because i’ve been gone for a while doesn’t mean i’m not continuing this wonderful series!! it was also supposed to be enemies to lovers but i honestly failed miserably and idk how to define it- some mentions of sunoo’s story are dropped here too :)
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“why do you always look at me like that?”
“like what?”
“like i’m the most precious thing you’ve ever saw”
a few years into your childhood and you were already been told that you’re going to marry off to someone as soon as possible.
you, being the second princess and the least favorite one, had to deal with a lot of struggles through your childhood.
everyone loved your older sister more, praised her, cherished her, spoiled her, gave her whatever she wants.
you, on the other hand, had to work hard in terms of getting what you wanted.
you always looked up to your older sister, you can’t lie, you definitely understand why she’s getting all the attention to herself without even trying.
your mom is your favorite person, she’s actually your best friend.
some kids have hard time deciding what to answer when they’re being asked who’s their favorite parent, but you definitely know the answer already.
it’s your dad that never bats an eye to you, your mom however always tries to maintain her attention to both you and your sister. you’d do anything for your mom.
as much as you’re happy that you’re at least not a second option in your mom’s perspective, the king is the one who’s more dominant.
you’ve always tried to get your father’s attention, even for a mere second, but he always pushed you away, making you feel unworthy and sad.
at age six, you were forced to go with your mom to one of her friend’s kingdom, your neighbor kingdom.
everyone in royalty knows about the good friendship your kingdoms have, and they’re all surprised it still keeps on going.
royalty comes with a dangerous risk, people will always look at anything you do, and will not hesitate to attack if you happened to do something they’re not a fond of.
your kingdom suffered lots of wars, but won almost all of them.
at the very same day you were forced to go with your mom, you also met the person who finally had all their attention on you, the person who you could rely on no matter when.
“i’m y/n!” you extended your hand out with a smile.
“i’m sunghoon” he whispered and you tilt your head. he wasn’t shaking your hand and you couldn’t even hear him.
“i’m sunghoon”
“i cant hear you!!” you shout and put your ear really close to his mouth.
“i’m sunghoon!” he shouted into your ear and you fell down while holding your ear.
“you did that on purpose didn’t you!” you pout and he laughed.
that’s when you realized his cute smile and the little dimples that grew on his cheeks.
he was cute, a cute and shy prince, you could get along perfectly with him.
and you actually did. you spent the rest of your visit just roaming around their castle.
he introduced you his six brothers, they were all very nice and funny, but only sunghoon interested you.
he told you about his interests and you told him about yours.
“i want to learn how to skate!” he said and you noticed his eyes growing in excitement while talking about it.
“it sounds really interesting!” you smiled and cheered him.
“what about you?”
“i actually don’t know” you sighed, “i want my father to pay more attention to me”
“who needs your father when you have me? i’ll be always here for you” he smiled.
“really?” you asked and he nodded, “really”
“promise me!” you held out your pinky and he locked his with yours, “i think promises are stupid, but only for you i promise to never leave you side”
“why are they stupid?”
“because sometimes you regret them, or even forget them, and you cant keep them forever”
growing up with sunghoon was something you could never explain.
having to suffer your father’s comparisons between you and your sister was something, but having to see sunghoon going through puberty was something else. scarier indeed.
the both of you were inseparable, to the point where your parents even started talking about marriage between the two of you when you were twelve.
every now and then in your teenage years, you’d come around his castle, your second home.
whenever you were pissed off with your father or just wanted some quiet, you’d find yourself going back to sunghoon, only he knew how to make you feel ten times better.
“what are you reading?” he asked you.
you were laying your head on his lap as he sat under a tree, it was a peaceful day and you wanted to enjoy some time with him.
“just some fairytale stories” you put your book on your stomach and looked at him who was already looking down at you.
“wishing it was you?” he teased.
you rolled your eyes and smacked the book on his head, “fairytales are the best!”
you returned to read the book while he kept staring at you.
“read for me” he asked and you looked at him, sharing an eye contact.
“why do you always look at me like that?”
“like what?”
“like i’m the most precious thing you’ve ever saw”
sunghoon coughed a bit and looked away, “just start reading please, im interested”
“the princess then took the prince’s hand and held it tightly, slowly closing the gap between them and leaning in for a kiss—“
“never mind! i’ll just go sleep” sunghoon threw you off him and laid down next to you.
“you could’ve done that nicely!” you scoffed and he laughed.
he can’t explain it, but something about you makes him feel warm and comfortable. he loves your company more than anything else in this world and there’s nothing he loves more than staring at your gorgeous face.
spending a few years together made him long for you more and more every day that he’s not next to you.
he fell in love with you, and he fell hard.
you weren’t better either, every day without sunghoon for you felt like eternity.
he’s the only person you can see your future with, the only person who loves you for who you are and the only person that has his full attention on you.
you trust him more than you trust yourself and you family members.
on royal events, you’d be acting like a married couple, shooing away the singles royals that wants to catch you.
you belong to sunghoon and sunghoon belongs to you.
“it’s nice to meet you prince sunghoon” one filthy princess introduced herself to sunghoon while you stood by his side, holding his arm.
“likewise, meet my wife, y/n” he said, clearly uninterested in the princess but as soon as he looked over his side and met your eyes a smile formed on his face.
the princess scoffed and went away, finally letting you and sunghoon laugh it off.
“did you see the way she looked at you when you said you have a wife?” you held a hand over your chest, out of breath because of the amount of air you let out.
“please, it was so funny i’ll remember it for long” he nodded and you continued making jokes about everyone around you.
you shared your first kiss with sunghoon when you were fifteen.
“i love cherry blossoms” you said as you walked together with sunghoon under the cherry blossoms.
it was one of your favorite things to do with him, walking through the long road, hand in hand.
“and i love you” he let out.
“what?” he repeated after you.
“what did you sa-“
he cut you off with a kiss, your first kiss.
cherry blossoms fell from the trees and the wind caressed your skin.
his lips were soft, locked with your lips. it was perfect, the kind of fairytale you were always wishing you could have finally came true, with the person you loved the most.
when you parted your lips to get some air, both of you giggled and he put his forehead against yours.
“i said i love you” he smiled.
“i love you too”
regardless of the sudden confession, you decided to stay as friends, and when the both of you will feel ready, you’d try it out.
at age sixteen, your mother’s condition started to go downhill. she got sick and had to take medical exams every now and then, ever since then, you decided to spend time with her as much as you could.
“good morning mom! how are you feeling today?” you asked with a huge smile on your face when you saw your mother.
“feeling as usual, nothing new” she gave you a weak smile, “have you eaten yet?”
you shook your head, “i was at the garden after father had his daily complains over me, i needed to take some breathes”
your mother nodded and hugged you, “i’m sorry your father is like that, if being a selfish father was a competition he’d definitely win”
both of you giggled and spent a few hours together.
you never told sunghoon anything about your mother’s condition, every time he’d ask about her well-beings you’d say she’s doing well but she’s too busy with duties, and he’d suspect nothing.
at the age seventeen, your mother’s condition worsened, she had doctors around her all the time.
“hello mother” you smiled.
“y/n! good morning” she tried to smile back.
“how are you—“
“i must ask you something before it’s too late” she cut you off.
“what is it?”
“i’ve been thinking about it for a while, and it might be silly and selfish of me to ask you to do that” she sighed, “please promise me you’re going to marry sunghoon”
“what?” you asked confused.
“he’s treating you well y/n, i don’t think i’ve ever seen you happier than when you’re with him. you’re perfect for each other” she nodded, “i don’t have much time left, hearing you promising you’d marry the man who makes you the happiest, would help me leave peacefully, to know that you’re going to live the life you deserve”
“i promise mom, i promise i’ll marry him but please, you have much time left, don’t say such nonsense!”
your mother hugged you and thanked you. guess it wasn’t so well-hidden that you were in love with sunghoon.
on one of the days your father called you. before walking inside his room you rolled your eyes, what kind of a complain he has now?
“hello father” you looked at him coldly.
“y/n,” he called, “i need to ask you to do something”
“huh?” you looked over him confused, “you never ask me for favors”
“your sister is too busy with her duties, so i trust you with this one” he shortly explained.
“okay,” you nodded, “what is it?”
“i need you to come with me to visit the other neighbor kingdom—“
“but we were never on good terms with them, they’re hybe’s kingdom biggest rivals too!” you cut him off.
“they’re the only ones that can help us with your mother’s condition. we must do anything we can to help her” your father sighed, “they have a son who’s interested in you, they requested to see you too”
you shook your head, “i’m not interested in him—“
“this is the only way to help your mother!” he shout and you backed away.
“what about hybe kingdom! can’t they help in any kind of way?” you argued.
your father shook his head, “they can’t do anything about it, and they must not know about your mother’s condition”
“so going to the rival kingdom and risking your good friendship is better?”
“you’re coming with me and it’s final”
a few days before your visit in your neighbor kingdom, sunghoon came over.
before he went to search for you, he heard two servants talking about something that drawn him to it.
“did you hear about y/n’s mother’s condition?” one of them said.
“it keeps on getting worse, poor y/n! i heard she has to go to the other kingdom to ask for their help together with the king” the other replied.
“i heard they’re the only ones that could help! hybe kingdom knows nothing about it because they don’t want to bother them too much, i also heard the son of the other kingdom is interested in y/n, what about prince sunghoon!”
“poor them, i just hope she won’t end up with their son. i was rooting for y/n and sunghoon endgame”
“agree, i also heard their daughter is interested in sunghoon! this is risky” she shook her head.
“y/n is strong, she won’t marry the son i just know it” they both nodded their heads and sunghoon slowly walked back.
he refuses to believe what he just heard. y/n’s mother’s condition worsens? y/n marrying someone else? he’ll never let that happen.
“sunghoon!” you called and hugged him, “i was searching for you instead of you searching for me”
sunghoon was not responding, he was too deep in thoughts and didn’t know how to stop them.
“sunghoon?” you waved your heads in front of him and he finally came back on track.
“i was just thinking about something” he smiled.
“would you like to talk about it?” you smiled warmly at him.
how could you smile so widely when youre going through all of this?
“it’s not something that should bother you” he smiled and kissed your cheeks.
you spent the rest of the day looking out for sunghoon, he was different today, as much as he didn’t want to show it, you noticed.
the next day sunghoon found himself standing in front of his biggest rival kingdom. he never thought he’d have to step his leg into this kingdom, but he’d do anything for you as long as he could.
“park sunghoon! i’ve never thought i’d witness a hybe royal inside my kingdom!” the king teased.
sunghoon closed his eyes and clenched his jaw, “i need your help and you’re the only one that can help me” he said firmly.
