#cullavellan babies
star--nymph · 2 months
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'get rid of the templar flag in the inquisitor's quarters' but what is Eury going to push Cullen against when she pins him????
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sapphireangelbunny · 9 months
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pickelda · 1 month
in the aftermath of haven, thea asks cullen if he believes she's chosen
“Haven could have been much worse, Lady Herald,” he said. “Don’t discount your efforts. They made all the difference.”
She turned to frown at him, and he allow himself to study her face in the golden light and black shadow. Her wounds were healed for the most part. The scrapes across her face and the gash at her temple had scabbed over to shiny pink skin, and the bruises had faded to a faint green tinges down her jaw and over her brow.
“It was bad enough.” She turned back towards the fire, and only then did he realize how intently he had been staring at her. He gently cleared his throat and watched the flames with her as she continued. “He came for me, and people died for it. Now I can’t even get us out of the wilderness. It’s been three weeks, and not a stronghold in sight.”
It might have had the air of a joke, had her voice not broken around the words. “No one expects you to have all the answers,” he said, “but you’re doing a fine job of it regardless.”
“I think they expect the Maker to whisper the answers in my ear.”
He chuckled softly. “That may be true.”
The fire crackled in the silent moments before she asked him, “Do you believe I’m chosen?”
The question surprised him, though he supposed it shouldn’t have. She must have contemplated such things often. He thought again of the ease with which they had closed the Breach at the temple, without a single mage falling to the will of the Fade. Was it the Maker’s protection, or had the mages drawn on constitution from the Herald herself? It may have been one in the same. If there were anyone to say so with any authority, it was certainly not him.
The truth of her divinity was not a question to which he needed an answer. He had grown quite tired of dealing in absolutes.
“Does it matter what I think?” he asked her.
She snorted again. “That’s a no.”
He waited for her to face him. When she did—when he was able to look her in the eye—he told her the truth. “I believe you will deliver us, and I will serve you until you do. And after still. Should you have any need of me.”
She swallowed, and her gaze flickered away. “I hope I deserve that.”
He sighed, impatience laced through the breath. “Think of those you saved.” He saw her, in his mind, with her bow at her side and blood matted in her hair. She stood in the center of the village chantry, where the flaming sun carved into the doors behind her encased her in a burning halo. Her bright eyes were all fire, face set in steely determination as she looked at him.
But when her hand joined his atop her shoulder, he felt it tremble. The memory came to him unbidden, and he was once again struck by the gravity of the decision she had made. “You stayed behind. You could have—”
Died. He remembered her collapsed in the snow, her hair cast around her, a shrouded black crown in place of the blazing Chantry sun. His chest had run cold when he saw the gaping wound at her temple, but when he held her against his chestplate, he caught sight of the pulse that vibrated along her neck. The dark column of her throat was exposed over his arm as he carried her back to camp, and a deep red trail of blood and matted hair covered the lines of her tattoo.
“I didn’t.” Her voice was steady, but a muscle jumped in her jaw.
“I will not allow the events of Haven to happen again.” He laid his palm against her, his fingers curling around her shoulder. She rolled her head to face him again, and her chin brushed the top of his glove. He wondered if she could feel the tremors that plagued him, just as he had felt her shaking fear in the chantry.
He would have to tell her eventually, but not tonight.
He squeezed her shoulder to steady his arm, to convince her that he was a man whose promises meant something. To convince himself. “Thea, you have my word.”
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sapphirebunnyart · 1 year
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Autumn mornings 🍂
---- Commissions are open!
