#nolan patrick drabble
hanasnx · 5 months
I just recently read that Patrick Bateman “Drabble” (?) you wrote and like- that is making me feel things I never did before.
I am going crazy, like the way I never thought about that man that way before.
- 🧁
thank you :)) im so glad. i felt some typa way after i rewatched the movie, prolly bcos it was christian bale playing him and i was just brushing up on the nolan batman trilogy
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dougiewonderland · 4 years
Confessions (Nolan Patrick)
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Warnings: fem!reader -- I usually try and keep the things I write as neutral as possible, but I have this image of an older male reporter asking about a "lovely lady" so I figured I'd stick with it since it was in my head. Sorry if you're masc or nb!
You watched from home as post-game interviews started after Philly won 5-1, your best friend Nolan being responsible for two of those goals. Nolan was the third interview aired, and you could see the pride and happiness in his eyes and body language. He might not be one to smile a lot, but you can read his emotions from other queues he gives off. And you're proud of him--he did a wonderful job on the ice tonight, and you were excited to spend the night eating takeout and watching your favourite show with him as was your post-game tradition.
You were filling out your online takeout order when his interview came on, and as you rushed to finish your order so you could pay attention to Nolan on your TV, you almost missed one of the questions a reporter asked him which took him by absolute surprise. Most questions were about how he played or how he felt when he scored, not about you.
"So we noticed you with a lovely lady on Carter Hart's Instagram story yesterday. Is there a chance the fans will get to meet this new girlfriend of yours soon?" a reporter asked. You knew they meant you. You had gone to a small barbecue Nolan hosted yesterday to commemorate the start of the season and the end of the warm weather, and you knew what story the reporter was referencing. It was you, Nolan, TK, and Carter standing and joking around. You can't say you weren't hopeful--to the untrained eye the look Nolan is giving you looks like one of love and adoration. But you knew better--it's just the look he gives to you, one of his best friends.
Nolan just looks at the reporter like they have 3 heads, before snapping out of it and clearing the air, "That's Y/N, fans have seen her before. She's just one of my best friends and a close friend of the team." As he backs away from the mic to give Claude the chance to step in, the reporter insists there's more.
"But the way you're looking at her, it's easy to assume there's something else." Nolan looks at Claude who just took his spot at the mic, Claude thankfully stepping in and saying that Nolan explained your relationship and that's all there is to it.
Nolan mouths a thank you to him before heading off to the locker room to change and head to your place. He knows you were watching the interviews. He knows you're going to bring it up because you're not one to shy away from awkward situations like this. He just hopes he doesn't blow his cover and crack the lid open on just how much he does have feelings for you.
You frown a little hearing his response. You had hoped, just a little, that maybe you were right and that he was actually looking at you with the same kind of feelings you had for him. But you knew from the beginning of your feelings for him growing that you weren't his type and that he would forever be just a friend, just your best friend. And you were okay with that, he was an amazing best friend and it wasn't something you were willing to give up for the sake of your feelings.
You heard Nolan's special knock on your door just as you're getting plates out for your takeout that had arrived a few minutes earlier. You open the door for him, a smile on your face as you see him standing there with a few drinks and snacks from the convenience store three doors down.
"You know you can just come in. I leave the door unlocked for you," you say as he heads in and places everything down on the coffee table.
"But then you wouldn't know if it was me or a stranger breaking in," he comments back when heading over to you and the takeout in the kitchen, half-serious and half-joking. You nudge him with your elbow before grabbing your food and heading for your couch, Nolan close behind.
"Congrats on the win tonight, you did amazing," you beam at him before digging into your food.
"Thanks. Let's just hope this luck continues all season," he replies between bites.
"It's not just luck, it's also skill. Which you have a lot of. You'll do great."
"You're too sweet. I could be the worst player in the league and you'd still tell me I'm the best," he jokes at you, a soft smile gracing his features from just enjoying being around you.
"You know that's not true. I'd still say you're good, but not the best. That honour goes to TK no matter how good or bad you are," you retort, prompting a shallow glare from the man next to you. He knows you're saying it as a joke to irritate him, but with how much you've been using TK as your way of teasing him, he can't help but think you might have a thing for his friend.
"He likes you too, you know," Nolan mutters, not realizing he said it aloud.
"Who? TK? And why did you say 'too?'" you ask, confused by the entire statement.
"Yeah, Teeks. He's liked you for a while but wouldn't say anything because of how close we are."
"Oh... well that's...unfortunate..." you trail off. TK is the only one in the team circle who knows you like Nolan, and that's only thanks to your tired inebriated self spilling it one night during a post-win celebration with the team. You didn't even remember saying it, but TK coming up to you the next time he saw you and teasing you with 'Soooo, Patty huh?' while nudging you incessantly with his elbow let you know you slipped up hard.
"Why is it unfortunate?" Nolan asks, snapping you out of thought.
"Because I don't like him back that way. And he knows who I like. I feel terrible now," you confess with an exasperated sigh.
"He'll get over it, he said it was just a small crush. But wait--you don't like him? Then why-" Nolan stops, not wanting you to know how much your teasing got to him.
"Why what?"
"Why do you always use him to compare me to?"
"Because he's your best friend and the person you're closest to in the league. If you were closer to Claude or Hartsy I'd use them, but you and TK are joined at the hip so I use him. It hammers in the tease better when you use someone close to the person.
