#he just saw a superhero story with sex and violence and though it was awesome
The Snyderverse was a artistic hollow, emotionally stunted, intellectually shallow era of movies made by and for those who just want things to look badass, cool, and aggressively masculine.
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tasmpeter · 3 years
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read previous chapters here!
summary: adrian comes over.
pair: adrian chase/vigilante x trailer park trash!reader
warnings: non descriptive dubious consent scene, sexual content, mentions of domestic violence and abuse, graphic depictions of violence, mentions of blood, non sexual shower scene, cigarette smoking, mentions and depictions of sex work, and swearing. 18+ minors dni!
authors note: so chapter two is a bit earlier than promised, i have just been really feeling this story rn honestly. hope y’all enjoy and let me know your thoughts <33 thank you
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The night was hell to say the least. You have had enough of the Flamingo Motel and their shitty mattress that probably have bed bugs — and most of all, Rick Fucking James. Rick had been rough on you last night to say the least. He's an angry drunk, which left you walking home last night with more bruises than you had left with. Your throat, your arms, your hips, a split lip, all decorated with his handprint. There was no way you would be able to hide it from Silas and you still didn't know what you would tell him. Someone was trying to steal your purse? You got hit by a car? And what the fuck would you tell Adrian? You had seen the glimpses of anger that flashed in his eyes when you had mentioned things Rick had done to you. Hands clenched so tightly you could see the veins begin to pop out and the wrinkles in his forehead become more prominent. Makeup wasn't going to be able to cover what damage Rick had done to you. Silas was fast asleep in your bed when you got home — he does this quite frequently and it was more normal for him to sleep in your bed than his — and you tried so hard to not make a single noise as you crawled into bed with him. You didn't want the questions. Not now, not when you were still debating your excuse would be. He must have sensed your presence even in his sleep because he subconsciously started cuddling with you when you had finally laid down. His small head rested on your chest and you pressed a kiss lightly into his hair. You sobbed yourself to sleep that night.
Silas had woken you up at eight in the morning. His cries invaded your dreams and sprung you awake. You watched as your four year old son cried because of the state of his mother.
"Mama! Mama, I thought you were dead!" Silas screamed into your chest when he finally noticed your eyes open. You held him so tight, you swore he would burst apart. He cried into your arms as you stroked his hair and told him it would be okay.
"Hey, hey, baby. Baby, it's okay. Shh, Mama is fine. I'm alright, Si." You mumbled into his ash brown hair that had just dried from all your tears from the night before.
"What happened, Mama? Did someone hurt you?"
You had to chose the lie you would tell your son because he was too young to understand that bad people to horrible things to little girls. Maybe he would understand it one day, "Someone tried to steal my purse last night. I fought him back though and won. I'm alright, baby. I promise you."
"This is why Evergreen has Vigilante! Where was he to take out the bad guy, mama?" Silas had a minor obsession with the — superhero? Supervillain? Super-Nuisance? — and you didn't exactly know how to handle it. At least it wasn't your horrible fucking neighbor, Peacemaker.
"He was probably fighting off some real bad guy. I can handle myself, honey. Mama can fight back," You wish you could. You really wish you could fight back against Rick James.
Silas started rambling on about Vigilante and how cool his suit was and now awesome his knives were. You promptly shut it down — reminded of the night before when you had touched his suit and saw his knives fiddle between his fingers — and told Silas that he needed to clean his room because they had a guest coming over. Wrong choice on your end, as now Silas would not stop asking who was coming over, even asking the most dreaded question of them all — is it my Dad? You had to remind him that he didn't have a father and that a little fairy had dropped Silas off on your doorstep. He eventually stopped his questioning when he knew it was going nowhere and started to clean up his room. You told Adrian he could come over around noon and you were washing dishes so fast you could feel your hands start numbing under the scolding hot water.
You had just finished moping the linoleum when Silas reminded you it was eleven thirty and you had to make yourself pretty for the "special guest" — his words, not yours. Your clothes weren't the nicest to say the least. All your clothings had either been hand me downs from Marla or you had thrifted yourself. A lot of your wardrobe consisted of small skirts and low cut tops — at Rick's request. You decided on a little white cropped tee shirt that had some random car festival decal and your nicest jeans — they had little jewels on the butt. You had attempted to curl your hair, but ended up making a mess out of it and the goddamn curling iron wasn't working and you ended up just brushing it out, leaving a semi puffy mess. You had just begun to apply your lip gloss when there was a knock at the door and you had to rush to the door before Silas answered it. His little legs weren't fast enough and before he could open the door, you scooped him up into your arms and placed him on your hip.
