#nolan's been the main one but scrapes and bruises for chenford and loves me the vest shot for angela :D
after-nine-at-the-oasis Β· 4 months
OOP dang o.o
Yeah go off Aaron 😀😀😌
It's not like a friendship (though they kinda had one) but getting betrayed by your therapist must be such a weird hurtful thing :((
Ahh nice :o :D well at least we got stuff out of her :)) and while she's alive lol
Okay that's good <3
Phew :'))
And yeah Bailey xDD
I hope we don't have to deal with Jason tonight 😭 like before the end of this episode xd
Yeahh she's out there in the middle of nowhere somewhere 😬
Hmm unless she talks her way out of it again xD
Angela last time you did that your enemy vowed revenge and set a hitman after your husband and child xdd xD
Maybe let's not lol
The others want in though, you really did have to call dibs xD
Aww hey guys :'o :')))
Lol xD
Hey you deserve it, you guys both do lol
Weird elevator noise there, kinda satisfying though
Aww yeah :'))
Lol yeah xD it's nice that he can be honest about it though :')))
AWW yeahh :')) y'all :'D 😭😭❀️
AWWW honeyy πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ίβ€οΈπŸ˜­
Ik they're not about to get back together but is he about to apologize and like, vow to make up for it?? Idek-
Awww πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’”❀️❀️
AWWW honeyyy πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’”πŸ’”β€οΈ :'(( DD':
Bro you're the one that broke up with her like yes what she allows but you can make up some of the distance you created yourself 😭😭
I'm struggling to express what I mean bc I know he is just just xdd like you broke up with her, it's not like she didn't want you around you know lol? Even if she's reasonably upset about it now xdd and you were fighting
Guagh anyway xdd at least we got some closure for them this season lol xd 😭
OOP hey guys o.o
Oughh noo 😭😭😭 >:((
Just them getting out of general xDD
But also. . . wesley angst πŸ˜πŸ˜ŒπŸ‘€
Eh it won't be after this xD
Lol yeah xD
As if you guys aren't going to the same place xD
Unless he just goes off to some random place and disappears lol
That would be wild xD rarely or never to be seen again LOL
I sincerely doubt it but you know XD
Awww hey guys :'))
Lol fair Bailey xD though he did t exactly have a choice in the matter slfkjdgs
Didn't know that was it xD
Eh close enough
Oof lol
I know the feeling of a laugh pain xD from like being hurt in the wrong area lol (though I have not been shot in the side xD)
Aww ayy :'))
LOL she also compiled xDD
Awww y'all :')))
I was thinking you'd say what age lol, but yeah that's important too :o
Is it gonna be Jason as him o.o
OOPE no wait he's probably telling them of him getting out of jail O.O
And then he breaks in two seconds later lol xD not enough time of a warning
But eh maybe (HOPEFULLY PLEEASE) it is xdd
And good thing we're mentioning Oscar too o.o 😬😬
Yeahhh uh oh is right xdd
From their faces lol
AUOAAGHHHHHHHHH πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜¬πŸ˜¬πŸ˜³πŸ’”πŸ’”β€οΈ
Y'all I'm stressed xD
But also. . . once again. . . the angst πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ˜Œ
I love me some good angst, especially involving Oscar even if it doesn't directly involve Wesley because I can pretend it does xD but also it might πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ˜Œ :DD
I know they said maybe or even probably not by the end of the season but my gosh 😭😭😭
Going with Xochtil or Samara y'all xdd not even a guess I'm just deciding lol /lh
Anyway I think we could get a Wesley/Wopez storyline out of this, especially since it'll be next season πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ I mean it's been a while for them, right :D?
Although waiting for Elijah and Oscar at the same time could be cool, and we may want to wait a little longer for that lol. Maybe Elijah from prison, or Oscar laying low for a while? Aeh idk :))
Anyway! I've been chatting a lot lol, but official/full review coming out later (probably in a few days) :D
I love you all!!
See you next time for that :)) πŸ₯°!
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wafflesinthe504 Β· 2 years
The Rookie 5x12 Thoughts
Spoilers for The Rookie 5x12 below. If you've watched the episode or don't care about spoilers, please enjoy!
Before I really get started can I just give a shout out of appreciation to all the The Rookie gif makers out there. Y'all really snapped tonight. Honestly, I think this is the quickest work you guys have done! Chef's kiss to all the gifs out there.
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The cold open of tonight's episode was great. Seeing everyone just pile in all dirty and bruised up due to whatever happened beforehand and a flustered Kelly Clarkson was cool to see. Nyla and Angela being the only ones not covered in dirt because they're detectives was the best part. Their little fist bump was so cute.
But honestly I would really like to know what happened that led to almost everyone being covered in dirt and leaving the scene with cuts and scrapes. Like did something explode, were they in a derelict warehouse and had to fight some bad guys, like what happened?
Anyways, onto the rest of the episode.
