#no editing skills we die like men (pathetically)
micarxena · 1 year
hi, do you think you could post the blank version of the touchstarved relationship chart? thanks in advance!
Tumblr media
It's messy tho. Clearly graphic design is my passion yuck. Find the psd version here (for the arrows if you want to hide them/change them)
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kagomechronicles · 5 years
Are you taking scenarios? If so, I'd like a Levi/Kagome scenario where Levi is forced to come to terms with how much he cares for her. But with a TWIST! Could you also make it somewhat tragic and grim (without either of them dying)? Idk if this makes sense, but think of a super twisted situation to place them in. And make it clear that Levi has fallen in love with her. Thank you ~ I love your writing!
Oh my… Oh oh my… This is something…. I’ll do my best!For some background, Kagome will be a member of Levi’s Squad, and this takes place before Annie is discovered to be the Female Titan. (This could be a weird spin off of my fic Where I Belong) 
Also, I didn’t edit this at all. (WARNING: THIS MAY BE TRIGGERING TO SOME)
“Oi! Where the hell is she?” Levi’s dark and threatening voice startled the two lower-ranked scouts that guarded the dungeon area.
“C-Captain!” They both turned to salute him, trembling and nervous as he closed the distance, “I- uh… We’re under strict orders not to divulge any information to anyone, including you.”
Levi leaned in close, eyes narrowing in on both soldiers, “Is that so? Well, it’s quite unfortunate for you that I don’t seem to give a damn about your orders. Tell me where she is or I will kick the answers out of both of you. Your pick.”
Both of them visibly gulped before pointing down the hall. “Last cell on the right.” One piped up after a few seconds.
The captain sped in that direction, though not before turning back and telling those poor men to get the fuck out of here, to which they immediately obliged. He was annoyed. No, he was absolutely furious about what he had heard. He had seen that everyone was going insane trying to figure out the identity of the Female Titan and possible allies, like some sort of sick obsession that clouded their minds, but he never expected that this would happen. His burning rage was practically boiling his blood and he was sure his skin would be hot to the touch right about now. 
Though, nothing would have prepared him for what he’d see when he walked into that cell.
Kagome Higurashi stood there, shoulders hunched over like she was about to fall, but her wrists were chained above her head to keep her up. There was a blindfold that covered her eyes as if to keep her even further in the dark about her own detainment, like the shadowy darkness in the cell wasn’t enough. 
But more than that, as he looked down at her clothes, a typical white button up and tan pants, he noticed that they were all torn and stained with a brown-crimson, which he could only assume was dried up blood. Her dried up blood. Levi swallowed harshly at that realization. And, with further examination, he realized that the same colors seemed to be painted on bits of her skin as well, especially on her limp hands.
“Please…” Her voice squeaked out like it was taking all of her energy, “No more. I swear, I don’t know anything…”
He walked closer to her. When her mouth was closed, she looked like she was practically dead. He would have assumed that if he hadn’t detected the faintest rise and fall of her chest.
“I can’t take it anymore.” She whispered again. 
And neither could he. He couldn’t stand that, right now, she thought he was going to hurt her. Of course, she couldn’t see who he was, but hearing her beg him like that still made him feel like a monster. And he was no stranger to human torture. He had numbed himself to it because it was a necessity in some cases. But when the pleads came from her dried and tired lips, his stomach dropped and he felt absolutely sick. 
With one quick movement, he ripped her blindfold off of her and watched as she blinked her eyes in astonishment, her vision adjusting as she looked around the cell before landing her gaze on him.
“L-Levi…” It was mumbled at first as though she was asking herself if he was even real right now. And then, her eyes widened and she gasped, “Levi! You have to listen to me. I don’t know anything.”
“I know you don’t, Kagome.” He huffed, slowly raising his hand and gently wiping away some of the dirt and grime on her cheek with his thumb.
“You do? You believe me?” Her brows were turned upward as she seemed to have to catch her breath after each sentence. Exhausted. That was the only way he could think to describe it.
“Tch. I’m not an idiot, Kagome. If you were a damn enemy, I would have figured that out a long time ago.” He asserted, and the woman let out a breath of relief.
“…They don’t believe me, though. Hange, Moblit, Miche, even Erwin. They keep saying that I’m working with the Female Titan.” Kagome eyes glazed over as her body trembled, “And I can’t do it anymore. I can’t take another one of their interrogations, Levi. It’s too much.”