“we’re rivals, why would i want to help you?”
“because i have something you want” he sighed, “i’ll be getting my kingdom sooner or later, i’ll give it to you together with my crown”
“you’ll lose your crown for something possibly stupid?”
“i need you to help princess y/n’s kingdom. the queen’s condition is getting worse. i heard you gave the best doctors that can help her”
the king laughed, “you’re doing this for y/n and not for yourself? what a stupid prince you are!”
sunghoon looked away, fighting the urge not to stab the king and fight him.
“very well, i will help in exchange of your crown”
their agreement was that the king will send his best doctors to help your mother, and as soon as sunghoon will get his crown, he’ll give it to the king. if one of them breaks the agreement, it’s off.
a few days passed, and it was supposed to be your visit day in the other kingdom, except that it got canceled.
“did you tell anyone about this visit?!” your father shout at you and you shook your head.
“how come he sent me this stupid letter saying that if we step into his kingdom he’ll declare a war!”
“i don’t know! i did nothing!” you argued.
“something stopped him, more like someone! i’m going to find out who did this!” your father roamed outside his room, slamming the door harshly and you flinched.
a week passed and your mother’s condition wasn’t doing any better, the doctors told you it was already time to say goodbye but you refused to do so, you refuse to believe you won’t be able to see your mother everyday soon.
everything was too overwhelming and stressful, you decided to go to your second home, you needed some comfort and it’s been a while since you saw sunghoon anyway.
“what are you up to?” you found him in the castle’s garden, deep in thoughts.
“just thinking about something”
“by something you mean me?” you teased and he smiled, not answering your question because the answer is quite obvious.
you then hugged him tightly, and sighed deeply as you rest your forehead on his shoulder.
“is everything okay?” he caressed your back slowly.
“my mom isn’t doing well lately” you finally confessed. you had to let it all out and tell sunghoon the truth.
“she’s sick, too sick. and the last week was such a roller coaster, her condition isn’t getting better and it’s our time to say our final goodbyes, i’m not ready for that sunghoon” you sobbed, “i’m sorry for dumping it all on you and telling you all of this now when it’s late i just—“
“it’s okay” even though he already knew about your mother’s condition, he was so glad that you finally opened it up and told him, “i’m here for you”
he held you tighter than before and whispered sweet comfort words that always knew how to calm you down.
right after you left he thought about what happened.
he made a deal with the other kingdom, the king was supposed to help your mother, how come her condition worsened? something didn’t make sense to him at all.
“sunghoon!” his father called him and sunghoon rushed to the king’s room.
“yes father?”
“you’re getting married to our biggest rivals daughter and didn’t even tell us? are you out of your mind?” he shout.
sunghoon could’ve swore that in that moment his heart stopped beating, “what?” he asked in disbelief.
“the other king sent us a letter! inviting us to your wedding with his daughter! we’ve never been so humiliated, how could you betray your family?” his mother interrupted.
sunghoon shook his head, “there must be a misunderstanding—“
“how come?” the king asked, “your name is written on that letter! and it was probably sent to all the other kingdoms!!”
“what about y/n?!” his mother asked and his eyes widened.
“how do you think she’ll feel receiving that letter? huh?”
“no, no! none of this is true! you must believe me!”
“explain yourself then! we’re here waiting!” sunoo, one of sunghoon’s brother argued.
sunghoon sighed, shutting his eyes tightly and clenching his fists, “y/n’s mother, the queen, her condition is getting worse. she’s been awfully sick for a few years already, i overheard their servants talking about how only the other kingdom could help her because they don’t want to bother us. so i went to them myself, i made a deal with the king that he’ll help the queen in exchange of my throne—“
“are you out of your—“
“jay! let him talk” the queen shushed him.
“yes! i was ready to give up my crown if it means i can help her in any way!” sunghoon sighed, “the king obviously did nothing and lied to me! and now apparently im ‘marrying his daughter’ you know damn well that’s never going to happen because i want to marry y/n!”
sunghoon’s mother wiped out her tears and hugged sunghoon, “i’m sorry you had to go through this, you could’ve told us—“
“i didn’t want to bother you too, this story is complicated than you think”
“what about y/n’s mother’s condition?” the king asked quietly.
“y/n said it’s been getting worse, they started to say their final goodbyes” sunghoon whispered and the room became quiet, as a respect for the queen.
“you should go to her, to check on her” heeseung suddenly spoke.
“yeah, i bet she needs someone by her side right now” jungwon added.
sunghoon nodded and with his parents’ approval he went to your kingdom.
he searched for you around and saw you staring at your garden, he smiled for himself and tapped your shoulder.
“hey” he said.
“what are you doing here?” you asked coldly.
“what?” he tilt his head, “i’m here to visit you”
“don’t you have a wedding to go get prepared to?” you scoffed, “go away park, you’re not welcomed here anymore”
sunghoon had been stabbed a few times in his life, but your words hurt him more than ten stabs at once.
“you have to listen to me i—“
“there’s nothing to explain! i got the letter, saw your name on it and it was enough for me to understand this was all a game for you” you shout, “i can’t believe i actually believed your bullshit”
“i hate you, park sunghoon” you spit out, nothing but hate is in your fierce glance at him. he just chuckled, “you don’t mean that”
“oh i do,” you nodded, “and to think that i actually promised my mom i’ll be marrying you” you chuckled in disbelief.
“looking back at that promise, i realize why you used to believe that promises are stupid” you added.
“i’m sorry” he apologized, “sorry isn’t going to change anything, is it?”
“just get out, please” you were being nice, asking him to leave and pointing your hands to the door although he already knew where to go.
sunghoon didn’t want to bother you, he thought you’d probably relax in a day or two, and he’d be able to talk it out with you.
you can’t just erase all your feelings and delete all your memories after so many years, right?
as soon as he got out he went to the other kingdom, to finally get some sense into that stupid, useless king.
“park sunghoon! so nice to see you my son-in-law!” the king said and sunghoon only wanted to punch his face.
“wedding? with your daughter? son-in-law? you’re out of your fucking mind!” he spit out.
the king only laughed in his face, “why? wouldn’t you like to be my son? i’ll take good care of you”
sunghoon rolled his eyes, “the deal is canceled, you won’t get any crown or another kingdom, fix whatever you did, you ruined my life anyway and you never even helped y/n’s mother”
“oh but i feel like i haven’t ruined your life enough”
“cut it off, we both know my kingdom will finish you once we’ll declare a war”
“what makes you think that?”
“i did” another voice was heard in the room.
sunghoon’s father stepped in and put his hand on sunghoon’s shoulder.
“and i’m afraid i also know too many secrets about you, old friend” he teased, “leave my son alone, and don’t you dare ruin his life again. he did a mistake asking for your help but he did what he had to do”
sunghoon’s father then dragged him out of the kingdom back to theirs.
right after sunghoon left your room, you went out to breathe and relax your brain a bit.
how could sunghoon do this to you? everything he ever said to you, every hug, every joke, was it all a lie to him?
there must be a reason behind it, but you’re too hurt to even care about it. no reason could be enough for you right now.
you decided to focus on being next to your mother, spending her last days together and showing her the brightest side of you, you didn’t tell her anything and she didn’t suspect anything so you just left it be.
three days passed ever since you last heard from sunghoon.
you miss him, you miss everything and anything about him. you needed his comfort the most right now, but you couldn’t bring yourself to see him.
“y/n, sunghoon is here to pay a visit” one of your servants informed you.
“tell him i don’t want to see him,” you sighed, “and tell him to take care” you whispered that line.
you refused to see him in any cost. you’re too angry to even care about his feelings right now. all you could feel is betrayal, and hurt.
in one of the next days, you went out to the garden to read some books and write on your diary.
when you got back inside the castle you saw your mother’s doctors standing with their heads down.
“we’re sorry your highness, we did everything we could” they said and couldn’t even make eye contact with you as their eyes were full with tears.
you froze there for a few minutes, you knew this day would come but could never prepare yourself enough for that. you didn’t want to believe this day would come so fast.
“please tell me i’m dreaming” you told them but they shook their heads, “we’re very sorry your—“
they got cut off when they saw you falling to the ground, sobbing and covering your eyes.
you were crying like a little child who lost their ice cream, refusing to get up and screaming at everything.
the last few days were just about you and her, she taught you everything you needed to know about life and royalty.
“you need to be a good wife to sunghoon!” she smiled.
“mom! he has to be a good husband before that!”
“you’re right! if he’s being mean tell him you’d leave him and take all of his money” she joked and you giggled.
“i don’t need money”
“you don’t, but you do need to annoy him and help him realize he’s nothing without you!”
all of those memories past by your mind all day, thinking about your dear mother, who was there for you when no one else was.
“who’s going to be by my side now, mom?” you asked quietly, “i already miss you so much”
it was dinner time in hybe’s kingdom, all seven brothers sat together with their parents.
“sunoo, we’ve found the perfect wife for you! you’re going to meet her at the ballroom on ni-ki’s birthday!! isn’t that exciting?” the queen clapped in excitement.
“yeah, very exciting!” sunoo tried to sound cheerful, but failed miserably in sunghoon’s eyes.
he pitied his younger brother for being the only one who’s being forced to someone he doesn’t even know.
sunoo explain multiple times to his parents that he wants to marry someone out of love, and that he believes that when it’s time, he’ll meet the one for him. but his parents turned deaf to his thoughts.
“i already met her once, she’s really pretty! the perfect pair for you!”
“your highness” a few servants came into the room and interrupted the dinner.
“is it important? we’re having dinner right now—“
“queen (name) of (name) kingdom is no longer with us” the servants lowered their heads as a respect and the king got up from his seat instantly.
sunghoon’s eyes widened, he was left speechless and froze in his place.
“we’ll be going to pay our respects tomorrow morning together, prepare yourselves” the king said and left the dining room.
sunghoon didn’t know what to do. it has already been a week and he’s been trying to reach out to you, but you rejected him every time.
he sent you letters but didn’t get any back. he was hopeless.
what is he supposed to do now? he didn’t even say his last goodbye to his mother-in-law.
the next day, you received loads of letters from loads of kingdoms, thanking the queen for her service and mourning her death.
hybe’s kingdom however, came personally to comfort you and the rest of your family.
the king and the queen, and six of their children. yes, only six of them. one of them was missing.
park sunghoon didn’t come to comfort you.
