#nobunaga's getting emotional
nobuverse · 1 year
Okay one neat thing I noticed about Okita while formatting some of her icons from Redline is how despite being described as a living husk of a human being, there are instances where she shows a considerable amount of panic / general emotion; and they all have to do with her master being in danger:
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Why is this interesting? Because let's compared it to the panels where she'd getting half her arm cut off
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Or what about the ones where Izo asks her master to command her to kill herself? Where she's just "I'll do as you say" to her own death sentence?
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The levels this woman has dehumanized herself not to feel fear in any other circumstance than the lives of other people being in danger is just.
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shalscumbunny · 8 months
For what reasons would members of the Gen'ei Ryodan impregnate their S/O?
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TW: Mentions of forced relationship, forced pregnancy, gestation, breeding kink, body changes, parenthood, children, possible threat to children
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It is the type of couple that is extremely overprotective, at the same time that it is extremely dominant, there is no better way of dominance than to impregnate your beloved, leave her plump and unable to do anything, so that she does not do anything stupid, nothing bad happens to her and there is no doubt that he is your absolute owner because you are carrying HIS child, and the idea of fucking you pregnant isn't something he's going to refuse either, he likes the idea, I'll just say that and of course he will love his child, I feel that he is the type of man to whom being a father comes naturally.
I don't feel that Feitan understands that concept of "family" and "parenting" and he doesn't care much either and if you're not very interested in the subject, pregnacy is not something that is going to happen, BUT, if we go to his sickest and most twisted side, especially the sadistic one and mixing it with a yandere or quite sick theme, if he sees that the idea of getting pregnant from him terrifies you as he is your captor, he is going to impregnate you with desire and on purpose, just to fuck you, torture you and well, in the process he will mark territory, by fucking you he will torture with the idea, if he achieves his goal now he only has the same thing left, making you feel bad, making you feel guilty, but he will probably still take care of you since in the end you are valuable to him.
He barely fell in love with you, he knew that you were going to be the mother of his 78 children, Uvogin is the stereotype of a man who wants to get you pregnant 24/7, it won't even be two months after you have given birth before you are already pregnant again, he simply likes it because it is a way to keep you by his side, dominate you and take ownership of you. He has a fairly activated reproductive instinct due to his barbaric and somewhat animal nature. He's excited about getting you pregnant, he's excited about having you pregnant, he's excited about being able to fuck you when you're swollen with his babies. Added to that he may be a horrible person, a thief, a murderer and many other things, but it comes naturally to him to be a father, he loves his children, all of them.
The truth is that I feel that Nobunaga is one of these characters with the authentic desire to one day have children, he likes the idea of ​​raising little swordsmen who run from one place to another simulating an epic and legendary duel and there is no better way to join the love of your life than forming a family (That's what he thinks) It doesn't matter much if you agree, it will still happen.
He is going to get you pregnant, he is going to take care of you and he will do everything humanly possible to be with you, of course I also emphasize that probably doing it with you even if you are pregnant, it is quite exciting for him.
I wouldn't know how to interpret him very well in fact, I feel that he is not someone who is dying to be a father but he also does not hate the idea and if you ask him he will listen to you, he will take great care of you and his little ones. (I DON'T KNOW MUCH ABOUT FRANKLIN, FORGIVE ME FRANKLIN FANS!)
The same as with Uvogin, but somewhat different. He would say that he has a fairly marked kink breeding because in his family he has seen it as common and necessary to have many children (he literally has 4 siblings). When he fell in love with you the next thing in his brain was to imagine the family he would have with you as soon as possible. Once you are together (Whether by marriage or kidnapping) Illumi will probably have locked himself in the room with you until he makes sure that you are pregnant, Illumi never shows his emotions, but when he is fucking you and has you tightly grabbed, his body trembles of the emotion and excitement of being able to get you pregnant. Once you are very pregnant and swollen, he won't stop fucking you either (As long as your child is safe), he can simply become more obsessed with you now that you are carrying his baby. If everything goes well, I estimate at least 7 pregnancies, furthermore, all these pregnancies are going to be followed, as soon as you give birth, it will be a matter of time before he impregnates you again.
I don't find any logical reason, he likes the idea of ​​having a partner, but not forming a "family." The only reason I can find is that in his moments of madness and revenge.
Especially if he has already left the Gen'ei Ryodan and wants revenge, if you are a partner of one of them, he will impregnate you with hatred and desire but only for revenge.
I think we have already talked about this in this profile multiple times but we will do it again.
Shalnark doesn't want kids, he hates kids, he hates kids grabbing his things, he hates not being the focus of your attention and everything related to pregnancy and having kids.
It is an idea that he can consider in the same way, if he consider that you have problems in the relationship, he will consider an alternative to soften you and tie you down.
In other situation, if you mention it to him, obviously you have to beg him if you are the one who wants to have children, but if you are convincing, you will have your child.
But Shalnark is cruel and twisted in nature, I don't think he is someone who loves his children in a paternal way, he probably sees them as a pet and will appreciate them (Also as something to blackmail and threaten you with).
Chrollo is a being of curious, selfish and greedy nature, a being rejected by the world. I think he has that desire to form a family and ABOVE ALL, have a child, it is something that will finally be authentically HIS.
It's not that he KILLS to get you pregnant or it's a mortal necessity (Like Uvogin to Illumi) but it's a recurring thought.
It doesn't matter if you agree or not, he's still going to get you pregnant when he can. He is going to push hard into your pussy and he is going to cling to your body telling you how beautiful mother you are going to be and how he is not going to stop until you are all swollen and pretty, that you will be his queen and that he will do everything for you.
Simply love your pregnancy, love hugging your belly, talking to it and planting soft kisses on it.
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Thanks for reading this shit 🤍
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uvonobu · 9 days
Okay. I might be very very very delusional. But I had to get this thought out bc I’ve been thinking abt it for a while
So at the start of the series, this is how Nobunaga is portrayed.
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He’s chill and laid back, and doesn’t take it to heart when he fights with Franklin. He even smiles as he does it.
But after the death of Uvo, we never really see this side of him again. Only for brief moments. The only moments we really see of him smiling are the times where there’s a chance he could fill the emotional void left in his heart by Uvo’s death.
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The reason he’s interested in Gon and Killua is obviously because Gon is like Uvo in a way, but also because they’d be a distraction for him. Getting to train these kids to be phantom troupe material would leave him no time to linger on Uvo’s death. And after that chance is gone, we never see him like how he was at the start of the yorknew arc. From his appearance in the greed island arc to the current one, we hardly see him with a smile. And if we do, it’s not the same as his old, relaxed smile.
And you could say that he was just excited for the mission, and he’s usually like his later yorknew arc self. But even after they get assigned their task, nobunaga is still seen with this carefree smile.
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We even see him looking at Uvo like this (i know what you are)
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Not to mention we also see him with this same dopey smile when he was a teenager
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All this to say, Uvogin’s death left such a deep emotional scar on Nobunaga it changed his entire personality and overall demeanor he’s had since he was a teenager.
Craziest part is that NO ONE else reacts like this. They’re sad and angry, of course, but they keep to the original personalities we see them with at the start of the arc. And I’ve seen some people say he was overreacting, which is kind of crazy, but Nobunaga was the closest to Uvo out of everyone. He outright says in the 1999 version that no one else in the entire troupe is closer to Uvo than him.
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No one tries to correct him on this; they know it’s true. Same thing with the 2011 version, “I know him better than anyone.” which no one questions.
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Their relationship was pretty complex. Franklin says they’d fight whenever they got paired together. But Franklin also knew they both enjoyed each other’s company despite that. Uvo preferred to fight alone, but he was so much stronger whenever he was fighting alongside Nobunaga. Having someone there to protect motivated him, even if he would never admit it. They were really comfortable with each other, as shown in the coin toss scene in the 1999 version. They exchanged quips, and we even got a scene of them smiling at each other.
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Because of all this, I do think Nobunaga’s reaction to Uvo’s death made sense. I don’t know why so many people think he was being overdramatic. He lost the person that he was closest to. They were always paired together for missions. They were hardly away from each other. No wonder he feels so empty now. Nobunaga’s a valid crashout ngl
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starlitiris · 3 months
making the phantom troupe ✨ neurodivergent ✨
before getting into this I wanna say that i'm not including Kalluto, Hisoka or Illumi in this and I didn't add Kortopi, Bonolenov or Franklin cause I didn't know what to do for them </3
and! a handful of these neurdivergencies are things I also have, but if any of you have something mentioned here and you feel like I misrepresented the condition/got something wrong, please let me know and correct me!
i'd also love to hear what your guys' neurodivergent/disorder headcanons are for the phantom troupe PLEASE do not be shy
okay enough yapping, here are the headcanons
ADHD out the ass
Bro can and will zero in on something aggressively and not realize how much time has passed till his stomach growls or someone else gets his attention
Almost ALWAYS forgets what he walked into a room for and sometimes won’t be able to remember for hours
He zones out a lot when Troupe members are trying to explain something to him that he has zero interest in
And foot tapper
He also does little bouncies when he’s standing around
Please don’t ever give him a pen that clicks
He’ll click it nonstop and won’t even realize he’s doing it until someone brings attention to it
He for sure has his moments where he's feeling extra irritable or anxious for seemingly no reason
No, I’m not headcanoning this because he’s apathetic
Miss me w that shit
He’s just an apathetic person because of everything he’s been through
Not great at masking but he does mask
HATES being touched do NOT TOUCH HIM ew
Exclusively wears long sleeves. Cannot stand short sleeved shirts, he hates the way it feels on his arms
Misses a lot of emotional social cues and his apathetic nature certainly doesn’t help with that but it’s not like he cares much
The Troupe is used to him being like this so they aren’t too bothered
Thinks he looks fucking stupid when he stims so he tries not to unless he’s completely alone
He will let loose a LIIITTLE when he’s alone with just Phinks though since those two are pretty close but he still tries to make his stimming as non-obvious as possible
It also helps for him to stim with his hands in his pockets
He often taps his thumb and index finger together or rubs his knuckles
REALLY hates feeling cold and can't stand the sticky feeling of dried blood on his skin
Despite this, he rarely wears gloves when he's "working" simply because he no no wanna
Phinks HAS called him out on this. A few times.
Hates it
So much
Seriously doesn’t understand why she can’t just fucking READ and SPELL as easily as everyone else
Like she KNOWS how to read and spell so like???? WHY does she even struggle with it it should be such an easy thing to do
That’s how she thinks
She gets embarrassed when people catch her struggling to read or spell something
It makes her feel dumb and she hates it :[
Thank god for ai assistants like siri and shit
She definitely uses them to ask how to spell things when no one else is around and she can’t remember
Gets kinda pissed at herself when she realizes way too late that she made a typo on something
Prosopagnosia (face blindness) and aphantasia (when you can’t form mental images in your head)
Thought his aphantasia was completely normal for THE LONGEST time
He almost didn’t believe it when other Troupe members were telling him that they could clearly form mental images in their heads
It was a huge “what the fuck” moment for him
The amount of times he’s heard the phrase “you don’t remember me?” just cause he couldn’t recognize someone by their face alone
Of course he’s still able to recognize people from their voices, clothes, hair, body shapes, etc
But when it comes to people he doesn’t see often, he’s completely lost until he’s told the person’s name and where they met and shit
He’s offended quite a few people by not recognizing them
They assume he couldn’t be bothered to remember them but in reality he probably would if he could remember faces
He has bipolar 1
His mania doesn’t get too crazy but it’s noticeable for the Troupe and any other people that he spends a lot of time with
His highs tend to be more intense than his lows but he definitely still has his lows
And the lows are also noticeable
He gets bags under his eyes from having a difficult time falling asleep and STAYING asleep, and he has a very clear decrease in energy
Sometimes Troupe members feel the need to ask him if he’s feeling alright but he always answers with “yeah I’m fine!” and moves on
The amount of shit he's bought on impulse though
He's good at managing his finances until he's manic and sees something he wants
Bro won't look at price tags
"Ehh I'm sure it'll be fine!" two days later he's in the red and goes complaining to Troupe members about it as if he shouldn't have expected that
It's probably a good thing that his role in the Troupe is more centered around gathering information and not combat
I know damn well he'd get too cocky in a fight depending on wtf his brain chemistry is doing
Do i even need to say it
Bitch (respectfully) is autistic as hell
With some good ol’ ADD sprinkled in there
Her attention span suffers greatly
She can pick up a book or a manga and not put it down to eat, sleep, or go to the bathroom until she finishes it or is forced to put it down
She knows it’s a problem and she really does try to remember to take breaks
Very blunt as we all know
Feitan will struggle to pick up on sarcasm SOMETIMES and uses sarcasm himself
This is not the same for Shizuku
Sarcasm does not register in her brain
She tried using sarcasm once and didn’t do it right so she gave up
She does try to mask a little bit in some situations but mostly doesn’t care enough to
Doesn’t mind stimming in front of people as much as Feitan does but she still does it a lot more in private
Bipolar 2
Her depressive episodes feel longer than they are
She’s gotten a lot better at managing it as she’s gotten older though
She likes to journal her feelings when she can, it personally helps her process and deal with her emotions
She also writes reminders for herself and sets alarms so she doesn’t forget to take care of herself when she’s not feeling too well
Makes sure to praise herself for small victories! :)
She still has her days where she can’t bring herself to do some things, though days like those are less common now than they used to be
Her appetite definitely suffers because her depression, but the reminders and alarms she sets help her remember to eat, even if it has to be something small
She makes sure to get some self care in when she can, too. It's important to her
I hereby bestow thee with dyscalculia and OCD
Being anal about doing things at specific times is only a tiny sliver of his OCD-ness
Sometimes he’ll read the time on a clock wrong and he’ll panic for like 0.2 seconds
It fuckin stresses him out man
Sometimes he’ll tease Machi for having a hard time reading or forgetting how to spell/write a word and she’ll hit him with the “ok what’s 12 x 12 🧍”
Shuts him up real quick
He can count, add, subtract, multiply and divide but it still takes him a minute sometimes
He’ll just give up if he has to do math with fractions, decimals, numbers longer than three digits and any other complicated bullshit
He kinda gave up learning math when it started to literally give him headaches trying to figure it out so simple division and multiplication is as far as he cared to learn
If he’s faced with any math equation that intimidates him he will not even try
He just uses his phone or asks someone else to solve it for him
Okay back on the topic of OCD
He definitely has his repetitive movements that he does
They aren’t too obvious but the rest of the Troupe does notice them from time to time
Nobunaga said something about it one time and Uvo just brushed it off and changed the subject
He doesn’t like bringing attention to it
He also WILL recount and reread things multiple times
Most of the time he’ll only need to recount/reread something like 3-5 times but on bad days he’ll do it 10+ times
It is stressful
Phinks saw him recounting something like 13 times once and was like “bro u good?” and Uvo just snapped at him for fucking up his count
Autism and major depressive disorder
Masking KING (this is not a good thing)
Very touch avoidant like Feitan
He knows he struggles with some social cues and interactions and will sometimes overthink what he’s doing to avoid missing things or doing things wrong
He’s often hyper aware of what he’s doing and what the person he’s talking to is doing
One of his most common ways to stim is by rubbing things - like the corners of pages in his books, or the ends of his sleeves
Loathes being in loud areas. Please why is everyone talking so loud shut the fuck up Chrollo can’t hear himself think
There’s been times where he had to be in loud and bustling places for extended periods of time and once he was alone and in a quiet place he’d feel so so very drained and be nonverbal for hours
Really bad insomnia probably related to his MDD
Lays in bed for HOURSSSS unable to fall asleep
The amount of times he’s had to run on 2-3 hours of sleep is unreal
Listening to calm music and whale noises seems to help him fall asleep a little bit though
Don’t get me wrong he has good days, he’s not completely miserable, but MAN is this guy depressed
On bad days he’ll likely only have one meal or not eat at all
Phantom Troupe be damned if they notice he hasn’t eaten all day
Chrollo will insist he’s fine but some Troupe members aren’t having it
Sometimes someone like Paku or Shal will just go out and get him some food and place it in front of or next to him expectantly
Usually he’ll give up and eat the food
Unless he’s in a bad mood
I will say though, most days he eats at least two meals so it’s not like this is a super common occurrence
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the12thnightproject · 6 months
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Warlords in a Snowball Fight
A general winter themed flash headcanon, as a gift for the Flash Exchange. @flash-exchange
Headcanon: Warlords in a Snowball Fight
In Azuchi…
Nobunaga – Strides through the field of battle, easily packing the snow into efficient weapons. Cooly confident that nobody would dare...  Splat!
