yewfallen · 4 years
inheritors’ search
Mission Task Board: For the last several weeks, hunters from a nearby village have been going missing without a trace. The villagers have warned them of the local folklore, that the forests of the region are protected by spirits sent by the Goddess herself to ensure that the land has time to recover and grow in the springtime rains… You set out to investigate these disappearances, but as you step into the woods, rain begins to fall. [Grants Bow +1]
    Armed with nothing more than an iron bow, Febail took to the head of the group. Though it might've seemed foolhardy, it was what felt right to him, and his steps naturally quicken along the easy terrain. With no obstacle ahead of him quite yet, all that lied then was what was behind him — a group of people who, for the most part, seemed chummy.
‘ Hey, hold up. Why am I working with these people? I can do this job by myself. ’ ‘ We've been told you'll all work well together. Why don't you give it a try? ’ 
His face twists as he thinks back on the assignment. Him? Work well with strangers? On what grounds? Because Lana was there to help him out? He's tried to figure it out the whole trek there to no avail, and so he tries to create a distance between himself and the rest of the investigation party so as to not be caught up in small talk along the way, but the second they arrive at the woods, he turns to suggest,  “ Hey, let's split up. That way, we'll cover more gr— ”
He feels a droplet of water hit his nose and he looks skywards, only to be greeted with the heavens beginning to cry a storm.
“ ...Damn it. ”  Febail lets loose a sigh, bringing his gaze back down to the rest of the group.  “ Never mind, we’re sticking together. It’ll be a pain if we split up and one of you gets sick alone out here. ”
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jehannanmage · 4 years
☆~Reading Is Lit!~☆
[ @nobaettadr ]
“This place is pretty neat, don’t you think? Like, ‘ask and ye shall receive,’ you know? Finding where exactly its limits are hasn’t proven easy... It’s been fun though! Bit of a mystery to poke at, and could relax a bit, y’know...?”
And spirits knew he Needed it, desperately... When they’d first arrived on this strange island, however long ago that was now, Ewan remembered feeling tense, a bit hollow and far more somber than he cared for. Time (... however hazy) and good company had lifted his spirits some. Soothed, he could better put behind him the aggravation of memories missing, and dark memories kept --
the latter of which he couldn’t be sure hadn’t been but some wild dream.
The inside of the place they’d all been staying at welcomed them, its coolness refreshing against the heat of the outdoors. Ewan made a beeline for the back of the main area, where the back wall lay lined with books top to bottom. “These weren’t here, initially, but someone wished for books and so, voila! Books aplenty. Except...”
He plucked one from its shelf and flipped it open, thumbing through a number of pages. “Here’s the weird part. They’re different for everyone. This one’s about magic, and seems to reflect one’s strengths in the arts... so for me, it shows-- Oh, actually! You asked about what you’d missed while you were gone, yeah?” Ewan beamed brightly. “I got the hang of Fodlan’s magic, finally! Well, most of it. I learned I had an affinity for dark magics, so going with those helped everything click! Now I’m back in top form, feels like. But yeah, this page, for example, shows me the workings of Bohr, and this one, Luna... What’s it show for you?”
... But when Ewan looked up from the book, he took pause, brows furrowing uncertainly. “... You okay, Leif?”
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elysofnir · 4 years
🍊 : does my muse desire romance? is it something they would actively seek out, or prefer to happen more ‘ naturally? ’ what is their love life like? do they have any exes or past flings, or crushes?
Fruity Headcanons | Accepting | Also asked by @jehannanmage & @rivclry
First question is a resounding yes. I think being doted on by her parents and likely having every need and want catered to her growing up, kind of helps contribute towards this? She seems to be the type to seek it out, though, I will also add that in general she’s a friendly person which can come off as overbearing and/or even give the wrong impression. But seeking out relationships, romantic or platonic, is ingrained in her want of seeing life outside of the castle.
I wouldn’t go to the length of saying that she wants a “fairy tale romance” but in their supports, it’s very obvious that Tana harbors a crush on Ephraim (the hero, her hero in her eyes likely) and Cormag is an immediate fascination to her. It’s hard to say what her type is, I guess just generally kind people even if she has to do a little digging to unearth that. 
On that note, love life is nonexistent.
Exes and past flings, no (Innes would have their head- sgfsdf kidding). Going back to the Ephraim/Cormag thing, I think she knows more than she lets on and sees people for who they are thus actively seeking and (albeit bad) flirting in her own way. I also don’t think it’s too hard for her to develop crushes, especially since she’s never had a relationship before.
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vonvestra · 4 years
🍏 : how stable is my muse’s physical health? do they go for regular or semi-regular checkups by a physician? do they have any diagnosed illnesses and / or take any medication? how often do they get sick?
