#no but my kids literally are babies just like the rest of the gen ed kids
Why are some sped TAs Like That. “I love special ed ❤️ I love my kiddos ❤️” ma’am you’re like 24 and they’re in high school LMAO
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wingfics · 4 years
ASGZ(C) hcs that bring me joy ft music
zack and i know ALL the words to WAP. every time he drives, he WILL blast it and we will both give it our absolute all. it mortifies all present company every single time and this has literally never stopped us. cloud actually finds it Really funny, much to seph's surprise. (he lowkey feels slightly betrayed for a sec)
"wow, i'm not crazy" by ajr is an inside joke between gen and me. while not cetran, he's still got a real gift with magic and materia, just like me, and it's the reason why he actually volunteered to teach me. (genesis isn't usually someone given to teaching.) it was a fun laugh about how weird we both were together, but after That Whole Degradation Thing that he barely survived, it gained a lot more meaning for the two of us.
"the gambler" by fun. always makes geal cry. it's exactly what he wants from his future, an ideal version of it where he gets to retire to some peaceful corner of the world, have kids, and take care of his garden with yours truly.
we take "out of touch" thursdays VERY seriously in this house. that is all.
genesis takes Being A Whore Bastard very seriously. in that vein, he's a big fan of going clubbing and being a thot just to get a reaction, usually roping me in whenever possible, and there's a VERY specific ed marquis remix of "pon de replay" that literally none of us are ever going to forget. as established, zack makes an excellent wingman when it comes to my ho antics, but i think i might've scarred poor cloud for life. true to form, angeal lectured gen and me the entire way home about public indecency and the unprofessionalness of that sort of "dancing", but given that he was white-knuckling the steering wheel and VERY tomato-coloured the whole time, i don't think either of us felt particularly chastened.
ever since seeing a picture of baby seph, i have been UNABLE to not think about our potential kid, esp singing vienna teng's "lullabye for a stormy night" to them. i used to sing it to zack when we first met in the SOLDIER program and he was homesick.
i'm a little like each of my boys; i've got angeal's strict moral code and devotion to what's right, genesis' white-hot temper and melodramatic streak, and sephiroth's razor-sharp mind and lack of self-regard. gen was my first friend out of the three of them and geal was the first one i trusted with my life, but rather fittingly, seph was the first one to cut me clean down the middle, metaphorically speaking. we both felt like eternal odd ducks no matter who we were around, and while i can tell the rest of my (boy)friends anything, seph is the one most likely to have struggled w similar thoughts and fears. when we were still walking on eggshells around each other, we discovered that both of us knew "achilles come down" from gang of youths (genesis really likes the tragic nature of the iliad and by g-d EVERYONE in his circle is gonna hear about it), and at different points we've sang/quoted it to the other as a reminder that we understand and are there for each other.
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kamuwrites · 7 years
In the Bag, Ch 6/10 (a One Piece gen cat fanfic)
Fic Summary: All pirates have hordes of treasure. It just so happens in this life, cats are the treasure in Luffy’s.
Chapter Title: Merry Whatsit Things
Words: 2048 (Not the game)
read on ao3
Buggy used to live in a lot of shitty places while on the run from the cops when he was a sprouting young criminal. He liked to think he escaped that life once he established a rule of terror in an unknown East Blue town with a name not worth remembering anymore.
A few years of living as boss gave him a shady construction business in which he was rolling in dough. The whole shindig had illegally imported explosives and everything. Hell, he even provided dental to his workers slash underlings. His life was great.
Straw Hat ruined that window of bliss with his literal homewrecking.
When did the kid even have TIME to hotwire a bulldozer and level his entire base? He had to have stayed in town for two hours at most!
Buggy almost forgave Straw Hat. It took a country bumpkin maniac with a destructive streak to make him realize just how small his worldview had become. Sheesh, he used to have big dreams and shit. The kid reminded him by smacking him in the face like they were basic punks duking it out on the streets.
The kid packed a hefty punch, but Buggy knew he could take it. Later. After the bruise healed.
So yeah, Buggy tried to slash the kid’s tires after finding out where he worked. ‘Tried’ because motherfucking Benn Beckman caught him in the act. He was one man he did not want to cross. Anywhere Beckman was at, Red Hair certainly would be hovering around nearby. The pair were mushy and together like that, reminding single people everywhere that they were SAD, ALONE, and in his case ANGRY. Bastards.
“What about that fling with Alvida?” Luffy asked, interrupting the beautiful monologue of his worthwhile career in crime.
“Work buddies. Don’t shit where you eat,” Buggy sniffed.