Masamune – A snow battle? Bring it on! Runs wildly into action, skidding to a drift, quickly forms lopsided snowballs, and throws them with surprisingly good aim, especially given his blind side. Which… by the way… Splat!
Hideyoshi –  Sets out a list of rules, including, no ice in the middle of your snowball, no throwing snowballs inside the castle, absolutely no running! In the midst of announcing the rules… Splat!
Ieyasu –  Splat! He goes home and locks himself in his panic room with his emotional support sourdough starter.
Mitsunari – An army is made and broken by its organization. Carefully stockpiles snowballs at strategic points throughout Azuchi. Then gets distracted by a new book and forgets to join in the battle.
Ranmaru – Finds Mitsunari’s useful stacks of snowballs, and climbs to the roof, where he systematically picks everyone off, sniper style. Splat!
Keiji – Stands in the center of the field of play, grabbing the closest snow at hand, and throwing it randomly. He’s a dervish. Then he opens his arms wide and yodels, “Who wants to take on the wild child of these war-torn islands, he whose name is sung far and wide, the roguish misfit, Keiji Maeda?”  Splat! Splat! Splat!  
Mitsuhide – Excels at sneaking from hiding spot to hiding spot, surprising victims by popping up out of nowhere and disappearing before they can retaliate. Is also the reason Ieyasu is hiding.
At Kasugayama… things are slightly more dangerous
Kenshin – Instead of snowballs, hurls icicles like spears.
Kanetsugu –  When people complain about flying icicles, tells them they should be honored to receive such attention from the God of War.
Shingen – Organizes Yukimura and Yoshimoto into a team and carefully strategizes the best times and places to attack. Has also built a working snow catapult. In spite of all that, he ends up strangely covered in snow, because, let’s face it, the man looks great in a wet kimono. And out of one.
Yukimura – Is an athletic and efficient snowball thrower, very good on the front lines in an all-out battle, but not terribly good at sneak attacks.
Yoshimoto – Is every snowflake truly different? Let’s find out? He wanders out into the garden. Is not seen until spring.
Sasuke – After getting hit by one too many icicles, packs his snowballs with ground spikes and sets off smoke bombs to escape.
Lone Forces…
Kennyo –  Tricks Azuchi and Kasugayama into fighting each other, then goes off and feeds hungry forest creatures.
Motonari – Snow? Snow doesn’t burn. Hell has frozen over. Sets sail for more tropical climates at the first sign of a flake.
Kicho – Sets off an avalanche.
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depravitycentral · 1 year
Yandere! Nobunaga Hazama NSFW Profile
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Yandere! Nobunaga Hazama x fem! reader
Tw: non-con, stalking, kidnapping, non-consensual touching, infantilization, delusional behavior, Nobunaga is a fucking creep, this one is not for everyone so please tread lightly, excessive Daddy kink, like seriously it's so much, corruption kink (can be applied to both virgins and non-virgins), pussy inspection, humiliation, mentions of reader having pubic hair, Nobunaga has a fleshlight that he customizes, again lots of talk about cum (if you were present on my old blog, the cum jar does not make an appearance don't worry), fem reader, MDNI
I do not condone any of the actions described in this post - this is fiction and should be treated as such. If you or a loved one is in a similar situation to anything contained in this post or my blog in general, please seek help. You're in charge of your internet consumption; please make responsible choices. With that, enjoy! 
Also small shout out to @holydayaria because I read one of her posts talking about how Nobunaga refuses to believe you're not a virgin and all I can say is that I agree. If you'd like me to take this down because of that, please let me know!
WC: 12K
Nobunaga is certainly no stranger to sex; he’s always been a very physical man, craving human affection and touch, and for most of his life he’s sated his sexual desires via hookups, women he can fuck and leave immediately after. Sex holds some emotional value to him, but not enough to stop him from using women just for his own pleasure, no strings attached.
 It’s more that sex with the right person means something to him - sex with you, for example, would mean everything. He’s a horny man by nature, aiming to get off at least biweekly if not more, and once you step into his life this increases monumentally, your presence only enhancing his natural desire to fuck and grope and mark. 
He begins thinking of you in lewd ways pretty early into his obsession; it’s a byproduct of stalking you constantly, if only because he’s seen you naked often, your pretty skin and delicious figure revealed to his eager, smoldering dark eyes. 
He’s studied every inch of your body before you’re even aware of his feelings for you - he knows where every single mole, scar and hair is, which areas you hold insecurities over, which spots you like to touch and feel when you’re awake late at night, your thighs rubbing together and little moans coming from your throat. 
He knows you like the back of his fucking hand, which is why he’s very, very interested in doing literally anything sexual with you. You’re alluring, so pretty and sexy and perfect, and just the mere idea of getting you naked below him, moaning and writhing because of him and his touch gets him flushed, swallowing the lump in his throat, and having to find the nearest semi private area to wrap his fist around his cock and pound away.
He just can’t help but become addicted to fantasizing about you, because in a lot of ways, you’re the only thing he’s living for - aside from the Spider, of course. You’re the reason he gets up every morning, shaving and making sure he looks presentable, attractive, so that if you happen to see him or notice him, you’ll see him as a potential love interest. He wants you to deem him as desirable, to want him, because he yearns so pitifully for you that he can’t not have the feeling reciprocated. It would be too painful, too embarrassing, too much.
Thus, Nobunaga holds no qualms about touching himself to the thought of you - you must want him, too, so why should he feel bad about getting off to you, you starring as the main and only role in his fantasies? 
However, as time passes, Nobunaga finds himself slowly craving more and more of you, his desperation to actually have your body to touch and love slowly becoming too much to bear.
 He used to be satisfied with fucking his fist, letting his eyes flutter closed and imagine the way you’d moan his name and clutch at the pillow behind your head when he folds you into a mating press. Then, when that wasn’t enough, he was quick to get to work on his pillow, hoping that maybe the physical action of fucking something would make it better. 
It did, for a while - moving his hips so quickly and harshly that the pillow nearly tore, his imagination running wild when he pretends it’s you below him, your perfect open spread open and waiting for him. 
Then that’s not enough, and Nobunaga’s at a bit of a loss - where does he go from here? He’s not quite ready to steal you away yet, still needing to make a few final arrangements with both his living situation and making sure he has everything you could possibly need. 
He needs more time - but his cock needs you, so what does he do? He finds the solution when he’s rummaging through an old box he’d found in one of his temporary hideouts, covered in dust and very obviously not used in a long time. 
He opens it, curiosity getting the better of him, only to stare - he’d totally forgotten that a few years ago Phinks and Uvogin, ever the wonderful friends, had decided it would be a good joke to get the swordsman a fleshlight. They’d thought it was upset him, and while he was mildly confused, he found the joke funny too, the mental imagery of either of them vandalizing a sex toy shop making him laugh out loud. 
He’d kept the toy, but it was still sealed in its packaging, still totally pristine and untouched - he’d been too embarrassed to use it, preferring instead to go find a real cunt to release into. 
And yet, with the thought of you fresh in his mind, he’s quick to grab the toy, throwing the box aside and eagerly tearing into the toy’s packaging. He gulps when he finally gets it out; it’s big, easy ten inches long, weighing heavily in his hand. 
The silicone on the outside is smooth, and Nobunaga notices with a cocked eyebrow that the manufacturer had fabricated silicone lips resembling that of a pussy on the outside, even going so far as to place a little nub at the top, surely meant to represent a clit. He gulps, examining the toy further.
It would do, he thinks - it’s good enough for now, at least, just as an experiment, if anything else. Maybe it would be easier to pretend it’s you - he’s sure you’d feel much, much better than whatever artificial pleasure the measly plastic can bring him, but desperate times call for desperate measures. 
As he’s staring at the toy, he notices the time, and quickly he’s scampering for his shoes, slipping out the front door and immediately heading over to your apartment, knowing that you’re always asleep by this time, meaning he can safely watch. 
He likes to sit at the foot of your bed, his chin resting on his fist as he dreamily smiles at you, appraising your relaxed form as you breathe in, out, in, out.
(He hopes you’re dreaming of him, and a few times he’s actually heard you moan lightly in your sleep - he’s so, so very hopeful that he was starring in the dream with you, because who else possibly could be?)
It’s not until he’s been there for an hour or so that his mind wanders back to the toy. It would make do, for now, but it still wasn’t all that realistic - it was silicone, first of all, while you were flesh and blood. 
It wasn’t the right shape, either, because he knows your lips aren’t like that - yours are prettier, more unique, more you. 
The toy doesn’t have your scent, either, that musky, delicious smell that gets his knees feeling weak and his mouth watering. 
The toy doesn’t even have any of your cute little pubic hairs, either - it’s bare, something he knows you’re not. 
He sighs, realizing it’ll be a bit hard to make the toy actually feel like you, but it’s only when you roll over in your sleep that he realizes there may be a solution to a few of his objections. It’s not hard to find a pair of scissors and slide the sheets and your shorts down carefully, snipping a few strands of your hair and storing them in his kimono pocket. 
It’s not hard to memorize every nook and cranny of your cunt, committing the way your lips fold and meet to memory, something he’ll never, ever forget. It’s not much, but as he rushes home, his heart beating out of his chest, Nobunaga feels excited, hoping that these additions will make the toy that much better, that much more like you. 
He’s quick to grab his sword and get shaping the silicon, trying to carve the lips into something more similar to yours, carving in folds and minimizing ones you don’t have. When he’s done, he’s gluing on the hairs he’d collected, and once it’s all dried and put together, he can only bite his lip, excitement coursing through his veins. 
It’s crude, and you’re much, much prettier, but it’s a lot better now - at least it actually kind of looks like you, and it’ll make it much easier to immerse himself in the fantasy of finally, finally sinking inside you. 
He’ll climb onto his bed, swallowing hard and letting his hair down from its topknot, idly running his fingers through it imagining you doing the same thing. Would you tug at his hair, pull on his roots and make him groan in pleasure-tinged pain? 
Long, slender fingers peel off his kimono and run down his chest, tracing lines of muscle and scars. Would you study every inch of him like this, leaving no part of his skin untouched?
 Soon he’s reaching his cock, spreading his thighs a bit to make sure he gets good leverage, and as he slowly, very slowly wraps his fingers around his length, he shakily sighs. Would you pump him a few times before you truly had your way with him? Would you warm him up like this, get him at least partially ready for when you sink down on him, your tight walls or hot mouth enveloping him whole? 
Nobunaga grunts, before reaching out and grabbing the toy, bringing it up to his mouth. Spreading the silicon lips, he spits into it, hoping that’s enough lubricant to have his cock sliding in and smoothly. With you, he’s sure that wouldn’t be a problem - you’d be so wet for him, so aroused and turned on and needy for him, already dripping down your thighs all because of his touch. 
(He might still spit on you if you asked him to, though - he’d spit in your mouth if you’d let him.) 
With shaky fingers, he brings the toy down, his free hand grasping the base of his cock and helping aim the tip into the toy’s lips, groaning lightly he slips inside with a wet pop noise, his toes curling a bit. He brings the toy down further, letting it slide down and down, until the base meets his pelvis. 
Letting his head roll back, he takes a few deep, steadying breaths. The toy doesn’t feel like a real pussy - like your pussy, but it’s still strangely pleasurable, the inside all tight and textured, massaging his tip and making him curse. 
Fuck, baby, he grunts, letting a hand run through his hair again, gonna let me fuck this little cunt? Yeah?
He likes to talk to himself while he touches himself, pretending you’re there to listen and respond, pretending he can hear your airy, strained voice as he you moan out a yes, please, need you to fuck me! 
He growls, before suddenly getting onto his knees, one hand supporting his weight as he leans forward while the other holds the toy steady. 
Yeah? Fuck baby, get ready, I’m gonna make you come so fucking hard, wanna make you make a mess for me. And then he’s thrusting, hips plunging forward into the toy and letting his head drape forward, dark hair falling in a curtain around him as he groans lowly, the friction of the toy making his elbows feel weak. 
Fuck baby, fuck fuck fuck - he’s gasping, the sensation of actually fucking something so much better than everything else he’s been doing up until now.
A constant streams of curses are falling under his breath, his hips fucking into the toy with such vigor that his balls are swinging, smacking into the plastic lip of the toy over and over again, making an audible slap noise. 
He can’t help but imagine you below him, legs spread and ass taut, your face pressed into the mattress as you take his cock, taking every bit of pleasure he can give you, every thrust making you cry out and moan his name and yes yes yes - 
He’s approaching his orgasm much faster than normal, the hairs he’d glued onto the toy tickling his naval with every thrust, just like your own cunt would. Shit baby, you want me to come? Wanna feel me come inside? I can’t hear you, fuck - fuck, say it louder, tell me you want me to come in you! 
His voice is a growl at this point, slurred and strained and shaking as the pleasure grows and grows, but he needs to imagine hearing you say it, to imagine the way your pretty voice would call out a yes, please come inside, need your cum please please please! 
He finishes with a long, drawn out groan that starts low but gets higher as his cum spills inside the toy, hips stuttering and spasming, every muscle in his body flexed as he gasps your name, arms threatening to give out at any moment. 
It feels so good - you feel so good, and Nobunaga has to squeeze his eyes shut to ground himself, fingers gripping the bedspread so tightly his knuckles turn white. He doesn’t bother cleaning the toy after he slowly pulls out, cum spilling as soon as the suction is released, staining his bedspread as he flops back, still panting, staring up at the ceiling. 
The toy felt good, but you’d feel better - you’d clench him more, you’d be warmer, you’d cry out his name and tell him how good he feels, your cunt squeezing him and never letting him pull out. You’d be eager, pushing your ass back against him and begging him to go faster, to go deeper, to give you every last drop of cum he can squeeze out. You’d just be better, but this is enough for now, until he’s got you by his side, sleeping soundly with your pretty pussy ripe for the taking. This’ll do, at least until then. 
(The toy, however, barely lasts - it gets so much use by then that all those modifications he made have all but fallen apart; all the hairs have fallen off, and those lips he was careful to create are starting to wear down from the speed, intensity, and frequency of his thrusts. Cum is starting to overflow the toy, crusting to the outer ring, but he can’t bring himself to clean it out - he wouldn’t clean it out of you after all; you’d just take it all for him, storing it nicely inside, keeping it warm and safe and cherished inside you.) 
Nobunaga wants you, terribly, and while he’ll hold himself for as long as he can, the moment he has you? Well, he’s a patient man when it comes to you, but even he has his limits. And when you’re laid in front of him, in the flesh and staring at him like that, he knows he’s met his. 
So really, just spread your legs and let him go to town - he promises he’ll treat you right, make you come, get you overstimulated and fucked out. 
Just let him try. Please. 
Your thighs 
While he finds every single inch of your body alluring, captivating, drool worthy, there’s a certain allure to your thighs that he just can’t shake. 
Maybe it’s because they’re so soft; pudgy fat that’s perfect for him to grip onto, to knead, to idly rest his hand to get you squirming and anxious. 
Maybe it’s because they look so damn good when you’re just wearing those panties and one of his t-shirts, the expanse of creamy skin open and begging to be admired. 
Maybe it’s just because he loves the way they feel caging his head when he’s got you sitting on his face, the muscles squeezing and trembling as he tongues at your clit. 
Maybe it’s because they’re perfect to throw over his shoulders when he’s hovering over you, fucking into you like an animal in heat and gasping your name, turning his head to pepper kisses along them as he goes harder, faster, deeper. 
