#no i'd punt him regardless
o-uncle-newt · 3 months
We don't talk enough about the Petherbridge/Walter adaptations of the Wimsey/Vane novels.
(Well, we probably talk EXACTLY enough about Gaudy Night, which is really pretty bad, but besides for that...)
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(Sorry, just a warning, Richard Morant as Bunter is fine but I won't have much to say about him here. I just really like this picture.)
The casting is basically perfect, especially Harriet Walter as Harriet Vane. I no longer see the book character in any other way- the only notable difference is that in the book she's noted as having a deep voice, but Walter's has a distinctive enough tone that I think it works regardless. She is just so, so, so good- captures the character beautifully, sells everything she does whether mundane or ridiculous (probably the best/most realistic reaction of someone finding a body I have EVER seen in Have His Carcase), makes the most of every limited minute she's on screen in Strong Poison and leaves her mark every minute that she isn't... and she looks AMAZING doing all of it. Just perfect, could not imagine better casting.
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Edward Petherbridge I don't hold up to that level of perfection- I think that, try as he might, he's not really able to capture Wimsey's dynamism (possibly because he's a bit too old for the role) and is a bit overly caricatured in many of his mannerisms. But overall he does a pretty good job, in addition to looking quite a lot like how I'd imagined Wimsey- but in particular, I think he does a really lovely job of selling a lot of the emotion that he has to convey in some scenes that feel like they SHOULDN'T be adaptable from the book- specifically the scenes of him and Harriet. Him proposing to Harriet, him being disappointed when she (completely reasonably) turns him down... those shouldn't work on screen with real humans rather than in Sayers's calculated prose, but it DOES work and in no small part because he's great at selling Wimsey's feelings as being genuine even when his actions seem over the top. And, of course, Harriet Walter sells her end of the scenes right back. All in all, I think I have mixed feelings about Petherbridge as Lord Peter Wimsey the detective, but I'm a fan of him as Peter, the man who has feelings for Harriet.
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Overall, though, both are, I think, very successful in capturing these characters- the fact that they take these people who even in the book can sometimes push the boundaries of likeability (which to be clear, is part of what I love about reading them) and make them eminently watchable is a great achievement. And also, in addition to their really looking like their characters individually, they're very well matched as a pair in the way that one pictures them from the book. They're even of very similar height and build, which we know is canonically true from Gaudy Night, and thus at least a somewhat relevant element of their dynamic.
Now, the adaptations are very uneven, and that's even without talking about Gaudy Night because, while it has about as good a rendition of the punting scene as I think we were ever going to get, most of the rest of it is crap and massively expands on what I think are serious problems to Peter and Harriet's relationship that the series as a whole had (not to mention cutting the character of St George, which is a travesty). None of the adaptations are perfect, and mess with aspects of their relationship in negative ways- for example, the ending of Strong Poison is exactly backward in a really awful way. I'll get back to this.
But when the show gets the two of them right, it gets them RIGHT, even when it's adapting Sayers's text/creating new dialogue. There are scenes in this one that I love almost as much as the canon text, like this one:
I don't think any of this is in the book, and there are things that happen here that I don't think Sayers would have ever written. But at the same time, a combination of the dialogue and the actors makes it COMPLETELY believable as these two people, and it captures a moment that is just really key for Peter as he faces his limitations and his feelings- something that in the book is conveyed through a lot of internal narrative on Peter's part that would be impossible to adapt as is, but that in the world of the show needed to happen in a much more visual and narrative way. Not all of the dialogue that this series chooses to fill in those gaps works, but even when it doesn't the actors do their best to sell the heck out of it, and when the dialogue DOES work it is seriously brilliant.
Probably my favorite of the adaptations is Have His Carcase, and scenes like this one are a big part of the reason why:
They change the location, but otherwise it's EXTRAORDINARILY faithful to the equivalent scene in the book, and honestly it shouldn't have worked with real people doing it and yet it does. It's just acted perfectly, given just enough arch and silly humor (particularly with the spinning door) that we don't attempt to take it too seriously, while also conveying the relevant emotions so well. The actors in the scene through only their faces and ways of speaking convey subtext that Sayers, in the book, conveyed a lot later on as actual text in the characters' thoughts, and there's something pretty great about that.
