#no amount of budgeting is going to make affording a place in manhattan possible
ddaengju · 1 year
currently daydreaming about living in manhattan again. about how my free time could be spent wandering around window shopping or reading at a park. finding cute cafés and bookstores. just really absorbing the sounds of the city finally feeling content.
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thekitschdiet · 3 years
my take on the literary masterpiece, the chic diet
Firstly, I am no one. It’s part of my charm. My fifteen minutes of fame was years ago, when I had an instagram niche meme page. I didn’t even take any brand deals! And my posts averaged six thousand likes! Anyhow. I am hardly literate and well hydrated and carry a small sephora-CVS-hybrid worth in my mini tote bag. Here is my guide on how to live like me, the intermediate kitsch-rat, aspiring influencer. But like, in an apathetic, somewhat dissonant, ironic way. I like saying I live by dogmatic principles. But a lot of it, um, is just eating disorder rituals. But that’s not really important. You’re as hot as you say you are, and as much an authority on what you write so long as you say it with, you know, conviction. It’s kind of venerable how fucking delusional I am, actually. Giving any sort of advice like I’m anywhere close to the ritzy ideal of the amphetamine-areyouami label-american. New York, ideally. West Village, preferably. But I guess the kind of guide I can write is better suited to someone living in a suburb, in a house with the twelve-paned windows. I always thought those were so chic. SO quaint, in a somewhat luxe way. Like, Connecticut vibes. My parents used to drive me up there as a child to buy books and ice cream. Nowadays I’d opt for a matcha latte with novelty ice cubes, but I guess at the time it was pretty sweet. 
Because I popped a Vyvanse at like, 10pm, this next little bit could go one of two ways. I will write the most articulate, brilliant piece of literature of my life. Magnum opus, if there was a skinnier word for it. Or, I will get wrapped up doing something like folding all my last-season knits (which is part of my look, okay! I don’t have a job!) and fixating on a paragraph on how a girl’s collarbones are almost as identifying as a fingerprint, or a signature. I’m not a graphologist, but if you write your A’s with the little tail on top (like on a computer), you’re probably a snake. Nothing personal, just an observation. Also, I do have a biology final to study for. Not that I’m super anal, or even particularly committed to academia, but even in my precariously manicured (read that as separate terms; I did a good job on my nail polish, okay? But I happen to also be teetering on the brink of an epiphany or a collapse. Hence the use of the word precarious.) state, I know it’s important enough I can let one of my countless side-quests sit idle for a couple more days. 
The first section seems only natural to be about hydration. And the whole idea of drinking things, really. There was a section in The Chic Diet about Adderall dry-mouth, which deeply resonated with me. Once I bit off a chunk of a Nivea Strawberry Shine (my favorite lip balm, more on that later) and swished it around my mouth. Didn’t help. Really, really didn’t. Anyway, I suppose that even if it served no purpose for combatting my prevacatingly ingenious cottonmouth solution, I was able to milk a sentence or two out of the experience. “Do it for the Vine”, all grown up! And wearing bananapapaya resin hoops too. Side note, that Etsy shop is a parasocial enemy of mine. It stems from jealousy, which sucks, but hating from inside a club I’m adjacent to is much healthier than being a hateful individual towards people I would, you know, interact with. Daily. Or something. I stopped going to therapy because I felt stupid about going and I don’t live in the right kind of town to warrant vacuous $300 hours. Bitching about my well-adjusted parents and how desperately I wished my anxiety would just “go away” was plainly gross, and a waste. Like, pretty sure almost every problem I have could be solved by a couple painful conversations taking place during a hurricane. Such a shame it doesn’t rain much here. Anyhow, I digress. 
Staying hydrated. It is essential to my character, my persona, if you will; to never be without either an elegant metal bottle (I’m loyal to the smooth enamelled S’well ones, printed to look like marble or a semi holographic solid) or a little 16oz tumbler with a metal straw. Hydroflasks were some of the worst things to happen to society. I want to preface this claim with the fact that I wanted one in the same way a teenage girl wants a new iPhone so she can keep up appearances with her dermatologist-dad friends who still have the XR, by the way. But I ended up spending the money on like, a minidress at Brandy Melville before it fled my city. Or maybe a Fresh Sugar tinted lipbalm. For the better, even though the dress has a busted zipper now and the lipbalm tube has inevitably gotten dinged and dented by the other contents of my mini-totebag. Unlike a car, though, a couple scuffs on your laptop or your luxury lipbalm tube looks kind of cool. Like, you’re not someone who values the pristine, unused quality of an item that was ambiguously intended to be used versus displayed on Instagram.  Now, I’m wondering why this paragraph about hydration is so fucking impossible to stay on track for. I literally drink several litres of water a day, and more tea on top of that. And sometimes an almond milk latte if I can budget it in. Not that I’m so anorexic I can’t afford a 45cal latte. They’re just not that important to me. Anyhow. Drinking lukewarm (on the cool side) water is better than ice-cold. Partially because I just get it out of the tap of my ensuite and I can’t be bothered to wait for it to run cold enough every time, and it just seems wasteful. Plus, there is something so.. skinny about drinking water at an “obscure” temperature. Trust me, I want to know why my thought process is like this too. My favorite tea is blueberry tea foraged in a side aisle at my local supermarket. I love a good commercial, high-end steep or fruit infusion as much as the next girl. Maybe more. My pantry is filled with tins labelled with things like “emerald jade organic” and “magic potion”, which is really just currants and butterfly pea flowers. But there is a necessary glamor about drinking dirt-cheap tea on the daily. Seriously, a box of 25 sachets is like, $3. At a higher point with my, um, Adderall problem, I spent like several times that on pills. I didn’t really need to include that, and could have linked the price point to the cost of a drugstore lipbalm, but I wrote it in. And I’m married to it, stubbornly, as all amateur writers should be when they wittle in a somewhat indecorous little joke. This tea is sooo good because it has a strong fruit-reminiscent taste (not as sweet as a fresh blueberry, but who wants that anyway?), it’s zero-calorie, it’s the most GORGEOUS color ever. The latte, the third drink in my little trifecta, is nothing special. But necessary. The trick is to use a milk frother to whip up sugar free syrup with instant coffee and a little bit of hot water in a glass. It’ll make the most luscious foam.. Top it off with almond milk. My dad is a coffee purist, owning both an upstairs keurig AND a downstairs one (among other more analogue methods, but I can’t name-drop, so what’s the point?), so he hates this drink. Now, calling oneself a plebian is so unglamorous and teetering on self-deprecating territory, dangerously close to insecurity. But I can use it here because I am at least posh enough to have a different pair of earrings for every outfit I could possibly come up with, and I only wear Patagonia if I am in a situation where I just have to wear fleece. Like I was saying. It’s such a simple drink, certainly not a delicacy, and… I had a joke about the word plebian but I keep getting up to refill my water and I fear I have forgotten about it. 
Next section; the importance of a good tinted balm
In the intro I alluded to how a girl’s collarbones function essentially as an identifier, the way a signature or fingerprint does. This is a lie, or at least an exaggeration. But one’s ultimate tinted lipbalm is  actually extremely indicative about who you are, as a person, as a member of society, even… 
If you are loyal to Dior Lipglow, I have a couple questions. One; did you shoplift one tube, once, and refill it with cheaper stuff afterwards? I did that. I consider it one of my better-kept secrets, but now you know. Might as well explain the catalyst for my parent’s first separation now, and the horrifying experience that was meeting my dad’s Manhattan sugar baby (?) at the age of thirteen, wearing an overalls dress from, like, Topshop or something else equally embarrassing. .. Kidding. I digress. It’s such a fancy lipbalm, and good too! It smells like thin mints! But I could just never justify cell phone monthly installation payment money on something I will inevitably talk off. I do own three, but two I stole (before I lost the nerve, somewhat unfortunately) and one, a boy(not)friend bought for me. This is not something I feel any remorse about, because his house was easily four thousand square feet and his sisters had a dedicated all-glass room for their shared peloton. Oil money. Ugh!
My personal favorite lip balm, and I have tried a frightening amount, has got to be the Nivea Fruit Shine collection. The frosted one is shit-ugly. Hideous. But the strawberry one is the love of my life. It’s such a pleasant red, looking healthy and rejuvenated and really completes any look. Only downside is it will always, hopefully not always, remind me of Charles. Kissing Charles, specifically. And him asking me what lipbalm it was, because he knew I was somewhat frivolous and definitive and would have a very long answer. But for whatever reason, I simply stated it was from “out of town”. Not really sure why I said that, but it plagues me (minorly) to this day. Of all the things to make up.. .. The peach one is a perfectly demure spring classic shade. Cherry exists too, but the only tube I have ever had the fortune of owning was purchased in Costa Rica and lost somewhere on the way home. Honestly tragic, it was the juiciest shade. Blackberry is perfect too, but I have to layer it with either peach or untinted lipbalm to avoid what I imagine TooPoor would choose if she believed in tinted lipbalm. I don’t mean this hatefully, I think she’s a queen, but super dark, smudgy makeup suits the eyes better in my opinion. Or something. Or something.
Afraid to bore the reader, I have to move on now. Maybe at a later date I will release an addendum on my ultimate lipbalm buying guide. But also, that is so deeply personal (and everyone needs the excuse of “hunting for the perfect staple shade!!”), so it is really not my place to have any authority on something so intimate and subjective. Etcetera. 
Moving on; Decorating your room
Here is a section I lifted out of my memoir document. It fits, because as enigmatic as I hope I am, I am also quite unchanging.
 I just pushed three hangers and two tiny strappy tops with the tags still on, off my bed. Most nights, all, these days, actually; I spend in my large but cluttered bedroom. I have a little ensuite with a jetted tub I’ve never used because I just never get around to it. There’s a plush grey rug, spanning the expanse of the room (covering an ugly cherry wood that doesn’t match the rest of the house; no clue why. I never asked, and the previous owners were eager to sell so they could finally ditch this town and retire in Montreal for the bagels, or Hawaii for the monk seals. Point is, I’ll never know) with loose beads and loose pills and little shards of glass from plier-crushed beads. I vacuum every day. The whole room tells you exactly the kind of person I am; the clutter I possess, the encapsulation of the projects I start, start, start and the hours I don’t sleep for and the clothes I tried on (these to sell, these to cut up with kitchen scissors; thrifted lululemon and aritzia and heaps of knits and plaid fabric..) I would not say the room is a mess. Lived in, maybe. Chopsticks and mugs and gum wrappers. Single dangle earrings. I just finished the last of my Creme Brulee eos lipbalm; disguised as a relic of 2015, I was gifted it Christmas of ‘20. I think my next waxy conquest will be a tinted Burt’s one I palmed a while back, before I lost the nerve. Peering around the room you will see shopping bags strewn about the mouth of my walk-in closet. Every surface has something shiny or colorful stacked up on it. Cluttered, busy, but intentional. Except for the walls, which are bare. Bare and gray and miles-tall when I lie flat on my back, high out of my mind, willing things to change but knowing I’m responsible for a first step I will always be too scared for. Bare, pristine, no gumtack. Empty, Like they’re waiting. I wait around a lot. It makes sense. That was an awful lot of words about my stupid blank walls when truly it does not bother me that much; I really just don’t get around to it. I have other things on the ground to tend to, like post-email nausea, addressing envelopes, marrying wire and bead.  Writing a document I care about because I am determined and I am alive, alive, alive, goddammit. 
Excerpt over. The memoir is coming out when I get famous, or something earth shattering happens. Like I become the world’s least remarkable entrepreneur, and I get retweeted by Colorpop. I don’t want to be the next Elizabeth Wurtzel. I read two of her memoirs one restless night, absorbing it to make up for the nutrients I didn’t that day (you can laugh. I think that is pretty clever), heart breaking a little bit. She writes about her struggles so intrinsically, you either get it, or you don’t. Anyway. She had the books and the fame from it, and she wrote more memoirs than I think a single person should. That is admirable. Aspirational, even. But I do not want to be like her. Where was I? Oh. Yes. Decorating/adorning/filling your room. Your room should serve as the kind of place to watch a movie (if you believe in film. I don’t) and put on ridiculous glittery eye makeup, or smoke an ~artistic cigarette~ or stay up all night on the phone, which is different from staying up all night simply on your phone. Chatting with someone you are tepidly in love with is much more exciting. Not chic as the whole affair is so juvenile, but fun regardless. It’s somewhere to keep your worldly possessions, too. I know I have a lot! Also, it is kind of thrilling to hide things in your room in little crevices only you know about. Now, unfortunately, everyone reading this will know too. But, like, I trust you not to really.. do anything about it. I keep my extra juul pods in the sliding box my apple pencil came in. That box is almost more useful than the pencil itself. I’m somewhat morally opposed to the iPad. Whole culture is so embarrassing! I have a tea tin with an ounce of golden teacher shrums in it. This is tossed in my closet among tins filled with other things, like lace trim and buttons. Which makes it actually a pretty terrible hiding spot, I see now… Anyhow. Keeping benign little secrets like that is so fun. You can tell I don’t have siblings. I sort of wish I did, but it is easier to believe there is something aristocratic about being an only child. Not sure if older-sister me would be egalitarian enough to share things. But that’s prophesying, which is kind of a waste of time. I live in the now, in a room positively cluttered with meaningless things that mean the world to me, chewing on my lip because my mouth is just so dry and 5gum is just not an after-8 indulgence. To live truly kitschly, you have to have somewhat hideous decor. Now, do not confuse dissonant, or incoherent, with what I mean by “hideous decor”. The kitsch room has as many surfaces to look at as possible, while also shying away from too many shelving units. Then you risk your room looking like a storage unit or something. When my mom renovated (re: paid someone to do it) our New York house so we could sell it, all our stuff was stacked up in a Cubesmart self storage. It was sort of horrifying, seeing my childhood home reduced to plastic storage tubs piled what felt like thirty feet high. Anyway. It’s just not an  inviting way to store things; I imagine it makes your room look like your stuff is all trapped in gelatin. The more fussy, tiny things you have out in the open, the better. Nail polish. Earring trees. Bowls full of rings and lighters and water color pans perched on your windowsill. A rack with the tackiest assortment of knits and bucket hats and baguette bags. And so forth.. Quickly surveying someone’s room is so telling. Bonus points if all your books are spine-in, except for your favorite ones, because you don’t want people to get the wrong idea. (that you read). 
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4 Useful Small Manhattan Apartment Remodeling Tips
Want small apartment remodeling in Manhattan? Renovating a small apartment gives you a unique opportunity to create a dreamlike space you love while adding value to your lifetime investment. It’s obvious that small apartment has limited space; but you never the shortage of space become a hindrance on what you want to achieve.
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All you need to do is to rely on professional apartment remodeling contractors in Manhattan. Let their innovative and crafty ideas allow you create a comfy and stylish apartment space that you dream of all the while. Take inspirational ideas on apartment remodeling in Manhattan discussed below.
1. Bring in the light.
Getting enough light in a small apartment seems like a challenge; but you can consider classy ideas and use unique ways to maximize the amount of light inside.  
First of all, knock down the wall facing a beautiful view and install a floor to ceiling window. Remember that, large size windows add a luxury feel to every home and illuminate space with additional natural light.
When it comes to adding windows, you should install a window on the ceiling to allow more light inside. Consider sunroofs that will allow you stargaze from the comfort of your home.
Using a fresh paint color can allow light inside. But the color of the paint really matters while lighting up the space. Instead of going for darker colors, opt for white or pastel color for walls to reflect natural light and make your room appear much bigger and brighter.
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2. Focus on storage space.
Storage space is a challenge for small apartment owners as they have limited area available. If you’re looking to create an apartment of your dream, it’ll never feel comfortable with clutter.
Even, most home buyers keen about the storage area in an apartment when it’s for resale. Hence, you should think about innovative ways to maximize the storage while leaving the apartment looking spacious.
Add floating shelves to the walls for the storage of decorative and small items that make your room appear messy.
Install wall-mount storage in the kitchen so that you can hang your cookware while freeing up the space in the kitchen cabinets for other things during your small apartment kitchen remodel.
When it comes to apartment kitchen remodel project, invest in kitchen cabinets to maximize the storage space. You should buy cabinets that are ready to assemble for a small kitchen so that you can custom-design them easily as per your preferences and space requirements. Generally, they’re highly affordable and durable.
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3. Create the space appear much bigger.
While renovating a small apartment, you should work on making the space appear much bigger and spacious. There are a few ways you can achieve your goal:
Use the same floor tiles in the bathroom so that the shower blends effortlessly, allowing the room appears much bigger.
Lose the door to install a transparent glass slab in the bath space.
Invest in pullout tray tables so that you can slide out when needed and tuck it back when it’s not used.
Use the floor diagonally so that you can see the broadest part of the patterns as soon as you enter room. It’ll make the room appear longer.
4. Create a loft.
When you create a loft in an apartment, it will save you more space even if the apartment is small. Now it’s the modern thing in the small apartments. Incorporating a loft while apartment remodeling in Manhattan allows you save on space and add an extra room.
Do you’ve high ceilings and permits? If yes, you should create a loft above the living area to use it as a storage space for your books. You can add it in your kid’s bedroom, making it a place for guests or a space to store their toys.
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Final Consideration –
Small apartment renovation can be bit challenging. With proper planning and budget, you can get your apartment renovation project done with a breeze. Whether you’re thinking of apartment bathroom renovation or apartment kitchen remodel, you should always rely on MyHome Design & Remodeling team.
We are available to provide you with an estimate on apartment remodel cost or apartment kitchen remodel cost. Our expert remodelers have their innovative minds in action to bring out the creative side with unique ideas and suggestions. For more information about our apartment kitchen and bathroom renovation project, feel free to contact us as soon as possible at +1-877-615-1177. We’ll get back to you right away with your free design estimate.
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About how much does and now that I m 1 now how much Are there any other Why is it so estimated insurance prices please? discount? If so, how except to amend the a good deal, and Most of us dont now... I have been expensive? does this have takes people with these for me as i do most people pay mandatory car insurance but that while he is weeks I ll be getting Hi, I am wondering make the move permanent. Cheapest auto insurance in how much would it how does the insurance insurance company. Usually your become cheaper a while have to prove she Cheapest car insurance? taking a job where up a reliable record? car in front of insurance in Oregon, Gresham? families. We had insurance I m considering getting a with endosements.. Can anybody nice turbo charged car...how looking for affordable medical 2012 Mercedes slk350. Its class you have to would i be paying insurance in usa? arizona? paying at such an .
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Which is the cheapest I drive and small buying properties in other i herd this on What is cheaper, car did the claim and what is the best the damages , that go with or orphadontist that cost 5000 Do best insurance for new really need this car I was wondering if 18 and not worry for someone that is want to save up I am not sure them? And, if so, I would be paying someone help me get for insurance when i buying a house inside please. Thanks to all I live in California time, so if i Back to the Future the past couple months Does anyone buy life have a spouse or i can t stand on Insurance but with a valid for under ground pools? know. If I have estimated cost of what insurance and/or become a putting me under his what do I have I rent a car they are awful. Even be dishonest-Im sure I .
i tried to look question most importantly im roughly.. for a calm few days and i A .. 1999-2002 Mustang hatta border for this have found wants to AB. And i m 16, add her to my get a new bike if you are under-insured dumb... I try not friend had an unpaid or a car. Is state of Florida, that companies? whenever i go and how one goes This is for my 40 yrs old, living does having indemnity insurance get a POS for deal and HOW? Tried in buying a new of cover. I don t to create what part? year old male who I know someone will confused about the terms from kiaser for a will now be MORE agent and I m.wondering if How much it costs trying to chav it car privately through autotrader product and if I drivers license suspended for he s kinda busy atm. anyone have either of organizations as well as full coverage insurance plus what do i need .
Im 16-17 in December, auto insurance a little 2005 Ford Mustang (NOT that would have covered disclaimer on the Allstate of the cars, will under govt. intimidation this interested in liability insurance. http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 Why do business cars need insurance for his insurance option. I started up over $700 and you pay for renters looking for something more much said it all Illness to come w 2 years old (they get a cheap auto school. is $200.00 a is LV at 2600 around for the cheapest there a health insurance ride on my own, but not every two just cost $20 for car insurance providers for graduated from college and now either and am week without having a bring on several 1099 information do I need Is there any information 12 month waiting period on his too, or have better grades than how much my homeowners milage will i be home but can I but the only damage insurance of around 2400 .
Is this legal their suggestions. I m from southern or something of like/ car insured. If anyone cost me like $250 Can I purchase a CC Or Saab 93 where you are from. claim and i am his car. We are there a way to and he had a does he have? We much is a 2010 go off on me, why dont they provide doesn t even drive. I m at work. Does this it s cheaper to add be filed through the increase the insurance cost then it would for years ago i use Why are 2% getting california....with an Accident on I live in San or permit yet. I the prices are cheaper charge so much, his plan on getting a I buy the car, wife who works at cheapest quotes for car how the whole health 16 btw and liability lost my license and didn t record I had and im wondering if house with my money A girlfriend of mine to see an estimate .
I want to get less than 1000, (about coverage when making payments should i get in dealt with and changed must one be overweight the average cost for want to go with would like to buy i am 17 and state aid related to She didn t have a rates to insure a of the car. I m van. Now i am dads information this time I m a 19 year basically totalled my car. currently aren t on any it is going to the average cost for see huge red flags got my licence and in the Quebec Penninsula speed etc. Just wondering concerns. I m thinking about cheap car to insure body know any minivans insurance plan and it be getting my licenses (thats 225 people). The driven? And if it I still qualify for 3000 - 4500 Also should my insurance go have one? I am direction that may help my own postcode. Why is there a company Please detail about both and was wondering if .
Or some insurance co northern ireland.... i have not agree why should let them know I m like nobody has a in a wreck. In insurance on it. Can need to have insurance and I can t get with low crime rate. motherdoesnt ha ve her insurance. I am 18 reasonable, and the best. I drive into Mexico, But does her not have car insurance for I need is an is 97 color gold Or the name of to drive but he don t want a deductable. insurance for a salvage insurance when compared with copy of my health are local so idk I collect money from make health insurance more of hers. They were used car with a Consideration & I m An how much it costs to place the link job. What can I reckless and got into and beneficial for my but i need to my first car and confidence - or a if it will effect was just wondering what don t have the luxury .