Fruity Headcanon Prompts | accepting
Hubert tends to look a lot sicker/frailer than he really is, and actually doesn’t get sick that often. Not to say that his immune system is stellar; he’s just mindful of the contact he makes with contaminated surfaces and avoids crowds. If he’s in the infirmary, it’s usually for exhaustion/dehydration rather than illness. With that said, when he gets sick, he gets sick and will usually be bedridden for days. This is not ideal, since those are days he can’t be waiting on Edelgard’s beck and call. While she may assure him that she can handle things on her own, this doesn’t stop him from trying to work anyway.
He doesn’t like physicals, insisting instead that he can keep a check on himself (when in reality he’s more likely to overlook or ignore symptoms). He won’t go for checkups with a physician unless someone seriously insists on it, or Edelgard gives him a direct command. He’s stubborn and intensely private when it comes to his own health. He hasn’t been diagnosed with anything in FEverse, but in a modern AU, he’d have anemia from a vitamin deficiency (his diet is horrible), which he’d take generic supplements for, and alopecia affecting his eyebrows/eyelashes.
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keen-kin · 4 years
[ Apple cider ] "i... didn't expect the mug to be /this/ large." an owlish stare drifts to the swordswoman. the scrape of the tankard against the tabletop in her direction follows a second later. "do you want to share?"
A smile instantly forms on Larcei’s face at the suggestion. “Of course!” She hadn’t yet tried the drink that everyone was talking about, but by the gods it smelled lovely. She’d never had realtor had the urge to just drink alcohol for the heck of alcohol, but she wouldn’t say no to something that would taste good. “Thanks, I can treat you to some candy later if you want.”
She took the tankard in her left hand, not even considering the possibility of decanting half into another. Sharing was the fun of this. She took a small sip at first before placing the tankard back on the table to consider the taste. “This is delicious!” She exclaimed, picking it back up for some more, before handing it back to Leif. “This is the best festival ever!” 
As they passed the drink back and forth, the pair enjoyed a lively conversation late into the evening. After what felt like hours, Larcei said her goodbyes, hoping that she’d be able to continue enjoying life as she was now. 
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making-dough · 4 years
🍌 : is my muse inclined to help others, or will they only do it when it benefits them, if at all? what makes them this way? has it ever gotten them into trouble, or inconvenienced them?
fruity ask memes - closed
also asked by @rivclry
♠  ~ Oh, boy. With this, it’s largely a case of following what she does and not what she says. Farina. Farina talks a whole bunch about not relying on anyone else and how gold is the only thing anyone can trust. (Hector/Farina support). And then, she’ll turn around and give Dorcas a bag of gold for his sickly wife with barely any prompting so I kinda get the impression those are standards she applies only to herself. 
She’s the best. The finest mercenary money can buy. She practically defines herself by that image. That reputation. She sees herself as a self-made woman. Independent. Self-reliant and doesn't need anyone else's support. I think it's pretty telling how she comes in alone on her recruitment chapter when pegasus knights normally come in wings or in another pre-existing group (just look at, oh, nearly every other GBA-era pegasus knight?). I think Farina’s sort of trying to prove herself. That she can measure up to her own boasts somehow. That she can live up to her own reputation of being the most highly-paid and skilled mercenary around. It’s sort of a trap she’s made for herself, to put it in another way.
So, uh, meandering point aside, she'll happily offer help when needed (though kinda begrudgingly, she's a little tsundere on this, ahaha) but her stubborn pride leads her to basically needing to be forced into accepting any help herself. As expected, this leads her into all kinds of trouble as she dang well nearly exhausts herself trying (once again, see Hector/Farina support). 
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verseandrhyme · 4 years
🍋 : what kind of diet does my muse have? do they eat regularly, or the standard 2-3 meals a day? do they have to be reminded to eat, or are they likely to remind others? do they cook, or have others cook for them? do they eat healthily, or not so much?
Fruit headcanons
Also asked by @nobaettadr
Mitama doesn’t have any specific food restrictions. She’s allergic to kiwis, but she probably doesn’t come across them enough to have realized it.
She eats a standard 2-3 meals a day but they’re rarely at the same time every day. Because of her frequent napping, her sleep schedule is a bit of a mess and it’s not uncommon for her to be wide awake in the middle of the night.
She always remembers to eat, of course, it’s important to eat to stay healthy and not get sick because she hates being sick but she will sometimes just munch some sweets and call it a meal.
She cannot cook. Well, she can, if she really tries, but not well. She was spoiled for most of her life by her caretakers and then was banned from kitchen duties during the war after she fell asleep while cooking something for breakfast one time so she never really learnt properly. She’s starting to cook more now that the war is over and she isn’t coddled at home anymore, but for the most part at this time it’s either very basic or tastes very bland.