“What did they do?” He asked, trying to keep his patience despite his own growing desperation to know. Not that anyone would be able to tell as his demeanor remained stoic.
“Hit me. Whipped me. Broke all of my fingers. All while screaming for information that I don’t have.” She hissed out, “Next, they will rip out my fingernails. I can’t go through with that…” She took inhaled shakily, “…If you can’t save me, could you kill me?”
His breath hitched in his throat at that request. And he continued to stare with his unreadable, yet focused expression before forcing out a quiet ‘yes’.
But he didn’t want to let it get that far. He had lost almost every member of his squad so far besides her and Eren. And that made her the second-in-command because of her skills and kill count. He didn’t want to lose that asset. With the Scout Regiment’s high death rate, they couldn’t afford to lose such a promising soldier. 
Or at least, that was his rationale. He tried to reason with himself that he was only getting so damn worked up about her pain because he knew she was innocent, on top of being absolutely valuable. That had to be the explanation. And yet, he couldn’t stop staring into her, meeting her gaze, swallowing her whole and wondering if this was going to be the last time. Wondering if anyone would ever have eyes like hers or if she was some once in a lifetime sort of experience. 
“Oi, Levi! Back away from her!” Another voice echoed into the cell, and Levi quickly turned to see Hange and Miche standing in the doorway, “She is a suspect. We have to interrogate her as such without letting any emotion get in the way.” Miche was confident with that assertion, and Hange seemed to stand by it.
“Is that why you didn’t tell me that you arrested her? You were just gonna interrogate a member of my squad, then act like you hadn’t seen her all damn day? Tch. Pathetic. Of course I’d find out.” He stood up, grateful that he had been wearing his ODM gear. “I’m not going anywhere without her. It’s not her fault you’re all too obsessed with the Female Titan to use your shitty brains. She’s obviously not involved in this.”
“We have reason to believe she is.” Hange countered.
“Yeah, I heard about that little tip you jackasses got. What? Some anonymous note connecting Kagome’s vague past to some psychotic Titan shifter?” The captain began gripping the handles of his blades tightly, both still in their metal sheathes. “That’s what you’re torturing her based on? There’s been no real evidence against her, fucking shitheads. And I’m not letting you touch her, again.”
The room was tense, thick air almost unbreathable. No one seemed to be backing down, and the dark-haired man began to wonder if he really was going to have to kill Kagome here and now.
“Levi, we can’t let her go until we’re completely certain that she’s innocent.” Hange maintained, though the fact that she was currently dressed in a white apron with latex gloves. It was clear the plan wasn’t just to hold her in this cell.
“Then, I’ll watch over her until then. I could handle it better than you, shitty four-eyes. And way better than that fucking tree next to you.” The captain growled. He had the advantage right now, being the only one with ODM gear. Still, was he prepared to turn on his comrades and possibly the entire Scout Regiment?
He turned briefly at the sound of shackles rustling together and saw Kagome once more. And even though she was weak and scared for now, he could still see that spark inside of her. Rambunctious. Wild. And yet, so loyal and compassionate. And he knew he would be prepared to turn on anyone who dared to vilify that. She encompassed everything the world should be. And he’d be damned if he didn’t protect that.
“We can handle her, and we can do it without letting our personal feelings get in the way.” Miche barked back, “You need to leave.”
That was it. Levi pulled out one of his blades, turned, and broke the chains that held the woman in one swing. Immediately, her knees gave out and she stumbled forward before a strong arm caught her and pulled her in close. Soon, Levi had wrapped around her waist and held her to his chest, taking the majority of her weight. With his free hand, he pointed the blade at the elites blocking the exit.
“Get out of my way. I’m going to handle this.” He asserted, “Why don’t you try actually solving this shitty case instead of wasting time torturing our own people.”
Looking down, the captain noticed how she leaned into him, palms pressed against his chest as if she wanted to grip the fabric of his shirt, but couldn’t with her broken fingers. Her eyes were closed now, absolutely terrified of what the outcome may be from all of this. After all she had gone through in the Scouts, watching friends die and battling Titans, she had never once seemed to be so hopeless. He had found it annoying, initially, how optimistic and playful she managed to remain despite being a part of the most horrifying branch of the military. And he remembered wondering what it would take for her to lose all of that. Though, this situation hadn’t once entered his mind before now.
“Can you walk with me, Kagome?” He whispered to her. 
Her eyes snapped open and, with her lips sucked in between her teeth, she nodded.