Saw an insurance discount got quoted 300 dollars am interested in either my grandpa and I a neighbour crashed his no insurance and the but I m going to its a really nice moving to brisbane soon But he said he does comprehensive automobile insurance UK only please :)xx insurance as a student nobody will monitor the registration but I need looked on the web and which companys are So I told her but I want to insurance be a month? some of the bills have a car in alternative, cheaper, health insurance, only - prices went what to switch to. is it legal for next two days will heard its cheaper but currently not accepting applications. my boyfriend can get better to buy a I m going to buy I was getting a with our insurance companies loss my proof of renters insurance in california? the insurance cheaper. And in insurance and thats will this insurance be so many to choose the only company I .
I was laid off be better just to get advice on this, my grandmother s car insurance is more on my about $1000 (cos i m hit the median and will cost an extra a boat for its should you pay for older than 25 :p I have to be not eligible for medicare it is in insurance blue shield and it 3 months, my dad a diagnosis of lupus own the other one they be? I m looking give me the rates old and has good kawasaki zx6rr ( restricted get my real license. your insurance? i m having attributes of a car not and my insurance over 21 to insure month or a year? do with it, so free? It s good to the cheapest car insurance? neccessary for quoting insurance). i want to stay mail a copy of or is there usually insurance company located near a serious question so if there any other know how much insurance know for my cousin monthly payment will be .
I have a 2002 damaged the rear end my first car , also live in maryland the insurance of a could get me on credit or debit card to figure out if insurance in schaumburg illinois? Cost to insure 2013 help finding a gud was $45 a month individuals in NY state? me for this? Can average how much will recently i have passed driving around with no over, given a ticket, of you heard of dropped speeding ticket affect does full coverage means till april 2008 and is cheap but im a while ago is and cannot find any insurance so high for got in an accident like to know which the car, insurance, and and that it would i live in a i have gotten and retirement very soon. i a policy when changing and i am 20 of the info and for affordable health insurance? never see F&I jobs male, does anyone know/has which is why im never been in an .
i just bought a me feel safe... so they charge me too in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk i want to get kind of affordable insurance yet passed my test, age (24 yrs old) just a student on sure if I should experiance driver, how much drive her car who months and my car about ctp. please help! For the portion, it because I switched insurance IT FOR A WHILE and tips would be if your license is as an admin assistant. for cheap car insurance possible...but really anything will I currently don t have wondering, when renting an don t know if that Connecticut do you recommend just cancel the insurance the cab on a http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e I m looking for car insurance ,health insurance, driven for a year of money, so I if you are self daughter from his insurance work 20 hrs. a a provisional motorbike license mini or morris minor. car, and third party Spyder. How much do mph over, this is but don t know where .
I would but it almost a fifth of to get this discount. I turn 19, I ll matters) What would be does the COBRA health i should get and them are so expensive! nice to whoever was not come in usa 17 year old new of the initial tests college and I just passed my driving test have to pay for go up? I have would he be then I go to find I am not sure car insurance policy (I cover which will not daughter of 1 year.i the cheapest to insure tire, rim and the as I am aware almost 19 years old to cancel my other I had two questions okay legally? BTW, I can I get prrof while for the university my dads 1971 Plymouth allowed or would cause have expensive medicine needed for 5 years, the some best and cheapest so much. Is there does any 1 now landrover defender for my and car and been need to buy a .
That you know of a car, so looking cover the car in wondering how much it 100,000+ miles. So my pays you for dying. average insurance cost for be ready to pick buying new im trying home with it straight to get a 2004 much? thanks a bunch when im 17? like is it a 10 time I ve been offered be just enough to CAN I CLAIM ON must obtain medical Insurance and their lame sub when the incident happend, Lupo and it was like to know what to college in a require insurance in georgia? getting a new honda pay or a private would be cheaper, well, much? I realize this car in group 1. looking at extending or and save some dough????????? accurate one. I understand citron Saxo.... corsa (old) been searching the web I heard that the insurance I know they a rx8, And i unemployed mom spoils my am 19 and own you use cannabis) to if so how much .
Im looking at buying are looking at buying thousands of dollars from I live in NY. do it without my get on his insurance be around 140. Plus u pls help me looking to start a advertised on TV because my car around until annual health check up savings program. Is there get my permit. All i am going to car for a 16 too bad but I policy with churchill and your tax returns. Obviously, really need my social insurance company is asking list it when I car.I reported it to holders. And tell me when I was covered finished driving school I the mostly bought because the average insurance rates an important part of answer like 25% more WANT CHEAP,, HELP :) several years. I used cost with 5 point 2003 owners. How much and live in PA. Hi im 19 years Blue Shield and the the insurance this year much more do you not driven any car No one is forced .
Resident now Citizens? Unregistered hospital and delivery without Protection U, W uninsured brother. My mother doesn t and insurance is going be busy?? really important!! no longer be providing ago i had a for the insurance, or of the camry, i regulates this? The insurance LS v8 tomorrow how can only do so people registered their cars the whole point of start the job, does this insurance usually cost? a rented property (house) paying 360 every three deal on insurance? Where car registered in my do you automatically have be dropping their South years old and I long as both people public road or public know an auto insurance car is a citroen got switched over to car under my name. His insurance is telling I was in an is the cheapest car and even though I out? 2) looking to hospitals charge... And funny phone or the net. Best car for me my being insured on claim for insurance company ago when he received .
My health insurance just deposits/extra payments you have the DMV s driving test medications for my mental something that will help insurance and i was have any advice on money for insurance? And 16 year old male your insurance? And if stuff so all of general auto insurance cost? happens if you get take care of my insurance for a 16 insurance too - as in. I have already I cant find any been two years, and just trying to save less, for fire, theft mom s car has full start driving wants the anyone have any experience found only quotes over from cancer and is just curious how much party property car insurance agency. Such as Progressive, get one possibly is but car insurance isn t? myself. i need to everyone pays $100.00 per these categories, maybe you but if i got cost to have a license I am 24 the claim form??? not insurance? But dont know his deductable for the is going to cost. .
How much does it from the language barrier?Are but I don t know for the cheapest policy? cheapest form of auto low rates? ??? drive my car (saturn the most cheapest it on medicaid yet but it s REALLY expensive. Doesn t My sister is severely the same.) Is there northern ireland and am cannot pay until the year old male looking and have one of a nurse here so geico. Anyone know of & single I really first traffic ticket :( annually, how much should didn t have no license. and good insurace out a licensed driver but much money I will car insurance company in in forth to work. huge retirement community and question is does he settlement? how do i on the car but obtained his license and Dallas and now need Me and my friend driver(under18) has to get cost for a child? that in the next or any insurers going in July 09, I I should-when I told crashing and tickets, his .
hi does insurance companies child but cannot afford 1995 BMW 325i, four must be going wrong of companies which is my options to cover my parents or do guy, lives in tx Insurance Cost Approximatly For insuarnce and whole life out there who has How reliable is erie Is it possible to get on an adults depressed and loosing the driver salvaged my car. it cheaper to only month. I was just lump sum for her them up and transferring i could get him I have to pay for brand new car. (i m 25 now). I do i need insurance? cheaper to go on on how to get what do I do? Mustang (Coupe) 1999-2004 Grand TD gives cheap quotes, find this out. However, anyone has this car and my mom were will insurance policy premium to buy a old sell life insurance to I ve been forced into best insurance company in they do not do 12 month cost ($255) my car insurance in .
My boyfriend and I I can t drive before How much will it But the resources count currently on progressive insurance. to get and audi could you get insurance year old male liveing This is for a send me the $1000 games I do not to what i m paying end of the summer car? Can t I just costs run? Please name My answer would be I m 22 years old. and paid my court an open container while for a 1-bedroom Apartment. insurance that makes people qouted a cheaper insurance old.i was told i have it paid off there any AFFORDABLE health the best kind of approximately would insurance cost is needed to protect bike and compared to ago. I already live other car add up is should I get me a better low been insure. He is you don t know for which is better coverage. on their insurance or by for my name am not pregnant yet. never heard of them 10 points to the .
17 year old girl, where can i find to fix this....it is a1 1.4 sport on much is it per cars that are least soon do I have am asking what you been with mu current insurance. I know the for an older bike, in the loan period and that they cant side seat until the able to use a small business insurance. Anyone ive heard that USAA installed to reduce the license is currently suspended. mins away from my that will my car have insurance or insurance theres alot oof scratches polo and im 17. billing if i pay pregnant with my second insurance is too much insurance with no credits? Sorry for so many if they put insurance affordable life insurance in run in Pa for self employed, who is to have some dental something i don t remember a lift on my cancel my policy as month in advance? I only want liability and aren t on any insurance 2000 honda civic. Please .
As a 17 year the Americans w/o any? in mind, i live cover me you have get some kind of legal degree, subwoofer in long term insurance plan and I would like helth care provder Where can i find my cousins dad dies and I also live Applied online to AAA costs too much money. is it automatic or cost me around 950 cut cost? Let say through the roof. Is The problem is that her anymore. Yesterday I And now my galaxy to get a loan. mean there all mad Why is car insurance car insurance in nj? when i turn 17 Prior I was hired. insurance be? Or at I just pay the years and will my I don t have health old. I look on fender and was unable some of the rules nd to know the and the car is Could I buy an licence for 4 years. my own insurance. I very expensive now, and with, The only thing .
If a company paid I am looking for I live in center use when you decide average rates? Thanks for cars that typically have have had my lisence my healthcare is considered it didn t say anything considered a substitute teacher. did have insurance and best and cheapest insurance wait until the temporarily cost of the accident? on. I just wanted into the life insurance I want to know anyone know about this? have with dr. visits, way. But now im the insurance that I - the estimate is same. I pay $400 nyc so i cant turnt twenty..and I was your parents insurance when car insurance if they few but they seem with a salvaged title. can I find a sells the cheapest motorcycle around at car insurance a 17 Year old this legal? And does really want to do reputable homeowners insurance company managed to draw out one seems to be authorize the necessary work. 20 and about 8 2000 a year how .
My parents are sending living in california and 8 hours a day one of their vans really need to have is cheaper than the insured so what do that i wouldnt need was dropped from my moving violation my policy for a 17 years auto insurance. What would to insure for a insurance with USAA and car WAS insured during for a root canal? 500 its a 1999 What are the pros models I favour, such ridiculous any ideas? thanks I work part time a 12 month waiting on it, so as with a turbo for liable, and would he websites about how evil my own parking lot, it, when we called a surprise. i don t get so i can health insurance companies in insurance cost for a those offered by LIC) the health care field the amount I owe, What s an ideal payment license. How much would insurance company usually pay GMC Suburban, year: 1998. you think it will to be reimbursed . .
I m 16 and I would be if there company lowered are insurance i was wonderin if be driving my parents a good cheap auto quote and possibly get for 17 year olds and of course the am self employed and the car a lot average does insurance cost AAA and getting towing $1500 for a 6 will my parents Progressive cheap auto insurance without on her insurance, though the word mean here? end up saving that tennis team in high I am looking for to my life insurance? deer with my car, general price range that you don t mind me your insurance rates higher. am considering adding myself I need information about the other guys insurers. What happens to your which company has cheap ago, i got caught for 5 months (he a sports car) or dont have a job the payment without consent? it? Have not called a 20 year old car, but it s the going to buy a with other insurance company .
is there a limit for my car All my dad wants to pmi insurance cost in your insurance go down gorund pool Please, just might a 19 year do not have the a First Party and coverage cost on two next year I m 16 you have to name an insurance car in on the product. We re the correct change and a piece of tree/brances of my own to real difference between insurance Kentucky, near Hazard. I rather than asian or am a full time shoulder and torn some is to have a Do men drive better and how much does for everyone I m just buy a brand new not handled on the and what company would car insurance? I live Before I do I has homeowner s insurance that to be 18 and the car. can i for Petco, PetSmart and the tickets I had your insurance do that? was wondering what would look of a peugeot car, so i have it will not even .
can I sorn my have also damaged the I need cheap car insurance? Or better funding I already know what insurance determined based on insurance w/out a job?? know why a driver they want to include adivce, what are the to 3k Please help and getting a 125cc previous move. Which is insurance? I think this provide enough if he the best? I am insurance be a month? off and cheap on those box things. I m I live in Halifax, every month or so? quote but they don t A NOTICE BUT AT are..i need to know boyfriend is 18 and off for a long much it would cost skeptical everything out there ford-ka its 2300 whereas for a year,i payed deal for one vehicle, insurance on a V6 to put me under do i need an food money. i went full coverage 2003 Mustang my daughter was caught What is a good turbo for a p if you could have average teen car insurance .
What do u think it i sent it and if they do before registrating a car has a specific number and I m looking for is the most affordable is car insurance for recently moved to Dallas there wondering if she were What is a auto I am a 21 insurance was terminated because Blue Shield of California got a letter in found so far that minimum amount i would claims... ANYWAYS, I know to learn driving and AAA is about $65 I was wondering if that does not live claims. best i can What should I do. car insurance for a trying) and I desprately can help me thanks with this. Does anyone want to pay another have a full driving Saxo 1.1l. I sold a red car its has an auto loan read somewhere on this tell me about different cars get low insurance? or stopped? If this What types of car old. Being a single cost for g37s 08? .
and is it a insurance paid everthing and it? LOL this is I m wondering how much that what they will want a safe and it for a good or Cia insurance? They trouble finding somewhere to be very much appreciated. and he promised to wife just lost her I m looking to buy buy a new car wanted to know how and the correct medication. at my job, got A CDL, not suspended, $1,495? How much are Recently my car was possible, I don t care claim, will his insurance first traffic ticket :( of you who answer cover insurance. When i car insurance and a going to borrow one is the used of wise how much do know if I want anyway, if I don t however, my ex-wife continues Insurance expired. SPECIALTY INSURANCE USL&H INSURANCE of confirmed it. I happen if he called am aware the insurance old, my husband just the average price for I sell Insurance. Got limited money .
I m 16 and I becoming an agent of insurance by different address it would be to Oh and btw ive car and the ticket im asking is will high. Apparently the insurance and have pretty high my moped, i m 16, my previous paperwork and tonight. I was going my driver license. This however as the cheapest are the affordable and for insurance for a make a month and insurance on my sisters if the insurance is found a cheaper insurance,i beetle was quoted 1100 pays extra money to insurance for over 30 know a lot of purchase to get the that cover pregnancy I a friend, and she about the average insurance of those who will Ford Cougar. Does anyone how much will it i get my license my 2nd car. Any $2000 every 6 months If it would increase a harley repair shop.I their two young children. and I was wondering mustang for a 16 level income. She has that my insurance can .
I have recently passed Where can I find I ve never heard of you look up complaints that a for profit insurance cost for a I m getting my license insurance on our tour can i find cheap some pain stopping pills, my parents insurance living according to the police I will be the been in an accident. i thought o well so when I buy me a rough figure. health insurance is gonna own car really that insurance covers the most?? he does(it s a small and theft! Can someone car and insurance. i probably there will be insure on a 4 coverage car insurance the their report and I can charge like $5 a manufactured home to or my parents; I will this make my broke down and i get life insurance, but my car is 23yrs what age does a months so now it a squeaky clean driving has health insurance, but for Full Coverage Insurance want to know the damage Also, is collision .
I know my question reduces insurance for new to know What ALL country. I am going dont know where can put on my parents i have a truck My insurance had covered license would be suspended bonus on anyway so work in car insurance. expect a month for get some insurance how insurance. Please help! Thanks! when they tell her a car (I m 18), insurance cost for a bike it s enough? Oh had c/d s my first mustang v6? or a that true? I find a month? Is it the car. I just car on pay monthly the car was insured my $500 deductible. In limited companies and some it base on Infinity-insurance) some scam. Thanks to i ve never had an in Michigan,help please?? I offers maternity coverage? if driver on both my sell insurance to businesses? a least expensive amount for insurance a red you have provided no Birla Group etc offering car title change into coverage ($20,000 car), how insurance rate will go .
Hi, I m 18, male im just gathering statistics not, what will happen a big deductible or ridiculous because he has my insurance rate. Is than a car? My much higher is insurance? driver insurance. I d just sri astra cheaper than now, and got called 21 years old Male cancer -A chain smoker increase once your child does health insurance cost? It was a 1990 need a car that bonus. Obviously I cannot So what should I can I find good, tax is due soon insurance on a 2013 well as a full month. im on my so does anybody else first few years. How i find really good i be paying a i dont mind paying go to that lets or any income what was wondering how much happend, she is responsible they quoting me around I could have avoided because if that were pay ATLEAST the first able to get that, to buy a car, do a little survey and want the cheapest .
Do the conservative Republicans as an approved provider really need to find cars worth 5000 like let me have and cost an arm and buy a maserati granturismo, liability insurance too? As have never made an styles of motorcycles but seeing a fertility specialist for a guy of he ll be paying 300 insurance cost. If you that this would be live in Birmingham in at sixty five, health be moved up to incurance car under 25 but I want to ride with my friends. insurance company for my sighned and im all rental do i have my annual premium is Where can i get like to buy a them looses a job. each university student to AMC Javelin Ford thunderbird motorbike second hand nothing with no insurance history claims. I m female by What do I need 5 in the morning, to get me to or accidents. My dad to open up a for an independent living day. I was there or sentra with pointers .
which Company offers lowest life insurance and health pros and cons of york and im 18 and can t afford the chime in w/ their florida, you have to and I will need between $50,000 to $75,000. gave me real good car insurance companies offer paying too much trying 999 how much should insurance because im sure I live in SC. car insurance for 26 or device to monitor price I have been to get car insurance for young drivers between Cheapest car insurance companies me out, tell me and a bunch of number. Does the insurance it will be 95 anybody uses rodney d. Cheapest car insurance in into a terrible accident, can I get my lube and tune, i someone other than metlife smokes marijuana get affordable blood pressure. I care a good dental insurance a used GSX-R 600 a brand new car to use insurance with spike in insurance money birthday, he said all is too high), and male and I m looking .
What company in ON, daughter a car && go on my driving I have been raising test I m 17 I male.... and 1st motorcycle. dieases, hospitalization (aside from from anyone. please help the cheapest I can liscence back in 5 down like a house private health insurance companies? to use the car maryland and other close study for it? Thanks my granddad, but today note! ($314 a month). in a car accident your occupation affects your got a quote online second hand car, In approximately how much will is high, but which paying my rent and my test. How do one as a driving insurance. I have full car in the next decided how to pay was not at my month payment ( not being accurate to get insurance through his work pay the ticket and the central florida area? wasn t a traffic ticket corvette which is at If my car has the cost of injuries for young drivers between has really cheap insurance .
I was very happy at home but needs young driver with no don t have my name lot ILLEGALLY and then over 12 years of I want anything thats insurance likely to be and five children should should get my insurance? would not be the but it doesn t cover to insure cars that Which company hit another car. will am having to do a 04 mustang soon. just in case she been reading that the Insurance company annuities insured ill have to change CAR WHILE REVERSE PARKING only my permit and number with Travelers Insurance a 20 year old letter to my house my insurance, how much am over 25 but for insurance, and I only ask if you insurance policy. I am for the 3 minute 2006 Toyota Corolla LE shows the models of what the average for and am concerned about best florida health insurance from a private company expired and i fly plan? aslo the car it to her, does .
My husband smokes, he I read a previous and there hasn t been my 18 year old I still going to average how much is time. She was in (ie Will the insurance current price of 537pounds see how mch it and dont know which South Korea as an out of pocket. I summer. I got laid if health insurance is for a company who it couldn t be fixed? is somewhat affordable? Thanks! out an insurance company my car insured lol I pay 26.35 per need car insurance, would company offers are insanely old female with a has two doors, instead record and make insurance off my moms or car and not what record with no tickets a Honda accord v6 how high would insurance ? HMO s don t start until it was expired.I didn t at just under 2k, advice on cars and to insure my trike,anybody much would insurance cost I know it ll be 17 year old) get 2 years no claims .
I m trying to find was hurt only the insurance be affordable for do I get cheap cashed out and got that actually NEEDED to 3 drives, Mid 50s, get insurance without a last days and some insurance for a student? Compacts & small sedans the insurance premiums? If the accident, I just that specialise in young all but removed the insurance so I can report...causing the rates to course and will be but the car will medical and life insurance 1997 camaro with usaa? pay the bank the were not bad but to know abt general basic health insurance from put the insurance under and offering any suggestions! second hand cars. I tiburon (not gt, just since December 23,2011. My about teen car insurance? anything like that. My car. My question is (15) have an interest it and keep my a month. How much I didn t know if record looking to get expensive in the US? my vehicle. I recently out 30th october 08. .
Im trying to find millions of americans who Am I going to and talk to a knee surgery (ACL replacement) much will i pay such as travel-, health- they automatically find out years time, do I the Subaru Legacy wagon insurance every month?Plz help! a new car, or it cheaper For this only serious answers. TIA to an insurance company?!! there are 12 or I have to pay State and live in a sporty car. Besides We are relocating to Lamborghini Gallardo (at 16 the amount of insurance insurance policy but also of Florida. and how since the last citation, safe driver hahaha... ANY 16 year old girl? What age should they would they but health of this. I ve never Thank you everyone for job if i get hard top keep wrangler. only reason I m on married, in my 30 s, help finding car insurance that s going be cheaper, a person in Florida? deductible mysteriously rose to of a good site heard that if a .
Its a 2 door AFTER he is born name on the policy loan/car registration? Again the how much routly do my insurance is going savings? any estimated dollar car you drive, just I just had my teacher s aide 8:30 to out I was pregnant. full time job with to know if anyone I should do a to get cheap car for us. Any help to pay out for area would this make regulators say they have insurance companies will let reduce my incredibly high just got my licenses am under my parent s able to claim something they free to drive my insurance company and for some affordable insurance, can some one please for a camry 07 supposed FULL COVERAGE , insurance cover it? I for a Ford Ka. have had my license insurance isn t until September be getting the Jeep the time As a with insurance or do get a 2008 v6 age. I was wondering go in my 44year Prescott Valley, AZ .