"But you know I don't mean it, right? Yeah, he's a great player, but so are you. You're my favourite player, always have been always will be. I don't actually think he's better than you. You're both amazing and have your strengths on and off the ice," you continue when you notice the look of hurt in his eyes. Thankfully, your reassurance helps ease him a bit, but you can still see something there, something you can't quite read.
"I know, I know. I know you're joking when you say it, I guess you just used him so much recently that I jumped to the conclusion that you liked him. And to be honest, I was a little insulted that you didn't tell your best friend--me--you liked him. And now I'm insulted you haven't told me who you like and even TK knows," Nolan jokes.
You turn away from Nolan with a blush on your cheeks, hoping he doesn't notice. "It's not that easy. It only came out when I was drinking with you guys last season, otherwise no one would know," you say, trying to put as much authority in your voice as you can despite how flustered you feel.
As the night goes on and you finish your food, you and Nolan progressively get closer on the couch and start cuddling, as is normal. But you can't focus on the show as you notice how rigid and uncomfortable Nolan feels, like he doesn't want you laying on his shoulder. You move away to give him space, causing him to pause the show.
"Is everything ok?" he asks, a concerned look on his face.
"What's going on? Do you not want me to lay on you? I can move back to my spot if you don't want me near you," you say defeatedly.
Nolan pulls you back to him and wraps his arm around you, rubbing your arm lightly. "That's not it at all. I'm sorry, it's just... the interview today got to me a little bit and you haven't said anything about it. Normally when something awkward like that happens, you make a joke about it and we move on but you haven't said anything and...I'm sorry it's stupid I shouldn't be so nervous," Nolan carries on.
"I didn't say anything because you kind of said all there was to say during the interview, plus the conversation about TK made it kind of awkward to say anything about it or joke about it anyway," you answer him, looking down at your lap to avoid looking at him. He made it clear you're just a friend and you don't want to have this conversation. You already avoided it once today, you're hoping you can avoid it again.
"Awkward how?" Nolan asks, looking at you intensely.
"A reporter shipped you with me and you shipped me with TK. It's just been an awkward situation altogether. How did you feel getting asked that?"
"It was definitely surprising, especially because you're on my Instagram already."
"You know, my friend from work made a comment about how you're looking at me in Hart's story, too. I laughed it off because she's always been shipping us. It's how you've always looked at me," you say, either hoping for him to change the subject because he's uncomfortable or for him to say what you've wanted him to say for almost two years now.
Nolan just looks at his lap, an extra dusting of red appearing on his cheeks and neck. After sitting there in silence for what feels like hours, he manages to speak barely above a mumble. "You know, I'm glad Claude was at the mic and answered that second comment for me. If I was there, I would've frozen like a deer in headlights and would've given way too much away."
"What do you mean 'give too much away...?'" you ask cautiously.
"I... your friend and the reporter, they're not entirely wrong." Nolan confesses. Your eyes snap up to look at him. He notices and immediately starts backpedaling. "I mean-- no wait-- that's not-- fuck."
"No, what do you mean?" you press. 'Well at least this will answer all your questions fair and square,' you think to yourself, knowing you were already in deep.
"I... what do you think I mean," Nolan mutters, thinking he just messed everything up.
"I'm not sure what I think you mean, but I know what I'm hoping you mean," you confess, causing Nolan to look up at you curiously. "I'm hoping you mean the same thing as why I couldn't just tell you, my best friend I tell everything to, who I like."
A light enters Nolan's eyes for the first time since this conversation started and he leans in closer to you. All he can muster is a small "I-" as he alternates his look between your eyes and your lips.
You were never one to be as bold as you were about to be. But you two were here, and there was no turning back, and he was leaning in, and he was looking at your lips, and you just couldn't hold back anymore. So you filled in the remaining space between your lips and kissed him with all the passion of your feelings for him over the last two years.
You didn't expect him to reciprocate. Or to take your face in his hands and pull you closer. But he did, and at this point in time everything felt perfect.
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princessphilly · 2 years
Pls gimme sth with nolan patrick - i'll take anything, that man spends way to much time on my mind
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The curl of a lower lip.
The exhale after taking a hit off of a bong.
Long legs, spread out lasciviously, daring you to look at what was between.
You resisted, for a bit, that good girl conditioning earring with a strong need to see what could be.
As you surrendered, curling in his lap, your hands tugging hair as he whispered filthy words in your ears, you felt ever ounce of control slip from your grasp. When words turned into actions, you wondered, how could you have resisted for so long?
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redpandahug · 3 years
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“Hey, Patty,” Travis whispers, looking down at Nolan. Nolan groans, so quiet Carter can barely hear him. “Hey, bud, can you scooch over a bit?”
Nolan opens one eye. “No.”
“Yes, you can,” Travis says, and Carter sticks his tongue between his lips as he waits for Nolan to move. “C’mon, love.”
“Fuck you,” Nolan says, but he rolls over, allowing Travis to move over to the middle of the bed, and Carter grins as he closes the door behind him.
read “a butterfly rave” here
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Player: Nolan Patrick – To Be Determined. (Prospect)
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Mentions: None.
Warnings: Fighting & Angst. Curse Words too.
Preview: You tried so hard but you got nothing in return. You tried to ignore it, it was his first NHL season. You knew he had a lot of pressure being picked in the first round. He was trying all he could do to not get sent down.
Characters:. 698 words.
