coouriersix · 7 years
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rizarksworld-blog · 7 years
Bajillion Questions Meme
aRules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions!
Tagged by @the-queen-of-thedas (appreciated ;v)
1. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi, tho I will drink coke if theres none
2.Disney or DreamWorks: Before I would go DreamWorks but now its Disney made some guud stuff,so both
3.Coffee or Tea: COFFEE!
4.Books or Movies: Both
5.Windows or Mac: Windows. Never used Mac
6.DC or Marvel: Both
7.Xbox or Playstation: I can play games in both so,BOTH
8.Dragon Age or Mass Effect: ................both tbh
9.Night Owl or Early Rise: Night Owl
10.Cards or Chess: Both 
12.Vans or Converse: wut? converse i guess
13.Lavellan,Trevelyan,Cadash or Adaar: Adaar cuz gotta love the horn ladies
15.Dogs or Cats: cats tho i have a dog
16.Clear Skies or Rain: LET IT RAIN FOREVAH
17.Cooking or Eating Out: Both cuz they have the same end, Me happy with a full belly
18.Spicy Food or Mild Food: Everything but Spicy pls
19.Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Chirstmas: Halloween and Chirstmas, I dont know the others
20.would you rather foverer be a little too cold or a little too hot: A little too cold
21.If you could have a superpower,what would it be: Full control of Time and its variants
22.Animation or Live Action: Animation
23.Paragon or Renegade: Paragon in the streets,Renegade in the sheets ayyy
24.Baths or Showers: Showers tho Baths seems nice
25.Team Cap or Team Iron Man: TEAM SPIDER-MAN
26. Fantasy or Sci-fi: Guess what,Both
27.Do you have three or four favorite quotes?If so,what are they?
-”We live in the shadows to serve the light”
-”Welcome to my reality”
-”Do you want to have a bad time?”
-”Can it wait for a bit?I am in the middle of some calibrations “
28.Youtube or Netflix: Youtube
29.Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Harry Pottah!
30.When Do You Feel Accomplished: I have no clue
31.Star Wars or Star Trek: Guess what bro, Both
32. Paperback Books or Hardback Books: Hardback books are bae but I have both types in a shelf
33.Handwriting or Typing: Typing hurts less
34.Velvet or Satin: Depends,whats the number of defense in a armor with those?
35.Video Games or Movies: 99% Video Games
36.Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon: BE(COME) THE DRAGON
37.Sunrise or Sunset: oH dAmm its dat boi!-> Both
38.What’s your favorite song: *prepares 9532975 km list* sit down this gonna take a while, Is someone bringing snacks?
39.Horror Movies, yes or no: NOPE 
40.Long or Short Hair: Never had Short hair so Long hair is the thing
41.Opera or Theater: Theater
42.Assuming the multiverse theory is true and that every story ever told has really happened somewhere,which one of the movie/book/tv show/game/etc worlds would you pick to travel first: I would go to my own fictional world
43.If you had to eat only one thing for the rest of you life what would it be: Fondue
44.Older guys or young S.O: How about none
45.If you could erase any show from TV history,what would it be: Drama shows,Reality shows,Gossip shows and the ridiculous shows full of woman who care only about clothes,botox ,make up and man (Im just done with those)
46.Singing or Dancing: Im bad at both
47.Instagram or Twitter: dont have any
48.Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit: ITS THE BOI -> Both
49.If you could create either a sequel or bring back any tv show/movie,what would you choose: I would like to see more of Bleach(the anime)
50.Who is your movie tv show character that you are looking up to and why: Im looking up to the ones in the games
51.If you were convicted of a crime,what would it be: Genocide
52.Anime-subbed or dubbed: subbed
53.City or countryside: City
54.What book have you read over and over: all the books that passed by my hand i read only once
55.What is your personality type: Lazy,sometimes sarcastic and extremely protective but Im a nice person I SWEAR
56.Who is your favorite fictional character: *looks at other 9532975 km list* there are too much bruh
My Question:
57.What is your favorite color/colors?
I tag: @nobletrevelyan, @mariani1234570 and @lieutenantastria27
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thefloorisbalaclava · 8 years
So I saw that your requests were open so would you mind writing something with Booker/reader?? Just like sleeping by his side/admiring him in a moment of peace?? If you could that would be great!
I can definitely write this for you! I already have an idea for it!!
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Aurora and Asher Trevelyan belong to @wolves-are-better-than-people
Celeste Cadash belongs to @nobletrevelyan
Ozri Taashath belongs to @ceruleanbluesart
Mahvir belongs to @sephiratales
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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Was tagged by the lovely @lynngo-art - thank you so much for tagging me! ♥ More under the cut~
Rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better.
Name: Cassandra
Nickname: Cass or Cassie
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Height: 5′7
Orientation: Demi. I think.
Ethnicity: Canadian with French/English background.
Favourite fruit: Strawberries!
Favourite season: Summer - but the part where it’s not deadly temperatures or raining, the nice weather when you can just sit outside.