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boundlesshart · 5 years
nobaettadr replied to your post: Claude returns to the medical tent, an hour late...
( leif waving a deer banner the whole time in the bg )
“Leif! I heard you went toe to toe with Hubert and won!” Claude gives the other boy a manly shoulder clap, beaming. “That’s not an easy thing to do, you know. Taking out such a dangerous threat early on, I’m almost–no, definitely certain that it helped us secure our victory. Take pride in that!”
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theindigoflirt · 5 years
Sufficed to say, time travel is something he’s all to happy to never experience again. Describing the sensation is nearly impossible. All he really remembers is a flash of blue light, Naga’s voice, and a distinct ringing in his ears. 
Inigo lands amid a grassy field in the middle of the night. Stars twinkle merrily down on him, but they’re not his stars. Dazed, he forces himself to sit up. There’s no sign of his friends anywhere. Their names die in his throat as he slowly comes to his senses. Shouting for them in an empty field is sure to attract unwanted visitors. 
Naga worked a miracle, but miracles, it seemed, could only stretch so far. He idly plays with one earring while considering his options. Alone in timeline no longer is own, miles away from home, friends scattered to the winds--all things considered, he’s dealt with worse. 
Inigo stands, brushing bits of dirt and grass off his rumpled clothes. Best to try and find some type of shelter for the night. 
What did Robin always use to say? Something about inexorable ties? Inigo plasterers a smile across his face, grinning up at the foreign stars. Somehow he knows he’ll find his friends again. 
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dreamsofthievery · 5 years
Send a word and I will write a drabble or headcanon based on it
When Niles actually made the time to visit, he would watch the night sky with his daughter. Nina learned how to memorize the map of the stars, and while she resents her father - whenever she is lonely she feels his company just through the night sky.
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theofficersacademy · 4 years
gonna be dropping leif and focusing on 2 muses for now o7 thank you!
Leif has been dropped and is now available!
- Mod Ree
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jehannanmage · 4 years
[ Bracelets: An old woman beckons you to her stand where she offers you colorful threads to weave into bracelets. It’s said each color symbolizes a feeling… ] the one left on ewan's desk in the golden deer classroom is twined with dark orchid for apology and pale blue for friendship, accompanied only by a note signed with leif's name.
The bracelets had looked colourful, but Ewan had passed them by. He remembers braiding thread into bracelets as a kid, and though it’s a pleasant sort of nostalgia the sight of the stall had summoned in him, he’s got bigger fish to fry - in the form of New experiences to try out - and some Old experiences, too, though he’s being choosy.
(The Old experiences amount to pranking people, mostly. Oops.)
This one bracelet, however, he can’t just look over. As soon as he sees it on his desk he’s fitting it to his wrist, opposite his hand bearing his Golden Deer bangle. When he sees the name, he smiles, and looking down at the colours, he thinks he understands.
He wonders idly at whether it’d been a necessary gesture... but it’s appreciated nonetheless.
It’s a gift he’ll be sure to cherish.
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nobaettadr · 4 years
tagged by: my own clown ass
nicknames: rai. unless you mean irl. my real name’s mimi, so i get called meems, meemers, mimsalot, mimi pooky sweetums tuchus ( thanks, sister )
zodiac:  taurus sun, leo moon & rising ( western ); wood dog, horse ascendant ( eastern )
height: 5′ 0.5″…… round up to 5′1″ :pensive:
timezone: EST
listening to: diamonds and rust, by blackmore’s night… and the sound of my tower fan
last movie i saw: …….. i’m not much of a cinema person so whatever it was, it was probably at least a year ago or longer…………..