“we’re very sorry to hear the devastating news, the queen was the kindest soul we’ve ever got to meet” the king shook your father’s hands and pat his back.
the six sons came to you and hugged you. you hugged them back and broke down. the six sons already became your brothers long time ago, you felt safe around them.
“we’re sorry y/n, we’re here for you now” heeseung, the oldest one said with a comforting smile.
as much as you were thankful for them, you were hoping to see a certain person, a person who didn’t even bother showing up.
it only added up to your anger on him, how could he do that? what happened to always being there for you?
“sunghoon felt a bit sick and unwell today, he couldn’t get up from his bed, he really wanted to come” the queen smiled weakly at you and you returned the smile.
you spent the rest of the day with your six brothers, completely forgetting about your father and sister, they were here to comfort you and be with you.
“sunoo,” you called out, “hm?” he answered quietly.
“is sunghoon really sick?” you asked and he nodded, “i think the news about your mother caught him off guard, he couldn’t even speak after he heard the news”
you pressed your lips together and nodded, “please wish him well, i hope he’ll get better as soon as possible”
“i will do that” he smiled warmly at you.
just because you’re hurt by him, doesn’t mean you don’t care about him. he still holds a big place in your heart.
the next days passed by slowly, you spent most of your time in your room, sometimes even refusing to get out for a whole day.
sunghoon crossed your mind every day. your last words to him crossed your mind every day too.
you said you hate him, but you lied. you love him, you love him too much that it hurts.
you feel too betrayed and hurt by him but it’s somehow the last thing that interests you.
you just need to see him and hug him. but your ego wouldn’t let you.
so you waited for him to fight for you, you knew he’d try again, and again, and again, that’s just the person that he is.
after a while of isolating yourself in your room, you decided to get out and read some books.
that’s what your mom would want you to do, to move on and start a new life.
as you were reading your book, you heard a familiar voice calling you.
“y/n,” your heart skipped a beat. you were too scared to turn around and see the person you were so hoping to see for so long.
“please tell me you’re not who i think you are” you breathed slowly.
“i’m sorry” he let out.
you finally decided to turn around and you met his eyes. it’s been a while since you last saw him, you missed staring at his beautiful face, and his beautiful moles that made his face look ten times better, his kissable lips that always felt soft against yours, you missed everything about him.
“please,” he whispered, “please hear me out this time”
you blinked a few times, still not believing that he’s actually in front of you.
“you didn’t show up when i needed you the most, you betrayed me and lied to me, why would i listen to any of your excuses now?” you argued, but deep down you wanted to hear him so badly.
“y/n please” he pleaded, “just listen to what i have to say, and it’s up to you wether to believe it or not, just please, i don’t want us to break apart without you hearing the reason behind it”
you let out a few tears to fall and slowly nodded, he was right, you never let him to explain himself, you were too selfish and cared about your feeling that you didn’t even care about his.
he told you the whole story from the start, and you were sobbing your heart out.
“i’m sorry,” you let out, “i’m sorry for refusing to listen to you, i’m sorry for rejecting you so many times, i’m sorry for telling you that i hate you—“
“stop apologizing stupid,” he chuckled, “it’s over now isn’t it? we’re even now right?”
“it’s over now, promise me you won’t ever hide from me something like that again” you extended out your pinky.
“but you said that promises are stu—“
“not when it comes to you” you smiled.
instead of locking his pinky with you he cupped your face and pulled you into a kiss.
“i love you y/n, i’m sorry it took me a while to get back to you” he whispered.
“i love you too sunghoon, im sorry for rejecting you multiple times” you giggled.
“finally! get married already and leave this kingdom please!” you heard your sister in the back.
“i’m sorry that my sister can’t be a bit more like your brothers” you awkwardly smiled and sunghoon laughed.
“she’s right though, let’s get married as soon as possible and get our own kingdom” he pecked your lips.
“well you said you wanted to get married as soon as possible! i already planned everything!” sunghoon’s mother smiled and hugged the both of you.
“can’t say i’m not biased, i’ve been shipping the two of you ever since you both met” the king added.
“are they gonna have babies as soon as possible now too?”
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TAG-LIST ; @jaeneohee @hsgwrld @enhastolemyheart @enhacatalog @kaykay11sworld @ipoststuffandyeah @beomsbeanie @queestionmark @ineedsomezzz @yenqa @nshmrarki @asteriaskingdom @ikayyyyyy @mrchweeee @artiiistyxoo @6yulight @woncoree (bold means cannot be tagged)
PERM TAG-LIST ; @sungwhoonz @ohdudehesflirting @unlikelysublimekryptonite @deobiis @manooffline @miumiuoi @in-somnias-world @lovelovelovebts @filmofhybe @wonbinsnovia @daegutowns @aurumiee @soobywon @dhriti-stories @ariadores @firstclassjaylee @watamotee33 (bold means cannot be tagged)
••• copyright © srjlvr all rights are reserved.
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frostbitedoesstuff · 2 months
I wanted to make this post not to address anyone in particular, but just for the sake of getting it off my mind.
I absolutely hate it when people in the Honkai fandom say that Welt is a terrible father and/or abandoned his family. The truth is, Welt loves his family so, so much, and still cares about them deeply even though he’s far away. There is clear and irrefutable evidence of this.
When you talk to Welt on the Express, you have the option to ask him about his friends. This is his response.
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Here, he acknowledges that there are people waiting for him back home, and says that at some point prior to the game’s events, he asked Herta to send a signal to his home in hopes of being able to tell his family that he’s safe, and perhaps even tell them of his whereabouts (though that’s just an assumption on my end.)
When the Express is about to leave for the Xianzhou Loufu, if you talk to Welt, you can ask him what planet he would like to go to. This is his response.
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Notice how his immediate answer to where he wants to go is home, as well as the word he uses to describe the fact that he cannot do so: sadly. He really could have said anywhere else, especially because he likely knew that probably wasn’t what the Trailblazer meant when they asked that question, but no. He answers honestly, and his honest answer is that he wants to go home.
This next section will have spoilers for the Penacony quest line, so proceed with caution.
For this next example, we’ll need some background information. What exactly is Ena’s Dream? Well, to explain in simple terms, Ena’s Dream is an escapist dream state meant to simulate what someone would view to be an ideal reality. The specifics of the dream varies from person to person, because each person has different desires, different ideals, different wants, different needs. But Ena’s Dream is meant to simulate what the individual TRULY desires, no matter how unrealistic or outlandish it may be.
In 2.3, if you talk to Welt, you can ask him what he saw in Ena’s Dream. This is his response.
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In Ena’s dream, he goes home and reunites with his family. Do you understand what that means?
What Welt truly desires, more than anything else, is to find a way back home. What he saw in Ena’s Dream is blatant proof.
Another thing I’d like to draw attention to is how he says that realizing it was a dream was a “bitter truth.” The fact that he still had the Astral Express wasn’t enough for him to describe it as “bittersweet.” It was just bitter.
(No more Penacony spoilers from here on out)
Speaking of the Astral Express, I’d like to bring up something regarding not only Welt’s relationship with them, but the entirety of Star Rail’s world as a whole.
Something about Welt’s character that I really love is his ability to embrace the world around him and the people in it, DESPITE the fact that he also misses his home.
He’s engrossed himself deeply in the history and general ins and outs of Star Rail’s universe, to the point where whenever the Trailblazer finds something they don’t recognize, they ask Welt, and he can always provide a detailed answer.
Additionally, Welt has formed a strong familial relationship with the members of the Astral Express, and has a strong desire to keep them safe. For example, during the Jarilo-VI quest line, Welt expresses a clear desire to intervene when he sees the intensity of the situation Trailblazer, March, and Dan Heng are in, and when they return, Welt outright admits that there were more than a few times where he felt legitimate distress, making an off handed comment about having to “stop worrying so much.”
This is something that I feel like some people don’t understand; Welt can love this world and his home world simultaneously, and he does. Just because he isn’t constantly stressing out about going home and refusing to make connections out of fear of getting attached doesn’t mean that he isn’t thinking about his home or doesn’t want to find a way to go back.
I believe that the solution Welt wants is to have the best of both worlds, not to completely abandon one for the other. This is why his desired reality of finding a way home and him hoping that his journey with the Astral Express never ends can exist side by side. He truly does want both, and in the ideal ending to his story, he should be able to have both (at least in my opinion.)
I’ve never even played HI3, but I know of Welt’s lore and he is my favorite character in HSR, so I hate it when people mischaracterize him, ESPECIALLY when it comes to this. I hope that by writing this character analysis, this will help people understand him better, and show the people that think he doesn’t love his family that they are blatantly wrong. If you know someone who thinks that, please consider showing them this post.
(One last thing! If you read this entire analysis, then clearly you must like Star Rail. If you’re looking for more content, I’d like to make you aware that as of posting this, I have a Sampard and Astral Express chatfic, as well as a blog where I post Star Rail fanart (frostbitedoesfanart)! Please check them out if you have the time, and thanks for listening to me ramble <3)
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lordofdestructionm · 1 year
The fear behind the manic grin
I know I have a reputation as a feral Vikdecai account (I mean can you blame me?) but all the characters in Lackadaisy are amazing and the main cast all have their own interesting stories playing out
Case in point the musical, poetic and lovably derranged Rocky Rockaby who thanks to the Pilot (for what will hopefully soon become a full series) a new large audience being introduce to
But there is one moment where the feral energetic grinning persona slips and we see the face a of a broken young man in a state of total despair, before mercifully Mitzi decides to lighten the tone
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This is key to understanding Rocky and his motivations
After being abandoned by his father and his mothers death from illness Rocky was raised in his early years for a period of time by his aunt Nina along with his cousin Calvin (Freckle)
However, due to some as yet unrevealed tragedy, Rocky was ejected from the Mcmurray house and spent the following years riding the rails
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He stayed in touch with Calvin, writing him letters about his adventures, and as you would expect from a flamboyant personality he exaggerates what a big adventure it was how optimistic he was feeling at this time as he travelled from place to place working various assorted odd jobs between 1921 and 1924
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The Lackadaisy Wicki provides a nice breakdown
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But of course the reality is quite different. Having no home, no family and no friends outside what brief and fleeting acquaintances he made on the road took its toll
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But that changed when he found himself joining Zib's band in 1925 which at that point was playing exclusively for the Lackadaisy Speakeasy. For the first time in years he has not only found somewhere seemingly more long term to be but back in the place he thinks of as home
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But even this seemingly positive change does not get to last long. Atlas's death in 1926 throws everything into uncertainty and without its leader and despite Mitzi's best efforts things begin to decline both financially and in terms of manpower.