“Let’s go, then.” He led her out of the cell, keeping his blade pointed at Hange and Miche. And, for good measure, shut the cell door and locked it. He knew they had the keys, but it would take them a few to unlock it. And that was all he needed to bring the woman beside him to safety.
Up and out towards the barracks they went, but it was towards his room, not hers, that he led her. He’d give Erwin an earful, or perhaps more than that sometime later on. For now, though, he would have her stay with him where he could make sure no one else got their grubby hands on her. She was too weak to fight back with all of these injuries.
“You can rest in my bed.” The captain asserted as he opened his room door. It wasn’t as if he ever slept in it anyways. 
“Thank you for believing in me.” She murmured as he helped lie her down, analyzing his features to see if he was even slightly disgusted with her grimy exterior dirtying his clean sheets. He didn’t though. He just remained blank in his expression, with just a small tinge of compassion in his silvery gaze.
He wouldn’t accept that gratitude, though, as if he was doing something worthwhile by not torturing her. He knew it in his bones that she was innocent; it was something he could feel, something he could see in her. He would trust her with his own life. And that care she had for the world deserved to be acknowledged. Because it was so goddamn precious.
She was precious. 
Gods, he wasn’t sure when he started seeing her like that. Perhaps it was sometime during one of her witty attempts at making him laugh, or maybe it was when he saw her risk her life for even the most unknown soldiers, having a strength that was only matched by a few. Maybe it was when he saw the way she looked right at him, seeing not that unsociable, crude, disciplinarian. Instead, she saw a man. And made no assumptions, but rather let him decide who the rest of him was. 
“Fuck…” He growled to himself, too quiet for her to hear. Tch. To think I’d end up here with her. Annoying little brat.
Of course, even in his mind, he couldn’t conjure up any venom to speak on her name with. There was nothing but his instincts to watch over her until she was strong enough to protect herself, again. Which she would be, he had no doubt. And he respected that about her.
So, he watched as her eyes shut, body relaxing into his bed. Beautiful. Strong. And fucking precious.
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so-shiny-so-chrome · 6 years
Witness: Jaetion
Creator name (AO3): Jaetion
Creator name (Tumblr): Jaesauce
Link to creator works: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Jaetion/works
Creator name (other platform- please specify): Pillowfort: Jaetrix
Q: Why the Mad Max Fandom?
A: MMFR movie was incredible! It hit all of my sweet spots.  And the fandom is great: really supportive people, creative fanworks, and great discussions. I've been playing around with fandoms online for a long time and I've met some awesome people, but the MMFR fandom is just chocked full of interesting fans and ideas (like this spotlight!). 
Q: What do you think are some defining aspects of your work? Do you have a style? Recurrent themes?
A: Oof, I'm not sure. I think my style is a lot of conversation, and very little and very poorly written action? As far as themes go, I love referencing music. Music is important to me, so it usually influences my writing. I identify as a feminist and try to put progressive messages into my stuff. I try to write women who form relationships, live their lives, and drive the plot without having to play second banana to men. On a similar, I like writing/reading sex scenes that are fun and funny for the people involved - enthusiastic yes from both/all parties. (Unless I'm filling a fic request that specifies something else, of course.)
Q: Which of your works was the most fun to create? The most difficult? Which is your most popular? Most successful? Your favourite overall?
A: “Take the A Train" was fun because I love writing about NYC. But the stories in "Citadel City Serenade" have definitely been the most rewarding. I really like trying to fit plots and characters together, and it feels awesome when things snap into place. "Six-String Soldier" is my most popular fic, probably because I started writing it right around the release of the movie and it's shippy. Overall... hm, I think my favorite MMFR thing I've written might be "Metal Bars." I think I did a pretty decent mix of kid naivety and shitty oppression. 
Q: How do you like your wasteland? Gritty? Hopeful? Campy? Soft? Why?
A: Hopeful, but realistic, I think. With everything that's going on in politics, both in America and internationally, and the unbearably awful reports on climate change, I need to cling to some remnants of hope or else I'll just lie on the floor and never get up. I love solarpunk! Reclaiming/recreating the world is what interests me.
Q: Walk us through your creative process from idea to finished product. What's your prefered environment for creating? How do you get through rough patches?
A: I write drafts, either as notes on paper or outlines in Google docs. I have a bunch of notebooks full of fragments. I do a lot of editing - I have a hard time articulating things, so it takes a number of attempts until I get it right (or at least close to right). When I get stuck, I read fic. There are so many talented authors who've produced so many amazing stories that it's pretty easy to find something inspiring.