Alvida told him the things Luffy did when he disbanded her gang. Frankly, he thought they didn’t measure up to the deeds Straw Hat did to him. It looked like Luffy turned her life around for the better, if the kid couldn’t recognize her from the pig she once was. He avoided a kick to the crotch after that.
Now that he thought about it, Buggy himself was profiting from the waves that kid brought to his nowhere nook town. He’d never tell the brat, but Luffy had punched the idle satisfaction from his body that day.
“Hm,” Luffy said, watching a fly buzz by as he ate.
Buggy could see his reply fazed through him. Anything not concerning meat and cats were filtered out of his brain.
“Speaking of places to eat,” Buggy said, watching Luffy perk up immediately. “You need to get out of this place. I killed like five roaches on my way to kitchen.”
Luffy let Robin, one of the newer additions, settle into his lap. “Whaddya mean? Here is fine,” he said.
“Uh, kid?” Buggy said. He gestured to the peeling walls and the paper panels lined with cat sized holes. Half of them were repaired with index cards and duck tape. “Your house is falling apart. You have a bug problem. I think a freaking rat scuttled past my ankle when I was taking a shit in the toilet. Not a mouse. A RAT.”
Luffy tilted his head. “Robin and Sanji can take care of them. They’re both former barn cats,” he replied.
“Your water doesn’t spit out hot anymore,” Buggy said.
“I can go to the public baths,” Luffy returned easily.
“There’s no AC,” Buggy tried.
“We can open the doors and hang up the mosquito net,” Luffy put forth.
“Kid!” Buggy shouted. “There is MOLD infesting the kitchen ceiling.”
Buggy took brief satisfaction at the way Luffy hesitated. The feeling was short lived, however. He had to break the bad news to Luffy, which was as unpredictable of a situation as predicting a storm. The guy would either take it like a champ or refuse to budge.
...Or, Luffy would make this godawful devastated face like someone had told him one of his cats had died. Buggy HATED the possibility of that outcome. He always knew to avoid it whenever he brushed the topic of family. Despite being unfazed even in the face of death and the muzzle of a gun, Luffy still had hang ups like anyone else.
And Buggy would completely take full advantage of that, if only the threats of an internationally wanted fugitive and the hellstorm that be a retired ATTORNEY GENERAL weren’t breathing down his neck…
Oh, and Shanks could go fuck himself. Those crow’s feet and bleached gray hair all the way down to Beckman’s roots? Nuh-uh. Buggy ain’t taking a part of that circus, not yet.
“That’s not good for you or the cats,” Buggy continued, pushing the Monkey D. elders and the inevitable forthcoming of old age to the back of his mind. “The kitchen is where everyone eats. Not all of the furry things have strong immune systems, not like you.”
Luffy’s face was doing that thing where he was thinking. All signs pointed to this being a herald for bad ideas.
Buggy already made it this far. He might as well finish his guilt trip to the end of its bittersweet journey.
“Straw Hat Luffy,” Buggy said, standing up and heading toward the front door. “You can do better.”
Of course, that was where the metaphorical bad weather ended for a while.
Buggy assumed, with the radio silence, maybe Luffy decided to be sensible for once. Hey, he might even listen to Buggy’s advice and Buggy could rein it over his head forever!
Nope. Someone chose the absolute WORST outcome to come to fruition.
Monkey D. Luffy made his choice, on his own terms.
“Call on line 3 for you…” Mohji said to him one day.
Buggy, like the inattentive fucker he was, didn’t notice how pale his underling looked. He had to go ahead and take the call like an ignorant fool.
“I’ll give back the bulldozer in two days,” Luffy started.
Buggy hurled the entire phone set against the wall.
The village mayor had to be certain.
“Are you absolutely sure this is a cat?” Dalton asked the young man.
“Yeah! Geez, I know what’s a cat and what isn’t!” Luffy said.
Dalton looked over at the pudgy hooved animal. It watched him with clear wide eyes from its place in Luffy’s lap, as if daring him to contradict its adopted human.
“It has hooves,” Dalton said.
“He’s self-conscious about that.” Luffy nodded. “He’s not as polycrocodile as Nami and Robin are.”
“No tail?” he asked.
“Chopper is the opposite of Usopp!” Luffy exclaimed with a laugh.
Dalton frowned. “He’s a baby now, but he’ll probably grow horns in the future when he turns into an adult,” he persisted. How would this kid explain that?
“Horns?” Luffy lifted Chopper to look him in the eye. “Are you going to grow horns, Chopper?”
The goat-cat blinked slowly at Luffy. He turned his head to look at Dalton and then turned back to Luffy.
Chopper bleeped.