Adrian looked absolutely breath taking when you answered the door. He was wearing a skin tight long sleeve that did nothing to mask his broad shoulders and defined muscles — you didn't know he was fucking ripped — and he had a bouquet of pink tulips in his hands. He was smiling so big when he first made eye contact with you, but his smile quickly faded when he noticed the nasty purple bruise that donned you throat and your split lip. His normally twinkling green eyes were clouded and dimed and you noticed his grip on the flowers tighten.
"Hi, Adrian! How did you know tulips were my favorite?" You greeted, trying to distract him from your bruises. Silas was giving Adrian a deadly stare — trying to size him up and figure out what kind of man he would be.
Adrian broke his gaze from your purple neck and met your eyes, "I-I think you mentioned it once."
You smiled politely and ushered him inside. Silas was still giving Adrian a stink eye, "I don't think anyone has ever bought me flowers before. I don't even know if I own a vase."
Adrian hovered in the entry way, sizing up your home and taking in the surroundings, "Well, I'm glad to be the first."
You could hear his concern dripping from his voice and you were trying so hard to hold it together. You didn't want to break down in front of Silas. You couldn't. "Where are my manners? I forgot to introduce you two," You said, walking over to Adrian, "Silas, this is my friend, Adrian. Adrian, this is Silas. Si, say hi."
"Hi, Adrian." Silas said quickly and short. Silas was skeptical around new people and especially men. He hadn't really had any male interactions his entire four years of life.
"Hi, Silas. Heard you like Ninja Turtles." Adrian responded and you could just see the smile grow on Silas's face. He looked at you to be let down from the grasp between your arms and you set him down.
He ran over to Adrian, "Yes! Are you going to watch the movies with us today?" He seemed so excited. You watched from the kitchen as the two boys talked — still trying to find something to hold the flowers in. The way Adrian was talking to Silas made your skip a beat. Silas was so excited to have someone to talk about Ninja Turtles and you could see the same excitement on Adrian's face as Silas explained who his favorite ninja turtle is. You started to imagine Adrian being a father to Silas and you had to snap yourself out of the thought before you seriously hurt yourself. You aren't there yet. Slow down.
You retreated from the kitchen with a tall glass full of water — it will work until you pick up a proper vase from the Goodwill. You motion to the flowers in Adrian's hands and he released his tight grip on them. Once the flowers were placed delicately inside the cup, you set it on the kitchen counter by the window. Even though Adrian was having a blast with Silas — talking about all the Ninja Turtles — you could still see that small sliver in his eyes that radiated hurt. You should probably tell him. Best to tell him know and get it over with.
"Silas, baby. Do you want to go collect all your Ninja Turtle toys to show Adrian? Mama needs to talk with him real quick." You asked, bending down to make eye contact with him. He quickly nodded, placed a small kiss onto your cheek and skipped off to his bedroom. The second the door on his bedroom clicked shut, Adrian rushed over to you and started placing his hands everywhere.
"Oh my god, what the fuck happened to you? Who fucking did this?" Adrian said, not daring to meet your eyes. His eyes were firmly placed on all the bruises that scattered your body, trying to memorize each burst blood vessel on your skin.
"I'm okay. I promise. Rick, uh, he just got a little rough last night." You were searching in his eyes for something— anything other than rage. His eyes were glossy and hazy and he had the same look Rick had when he was drunk. It scared you a bit, but it also made your heart swell at the thought of him being so angry that someone could hurt you.
"No. It's not fucking okay, Sweet. H-He could have killed you. We have to do something, we can go to the police —"
"And tell them what? That a sex worker got a little too banged up? They don't care about girls like me, Addy. It won't mean shit. Plus, I need this job. I-I can't survive without it." Tears started to spill from your eyes, maybe you were crying over the fact you were stuck in an abusive hole — waiting until the day it finally kills you or the fact Adrian cared.
His rough hand lightly dusted your cheek and faintly dragged his fingers across your split lip, "We can figure something out. I-I don't want you to get hurt anymore, Sweet. I can't take it."
Adrian brushed a tear off your cheek, "I-I'll think about it, okay? It's just not as simple as you think. H-he has threatened to hurt Silas if I left and— I won't let him hurt my baby."