Those that remain do so for various reasons despite leaving arguably being the smartest option. Rocky does so because he is done with drifting and is determined to hold onto the solid ground he has found no matter what. He makes this desperation clear to Calvin
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Though it should be noted while he wants the Lackadaisy to be saved he wants it done on certain terms. Specifically ones where he is the golden boy that saved the day. He is desperate to ingratiate himself to Mitzi. This is in part due to him having a crush on her, but even this is tied to his perception of her as a "damsel in distress" that he can ride in and rescue, and in the process secure a permanant place for himself
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This is why in both the pilot and the comic he is so devastated when he sees that she is dissapointed with his efforts.
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This is also why in both you can see a barely passive aggresive attitude towards Wick.
Its not just that he is a rival for Mitzi's affection, the friendly wealthy industrialist who clearly has a thing for the beautiful widow threatens to make Rocky and his efforts to be the Knight in shining armour redundant and equally so Rocky himself.
If he invested his money in the Speakeasy he would be the hero and Rocky would just be the clown that tried so hard (risking his life even) but failed, only for some handsome aristocrat to stroll in with his chequebook
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Rocky fears being adrift again. Of feeling alone and unwanted again. He is willing to go to extreme lengths to prevent that from happening. To feel wanted, included and loved he will start as many fires and thow as much dynamite and dodge was many bullets as it takes
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Lets keep spreading the good word and hopefully our lovable pyromaniac and the rest of the cast will get the long running episodic series they deserve to have their stories told (and of course get more love for the comic)
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greythemed · 1 year
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𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ bloodhounds . kim gun-woo
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˚ TITLE 𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ how is like to date gun-woo part two ˚ WORD COUNT 𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ 1770
dating gun-woo consists of you being a lightweight while he has the best alcohol tolerance in the group, consequently making him your babysitter for the rest of the night no matter how much he drinks (this man's tolerance is no joke, we saw it on episode seven).
he IS the type of boyfriend who spoils you like there is no tomorrow. gun-woo is so detached when it comes to money that soon after winning a pay-per-view match (it was his first one after being officially sponsored by your father!) he was ready to deposit the whole freaking 3 billion wones on your account like that was NORMAL.
"but babe, you don't want it?🥺" he says once he is out of the ring, innocent eyes rising accordingly to your patience. "you can buy whatever makes you happy 'cause i want to see you happy". and you're like "NO GUN-WOO YOU CAN'T SPEND YOUR ENTIRE MONEY ON ME". and he be like. "yes i can????".
honestly we should navigate more of that. gun-woo knows the value of money in this world, he knows that it can change some people's lives. but he never once did something to get money for himself. he was always running and fighting for his mother, her café, her safety and her dreams. so when everything was over and he caught himself with a pile of gold in his hands (he helped his mom and there was still much money left!), he didn't know what to do and how to spend it.
that's when you came through and saved gun-woo's life. because again he has something to spend money with, and someone to spoil.
it doesn't matter if you're rich already (your dad is a ceo and you just became a doctor by yourself!), gun-woo's love language is buying you food whenever he goes out. it is your birthday? expect numerous gifts throughout the entirety of the day. he caught you eyeing something in a store for a little more than 4 seconds? boom! new package arriving at your door the following day.
and that goes even before he became a well-known pro-fighter in korea. when he still was only your cousin's friend that min-beom suspiciously kept by his side during difficult times. he wasn't that big on money, you could tell that, but he still was trying to get your attention by buying different snacks on his way to your home.
each type of gun-woo's hugs has a different meaning and he is so happy that you caught that in the early stages of your relationship. this six feet tall man is hugging you from behind while you're innocently staring at his penthouse's living room's view? that means he's feeling vulnerable and in need of some of your love.
when you feel his arms enveloping your waist and his lips leaving a kiss on your ear? you already know he is feeling excited enough to express his love for you in many different ways.
gun-woo is a loveable person at the end of the day. he needs some validation from time to time and will get clingy if you don't express your feelings for a while. that causes some agitation in your relationship, including arguments about the different love languages both of you have.
sometimes, you think gun-woo is too honest about certain things. the fact that he wears his heart on his sleeve while being a war trunk makes him incredibly dangerous. how do you expect to act around your gorgeous boyfriend while he is a softie on the inside and you know it? you have no option left but to act like a slut.
he points that out someday when you are both alone. "baby, are you okay? you are staring weirdly at me for the past 30 minutes and i'm getting worried".
and you cannot react, otherwise, you'd be ruining your family dinner and jumping that man's bones in the middle of the fancy restaurant while everyone's watching.
even when he is in desperate need of some affection, he doesn't want to disturb you. he doesn't know how this works in the long run, after all. he doesn't feel confident enough to say that out loud. that he needs you at that moment. so you'll have to get pretty good at reading his signs, especially his eyes.
woo-jin's knowledge comes in handy in times like these.
like the first time you met his mother (you were his first ever girlfriend, so he wanted her to like you too!) and he was staring at her the entire afternoon at the café with so much anxiety coming out of him that you had to drag him to the bathroom so he could calm down.
he had the habit of clenching his jaw when he was anxious. "it's okay, baby, i'm gonna be fine, i'm sure she is lovely". you tried to reason with the boxer, constantly having to cup his jaw so he could relax. "i'm sorry, i'm just apprehensive". he replied with those puppy eyes that you'd immediately pout for.
everything went smoothly with his mother and she even made a special dish for you that day! but the second you're alone in your room that night you call woo-jin and ask for some advice on how to deal with your boyfriend's anxieties because who else would know about that other than his marine best friend?!
i'm not done talking about this man's alcohol tolerance because is SO FUCKING SEXY AND FOR WHAT?! i swear on that scene in episode seven, my eyes were glued on the screen every time he took a sip like sir please be my boyfriend????
and even woo-jin was surprised it was so funny to me.
so expect your first club night outs (honestly, gun-woo just came because you asked him nicely) to be completely HORROR for the boxers. the second you started drinking, woo-jin and gun-woo didn't take their eyes off you because they KNOW how YOUR alcohol tolerance is almost non-existent but still you want to have a good time.
like "NO Y/N YOU SHOULDN'T PISS ON A BURNING TO TAKE THE FIRE DOWN BC ITS EASIER". and woo-jin would be SO done with you all the time, glaring at gun-woo every time you said something stupid. he'd be like "this is your phd doctor girlfriend???". and send a dirty look to his best friend.
and on the rare occasions where you don't feel like drinking you can't help but stare intensively at gun-woo's adam's apple bobbing every time he takes a sip from the soju bottle woo-jin challenged him to take (it was indeed a rare occasion) because WHY WAS HE SO HOT?!
and then finishing with the most polite smile and the glossiest eyes you've ever seen like IT WAS NOTHING?!?!?
he looked at you asking what was wrong and you would turn nonverbal for the next 30 seconds before kissing him in front of the bar AND WOO-JIN
nsfw under 😳😳😳
hear. me. out.
at first, gun-woo wasn't the most speaker in bed because - let's be honest - the boy is timid. but the second he sees your reaction when he accidentally lets a whimper slip from his mouth one day, a whole key is turned inside the boxer's brain.
when you're riding him, he entwines your fingers with his, placing kisses on your wrist, your palm or wherever possible and just breathing "you're going to make me lose my goddamn mind, fuck".
you get high from watching him orgasm and vice-versa.
when he comes back up from between your thighs for a breather, for example, his eyes notice your clutched hands at your sides, nails digging into your palm - because he pays attention to every little detail you let it slide, you already know that - and he wasn't having it. leaning down to continue from where he left off, he takes your hands in his and places them on his head, a gesture telling you to just pull his hair already.
this man is timid but he's also a romantic. when i tell you gun-woo needs confirmation from you whenever you are together, i mean at sexy times as well. the moment you start to feel too level-headed and too euphoric and close your eyes, he is fast to turn your attention to his voice so he could guide you.
"no, no look at me baby—keep 'em open. need you to see me, ye?". he grunts and your eyes flicker open once again, obediently following his rules, giving him the eye contact he so desperately craves.
there is a thing we need to talk about gun-woo sizing you up for the first time.
when the realization dawns on you, your eyes almost roll to the back of your head. gun-woo was sliding his length past your clit and up your stomach so far that his balls press against your core. he said it was for 'safety purposes' when you caught him doing it, embarrassment evident on his flaming cheeks and stuttering mouth.
but the second time he does it? you were feral, almost coming right then and there. essentially, he was trying to see just how far in he was going to be, just how deep he was going to fuck you and you clenched so hard around nothing that you had to slap him to stop.
"you can't just do this, gun-woo!". you wanted to curse. "s-sorry", he was caught again, but now not a single drop of shame adorning his features. by the looks of it, he was smirking.
cursing? let's talk about that.
you knew you dated an angel so to speak. but the whole angelic persona gun-woo carried on his daily basis was left at the door when he was alone with you. cursing? he did on rare occasions, maybe when woo-jin went too far with a joke about his mother or when he pressed his little finger on the car door while rushing to the gym.
but never with you.
so imagine your surprise when the first string of 'fucks' slipped past this man's lips when he entered you for the very first time. and then the constant self-control he needs to collect when you are too far in orgasmland and whisper dirty things in his ears.
"feel too full woo", you moan absentmindedly and gun-woo lets out a heavy breath, dropping his head down so your foreheads can touch.
"god—fuck—you can't say shit like that, princess". he warns.
i began to pass out and my head hit the wall boom!
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i am not proud of this one (sorry for any misspellings, this is not proofread!) and i'm sorry for ending this here hahahahahah leaving y'all dry and wanting because that's what life is about!!! (suffering) THANK YOU ALL FOR THE KIND WORDS YOU GUYS ARE THE LOVELIEST <33
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ninadove · 21 days
i’m so sorry if you’ve already made a post or answered an ask like this before, but i remember you saying a couple times how the lovesquare is queer-coded.
i think that’s such an interesting observation, and i was wondering if you’d be willing to elaborate on that a little more?
i’d love to hear your thoughts!! and thank you for taking the time to read this. :)
Absolutely Anon! Thanks for dropping by! ❤️🖤
I’m sure there are a lot of wonderful, more complete posts on the topic out there — my Sentikids tunnel vision means I don’t always grant other characters/relationships the attention they deserve. That being said, here are some things that popped into my head:
1. Secret identities
You know ‘em, you love ‘em. Secret identities are the core of the show — the very reason the Love Square is a square! Hiding part or the entirety of who you are for safety reasons is a theme most queer people unfortunately relate to, and the great thing is that we get two very different perspectives on the matter from our two protagonists.