Favourite book series: Don’t really have one... Harry Potter? And Carrie Vaughan’s Kitty series I guess.
Favourite flower: Snapdragons.
Favourite scent: None that I can think of?
Favourite colour: Blue
Favorite animals: Dogs :D
Coffee, tea or cocoa: Tea!
Average sleep hours: 4-6, on occasionally 8 if I’m exhausted.
Cat or dog person: definitely a dog person
Favourite fictional characters: ...um. far to many to name at this point.
Number of blankets you sleep with:1 sheet, 1 blanket, 1 quilt, half of them kicked off on occasion.
Dream trip: Anywhere?? I’ve never been out of Canada haha
Blog created: Going by blogs I currently have... 3. This one, my personal, and @daughterofthedreadwolf for Addy but I never use it oops.
Number of followers: ...378 omg o____o
IDK who to tag arg! Lets try...
@ariannadi @sephiratales @nobletrevelyan @cerulean--blues @zombiefishgirl @gangstagandalf @padawanminimilka @theladyw @solavellansisters @angrykittybarbarian @kaybirdie512 @octobig and anyone else that wants to do this ahhhh ♥
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Adhlea Lavellan
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive vengeful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | over analytical
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm
I was tagged by @nilesdaughter to do this! I decided to do it for Adhlea because why not! 
A lot of these things are situational. however they are very much parts of her personality. She can be a very strange individual at times!
Tagging @martini-september @nobletrevelyan @chevroneightlocked @cerulean--blues @sephiratales and anyone else who would like to do this ♥
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I was tagged by @nilesdaughter for one of those “get to know me” type of memes, so why not~
Rules: Tag 9 people who you’d like to know better.
Relationship Status: Single as of... 4 days ago? lol
Lipstick or Chapstick: Usually Chapstick, on occasion when dressing up or cosplaying lipstick
Last Song I Listened To: Five More Hours by Chris Brown and... someone
Top 3 Shows: I don’t really watch TV these days so I guess from past tense, Grimm, Charmed, ....Game of Thrones? I guess?
Top 3 Characters:  Cullen Rutherford (Dragon Age), Hitomi Kanzaki (Escaflowne), annnnd Trahearne (GW2)
Top 3 Ships: Cullavellan (Dragon Age), Solavellan (Dragon Age), and, currently, Braham Eirrson/Pact Commander (GW2, situational)
Woo! I taaaag.... @chevroneightlocked @martini-september @sephiratales @zombiefishgirl @kittenkakt @nobletrevelyan and anyone else who would like to do this! ♥
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I was tagged by @chevroneightlocked for the OTP meme! And since I’m stuck at work today, why not~
Rules: list 5 otps from different fandoms and tag 10 people.
1. Hitomi x Van - Vision of Escaflowne
2. Chihiro x Haku - Spirited Away
3. Haru x Baron - The Cat Returns (fight me)
4. Inquisitor Lavellan x Solas - DAI (situational)
5. Inquisitor Lavellan x Cullen - DAI (situational)
Weeeeeee :D Mostly anime! Lol ♥
I taaaag.... @martini-september @nilesdaughter @cerulean--blues @sephiratales @zombiefishgirl @kittenkakt @nobletrevelyan @breathing2nd @tia-luna @littlemisstrancy
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Okay I was tagged by @sephiratales for this ages ago, I’m sorry this took so long!
bold any which apply to your muse. italicize what they like. remember to repost & not reblog. feel free to add to the list. 
 I’ll do this for Amaris Lavellan! Because I never use her for things anymore oops ♥
fire. ice. water. air. earth. claws. fangs. wings. scales. gold. diamonds. grass. leaves. trees. roses. metal. iron. rust. rain. hail. snow. lava. fog. sky. clouds. storms. swamp. flowers. silk. leather. cotton. ribbons. bells. sun. moon. stars. blood. dirt. mud. porcelain. silver. steel. sugar. salt. fragrance. lilac. lily. glass. wood. paper. wool. fur. smoke. ash. ocean. sail. bruise. scar. wind. spices. light. dark. dawn. dusk. shadow. paint. charcoal. kettle. wine. hard liquor. sweat. dust. bare feet. canine. feline. coffee. tea. books. scratches. burns. split lip. split knuckles. petals. thorns. hay. glitter. heat. cold. steam. frost. candle. coin. sword. dagger. spear. fists. axe. staff. arrow. trident. hammer. shield. spikes. sand. rocks. roots. feathers. crystals. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethysts. herbs. shells. waves.lightning. thunder. sunlight. moonlight. clay. stone. brick. lions. bears. wolves. tigers. coeurls. jaguars. horses. dragons. eagle. falcon. bluebird. raven. fruit. honey. meat. poison.medicine. bones. ink. dance. prayer. tower. key. lock. spring. summer. autumn. winter. violets. crows. death. music.
I think most people have been tagged BUT ANYWAYS @martini-september @ceruleanbluesart @nobletrevelyan @chevroneightlocked and anyone else who would like to! ♥
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