The fire in Adrian's eyes returned. Soft, twinkling eyes that were filled with care dissipated into fire and rage. You wondered where he got that from — the rage — and how he controlled it so well. Never once gripping you too tightly or yelling in front of you. It didn't scare you like the rage in Rick's eyes scared you and you couldn't figure out why. Adrian didn't know you noticed the switches between anger and comfort in him and he was too frightened to ever tell you the truth of how he controlled it. Would you care if he killed Rick James? Would you try to stop him? These questions floated in his mind, desperately searching for an answer but he could never come up with one. Maybe, one day when you have grown old together and all your children have gotten married, he'll tell you he's Vigilante. Would you leave then?
Adrian had been too quiet — searching your body for answers and reason — and you decided it would be best to change the subject now and fast, before it turns into something more. So, you placed a chaste kiss onto his chewed up pink lips — that he wouldn't stop biting last night because he had been so nervous thinking about you and Rick. He kissed back almost immediately and his hands that were once rested on your cheek made way to your bruised hips. Adrian didn't squeeze, he held them so lightly like he was afraid you could break apart under his grip. You think that's what you liked most about him. He wasn't aggressive and he didn't squeeze and grab and pull you. He was gentle, he treated you like a lady — you had never been treated like a lady.
"Ewww! Mama, you said he was just a friend!" Silas shouted once he saw the kiss. His hands filled with Ninja Turtle toys and pure disgust on his face. You broke the kiss off with Adrian and turned towards your son. You giggled at Silas's scrunched up face — all folded in on itself, he looked like a bunny.
"Okay, baby, come on. Let's go watch the movie." You redirected him to the couch. You grabbed Adrian's hand and dragged him to the couch. He plopped down onto the brown, cigarette burned couch and pulled you down with him. Trapped in his embrace and stuck in his lap — this wasn't the worst place for you to be and you really didn't mind it. You enjoyed the heat of Adrian radiating against your back and how he wrapped his arms around you so gently. You could get used to this moments like these. Adrian holding you on the couch, Silas mumbling about whatever scene was going on the TV. It was peaceful, for one of the first moments in your life, you felt at peace. You felt at home.
Six o’clock rolled around quickly and you headed to the kitchen prepared dinner. Just a frozen pizza, but it would do to satisfy Silas’s hunger. Adrian set a timer on his phone for when the oven was done cooking. Silas kept asking Adrian questions between his bites of the pizza and you had to keep reminding him not to talk with his mouthful — it didn’t help that Adrian was also talking with his mouthful. The boys were laughing and talking about Adrian pretending to beat up one of Silas’s stuffed animals. This was the first time she’d ever seen him this happy. He was laughing so hard his ribs hurt and you were smiling so big you swore your mouth was going to be stuck. It was beautiful. All of it. Everything. You wanted to keep this moment in your pocket forever and never let it go. You wished it could stay like this forever. You had to put Silas to bed soon and begin getting ready for work. You wish you didn’t have to leave again. You didn’t want to leave Adrian.
You were in the process of getting Silas ready for bed when he had asked if Adrian could stay and watch him while you went to work. Silas was giving you his puppy eyes — which always made your heart melt — and it was fucking working. You told him to start brushing his teeth when you walked back into the living room to greet Adrian, who was laying on the couch watching some straight to TV movie.
“So, you don’t have to say yes, but Silas was wondering if you would want to stay and watch him tonight while I went to work. Y-you don’t gotta say yes. I know you have a life and probably don’t want to be babys—,”
Adrian stood up from his spot on the couch, “I’ll do it. I don’t got nothing else going on. I don’t mind, plus I’d probably feel real guilty about leaving him here by himself anyways.”
You beamed a bright smile at him and ran to place a chaste kiss on his lips, “Thank you so much, Addy. You are like, the best person ever I think. Wait, second person, sorry, Silas comes first.”
Adrian chuckled, “I’m fine being second to Silas. He does run things here.”
You placed another chaste kiss to Adrian’s lips and ran back into the hall bathroom to continue putting Silas to bed.