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pinayelf · 2 years
some cullenimmy baby lore:
immy talked to ilao a lot when she was a baby, all in common, tagalog and elvhen. so she developed speech early and people always commented how well spoken she was even tho she was really young
the downside lmao was it meant this little 3 year old was waking up cullen (and cullen specifically) at 2am to talk to him about leaves
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cr-noble-writes · 9 months
2023 Masterlist
This is kind of silly because I already have a masterlist, but I literally can see my writing improve through the year by re-reading the fics I wrote, and that's a very meaningful thing for me, so I want to share the fics I wrote this year specifically :D
Putting the list under a cut so it doesn't clog up anyone's dash <3
Points of No Return Fandom: Dragon Age Inquisition Pairing: Solavellan, Cullavellan Published: Jan 7, 2023 Summary: Nearly two years after Solas' sudden departure, Ellana Lavellan is still dealing with the loss. Everything gets more complicated after a very vivid dream, and the news that Divine Victoria is hosting a meeting to discuss the fate of the Inquisition.
Baby, It's Cold Outside Fandom: Mass Effect Pairing: mShenko Published: Jan 10, 2023 Summary: After winning the Battle of the Citadel, Shepard and Kaidan take a week of shore leave and stay at the Alenko family farm. It’s winter, and it’s cold, and Shepard doesn’t like it. The snow seems to make Kaidan happy, though, and Shepard thinks he could learn to deal with it.
New Stars Fandom: Mass Effect Pairing: none Published: Jan 14, 2023 Summary: Twelve year old Alex Shepard grew up in a New York City orphanage and spent a lot of time running the streets, but he’s always wanted to go to space. The first opportunity he saw, he took, and ended up on an unfamiliar planet, surrounded by unfamiliar people. It changed the course of his life forever.
Kiss Me, Not Him Fandom: Mass Effect Pairing: mShenko Published: Jan 30, 2023 Summary: Alex and Kaidan have been roommates for a few years, and friends for longer. Kaidan’s never considered the idea that he might want something more, and Alex has been harboring feelings for his best friend for months.
Febuwhump 2023 Fandom: Mass Effect Pairing: multiple Published: Feb 6, 2023 Summary: Small collection of drabbles and ficlets based on daily prompts for Febuwhump 2023. I only made it through 5 prompts before I got wrapped up in something else and lost interest haha
Growing Pains Fandom: Mass Effect Pairing: Brief mShep/Asari OC Published: Feb 9, 2023 Summary: Alex Shepard hopped a cargo ship with an unknown destination when he was twelve and ended up in the Asari colony of Blackdamp on Asteria. He liked the colony, and when he told Ishara—the Asari who found him in the streets—that he’d rather stay in Blackdamp than be sent to the human colony on the other side of the planet, she adopted him.
These are snapshots of Alex’s teen years, one per year, starting at the age of 13 and continuing to the age of 18.
Femslash February 2023 Fandom: Mass Effect Pairing: Sam Traynor/Jack Nought Published: Feb 13, 2023 Summary: A collection of drabbles and ficlets about my favorite F/F rare pair based on Femslash February daily prompts. I made it through 8 of these before I ran out of ideas
By The Stars Fandom: Mass Effect Pairing: pre-mShep/Reyes Vidal Published: Mar 18, 2023 Summary: Alex Shepard and Reyes Vidal are nearing the end of basic training, and it's time for their land navigation test. Unfortunately, Alex’s biotic field interferes with the compass, someone’s stolen most of his rations, there’s a cliff between them and the extraction point, and no one packed climbing equipment.
From The Bedside Fandom: Mass Effect Pairing: femShalibrations Published: Mar 22, 2023 Summary: Tali and Garrus wait at Shepard's bedside for her to wake from the coma caused by the injuries sustained when she fired the Crucible.
The Man I Thought You Were Fandom: Mass Effect: Andromeda Pairing: mReyder Published: Mar 30, 2023 Summary: In which Scott and Reyes are both fucked up about how things ended between them, and Scott realizes some things
ME Drabbles Fandom: Mass Effect Pairing: multiple Published: Apr 5, 2023 Summary: A collection of Mass Effect drabbles based on prompts from the Mass Effect Fanfic Writers discord
Disappointment Fandom: Mass Effect Pairing: none Published: Apr 23, 2023 Summary: In which Jackson talks to Hannah about turning down her ICT recommendation
Gun Mods and Handjobs Fandom: Mass Effect Pairing: Venko Published: May 7, 2023 Summary: James distracts Kaidan while they're talking about gun mods
Some Things Never Change Fandom: Mass Effect Pairing: mShenko Published: May 29, 2023 Summary: Shepard and Kaidan take a much needed vacation after the Reaper War. Kaidan reflects on his relationship with Shepard.