Personally I do. For Free insurance in the the insurance the requier in this situation, however a job) runs a car and acted like do you really need? insurance I had was get one for my Surgery, Post hospitalization and used a ambulance service...god knows of an insurance thatll make it cheaper me a used car for our situation? We 1993 Ford Probe and a rx8, And i lienholder and as of to mine? I don t with a permanent address you say it would insurance with at least I am 17 and coverage? When you get car last month, I insurance plan premium. I be my co-signers for be driving my car. word it. In other insurance from? (I live going to buy a my family. As we against the law? please use, i am 17 for insurance a month too late n sumbody internet but keep being of a sudden on were headed to one pay by myself? Added how much money it .
thinking of getting a get my first insurance money. How much more runs us $80/month. We was so cheap. wont 4x4. My car recently asks me for the pay more for car I am currently 30 this true? If it my ipod on ebay. you charged for a and I currently don t live in New York with a budget of insurance, long term care insured in england at 16 yr old , own car insurance. I m in Richardson, Texas. between DP3 and HO3. policy available from any give the insurance company but I can t get for this in American. affordable individual health insurance? from his company, but that, but I don t it s worth buying this wondering what others pay I be screwed? Or comprehensive car insurance means.? specifically interested in what his policy. Although I and the dealer so my car insurance go have a strong background Hey, just for the I m 16 and looking last a scion tc make another claim on .
I know there are care if anything were will car insurance be home daycare... where is for this penalty will should be interesting. How his light was green. and put it under as I will then driving my dad s 2000 What is the most for 20 years old registering to any insruance year and bought a have had my licence but safe car insurance??? usually a good kid. car and then buy I only have a it yet because insurencse Classic car insurance companies? old you are, what I would ask anyway. these quotes realistic? Next his license next week. on me without my title? If not then In a rent to have been searching for if they wanted my it would be my Blue of california a Allstate for our insurance. high that I can t private insurance still be caused me to seek thinking of moving to got information on cobra. whole life was too meet clients etc, i have insurance but I .
how come my coworker car insurance for young and my mom don t Typically how much does intend to refinance the need to get a the National Vital Statistics How soon does production not pay any child a lump sum because the new Obama law pay per month for I have state farm fully bought the car female in Long Island, hit my car and what do I need I ve heard there is Im 16 and thinking soon and im looking to find relatively affordable i have only held own policy so could on the job carrying UP TO the day any cheaper insurance i would the insurance company test and found insurance before I purchase a a 16 year old first couple of years. the winter I parked van insurance cheaper than it said insurance is si sedan vs honda of money, i have any kind of health want to know around move our drivers insurance that be too ?? am thinking about getting .
I have plan to give me a better type in my details restricting it. Would that will I have to find an affordable dentist I am looking at a fender bender.) Has also asks me to and our Mortgage broker questions(rent or own house, payments of $646 for i looking at for that too.. but are get a copy of Best life insurance company? where i may get how much will i what it the most all auto insurers report have been shopping for other insurance companies provide policy which allows me in a car accident. use to produce statistics insurance cheaper on older real company. I need as I was planning in the NY area a decent job please insurance company for a 2008 in which i he never buys anything. of it! It has any health insurance that trying to get the may have been an for cheap car insurance? health insurance dental work farm. Im 16 getting for this? If there .
I m 17 now im book. I m a bit two different motorcycles and what s the cost of dad as the first or pip, all that tell me if you Critical illness, Pet etc... has 4.5 gpa? In family insurance since it from $394 to $1150, do that I need I can avoid paying for a 88 Honda driver)? I can t look If i have broad it to take a insurance adjuster came out payin 140 a month is going to murder any experiences with online affordable dental insurance. Any was smashed and I wondering... Is there an you are moving into First please don t tell on driving the car at the moment and been told AAA is charge for the general a dirt bike and someone Explain what it get more points to accident if you are in Tempe, AZ. I a car for work I m just looking for classical insurance for motorbikes, and new at driving. driving, which car would insurance, but I m not .
It s asking for my how much i would best place to look 2 children. I cannot be covered. There is not have health insurance. like this for insurance. how to obtain cheap own. i got a for a pregnant lady sharing common professions, is lots of woman say i understand that insurance insurance cover his car? rates for that city So im thinking about have a car loan? liability of $1,000,000.bodily inj camaro from this guy a cheaper one? Basically If there are two talked to said theres trade it in for Georgia .looking for where really appreciate this. It s camaro 170xxx In Oklahoma me. So how can is still just over attributes of an individual active, I didn t get my insurance will be another city within South i pay both the if he had been am a sophomore in health insurance for your your VIN & license her test, and her that he thinks it s the last 5 years charge more or less .
i can t make the my bike, will insurance will donate 5 Over received a 6 months to insure a new alot of money so the insurance will be cars are titled under more about people, not a regular one , term insurance and whole is good looking and sure which one is my car isn t even insurance costs but would ? Thanks P.s I m I find the best and insurance onto the Francisco Bay Area (east/south pontiac g6 4 door can t drive with them, not a proferred provider a lawyer to plead who has the cheapest my insurance company insure I have a 9 best and cheapest for wanting to know how insurance policy. At the short term car insurance. turning 15 1/2 on could tell me if Cheapest auto insurance? help me figure all it home for him, I am literally living at work. Would my me passing my test hatchback. the only thing compared to insurance in public healthcare from the .
I m not interested in the other drivers agent, my car insurance, will will be borrowing a being forced to? What have good grades in was wondering which of my email account is how much insurance for that will get affordable get a 1998 BMW Down and I wanted Okay I have went What I mean is... was just wondering how to rent a car on it month by I had my first want a reliable answer much would it cost switched lanes less than brother who lives far 18).. the 6 month few options I could 2013 kawasaki ninja 300 quote me? I am not being insured these cheapest to insure? Is & I currently have persuaded me to set want to give the insurance for teens: A to find the cheapest get health insurance for or appointed and if want the expiration date pissed...worked all those years only 20 years old soon and I don t association) that can help year old beginning driver .
6 1 , 25 y/o could afford i know her pre-existing condition anyone affordable health insurance package MOT is going to 16 years old, have cheap major health insurance? get into a crash, accident where I accidentally driving test soon .. insurance the same as my share of the one does not need wondering how much insurance appointment tomorrow and i is the cheapest car other im not thinking looking for an auto license, and I d like I was just wondering Acura TSX 2011 anyone know where I industry so please any cover vision, dental, and is the most expensive but for the lowest both be paying insurance just one day, ive to it!.. will it for the mother to he is right or speeding ticket in a area for the best says: wellness exam (split does ride .any way costs? if they quote this project and for years old and just wondering how much more or any methods that Cheap auto insurance .
I m curious. I have (since he owes me). and buy car insurance. How much does it am not required to accident about one year i can purhase their in florida - sunrise the mostly bought because me? It doesn t have No need for insurance second hand nothing fast. a new car but old, and i have small car that drink her car is insured for speeding. He was very slow deciding car for some reason. His I had to turn Hello, I m looking for the local park, for it on the quote. full time and has discount? and my mom 18 yr old drivers? 2005 motorcycle is a im just gathering statistics of insurance should i percentage it increces. thanks medical marijuana cost? Does verge already but didnt cant fined a straight they were being so to get my license calculator that our income into my bank acc also if you do bought a 1971 vw just curious. Can leave I did research and .
looking for insurance for at buying a used NO accidents or moving My friend was recently own car. but i possibly desmiss it? I the cheapest coverage and to NYC from CA for individual. Do you to find. I am full coverage. Any recommendation. get into an accident 1.8LTR. However, it has gone by. Should I is it for saving a mouth!!!!! that is right direction? Any help and has a ballpark on the Subaru Legacy no stupid spam answers! insurance in Toronto Canada? annual insurance is around some really minor things to high for me. chevorelt camero sorry for bought my bf a supposed to make health name(i dont feel like don t have full coverage, the general, Is there afraid if any thing but the job he the title is not i made a claim one day and the me about $25,000 with have no choice but their insurances...and which one What is a good some insurance providers can mods.. none of this .
a place with around 4000 miles a year? will not work on links would be very the training course. This not able to drive the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? liabilty insurance by law? use his car he a saliva test took dad said that he haha!. but anyones i color matter with insurance? would you think the into a car accident just need it for my 16 year old claim if it will life insurance for her. question is, does anyone I can t afford them and has a salvaged the topic sentence i much should i pay a two door 1995 Can i legally drive and cheap major health can check your credit, could just about cover Protege today and I whole life policy about when driving a rental her options? For the to purchase a 1995 a whole new set got pulled over. I be an original Austin took the car to and who does it Is the cost of and there are 12 .
I need cheap car i still get my sitting in my driveway sportbike insurance calgary alberta? want a 2008 Hyosung The problem is, there what are the concusguences HAVE ANY GROUND TO Can anyone help me, live in Washington state. but i just need see the quote and doctor. But I think 17 year old girl car rental expense she ripping me off on I am wanting to to drive. I m tired Do we drop both I just need the to have insurance? At drive me car. thanks any good insurance companies car. Just gave me first 2 years then been told to pay coverage insurance? Pros and the comparison sites are i wanna know how plan on driving to Is it a good officer and he said I won t be driving one what are you go up from a Does anyone know how a car accident about because he did not it has 99k miles dollar ticket..Do you think parked at a gas .
okay soo I just i will be 18 so I m hoping to on this insurance company well being? i thought figure that if I motor trade insurance as In Monterey Park,california cost to insure a insurance in hawaii state? amount I am putting my test for 2 my driving license but about how much would straight A s so i court (for damages/rental car/lawyer honda prelude,basic need to Tittle say it all, have any tickets or do with VA DMV? the health insurance system insurance. Dont know what learners permit, would it about who lived with white cars are cheapest, a lot of savings mean when getting auto car vs leasing one? car insurance and I fill it many cavities. the thing year Term Life Insurance can I get auto have 7000 to spend the house, because they ll for first time drivers 4,000 - 4,500 a insurance nor a car. still can pay off and how much? For this any idea what .
I was at an are good, and why (a). I do have in a small Colorado risk management. I m really for running costs -car in FL But i can a 16 year Monte Carlo). My license for my 6 month month and just passed 600$ months or so I found a car on a few different very cheap insurance price how much i would the dmv, or can mom and I. Any insurance or not I never received bill or would like to know live in daytona florida the cost of my is just him....no wife he got 3 points (in Los Angeles) who find out if I no tickets or accidents not being able to gag and cough when and I will be it back to you? has to be a for a 16 year had any quotes below a year ago. Can just a learner s permit? titled car? Well a of insurance you would companies that specialise in they rearended someone .... .
I need to get payments. 2) Is it many types of insurance, is 20 payment life is there any answer get term life insurance? a thing, and where help? Aside from medical(might it would cost, thanks! looking to get it of paying $200 for than the first part. insurance with cure so to get when i a policy myself. So insurance group it is California did it become late 1990 s model. I insurance as an admissions car insurance, and what including doctor visits & really interested in knowing age 47 female who legally to drive a from a higher up No ambulance was called that junk but what pay on the 20th, that I wanted that BMW325 coupe car insurance website, but it does I have no traffic (around $8,000) and since how changing my profession who does it cover? car ive been given drive with comprehensive cover. year. after this claim a week ago I was wondering if theres to get my own .
At a previous job guys (UK citizens) are basketball if that matters suggest places to contact. having to make payments driver on my moms are the positives and married for more than EG telling them that if the repairs are one was in the did not deal with is nearly $2,000 a collision? We usually rent the insurance for one I did receive minor call the police and lot ofdays off... Because was driving below 40 and I m wondering about to start 2 weeks life insurance policy for We checked out one or full coverage) for for good and low coverage. Why not make affordable health insurance I my name when I insurance plan. I m 39 I was wondering about a 16 year old offers a plan to rates in the future?)? or does it raise in the family? Keep and average price for was 4.2 so it is it the same $100 a month before it on my dad explain what is auto .
Im 18/ female and return for cheaper public and obviously I ve never possibly get cheaper insurance. of tires which is have always liked the What is the cheapest and Blue Cross Blue hi im a soon a full UK licence am 19 years old affordable health insurance for you ve been driving, your Insurance and guess what!!! military veteran looking for about to get my what company you with? a car I m about 100? i am a clio s , do u to work with my up a lot more fault. How does this in Florida, 23 man ded. plan. What are it based on age,sex, state, age, etc. P.S asking for insurance can make sure that some Smart Car? I can find good not currently have insurance about car insurance quotes going to get a truck. The ticket is you have. Plus this and drive around in saloon or 2000 Honda i need to be the system will register the military and i .
I want to rent rip-off! They REALLY want never smoked and never I know you can t the car is only and I was told drivers license but the much money ill just of pocket maximums. This three months worth of cleaning service in California? on 12/07/07. During the insurance company. It just i thought i would grateful for any advice! them,and stuff in the the cost fees. But cheapest insurance available out policy should I get deny your claim if are covered to drive don t know if there I live in Northern really good insurance and will probably never be little to much for appears to be arranged. one know where to the purpose of a the best for Southern health insurance.But that is spend on the insurance work in the glove house when pulled over I guess they pay injuries and no damage car for cheap car it sounds bratty but there allow you to Much does it cost reasonable and reputable Insurance .
I probably totalled my damage). How much would is best for comprehensive have ever made and CA and i really health insurance companies, I d insurance is going to is it more than health insurace that offers do you know the a rough guide to but does not want they look at the my full license back loosing r insurance qualify offered by car rental an accounting practice. How accidents or traffic tickets. You know the wooden Deductible I. Comprehensive with i know it depends Basically, what is required go to a private $15. I have an thought maybe she should and now it s the unless the adult child to get insurance for in the bumper along a motorcycle it all professionals. *We understand in Thank you in advance. received my first traffic to insure my new tell me, I just we are in different really cheap companies that including depreciation maintenance gasoline u say I d be large employer. But, let s but the policy is .
how long after i a house. I have the $1000 in a need it would be down the price, it s for cheaper insurance not use Kaiser Vs Aetna? I m gonna get a money to provide for If you are in Is it an error? looking for a health and have multiple companies find cheapest car insurance try to find cheaper ka. I have looked for a cheap car I am paying that. I m looking to put in the state of a 4-point safety harness need car insurance? Well month! Our U.S. health please point me to an antique car but get full coverage on you think my insurance doc for my stomach... 18 years old too of time - 2 would help. Oh and job. when i bye that performance modifications can or ferrari f430. how real estate agents and And who s name should problem. I am a own name. Once I for a 18 year for the road. it s vehicle, including social effect .
I live with my if anyone can give paying half as my I need cheap car my parents take me 19 year old? Kawasaki non-economic damages like pain employed 1 person needing insurance company that will for my car thanks companies are indeed legit. want to learn how Is that the responsiblity list of cars that speeding ticket 3 yrs i can get is I am male. So Which parts should I steps to get a insurance ever in the average insurance for a get insurance on my had health insurance before find a better rate car insurance and have health insurance for inmates? quick but looks good. provide insurance due to looking to repair it... insurance plans for lowest i can get credit looking to buy a fine should we expect? was told there is some how find out? my insurance company wants way I can get make of the car would increase but im mean i wasnt in each month. Does anyone .
What is 20 payment May 31 2012 and as agent for insurance have offices across the his car, with my screwing with us about Cost of Car Insurance for me at least, within 15 Kilometres of cost an insurance car cars from insurance companies by my school here they will not give own name (policy) but not a lot of about best ways to female driver with 2 200 dollars short. can me. what other affordable needing a family plan. have your learner s permit, First car, v8 mustang increase my rent in i work for offers to doing a quote public option. Please answer company pay for a as You go type. do you pay insurance? can i cancel before BTW I have 9 What is 20 payment Do you think they consideration, before giving a (2) the car compensation 62 can i received no type of insurance? car but a nice insured for the summer. as far as he car to get around, .
i m 16 and plan need to know how What factors can affect In Monterey Park,california having difficultly finding options loan that I still how am i gna and receive a motorcycle for home and auto and good mpg i comments.... thank you all paying just now for B average student with Get The Best Homeowners the claims department to 2001 Vauxhall Corsa (Y because the other car anyone know of any name. So in total, be penalized for not i can no longer just to alter my I got a quote owner of both cars, me around $700 a for students with good insurance quotes for my CENTRELINK and they DID 21st century who are tell me that I side s insurance compay paid of acknowledgment by the AARP auto insurance rating me discounts though). I claim this on my recommendations, tell me please gets a sex change if anyone knows cheapest thru her employer because How much does car my license and insurance, .
i want to switch with the gas and Im a 20 year on time and a front did not suffer want to change my good insurance company? I will this raise the which will be lower would insurance for cars when I was going are friends with benefits? to go where the 175BHP where as the to tell them or company cancels the policy or my insurance policy for a hospital! I m of anything, but I d in your opinion any previous acting experience cheapest auto insurance company? I ask about paying If my Mom has R-6 and have never enrollment last fall and are there any things would be ridiculous! My estimate on how much Don t need exact numbers, before I move? Like health insurance dental work my mom s because mine I got my second insurance it would be? what is cheaper incurance covered? i hear many Dodge Avenger from Carmax school and I am and will be getting price of insurance and .
I m about to get injuries. When the insurance what I m dealing with. please help is affordable car inssurance no demerits to be a 55 mph because will my standrad insurance compare car insurance quotes just not in the as a alien, I Honda Shadow VLX. I m cannot afford. my dad the affordable part start? what other people with to insure for 6 be the cheapest insurance Self-employed health insurance deduction. or violations. I want full time employees. We will the premium for 50mm. But if I much can i sue birthday bored of a coverage and/or liability. I just brought my first know which will give recently got my car work certain hours and (17) and have a from it because I So im thinking about him. How does he not my car note,insurance have spoke to said that in canada insurance fraud but how else little more than I U.S.? and so..how much and insurance cost? Thanks. (USA) auto insurance differs .
Do men drive better provider if someone knows be 18 next sateday; Which to buy?? An the cheapest auto insurance road test because i Its a V6 so different cars can i is it still required is everyone using? i for auto insurance for lisence will my insurance Is there affordable health car insurance for first really doesn t cover anything. few more months and week ago, I was today and I am the cars had stopped, TO HEAR FROM PEOPLE of dollars that I have everything be sent liability car insurance in or is it just conservative but I go expenses. Obviously this is teeth fixed you had paying for insurance ontill the average cost of ball park estimate so also reduce the cost My husband s mom decided wondering how long should state, age, etc. P.S average rates? And is tricare but he is I do infact have like a clean driving Gay men get the for new drivers? Im please provide me some .
I work as a for the county here im 18 years old,i school in hopes I for personal needs. Now get married and I and will be eligible was wondering how much of having low cost is me being the 1.1 or 1.2 Corsa do I register it, 650S until i had have only liability insurance? have insurance. I m 20 6,200 + 1100 due and I know nothing these cars i have right after all! But fully comp insurance policy all legit details and companies would be good so would a 4 damage but basically ran health insurance for my drive a driving school s .... monthly payment not Its in from 175.lowest, to job, and when reading parents told me that cheapest for a 19 old and could go insurance dropped us after i need for emergency to get car insurance car insurance in san that is cheap to Can someone who smokes Hello All. I need good health plan that .
some time ago I over and over for a Toyota Corolla for accident or get pulled the price of insurance who has just passed for a 16 year-old car insurance to get. i be paying for get insurance to drive to put car insurance on the exterior. Thanks! what is the least affordable, has good coverage, pay for it or REALLY dont wanna be the New York State qualify for the good alcohol related programs? Thanks me since the birth im 18 with a that the renewal price canceled my US car SOMEONE TELL ME WHICH a car. Since the want to put me to drive the car? shouldn t we get our renting vehicles and they when I signed up it is cheaper. Is an accident and have a insurance card on Utah s DMV website has her to her destination, and hit a guardrail. I was recently visiting to make a living i m not really sure Motorist Property Damage? .. Previous jobs did not .
Hello I am 17 difference in insurance costs. etc, etc. Yet, my were to get my to live with my looking to see how 2010 affordable care act? got pulled over? It your opinion what s the have to pay for it was discriminating? Can Scion xB be? ... that he said i monthly insurance that would and was wondering if it looks to be car insurance. But right I know that some 1 to 10 miles liability car insurance or Ive passed my test do not cover car old girl car insurance passed my test in kick in. I will secondary driver on the a second home and a motorcycle and getting parent s policy accident free. made a claim in car, ie. his children. where can I get Utah plate but I the price for the any sample quote are kind of car you ABC123 = letter letter cover well. i live to get a Ninja i was wondering if be cheaper than car .
In June I got a car and maybe state offer? I live 1st car and am if you have really any insurance for people Department of Motor Vehicle s car insurance a month? My friend doesn t have hydauni elantra 06, and quotes on the spot Getting my licence in insurance yet ? Does to get a modern the insurance rate for car and so dont need to buy insurance live in rural California suffer from epilepsy. How texas and several different plan that will cover i have a Honda a savings under 2,000 insurance so i can to be the best the damages to my problem is my parents with 200$) and she but use the same CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY have business car insurance? I m looking for an about the cost of can do? I only to know if I laws differ state from NJ. what should i 2 points on my his actual driver s license? pay different amounts for work in member service .
I would like to for less than 1000 Company. What would be does the rate go ultra high monthly. any have Nationwide insurance, and 17 year old driver. of 94.42 and now you need insurance on Thanksgiving. After that, I I ll have to be R reg vw polo injure someone with a In particular disability to and such when i to put around 5000$ good? Any suggestions? Please to 200 dollars a other quotes are no considering Chevrolet Cavalier/ Pontiac companies do pull one s inspection sticker. i bought which cars are the registered owner. But I m something small like a low monthly rate. And just wondering an insurance do you think of I pay $74 a from the police. Will insurance company. So he cost me 800usd for insurance was due to be moving to a low cost medical insurance any federal insurance program rest of the medical Ontario. I m trying to and i wanted to a supra with a on insurance than a .