So, Adrian might have lied a bit. He was suppose to be watching Silas, but he couldn’t help but follow you — so here he was, in full Vigilante gear, at the Pink Flamingo Motel. He had watched you walk into Room 4 with Rick James following and a random old white man. His fingers kept subconsciously reaching for his gun. He could just walk in there and shoot the two men and leave. He could. He was more than capable and the amount of meth the men did was more than enough to incapacitate him — but he promised you that he wouldn’t do anything. He promised you that he wouldn’t go the the police — never said anything about killing Rick James. He wouldn’t. No matter what he has done to you, you need the money to support you and Silas, and Adrian wasn’t going to just kill the only thing that was keeping you afloat — not yet at least. So, he waited in his golden Sebring outside the motel and tried so hard not to burst into Room 4. He was white knuckling the steering wheel, his mask fogging up because of how hard he was breathing, and he kept grabbing his gun.
He saw you in the window of Room 4 — staring out at the dimly lit parking lot, cigarette in hand and your breasts uncovered. He saw all the bruises that littered your chest, creeping up your neck like a fucking virus, you looked like you had been hit by a bus. Mascara smudged around your eyes and streaming down your face, pink lipstick wiped across your mouth. Then he came up behind you. His mouth fluttered your neck and his hands grabbed at your breasts and Adrian could just fucking see how uncomfortable you looked. How your eyebrows furrowed when he began to touch you and how you body went limp. God, he was fucking twitching now. His hands kept shaking under the weight of his gun and his leg kept bouncing. He wanted to fucking bash Rick Fucking James’s head in with a brick and watch him bleed out in front of him. He wanted to carve his fucking heart out and stomp on it. Adrian dreamed about what he’d finally do to Rick James.
The twitching and sweating only became worse when he saw Rick kiss your lips. Adrian surprisingly enough wasn’t jealous. He knew you didn’t want this. He knew you only wanted to kiss Adrian — but fuck, he was kissing his girl. Rick James didn’t know you cried yourself to sleep almost every night. Rick James didn’t know you lost your virginity at thirteen to a sophomore under the bleachers at Evergreen High. He didn’t know you loved to swim in the lake during the summer. He knew nothing about you, not like Adrian did, all he saw was a pretty little girl. God, that night when he watched you leave the Pink Flamingo and walk back on the sidewalk to your house, Adrian fucking lost it. He found some back alley drug deal and fucking slaughtered them. Twisting the knife into their hearts a little deeper than normal and as they bled out in front of him — he wished it was Rick James.
He made sure he got back home before you did. Adrian put some random comedy movie on that he had never heard of before and laid his head on your couch cushions. Purposefully, removing his jeans and covering himself with a blanket to try and make it seem like he was asleep. He knew Silas would understand that he had left, after all, him and Silas both wanted the same thing — for you to be safe. He heard the screech of the screen door and slid his glasses a bit lower down the bridge of his nose to seem like he had been asleep — Adrian knew he was wrong for this, but you would understand. One day at least. He turned his head when he heard the door push open and heard the click of your stilettos on the linoleum.
You slugged your fur jacket off and he slowly sat up from his position on the couch. He watched you as you struggled to get your heels off — too many straps, you always said — and when you finally lifted your head up, you smiled at him. You wanted this every night, you thought. Coming home to Adrian.
“Hey. You didn’t have to stay so late. I’m sorry, tonight was just —,” You stopped yourself from explaining the nefarious details of your night. They way you dreamed it was Adrian’s hands on yours instead of Rick’s. “I made some good money, though. I’ll probably be able to pay rent earlier than normal.”
Adrian got up from his spot on the couch and you tried so hard not to stare at his lower half, only covered up in a thin boxer. You clutched your purse a bit tighter and swallowed a bit deeper, “It’s okay. Silas was fine. He was out all night. Not even a peep.”
You set your purse down on the counter and kept directly staring into Adrian’s eyes. Not trusting yourself to look anywhere than there. His hand met your shoulder and your bare skin shivered under his warm touch. “G-good. Uh, y-you can spend the night if you wanna. O-only if you want to.”
He could feel you trembling under his touch and Adrian didn’t know if it was because you were nervous or because you were cold — maybe a bit of both. “I’ll stay, if you’ll have me, m’lady.”
You giggled as Adrian bowed in front of you and kissed your hand. Your smile was so bright, Adrian thought he saw the fucking sun. You were absolutely gorgeous, magnificent, beautiful — all the words in the fucking dictionary couldn’t explain how absolutely enthralled Adrian was with you.