The Upside of Down Fandom: Mass Effect Pairing: none Published: Jun 28, 2023 Summary: Two snapshots of Alex's time in basic training. These take place before the events of By The Stars.
Family Day Fandom: Mass Effect Pairing: mShep/Reyes Vidal Published: Jul 9, 2023 Summary: Alex graduates from basic training, Reyes sympathizes with him, Anderson encourages him.
Couldn't Utter My Love Fandom: Mass Effect Pairing: mShep/mShep Published: Jul 27, 2023 Summary: Jackson Shepard, Commander of the Normandy spends a lot of time with Alex Atruzea, right hand of Aria T'Loak on Omega.
Let Me Fandom: Mass Effect Pairing: mShenko Published: Aug 26, 2023 Summary: Kaidan and Alex shower together
Verisimilitude Fandom: Mass Effect Pairing: mShep/Coats Published: Oct 14, 2023 Summary: Jackson Shepard and Garrett Coats have history. And chemistry.
Vicissitude Fandom: Mass Effect Pairing: mShep/Coats Published: Nov 18, 2023 Summary: Elysium, the Blitz, and choices that change the course of Jackson Shepard's life.
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greypetrel · 5 months
If yyou haven't answered them yet, here come questions
V: Are there certain comments you’ve received on your stories that have stuck with you?
W: What is your favorite pairing to write?  Favorite pairing to read?
Please and have a lovely day ^^
I haven't! Thank you very much for asking them! Day has been nice, I hope yours was/will be lovely as well!
Tis the prompt list
V: Are there certain comments you’ve received on your stories that have stuck with you?
Mh. I am deeply grateful for any comment that I get. I'll reply with two things:
First, comments on stuff I write involving other people's OC. I always get SO nervous that positive feedback melts my knees. :"D Thank you all for lending me your babies. Take mine as you'd like.
Then, having one user that punctually comments to each chapter of She of Many Names, which is an AU that was so haphazard, from a fandom and some books I never thought I would have dared touching in fanfic...
But: if you ever wrote a comment, some nice tags, reblogged my work or spoke to me about it directly, I'm extremely grateful, really. But continuous comments on each chapter? Oh damn, that was something unexpected that made me go... "Yeah, go your weirdest, maybe you're not that bad at plotting".
Also: receiving prompts. Each prompt received is a "Yes write more please" and I just...
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W: What is your favorite pairing to write? Favorite pairing to read?
To write: with no one's surprise, cullavellan.
Platonically I'm chewing Solas&Inquisitor Lavellan like crazy. I do love Solas to shitpost about <3
And: Mahariel x Morrigan. Just - URGH. *shakes them both in a glass jar* (also because there's little about them >:( )
To read: Fenhawke has some excruciatingly angsty and hurt/comfort fics.
Female Hawke x Merrill (there are a little too many takes with Merrill that is naive and inexperienced and a scaredy cat that I don't like. But when it's done good... *chef's kiss*)
Morrigan x Leliana has some interesting takes too.
I do love me some good Dorian x Cullen (listen- listen.)
I'm all for rarepairs but there's so little about them that *grumbles*
Also give me a well written Zevran, please. More Zevran for everyone.
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lionslavellan · 2 years
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safe and solid, protecting and proud
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ariannadi · 7 years
#12 for our babes?? 😄❤
“I want you. Only you.”
Adhlea was happier than she’d ever imagined possible, but tonight was one of those nights where she pondered at what cost her happiness came.