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You had somehow survived Nolan’s first NHL season. You weren’t the one playing but you were exhausted. You did everything for him, and he just seemed to be getting more and more distant. You weren’t sure what else you had to do.
 You tried so hard but you got nothing in return. You tried to ignore it, it was his first NHL season. You knew he had a lot of pressure being picked in the first round. He was trying all he could do to not get sent down.
So you allowed it, but now the season was over and you hoped you would get your Nolan back. You planned a whole romantic dinner for the two of you. You spent a week trying to find the perfect outfit. You got ready and he texted you to tell you he would meet you at the restaurant after locker clean-out.
You reached the restaurant and got your table. You almost sold your soul for the reservation. The hostess led you to the private table. You sat there sipping at your wine waiting for Nolan. What you thought would be a few moments, turned into hours. After a string of unanswered text messages and ignored calls, you gave up. You paid the tab for your three glasses of wine.
You headed home and crawled into bed without even changing. You curled into your side of the bed wiping the tears that ran down your cheeks. You didn’t even flinch when you heard the door open.
When you ignored him, he came into the room.
“Babe. I am sorry. I just got…”
“Caught up? I know. It’s the same excuse you used last week and the week before.”
“It’s just I have to spend time with the guys. We have to…” 
“Bond. Again I know. You tell me this every time you choose them over me.”
“Y/N, you’re being ridiculous!” he shouted.
Silence fell upon you both. Nolan just stared at the wall behind you, refusing to look into your tear stricken eyes.
“Nolan, I just don’t know how we got here.” You choked out.
He seemed to just keep staring at the wall behind your head but you found the strength to continue.
“Our entire relationship, I have done nothing but go above and beyond, for you, for us. I just don’t know, I have cooked, I cleaned, I picked your shit up off the floor, I have laid your suits out for you like you were a fucking child. I support you. I supported your job, the endless nights, you never being home. Whenever things needed to get done, I took care of it. And I just don’t feel like you appreciate any of it. But really, I don’t think you appreciate me.” You found a tissue from the bedside table and wipe your running nose.
“All I want is for you to show me something to let me know that you care.” you looked down at your feet.
Nolan suddenly looked at you. “Why didn’t you just tell me this?”
You could now see the tears brimming in his eyes. “Nolan, I have tried. I’ve tried” is all you could respond.
“But never like that” he pleaded.
“You might say things to imply how you were feeling, but I’m not a mind-reader Y/N.”
You finally looked up and met his gaze fully.
“But would it matter? You are who you are. You can’t change that.”
You watched as his lips moved trying to find the words but he stayed silent.
“Just leave me alone okay? Just leave, right now.”
“Babe, Listen…” he tried taking the steps towards your bed.
“Please, I just don’t want to be near you right now. Please...” you begged finally allowing the tears to be freed.”
He tried to find more words as you curled into your bed releasing the sobs you had been denying all evening. You listened as you heard his heavy footsteps and your door open and close. The moment you heard your front door close you sobbed harder.
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haydnfleury · 4 years
Can you make a Nolan Patrick smut or fluff (any is fine) I’ve been obsessed with him lately
This is my first attempt at a more gender-neutral type blurb so it might be a bit shit. [AO3 Version]
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Who: Nolan Patrick, *Reader*
Type: Fluff
Word Count: 993
Addendum: Title is from Daisuke by El Huervo
 You weren’t certain if opening up a bookstore was the right decision at first, but when you toured the vacant space you could already envision where the shelves would go, a small reading nook in the back, and a cozy little counter set up in one of the recessed wall sections near the middle of the room. Now three months and countless work orders later, here you were, a new little corner bookstore in Philadelphia.
 During the first year of business it would be slow, but eventually become a steady stream of income as you started getting more regulars showing up. One person who particularly caught your eye was a long-haired brunette, mainly because he had a soft face… and also the fact the length of his hair didn’t suit him. He would come in every two or three weeks, browse around for something, and buy one of them. Today was different, he was with someone, and he strode right up to the counter this time.
 “Hey, I uh, do you have any…” he tapers off looking somewhat embarrassed.
 “Dude just ask. It’s not that bad.”
 His friend in a letterman jacket engraved with ‘TK’ on the front interrupts him, and pulls out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.
 “Hey, hey! No smoking in here!” you tell him off, and he raises his hands in surrender and walks outside.
 “Sorry about that. Er, do you have any books on, um, relationships or anything?”
 “D’you mean fictional, or like ‘how to’ type ones?”
 “How to.”
 “Gay or straight?”
 Hearing this makes his cheeks redden even more than they were previously, and he usually had reddish cheeks all the time.
 “Nevermind; Aisle 7, row 4.”
 He awkwardly walks away from the counter and disappears in that aisle. After reading a few emails on new shipments coming in you notice he hasn’t come back yet, but as you finish off your coffee he’s back up to the counter. Looking up you take the book he’s chosen and scan it, trying not to pay much attention to which he grabbed seeing as he looks mortified, and hand it back as he pays.
 “Jeez, what took you so long dude,” you can hear his friend say when he opens the door to leave.
 At the end of the day you order some food to the shop and close, going back behind the counter to eat and watch a rerun of an old sitcom you love. As you finish eating, you’re curious as to what book the cute guy bought. Normally you don’t look back at orders of people that purchase from you except for getting new stock but, curiosity is getting the better of you. ‘How To Talk to [your gender] For Men’. He can’t possibly mean you could he? He does tend to glance over in your direction though whenever he’s in the reading nook. You decide to not pay it much attention as it’s already a quarter to midnight and you have a long day ahead tomorrow.