He’s not totally sure, but all he really knows is that he likes them - and he’s not exactly shy about showcasing this fact. He’s not trying to hide the way his gaze lingers when you’re walking around, seeing the way the fat jiggles as you walk, his Adam’s Apple bobbing as he swallows. He’s not shy about kissing them and sucking hickies into them, groaning against your skin and coming up for air to tell you that you’re so fucking hot baby, these damn thighs, god… 
He’s not shy about slipping his cock between them, fucking them while you’re forced to watch, seeing his pink tip appearing between them then disappearing over and over and over, up until he’s stuttering your name and cum is landing in ropes on your tummy. 
He always seems to have a hand on your thigh, especially whenever the two of you are sitting - over dinner he’ll have you sit in his lap, one hand holding his fork and the other squeezing at you, groping slightly and pinching you just to see you yelp and feel you jerk in his hold. 
He’ll have you throw your leg over his waist when you’re cuddling, his grip around you like a vice, your thigh digging into his crotch and feeling the way he slowly grows hard. 
He’s always smacking at them, sending you a coy look and telling you that you’re so jumpy babe, you like it when I slap you? You’re so dirty, Daddy’s dirty little girl. 
His love for your thighs hits him out of left field, and one day he’s returning home with a few pairs of thigh highs, forcing you into them and making you parade around, spinning and twirling and giving him a show, only for him to end up breathing heavily and patting his leg, shifting his kimono to the side and making you sit yourself down on his cock, breathing out a heavy, strained c’mere baby, Daddy wants to show you how much he likes your new socks. 
He’s investing in garter belts and every piece of lingerie he can find that frames them, that makes them look even more soft and supple and fuckable, only serving to get him drooling and frantic to get his hands on you. 
Even outside of sex, he genuinely just loves touching your thighs - it’s a comfort thing, one of the most meaty parts of you, and keeping it nearby is like assuring him that you’ll never be able to get far from him, that he’ll always be able to reach out and grab, to drag you back and make sure you never stray too far from his watchful gaze. 
You’re just so pretty, and can he really be blamed for wanting to reach out and touch something so heavenly? Is he really a freak for wanting to squeeze and grope at your thighs, loving the way you get all embarrassed and flustered? 
He doesn't think so, so he won’t stop - he’s always reaching and grabbing and wanting, and eventually you’ll grow used to it, even finding some comfort in it. Just know that as long as his hand is on your thigh, there’s a very, very strong chance that you’ll be having to deal with his cock soon - something he’s more than pleased about. 
His dick 
In general, Nobunaga prides himself on being your provider. 
He’s the one giving you shelter, making sure you’re properly fed and taken care of. 
He likes to bathe with you, washing your body and hair (and often pinning you down in the bathtub and stuffing you with a fresh batch of cum, but that’s besides the point), making sure you’re squeaky clean and perfectly healthy. 
He’s the one making sure no people with ill intentions cross your path, whether that’s those seeking revenge against the Troupe, or just your average, everyday criminals looking for another pretty girl to make their target. 
He likes to think he does everything he can for you, that he’s the sole reason why you’re still safe and healthy and alive, to some extent. But his views that he fully provides for you don’t just extend into your everyday life - no, that philosophy invades the bedroom too, the swordsman full-heartedly believing that he takes care of you sexually. 
He fully believes that he’s the only one capable of making you come (including yourself), that he’s the only one capable of making you feel good, making you get all whiny and moany and making a mess between those pretty legs of yours. It makes him feel special, important, like you need him, and he’ll fully rise to his self-inflicted duty - he will make you come, no matter how long it takes. 
(Besides, getting to have his mouth on your pretty folds for an hour or two at a time is absolute heaven; you taste wonderful, your smell surrounding him and making him throb, the sight of your pretty folds and puffy clit making him groan and lick his lips. It’s absolutely not a chore to eat you out, and the way he moans and praises you will make you more than aware that he doesn’t view this as a punishment in any form, along with the wet patch staining his kimono right over his cock.) 
He will get you crying out his name, no matter how embarrassing or depraved his actions, his desperation to get you feeling good nearly palpable. 
But his absolute favorite way to satisfy you in bed is with his cock. Sure, he likes using his fingers and tongue and anything else you want (he’ll let you use any part of him - just ask with that sweet voice of yours and attach a little hesitant, nervous please at the end and he’s caving like putty), but there’s just something so right about the feeling of your walls wrapped around him, the way your cunt sucks him in making him light headed and dizzy. 
It feels natural to slip his head past your slippery folds, to run his tip up and down your slit, collecting your slick and telling you that you’re so wet for me baby, Daddy’s so proud of you, makin’ it so easy for him to fuck his princess. 
It feels right when you’re clenching down on him, moaning his name as he rams into that spot again and again, walls squeezing at him and forcing him to stay inside, wanting to keep him where he belongs. 
He’s convinced that he knows what your little pussy wants better than you do, and he’s sure the answer, at any given time, is his dick - how can it not be, when you’re always wet for him, your legs shaking before he even sinks inside? 
And god, when he finishes inside you, spraying cum as deeply as he can, he swears he’s in heaven, pure euphoria shooting through his veins because now there’s a bit of him inside you, and now you’re really his. 
He can claim you like this, and if it makes you feel good and gets you creaming and fluttering, it’s really all just fate. It’s got to be fate, because how else can you explain the way every muscle in his body goes lax when he bullies his way into your cunt, his body almost instinctually knowing what to do, how to fuck you, how to please you? 
(The answer, of course, is that you’ve gotten quite good at faking your orgasms - but Nobunaga must never, ever find out, unless you want to be yelled at and tied down for hours while he presses the vibtrator to your poor, oversensitive clit and his cock and fingers take turns stuffing your hole.)
In general, Nobunaga is touchy. 
He’s always hovering around you, not letting you have much personal space, always just being near you. You’re like a drug to him, and he just can’t get his fix without touching you in some capacity, whether that be a hand on your arm, a kiss pressed to your forehead, his chest flush against your back, or anything else. 
It’s uncomfortable, really, how insistent he is - you can slap his wrist away, hiss at him to quit, but he’ll just chuckle and shush you, tightening his grip and pulling you against him, murmuring in your ear to give the act up, sweetheart, you’re not fooling anyone. 
It’s infuriating, and eventually those more innocent touches will begin morphing into more lewd ones, more sexual and overt. He’s naturally quite horny, and the presence of you certainly doesn’t help quell this - if anything, being around you only amplifies his desire to get his cock wet, his desperation for sinking himself deeply into something wet, warm and tight only increasing monumentally. 
And you, sweet, lucky little you, get to be the sole target of all the pent up sexual urges and tensions he possesses - and he doesn’t try to hide them, either. He doesn’t see the point - why should he bother hiding the way his cock strains against his kimono, throbbing and stupidly hard, all because you bent over to pick something up in front of him? 
Why does he need to ‘go away’, as you told him, when he’s got his kimono spread open, his heavy cock exposed while a hand gropes and squeezes at his balls, totally exposed on the couch? 
(He’ll even carry a conversation with you like that - he won’t stop touching himself, the veins on his hand standing out as he squeezes, eyes fluttering closed as he tells you that you look so pretty today baby, what do you want for dinner? I was thinking maybe we could try something new tonight - I’m making it just for you, and I’m sure you’ll love it. He never explicitly said what he meant, but you knew - the way his cock throbbed at his words and precum oozed out in visible globs makes his idea more than apparent.) 
He’s not subtle in the least, genuinely seeing no reason why he shouldn’t be totally transparent about what he wants from you and your body, and no amount of reasoning with him will get him to lay off. 
He genuinely believes you want him to touch you as badly as he does - why wouldn’t he believe it? After all, you’re always leaving those little hints for him, quiet pleas for him to push your relationship further, all because you’re too shy and embarrassed to plainly say it to him. 
You wouldn’t be wearing that t-shirt of his if you didn’t want him to rip it off you and suck on your pretty tits until your nipples are sore and puffy, right? 
(No, it doesn’t matter that it’s the only shirt you possess, that’s not the point.) 
You wouldn’t let the sheets slip down to expose the sliver of your tummy your nightshirt doesn’t cover if you didn’t want him to stare and salivate, right? 
(No, who cares that you can’t control what your bedding does while you’re asleep - it’s a sign, dammit, and you can’t tell him otherwise.) 
He’s just stubborn, reading into everything you do and totally misinterpreting it, but there’s not much you can do about it. 
After all, who’s the Class A bounty, and who can kill with a flick of his wrist? Certainly not you.
Because Nobunaga is more or less completely out of touch with reality, his hopes and desires for your sexual relationship are, accordingly, a bit unrealistic. 
He’s fully under the impression that you’re just playing hard to get, that you’re going through this mock rebellious phase because you think it’s the right thing to do, because you’re scared of your feelings for him, because you’re scared to give in to the way your heart and body need him, knowing that he’s the only one for you. 
He’s fully convinced that it’s only a matter of time before you begin craving him sexually, just as badly and frequently as he craves you, and because of this he holds very little qualms about kickstarting that sexual side to your relationship. He doesn’t see why he should bother holding back - obviously you want him, buried deep down in that little heart of yours, and if he can get the both of you feeling good, getting closer, engaging in the most sacred, intimate thing a couple can, why wouldn’t he? 
And so, while he doesn’t fully force you to fuck him, he’ll find other methods of getting what he wants. 
(He won’t actually shove his cock into you yet, if only because he doesn’t want any of that stupid denial you’re giving him in regards to your true desires - just quit fucking crying, because it’s ruining the mood, and he knows you don’t mean it. So, he’ll punish you by not giving you the pleasure he knows you want - maybe then you’ll learn to be grateful, to not play this dumb game anymore and simply let him love you like you know he can. It’s a small mercy, really, in the sea of horrible things he forces onto you, but you’ll take it - he’s terrifying, and every time he slips off that kimono of his, cock springing into view and a bony hand coming down to tug and jerk, to smear and stroke, you’ll be grateful that he won’t go through with it if you beg him hard enough. Hopefully.) 
But frankly, those methods aren’t too much better - you will be getting intimate; no amount of crying or begging will get you out of letting him touch you, or excuse you from being forced to touch him. 
Rather, Nobunaga will simply force you into sexual acts that don’t comprise of penetrative sex - specifically, he grows to love oral, both receiving and giving it. There’s something just so intimate about it, so sweet and personal and loving, and every time that you deny him sex, he’ll often just grumble at you, narrowing his eyes before softly sighing, letting a little smile grace his lips. 
Okay then baby, but you know all you have to say is that you want me to taste that little pussy of yours, no reason to go cryin’ or making a big show when you just want my mouth. 
He’ll sit you down on the couch or chair, licking his lips and spreading your legs. He’ll always insist on being naked - it’s not truly a passionate moment between two lovers if clothes are separating your bodies, right?
How can he fully take in the lovely sight that is you and your pleasure if a shirt is covering up your tits and tummy, or shorts blocking your sweet, tight little cunt, stopping him from tasting and touching and fucking? 
And so, with both your clothes and his stripped away from you, he’s leaning in, licking a stripe up your slit and letting his eyes roll to the back of his head, your taste making him feral no matter how often he gets it. His dark hair is down around his shoulders, slipping forward as he leans in closer and closer, practically suffocating with how tightly his nose is pressed to your clit, his lips flush with your folds as he licks and sucks, letting his tongue dip inside to rub at your walls. 
His hands will always find purchase on your hips, fingertips squeezing and groping at the soft fat. He fucking loves when you clench them around his head, his hips bucking involuntarily and a moan slipping out against your folds, the pressure making him dizzy and be forced to press even closer to you, eliminating any bit of space between his face and your body, sandwiching him in as if you never, ever want to let him go. 
He’ll eat you out with vigor, spit getting everywhere and slick coating his lips, chin, nose and cheeks, just making an absolute mess of both you and himself. His stubble tickles against your sensitive clit, the feeling pleasurable despite yourself, and often he actually will be able to make you come this way, your body betraying you and giving into his ministrations. But oh, you coming is not the worst part - absolutely not, not when he’s so damn vocal, never shutting up even when he’s got his tongue buried inside you. 
He’s insistent on narrating the whole experience, constantly throwing you praises and talking about how you’re so good, how you taste so sweet and delicious and fuck, you little minx, you like seeing me get all dirty from this little cunt? Makes you wet? I can feel you clenching around me - you’re so dirty baby, my bad girl. 
He’ll be telling you about all the things he wants to do to you, peppering sucks at your clit between his words. Baby you don’t know how badly I need this pussy, how bad I need to fuck you - mmm, gotta show you you’re mine, make sure you know this cunny is mine. You’ll be so damn pretty all stuffed full of me, I know you can take it, you always take my fingers so well. 
He’ll pause to give a series of thrusts of his tongue inside you, his finger rubbing circles at your clit that leave your toes curling.
 Y’so good, this cunt was made for me, huh princess? It’s obnoxious, his words making your skin crawl, and the only genuine way to get him to shut up is to tangle your fingers into his hair and pull, pressing his face as tightly against you as possible and keeping him there, so that he can’t move back to talk. 
And Nobunaga, ever the optimist, doesn’t see your irritation. If anything, he sees this as a sign that you want more, that he feels good and he’s doing a good enough job that you’re desperate for him to finish you off, that you need him to make you come, that only he can get you coming, spasming and spilling slick all into his eagerly awaiting mouth. 
He’ll just groan, moans constantly slipping from his lips and muffling against your folds, and frankly, if he wasn’t a sick freak, you’d almost find the sight hot. Because really, a tall, strong man on his knees, face buried in your pussy while he blindly sucks and licks, rubbing his face in you like a dog, panting and cheeks bright red? 
He’s the picture of depravity, pathetic and sad, but once he finally pulls away (with strands of your slick connecting him to your cunt, his lips licking feverishly at his lips), he’ll just smile wobbly at you, pressing one last kiss to your clit and whispering that he can’t wait until we’re finally one, I promise I’ll make you feel so good, I want you to squirt for me baby, would you be willing? I want to make you feel the best you ever have - Daddy knows exactly what you need, after all. 
Daddy kink
It’s a pretty recent development, really - before you, he’d never felt any particular draw to being called Daddy in the bedroom. 
Really, he didn’t even find sir or master or any other name attractive - it was weird, something he never really understood the appeal of. And even in the beginning of his infatuation with you, this is mostly true - it’s not until he hears you making a joke that things begin to change. 
He’s following you one night, listening to you chat on the phone with a friend (a female friend, he checked, though he still doesn’t like that you hug her every time you see her, or that you end each call with a love you, but he lets it slide since he knows you don’t really mean it, at least not in the way that you love him). 
You’re laughing at something she said, before saying something along the lines of at least he didn’t make you call him Daddy - imagine that! Your voice went up a few octaves, squealing out a mocking fuck me, Daddy! 
Nobunaga’s frozen, his eyes stuck on your face, your words ringing through his head. It’s not that he’s immediately taken with the name, but rather that he notices, in that moment, that it seems to slip off your lips really easily - you sound good saying that, not whiny and annoying like the women in porn sound. 
His brows furrow, but he quickly knocks it aside as you keep moving, staying in the shadows so that he can move with you, too. He doesn’t really think of it again until later that night, when he’s standing in your doorway, watching your sleeping figure. 
Daddy, huh? 
Now that he was giving it some thought, he could see why some men liked it - it was weirdly authoritative, something that felt taboo on his tongue, the way you’d said it even more. He lets the thought marinate, mind wandering to imagining the way you’d sound moaning it, your face all scrunched up in pleasure and the petname falling from your lips as you scratch at his back and clench down on him. It’s a pleasing image, and Nobunaga gulps and shifts his weight, deciding that okay, maybe I could get behind this whole ‘Daddy’ thing. 
It’s not until he falls deeper into his obsession that it really starts taking root, though - not until his delusions have fully set in, his mind warped and untethered from reality that he really starts liking the nickname, imagining the way you’d smile up at him and call him that, your lips curving and caressign the syllables, the sultry tone of your voice, the way you’d set your hand on his chest, as if wanting more, the nickname like some dirty innuendo. 
Except, as some of his protective tendencies intensify, the nickname takes on a more encompassing role, something he wants to hear both in and out of the bedroom - he’s flooded with fantasies of the way you’d wake up in the morning, planting a kiss on his lips and little murmur of good morning, Daddy. 