“He says sure, but they’ll fall off on their own,” Luffy said.
Dalton was at an impasse. He had troubles accepting that someone could be so stubborn about an animal’s presumed classification. Was it against certain animal laws if he just let this boy take a wild deer-goat-cat as a pet?
“No worries, Bull-guy,” Luffy assured, stretching to pat him on the shoulder. “Doctor-lady told me Chopper is a cat. I’ve never seen a cat like him before, so I guess I haven’t seen ‘em all!”
Their resident doctor and veterinarian told Luffy this? Dalton had never questioned her expertise in animal care before, but what would she gain from teasing a young boy from out of town?
“She approves of you taking him with you?” Dalton sighed.
“Mm! I told her my new place is near the sea and mountains, so she Hail Mary-ed Chopper into my arms and told me to get out! You should visit once we’re done building,” Luffy said.
Luffy placed a creased card onto Dalton’s palm. The paper shone in laminated purples, yellows, and reds with a splash of brown. It was all backdrop to a cheery lion shaped cleverly like a sun or a flower.
“The ‘Thousand Sunny’,” Dalton read on the other side.
“For the thousands of sunny days ahead of us,” Luffy followed up, swinging Chopper around in a circle.
It made sense with what Luffy wanted to do with the animal sanctuary. He briefly thought maybe he caught onto what Dr Kureha had intended in leaving the goat-cat-dog-deer to Luffy. Their small suburban town in the cold north was no place for an active animal that belonged in the wild. In an animal sanctuary, Chopper would have a better and longer life than the one he had with his herd, or so the Doctor had bitterly told him while drunk.
“Will Chopper have a lot of friends?” Dalton asked.
Luffy stopped and set down Chopper, who wobbled on shaky legs before collapsing onto a nearby pillow. The goat-cat-dog’s tongue stuck out as he tried to regain his sense of balance.
“You bet! There’s Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji—”
Dalton listened as Luffy told him of their happy and growing family.
“It sounds fun wherever you guys are,” he said once he found a gap in one-sided conversation.
Luffy beamed. “That’s right!” he agreed.
Dalton stepped up and patted the young man on the back. He glanced over his shoulder and grinned at the approaching people, more particularly the grumpy doctor refusing help from the younger veterinarians around her.
“Take care of him. I know Chopper has dealt with plenty of coldness in his life. He could use a lot of warmth from now on,” he said as he turned Luffy to the arrivals.
“Nami! Sanji!” Luffy took off toward the sleeping cats being rolled into the waiting room. He barrelled into the hovering veterinarians in his haste. The room quickly filled with many protests.
“You brats! Don’t wake them! They just came out of surgery and need rest!” Dr. Kureha whipped out a pair of latex gloves and whacked the jumpy young man with them.
“They’re okay now?” Luffy peered at the cats on the cart, taking care to keep his voice significantly lower.
“Yes, you impatient buffoon. Sit with Chopper, I need to pack and write up the basics for his care and the cats’ aftercare for you before you take off.” She waved the boy away and glared at the surrounding vets. “You bunch need to leave me be before I bring out the meter stick.”
Taking heed to the woman’s hand inching toward her hip where she kept the retractable not-weapon, the vets scattered.
Dalton felt he had overstayed his welcome. He headed toward the glass doors of the clinic, before someone cleared their throat behind him.
“You must’ve distracted the brat well enough, if he managed to stay in this room for four hours straight without interrupting me,” the doctor said, one hip and an eyebrow cocked.
He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.
“I think it’s the other way around,” he admitted.
She snorted. “I’m a creature of solitude, so I know when someone isn’t. That boy,” she jutted her chin at Luffy attempting to imitate Chopper’s hops, “is someone who loves and needs love. I’d almost think he’s more animal in that aspect, but most humans need others to live fully. Otherwise, we’d die before our time.”
“Is that so?” Dalton took vague amusement as Chopper perched on Luffy’s shoulder like he was a mountain face, accidentally knocking over his hat.
“Of course. I’m an old woman who has found the secret to longevity. However, I haven’t found the right way to love Chopper in the way he needs. That’s why I’m allowing Straw Hat to steal my cute apprentice.” Dr. Kureha chuckled at Dalton’s baffled expression. “He’s very good at fetch, that Chopper.”
As if to demonstrate, Chopper jumped down and presented Luffy the hat in between his teeth.
“Cats don’t do fetch,” Dalton reminded with a twinge of his lips.
“Oh, shut it, brat,” Dr. Kureha said to the noises of amazement and praise filling up the small clinic waiting room.