For Adrien, Chat Noir means freedom: being away from his father’s grasp (read: from a power structure that tries to sculpt him into something perfect and bland — more on that later) allows him to become bolder, funnier, more like himself or at least more like the person he wants to be — which very prominently features being in love with Ladybug, aka exploring romantic connections outside of Kagami, the only acceptable option for Adrien.
And yet… Chat Noir is also something dangerous. When Chat Noir gets rejected, Adrien tries to renounce his Miraculous, aka to bury this part of himself as far down as possible; when Chat Noir gets unmasked by Ladybug, the object of his affections, IT’S THE LITERAL END THE WORLD (twice and a half now). There’s an entire post to be made about Cat Walker and Aspik and Adrien folding himself into what he thinks Ladybug’s perfect partner should be.
The point is: Adrien being himself puts him (and the people he loves) in harm’s way, both emotionally and physically. You see the themes, I see the themes, we cry together and hold hands.
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Marinette, on the other hand, fucking hates being Ladybug for most of the series. She wants to be a normal girl (!) with a normal life (!!) and it’s just not happening. The reason? There’s something about her that no one knows yet (!!!) ‘cause she has a secret (!!!!).
If anything, being Ladybug keeps getting in the way of her romantic shenanigans: she can’t be with Adrien/Chat Noir because Apocalypse, she can’t be with Cat Walker because her Lucky Charm doesn’t like him, she can’t be with Luka because she has to lie all the time! Not only that, it endangers her friendships as well, as seen in The Gang of Secrets. Look at the wording of her talk with Alya in this episode:
“I won’t try to figure it out our force it out of you. If you can’t tell me what’s in your heart… it’s your right.”
“Will we still be friends?”
“Marinette, I’m your best friend, and I’ll always be. That’s why it kills me that I can’t help you with whatever’s making you feel so alone.”
[…] “You know why I broke up with Luka? Not because I don’t like him! He’s amazing! It’s because there’s something that I can’t tell him. You know why I have to forget Adrien? For the exact same reason. You’re right! I keep secrets, I lie all the time, I lie to my friends, to my parents, everyone, and the worst thing is I can’t do it any other way. […] I tell you, things will never be the same between us again, it will mess up everything — maybe even destroy it!
“Marinette, I’m your very best friend.”
“And I… I’m Ladybug.”
If this isn’t a coming out scene, I don’t know what is.
Of course, Marinette progressively steps into her role as a superheroine and learns to navigate her relationships accordingly — but she’s still carrying this secret that sets her apart from the rest of the world. It’s the othering, isolating part of queerness, and it’s really well portrayed throughout the seasons.
2. The Adrigaminette-to-Lukadrinette pipeline
I cannot not mention it, because what the hell was going on here.
Adrigaminette felt less like a love triangle and more like the girls voting themselves out of the polycule in quick succession. We got an entire episode of the three of them running around, holding hands and jumping in ballpits together. Both Adrien and Kagami went heart eyes over Marinette’s loose hair.
Then André came in with his cart and clown shoes and said “Nah you can’t all share the Magical Ice Cream Of Romance. :( Yeah sorry my ice cream is for two people and two people only. :( Also I guess I could serve Marigami and Marigami only but the flavours would taste gross together. :( Don’t look into the subtext too much” HE JUST HAD TO RUIN IT FOR THEM DIDN’T HE
I’m really happy he ruined it for them, for bird reasons, but still. Adrigami is also the one time we get to see Chat Noir ruin Adrien’s love life, and most of the fuel for my aroace Adrien thoughts, but I digress — LUKADRINETTE
Luka is in the unique position of knowing both Ladybug and Chat Noir’s identities, aka the most secret part of their souls, and immediately went in repression mode in Wishmaker upon finding out his two crushes were basically soulmates. It pays off in Migration, when he becomes their de facto safe place, the one person they know has both of their backs no matter what. Just look at the way they all look at each other:
With Marinette knowing she does not have to lie to him anymore and Adrien being Adrien. I’m sorry but in my mind they both independently proposed to him right then and there. This is the timeline I live in now.
Parenthesis over. Let’s get back to business:
3. Feligami Adrinette
By which I mean the themes explored throughout their relationship.
Adrinette’s story has always been about rescuing Adrien from the abusive environment he grew up in, as Marc and Nathaniel so helpfully drove across through their delightful storyboards:
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(Note the gender role reversal here, blurring the lines between Marinette and Ladybug as she takes on the role of the knight in shining armour, while Adrien is the princess locked away in her tower… Adrien’s gender deserves another other essay in itself, but for today, let’s just agree that he is Not Cis.)
In S5, this theme escalates into a full-on Romeo and Juliet situation. Gabriel and Tomoe are of course the main obstacles to Adrinette’s happy ending: given A. Gabriel’s history of forcing his son into a mold, B. the strict expectations placed on Tsurugi women and C. the oppressive, uniformly white world they want to create through Perfect Alliance (Perfect!!! Alliance!!! Rings!!! Marriage!!!), it’s not a stretch to see them as the messengers of a certain vision of masculinity, femininity and relationships. You see it, I see it, Marinette doesn’t see it because she’s too busy sobbing on the floor, which finally brings me to my favourite thing ever:
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“But Nina!” I hear you protest, “you’re making everything about Feligami again!” To which I reply: first of all, yes I am. Second of all, you can’t stop me. Third of all —
Third of all, characters don’t exist in a vacuum, and this is particularly true of the Adrinette & Feligami quartet. Kagami’s name literally means mirror; Felix is a foil to Adrien, of course, but also to Marinette (and Gabriel and Emilie and a bunch of other characters and I love him so much but let’s not stray too far from the point). Of course Feligami is going to parallel and contrast Adrinette, especially since Felix is Aware of the Themes and Motifs and has decided to make it everyone’s problem.
So in June (!) 2023, a little thing called Representation (!!) aired.
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There are sooo many things to say about the queer-coding of the Senti-lore in general and of Felix and Feligami in particular. Today, though, I want to draw your attention to the way the kids talk about themselves at the end of the play, drawing clear narrative links to the Love Square (and most specifically Ladybug):
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“You know what it’s like to not be able to love the one you want.”
“To constantly fight to save the people you love.”
“To have to lie all the time and never reveal who you truly are.”
[Wipes a single tear away] They grow up so fast…
At the end of the day, this is what both Feligami and the Love Square are all about: embracing who you are and the love you feel, no matter its form, in a world that perpetually tries to enslave and/or kill you for it. I don’t know about you, but I find it hella queer in nature.
Thank you for coming to my DUUSUTalk! 💙🦚
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suns-out-sleeps-in · 4 months
Listen I like Traum(a) actually for all it's flaws and frustrating battles but why was Mandricardo not included? He's part of the paladins story and it would have been great to see Besto Friendo's dynamic with everyone as our buddy.
Mandri being cautious and protective of Ritsuka while Kadoc is around
Mandri comparing his ruling style to Vlad, Konstantinos, and Charlemagne + being an adventurer like Don Quixote which brings out ALL of his insecurities which could lead to a heartwarming moment of comforting him like Atlantis!Mandricardo did for us so they parallel each other (I'm insane I know shut up)
Someone BESIDES Mash actually being worried about us getting kidnapped like to the point of trying to run off and 'storm the castle' as it were.
I know it's brought up but Astolfo and Roland actually seeing for themselves just how different Mandri acts with us. Seeing the meeker, softer Mandricardo than the little terror that they knew and teasing him about his feelings for us making him a better person than he used to be. Very 'old friends telling embarrassing stories to their friends' crush' kinda vibes (delulu I know but let me have my Mandri/Ritsuka moment)
Mandri and Bradamante angst PLZ that would have been so good.
OMG Mandri and Roland Angst! Especially after Roland sacrifices himself and maybe Mandri is given Durendal as a result of the sacrifice? Like Roland magically gifts Mandri Durendal like Hektor did in Atlantis?! And maybe Mandri is all confused like "why do I feel like something was lost to get this?" And UGH NO I WANNA CRY 😭 THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN WAY TOO MUCH
To bring things back up we could have a sweet moment when Vlad stuns himself and telling Mandri to look after '(Y)our Master' before collapsing. I can't tell if it would be sweeter to include himself in 'our' because Ritsuka is still his Master and considers Ritsuka closer to his child than his leader or if he emphasizes the 'your' because he doesn't know if he'll survive Kazliki Bey on his own body so he focuses on Mandri because he KNOWS Mandri will do whatever it takes to keep Ritsuka safe no matter what so that could give Mandri some extra worry and responsibility because of their promise to each other, man to man, pseudo father to pseudo son in law. (Yes I KNOW I'm delulu shush)
Mandri and Charlie having a moment post reveal of knowing they would do anything to help Ritsuka as Ultimate Friend Energy
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Extra EXTRA delusional but maybe Mandri being with us when we face Kreimhild and seeing Siegfried have his romantic moment with her and we get Kadoc's disgust with Mandri's VEHEMENT embarrassment because he knows himself well enough that he would do the exact same thing if it was him and Ritsuka and just *dies* thinking of him and Ritsuka being married. (God I feel like @mako-neexu with how insane he makes me feel and that's coming from an edguda shipper but mandriguda is like my 2nd fave)
WAIT NO I'M SO INSANE ABOUT THIS but as Siegfried is rizzing up Kreimhild and explains to Kadoc and Mandri that Ritsuka knew if Kreimhild didn't immediately die Siegfried would fight with her against them, Mandri questions Ritsuka about it and a dialogue option could be 'wouldn't you do the same for the one you loved?' which insta-kills Mandri's sanity because he imagines Ritsuka(either F or M) in wedding attire (new mystic code maybe? hahaha jk not really) ((Habetrot Bride Senses LOCKED IN)) which spirals into domestic married life with Ritsuka until he finally gets triple-killed at the idea of Ritsuka saying 'i love you'.
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It would be infinitely funnier if in the ensuing battle if you choose Mandri as a support or use your own that he has a 1 turn stun debuff of Charm until he kicks into gear in the 2nd turn and gets an unremovable strength buff for the rest of the fight. He could even have a little battle banner thing that basically says "Sorry Master! I got distracted! I'm good to go now!" before he dispels the charm stun and gains the strength buff for even more delusional hilarity.
The whole thing with Holmes and Moriarty at the end and maybe seeing Angry Mandri? Like he knows how much Holmes means to Ritsuka and Mash and once Holmes falls he turns to Moriarty and just full on rages at him. Oh I'd cry but it'd be so cathartic and good.