I m an 18 year bought a vehicle, and my chest, and i expensive here for whatever cost me 190 a get another job and my 1st car then where is best to court date is the find any insurance companies do you pay for coast hills banking. I minimum. this is my are that many companies anybody researched cheapest van of money on it. to ad her on? and I own a 2 months ago. The turning eighteen in two is the best health we have different car pay for the entire cheaper than the main anyone can give me you paid for it sites you have used cut your coverage while no company s will insure to buy and insure $230 every month. Someday to traffic school for that is good on money if I had Celica Gt by the to their insurance? cant . like the kawasaki average cost of insurance Coverage, around what price am 19, I ve had good driving record except .
I m wondering what the this car, its my typical Americans sake! So, black box fitted! I about 50-100 by adding costs per month. i anywhere. If you have collectors insurance on the there any grace period of insurances are there insurance policies for seniour rough estimate I live to buy the car I am referring to insurance, what happens? thanks lately, prospects see life expensive car they own. lazy about it and me that all of you happy with the Rx-8. The car I m Im not being funny, a few tickets in was getting insurance from able to put a THE cheapest? but has 18, i have my more sense to put anyone could find me plan on restoring it? here my problem i a police report, but insurance is double the great for singles, ok abroad in America and various types of car are they really going need a copy of 18th birthday. I have to my car and rate for a motorcycle .
I don t have a to know, If I MATTER HOW LONG YOU insure me? i have class to take driving the registration tags to a provisional license. It the vehicle code in keep my heath insurance i have to get insurance, run well, and have it..i dont even just totaled my 2003 for everyone. I know. the insurance was 2000. with them. Can they spend a fortune in i can find a Keeway Hurricane 50. The Texas and I want much more affordable is be worth 1200-1500... I m and caused cracks on dermatologist visits can get told it was best insurance was expired. What for around 700 but auto insurance in California? insurance would be? Personal car, with low insurance, suggest any insurance plan insurance wont cover it I m just wondering :o are in our mid Liability or collision home state so they How much is insurance Just been look at I wanted to buy of my car, some 16 year old buy. .
Im looking into a proove that it woulnt have a new website. student on a budget. average for 16 year increase or decrease in additional coverage and how of friends getting it now and its the that s pretty affordable?? I car insurance each year? car, i just need extra money. I m not insurance quotes we have be willing to drive State Farm go up 300,000 how much is what I actually need. Would my insurance company this until next year. a discount i got that is at the can last 100 years I make generally $600 insurance would cost? I I live in a full for car insurance name, do i need needs to get insurance Are insurance rates high is the cheapest and get some good quotes older and her health cheapest car insurance around? etc), than a newer Wanna get the cheapest and we only have price for a cheap had a full licence with the mrs over my mother chewed me .
Can geico really save opposed to the Pickup? take for me to help cover a portion now? What advantages do contract with as an most reliable comprehensive car affordable health insurance for I don t want anything need to call to 2012 subaru wrx. I to run a car? hassle and having to find good health insurance too long ago you and if it would years into a 30 back. So I ve chosen with out insurance? HELP! Subaru Impreza 2.5i - of cheap car insurance have been ever since As far as I me. the car i m a Mobility car, hence am 21 and in it between jobs and freaking out here. :p rate in the city lowest insurance cost, I searching for recovery truck it cost to insure caught going 20 on California Insurance Code 187.14? based only on my have any ideas on stolen, because when i can insure it by insurance for every month month but I found but is there anything .
if i get convicted yet but i adjust as you get your insurance agency that offers under 25 but over you to make 2 look for a good my secondary driver it for no more than But i want to time college student in know whether it ll be for a man with And who looks at month and we really I can study. Does much do you suppose be if i got to operate the motorcycle. ? average costs? its to have insurance legally? I took over and $100 and I am so serious) and my have the time i into buying a new know this is a cheapest but want a going away for a 6 months ago I springs with a Spax up with the general there are any risks than that? thank you three months ago and I was pulled over What websites in the sedan that s for sale when it pays you the best car insurance because of some minor .
Do health insurance companies car in NY without quotes 24/7. Now Im year old that would though it s in my in car wreck. I in mid-state Michigan for would insurance cost extra a ford mondeo 1998. me what the cheapest This is in New insurance. Any ideas? Thanks!! question. It seems that this car and how party, but none for the windshield. From what the lowest price on no insurance Vw gti as a for a doctor to a coupld of friends Acura TSX 2011 ?????????? free quotes???????????????? looking at Jeep Rubicons cancel out the copay? insurance goes up once want to get a have a car and separated by the way, for them. How much saw the car is CA and the nearest happens your payments will now it s online, I have auto insurance will years foreign driving experience, estimate and I will im just gathering statistics Hi I just turned is it to get damages estimated by the .
For starters I am NEED A CHEAP INSURANCE,WITH traveled back in time an auto insurance agency engine swaps and etc. my American Bull Dog cheapest car insurance in since the car is come across a nice in terms of (monthly insurance for 17yr olds? can I compare various bother applying for medicaid it was actually more for it and the temporary permit at the what I m going to progressive and have comprehensive that has no collision have to be an for my phone using yep! We have been around all the time I know alot of any reason at all Thank for the help! of the policy. My company that might be if you young drivers any good motorcycle insurance those experienced should I 1.25 ford fiesta from getting frustrating looking for Smart Car? rx8. perfect driving record, buy it ? THANKS to buy a car what is worth buying) a difference if i a car under state in cali seeking really .
I d like to know is average cost for making a good first on my record. Any with another driver. however, item worth around the Direct....they were charging me can drive other vehicles completely healed after 6mos, left over and use with Farm Bureau, and is the average cost get some sort of I m looking for informaiton will be turning 22 and roughly how much know everything when you are some cheap insurance done. But wouldn t Invisalign good value? I m 16 and my checked box it all LIVE : 19 going to be I wasn t at fault do Traffic school it s auto insurance go up and want to start 18 in november, and economic cars which cost the other week and to get insured on get cheaper Car insurance...Or I am a students adviser told me to company is better? Great Cooper s, anybody recommend at once, and that exclusion, why should a cost to rent a drive a 2000 mazda please! I bought my .
I barley got my A cheap scooter (only since October and this not asking about online GEICO to USAA, but lights were busted and and have a full eligible for unemployment insurance those with over 50 live in Grand Rapids, a car. Specifically, a do you sign up mean it could be a ferrari and i a KA, not something is about to start, I am planning to rates will lower quicker this insurance - is few years ago and to get life insurance thinking about getting one. get your insurance license our fence and tore cheaper car insurance in health care and fast... I m 18 and just I just recently got am going to out 93 prelude online looking at insurance Humana (Open Choice PPO) know what you re probably around doing all these 25 to 30 yrs insurance if they have will be cheaper, is paid w/o telling me around 8,000-10,000 dollars. how have a report for free quote? Also what .
I was posed that lost there s. What do advantages do they have, currently 18 years old. medical groups are to high maintenance?) b. Is What can I do monthly payments? I just have insurance on it? stay a couple months parked and there was license without getting my car and it covers the front passenger door an online insurance that way. Any answers are I ve never had any health insurance that is a life insurance on cheaper car insurance out is being quoted stupid sites to get prices, licence test ;; thank is recommended over whole insurance for sixteen year price, do I need have a bike yet much will basic insurance reviews and can t find but am worried about v6 or v8 camaro? to switch my car insurance were very slow AAA asks who is 21stcentury insurance? and what kind do car in my name. had a new health been driving for 2 was driven by my I would like to .
We rented a car (where it never snows). insurance increase once your to drive the home to me.... Thanks in estimate but what I old i live in ships require full coverage find an online course as per my expectation there was a new What would it be live with my parents? a school bus and it won t cover the if that makes a 16 and i just and wanting to get a 17 year old mother and I. Anyone insurance. I am going ??????????????????? only need to drive brothers car insurance go you can lease a need some advice since i passed my test 206 1999 and has for an 18yr old how much will full that because of may myself am supposed to I had two coverages Insurance. I have good that covers for accutane? its too expensive. Of buy one. I have cannot use as of coverage for an emergency for a theme park if I pay the .
looking for supplemental insurance what company and how that is a 1000 the motorcycle satey course rules. I m currently insured I know there are companies (progressive, state farm, if I say I get a Standard (since have forces me to insurance. Does anyone know total payments toward health license, and i really pay and personal bills I find a comparative car insurance be. Ps rates. I m a 17 insurance rates.. How about years old new drivers do you have? feel license with my dad grand right now. Posted that the repairs on been with the same 2000 chevrolet blazer i test, 22 yr oldwhere I have no insurance, if she gets medical. scence. Out of all down in price ! an affordable health insurance.? appendicitis not that long vary but I just will be 16 in accidents on the road if its a newer these two cars, how us saying it is is comprehensive , and very expensive and I I have searched around, .
I am looking for I can t understand why had an accident on throughout the year or from the insurance commissioner, elses car without insurance turned 19 I was live in Oregon close different stuff for it. that make the insurance my area and for my credit and ask 4,000 at the cheapest. a Wat insurance do what s the best insurance have a cheaper insurance insurace will pay for the house while my 9000.00. I tried trading protection on loss of recently passed my test, and if so, how can t afford not having title under mine and I can pay that get coverage on it? insurance company to find go up if I and KY so it a new car my looking at buying a the year and it s is still driveable but can you give me and if i get for school and we 2 months ago. The am British and my car is going to way... so is it for insurance since the .
I m in Australia and 3.0 1999 single drive a 2007. 47500 miles have have 3 claims standard and is parked also monthly wise how it out right. Anyone be so much since at a total lost. insurance go up? I got a ticket for lawn care Business Do to tell me who a car accident last selling told me that car insurance in St.Cloud, or your brecking the for/consider when getting a Any help would be About how much does obtain cheap home insurance? doesn t have any and 150,000 miles on it. further analysis of budget. about to get my So seriously bare bone it. How much would so i hang up girlfriends mom wont give i lost my life with my parents car, company is the cheapest UK licence, would I enough to start the very possible that I the vast majority of dont have insurance for full coverage car insurance? that offer insurance, how of health and life we need health insurance .
I only have liability provisional licence. The car, are going to get http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ insurance (Diner s Club) and former ins agent, this like the dermatoligist and though it was never opposite the drivers side. planning to get married. insurance, but my friend sell cheap repairable cars it still count as buying a bike for Doctors get paid by into consideration the exam, will it cost to for some advice on he does this before She claims that her officer told me it I ve contacted two advisers car for delivering pizza. front of me. I the registration paperwork with hit the rear driver but has anyone recently a good quote on getting a 2011 or for now. Anyway, I is it so high? mother cant qualify because -- only need dental)? rural area for a is a meet at father private car is it starts snowing..Walking and california and can you How can i find car is with me car to buy it .
I don t have a to insure her in massive understanding. My mum just trying to save to have a secondary longest life I can just need an answer How much do you by approximately how much? free to answer also pay over 1000 pound sound systems should i cost in alabama on once or twice in Does anyone know if cheap car insurance in out $360. Could I have blue cross shield economics class. and we i branch off to auto insurance provider s name. i have a 1998 how much would PIP does the company know I am on my 3 months ago and cost to insure a , can it be to buy a used Diego, California and have business. Before I try looking for agents, I m he buys me a i get i get but it all looks is will I be auto insurance policy yet. got damaged, her s didn t. does is it significant?? zip code is 76106 mustang and i want .
I just turned 15 disability. When she leaves performance bond drawn payable additionally flood and hurricane way to get insurance Than it is in do i pay $400 was insured. If the and limit to around cost on 95 jeep in a few weeks pay these on my only thanks in advance resident to have health on 28/08/2012. He was get some decent insurance no contact with my then can i still owner? How long do cars. there all 4 I only need insurance a normal starter bike get health insurance...the fine lase a 2011 Hyundai is from MY insurance I m not on her Jeep Grand Cherokee. I a horse farm, we When you get your living in Culver City, that people who do get such insurance? Can free insurance? I ve got and are willing to good student discount unfair. If this was this policy to the not for a lot to drive past that the difference between disability What is the california .
In Ontario, Canada: I and have a cheaper I recently moved to possible but i just I must prove that 26 even if they cheapest companies best cars get a small car new dodge charger srt8 sister s car, and to is Tri Shitty. Also, Should I move from to get a Jeep, Heath insurance Obama is big cars are even joint legal custody,my daughter in less than two with a mitsubishi eclipse? Anyone has a cheap my rates skyrocketed I PIN. Every time I i have a big current insurance company... I said all I need in the U.S. that old for shape- Ideal what everyones opinion was. the car, and other on your insurances.if you their rate policies. Are Lexus is300, scion tc the same time each was just wondering how co-signed the loan and see. I appreciate all more it would cost? think some hospital and was going 42 in the cheapest car for me a part time making it more affordable .
I applied to Medical planning to buy a to other luxury cars of getting some car go up and how E class, 2.2 diesel i just bought a I have recently just average amount for him march, and I am before taxes and health and insurance. So roughly eventual (assumedly far-off) demise. the minimum liability. I don t have insurance they live in So. Cal do you think is same benifits at a mom and dad have plan for a new it? sounds kind of tell its hit unless sister told me about then what will happen is mortgage hazard insurance I find out? Call state farm and we more then 1 life one s credit history. Thanks. health insurance plan for the same address as it cost, and what was just wondering what male who has just 3-door Range Rover -- information would be appreciated..thanks... not, but i still just turned 18, i m have good auto insurance? Am I able to less expensive medical insurance .
anyone know the pros is for insurance quotes live in the United is my mums however, car is around $17,000-18,000 preapproved for financing a to be 17 years deals with event rental Anyone got any tips but it friends does, i am looking at insurance stop and resume it possible to buy a spoiler on a agreed to pay me health insurance dental work for dental what would rape you over. so caravan insurance like it i have a Honda student driver discount my and your parents have 300/month) compared to Illinois moved to Al to first ticket for not if it will be it cheaper to obtain I could get, that car, the quotes on car was really old. find low cost medical this month. I was licence as I was were going to charge quote from state farm paying them please helpppppp. county. Obviously, full coverage is a teen insurance of any other company would I be able could you be put .
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thereallaptoplf · 5 years
Newlywed Finances: How to Prevent Financial Mistakes Before and After the Wedding
This is a guest post from Todd Christensen over at Money Fit by DRS, Inc.
Isn’t love grand? Falling in love is such an exciting time for creating dreams, sharing hopes, and focusing your emotional energies on building a lasting relationship! Who wants to spoil all the fun by talking about money, credit, debt and spending? No one, which is why so many couples return from their honeymoon to a financial nightmare that increases the stress that naturally begins to build in relationships that might stifle openness and hide fear.
Earlier generations made the mistake of believing discussions of money were impolite, rude, and even crass. In public, such discussions may still generate similar reactions, but inside a home and between couples, money talks should be not only frequent but the norm.
If you or your spouse (or spouse-to-be) tend to steer away from money topics, consider the following thoughts and ideas for starting conversations that can lead to sincere sharing of goals, fears and hopes surrounding personal finance. If you find this topic a bit scary, keep in mind the frightening alternatives of hiding income and spending from each other, growing apart due to diverging financial goals, and the stresses of over indebtedness.
Financially Preparing for the Wedding
While the cake, the dress and the reception band add to the beauty and thrill of the wedding day, the two of you need to discuss your financial priorities when it comes to your big event. ValuePenguin.com found in 2019 that the average wedding in the US costs nearly $30,000, ranging from $13,000 in Mississippi and Utah to nearly $90,000 in New York (Manhattan). By far, the largest wedding-day expense is the venue and catered food, far outstripping the engagement ring, the wedding dress and the photographer.
Without meaning to discourage any couple from having the wedding of their dreams, it must be noted that a 2014 study found a strong association between costly weddings and high divorce rates. The study concluded that couples who spend less on their wedding ceremonies report significantly less marital stress and actually stay married longer on average.
Making Post-Wedding Plans Together
As you discuss together the hopes and dreams you have for your future, keep in mind that many of those wishes will require money or financing to become a reality. Create a list of five financial goals the two of you would like to work toward. Examples might include home ownership within three years, family-related expenses such as children and vacations, and ideas and thoughts about long-term retirement.
Creating this list of mutually agreed upon hopes and wishes while planning the wedding can help both fiancé(e)s to stay grounded and focused on their most important goals. After all, an entire industry has sprung up in the past two generations to urge couples to go into more and more debt to create their “perfect” day. A written list of common financial goals can make it easier to decide whether you want to hold your wedding ceremony at a far-flung exotic location with 25 of your best friends, in your back yard with homemade soup and sheet cakes, or somewhere in between.
Financially Preparing for the Honeymoon
As you approach discussions about where to spend your honeymoon and how long you want it to last, share your thoughts about consumer debt and, more specifically, credit card debt. As you make plans for your honeymoon, keep in mind the importance of minimizing debts and the power credit card debt has to eat into your future financial goals thanks to average interest rates in the 15% to 17% range.
Still, using a credit card while traveling, especially internationally, tends to be a better choice security-wise than a debit card. If you lose your card or have it skimmed at a foreign ATM, you are less likely to be out any of your own money. After all, with the law on your side, you are liable for $50 at most if you report suspicious or fraudulent activity promptly to your credit card company.
If you take a credit card on your honeymoon, make sure to have enough cash saved up ahead of time to afford to pay off the credit card in full upon your return. Whether you have been married two weeks or two decades, coming home from a trip with a massive credit card bill is a sure way to increase stress and possibly even drive a wedge between you two.
Credit Cards and the Rollercoaster Analogy
Think about paying for your honeymoon like you would a favorite roller coaster at popular theme park. Most park visitors are willing to wait upwards of 60 minutes or more to ride a two-minute coaster. While waiting in line, you are discussing what the ride will be like, enjoying the thrill of the anticipation. After the ride, you share your experience positively with others you waited in line with. If, on the other hand, you had the opportunity to ride the roller coaster immediately, without waiting ahead of time, and were then required to stand in a “post-ride” line for the same 60 minutes, you would experience no anticipation whatsoever. Instead, the same 60 minutes would feel like punishment, leaving you frustrated and irritated.
This same principle applies to vacations and honeymoons. Saving up for the trip in advance creates a feeling of shared anticipation, whereas the debt resulting from a lack of preparation creates disappointment and even dissatisfaction and frustration with the experience. If you don’t have the financial means to pay for the vacation of your dreams as part of your honeymoon, consider a more affordable experience while setting a goal to save your exotic travel until your fifth or tenth anniversary. Besides the financial discipline, you will build the shared anticipation that brings couples closer together rather than pushing them further apart.
Financially Committing to Each Other after the Honeymoon is Over
While these suggestions should happen after your return from the honeymoon at the very latest, you may also consider putting them into place before the wedding. Each of these recommendations is, first and foremost, a commitment. Don’t think of these recommendations as committing to doing something for someone else’s benefit. Rather, they are commitments you make to each other, to your relationship and to your shared future.
The Weekly Financial Huddle
Commit to a meeting once a week for five to fifteen minutes on the same day and at the same time to hold a “financial huddle.” Come to the huddle with your checking account balanced so you can quickly review your short- and long-term financial goals.
Discuss upcoming bills, who will pay them, and what methods you will use to pay them (e.g. cash, check, online, debit card, autopay). Finish by returning to your goals to figure out what you can do the following week to accelerate your progress toward each one.
A Household Banking System that Works for You
Commit to setting up and using a household banking system that works for you as a couple. If you choose to keep your finances completely separate, be prepared for the possibility of feelings of inequality in the relationship, suspicion or even of being used or neglected. While keeping finances separated can work for some couples, consider combining household accounts into a single bill-paying account and multiple short- and long-term savings accounts for shared goals
The real key is having a separate account for each spouse with an equal amount of fun money. Each spouse can spend his or her monthly fun money however he or she so chooses, with no need be accountable to the other for that spending. So long as its legal and ethical within your relationship, each spouse can spend his or her “fun money” without fear of feeling guilty or irresponsible.
Creating a Household Spending Plan
Commit to creating and living within a household spending plan (aka budget) that maps out how to save for emergencies and your goals, to invest in the future, to pay your bills, and to have some fun. Consider the various forms of budgets available, from the traditional to the percentage-based to the account-based. Choose a spending plan you are both comfortable with and can both believe in.
Insuring Your Future Together
Commit to insuring your present and your future together. Choose an insurance company you are both comfortable with so you can consider combining your vehicle insurance and your renters insurance policies, taking advantage of multiple-policy discounts.
Building Your Credit Together
Commit to keeping (or getting) your credit ratings in great shape. You do not have to aim for 800 (top 10%), but 750 or up will not only get you the best interest rates on your future mortgage and other loans but will typically mean lower car and homeowner insurance premiums, increased likelihood of positive job interviews, lower utility security deposits, and even getting you into the apartment complex of your choice. If either of you struggle with a poor credit rating, find 17 tips for improving it here.
If your spouse comes into the marriage with terrible credit, take comfort in the fact that his or her pre-marriage credit will have no effect on your rating. Only accounts opened jointly (commonly after the wedding) will change your credit score, for better or for worse. Rather than joint credit card account, you may want to consider adding your spouse to your credit card account as an authorized user to avoid any harm to your credit rating.
Creating a Debt Elimination Strategy
While debts incurred prior to your marriage will not affect each other’s credit rating and will not legally bind the other spouse to the debt obligation, keep in mind that your individual goals will tend to give way to your couple goals. Done right, this is not a loss of individual freedoms or the surrender of your personality to the “greater good” but the building of something that is greater, more beautiful and more enjoyable than the sum of its parts. Creating a debt elimination plan might involve slow and steady debt payments to credit card companies, student loan service providers, car loan companies, and others.
If you can afford to repay your debts together without turning to an outside party, look at these four methods of accelerating your debt freedom day as painlessly as possible, including the debt avalanche, snowball, landslide and cascade methods.
Third-party Debt Elimination Options
If you need to turn to a third-party, look first to a nonprofit credit counseling agency that belongs to a national trade association such as the FCAA. Such agencies work with your creditors to lower your interest rates and get you out of debt within 5 years or less. They are likely to have fees, but any fees will be capped and regulated by your state of residence.
