#aurora trevelyan
archonfurina · 1 year
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Aurora Trevelyan's Wardrobe
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amatres · 1 year
'They're a 10 but…' Tag Game
tagged by @demandthedoodles, thank you! I tried to make them all funny at first, but then I just gotta kinda weird with them. Oh well lmao
Surana: She's a ten, but she's always trying out different poisons on her own body out of curiosity and thinks this is a great way to spend a date. You'll have to carry antidotes with you everywhere, and one of her animated skeletons will be just close enough that you know they are watching you as you administer it.
Allyn: She's a ten, but getting her to rely on you will be like pulling teeth. Getting her to admit she is even a little bit hungry will be an uphill battle, good luck.
Evie: She's a ten, but the narrative is consuming her as we speak. Are you sure you're in love with her ? Or just the icon being put in her place?
Aurora: She's a ten but she's literally cursed to turn into a monster if she kisses you and her weird aunt will try to trap you in a deal where you sign your soul away to help her.
Gwynnever: She's a ten but… wait, what do you know about her? You ask her about herself while at the bar, and wake up with a terrible hangover and a much lighter purse the next day . Who were you talking to last night again?
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creamecream · 2 years
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The inquisition went and got an upgraded look.
Left to right
Helena Adaar - Mage - Sera Romance
Terra Lavellan - Rogue - The Iron Bull Romance
Venus “Ven” Trevelyan - Mage - Dorian Pavus Romance
Aurora Cadash - Rogue - Blackwall Romance
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➡️ Previous username was megasilly ⬅️
Tags for original posts, unintuitive curated content, and OCs are listed here.
The most self-indulgent one is #nod games, which is literally just screenshots of whatever video game I’m playing currently.
Also #cr spoilers isn’t listed here since it’s mostly reblogs, but I tend to spam that tag on Thursday evenings.
Filter as desired :)
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trevelyanaccord · 8 months
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laurelsofhighever · 2 months
Characters: Cullen x F!Trevelyan Rating: T Warnings: none
If she had made the road even half an hour earlier, she would have been too far down the mountain to turn back, or to do anything more than maybe hear the screams on the horizon. Perhaps she would have ridden straight into the arms of the Elder One, and Haven would not have gone up in flames. In Your Heart Shall Burn as seen through the eyes of Maighread Trevelyan and Commander Cullen
A faint aurora still wound across the sky above the mountain, but the lurid green slash of the Breach itself no longer loomed like a tyrant over the valley. In its place, Haven glowed in the light of half a dozen victory fires, the carousing people spilled out from the chantry and the tavern as sparks and song drifted into the clear sky, giving thanks for their lives and for the Herald that had delivered them from uncertainty. That she wasn’t among them, enjoying the free flow of ale and wine, was not remarked upon. The days after the mages had arrived had been fraught enough that most now fell into their cups with abandon, letting their worlds shrink to the next round and the next dance and the next bawdy joke from their mates; the Herald filled too much space for that, a larger-than-life presence much like the Prophet Herself, to be invoked but never looked upon, spoken of in tones of reverence for her deeds but always at the next fire over where her conversation could not carry.
Her horse was not in the stable. Cullen had suspected when she retreated straight to her cabin on their return from the temple, her protests of exhaustion plausible enough but with something furtive in her refusal to join the festivities that had made his heart clench with dread. If he hadn’t been worrying over her condition, watching more closely than was perhaps proper, then he would have missed it.
Now, he slid like a knife through the masses of Haven’s denizens, his air of unapproachability honed by years at the Gallows and made even sharper still by the headache driving a knot between his brows. He did his best to curb his glower when his soldiers raised their mugs to him, but dared not linger of invite conversation. For the time being, there was no need to cause panic, but as the fires burned on and he gradually ran out of places to search, only part of his mind was occupied with the logistical nightmare that would be caused by the Herald deserting them at their moment of triumph.
A mage alone in the world was a target, and for her especially – he knew well how some would pay to have her head, what spans they would reach to take her off the gameboard. From what Leliana had hinted, several assassination plots had already been foiled by her agents, though she hadn’t mentioned particulars and had been adamant – above his objections – about keeping the Herald in the dark for the sake of the task at hand. Perhaps if she had been made aware…
The image of Crows with darkened steel blades thudded in his chest, and he hurried on.
At last, on the very edge of the buildings leading to the main gate, he found fresh hoofprints in the churned mud, a trail that led down towards the shore of the lake and the dim, retreating shadow of a cloaked figure leading a laden horse. The pair disappeared behind a spur of rock as he squinted into the dark to make sure, and he recognised the path as the one taken by hunters on their way to forage in the lower valley. It linked back to the road half a league on, straight down the mountain. He broke into a run. The thin, frigid air sawed in his lungs and made his head throb as the last of the village fires dimmed behind him, his armour clanking, his boots a heavy tamp through the crust of ice that had formed over the powdery snow.