 A month passes and he hasn’t come back, slightly disappointed each day he doesn’t show up after the first two weeks. It’s grey and raining outside, making the shop feel cozier than normal, when someone under an umbrella comes in. Closing up the umbrella, you’re surprised to see the same guy, except, with much shorter and kept up hair- he almost looks like some guy you saw on a poster your friend had of one of the hockey draft years, though admittedly you haven’t watched in years to know who they are. Still, it’s the cutest he’s looked since first coming into the shop.
 “Hey, I know I’ve been in here fairly regularly, I’m Nolan.”
 “Hey,” you reply a slight smile starting to form on your lips. “Y/N.”
 “So I was wondering if… uh,” he stutters and breathes a quiet ‘fuck’, before the store phone rings.
 “Sorry, hold on a second,” you reply and grab the phone, “Hi, [your business name], how may I help you?”
 “HE’S TRYING TO ASK YOU OUT ON A DATE,” Travis shouts into the phone loud enough that Nolan can hear it, and honks the horn on his truck from across the street.
 “…damn it Trav,” he mutters under his breath, at which point you burst out laughing.
 You try to compose yourself but still are unable to hold back from laughing.
 “Yes thank you for telling me, I think he was just about to get to that.”
 “Sure thing,” and he hangs up.
 “Again, I’m sorry about him, he can be a bit obnoxious at times.”
 “Ah it’s fine. Yeah sure, I’ll go out with you.”
 “Wait really? After that?”
 “Honestly didn’t expect to get this far.”
 “Well how’s dinner tonight sound?”
 “Yeah sounds good,” he pulls a piece of scrap paper out of his pocket and one of the pens on the counter and writes out his phone number, “I’ll pick you up at eight?”
 You glance over at your store’s schedule, “I can close up early today, how about six?”
 “Ok great.”
 Unexpectedly, he leans over the counter and kisses you, slightly confused.
 “Wait a minute, I think I got steps seven and nine mixed up,” he responds and once again you’re unable to hold back your laughter.
 You pull him around to your side of the counter, “You know, if you’re gonna kiss me for the first time you could at least do it right,” and you kiss him passionately. For a moment you both forget where you are, until Travis honks his horn again quite visibly cheering in the truck, both of you unable to hide your smirks.
 “Well, I’ll see you tonight?”
 “Yeah, see you tonight.”
 Neither of you wanting to leave each other, you both stand there for a moment before he goes off to grab his umbrella and walk out the door. This time, it didn’t take a month for him to come back.
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Nolan Patrick Drabble: Power
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Request:Happy birthday!!! Some Nolan Patrick smut about him being a total sub would be excellent
Warning: Smut
A/n: thank you so much! I would have gotten this done the day after my birthday but I was hungover and wishing I had someone to caaare for me 😩
Nolan’s anxious breathing was the only thing filling the quiet of your bedroom, you savoring the image before you; Nolan with his wrists bound together and lifted above his head, a blindfold adorning his face, and a hard on you couldn’t wait to tease. You felt absolutely powerful.
You finally made a move towards the foot of the bed, your knee making the bed dip between his feet as you began to crawl slowly upwards, hearing him gasp and watching him bite his lip in anticipation was enough to have you soaking through your panties.
Your tongue slid up his thigh and you felt the muscle jerk at the sudden contact and Nolan groaned. “Baby, please.” he begged and you used your teeth to gently bite his hip causing him to gasp once more.
“You said I could do whatever I wanted to you, now be a good boy.” you chastised him seductively, your palm brushing against his cock as you continued upwards, your tongue gliding across his stomach towards his pecks, circling his nipple before your lips found his neck. He was a panting mess by now, his body quivering under your touch.
You threw a leg over his hips, straddling him just so that you were resting on his abdomen, his cock barely managing to brush the tip across your ass. He brought his bound hands up, his hands trying to reach for you but you were quick to sit up and grab the silk that kept them together, taking the index of his left hand and placing it in your mouth, sucking on it slow and hard.
Nolan bucked his hips, biting his lip as he tried to suppress a groan. “This is torture.” he whined and you grinned as you pulled his finger out and pushed his hands back above his head. You used your free hand to reach behind and unclasp your bra, letting it slid and hang freely at your elbows as you leaned down and pressed your nipple against his mouth.
His tongue darted out, mouth opening as he sucked making you moan before you moved so he could do the other one. You rocked your hips against him and felt him curse against your skin. Now you sat up, Nolan immediately raising his head to try and reestablish any connection to your skin but ultimately letting his head fall back once more.
You pulled your panties to the side, shimmying back just enough that you could feel the tip of his head slide between your folds. Nolan gasped at this, once again bucking his hips to try and get some kind of friction against his throbbing cock.
His skin was flushed but his cheeks remained rosy, and you decided to end his torment. You reached behind you and gripped his shaft, lining it up and pushing back so he filled you completely, both of you groaning at the same time. You held the silk tie on his wrists tightly, your hips rocking feverishly as you chased your high.
Nolan was doing his best to sit up, wanting to feel you flush against his body, feel your breasts against his chest but he couldn’t, too lost in feeling of you wrapped tightly around him and unable to move his hands.