Also I know Moriarty is basically dying at the point but having someone besides Mash as a servant when we are at the bunker and basically just silently (or not 🤭) seething at Moriarty. Like literally a 'one wrong move and I kill you' kinda Angry Mandri idk if that's too ooc but God I would kill for that.
Funny thing is I started writing this as a confession to @grandorderconfessions before realizing I had too many thoughts about it so it's become it's own post. Like I said at the beginning I still enjoyed Traum for what it is but it did confuse me why it was focused on the paladins but Mandricardo was only briefly mentioned by Roland and Astolfo during the gala scene.
Just one girl's bonkers delusions of potential romance between the last hope for humanity and a sopping wet cat of a servant (affectionate).
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mslanna · 5 months
Can I ask for Raphael having a 'Wait, why am I jealous?' realization of his romantic feelings for Tav? (For the record, Tav is romantically interested in him, too, because I can't handle angst right now 🥲)
Ask and you shall receive. 🥰
Served Cold
(Served Cold on AO3) enby Tav without body configuration cold and comfort hot devil is hot Karlach cameo
Conquering all nine hells was a lot of work for one devil. Even with his armies and followers, Raphael had few subordinates he trusted. So asking Tav to join had been only logical. After all, they had delivered the Crown of Karsus to him willingly.
He had been right, too, as Tav greed easily to his request. They helped him conquer the hells and he, well, there was a certain uncertainty about his part of the deal. Just make sure I don't die seemed like a sensible request. It was not much of a prize, though. The exchange seemed barely equal.
But he wouldn't look a gift Tav in the mouth. It was also to be expected that Tav would enlist the help of their friends. The tiefling should not have been a surprise, especially since she could not return to the material plane with her hellfire heart.
It wasn't that he didn't trust his human to get the job done, despite the biting cold of Cania and the wide icy plains. But this was his father's domain. Mephistopheles knew he was coming for him and his security was increased.
Tav was smart for taking the circumspect route to his palace even if that meant several weeks of trekking through the cold. The entrance wasn't secret as much as unexpected. A place as big as Mephistopheles court had a whole system of venues to accept or remove wares and services. A place as old as his father's had also gone through several system changes. Dead ends happened.
And Tav knew how to talk to servants and debtors. As a paladin they exuded and air of trustworthiness. The time they spent undercover in his father's realm had not gone by easily. Raphael had worried every day. So much of his plans rested on Tav's success.
But they succeed as he knew they would. Tav was reliable, more so than many of his subordinates. Subordinates who were making a lot of noise under the command of Yurgir right now. Mainly to keep Mephistopheles attention on them and allow the small group to slip in through a discarded and ignored back entrance that should have been decommissioned and closed centuries ago.
Raphael considered standing with the armies. But the prospect of seeing the expression on his father's face when he turned up in the centre of his secure home was a strong argument for travelling with Tav.
He was accustomed to the burning cold of Cania. The storms of blade-like winds and freezing snow were inconvenient but manageable. The tiefling was doing fine with her hellfire heart as well. It kept her warm under the layers upon layers of clothes.
Tav on the other hand suffered miserably. It didn't matter how many layers they put on, the result was a shivering heap of furs that moved slowly through the cold landscape. The view was pitiful, but Tav didn't complain once. Their dedication to his cause was admirable. And when nobody watched, not even his own inner devil, Raphael allowed himself to admire them.
Not now, of course, as the human sat huddled up like a shrimp at the small fire. They shook violently and stuck their hands almost into the flames. If he didn't know better, Raphael would have thought them a blemish, worth no note. His thought were of a very different nature though.
There had to be a way to help Tav. It was not the most devil-like thought but it was well founded. Tav was a valuable asset, a tool well worth protecting. It was only natural that he considered his options to keep them at peak performance.
The problem was how to get warmth to his mouse without attracting attention. A bigger fire was out of the question. That left very limited options. But, for the success of his campaign, he was willing to make sacrifices. Even personal ones.
He was still mulling over the best way to phrase his idea so it would not appear to be personal, when Karlach moved. She rounded the fire and came to sit next to Tav, worry engraved on her face.
"You'll catch your death, soldier." The tiefling nudged Tav who moved towards her unthinking. Drawn to the warmth, no doubt. "Yeah, that's more like it. Gods, you're cold."
Despite her words, Karlach wrapped Tav into their cloak. And his little mouse, leant into it. Raphael took a deep breath. The way Tav softened and their body slowly ceased to shudder. It was a good thing. There was no reason for him to be mad about it.
Yet the anger simmered in his stomach, bitter and bubbling. That had been his offer to make. A sacrifice for the greater good. Yet the tiefling offered it as if it was nothing, a small act of friendship and care. He should be grateful for that. His dignity stayed intact.
But his dignity was not rumbling dangerously low in his chest. To think that it could have been his arm around Tav's shoulders, his arm they leant against, grateful and content. The fury surprised him, as did the pain. What did it matter who kept Tav warm?
But it did matter, and it mattered that it wasn't him. Raphael carefully avoided putting a name on the rage. The last thing he needed now was complications. The fight against his father was difficult enough without worrying – uselessly – about one fragile mortal.
It was not worry he felt, looking at Tav who dozed off in the sudden warmth. Trenches dug by the cold over the last days softened. Their mouth relaxed and opened slightly. They looked at peace. Peace he should be giving them.
"If it proves too much of a strain on your infernal engine, let me know." Raphael was proud of the nonchalance of his tone. "I am willing to carry my share of the burden."
"Tav is never a burden." Despite her cheery tone, the threat in Karlach's voice was clear. "And I'd rather freeze to death with them than burden you with them."
Raphael sat back. "If this is how you treat offers of help-"
"If you want to offer help, offer help. Don’t style yourself as a martyr for the most minuscule act of decency."
Looking at his little mouse – eyes closed, breath soft and regular – Raphael wondered if they were indeed asleep. What would Tav think, listening in on this conversation? And what did it matter to him? He was a devil! He did not care what mortals though of him.
Except for Tav.
The realisation was uncomfortable and unwanted. It was true nevertheless.
"Don't mind him," Tav murmured, adjusting their position against the tiefling. "He's just jealous."
Jealous. The word stunned Raphael. He was not jealous. He was a devil! He stared at the lips that uttered such blasphemy. Lips that were once again of a soft pink instead of pale blue. He had a pretty good idea what he'd like to do to them, traitorous, insolent lips.
Unfortunately, his ideas supported Tav's claim. Ridiculous. They were an asset. A tool for his victory. Nothing more.
"Well." Karlach pulled Tav closer. "Even jealous devils have to behave themselves. Maybe a 'please' wouldn't go amiss."
"If you think I will beg, you are severely mistaken," Raphael huffed and folded his wings closer around him.
"Do as you please. But I don't think Tav is a burden and I know how it feels to have them breathe down my skin when they sleep – and drool a little." The tiefling dropped a sloppy kiss onto Tav's forehead.
"Devils are not to be drooled upon."
"I'm sure you can make them lick it off again." The tiefling delighted in teasing him.
Still Raphael could not deny the appeal of the vision her words conjured. "Oh, hand them over already." He gestured impatiently.
To his surprise the tiefling actually obeyed. "You know I will kill you, if you hurt them," she smiled as she draped the mortal against his side.
Raphael snorted. "I'd like to see you try."
"I don't," Tav murmured and turned to press their face into his arm.
A surprisingly efficient argument. Raphael dragged his little mouse into a comfortable position, resting their head against his chest and wrapping them both in his wings. At least tiefling couldn't see his face any longer that way.
"You are mine," he murmured into Tav's rear. "Mine alone and don't you forget it."
"Jealous," they replied sleepy, but with a smile touching their lips. "I like it."
Raphael growled and dropped kiss onto their head as he had seen Karlach do. What an insolent little creature he held. It would be impossible to pry them from his grip.
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tired-fandom-ndn · 4 months
I love obsessed oisin but I can't help but imagine quieter but equally obsessed adaine, pouring over ancient and probably cursed books looking for forbidden rituals to make oisin a full dragon or forcing him to adventure until he's a high enough level to get true polymorph to be a full dragon so that he can live as long as possible with her. seeing her grandma kissing the skull of the dragon she loved the most and imagining she won't even get a tenth of the time they had together before she's doing the same with oisin, unless she takes matters into her own hands
Anon, I ADORE this.
I love obsessive and creepy Oisin with Adaine being into it, but Adaine also being obsessive and creepy in her own way? Perfect, amazing, they're a match made in hell.
She's so much subtler about it than Oisin is, but she grew up with the awareness that nothing in the world belonged to her and then, later, that she would outlive the people she loved so she clings to everything she has with the desperation of someone who knows how easily it can all be taken away. I think, in this scenario, Adaine would've already been looking into how to extend lifespans, part of her desperately hoping that she cold crack that kind of magic and convince her friends to stay by her side.
Reconnecting with Aelwyn lessened that desperation a bit, with the assurance that she won't be completely alone as the centuries pass, but she would stil absolutely jump at the chance if any of her friends showed even the slightest bit on interest in that. With Oisin though. . . . . .
Adaine knows he's the one, the person she wants to be with forever. She spent much of her childhood listening to her grandmother wax poetry about her late wife and Adaine feels echoes of the things her grandma talked about in her relationship with Oisin, that sort of intense and burning love that makes everything else fall away. In her visions of her future, he's the one with her, the father of her children, her soulmate. And she also sees him grow old, scales getting rougher and duller while she stays young, and she knows that they'll only have a few decades together before she's alone again.
Decades. 50, maybe 60 years at the most. Adaine thinks about the thousands of years she has ahead of her and the idea of him being just a brief moment in her life is. . . devastating.
Instead of just accepting that that's her lot in life, Adaine does what she does best and starts researching. She looks into every possible way of expanding lifespans that she can think of, chasing even the tiniest lead, unearthing ancient manuscripts to pore over and looking into both "acceptable" magics and the most taboo spells possible. Deals with demons, blood sacrifices, whatever, there's no line she won't cross if it keeps Oisin by her side.
Most of her leads ended up being dead ends or methods that had to be taken off the table for one reason or another, either because they wouldn't work like she needed or because the risks were too high (like a lich ritual). Something like him changing into a true dragon would definitely be an option, but I think Adaine would only consider it if there was a way for him to be able to switch forms. She loves Oisin, loves the way she fits in his arms and loves being able hold his hand and even loves his dorky glasses. She doesn't want to completely change him.
For this AU though, since you brought up Grandma Abernant, I think she'd have her whole family's thousands of years of research into this exact topic at her disposal, her grandma more than happy to help Adaine's quest and getting the best magic users in their family on board. The fact that many of them have mortal loved ones means that pretty much everyone is eager to help.