He’s daydreaming about the way you’d gasp and moan it when he’s got you on your hands and knees, hand smacking your ass and cock bullying its way into you, your breathy gasps and moans making his head spin. 
He decides he really, really likes it, and from the moment you end up in captivity, he expects you to refer to him as Daddy, liking it just as much as Nobunaga. 
In the bedroom, though, it must be Daddy - you can get away with Nobu sometimes, but a few whimpers of the petname and he’s feral, pumping into you and desperate to get you creaming around him, to feel your walls flutter and clench down on him, squeezing him like a fucking vice. 
He likes the power dynamic the petname incites; he’s your protector, the one who’s always taking care of you, making sure you’re happy and safe and that your little cunt is properly satisfied, so why shouldn’t you refer to him as that? 
It only makes sense, and he will be actively referring to himself as such too, often switching between first and third person all in reference to himself. It’s exhausting and you’ll think it’s weird, gross at first, but as time passes you’ll slowly find yourself succumbing to it, it all becoming second nature as you kiss his cheek and tell him thank you for the orgasm, Daddy, I can’t wait for tomorrow’s. 
(He expects you to thank him after every sexual interaction - after all, he tries so hard to please you; shouldn’t you be a little grateful for all his effort? Even if he didn’t manage to get you there - he still spent a good forty minutes with his head between your legs, and shouldn’t that count for something?) 
Don’t try to fight him on the nickname - it’s too ingrained, and you’ll never win, the petname sticking around. He just likes it, the power rush, knowing that if he’s Daddy, then you’re Daddy’s little princess, his sweet little thing that’s all his to love and spoil and fuck. 
It just makes sense, and the thought of you calling him that makes him flush, his cock growing hard, his heartbeat growing erratic because god, what he wouldn’t give to hear it. 
Mirror sex
Nobunaga’s got this big, framed mirror set up in the bedroom he’s set up just for you, and its presence is no mere coincidence. 
It’s huge, easily covering a good third of the wall, its reflection angled perfectly towards the large bed he shares with you. It’s ornate, and while you wonder at first whether it has a purpose or if he just really likes gaudy interior design, as soon as he gets intimate with you, the question is quickly solved. 
He’s obsessed with the idea of watching you while he’s touching you, or while you’re touching him. He wants to see you from every angle, not satisfied with one measly view. He needs to see everything, your front, back, side, every curve of your body on display while he fingers you, fucks your throat, makes love to you, as he likes to say.
(Though, you’d argue that the way he clutches onto you, his hips jackhammering, the way he loses control is all much more reminiscent of a wild animal rather than two lovers - as are the sounds he makes when he’s inside you.) 
Not every sexual encounter you two share will involve the mirror, but anytime the two of you are in the actual bedroom, he will be positioning you so that he gets the best view, making sure that either your face or your side is facing the glass. 
He’s always telling you to look at it, narrating what he’s seeing, telling you that you look so fucking sexy baby, look at the way you’re taking it so well, look at the way Daddy’s cock is just sinking into you so easy, god - 
He’s always praising you, forcing you to sit in his lap facing the mirror and spreading your body out, making you spread your thighs and keep your arms at your side, so that your cute cunt and chest are displayed, perfect for him to fondle and grope all while you watch. 
He’ll toy with your folds, spreading them and rubbing teasing circles at your clit, growling in your ear that you’re so damn pretty, look at this princess cunt, always sucking my fingers in, always so wet and ready for Daddy, you’re so dirty baby - always wanting Daddy’s attention. 
He’ll cup your breasts, pinching and rolling your nipples, laying kisses along your neck and sucking hickeys into your skin, growling about how these tits are so damn perfect, makes Daddy wanna come all over them - you want that, baby? Want Daddy’s cum on your pretty tits? 
He’ll make you give him head while he faces the mirror, so that he can look down and see you on your knees, cock disappearing between your lips again and again, all while staring at the curve of your back in the mirror, the way your ass cheeks separate, sighing shakily because you just look so damn pretty from every angle. 
His favorite, though, is fucking you with the mirror nearby - particularly, he likes taking you from the back, either facing the mirror or with the mirror at the side. With the former, he can see your face as he fucks you - the way your lips part, eyes rolling to the back of your head, sweat beading at your temple and your brows sinching together. He likes watching you fall apart, and this way he can see your face when you come and watch his cock sink into you, seeing your cute little asshole and grope at your cheeks. 
(Especially when your arms give out, collapsing onto your chest with your ass still high in the air, giving him an even better view, one that makes him growl and lean all the way over you, truly looking like an animal as he mounts you.) 
When the mirror is set to the side, he pays close attention to the way your entire body is pushed forward by the force of his thrusts, the smack of his hips against yours propelling you forward and making you cry out. 
He likes seeing the ripple in the fat of your ass and thighs, seeing how your back arches, and god - the way your tits jiggle, and if they’re big enough, the way they fucking swing? It’s the stuff of wet dreams, and he just can’t stop staring at the profile of your body in the mirror, a hand coming down between your legs to eagerly rub at your clit, grunting out about how you’re so damn sexy baby, Daddy’s sexy girl, fuck fuck fuck! 
He’ll even be actively aiming to include the mirror - fucking you directly against it, so that you’re face to face with your reflection, seeing for yourself the way he makes you feel, snapping at you to keep your eyes open and watching. 
He’ll even sit you down in front of the mirror, so that your pussy is mere inches away from the glass, and finger you for hours - he won’t give your poor cunt a break, his fingers never stopping their pace as he rubs figure eights on your clit, going so fast and insistent, not willing to stop until he gets you squirting all over the mirror, your pretty reflection tarnished by the clear liquid dripping down the glass, evidence of the way he pleasures you. 
He wants you to see how good you look falling apart for him, and how good you look together - how your bodies just seem to meld into one, how every dip and curve of your body perfectly fits against his, how you’re made for one another. 
It’s romantic, in his eyes, and while it only really effectively embarrasses you, eventually you’ll grow to enjoy it. Because really, there is something taboo about seeing yourself, and while it made you a bit insecure at first, this way you can see Nobunaga’s face, too. You can see how choked up he gets, how the orgasms you tear from him absolutely wreck him, his cheeks flushed and thin brows furrowed together, even a bit of drool slipping from the edges of his mouth because you just feel so fucking good. 
And while you may hate Nobunaga, despise him and wish him dead, there’s something oddly satisfying about knowing that you’re having such an effect on him, that your pussy and body are capable of reducing him to such a fucking mess. It’ll make you feel good, and poor, pathetic Nobunaga will take this as a sign that you want to fuck more, that you’re not satisfied with the every other day schedule you’d been following. 
And he’s more than happy to fulfill your wishes - as long as your cunt can handle it, he’d gladly spend the rest of his life snug in its warm embrace - snug inside you. 
Corruption kink 
Nobunaga is firmly under the impression that you’re a complete and utter virgin. 
He fully believes, with every bit of his heart, that you’ve never known the touch of another, that you’ve never been pleasured or have pleasured anyone else. 
It doesn’t matter whether it’s true, whether you have more experience than him, even - you are a virgin, and that’s final. Perhaps, you’ve never even kissed anyone before - as soon as the thought flits into his head, he decides he likes it, deciding that it’s the truth, that you’re truly, utterly inexperienced, and therefore it’s his job to make sure you learn. 
It’s his responsibility to make sure you’re properly taught, that you feel comfortable and eager to enter this new world of sexuality, even if you’re already proficient. It’s infuriating, the way he totally disregards anything you say that negates this belief, even throwing to the wind any skill you showcase to him - it doesn’t matter if you give him the absolute best head he’s ever had. 
You’re still a virgin, and the male body is still an enigma to you. As a result, Nobunaga will feel that he needs to introduce you to sex, starting from the absolute basics - he has to teach you to kiss. 
He’ll sit you down, his cheeks a bit pink, this oddly intense look in his eyes as he shuffles closer to you, so that your thighs are flush. 
Listen, baby, there’s something I need to show you, he starts, gulping. Kissing goes like this - I’m going to lean in, and I want you to do what you feel me doing. He leans in much too quickly, practically headbutting you in his desire to get his lips on yours, and distantly you wonder who the hell taught him to kiss because there’s too much spit, too much tongue, too much of everything. 
But when you don’t respond, he’ll pull back slightly, dark eyes flicking between your own eyes as he tells you don’t be scared, I promise it’ll feel good, how can you get better if you don’t try? 
He’ll keep going until you eventually start kissing him back, the moan he lets into your mouth making you shiver in disgust, but he won’t just stop there - the kisses get more frantic, and suddenly he’s pushing you onto your back, hovering above you and letting his dark hair fall over his shoulders.
He’ll kiss you for a long while, enough to leave your lips swollen, before eventually pulling back, panting and wiping at his mouth with the back of his hand. 
Now, baby, I’m gonna show you how it feels to be touched, if something feels especially good let Daddy know. He’s quick to tug your shirt over your head, letting a smile flit across his lips as he sees your bare chest and stomach (he’d not brought any of your bras with him when he stole you away, and thus you have none to wear - giving him quick, easy access), meeting your gaze and telling you that you’re so beautiful, a body like this deserves to be worshiped, so glad Daddy’s the only one who’s ever seen these pretty tits… 
He’ll reach down and cup them, thumbing over your nipples, sucking in a sharp breath because you’re so damn soft. Your face will crinkle up in disgust as he brings his mouth down to suck at them, but he misreads this as pleasure, letting his teeth nibble on your sensitive skin and very lightly biting, making you yelp. 
Shh, it’s okay, I know it feels good, just let it take over, don’t fight it baby. 
He’ll move to your shorts next, tugging down the hem along with the pretty lace panties he’d forced you into that morning, your body now bare and exposed underneath him. He whines, his eyes wide and irises blown out, a long, slender finger running from your sternum down to your naval, both hands coming down to rub circles right over your hipbones.
 Now baby, I know you’re probably scared - but Daddy’s got you, he’ll make sure you’re feeling good. 
His voice is uneven, rising and falling along with his heavy breaths, but before you can comment he’s reaching down, spreading your legs and pulling you closer to him. He licks his lips again as he stares, coming down to lay on his stomach and get his face as close to your cunt as he can manage, so that you can feel his breath against your skin. 
He’s brushing his fingers along your slit, rubbing at your clit, sinking them inside and curling, his own whimpers slipping past his lips at the feeling of your folds significantly louder than your own. 
All the while, he’s telling you that this is called fingering, do you like it? Hope so, because soon Daddy’s gonna put something much bigger inside - no don’t worry! It’ll be good, it’ll feel good, he’ll give you an orgasm, I promise. 
Soon he’s reaching down and licking at you, his eyes rolling to the back of his head because you taste fucking divine, and he’s quick to tell you as much, moaning out fuck baby, you taste so good, making me so damn hard - do you wanna see? Do you want to see Daddy’s cock, see what you do to me? 
And you don’t really answer, or at least Nobunaga doesn’t listen to your answer - he’s suddenly standing up, ripping off his kimono and letting it fall to the ground, immediately palming his cock and shuddering a bit, his gaze not leaving you. You’re still laying on the bed, and he comes up to stand beside you, his cock mere inches from your face. 
See how hard it is for you? You make me like this, Daddy gets so fucking hard when he’s near you, I just want you so bad. 
He’s slowly stroking himself, his length already fully engorged, and you can see the way his tip is shining in the light, precum smeared all across it. 
He’s biting his lip, slowly bringing it closer and closer and closer, before telling you you can touch it, use firm touches and don’t be scared - it’s warm, and sometimes it moves on its own, but Daddy would fucking love it if you’d touch it. 
And when you reach out, slowly wrapping your fingers around it, Nobunaga can’t help but throw his head back and thrust forward slightly, the friction making him hiss. Fuck baby, how’re you so good at this? ‘Ts like you’re made for stroking Daddy’s cock… 
After a while of thrusting into your hand he’ll move on, breathing heavily and desperate for more. He’ll lean forward a bit and press his tip to your lips, telling you to open up baby, gotta teach you how to suck cock, we’ll go nice and slow, I think you’ll love it. 
He pushes in slowly, with a long, low groan, his fingers clutching at the sheets of the bed, eyes squeezed shut because god, how is your mouth so wonderful and wet and warm? Bob your head baby, back and forth, use your tongue and run it over the tip, mmhm, fuck baby just like that, Daddy likes that, fuck! 
He’ll start thrusting too, shallowly, though occasionally it’ll slip too far, the tip reaching back and choking you, and when this happens he’ll just chuckle through a gasp, running a hand through his hair and murmuring soon we’ll get you trained to take it all the way - shit, Daddy wants you to take all of him soon. 
Eventually, though, he’ll be crawling back over you, grasping his cock and lining it up with your folds, pressing a deep, wet kiss against your lips and slowly sinking in, hissing out to relax baby, you’re too fucking tight, deep breaths, don’t be scared, Daddy will fuck you right, he’ll make you first time special, just please - please relax or else I can’t get in! 
And as he slowly starts thrusting, balls gently smacking against your ass, he’ll lean up to whisper in your ear, one hand finding a home at your breast. 
Shh, shh, don’t worry, it’ll feel good in a minute, just gotta stretch you out a bit - yeah? You like that? Daddy likes that too, but it’s gonna get faster, ‘m gonna fuck you a bit harder, get you used to the way Daddy’ll fuck you from here on - nice and hard, just like you deserve, angel. 
And with that he’s picking up the pace, ramming into you and groaning your name, burying his face into your neck while you cry out, the sudden change in speed making your back arch. He’s still speaking into your neck, praising you for taking it so well, claiming you’re made for this, that your cute little virgin cunt must want him badly enough that you’re adjusting so quickly, even clenching down on him and grinding back. 
He’s in ecstasy, and as he nears his orgasm he’ll pull back slightly, grunting in your ear that he’s gonna come, Daddy’s gonna come inside you, you just - fuck, just look pretty and take it for him, yeah? Shit baby, it’s close, little cunt’s squeezing so tight, oh - oh fuck, it’s coming, take it all for Daddy, take it -! 
And soon there’s little spurts of warmth, making you feel sticky and wet, and Nobunaga’s moaning in your ear, slurred syllables of your name as his hips rut and unevenly clap into yours, the last bits of his orgasm slowly leaving him. 
He just likes talking you through everything, pretending as if you’re fully innocent, as if he’s the very first one to get his greedy hands on you - after all, you’re his, and wouldn’t it just be perfect if you’d been saving yourself for him? 
Wouldn’t it just be right if you’d been carefully thwarting other men, keeping your virginity intact so that it can be taken by the only one who really loves you? 
Nobunaga thinks so, and even after he’s fucked you a few times, the patronizing way he guides you and teaches you never really fading. 
(Often, he’ll even teach you the wrong things - he’s showing you how to properly touch yourself so that you can take care of yourself when Troupe business takes him away for periods of time, and you want to scream because he keeps neglecting your clit, the little nub swollen and begging for attention, telling you that it’ll come eventually if you just keep rubbing that spot inside you that feels so good, exactly like his cock does. It won’t, but he seems convinced.) 
Just let him believe that you’re utterly inexperienced, that you’re totally ignorant of anything involving sex, because no matter what you say or how you fight him on it, his beliefs are law. Always. 
Scent kink 
Nobunaga is a dirty, disgusting man. 
He has absolutely no sense of boundaries when it comes to you, believing that since you’re lovers and clearly soulmates, there shouldn’t be any boundaries between you. He doesn’t keep anything from you, so why should you keep anything from him? 
It would be wrong to not be completely open with one another, and Nobunaga takes this in the most literal sense. As a result, he has no shame when he discovers his affinity for smelling you. You’ve always had a scent he likes; something calming, a hint of sweet, something smooth and warm and sexy, and that’s just your natural aroma, something Nobunaga swears is his own personal drug. 
But your cunt?
Well, that smells like something else entirely - something earthy, musky, heavy, and because you insist on wearing panties at all hours of the day, he’s bit limited on when he can get a good, deep sniff like he wants. 