“Oh fuck, Nol.” you moaned bracing yourself against his thigh with your free hand, head tossed back as you alternated between bouncing and rocking. Finally you pulled him upwards, placing his bound arms over your head and around your shoulders as you clung to his torso, your peak reaching and you came, your lips attaching to his peck and sucking his skin, your breath hot against his skin as you let out a serious of gasps and moans, your body shaking and hips twitching as you slowly came down from your high. You quickly moved off Nolan, bending and taking him in your mouth, using your hands to cup his balls and run along his shaft as you helped him reach his own climax.
You swallowed the contents he spilled into your mouth, his body immediately collapsing backwards onto the bed, his chest rising and falling quickly with his ragged breath. You straddled him once more, pushing the blindfold away from his beautiful eyes and undoing the restraint. Once his hands were free he placed them gently on your hips, looking up at you with a smile.
“I should let you lead more often.” he said with a grin, pulling you down for a sweet kiss and holding your body to his.
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drabblemesilly · 5 years
Nolan Patrick #1
Requested by Anon: Hi! Can you do something about nolan patrick about hanging out on a roof, watching the sky. Something angsty but soft please! thank you
*Here you go! I LOVED writing this one. I hope you find this all right. Enjoy! :)*
Word count: 1,117
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The panting gave him away. If you were to judge only by how he sounded like a lifelong chain smoker who just finished a marathon, you wouldn’t think that Nolan Patrick is a professional athlete. Correction, not just a professional athlete – the second overall draft pick of his class.
“I knew you’d be here,” he hoisted himself with one arm supporting his weight, cheeks red from the climbing, “this is not as easy as I remember it,” he muttered grinning, stooping to avoid slipping from the roof, “how were we able to climb this in two minutes when we were younger?”
“I don’t know,” you leaned back, scooting a little so he can take his usual seat beside you, “I can still climb it like before.”
“Harhar,” he rolled his eyes, bracing himself with his arms, “and I play for the Lakers,” he sighed, looking up at the sky, “no stars tonight, eh?”
“No stars for the past decade, to be honest,” you corrected him, looking at the sky reflecting the city lights, “remember when we’d make up our own constellations?”
“Oh man,” he sniggered, thinking about all the ridiculous names you called your made up constellations, “we had one named Brind’Amour after they won the Cup.”
“The constellation that looked like a hockey stick,” you joined him, “we even made up a theory that it only comes out every seventeen days.”
He looked sideways at you, “you even marked your calendars for its return.”
“I did, didn’t I?”
Nolan Patrick plays as big a part on your childhood as your parents did. He was – is – your partner in crime. He was the Robin to your Batman, the Bucky to your Captain, the Geno to your Sid. You don’t have a single memory before twelve that did not involve him.
And then he decided that hockey was for him and you let the sport take your best friend away from you.
“Remember when I fell down the roof?” he asked.
You snorted at the memory of you watching him, wide eyed, as he slipped and fell. You thought he was gonna break his head open but, “that was the day we discovered your head was as hard as a concrete.”
It’s funny now but when you were eight and he was falling, all you wanted to do was scream and jump after him. His mom nearly had an aneurysm because of that. Your parents never let you back on the roof after. Obviously, you weren’t really stickler for rules.
“You forget that I am THE Nolan Patrick,” he lifted his shirt sleeve and flexed his muscles, “one and only.”
Poking his bicep, you scoffed, “there was a time when you were just a scruffy little boy who stole jars of peanut butter and fell down roofs. You also had the worst teeth.”
Nolan playfully opened his mouth, as wide as it gets, and shoved his face a few inches in front of you, “I think my head is now proportioned to how big my teeth are,” he laughed.
Pushing him away from you, “you’re disgusting. I wonder why girls fall over themselves just to get with you.”
He jokingly clutched his chest, “I am a prime hockey player.”
“Tell that to Mat,” you elbowed him, “who won the Calder,” you egged him.
“Just to be clear,” he held up a hand to your face, “you’re the worst.”
“I know,” you grinned smugly at him.
There was a moment of silence, making you feel like everything is back to normal. Making you feel like you were back to being eleven, sitting on the roof, imagining that the airplane that just passed above you was a wishing star. You’d both clasped your hands together, close your eyes tightly, and concentrate on your deepest desires. Nolan always wished that he was a professional hockey player. You always wished you were married to the professional hockey player that he was going to be.
Maybe some dreams really do come true, eh? It came true for him.
“What are you smiling about?” he asked, resting an arm around your shoulder.
“I wish Maddie were just downstairs waiting to chew the hell out of us for hanging out here,” you laughed, “she used to get so mad every time sneaked out when we definitely weren’t allowed to come up.”
“Oh my gosh,” he gasped, taking in air before imitating his older sister, “NOLAN I WILL TELL MOM ABOUT THIS! SHE’LL TAKE AWAY YOUR ICE TIME!”
“I reckon they always knew we were up here anyway.”
“True,” he agreed, pulling his knees up and laying on the tiles, pulling you down with him.
Nolan still had an arm around your shoulder and you stopped yourself from breathing hard, afraid that you might wake up and figure out that this was all a dream. That Nolan wasn’t really here, that your imagination was getting the best of you.
Because, really, why would he be here and not in Philly or wherever he should be?
They don’t live in the house next to yours anymore. Actually, you haven’t even seen him in two years, you haven’t talked to him in more.
Twisting your head, you studied his face.