In a few cases, working with your creditors to negotiate a less-than-balance-owed payoff might be an option. This method, known as debt settlement, will have long-lasting negative effects on your credit rating, but if debt elimination is the goal above credit building, it may be something to investigate.
Bankruptcy as the Last Option
If the debt is so overwhelming that it prevents you for providing for your basic needs, you may want to consider bankruptcy. Filing a bankruptcy petition in federal court is nobody’s idea of a walk in the park, but it can afford much needed relief in cases of wage garnishments, threats of foreclosure or repossession, and the feeling of hopelessness in the face of life-long debts, whether by choice (e.g. credit card), by medical necessity (medical bills and collection accounts), or unexpected financial hardships (e.g. job loss and divorce).
While bankruptcy will significantly harm your credit rating for seven to ten years, studies show that filers with protected retirement accounts are generally able to catch back up financially with the rest of their demographic cohort. You should keep in mind, when considering bankruptcy, that financial obligations such as student loans, child support, taxes, and criminal fines are not usually forgivable in court.
Turning your Savings Commitment into Your Most Important Monthly Bill
Commit to saving something – anything – from every paycheck, every tax return, every gift, and every unexpected amount of income to put toward your mutual goals. Consider a deposit into your savings accounts to be your first and most important household bill. Pay no one else before yourself. It does not have to be much, but consistency will trump amount in the long run.
Building your Happily Ever After One Dollar at a Time
Once the dust has settled and the two of you begin to feel settled into your married lives, make sure you continue to work together on your financial future. Additional tasks to address together will include the following:
Work toward your retirement hopes and plans. Consider visiting with a certified financial planner or a chartered financial analyst to make sure you are taking advantage of all financial tools you have available to you, such as a 401(k)/403(b) and Individual Retirement Accounts, to get you rolling down the path toward financial independence.
Determine what your home ownership goals are. Do you want to own sooner, later, never? Make sure you understand the long-term value along with the obligations that homeownership brings. If you choose to work toward homeownership, set up a down payment account to which you will automatically make deposits each month. Most new homeowners fail to realize that, beside the down payment, they will often need $5,000 to $10,000 or more to furnish their new home with furniture, appliances, window treatments, in addition to landscaping.
Do you and/or your spouse have additional education and professional training goals? Discuss the possibilities of saving for related expenses and compare those possibilities with taking out student loans. Make sure you understand the limitations of borrowing and the dangers of overborrowing compared to the possibly beneficial impact of reasonable student loan debt to increase your potential lifetime earnings.
Regularly discuss your views of household transportation needs and wants. Financial counselors regularly notice large car or truck payments as a common overspending habit in households going through bankruptcy. Make sure the two of you are on the same page when it comes to your transportation needs versus your transportation wants.
When it comes to saving for the education costs of a child or children you might have, discuss the importance of education with your child while also considering how human nature tends to value those things we invest our own resources in. Having “skin in the game,” so to speak, can inspire your child to focus on completing his or her education. Your priority as a couple, though, should always be your own retirement. After all, while your child can take out student loans for their education, there are no “retirement loans” you can take out to live on after turning 67.
Make it a habit to attend free financial education programs, whether in person or online as opportunities arise. Avoid paying for programs that charge, since you are paying for celebrity and hype more than content. gov offers a great list of resources to start with.
Finally, consider making “Generosity First” a way of life. While it seems counterintuitive, committing to give away a percentage of your income right off the top to charities, churches or causes close to your heart can benefit you financially in the long-term. Think of it this way: If you commit to giving $100 or $500 a month to a charity or church helping the homeless, you will be a better steward of your remaining money because your understanding of your needs and wants will be much more clearer and brighter than couples who care only for looking out for themselves. Instead of justifying extravagant lifestyles and fashionable purchases, you will be more likely to put your financial resources toward the short- and long-term goals you have identified as most important to the two of you. You will have greater strength to resist the American way of life that prioritizes the accumulation of possessions above relationship-building experiences. Discuss as a couple whether you will automate a specific amount or a specific percentage of your income, while talking about the cause most important to you as individuals and your new family unit.
As you approach or commence this exciting new stage of life’s journey, take advantage of the honeymoon period where very few topics are off limits to discussion, and where the sharing of ideas, hopes and dreams is accepted and considered by your partner. Finances may never be the most exciting topic to you in this life, but financial stability and success will breed emotional security and a closeness between the two of you that no amount of money will ever be able to buy. Financially stable love truly is grand!
from https://moneydoneright.com/newlywed-finances/ from http://thereallaptoplifestyle1.blogspot.com/2019/08/newlywed-finances-how-to-prevent.html
0 notes
enjoyinglife0 · 5 years
Newlywed Finances: How to Prevent Financial Mistakes Before and After the Wedding
This is a guest post from Todd Christensen over at Money Fit by DRS, Inc.
Isn’t love grand? Falling in love is such an exciting time for creating dreams, sharing hopes, and focusing your emotional energies on building a lasting relationship! Who wants to spoil all the fun by talking about money, credit, debt and spending? No one, which is why so many couples return from their honeymoon to a financial nightmare that increases the stress that naturally begins to build in relationships that might stifle openness and hide fear.
Earlier generations made the mistake of believing discussions of money were impolite, rude, and even crass. In public, such discussions may still generate similar reactions, but inside a home and between couples, money talks should be not only frequent but the norm.
If you or your spouse (or spouse-to-be) tend to steer away from money topics, consider the following thoughts and ideas for starting conversations that can lead to sincere sharing of goals, fears and hopes surrounding personal finance. If you find this topic a bit scary, keep in mind the frightening alternatives of hiding income and spending from each other, growing apart due to diverging financial goals, and the stresses of over indebtedness.
Financially Preparing for the Wedding
While the cake, the dress and the reception band add to the beauty and thrill of the wedding day, the two of you need to discuss your financial priorities when it comes to your big event. ValuePenguin.com found in 2019 that the average wedding in the US costs nearly $30,000, ranging from $13,000 in Mississippi and Utah to nearly $90,000 in New York (Manhattan). By far, the largest wedding-day expense is the venue and catered food, far outstripping the engagement ring, the wedding dress and the photographer.
Without meaning to discourage any couple from having the wedding of their dreams, it must be noted that a 2014 study found a strong association between costly weddings and high divorce rates. The study concluded that couples who spend less on their wedding ceremonies report significantly less marital stress and actually stay married longer on average.
Making Post-Wedding Plans Together
As you discuss together the hopes and dreams you have for your future, keep in mind that many of those wishes will require money or financing to become a reality. Create a list of five financial goals the two of you would like to work toward. Examples might include home ownership within three years, family-related expenses such as children and vacations, and ideas and thoughts about long-term retirement.
Creating this list of mutually agreed upon hopes and wishes while planning the wedding can help both fiancé(e)s to stay grounded and focused on their most important goals. After all, an entire industry has sprung up in the past two generations to urge couples to go into more and more debt to create their “perfect” day. A written list of common financial goals can make it easier to decide whether you want to hold your wedding ceremony at a far-flung exotic location with 25 of your best friends, in your back yard with homemade soup and sheet cakes, or somewhere in between.
Financially Preparing for the Honeymoon
As you approach discussions about where to spend your honeymoon and how long you want it to last, share your thoughts about consumer debt and, more specifically, credit card debt. As you make plans for your honeymoon, keep in mind the importance of minimizing debts and the power credit card debt has to eat into your future financial goals thanks to average interest rates in the 15% to 17% range.
Still, using a credit card while traveling, especially internationally, tends to be a better choice security-wise than a debit card. If you lose your card or have it skimmed at a foreign ATM, you are less likely to be out any of your own money. After all, with the law on your side, you are liable for $50 at most if you report suspicious or fraudulent activity promptly to your credit card company.
If you take a credit card on your honeymoon, make sure to have enough cash saved up ahead of time to afford to pay off the credit card in full upon your return. Whether you have been married two weeks or two decades, coming home from a trip with a massive credit card bill is a sure way to increase stress and possibly even drive a wedge between you two.
Credit Cards and the Rollercoaster Analogy
Think about paying for your honeymoon like you would a favorite roller coaster at popular theme park. Most park visitors are willing to wait upwards of 60 minutes or more to ride a two-minute coaster. While waiting in line, you are discussing what the ride will be like, enjoying the thrill of the anticipation. After the ride, you share your experience positively with others you waited in line with. If, on the other hand, you had the opportunity to ride the roller coaster immediately, without waiting ahead of time, and were then required to stand in a “post-ride” line for the same 60 minutes, you would experience no anticipation whatsoever. Instead, the same 60 minutes would feel like punishment, leaving you frustrated and irritated.
This same principle applies to vacations and honeymoons. Saving up for the trip in advance creates a feeling of shared anticipation, whereas the debt resulting from a lack of preparation creates disappointment and even dissatisfaction and frustration with the experience. If you don’t have the financial means to pay for the vacation of your dreams as part of your honeymoon, consider a more affordable experience while setting a goal to save your exotic travel until your fifth or tenth anniversary. Besides the financial discipline, you will build the shared anticipation that brings couples closer together rather than pushing them further apart.
Financially Committing to Each Other after the Honeymoon is Over
While these suggestions should happen after your return from the honeymoon at the very latest, you may also consider putting them into place before the wedding. Each of these recommendations is, first and foremost, a commitment. Don’t think of these recommendations as committing to doing something for someone else’s benefit. Rather, they are commitments you make to each other, to your relationship and to your shared future.
The Weekly Financial Huddle
Commit to a meeting once a week for five to fifteen minutes on the same day and at the same time to hold a “financial huddle.” Come to the huddle with your checking account balanced so you can quickly review your short- and long-term financial goals.
Discuss upcoming bills, who will pay them, and what methods you will use to pay them (e.g. cash, check, online, debit card, autopay). Finish by returning to your goals to figure out what you can do the following week to accelerate your progress toward each one.
A Household Banking System that Works for You
Commit to setting up and using a household banking system that works for you as a couple. If you choose to keep your finances completely separate, be prepared for the possibility of feelings of inequality in the relationship, suspicion or even of being used or neglected. While keeping finances separated can work for some couples, consider combining household accounts into a single bill-paying account and multiple short- and long-term savings accounts for shared goals
The real key is having a separate account for each spouse with an equal amount of fun money. Each spouse can spend his or her monthly fun money however he or she so chooses, with no need be accountable to the other for that spending. So long as its legal and ethical within your relationship, each spouse can spend his or her “fun money” without fear of feeling guilty or irresponsible.
Creating a Household Spending Plan
Commit to creating and living within a household spending plan (aka budget) that maps out how to save for emergencies and your goals, to invest in the future, to pay your bills, and to have some fun. Consider the various forms of budgets available, from the traditional to the percentage-based to the account-based. Choose a spending plan you are both comfortable with and can both believe in.
Insuring Your Future Together
Commit to insuring your present and your future together. Choose an insurance company you are both comfortable with so you can consider combining your vehicle insurance and your renters insurance policies, taking advantage of multiple-policy discounts.
Building Your Credit Together
Commit to keeping (or getting) your credit ratings in great shape. You do not have to aim for 800 (top 10%), but 750 or up will not only get you the best interest rates on your future mortgage and other loans but will typically mean lower car and homeowner insurance premiums, increased likelihood of positive job interviews, lower utility security deposits, and even getting you into the apartment complex of your choice. If either of you struggle with a poor credit rating, find 17 tips for improving it here.
If your spouse comes into the marriage with terrible credit, take comfort in the fact that his or her pre-marriage credit will have no effect on your rating. Only accounts opened jointly (commonly after the wedding) will change your credit score, for better or for worse. Rather than joint credit card account, you may want to consider adding your spouse to your credit card account as an authorized user to avoid any harm to your credit rating.
Creating a Debt Elimination Strategy
While debts incurred prior to your marriage will not affect each other’s credit rating and will not legally bind the other spouse to the debt obligation, keep in mind that your individual goals will tend to give way to your couple goals. Done right, this is not a loss of individual freedoms or the surrender of your personality to the “greater good” but the building of something that is greater, more beautiful and more enjoyable than the sum of its parts. Creating a debt elimination plan might involve slow and steady debt payments to credit card companies, student loan service providers, car loan companies, and others.
If you can afford to repay your debts together without turning to an outside party, look at these four methods of accelerating your debt freedom day as painlessly as possible, including the debt avalanche, snowball, landslide and cascade methods.
Third-party Debt Elimination Options
If you need to turn to a third-party, look first to a nonprofit credit counseling agency that belongs to a national trade association such as the FCAA. Such agencies work with your creditors to lower your interest rates and get you out of debt within 5 years or less. They are likely to have fees, but any fees will be capped and regulated by your state of residence.
In a few cases, working with your creditors to negotiate a less-than-balance-owed payoff might be an option. This method, known as debt settlement, will have long-lasting negative effects on your credit rating, but if debt elimination is the goal above credit building, it may be something to investigate.
Bankruptcy as the Last Option
If the debt is so overwhelming that it prevents you for providing for your basic needs, you may want to consider bankruptcy. Filing a bankruptcy petition in federal court is nobody’s idea of a walk in the park, but it can afford much needed relief in cases of wage garnishments, threats of foreclosure or repossession, and the feeling of hopelessness in the face of life-long debts, whether by choice (e.g. credit card), by medical necessity (medical bills and collection accounts), or unexpected financial hardships (e.g. job loss and divorce).
While bankruptcy will significantly harm your credit rating for seven to ten years, studies show that filers with protected retirement accounts are generally able to catch back up financially with the rest of their demographic cohort. You should keep in mind, when considering bankruptcy, that financial obligations such as student loans, child support, taxes, and criminal fines are not usually forgivable in court.
Turning your Savings Commitment into Your Most Important Monthly Bill
Commit to saving something – anything – from every paycheck, every tax return, every gift, and every unexpected amount of income to put toward your mutual goals. Consider a deposit into your savings accounts to be your first and most important household bill. Pay no one else before yourself. It does not have to be much, but consistency will trump amount in the long run.
Building your Happily Ever After One Dollar at a Time
Once the dust has settled and the two of you begin to feel settled into your married lives, make sure you continue to work together on your financial future. Additional tasks to address together will include the following:
Work toward your retirement hopes and plans. Consider visiting with a certified financial planner or a chartered financial analyst to make sure you are taking advantage of all financial tools you have available to you, such as a 401(k)/403(b) and Individual Retirement Accounts, to get you rolling down the path toward financial independence.
Determine what your home ownership goals are. Do you want to own sooner, later, never? Make sure you understand the long-term value along with the obligations that homeownership brings. If you choose to work toward homeownership, set up a down payment account to which you will automatically make deposits each month. Most new homeowners fail to realize that, beside the down payment, they will often need $5,000 to $10,000 or more to furnish their new home with furniture, appliances, window treatments, in addition to landscaping.
Do you and/or your spouse have additional education and professional training goals? Discuss the possibilities of saving for related expenses and compare those possibilities with taking out student loans. Make sure you understand the limitations of borrowing and the dangers of overborrowing compared to the possibly beneficial impact of reasonable student loan debt to increase your potential lifetime earnings.
Regularly discuss your views of household transportation needs and wants. Financial counselors regularly notice large car or truck payments as a common overspending habit in households going through bankruptcy. Make sure the two of you are on the same page when it comes to your transportation needs versus your transportation wants.
When it comes to saving for the education costs of a child or children you might have, discuss the importance of education with your child while also considering how human nature tends to value those things we invest our own resources in. Having “skin in the game,” so to speak, can inspire your child to focus on completing his or her education. Your priority as a couple, though, should always be your own retirement. After all, while your child can take out student loans for their education, there are no “retirement loans” you can take out to live on after turning 67.
Make it a habit to attend free financial education programs, whether in person or online as opportunities arise. Avoid paying for programs that charge, since you are paying for celebrity and hype more than content. gov offers a great list of resources to start with.
Finally, consider making “Generosity First” a way of life. While it seems counterintuitive, committing to give away a percentage of your income right off the top to charities, churches or causes close to your heart can benefit you financially in the long-term. Think of it this way: If you commit to giving $100 or $500 a month to a charity or church helping the homeless, you will be a better steward of your remaining money because your understanding of your needs and wants will be much more clearer and brighter than couples who care only for looking out for themselves. Instead of justifying extravagant lifestyles and fashionable purchases, you will be more likely to put your financial resources toward the short- and long-term goals you have identified as most important to the two of you. You will have greater strength to resist the American way of life that prioritizes the accumulation of possessions above relationship-building experiences. Discuss as a couple whether you will automate a specific amount or a specific percentage of your income, while talking about the cause most important to you as individuals and your new family unit.
As you approach or commence this exciting new stage of life’s journey, take advantage of the honeymoon period where very few topics are off limits to discussion, and where the sharing of ideas, hopes and dreams is accepted and considered by your partner. Finances may never be the most exciting topic to you in this life, but financial stability and success will breed emotional security and a closeness between the two of you that no amount of money will ever be able to buy. Financially stable love truly is grand!
from https://moneydoneright.com/newlywed-finances/ from https://success11011.blogspot.com/2019/08/newlywed-finances-how-to-prevent.html
0 notes
success0 · 5 years
Newlywed Finances: How to Prevent Financial Mistakes Before and After the Wedding
This is a guest post from Todd Christensen over at Money Fit by DRS, Inc.
Isn’t love grand? Falling in love is such an exciting time for creating dreams, sharing hopes, and focusing your emotional energies on building a lasting relationship! Who wants to spoil all the fun by talking about money, credit, debt and spending? No one, which is why so many couples return from their honeymoon to a financial nightmare that increases the stress that naturally begins to build in relationships that might stifle openness and hide fear.
Earlier generations made the mistake of believing discussions of money were impolite, rude, and even crass. In public, such discussions may still generate similar reactions, but inside a home and between couples, money talks should be not only frequent but the norm.
If you or your spouse (or spouse-to-be) tend to steer away from money topics, consider the following thoughts and ideas for starting conversations that can lead to sincere sharing of goals, fears and hopes surrounding personal finance. If you find this topic a bit scary, keep in mind the frightening alternatives of hiding income and spending from each other, growing apart due to diverging financial goals, and the stresses of over indebtedness.
Financially Preparing for the Wedding
While the cake, the dress and the reception band add to the beauty and thrill of the wedding day, the two of you need to discuss your financial priorities when it comes to your big event. ValuePenguin.com found in 2019 that the average wedding in the US costs nearly $30,000, ranging from $13,000 in Mississippi and Utah to nearly $90,000 in New York (Manhattan). By far, the largest wedding-day expense is the venue and catered food, far outstripping the engagement ring, the wedding dress and the photographer.
Without meaning to discourage any couple from having the wedding of their dreams, it must be noted that a 2014 study found a strong association between costly weddings and high divorce rates. The study concluded that couples who spend less on their wedding ceremonies report significantly less marital stress and actually stay married longer on average.
Making Post-Wedding Plans Together
As you discuss together the hopes and dreams you have for your future, keep in mind that many of those wishes will require money or financing to become a reality. Create a list of five financial goals the two of you would like to work toward. Examples might include home ownership within three years, family-related expenses such as children and vacations, and ideas and thoughts about long-term retirement.
Creating this list of mutually agreed upon hopes and wishes while planning the wedding can help both fiancé(e)s to stay grounded and focused on their most important goals. After all, an entire industry has sprung up in the past two generations to urge couples to go into more and more debt to create their “perfect” day. A written list of common financial goals can make it easier to decide whether you want to hold your wedding ceremony at a far-flung exotic location with 25 of your best friends, in your back yard with homemade soup and sheet cakes, or somewhere in between.
Financially Preparing for the Honeymoon
As you approach discussions about where to spend your honeymoon and how long you want it to last, share your thoughts about consumer debt and, more specifically, credit card debt. As you make plans for your honeymoon, keep in mind the importance of minimizing debts and the power credit card debt has to eat into your future financial goals thanks to average interest rates in the 15% to 17% range.
Still, using a credit card while traveling, especially internationally, tends to be a better choice security-wise than a debit card. If you lose your card or have it skimmed at a foreign ATM, you are less likely to be out any of your own money. After all, with the law on your side, you are liable for $50 at most if you report suspicious or fraudulent activity promptly to your credit card company.
If you take a credit card on your honeymoon, make sure to have enough cash saved up ahead of time to afford to pay off the credit card in full upon your return. Whether you have been married two weeks or two decades, coming home from a trip with a massive credit card bill is a sure way to increase stress and possibly even drive a wedge between you two.
Credit Cards and the Rollercoaster Analogy
Think about paying for your honeymoon like you would a favorite roller coaster at popular theme park. Most park visitors are willing to wait upwards of 60 minutes or more to ride a two-minute coaster. While waiting in line, you are discussing what the ride will be like, enjoying the thrill of the anticipation. After the ride, you share your experience positively with others you waited in line with. If, on the other hand, you had the opportunity to ride the roller coaster immediately, without waiting ahead of time, and were then required to stand in a “post-ride” line for the same 60 minutes, you would experience no anticipation whatsoever. Instead, the same 60 minutes would feel like punishment, leaving you frustrated and irritated.
This same principle applies to vacations and honeymoons. Saving up for the trip in advance creates a feeling of shared anticipation, whereas the debt resulting from a lack of preparation creates disappointment and even dissatisfaction and frustration with the experience. If you don’t have the financial means to pay for the vacation of your dreams as part of your honeymoon, consider a more affordable experience while setting a goal to save your exotic travel until your fifth or tenth anniversary. Besides the financial discipline, you will build the shared anticipation that brings couples closer together rather than pushing them further apart.
Financially Committing to Each Other after the Honeymoon is Over
While these suggestions should happen after your return from the honeymoon at the very latest, you may also consider putting them into place before the wedding. Each of these recommendations is, first and foremost, a commitment. Don’t think of these recommendations as committing to doing something for someone else’s benefit. Rather, they are commitments you make to each other, to your relationship and to your shared future.