“Then follow me, sir.” You grabbed onto his hand and dragged him down the hall into your bedroom. One walk in closet, one bathroom, one small desk that held your computer and some jewelry, and a queen sized bed in between two nightstands. He made sure to take note of all the exists and entrances into the room — as he does with every new room he entered.
You were unlatching your fake pearls from your neck and taking out your nickel earrings in the bathroom mirror and you could see Adrian noting all the things that made up your room. He was very observant, you knew that much about him, but it was almost like he was maping it out, memorizing every small detail.
“I have to take a shower now,” You were still struggling with one of the fake golden hoops in your ear, “Y-you can join me. I-If that’s alright. Only if you want to, of course.”
Adrian finally stopped snapped out of whatever zone he was in and stared at you through the bathroom mirror. He gulped at the idea. You. Him. Warm Shower. Match made in heaven — or hell.
“Uh, yeah. Only if you are comfortable with it.” He finally said, his eyes not leaving your body as you stripped off your sweat covered tank top. He could see the bruises on your hips and a small tattoo on your lower back — that drove him fucking wild. He watched you turn the shower on and slowly slip out of your cheetah printed skirt. Your naked body, all for his view. Adrian felt like he shouldn’t be looking. He didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. Everything he did, was to make you comfortable.
“You comin’ or what, Addy?” You turned your head to look at him, fumbling in the bedroom, wiping his hands on his boxers. He nodded and quickly began stripping himself of his clothes before leaving his glasses on the bathroom counter and following you into the shower.
Your back was turned to him and you were setting yourself under the warm water. Hands in your hair — trying to rid yourself of Rick’s touch. You turned yourself around when you noticed the presences behind you. Your eyes couldn’t help but take him all in. He was more muscular than you had thought. A toned upper body, wide shoulders, a fucking six pack. You noticed scars on his stomach, it covered his body. A healed bullet wound in his shoulder. You wondered how he got these, but you didn’t ask. Maybe he’ll tell you one day. Your eyes wandered lower and, fuck, he was bigger than you expected. Your eyes quickly shot back up to meet Adrian’s eyes when you realized you had been staring longer at his not so little friend than you should have been. His hands dusted your fragile skin, barely touching your wet skin. First, his hands were on your shoulder, then slowly made their way down your arm, then your stomach and then crawled their way between your breasts to meet your face.
You dragged him under the water and gave him a kiss. It was more passionate than your other kisses had been — those ones were filled with angst and care — this was fueled by something else entirely. It wasn’t too aggressive, but it was more fiery than the others. Maybe because you were naked together in the shower, maybe because it was such a deeply intimate moment. Standing in front of each other, bruises and all — and were bare. Adrian didn’t take it any farther than the kiss. His hands never straying further than they should have been. He broke the kiss and grabbed your shampoo off the ledge and began applying it to your hair. He washed you. Cleaned you and you had never felt more comfort in your whole life.
After he was done scrubbing your body and washing your hair, he wrapped you up in a towel and carried you back into the bedroom. He dried you off, mumbling about how beautiful you were and you were trying so hard to keep it together when he kissed the bruises on your legs. Adrian had asked where your pajamas were and you told him. He pulled the oversized shirt over your body, covering your naked body. And when he was done dressing you, he slid back his boxers on and climbed into bed with you. He held you in his arms all night and you promised yourself you would do whatever it takes to keep Adrian Chase forever.
taglist: @milfodyssey @adrienette715 @idk-ijustworkhere
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artsy-alice · 6 years
How about comics/graphic novel recs?
Off the top of my head, the ones I’ve read and loved are–
Saga (Fiona Staples, Brian K. Vaughan) - an adult sci-fi fantasy space opera with a set of diverse lovable characters and an exciting arc. Saga’s storytelling is amazing, combining galactic war hijinks with domestic and heartwarming family moments on top of great art. Seriously - THE ART IS GOALS. Trigger warning though, it’s rated M and can get quite graphic in terms of language, sex and violence..
Lumberjanes (Noelle Stevenson, Grace Ellis and co.) - Five super cute and rad and awesome girls have summer camp adventures. Also addresses issues like sexuality and gender identity in a positive way, never feeling too heavy. It’s wholesome fun and just an over-all feel-good story. I LOVE LUMBERJANES SO MUCH..
