unmakxr · 3 months
@noblexprime replied...
He's not sure that CAN be ignored....
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yes it can.
just bring your hand closer to it.
to pet it, you see.
everyone wants to pet the giant tooth-edged cutie.
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rxng · 10 months
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"My dear, I don't think you understand just how normal that really is."
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warriorsparked · 1 year
@noblexprime || cont
Optimus frowns slightly; but he doesn't step away, only regards Megatron steadily as he steps forward, bends to heft a piece of rubble of his own. "Yes." He allows, quietly. "But the rebuilding of Cybertron is the responsibility of *all* her people."
True, Megatron would not deny the Prime that. But Megatron was aware that this was his punishment. He had also agreed to it, without hesitation. He deserved far worse than this considering what he’d done during the war. Their home had been killed, and he was part to blame for that. Not all, no, the Autobots had done their fair share also, but he wouldn’t pretend that he was innocent. 
“It will take a long time to rebuild what we tore down,” he said, lifting up another piece of rubble and moving it. “It is the least I can do for my crimes, Optimus. You know that as much as I do.” 
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battlexworned · 11 months
@noblexprime answered: “… Thank you, Ironhide.” Blunt as ever.
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“ Had to be said sooner or later. “
Besides, blunt works! In what moment of Ironhide being blunt has failed? If you somehow know don’t answer
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2ndcommand · 1 year
"You're beautiful." > @noblexprime
“of course I am. I am the prettiest Vosian to exist.”
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solisanima · 2 years
“I did not think I would find you so far from Cybertron,” Aphelion remarks, gazing around at all the organic life that Earth teems with. This place is so very… moist. “Would it not be more effective to have appointed a representative to act on Earth in your stead?”
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terrorskies · 10 months
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❛  i'm sorry for what i said.  ❜ (for Megatron) | @noblexprime
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though the word may come across harsh, there is little heat behind them. optimus can apologize; megatron is not so cold as to ignore it completely. but words can only do so much; it is the action afterwards, the follow through, that truly speak to the regret and decision to change.
heavy shoulders sag beneath an equally heavy sigh. he uncrosses his arms, hands falling down by his side, and turns those red optics to his friend and ally.
"we have a lot of rebuilding to do, prime."
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aircommndr · 1 year
cont. @noblexprime with | Catch meme
It's purely reflex, at this point-- the Seeker walking at his side, a little in front of him, stumbles, and Optimus reaches out, catching at an arm to steady him.
The Prime tilts his helm, just a little. "Starscream-- are you well?"
He's not ENTIRELY sure what part hes most surprised at; the fact that Optimus bothered to catch him while he was in mid rant, or just the sinple fact that he bothered to catch him at all.
Literally, less than a minute prior, Starscream had been ranting on and on about anything and everything— most of which was most likely insulting Optimus. If anything, no one would have blamed Optimus if he had decked him (or just let him fall, at the very least.) He stares at him a moment, not quite sure how to respond.
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"...H-uh? What?" he stammers, trying desperately to grasp at his thoughts. Am I well? "Hmph. Im fine—! I didn't need YOUR help, I could have caught myself, you know." he grumbles, trying not to sound embarrassed over his stumbling.
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decepticonranks · 2 years
  “Just because I happen to have some unsavory friends, am always in a bad mood and probably hated by most people doesn’t mean I am a terrible person. I just am... differently aligned then they are.”
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unmakxr · 10 months
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rxng · 1 year
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"Oh, what a fierce name. Ultra Magnus. He must be a commander."
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warriorsparked · 1 year
"Do you, ah.... Do you require assistance?" Optimus asks, uncertainly, regarding the rather large chunk of rubble.
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Megatron turned when he heard the voice. An old face, an old enemy... an old friend. Did he hate Optimus Prime? No, of course he didn't. Even when they were at each other's throats, he did not hate him. He hated what he stood for, yes, but Megatron was aware that with time, he'd also learned to hate himself as well, and what he'd done to his original cause.
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A smirk pressed against silver lips. "I won't stop you from lending a hand, but I've handled far worse and you know it," he replied, picking up a relatively large chuck of debris as if to prove a point. He'd been a miner after all, he knew how to shovel rock and rubble.
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battlexworned · 1 year
* i will confess rq:
There were so many instances I wanted to interact with you but I always chickened out cbsjklfk
So seeing this made me run in circles HEE HEE HOO
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dontpetmeibite · 11 months
@noblexprime did you consent to be filmed here or does someone out there need to get their aft beat?
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solisanima · 2 years
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“You hit me. With a city block. I was trapped in alt mode for two years as a result.”
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justitium · 1 year
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