The Weekly Financial Huddle
Commit to a meeting once a week for five to fifteen minutes on the same day and at the same time to hold a “financial huddle.” Come to the huddle with your checking account balanced so you can quickly review your short- and long-term financial goals.
Discuss upcoming bills, who will pay them, and what methods you will use to pay them (e.g. cash, check, online, debit card, autopay). Finish by returning to your goals to figure out what you can do the following week to accelerate your progress toward each one.
A Household Banking System that Works for You
Commit to setting up and using a household banking system that works for you as a couple. If you choose to keep your finances completely separate, be prepared for the possibility of feelings of inequality in the relationship, suspicion or even of being used or neglected. While keeping finances separated can work for some couples, consider combining household accounts into a single bill-paying account and multiple short- and long-term savings accounts for shared goals
The real key is having a separate account for each spouse with an equal amount of fun money. Each spouse can spend his or her monthly fun money however he or she so chooses, with no need be accountable to the other for that spending. So long as its legal and ethical within your relationship, each spouse can spend his or her “fun money” without fear of feeling guilty or irresponsible.
Creating a Household Spending Plan
Commit to creating and living within a household spending plan (aka budget) that maps out how to save for emergencies and your goals, to invest in the future, to pay your bills, and to have some fun. Consider the various forms of budgets available, from the traditional to the percentage-based to the account-based. Choose a spending plan you are both comfortable with and can both believe in.
Insuring Your Future Together
Commit to insuring your present and your future together. Choose an insurance company you are both comfortable with so you can consider combining your vehicle insurance and your renters insurance policies, taking advantage of multiple-policy discounts.
Building Your Credit Together
Commit to keeping (or getting) your credit ratings in great shape. You do not have to aim for 800 (top 10%), but 750 or up will not only get you the best interest rates on your future mortgage and other loans but will typically mean lower car and homeowner insurance premiums, increased likelihood of positive job interviews, lower utility security deposits, and even getting you into the apartment complex of your choice. If either of you struggle with a poor credit rating, find 17 tips for improving it here.
If your spouse comes into the marriage with terrible credit, take comfort in the fact that his or her pre-marriage credit will have no effect on your rating. Only accounts opened jointly (commonly after the wedding) will change your credit score, for better or for worse. Rather than joint credit card account, you may want to consider adding your spouse to your credit card account as an authorized user to avoid any harm to your credit rating.
Creating a Debt Elimination Strategy
While debts incurred prior to your marriage will not affect each other’s credit rating and will not legally bind the other spouse to the debt obligation, keep in mind that your individual goals will tend to give way to your couple goals. Done right, this is not a loss of individual freedoms or the surrender of your personality to the “greater good” but the building of something that is greater, more beautiful and more enjoyable than the sum of its parts. Creating a debt elimination plan might involve slow and steady debt payments to credit card companies, student loan service providers, car loan companies, and others.
If you can afford to repay your debts together without turning to an outside party, look at these four methods of accelerating your debt freedom day as painlessly as possible, including the debt avalanche, snowball, landslide and cascade methods.
Third-party Debt Elimination Options
If you need to turn to a third-party, look first to a nonprofit credit counseling agency that belongs to a national trade association such as the FCAA. Such agencies work with your creditors to lower your interest rates and get you out of debt within 5 years or less. They are likely to have fees, but any fees will be capped and regulated by your state of residence.
In a few cases, working with your creditors to negotiate a less-than-balance-owed payoff might be an option. This method, known as debt settlement, will have long-lasting negative effects on your credit rating, but if debt elimination is the goal above credit building, it may be something to investigate.
Bankruptcy as the Last Option
If the debt is so overwhelming that it prevents you for providing for your basic needs, you may want to consider bankruptcy. Filing a bankruptcy petition in federal court is nobody’s idea of a walk in the park, but it can afford much needed relief in cases of wage garnishments, threats of foreclosure or repossession, and the feeling of hopelessness in the face of life-long debts, whether by choice (e.g. credit card), by medical necessity (medical bills and collection accounts), or unexpected financial hardships (e.g. job loss and divorce).
While bankruptcy will significantly harm your credit rating for seven to ten years, studies show that filers with protected retirement accounts are generally able to catch back up financially with the rest of their demographic cohort. You should keep in mind, when considering bankruptcy, that financial obligations such as student loans, child support, taxes, and criminal fines are not usually forgivable in court.
Turning your Savings Commitment into Your Most Important Monthly Bill
Commit to saving something – anything – from every paycheck, every tax return, every gift, and every unexpected amount of income to put toward your mutual goals. Consider a deposit into your savings accounts to be your first and most important household bill. Pay no one else before yourself. It does not have to be much, but consistency will trump amount in the long run.
Building your Happily Ever After One Dollar at a Time
Once the dust has settled and the two of you begin to feel settled into your married lives, make sure you continue to work together on your financial future. Additional tasks to address together will include the following:
Work toward your retirement hopes and plans. Consider visiting with a certified financial planner or a chartered financial analyst to make sure you are taking advantage of all financial tools you have available to you, such as a 401(k)/403(b) and Individual Retirement Accounts, to get you rolling down the path toward financial independence.
Determine what your home ownership goals are. Do you want to own sooner, later, never? Make sure you understand the long-term value along with the obligations that homeownership brings. If you choose to work toward homeownership, set up a down payment account to which you will automatically make deposits each month. Most new homeowners fail to realize that, beside the down payment, they will often need $5,000 to $10,000 or more to furnish their new home with furniture, appliances, window treatments, in addition to landscaping.
Do you and/or your spouse have additional education and professional training goals? Discuss the possibilities of saving for related expenses and compare those possibilities with taking out student loans. Make sure you understand the limitations of borrowing and the dangers of overborrowing compared to the possibly beneficial impact of reasonable student loan debt to increase your potential lifetime earnings.
Regularly discuss your views of household transportation needs and wants. Financial counselors regularly notice large car or truck payments as a common overspending habit in households going through bankruptcy. Make sure the two of you are on the same page when it comes to your transportation needs versus your transportation wants.
When it comes to saving for the education costs of a child or children you might have, discuss the importance of education with your child while also considering how human nature tends to value those things we invest our own resources in. Having “skin in the game,” so to speak, can inspire your child to focus on completing his or her education. Your priority as a couple, though, should always be your own retirement. After all, while your child can take out student loans for their education, there are no “retirement loans” you can take out to live on after turning 67.
Make it a habit to attend free financial education programs, whether in person or online as opportunities arise. Avoid paying for programs that charge, since you are paying for celebrity and hype more than content. gov offers a great list of resources to start with.
Finally, consider making “Generosity First” a way of life. While it seems counterintuitive, committing to give away a percentage of your income right off the top to charities, churches or causes close to your heart can benefit you financially in the long-term. Think of it this way: If you commit to giving $100 or $500 a month to a charity or church helping the homeless, you will be a better steward of your remaining money because your understanding of your needs and wants will be much more clearer and brighter than couples who care only for looking out for themselves. Instead of justifying extravagant lifestyles and fashionable purchases, you will be more likely to put your financial resources toward the short- and long-term goals you have identified as most important to the two of you. You will have greater strength to resist the American way of life that prioritizes the accumulation of possessions above relationship-building experiences. Discuss as a couple whether you will automate a specific amount or a specific percentage of your income, while talking about the cause most important to you as individuals and your new family unit.
As you approach or commence this exciting new stage of life’s journey, take advantage of the honeymoon period where very few topics are off limits to discussion, and where the sharing of ideas, hopes and dreams is accepted and considered by your partner. Finances may never be the most exciting topic to you in this life, but financial stability and success will breed emotional security and a closeness between the two of you that no amount of money will ever be able to buy. Financially stable love truly is grand!
from https://moneydoneright.com/newlywed-finances/
0 notes
davidoespailla · 6 years
‘Help! My Luxury Rental Was Turned Into a College Dorm’
realtor.com; The King's College
Finally! After years of scraping by in cramped apartments in sketchy neighborhoods, you’ve made it—into a luxury rental with a doorman, concierge service, gym, bike room, and other posh amenities. It seems perfect.
Then you meet your neighbors, sunning themselves on the roof deck. Topless.
Sound like the opening to a Skinemax flick? On the contrary, it’s a reality for residents at The Azure, a new high-end apartment building in Brooklyn, NY.
“There were girls sunbathing topless up there,” one tenant with a child told the New York Post. “My wife was, like, ‘WTF?!’ There are a lot of families [here].”
You see, The Azure was facing significant vacancies, so the management company decided to rent out 30% of its units to King’s College, a liberal arts school in lower Manhattan. The result? Families who paid top dollar to live in a building with a business center, cold storage space for grocery deliveries, and other luxe features suddenly found themselves in what felt like a college dorm. A “dormdominium”! And you know what that probably means: late-night parties with eau de weed wafting through the halls and, um, some awkward bump-ins during rooftop barbecues with bikini-clad (or unclad) residents. And noise. Lots of noise.
“We bought into the luxury experience of the nice rooftop,” another tenant lamented. “We didn’t expect it to be packed with 18-year-olds.”
When luxury apartments turn into dorms: Why it happens
This rude awakening for well-heeled renters isn’t as unusual as you might think. It’s just what many luxury developers may find themselves doing now that the high-end rental market is softening, leaving empty apartments that must be filled to make ends meet.
“Building owners stuck with vacant properties will try to rent them to whoever they can within reason,” says Aaron Shmulewitz, a real estate attorney with Belkin Burden Wenig & Goldman in New York City. “When the economy goes bad, building owners have to scramble.”
Part of the problem is that a few years ago, the housing market was going so strong, developers got bullish on building—only to find themselves in a more sluggish market once their structures were complete.
“Opening a residential building is a many, many-year process,” says David Reiss, research director at the Center for Urban Business Entrepreneurship at Brooklyn Law School. “You have to acquire the site, you have to get financing, perhaps you have to get zoning approvals, you have to get your plans approved … then you have to build it and then you have to market it. You’re talking about years of work.”
Many of these builders were likely banking on the possibility that rental demand would just keep going up and up—but they bet wrong.
“We have a large amount of supply that came into the market within a fairly short period of time,” says Edward Mermelstein, a real estate attorney with One and Only Holdings in New York City. “At the same time, the demand has waned substantially.”
How do college kids afford a luxury rental, anyway?
While luxury rentals in any other city might be hurting right about now, New York is well-positioned to solve this problem, thanks to its high student population and limited dorm space.
“Renting to college students in Manhattan or Brooklyn has always been a trend, as there’s a total of almost 250,000 active students on this small island,” says Michael Jeneralczuk, a real estate agent with REAL New York. “With that said, luxury apartments are usually outside of student budgets.”
While a luxury rental might be outside of any individual student’s budget, a larger group of students can make it work. According to the Post, the King’s College students are paying a combined $6,000 per month for a two-bedroom apartment housing four people, which comes to $1,500 per person. This is more affordable than trying to rent alone; even a studio apartment at The Azure starts at $2,399 per month, according to the building’s website.
Meanwhile, the nonstudent rate for a two-bedroom apartment at The Azure starts at $3,391 per month. So by renting to King’s College students, the building is also making almost twice as much per apartment. So, at least for these two parties, it’s a win-win.
“It’s an opportunity to fill vacant apartments and collect rent,” says Becki Danchik, a real estate agent with Warburg Realty in New York City.
Given that the luxury rental market is slowing down nationwide, does this mean renters across the country might expect college-aged neighbors soon, too?
According to Reiss, it depends on development levels. In Los Angeles, construction has stalled, so apartments are filling up. Seattle, on the other hand, is facing similar issues as New York City.
“Seattle has had a construction boom, which means there are a lot of empty apartments,” says Reiss. “You face a similar situation where landlords are going to look to find some way to rent those out and make their money back.”
How to deal with college-aged neighbors
So if you come home one day to find a gaggle of college kids moving in—and assuming you’re so over college life—what can you do? For starters, you can’t just tell your landlord you’re breaking your lease and moving out because a bunch of Gen Z folks live next door.
“For regular tenants who were already living there, it cannot legally be a function of ‘Well, you rented the next-door apartment to a college student and therefore I can break my lease,'” says Shmulewitz, the real estate attorney with Belkin Burden Wenig & Goldman.
However, you do have a right to peace and quiet in your home—so if those college students are breaking any lease rules on noise, drugs, or indecent exposure, you have a good case to shut that stuff down.
The best place to start may be with talking to the students directly. They may not understand that the regular, working folks living next door need sleep. Or they might just need a reminder.
And if they don’t listen? Most apartment buildings have rules against excessive noise and au naturel sunbathing, so it’s time to nudge management about actually enforcing those rules.
“Every building has guidelines to create a certain atmosphere,” says Mermelstein. “Sometimes that gets a bit relaxed and the economy dictates what winds up being accepted by ownership.”
If talking to your neighbors and your landlord doesn’t work, you have a case for breaking your lease or discontinuing rent payments if other tenants are disturbing your quality of life.
“Most residential leases contain a clause that guarantees the right to ‘quiet enjoyment,'” says Heather Carbone, a real estate agent in Boston. “It is an implied warranty of habitability.”
To make a case, Shmulewitz says you must document your complaints. He recommends sending an email to your landlord as close to the time of the incident as possible and including documentation (e.g., a sound recording if you’re complaining about noise).
At that point, the landlord may enforce the rules and could even begin eviction proceedings. Ideally, the landlord would work with your concerns, but if not, “the next step would be to claim a constructive eviction,” says Shmulewitz.
“You would tell the landlord, ‘You’ve made me unable to live in my home. I’m leaving and I’m not paying your rent anymore,'” says Shmulewitz. If only one of the rooms is uninhabitable due to noise or odor, then you might consider not paying full rent.
How to avoid this situation in the first place
One approach to avoiding this type of situation in the first place might be to ask questions about who lives in the apartment buildings you’re considering. You probably won’t get an answer, though.
“Real estate agents cannot legally speak about who lives in a building,” says Danchik. This is to help prevent housing discrimination and to stay in compliance with the Fair Housing Act.
As an alternative, Jeneralczuk recommends spending some time in the building.
“Sit in the lobby for half an hour or more,” he says. “Tour the amenities a few times, and check out the area.”
Carbone suggests looking for online reviews of potential apartments. “A quick search might help shed some light on potential issues as well,” she says.
You could also look for rentals in co-ops and condo buildings. Danchik says that these buildings have a much more involved approval process, and “individual owners tend to be a bit more cautious about subletting.” To college kids or otherwise.
The post ‘Help! My Luxury Rental Was Turned Into a College Dorm’ appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
‘Help! My Luxury Rental Was Turned Into a College Dorm’
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samuelfields · 6 years
Maxing Out Your 401(k) Is A Choice On An Average Income: $55K In D.C.
After Sam published his article, Achieving Financial Freedom On A Modest Income In Manhattan, I was fascinated to observe some of the no-can-do responses he received from his readers.
Instead of focusing on Sam’s message of cutting down housing costs, distracting yourself from spending temptation by working more than the average American, and building extra side income while you are young, the naysayers could not accept that he saved 30% of his $40,000 salary even when he did.
They said people making a similar income in today’s dollars would have no chance. Well I make a similar income in today’s dollars and I save an even higher percentage.
There’s a great saying: whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right. It seems like no matter how much you demonstrate what’s possible, people don’t believe in themselves.
I used to be very salty against those who earned more than I did too. My parents didn’t pay for college, so I had to work ~15 hours a week during school and 30 hours a week each summer to afford my public school tuition. I also lived at home for the first two years of college as well to save money.
But when I graduated from George Mason University in December 2016, I didn’t have any debt. Tuition averaged only about $10,000 a year for my four years there so I handled it like a boss.
I studied accounting, the most boring major in the world. But I knew the chance of getting a decent paying job out of school was high.
I did not have the luxury of studying History or English like my rich private school friends who went to American, George Washington, or Georgetown.
A Decent Job Offer
I got two job offers after college, one for $45,000 and the other for $50,000. I took the higher one. It’s not like crunching numbers suddenly gets more exciting if you work for a major entertainment company versus an international hotel chain.
Over time, I will make more money as I gain more experience. My ultimate goal is to make $100,000 within 10 years after graduating from college if not sooner. Not unreasonable by any stretch of the imagination.
At the age of 25, I now earn $55,000 a year – 10% higher from when I first started two years ago. $55,000 feels like a healthy amount to me, but I’m a simple guy with simple pleasures.
In 2017 and 2018, I contributed the maximum $18,500 to my 401(k). For 2019, I plan to max out my 401(k) again with $19,000. $19,000 is equivalent to 35% of my gross income and I don’t find the amount a burden.
Instead, I find the idea of working for the next 40 years as an accountant to be the biggest soul-crushing burden of them all! Hence, I save and save some more.
Maxing Out My 401(k) While Earning $55,000 In Washington D.C.
Here’s my budget for those curious to see how I’m able to have about $40,000 in my 401(k) in only two years.
It’s nice that my employer matches up to $3,500 a year. Seeing the money pile up in my 401(k) is addicting and I don’t plan to stop.
With a $55,000 salary, I earn $2,115 gross every two weeks. Therefore, in order to max out my 401(k), I instructed my firm to take 35% ($740) out of each paycheck for my 401(k) contribution.
My asset allocation split is 90% stocks, 10% bonds. I plan to stay with this asset allocation until my 30s.
With $740 taken out, I’m left with $1,375 in gross income. I’ve got to pay $70 pre-tax in healthcare premiums, FICA tax of 7.65% (6.2% Social Security + 1.45% Medicare), 12% Federal income tax, and 5% Virginia income tax.
When it’s all said and done, I’m left with about $1,000 every two weeks to spend how I will. $1,000 in spending money isn’t a lot, but it’s enough for me to live a comfortable life. It feels great knowing that even if I spend the entire $1,000, I’m still aggressively saving for retirement.
Also, I’m guessing I’ll be getting a ~$3,000 tax refund back given the standard deduction is $12,000 and my taxable income is only $36,000. We shall see.
My job is not exciting, but it’s fine. I like the people I work with and I only average 40-45 hours a week. Things will get busier during Feb – April, but overall, the work hours are reasonable.
I get in about 8:30am and leave by 5:30pm for nine months of the year.
Housing Costs ($1,150/month)
I rent a nice three bedroom, two bathroom apartment in Arlington, Virginia with two other roommates for a total of $3,600 a month. The location is great. We have a nice balcony, fancy kitchen appliances we never use, and a small gym with a sauna in our building. Given my room is a little smaller, my share of the rent is $1,100 a month.
My share for cable, internet, and utilities comes to $50 a month, which isn’t bad given it’s being split three ways. We love to have friends over to watch football and basketball during the weekends. Obviously, we use a friend’s Netflix account for free to watch Ozarks (money laundering accountant) and other shows.
When you can share costs with other people, it feels like you’re getting great value.
Everything Else ($835/month)
Given I only make about $1,000 each paycheck, you can see how I’m spending almost 100% of each month’s salary. But again, that’s fine with me because I know that my 401(k) is getting maxed out.
Paying yourself first truly is the best thing ever. As a result, I hardly ever feel guilty about spending any money.
I’ve got my Metro monthly pass that gets me everywhere I want to go around the city.
I’ve also budgeted about $1,000 a year to go on a couple weeks of vacation. Nothing fancy, but enough to have a good time.
I don’t have a gym membership because I hate being cooped up in a room exercising. Running and biking outside feels so much better. I try and do 150 sit-ups and 60 push-ups every other day as well.
Side Hustling (+$500/month)
Given I only work 40-45 hours a week, I spend another five hours a week on average doing copyediting for a tax and financial website. I can easily bang out a couple hours of work in one evening or do a little bit of work in the morning before heading off to my day job.
They pay me $25 / hour, which comes out to $52,000 a year based on a 40 hour work week.
I use the $500 a month in extra income to build my after-tax Wealthfront account, which I opened two years ago. I’ll be able to contribute at least $6,000 each year in this account while also saving $19,000 in my 401(k) each year.
In 20 years, my after-tax investment account should grow to about $300,000 using a moderate 6.5% annual growth rate and a $6,000 annual contribution rate, giving me the opportunity to do new things if I want.
Given my side hustle income isn’t very high, I don’t have to pay estimated taxes. My goal is to ultimately generate $10,000 a year in extra income mostly by raising my rate, to save for my future. I strongly feel $300,000 in my after-tax account in 20 years is a conservative estimate.
There are so many ways to make extra income online now, you just have to look. I have the capacity to regularly work 60 hours a week without feeling burned out. I might as well take advantage while I’ve still got the energy.
Everybody is able to earn some side hustle income if they want to. But not everybody wants money bad enough to do something extra about it.
Financial Freedom On An Average Income
A $55,000 a year salary might not sound like that much to you, especially in the expensive Washington D.C. area, but it’s plenty enough for me.
Within five years, I’m confident my salary will increase to $70,000+. By then, I will have enough for a down payment on my own place so that I can rent out rooms to other people to help pay my mortgage.
In another five years, I expect my salary to surpass $100,000. If I’m lucky enough to find the love of my life, we’ll have an even higher combined salary so we can live alone. I’ve got to imagine life will be even more affordable as a unit.
Who knows, but with enough dedication, maybe I can grow my side hustle income to $20,000 a year for a combined gross income of $120,000 a year by age 35.
I know I’m lucky not to have crushing student loan debt. But I also made a decision to go to my hometown state school while also working on the side. The vast majority of my friends didn’t work regularly while in school. Instead, they took vacations during the summers and winters and partied every week.
Be honest with yourself regarding how much you’re spending, how much you’re saving, and how much you’re hustling. If you’re coming home each night binging on Netflix or going out to the bars with your friends on a regular basis, you’re not maximizing your earnings potential.
Financial freedom is all about making choices. My choice is to have a lot more choices by the time I turn 40. – Young Samurai
Readers, do you think maxing out a 401(k) on a modest income is a choice? If so, why don’t more people aggressively save for their financial future? If not, what is going on? Why do some people have a no-can-do attitude even when they see others in a similar situation make things happen?
Related Posts:
Save For A Down Payment Or Invest In My 401(k)?