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cal-puddies · 7 years
repercussions of the ramifications || part sept
“Babe!” Luke calls, his dog, Petunia, scampering away from you to find her dad.
“In here.” you respond loudly from his bedroom.
Luke comes in and drops on the bed, “Mmmm, i love when you're here when I get here.” he grins, pulling you in.
“Luke…” you groan, but giggle. “Thanks for letting me stay, they should be done renovating at my place next week.”
Luke pushes some hair off your face and presses his lips to your forehead. “You're welcome here whenever.”
Luke had been back from tour for just about a week, but you'd been camped out at his place for about a month now, watching Petunia since his ex didn't want to spend time with her right now or something, and it seemed the people working on the renovation at your place had no concept of time and what was socially acceptable.
“It really means a lot Luke. And it was really nice to be here and see you when you got home.” You admitted, tucking your head back against his chest.
You lay there, cuddled together, Luke rubs your back, “how's your dad?” He hums quietly.
“He's good, he's really good. Thank you so much for coming up that week, I know that's not how you wanted to spend your down time.”
“I wanted to be wherever you were, baby.” He kisses your forehead. “I wanted to see you and I knew you were stressed. That was more important than sleeping in my bed… d’you eat?” He asks.
“No, I was waiting for you to get here. I wanted to see what you wanted to eat.” You shrug.
Luke stands up and goes over to his dresser to pull out a clean shirt. “Good, I wanna take you to dinner. We gotta celebrate 9 months somehow.” He grins.
“9 months? Are you sure? Three quarters of a year? That can't be right.” You ask, getting off the bed and wrapping your arms around Luke.
“You could be having my baby…” Luke chuckles, grabbing your hand as it rests on his chest.
You let out a snort, “keep dreaming Hemmings.” Dropping your arms from around him.
“What, you don't wanna have my babies?” He faked offense, pulling the clean shirt over his head.
“No offense babe, but I've only known you for 9 months. I'm not trying to start a family with you.” You chuckle, looking over at Luke. You can tell he's not really offended.
“If all goes well, maybe some day?” He asks.
“Yes, I have an interest in kids… someday.” You retort. You watch Luke continue to get ready, so that you can figure out what to wear. You dig through your stuff and finally pick a dress you'd brought over.
Your phone dings as you are in the bathroom getting ready, you can hear Luke off somewhere humming and talking to Petunia. You check the notification, a DM from a girl, there had been a few while Luke was on tour, claiming that they'd been with him, all easily dispelled because if you brought it up to Cal, he'd tell you 1000 reasons why that couldn't be and you'd never said anything to Luke, you didn't find it necessary. You had no reason not to trust him, he'd always been honest.
But this one was different, in that she had pictures, not just like fan pictures “I saw him 10 feet away walking into the club”, but standing next to him, his arm loosely around her shoulder, a drink in his other hand and Ashton on her other side.
She said right out that they didn't sleep together but explained that he was flirty and they'd made out but he'd pushed her off when Cal caught them. So there was no saying how far it could have gone.
You ignored it, because that's what you'd always been told to do. And there was no proof that any of that had actually happened, based on the one photo, it looked like she had met him in a club, or bar, and gotten it. Not that she hung around with him after.
You heard Petunia and Luke coming back toward you, he was carrying on a one sided conversation with her, but you couldn't judge, because you'd definitely had your fair share of conversations with Petunia since you'd been staying there.
“Almost ready, beautiful?” Luke asked, stopping in the doorway and leaning against the frame. Petunia resigned in a nearby dog bed.
“Yep.” You smile, pressing the button to make your phone go dark. You turn back to the mirror and finish your mascara. “Ok! Ready!” You drop the tube in your makeup bag and hit the light switch.
“Cool.” Luke held his hand out, “I got us a table at that new place in town.” Luke gathers his wallet and his keys. “Bye piggy!” He calls to Petunia as he leads you to the car. “I'm sorry I've been hogging the conversation since I got home. How's work been? How're your friends? When do I get to meet them?” He grins over at you.
“We’ll have to set up a thing, maybe I can have you all over, I dunno… we’ll figure that out. But works ok. It's getting monotonous now though, I'm not sure it's the place for me anymore.” You shrug.
“Well, what would you do instead?” He asks, glancing over at you.
“I don't know, I was thinking about enrolling in some classes… I could go part time at the office, my parents would help me with bills while I went. I just don't know what I'd want to study still. Maybe I could take some gen eds. I just really don't know.”
“Take your time and figure it out babe. Don't get stuck doing something you don't love for the rest of your life.” He encourages. “And I'm here for ya. Whatever you need or stumble into. I'll be here.” He assures.