He still had his perpetual blush, his nose still was still a little bit crooked, his hair was still unkempt, and he still looked like he was planning something absurd to piss you off. He looked like the same Nolan from all those years ago.
Except he’s not the Robin to your Batman anymore. Or the Geno to your Sid. He’s now the Nolan to TK.
“What?” he whispered, looking down at you, his breath tickling your cheek.
“What are you doing here, Nole?” whispering back, still afraid that he will vanish right in front of you.
He smiled at you softly, brushing a stray strand of hair away from your face, “remember when we were kids,” he started, looking back at the sky, “I told you that I’m gonna find you, wherever you are, and we’re going to celebrate all the birthdays and holidays that we missed? No matter how long it’ll take?”
He did promise you that, just before he moved to Brandon. He told you that he will find a way to see you, no matter what… because you were the Sid to his Geno.
“Yeah,” you answered, your voice barely audible.
“Well, this is me finding you,” he looked at you like he was in the right place, like he was meant to be here, on the already rickety roof of your childhood home.
You watched him lean towards you, placing a soft kiss on your forehead, “happy birthday, kid,” he whispered, “I’m back.”
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dubersbutt · 5 years
Nolan being cute and cuddly before bed😌😌
You were taking off your makeup with a makeup wipe before when Nolan comes to your bathroom.
“Ready for bed, beautiful?” he asks as he moves the hair out of your face to kiss your neck.
“Yeah, almost. I need to use toner,” you reply.
“What’s toner?” he asks, wrinkling his nose.
“It’s for cleaning your face. Want to try it?”
“Sure, it can’t hurt,” he shrugs and you can’t help but giggle. He’s in for a surprise.
“Why does it burn? (Y/N)! Why does my face feel like it’s on fire?” he’s practically yelling and his pale cheeks are a dark pink because of it.
You start laughing, “Come on, man, it’s not that bad.”
“Why do you women enjoy hurting yourself, with the hair pulling out and the painful face cleaning?”
“Pretty hurts,” you shrug, “now shut up and sit down so I can moisturize your face.”
His eyes close as you rub the cool creme on his face he looks more relaxed. When you’re done you press a kiss to the tip of his nose.
“Feel better?”
He pulls you close and his hands slide down to rest on your ass.
“Are you done torturing me or can we go to bed now?”
“Let’s go to bed, you drama queen.”
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rosyrielly · 6 years
Nolan Patrick - Cherry Bomb
Request: “Why are you aggressively stripping?”
Author’s Note: hope y’all enjoy 💕
Word Count: 440
Warnings: light suggestiveness
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Unlocking the door and stomping into the apartment, you had all intent on relaxing. Nolan was in the shower, so you went into the bedroom to change. Not noticing the (giant) lump on the bed, you just about ripped your stained shirt off.
“Why are you aggressively stripping?” Came a confused voice from the bed.
Said voice was deep, but definitely not Nolan’s. That was why you let out a startled yelp and scrambled to shield your (bra covered) chest. Nico Hischier’s mess of hair was no fully visible as he sat up, having just woken up.
“What the hell are you doing??” You demanded.
“Nolan said I could take a nap while he showered. I’d ask you the same, but uh…” He finished his sentence by motioning to your lack of clothing.
“Nolan James Patrick!” You shouted.
An array of noises came from the bathroom as he struggled to dry off and dress himself. He jogged into the bedroom with an alarmed facial expression, “What’s wrong? Why aren’t you wearing a shirt?”
You looked at him incredulously and pointed straight at Nico.
He smiled nervously at the realization, “Did I forget to tell you? Nico’s visiting today…”
Nolan’s cheeks flushed, and Nico was trying not to laugh at his friend’s misfortune. A loud sigh escaped your lips, “Both of you just get out, please.” As soon as they had complied, you threw on a sweatshirt and changed into a pair of loose sweatpants.
Deciding there was no harm, you joined them in the living room. Nolan was still embarrassed. Having cooled down yourself, you and Nico decided to poke some fun at him. The teasing only ceased when he looked red enough to pass as a tomato.
“You never did answer, why were you aggressively stripping?” Nico, being Nico, asked.
Laughter bubbled out of you, “Oh my god, it wasn’t that aggressive! I had a bad day at work and needed to chill out,” taking a slight pause to regain your breath, “and I had the perfect way to do that, but you’re here. So, I suppose I have to scratch that.”
Two wide eyes looked at you helplessly. Nolan looked as if he was about to protest before Nico chimed in, “Just include me in these ‘relaxing activities’ and we don’t have to scratch anything.”
Obviously he was joking. But, that did not stop Nolan from turning into the twin of the cherry bomb (from plants vs zombies).
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dougiewonderland · 5 years
Puppy Love (Nolan Patrick)
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"Hey Nol, come get some dinner," you call out for the third time tonight, knowing you'll be met with little response. Nolan mumbles another "just a second" that's barely audible to you before going back to playing with and cuddling your new pup. "You need to eat, too, you know. Pup won't have a dad if dad never eats," you say, bringing out your plates of food so he can eat and keep an eye on the puppy.
Nolan thanks you and eats from the floor, one hand never leaving the half asleep ball of energy as you two make conversation about your upcoming plans and his upcoming practices. "Pup has a name, you know," he says after a moment of silence in between bites. "Yeah well so do you but you seem to actually answer me more when I call you 'dad' so from now on you two are just 'pup' and 'dad,'" you joke at your boyfriend, missing the subtle smile that graces his features. He likes the name "dad," and to be a dog dad with you right now is perfect for him.