Q: What (if any) music do you listen to for help getting those creative juices flowing?
A: Folk music! I have a couple of playlists on Spotify specifically for writing Mad Max fic.
Q: What is your biggest challenge as a creator?
A: Writing! Specifically writing something good! I'm not sure if this counts as a challenge, but I also struggle with self doubt; posting something that gets no attention really sucks and it's hard not to take poor reviews/no reviews as a personal affront.
Q: How have you grown as a creator through your participation in the Mad Max Fandom? How has your work changed? Have you learned anything about yourself?
A: I've never attempted to write something as long as "Six-String Soldier," or the whole series of "Citadel City Serenade," really. Trying to manage a couple of different timelines at once with different POVs has been complicated and fun. Because of this fandom, I've also been writing more articles for the Fanlore wiki and tracking down references/resources for preservation. I'm an archivist and being able to use some of my professional skills in fandom and even develop them has been sort of neat.
Q: Which character do you relate to the most, and how does that affect your approach to that character? Is someone else your favourite to portray? How has your understanding of these characters grown through portraying them?
A: I probably relate most to Max: tired, wants to be alone, many grunts. But I prefer to write the Wives. They're so fascinating, each in their own way. I love how distinct they are and yet how well they work as a team. The first few times I saw the movie, I focused on Furiosa as the feminist hero that we all needed, but the more I watched and the more I read, the more I realized just how courageous, intelligent, and yes, feminist the Wives are. Victory doesn't require fighting and heroes don't need to be killers. The Wives achieve so much over the span of the story without physically fighting.
Q: How do you translate various elements from the film, such as the theme of the importance of bodily autonomy and critiques of an oppressive ruling class, into a modern setting?
A: This is an amazing question, thank you for asking! MMFR portrays a reality that is uncannily close to our own - In fact, it might as well be a peek into our future. In my mind, there's not even much of a need to translate those elements/themes because oh god we're dealing with them right now. What I was trying to translate with "Citadel City Serenade" is the victory of the characters over those adversities. In MMFR, the characters participate in violent, bloody battle; in CCS, they start social movements. Which is something we can do in the real world! Marches, protests, grassroots activism in general are tools we can use - Music, art, hell even gardening can be parts of a revolution.
Q: Do you ever self-insert, even accidentally?
A: Nope! I'm far too pathetic to survive in the wasteland. Hopefully I'll just die in the initial blast.
Q: Do you have any favourite relationships to portray? What interests you about them?
A: Yes! I'm a shipper at heart, so I am all about the couples. My two favorites are Capable/Nux and Toast/Slit. I love having the women be the ones leading the relationships - not only setting the boundaries but also expanding the War Boys world into completely new territory. I'm also totally into male characters who are sexually inexperienced. Alpha male dudes are meh in my opinion - Give me someone sweet and enthusiastic, someone whose love is based on respect, someone whose enthusiastic about learning. I think Nux is firmly in the category of awesome boyfriend, and I like trying to figure out how to lead Slit in that direction. There's also the idea of redemption in their relationships that I find fascinating.
Q: How does your work for the fandom change how you look at the source material?
A: Hm, I think that I definitely view the film through a feminist gaze. It's entirely possible that MMFR is just an action film but that's not my take on it!
Q: Do you prefer to create in one defined chronology or do your works stand alone? 
A: Why or why not?Bit of both! I just want to read, read, read - As long as the fics are well written, it doesn't matter to me if the settings are consistent. As far as my own writing goes, I get so many ideas for fics that it's not really possible to have them all exist in a single chronology.
Q: To break or not to break canon? Why?
A: The great thing about fanfiction is that it's transformative. To me, canon is the foundation, but you can build whatever you want on it. Hopefully I keep the characters close to their canon portrayals, but other than that, I like to mix things up. Also, a modern AU setting just fits so damn well in the Mad Max world. I think also that canon itself can be flexible. Death of the author and all that. Once media is out in the world, it'll be interpreted by the audience - and sometimes those interpretations are vastly different from one another. 
Q: Share some headcanons.
A: I don't really have any! Since most of my stuff is AU, the headcanons are limited to those settings.
Q If you work with OCs walk us through your process for creating them. Who are some of your favourites?