Explaining Why The Median 401(k) Balance Is So Low
When Earning $1 Million A Year Isn’t Enough To Retire Early
The post Maxing Out Your 401(k) Is A Choice On An Average Income: $55K In D.C. appeared first on Financial Samurai.
from Finance https://www.financialsamurai.com/maxing-out-your-401k-is-a-choice-on-an-average-income/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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ronaldmrashid · 6 years
Maxing Out Your 401(k) Is A Choice On An Average Income: $55K In D.C.
After Sam published his article, Achieving Financial Freedom On A Modest Income In Manhattan, I was fascinated to observe some of the no-can-do responses he received from his readers.
Instead of focusing on Sam’s message of cutting down housing costs, distracting yourself from spending temptation by working more than the average American, and building extra side income while you are young, the naysayers could not accept that he saved 30% of his $40,000 salary even when he did.
They said people making a similar income in today’s dollars would have no chance. Well I make a similar income in today’s dollars and I save an even higher percentage.
There’s a great saying: whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right. It seems like no matter how much you demonstrate what’s possible, people don’t believe in themselves.
I used to be very salty against those who earned more than I did too. My parents didn’t pay for college, so I had to work ~15 hours a week during school and 30 hours a week each summer to afford my public school tuition. I also lived at home for the first two years of college as well to save money.
But when I graduated from George Mason University in December 2016, I didn’t have any debt. Tuition averaged only about $10,000 a year for my four years there so I handled it like a boss.
I studied accounting, the most boring major in the world. But I knew the chance of getting a decent paying job out of school was high.
I did not have the luxury of studying History or English like my rich private school friends who went to American, George Washington, or Georgetown.
A Decent Job Offer
I got two job offers after college, one for $45,000 and the other for $50,000. I took the higher one. It’s not like crunching numbers suddenly gets more exciting if you work for a major entertainment company versus an international hotel chain.
Over time, I will make more money as I gain more experience. My ultimate goal is to make $100,000 within 10 years after graduating from college if not sooner. Not unreasonable by any stretch of the imagination.
At the age of 25, I now earn $55,000 a year – 10% higher from when I first started two years ago. $55,000 feels like a healthy amount to me, but I’m a simple guy with simple pleasures.
In 2017 I contributed $18,000 to my 401(k) and in 2018 I contributed $18,500 to my 401(k). For 2019, I plan to max out my 401(k) again with $19,000. $19,000 is equivalent to 35% of my gross income and I don’t find the amount a burden.
Instead, I find the idea of working for the next 40 years as an accountant to be the biggest soul-crushing burden of them all! Hence, I save and save some more.
Maxing Out My 401(k) While Earning $55,000 In Washington D.C.
Here’s my budget for those curious to see how I’m able to have about $40,000 in my 401(k) in only two years.
It’s nice that my employer matches up to $3,500 a year. Seeing the money pile up in my 401(k) is addicting and I don’t plan to stop.
With a $55,000 salary, I earn $2,115 gross every two weeks. Therefore, in order to max out my 401(k), I instructed my firm to take 35% ($740) out of each paycheck for my 401(k) contribution.
My asset allocation split is 90% stocks, 10% bonds. I plan to stay with this asset allocation until my 30s.
With $740 taken out, I’m left with $1,375 in gross income. I’ve got to pay $70 pre-tax in healthcare premiums, FICA tax of 7.65% (6.2% Social Security + 1.45% Medicare), 12% Federal income tax, and 5% Virginia income tax.
When it’s all said and done, I’m left with about $1,000 every two weeks to spend how I will. $1,000 in spending money isn’t a lot, but it’s enough for me to live a comfortable life. It feels great knowing that even if I spend the entire $1,000, I’m still aggressively saving for retirement.
Also, I’m guessing I’ll be getting a ~$3,000 tax refund back given the standard deduction is $12,000 and my taxable income is only $36,000. We shall see.
My job is not exciting, but it’s fine. I like the people I work with and I only average 40-45 hours a week. Things will get busier during Feb – April, but overall, the work hours are reasonable.
I get in about 8:30am and leave by 5:30pm for nine months of the year.
Housing Costs ($1,150/month)
I rent a nice three bedroom, two bathroom apartment in Arlington, Virginia with two other roommates for a total of $3,600 a month. The location is great. We have a nice balcony, fancy kitchen appliances we never use, and a small gym with a sauna in our building. Given my room is a little smaller, my share of the rent is $1,100 a month.
My share for cable, internet, and utilities comes to $50 a month, which isn’t bad given it’s being split three ways. We love to have friends over to watch football and basketball during the weekends. Obviously, we use a friend’s Netflix account for free to watch Ozarks (money laundering accountant) and other shows.
When you can share costs with other people, it feels like you’re getting great value.
Everything Else ($835/month)
Given I only make about $1,000 each paycheck, you can see how I’m spending almost 100% of each month’s salary. But again, that’s fine with me because I know that my 401(k) is getting maxed out.
Paying yourself first truly is the best thing ever. As a result, I hardly ever feel guilty about spending any money.
I’ve got my Metro monthly pass that gets me everywhere I want to go around the city.
I’ve also budgeted about $1,000 a year to go on a couple weeks of vacation. Nothing fancy, but enough to have a good time.
I don’t have a gym membership because I hate being cooped up in a room exercising. Running and biking outside feels so much better. I try and do 150 sit-ups and 60 push-ups every other day as well.
Side Hustling (+$500/month)
Given I only work 40-45 hours a week, I spend another five hours a week on average doing copyediting for a tax and financial website. I can easily bang out a couple hours of work in one evening or do a little bit of work in the morning before heading off to my day job.
They pay me $25 / hour, which comes out to $52,000 a year based on a 40 hour work week.
I use the $500 a month in extra income to build my after-tax Wealthfront account, which I opened two years ago. I’ll be able to contribute at least $6,000 each year in this account while also saving $19,000 in my 401(k) each year.
In 20 years, my after-tax investment account should grow to about $300,000 using a moderate 6.5% annual growth rate and a $6,000 annual contribution rate, giving me the opportunity to do new things if I want.
Given my side hustle income isn’t very high, I don’t have to pay estimated taxes. My goal is to ultimately generate $10,000 a year in extra income mostly by raising my rate, to save for my future. I strongly feel $300,000 in my after-tax account in 20 years is a conservative estimate.
There are so many ways to make extra income online now, you just have to look. I have the capacity to regularly work 60 hours a week without feeling burned out. I might as well take advantage while I’ve still got the energy.
Everybody is able to earn some side hustle income if they want to. But not everybody wants money bad enough to do something extra about it.
Financial Freedom On An Average Income
A $55,000 a year salary might not sound like that much to you, especially in the expensive Washington D.C. area, but it’s plenty enough for me.
Within five years, I’m confident my salary will increase to $70,000+. By then, I will have enough for a down payment on my own place so that I can rent out rooms to other people to help pay my mortgage.
In another five years, I expect my salary to surpass $100,000. If I’m lucky enough to find the love of my life, we’ll have an even higher combined salary so we can live alone. I’ve got to imagine life will be even more affordable as a unit.
Who knows, but with enough dedication, maybe I can grow my side hustle income to $20,000 a year for a combined gross income of $120,000 a year by age 35.
I know I’m lucky not to have crushing student loan debt. But I also made a decision to go to my hometown state school while also working on the side. The vast majority of my friends didn’t work regularly while in school. Instead, they took vacations during the summers and winters and partied every week.
Be honest with yourself regarding how much you’re spending, how much you’re saving, and how much you’re hustling. If you’re coming home each night binging on Netflix or going out to the bars with your friends on a regular basis, you’re not maximizing your earnings potential.
Financial freedom is all about making choices. My choice is to have a lot more choices by the time I turn 40. – Young Samurai
Readers, do you think maxing out a 401(k) on a modest income is a choice? If so, why don’t more people aggressively save for their financial future? If not, what is going on? Why do some people have a no-can-do attitude even when they see others in a similar situation make things happen?
Related Posts:
Save For A Down Payment Or Invest In My 401(k)?
Explaining Why The Median 401(k) Balance Is So Low
When Earning $1 Million A Year Isn’t Enough To Retire Early
The post Maxing Out Your 401(k) Is A Choice On An Average Income: $55K In D.C. appeared first on Financial Samurai.
from https://www.financialsamurai.com/maxing-out-your-401k-is-a-choice-on-an-average-income/
0 notes
mcjoelcain · 6 years
Maxing Out Your 401(k) Is A Choice On An Average Income: $55K In D.C.
After Sam published his article, Achieving Financial Freedom On A Modest Income In Manhattan, I was fascinated to observe some of the no-can-do responses he received from his readers.
Instead of focusing on Sam’s message of cutting down housing costs, distracting yourself from spending temptation by working more than the average American, and building extra side income while you are young, the naysayers could not accept that he saved 30% of his $40,000 salary even when he did.
They said people making a similar income in today’s dollars would have no chance. Well I make a similar income in today’s dollars and I save an even higher percentage.
There’s a great saying: whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right. It seems like no matter how much you demonstrate what’s possible, people don’t believe in themselves.
I used to be very salty against those who earned more than I did too. My parents didn’t pay for college, so I had to work ~15 hours a week during school and 30 hours a week each summer to afford my public school tuition. I also lived at home for the first two years of college as well to save money.
But when I graduated from George Mason University in December 2016, I didn’t have any debt. Tuition averaged only about $10,000 a year for my four years there so I handled it like a boss.
I studied accounting, the most boring major in the world. But I knew the chance of getting a decent paying job out of school was high.
I did not have the luxury of studying History or English like my rich private school friends who went to American, George Washington, or Georgetown.
A Decent Job Offer
I got two job offers after college, one for $45,000 and the other for $50,000. I took the higher one. It’s not like crunching numbers suddenly gets more exciting if you work for a major entertainment company versus an international hotel chain.
Over time, I will make more money as I gain more experience. My ultimate goal is to make $100,000 within 10 years after graduating from college if not sooner. Not unreasonable by any stretch of the imagination.
At the age of 25, I now earn $55,000 a year – 10% higher from when I first started two years ago. $55,000 feels like a healthy amount to me, but I’m a simple guy with simple pleasures.
In 2017 and 2018, I contributed the maximum $18,500 to my 401(k). For 2019, I plan to max out my 401(k) again with $19,000. $19,000 is equivalent to 35% of my gross income and I don’t find the amount a burden.
Instead, I find the idea of working for the next 40 years as an accountant to be the biggest soul-crushing burden of them all! Hence, I save and save some more.
Maxing Out My 401(k) While Earning $55,000 In Washington D.C.
Here’s my budget for those curious to see how I’m able to have about $40,000 in my 401(k) in only two years.
It’s nice that my employer matches up to $3,500 a year. Seeing the money pile up in my 401(k) is addicting and I don’t plan to stop.
With a $55,000 salary, I earn $2,115 gross every two weeks. Therefore, in order to max out my 401(k), I instructed my firm to take 35% ($740) out of each paycheck for my 401(k) contribution.
My asset allocation split is 90% stocks, 10% bonds. I plan to stay with this asset allocation until my 30s.
With $740 taken out, I’m left with $1,375 in gross income. I’ve got to pay $70 pre-tax in healthcare premiums, FICA tax of 7.65% (6.2% Social Security + 1.45% Medicare), 12% Federal income tax, and 5% Virginia income tax.
When it’s all said and done, I’m left with about $1,000 every two weeks to spend how I will. $1,000 in spending money isn’t a lot, but it’s enough for me to live a comfortable life. It feels great knowing that even if I spend the entire $1,000, I’m still aggressively saving for retirement.
Also, I’m guessing I’ll be getting a ~$3,000 tax refund back given the standard deduction is $12,000 and my taxable income is only $36,000. We shall see.
My job is not exciting, but it’s fine. I like the people I work with and I only average 40-45 hours a week. Things will get busier during Feb – April, but overall, the work hours are reasonable.
I get in about 8:30am and leave by 5:30pm for nine months of the year.
Housing Costs ($1,150/month)
I rent a nice three bedroom, two bathroom apartment in Arlington, Virginia with two other roommates for a total of $3,600 a month. The location is great. We have a nice balcony, fancy kitchen appliances we never use, and a small gym with a sauna in our building. Given my room is a little smaller, my share of the rent is $1,100 a month.
My share for cable, internet, and utilities comes to $50 a month, which isn’t bad given it’s being split three ways. We love to have friends over to watch football and basketball during the weekends. Obviously, we use a friend’s Netflix account for free to watch Ozarks (money laundering accountant) and other shows.
When you can share costs with other people, it feels like you’re getting great value.
Everything Else ($835/month)
Given I only make about $1,000 each paycheck, you can see how I’m spending almost 100% of each month’s salary. But again, that’s fine with me because I know that my 401(k) is getting maxed out.
Paying yourself first truly is the best thing ever. As a result, I hardly ever feel guilty about spending any money.
I’ve got my Metro monthly pass that gets me everywhere I want to go around the city.
I’ve also budgeted about $1,000 a year to go on a couple weeks of vacation. Nothing fancy, but enough to have a good time.
I don’t have a gym membership because I hate being cooped up in a room exercising. Running and biking outside feels so much better. I try and do 150 sit-ups and 60 push-ups every other day as well.
Side Hustling (+$500/month)
Given I only work 40-45 hours a week, I spend another five hours a week on average doing copyediting for a tax and financial website. I can easily bang out a couple hours of work in one evening or do a little bit of work in the morning before heading off to my day job.
They pay me $25 / hour, which comes out to $52,000 a year based on a 40 hour work week.
I use the $500 a month in extra income to build my after-tax Wealthfront account, which I opened two years ago. I’ll be able to contribute at least $6,000 each year in this account while also saving $19,000 in my 401(k) each year.
In 20 years, my after-tax investment account should grow to about $300,000 using a moderate 6.5% annual growth rate and a $6,000 annual contribution rate, giving me the opportunity to do new things if I want.
Given my side hustle income isn’t very high, I don’t have to pay estimated taxes. My goal is to ultimately generate $10,000 a year in extra income mostly by raising my rate, to save for my future. I strongly feel $300,000 in my after-tax account in 20 years is a conservative estimate.
There are so many ways to make extra income online now, you just have to look. I have the capacity to regularly work 60 hours a week without feeling burned out. I might as well take advantage while I’ve still got the energy.
Everybody is able to earn some side hustle income if they want to. But not everybody wants money bad enough to do something extra about it.
Financial Freedom On An Average Income
A $55,000 a year salary might not sound like that much to you, especially in the expensive Washington D.C. area, but it’s plenty enough for me.
Within five years, I’m confident my salary will increase to $70,000+. By then, I will have enough for a down payment on my own place so that I can rent out rooms to other people to help pay my mortgage.
In another five years, I expect my salary to surpass $100,000. If I’m lucky enough to find the love of my life, we’ll have an even higher combined salary so we can live alone. I’ve got to imagine life will be even more affordable as a unit.
Who knows, but with enough dedication, maybe I can grow my side hustle income to $20,000 a year for a combined gross income of $120,000 a year by age 35.
I know I’m lucky not to have crushing student loan debt. But I also made a decision to go to my hometown state school while also working on the side. The vast majority of my friends didn’t work regularly while in school. Instead, they took vacations during the summers and winters and partied every week.
Be honest with yourself regarding how much you’re spending, how much you’re saving, and how much you’re hustling. If you’re coming home each night binging on Netflix or going out to the bars with your friends on a regular basis, you’re not maximizing your earnings potential.
Financial freedom is all about making choices. My choice is to have a lot more choices by the time I turn 40. – Young Samurai
Readers, do you think maxing out a 401(k) on a modest income is a choice? If so, why don’t more people aggressively save for their financial future? If not, what is going on? Why do some people have a no-can-do attitude even when they see others in a similar situation make things happen?
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Save For A Down Payment Or Invest In My 401(k)?
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The post Maxing Out Your 401(k) Is A Choice On An Average Income: $55K In D.C. appeared first on Financial Samurai.
from Money https://www.financialsamurai.com/maxing-out-your-401k-is-a-choice-on-an-average-income/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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otaku-sfw-blog · 6 years
Condo Rentals Would be the Finest Vacation Values
Consuming conch fritters and drinking a Bahama Mama on the sandy beaches in the Bahamas, or enjoying a Mojito throughout the sunset over Acapulco are points quite a few people today dream about, for a relaxing getaway getaway. If they only knew concerning the Condo Card Hot Offers which delivers the ideal vacation values in the major destinations, they could locate luxury condo rentals for as tiny as $40 a night.
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Condo rentals would be the most effective trip values for the reason that they provide an average of 1100 square feet, come totally furnished with luxurious furnishings, amenities and surroundings versus the typical 340 square foot hotel space with no cooking facilities and small space to spread out. You may get 1, two, and three bedroom condo rentals in major destinations for 75% off of retail price tag within the most exotic areas, if you are a Condo card lifetime member. To get a nominal fee, you'll be able to vacation as lots of occasions as you like, wherever you'd like at any time you'd like. Certainly, the ideal bargains are the Hot Deals, that are the ideal vacation values for all those which can be versatile with their dates. Whether or not it's Las Vegas for a gambling junket, Colorado to get a mountain ski trip or Hawaii for the trip of a lifetime, you could find essentially the most very affordable luxury condo rentals.
In truth, you could devote per week in most places for tiny more than a luxury hotel space would price you for any single night! You'll find no timeshare tours or gimmicks, no blackout dates or booking costs, no maintenance charges or annual dues. Just a one-time lifetime membership fee buys you a lifetime from the most affordable getaway values you are going to ever obtain and opens the door for the most luxurious condo rentals in countries throughout the world. Actually, you will discover over a million weeks worth of rentals to choose from at thousands of three, 4 and 5 star resort destinations. For those who have only dreamed of seeing the Terrific Wall of China, or watching a Hawaiian volcano, it is possible to now afford it! If you have wanted to go snorkeling in the Florida Keys or sit in front of a crackling fireplace in the Colorado Mountains, you may now afford it! If you want to eat conch fritters and drink Bahama Mamas, then what is stopping you? You can not afford to miss out around the dream vacations of a lifetime that will expense significantly less than a modest flat screen tv. It's straightforward to make the most of the luxurious holiday condo rentals with a good amount of space for the whole loved ones, with totally furnished kitchens that provide you with the option of cooking your very own meals or trying some of the regional cuisine within your own kitchen. It is possible to overlook the most beneficial beaches in the world or take inside a Broadway show at an exquisite hotel in Manhattan, the selection is yours. Do not let life pass you by- it is now additional inexpensive than ever to possess as many dream vacations as you want to get a loved ones getaway, romantic getaway or possibly a chance to go to a various nation, just by signing up for the Condo card now! When you are ready to begin living your getaway dreams and prepared to open the door to the most very affordable luxury trip condo rental in leading destinations. It is undoubtedly effortless to see that a getaway condo rental is usually a fantastic selection when you're longing for any relaxing getaway. A lot of advantages are offered and with a condo card, you can save major time, permitting you to go on a nice trip, even when your budget is really a bit around the tight side. Why preserve putting off that getaway? With Destin Condo Rentals you can book an incredible trip these days with out having to commit an enormous amount of revenue.
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rachelmorris305 · 7 years
A Townhouse Makes a Connection
A bigger place and “daunting” remodel in Brooklyn
For a decade, AJ and Ray lived in a 450-square-foot studio apartment in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. In search of more space, they traveled a few stops south on the subway and landed a 3-floor, 2-family brick row house just across the street from the neighborhood’s park, offering views of New York Harbor and Manhattan. The home was a whopping 2,964 square feet—not an unusual size for a townhouse, but much larger than what they were used to. After three years of test-driving their new space, they opened up rooms and improved the flow from front to back…while expecting a baby. Here’s how AJ and Ray used Sweeten, a free service matching renovators with vetted general contractors, to gut renovate and turn a nondescript house into an open oasis for their family of three.
Guest post by Sunset Park homeowner Ray
We bought the house to renovate but lived in it for three years as we planned for the renovation. The place had been poorly maintained as a rental for many years (drop ceilings, temporary walls, very old roof, the works). It needed to be updated and modernized. The property was set up as a two-story, two-family house. There was an apartment on each floor—one bath, one bedroom, a kitchen and a living room. New kitchens and bathrooms don’t come cheap, and the renovation seemed daunting.
We had lived in a small studio and were used to an open floor plan. When we moved into the new house, it was small and blocked off from all of the other rooms. It made it difficult to chat and hang out with each other. We weren’t used to the feeling of being separated. Figuring out the best layout, style, and finishes were left to AJ and Robin, her sister and an interior designer at RobinR-N. We were interested in an open entertaining space on the first floor with three bedrooms on the second floor.
We were hoping that our renovation would be fast and straightforward. It was certainly not straightforward! Although the interior was designed and planned by Robin, we had to hire an architect and expeditor to draw and file the plans. We interviewed at least eight contractors, but the one we initially selected, and who filed the plans with the city, had underbid and sent us a contract that was overpriced. After going back and forth, we ultimately abandoned him and found our design-build firm on Sweeten after posting our project.
Robin and AJ worked together to create a cohesive aesthetic for the house. In the kitchen, they looked to capture the light streaming through the back windows, and keeping the space as light and fresh as possible. “With the beautiful southern light at the back of the house and the openness of the view to the backyard, it made sense to relocate the kitchen there and open the rest of the house up to that space,” said Robin.
(Above) Entry door from the inside (l), and exterior front door (r)
On mini-splits: Ray had a hard time saying goodbye to the NYC radiators he had spent his entire life around. It was always too cold or too hot—and he LOVED it, says AJ.
The entry hall corridor leads directly to the kitchen. The lightness of the kitchen helped connect the spaces visually from the front to the back of the home. “The dark floors and kitchen table and chairs made a nice contrast to white cabinets and the light Caesarstone countertops,” says Robin. The kitchen island was a main feature of the space. From a recommendation from AJ and Robin’s mom, it housed the sink and an open built-in shelving area at one end for cookbooks and some baby items, making use of every inch of space!
“The space was designed to accommodate the way they live,” explained Robin. “If someone is cooking or the baby is playing, the family and guests can congregate on the ground floor and still feel connected even if they are in different rooms.” For lighting, they decided to keep the ceilings minimalist, choosing surface-mount fixtures and pendants to be a design focus.