The Wicked + The Divine (Gillen and McKelvie) - problematic teens awaken as reincarnations of various gods and become even more problematic celebrities. But also they’re all destined to die in 2 years. Of course everything goes smoothly. This has a good ensemble of characters that you’d either love or hate, and an interesting story that takes its own pace, and of course delicious spins on mythology. Good commentary on fame, relationships and mortality..
Princeless & Raven: The Pirate Princess (Jeremy Whitley) - Princeless follows a princess who gets tired of waiting in her tower, befriends her dragon and goes on an adventure of her own, rescuing other princesses on the way. Raven The Pirate Princess is a spin-off which follows Raven, princess of pirates, supreme badass, and her all-female crew. Both stories are A+..
Monstress (Marjorie Lu and Sana Takeda) - i picked this up because the art was breath-taking??? But the story also turned out to be amazing. It’s steampunk and fantasy, in an Asian-inspired setting, with priestesses and cats and half-humans and gods and demigods and cthulhu… The world is just so rich in detail, like the art! And the MC is a badass disabled asian woman. READ MONSTRESS..
Sandman (Neil Gaiman) - I faithfully collected all volumes of this series as soon as I started on my first job. This one’s kinda old, and a hella long read but it’s also hella good. It’s by my dude Neil Gaiman, and it’s about Dream of the Endless and his siblings Death, Destiny, Desire, Despair, Destruction and Delirium. Who are… metaphysical entities. It’s a story about stories. And about uhhh… existence and dreaming and death and… stories? Y’know, Neil Gaiman stuff..
The Umbrella Academy (Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba) - This one’s getting a Netflix adaptation real soon and I’m excited~ :D Anyways it’s a fun two-volume romp about a dysfunctional family of superheroes. First volume is great family action-drama. Second volume reads like a swag-filled Doctor Who episode. The narrative voice is very… Gerard Way-ish. Has some lines you’ll swear you’ve heard on an MCR song..
Marvel titles that are my faves:
Angela: Queen of Hel
Ms. Marvel
Young Avengers 
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur
Patsy Walker AKA Hellcat
Loki: Agent of Asgard.
Backstagers (James Tynion IV & Rian Sygh) - queer theater nerds, where you at? I’ve seen this described as the male equivalent of Lumberjanes, and I have to agree. It’s wholesome fun adventures of a bunch of nerdy theater kids who discover weird supernatural stuff in the basement. With many theater and anime references! There’s a character basically described by the authors as their “Momiji” and of course he was the best character. Fun!.
Hopeless Savages (Jen Van Meter) - two 70′s punk rock icons got together, settled down and had four children. Plot twist: THEY WERE GOOD AT IT. This is a family drama-comedy with quirky lovable characters getting thrown (and sometimes running headfirst) into ridiculous plots. The message of family resilience and defying expectations is great. I loved everything about this series..
Nimona (Noelle Stevenson) - shapeshifting girl employs herself to be an evil villain’s sidekick so they can take down a great hero. My copy of this at home is now worn out because it’s been borrowed by countless younger siblings, cousins and siblings’ friends..
The Prince and the Dressmaker (Jen Wang) - strong ambitious dressmaker gets hired by a crossdressing prince to make him dresses. Prince’s dress-wearing alter-ego becomes a fashion icon. Cue drama and coming of age. THIS IS SUCH A SWEET AND GREAT READ GUYS I’M IN LOVE WITH IT..
Daytripper (Fabio Moon and Gabriel Ba) - this one is a profound story about an obituary writer, who reflects on his life’s possibilities - how things could have gone differently had he made different choices, and how it might change how he’s remembered (or not) after his own death. It’s hard to describe exactly, but it’s a very cathartic read..
Sunstone (Stjepan Sejic) - whenever someone asks me what I think of 50 Shades of Grey, I always go “50 what? I’ve read Sunstone. Nothing can come close to that.” So. Yeah. Sunstone is a funny, sexy and sweeet romance story between two women done superbly. Plus, seriously, the bdsm community rep here is great. Thanks Mr. Sejic, it’s what they deserve.
Special Mention:
Mythspace ( Studio Salimbal ) - because HELLS YEAH, Space Opera, Filipino Style! I supported this series back when it came as individually self-published issues in the local comic cons, and I was so proud when they got picked out by a publisher and I saw a bound volume on bookstore shelves. - Anyways, it’s a kid and a bunch of Filipino mythological creatures in space battles and other standalone adventures set in the same universe. It’s published in English, and you can check it out in Tapas or buy issues in gumroad!
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