Adam was loyal, loving, and everything she could have ever hoped for in a partner; but he knew the expense of being with her, understood that the moment he agreed to bond with her was the moment he sealed off his connection to his mortal life. He insisted time and time again that he would follow her regardless, but she still had her doubts.
What if he grows tired of me? What if he finds someone else?
Her lover’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts, and quickly she stood from her spot in the fields to face him.
“Adam…” she murmured, glancing toward the ground when he approached her further.
“Is something wrong? You kind of just took off after dinner without any say of where you were going. Brooke was worried.”
Addy looked up at him through her lashes, a small smile tugging at her cheeks.
“Is that all?” she asked.
Adam, returning her smile, held up his hands in submission. “Okay, I was worried too,” he admitted, and reached for her. She settled into his embrace without protest, nuzzling her forehead in the crook of his neck.
“Addy, what’s wrong,” Adam stated more than asked, his hand soothingly running up and down her back.
Adhlea sighed, knowing he was going to get it out of her eventually.
“Just… letting my fears get the best of me, I suppose,” she quietly told him, chewing at her lip.
“Fears?” Adam inquired, and Addy nodded.
“Adam, I know you’ve said time and time again that you want to be with me; but what if that changes? What if one day you wake up and you realize-”
“Addy,” Adam urged, silencing her. “I made my decision, and I’m sticking to it. I want you. Only you. I promise you that will never change. If I have to remind you every morning and every night, then I will. You are the one for me.”
“Adam,” the elf whimpered, throwing her arms around his neck. Adam wasted no time in showing her just how sincere he was, cupping the back of her head and slanting his mouth over hers.
Her silly fears, Adhlea realized in that moment, were nothing in comparison to the reality that was him.
Thanks so much!!
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Cullwen Kid Headcanons
Headcanons about Cullen and Aylwen’s kids. Because, again, don’t know if I’ll ever get around to writing about them. Kind of goes with my parental headcanons post.
I imagine all the kids also having elven names, but I still need to sit down and come up with them.
Born 9:48. Aylwen and Cullen’s eldest daughter is responsible and protective of others, much like her dad. Also like him, she can be a bit nervous and socially awkward. She and Cullen have a strong relationship, and she wants to to follow in his footsteps. Even after she develops magic in her teens–much to everyone’s surprise–her parents encourage her to keep up her combat training, and she becomes skilled at both magical and non-magical fighting. As an adult she joins whenever protective military force exists in Thedas at that point.
Born 9:51. Aylwen and Cullen’s only son is also a mage, though he develops his powers much earlier than Ella. He grows into a sort of angsty teen who frequently clashes with his dad and sister, but he eventually calms down. As an adult, he is very kind and responsible, and works as a healer and as a tutor to young mages. He also becomes the primary caretaker of his parents as they get older.
Born 9:62. The youngest by quite a bit, Ruthie likes to be the center of attention. She is charming, a little silly, and very artistic and imaginative, much like her mom. She’s the only one of the kids to not have any magic and is the most interested in her elven side. She probably grows up to be some sort of historian of or liason to the Dalish people.
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mrstethras · 5 years
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Please, come back to me. My wife.
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star--nymph · 3 years
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@palipunk suggested I draw that Dad!Cullen and ya know I HAD TO MAKE HIM THAT GOOD CHUNK
meanwhile, Eury is uh...dealing with an assassin.
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shadowheartoffaith · 5 years
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"Whatever happens, you will come back."
"Is that an order, Commander?"
"No. But as one of your advisers, I strongly recommend it."
Cullen and his Elodie ❤ I love these two more than anything and love this interaction. So many headcanons.
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So um... needed something to distract myself with so I made Isera in BDO / Black Desert Online
Um... tada?
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sapphirebunnyart · 2 years
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His little lion cub
Cullen with Nelly, his daughter with my inquisitor Kayla <3
Commissions are open, link in bio! See full wips by supporting me on my kofi membership for as little as $1 a month 
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pinayelf · 3 years
DILF cullen
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