A: I have a smatterings of OCs who populate the world as background characters: Vuvalini, milking mothers, and War Boys. I played a MMFR tabletop RPG a couple of years ago, and my character from that and an NPC she saved both ended up in 6-String. That particular War Boy (Stacks) now has a couple of fans and so I've been giving him more screentime, as it were. He's sort of interesting as a foil to Nux and Slit: those two have girlfriends to learn from, but Stacks is on his own as he tries to escape from the WB life.
Q: If you create original works, how do those compare to your fan works?
A: I do! I participate in NaNo every year. I think my fanfiction is better than my original stuff since I write, since the fanfic is intended to be shared and thus I have to write decently enough to get readers. However my stuff tends to be in the speculative fiction genre, so that's something my fanfic and original fic share.
Q: What are some works by other creators inside and outside of the fandom that have influenced your work?
A: There are so many! In Mad Max, @supergirrll, @redcandle17, pbp (@primarybufferpanel),  @bonehandledknife, Tyellas (@thebyrchentwigges), and hell all of the Boltcutters are all really important; the early writers of Nux/Capable fics also really influenced and inspired my love of the characters and the ships. Spicyshimmy, an author in the Dragon Age fandom, has also been one of my favorite authors for years, and I return to her stuff regularly to see how awesome writing can be. 
Q: What advice can you give someone who is struggling to make their own works more interesting, compelling, cohesive, etc.? 
A: I struggle with this myself, so I don't think I really have an answer unfortunately other than read everything you can get your hands on, write everything you can think of. I write basically what I want to read; if I can make the reader!me happy, then at least I've satisfied one person. However, what I consider interesting, compelling, etc, isn't always what other people want. Maybe my advice is to try not to take it personally when your hard work isn't rewarded. Which again, I'm not always able to do. 
Q: Have you visited or do you plan to visit Australia, Wasteland Weekend, or other Mad Max place?
A: Yes, Wasteland Weekend! It was a lot of fun and I'm hoping to go again. Being able to immerse myself in the world was a great experience - A totally new way for me to engage with fandom.
Q: Tell us about a current WIP or planned project.
A: Still chugging along with "Citadel City Serenade!" The two main stories in that series are going to intersect in a meaningful way soon. In fact, they're going to crash. Looking forward to getting that out there (and getting it done!).
Thank you @jaesauce
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paladin-andric · 6 years
A Hero’s Welcome
Note: This is a repost/edit of a Jotober Story I wrote last year in October. I added an epilogue that was attached via reblog but I’d much rather just combine the two into one post. So without further ado, here is a tale of courage, honor and sacrifice...
The levy watched helplessly as the great tyrant approached. Flying from the horizon, the black dragon drew closer. The small, underequipped force were the only ones that had made it in time. Other detachments of the army would come in time, but not before the city was gone.
Behind the small army stood Erine, a large city in the east of Geralthin. It was still in the process of being evacuated. The black dragon had already destroyed several villages on the border. No one knew why this horrible beast was suddenly trying to slaughter everyone and everything, but that didn’t matter. If the army was defeated, all the people in the city would be killed, murdered by the beast.
And looking at their odds, that looked to be the result.
Captain Igan sighed. The commander of the small force, he knew his doom was approaching. The nobles and their mighty retinue armies were nowhere in sight. He, a commoner himself, was merely a commander of a garrison that had been nearby. With only a hundred men of spearmen and bowmen, all using low quality weapons and wearing leathers at best, victory seemed a distant fantasy.
The sky was a dark blue, the sun having set an hour ago. There were a few stars visible, but it was still early in the night. Several men throughout the lines held torches, illuminating the area around them…not that the dragon was particularly hard to miss. The moon was full as well, bathing the entire field in a dim light. Visibility could be worse.
The captain, one of very few lucky enough to be wearing a proper suit of armor, looked over his army. The men clutched their weapons tightly, fear and tension written on their faces.
He couldn’t risk them running away. Their chances of survival were slim enough as it was. He’d need every single last man to even have a shot at this. If everyone kept firing and stabbing…maybe something would hit the dragon in the eye eventually?
“Men!” Igan stood in front of the forces, sword in his hand. “Here, is where we stand! Here is where we live or die as free men of Geralthin! Here, is where we must turn the tide of darkness, or see our sons and daughters butchered, crushed beneath a tyrant’s heel…we MUST not fail!”
The desperation in his voice was apparent, making all listen carefully.
“We must not fail…if some of us die here it matters not…so long as Erine lives on! For if we fail, all is lost…the Royal Army will arrive to cinders, ruin, and the corpses of men, women and children, and YOU, my FINE soldiers…would NEVER let that happen!”