Other Have His Carcase scenes are less good (the dance scene is mediocre at best, I think), but if there's another Have His Carcase scene that I think illustrates how great Walter and Petherbridge are at selling the human sides of their characters, it's That Argument- seen here:
The Argument is a pale imitation of that in the book- the one in the book is, in fact, probably unadaptable as is- but it is still just so good because the actors are so good at selling it. Walter is just brilliant in the role and utterly inhabits it while also imbuing it with her own spin, and makes us feel Harriet's pain- and Petherbridge, through some relatively subtle facial expressions and reactions, is able just as well to make US understand what all of this means to him and how he feels. It's actually really remarkable that, just like how Sayers writes a relationship dynamic that only feels like it works because she's the one who wrote it that very specific way, this scene feels like it only works because these two actors play it in this specific way. Could two other actors do it? Very possibly, but it would feel super different and I wonder if it would feel this authentic. (I do want to note though that this scene made me really wish that we'd seen a Frasier-era David Hyde Pierce in the role of a younger and spryer, but equally posh, witty, and vulnerable, Wimsey. It just gave me vibes of something that he'd do beautifully.)
Now, as I said above, this doesn't get EVERYTHING right. In fact, quite a lot of their relationship ends up going pretty wrong- as I think a major mistake is their throughline which emphasizes Peter's continued pursuit of Harriet as not just reiterating his interest to make it clear that he hasn't changed his mind, but actively taking advantage of moments and situations in a romantic sense, taking a much more specific role in engaging with her physically, commenting on her appearance, saying how difficult it is for him to NOT pursue her more, etc. It makes the whole thing feel a lot more cat-and-mouse rather than a budding relationship of equals, and one where Peter acknowledges the whole time that they HAVE to be equals for a) Harriet to feel comfortable with him and b) them to be good together. In fact, however good the Argument above is, it's kind of undercut by this very pattern- he makes the book's point about him treating his feelings like something out of a comic opera, but he also at that point in the story has had a few much more oppressively serious scenes with her that clearly make her uncomfortable- nothing like anything in a comic opera. It's like the show misses the point a little.
I think the place where this really starts is at the end of Strong Poison. (I could see an argument to be made that it starts earlier, in a few smaller nuances of their jailhouse scenes, but I like those enough that I choose not to read into them too much lol.) After what I think is a great addition to the final jailhouse scene (one that I loved so much I repurposed it for a fic)- "it's supposed to be about love, isn't it" and some excellent reactions from Petherbridge- Harriet goes to court, her charges are dismissed, and unlike in the book, when it's Wimsey who leaves first (which Eiluned and Sylvia point out is a sign of his decency in not waiting for Harriet to thank him), here Wimsey is the one who watches as Harriet rejects him and walks away from him- the beginning of the chase. But nothing about their relationship is meant to be a chase! It's so frustrating to watch as that proceeds to be a continuing issue to a limited degree in Have His Carcase (where it's at least balanced by enough good moments that it doesn't matter so much) and to a MASSIVE, genuinely uncomfortable degree in Gaudy Night.
The only praise I will give it is that while the punt scene in the book is unfilmable, I think this adaptation did its best here and it's pretty good.
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I'm not going to spend much time talking about Gaudy Night otherwise, because I'd need all day for it and also I'd probably need to rewatch it to make sure I get the details right and I have zero interest in doing that, but the way that it has Wimsey imposing himself and his feelings/hopes on Harriet to a really ridiculous degree, in a way that he never, ever does in the book, is just so so discomfiting and makes me feel terrible for Harriet. She doesn't deserve that. If I recall correctly, in that scene at the dance at the beginning, she's so happy just being with him and then he's all "oh so this means you want to marry me" and she just droops. He's so aggressive!
And that's what makes the worst part so bad, because not only does this miniseries not depict Wimsey's apology as the book does- one of the best scenes in a book full of brilliant scenes- it would actually be weird if it did, because this show doesn't imply that there's ANYTHING for Wimsey to be apologizing for! In fact, unlike in the books where we see Wimsey growing and deconstructing the parts of himself that had been demanding of Harriet, in the series we only see him get more demanding- until finally he wins. It's honestly infuriating and I hate it- the actors do their best to sell it (and apparently they were given bad enough material that they actually had to rewrite some of it themselves, though I have mixed feelings about the results) but it is just massively disappointing. Basically the whole emotional journey between the two of them is not just neutered but twisted.
For all of my criticisms of the adaptations' all around approach to their relationship, I do have to reiterate- Walter and Petherbridge do a wonderful, wonderful job. (Especially Walter.) When they're given good material to work with, and even often when they aren't, they are able to sell it so well- and particularly in the case of Walter, I genuinely can't think of the character as anyone but her rendition now. She IS Harriet Vane for me. And, for all the flaws that the series has, that's something pretty dang special.
