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@arcvmonth Day 8: The Standard Show!
One of the things that really made me relate to Yuya when I was first watching Arc-V is that he was bullied and ostracised by his peers when his dad disappeared and had to adapt to being a bit of a clown to not loose his positivity. While I personally wasnt bullied, Ive always kind of felt like an outcast because of my autism.
I think the idea of Gongenzaka and Yuzu comforting him after a rough day is super sweet, and something that would really keep him hanging in there!
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pinkvaquita · 3 months
Nobur seriously, im planning of making a whole post explaining this and explaining a bit what exact nationalities u relate there (maybe also will do the same for the other kingdoms except for Dark Cacao, those sre clearly korean and that is it)
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ammonitetestpatterns · 8 months
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kuro nagyo, noburou oufuji, 1931.
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moonrazemalestorm · 1 year
OOC: People of Constellia
Important adults:
Professor M:
The cold and mysterious professor at Superstar Pokemon Laboratory
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Mysterious artesian Mr J:
An old man who lives in a house far from civilization, within the gardens some Pokémon call home.
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Star reacher TV presenters:
One of the presenters at Star reacher TV. Loves Mew, who is her partner Pokémon
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One of the presenters at Star reacher TV. A calm and responsible figure.
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One of the presenters at Star reacher TV. Acts as the main leader of the presenters
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One of the presenters at Star Reacher TV. Full of pride and sees himself as a great person. Is he though? No one knows
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Star trainers:
First he was a trainer people talked about. Then rumors spread of his strength. Now he’s one of the Star trainers, and the latest to receive the title.
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Out of all the Star trainers active in Constellia, Takeru has been one for the longest.
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A cold gaze awaits those who challenge him. Primarily uses Dynamax in battle. You either go big or go home. Enjoys cycling
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A girl who studies ancient art and cultures. If you need to know about the history of a certain legendary or mythical Pokémon, she’s your go to person.
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His family is well known for being the best racers in Constellia. Looks like he is also taking on his family’s traditions.
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Tarmo: Said to be able to tell fortunes and see the future. Some claim this to be true, while others are wary of such things.
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Yokutar: Though his appearance might suggest royalty, there is no king or queen in constellia and he is just a rich kid to a rich family. An excellent dancer who flirts with women and invite them to dance.
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Kinika: The most popular pop star in constellia. You will find her fans everywhere, and she’s not afraid to use her fans to her advantage in battles.
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Hasasu: An actor who’s been in multiple movies. Rumors say his acting in movies helped him reach Star trainer.
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Shaolo: A girl learning martial arts from her family. She’s not just learning for herself, but teaching what she learned to her Pokémon.
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Ishuta: He literally can calculate the perfect strategy to beat anyone while in battle. How does he do that.
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Terina: One of the only adults who hold the Star trainer rank. A fashion designer who has worked with celebrities all across the world.
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lukturi · 2 years
abi divi naktī baznīcā
tinamies mājās cauri kapsētai
dievišķīgi mīlēt ir laikam kas cits,
to man stāsti nevis tu, bet krusts pie sienas piesists
kurš spīd mēness naktī spīd
zenta sajukuse lūdzās vai mēs nevaram iet rīt?