last thing i googled: how to add individual member permissions to a discord channel LMAO SORRY ATHENA ( and ree )
average amount of sleep: i try to aim for 8 cause i need it……. but it’s usually more around 6-7
what i’m wearing: i live in comfy t-shirts
dream job: something that can pay for necessities and my hobbies, and that i don’t dread doing every day
dream trip: the christmas markets in germany, the harbin ice lights
favorite food: homemade spring rolls with roast duck
play any instruments: used to sing, and went from clarinet for 1 year to oboe for 5 years
eye color: brown
hair color: dark brown, nearly black
languages: english, mandarin speaking / listening, a bit of french ( mostly reading ), whatever grunt-ese i speak in the mornings before i’m verbal
most iconic song: probably some existential track by bts; it’s an emotion tbh
random fact about me: i think at this point i can crack almost every joint in my body at will………. to give an idea: i can do 13 on each arm
reason for my url: wolfhednar is a bastardization of ‘ulfhednar’. nobaettadr is a portmanteau of ‘noba’ ( JP spelling of njorun ) and ‘aettadr’, old norse for ‘descended’. vermilique is a portmanteau of ‘vermilion’ and ‘que’, the fancier mandarin word for ‘bird’, invoking the vermilion bird of the south
tagging: your clown ass
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carcinac · 4 years
🍓  :    how is my muse typically seen by others?  does it ring true to who they really are?  does their reputation matter to them?  ( also asked by @nobaettadr ) 
i do believe ferdinand roams around the monastery with a streak of notoriety to his name, unintentionally. inevitably, as righteous as he wishes to paint himself as, his hubristic views of his status and the avidity he has towards the meaning of nobility clouds over his intentions of goodwill. as we know, ferdinand harbors an idealized (romanticized, really) view of what it means to be a noble in society, a virtuous paradigm and guardian to the common folk. he believes the system of nobility is essentially established to bolster the common folk and influence them to strive for better, all while nobles being raised as societal elites means that they must spearhead the world to greater prosperity. likewise, this ideology of his influences him to passionately shape himself as a faultless idol to his peers down to the point where he’ll overcompensate to veil his own flaws. unfortunately, given that ferdinand only has the perspective of a pampered noble throughout the academy, most of his efforts rub off as patronizing given his limited exposure to world-views.
in terms of who ferdinand truly is, there’s no doubt that he’s a diligent individual. there’s also no doubt that he’s arrogant, if only because he heavily relies on his status and idealized fantasy of nobility. he’s egocentric, if only because he grew up with a golden spoon in his mouth and various people in his and his family’s social circle lauding him. from what others might not catch, however, is that he deeply wishes to understand and connect with the common folk, partly in fact with how he’s thinly aware of his father’s corruption and wishes not to tread down a similar path. ferdinand’s zeal and vibrant personality shadows the inferiority complex that he harbors, specifically in relation to edelgard as well as his own scathing fear of ending up just like his father. 
reputation matters a lot to ferdinand. his reputation tells him whether or not he’s achieving his goals, whether or not he’s living as virtuously as he declares himself as. ferdinand knows to dismiss rumors to an extent if he knows the malice being directed to him is unfairly biased (for instance, with hubert) or if he knows the talk has little truth attached. other instances, with dorothea for example, where he believes the criticism has validity or if the person seems to have a deeply set resentment towards him will more often than not have ferdinand running in spirals to correct whatever ill impression he’s unintentionally fostered.
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vonvestra · 5 years
He's still so new to all of this: to Fodlan, to their traditions. But he can't help the bubbling sensation of excitement. ( And couldn't help but think that... Seliph and Ares would have a lot of fun with something like this, too. ) He'd snuck around to the Eagles' rear guard, targeting the one who seemed to be ordering most of the troops. With a battlecry, he breaks from the trees, training sword in hand, noonday sun glinting off ivory armor. ( leif hp: 3/3 ) ( roll: 5, hit )
The front line has moved out, Edelgard among them. From his place at the back, Hubert watches her and waits for his chance to clean up the leftovers. Pick off those who manage to escape from their battles by the skin of their teeth. A the crack of underbrush, barely audible over the din of battle, narrows his eyes and his focus shifts. Carefully honed senses pick up the presence of someone with the gall to make a rear attack and energy gathers quickly into his palm.
Leaves rustle, branches snap. A cry rends the area.
Dodge: 15, success | HP: 1/1
The shout gives the other student’s location away. Hubert pivots on his heel and steps to the left, out of the way of the falling sword (not even a real one, he realizes, but one of those made of wood from the training hall).
Darkness grows from Leif’s shadow a split second before he hits the ground, deep purple sludge rising to snag at anything organic and pull it down into toxic mud.
Attack: 8, critical
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keen-kin · 4 years
🏹 to go hunting in the forest with my muse
Larcei appreciated the shade of the trees. Having grown up in Tirnanog, she was more accustomed to colder weather, and whilst she enjoyed being in the sun, taking a break from it was a good idea. She may not have spoken to Leif much during the war in Jugdral, but they’d been on the same side, and that was enough for Larcei to consider him a friend, and she held a huge respect for the boy. She didn’t want to disappoint him on this adventure. 
Obviously, hunting was different from fighting other humans. The targets were smaller, meaning that they were harder to hit, doubled by the fact that her hunting targets always seemed incredibly perceptive, and would run away at the smallest rustling of leaves. Long story short, Larcei had never been that good at hunting. She lacked the skill with long-distance weapons that made these things easier. 
Larcei pushed some branches aside as the two of them walked through the forest. She hadn’t seen any animals yet. “What’s the plan?” She asked, quietly, suspecting he might have a better idea on how to proceed.
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