Anyway, for anyone who read through this whole thing and hasn't seen these adaptations, I DO recommend Strong Poison and Have His Carcase- but not Gaudy Night unless you're either really curious or a glutton for punishment. The first two, though, have very good supporting casts, are quite faithful plot wise (sometimes to a fault- another flaw is that they are really devoted to conveying the whole mystery with all its clues sometimes to the point of dragginess, but will drop sideplots like, for example, Parker and Mary- which is totally reasonable, but still vaguely disappointing as those sideplots tend to add some levity/characterization), and just generally are an overall good time. (Some standout characters for me are Miss Climpson in Strong Poison and Mrs Lefranc in Have His Carcase.) And, of course, the best part is seeing the little snippets of Peter and Harriet that come through- less so their journey, vs in the book where that's central, but so many scenes where we just see the two of them together as they are in that moment and it's so satisfying.
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A month ago there was a question posted to reddit asking if something his wife did was considered domestic violence. He said she hit him so hard during an argument that it left a massive bruise on his shoulder
Now while there were supportive comments, I'm here to discuss the ones that weren't. It's nothing I haven't talked about before but it's important to bring up regardless
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Usually I'd agree that reddit (or social media in general) are very eager to tell people to break up or divorce, but abuse is a very legit reason to do that. But really, most marriages can obviously survive a wife hitting a husband? No one should be hitting anybody, let alone enough to leave a massive bruise.
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Notice how this commenter immediately made him the villain even though there's no proof. Furthermore, while cheating is utterly despicable, it doesn't give anyone the right to assault that person. You can still be charged, as you should be.
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We need to stop focusing on the height and strength. That middle paragraph is absolutely horrible.
Now while the punting part is obviously said in sarcasm, you get the gist of it. It's the same when people say they would never put up with abuse and at the first sign, they would be leaving. You don't really "get it" until you're in that situation yourself. It's so easy to act like you would do this or that until you're in the face of it, so it's important not to say things like this. Victims in general feel shame for being in this mess, for "letting" this happen to them. They don't need you making. remarks like this. You aren't being helpful.
It just seems bit silly to cry about it when the person that hit you is a lot smaller and weaker. This is part of the the reason why men are hesitant to step forward. Not because it doesn't happen to them, but to see or hear comments like this is discouraging. Abuse is abuse and should be treated that way even if the person is smaller. Try to imagine how much shame these men must feel. Try to imagine, and this is not just from other men but women as well, being looked as less of a man because you "let" this happen to you.
The abuse should be taken seriously and recognized for what it is no matter what the size of the abuser is.
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novelcain · 1 year
A fun thought for ITTW At some point during the Empire of Women bit, some of them are being very pushy towards Wukong, Reader tolerates for a while before she starts getting jealous, grabs him and says, "That's my husband you're talking to!" They aren't even engaged yet. Extra points if she tries to carry him away while declaring, "Mine!"
Lol the women were mostly interested in Tripitaka (cause he so pwetty 💅💅💅)
But idk I don't mean to be mean /gen but this kind of jealousy when meant seriously and not done in like a funny haha way also seemed really insecure to me. I feel like if you're with someone then you should trust them to choose you. But like I'm also a pretty jealous person so if someone were to flirt with my fiancé and it was like aggressive flirting and Ritz was uncomfortable then I'd step between them and just be like "She's taken. And not interested. Move on." But that's just me. 😘
But also they aren't engaged and if someone was being pushy to Wukong and making him uncomfortable I honestly think he'd punt them regardless of gender. Wukong really has the mentality of These Hands Are Rated E For Everyone 🤣🤣 and being pushy flirty is MAD disrespectful and I don't think he'd put up with it tbh 🤔
Like I'm imagining you go to step it and right as you opened your mouth to say smn the main aggressor has been launched to the moon and he's just growling at the others like who's next 🤣🤣🤣💀💀 (ofc he'd get the tightening spell for it tho 😬🙄)
Also I'm only just now realizing that Reader probably wouldn't be able to pick him up despite him being short af because he usually has the staff on (in?) him. 🫢🤭
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hanmajoerin · 2 years
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Summary: Post-cannon one shot for @inukag-week. InuYasha had a little girl, and she was going to be the most precious being in the entire world.
A/N: Holy macaroni and rice, I actually finished my InuKag Week piece and I finished it early, so I thought I'd give you all a head start on being able to read it as well!
II AO3 || FanFiction.Net II
"For Her"
Miroku told him before that childbirth was one of the world’s greatest wonders. InuYasha couldn’t wait to punt that bozo across the village for even saying that. A wonder of life? The most curious thing to it was that anyone who went through it could live past it. And no one was happier than InuYasha to have a wife like Kagome who was living past it. 