nē tagad ejam roku dod būsi pasargāta
tu sapņo tikai miegā bet es daru to sev prātā
pērles zvejot ejam mēs
pērles zvejot ansis visas sameklēs
pērles zvejot ap kaklu karājās
pērles zvejot tagad tikai sirdī glabājās
viņai acis mirdz
annai pieder mana sirds
puķei jādzīvo
bet viņa grib ar mani mirt
mums slāpst un es vēl dziļāk peldu
pērles meklēt tik daudz 
cik nevar nopirkt par naudu
spīd kā zvaigznes
viņas skats
nobur mani tas ir traki
redzu gaismu man ir švaki
nāves stundā es viens pats
pērles zvejot ejam mēs
pērles zvejot ansis visas sameklēs
pērles zvejot ap kaklu karājās
pērles zvejot tagad tikai sirdī glabājās
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444names · 2 years
japanese forenames + chinese cities + quenya names BUT without any diacritics in source material and excluding "c"
Airumba Akesa Akujiner Akure Aligemien Altaita Amiko Anelon Anemi Ariel Arimoriong Arionquen Armasu Arurang Arvang Aserro Ataitsur Ataru Atsuga Atsugu Atsukeiji Attlendo Aurwerusa Avalangbo Averpe Ayuketa Barafanki Bearal Beizhou Blemaste Busteled Darvang Deler Doroshar Dortoshiko Dreongyare Dukoto Dunjits Eashied Eihide Eldowizo Elenhapan Elindiende Eling Elpeijuni Elpele Elvie Emahyan Emitoge Endiens Endiling Engonelfst Enindinar Enksu Enson Erivins Erliki Eruhada Eruluo Essetunhou Estoka Etatsumelp Everu Fanliko Fanoron Fanwer Fasuko Fendongda Findolduro Flyar Foang Folminghe Foriong Foruta Fumasa Fumeng Fumino Fusadow Fusukers Fuxuess Gamor Gemiyar Gendil Gived Golmanhou Halaqualle Hanar Hangyuke Hanorta Haohi Haoyo Hashi Heang Heanya Heijudgeme Heisiong Helmasse Herldeds Hezhear Hidepideko Hihou Hinwe Hired Hirei Hissa Histlady Hitsu Hiyoshiki Hosuki Houton Hromo Huale Huanisuen Huanwe Huing Hyami Hyanga Ielondo Ingao Ingwuzo Ingyi Ionte Isakitsuke Itsuke Jiangkosu Jiron Jitsu Jotsugu Judasaki Jutar Kahenhuige Kangxi Kanta Kanwe Kanyasa Karmaki Kasadairon Katasamiko Katsu Katsunesse Kayere Kazar Kazukefen Kazureft Kazus Kendomoto Kenglen Kenobunes Kihuatel Kinqingde Kionemang Kiron Kiyaki Kiyosun Kiyuko Kuking Kunho Kusuzhon Kyozou Laigen Lamasaku Laqujiriel Larie Lasunernie Lesahiko Liaru Lieft Limori Linejiaki Lingkoki Lingxi Linumi Liuji Lorongwak Loshiko Lowmei Luande Luitallori Lunarigeji Lunata Luxiant Luzhol Mahis Maliaque Mangde Maoge Maoyos Maramiko Masair Masano Masaruni Mashi Masseijini Massettay Masta Mayosho Mendilde Mengger Menvie Metsuru Migeji Mikou Mikure Mindin Mingge Mingji Minxinyan Miron Mirosser Mitadan Miterule Mitharo Mithi Mitsuminan Miwux Miyuanjiro Moong Morihan Morman Motakuron Motonde Motosa Muned Murere Nagao Nakay Nalle Nalon Namas Nambayu Nandorio Nannil Nanweruo Narme Naron Nartomer Nashikat Ndinwen Neipbu Neldaori Nenhuanaru Nestaki Netrideme Nielorn Nimor Nings Nnasazuo Nnorsou Noang Nobuna Nobuohteng Noburing Nobutatsu Nollumnoru Norma Norro Noruino Noshan Nulmasaki Nunie Nurume Ohindan Ollea Omutar Onduroya Onght Ongwe Orieluo Oriendo Orifannats Oruhil Osharmang Pardi Peloft Pingbai Pingsteru Poshi Quaiyanar Quanao Quetsu Quffin Raojinji Refirea Relpei Rianyaved Rihitsuto Rinjouri Rishi Rugatsuko Ryaval Ryohan Ryoku Ryuketsuki Sairo Sakasugure Sando Shang Shava Shide Shikazu Shing Shiro Shisaomito Shitakunei Shondil Shougu Shuiyasa Shumen Shunang Shunorsuko Sileyako Silion Singuomo Sinoluna Skyos Slalmur Somoto Soninil Sonoraval Sored Stermore Sterwe Strelers Stryo Suendai Sunan Suozo Swomo Tadairo Tadaman Tadangshi Tadoheft Tadomird Taikage Tairo Taiyoshige Taizuko Takazu Taking Talont Taltadairo Tandi Taniefuji Tanta Taran Tardanzhou Tarno Tartournar Taruminaru Teleworon