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I was so happy to see Tamara again. Her just chilling out doing yoga with Lucy trying to play off the fact that she got home late. It doesn't matter how good of a liar Lucy is anybody with eyes can see that her and Tim are dating. The relief that Lucy expressed when Tamara told Lucy that she knew she was dating Tim. Lucy was just happy for someone else to finally know and be able to talk about her relationship with Tim. Our girl was ready to talk about the amazing relationship she has with Tim. Also, Tamara being the reason that Lucy decided that today was the day. Honestly, I want to see Tamara and Aaron meet at this point. Its only right that the captains of the ship get to hang out for a bit.
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The return of Oscar Hutchinson is always a delight. Look I know that man has committed plenty of atrocities (mainly stabbing Wesley), but I find him pretty funny. I really like how he's the one antagonist that has really been shown to actively get under John's skin. Any time Oscar is even mentioned is basically becomes the worst day of John's life. Even though Oscar has proven to be a dangerous criminal I just find it funny that his main character trait is to be as annoying as humanly possible. I also really like the fact that even though could have just been born this way every time we meet him its made clear that he just chooses to be this way. As great as sympathetic villains and antagonists are I really enjoy seeing a someone who is just clearly irredeemable and doesn't want to be redeemed either. Oscar just exists to be chaotic and I love it.
As much as I like Celina's character I really do wish that the writers would sort of abandon the idea of Celina having some sort supernatural ability. I feel like the other times were a little bit more believable since there was at least evidence that something was off, but Celina just instantly knowing that Oscar was somehow in danger really threw me off. I mean unless Celina was just messing with him I don't understand why it was necessary to put that in there. At the time there really wasn't any way she would have really known that Oscar was in danger.
I think a better idea would been to just let her notice how off the doctor seemed when she was being threatened.
Bonus: I just love how Nolan is absolutely in love with Bailey and loving the fact that she can totally beat him in fight.
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I know I probably say this every week but I just can't get enough of Angela and Nyla. Honestly if wasn't so invested in Chenford they would easily be my favorite duo on the show. They're just so many great layers to them. Both of them are amazing detectives who are also moms and wives with beautiful families. They're both the protectors of their respective families, but they still get to show a full range emotion and complexity and I just really appreciate that.
A lot of the time spent this episode with Angela and Nyla are while they're on a stakeout of a criminal who turns out to be none other than Elijah Stone. When Nyla first found out that Angela lied to her about who they were following I was worried for a little bit that it would be dragged out for dramatic reasons but I'm really glad that they didn't let it fester and had Angela apologize at the end with Nyla accepting the apology. I also really liked seeing Angela be honest about how terrified she is of the current situation and how much pressure she feels on herself right now to be the protector of her family which is something that we know Nyla can relate to with her having to protect James from a robbery in a recent episode.
I just love how much these two have each other's backs. Its great representation of a great friendship that extends beyond the workplace and can healthily work through rough times in their friendship.
Bonus: Angela is pregnant again and Jack is going to be a big brother. The scene at the end with Angela telling Wesley was really cute.
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Today was an official end of an era and a beautiful beginning to a new one. Tim and Lucy rode together for possibly the final time (for the best possible reason). Oh, how the tables have turned. We have gone from Tim Tests to Lucy Lessons and it was amazing. Seeing Tim be the one in denial about how objective he can be about Lucy was amusing to watch. That man hasn't been objective about Lucy since season 2. The only one he was kidding was himself with that one.
Lucy doing things just slightly off but knowing that they were things that Tim would usually nitpick about just to prove a point and swiping the earrings just to prove to Tim that he wasn't able to be objective any more when it came to her was an absolute genius play.
I really enjoyed seeing them working together at the house where the doctor's family was being held hostage. Even before I really started shipping them I always liked how well they worked together due to how well their able to balance each other out. Its most definitely something I'll miss, but hopefully we'll still get a few scenes of them together working together later on.
I will say that I am really excited to see what's next for both of them in their careers. For so much of the series their careers have been tied to each other in some way, shape, or form and I wonder what its going to be like seeing them pursuing their careers separate from each other.
I hope that we actually get to see Tim in his new desk job for at least a little bit. For the whole time we've known him he's always been a very physical character and I think it would be interesting to see how he acts be in a much less physical job. As a court liason I could see Tim interacting with pretty much every lawyer we know including the red hair one defending Elijah which could be an interesting dynamic.
Lastly, but absolutely not least the end scene Tim and Lucy succeed in getting 'naked time' with each other. Everything about the last scene with them was just perfect. Lucy cooking them dinner, Tim telling Lucy about his job change, the gentle kiss turning passionate. I loved everything about it.
I can't wait to see more domestic Chenford. Here's hoping the next time we see them they'll be at Tim's place and we can see Kojo again.
Bonus: Tim and Lucy in the parking lot literally could not be any more obvious short of them making out right then and there. Them trying (unsuccessfully) to play it cool in front of Wade.
Hope you enjoyed. If you want come chat with me in the comments about anything The Rookie related.
Until next time have a good day or night.
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