#nobody will read it but eh
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Silly sketches I did like a week ago.
Idk but the way they’re framing Dark Cacao rn with the whole “a bunch of people broke in tried to my steal my (fake) treasure and called me a fake immortal” backstory for Mystic Flour combined with the whole yin/yang symbolism in that one frame from the trailer and the fact that she still seems to want what’s best for cookiekind added onto the fact that Dark Choco (a character about second chances and forgiveness) is showing up in BY book 4…. Idk makes me think that maybe she’s getting redeemed or something.
Not a serious theory or anything, I’m totally wrong but it’s fun to think about. The beast updates actually being about the 5 heroes Friendship is Magic-ing their way into helping the beasts like come to terms with their situation and learn to coexist with the two halves of their soul jam.
Maybe that could be what the “Awakened” states are- becoming the whole soul jam light thingy. Or maybe just accepting their place as a half. Like I said, not a serious prediction it’s just fun to think about.
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kinos-fortress-2 · 10 months
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what does one unfinished fic from like 2022 of a very rareshipp does a to a mf
and also a trashy playlist that got me in my own feelings...
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dots-in-my-head · 1 month
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From the darkness, there is light.
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thisteaistoosweet · 1 year
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Cahara but if he was a contestant of the termina festival.
(Made for an enlightened cahara au)
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ramenwithbroccoli · 5 months
tbh it sucks so much we're limited by language barriers and other stuff. there are so many things and themes i'd like to mention, but only a bunch of people will understand. if a classic is written in a language different from english it's a hassle to get people from other counties to read it. sometimes it's translated without a care, sloppily, from a language that wasn't even the original one. sometimes it isn't even translated at all, left in obscurity
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Imagine reading a new manga and joking about it being homoerotic and then it gets explicitly stated that one of the protags is gay
If I don't see any weird romance blossom between those two istg-
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mydaystan · 6 months
so mh hi guess who’s back (day6) (day6 is back)
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ropes3amthoughts · 3 days
Man I’ve been on my period forever. I just did the math and it’s been 17 days? Bruh. This sucks ass.
#Before anyone asks yes I contacted my gynecologist#Probably nobody will read this lmfao but like just in case#personal#tmi#uh maybe like cw warning gross idfk#I am oozing blood rn bro like it’s not even like I wake up and oh there’s blood it is flowing like a river right now#That’s probably so uncomfortable to imagine but like it’s so uncomfortable to feel!#I decided to look up when it started because I am really uncomfortable right now#I usually don’t bother keeping track of my periods because they’re always irregular#But like goddamn this sucksssss#it’s not even like cramping or anything it just feels really weird#I mean my back hurts a little bit but it’s not like cramping#It’s hot down there the blood is hot#blergh#Can it stop bruh 😭😭😭#I am suffering dawg#this is probably so gross and awkward to read but like I needed to rant somewhere lmao this is gross and awkward for me to be experiencing 💔#17 days of bleeding and the blood isn’t even slowing down like it’s going to end soon it is flowing like it’s day 1#bro imagine my period like ended and then started immediately after or something#this is a bunch of bullshit bruh#fml#Also this probably happened because I’m trying to take birth control because my periods suck lmao#like I would always get sick and throw up when I’d start my period so I started birth control but I got like a new one like the arm one#I used to be on Depo but then I’d have to do the shot every couple of months and it made me gain like ten pounds lmao#oh ok I just googled nexplanon long period and someone on Reddit had a period for 18 days so this feels more normal now but it still sucks#hope it goes away soon#man I am spilling my whole heart out to Tumblr rn this is lowkey awkward I’m being vulnerable af with my thoughts#eh whatever who cares I’ll just post this#rope/spider post
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ongreenergrasses · 4 months
the fact that people are actually reading the behemoth is sending me
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aeronbracken · 4 months
Octavian fic is fully done but so am I
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multyshipping · 5 months
Still trying to look for a place to put my self inserts in whitout breaking the space continuum
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
Sometimes I just really like to think about post 4-5 and Shinon trying to comfort Janaff after the battle because of how horrifying it was for the laguz. Him thinking it wouldn't be enough anyway bc he's a beorc so his comfort is meaningless bc he can't rly understand what Janaff or any laguz feels about that situation, but Janaff knows that coming from Shinon it doesn't matter if he can ever understand it or not bc it's genuine. If he didn't care or wasn't worried about Janaff, he wouldn't even bother. I like to think that for Janaff that would mean more by itself than whether or not Shinon could actually understand and relate to horrors like that.
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somuchbetterthanthat · 11 months
Thinking about Greater Boston further and like, I like that it is so keen to show that you can change for the better, you can make better choices - for yourself, for others, but also it's messy and you're human and maybe it won't happen everytime, or it won't be linear, or you'll find new justifications for yourself not to choose anything different. Maybe it won't change the rest of your bad choices. Maybe it'll have an impact only for you and not everybody else, or for everybody else but it's too late for you.
There's a contrast here between people who are willing to learn and shift and change and the people who won't/refuse to, sure, Philippe being slowly swayed for example VS Emily who keeps going at any and every opportunity, Michael who's willing to move forwards VS Montgomery who inevitably flees responsability, but it's also the little things like. The coworkers of Third Sight Media, eternal commentators of what's going on, bickering and gossiping and who keeps doubling down on their own right to do so, who refuse to question themselves even as they complain and grumble that things aren't better for them.
It's so human and it gets frustrating but it also shows you like, all the different flavours of what it's like, to be human. Even when you're trying, actively trying to change and be better and the best version of yourself, you stumble or you can hurt others: willingly or not. Gemma is such a perfect exemple of this - she keeps building up to herself, keeps trying to be good, but she still chooses to keep Leon from her family, after all her character-arcs, in S4, and you're like "oh my GOD, GEMMA, fuck SAKE" but that's how it is.
It also shows that like, just because you're generally good doesn't mean you cannot go wrong. Although i still think the core message is so very hopeful and saying, but just because you went wrong doesn't mean you can't do good at some point. It's literally never too late to start doing something good. Yes, it might not change your entire life, it might not make the people you hurt before consider you any different, but you can still do good and be good for other people. Oliver, at the very end, did good. Philippe, at the most critical moment, choose to do a good thing. And it mattered.
Like Michael said, one can be the villain in someone's story and the hero for somebody else. Maybe the good doesn't erase all the bad, but it's still better than no good at all. It still impacted people.
just. fuck. greater boston man.
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bitterpngs · 8 months
checked out a book for class and it has a 24 hr limit (bc it’s course material) and i have not even opened it
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blindrapture · 2 years
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downfallofi · 1 year
Nah but like I love my sister to death but like... one of the reasons I just... dont feel like people wanna hear what I have to say or why it feels like it's a hard obstacle for me to imagine talking to someone about my day is that. It's like if I talk about what I did at the dinner table. She immediately turns it into a problem solving mode. And starts saying well this is why you need to get back in school and get your bachelor's. Have you called about registration. I will look up who to talk to about financial aid right now and like fucking CHRIST I'm not looking for a complete lecture on going to college (which also makes me feel like a loser and a disappointment) just because I did a little vent about an annoying thing that happened at work, I should just not talk about work at all. And also, it's like you really didn't listen to what I was actually saying. So.
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