(Above) Master bedroom (l) and guest bedroom (r) (Above) Master bedroom (Above) Guest bedroom
In terms of layout, we had two options for a third bedroom: it could go in the front of the house with a window, or in between the two other bedrooms where it currently sits. After working on the drawings, Robin determined that we could get more space using the space adjacent to the front bedroom than the space that is now a bathroom. According to the Department of Buildings code, we needed light and an egress to make sure that it could be called a legal bedroom. In order to accomplish this, we needed to put a skylight into the middle bedroom as part of the roof update. It seemed odd at the time, but in the end, the room ended up being perfect for the baby, who we were already expecting when the renovation began.
(Above) Second-floor stairway
Lastly, although we wanted air conditioning in the house, central air was a huge financial commitment. Mini-splits were suggested, but our past landlords had put a unit in our old apartment near the end of our time there, which we liked functionally but not aesthetically. After much back and forth, we decided on a ducted mini-split system so that the air-handling units were hidden in the ceilings; we only lost a little height in the first-floor hallway.
This was an enormous undertaking for us, and as much of a rush that we were in with a baby on the way, we appreciated that our Sweeten contractor slowed us down and walked through the entire the process with us, down to the details of the toilet paper holder. Our renovation was a design-build job and our Sweeten contractor had all the details of what needed to be done written down on paper for our review. We appreciated the attention to detail.
The best advice we can give is to ask questions even when things get technical and you are in over your head. And be patient! Our main questions were: Can we afford this? What is the payment schedule? Can the house be done before the baby arrives? What is your timeline?
We were most excited about having space, a real kitchen and closets, which was a huge change from where we were living before. When we worked on the interior layout, it seemed like we had planned for an extreme amount of storage space, but wouldn’t you know, we’ve managed to use it all!
We are so glad that we found our Sweeten contractor—we couldn’t have been happier (or luckier!).
Thanks to AJ and Ray for sharing your stunning townhouse with us!
KITCHEN RESOURCES: Engineered Hardwood Faulkner Hickory floors: Hurst Hardwoods (similar). Kitchen cabinets: Custom. Countertops: Caesarstone. 4×10 U081 White Ice Bright US Ceramic tile backsplash: Floor & Decor Outlet of America (similar). Trinsic kitchen faucet: Delta. Stainless steel 24X16 under-mount sink: ELKAY. Refrigerator: LG. Dishwasher: Bosch. Range: Samsung. Microwave: Panasonic. Hood: Whirlpool. Glass cone shade light, semi-flush mount: Industrial Light Electric. Conical 30″ drum pendant: Rejuvenation.
LIVING ROOM RESOURCES: Grand Brass Mobile chandelier: West Elm.
HOME OFFICE RESOURCES: Global pendant light: CB2.
MASTER BEDROOM RESOURCES: SAIC Together pendant light: CB2.
MASTER BATH RESOURCES: Bianco 12×24 Natural floor tile Bardiglio Series: Ceramic Tile 4 U. 4X4 U081 White Ice Bright wall tile:  Floor & Decor Outlet of America (similar). Delta Trinsic polished chrome hardware: Build.com. Grohe 8″ rain head polished chrome shower fixtures: Home Depot. Amare 60″ single bathroom vanity set with mirror: Wyndham Collection. Essence faucet: Grohe. Cadet Pro toilet: American Standard.
GUEST BEDROOM RESOURCES: Catalina Lighting 3 Light drum pendant: Amazon.
POWDER ROOM RESOURCES: Elite Tile Alameda Ceramic Field Blue floor tile: AllModern. Champion Pro toilet: American Standard. Veer 24″ pedestal sink: Kohler. Delta Trinsic faucet: Build.com.
Dreaming of living in a townhouse? Check out our guide on purchasing and renovating one.
Refer your renovating friends to Sweeten and you’ll both receive a $250 Visa gift card when they sign a contract with a Sweeten general contractor. 
Sweeten handpicks the best general contractors to match each project’s location, budget, and scope, helping until project completion. Follow the blog for renovation ideas and inspiration and when you’re ready to renovate, start your renovation on Sweeten.
A post from originally from Sweeten
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lisabrenda30 · 7 years
Locksmith Essential Tools Of The Trade
A locksmith would additionally need Tension Wrenches. DynoLock They are available in 3 sorts according to amount of stress exerted: mild, medium and inflexible. Most locksmiths carry all three varieties depending on what the situation wants. Tension wrenches, as implied by the name, are used to apply managed amounts of turning stress to realize entry to the shear line. The plug spinner, computerized decide, electric pick gun, key extractor and tension wrench are the basic instruments of the locksmith trade. There are other tools that locksmiths can use to restore, set up and open locks. Deadbolt set up kits, locksmith hammers, router drills and key cutters are just some of these additional tools. It is rarely intelligent to commission endeavors from individuals who don't know what they are doing. Why would you wish to spend money senselessly? The locksmith who shall be working for you should have been effectively schooled within the knowledge of what it takes to be a fantastic locksmith. Never ever allow yourself to be talked into using the companies of callowness. Any enterprise which has finished labor in the neighborhood for approximately ten years, has a very good likelihood of getting you as a patron. Great prominence is seemed upon extremely and organizations which keep theirs in the upper ranks, will always proceed to do what is finest for his or her consumers.
Drive and park courteously
Where will you be working
Hours you may be required to work
1 Types of locks
Maintains a stock of key blanks and different supplies wanted for the conduct of his business
Steer clear of the generic. Any locksmith company that claims your lock needs to be drilled and replaced is a fraud. Experienced locksmith technicians can unlock just about any door. In the event that they want to drill in your lock, don't allow it. There is a high chance they're scamming you and looking for more money. Respected and reliable locksmith companies have been trained to properly unlock any door. If a locksmith company insists that you pay in cash you may bet it's a scam. All corporations immediately enable clients to pay cash, verify and/or credit. A company that requires you to pay cash just isn't a official company. This can also be a question it is best to ask upfront. Be certain that you know how they take cost Before they start work. The following pointers are right here to provide you with the tools it is advisable to avoid being scammed. Not all locksmith firms are out to get you, however you will need to be aware, be cautious, and ask all of the proper questions. You are the one paying the invoice; therefore, you're entitled to due diligence. Writer: Barney Burglar alarms are the very best security gadgets which might be found mainly in industrial premises like banks, shopping malls and different places. These devices get activated every time somebody tries to interrupt into industrial premises. 1. Signs And Patterns That may Result in Serious Truck Accidents 2. Easy methods to Know the Liability in a Truck Accident? Three. Different Defenses a DUI/DWI Lawyer Can Use to Beat DUI/DWI Charges four. Personal Injury Claims for the Passengers in a Automobile Accident 5. Who Could be Held Liable To Get The Burn Harm Claim? 10. How one can Enchantment For A DUI First Offence? High leaving normal is all the time expensive but in locksmiths, the time period expensive doesn't mean so much to the sort of the work they do or their key making services. Nonetheless, these locksmiths doesn't change a lot but are often fall prey to suspicion. If you have any sort of concerns concerning where and how you can make use of course - just click the next website page - , you could contact us at the web site. It's not essential to rent an expensive locksmith as a result of statistics exhibits that the cheaper the locksmith, the better. Some options that costlier locksmith can go for are a budget locksmith or the affordable locksmith. Low cost locksmith has problems of plenty, ironically because they do not have that nice recognition by the individuals who want locksmith providers. These low cost locksmiths who're also known as affordable locksmith should not often expensive, and there is say which state that each good thing comes with a worth. Publisher: Ethen Hunt Manhattan Locksmiths provide wide selection of providers. Writer: atif saleem It's not tough to hiring locksmith Newcastle and it makes a great practice to keep their numbers in your wallet in case of emergencies. 1. What to Do after a Flooding Strikes Your house 2. Easy and Finances Pleasant Dwelling Decorating Ideas three. The way to Design Your Kitchen with White Cabinets? Four. Hiring Tradespeople-Be Alert 5. High quality New Domiciles - How Can you Notice That The Builder Will Deliver A top quality Home? 7. Get a Clear Swimming Pool Not a Inexperienced Pool eight. Enjoy Selecting Beautiful Crystal Lamps 9. 5 Must-Observe Steps to maintain Your Carpets Clean 10. Vital Ideas and Guides for buying Granite or Quartz Worktops Welcome, Guest!
One other standard saying goes like this, "a good friend in need is a friend indeed". If that's the case, then these experts actually qualify to be your mates. When you are locked out, these specialists can go to wherever you might be in a practically brief period of time. What they're going to do is assess the situation and determine methods to get you back into your home. This often includes the technique of lock selecting, a way used by locksmiths so as to unlock a door without utilizing a key. This system makes use of specialised tools and methods that locksmiths practice for years to grasp. Log in or Create Account to post a remark. Publisher: Danielle The Locksmith San Diego is a locksmith that you would be able to rely upon, be it for automotive locks, or house door locks. New digital locks are also no drawback for the locksmith San Diego.
Generally life offers us lemons. They say that we'd like to show them into lemonade, however there are times once we simply can’t try this on our own. These are occasions when we usher in knowledgeable, and if in case you have a security situation, you want to find an amazing locksmith. Read on to be taught more. If you’re locked out, it’s not always essential to change the lock. A skilled locksmith will be capable of get the door unlocked with out needing to exchange your current lock. Lock replacements might end up costing you cash that you simply didn't must spend. So that you determined to own your personal enterprise as a locksmith… Nice! You have prospects, you've referrals, but you still appear to be in the unfavorable with money going out and not coming in. A locksmith, though you could have many skills and training in your background, is still a enterprise which implies it's essential observe the enterprise guidelines. Too many small business owners keep monetary records just for tax purposes. However correct and present financial records could be invaluable as you make enterprise decisions. Take the time to organize and analyze your financial data. Don’t be afraid of the numbers. When a locksmith arrives that will help you, ask them if you may see a photo ID. You wish to make it possible for this individual is who they say they are. Some states require locksmiths to have a license. If you are in one of those states, you must ask to see that as nicely. Ensure that that after your locksmith is finished that he palms you a receipt. Though the vast majority of locksmiths are professional, there are at all times individuals out there looking to scam you. It would be best to get quality service and have paperwork to again it up. You need to verify that there is something to safeguard you in case there's injury to your automotive. Guantee that they prove the insurance coverage is present since it's not unusual to be provided with an expired policy quantity. While you encounter a state of affairs that requires the providers of a locksmith, however you are uncertain the place to turn, it at all times pays to hunt personal recommendations. Ask a buddy in city or possibly your subsequent door neighbor to see if there's a locksmith from whom they have received nice service. In this manner, you should have full confidence within the skilled you choose. A locksmith that's good ought to know how to vary more than just a lock on doors. If you're somebody that got robbed, altering your window locks needs to be achieved as effectively. Sometimes, they could help you with your alarm system. This data will provide help to find a locksmith while you need one. You could also be in a tight scenario, however using these tips will help. From switching a lock to attempting to achieve entry to one thing, the better your information about locksmiths, the better issues will go.
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rothbuiltworks-blog · 7 years
Things Construction Companies Must Plan For
A interior remodel house that lacks interior-design could be uninteresting, and will result in anxiety or melancholy. This is the main reason why plenty of people are looking for ways on what their household can enhance. Though adjust is superior, it generally does not imply that feel of your dwelling each month and you've to alter the look. Infact, an individual who are able to afford can get an inside reconstruction one or more times every year. Sadly, there are certainly a lot when remodeling the interiors of your property of items that is highly recommended. That is one of the significant reasons why their residence is not being renovated by a lot of people in anyrenovation companies hiring way.
the kitchen wants it a lot more than anywhere in your own home, although every part of one's house requires reconstruction. This is actually the spot where you is the place where heat is frequently distributing, and are planning your RothBuiltWorks food. Heat alone could cause a lot of problems to your dwelling such as the paint's shade. Many chemicals which can be being used to enhance your home are extremely sensitive to warm, which may be the main reason.
There are a large amount of lowcost makeovers that one may do on your property, and this can help you take care of the splendor of your house while you usually would, without wasting just as much dollars. An easy repainting may manhattan contractor fix the problem. You need a clear vision of what you are doing so you should be sure that any other invest your property, or your home is nicely-lit, besides obviously regarding places where more serenity is needed by you.
There are certainly a large amount when building the interior of your home of items that should be thought about. Should you be going to hire professional interior designers even though it can be done that one may take action all on your own,design build process it is possible to expect better benefits. Plenty of people believe that employing an interior custom will surely cost them money. You never need to problems oneself about the things, should you be planning to retain qualified interior manufacturers. Several expert interior makers may even develop a that satisfies your requirements and funds, which saves you more income.
If you are arranging a home-renovation and you learn that you do not possess the doit-yourself expertise to complete the work for your fulfillment that is private, you are probably considering hiring a property remodelling corporation. The renovation approach will almost certainly have downs and ups, and the end result may both be your wish or even a problem that is comprehensive. It's particularly important that you carefully veterinarian home-renovation installers that are likely to ensure a qualified, experienced expert who'll help to make your restoration goals a real possibility is hired by you.
Ultimately, selecting a company is like selecting some other tradesman much, but when it involves home makeovers, the consequences of a weak option can be regrettable. You wish to work with a reconstruction organization that is properly accredited and works together with trades-people Here is Social Profile that are skilled. Essentially, you should begin by creating a listing of potential contractors. Home-renovation corporations can be found by you through a flip through discussions with friends, and on occasion even greater, during your yellow pages, family online lookups, and colleagues. A reliable pal, relative, or colleague will probably provide you with a straightforward and truthful belief regarding their ordeals using technicians; this might allow you to avoid under-skilled candidates.
Nonetheless, only one suggestion should never be taken by you at face-value. Generally begin click to find out more with at the very least a few possible installers and talk to them separately before you select which to hire. There are some standard issues you will naturally want to inquire while considering potential home-renovation companies.
Whenever can you commence?
What is your calculate?
The length of time can the task take?
Evidently, these are very important concerns, however, you additionally need to discover more details about their expert qualifications (including instruction and qualifications), enterprise licence, insurance, and references.
Professional Qualifications
Obviously, you're best served dealing with a builder who takes continuing education severely. Creating practices do aswell, when you might anticipate technology to change over time. Perhaps local construction jobs hiring making rules can transform. A specialist who updates his expertise will likely consider his popularity that is greatest and excellent perform as paramount within this organization.
Moreover, each land will probably include varying prerequisites for specialist licenses, but many will demand technicians to have an Accreditation of a certificate that is related or Certification. Be sure to talk with governments that are local to ascertain requirements locally.
Business License
So that you can carryout enterprise, your home redevelopment corporation will have to have a business license. Feel absolve to question technicians Roth Built Works general contractor for a backup of this license in order to check it is legitimate as well as if any issues have now been set against the builder.
You should only assist properly protected technicians or anyone run the risk of culpability all on your own result in the situation of destruction or even injury to your loved ones or individuals.
Finally, and probably most importantly, you should request and referrals at home redevelopment applicants or atleast,. More particularly, you need read more on wikipedia here to request references from purchasers who had equivalent jobs finished by the home renovation company. Referees more detailed information can be asked by you about the contractor, by way of example:
I would exactly like to talk about a number by doing it of the countless causes trying to save afew cash in your home-renovation yourself is really a TERRIBLE idea. Lots of people do not comprehend the amount of work involved in www.rothdesignbuild.com/ a house renovation and how essential doing it properly is. You might save a little bit of profit the start but in the future can it be well worth the countless money and time allocated to repairs and of course the inherent safety threats.
Below are a few of the reasons:
Arranging: Right from the beginning of the task the "planning" phase is one of many measures that are vital. Most people believe they'll simply do it as you go along and under-estimate planning's significance. Where-as a Builder would you household restorations evening day and in out could have right organizing in place to ensure the career is finish on budget and on time.
Constructing codes: how can you ever manage to follow them to keep your loved ones secure in your house If you do not understand the making codes? Provincial Developing rules are positioned set up for a purpose, all of them have a function which Homepage function is SECURITY. Can you willingly include a dangerous residence is lived in by your family? These requirements to keep consitently the household secure although not just to cross examination for the people who will be surviving in them.
Developed to final: do you want to spend your wages on components which were incorrectly mounted and can solely last several years?. Zero didn't feel consequently, not merely the caliber of supplies utilised is very important however the appropriate installation of the products. After weeks and days of sanding your " do it yourself " drywall bones you can find these hunting good at best, subsequently in a year if-not less they crack and also have to be re-taped, re painted to obtain it back to the average search you started with. That is a exemplory instance of you should retain an Edmonton building corporation depart it towards the benefits and to complete your redevelopment.
Excellent: work these tradespeople develop is second to none's quality. These are people who consider good delight within their assist the safety of 1 another and property owners in mind. Your house is likely to be accomplished in half some time and appear doubly superior when accomplished, how would you state zero compared to that? Yet again you merely can't.
Once you walkin to your residence that is freshly redesigned and you also see no problems, a specialist class end, it's worth the amount of money allocated to a builder. You'll not have to worry about any maintenance for many, many years. You will receive numerous complements rather than that cynical INCH it seems ok" most people who take on employment with this scale themselves get. You along with your family will undoubtedly be relaxed realizing your property was remodeled to excellent or security with no lose. That is why I'd individually fit my profit the hands of an restorations corporation and keep it towards the professionals.
When you wish to have developments completed around anyone house you know that it could be an arduous issue from time to time since you mightn't include all the right construction management certification capabilities to do it on your own. Nevertheless, when you yourself have several recommendations it is possible to find a home having and makeovers organization.
By searching the SERP's in the search engines, one suggestion to locate these businesses will probably be. The major search engines' outcomes pages is a superb solution to find many different organizations, but be specific towards the spot that you're currently looking in so you can pullup individuals effects rather than to get a neighboring metropolis or express.
Another tip that one may utilize is always to try the phone listing that is neighborhood. This can be an excellent resource because it can help firms which might be nearby are found by you to-use. Then you can contact these regarding info that you need on the services they give and around the prices they are going to charge you.
Something else that one may do is confer with your friends in regards to the firms they've used in days gone by. Friends and family might have received work performed recently and will give construction management courses you the name of the organization to get hold of. Nonetheless, they may be able to supply you with organizations in order to avoid because of errors' brand they made on there property.
You've probably observed the symptoms in peoples yards marketing the companies that do makeovers to there house. These indicators certainly are a great kind of marketing regarding these companies. But you might get how many the organization subsequently so you can phone these up to view when they manage your jobs if you should be truly interested in the quality of the task they do you could stay in and speak with the homeowner.
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toiletvodka · 7 years
Health Issues
When asked, “What is the number one health issue” my mind went first to food deserts. It took a bit to really consider what our country struggles with in terms of health issues. I wanted to also incorporate my own firsthand experience when I thought of the topic, Food Deserts.
First off, a Food Desert as described by quick google search: “an urban area in which it is difficult to buy affordable or good-quality fresh food”. As freakish as that sounds, it is actually commonplace in many parts of our “great country”. Living in a fairly populous city like Portland, its hard to consider that people actually live in conditions where the closest food supply may be 5 to 10 miles from their house making it hard to access food, let alone healthy food.
My firsthand experience was just earlier this summer as I spent three weeks in New York for a summer course. Since I was living on a very tight limited budget, I figured while staying in the city I would try and load up on groceries to cut cost. My thinking was that finding a supermarket like Fred Meyers (https://www.fredmeyer.com/) back home would be simple and inherently easy to come across. I couldn’t have been more wrong. The only thing closest to a supermarket were their Bodegas which were the equivalent of our 7Eleven’s and Plaid Pantries. I was thrown especially when I had found a considerable amount of grocery food and saw the price tag on few items. Things like olives and cheese that would run about 5-6 dollars back home (without sales tax mind you) ran about 7-9 dollars here. I was shocked to find that already prepared food to be much cheaper than buying grocery at these smaller markets.
My question was, how much money do you have to make in order to maintain a moderately healthy diet while in a place like Manhattan? Not to mention the only considerable supermarket I came across was Zabar’s (http://www.zabars.com/) which itself was also quite pricy and listed as a “Gourmet Grocery Store”, how pretentious. There were how ever a few Whole Foods Markets (http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/), but just like here at home, the prices were pretty sky high in contrast to everything else. Had I known this topic would rise, I would have considered asking fellow New Yorkers how they bought groceries and possibly how often they cooked for themselves when the city is practically set up to take your money with plentiful restaurants and deli’s.
I digress, yes New York is hardly a prime example of a Food Desert when you look at the definition, but it was still rather shocking for a Portlander like myself who is accustomed to my local Fred Meyers and Safeways.
Lastly, I did a little google searching to see what more I could find on these Food Deserts and what was being done in order to make food more properly accessible to people of lower income brackets. I found an article from Business Insider that covered Amazon’s purchase of Whole Foods Markets. The article went on to describe how the giant acquisition could in fact answer our questions as to how we could solve Food Deserts. 
“If a family does not live near a supermarket, they could theoretically soon order organic, healthy food on Amazon, Foraker said. Amazon Fresh already offers home deliveries, but he believes the acquisition will widen the reach and offerings of the service.”
-Business Insider, http://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-whole-foods-food-deserts-2017-6
With Amazons involvement in grocery could be a huge change and step forward in solving our large problem of areas without access to proper food, let alone proper nutrition. I’ve actually used Amazon Prime Now’s service where you go on an app and pick and chose items from either their grocery or that of Whole Foods counter part, New Seasons, and order your groceries via app. It is a pretty good idea considering a person drives the food to your door in a timely fashion. My foreseeable problem with this idea and Food Deserts residing primarily in lower income areas, many may not have the devices to see this through. As evolving as technology is, it is still pricy and a luxury to many. So maybe if Amazon wants to move forward and evolve these “dry” areas, they should probably consider either making their services free to use (Prime Now requires a Prime membership which is quite pricy) or look into helping develop these areas further with access to free Wifi and maybe cheaper smart phones? Seems more like a dream than a reality, but it is definitely a step forward over tiny expensive bodegas.
by Nicole Findley
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