InuYasha knew about tradition, that to a man labor was meant to remain a “wonder of the world”, but tradition had never been Kagome and his style. Two years ago, she left her family to be with him. On the other side of the Bone Eater’s Well, Kagome’s mother was doubtlessly minding her day without realizing that the two were having this baby. He owed it to her to be there for Kagome, right? It was a loose justification, but good an excuse as any to leave Miroku, Shippo, and the kids in the dust after what was probably a nasty contraction on Kagome’s end. She’d never made a sound like that before–it almost scared the shit out of him–and he panicked, flying past the door and scooping up her hand so tightly. Kaede, Sango, and Rin tried kicking him out. As if they’d ever gotten him to listen once his mind was made up. So the half-demon stayed, perched beside his priestess. He held her hand and dabbed a cold compress across her face every now and again. The whole time, he thought he’d vomit. He kind of still wanted to. Everything was loud, there were so many scents, and his own home felt like a cramped den. He had a rotten time–couldn’t stand feeling so useless while Kagome endured wave after wave of incomprehensible pain. But it was over now, and crying was the only sound he processed.  
They hadn’t spoken a word to each other since those cries began, and yet, somehow, InuYasha and Kagome managed to tell each other that their life as two was officially and entirely over. After placing the compress back into the bucket behind him, InuYasha’s hand traced up the side of Kagome’s face, until his fingers split by her ear. He brushed the side of her forehead with the pad of his thumb, trying his best to smile down at her. It was probably just sweat, but Kagome was glowing. The half-demon could’ve stayed like that, once Kagome’s hand held his in place, forever. 
“InuYasha, come and bring your daughter to Kagome,” Kaede said. The half-demon’s mind scrambled, trying to get on track. There really were three of them which meant he couldn’t only focus on Kagome. Her lips curved up at him as he turned away, and InuYasha quickly squatted down to dip his hands into a boiling bucket of water Rin poured. 
“My daughter…” InuYasha trailed, time lurching oddly in response to this second realization. InuYasha had a little girl, and she was going to be the most precious being in the entire world. He thought he was moving slowly toward the old hag, but no sooner was he faced with a swaddled newborn than he was able to mentally say his child's name for the first time. It was Moroha. He and Kagome agreed that regardless of who Kaede would hand off to them, it’d fit. 
Kaede placed her into the half-demon’s arms like it was nothing. And he guessed she was always putting babies into people’s arms. For InuYasha though... he’d never held someone quite as small as his daughter. She was magnificent, a red flush overtaking every scrunched up feature on her face. Screaming, she was screaming so loudly but he didn’t mind it. Moroha stopped once InuYasha began walking anyway, her tiny brown eyes blinking up at him curiously. “That’s it, your old man’s got you,” InuYasha told her, crossing the hut to kneel by Kagome, “and your mama’s right here.”
“Oh, Moroha,” Kagome whispered, arms already outstretched. InuYasha placed Moroha there gently, and when he could see his wife and child together–it made him blink, a lot. The fire’s warmth must’ve finally made it over to them, too, since he could finally feel it. InuYasha watched Kagome guide Moroha to her breast, she latched on eagerly and he couldn’t stop a small chuckle from escaping. Being born must’ve worked up an appetite. 
InuYasha watched her for a few moments, taking note of the fine black hair on her head and the funny way it dried from when Kaede washed her. It swirled up, kind of like it was in a very tall ponytail. His eyes traveled higher until they locked with Kagome’s. Their entire story seemed to play in the tears lining her eyes. It was getting hard to ignore the stinging in his own. He wondered if Kagome could see what he did: The time he dropped her off of his back when he thought she was useless, the moment the Sacred Jewel shattered, finding a home in her without even realizing it, falling in love with her, her staying by his side, the day he nearly lost her forever, and the three years he really had.
“InuYasha,” Kagome said, shifting Moroha to her other breast. 
“I know,” he replied, reaching out to smooth a stray hair of Kagome’s before lowering his hand to Moroha’s head. It was hard to believe that InuYasha used to live alone or that he spent any amount of time obsessing over power and magic jewels instead of a moment like this one. 
Moroha cooed, her fingers curling and uncurling themselves in the air. He brushed his thumb lightly across his baby girl's hair, mindful of his claws. She blinked over at him as she continued with her first meal, and InuYasha swore he caught the faintest trace of amber mixing with the brown there. It only made sense for his traits to make appearances since she was apart of her parents’ story, too. Although Moroha didn't understand any of it–wasn’t sure how much she’d care to hear when she got older–it was there. Kagome and InuYasha would always be there.
Kagome shifted their baby to rest in only one arm. “InuYasha, you’re crying,” she pointed out before pulling the sleeve of her sleeping robe over her hand to wipe at the tears. 
“Didn’t even notice,” the half-demon confessed. His hands searched past the robe; he wanted to hold his wife's hand–he wanted to pull both of them to him.