(Although, you’ll notice that when he’s got you naked, spread before him and ripe to tease and fuck and taste, he’s always leaning down, getting his nose right up to your folds and inhaling, deeply enough that its audible, making you embarrassed and try to close your legs. This only inadvertently brings his head closer, giving him an even better smell, making him moan and start rutting against the nearest surface.) 
Instead, he has to find alternative outlets when the mood strikes him and you’re not currently getting intimate. 
And so, Nobunaga falls back on those damn panties, deciding that if you’re going to be so insistent and constantly wear them, then he’ll make the most of it. 
There is no dirty laundry hamper with him - when you’re done with a pair, you must hand them to him, directly, reporting to him how long you’ve had them on, whether you were aroused while wearing them, and if so, what you were thinking about. 
He’ll keep them stashed away, one always tucked into the waistbelt of his kimono, so that whenever the mood strikes him, he can reach down and take a good, long sniff, sighing and palming himself through his clothing. 
You just smell so damn good, and he’ll hold onto them until you’re complaining that you don’t have any more clean ones, that you need to do the laundry. He’ll just cock a brow and tell you that he’s not convinced you want them all that badly, why don’t you show Daddy just how much you want them. 
And it’s only after he’s down fucking your throat that he’ll hand them back over, ready for you to clean them, only for the cycle to restart all over again. 
(Although, for the mean time, since you don’t have any to wear while you’re cleaning, why don’t you wear a pair of his underwear - don’t mind the fresh, suspicious stains. That’s not cum, just - just something that looks like it, that’s all. Just put them on, because he’ll keep those after you’re done too, smelling both your scents combined, something perfect and wonderful and unexplainably ours, as he likes to say.)
Thigh riding
While he prefers to be taking an active role in your pleasure, even Nobunaga can’t deny that there’s something enticing about the idea of you just using him, of simply watching you try and get yourself off using his body. 
It just reinstates his belief that you need him, that you aren’t capable of orgasming without his touch - or, at least, without his body. It makes him feel good, and very quickly he’ll be perching you on his knee, smiling at you with that same half-lidded, dopey grin, telling you to go wild baby, Daddy wants to watch you make a mess. 
He’ll help guide your hips at first, pushing you down a bit and forward, making sure your cunt is rubbing against the muscles of his thigh, humming out a that’s it baby, good girl, keep going. 
Then he’ll lean back, staring at you the whole time, enjoying the feeling of your cunt slowly growing wet, the slick smearing across his bare skin, the warmth overwhelming. It’s a real test of his patience, though, because while you look incredibly hot rutting against his thigh, dragging yourself along the muscle, it’s excruciating having to hold himself back from just impaling you on his cock, grabbing you by the hips and yanking you down so that he’s buried in that wet heat you’re teasing him with. 
But he’ll grit his teeth, trying to distract himself by staring at your body. He likes the way your tits sway when you do this, nipples pebbled and peaked, and he’ll often reach out and pinch at one, liking the way you yelp and jerk a bit. He’ll watch the pudge of your tummy, your abdominal muscles rolling and clenching as you slowly work yourself, his fingers longing to reach out and grope at the soft fat. 
And your face? Oh, he thinks you don’t realize how seductive you look like this - biting your lip, desperate to get more friction and more solid pleasure, the feeling of grinding against his thigh not nearly enough to get you off. 
And eventually, he’ll take pity on you, asking if you’re close. You’ll whine and tell him no, ‘m not, I need more, and Nobunaga can’t help the way his cock visibly bobs at that, at what you’re insinuating. You want Daddy’s cock, baby? 
You’ll hate yourself for it, but you’ll nod, needing something more than what you’re currently getting, but Nobunaga won’t mind providing for your needs - not at all, liking the idea of you being all desperate and needy for him, for his touch and body and cock.
 So while it’s not something that happens super frequently, when Nobunaga wants to teach you a lesson or just simply watch you, he’ll put you on his thigh, telling you to get to work, give Daddy a show, and expecting you to hump and grind at him until you’re near tears, desperate enough to come that you’ll beg. 
In general, most activities in the bedroom with him will be more humiliating, always making you feel like you’re incompetent and in need of being taught a lesson (how to properly take his cock, how to behave, how to just lay there and look pretty while he does all the hard work). 
There’s just something about him that makes you feel small and weak, and with the way he’s always spouting nonsense about how you really feel, total delusions about what you are and what he’s done to you, you’ll slowly feel like you’re going crazy. 
But Nobunaga, on the other hand, loves the atmosphere between the sheets with you - he’s been dreaming of getting intimate with for so fucking long, wanting to touch you and kiss you and make you scream his name, and now that he’s finally, finally getting to do all those things, he’s a bit of a lost cause. 
He’s so consumed by all the various fantasies he wants to enact with you that he gets swallowed up, too overwhelmed to really wade his way through. And yet, there’s this one scenario that’s been in his head for as long as his feelings for you have been in his heart; that is, Nobunaga wants desperately to give your cute little pussy an inspection, to study every part of you and make sure that everything is in working order, that you’ve been good. 
It’s a way to exercise his control over you, feeling dominant and powerful and like he’s taking care of you, but even more than that, it allows him to unabashedly stare at you, to examine the most intimate part of you. It gets him giddy, just the thought making his cock stand at attention, his fingers shaking a bit and his heart thrumming in his chest. 
It would just be so damn hot, and you’d look so cute at his mercy, with your fingers spreading your pussy lips so that he has the best view, legs spread wide open to accommodate his body, because he really has to be as close as possible in order to really observe, to really see everything. 
It’s something he’s always idly wanted, and as soon as he’s got you under his thumb, he’ll be enacting it - he’s just looking out for you after all, because while he cares about every part of you, he’s especially partial to your little cunt, so much so that he’s willing to take the extra time and give it the care and attention it deserves. More than willing.
He’s still in that honeymoon stage, having only relocated you a few days ago, and as soon as you walk out of the bedroom, rubbing at your sleepy eyes and yawning, he’s beaming. Immediately he’s racing to you, arms circling around your torso as he squeezes you into a hug, leaning down and letting his nose burrow into your neck, breathing deeply. “Goodmorning baby, how did you sleep?”
You’re still all shy, not able to look at him in the eye, and as you pull back, you mumble a small ‘good’. Nobunaga sighs, fingers playing with a piece of your hair, before resting his hands on your shoulders. 
Part of the reason he’d been in such a good mood this morning was that today was a very special day - he’d had this planned for months now, excitement brewing in his chest as the days drew closer and closer, eagerness settling in his chest. It was finally the day he’d decided that he’d give you a proper inspection, just to make sure that your pussy is all ready and prepared for him, so that he can get you feeling good and making you cream daily from here on out. 
He shivers, swallowing. “Okay baby, follow me.”
He takes you over to the dining table, the wood an oaky color, and tells you to hop up onto the table. “Go on, get that cute little ass up there.”
You follow his commands without any hesitation, settling yourself on the table and looking at him expectantly. He was playing with his hands, tongue flicking out over his lips, and distantly you wonder what he has in mind. 
“Spread your legs, angel, Daddy wants what’s in the middle.” 
You blanch at his words, embarrassment creeping up your spine. When you don’t move, Nobunaga’s smile twitches a bit, and he’s grabbing your ankles himself, spreading your legs and shimmying your panties down your thighs, stuffing them firmly in his pocket as he gulps. “Fuck, baby, you’re so pretty…”
You can’t look at him as he settles onto his knees, coming closer until he’s right eye level with your cunt, his lips slightly parted to accommodate the way his breathing is growing more labored by the minute. 
After a few moments his gaze flicks up to you. “I’ve gotta take a good look at this pussy baby, gotta make sure you’ve been good. Daddy can’t fuck you until he’s sure you’ve been a good girl, that you’ve been taking care of yourself and you aren’t too stretched out from him showing you how to finger yourself the other day.”
He licks his lips again. “Spread yourself for me.”
You do as he says, pulling your lips back to expose the soft inside to his prying gaze, the cold air of the kitchen making you clench up. Nobunaga watches the movement carefully, unable to look away as you lightly spasm, nervous and embarrassed at the way you’re so exposed for him. He’s tilting his head this way and that, looking at every angle, eyes appraising every nook and cranny.
“Fuck baby, looks good so far… let’s check that little clit.” He’s nearly whispering now, too lost in his own world as he reaches out and brushes his thumb over your nub, chuckling when you jerk a bit at the contact. “Good, you’re sensitive… Daddy likes it when you’re sensitive.”
His thumb comes down to swipe over your hole, feeling the way you clench yet again at the slight contact. He throws you a playful glare. “You’re so dirty, getting all excited from the inspection. Daddy’s gonna have to punish you for that, you know.”
You shiver at his words, biting your lip and shoving your hips forward, a bit of your confidence having returned despite his heavy stare. 
“Mmm, you’re not as wet as I hoped, but that’s okay, I can still get what I need…” He trails off, before leaning forward and licking a long, languid stripe up your exposed hole, closing his eyes and letting the taste of you sit in his mouth, smacking his lips a bit to make sure he fully tastes your flavor. “Good, good, you taste like you should baby. So proud, you’re doing so good so far.”
He gives you a little kiss on the inside of your thigh to punctuate his point. 
“Only one thing left now, baby, almost done and then -” He shudders. “Then, we can do something more fun - Daddy can show you what he’s been wanting to do to you since last night.”
You’re still spreading apart your lips, and Nobunaga gets ever close, a finger prodding and lightly pushing into you, feeling around your walls. It almost feels like he’s searching for something, curling and rubbing against certain areas. 
Soon it stops though, and he lets that dopey, too-wide smile slip onto his lips. “Perfect baby, Daddy’s little cunt is nice and tight. You’ve been good, haven’t been putting anything too big up there - that’s good, it’ll show you how nice and big Daddy is, how he can fill you up just right.”
He shivers at the thought, leaning forward one more time to give a nice, hearty suck right over your puckering hole, before pulling back and licking the slick off his lips. Soon he’s standing up, his kimono untied and falling to the floor, and he’s grabbing your hips, flipping you over so that you’re on your stomach, ass pulled to the edge of the table. He leans over you, cock pressed against your asscheeks, and you feel him throb as he sighs out. 
“Ready, baby? I know your pussy’s ready - I can read her like a book, it’s Daddy’s pussy, after all. And she’d never lie to Daddy…” He traces a finger up your spine, before grabbing your neck, slender fingers wrapping around the thin skin. 
“Now get ready to scream Daddy’s name, and don’t worry about making a mess. I’ll clean you right up.” He lines his tip up with your hole, spreading your cheeks ever so slightly to make room for himself. “Remember to tell Daddy when you’re coming, he wants to come with you. Deep breaths, angel, it’s going in now.”
And as he pushes in, he can’t help but groan - you were still so damn tight, his inspection not lying when he’d discovered you hadn’t stretched yourself out on anything lately. He gasps your name and pushes in flush, his balls snug against your clit, before coming down to kiss at your shoulders. “Remember, if you want to show Daddy you love him, you’ll come for him. And you do love him, right?”
You answer with a mix of a sob and a moan as he starts clapping into you, hips smacking so loudly it’s the only thing audible in the tiny kitchen, aside from your cries and his grunts.
And, when you’re wailing out that you’re close a few minutes later, Nobunaga can only groan, feeling his own orgasm hurtling towards him. This is the last part of the inspection, the last thing you need to pass before Nobunaga’s free to fuck you as he pleases - can you hold everything he gives you? Can your little pussy store every last drop he pushes into you?
And, the more important question that comes a few minutes after that - can it hold two loads?
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nynyhaha · 3 months
How Kurapika’s revenge and the Spider’s Requiem are one and the same
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When HxH fans think of requiem,Chrollo appears in their head.No wonder,since it’s yorknews most memorable scene.
But what if that requiem was caused by another?
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What do these events have in common?Bloodshed,revenge and grief.
Something akin to a prayer.It’s a way for the living to cope with loss and honour the dead.What is Kurapika performing if not a requiem?His whole arc is one big,prolonged requiem for his clan.
The only way to get closer to the dead is to send someone else their way,to avenge them or to fulfil their wishes.
Outlet for emotions:
By acting out the feelings of rage, closure can be found only briefly and temporarily but what else can one do?Interestingly,Kurapika gets revenge on the murderers of his people (as far as we know) whereas the Troupe takes out their anger on the broader mafia scene.
Their revenge is somewhat misplaced.That’s why Nobuanga,Uvogins closest friend,doesn’t participate,instead choosing to babysit Gon and Killua.If Nobunaga really saw the mafia members the troupe killed during the requiem as guilty,he wouldn’t have sat back and would have insisted to participate.
Then why does the troupe do this?How does their and Kurapikas revenge relate to
Feelings of the dead: Uvogin would’ve wanted this.He liked murder and he has always loved Chrollo’s shows.
Would the Kurta clan expect Kurapika to avenge it,at the cost of his life and sanity?We don’t know.
Sending a message:
Chrollo says”don’t mess with us,one of us dies,everyone around us dies.And we don’t know if Uvo can hear us,but we will play a requiem for him,showing his life was worth something.To us,it’s worth other people losing lives.”
Kurapika says”The kurta clan isn’t to be killed for eyes.We are people and I’ll force the world to see us as such.You’ll pay for reducing us to eyes”
As said above,Kurapika and Chrollo both look as if they’re performing some religious ritual,as if they appeal to a higher power.
But neither of them mention god.Even tho both use religious symbols,it’s unlikely either one is a real believer.
Chrollo addresses Uvo directly,supposing there is some sort of afterlife and some soul that can hear him.To him there’s no higher authority than the dead man himself,it’s not about God to him
Kurapika seems to be praying to the moon,but it’s likely he believes in some sort of ancestor religion where they’re watching over him and expecting him to act in the clans interests.
There is no doubt spirituality involved,and yet both scenes would work just as great if they were atheists.
If there was a just god,they’d just have to wait for him to establish justice.But there’s no sign of that,so they’re left to enforce their own will and idea of fairness.
They’ll make the wrong right by acting in the dead person’s interest,as absurd as it may be.
After all,that’s the last thing they can do for them.
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So far neither of them managed to escape that mourning period.
