#no just all the r rated stuff kids aren't allowed to see
The Snyderverse was a artistic hollow, emotionally stunted, intellectually shallow era of movies made by and for those who just want things to look badass, cool, and aggressively masculine.
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Can you give some clear examples of infantilization? like how does it differ from inner child healing/age regression? I'm curious on the topic cause you keep mentioning it.
I guess I can try to break it down. Firstly, inner child healing (therapy) is a therapy that's either self driven thru books and other media, such as podcasts, meditation etc. (Think of things like Shadow work, self help books, also learning about things like attachment styles and attachment wounds. Examples could be noticing you always label folks as "selfish" or "bratty" and realizing these are really core criticisms you heard growing up, used to brush away requests/boundaries, etc. You might've had growing up. Best way I view it is basically using painful things said to you, and putting them on others because you've learnt those behaviours are "bad" and those are the "labels." ) OR is done in a professional setting, meaning 1:1. (you, therapist. Maybe a case manger. But no "CGS") Examples include: art therapy, EMDR,somatic work, and internal family systems.... to name a few. Age regression is a *personal* private coping method. It can be helpful or maldative, it differs from person to person. But if your someone like me, it's not safe to be in that setting. (I dissociate pretty badly, thus I don't find it a "healthy" coping method. It just something that happens, it's a sign i'm not doing well.) Now for Infantalization: I can only speak to this as a women. (cis) but to me infantalization is treating a grown person like they are a baby or child or toddler for no real "reason". It feels rooted in ableism digusied as a way to make people feel 'safe'. *gestures to baby safe, toddler safe etc when it comes to mentioning my hobbies/special interests* - If people want to use terms I feel like the score rating for video/movies would be better. G, PG, PG13, R/+18. We already have a rating system. Infantalization can infer you think the person is lower of intelligence/IQ. examples being speaking down to someone, simplified languge, using a softer childlike voice by choice, and yes, baby talk. Which is why I say it's infantilziation. It feels no good. Lowers self worth, self esteems it makes me not want to share my hobbies/interests etc. Infantilization is claiming a person is *too* fragile (mentally or physically) to do things. Examples include chores. Or are constantly fussing over the person/not giving the person space so that they can be y'know a person. This also includes not allowing that person to make mistakes, or heavily criticising the person when the do but in a way of "see I told you, you just aren't someone who can do that stuff cause of your *gestures to disabilities*...". As also mentioned labeling interests such as: toys, anime, cute fashions, pastel colors, video games, etc. As things only "kids" "children" "babies" like, there for that person must also be a child is also infantalization. It's getting late so thinking of many examples right now is a little hard. But this is all I can think of. __________________ Also these things aren't inclusive with therapy. (Infanilzation I mean.) A professional isn't going to infantilize someone, or shouldn't at least. (would be a bad therapist imo) Because it destroys trust and the safe place that therapy is attempting to foster. It would/could also push feelings of shame and guilt and make that person shut down not want to show up, etc.
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b-rainlet · 4 years
Pt2 😅 people have been shipping literal incest in shows. like spn. It's even named wincest. and the show went on to basically confirm they were soulmates btw. I've never seen anyone harassing them as much as it happens in tua fandom. These are shows about gray people with different circumstances. And not everything in a show is supposed to be right anyway,The age limit is there for a reason. It's not like all the other relationships they had aren't fcked up too. 🙄
I think it’s because Spn is fairly old and back in the day fans weren’t as entitled. Like, there was a clear line between fan and creator and also the Fandom rules that I grew up with like ‘Don’t like/Don’t read’ so even if there were people who weren’t into incest, they simply blocked tags or stuck to their own platonic fics and fanarts or whatever. 
And the people who proclaimed incest shippers ‘icky’ or tried to start fights were few and far between and not the overwhelming majority. 
But now there’s a lot of - younger - people in Fandom who expect everything to cater to them. 
I personally blame purity culture and radfem ideology seeping into everything but now you have stuff like people thinking Fandom is for teens only (which is such a shitty take obviously but tbh, if there were only teens within Fandom, most of your fave fics and fanarts wouldn’t exist because writing is a skill you have to practise and a 16 year old simply isn’t as far advanced as a 30 year old and also probably doesn’t delve into more mature topics - without trying to bash younger people, but just imagine only teens are allowed to write fanfic and then add the fact that now it’s trendy to shun people for writing about stuff that doesn’t 100% reflect their life experience and you would have hundreds upon hundreds of fics that are simply high school AUs). 
And now there’s also the fact that creators are easier to reach which some people seem to translate to ‘I can have a say in what happens on the show’ and that’s why the backlash is so big now because instead of thinking ‘The incest part is icky but what can I do except ignore it?’ you know have people going ‘This is bad and if I harass the creators long enough, they will do what I want instead!’
(And like, maybe this is just me but this obsession with not only the show but also the cast of a show you like is so...exhausting. Like, most of the time people who like the show seem to glorify the cast and then inevitably turn on them when something ‘problematic’ happens instead of....simply following the show and that’s also why most people seem to have such a problem with separating actors from their characters which is sad honestly. By all means, follow actors on insta - I do too! - but don’t stalk their every move and start fights online over them. They don’t care for you. They don’t know you. They have PR Teams who deal with drama they don’t need you defending them). 
Same with people who stan singers, they genuinely scare me. 
But since harassing the actors and producers doesn’t work most of the time, how about we send threats to fellow shippers who don’t ship the ‘good’ ship or like the ‘good’ characters because that’s even easier! 
What baffles me the most is how antis tend to create an entirely new show that has nothing to do with the original most of the time that exists solely to back up their own ideology. Which is how you end up with takes such as ‘Luther harrasses Allison all season while she desperately tries to get away, poor thing’ which is just so obviously false that I sometimes go ‘D-did we....watch the same show?’
I think at some point, maybe you should just stop watching the show if everything that happens in it is something you hate or don’t want to see, instead of trying to bend canon until it breaks and then pretending it’s always been like that. 
I mean, that’s what AUs are for. Make believe! 
(And yeah, I am always like ‘???’ when minors are in Fandoms where the source material is obviously for adults? Like, the IT Fandom for example. I mean, y’all can do whatever and I used to watch and read stuff for adults when I was a teen, that’s probably just part of growing up and exploring new things but I can’t believe how normal it seems for these minors to walk into adult spaces and then demand that the adults a. Leave or b. Only produce kid friendly things. 
Like, dude, you do understand that the source material is r-rated? We should be asking what you are doing here, not the other way around).
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