InuYasha’s past had never seemed so unreachable, but gazing over at his own daughter made it impossible to stop remembering. There were slurs, rocks, fights, and beds made in hollowed trees. Then there was finding Kikyo and losing her, the pain from her arrow, his own demon power, and Naraku. 
Moroha’s hands flapped while her fingers kept opening and closing. InuYasha intertwined one hand with Kagome’s while offering his index finger to Moroha. She grabbed it, and he knew. He knew how every bad part of his life was worth enduring since it led to Kagome, but that he’d only live it over and over and over again for her: Moroha.
A/N: If Sunrise Studios gets to make no damn sense for two whole seasons of an InuYasha next generation spin off series then I can take some creative liberties and let InuYasha hang out with Kagome while she’s working hard to give birth to their child. Needless to say, this has like negative two ties to the Yashahime narrative, lol. I took Moroha with me to my own ever after where InuYasha and Kagome live very boring lives in Kaede’s Village. I began writing this piece back in November after a YouTuber I watched put out a video for the birth of her children. It made me wonder how I’d write Moroha’s birth. I listened to a lot of “Chopin - Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2” while writing this piece; hopefully you guys enjoy this submission for InuKag Week!
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mimiri22-6 · 2 years
*gets exactly one post about Dream drama* Oh god now what has he done. *can't find the origins on twitter because I want my revived account to be as bare bones as possable so I'm following like no one involved* Finds the #supportdream or whatever tag. it's filled with 70 hate/30 that's my streamer. I have got little no info, only the victims story falling apart and apparently dreams a+ handling of these kinds of situations has gotten no better.
on one hand, some things don't add up. sometimes dream does know she was under 18 sometimes she lied about her age. on her twitter at least, im assuming she could have done the same in dms.
Plus, a little thing w me; I have this fucking uncanny 6th sense for shitty yters through their voices, doesn't work when their singing, I figured it out after Ry*n of Achievement Hunter did something simular to these allegations dream is getting. I have never felt uncomfortable or worried about the people around dream whenever I've heard his voice. Well, that's a lie. I can't figure out what it means, but in certain situations, his talking did put a poker in my back. It wasn't immediate or noticable most of the time, but sometimes I could feel it. It might have been because his manhunt series is very edited down and he's not actually the one to talk in them the most, and on the other side of the coin could be because I want to punt his dsmp character into the sun, not because I think/thought his character was anything like him, nah, because his friends say he's the nicest man alive. No matter what it is or how small it is, it is good to take note of every little thing just in case. I've clocked many yters like this years before any shitty actions came to light, I'd say it started all the way back w Cr*ytic. I still watched them because I didn't know my instincts were like this, but I do take note nowadays whenever I get that little shiver up my spine to RUN.
...what the fuck was I writing about? how did I get here? it's been 90 minutes.
on the other hand, uh, he doesn't seem like the type???? was that what I was going to say?? ok, maybe he isn't groomer level, but maybe it's the racism my brain is clocking. idk why but I just can not let him off the hook for the Indigenous memorial graffiti incident. for some reason it feels like it was just swept under the rug and I could have sworn I saw dream respond to it in his very braindead way he handles those sorts of things "my fans can do no harm🥰did you know I'm .8% native🤗it's so goofy and fun, I hope they vandalize another memorial for me😍" y'know, that type. or I could have just mistook his response for the spongbob yelling as a response to the memorial. either way, he is not good at the defending words thing. Like, one of the worst I've seen honestly. Just hold your fans acountable and tell them what you're uncool with upfront. Like maybe not vandalizing memorials for marginalized groups you have an ounce of blood w.
idk how this turned into my essay on dream, ig this was a long time coming for me because I just have a lot to say about this man that I just can't hold any longer. I was happy for him and his friends Finally getting that fucking visa and plane ticket less than a month ago, but I think that was more my being pissed off at the system then being super invested in these people anymore. hold tight, I'm not done overanalizing this man yet. there will be a slightly longer than avg tldr at the end tho
Dream's relationship with his fans is weird and rubs me the wrong way. He isn't strict w them, not straightforward. The only other cc I know w simular nsfw fancontent to him is Badboyhalo, and he clearly stated he's fine w seeing sfw art of him and skeppy(I keep forgetting to aquant myself with whatever drama skeppy got into to make people hate him now, I think I remember it being stupid, but I could be wrong) being buddies and pals platonic soulmates if you will, and he acknowledged that there was going to be nsfw content of him regardless, BUT it was clear he didn't want to see it, he didn't wanna stubble apon it. With recent stuff going on, not the most recent allegations, but the face reveal and the twichcon t-shirt incident, I think Dream is actually in a simular boat, but he's just so fucking bad at this saying your clearest intentions and thoughts on the matter that he's in the middleground of nearly anything other than I love my fans, please don't harrass anyone, but then not saying anything when it goes down. the only time i've seen him say anything alnong the lines more solid on these things was in the twitter space interview w i forget who and i can't find it anymore. not even in my watch history. fucking weird. anyway, I just spent a half an hou looking for it and I don't know what I was talking about anymore...oh right, his relationship w his fans needs to change if he doesn't want this shit happen to him. wether this real or not, because there is a universe where the most recent alligations are fake, the fact of the matter is that since he has such a huge following there will be people that fake something like this just to pull his career down.