He knew the moment she heard him, because she turned and unslung her staff one-handed from the rest on her back. A spell fizzled to life at its tip, a brief flare of golden energy that illuminated the flat lines of her features, her shoulders squared up for a fight, before recognition lighted into shock and it died without a sound, leaving them both once more to the dim, undulating glow of the veilscar.
Read the rest on AO3!
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hpowellsmith · 1 year
How would each of the ROs across all three games deal with the discovery that their partner is, in fact, a bit of a little murder-gremlin willing to manipulate, cheat, lie and do just about anything to ensure the RO's happiness? (Only slightly inspired by my beloved little schemer Aurora Duval)
Oooh interesting!
Creme de la Creme:
Hartmann: alarmed, would likely try and distance themself
Max: intrigued but has a limit on just how much badness they'd be happy with
Freddie: would really not like it
Delacroix: intrigued, would enjoy it quite a bit, has less of a limit on just how much badness they'd be happy with
Karson: compelled. Repulsed. Compelled again
Blaise: would swoon but also be mad if the MC were high-handed about it
Auguste: admiring, might start doing the same right back; along with Delacroix or Blaise, they could end up a horrible gremlin couple
Rosario: alarmed but careful about it, recognising that the MC's dangerous in a way they didn't realise or ask for
Florin: shocked, like: "why are you doing all that for me?" Not necessarily cross at the scheming but like it's A Lot
Noblesse Oblige:
Danelak: flattered and a bit confused? Maybe a bit alarmed but in an exciting way - that the MC cares enough to do it
Pascha: adores it, just absolutely melts about the situation
Rys: cautiously intrigued before falling entirely despite themself and wanting to be an incredible team about it
Royal Affairs:
Asher: bashful, flattered, shocked but on board
Beaumont: angry, unimpressed but a small part of them is pleased...? (but not enough to make them want to stick with the situation)
Dominique: shocked but also pretty impressed and a bit excited
Hyacinthe: worried for the MC and for the people they're hurting, and for themself being tangled up in it
Javi: it could go in a variety of directions but I think they'd be irritated at it being behind their back first and foremost, and maybe argue that they can handle themself
Trevelyan: would admire an MC who was willing to do what needed to be done based on their shared values (but would have some evilness caveats; the ends don't always justify the means, etc)
Thank you for the ask!
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dreadfutures · 1 year
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Some details of Alethea Trevelyan, a commission I did for @demarogue
(full here)
Our idea was to make Thea a goddess of transformation. I thought about sunsets, sunrises, and lunar cycles -- ideas of renewal and rejuvenation. With the inclusion of sun imagery, I was able to bring in some Chantry symbols for her magical wrist guards. Originally, her whole torso and arms were supposed to be covered in this shimmering magic, but I just really loved the birdtit armor, the statuesque quality of her skin, and the highlight I could do on her ribs (poor stressed Inquisitor, yknow). The magic in her staff is a Luna moth her hair is a flame, and her cloak is meant to evoke an aurora.
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isk4649 · 9 months
FFN Link
Happy 2024! Starting with a one-shot
Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition
Relationships: Male Inquisitor/Cullen Rutherford, Cullen Rutherford/Male Trevelyan
Characters: Male Inquisitor (Dragon Age), Male Trevelyan (Dragon Age), Cullen Rutherford
Additional Tags: Bisexual Cullen Rutherford, Established Relationship, Slice of Life, Romance, Frostback Basin (Dragon Age), Corypheus is Dead (Dragon Age), Dragon Age: Inquisition - Jaws of Hakkon DLC, Pre-Dragon Age: Inquisition - Trespasser DLC
Series: Part 4 of Honor and Will Summary:
Taking place between Part IV and V of Honor and Will, during Jaws of Hakkon.
In the Frostback Basin, Inquisitor Haretharin Trevelyan makes a startling discovery about the fates of Inquisitor Ameridan and his lover. The parallel is easy to draw, and Tharin confesses his complicated feelings to Cullen.
Tharin inhaled the frosty air deeply and let forth, “Promise me.” “Promise what?” Cullen’s whispering voice tickled Tharin’s ear as he gave another squeeze. “Promise that if something were to happen to me… you wouldn’t dwell in the past. That you would move on and live your life.” Cullen seemed to freeze for a moment, his embrace turning jagged. In a subdued tone, he asked, “What do you mean, if something were to happen?” “You know what I meant.” Tharin felt Cullen untwine his arms and leave his side. The man quietly stood up. Tharin looked up, expecting to find irritation in Cullen’s face. Instead, he heard the man sniffle. Cullen spoke in a dark tone, “I won’t make that promise.” “Be reasonable. If I am not able to… to be at your side, I still want you to find happiness.” Not able to be at Cullen’s side. Euphemisms abounded when death was the subject. At that realization, Tharin felt little prickles shower his lukewarm skin. A sigh escaped Cullen as he directed his gaze downward. “You cannot force me to do something I have no desire to.”