Many men cheered…though plenty didn’t. His little speech may have whipped up a few of the locals, but most of them knew they were as good as dead.
“Units…await my orders!” Igan stood beside the first line of spearmen, silently praying. Praying for something, anything.
A miracle.
As the dragon flew closer, a sudden shout rang out from the men. Igan whirled around as some soldiers in the back line began yelling.
Another figure was flying through the sky, with distinctly draconic features, yet…it was not a dragon. Not entirely.
It had the horns and scales, sure, but…it was the size of a man, and was covered in gleaming plate armor.
It was one of those damned, filthy halfbloods!
The bowmen drew their arrows back, ready to fire and waiting on the order. As the dragonoid approached, its voice rang out.
“Hold your fire! I’m here to aid you!”
Surprisingly melodious. Igan shook the thought from his head as the creature landed. Now close to the captain, it was clear that this was indeed one of the half-dragons. Its scales were a bright white, and its plate was nearly as blindingly bright as well. It had a greatsword on its back, between its wings.
The captain snarled. “What the HELL do you think you’re doing?! This is a military operation and I will not tolerate vagabonds and trespassers!”
“I am Costinia, and I am a Paladin of the Order of God,” the dragonoid stated plainly, “I am here to offer my aid against the tyrant.”
The captain noted that Costinia was a girl’s name, the only identifier since that disgusting form made them all look the same.
Igan glared at the beast. He had no love for the creatures. They had only a portion of the dragons’ strength, yet just as much ego.
Ego. Arrogance. Foolhardiness. All things that led to disobeying orders. Disobeying orders got people killed, lost battles.
“This is an army. If you are joining, you are to obey me, your commander! Understand that, halfbreed?”
That final word, ‘halfbreed’…he had leaned forward and spat it in her face with vitriol…he made his loathing of her origins clear.
As one might expect from a paladin, she coolly ignored the hostility and maintained professionalism. She folded her hands behind her back and nodded. “Yessir.”
“Good. I will see none die from disorder. Seeing as you are likely the most skilled of the forces assembled I expect to see you in the front lines, in the thick of the fight at all times.”
“There is no place else on the field for a paladin, sir.”
“Excellent. Stand beside me in the spearwall!”
He had to admire her silent deferral to him, at least. She wasn’t as wild and arrogant as most halfbloods were.
We’ll see if she can resist her urge to play hero…
“So…you’re all? Where’s the rest of the church?”
“Still mobilizing. I just happened to be in the area.”
It had been a long time since the dragon was spotted on the horizon, and now it was nearly upon them. As it approached, the mere shadow become more easily visible…and it was headed right for the army.
The spearmen lowered their spears and raised their shields as the bowmen began firing. Well over a hundred arrows flew over Igan’s head and toward the dragon.
Many of those arrows seemed to hit their mark, but had no noticeable effect. Many snapped and broken arrows fell in a shower to the grass below.
“Sir, I should engage!” Costinia shouted, holding her greatsword at the ready.
“Hold!” Igan yelled in response.
“I’m no use here! Let me distract him so you may open fire without worry!”
“I said HOLD!”
“You have the strength of Heaven at your side…let it loose on your foe!”
To hell with it.
“Fine! But if I regret this, you will be tried for treason!”
The dragonoid lowered herself.
“You won’t.”
With that, she launched into the air, soaring towards the black dragon, sword raised.
“DEFILER! YOUR REIGN OF TERROR ENDS HERE!” the dragonoid shrieked.
“Pathetic half-kin! I give you one chance to kneel before me!” the beast roared back.
Costinia replied by swinging her greatsword. A massive arch of magic flew forwards as she swung, the wave of power crashing into the dragon and making it roar out in pain.
Flapping her wings, the dragonoid readied herself for the beast’s retaliation. It came suddenly, a boiling wave of blackness washed over the dragonoid…
Just as he shook his head at her foolish arrogance, Igan’s eyes widened as the death magic dissipated…and she still remained.
“What?!” Igan and the dragon shouted in unison.
“It will take more than that, tyrant,” Costinia offered, swinging her sword and letting loose another wave of magic. Again, it battered the dragon, making him reel and cry out in rage.
“FALL, VERMIN!” the great beast roared out as he flew forward, missing as she evaded and slashed him across the stomach.