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eruminx · 1 year
random phantom troupe headcanons / thoughts
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including: chrollo, shalnark, feitan, nobunaga, illumi, general phantom troupe
warnings: possible spoilers, nsfw, brief mention of torture, lightly proof-read
chrollo is really into astrology. when you think about his character it makes a lot of sense. chrollo believes in fate and destiny, and how we cannot change it. that’s why he’s so amused by characters like hisoka and gon, because they try to change their destiny. and one of astrology's main themes is destiny and fate. astrology gives people identities, something that chrollo is constantly looking for outside of himself. because he cant accept that he is himself. i would go more into the astrology topic, but i don’t know enough about it to get into great detail without sharing misinformation.
shalnark and feitan aren’t that different from each other. both are scarily sadistic it just manifests in different ways. shalnark is generally very friendly and one of the more outgoing phantom troupe members. he’s a nice dude, but he’s not kind. niceness is like a mask, it’s a common courtesy. kindness comes from the heart. i think the only genuinely kind member is nobunaga, but i’ll get into that later. shalnark is more of a psychological torture guy, while feitan is more into traditional torture.
okay back to nobunaga. i very much think that he is the only truly kind member of the troupe. (this headcanon is not based on how he was as a child by the way) i recently read a nobunaga analysis (here) and it only furthered my belief in this headcanon. simply the way he feels for others is very kind, and how he acted towards gon and uvo specifically. as well as some parts in the manga. he’s definitely very compassionate and understanding, especially compared to the other members. i think some of the other members are capable of kindness, but they wouldn’t be described as “kind”. two other members that come to mind are chrollo and pakunoda. they are both quite compassionate, as seen during their sentimental moments. (chrollo when reacting to members’ deaths and paku’s pre-death gun scene and her small interaction with the cat) but i wouldn’t call them “kind”, but instead more in-tune with their emotions. but, i think deep down inside all people are capable of kindness, so it can be hard to say.
illumi isn’t as clueless about love as the fandom makes him out to be. his only real reference for “love” is his parents, and they actually really love each other. knowing how kikyo is, she’s probably very doting with silva like she is with her children. and silva seems pretty compassionate as seen in his interactions with killua. silva also showed genuine concern for kikyo’s safety when killua threatened to kill her during the election arc. illumi has definitely learned from that, even if he doesn’t fully understand it. he wouldn’t be the best partner, but he’s more affectionate than he comes off. and i also firmly believe that he is not a virgin. i wouldn’t say he gets around like hisoka and chrollo, but he definitely has a few bodies. he’s human too, and he understands that he has human needs.
a good handful of the troupe members get around frequently. i read a headcanon saying some of the members have had sexual and romantic encounters with each other and I AGREE. i think the members who sleep around the most are (in order) hisoka (obviously), uvo, chrollo, and shalnark. maybe phinks but I think he’s so angry and intense because of how pent-up he is. i also think paku and nobunaga are the types to have intense flings with people every now and then… and they can last months. some members i think do not get around are machi, franklin, and feitan. they’re just not very interested and are too busy. i think shizuku is in the middle. i don’t think she’s a virgin and she has partners once in a while but she’s not actively pursuing sex. she just goes with the flow.
the troupe members dynamics are constantly changing. i feel like there’s very clear friend groups inside the troupe. like uvo, nobu, and shalnark are a very clear group in my eyes. as well as phinks and feitan. i feel like chrollo and pakunoda are a part of their little group together. i think the others are more loner types, but the original members still all share a special bond. member-to-member conflict happens a lot in the troupe, you can see this with nobunaga and some of his interactions with franklin and machi. I don’t think anyone dislikes each other (not including hisoka) but tension is common.
anyways... thank you for reading! this is my first post in forever lol (i’m a bit embarrassed….tbh lol)
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Hunter x Hunter: more pt speculation. bcs im ill leave me alone
so you know how they say a person's background influences a) their nen type and then b) their conceived hatsu.
so im going to discuss a few origins that i think are very tasty and interesting. specifically within the troupe (since we get backgrounds and interests for basically EVERY OTHER CHARACTER-)
the enhancers are pretty self explanatory. they chose a limb or an object to enhance and went crazy with it. nobunaga chose a sword, phinks and uvo both chose their right fist. shalnark shizuku franklin and machi are also all fairly straightforward too.
pakunoda - she's an empath. she's one of the more sentimental spiders and on top of everything she can do, her ability is also capable of transferring emotions. i think that's where it started but as she set restrictions, she gained the ability to extract memories and thoughts.
kortopi - he's a counterfeiter. he isn't a fighter per se but he has a hell of a lot of creativity and desire to make new. how do i know that? speculation. and because aura is based off of desire yeah yeah basics of nen i'll shut up now. point is. he has a lot of aura and it has to come from somewhere. I think he started as an imitation artist, making replicas of pretty things he sees out of junk
feitan - i think he's just like that. he is an unhinged little bitch and was simply born with a disposition for pain. so we know that he was on the team responsible for helping chrollo uncover sarasa's killers. so, as many theories go, they had to watch several thousand 'films' that the criminal underground had produced. and he was so scarred that it flipped his entire psyche. thus, he equates pain with forces of natural disasters because it's such a point of turmoil and joy.
i might need a separate post to do a psychoanalysis of this little man
bonolenov - probably a given? he was raised on tribal beliefs of spirits and traditional war attire. his Prologue battle suit is a gift of his people, possibly passed down only through memory and manifested nen that has lasted generations. the planets were his own creation, inspired by a love of music outside of his world. haha puns.
grr i rotate the spoodrs in my brain.
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selenacosmic · 2 months
Hi! Can I request for a Mc that is an Idol(maybe kinda like Ai Hoshino) in the future and them finding out about it?(can you include Kicho and Motonari, please? And the rest is your choice) and I really love your writing!
Hello! I love this idea! Thank you for the request.
Idol MC.
Oda forces.
Nobunaga Oda.
Nobunaga knew that there was something special about you, something that captivated him. Not only him, but all of those around you, it felt like you were special. It was only when you both go to the future that he finds out why.
The concept of idol was completely new to him, and yet you fit the category perfectly. While there, he was making sure to keep any crazy fans away with his overwhelming dominant aura. It was mostly to keep you safe, and maybe a bit because of jealousy.
Mitsuhide Akechi.
Mitsuhide felt like you were a strange light making way through the darkness that was him, trying to cheering him up even though he never showed his negative emotions. And yet it felt like a light that he couldn’t quite grasp at. That was the perfect concept of an idol and you fit right into it. Despite his feelings, he wouldn’t let you see these vulnerable emotions of his, hiding it by teasing you.
In the future, he noticed how dangerous it was for you, many people also wanted to grasp at your light, even if it meant harming you. Something he wouldn’t allow to happen.
Uesugi-Takeda alliance.
Kenshin Uesugi.
Kenshin is already a very possessive person over those he loves, but that becomes more intense with you for two reasons, the first is because he loves you, and the second is because you enchant everyone around you and that makes him easily jealous.
Now, knowing how protective he could be, you thought it was a better idea to reveal to him the truth about your career in the future, rather than letting him finding out there. Maybe going back to the future where you are a beloved idol with a protective Kenshin isn’t a good idea.
Shingen Takeda.
That you are an angel, a goddess, a celestial maiden was perfectly clear to shingen, but that becomes even more clearer with how you naturally shine among others. While you were used to being praised, it felt different when it came from shingen. From him, it wasn’t obsession, it was true love and devotion.
Going to the future was inevitable, but with sasuke’s help, you were able to stay hidden, for the most part, so that Shingen could get his treatment peacefully. He could see just how many other people saw you as an angel there.
Lone forces.
Kichou already knew about you, about your fame in the modern era. From a distance, he couldn’t see what people really saw in admiring you, but it was when you met each other in the sengoku era that he found out.
You were precious, someone who others naturally admired, it almost made him jealous of how unreachable you were. Still, you chose to be near him, and now he would be more selfish by keeping you to himself.
Motonari Mouri.
Motonari had already heard of how the Oda princess was admired, but he managed to confirm that fact after he kidnapped you. Practically all of his crew were enchanted by you, something that, while he kept his distance, annoyed him. What was so special about you, he didn’t quite know until he got closer to you.
There wasn’t a need to go to the future to see how you managed to steal hearts. And as a pirate, Motonari knew he had a great treasure in his hands.
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
Yandere Phantom Troupe with a s/o who gets friendly with other partners
Characters: Chrollo, Phinks, Nobunaga and Franklin
A/n: Ehhhh just a small thing. Brain fried from school and lack of proper sleep. Hope my HXH fixation stays strong for a while longer 😍 Also i think the writing is lowkey ugly but I think it's mostly the brain fog
Also wanted to do Uvogin but miss girl I really can't with ts rn... Btw I dont do Franklin I just like his character. ONE TIME THING OK 👌
Also in my ghosting era. Sorry moots I'm dying but bitch im alive but I'm dead 💔
Now what the hell do you think you're doing?
It's good to see that you're still capable of social interaction, but getting all buddy buddy with the other partners will make him extremely jealous.
His jealousy doesn't stem from his fear of them taking you away from him, it's purely because he thinks that HE should be the only one you spend your leisurely time with. Not some nobodies.
Chrollo is very straightforward and verbal in his expression of feelings. He will tell you to knock it off and stay near him for now on.
Maybe he will be more lenient when you talk to them from a distance.
Disobey and you will lose many privileges. It's not too often the troupe has meetings, so if there is a next time to prove yourself, (Assuming you've made up a lot for it and have obtained outside pleasures) you'd better either keep your head to the ground, or your eyes boring into his.
Eyes are the windows to the soul aren't they? Personally, Chrollo agrees with this sentiment. 
But if you're planning on escaping with the aid of that other partner, you better pray he takes some kind of psychological pity on you.
He WILL find out about it. Chrollo is a master manipulator and can read others out very well after some time.
Regarding that he has taken everything from you, he will know that you are keeping something from him.
It's not as if he didn't predict this, but it still dissapointed him.
Punishment is never tortuous, but it's direct and precise. Chrollo takes want he wants no matter how he gets it.
Sometimes you think of it as a blade hidden under his long sleeve. He closes in, saying things you wish not want to hear again, and strikes you in the most vital parts.
Literally does not care that much if you don't make a big deal out of it. Though, he does make sure you stay close and listens in to check you're not conspiring or anything. 
He will only get pissed if you seem really giddy after interacting with the other partner or if you keep looking around like an idiot for some kind of opportunity.
Somewhat playful about it. Phinks will tease you condescendingly, implying things you know you would be immensely punished for. 
Your terrified face and nervous defensive speech strokes his ego a lot. 
Yeah that's right, you're his. Only he works to make you that happy. Any other being trying to lure you into their untrustworthy hold will get their head spun around back and over. 
But if you're planning something against him, he will have no hesitation and will take you back home that instant.
Informs troupe members he encounters that he has personal business while dragging you out by your arm.
The boss is more understanding when it comes to partner business, so he approves of his actions.
Punishment is painful yet effective. The next time the Troupe meets up, you dare not to look at anyone else. Especially that other darling.
It seems like they were punished too.
Why the hell are you ruining everything for yourself? 
He's a very moody and emotional person. Seeing you enjoy yourself with that other person will make him extremely envious and agitated.
If you're REALLY enjoying it then things will take a turn for the worst.
Nobunaga will walk up to the two of you and intimidate the other partner. The yandere of that partner will most likely not take kindly to that, and they will start to have a verbal dispute. 
Chrollo will have to silence the two and might even toss a coin to decide what to do about the outburst.
When you two get home, you will be heavily interrogated. If you don't declare your very existence and devotion to your "relationship", then off to the lions you go.
Nobunaga always makes punishment personal; Insulting you and putting words in your mouth. Never leaves you alone and makes it a point to let you know how much you hurt him, and how bad he is going to hurt you.
But if you are simply having small talk, then Nobunaga will pull you aside and tell the yandere to keep their partner away from his lover. 
The yandere will most likely agree or wave off to his demands, and keep what's theirs to themselves.
His grip is swift and harsh. You feel like a brick in calloused hands waiting for an open opportunity.
Nobunaga doesn't think before he acts in social situations. His feelings take over and his sword swerves up and around, aimed towards person contradicting his own view.
He is greedy, not selfish. 
Safe to say that you now don't open your mouth at meetings anymore unless you're told to…
Eh as long as you're happy and not doing anything stupid.
He knows you need to talk to someone else other than himself. You are human after all.
Franklin will question you about your conversations. He secretly hopes you talked about him in a flattering light, but he knows that most likely was not a subject brought up.
Unless you want to get smart and start conspiring, you best not let him hear in on too much or find out.
Franklin is an observer and only acts when needed. His quiet and large stature is enough to intimidate most, so when he tells you he knows, confess and apologize as if you life depended on it.
He is a very patient, rational and calculating man, so he knows what you need when you need it.
It's better to stay docile rather than to mess up because you thought you could fool him. Did you think just because you found an easy way out, that you had even the slightest chance of keeping it a secret from him? Franklin of all people?
The man who is basically the troupe's second leader, the man who literally shoots nen bullets out of his hands, the man who could SNAP YOU IN HALF if he wanted to.
Punishment is not as bad as it would be if you actually did escape, but it still resulted in you being closed off to others much more than to him.
But other than that he doesn't mind you a few friends here and there. Just as long as you're loyal to him, he carries on without much issue.
Isn't the jealous type. More possessive.
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nobuverse · 1 year
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@loyaltyloved said: "climb on my back. i'll carry you." (mori @ nobu)
Dramatic and Protective Prompts
Being in her position was not without danger . This would have been the case, even if she had chosen to let her brother handle the insurmountable task of taking the ruling positions he was born into. Someone of her family, even a lady, would have invaluable in any captor's hands.
But for this fool of Owari, this idiot tomboy who dressed in men's clothes and declared herself the next Daimyo, the risks were almost beyond what she could calculate. The shogunate, the sohei, the Gods themselves - there was no shortage to the list of those she'd evoked the wrath of.
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"I knew you'd come." She told him, rolling her wrists in circles; exercising their newfound freedom after just over a day of being bound.
It wasn't a question of if he'd come to get her, but whether it'd be in time. Thankfully, even her quips and rude remarks hadn't enraged her captors enough to do anything more than rough her up a bit. Nothing drastic. Her old man had given her far worse bruises when he was still alive.
Her movements are stiff, but she doesn't put up her usual protests against his offer. She could never admit to being nervous, but she can easily admit how exhausted she is right now. Her arms wrap around his shoulders as he climbs onto his back, letting her eyes close as it pressed against the back of his next.
"....where you always this tall? You're such a freak."
Her obtuse way of saying
'Don't worry, I'll be okay'.
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CW: College AU; Unreliable narrator/reader; Delusional reader/Nobunaga; Unhealthy relationship; Lovesick reader; Insecurities (Reader); Possessive; Ignoring multiple red flags; Sexual content towards the end (Grinding, Messy Kisses)
Summary: You’re  hesitant to ask Nobunaga on a date due to not wanting to destroy your friendship with him. He has other views on the subject at hand.
Word Count: 2,094 Note from Knux: I just wanted to say that I was very inspired by this fic from @uvobreakmylegs (they have the best writing PLEASE-). But, seriously wanted to give credit where credit is due though!
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You leaned against Nobunaga’s side, his steady breathing helping to distract you from your nerves. It was so silly how nervous you were; it was just a date after all- well, it would be a date if he accepted. The words seemed to die in your throat, turning into a hard lump that made it hard to breathe, every time you tried to ask the simple question: do you want to go on a date with me? 
Honestly, those words weren’t daunting at all and it was frustrating that you’ve never had any issues asking before. You were used to making the first moves on people you liked- sure, you haven’t done it since high school, but that’s besides the point. The point now is that you felt like you were drowning in your own emotions because you could spit out the damn phrase. 
You glanced up at Nobunaga, taking in his face: angular, lips drawn into a thin line and his dark eyes focusing hard on the text in front of him. It was funny to you how you had convinced him to join you on this little study date- it made you feel fuzzy inside. Though, you had finished your studies and were simply keeping him company now. Which, you didn’t mind. If it meant that you got to hang around the silly athlete, the better it was. 
You sighed, nestling closer to him, allowing your eyes to slip shut as you snuggled deeper into the blanket you wrapped yourself in. 
“Hmm, getting bored?” Nobunaga’s voice said, startingling you out of your dozing.
“Maybe,” you murmured against him, pressing your face further into his arm as you let your eyes slip close again, “but I don’t really mind if I get to sit with you.”
He snorted. “You sap. You sound like you really like me.” 
“Well, yeah.” You quickly added: “we’re friends after all.”
He went silent and you couldn’t help the way your stomach started to churn with a strange sort of anxiety. A frown tugged at your lips, peaking one eye open to glance up at him. He seemed irritated as he glared at the book in front of him. 
You slumped against him once again, both eyes open now, as you thought of how you (or what) had upset him. Nobunaga had a bit of a hairline trigger with his frustrations occasionally- you sometimes felt like you were walking a tightrope with him, but you didn’t really mind. It was just how Nobu was. Your silly friend who was sweet and always took care of you. Before him there was only you. 
A small smile pulled at your lips. How did you ever make it without him? 
“Ah, fuck- this thing is boring!” Nobunaga finally declared, slamming the book shut. 
You couldn’t help but giggle despite how he jostled you around when he crossed his arms and pressed himself back into the worn (but comfortable) couch in your living room. “How about you take a break, I’ll make some tea, that sound good?”
He grunted, sulking into the cushions while you unwrapped yourself and laying the fluffy blanket on his chest and tucking it behind his shoulders after you got up. He had grumbled but let you continue with your antics. You laughed as you went to the small kitchen in the apartment- nothing too fancy, just big enough for the fridge, a sink, an oven, and a little bit of counter space for a microwave and the odd times you wanted to bake. 
You reached into the cabinet right above what little counter space you had and pulled out two mugs. They were cute: a sleepy gray cat face and an overly excited white and tan puppy face for the other- they were round and the little cat reminded you too much of Nobunaga not to get. Though he had also insisted that he’d get the puppy one for you if you were getting the “damn cat” for him. 