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archonfurina · 1 year
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n7viper · 2 years
11,12,13,29 Fandom asks!
Blaarrrrghheee hi! 💖
(fandom end of year asks)
11. favourite OC you met this year
Ahhh oh man these kinds of questions make me nervous. It's cheesy, it's not a specific answer, but I am genuinely in love with all of the OCs I met this year. I have met so many wonderful Shepards (Aurora, Charley, Daniel, Metzli, Saskia, Akira, Eden, Mercy, Nyx, and Audrey to name a few). I have met so many wonderful DA OCs (Lydia, Connor and Weston, Aila and Adahlen, Valeriana and Reggie, Taren, Virelan, Quinn and Morris, Elsie, Trev, Myrra and Melissa, Celeste, Gareth, Loryen, Gidon and Efe, Ankh, and so many others).
12. longest fic you read this year
It seems to have been Letters from Orlais by Kauri at 78751 words. It's Explicit, Cullen x Trevelyan lol
13. shortest fic you read this year
Echo Chamber by osunism at 379 words. It is... also explicit, Cullen x Trevelyan :)
29. fandom “first” you accomplished this year
Sharing my writing! Yeah, it may have been like 350 words or less. But I have been writing fanfic for myself for over 15 years now. In that time, I've never shown anyone my writing. A lot of it has been shredded or just hidden.
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seigeocs · 2 months
Alissa Trevelyan
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Name: Alissa Trevelyan (during Inquisition), Alissa Hawke (after Inquisition) Art is by the absolutely lovely @lonicera-caprifolium Age: 34 Height: 5’4 (164.5 cm) Class: Dual wielding Rogue, in a pinch can be Archery Rogue Specialization: Assassin Quirks: Left handed (is really pissed after Trespasser since she has to relearn everything with her right hand now), illustrator, has adopted a cat that she secretly hides in her quarters from Josephine, her favored mount is a dracolisk she named Sir Frogmouth., and she is protective over her companions. Family: Complicated.  Her mother, father, and older brother have disowned her because she chose to go into trade as a noblewoman.  She began illustrating children books when she was a teenager and her father cast her out of the family for refusing to use a pen name.  He gave her a brewery in Kirkwall that she was to oversee and she made it profitable.  That was what led her to meeting Garrett Hawke.
Her twin sister is Aurora Trevelyan.  Aurora survived an abusive marriage (the coterie got to her husband for his debts but spared Aurora as a favor to Alissa).  She lives in Skyhold with her sister as her family wanted her to marry another abusive man to save the family fortune.  Alissa scares her parents and older brother as the Inquisitor.
Her younger brother is Matthrew Trevelyan.  He served in the Ostagar militia until he heard about the events at Haven.  He traveled to be with his sister and travels with her when she goes out on missions despite her protests.
Her child.  Zephyr Carver Hawke.  He’s just a baby at the beginning of Inquisition and is a toddler by Trespasser.  He looks like his father but has Alissa’s eyes.  She will rip apart anyone who tries to get in between her and her child.
Her husband, Garrett Hawke.  There were some bumps along the road (I have a half finished story of theirs that’s slowly coming together), but they find each other again in Inquisition.  Though Garrett has a shit ton of apologizing to do as he up and left Alissa (to save her from the Chantry’s interrogation) while she was pregnant.  Eventually they get married and raise Zephyr together.
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vicekings · 3 years
Aurorienne Kiss Me Because Reasons hehehe
K: Kiss Me Because Reasons
They’re mid-conversation when Aurora whips her head around, widens her eyes, and then immediately turns back to Étienne and shoves him into the dark alcove. He’s about to ask her what’s gotten her so riled up when she captures him in a kiss and shuts him right the fuck up. Étienne kisses her back without hesitation, wrapping his arms around her and holding her close. It’s only when Aurora sticks her tongue in his mouth that Étienne actually hears the approaching footsteps.
“Ah, it’s just some guests who snuck off for a quickie by the looks of it.” One of the guards scoffs.
“I don’t know why the damn Duke is so uptight about security tonight. It’s not like anyone even knows him enough to want to assassinate him. I mean, who does he even think he is, the fucking Emperor of Orlais?” The other guard gripes.
They pass by without bothering to see who the two “guests” actually are.
And now Étienne has to assassinate a Duke while pointedly ignoring his raging boner. Aurora’s smug smirk let’s him know that she knows damn well how hot the post-contract victory sex will be.
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briarfox13 · 5 years
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Aurora Trevelyan 
For the lovely @radioactiveblight <3
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needlesslycryptic · 6 years
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Aurora Trevelyan for @radioactiveandraste!
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signedvivi · 6 years
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Official Casual Portrait of Aurora 
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