“ARCHERS! KEEP FIRING! SPEARMEN, MARCH!” Igan moved forward, eager to at least steal the dragon’s focus if his forces couldn’t actually harm it. The levies hesitantly joined, moving forward as hail of arrows flew toward the dragon. Once again, many hit the beast, but none seemed to do anything.
If Costinia weren’t here…
The captain watched as the half-dragon paladin and dragon fought, the smaller humanoid smoothy dodging several swipes sent her way. She landed a few hits, and though they did actually hurt the beast, he still seemed uninjured.
Their battle continued this way, with the dragonoid landing a few scrapes while avoiding harm, though she did at one point have to avoid a few stray arrows.
As the spearmen drew close, Igan wasn’t sure exactly what to do. Their spears would simply snap in half if they actually did manage to run up and stab the dragon while it was flying low.
“Spearmen, hold position! Shieldwall!”
Though he wanted to aid her, Costinia was the only one that could actually engage the beast. Perhaps some opening would present itself in time…
Seeing a hit she couldn’t avoid, the dragonoid only had a chance to tense up as the dragon’s claws came crashing down on her, sending her slamming into the grass below in a heap.
“Pathetic half-kin! Allow me to send you to your precious God!”
Captain Igan had to do something! If they lost her, this was all over!
In a moment, as the dragon readied itself to finish the paladin, hundreds of spears and arrows flew through the air, smacking into his flanks.
That seemed to do it. Without magical weaponry, it took enormous amounts of projectiles to even make them feel anything. He looked over at the army with such a hate-filled gaze that the captain actually shuddered reflexively.
“Insects, to be swept aside. To be burned and poisoned. To be exterminated.”
The dragon flew forward, landing on the front line. Dozens of soldiers were immediately crushed underneath him, with more being sent flying as he swiped around him. Most of the front line now unarmed, many began to fall back at Igan’s barking as the back line, still armed with spears, moved up. An especially brave soldier, within touching distance of the dragon, began bringing the pointed bottom of his tear-shaped shield down on the dragon’s foot. Even without a weapon, he fought ferociously.
The nameless soldier was quickly killed with many more as the dragon rampaged, stomping and swiping through the lines.
Suddenly, Costinia slammed into the dragon, digging her greatsword into the dragon’s back. He roared out in pain and anger, grabbing her and slamming her into the ground with murderous force.
She was dead. She had to be. None could could survive such an attack. It was as if she had fallen from the top of a cliff with the force she hit the ground.
Roaring in triumph, the dragon pulled back and let loose his breath, a could of black death falling over the soldiers. The spray went wide, and very narrowly missing the captain himself.
“You cannot harm me…and you cannot even deter me. Watch as I snuff out the candle that is your home, worthless insects!”
Mood Music
The dragon barreled through the soldiers, a huge gap from the decimated line making it simple. Stomping over a few of the archers, he took to the sky, and flew high up…before moving towards the city.
He was going to exterminate the citizens who had not evacuated. Those leading the evacuation, the sick and elderly who needed extra time to be led out, the lost and hopeless…
And there wasn’t a damn thing they could do about it.
Igan looked to his lines. There were corpses strewn all about. Some squashed, some mauled, and some eaten from the inside-out from the accursed dark magic.
This was the end.
They had failed.
As the captain nearly fell to his knees in anguish, the sudden sound of shifting plate made him look to his side.
Costinia, the halfblood, she…
She was getting up!
Bloody and battered, she clutched at her chest. It looked as though a few inside bits had been broken, but…somehow, she lived.
“Commander…” the word was shallow, a short gasp following.
“My God…how the hell are you alive?!”
She shook her head. “Sorry, sir. I can’t adhere to the promise any longer.”
“It doesn’t matter. The battle is lost.”
The paladin glanced down and too the side, looking mournful. “Well, there is one way…”
Igan’s eyes widened. “W-what?! What is it?”
She lowered her head. Taking a deep breath, she stood up tall, fire in her eyes.
“I go with God. This is the end.”
“What are you talking about?”
The dragonoid stepped forward, clawed fists balled up as she glared at the dragon.
“I must go, now. To join the fallen. I thought if I fought to my best abilities, I could win, but…there’s no time left. I cannot risk the city. I must take him with me.”
“Take him WITH you?! What’re you up to, halfbreed?!”
The white dragonoid clasped her hands together, head lowered in prayer as she murmured to herself. Suddenly, white hot energy began pouring off of her.
“Farewell, commander.”