Adaine would do her best to hide all this from Oisin, because she (ironically) doesn't want to freak him out or scare him away. Joke's on her though, once he finds out (by finding her notes in her tower or seeing correspondence from one of the other wizards she's working with or even when she breaks down after a particularly rough night and tells him everything), Oisin is fucking THRILLED and puts 110% behind helping her. He'd always known that their time together was limited by his own lifespan and though he always wants her to be happy, the idea of leaving her widowed and then her finding love with someone else is enough to make him spit lightning and rage worse than when he had the shatter-star; knowing that she wants him just as much as he wants her is a weight off his shoulders. Even becoming a full dragon is on the table as far as he's concerned, though obviously he'd prefer something a bit less. . . incompatible with Adaine's own body.
With the two of them, and their many contacts and their families' wealth and hoards of knowledge, they'll figure it out eventually :)
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sleeplessdreamer123 · 2 years
Fanfic Idea! (Very Pre-Lucemond or not, where Aemma, lives, but Alicent is pregnant) *warning: dark. And also, Aemma snapped here, so OOC is a possibility.
Also: Alicent is 17 here, the age in the books, and she is also as power hungry as she was in the books. Rhaenyra is, however, the same age as the show. Ignore my plotholes, this is just a long-winded prompt.
Aemma survived, holding her dead son. Already she knew this would be her last attempt. She would not go through all that again. And she isn't going to.
Apparently, while she suffered through her last trimester of pregnancy, her husband, the king, decided that he was so stressed that he would lay with any harlot that enters his chambers. And it seems this harlot in particular comes in the form of her daughter's handmaid and (former) friend. And it seems their multiple unions have bore fruit, because now the bastard Ott Hightower is pressuring him to take her as his wife and "deposing" her, for she is old, and could only give birth to a girl, meanwhile his daughter was young, and has many chances of giving him a son. They even went so far as to suggest finding a husband for Rhaenyra, someone like the Lannisters, for instance.
Aemma has suffered at the hands of men, at the hands of Maesters bought by the citadel, and now they wish to depose her? Her and her daughter? No, she would not allow it. She is an Arryn, but so many people seemed to have forgotten she too was also Targaryen. And since people keep forgetting that she too was a Dragon Queen, it seems she needs to remind them that.
So she spoke to Viserys, and with every word she used to stab him in the heart, she knew she had him in her palm. Guilt was a powerful thing, and Viserys, oh, Viserys has a lot to be sorry for.
In the end, despite Otto's insistence that his daughter be made his wife, Alicent did not rise to status. She was given a room in the palace, yes, but it was simple, one befitting a visitor rather than the person carrying a dragonseed. She was given guards and servants, yes, but they are not ones loyal to her, but to the Queen. She has no title given, nothing that could command respect. She was treated like nothing. And that in itself has ruined Otto's plans.
Otto honestly thought Aemma would die, so for her to be alive, a breathing obstacle, it has ruined his plans. He tried desperately to keep his daughter's pregnancy a secret. It cannot be revealed until Viserys gives her the title of Queen, even second wife would be a better option than no title at all. A woman with a child out of wedlock, no matter who the father was, would lead to their destruction. Viserys was usually so easy to control, but this time he is the one who feels powerless against Viserys, who refused to even allow him a private meeting. Time was running out, his daughter's belly was growing.
But he couldn't hide it for long. It was easy for Aemma to ask Daemon to do something for her, if it could destroy the Hightowers, he would do it, no questions asked. So the rumors spread. While the good Queen Aemma suffered in pregnancy, Otto decided to send his daughter to the King's bed. This sparked outrage, where even the Faith of the Seven did not hide their disgust. How dare you send a maiden to a married man's bed while his wife suffers in a difficult pregnancy, until the girl got pregnant herself? The Maiden weeps, the Mother is angered, and the Father greatly judged their actions.
It was not long before Otto was fired as the Hand, and Lyonel Strong replaced him. Alicent was still living in the palace, and the people began to wonder what the wife, what the Queen, what Aemma Targaryen will do to the woman who seduced her husband.
Aemma entered her room and acted so kind, so gentle towards her, to make her guilt eat her up alive. She recounted how her daughter often told stories about her and their adventures, how they talked about flying through the skies on top of Syrax, of eating nothing but lemon cakes. She smiled inwardly as she watched the girl cry. She had asked for forgiveness, that she only did her duty (she scoffed inwardly. A duty to spread your legs to whoever your father points at, then? Enough to get pregnant and refuse to take moon tea in hopes you replace me, then?).
And Aemma was so kind, of course she would help, how could she not? She knows the pain of pregnancy, of how ruined Alicent would be once the people would find out what she has done (they already know, she just doesn't know they do). She promised to talk to her husband to give Alicent something at least. And Alicent was grateful for that, so eager too. She can see it, the greed in her eyes. Maybe she believes she would be the second wife in the behest of the Queen? Keep dreaming child. For breaking her daughter's heart, for trying to take her crown, for fucking her husband as she suffered in pain, she would not let her have an easy life.
Soon, an announcement was made. The King was to bestow a title to Alicent Hightower. The title of concubine. Mockery and jeers left everyone's lips at that title. Concubine. A legal mistress, a legal bedmate with no power to control anything, always under the wife's control. And her children would remain as bastards.
Oh, her screams could be heard from all over the palace. She broke plates and cups, cursing the good Queen Aemma for lying to her. Stories of her raging was again told all throughout Westeros, and she was immediately judged for it. She was at least given a title, she would be well cared for in the palace, living luxuriously until the end of her days, yet she still complains? She curses the legal wife, the Queen? Is she insane? The Queen could have killed her and it would have been her right. Instead, she gave her a better option, and she calls it betrayal?
Queen Aemma still acted kind, inviting her to dinners, acting sad when she disagrees, showing the whole of Westeros that it was not she that was making it difficult, rather it was Alicent.
Alicent held hope, however. The child in her belly was a boy, she was sure. Soon, she will replace Aemma, be crowned Queen, her son would be legitimized, and she would punish Aemma in the name of the Seven for making her a concubine instead of a wife. She, a highborn lady of the Faith.
When the child was born, a boy, thank the Seven, she expected the king to grant her the title of wife, to name him Heir, to visit her and his firstborn son. Instead, it was guards and a servant who came, and took the child away. The Queen wished to see the boy. Alicent was too weak to refuse, and she was afraid, afraid that she would kill her son, she is still of Targaryen blood, she would not hesitate to kill.
She was not the only person who thought this. They watched as they brought the child to the throne room, with Viserys cautiously watching Aemma's reactions. Even if the child was a bastard, he was still his flesh and blood. When they handed the child to her, the court breathed in, waiting for her command.
Instead she smiled and caressed his small cheek. "The gods have finally given me a son."
And with those words, Queen Aemma adopted little Aegon II, legitimizing him and claiming the child hers and only hers. Alicent and her father could not go against her, despite Alicent's desperation.
Again, Aemma visited her with that kind look in her face. Alicent cursed her, tried to tear her apart with her nails, only to be held back by her guards.
"This is to save you, dear. No one would wish to marry a woman with a bastard. Think of the future, I will find you a good husband, and the child would be treated well. Isn't that the duty of the mother, to wish the child a good future? I'm giving both of you the best possible option."
Alicent won't hear it. That child was hers, her son. Not this woman cursed by the gods to only give birth to a spoiled girl! Her birthing a boy showed that she is more capable, more worthy, and that woman dare say that she would adopt him? Take away her chance? Take away her son and send her away? She won't allow it!
So she heavily paid the servant to bring wine, and another servant to call for the King. Unbeknownst to her, they all headed to the Queen first, and she told them to do as she says. When the King asked what she was planning, she simply told him that he had always wanted sons, and now he can make as many as he wished. As long as that woman calls, Aemma would allow him to go, pretending not to know.
When the King entered Alicent's chambers, she handed him a drink of wine, and the rest was history. Soon, she was pregnant again, and gave birth to a girl. Again, it happened, Queen Aemma took her and adopted her as her own.
Alicent was getting desperate. Her father kept sending ravens secretly (they were not a secret, Aemma and Rhaenyra already knew of it, and allowed it to go to Alicent) urging her to capture the king's heart. She was able to have king Jaehaerys' trust during her old age, she should be able to seduce this one. She was young, she was learned, and she can still give birth. Alicent is tired, but the hope was there. The King was still kind to her, and would give her whatever she wants. She was sure that once she showed her brilliance, showed what she could do for him, she would be free from the concubine title, and be given the title of Queen. She would be able to have her children then, and free them from whatever horrors Aemma must have put them through.
And so, she tried one more time. Again, she gave birth, another boy, and again, Aemma took him away. She begged the king to give her her children, to stop Aemma's cruelty, but Viserys acted awkwardly, saying that Aemma was taking great care of them, raising them as proper Targaryens. She snapped and screamed at him, asking if he was blind, that the Queen was stealing her children away from her. When she tried to see them, they refused to let her, and Aemma calmly explained that it was so she won't form attachments once she's ready to go. Alicent was beyond pissed.
And it was Rhaenyra's wedding to Daemon, in accordance to Aemma Targaryen. Alicent was invited, as always, but this time she deigned to accept, and wore the greenest of dresses to slight them all. She even stood next to the king.
The next day, she was placed into a ship and sent to be one of the saltwives of one of the Greyjoys, leaving her children to Aemma, who raised them with Rhaenyra, and also reminded them that Rhaenyra was their future Queen, and that they should defend her at all costs. When Rhaenyra gave birth to her children, Queen Aemma told them to protect them too.
When it was time for Aemma to leave the world, she smiled, knowing that her daughter's reign would be long.
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xviiper-rents-houses · 2 months
Actually yeah, can we see platonic headcanons for both Yandere Sonic and Scourge?
sometimes friendship can be equally as terrifying.
Platonic Yandere Scourge and Sonic
For sizzle Anon! Any kind of a relationship with a yandere, platonic or romantic, can be terrifying! I decided to do separate headcanons for each hedgehog, lemme know whatcha think! (I might have even included a bonus! 👀). Also, good to cya back Anon :D Thank you for requesting some more. We definitely do need more platonic yandere content, it's an underrated subject for sure :0
TW: Typical yandere tendencies: obsession, possessiveness, controlling and manipulative behavior. This is talked about in mild detail. This headcanon mentions the following: intent to kill, general violence, violation of boundaries ( by this I mean that you have established that you don't want your privacy invaded but it still is), stalking and overall, disregard for the reader's feelings. I do not condone yandere actions in real life. Do not repeat these characters' actions and seek help if you feel you are.