Teligen Telinatsu Teninyaver Terear Terie Tetan Tiengon Tiont Tohekka Tokito Tomiyuri Tomotai Tomotamir Tomurimo Tongji Toshan Tostle Toyardaru Toyoshi Trealf Trenobu Tsunshi Tsurushi Tulingo Ultarno Umelenzo Umiriondan Umitsue Uneng Valover Vantakando Varie Viene Vinwe Vistrom Vornords Wangshuta Wangzhoht Wengua Wentaki Werestoko Wilun Winambaot Wiongbeani Womeihi Womomes Wuyosheno Xiang Xinyar Yamoto Yangzuke Yaranobi Yaratataro Yasayu Yasse Yattei Yearami Yimmaihi Yinhe Yoari Yohing Yoiongzhou Yojinette Yokiseiroi Yokiya Yokuji Yonwei Yorne Yoshan Yoshiano Yoshitsuin Yoshu Yoshuande Yosou Yosua Yotoko Yukanjiang Yukawa Yukeru Yukiel Yukitaki Yumaken Yumeru Yunor Yusaitsugo Yuyon Zheno Zhonaoya Zhorine Zhoulde Zhouro Zhuang Zigeko Zigerdi
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rrrauschen · 5 years
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Noburou Oofuji, {1931} 黒ニャゴ (The Black Cat)
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turbobuckeye · 7 years
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#Repost @billet_technology ・・・ Good evening all. We have a new update live on the site this evening. Copy and paste the link to have a look or just visit the website for more details. http://billettechnology.net/bt/manufacturing-updates/manufacturing-update-august-14th-2017/. #TeamBT #YourRideYourVision #visionary #update #mfgupdate #newsyoucanuse #keepingyouinformed #news #ourcustomersrock #thankyoutoourcustomers #thememe #thebestmachinefinishperiod #extraextra #noburs #nojunk #fromplastictofantastic
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pcsadmin · 2 years
Pokémon sorter:
Updated artwork for Ball Guy, Cara Liss, Choy, Dan, Honey, Peonia, Roseanne, and Zisu
Added characters from Pokémon Mezastar: Boy, Girl, Navigator (M), Navigator (F), Takeru, Masahito, Hitomi, Nobure, Tarmo, Yokutar, Hiroki, and Kinika
Added characters from New Pokémon Snap: Boy, Girl, Professor Mirror, Rita, and Phil
Added characters from Pokémon Unite: Professor Phorus, Erbie, Aeos Emporium Clerk, and Zirco Trading Clerk
Animal Crossing sorter:
Added the 8 new villagers from the 2.0 update, as well as Niko and Wardell
Updated artwork for the 8 returning villagers from the 2.0 update, as well as Audie and Megan
Updated names for the 4 previously Japan-only villagers (Azalea, Chabwick, Frett, and Roswell)
Updated Faith and Roswell's personalities to match their new ones
And with this, I believe I'm finally all caught up for now! Of course, let me know if there are any mistakes or anyone missing.
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aszurar · 4 years
Liz and the Blue Bird.
Liz and the Blue Bird is a 2018 film parallel to season 2 of the Sounds series! Euphonium, both produced by Kyoto Animation. The film was one of Kyoto's biggest hits before the 2019 main studio fire, it won the traditional Japanese Noburou Oofuji Award. All seasons and Sound! Euphonium OVA's are available on Crunchyroll. 🖌️Studio: Kyoto Animation responsible for Violet Evergarden, The Voice of Silence, Sounds Euphonium, Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, nichijou, Clanad among other successes. The film was directed by Naoko Yamada, one of Kyoto Animation's main employees, she survived last year's fire. She is an animator and director of Kyoto, directed the anime K-On !, Tamako Market and the films The Voice of silence Tamako Love Story, besides participating as animator or storyboard of other Kyoto works like Violet Evergarden. ♥️Do you like? follow me!. 🔥More: Instagram & Facebook.