on the one hand, he's ramping up in activity because of his face reveal and people looking to kick him while he's on the rise is bound to happen, on the other hand, victims speak out at those times because they don't want the abusers to do the same to someone else while in the thraw of fame and massive power.
I've lost so much of my train of thought since i started writing this so
TLDR; Her story is falling apart at places, he's not handling the sich well, like usual, he gives me the heeby geebies sometimes and, yes, that needs to be noted, this is bound to happen again and again if he doesn't set real solid boundaries with his fans On His Main Account and if he Doesn't Give His Fans A Phone Number To Freely Call And Text Him On REALLY WHY DO YOU THINK THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA-Also the indigenous disrepect is Loud and is the reason why I don't follow him on anything anymore(as far as I know, I may have missed a profile somewhere, but idk. I don't think I have, but the possability is there)
As more time goes on I get more and more uncomfortable w him, but w the other yters that turned out to suck, the reaction was instant and I had to learn to ignore it, but w him I'm learning the opposite.
anyway, im tired and im gonna do something i actually like now. fuck you bye love you be safe, uhhhhhhh, i hope he learns to not be a fucking dipshit for his friends sakes, but if he doesn't i hope his friends and dsmp members knows this is icky and dips when it gets too much. i do not care about the stans, but the fans that dream has helped through dark times in the past few years, i hope you can find it again in someone else or youre ok, uhhhh, my brain is tired and im melting, wait that's backwards oh well, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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mistertellevision · 2 years
Animash Crossing!!
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They Are Friends <3
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ultimatetrashgoblin · 2 years
opinions on ouma?
I have good news for you anon, because I have a lot of opinions
TLDR; I used to hate Kokichi but he is now one of my favorite characters in the franchise
CW: Spoilers for basically the entirety of V3
My first playthrough opinions of Kokichi were less than pleasant to say the least. He got on my nerves from the beginning (and I was about ready to punt him after trial 4), but I'm always a sucker for the enigma characters, and regardless of my opinion of him, I couldn't deny he made everything much more interesting. Plus he had some of the most memorable lines.
Then trial 5 happened.
Holy fucking shit trial 5
Now, anyone who knows me knows how much I adore the fifth trials of dr games (they might not always be my favorite story wise, but damn they're cool to go through). The big reveal at the end of 3-5 had my jaw on the floor, and the whiteboard felt like a punch to the gut.
Everything we learned after that point significantly altered all of my thoughts on Kokichi, and I felt like I needed to change my perspective on him.
So I decided to go watch a playthrough of the game to get a different take on his character.
And this slowly built up my appreciation of him, and now I'd go as far as saying he's one of my favorite characters in the entire franchise.
I'd also like to disclose that this in no way is me trying to excuse his actions or say that he's a good person. Kokichi did some horrible and potentially unforgivable things (*sobs in trial 4*)
What I'm saying is that he's an interesting character and an essential figure to the entirety of V3.
And regardless of your opinion on him, you can't deny that the trials were much more interesting when he was involved.
Also some of his lines are absolutely fucking brutal
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In conclusion, Kokichi Oma is a little shit. And I love him for it.