Reblogs, likes and comments are welcomed! Please enjoy, yandere Sonic and Scourge. Also, I'm so sorry for taking forever, Anon! We all know and love that stinking writer's block, don't we?
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Sonic and Scourge are polar opposites; Sonic being the original and Scourge, an evil recolor of the famous hedgehog. However, there is one thing that they can agree on, even if they don't interact with each other as much: you are their best friend. And they'll do anything for a companion such as yourself. Anything.
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Scourge was quick when he conquered Moebius. While his sweet ol' papa kept the world at peace, he ignored the major underlying issue that would set Anti-Mobius on its path, forever. His son. Anti-Sonic felt neglected by his father, powerless. All his daddy focused on was ruling the kingdom, keeping "peace," and heaven forbid Anti-Sonic ever went to his dad to talk or spend quality time because all Anti-Sonic ever was to his father was an item, a replacement in case all things went wrong and an example of the King's generosity and "genuine" connection to the people. He had no time to spare for a little child like Anti-Sonic.
So it was no surprise that Scourge became the hedgehog he is today, a byproduct of his father's blatant neglect. He was damn fast with taking over the kingdom his dad worked hard to create, killing the old man and casting him away into a cold casket, just as he cast his son out of the throne room. Deadly karma. Anti-Sonic would work hard to destroy any peace his dad worked to preserve. Anti-Sonic then focused on building himself up, branding from the lame-o' Anti-Sonic to Scourge. A real kicker and big baddie. But Scourge is still so insecure. With no validation from his father, he felt like he had to force it out of everyone he met. But you? When he met you, everything changed. Scourge used the same tactic he used to collect his friends, power and the planet. You flipped his world upside down when you treated him decently. Even fed into his ego. He had to keep you by his side.
Scourge wanted a friend like that to stay with him. Forever. It came to the point when his want was more of a need. Scourge would do anything to keep you. Even if it meant severing the bond and breaking you into submission. So what if you didn't want to be friends with Scourge anymore? Okay, not a problem. For Scourge. As for you, you'll have to come around eventually! Scourge is not bullying you, he's just correcting you, albeit harshly. And he thought that you could see all the sides of a coin! How could you be so heartless? No matter how many times you run from your best friend, (your personal tormentor), Scourge will go to all lengths just to take you back. Including murder, being the top option on a silver platter. (Though he wouldn't dare murder someone so fast because he needs to be known).
Anyone who tried to help you escape from him is marked as a prime punching bag, a brand new sparring toy for Scourge to smack down over and over. Any personal friendships you have, need to be kept a secret from your obsessive, BEST friend, lest he find them and unleash hellfire. Scourge is controlling in the "friendship" you have with him. He fully believes that he is the only friend that you've got and the only one that you actually need. However, Scourge gets to have as many friends as he wants to. His need to be acknowledged overpowers any sense of kindness or genuine respect he has for you. Scourge has to take the majority of the spotlight, only giving you some of it just because he feels like it. Scourge is no companion, he is your captor.
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Sonic the renowned hero of Mobius, saving the planet from invasion time and time again. The go-to guy if you're needing someone super fly, ready for the all-time high. He's the fastest hedgehog known all around! Almost everyone knows who he is, like Silver the hedgehog from the future and of course, Rob-of-Hedge from his hidden lands. Sonic's been around to do it all, had his best friends, (and even his girlfriends from the past and present) support him through his journey to heroics and finally, his family. Who are we kiddin'? Sonic's friends are also his family! And he loves his family. He would do anything for his friends and family. Anything.
Don't get him wrong, Sonic's all for a little rough and tumble, especially on his seventeenth birthday where Dr. Eggman surprised him with a robotic attack, but he's seen the dangers of fighting. And what it can do to the people you love the most— his dad, a living robot, his friend, Bunnie D'Coolette and so many more. And you, his best friend, every day get-it-going pal, Sonic doesn't want to see you hurt. You happen to be fighting one of Egghead's newest badnicks? Oh you betcha Sonic's zooming in to take the majority of the punches, fighting your battles for you. And you choose to confront him about it? No, listen, you're wrong. Sonic's trying to protect you—clearly you can't see that! That's fine, really it is, take all the time you need, Sonic doesn't have a limit at all. (Flat out lies, though Sonic hates to admit it).
He is constantly checking in on you, to the point where you don't get to have your own privacy because Sonic's made it a point to set up his sleeping space in your room. His excuse? A forever sleepover. Only the dynamic duo allowed— no additives. You kick him out? Okay, two can play at that game. He'll make sure it's difficult to get into his place because, well, you kicked him out! It's not fair that you did that, really. You're being unkind and just a jerk. Sonic will manipulate you into believing this, just so he can control what you do and how you do it. He will even control which of his friends you interact with, just so he can keep tabs on you. Sonic's not above stalking, even when you point out how uncomfortable it makes you. When it comes to your safety, he does not care if he's being overbearing. Sonic doesn't care if he's limiting you from seeing other people—you're not gonna get hurt, ever.
Sonic's gotta lot of unchecked and uncared for trauma that worms its way into your friendship, ruining it in the process. As mentioned before, he gets into your business when he clearly doesn't need to. Sonic overtime, grows frantic, speedy mind running itself into a tizzy all because you got punched square in the face by an unexpected badnick and Sonic wasn't there to block it. Or the time that you went out for a simple walk because, you felt cramped up inside. He often oversteps the boundaries that you set because, and quite frankly, he doesn't care about how you feel. He cares that he can protect his best friend from the worst things in the world, unknowingly being the exact thing he is fighting against. You're not going to get rid of Sonic anytime soon.
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In conclusion, Sonic and Scourge would both be very obsessed over you. They would both be controlling, Sonic out of trying to protect you and Scourge to keep you close to him. Any other friendships that you have are at major risk with either of these hedgehogs in your life because, they will stop at nothing to keep you "safe" and that all your precious attention is on them.
If Sonic and Scourge were to meet up ever again, especially with you in the equation, they would most definitely clash heads. Fights between the two wouldn't be all smiles anymore—lucky you— it's a blood bath. Punches are not held back and using weapons in fights is not out of the question anymore. It's kill or be killed when it comes to your attention. Scourge, as much as he likes the attention he gets from Sonic, will do everything he can to kill Sonic.
Forget Sonic. He's the better hedgehog anyway, so having that blue moronic bastard out the way is a welcomed treat. Scourge doesn't care how many times he has to beat Sonic down to a pulp; he's gonna get you in the end and no one will ever get in the way of your friendship. Sonic will fight to the death if it means that you stay out of whatever hell Scourge is bringing with him. He disregards his heroic nature when it comes to Scourge, leaning in on his ego and experience. Sonic isn't shooting to defeat anymore. He's shooting to kill.
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artofchira · 2 months
Chira can you share all your Hamlet thoughts/feelings/hot takes/headcanons because it's also my favourite and I love hearing what people have to say about it. It's one of the things I can't shut up about. Could talk for hours!!!!!
Here I will copy/paste straight out of discord the last time I went off about my opinions on Hamlet to a friend:
I have no idea how Hamlet makes sense to people if he wasn't young (16-17, 21 tops), because everything he's about is this kid who is incredibly overwhelmed with the knowledge that his father has been murdered but he also has literally fucking no one to grieve that with, because he can't trust anyone. And it's not as simple as accusing his uncle, no one would believe it, least of all his mother.
So of course he gets it in his head that the only real vindication and closure he can get is to somehow force people to see the truth for themselves and believe it as a way of finding some kind of freedom from his burden. And he's a little too smart for his own good because he manages to get by with being completely irony poisoned and making sure no one gets a clear read on him, but at the same time he gets so irony poisoned that people either credit him with being a 9D chess master or losing insincerity to himself.
like, I remember early on that love letter he sends Ophelia that everyone remembers -- Doubt that the stars are fire, etc etc
That one.
Out of context it sounds extremely romantic, but in context the scene is Ophelia's dad is reading out the entirety of Hamlet's letter to Ophelia to his uncle and like half the court, and they're all bagging on him for being so bad at poetry. And hell Hamlet drops the rhapsodizing halfway through the letter to go "yeah yeah I know I'm bad at it but don't think for a second I don't love you all right? you're the most important person to me"
and if I remember correctly he slips in a line where's like, no matter what happens don't ever think I don't
So later on when Ophelia's dead and Hamlet's told about it and all his friends are like "come on why are you pretending you care, you were never there and you bullied her" and Hamlet loses his shit in this big monologue about how he loved her with the strength of a thousand suns and whatnot
But by then it's supposed to be like, who are you trying to convince, them or yourself?
And I think that on its own is pretty dense interpretation, but I personally would go so far to say leaving it there still assumes that Hamlet was insincere to begin with, or lost his sincerity because people look back on that letter to Ophelia like
he was writing it to Ophelia
so her dad would read it
so then his uncle would hear it
and they'd all believe some other bait trap on how to fool them
like some master chess move
when, like, no one actually considers the more obvious option:
That he was perfectly sincere in that letter, that he not at all expected Ophelia to give it to her father, and that he actually was just that bad at poetry (not fake being bad, actually bad) and trying to tell her to trust him through what's gonna be a real rough time and to not believe what he says to her when he's acting all weird to people
Which makes Ophelia failing to trust him and kill herself even sadder because Hamlet's rage monologue in response to it would kind of then look more like... Count of Monte Cristo's moment of realizing he fucking went too far and 'what have I done' thing in chasing his ambitions
Like, it involved a casualty of someone who wasn't supposed to be in the crossfire, but furthermore it happens to be the girl he adores and he's the one that kind of gaslit her into it.
That's more of a kid that's way in over his head and realized he fucked up, and makes more emotional sense than some guy trying to act like a whacky mastermind to me
that's basically it. Everyone looks at that letter being like "aha he was fake being bad at poetry to make everyone just think he's a morose teen with a crush" kind of thing but like…. being a teen with a crush is what he would be
I don't understand people treating hamlet like he doesn't have emotional consequences for himself instead of just being a depressive vengeance obsessive teenager spiralling out of control
that he's trying for something and fucking failing at it despite how smart he is at it
because he's a kid who feels alone and can't trust anyone with why he feels alone, and this is the best way he knows to get people to actually understand what he's dealing with
since everyone's like "what's wrong hamlet!!!" acting really worried and fussy over him being depressed and he won't fucking say
it just makes like… more reasonable sense as a human person to view it that way honestly, at least to me personally
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