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ljaesch · 5 years
Okko's Inn and Liz and the Blue Bird Anime Films Win at the 73rd Mainichi Film Awards
Okko’s Inn and Liz and the Blue Bird Anime Films Win at the 73rd Mainichi Film Awards
The Mainichi Shimbun newspaper has announced the winners for the 73rd Annual Mainichi Film Awards. Kitaro Kousaka, DLE, and Madhouse’s Okko’s Inn film won this year’s Best Animation Film award. Naoko Yamada and Kyoto Animation’s Liz and the Blue Bird won the Noburou Oofuji Award, which honors animated works that offer new forms of creative expression.
The Mainichi Shimbunlaunched the Noburou…
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peeblesplace · 7 years
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Chinkoroheibei Tamatebako (Noburou Oofuji, 1936)
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“The National Film Center at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo opened a "Japanese Animated Film Classics" website on Wednesday with a collection of classic animated works from Japan available streaming with English subtitles. 
The website will be open until the end of 2017.To view the videos, visit this page, select a title, and then click the red button that reads "作品を見る" on the right side of the page. Once the player is open, toggle the English subtitles on by selecting the "With English subtitles" link under the video player before pressing play.
The website celebrates the 100th anniversary of the oldest known Japanese animated short films, and is streaming the oldest surviving Japanese animated short film, Junichi Kouchi's "The Dull Sword" (Namakura Gatana, pictured below left). The film about a samurai's foolish purchase of a dull-edged sword debuted in June 1917. The version on the website is "the longest, digitally restored version," which is four minutes long.
The film was discovered in an Osaka antique shop in 2008, along with Seitarou Kitayama's 1918 film "Urashima Tarō." Several anime films directed by Oten Shimokawa and Kitayama predated "Namakura Gatana," but these films are now lost. Shimokawa's "Imokawa Mukuzo Genkanban no Maki" has long been considered the oldest commercially released anime film, having premiered in January 1917, but it may have premiered later that year, predated by two other films by Shimokawa. The films were all predated by a 50-frame shot of a sailor boy's salute that was discovered in 2005.
The website is streaming 64 works that debuted from 1917 to 1941. Directors featured on the site include Ikuo Oishi, Shigeji Ogino, Hakuzan Kimura, Mitsuyo Seo, Yasuji Murata, Noburou Oofuji, Kenzo Masaoka, and Sanae Yamamoto.[Via Yoshihiro Watanabe]”
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cloudtales · 7 years
'your name.', In This Corner of the World Anime Films Win at 71st Mainichi Film Awards
‘your name.’, In This Corner of the World Anime Films Win at 71st Mainichi Film Awards
In This Corner of the World wins Excellence, Noburou Oofuji awards; Shin Godzilla gets 3 awards …read more
Source:: AnimeNewsNetwork
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newshourbd · 4 years
Contactless paddle-type handwashing device by WaterAid Bangladesh to fight COVID-19
Contactless paddle-type handwashing device by @WaterAidBD to fight #COVID19 @WaterAid @WHO
A contactless paddle-type handwashing device has been installed recently at Dhalpur (Telegu and Nobur Slum) by Sajida Foundation, a partner NGO with support from WaterAid in Bangladesh.
People living in slums are using the facility maintaining a physical distance in the Coronavirus pandemic situation.
WaterAidis deploying its handwashing and hygiene expertise to prevent the spread of COVID-19.…
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rrrauschen · 5 years
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Noburou Oofuji, {1926}  煙り草物語  (A Story of Tobacco)
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