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Grace & Janis
Grace: I thought you were back??! Janis: I've just gone to 🐕🏃 Janis: didn't fancy hockey in the freezing cold when I could be 💰 instead Grace: oh okay Janis: Mia will have to try and kneecap me another time Grace: 🙄 please Grace: like she has the energy to go after us both Janis: Yeah, you might wanna make whatever alibi for NY you have watertight Janis: they were cooking up their version of event in physics Grace: that was days ago, everyone's talking about you and your boyfriend again now, babes Grace: not my 🤢 🤮 🤧 🤒 Janis: then you're welcome Janis: but it ain't just bugs bunny who's slow on the uptake, much as they'd like to portray Grace: she can't prove I wasn't sick, she wishes Janis: send me an anon, if you want Janis: about what I did, throw something in about getting you soup or some bollocks Grace: cos that worked SO WELL when Ella tried it Grace: it's fine, I wasn't in the mood to go anywhere or post anything Janis: 1. you aren't as blatant as they are 2. people wanna know what I'm up to, idiot, it's not like 'hi pls tell me what your sister grace was doing between the hours of 8-2 on new years tah' Grace: literally nobody is but whatever Grace: 1 sec Grace: [sending those anons like] Grace: 👌👌?? Janis: don't need to tell me Janis: [does the responses] Janis: there you go Grace: 💜 Janis: yeah, crisis well adverted Grace: neither of us are in crisis, you're 😍😍 & I'm 🙄🏑 Janis: 👌👌 Janis: far as any cunt's concerned Grace: yeah Janis: I'm at his house Grace: cute Janis: he's not here Janis: said I could stay though Janis: if I need Grace: like I said, it's beyond obvious he cares Janis: you think it's weird Grace: ?? Janis: him and me Grace: why would I think it's weird and why would you care? Janis: Alright, what do you think then Grace: I literally just said how cute you were Janis: you say that about things usually when you don't mean it Janis: it's a them thing you've picked up Grace: excuse you, you'd know if I didn't mean it Grace: I've never once come at you telling you to dump him Grace: it'd be a big thing like !!!!!!!!! Grace: having no chill is a me thing Janis: if I was one of the gals, sure Janis: you and me don't do that Grace: UM hello, you're my sister Grace: you wouldn't listen to me but I'd still TRY Grace: if he was like the worst ever Janis: you don't reckon he's Liam 2.0 then? Grace: why are you even bringing him up? Janis: nans got a shit poker face Janis: she looked like she'd seen a 👻 when she met him Janis: briefly Grace: it's nan, babes Grace: she thinks every boy is going to do us dirty in every way possible Grace: with this family's track record she does have a point but like Grace: just no Grace: you're not her, you wouldn't Janis: love made her stupid Janis: she could've done anything and she decided to die in a car crash with a lad who only liked her as much as Ri Grace: & I repeat you're not like her so don't even Janis: not that smart to begin with Grace: shut up Grace: you literally do physics with Mia & Ella Janis: and they're right geniuses that pair Janis: 🙄 Janis: Ella'd learn rocket science if she got to be up Mia's hole Grace: 🙄🙄🙄🙄 Janis: it's not hard, all I'm saying Grace: cos you're not stupid, duh Grace: & he really likes you so stop Janis: what do you mean? Grace: what do you mean, what do I mean? Janis: what should I stop? Grace: I know a freak out when I see one Grace: 👑 of Janis: Got no reason to freak out Grace: exactly so don't Janis: I ain't Grace: 👌👌 sure Janis: what would I be freaking out about? Janis: not broken into his house here, like Grace: idk this is the longest convo we've had in forever Janis: must be the way you accuse me of having mental breakdowns Janis: not very endearing tbh Grace: ha ha Grace: but not even Janis: I shouldn't tell him Janis: about Ana, and all that Janis: should I Grace: he was a church Grace: I don't think he'd be 😱😱😱 Janis: don't paint me in the best light Grace: maybe put the 💬 equivalent of like, a filter on it Grace: if you do tell Janis: I didn't try to kill her, she just slipped Janis: 👍 Grace: it was A LOT Janis: she always is Janis: dunno what kind of cult he found that fucking bitch in though Grace: ugh, let's not Janis: she ain't going to just fuck off Janis: even if Ana is going to sulk thinking I'll come and apologize Grace: well, some of us are being forced to play hockey, hun, instead of having a mental breakdown Janis: you scream if the ball comes near you, I've seen you Grace: I don't want to have to hit it 💅! Janis: exactly, don't act like you're busy Grace: I'm not saying I'm busy, I'm saying I'm not trying to be busy 😢😢 thanks Janis: fuck all to cry about Janis: that's the point Janis: I'm not pretending her kids, or any of the fucking others, mean anything to me Janis: or he did Grace: if that's how you feel don't tell barista boy any of it, end of convo Grace: it was just family drama, no specifics Janis: of course that's how I feel Janis: shouldn't be surprising Grace: I'm not surprised Janis: you're an idiot if you feel any different Grace: you can stop, it's not like I want any of them to exist either Janis: someone needs to back me up Janis: you know full well Ri won't stop seeing her, and Junior ain't about and if he were he'd do fuck all as well Grace: okay so what are we going to do? Janis: that's what we need to work out Janis: why should they be the only ones allowed to talk about him Janis: how amazing he was Grace: she's the loudest Grace: if we could be louder then Janis: it's a joke and everyone around us fucking knows it Janis: someone needs to lay it out for her, finally face it, for what it actually is Janis: who he was Grace: but she's never gonna hear it from either of us like that Grace: it would literally have to come from god, babes Janis: maybe it can Janis: hmm Janis: leave it with me, but think what you want to say Grace: ??! Grace: obviously I'll 🤔🤔 though Janis: might take a while Janis: but fuck it Janis: she ruined my new years Grace: yeah, mine too Janis: would've been a shite party anyhow Grace: that's totally not the point Janis: put it in your letter Janis: already got enough people in a mood with me Grace: fine Janis: fuck sake Grace: UM rude, why are you swearing at me? Janis: because it ain't my fault Grace: I'm not blaming you for what happened Grace: I was there Janis: I told her to get out of my way Janis: she should've, simple as Grace: I know Grace: I was freaking out too, she deliberately ambushed us Janis: you didn't cunt punt her though so you know Grace: yeah but you'd be on my side if I did so Janis: if you do it now it will look like you're copying me, just fyi Grace: & I've never been accused of that before ever 🙄 I think I'd find a way to cope Janis: hardly the sister you copy now Janis: don't need to know the ins and outs to see that Grace: cos nobody EVER brings up the past 🙄🙄 Grace: beyond focused on only 💬 about us now, like Janis: that's why I've given them something to talk about Grace: & that's great for you, babes Janis: not like you can't Grace: not in the same way Janis: not unless there's another new kid any time soon Grace: not holding my breath Janis: it's not the only way Grace: 😂😂 what else am I gonna do?? Janis: depends Janis: they're gonna chat shit, regardless, that's obvious Janis: what would you rather they said Grace: is that like, a trick question?? Janis: why would it be Grace: UM it's a little too late for me to try & overhaul what people 💬 about me, hun Janis: hardly Janis: stuck here for another 3 Janis: you could have a totally different rep in that time Grace: hardly Grace: ALL the receipts exist Janis: 🙄 Grace: you have NO idea Janis: yeah Janis: 'course I don't Grace: so are you done trying to make me a better person or ?? Janis: I'm not trying to do shit Janis: if you're gonna cry about it, you could at least try Janis: that's the point Janis: don't complain if you ain't Grace: if I wanna talk about my rep, grandma & god are ALWAYS available Grace: you brought it up Grace: literally all I said was congrats on your 😍😍 Janis: your rep is 😢😢 and freakouts Janis: you said Grace: no I didn't Grace: I said I know a freakout when I see one Janis: well it is Janis: we all get chatted on Janis: if all you want to do is cry about it that's your look out but no one is gonna feel sorry for you Janis: least of all me Grace: I didn't ask Grace: for your opinion or sympathy Janis: yeah, people NOT looking for sympathy 👑 themselves queen of 😭😱 Janis: good luck with that, really working in your favour Grace: I'm talking to you not tweeting it out but sure Grace: thanks Janis: you think it's a secret? Janis: pretty sure your own friends and any guy you'd ever fucked wouldn't treat you like shit if you didn't reek of the desperation of it all Grace: grandma being literally the worst, which is all we were talking about when I said I was 😢😢 is as close to a secret as this family gets Grace: but 👌 attack me Janis: I'm not interested in living this lie with you rn Janis: you cry all the time Grace: &? Grace: you get angry all the time, I'm not judging you Janis: and this is why no one has anything to say about you Grace: whatever, Janis Grace: I didn't come here for this Grace: 👋 Janis: 😢😢 Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: you're a fucking joke, Grace Grace: this whole family is Grace: 👏 that you changed the news cycle for a sec Janis: 👏 that you're less interesting than Mia and Ella and all they do is slowly starve themselves to death Janis: people aren't going to forget suddenly that you belong to this family, just 'cos you try to blend into the walls Grace: like I said, you have no idea Janis: Yeah, I do Janis: we all get talked about, I did when I was doing literally nothing Grace: not about me & it's not like you care so just focus on yourself Grace: my rep is my problem Janis: it is your problem if you can't take the tiniest bit of initiative and see that being a lesser version of Rio is just going to make people talk about her more Grace: people aren't going to stop talking about her just cos I have a fake personality overhaul Janis: it's about the comparison Janis: you don't wanna be your own person, no? Janis: carry on getting Mia to dress you Grace: 😂😂 mhmmmm cos we all just get to be our own person Grace: if I'm not compared to her, it's Edie or you Janis: yeah, wild how no one is mistaking you 2 for sisters Janis: no amount of her leftovers is gonna make you exempt Janis: try getting crippled, evidently worked for Billie Janis: get a sex change, Junior who? Grace: hilarious Janis: we all got our lot Janis: and they're getting bored of their charity work with you Janis: what are you gonna do then, huh? Grace: yeah & yours is nothing like mine so stop coming for my life Janis: we're literally twins Grace: oh please Janis: sorry, not much can be done about it now Grace: duh Janis: 🧱 Grace: 👌👌 Janis: fuck this Grace: 👋 Janis: 🖕 Grace: 💜
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