The dragonoid launched into the sky, flying after the black dragon. The power in her intensified, more and more, overfilling her and beginning to harm her…
Just as planned. This was all she had left.
One final attack.
Costinia felt her scales burn away and her skin begin to boil as she picked up more and more speed, losing her vision and feeling horrific, searing pain all over her body. All was white around her, and her own body began to melt away under the sun-like conditions, but before that happened…she would serve the Lord one last time.
Glory be to God.
Igar watched in shock as the flying dragonoid began glowing, turning into a blinding white light in the sky as she picked up incredible speed, flying from the army to the dragon in a moment’s time. The incredible speeding, blazing white light, set against the backdrop of the dark night sky, it was like…
A shooting star.
The captain watched as the light shot through the dragon, clean through him. A massive hole was torn through him as he roared out and fell like a stone, to the grounds below.
As the earth-shaking thud sounded out, the men began cheering, screaming and raising their fists to the sky in rapture.
The captain smiled. “I was wrong about you,” he murmured to himself, “You absolute hero, you…”
The bellowing cheers and celebrating was suddenly cut short as the light faded from the sky, revealing…
Igan felt a pit in his stomach as he began running towards the city, hoping to find answers below.
As they moved towards the city, they found the lifeless corpse of the dragon on the ground, as well as something else. Small, twisted bits of metal. As he ran his hand across a chunk of the burned material, some ash came off, revealing a speck of gleaming silver.
It was her armor.
It all came crashing down on him. That wasn’t just a fancy spell…she had literally turned herself into a blazing star, sacrificing her own life to save hundreds, maybe thousands.
“Damn it…Costinia, I didn’t…” he slammed a fist on the ground in frustration.
“…I didn’t get to apologize.”
Slowly rising to his feet, he collected himself, looking up as he wiped the tears away.
Above him, right where the final blow had been struck, a single, twinkling star stood.
A range of thoughts and emotions raged through Igan. Thoughts of destiny, heroism and loss.
Tears flowing anew, the captain saluted, offering his respect to the light above.
She would be given a hero’s funeral. He would make sure of that. No matter how many letters he’d have to send to the Royal Army. No matter how many times he’d have to appear before the retainers. She deserved that much.
And perhaps, up in heaven, right now…she was being given what she deserved.
A hero’s welcome.
Many years later...
Through the silent city streets, a lone figure marched. A man in a military uniform, weathered and bearded. The hardened commander marched in a dignified fashion towards the city square.
There was a parade out in the fields. That was why the city looked like a ghost town. If things had gone wrong all those years ago…
Well, a festival wouldn’t be the reason for the lack of life.
Stepping into the open city square, his eyes fell on it.
Just as he had remembered her.
A marble statue stood in the center of the square, taking up a great amount of space. He had heard of its construction, and had finally gotten a day off to come see it.
A statue of a dragonoid, in a suit of plate armor, face visible. She held her greatsword close to her chest, gazing up and to the side in a heroic pose.
He approached, smiling a wry smile. “Hey. Hope things are going well for you, wherever you are.”
Good thing the city was virtually empty, or else the people might think him a madman!
“Things are going well for me. I’ve not the simple garrison commander you once knew…and if that day went sour, well…I wouldn’t be here right now.”
The commander sighed. “I just wanted to say thank you. I’m not sure if you can hear me, but…I was wrong. I never got the chance to say sorry, but if you’re up there, somewhere…I apologize.”
He looked down at the plaque at the base of the state.
In honor of Costinia, the hero who saved Erine. May her presence continue to protect this great city.
He saluted for a few moments, before breaking the gesture. Reaching into his coat, the general pulled out a small gift, laying down on the statue.
At Costinia’s feet, a bouquet of flowers now sat.
“Perhaps, if things had gone differently, we might have been-” his lip quivered.
General Igan turned and walked away, his visit complete. At least now, he had some closure. Perhaps she couldn’t hear him, perhaps she wasn’t really there, watching…but he hoped she was.
“Godspeed, Costinia.”
Tag list: @thereisnothingwrongwithbeingmad, @lady-redshield-writes, @paper-shield-and-wooden-sword, @sheralynnramsey, @tawnywrites, @writer-on-time, @oceanwriter, @zwergis-spilledink, @fluffpiggy, @elliewritesfantasy, @homesteadhorner,  @laurenwastestimewriting, @elaynab-writing, @the-ichor-of-ruination, @disheveledcorvid, @reya-writes, @bexminx
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