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princessphilly · 4 years
ok i hate to be the hot burst bitch on anon but i can’t help it. nolan looks like the kind of guy who eats you out so good he makes you squirt on his mouth and loves it
🥵 @hookingminor i think your anons are in my inbox now lol
“Oh fuck, shit, I’m about to cum.”
Your hands alternated between trying to push Nolan away and bring him closer. You knew you were going to have bruises on your hips from how his hands were gripping them, keeping you in place as he tongue-fucked you. He looked up for a second and you swore Nolan gave you an impish look before he licked your clit the exact way you liked and you gushed. 
He mumbled something against your pussy as you came for him. You rode it out as he ate your pussy, greedily licking all of your juices. Then as you came down, you feebly protested, “Too much,” as you felt yourself crest again. 
Nolan moved away, replacing his mouth with his fingers as two fingers fucked you slowly. “Give me another one?”
You shook your head as your back arched. Nolan added a third finger, fucking you hard and fast with his fingers at first. The sound of your wetness around his fingers made him grin before he twisted his fingers into a come-hither motion. You screamed, the overstimulation causing you to cum again for him, squirting for the first time all over his fingers. 
“So good,” he crooned as you crested for him, hands clutching his arm and your bed. “I knew you could do it for me.”
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hockey-yesplease · 6 years
Nolan Patrick #1
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Player: Nolan Patrick (PHI Flyers )
Warnings: none
Word count: 615
Requested? Yes, by @wholegrainhockey based on Prompt 91 “Tell me you need me” So I see Nolan as a soft boy so I hope you like this!
Gif by: @phillymyers 
You knew this would be a bad night. The Flyers had just been knocked out of the playoffs by the Pens, so you knew Nolan would want to be left alone. You just made sure that you had dinner made for him so he could just eat when he got home as you do after any game that you couldn’t go to. You couldn’t make it to this game because you had a huge statistics final the next day. So here you were, making his plate as you heard the door open and close softly. You heard him kick his shoes off by the door and make his way to the kitchen table. As he sits down you also set down his plate, and made you way to the bathroom that the two of you shared. You drew a bath for him seeing as he took a couple hard hits tonight and was going to be sore. You lay on the bed scrolling through your social media while you wait for the bathtub to fill up enough. As you’re doing this, you hear Nolan make his way to y’all’s bedroom and you stand and make your way toward him as he stood by the closet. You frown at his demeanor and walk toward him. “Y/N-” “Shh Nol, I’m just helping you.” “Thank you babe, but I got it.” You frown slightly but understand, “Okay Nol, just tell me when you need me.” He nods as he strips out of his suit and makes his way to the bath you had drawn for him. While he takes his time in the bathroom, you change from your outfit you had worn all day to one of his old junior league shirts and made your way to the kitchen. Nolan had left his plate at the table, which he never does so you know how hard he is taking this loss. You sigh and begin to clean the kitchen and listen to the music that is softly paying through the bluetooth speakers set up around the apartment. Once you finish in the kitchen you decide to lay down. You pull the covers back and crawl into your side of the bed and reply to the text that your mom had sent you asking about Nolan. She loves Nolan as if he was her own, she is always asking how he’s doing, especially after a hard loss. After you reply, you grab the remote to your TV and pull up Netflix and start NCIS, a show you both had watched all the way through multiple times, but it’s good to listen to. You listen to the show as you continue scrolling through social media. You turn the TV down as you hear the bathroom door open. Nolan makes his way toward the bed as you roll onto your back waiting for him to be ready to talk. After laying down, he lifts your arm that is closest to him and slides closer to you, resting his head on your chest. “I need you baby” he says quietly. You know he doesn’t need words, he just needs your comfort. You lay there holding your Broadstreet bully, seeing a side that other don’t get to see. He falls asleep eventually as you rub his back gently, but before he does, he raises his head to look at you “Thank you Y/N, for everything. I love you so much.” “I love you too Nol. There’s nothing else I’d rather do than be here for you when you need me.” After hearing this, Nolan smiles slightly and places a kiss to your lips before settling his head back onto your chest.
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werenskheeyyy · 7 years
In the Air - Nolan Patrick
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Here we are! A super cute and fluffy imagine with the cutie that is Nolan Patrick!! Hopefully you guys like this and let me know what you think!! Much love pals! <3
Word count: 780
Warnings: all fluffy!!
Request: “ok so i have a request for you and its totally ok if you don’t write it or whatever but i love your stuff and saw you were taking request. so i was wondering if you’d do a Nolan Patrick imagine that’s just super fluffy and cute. i have no real other guidelines but i love him and i love you and i love fluff so i figured i’d ask. thanks!! ❤️” - @jaschhen-7
Up next: Sebastian Aho
“Babe we’re gunna miss our flight!” Nolan yelled from the front door, impatiently looking at his phone.
“Ok, ok, I’m coming!” you threw a couple last minute items into your suitcase, zipping it up and grabbing your purse.  You looked around the room once more, making sure you hadn’t forgotten anything and then made your way to the front door.
“Good?” Nolan smiled at you.
“Good!” you agreed.  Nolan had just finished with the hockey season while you had just finished exams so what better way to celebrate than with a vacation to Hawaii!  The only wrinkle was that you had never been on a plane before and the thought kind of scared you a little bit.