You traced over the smooth porcelain with the tip of your finger. Maybe… maybe you could just let things be. Let them snowball into dating all on their own. At least, that’s how you hoped that they were going to snowball. The worries began to pile up as you got to work making the drinks. 
Nobunaga was a handsome guy with his angular features, fit form, and his glossy hair. The only downside to him was probably how radically his emotions could go from one end of the spectrum to the other but that was easily avoidable (at least you thought it was, there were several people who dined to disagree but you simply assured yourself that it was because of something they did. Not Nobu. Never Nobu). He could have any person in the world that he wanted if he really wanted- what was stopping him from pursuing someone prettier, more charismatic, more successful than you? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. 
There was a level of anxiety that shook in your fingers as you had finished Nobu’s and your tea, stirring honey in the calming herbal mix. 
You took a deep breath, trying to gather your wits. Your mind was wondering again. You need to stop before Nobu thinks something’s wrong because you won’t be able to control your tongue if he does. 
You nod to yourself before going to pick up the two mugs just to stop as a strong pair of arms wrap around your waist and a sharp chin rests against the junction of your shoulder. “What’s wrong?” Fuck.
“Nothing- nothing’s wrong.”
“Now, now,” he started to lean his whole body weight against you, causing you to catch yourself on the counter. “ Lying ain’t a good look for you and we both know it.” 
There was a certain edge to his voice that made your blood freeze. You had only heard it once or twice, just towards guys who didn’t know when to quit hounding and couldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. Never at you. 
You licked your lips, squeezing your eyes shut as you willed your knees not to shake. “I-I’m not lying, Nobu-”
He shifted his feet, pressing himself even harder against your back, like he was trying to become a second skin. “Lying doesn’t look good on you.” He repeated, squeezing his arms around your stomach. Hard.
You wheezed, hands scrambling to hold onto his arms. Though, you made no attempt to pull him off. It was so fucked up how you were relishing in how close he was despite how angry he was at you. You just wanted to be held by him- be close to him- you wanted to be as important to him as he was to you. You just wanted to melt into him. 
What a horrible friend you were.
Your chest burned like you had ran a marathon and suddenly the world was spinning and your eyes were stinging with tears that rested heavy on your lashes. How pathetic. 
Hearing a sniffle come from you, something seemed to snap Nobunaga out of his frustrations. “Hey, you ok?” He began to loosen his hold on you, muscles relaxing until your shaking hands squeezed his wrists. 
“No…” You whimpered, “no, please- please don’t let go.”
You sounded so weak and frail. It made Nobunaga’s heart leap to his throat. He squeezed his arms around you again, much more gently compared to a few moments ago, but enough for you to know he had no intentions of leaving. 
It was a couple of moments until you stopped shaking. By this point, you were leaning back against him, hands still resting on his as he held you. His face nestled against your neck. “You feelin’ ok to talk?” 
He wasn’t letting this go, was he? You took a deep breath, releasing it as you nodded against the side of his head. 
He pulled away from you slowly until his face was level with your peripheral. His eyes were dark and observant. “What’s wrong?” 
Your throat felt tight again, but you still forced yourself to talk. “I- you- what… would you…” you lick your lips. “Would you date me? If I asked you out?” Your hands were sweating and you looked away, instead, focusing on the smooth skin of his arms, running your fingers over the sparse hairs. 
When he didn’t answer you began to shift, uncomfortable on your feet. Your skin feeling like it was boiling. This was stupid. You were stupid. You just ruined your friendship with Nobunaga. You’d never be able to see him again- you’d just have to sit like some stranger while he moved on with someone that was on his level- someone who was prettier, more talented- better than you. He was going to leave you behind and take your bleeding heart with him-
“I don’t get it.” You felt a sudden dread rest deep in your chest. He sounded mad. “Why do you always talk like that? Like we aren’t dating already?”
Before you can voice anything, his hands come slamming on your counter, once again caging you. You can see the veins pulse on the side of his temple, frown deep as he seethes: “you think I act like this with everyone? Think that I get like this-” one of his hands glides down your spine, a gasp leaving you as when he grabs your ass in a tight grip and presses your hips hard against his. You gape. He’s hard. He’s so, so hard- “with everyone?” He begins to grind against you, hot breath moist against your cheeks as he huffs in frustration. Your hands scramble to hold onto his shirt, head spinning with too many things at once. “I only get this fucking hard with you- it fucking- oh, fuck- do you know how hard it is not to grab you and shove you face first into the closest surface I can? Not to rip you apart? You’re like- like a damn lamb: dumb and oblivious to everything around you-” he grunts when you hike your leg up on his hip (or try to, it’s a bit of an awkward endeavor considering how close he’s pressed against you). 
You’re desperate. You want more of his demeaning words. You want more and more of his attention. You want him to sink his teeth into you and rip you apart. Your blood boiling with white, hot want. “‘M sorry-” you gasp as you begin to rock your hips back against his; sloppy and uncoordinated. “‘M sorry, I didn’t notice. I was-” a moan wretches out of your throat. You crane your head back, the expanse of your neck presented to Nobu, who wastes no time pressing wet, open mouthed kisses against your salty skin. “You’re just so beautiful, there was no way you’d want to go out with someone like me-”
A growl comes from deep within his throat. His hands have come to dig into your hips, guiding you to grind harder against him. “You're so stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid- you’re mine. Mine. No one gets to see you like this.” He crushes his lips against yours. The kiss is all teeth and tongue- a mess of passion and repressed frustrations. 
You couldn’t get enough.
“‘M yours. ‘M yours-” you chant against his mouth, head spinning, close to the precipice of an orgasm. Teetering on a precarious line that, whichever way you end up tipping, you’ll be drowning in the euphoria of having Nobunaga suffocating you in his affections. 
He lets out a loud moan, all guttural and masculine, it has your legs trembling. He uses one hand to squeeze your cheeks, swirling his tongue with yours in a sloppy french kiss that has drool dripping from the corners of your mouth. “You’ve been mine since I laid eyes on you.” He pants, his forehead resting against yours, his hips coming to a stop. You whine at the loss of friction, the leg that is still hooked over his hip trembling with leftover electricity. He chuckles, pressing pecks to your lips. “I’m not letting you go.” You envy how even his voice despite having humped you like a dog in heat only a moment ago.
You nod, not trusting your voice. You would give him anything he asked for. Whatever to keep him near you. 
So, you follow him, with your heartbeat pulsing in your ears, as he pulls on your wrists towards the couch, tearing your clothes from your body. You accept that he’s going to tear you apart with open arms.
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animeyanderelover · 10 months
Machi and Pakunoda reacting to finding their darling with killua and gon when they get captured. Either the first or second time works
I chose the second time for both of those gorgeous ladies where they captured Killua and Gon.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, possessive behavior, obsession, stalking, manipulation, isolation, abduction
@jamayah @chxxz @leveyani @cynniical @shenryu-sama
Wrong place at the wrong time
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💘She, Kortopi and Nobunaga reunite with Chrollo, Shizuku and Machi after her group has gained information of what the Chain User looks like after killing Squala. Yet when they meet in the hotel, Pakunoda's steps falter for a short moment when she sees that Chrollo's group has taken some hostages. Gon, Killua and another person, an innocent bypasser who just happened to be in the company of the two boys and got captured along with those two as a leverage to ensure that they would behave. She's shocked when she sees you there, terrified and quiet in the presence of Chrollo and the other spiders. Her feelings are shortly reflected on her face as she stares at you for a second or two with surprise only to quickly regain her composure. The other spiders don't know yet of you but she knows that her secret had to be revealed at one point. She only wishes that it wouldn't have happened under such circumstances.​Chrollo notices the short crack in her usually calm exterior, his dark eyes observing you now as your face falls when you see Pakunoda. Betrayal, confusion, fear.
💘​So many emotions are shown on your face and he instantly knows that the both of you know each other. Pakunoda feels and sees his interested gaze as she walks over to the other group, her eyes not able to glance at you every once in a while. Your betrayed and scared gaze fills her with a bit of guilt yet what happened happened and now the best thing she can do is stay calm and get you out of any immediate danger. As expected, Chrollo asks her interested if the two of you know each other, his question earning her the surprised gazes from all other people involved in this situation. She can't lie and she doesn't plan to, instead she honestly tells the other members about how the two of you have met and have also known each other for a while now. It becomes clear that she treasures you a lot which complicates the situation since you know their faces now. When Chrollo asks her how she wants to deal with you now, giving her the benefit of choosing your fate, she looks at you for a short moment. You believe that you see something akin to guilt before she requests for you to not be killed and instead be imprisoned and isolated so that you can never tell anyone what you know now.
Machi Komacine
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🪡​She can't hide it, can't hide the way her eyebrows furrow for a short moment when she confronts Killua and Gon in the streets of Yorknew City and recognizes you accompanying them. What are you doing here? You have nothing to do with Nen or with those two, she's known you before those boys even arrived in the city. Gon and Killua are shielding you protectively, aware that you are innocent and shouldn't have been dragged into this in the first place. You're confused and uneasy as you look at Chrollo, at least until your eyes find Machi. Shock and surprise fills your face as you see her among those strange people, your mouth opens as if you want to say something. You can't seem to think of something though as you just stare at her agape. Chrollo notices this, his eyes glancing slowly back and forth between Machi and you as Machi can almost hear the gears in his head turning. She can't help but feel frustrated as she didn't plan for you to find out about her like this. She feels irritated with how this situation has turned out as she continues staring at you, her lips forming a thin line as she tries to suppress her growing frustration.
🪡​When Chrollo asks her if she knows you, it's less than a question and more of a confirmation yet nonetheless, she answers him truthfully that the two of you know each other. She feels this dark eyes scrutinizing her, attempting to read even further into her as if trying to figure out what exactly her feelings are regarding you. Eventually he lets out a hum, a silent look of fascination on his face as she has probably a good idea by now. When he tells her to tie you up with her Nen threads and to bring you along for now, she knows that he's decided to let you live for now. She also knows though that by the brief glance he gives her, that she will have to explain herself later on when he'll ultimately decide what to do with you. You look so hurt and confused when she ties Gon, Killua and you up but before you can even think about saying something, she harshly tells you that it's best for you to keep quiet and not say anything for now. She seems to be a tad bit mad but you don't know if she's mad with you or herself or this entire situation. You have a growing suspicion that this might not end well for you until you hear her whispering silently to you that she won't let anything happen to you.
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ikeromantic · 1 year
Nobunaga heat 😚
Oh Nobunaga! My favorite tyrant of the heart ^_^ Approx. 900 words of our carnelian-eyed menace and heat.
Nobunaga could not sleep. The air in the tenshu was thick and hot and still. The night sky above, clouded and heavy, as if conspiring to keep the darkness as sweltering as the day. He shifted disconsolately on his futon, until he finally gave up on the notion and went to stand on his balcony. 
There wasn’t enough breeze to even stir his hair, but just being out here made him feel a little better. His thoughts spun through the events of the day, the concerns of his growing empire, and finally, with some anticipation, landed on the chatelaine. She’d been avoiding him of late. He knew it. Afraid of what another game of go might cause her to yield. 
He smiled, thinking of her saucy responses to him. When she forgot to be nervous, she was deeply amusing. And more. There was something about his lucky charm that made him feel peaceful. That was what he wanted right now. 
Nobunaga sent a servant scurrying to fetch her. 
She came up the stairs with a reluctant gait. He could almost hear the resistance to his summons in every step. And the first words out of her mouth as she entered his room were defiant. “Do you have any idea what time it is?”
“No. Do you?” He glanced at her over his shoulder. She stood in the dimlit room, as distant as she could get from his balcony perch. 
“Well . . . not exactly, no. But it’s really late. Or early. Anyway, that’s not the point! I was sleeping and you sent someone to wake me up! They had me dress in a hurry and run up here and - and there’s not even an emergency.” She ran her fingers through her hair, suddenly all nerves again, the anger bleeding out of her. 
Nobunaga felt an uncharacteristic guilt over waking her like that. She must have been worried to get such a vague, urgent message. But he shunted that emotion away and gave no sign of it in his expression. “Come here.”
She took a few steps in his direction, then paused. “You aren’t planning to play go, are you? Because I’m way too tired for that.”
“No. No games tonight.” He looked back out over the town, listening to her slow steps. 
The chatelaine stopped at the railing, more than an armslength away. “Well, good.” Then her head snapped up at some sudden thought. “I hope you aren’t under the impression I’m going to warm your bed either. I thought we were clear on that.”
“Warm my bed?” Nobunaga chuckled. “On a night like this, I think it is quite hot enough.” 
“Then . . . what do you want?”
Just you, he thought, his carnelian eyes turning toward her. He took in her lovely profile, the wisps of loose hair that clung to her neck and stuck to her cheek. “Sit.”
Her jaw clenched. “I am not some pet you can order around, mister warlord.”
He grinned. Ah that fire of hers. “Fireball, sit. Please.”
She seemed to debate whether or not the courtesy was enough. Apparently the yes vote won out as she sat down and leaned her back against the railing. “There’s a little bit of a breeze up here at least. I think it’s cooler than my room.”
“Is it?” He turned toward her. She was wearing a hastily tied kimono, thin enough that it was almost opaque had there been any light to shine through it. Her bare legs stuck out the bottom, showing his conquered territory up to her silken thigh. But he didn’t feel lust for her tonight - or not much - just a satisfaction that she was here.
The chatelaine nodded. 
Nobunaga lowered himself to the floor near her.
“Umm. What are you doing?” She eyed him the way she might a strange dog, one that was equally likely to bite as to wag his tail.
He grinned. “Just be still. I am not conquering new territory tonight. And then he laid down, settling his head on those lovely thighs. “You will be my pillow.”
The chatelaine shifted a bit under him, clearly uncomfortable with the idea. “I don’t think I like this. Wouldn’t you rather have a real pillow? I can get one for you.”
“No. Now be quiet.” He shut his eyes and let himself relax into her presence. Her soft skin, the slight sweet floral scent of her perfume, and the sound of her breath and heart beat eased his tension. “Talk to me,” he mumbled.
“Tell me about your work. Your day. Anything you like.” He kept his eyes closed, cheek pressed to her leg. It was comfortable there, despite the heat. Perhaps it was just the softness of her. The gentleness that she carried with her everywhere she went.
The chatelaine sighed and after a moment, began to talk. She told him about her day. The work she did, the things she saw, people she met. There was so much joy in it. He fell still, his restlessness retreating. And with his stillness, she too let go of her worry. 
Nobunaga felt himself drifting into an empty, peaceful darkness. A place where his ambitions did not reach. A place where his burdens did not exist. 
As he let himself sink into that space, he felt her cool fingers brush his hair back from his face. “You know, like this you’re much cuter,” the chatelaine said softly. There was warm affection in her voice and in her touch.  His last thought before the darkness took him was of her. How precious she’d become to him. Love, his dream-self whispered, though waking he would have denied it.
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the12thnightproject · 2 months
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Chapter 18:  Mitsunari POV - The Anger Emergence. Mitsunari discovers jealousy. (Events from previous two chapters).
Mitsunari x OC; Nobunaga x Mai
Previous Chapter
Logline - In order to protect a political alliance, Katusko and Mitsunari must pretend an engagement. But this “all business” arrangement is threatened by a coup against Nobunaga… and by feelings.
CW: Snake
From the Military Notes of Ishida Mitsunari…
Camouflage versus concealment: Concealment is that act of hiding something, covering it up so that no one can see it. Camouflage is the use of color, pattern, shadow, light and dark to make something less visible, visually fooling the eye into not seeing something that is not hidden.
Personal comments: Until recently, my emotions were concealed not only everyone around me but also myself so well that they might not have existed at all. In the past few days, I have experienced fear, joy, anger, hope… and feelings that I did not know existed, never expected to experience; feelings that I do not even know how to categorize.
And now, I must learn how to camouflage them.