“Thanks Luke.” You smile over at him. He holds out his hand and you grab it.
Once you guys get seated and the waitress comes by, you notice Luke get friendly with her. He complimented her and his eyes didn't leave her. You weren't sure if you were being paranoid due to the message you got before you left, or if it was legitimate and he was flirting with her.
You desperately tried to ignore it. You didn't need to create problems for you and Luke. You had it good with him.
But the night wears on and they seem to be continually flirting with each other, so you resign and end up staying mostly quiet for the rest of the meal and the entire drive home. Luke doesn't seem to notice, he continues to fill the silence with mindless chatter, which he seems to be good at.
Once you get back to his place, you beeline for the bathroom and he takes Petunia out, you take out your earrings and pull your hair up so you can wash your face. You're drying your face when Luke comes in and wraps his arms around your waist. “Thanks for dinner Luke.” You mention quietly.
“Of course babe.” He smiles at you in the mirror. “Everything ok? You've been kinda quiet.” He presses a kiss to your cheek.
“Mmmhmmm.” You nod.
He dropped his arms and turned to lean against the counter so he could look at you. “Hey, what's going on?”
You stand and shift your weight from your left foot to your right foot and back, as you consider what to say.
He reaches out and grabs your hands, “You can talk to me, we promised each other, honesty.”
“I just… all tour long… I've been getting messages from girls who were trying to convince me that they'd been with you, but it was easy to write them off, there was no proof, I said something to Calum he told me it was bullshit and I've never thought anymore about it… until tonight.”
“Wait… all tour? Why didn't you say something?”
He asks, trying to wrap his head around what you were saying.
“Luke… I had no reason to believe those ones… and like I said, Cal called bullshit immediately the one time I asked.”
“Why didn't you just ask me?” Luke stood up straight now.
“I didn't want you to think that I didn't trust you. You straight up told me you and your ex cheated on each other, so…”
“Why is it different now? Can I see the message?” He asks, he's trying not to be confrontational, he doesn't want a fight.
“Yeah, I literally don't care Luke…” you unlock your phone and pull up the message, then hand the phone over to him. “It didn't make a difference to me… until you got all flirty with that waitress tonight.” You rolled your eyes and walked out of the bathroom.
“I was being nice.” He defends, “and I definitely didn't do anything with her or any other girl. I promise you that.” He holds up your phone and then locks it, gently setting it on the counter in the bathroom before coming toward you. “Babe… cheating hurts, we both know that. I wouldn't, I can't do that to you. Do you think I'd be able to come home and treat everything normal if I had?” He asks.
“That's the thing though Luke, I don't know. I met you outside of a bar, I was your girlfriend the next week, we spent a week together and then you were off on tour. I don't know you.”
“You do know me… we spent that week and a half getting to know each other, we talked or at least texted all the time… babe…?” Hurt crosses his face and he almost pleads with you.
“Yeah, I'm seeing the part of you you want me to see…”
Luke lets out a sigh, “ok, so call Cal if you need, but I swear to you, I have not cheated on you. And I really was just trying to be nice, I wasn't flirting with that waitress. I'm at the table with you, I choose to be there with you.” Luke gently wraps his hands around the top of your arms and presses a kiss to your forehead. “I want you here, I really like you. But you need to do what's best for you.” He whispers looking in your eyes. “I'm gonna go to bed.”
You watched Luke walk to the bedroom. You stood there and bit your lip, thinking it over.
You had no reason not to trust him, other than his past, which you knew about because he was upfront about it. So really, no reason. You shut off the lights that were on and made your way to the bedroom. Luke was still up, he had the tv and lamp still on.
You changed and climbed on the end of the bed and he looked at you. “I'm sorry Luke. I shouldn't doubt you. You've never given me reason too. I'm not sure why I got upset.”
“It's ok babe… but there's always gonna be girls trying to get between us, just like I expect there will always be guys pining after you.” He smiles, grabbing you around the waist and pulling you into him. “I just… I want you to know I chose you, I have not questioned that... I haven't questioned that you chose me. I know my history with my ex makes it questionable. I want to be with you though. Ok? If you need to check with Cal this time, I get it. But going forward, please trust me.”
“I do trust you Luke, I'm just not used to this lifestyle.”
“That's fine. I'll help you with that part of it. You're my girl though. Don't forget that.” He pulls away slightly so he can look at you, “I really think I might love you. And you don't have to say it yet, or at all if you're never ready. But it's how I feel.”
You look back at him and smile, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I definitely have feelings for you Luke, I don't know what they are yet, though.”
“That's fine, baby, I promise.” He grins.
masterlist || 
part 6 ||
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