You arrived at the airport, checked in and made your way to security.  Nolan easily caught on to your growing nervousness and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you in close, “it’s all gunna be ok love.”
You flashed him a grateful smile and listened intently to the instructions that the security guards were calling out: “All bags on the conveyer, laptops and phones out, shoes and belts off, place any metal in the tray.”
You slipped off your converse, took off your necklace and took a deep breath as you made your way to the scanner.  You slowly walked through and breathed a sigh of relief when no alarm went off then gathered up all of your things and waited for Nolan to finish.  
“See, that wasn’t so bad!” Nolan said as he threaded his hand through yours.
“It’s just a little intimidating haha” you let out a soft laugh.
“Now, we’re gate 7 which is right over there so do you wanna grab some food first?” Nolan asked.
You nodded eagerly, “I’m literally dying of starvation and I need coffee.”  You looked around, weighing out your options then made a beeline for Starbucks, dragging Nolan behind you, “iced caramel macchiato here I come!”
The minute you were called to board the plane, you began to feel butterflies again.  You and Nolan gave your passports and boarding passes to the attendant then began the long walk through the tunnel.  Your legs began to feel shaky and you started to feel the slightest bit nauseous.  “Babe I don’t think I can do this” you looked at Nolan with panic stricken eyes.  
He pulled you off to the side, allowing other passengers behind you to pass.  “Love, it’s gunna be ok, I promise!  I’m gunna be with you the entire way ok?  And just think once we get up in the air it’s only a couple hours and then we’ll be in Hawaii!”  He pulled you in for a hug and you relaxed against his chest.  
You took a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm yourself down and pulled away from Nolan, “ok, let’s do this!”
“That’s my girl!” he leaned down to press a gentle kiss to your lips then the both of you made your way to your seats.  You slid into the window seat as Nolan placed both of your bags in the overhead compartment, then sat down beside you.  
Moments later, the flight attendants went through the safety procedures, asked everyone to buckle up and the plane started rolling down the runway.  You closed your eyes, feeling the plane start to speed up.  Nolan placed one arm around your shoulder, giving you a comforting squeeze and murmured in your ear “open your eyes.”
You slowly opened one eye, just as the plane was taking off and immediately you were blown away.  You blinked open both of your eyes and leaned forward, trying to get a closer look as everything moved further away.  In no time, you were up above the clouds and everything you knew at home became only a speck.  There couldn’t have been a more perfect day for flying, the sky was a bright blue and only white friendly looking clouds floated around you.
“Are you doing ok?” Nolan whispered in your ear.
You nodded, leaning back into Nolan and he wrapped his arm around you even tighter.  “Thank you.” You turned and placed your lips on his jaw.
He leaned his head on top of yours, “I love you.”
“I love you too Nolan.”
You both sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, mesmerized by the world outside your window.
You were then interrupted by Nolan’s warm breath in you ear, “how about we go join the mile-high club?”
You turned to look at the smirk on his face, then gently elbowed his in the ribs.  “Don’t ruin this!” you rolled your eyes as the corners of your mouth turned up.
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cinebration · 4 years
Requests! *Open 48 Hours*
To celebrate reaching 600+ followers, I am open for requests for 48 hours! *Requests close Wednesday, December 2nd, 4:30pm PST (12:30am GMT)*
Send to my ask box! Please keep in mind that these requests are meant to be one-shot drabbles.
No smut. No pregnancy fics or A/B/O fics. No crossover fics. No actor x reader. Other AUs acceptable.
Identify the gender of the reader if you want something other than female.
Because I try to remain as true to character as possible, I reserve the right to reject or tweak requests to keep the characters in character.
Below are character lists divided by actors and fandoms.
By Actor
Henry Cavill: Napoleon Solo, August Walker, Captain Syverson, Geralt of Rivia, Sherlock Holmes
Ewan McGregor: Roman Sionis, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Camerlengo Patrick McKenna
Christian Bale: Bruce Wayne, John Preston, Patrick Bateman, Alfred Borden
Tom Hardy: Eames, Eddie Brock, Alfie Solomons, James Keziah Delaney, Bob (The Drop), Forrest Bondurant, Tuck, Tommy Conlon
By Fandom
DCEU: Roman Sionis, Victor Zsasz (BoP), Dr. Crane/Scarecrow (Nolan’s Batman trilogy), Ra’s al Ghul (Batman Begins/Gotham), Arthur Curry, Dr. Shivana
MCU: Loki, Clint Barton, Ulysses Klaue, Doctor Strange, Quentin Beck, Thor
X-Men: Charles Xavier, Erik Lensherr, Logan/Wolverine, Remy Lebeau/Gambit
Star Wars: Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Kylo Ren, DJ
Misc: Illya Kuryakin, Lestat, Herbert West
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Coffee shop AU
I’m writing a coffee shop drabble in an Alternate universe with all different NHL hockey players. Who would be a barista and who are regulars in the coffee shop? Would love some creative imput. Any players welcome and personality!
So far I’ve written in
Mitch Marner, Morgan Rielly, John Tavares, Auston Matthews, William Nylander, Zach Hyman, Nathan Mackinnon, Tyson Jost, Tyson Barrie, Brock Boser, Nolan Patrick, Travis Koneky.
William Nylander- Pretty boy barista that flirts with everyone gives out free drinks to too many people. He always m gets told off by the manager for doing this. He still does it anyway. Super hipster in his round glasses and a black torque.
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