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"Halt. Do not move." Instinctively, Mitsunari froze at the sound of authority in Hideyoshi’s voice, and in the process nearly overbalancing on the step. He tightened his arms around Okatsu. No, he refused to trip and fall, not when he had such an important bundle in his arms. Okatsu let out a dismayed sigh, and for a moment hid her face in his chest. Mitsunari wished he could pretend she was doing so because she wanted to be closer to him, but he knew her well enough to realize she was trying to avoid Hideyoshi’s eyes. "Did you not leave the mine early to rest your injury?”
How to respond? He didn’t want to lie to Hideyoshi. Not again. He didn’t want to lie any more than he had to… even presupposing he could come up with an effective story this quickly in any case.
Okatsu rescued him, lying as easily as she did everything else. "We did, and we did. We spent the afternoon in the garden, and Mitsunari let me rest my foot in his lap."
Hideyoshi didn’t look happy with that explanation. Did he not believe her? Mitsunari hurried to back up the story. "Yes. It was elevated."
There was a shocked little peeping noise from Okatsu. "My foot. It was elevated, as Mai instructed. It was very restful."
Without another word, Hideyoshi took Okatsu out of Mitsunari's arms. "I’ll carry her." The sudden emptiness left Mitsunari feeling bereft – and that emotion was replaced by something else when he saw her wrapped in Hideyoshi’s arms. It felt almost like … anger? He had an impulse to grab his sword and run Hideyoshi through.
Horrified, he squashed that impulse down.
Where had it come from?
He was still trying to puzzle that out when he caught Okatsu silently trying to tell him something. What? Save her? From Hideyoshi?
Her lips moved again.
He… still had no idea what she wanted him to do.
Her hand was resting on Hideyoshi’s shoulder. She waved it at him and he realized there was a paper tucked between her thumb and her palm. Where had she gotten pap- The note!
She wanted him to check on Hikosane. Mitsunari paused, not entirely sure he knew where to find him. In his room? In the garden?
Hideyoshi glanced over his shoulder. "What is wrong?"
Mitsunari told the most believable lie he had ever told in his life. "I’m going to go get a book."
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Over the course of a long search, Mitsunari discovered that Hikosane was not in the gardens, not in the archives, and not in his room.  Nor was he in the armory… although one of the Genba maids and one of Mozumi’s personal guards were, and Mitsunari hastily retreated after stumbling through a long apology for interrupting them (he hadn’t been aware that particular activity could be performed standing up). Eventually, he tracked the boy down in the kitchens, where he was playing suguroku with a page.
Winning, in fact, and the page was more than happy to turn over his part of the game to Mitsunari and return to his duties. “Good luck, Lord Mitsunari. You may need it. Hikosane is very good at this game.”
Once the page had left, Mitsunari studied the board. “Hikosane, are you well?”
“Of course, Lord Mitsunari.” Hikosane smiled as he rolled a combination of numbers that allowed him to move more markers closer to the finish. “Why do you ask?”
“I am making conversation.” Mitsunari didn’t want to come right out and tell a small boy that he might be in danger. “Has anyone pushed you down the stairs recently? Or have you nearly been shot? Or stabbed? Or… been standing under something heavy that mysteriously fell?”
There. That would gently lead up to the topic, he thought.
“You believe I am in danger.” Hikosane stated it calmly, but his hands were shaking.
Perhaps… that had not been the best way to go about it after all. Okatsu was better with the child. She would know what to say. “Er. It is possible. Will you come with me to talk with Okatsu? We can come up with a plan to keep you safe from potential assassins.”
Hikosane swallowed loudly. “Assassins?”
Why had no one written a book on how to talk to small humans?
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By the time Mitsunari returned to their quarters with Hikosane in tow, it was fully dark outside. Okatsu was lying on her stomach on the futon, puzzling over the note. She had a brush and a scroll, and it appeared she had been researching whether it was a code, for the scroll contained several lines of nonsense words. She sat up and set the materials aside when she saw them.
As soon as he crossed the threshold into the room, Hikosane got right to the point. “Mitsunari believes I’m in some danger.” Though Mitsunari appreciated directness (from any person, be they adult or child), given the way Okatsu was frowning at him, he must have done something wrong. Maybe he should have done a better job at keeping the information from Hikosane.  “He didn’t tell me in so many words. I guessed from the manner of questions he asked.”
“We don’t know.” Okatsu suddenly smiled at Hikosane, and Mitsunari realized he hadn’t seen her smile very often, but when she did smile, it felt like a sunrise. Unfortunately, the sun was rising on Hikosane, instead of Mitsunari. “We were given a message, but it was vague.”
Hikosane curled up next to Okatsu to read the note, and though this was only a child, Mitsunari felt again that same rush of anger he’d felt when Hideyoshi had scooped her into his arms. “I see. The truth is, I am in danger, I have always been in danger – this is something that has been told to me as long as I can recall. The question is, am I suddenly in more danger? Immediate danger.” His hand went to the child sized sword at his waist.
At the reminder that there were more important things to worry about that his own feelings, Mitsunari sat down too, ready to push emotion aside to deal with the problem. “Yes. That would be the dilemma. Have you experienced any unusual accidents in recent days?” When Hikosane shook his head, Mitsunari continued, “what about illness?”
“Last month, I became sick after something I ate. It tasted odd, so I only had one bite.” Hikosane shrugged. “However, that may have been an accident.”
Okatsu seemed thoughtful. “Was anyone else sick?”
“No… but.” Hikosane suddenly looked appalled and tears came to his eyes. “Two of the dogs died the next day.”
Poison. He could tell Okatsu was thinking the same thing.
Hikosane launched himself into Okatsu’s arms, hiding his face in her shoulder. And this time, Mitsunari didn’t feel angry at all. If anyone had earned the right to Okatsu’s hug, it was Hikosane.
Once the embrace ended, Okatsu asked him, “Are there people here who you trust – people you know will not try to harm you?”
He counted the names on his fingers “You. Mitsunari. My father – though I do not see him often. My sisters.”
It was unlucky for Hikosane that he only had sisters. Sisters who were like Shohime, instead of like Okatsu. An Okatsu sister would be a great advantage to the child. But at least her fiancée was young and likely able to protect Hikosane. “When Shohime marries Iekane, would you be able to go to them for long periods of time?”
Hikosane’s hands balled into fists. “I hate him! He smiles too much.”
“I thought smiling was a good thing?” Wasn’t it? Mitsunari realized he smiled a lot too. Was that wrong? But... “I like it when Okatsu smiles.”
“I do too.” Hikosane looked like he was about to crawl into Okatsu’s lap, and Mitsunari started to get that mixed up angry feeling again. “Iekane smiles when he means to frown. I don’t trust him. You do believe me, don’t you?”
“I do.” She ruffled his hair. “I … don’t like being around him either, so how about this? When he is around, come over to me and we can protect each other.”
Why didn’t she like Iekane… had the man also threatened Okatsu, or accosted her the way Mozumi had? Why hadn’t she told him? Did she not trust him yet? He wanted to pull her close, and comfort her somehow. But he couldn’t think of what would be the correct way to do so without being as free with her person as the other two men.
During his mental debate, Hikosane said something that Mitsunari missed. He hoped it hadn’t been important.
Hikosane bowed. “I should return to my room before someone looks for me.”
Since Okatsu stood up and seemed determined to accompany him, Mitsunari got to his feet as well. After all of this, he didn’t want her to have to return to their rooms by herself. There were too many potentially dangerous people about.
Hikosane took Okatsu’s hand, and then, to Mitsunari’s surprise, he discovered that Hikosane’s other hand had found its way into his own. Interesting. In a sense, Hikosane felt like a link in a chain that connected him to Okatsu. It felt… warm, also to be allowed into this circle of trust, and Mitsunari realized that even without the presence of Okatsu, he would like Hikosane for his own sake.
Once, they reached his room, Hikosane bowed again and thanked them, after a hastily covered yawn. He thunked down on his futon.
Mitsunari had half turned to leave, already mentally preparing to ask Okatsu what she knew about Iekane, when he heard the noise.
The blanket undulated, and his eyes focused on the snake that was already honing in on Hikosane. “Hiko! Do not move.” To Okatsu, he asked, “Mamushi?”
There was fear, and the urge to shield Okatsu, to shield Hikosane, and under that was the terror that he would not be able to save either of them. He pushed that away. A snake was a sword. Its actions were just as predictable as that of a warrior. It was threatened and it would strike where it deemed the closest threat was. Right now… that was Hikosane.
What tools did he have with him? Sword. And, Okatsu must be armed as well, he knew she never went anywhere without at least –
Yes, she was reaching for a knife she had strapped to her ankle. Was she as good with a throwing knife as she was with a bow and arrow? “Can you hit it?”
“I’m … I’m not sure.” She frowned at the snake, which still had its full attention on Hikosane.
If Okatsu threw the knife and missed, or didn’t do enough damage to the snake, it would bite Hikosane. If Mitsunari approached it with his sword, the snake might bite Hikosane before he could get to it. Therefore, they needed to divert the snake’s attention, first. In his mind, he could see how to accomplish that and the steps that immediately would need to follow.
“Hikosane – on the count of three, Okatsu will throw her knife behind and to the left of the snake. As soon as it turns to look at the knife, you are to roll to the right.” He spoke softly, trying not to agitate the snake further.
With the calmness and skill of the best warriors, Okatsu sent her knife sailing over, and behind the snake. It bounced off the wall and clattered to the floor. The snake hissed and turned its head.
Hikosane rolled off the futon.
The snake turned back as if to strike, but Mitsunari knew where it was going, where it would be, and got his sword there first.
Even before the two halves of the snake hit the floor, Okatsu had Hikosane wrapped in a hug. “He is not staying in this room.”
“It is probably safer now than it ever will be. Whoever put this snake in here will be counting on no one coming in until morning.” But even as Hikosane spoke bravely, he looked at the dead snake with apprehension.
While she comforted Hikosane, Okatsu glanced around the room, possibly seeking additional deadly traps. Mitsunari took the opportunity to hold her hand again. “I forgot. You did say you are afraid of snakes.”
She shrugged slightly. “I’m not fond of things that can kill me. It’s good to be alert for that kind of thing.”
Though she had seemed less worried for herself, she had kept hold of his hand, and that made Mitsunari feel warm inside. Hopefully, this meant that she finally trusted him.
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"You don't like Iekane.” Mitsunari made it a statement, not a question, though he kept his voice low. After a brief discussion, they had brought Hikosane back to their room, figuring he would be safest with them. He grabbed his night clothes and slipped behind the screen. "Is there a particular reason? Or a feeling?"
"Would that matter?" There was a note of challenge in her voice, that even Mitsunari could pick up on.
"I trust your feelings either way.” He struggled a bit with his sash, not wanting a repeat of the time he had gotten stuck in his clothing. Luckily, this time it wasn’t tangled or twisted around. He freed himself on his own and kicked his kimono out of the way. "But if he has actually done something, I would like to know what he is capable of."
Her hand whisked the kimono off the floor. "Remember when I said someone locked me in the crate? That was him."
The mixture of anger and confusion that he had felt earlier was nothing compared to the sheer rage that swept over him. For a moment, he couldn’t see or hear, it was all a whoosh of hot anger. If Iekane had been in front of him in that moment, Mitsunari would have cut him down faster than he had the snake.
Someone had punched at the screen.
It was him.
He’d punched it.
And then the need to assure himself, to confirm, that Okatsu was ok had him rushing out and yanking her into his arms. She was ok. She was alive. What had happened to her had happened years ago, and if he had anything to say about it, nothing would happen to her again. But Iekane had been here all day. She’d had ample opportunity to confide in Mitsunari. But… she hadn’t. "Why haven't you told anyone this?"
She mumbled something too quiet for him to hear, so he reluctantly let her go.
"I confronted him the other day. He said it was an accident." She shrugged. “That I had gotten confused. And meanwhile, he was robbed and unconscious for days. Eventually he was adopted by the previous daimyo… who apparently recently sickened and died. So. That’s where he’s been.”
As stories went, it sounded less than likely, but Okatsu knew Iekane better than Mitsunari did. "Do you believe him?" He realized he was still holding his night kimono, so he shrugged into it.
"It's a plausible explanation, but... no. I don't." Okatsu made a circular motion with her hand, and Mitsunari turned around. Then her hands came around his waist, and he was momentarily thrilled until he realized she was fixing his sash. "The problem is, without Aki- my lord- I have no way to prove it. It's his word against mine."
She slipped behind the screen to change, and to distract himself from the delicious sounds of silk fabric sliding across her body, Mitsunari instead pictured Iekane, and what he would do to him when he found him. "I will take your word. That being the situation, what are his skills? Lying and manipulation - poisoning- for its likely he killed the previous Daimyo. What else?"
"Pretty much anything I can do, so can he." There was a long pause, and a relieved sigh, and Mitsunari wondered what she was doing back there. Focus! Enemy. He concentrated on her words. "I'm a much better archer- he's better with a sword."
Then she emerged from behind the screen, and her hair was flowing all around her shoulders, still wavy from being confined in that elaborate hair-bundle she’d been wearing it in, and everything left his mind except … her.
"Your hair is pretty." He reached out to touch it, only remembering just in time that that would be an invasion of her person.
"Er. Thanks." She looked away from him, then her eyes grew big in surprise. Hikosane had fallen asleep across her futon. There was no room for anyone else.
That was… ok. She could sleep in his futon. Mitsunari could sleep on the floor, if needed. But it was probably for the best. He would stay up and attempt to figure out what to do about this Iekane problem. "You can take mine.  I will be awake formulating a strategy.
"You will not. You need sleep. We all do. Your strategy will be better after a good sleep." Okatsu was all business as she briskly climbed under the bedding. "There's enough room for two. I trust you."
She trusts me! But the sight of her, warm, flushed, her hair a bit disordered, and the thought of pressing up against her all night long almost overwhelmed him. No. Did he have that much control? "I am honored, but… You... should not." He didn’t even have enough control to refuse the offer. He carefully perched on the edge of the futon. "Perhaps a short nap."
"Even if you weren't the most trustworthy person I know, it's not like you would do anything with Hikosane in the room." Okatsu rolled onto her side, facing the window – they could, potentially lie down back-to-back.
A little hurt by her automatic dismissal of him, he lay down, keeping a hand space between them. “That is a good point, I suppose. Although an untrustworthy person might not care."
Was it that she found him trustworthy? Or did she not consider him worthy of sexual interest?
"Go to sleep, Mitsunari."
"Goodnight Okatsu." He reached over and squeezed her hand, just to remind her that even if he was “trustworthy,” he still was human.
He would be lucky if he slept at all.
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In the end… he slept. Some. Okatsu was a restless sleeper, who talked in her sleep. Nothing that gave him any information about how she felt about him, unfortunately. Nothing even that made any sense, either, simply random phrases, like, ‘where’s my IC card?’ ‘missed the bus’ and ‘wiped-out on the half pipe.’
What did make sense though, was shortly after sunrise, she was relaxed, curled into him and once again, Mitsunari had that feeling that together, they simply fit, that they added up to something that was important and strong.
He couldn’t revel in that insight too long though. As she unconsciously burrowed closer, a physical need for her, to be inside her, flooded through him. It was almost painful in its intensity, and if he didn’t-
Oh. She was awake.
Was she aware?
Could she tell?
She was smiling though. If she could tell, perhaps it was ok?
"Good morning Okatsu." He said it as quietly as possible, not wanting to disturb Hikosane, not wanting the moment to end. He put the palm on his hand on her cheek, the way he had done weeks ago when she was injured. The way he had done the first time he’d noticed they fit.
She didn’t move. Mitsunari didn’t either, waiting for a signal to do something, to move, either closer or away. Cautiously he lowered his head. If she didn’t want a kiss, surely she would say no, or move or…
She was going to let him kiss her!
"We have a problem! "Hikosane yelled from the doorway.
Okatsu leaped away from him, while Mitsunari got tangled up in the blankets, and in his frenzy to escape, banged his head against hers.
Hikosane was in danger, that was certain. But at the moment, he was in danger from Mitsunari.
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@bestbryn @lorei-writes @katriniac @lyds323 @briars7
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